//------------------------------// // Part 19: Nature of the Beast // Story: Equestria Girls: Transformation // by The Bricklayer //------------------------------// Mexico: The Tomb of Skyquake “Ahora, te pregunto de nuevo. ¿Qué estás haciendo profanando la tumba de mi hermano, Cybertronian? Responda rápidamente, y podría reconsiderar la separación de su cabeza de sus hombros.” Quetzalcoatl snarled, his energon blade glinting dangerously, and Steeljaw swallowed nervously, looking up at the tri-pronged crown resting atop Quetzalcoatl’s head. Truly a Predaking if there ever was one. “Slag yourself, you glitch-head!” Steeljaw cursed himself. “Should have calculated that any surviving Predacons here would have adapted and spoke the native language!” Laughing nervously, Steeljaw switched his translation matrix over to Spanish. Bowing to his feet, Steeljaw spoke. “Su Alteza, me disculpo por la entrada inesperada y francamente bastante grosera, pero no sabíamos que esta era la tumba de su hermano. De hecho, no esperábamos que estuviera muerto en absoluto. Lo admito, estábamos esperando todo lo contrario y es por eso que nos ven fuertemente armados como nosotros.” Steeljaw replied, meaning Your Highness, I apologize for the unexpected and frankly rather rude entrance but we did not know this was your brother's tomb. In fact, we were not expecting him to be dead at all. I admit, we were expecting quite the opposite which is why you see us as heavily armed as we are. “¿Por qué has venido aquí, debo preguntar en ese caso?” Quetzalcoatl asked. Steeljaw was swift to reply. “Antes de que esto continúe, ¿puedo preguntar su verdadero nombre porque sé que no puede ser el que los humanos le dieron, su Alteza y el Señor Quetzalcoatl?” That one meant: Before this continues any further, can I ask for your real name because I know for a fact that it cannot be the one humans gave you, your Highness and Lord Quetzalcoatl? “Lord Quetzalcoatl,” the Predacon said in distaste at the name, admitting to himself it had been far too long since he had gone by his real moniker. “Sí, admito que ese es el nombre que me dieron las carnicerías antiguas, y supongo que está bien si le doy mi verdadero nombre Onyx Prime: Thunderclash.” “Adecuado, para el guardián del cielo y el portador de tormentas.” Steeljaw replied meaning: Adequate, for the guardian of heaven and the bearer of storms. “Por Onyx Prime, casi me olvido de los títulos pretenciosos que los humanos me dieron.” Thunderclash muttered, shaking his head in distaste. “Now, can we drop the dialect, and go back to our original Cybertronian tongue, Lord Thunderclash?” Steeljaw asked. “I find it… taxing to not speak in my original language.” “Agreed,” Thunderclash remarked. “Now, I must ask for you and your fellows’ names. It would be rude for me to give up my own, without you giving up yours in return would it not?” “Um… Yes, quite,” Steeljaw replied, rather unnerved. One minute, this Thunderclash character was quite willing to kill them all and now he was speaking quite politely as if they were having a few glasses of Jamaica iced tea. It scared him a little bit, to be honest. “My name is Steeljaw, and this is Breakdown and Dead End. I have a friend up there, a fellow member of the Predacon species named Flich, watching from the skies for any unwanted intruders shall we say.” It wasn’t for the fact that Thunderclash could switch between demeanors so quickly that unnerved Steeljaw. No, it was because he reminded him of himself. Even as Breakdown and Dead End introduced themselves, he flashed back to days long ago on Cybertron… In a contest between resources and ingenuity, never underestimate ingenuity. That’s what Steeljaw’s brother Gekisōmaru had always told him. Funny how Steeljaw had failed to listen to his advice and now he was currently caught up between a mob war over energon between his boss Thunderhoof’s crew, and that of the crew of the former Decepticon turned gangster Black Shadow. Really, he should have used his ingenuity about then, and got out when it was clear everything had turned for the worst. But no, he’d been an idiot about things and was now shaking down a soon to be scrap neutral named Roadblock. “Tell me again, nicely,” Steeljaw snarled as he grabbed Roadblock by his throat and shoved him up against a wall. “Where is Black Shadow keeping his energon stash? I’d answer quickly if I were you because my friend behind me here? He’s not so nice you see.” He gestured with a finger to a towering aqua Decepticon that seemed to wear antlers atop his head. “W-Who is that?” Roadblock choked out. That really did it, and the Decepticon let out a snarl, and stamped his foot. “So there's this bot, see? Goes by the name a' Thunderhoof. Heard of 'im? No? Well, youse is about to...” the now named Thunderhoof growled as he marched forwards energon pistol in hand. Steeljaw held up a hand to stop him, and dropped a very relieved Roadblock. “Woah woah, no need for such… crude tactics,” Steeljaw replied. “There’s a simple way to do this,” he continued, before turning back to Roadblock. “Listen, I genuinely want to be friends with you here, I do. I’m only being forced to do this by the big dumb lug over there.” Thunderhoof growled, but Steeljaw ignored him and continued talking. “Now, you can tell me where the Energon stash is, and we can go on about our day or I can smash your faceplate in and just ask the next bot standing in line. Promise I’ll pay your hospital bills. I’m a nice enough bot.” Steeljaw said. “N-Now listen, I don’t know of any Energon stashes! I’m just a normal everyday guy, works a 9 to 5 job down by the docks moving building materials and loading them into trucks, that’s all!” Steeljaw honestly wanted to believe him, as fear and intimidation never got anyone anywhere. To be quite frank, he (Roadblock) was more likely to be telling the truth to save his own spark. But every now and then, Steeljaw and he couldn’t explain it, got the urge to smash someone’s spark in, and rip it out with his own bare claws. Which was exactly what happened next. “...Hey, thought youse was going to be nice about things eh?” Steeljaw asked. “I don’t recall killin’ the poor bot in anyone’s definition of being nice unless it was a mercy kill for what I was about to do,” Thunderhoof remarked. “I’ll be truthfully honest with you now, he wasn’t important. Slag, he wasn’t even a member of Black Shadow’s gang. I just needed someone to take the fall for all the killings I’ve been doing, youse see?” Steeljaw’s optics widened in shock. “Oh, you thugs are so predictable. Youse always think youse is so smart. But word of advice, never underestimates the boss!” Thunderhoof laughed. “Word of advice,” came Nacelle’s voice as both Thunderhoof and Steeljaw turned to see both him and Strongarm pointing their weapons at him. Prowl stood behind the two cops, arms crossed. “Don’t gloat. Been tracking you two for days, just needed you to commit a crime for us to actually move in on you,” he stated as Prowl cuffed them both. “So the cops let a bot die under their watch huh?” Thunderhoof laughed. “Never would have thought-” Then, ‘Roadblock’ faded away. “Holographic projection, new tech devised by the Elite Guard. Still in the prototype stages, but it works as an excellent stunt double. All the real Roadblock had to do, was say his lines,” Prowl smirked. “Take them away!” So, in the end, Steeljaw learned his lesson even when being led away. His only small sense of satisfaction was that Thunderhoof was going down for the same murder, along with many times more. Sadly, that urge to hunt and kill, which Steeljaw tried to fight back with every waking moment reared itself once again and he escaped from custody not even a few cycles later killing a large number of guards in the process and making him one of Cybertron’s most wanted criminals and leading him right into Onslaught’s waiting claws. There was only one place left for him now, and that was as an outcast forever hated even by his own brothers and Onslaught, the bastard, knew this all too well... “So, I get keeping watching over your brother’s corpse,” Dead End questioned, a finger on his faceplate in thought. “But shouldn’t you have burned through your internal energon reserves as well?” “Yes, under normal circumstances I would have,” Thunderclash stated. “However, I had access to this,” he stated, holding up a very distinctive golden orb covered in Cybertronian Glyphs. Dead End’s eyes widened, being a former archivist he knew exactly what that was. “That’s… that’s an Energon Harvester, built by ancient Autobots!” he stammered out in complete and utter disbelief. “But how did you get your hands on such a thing?” An Energon Harvester, it was simple in design and concept. Built for one purpose, and one purpose alone, to harvest energon veins from otherwise unmineable deposits on various planets. Say for example you had an entire mountain on top of your energon crystals, and it was impossible or just outright time consuming to dig through the miles and miles of dirt and rock. So, this is where the Energon Harvester came in. You simply pointed it in the direction of the deposit, and it sucked all of the energy contained within into a little pocket of subspace contained within the orb. It was a masterpiece of engineering for sure, but one that could have been easily perverted. The Decepticons, especially ones named Shockwave knew this and reworked the technology into shotgun weapons that sucked small snippets of energon from a target into the user’s own internal reserves. Anyone who used these weapons, most notably the personal Seeker squadrons of Starscream known only as the Eradicons -More poetically known as the Silver Arrows- instantly became some of the most feared warriors on Cybertron. “Y-You mind pointing that thing away from me?” Dead End stammered out, backing away nervously with Breakdown following. “No offense, but having every inch of energon sucked up from you and you trying to go for that last gasp of air before your spark finally goes? Slow and painful way to go out, and I don’t fancy it.” “I… I agree with Dead End much as I hate to admit it, point that thing elsewhere will you?” Breakdown exclaimed. “I was never going to use it on you, I had no intentions of doing so and I never will,” Thunderclash said curtly. “My brother, on the other hand, might have, but I would not. As to answer your original question, Skyquake and may Onyx Prime bless his spark swiped it from Shockwave when we escaped his laboratory to Earth via Spacebridge. Been using it to mine ancient deposits on Earth for eons, but Skyquake got too greedy and used up his own fuel reserves striking terror in humankind and showing them his true power to assert his dominance. A fool’s death in the end.” he explained shaking his head sadly. “I’m… I’m sorry.” Steeljaw said, laying a hand on the slightly taller bot’s shoulder in genuine sympathy. “I have been given plenty of time to grieve,” Thunderclash replied. “Now, I presume you four are here because you want something? Like say… to recruit me to your cause?” he asked, as Flich landed nearby and transformed from beast mode to bot mode. “No, milord! We would never think of-” “Spare me your lies and sniveling,” Thunderclash snarled, and with a swing of his hand sent Steeljaw flying backwards into the other end of the tomb. “Who do you think I am? Stupid? I’ve been monitoring Decepticon and Autobot communication systems ever since you landed on this planet, and so I figured out you would come for me eventually just as soon as you learned of Sky-Byte, Scylla’s and Snaptrap’s existence. Do not think that flattery will keep you alive. Such is the nature of evil. In time all foul things come forth.” he snarled, the ancient legends of the fury of the Aztec gods coming full force. “Do not take me, nor yourselves for fools Decepticons. Heed my warning. You are being used. You are only ever a means to an end. The coward Onslaught has weighed the value of your lives and found them... worth... NOTHING! He will betray you in the end you know, such as the nature of prideful tyrants like him. Do you not know what is coming? If not, I only pity you. I’ve heard Onslaught’s private conversations with that little whore Flamewar, what he plans to do. Run now, and run fast if you want to live from the coming fire.” Then, the very distinctive sounds of engines roaring and revving reached everyone’s audio receptors. “So, the coward finally comes to battle in person,” Thunder Clash stated before parts began to shift, twist and merge with a very distinctive sound and Thunder Clash had resumed his beast mode of a rainbow-colored winged serpent, massive in size and with a maw filled with sharp metallic fangs. He turned to Flich. “Tend to your wounded Corvicon. Right now, I must defend my brother's tomb from these… usurpers.” he stated in disgust before taking to the skies eyes alright with a rage unseen. To the Vehicons credit, they were not that intimidated at least on the outside and just drove up out of the jungle in their new Rally Fighter alt-modes -Having ditched their Cadillac Cien modes just for this mission- and their hoods opened up to reveal miniature Gatling guns. Machine gun fire lit up the jungle as thunder cracked and lightning flashed as Thunder Clash snaked and wormed his way through the clouds only to reappear breathing streams of red-hot flame. Gas tanks ignited, and Vehicons blew sky high. The thunder of twin cannons reached Thunder Clash’s audio receptors as a massive anti-aircraft truck clad in a dark military blue with shades of brown smashed through some temple walls. Thunder Clash coiled himself around the top of a nearby temple, and unfurled his wings and hissed at the newcomer. “Onslaught, so you finally show your face instead of hiding in that crashed ship of yours,” Thunder Clash hissed out, a fork-like tongue jutting out of his mouth every now and then. “And here I was thinking you were just a simple coward who let his men do all the dirty work for him.” Parts shifted and whirred as Onslaught took a bipedal stance with the two massive cannons ending up on his back to act as rifles and a blood-red visor stared the Predacon down as the Combaticon Commander crossed his arms. Onslaught, he was simply massive in his robot form almost reaching Thunder Clash’s own height and simply dwarfing everyone else around him. “No, I’m just ticked off because you decided to decline my generous offer. Have a link with the Stunticons, saw everything they did, and heard everything they did. You dare doubt me and my plans, decline my generous offer?” “I know your type Onslaught. I would have been a fool to take it. Always hungry for power, you simply just can’t get enough of it. Just like your boss. No, that would be incorrect. Apparently, if radio chatter is to be believed, Megatron switched sides and ended the war. You should have been wise enough to follow in his footsteps.” Thunder Clash stated. “Very well, I tried. Destroy him, and take that Energon Harvester.” Onslaught ordered. A barrage of laser fire came down from the skies as Vehicons in jet form rocketed down to obey and attempt to destroy Thunder Clash. Keyword being attempt. They were all either rendered to nothing but ashes by his flaming breath or grabbed in Thunder Clash’s jaws and ripped in half sparks and energon fluid flying everywhere with some of the substance staining Thunder Clash’s maw. During all of this, he had never moved from his position, still curled around the temple. Eventually, Thunder Clash uncoiled himself and launched himself right at the next wave of Vehicons and transformed in midair, the sheer impact of the landing sending some of the drones flying backwards while others were either skewered by Thunder Clash’s blade or had their energon sucked completely dry by the Harvester. One even just got grabbed and ripped completely in half. “You want a piece of me?” Thunder Clash asked metalic feathered wings flared and teeth bared as he tossed the remnants aside. “How ‘bout two pieces?” A fist slammed into his gold face, sending him crashing into a grove of trees. “It seems, as always,” Onslaught sighed in a half-bored tone, the other half dripping with anticipation. “I must do everything myself.” Thunder Clash, groaning out in pain picked himself up off the ground and spat a bit of energon fluid and a tooth from his mouth. “Well, isn’t that just Prime?” “Easy does it, Thunder Clash or whatever you choose to call yourself,” Onslaught mocked, delivering a flurry of punches to Thunder Clash’s face, stomach or anywhere else he could reach in unceremoniously brutal fashion. “Are you alright? Can you stand?” One powerful smack to the face by Thunder Clash’s right wing promptly shut that little rant up. “Can I stand? Can I stand? Kid, and you are one compared to me, I've been standin' since before it was fashionable,” Thunder Clash hissed out, rather unimpressed by Onslaught so far. “And you know something? Back on Cybertron, when Shockwave threw me in the old Kaon Gladorital Arena to prove my worth as a proper Predacon clone, I ended up seeing every two-bit, catchpenny Decepticon with a weapon that dared call themselves a warrior and I got the dents in my knuckles to prove every last inch of it. End of the day? I'm ready for anything you can throw at me. So go on then, take your best shot.” “So go on then, show us that famous Predacon fighting spirit you and your kind are known to possess. That nature of the beast that resides with-” Onslaught was soundly cut off by a punch to the faceplates. “You talk too much,” Thunderclash stated, drawing his blade as Onslaught recovered and pulled out his rifles. Shot after shot was blocked or deflected with Thunderclash barely moving an inch and hardly looking fazed. Onslaught roared in rage, and threw another flurry of punches which were either caught or just blocked by Thunder Clash's elbows. A loud shriek cut through the howling stormy gales and a massive dark blue form lunged out of the jungle claws beared and throat glowing with an orange light before a hot blast of flame was sent towards Thunder Clash who shielded himself with one of his wings. He then grabbed Darksteel by the throat, slammed him into the ground several times before tossing him into Onslaught. “Bow before your king," he told the hippogriff Predacon, who was now soundly unconscious. “I hope that was a short, sharp enough of a lesson for you.” Well, it seemed he was unconscious before Darksteel's eyes shot open, and he let out a growl. “The only king I bow to is Predaking, you are not him.” "Yes, well Predaking is on Cybertron and last I checked this was not that planet.” As Darksteel let out another shriek of rage, he charged forwards only for his head to be soundly ripped off by Thunder Clash and the body fell to the ground, sparking and energon pooling out below Thunder Clash's feet. Onslaught meanwhile had only just now recovered and drew a blade of his own, wiping away energon from his shattered mouth plate. “Boring! Is this really the best you can do?” Thunder Clash laughed. Swords met in the storm, blades sparking. Thunder Clash whirled around to slice Onslaught’s head clean from his shoulders as he promised he’d do to Steeljaw before but was met with Onslaught’s own sword. The Combaticon lunged and stabbed Thunder Clash in the stomach before pulling out his blade making the massive Predacon stagger backwards before another right cross sent him crashing to the ground. “No, far from it. You know, I was in the Elite Guard back in the day, back before it meant just glorified protection detail for the higher-ups. Back when we were frontline soldiers. There was this incident on Hydrax 4. I was battling one of my future comrades in arms, wouldn’t you know it? So the Decepticon says, 'I may not have a gun, but I have a bomb!' And pulls the pin. Wouldn't you know it was a dud? So there he is, optics darting between us and the useless metal sphere in his hand, and he still has the gall to say, 'I AM THUNDERWING! ONE DAY YOU WILL ALL PAY FOR THIS!' I was afraid that not even the stasis cuffs were going to shut him up. Surprisingly, he lived to see the end of the war actually. I always thought Sentinel or Optimus Prime would blast him to pieces. Or maybe even Megatron out of sheer annoyance. In the end, guy fled off to some unknown moon. Nobody’s seen him since though I swear he’s still out there plotting and planning to stab me in the back and become the new Decepticon leader. Point being, I’ve learned never to underestimate anyone,” Onslaught regaled. “And you are no exception. I grant you the honor and respect of being a fierce foe, but time to end this.” With that, he picked up Thunder Clash, and held him high over his head, before bringing him down on his knee with a sickening Crack! Sound before tossing the broken body aside. “Such beastial nonsense,” Onslaught sighed, and the last thing Thunder Clash saw before his optics closed and he drifted out into unconsciousness was Onslaught smashing the Energon Harvester beneath his feet with a mutter of: “So uncivilized. Such a crude weapon for the modern age.” With that, he Groundbridged out gesturing for everyone to follow. Breakdown and Dead End did, but Breakdown with more than a hint of reluctance. Filch and Steeljaw however, that was a different story. “Flich!” Steeljaw barked out. “Get your med-kit, we’re patching this guy up and damn the consequences! He protected us, warned us about Onslaught and his wrath and we entirely failed to listen until it was far too late. I’d say we owe him one...” And with that, they set to work hoping and praying to Onyx Prime for a miracle. Knock Out took a deep breath and sighed to himself. Then he took several more deep breaths. This was all going to go fine and dandy. Perceptor’s new invention would work, his spark signature would be hidden from anyone and all he had to do was provide the lines for his doppelganger to say. A very handsome doppelganger, if he had to admit it to himself. He was absolutely right, he did look good in steel belted radials. “Something wrong Knock Out?” Hound asked, pointing the projection towards a riverbed. They’d chosen a forest outside of town as the meeting place. Neutral ground, and if everything went sour the only people in danger were the Cybertronians. No humans to speak of. “You need a drip pan or something?” “N-No, it’s hardly that! I’m no creaky old bot!” Knock Out soundly refuted sounding rather offended. To his surprise, Hound laid a hand on his shoulder. “Relax, everything’s going to go just fine. Our spark signatures are hidden, and all you have to do is read off your lines. Back on Cybertron, done this a few times before whenever the police needed a stunt double of sorts. You ever wondered how Steeljaw and Thunderhoof were arrested?” “Well, now that you mention it, I have always been curious…” Knock Out admitted, rubbing his chin, “Created a stunt double of this construction worker, guy named Roadblock that Thunderhoof thought was involved with Black Shadow and both he and Steeljaw ‘killed’ him and that little show they put on? Enough to get them arrested on murder charges, plenty on Thunderhoof’s side with all the ones he blabbed about in his gloating. Rule of thumb, if you’re a criminal, keep quiet about it in the end I guess. Point being, I know what I’m doing here and so does Prowl so you have nothing to worry about.” “Well, you say that, but earlier I had this little conversation with my Conjunx Endura, Breakdown checking in on me to make sure you lot hadn’t done anything to me and just before I shut it off I learned he was going after Quetzalcoatl in Mexico, or at least the Predacon inspiration for him and if any of the myths about him are true, by all accounts the guy had a nasty temper. I… I just don’t want to see…” Hound winced. Although they were on opposing sides, him and Breakdown he still couldn’t feel but a pang of sympathy towards Knock Out. He took a deep breath and sighed. “Listen, you’re not the only one who’s ever had a loved one in the firing line. Hell, I’ve got a Conjunx Endura of my own. Yeah, I know, hard for someone like you to imagine someone as stiff as I am getting spark-bonded but here I am. Guy’s name is Hot Rod, has very little impulse control and constantly getting himself into scrapes. But he’s in the Elite Guard and stationed on a outpost on the planet of Velocitron. Fitting really, given he loves to race and that planet loves speed.” “Yeah, I know. Been there a few times myself, or at least watched the races on the holo-net,” Knock Out replied. “Point being,” Hound clarified. “You needn’t worry so much, it’s only natural I know but our bondmates can generally handle themselves. Breakdown’s as tough as they come, paranoid as he is. Stunticons are hard to put down. I should know. Tangled with Motormaster, the guy did not go down easily when I tried to force him into stasis cuffs.” “Never thought I’d say this, but thanks, man. I really needed that,” Knock Out smiled before he saw Flamewar Groundbridging into the area, Prowl and the Knockout holoform awaiting her. “Oh, that’s my cue…” Flamewar strode forwards, her hunter’s bow resting on her back. A vial full of a strange green liquid rested on one of her hips. Prowl’s optics narrowed slightly, that must have been the cure. “So, finally ready to give yourself back up to the winning team eh Knocks?” Flamewar cackled, in an almost hyena-like tone. “Gotta say, you were always too nice for your own good. If you ask me, you should just let your captors burn out for what they did to you. Locking you up like that, and letting poor old Breakdown worry about you to no end!” “Yeah, I’m sorry, but I’m still a medic even if I’m a criminal law. My oath says never to leave a bot behind, even if they’re a dick,” Knock Out stated, putting on as much of a show as he could. From the Autobase, Perceptor, Road Rage, and Fowler listened in on every word with Fowler having military jets on standby just in case something were to go wrong. “Now, just hand over the cure and we can go on about our day eh? You take me in, and the Autobots you infected get cured. We all win.” Suddenly, to both Prowl and just about everyone else’s surprise, Flamewar pulled out her bow and in one clean shot fired an arrow right through Hound’s spark casing dispersing the hologram before dropkicking Prowl in the face knocking him flat, with another arrow pointed directly at his faceplates. “Hound!” Road Rage shouted over the radio as soon as she saw his spark signature go offline. Flamewar smirked. “How stupid do you think I am, Autobots?” Flamewar sneered, savoring the despair of Road Rage, and everyone else who was listening in. “Seriously, this old tactic? Steeljaw told us about it when we captured him cycles ago, so we prepared ourselves for something like this. Spark-Masking, one of the oldest tricks in the book. It’s a new age, or it’s about to be. You wanted us to play by your rules cop? Really should have expected us never to play by anyone’s rules.” She then craned her head towards the treeline and singsonged: “Oh Knock Out, come out and play! I know you’re there!” Knock Out with a roar of rage and buzzsaws bared swung out his arm and very nearly decapitated Flamewar had she not stepped to the side. Prowl, at this very same moment, leaped upwards and grabbed the vial off of her and pocketed it before punching her with a right cross, his fists now having two brass knuckles glowing with a bright blue energy. The Decepticon Hunter Knock Out had heard about, he figured. “Perceptor, bridge Hound out of here. He’s not going to be meeting Primus just yet, not if I have anything to say about it!” Prowl barked into the comms before he and Knock Out were forced to make a run for it as Flamewar began firing energy arrow after energy arrow. Quickly transforming to their vehicle modes, they made a break for it driving through the treeline towards the freeway they knew was just a few miles away. “Perceptor, soon as we hit the freeway, get us a Groundbridge!” Knock Out ordered. “Sorry, no can do. I’m still dragging Hound to the CR Chamber, and hoping and praying to Primus he’ll pull through. I’ve got work to do. You need to fend off Flamewar as long as you can, force her into a retreat! Swordbreaker, Swerve, quit standing around and give me a hand here!” the scientist barked. “Slaggit, sometimes I’m really not cut out for this job…” he then muttered to himself. Back at base, Road Rage’s optics narrowed. “I’m going,” she stated, throwing open a groundbridge with a switch. “Don’t you dare try and stop me.” “But your condition!” Perceptor shouted, as he was handed patch-kits and hooked up a tube to Hound’s opened chest cavity and began feeding him raw energon. “Screw that, if I have my way that cure will be in our hands soon anyway so you won’t have to worry about it! Besides, Hound was and still is my friend here and I think if he dies, I’m damn well going to avenge him. Preferably by taking Flamewar’s head!” she shouted, before with a quick shifting of parts she was in her vehicle mode, V-8 engine revving angrily. Fowler rushed over, and threw open the passenger door. “You nuts, Fowler?” “May not like him, but Knock Out saved both my wife and my daughter’s lives on two separate occasions and the way I see it I owe him that much. Plus, you’re in no condition to act on your own. You need backup.” “Agreed, and you’ve got spunk. For a human. Now, hold on!” Road Rage roared and floored it tires squealing and kicking up smoke before she rushed out the groundbridge.