Hope and Shadows

by dlazerous

Daddy's Little Filly

Hope and Shadows
Chapter 5 "Daddy's Little Filly."
By Steven Little
My Little Pony © Hasbro

Dawn was breaking over Sweet Apple Acres when Honey woke from her slumber and although she was awake she kept her eye closed to the invading sunlight. Moving slightly, she snuggled into the warmth coming from the pony next to her and realized he must of freed himself from his bonds sometime in the night. Honey felt his short but powerful legs wrapped around her and nuzzled the soft feathers of his wing that was draped over her side. Slowly opening her eyes, she saw Jato's gentle features. She had never noticed before just how much he took after his mother. The gentle slope of his nose, the soft curve of his ear, even the roundness of his cheeks reminded her of Rainbow Dash. The trademark goggles he always wore were skewed across his face and left ear only adding to the cuteness of her image of him.

Honey adjusted her head and felt a sharp pain on the right side of her neck. She rubbed the spot until the soreness subsided. Instinctively she looked at the hoof and saw flakes of dried blood and a few small streaks of fresh blood smeared across her hoof. She smiled but didn't want to get her hopes up. Leaning forward she gently licked Jato's velvet nose. Gradually opening his eyes, Jato woke to a smiling golden pony. "Good morning Honeybee." He said with a goofy grin stamped on his face.

"Did you just come up with that?"

"Ya, well if you get to call me something I should be able to have a name for you too." He said defensively.

"It's okay Baby Bird, I think it's cute." She said, giving him a quick kiss on his lips. "Uhm, I need to ask you something and I want you to be completely honest with me."

"Okay." He answered a little nervous.

"Do, do you regret what we did last night? I mean; do you have second thoughts about us?" Honey asked uneasily.

"No, except that I was tied up and couldn't do anything. Why would you ask something like that?"

Honey lowered her right shoulder exposing the slightly bleeding bite mark that was deeply cut into her neck where it met the shoulder. "Did you mean to do this or was it an accident?"

Jato blushed deeply trying to hide his head by tucking it under her chin, nuzzling her gently. "I did it on purpose and I really do mean it, is that okay?"

Honey grabbed the small pegasus and peppered his face with kisses. "Oh Baby Bird; you've made me so happy!"

Both of the ponies knew what that bite mark meant. Honey belonged to him now. No other colt or stallion would approach her with romantic intent. "I love you Honey."

"I love you too. She said, hugging him tightly. "Wait, there's something I want to give you." Honey got up from the pile of blankets and trotted over to where her cloths were piled in the corner. Pulling out her red silk sash, she sashayed back over to Jato. "Get up I need some room." The light blue pegasus slowly got to his hooves and stood beside her. Honey laid the sash amongst the blankets and proceeded to roll around on top of it.

"What are you doin?" He asked confused.

"You'll see, hold still." Honey picked up the sash and tied it around his neck like a scarf. "There, now other mares will know you belong to me. It's not the same thing as a bit mark but then, mares aren't supposed to bite their stallions."

Jato held up the cloth and smelled it. Honey's scent was all over it, the aroma of honey, bee's wax, and hyacinth was unmistakable. "Thanks Honeybee, I'll never take it off. Well maybe in the shower but that's it." Jato sighed. "I suppose I should take you home now. I'm really not looking forward to this."

"Don't worry Jato, I wont let him hurt you."

"As long as you're with me Bee, I'm not afraid of anything."


The two ponies walked through the orchard, each lost in their own private thoughts. Gradually the trees started to thin out as the back of the barn came into view. Rounding the building, they saw Honey's home. Like the main house, the smaller home was quaint and plain looking. The wood of the walls was bare and weathered and except for the flower boxes gracing many of the windows, looked like any other out building on the farm. Waiting out in front of the small home was Twilight Sparkle. Upon seeing the two younger ponies, she galloped over to meet them.

She appeared nervous. "Good morning you two.”

“Good morning Princess.” They said in unison.

“I must say that you’ve had all of us quite worried when you two didn’t come home last night.”

“Sorry Princess Twilight, Honey and I had a lot to, discuss, about the situation with her dad but we’re back now so I’m just going to walk Honey to the door then I’m going to go home and face the music from my own parents.”

“While I’m glad your both safe, you probably don't want to go in there right now. Braeburn is absolutely livid. Hold on a moment." Twilight looked like she was deep in thought. Taking a step back she slightly lowered her head. Jato watched as her horn and Honey started to glow. When the aura surrounding the filly subsided Twilight spoke again. "Jato, why don't you take Honey over to your place for a while? That spell should allow her to walk on the clouds for three days. Oh I hope it doesn't take that long for things to cool down."

"No!" He said defiantly. "I'm so bucking tired of this. I'm sick of him being mad at me for no reason. One way or the other, I'm ending this today." Jato pushed passed Twilight and marched straight up to the door, Honey at his side.

Inside the house, voices could clearly be heard. "Now cousin, you need to calm down. All this fussin’ aint gonna’ solve nuthin’."

"I swear Applejack, when I get my hooves on that boy, I'm gonna…"

"You're gonna’ what?" Jato challenged as he and Honey entered the house. The front room was crowded with ponies. Rainbow Dash, Pinky Pie, Luna, and Applejack were all waiting for the pair to return from their date; Twilight teleported into the house to appear next to the other grown mares.

"Are you okay Honey. We got super worried when you didn't come home last night." Pinkie Pie asked.

"I'm fine Momma’."

"I'm still waitn’ for an answer Braeburn. You're gonna’ do what when you get you're hooves on me?"

"Jato dear, please don't provoke him." His mother implored. "Things have already been stressful enough."

"Where in tarnation have you two been?" Braeburn asked, a dark scowl darkening the contours of his face.

"Braeburn, please calm down. This isn't going to solve anything." Luna pleaded.

"No, I want an explanation."

"It doesn't matter where we were. The real issue here is that not matter what I say or what I do, I'll never be good enough for Honey will I?" Jato growled. The young pegasus was so angry with the other stallion, tears were forming at the corners of his eyes.

"Daddy, you've done nothing but bully him and try to run him off for the last three years. It's not fair to him and it's not fair to me." Honey insisted.

"Honey, you go to your room! I'll talk with you when I'm done here." Braeburn commanded.

"No Honey, you stay right where you are." Jato countered.

"Who the buck do you think you are?" Braeburn shouted, outraged.

"I'm her bucking mate!" There was a collective gasp around the room as all eyes zeroed in on Honey's neck, just above the shoulder. The ragged fur and telltale signs of blood left little doubt to the truth of his words. "Honey belongs to me now and I belong to her, and that trumps you!"

Braeburn reared back and let fly with is right front hoof. Just before his punch connected, Honey pushed Jato out of the way and caught the full force of the hoof on the left side of her face. The power of the blow sent her rolling to the ground, her lower lip split and bleeding. Braeburn stood their in stunned silence while every other pony in the room rushed to help her. Jato jumped in between the mares and his mate, and reared back, striking out with his hooves aggressively. "Get away from her!" Back down on all four legs, he spread his wings defensively, shielding his mare from the other ponies in the room.

"We're just trying to help Jato." His mother said softly. "Please calm down."

Jato was almost panicky. His head was lowered and his teeth bore; the back of his mane stood almost straight up. So much adrenaline was pumping through him that his wings shook and his legs began to stretch and flex on their own in preparation for combat. "Just leave us alone!" He shouted, the light of anger and hatred shining in his eyes.

Behind him Honey slowly got to her hooves and placed a hoof on his lower back. "Baby Bird, no." She said softly as she stroked her hoof down his back. Her voice had an immediate effect on him. Looking back at the pony he loved, his vision began to clear as he saw the tears in Honey’s eyes slowly roll down her cheeks. Jato stood up, furled his wings and shook out his back legs.

Jato turned around and licked the tears from her checks and the blood from her lip. "Come on Bee, lets get out of here."

Moving toward the door, Honey took a parting look at her father and, through her tears she uttered three words that shook Braeburn to his core. "I hate you." Closing the door behind them, they left the small house in silence.

Braeburn sat there, staring at the door. The last three words his daughter said to him echoing in his ears. 'What have I done?' He asked himself. Braeburn came back to his senses when he saw a rolling pin being shook in his face.

"Are you listening to me? Equestria to Braeburn, hello?" Pinky waved a rolling pin in front of her husband. "I swear Braeburn If you don't answer me, I'm going to bonk you over the head with this thing!"

"I hit my own daughter." Was the only thing he said. The other ponies had looks of concern on their faces, all but Pinky.

"That wasn't your fault Braesy. Honey stepped into it and you know why? She did it because she loves Jato, she loves that little blue colt so very much that she was willing to get hurt so he wouldn't."

"That's what we've been trying to tell you all night Braeburn. These two are in love." Luna said. "Jato is a good young stallion. He has a good job with the weather team; he gets good grades in school, and aside from issues with his language and a few accidents, he's never been in trouble."

"Yeah, that's right. I've kept my mouth shut because Twi and Luna asked me to. I don't like the way you've treated my son and I sure as heck don't like what you insinuated about me and Soarin as parents. We raised our boy right. He may be a bit of a loud mouth and he tends to show off but he would never do anything to hurt Honey."

"Rainbow's right cousin. You've been acting like a dog that done has his meal snatched from him. Please tell me this aint about Blossom?" Braeburn visibly winced when she said the name. "Braeburn, That wasn't your fault! You can't keep blaming yourself for it and taking it out on any target of opportunity. Blossom isn't Honey and that rat Charger isn't Jato."

"I, I know. Charger never stood up to us like Jato just did. He didn't love Blossom. Oh Celestia, what have I done?"

Apple Jack sighed. "Twi, come outside for a moment, we gotta’ talk." Twilight followed her out the door.

Pinky pushed her rolling pin under Braeburn's nose. When he looked up he noticed the shine gone from her eyes and her mane hanging down limp. "And you mister. You are going to find our daughter and bring her home or so help me Celestia not only will my flank be off limits to you but I'll shove this rolling pin so far under your tail you'll be coughing up old cookie dough for a week."

Outside, Applejack explained everything to Twilight about Blossom and Chaser and Braeburns role in it all. "Oh my goodness, that' horrible. Where is she now?"

"She's in Hoofington. She runs a jewelry store there. She doesn't make them but she always had a knack for sales so I figure they hired her on."

"She doesn't work at Tipony's does she?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Applejack asked curiously.

"While we were in Hoofington we got something made for Apple Bloom and some alterations for a present for Bell and Scoot, your description of her sounds exactly like the salesmare we spoke to."

"The reason I called ya’ out here is because I want to know if you could take me there. I know it's a lot to ask but we really need to talk to her. She and Braeburn were as close as brother and sister when they were growing up, I think she can help."

"Of course Applejack, anything I can do to help." Twilight extended her right wing and used it to pull Applejack in close. "Hang on." With a brilliant purple flash, they were gone.

The door to the small home slammed open when Rainbow Dash, Luna and Braeburn walked out. "I'll bring her back Pinky, I promise, and Rainbow, I wont do anything bad to Jato, I was wrong to treat him the way I had."

"Thank you Braeburn. It means allot to me to hear you say that. My little boy really is a good colt. You can trust him." Dash said smiling.

"Dash, why don't you check your house? Twilight told me she cast a cloud-walking spell of Honey before they came inside.” Luna said. “Pinky and I will look through town. Braeburn, why don't you start at the old clubhouse? It's at the northeast corner of the orchard." The ponies ran off in different directions on the search for the two young lovers.


Back at the old clubhouse, the two ponies were trying to figure out what to do. "What about your place, Princess Twilight suggested it for a reason I suppose."

"That's the first place they'd look. I'm sure some of them are on their way there now. I wouldn't be surprised if the clubhouse was next on their list." Honey nodded and she held her face with a hoof. "Does your lip still hurt?"

"Yeah. At least the bleeding stopped."

"That punch was meant for me. Why did you do that Honey? I know it sounds kind of corny but it hurts to see you hurt."

"I stepped in front of that hoof because I made a promise Jato, I promised I wouldn't let my dad hurt you and I meant it."

"You didn't have to do that, but thank you." Jato nuzzled against her neck. "I know you say your fine but I think we should get you looked at just to be sure. Fluttershy's cottage isn't far from here; I think she has the day off. Maybe we should go talk to her I mean she is practically family for both of us."

"Okay." Honey poked her head out the door and looked around the various apple trees surrounding them. "It looks like nopony's out here. We should get going before sompony shows up." They quickly ran down the ramp and turned north towards Fluttershy's home.

As they walked through the apple trees, Jato couldn't help but voice his thoughts. "Honey, about earlier, when I said I was your mate. I didn't mean to speak for you and I'm sorry if what I said embarrassed you."

Honey pulled the small pegasus to the side and kissed him on the lips passionately. When she finally released him, he staggered a bit the quickly composed himself. "Jato, I love you and I'm happy that you consider me your mate because that what we are. I’m your mate and you’re mine. Never forget that and never ever feel bad about it."

"I do think that's possible." Jato sighed as he looked ahead and saw the road to Fluttershy's home. Walking out of the orchard and onto the road he looked back over to a smiling Honey. "Any thought's about where we should go when we're done here? I was thinking about taking you to Cloudsdale. I know my grandma Honey Hue would let us stay with her for a while."

"As much as I'd love to meet your grandma, being an earth pony, I'd stick out like a unicorn with two horns and I'm sure word would quickly get back to father where we were." Honey thought for a moment. “What about your sister and Sweetie Belle?”

“Nah, she and sis are staying with Belle’s mother at the boutique until they can find a place of their own.” He told her. As they approached the door Jato noticed that the wound he had inflicted on her was starting to bleed again. Trails of blood had slowly flowed down her front right leg.

Jato knocked on the door loudly. "Honey, are you okay?" He asked worried.

"Huh?" She looked down to where Jato was looking. "Oh eww, I guess the bite mark opened again. It stings a little but it doesn't really hurt anymore."

Big Macintosh opened the door to find Jato giving Honey a kiss on the cheek. "I interuptin’ somethin’?

Jato squeaked with fright. "Uh. Mac how's it going? Honey's hurt and we were wondering if Fluttershy was here."

Macintosh looked Honey up and down. "You okay Honey?"

"Yeah, just a little dirty I guess."

"Well, ya'll best come in, can't leave you bleedin’ on the door step." The two young ponies followed him into the living room. "Shy, can you come down here, we have company. Bring your first aid kit."

Fluttershy galloped down the stairs. "I just put Chaser down for a nap. Is someone hurt Macky?" Big Macintosh nodded toward the two ponies standing by the coffee table. Fluttershy walked into the living room and sat in front of Honey to inspect her injuries. "This looks like a bite mark." The yellow pegasus said, looking at her neck. Turning Honey’s head to the side with a hoof, Fluttershy gasped when she saw the swollen split lip. "Honey, who did this to you?"

"Jato, you got some splanin’ to do." The large red stallion said as he brought his face within an inch of Jato's.

"Uh well, you see, the bite mark on her neck well, that kinda’ was me. The split lip she got from Braeburn."

"Braeburn did this?" Fluttershy asked, shocked and more than a little angry.

"Yes, but he didn't mean to hit me it was an accident." Honey explained

"Ya'll best start talking sense. I know my cousin, he's not a violent pony but then you two have never lied to me, so ya'll best start at the beginning." Macintosh sat on the couch and got comfortable for what he expected to be a long story.

Fluttershy had finished stitching the bite mark on Honey's shoulder when they finished their story. Fluttershy was blushing wildly as she taped down the bandage. "That was some story but are you sure you know what you're doing. I mean I love you both and I know you're not dumb but you're so young."

"That's what everyone keeps telling us. I know we still have a year of school left once summer is over but I have my own job and my own bits. Jato just got a job and soon he'll be making his own bits too. It's not like were getting married or anything, we just want to be together and left alone. We're old enough to know what's best for us." Honey explained.

"I can't believe Braeburn would loose control like that. I've got to give you credit Jato, it took a lot of guts to stand up to Braeburn like that. That pony in the bowling alley, you didn't by any chance get a name did you?"

"Sorry Mac, I was a little busy kicking his flank to get a name. I don't think Mr. Kingpin knew either, he just called him the other pony and had somepony get Garnet to toss him in a cell."

Big Macintosh chuckled. "You did good Jato. You gotta’ protect the mare you care about. I'm proud of you and I know your Pa will be too. Where ya'll going to go now. You're not runnin’ away are ya’?"

"No Mac, I think we're going to my Grandpa Pie's place. I know he'll understand." Honey said.

"Good. I need to go have a word with Garnet." As he walked toward the door he knelt down and kissed his wife. "Don't wait up Shy, I might be a while." Jato followed him and sat next to Honey.

When he left, Fluttershy's face lit up in a huge smile. "I'm so happy for both of you, you're just so cute together." She said hugging both the ponies.

"I've been meaning to ask, what is that thing on your hoof?" Jato asked.

"Dinki made it for me. She's very good at mechanical things." Fluttershy said as she held up the apparatus attached to her hoof showing a sort of clamp with a long wire that traveled up her leg and attached to her wing. "By moving my wing, I can open and close the clamp. This lets me hold things like a needle, or scalpel, or bandages better."

"That's really cool!" Jato said excitedly. "Oh Fluttershy, you know that cart you let me use when I help you transport animals? Do you think I could borrow it so I can take Honey flying to her Grandpa's place?"

"Yes, of course. You two be careful and please don't worry. If I know my friends, your parents, everything will work out for the best." The two ponies thanked her then walked out of the cottage and over to the left side where Fluttershy kept all her supplies.

"Okay Honey, climb on in while I get hitched up."

"This is like my own private carriage. This is so cool!" She giggled as Jato tightened the final strap.

Jato removed his goggles and gave them to Honey. "Here, you might need these."

Honey put the goggles on and held on to the side of the cart. "I'm ready I think. Don't go too fast."

"Okay, I'll try to keep it under the sound barrier." He said smiling. Jato started to run. Faster and faster, his legs propelled him and the cart down the road. With each stretch of his legs, he could feel the muscles bunch and with a mighty leap he spread his wings and took off into the air with Honey screaming behind him.


As they leveled out, high in the air, Jato looked back to see Honey breathing heavily. "I told you to take it slow!" She hollered at him.

"Sorry Honey. I needed to build up speed to get the cart off the ground." He said smiling. “So which way do I go?"

"Last time I was there we traveled west of Fluttershy's home so I guess head that way until you see a gray patch of land below with a windmill and an old farm house with a silo out front. That should be my grandpa's rock farm."

"A rock farm? Seriously?"

"No, that's what momma calls it. It's really a quarry. My aunt's Inky and Blinky work there too. They look for crystals and gems but allot of the rock is cut and sold to builders in Canterlot, and most of the big cities and towns."

Jato had been flying for what seemed like hours, it had become a strain to beat his wings up and down. He hadn't thought that towing a wagon with a pony in it would be different than a bunch of bunnies. Out in the distance he saw a windmill with a stone cottage off to the side. Not far from them was the silo Honey had told him about. Turning around he saw honey sleeping soundly in the cart. "Hey Honey! Honey, is this the place?"

Honey woke up and saw the land below them. "Yes, this is it. I can see grandpa and my aunts Inky and Blinky down there. If you can, land over by the house."

Jato did a series of tight turns to burn off some of his speed. As he neared the ground he extended his wings a far as they could go and tilted them back to further slow his descent. His hooves touched the ground and he realized he was still going too fast. He galloped as hard as he could to keep up with the momentum of the wagon that was now pushing him but he was rapidly loosing ground. In a last ditch effort he spun in his harness and turned around. Putting his front hooves against the wagon, he planted his back hooves down into the ground. 'Got to save Honey. Going to crash. Got to save Honey.’ He thought to himself.

His hooves dug two deep furrows in the ground when the wagon struck the side of the house with a sickening crunch, trapping Jato between the house and the wrecked wagon. Honey pulled herself from the wreckage and desperately tried to dig Jato out. Throwing aside timber and harness she found him half buried in the ground and unconscious. His wings were bent at horrible angles and his feathers littered the ground around the crash site. "Grandpa! Help please, I need help!" She shouted as loud as she could. Soil rock and blue feathers flew as she tried to dig him out.

A strong tan hoof moved her aside. Two gray mares, one darker than the other and an old stallion dug carefully around the young pegasus and with a mighty heave they plucked him from the ground like a blue carrot and rested him on the stallions back. "Come on, let's get him inside."