Robot Pony

by Dreadnought

New Blend

Rainbow Dash streaked through the sky. She nearly made a sonic rainboom, but kept just under the speed of sound, lest she get hit with another citation and have to shell out a ton of bits to fix broken windows. It was hard, because she was in such a rush. It was finally cider season! She had waited all year! She would not wait a second longer than she had to for that glorious liquid.

Quickly the familiar scene of the Apple cider stand came into view. She dove down and hit the ground hard. After the dust settled, it revealed an unscathed Rainbow Dash standing proudly in all her glory.

"Howdy, Rainbow. How y'all doin'?" greeted Applejack.

"Hey AJ. Give me some cider."

"One regular cider comin' up."

"Wait, regular cider?"

"Uh - yeah."

"You mean there's another type of cider?" demanded Rainbow.

"Well, we've been experimentin' with our process. We made a special batch with some new ingredients to make a real special cider."

Rainbow Dash perked up. "Special cider?"


"As in, the best cider you ever made?"

"Well, that's what we reckon. Granny thinks this new variety is pretty good. As does Big Mac. Even Apple Bloom took a swig and liked it."

Her eyes glistening and her tongue lolling out of her mouth, Rainbow Dash slammed two bits on the counter. "This I've got to try. I'll take it!"

"Ah'm not sure. It's pretty potent stuff," cautioned Applejack.

"You saying I can't handle my cider?" growled Rainbow Dash.

"Nah, but it hits us earth ponies somethin' fierce, and Ah don't know what a lightweight like a pegasus would do."

"Give me the cider!" she demanded.

"Fine, fine," said Applejack, filling a mug from a specially marked barrel. "But don't say Ah didn't warn yah."

Rainbow Dash placed the mug on the counter and an instant later it was drained.

"I'll have another!"

"Ah'm not sure - "


A second later sat another empty mug.


"Rainbow - "

"Again!" She threw a dozen more bits onto the counter.

Shortly three empty mugs sat on the counter. Rainbow Dash stood there speechless, with a crooked smile plastered on her face.

"We mixed some mushrooms into blend. We were thinkin' of callin' it our Premiere Cider Product - PCP fer short. It took a lot of work..."

Rainbow Dash didn't hear a word. She was too mesmerized by the psychedelic show before her eyes.