//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: Echoes of The Force // Story: Heart of the Force: Gambit of Darkness // by fluttershyfan17 //------------------------------// Sweetie Belle ran, the wind whistling through her fur as she ran through the edge of the Everfree Forest. The light of the late morning sun beamed upon her, warming her fur as she ran in her tunic. The leaves had yet to turn brown in these parts, though it had been happening only a few days ago. The terrain of trees and bushes was easy to spot but complex. Branches and twigs often came out of nowhere, along with leaves and pines which got in the way of visibility. Concentrate, Sweetie Belle told herself jumped between two bushes. She had been running for at two miles, coming up on her third. Her master had only left her a note, with a small map indicating where he was, and the path he wanted her to take. However, it was barely a path, with no dirt trail on the ground to guide her. She recognized the challenge, and set off immediately. Sweetie Belle had to use every skill and sense as Jedi to navigate the terrain. She called out to the Force, using it to guide her every step. Our first training session after the mission, and he’s not easing up. Although she was able to navigate her direction, keeping up a fast pace while using the Force to avoid obstacles was one of the most challenging tasks she had navigated, ever. “Ow!” She yelped slightly as she felt acorns being thrown right at her. Squirrels had lined up in drones, throwing them at her. Focus, focus…. She saw a tiny gap in the undergrowth, with a small cliff about eight feet high leading down into bushes with thorns. Leaping down and diving in to escape the onslaught, she sprung back up, using the Force to expand her jump out of the dangerous terrain. Leaping was one of her specialties in physical movement, and used it in her fighting style along with weaving around and behind her opponent. She knew Kaleb had a lot more to teach her, as he said before the trip she was only scratching the surface of what those movements were capable of. After another half hour of fast movement, she found herself in a clearing in the forest, the sun beaming down at her. A training sword lay in the middle of the clearing, made of wood and being the size of her lightsaber. She continued to run, picking it up. Why is this here… She only had three seconds to roll and evade, as Kaleb jumped down from the branches with a Falling Leaf attack; a signature move of his. She rolled as his training sword hit in the middle of the ground, and she moved forward to attack. He dodged, rolling to his feet and facing her. This was not the first time they had sparred, but nothing to level of this ferocity. He kept a calm, focused demeanor as he used Ataru first and foremost, with Sweetie Belle having to go on the defensive with Soresu. She kept using those movements from the style, but suffered from the amount of movement as she was always having to shift her position. The spar lasted for only a minute before Kaleb disarmed her, keeping his training sword aimed at her for a moment before moving it down to his side. “Good work, Sweetie Belle. Take a few minutes to rest, and grab some water. I’ll be by the lake.” She nodded, moving to a tree where a bottle of water was already there, kept cool for her by the shade. She drank, collapsing against the branch of an oak. After a few minutes of resting and casting quick spells on her aching hooves, she moved out by the small lake. Kaleb was already sitting there in a Jedi tunic of forest green right next to the lake in the shade. His beige robe hung on one of the branches. About ten feet beside him lay a large wooden disk, measuring out to twelve feet in diameter and two feet deep. It was made of a buoyant wood, with specialized markings pre-made into the wood to make it look like a wooden deck. Sweetie Belle sat beside him in the shade. “You really couldn’t ease me in on my first day back? And why squirrels?” “The acorns were their idea, not mine,” Kaleb answered. “Though I couldn’t pass it up. And there’s a method to my madness, I didn’t put you through three miles of terrain for nothing.” He stood up, and she followed, as they sat across from each other in the sun. “I read through your journal of our mission, and you did a good job organizing your thoughts and observations. It was an interesting read, to be sure. But before asking questions on what you learned, I wanted to focus this morning and afternoon on something else. What do you think it is?” Sweetie Belle thought back to the course she just ran. With the amount of running, and terrain avoidance, it has to be it. “Movement?” “Correct,” Kaleb said, smiling. “And balance. Your fighting style utilizes both, especially with the weaving. It pairs well with Soresu as well. I’m going to help you take it to the next level, and to help with a flaw in your fighting style.” She looked back at the giant wooden disk. “I’m going to assume it has something to do with that. How much did it set you back?” “Not as much as you think,” Kaleb replied mysteriously. “And you should have seen Angel on it earlier. He was trying to use it as a fighting ring before I had to step in. Sweetie Belle laughed along with his chuckle. Kaleb stood up, breathing slowly and closing his eyes. Keeping an ease of flow, he used the Force to levitate the disk, just two feet off the ground. Moving it as smoothly as a puck across ice, he eased into the shallow area of the lake, setting it down. The disk floated on the water, and Kaleb looked at her. “Don’t mind going for a swim? Only two at most.” She nodded, moving into the water. Rarity had made her Jedi clothing water-resistant for the most part. Still, they managed to get pretty wet going into the water to the disk, with Kaleb swimming in a swift breaststroke and Sweetie Belle doing the same. Both of them climbed up onto the disk, wobbling precariously in the water. “Sit down across from me, that should balance it out.” Sweetie Belle sat down. “This feels like something out of a coming-of-age karate film.” “Or a sequel set years later,” Kaleb added, that joke not landing as well. “Actually, it’s based on something I trained on in Coruscant. It levitated six feet in the air, but still held the same concept.” “I noticed my movement wasn’t as smooth when I was navigating the path,” Sweetie Belle observed. “I was off-balance, even when I was fighting in the train car. It was shaking pretty hard, and I couldn’t tell my direction.” Kaleb nodded. “When our movement and balance are not smooth, it can throw off our fighting styles and make it more difficult. Even if that car wasn’t shaking, you still would have problems. By learning to balance ourselves, and keeping our movements smooth and swift, we can control the terrain instead of the opposite.” That makes sense. Make the terrain work for you, she thought. “What does this have to do with Soresu? It is because of the blocking?” “There are advanced techniques within Soresu which allow for defense while running and fast movement take focus,” Kaleb explained. “It’s defense, offense, and terrain control all in one. It’s difficult to get the hang of, but its good to know.” He felt something else as she was listening. “I sense fear within you, and guilt. What’s wrong?” She sighed, taking a deep breath and looking out at the water. Never taking her eyes off of the horizon for a second as she answered with hesitance. “It’s just that…I never meant to kill him. That robber in the train. Everything was off, and my instincts came in. I know we’re supposed to be training, but I can’t get his face out of my head.” Kaleb nodded with sympathy. “It’s never an easy choice to make, and even if the death was by accident, guilt can linger. I think it’s good for us to talk about this, and have an open dialogue.” She looked back at him, breathing to calm herself. “You always taught me ways of resolving conflicts, and even with combat, going with non-lethal techniques. Twilight taught me defensive spells. But you never said anything about killing. Is it against the Jedi Code?” Kaleb realized the complexity of her question. “At the time, I was still very protective of what I taught you because of my own experience, but you needed to know. That was my mistake.” “It’s okay, I get why you did,” Sweetie Belle replied, “But I would like to know now, so I can work on resolving that guilt.” He nodded. “The Jedi Code values all life, no matter how small. However, killing is not against the Jedi Code. But the debate falls in a gray area, of when it is okay to take that action, and what the motivation is behind it. And the potential fallout of the action.” Kaleb took a stone from his robe, and set it down on the wood. “Jedi do not kill out of fear, anger, or hatred, for that path leads to the Dark Side. However, the Order recognized it was necessary in self-defense, if your opponent is trying to kill you or to harm innocent civilians.” “I understand…” Sweetie Belle started. “But it still feels excessive. That makes it all sound easy.” “Taking a life is never easy, no matter how you frame it,” Kaleb said. “Back on Coruscant, there would always be times where Padawans would get in trouble for responding to a situation with excessive force. It was always depending on the circumstance, and never involved killing. Taking off someone’s arm might get them a review, but it always depends.” “Great,” she mumbled to herself. “That just makes it more complicated.” “Not as much as you think,” he responded. “One of the first things I taught you when beginning combat training was de-escalation, and every alternative to fighting. Looking at different scenarios Jedi find themselves in, and how to respond. But it’s not always enough. I’m going to tell you what Master Johanna told me.” Sweetie Belle looked at him as he mentioned his deceased master, noticing a small twinge of sadness. There’s so much I never knew about her. Taking a deep breath, Kaleb took a moment to remember her wisdom. “Killing should not be a common practice, and explore every option you can. Including surrender. Once all other options are considered, Jedi can kill to complete their mission, but only in the event of a life-or-death struggle or protecting innocent civilians. Never kill out of revenge, anger, hatred, or take the life of an unarmed opponent. ” Her eyes widened, as she took all of the information in. “That does make sense, especially in those situations after considering everything.” He nodded. “As well, although its not an easy thing to do, we should introspect on all the death and suffering we cause. Every life should be respected, no matter who they are.” Sweetie Belle nodded solemly. Kaleb withdrew his blade, placing it sideways next to the rock. “When we draw our lightsabers, Sweetie Belle, we need to be prepared and ready to take a life. To protect those around us we care about, without hesitation. The pain is never easy, but learning to accept, reflect, and move forward is the best path.” “You’re right,” she accepted. “But learning that acceptance is going to take me time.” “Part of that is accepting trust,” Kaleb added. “I trust you to do the right thing, my Padawan. Trust yourself to make the right decision, and trust your judgement. Guided by the Force, the path will become clear.” Sweetie Belle took a deep breath, closing her eyes as she reflected upon the path she must take. I need to trust my own judgement if I’m to move forward. Allowing herself to let go of her mistrust, she opened her eyes, the Force ringing like a bell. “Thank you, Kaleb.” “Now then, let’s dive into the lesson of movement and balance, and hope we don’t dive into the lake along the way,” he began, noticing her chuckle at that line. “Stand up with me, and follow my movements.” Both of them stood up, the wooden disk bobbing up and down as both of them found their balance. Kaleb and Sweetie Belle ignited their lightsabers at the same time, falling in to the basic forms. Moving in sync, they began their exercise flowing together, keeping up the momentum for the next half hour. This is easy, Sweetie Belle thought, moving through the basic stances of Soresu. “I thought you said this was going to be challenging.” “Oh, this is just the warm-up,” Kaleb said with a smile. “The real fun begins now.” Without warning, he tested her reflexes. A second had passed before he jumped sideways, spinning through the air, and using his hand to spring himself around the edge of the disk. The apprentice was too late, as she lost balance and fell into the lake. To her credit, she had just barely caught his initial jump, but the timing plus the hand spring played a part in her plunge. Sweetie Belle swam back to the disk, resting her front hooves on it, and shaking water out of her mane, laughing. “Did I ever say how I’m glad we’re not enemies?” “No, but it’s sweet of you to say,” Kaleb replied, kneeling down and helping her back up onto the disk. “Let’s work on that move.” The two continued to practice for several hours, until noon had arrived. After getting back on land and setting the disk to the side, Kaleb and Sweetie Belle both walked back, using a nature trail to make it considerably easier than before. Sweetie Belle noticed there was a tension as he walked that wasn’t there before, but she knew something was off. When I mentioned her name, there was emotional hesitation. Figuring out her way of approaching this, she asked. “Hey, so Rarity wanted me to invite you over tonight for dinner. We’re having a game night, and Applejack and Pinkie Pie will be there.” “Unfortunately, I have a prior engagement,” Kaleb answered. “One which requires time and concentration. It’s important I don’t miss it.” Looking back on what Kaleb had said, she realized who his mind was on. “I never knew her, aside from looking at the holos you assigned me to watch. You don’t really talk about her much…” Kaleb turned to her. “I guess…I never have.” He walked in silence for a few minutes. “What was Master Johanna like?” Sweetie Belle asked. Kaleb avoided reflection as he responded. “She was kind, and determined. Always knew what path to go on, and loyal in her convictions. And resourceful. She took a page from her master, always spending time in the archives.” He coughed. “I would rather not dwell on the past right now.” Realizing she had struck a nerve, she backed off. “That move you taught me should come in handy. But I thought you were going to teach me more about jumping.” “I did, but you still need to practice those basic concepts,” he said. “It’s not so much about jumping as it is how the proper way to fall is.” She looked confused. “What do you mean, with the Force?” He nodded. “One of the reasons Jedi were able to perform these amazing jumps and falls from various heights like acrobats is because of the Force. You use it to provide extra power and strength to launch you into the air, and to slow down and aid your descent so you don’t break your legs. In the training rooms at the Temple, I would practice jumps along with falls from up to thirty feet.” Sweetie Belle gasped in amazement. “That sounds awesome!” “Master Kenobi could jump like no other, he was the one who taught me,” Kaleb remembered. “He joked that he could help me practice by throwing me off of the highest skyscrapers on Coruscant; you could fall for minutes before you hit the ground.” “Push me off of the highest cliff near Ponyville, I want to put this to the test,” she demanded, her excitement hitting levels that could surpass Rainbow Dash. Kaleb laughed. “Rarity would obliterate me on the spot, so I think I’ll pass on that suggestion. But I do have plans for something fun to work on in the afternoon. What do the Crusaders have planned for the Fall Festival?” “Well, that’s a good question,” Sweetie Belle thought, remembering back to the last meeting. “We’re helping out with the parade in the morning, and then zipping to the town hall right after to decorate it for the dance. Why do you ask?” “Rainbow Dash has once again challenged me to a series of events testing the strength and skill of the Jedi,” Kaleb said in a tired voice. “After a conversation yesterday, we agreed to a race. But seeing as I don’t have wings, we have come to an agreement on the rules which will make it more even.” “Wow, you sound very enthusiastic about this,” she added sarcastically. “You would think a Jedi would be more thrilled with assisting local celebrations.” “I would be, if that conversation hadn’t lasted for three hours,” Kaleb grumbled slightly, chuckling. “The point is, this race is going to be fun, and could actually help with training. He looked at her, stopping. “How would you want to learn to ride a speeder bike?” That stopped Sweetie Belle in her tracks. “That sounds awesome! When is it happening?” “Right after the parade,” he remembered. “You should still have enough time to make it to the town hall to help decorate. This is something you need to learn, along with it helping your training along the way.” “Count me in.” Sweetie Belle said, giving Kaleb a high five. The two arrived back at the cottage, sitting down on two chairs they arrived to a very odd sight. A large grand piano sat to the side of the backyard, with Scootaloo playing notes. In the back near the chicken coop, Pinkie Pie was operating a camera, with a giant megaphone in her hoof. “ACTION!” Scootaloo started playing notes, while Spike ran being chased by Apple Bloom wearing a boulder costume. The dragon wore a brown fedora, carrying a prop golden idol. Sweetie Belle was loving every minute of this. Spike jumped out of the way as Apple Bloom went past him, before walking up to Sweetie Belle. “This belongs in a museum, but I need you to translate the writing.” He handed her the prop, which had the word “Homecoming?” written out on the back. She turned it around, gasping with surprise, and then looking back at Spike. Sweetie Belle’s heart was pounding a mile a minute as she let out the biggest smile ever. “YES! ABSOLUTELY! I WOULD LOVE TO GO WITH YOU SPIKE! YES!” She hugged him hard, and he did the same as her friends and Pinkie Pie clapped around them. “And that’s a wrap! Pinkie Pie Party Planning Productions is proud to present this Homecoming proposal.” Kaleb was happy for his apprentice, but there was a lingering question in his mind. “How did Pinkie Pie get a grand piano all the way out to our lawn?” “It’s Pinkie Pie,” Fluttershy answered, setting a hoof on his shoulder. “I find it’s best not to question it.” “Well, congratulations you two,” Kaleb started, walking up to Sweetie Belle and Spike. “I’m sure the dance is going to be a blast.” “Thanks Kaleb,” Spike replied, addressing him and Sweetie Belle. “I had been planning this for a while, we just had to get everything into place. And to catch Sweetie Belle by surprise, of course.” She giggled at that one, before getting serious. “Still, it looks like we have a lot to do. Getting the dress, the flowers, and making sure we have time to gather supplies for the decorations…” Kaleb held up a hand. “How about we hold off on afternoon training until tomorrow? That way you have time to go to the shops today. Most are closed tomorrow.” “Are you sure?” Sweetie Belle asked with concern. “I don’t mean to skip training, this is just so unexpected.” “Absolutely, you’re fine,” Kaleb answered with ease. “You’re only young once. Be with your friends, it can wait till tomorrow.” “Thank you Master!” She said with enthusiasm. “I really did enjoy training today, and I can’t wait for tomorrow.” The Cutie Mark Crusaders walked out of the backyard towards Ponyville. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were talking quietly as he heard A5 come up beside him. “Come on, let’s go over the choreography for the Wonderbolts show.” Flash and Shining Armor burst through the door leading to Luna’s chambers, the first doorway right in front of them. Both of them were clearly agitated, with Flash swearing and kicking the wall. “I should write you up for that,” Shining Armor said. “But I agree with the sentiment. The first talks were a disaster.” “It’s an understatement,” Flash replied with frustration. “Tywin didn’t even show up, Bentley gave ridiculous commands that aren’t even feasible given current treaties, and went on a rant. I know this was going to be difficult, but it’s to a whole new level…” “Both of use, please keep your voices down.” Luna called, coming in the same way with Celestia and Dr. Bluejay behind her. “Do you want everyone in the castle to know of these talks?” “Sorry, Princess Luna,” Flash apologized. “It won’t happen again.” Celestia nodded. “Let’s go inside my sister’s chambers. There, you at least have privacy to voice your opinions.” Luna used her magic to open the first door with everyone going inside. As the door slammed shut, the second door opened, revealing the room filled with ancient scrolls and books, along with furniture and a large telescope pointed out of the window. She moved it over to the side, and closed the window. Flash and Shining Armor both sat on one couch, with Dr. Bluejay taking the armchair. Celestia and Luna sat down, taking a few moments as Celestia activated some spells. “There are already spells on this room, sister,” Luna reminded her. “That should keep any eavesdroppers at bay.” She shook her head. “I’m doing this out of extra precaution.” Taking a deep breath, Celestia began to talk. “It seems all of us have concerns regarding the security of Equestria and our neighbors, not just stemming from the talks with the Equestrian Guard. I want us to meet now to share updates and intelligence, and to figure out where we go from here.” Shining Armor started. “We are close to breakthroughs on the train attack. Particularly with the weapons. We’ll know what spells are on them in the next two weeks and how.” “What about the one who blew up the bridge?” Dr. Bluejay asked. “The one with the gap in his memory.” “For that, we still don’t have an answer,” Flash answered gravely. “There are no spells that can be detected. This leaves the theory of either head trauma or something else.” The doctor shot down the idea. “I checked the records, I saw no injury to the skull. But I do have another idea. What if some kind of medical toxin was used?” “What do you mean?” Luna asked. “Something taken to fog one’s memory, to keep it from being revealed,” Dr. Bluejay explained. “Back in Equestrian Guard medical training, there were a section of books on the use of toxins, from putting poison on a blade to gas that could produce hallucinogenic effects. My main theory is there was a toxin taken into the body to block one’s memory from being recalled or examined upon examination. One that could even evade the detection of magic.” Celestia thought for a moment before responding. “I studied magic and memory for many years, and this area was never discussed. The Equestrian Guard seems to keep many secrets on their subjects.” “Not surprising.” Flash grumbled. “Nevertheless, this is an area worth investigating,” the Princess responded. “Dr. Bluejay, I want you to investigate this quietly. Things are tense right now, but these materials could be the difference between life and death.” “Yes, Princess Celestia,” Dr. Bluejay responded swiftly. Luna glanced at her sister, getting her approval before speaking. “We do have information, but it is critical it does not leave this room. Nobody can know, not even Twilight.” Flash seemed to object at that, but Shining Armor gave him a look. “I don’t like leaving my sister out of conversations any more than you do, but let’s hear what she has to say.” “There have been rumors, or more so whisperings of you will, of increased criminal activity,” Celestia started. “Based at every border of Equestria. Nothing too big to attract attention, but smuggling is a major concern.” Luna clarified. “There have also been rumors of rival criminal organizations shifting alliances, some working together while others becoming enemies. Infighting is something that is becoming more common.” “Smuggling,” Shining Armor muttered. “The fire rubies on Twilight’s train were said to be smuggled according to Saddle Arabian intelligence. Causing the attack on the train. Do you think this attack could have been part of this trend?” “It’s a possibility,” Celestia replied. “There’s a lot of unconfirmed information out there. But more should be uncovered in the next few weeks.” “Who’s your source?” Dr. Bluejay pressed. “Where are your informants?” “Many of them are in the intelligence unit of the Equestrian Guard,” Luna explained. “I did not like being deceived by them, but that is beside the point,” Flash stated simply. “Mountain’s Fury could be working under another organization. The clearest connection they have to the train attack would be to the Saddle Arabian organization who placed the fire rubies on the train in the first place. The Saddle Arabian Royal Guard told us the closest connection would be to the Sandstorm Riders, the largest major organizations in that nation specializing in heists and smuggling. They’ve been on the radar for several major kidnappings for ransoms as well.” “Every operation they have been a part of has happened during cover of a sandstorm. Difficult to track them and impossible when done under the cover of night,” Shining Armor finished. “Given the information you gave us, I think we now have our main suspect for who supplied the weapons.” “Move forward and continue your investigation,” Celestia said, looking at the clock on the wall. Everyone got up, intending to leave. Before they could, she left them with final words. “But be careful, and carry on with absolute secrecy. Darkness is always riddled with deception.” Night had fallen in Ponyville, with the early fall air bringing a crisp chill. The lights were on inside of Fluttershy’s cottage, as Kaleb slowly checked the bag to make sure he had the essentials. Map, lighter, firewood, compass, holoprojector. That should be everything. He strapped the bag onto his back over his robe. “You really are going to let Sweetie Belle on the speeder bike?” Fluttershy asked him, slightly exhasperated. “What if she crashes…” “Really, it’s not that bad,” Kaleb reassured her, taking notice as she sat on the couch reading next to Angel. One of the disagreements the couple seemed to have over the years was the value and safety of speeder bikes. “They’re not death machines. I, I can tell you that.” “Your ship is much safer than those…machines. It has safety protocals, airbags in the cockpit. The speeder bike is exposed to the elements.” She chuckled softly to herself. “I guess we agree to disagree, as we have for the past seven years.” “Yeah, but it’s not ten thousand feet above ground” Kaleb mentioned, checking the bag one more time. “I’ll be back before dawn. Call me on the commlink in case something comes up.” She got up of the couch, hugging him. “Stay safe out there, and stay warm. It’s starting to get chilly with the fall weather. And she would be proud of you.” Kaleb nodded, hugging her back before going to the door. “I know.” Exiting the house, he set off on a path right off the main road leading to Ponyville, one which trekked into the darkest parts of the Everfree Forest. Speed walking at a brisk pace, walked in the direction of Zecora’s house before seeing the light of the stars in the clearing. I must let the Force guide me tonight. Closing his eyes, he reached out, finding his path as clear as the sky, and walked off of the trail, setting off in an unknown direction. Every year, on this night, Kaleb would let the Force guide him to this location, where he would light a fire and keep vigil till just before dawn. Memories of Jedi memorial services poured into his mind, the warmth of the fire flickering in his mind’s eye, and the silent watch that came forward. He was young but, just barely remembered the death of Qui-Gon Jinn. He was only a youngling, but the importance of life and how quickly it can be extinguished. For the Jedi who died during the Clone Wars, they never got that vigil. Caught up in the rhythm of war, there was simply no time to think, to acknowledge and grieve. Only to move forward without emotion or hesitation. Perhaps this was the reason Kaleb chose to remember these old traditions. To remember and never forget the sacrifice his master made. And to hope he would not have his apprentice go through that pain. Kaleb had been walking for over an hour, letting the Force guide him to his location. In the distance, he saw wolves following him. The leader of the pack kept a short distance, while the others followed. “The Loth-wolves have sent their regards,” he muttered, as he wandered just a few steps ahead before reaching his destination. The clearing had not changed much in the past year, nor the cave. Blinking back unpleasant memories of timberwolves, he set his pack down, retrieving the firewood from his bag. Arranging it in a a circular formation, he picked up stones from the cave to encase it. He used the fire starter to light the spark, adding kindling from the surrounding forest to feed it. After a few minutes, the fire roared and crackled creating a familiar song. Smoke gently pillared upwards with a haze. Kaleb sat down crossing his legs, and closed his eyes as he felt the Force echo around him. Creatures of every shape and sized felt it, their hearts hearing the call and responding in kind. The plants and trees quivered in their roots as perhaps a soft vibration could be heard. Nocturnal animals howled and hooted and the presence could be felt. The call of the Force was humbling, as every living creature heard and sang its song. Kaleb began to speak in the quiet darkness of the forest. “Hey master, it’s been a while. The days here seem to go by faster than expected, seasons moving forward with the rhythm and rush of a starfighter. Other days, they move slower than a freighter. But time passes. And everyday, I think of how we could have spent time, side by side as Jedi Masters. The thought of how long it has been is always in my heart, and I wish we could have had more time together.” The soliloquy went on. “When I look out at this planet, I see the echoes of my galaxy etched out through its core. There is light; the Force reaching out and singing its song for all to hear, happiness, joy, kindness, and compassion. Every creature heeds and responds. But there is great darkness; anger, hatred, suffering and cruelty exist here too, more recent now more than ever. Shifting alliances, criminal activity under the shadows, and infighting between organizations. I need your guidance now more than ever.” This world is more complicated, and every day tests me as a Jedi. How to protect everyone from harm, and how to maintain peace and harmony in a world of chaos. But I know the Force will guide me, as it always has. And as I keep vigil over this flame, your spirit and those who died during the war will be remembered.” He closed his eyes, repeating a mantra in his head to go into a deep meditation. The first thing Kaleb noticed was the chill in the air, a biting cold threatening to strangle the breath in his lunges. The ground had hardened, into a rough stone as cold as the air. And with that chill, and overwhelming sense of darkness. He opened his eyes, jumping up to find himself surrounded in a fog which enveloped the cave around him. The cavern was massive, at least fifty feet high, and a stone path leading downwards to it. Realizing the path had revealed itself, he began to walk forward. Echoes of the past reached his ears, whispers of prophecies long forgotten, children crying out and families running. The sounds of fighting, of a great battle once fought in these very halls echoed hard, reverberating like a bell across the ancient structures cloaked in fog. Kaleb could not think, or even begin to process what was happening, but knew the only thing he could do was look forward. Forward into an abyss of fog whose walls were a prison, threatening to swallow anyone into a sea of memory for eternity. But for the crutial minutes he walked forward, he found a familiar sight. The bridge ahead of him was long, with the archway built into the walls at the end stretching upwards close to one hundred feet. Ancient symbols and runes glowing white lined the archway, all illuminted in a tall light of blue emanating beyond the archway. This light reflected into the fog, clearing it to find bodies mummified and encased in stone, all facing the direction of the light. Even as the fog cleared, some remained to cast an echo of mystery. As he continued to walk towards the archway, feelings of transfixion filled him. There was something about it which drew him to it, as if it was alive, some deity which the mummified figures cast their gaze upon. For a moment, he felt weak to its power. Kaleb turned around one moment later, feeling a gaze upon him and a sense of recognition. The same creature looked upon, in a robe and head decorations of gold, and eyes which gazed of blue. One which had appeared in a previous vision of the Force years ago. It spoke with a booming and wise voice which echoed and reverberated across the hall. And before him, Kaleb heard its wisdom. “Heed The Sages of the Life Wind. Close The Gates of The Light Before The Darkness Brings Extinction.” In that moment, the calm sage was replaced with one of eyes glowing red, bleeding of The Dark Side Of the Force. The mummified statues around him become molten as the blue light emanating from beyond the archway turned red. The sage crumbled into molten lava as Kaleb turned around, finding the screaming of pain and suffering multiplying faster. From the archway, a red river of blood began to flow as fast as the gales of wind, buffeting Kaleb in the sea and smell of death. From the red glow of the archway, fires of red and black began to engulph, moving down the path faster and faster. From within, figures encased in black with eyes glowing red and orange began to scream with anger and hate. The Jedi could only watch, frozen in the blood, as the fires and figures moved forward, engulphing him and corrupting every part of his body and torturing his soul before the release of death would take him to worlds beyond. Kaleb opened his eyes and jumped upward, igniting his lightsaber and pointing it towards the cave near the clearing. The fire had gone out, leaving him in the dark. The now deactivated lightsaber fell to the ground as Kaleb felt his knees give out, as his hands grip the ground hard. Echoes of confusion, chaos, and fear went through his mind, the screams of the molten figures and the words the sage given to him echoed in his mind. That figure….I saw that same figure. In the vision from seven years ago, Kaleb thought, his mind still spinning from the Force vision. “But…how…” Before he could wonder, the commlink went off, beeping loudly. He grabbed it with alarm, speaking in as calm of a voice as he could. “Fluttershy, what’s happening?” “Twilight called. She needs to see you right now,” Fluttershy replied through the device. “I don’t know why, but it sounded urgent.” “Tell her I’m on my way.” Kaleb replied, turning off the device before beginning a journey back to Ponyville. Twilight paced in her 1st floor office within the castle, with various papers and photographs on her desk. The light from the floor lamp near her desk was the only source, casting shadows on the walls in addition to the ones the princess was creating. Her speed was quick, reflecting one of late night thoughts and perhaps disturbing occurances. She heard the rumble of the speeder bike from outside the castle, sighing. It was a relief he had arrived quickly, but that did not relieve her emotions. And a minute later, Kaleb opened the doors, striding into the study as they closed behind him. Kaleb had known Twilight long enough where he could tell whether it was tireless determination to learn and perform her abilities or severe anxiety which made her emotions disturbed. Since becoming princess, they had worked and grown closer together more in those past few years than ever in his time here. But he noticed an emotion he hadn’t seen in her before: distress and fear, and he could get the sense she saw the same emotions in him. “Kaleb, I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize tonight was the anniversary of…” she apologized, speaking quickly with emotions running high in her voice. He raised his hand. “Don’t, not tonight. You did the right thing.” He tried to calm his own emotions, knowing that his distress could make her fear worse. Walking over to her, Kaleb kneeled to her level. “I am a Jedi, but first and foremost I am your friend. Twilght, tell me what’s going on.” Twilight knew she could trust him, and sighed. “So, you know how Moondancer went to travel and explore and ended up becoming a nightcrawler in Equestria’s big cities?” Kaleb nodded, remembering how her friend became a private investigator and nightcrawler, acting in a role between the journalist and law enforcement in the legal gray areas of that profession. “She sent me her findings…and they’re bad.” She indicated to the writings and photos on her desk and Kaleb went over, taking a look. On the letter Moondancer had sent, she had listed over twenty different murders scattered across Manehatten, Las Pegasus, and every major city within Equestria. Scattered across the desk were pages with details, including newspaper clippings and pictures taken by her. He stared at the pages and pictures in disbelief before looking at her. “How far do these go back? It can’t have been in a short time frame,” Kaleb asked. “Nearly a year,” Twilight responded gravely. “She’s probably the only one who thinks they’re all connected. Spread across different cities, but local law enforcement are treating them each as individual cases because they’re overwhelmed with organized crime.” He nodded. “The two views between connection and individual cases are not necessarily separated. Moondancer says every murder is completely randomized; there’s no connection between any two victims. That can be merely a coincidence, or premeditated to appear so which would require precise strategy.” “You sound like you know this from experience,” she observed. “Unfortunately yes,” Kaleb said. “I never participated in any murder investigations aiding Coruscant police, but I read a significant amount of reports by those who did. What are your thoughts on this?” Twilight thought for a few seconds, her eyes glancing in fear. “The first thing my mind jumps to is this could be a work of a serial killer, which is terrifying. The other thought is organized crime, but there isn’t evidence to support that.” “There’s a lot we don’t know,” Kaleb said, agreeing with Twilight’s point. “With a serial killer, there’s connection or similarities between all of the victims. Here, it seems to be randomized, which could be a coincidence. Or these victims have been carefully selected to make sure they appear random.” He noticed her fear, and continued. “Contact her directly, and see if she would be willing to talk to us. It could draw danger, but I trust her and I swear I will protect my friends.” She nodded. “Kaleb, I saw that some fear and disturbance the moment you walked in here. Are you okay, because you looked like you were going to pass out.” Kaleb sat down as his knees threatened to give way again, trying to shake the disturbance out of his eyes. “It’s…I don’t even know where to start. “ “Where you feel most comfortable, and I have a spare cup of herbal tea here.” She pushed the mug into his hand, never forgetting the amount of times Kaleb had offered her the same in rough moments. “I had a Force vision,” Kaleb began, trailing off. “I was meditating out in the Everfree Forest, and the vision spoke of bloodshed and darkness. It was visceral, so lifelike and teeming with the Dark Side of the Force.” The color drained from Twilight’s face as she heard his warning, and nearly passed out right there if she had not been already sitting down. He continued. “ I was in a large cavern with some kind of ancient archway. There was a creature in that vision, who I saw seven years ago in a previous vision when I was unconscious after the Battle of Canterlot. I never understood why that creature appeared then, but I know now it was warning me of something.” “It looks like tonight may have been a warning, for both of us,” she finished, the last words trailing off. “The question is, how do we move forward?” Kaleb kept a careful tone of voice. “I do have to keep neutral as a Jedi in the matters of governing and politics. But then again, this is different than other matters.” He paused for a few more moments. “I trust your judgement Twilight. But I can give my guidance and outlook on the situation.” “I want your guidance on this,” Twilight decided. “This isn’t a policy decision, but a matter of keeping peace and harmony. It’s not Canterlot, and I know for a fact you relay more in me than any other princess. More importantly, you are my friend whose judgement I value equally along with the rest of the Element Bearers.” He nodded, pausing to think. The mystery of this vision is still clouded in fog. “I think you should cancel the festival entirely, but others might see it as overkill. The tricky thing with these visions is they are often unclear in meaning and how they play out. Change the events in our lives too much, and the events change with it.” Twilight nodded. “Then we should still go forward, but with precautions in place. What I’m going to do is just have the parade and dance go forward on the last day, and cancel all other events.” “Good choice,” Kaleb replied with a neutral tone. “I would also say have a Royal Guard presence as well. Along with extra security, it makes it more special for everyone in Sweetie Belle’s class.” “I’ll contact Flash on that, I was just talking to him this morning,” Twilight replied, her voice going darker. “He told me what’s been going on with the Equestrian Guard. I no longer feel comfortable having them at my royal events.” She sighed. “That is not a direction Equestria should head in, and as the Princess of Friendship, I condone it with every inch of magic in my body. Particularly for Spike’s safety, when the two of us have been having more conversations about this topic.” Kaleb sensed the deep frusteration within her. “Those conversations must not be easy for the two. Particularly now. I sense you have conflicted feelings.” She sighed. “We did have these talks early on, but then it took on a whole new form of meaning after The Battle of Canterlot. Dragon Lord Ember has been talking to us about this, including taking days out of her schedule to spend time with Spike.” Twilight stood up for a moment before continuing to help organize her thoughts. “I’m frusterated with Celestia and Luna for not telling me about this. It’s not directed at Shining Armor or Flash; I get the concern with security; but especially because of Spike it’s personal.” “I understand,” Kaleb said in a comforting voice. “My feelings on the matter are complicated. The only reason I have stayed out of it is because Flash and Dr. Bluejay told me to. But the philosophy the Equestrian Guard hold is against everything the Jedi stood for. They hate my guts, and judging by the stares back in the Crystal Empire’s throne room, many would gladly stab me with every sword and dagger in their possession if given the opportunity.” “I trust you are able to defend yourself,” Twilight responded. “But this is all the more reason for my concern. I’m contacting Shining Armor and Flash to bring the Royal Guard to Ponyville. There are too many risks at play. I’ll follow-up with you later today as soon as I hear back.” He got up to leave. Before exiting the study, he looked at her with serious and honestly. “Something’s coming, Twilight. I don’t know what, but it will come. For Equestria, and us.”