//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: Secrets // Story: Heart of the Force: Gambit of Darkness // by fluttershyfan17 //------------------------------// The cold wind whipped through the fields outside Ponyville, rustling the stems of wheat, corn, and grasses around the area. Fall had arrived, and brought the chill with it. The sun was slow to rise, as it could just be made out over the horizon of gray clouds. Fog plagued the field. Every step one took was heightened with the dead leaves and branches on the trails today. But even the mild weather left a threatening aurora which everyone could feel. Kaleb leaned against the side of his speeder bike, wearing a dark red tunic with his brown robes and boots. This was normal fall attire for the Jedi, except for the armor built into his robes. The white armor fit sleek on and under his robes, reminiscent of Jedi General attire during the Clone Wars. It was light, yet effective, still allowing Kaleb his full range of movement. The meditations from the past few mornings are just like this fog. Shrouded in mystery; leaving a chill within the soul. Sipping his caf from a travel mug, he watched the steam billow into the air, whisping to nothingness. “I don’t like this.” “You don’t like anything,” Flash remarked, moving next to him as he watched the fields of wheat rustle from the wind. “That’s not good coffee to begin with…” He shook his head. “No, this…” He indicated to the location they were standing in. “We’re too exposed; out in the open. We would be better to move into the cover of the forest. Any opponent would catch us a mile away even with the fog and our position would be given away…” “Here, we would be able to sense any oncoming opponent from at least two miles away,” Flash argued. “Royal Guard training on top of that, the flat nature of the landscape makes sure any communication we give is clear. Mountain’s Fury attacked in a specific dead zone where no transmission could get out.” Kaleb nodded, taking another sip and sighing. He looked towards Twilight and Shining Armor, who were on the other side of the field having what seemed to be a heated conversation. After arriving at the location first, he had observed the three of them arrive, everyone in a sour mood. Flash seemed to be quiet as the siblings continued their argument. “The tension stems from last night,” Flash explained, noticing where he was looking. “Twilight’s angry about the lack of transparency about the Royal Guard investigation, and says she should have been updated with all of the information since she ordered it. Shining is under a lot of pressure with this on top of the Equestrian Guard talks.” “Personal and professional relationships are difficult to balance,” Kaleb acknowledged. “I read the report last night. Confirming the weapons are real is a major development, but leaves larger questions of how they were made and acquired. As well, any kind of toxin is a possibility.” Flash continued. “Dr. Bluejay is still looking into that. No word yet. Right now, our main focus is pursuing the lead into the Sandstorm Riders. Saddle Arabia is working with us to determine if there is truth to the link.” He sighed. “The Royal Guard is stretched thin right now. Shining doesn’t want to admit it, but with things the way they are right now, we’re vulnerable even with our numbers.” Kaleb nodded. “That is why you have me. If anything develops, and if Twilight doesn’t ask me first, I will open an investigation as a Jedi Knight. It’s clear any one of these isolated incidents poses a threat.” “I appreciate that,” the guard replied. “I just wish Luna would offer the same support instead of coddling the Equestrian Guard’s demands. I understand there’s times where you have to negotiate, but I don’t like the agreed placement of troops away from our major hubs…” He fell silent as Twilight and Flash walked back over to where they were standing. Kaleb could still sense the tension between them, but it was over a shared resolve rather than a disagreement. Twilight looked at Kaleb, speaking with surprise and slight annoyance as she was still waking up. “The armor’s a nice touch, but it’s a little much, don’t you think?” “This is traditional Jedi armor. It’s supposed to be that way,” Kaleb responded in a neutral tone. “Flash helped me craft it based off of blueprints from the Jedi Archives. It’s probably a bit lighter than the original, but still resistant against blasters. Sorry about grabbing him last minute; this is the last time I keep you two from your dates.” That woke Twilight up, as both she and Flash jumped at the same time at the mention of their relationship. Kaleb distinctly remembered the memory of going to the Canterlot music festival with Fluttershy, and standing right near the pair as they snuck off to Twilight’s library right after the concert. Plus, from the amount of letters Kaleb saw Twilight tried to hide from him, he knew they had gotten together. However, that was not the case for her brother. Shining Armor looked at the two of them with surprise at this information. “Wait…what do you just say, Kaleb…?” Kaleb interrupted. “I assume you knew…it seemed pretty obvious at the music festival and the letters they’ve been sending.” He glanced at Twilight, who slapped a hoof on her face. “I should probably shut up now.” Flash groaned with sarcasm slipping into his voice. “Yeah, you really should. Or feel free to continue talking.” Shining sighed, glancing out at the horizon before looking back at them. “This was not how I was expecting to hear about this, and I have more important things on my mind right now. But congratulations.” Flash took this as approval for now, and threw a sign of relief at the Jedi. “When is your friend supposed to arrive? We’re wasting daylight.” Just as the unicorn was supposed to respond, Moondancer teleported right near them. Twilight had placed wards around the area which would allow her to teleport to them with a certain code. Wearing a black trenchcoat, her hair flapped in the wind with even the glasses moving slightly. A camera bag was slung over her shoulder, always at the ready as a tool of her trade. Flash and Shining both drew their weapons in record time, but they stopped. That made her smirk. “Always at the ready, I see. Twilight, good to see you.” The two friends hugged, with Twilight holding on a little tighter the usual. “Even under these circumstances.” Twilight nodded. “Thank you for coming on short notice. It’s time to look into this, and I’ve brought a few friends to advise. This is Shining Armor and Flash Sentry of the Royal Guard, and Jedi Master Kaleb Taymar.” She shook Kaleb’s hand. “I’ve heard stories about you, in the papers. Most are standard newswriting, but there are rumors and gossip of your tales.” “Most are exaggerated,” Kaleb replied. He had only given out a handful of interviews, but was still secretive about his work as a Jedi. “Some are amusing.” All of them chuckled before the mood turned serious, as Twilight used a summoning spell to bring a table. “Moondancer, as a Princess and your friend, I want you to tell us about your observations.” She sighed before speaking. “It started probably eight months ago, by my calculations. The first one I heard about was based in Manehattan, in one of the smaller neighborhoods. I managed to get there right before police arrived.” Moondancer threw a set of pictures from her saddlebag on the table, and the rest of the group gazed down at the carnage. Each picture showed a different murder scene, ranging from lavish apartments to smaller places of living. However, all of them showed the same story. The bodies lay on the floor in a pool of blood, each having bruising, burns and slashes on the external body. Parts of the bodies had been severed, including legs, wings, and horns. The age of the victims ranged from the elderly to the youngest of ponies. Flash put a hoof over his mouth, turning away to keep from gagging. Twilight and her brother looked sickened at the severity. Kaleb kept a neutral expression, his hand stroking his beard. Finally, he looked up at Moondancer. “Were there any signs of forced entry or exit? And what did the autopsies report?” “It’s impossible to tell how the victims died, but I have heard many suspect internal and external internal bleeding, trauma to the head, neck, and spine, or shock otherwise,” she listed off. “There were no or limited signs of forced entry or exit. It’s difficult to tell what is or what sustained damage from the fight.” Shining took another look at the photos. “With this amount of damage, it’s difficult but not impossible to track how the murderer escaped. My best guess would be they went underground into the tunnels beneath each city. That’s how they are able to go about undetected.” Twilight nodded and looked at Kaleb. “Have you seen this kind of severity before?” “I have,” Kaleb said quietly. “But I don’t know who could have caused this. It could be changelings, but I am unaware of the whereabouts of Chrysalis at this time.” “The last we heard was over two years ago that she was spotted on the outskirts of the Dragon Lands,” Flash added. “It’s a good theory given their use of disguise, but we know there’s a changeling resistance against Chrysalis which could keep her busy. Unless she’s using this as a distraction.” Moondancer gazed at them for a few seconds before adding a disturbing note. “This isn’t a normal crime. There’s a different energy in these cities; everyone is terrified of what is to come next. Even criminal organizations have been put on watch, and there’s been rumors of organizations joining together, some splitting down the middle.” “Celestia and Luna told us from intelligence of increased criminal activity,” Shining told the group. “If this is what’s causing it, then the Royal Guard has to step in.” Kaleb had a memory pop into his head, one which he had forgotten from long ago. “Do you know what everyone thinks it is? Whoever committed these acts?” “It’s like…ghost stories,” Moondancer answered with finality. “Some kind of monster hiding in the dark, waiting for it’s next victim. The police think it’s just a normal murderer, but nobody else has that in their head. It haunts everyone. Some call it a Grim Reaper, others consider it a demon of Tartarus. But whatever it is, the mystery behind it is spreading to every creature on this planet.” He had heard enough. “I’m finished with questioning for now. We still have much to do today. I need to speak to Twilight alone before I start my patrol.” Twilight thought for a second before proceeding to order the Royal Guard. “Okay, here’s what we’re going to do. I want you two to escort Moondancer back to my castle and check in with the rest of the guards. Tell them to keep an eye on the parade and the skies, and report back to me in an hour.” “Yes, Princess Twilight.” They both saluted, and Moondancer waved before Shining Armor cast a teleportation spell, and the group was gone in a flash. Twilight turned to Kaleb and she sighed. “I want your assessment on this. What are you thinking?” “I can understand why Moondancer brought this up to you,” Kaleb started. “The severity of the murders stands out, along with the circumstances. Give me time to meditate on this, and I will present my options.” “We might not have time, Kaleb,” Twilight countered. “If the Royal Guard is to investigate, I have to authorize them as soon as possible. Why do you want to hold off?” Kaleb sighed. “I was looking over the intelligence reports from the Royal Guard, and something seems off. There are inconsistencies within which tell a different story. It’s small, almost too small to notice. But bundled together, it could have destructive results. And all delivered within familiar hooves.” That observation annoyed the princess before him. “Are you suggesting my own brother and his friend would lie and betray me?” “No, of course not,” Kaleb said quickly. “But wherever they received that information from could have been deceived. Or they are being deceived in the process. I know what forged intelligence documents look like, Twilight. It’s extremely difficult to spot them if they’re well-crafted. I do not blame them,, as I saw it happen to the best of commanders. But I need time to figure out if they are, what information is false, and the deeper truth behind them.” She nodded. “I have no doubt the Royal Guard is loyal, but Shining has expressed to me his fears about vulnerability given recent events over the past few years. If you are right, this could endanger all of Equestria.” She turned away, only to face him right back with a neutral look. “This sounds overly familiar to you, by the sound of it.” His voice was serious. “Believe me, it does. Attempted assassinations, tensions within and between various governments, and murders. The last time I saw this, it was all leading to one thing, Twilight.” “And what is that?” She asked, not wanting the answer in her head to be correct. “War.” Spike sprinted across Ponyville, dodging pedestrians lined on the parade route. The rhythm of his wings beat across the grass, creating a humming around his ears which were covered by a cheap pair of headphones and drowned out by the mixtape playing on an old cassette player. The vintage look was completed with an old jean jacket he found from a thrift shop in Canterlot. Hope I can make it in time, Spike thought as he barreled through the streets. At this rate, the parade is going to start any moment. After a tense few minutes, he finally spotted Big Mac checking the wheels on the float, and he jumped on just as Scootaloo was looking around. “I’m here,” Spike greeted her slightly out of breath. “Sorry, it took me a while with the crowds and getting my scales just right…” “Looking good, Spike,” she said. “It’s alright, Apple Bloom and Big Mac are just checking to make sure our float goes off without a hitch. We just need Sweetie Belle to come back from getting the decorations set and we’re good to go.” He nodded, as Scootaloo moved back down to a different side of the float. They had gone with a vintage theme, something they had seen in so many movies that seemed to style from a different era. They loved it all, from the hair and fashion to the music, which Fluttershy, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash had taught them well. Chuckling, Spike looked around the float, which featured neon colors heavily like something out of a dream. Gazing out at the sky, he noticed a shifting change in the weather patterns. Judging from the pressure in the air and the cloud formations from the west, it looks like it’s going to rain tonight. Luckily it held off for the parade. The past few years, he had began to have intuitions of the weather. These were natural signs of maturing for an adolescent dragon, but he noticed that his senses were more attuned than normal. Even Dragon Lord Ember had been surprised at how precise his senses for pressure and wind changes were, especially when flying. He was a natural, and one of the best she had seen even amongst her own dragons. But it was more than that, as these intuitions led him to be more aware of the world around him, from the history of every gem he encountered to those who had discovered them. They were almost like echoes, ones which fought with the sense of foreboding darkness he kept sensing. These two keep him in a state of flux, of highs and lows. The shield of light kept his mind sane, and was something he wanted to explore out in the world. Now, all I need to do is just get through the parade, and then get my tuxedo on and get ready to dance. This is going to be fun… In that moment, his senses told him someone behind him was tripping as they were getting onto the float. Quickly, he turned around to grab their hoof, using his wing to balance and guide them forward. As the action was completed, he looked at the pony he had saved, only to realize it was his date for the dance. Sweetie Belle had on a simple jean jacket over a purple sweater, almost the same as Spike was wearing. It was covered with patches of old bands Fluttershy had taught her. And on her face was a blush of pure red. “Hey…thanks for the save.” “No problem,” Spike said, not picking up on anything out of the ordinary. “Nice jacket. This is going to be awesome for the parade.” Sweetie Belle shook her head to clear her mind. “We’re totally going to get first place at this rate! So much hard work has been poured in. I’m just worried Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are going to outshine us. ” She couldn’t think of anything else to say, and was thankful when Apple Bloom interrupted. “Spike, Big Mac needs help tightening the bolts for the float, can you please lend a wing?” “Yeah, no problem. I’ll be there in a sec,” Spike called out. “Life moves pretty fast, Sweetie Belle. If you don’t stop to look around every once in a while, you could miss it. So relax, and don’t worry about them. It’s just our friends on this float. Along with you and me.” He quickly moved away from Sweetie Belle, who was in the process of processing what he had just said. Particularly that last sentence. Apple Bloom walked over to her, a small smile on her face. “I saw that. For apple’s sake, just tell him.” “I told you two earlier this summer, I’m just waiting for the right time,” Sweetie Belle explained, quickly rustling her mane to get rid of the blush. “You know how much this could change things. If it goes badly, it could ruin our friendship, not to mention the Cutie Mark Crusaders if I’m not careful.” “You’ve been waiting for the right time the past seven years,” Apple Bloom pointed out simply. “You can’t hide this forever. Love is a shot in the dark, and every rose has its thorn. But that doesn’t mean it’s not worth taking the risk.” Sweetie Belle thought for a minute. Maybe she’s right. It is time to tell him. “But how do I do that?” “We’ll take care of that,” Scootaloo replied as she joined them. “Just leave it to your friends. At the dance, we’ll take care of the music as you two dance, you tell him, he says you feel the same way, and you kiss with an ending of a fairytale.” The unicorn sighed. “I guess that sounds like a solid plan. But not a word to him, got it?” “We’re your friends, we got this.” Apple Bloom said, high hoofing Scootaloo. Big Mac called out, saying the float was ready. Spike joined them on top, all of them putting hoof and claw on top of each other. “Cutie Mark Crusaders Parade Team! Let’s Go!” Together, they all helped pull the float to the starting position, which had been given to them the night before. The wheels croaked but held steady as all of them pushed and pulled the float, the Ponyville streets of grass providing a bumpy transport. It took about half an hour, with Sweetie Belle finally shaking the cold sweat out of her mane as soon as it was finished. Turning around, she saw a familiar face as she recognized the Royal Guards marching, looking at the floats from beyond. After Kaleb exchanged some quiet words with Big Mac as he was leaving to check back on the Sweet Apple Acres stand, he walked over to her. “Great job, the Cutie Mark Crusaders really pulled this together nicely.” “Thanks, but it was those three who did most of the work,” Sweetie Belle acknowledged. “I was up early this morning getting the decorations for the dance together last minute. What’s with all the Royal Guards?” He had expected she would take notice. “It was a last-minute decision from Twilight, just as a precaution. Sorry about the race being cancelled; that was out of my control.” Sweetie Belle waved a hoof. “It’s okay, you’re fine. If anything it gives me more time to get my mane done. Nice armor by the way.” Just as Kaleb was about to respond, Spike pulled up. “Whoa, Kaleb! That’s awesome. You got to wear that to the dance tonight, and get me a custom set while you’re at it.” Sweetie Belle gave him a questioning look which Spike answered. “Didn’t Rarity tell you? Kaleb is chaperoning because he crashed into the school.” Spike walked away before he could respond, and Sweetie Belle gave him a questioning glance. That explains why Miss Cheeriliee has been cursing his name under her breath the past month. “For the record, I didn’t crash my ship. It just knocked the bell and tower down because of malfunctioning sensors,” Kaleb corrected. “A5 and I helped repair it, but she knows how much I despise chaperoning these events.” “Well, I’m sure you’ll get through it,” Sweetie Belle teased with a hint of sarcasm. “Us Jedi have to endure these trials for the will of the Force.” Kaleb let out a chuckle. “Well, at least I’ll have some entertainment. You put in too much hard work for the judges not to award your float the best. And if they prefer others, perhaps a Jedi Mind Trick will do nicely.” “You wouldn’t dare…” Kaleb raised his hands. “Just kidding. Wouldn’t dream of it.” His tone became serious. “I know there’s a lot of Royal Guard here today, but today is your day off. Try to relax, and enjoy the time with your friends. I can handle it from here.” Sweetie Belle nodded. “I know, it’s just a nerve-racking experience for a number of reasons. I suppose it can’t be worse than nearly running your speeder into a gorge. But know I’m here.” “To be fair, the worse thing would be Rarity finding out,” Kaleb replied, with Sweetie Belle chuckling. “But I’m impressed with your level of preparedness as a Jedi. Keep it up.” His commlink began to beep, and he answered it, with Sweetie Belle able to hear the conversation. “Flash, this is Kaleb. I’m heading back on my patrol. Do you copy?” He heard no response, and tried a few more times before the guard finally answered. “I’m sorry. Flash isn’t here right now, but someone else is.” “I told you for the last time, we are not using code names,” Kaleb argued. “I don’t care how many movies you’ve seen, it’s only going to cause confusion.” “It’s Royal Guard tradition, and we’re keeping it,” Flash replied. “Besides, we’re wingmates. Me with my gorgeous pair and you with your weird funky flying machine. Our call signs I came up with have to tell the world we’re badass and ready to take on anything. It has to be better than our fellow commanders.” Kaleb huffed with annoyance. “Those were my suggestions, and apparently Maverick and Goose are already taken…” Sweetie Belle used her magic to take the comlink from Kaleb’s hand, clearly very entertained from the argument going on between them. “I for one would love to hear the codenames you came up with, Flash.” “Thank you, Sweetie Belle. Your apprentice is only proving my point.” “Give me that,” Kaleb growled in annoyance as he caught it as he tossed to him. “Fine, I’ll use the codenames.” He took a breath, and paused for a few seconds. “Cobra Command, I’m on my way back on patrol, over.” “Eagle Fang, I read you loud and clear. Awaiting you landing to begin the parade patrol. Over and out.” “But eagles don’t have fangs,” Kaleb said meekly just as Flash ended the transmission. Sweetie Belle laughed loudly, with the volume being louder than the response to any joke he told her. She wiped a tear from her eye. “I’m never going to let you live this down, you know that right? Have a great patrol, Master.” She left to be near her friends. Kaleb just sighed and continued on his way. Slipping through the crowd, he made his way to the parade route, where he would be stationed around SugarCube Corner. The store was a central place within Ponyville, never too far out of reach to any location within the town. Right on the parade route, but quiet enough to hear and respond to any disturbance. Kaleb waved in greeting to the Cakes before leaning against the wall of the shop. If I am to be stationed here for the remainder of the parade, I might as well meditate on the possibility of forged documents. If I am right, then Shining Armor must be informed right away. A few moments later, the guard assigned to Kaleb’s spot joined him, but it was the look of the guard which made him put up his guard. It was the same eyes which had gazed upon Fluttershy and him at a restaurant years ago, and poisoned a manticore. He knew the one responsible had long been dead, but the guard settled down near him. “I am no changeling, only a unicorn who woke up with a headache after being kidnapped,” he said openly. “If you won’t take my word for it, I can show you identification.” Kaleb put his lightsaber back on his belt. “My apologies. Drogo and I had a history. Commander Alpine, right?” The commander nodded. “Shining Armor told me much about you. I take care of the Crystal Empire branch when he is occupied, along with being in charge of Royal Guard Intelligence.” A bell rung in the back of Kaleb’s mind. He could prove useful in this mystery. “I am conducting an investigation on my authority as a Jedi, and I would like to ask you a few questions.” “When I was informed Princess Twilight called us here, I had a feeling there was something else going on,” Alpine responded. “Ask your questions, and I’ll bring in anything I know which may be of use.” “How does the Royal Guard handle their intelligence reports?” Kaleb pressed. “Who gets the information, and who delivers?” “That’s all done through Royal Guard offices, but it starts with our own intelligence unit. We’re fairly small, so anything else is done through Equestrian Guard spy networks,” Alpine explained. “Our numbers have been reduced in recent years, but the work is still consistent.” “I have reason to believe the intelligence documents I received last night are forged,” Kaleb stated. “It’s the small inconsistencies which add up.” “Hand me the documents. I know every report which has gone through my office.” The Jedi hesitated. “Do you want your investigation to go to a standstill? Give me the bloody documents!” Sighing, the Jedi slipped a hand into his robes and pulled out the intelligence report. Alpine took the envelope and read the material inside, going over it in detail. The parade had kicked up, with a crowd lining the route in front of them, exchanging glances at the two. Kaleb and Alpine entered inside the shop, which was empty aside from Mr. Cake in the back kitchen. Sitting down at a booth, away from the noise and crowds, it took a few minutes for the conversation to restart. “This report was done by the Royal Guard with select intelligence from the Equestrian Guard,” Alpine began. “However, you are right to be suspicious. All the information here is technically correct, but there are inconsistencies besides the ones you listed. It’s possible there could be some kind of enchantment on the paper itself.” He cast a quick spell, complex in wording. “This will detect any kind of forgery, but it takes time. I will also cast a spell which prevents any listening enchantments from activating.” Kaleb nodded. “I’m sure you have noticed there is a fair amount of tension both internal and external to Equestria. I need to understand this and what dangers the Royal Guard is facing.” “Well, we can start with the internal. The obvious conflict between us and the Equestrian Guard,” Alpine answered. “I assume you’ve been prepped on the basics. That tension is just starting to crumble into the intelligence spheres of our organization. I’ve instructed all the guards under my command to keep out of it, but be wary the moment it starts to compromise information.” “The true danger isn’t always the physical threat in front of you, but the false information in your mind,” Kaleb said out loud. “That was what my Master told me. It spreads faster than hyperspace, and brings institutions to crumbling ruins.” “We haven’t had that, at least not yet,” Alpine reassured. “General Tywin has not indicated any change of it happening in the Equestrian Guard.” “What do you know about him?” Kaleb asked. “He has made it clear we do not see eye to eye.” “The few times I’ve met him, he was very smooth and had a deep presence,” Alpine explained. “He keeps private, and isn’t even in Canterlot most of the time. He has a bases of operations both on the Saddle Arabian and Dragon Land borders. Princess Luna has a close friendship with him, since his family was part of her own guard for generations.” “The shroud of mystery is strong,” Kaleb replied. “Shining Armor and Flash have both instructed me to keep out of this conflict, but there’s only so far I can ignore. Am I correct to be suspicious?” Alpine nodded. “To an extent, yes. Outside of any feelings regarding the place of the Royal Guard in Equestria, I do think the lack of transparency to us regarding their spy network raises an alarm. All I know is it’s vast. And there’s the possibly agents embedded within criminal organizations themselves, which raises more issues.” The guard took a sip from his canteen, and continued. “The main external threat comes from the changelings ruled by Chrysalis, who has been impossible to find. There have been reports of changelings being spotted increasing over the past two years, but none have organized any major attacks. However, there is another group which concerns me. A rising criminal organization that seems to stand above the rest.” “What do you know about them?” Kaleb asked, once again checking to make sure they were alone. “Once this group came onto the scene, it caused a ripple effect in regards to the other criminal organizations within Equestria. They would either merge or fight, and there have been reports of criminals abandoning their old syndicates to join this new one. The organization is known by multiple names, but the ones most commonly used are The Shadow Collective and Crimson Dawn.” Familiarity hit Kaleb hearing the first name. I heard whispers in the Jedi Temple regarding an organization with the same name, but never knew what the Council was talking about. “Have they claimed any responsibility to criminal activity over the past year? In particular, any murders?” “Nothing large,” Alpine answered. “But there have been a few isolated incidents in Saddle Arabia and YakYakistan. Mainly robberies and bombings done in their name to send a message to their rivals. But rumors have it they’re planning something big.” All of a sudden, the paper in front of them stared to glow a shade of green, visible even in the lights of the café. Alpine immeditally grabbed the papers. “There are spells of deception on the documents. You were right to bring them to me. We need to get to Shining Armor. Now.” He dashed out of the café, just as the parade was beginning it’s final stretch. The Jedi kept up, weaving through the crowd, preparing his mind for whatever was to happen. I learned a great deal from that conversation. This new organization concerns me, especially one which shares that name. Activating the commlink, Kaleb sent an encrypted message to Flash. “Cobra, I’m sending you my location. Meet me there. Winds are active on the northern front.” “Eagle, read you loud and clear. Over and out.” After a few minutes, Kaleb found Alpine running over to Shining Armor, saying a code phrase. The three moved away from the judging table, which was in deep discussion over the winners of various contests, and into an alleyway. Flash flew through the narrow way, landing right in front of the group. “What’s happening?” “Your intelligence documents have spells of deception written all over them,” Alpine said without haste. “Kaleb brought them to my attention. I can’t distinguish what kind of magical trace is on them.” Shining Armor looked at the documents on the ground, casting a complex spell to figure out who had cast them. “There are many different kind of deception spells, but my counterspell should break down the wards. Alpine, where did you get this report?” “This came from outposts out in the Badlands and Undiscovered West, both of which have not been in consistent contact,” Alpine said. “I think this may be the first report from them in over a year.” The paper began to shine an even brighter green, mixed with blue creating a psychedelic effect. Shining’s eyes widened, and jumped back as the paper glowed for a few moments before turning back to normal. Finding his voice, he spoke gravely to the group. “That is changeling magic enchanted on this document, and I have a suspicion this isn’t the last one. Kaleb, I can confirm if there are more, than the Royal Guard has been compromised.” Flash spoke quickly on his hooves. “If that’s the case, we need to withdraw from this event. Otherwise, we would be endangering Twilight and everyone here. Whoever wrote that document knew it would end up in Kaleb’s hands.” Shining took charge. “Alpine, gather up the rest of the guards and tell them we’re leaving. Don’t explain why, that’s going to be on me. However, I’m not leaving Ponyville completely without help. Flash, for now you are suspended under a disciplinary review on the charge of roughhousing. Not because you are in trouble, but because of your personal relationship with Twilight. I can’t risk the conflict of interest and endangering both of you. And I know you will guard my sister well.” That took Flash by surprise. “I’ll protect her with my life.” “Trust me, don’t let Twilight hear you say that. She’ll be the one protecting you,” Shining replied. “Kaleb, somehow, we’ll keep in contact. For now, I ask you don’t reveal the specifics why the Guard leaving until we have confirmation. You are allowed to say that we left for concerns on internal security, but no more than that. Twilight will understand the meaning.” “Best of luck to you on this, and may the Force Be With You.” Kaleb said as Shining and Alpine, activated a teleportation spell, taking the documents with them. In an instant, the pair were gone. An odd stillness echoed in the air as Kaleb and Flash both looked at each other. At the same time, they both started to walk forward towards the parade. “First things first, we need to inform Twilight and formulate a security plan for the rest of the day. I know the Homecoming Dance is still going forward for now, but I want that school protected. Is there any way you could have Sweetie Belle help out?” “No, and I told Twilight the same thing,” Kaleb answered firmly. “This is her day, and one the Cutie Mark Crusaders have been looking forward to for a very long time. You have to remember they’re still children, and this night is something they’ll remember for the rest of their lives. I’m not taking this away from my Padawan. And I will protect Sweetie Belle and everyone in that room tonight, by the will of the Force.” The light bounced off of the ceiling of the dance hall in a spectacular way, with deep rich colors switching along with the music. It was a simple spell, but one that made the students in Ponyville happy as they hung out in their various groups. Tables and chairs were huddled alongside the dance floor, with refreshments over to the other side. Students mostly stood around the dance floor, some partaking with dancing while others sat on the sides. It was a dream of light and magic, no thanks to Twilight assisting in the spell work of the enchanted lights. Sweetie Belle moved slowly, making her way to the table she had reserved with her friends. Her dress was an elegant shade of light blue, mixed with small ornamentations of turquoise and gold. Rarity had made it herself, adding small adjustments to make it shimmer just right. She eventually found her friends, as Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were sitting down. “There you are, we’ve been looking all over for you,” Scootaloo exclaimed, with Apple Bloom getting to the compliment first. “You look amazing!” “Thank you,” Sweetie Belle chuckled nervously. “Rarity was adding the finishing touches. Spike and I were going to take pictures out at Sweet Apple Acres but the weather seemed too uncertain. Luckily, we got pictures in our parade outfits beforehand, so she’s going to take them at the dance.” “Speaking of, where is the handsome fellow?” Apple Bloom asked aloud, only to be surprised by Spike’s sudden voice. “Having some of this delicious food.” Spike sat right down at the table. His suit had also been custom made by Rarity, with it being a dark violet with accents of forest green on the edges and bow tie. “Whoa…Sweetie Belle. You look beautiful.” The words came bursting out of Spike’s mouth before he could even realize. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo both tried to keep their composure as Sweetie Belle blushed hard, attempting to cover it with a smile. “Well…so do you Spike. I love your bow tie.” As the two stared at each other in awkward silence, Apple Bloom interjected. “You know, I think I’ll try a bit of that cake now. But there’s no way it’s better than apple pie.” Nudging Scootaloo, they both left the table. Sweetie Belle cleared her head. “It’s hard to believe all the hard work we put in, it’s all here. Although the outdoor patio is pretty wet. We did this, together. And I can’t have done any of this without you.” “It’s all worth it, every single step,” Spike replied. There was something on his mind, something since the morning after the train attack. “Sweetie Belle, did you ever feel…connected to someone? Like you know them, inside and out.?” The lights began to dim, and the music started slow. Spike took notice “Do you, maybe wanna dance? This song goes on for a least ten minutes…” “I’d love to,” Sweetie Belle replied, jumping at the opportunity. “But first, let’s make my Jedi Master’s night slightly more interesting.” They walked over to the other side of the dance hall, where the food was being served. Kaleb leaned against the side of the gym, keeping an eye on the students while talking into a commlink. What was being said couldn’t be heard, but from the expression on Kaleb’s face, it sounded serious. After finishing the conversation, he set it down and looked upon the two of them. “I thought I saw you two across from there.” “We’d thought to make your night a little more interesting,” Spike replied. “Things seem to be going well. But I thought the Royal Guards would be here; Twilight said they would escort her as she announces King and Queen.” “Unfortunately, there was a change of plans,” Kaleb answered. “But I can assure you the moment will be just as special. I mean, you have the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony here. That’s still a big deal.” “As long as it’s not Rarity, I’m good. I’m not going to be accused of rigging an election tonight,” she joked, as Spike laughed. Kaleb gave a chuckle. “It’s been raining for hours now. Do you think the forest will still be good to train in tomorrow?” Kaleb remembered Rainbow Dash telling him about the storm. “I’ll probably find out tomorrow morning, and go from there. And try and take your mind off training for tonight. This is your night to relax. That’s an order.” “Very well,” Sweetie Belle replied. “Just promise me the same. I haven’t seen you this uncomfortable since that one time training in Cloudsdale…” “Which we agreed never to speak of again,” Kaleb said. “Now, run along, you two.” Nodding, the pair waved and moved to the dance floor, just as a slow dance was beginning. Years of dance lessons from Rarity couldn’t even prepare her for this moment, as she put her hoof on Spike’s shoulder and waist, and he did the same. They swayed to the music. She thought for a few seconds on his question. “There are only a few ponies in my life that can apply too, my parents and sister for instance. Siblings have a way of getting in each other’s heads. But I guess slowly, there could be others. What’s up?” “Dragons have this power which causes them to be more sensitive when it comes to creatures they hold close,” Spike explained. “It grows in power as they age. That’s the reason dragon clans are so close to each other. They can sense when the other is in danger. Ember told me all of this two years ago when I visited.” There’s something else to this, something he’s not telling me, Sweetie Belle realized. “Why are you telling me this?” “You know me, better than anyone,” Spike said. “And those senses have been growing the past three years, but I think my development is twisted. There’s something happening to me; something in my mind I can’t control.” Sweetie Belle quickly noticed others were watching them with a strange expression, so she spun Spike around quickly and moved away from prying eyes. “How are you feeling? You can talk to me…” “How do you think I feel?” Spike replied defensively. “I can’t tell Twilight, Celestia knows how she’ll react. I’m telling you because I don’t want to lose anyone else, not like I lost my parents…” He fell silent as Sweetie Belle looked at him in shock, and realized how much he had revealed. “I guess I never told you. The last time I went to the Dragon Lands, I found my family document. My parents and siblings are dead. I’m the only one that survived.” She pulled him close, making sure nobody else could hear. “I’m so sorry, I wish I could have been there. I can help you now. Spike saw something out of the corner of his eye which made his blood go cold, as his eyes moved to confirm. The Shadow stood in the middle of the dance floor, oblivious to any of the other ponies in the room. But something happened, which had never happened in the past seven years it had haunted him. The eyes changed color to red. With that, it vanished, and everything returned back to normal. “I don’t know if you can help me through this. Somehow, this is tied to my grief and I need to face it on my own. I just need you to be here for me, and to try and understand what I’m going through.” Spike realized how much information he had revealed. “I’m sorry, I’m probably being a terrible date.” “No, you’re not,” Sweetie Belle said. “If anything, I need to be better date. And friend, more importantly.” “We can argue about this all night,” Spike chuckled, going back to his normal self. “But you’re a much better dancer than I am. It’s nice to throw in a few spins here or there.” “Well, what are we supposed to do? Just stare into each other’s eyes awkwardly?” Sweetie Belle asked with slight humor. “It’s a well- known law we must adhere to the same level of anxiety as every other couple on this dance floor,” Spike joked. “Besides, it’s actually a pretty nice view…” He trailed off slightly after that. Sweetie Belle smiled at the compliment, trying not to blush. “I never really noticed your eyes before. I mean, really looked at them. How many shades of green are there?” “How many do you see?” Spike asked. “I can count the shades of purple in your eyes for hours.” As Sweetie Belle and Spike danced, Kaleb leaned back against the wall, taking a sip from the punch he was drinking. It had been a long day. After he informed Twilight of the message, she gathered the Mane Six to keep an eye on the dance as the Royal Guards would have. Meanwhile, Flash insisted on patrolling the skies of Ponyville, arguing it would be better to have a scout around the town rather than all being in the same place. She agreed hesitantly, only on the condition that he would keep in regular contact. This storm makes it difficult to get a signal out; at least Flash checked in, Kaleb thought. With A5 recalibrating the atmospheric sensors back at the hanger, I can’t have her scouting in the ship with him. Our best strategy is to hope for the best, and hope this blasted night doesn’t get any more complicated. But from what I learned over the course of this day, there are outside factors which should be looked at carefully. He saw Fluttershy walk up to him. She wore a long green skirt with a buttoned white blouse, looking professional. “Deep in thought, Master Jedi?” “There’s a lot to think about,” Kaleb replied. “But sometimes it’s a good thing. Keeps the mind from getting distracted.” She was honest with him in an amused way. “Come on, let’s sit down. Your serious expression is intimidating the students away from their refreshments.” The two of them sat down at a nearby table, where they were still able to keep an eye on the students. Kaleb chuckled. “I do suppose my mood has been complicated despite the occasion. How has your day been?” “It’s been good,” Fluttershy answered. “I helped out with Dr. Fauna’s booth raising awareness for wildlife preservation, and then spoke with a few contractors about the sanctuary. The area of land a quarter mile away from the cottage is going to do nicely. They’re hoping to do prep work over the winter, then start construction the moment after Winter Wrap-Up.” “It’s sound like you have it all planned out,” Kaleb said with excitement. “I’m so happy this is finally coming to fruition. You’ve worked so hard on this over the past few years.” “And having a supportive partner helps immensely,” Fluttershy complimented. “Thank you. It’s been a crazy few years, but it’s a great adventure. With Saddle Arabia signing the treaty soon, we’ll have more time to spend with each other, and I’ll need all the assistance I can get with the sanctuary.” “Between my Jedi duties with training Sweetie Belle, I’ll defiantly be there,” Kaleb said. “Just tell me what needs to be done.” She nodded, giggling slightly at the end. “It’s a whole new chapter of my life, and I’m dragging you with it. You know, the one thing my parents and Zephyr have in common is a shared interest in our lives, more specifically a wedding. They’ve been asking me night and day about it the past few years, but six months ago they stopped asking.” “I have no idea why,” Kaleb lied, keeping his voice neutral. Walk very carefully. More delicate than on a Mustafar lava field. “I guess they finally got tired of it.” Fluttershy shrugged. “Maybe. Something about weddings always stuck out to me as a filly. I was always drawn to the flowers, and the animals of course. It sounds silly, but I had a binder hidden in my childhood bedroom all about them.” Kaleb shook his head. “Not at all. You were passionate about something you loved. And it sounds like a lot of it carried over to who you are now.” “It did, funnily enough,” she answered. “I almost became a wedding planner at one point. I would guide you step-by-step for hours on end about the process when we get married, you wouldn’t be able to escape…” She realized what she had just said, blushing and slightly mortified. Quickly thinking of a response, Kaleb grinned. “Between the two of us, and every animal in the Everfree, we could pull off one hell of a wedding.” Fluttershy laughed. “That we could. Maybe I could even set Angel up with a potential mate.” Kaleb laughed nervously in response to Fluttershy’s joke. No way she knows about the proposal. That ring is locked inside my desk drawer. He steered the conversation towards any other topic he could think of. “The students look like they had fun dancing tonight.” “The Cutie Mark Crusaders just poured so much work into this, and it shows,” Fluttershy observed. She looked at the dance floor, where Sweetie Belle and Spike were dancing with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. “I was helping Sweetie Belle pick out flowers for the tables the other day, and Spike was with her. She seemed really determined to find ones fitting the color scheme, but also asked me about what kind of flowers grew in the Dragon Lands if there were any. You don’t think…” It took Kaleb a few seconds to realize what she was asking. “I wouldn’t know, but I would be careful around Twilight and Rarity. Those two are the most protective older siblings I’ve ever seen.” Fluttershy’s expression turned serious. “When Twilight asked us to help observe the dance, she sounded pretty serious. Do you know why the Royal Guard had to leave all of a sudden?” “I do, but I can’t tell you. What I do know is Twilight is going to let you in as soon as she can,” Kaleb replied honestly. He felt a disturbance in the Force, reverberating within his mind. “Look, I have to patrol the hallways again. But it was really nice talking to you.” Just as he got up to leave, he saw Twilight heading towards him. There was a sense of alarm in her eyes beneath the calm. She indicated to a quiet hallway by the exit, and he met her there. “What’s going on?” “I just got word from Flash. Changelings have been spotted in the Everfree Forest.” She spoke. “We need to go now.” Kaleb processed the information quickly. “Tell the others to make sure no one leaves or enters this building. Don’t mention changelings, the last thing we need is panic. Teleport us straight there, no time to get my speeder.” Twilight used a spell to communicate with Miss Cheerilee and Applejack, relaying Kaleb’s words. With a flash, she teleported herself and Kaleb out of the dance hall, emerging a mere second later at the edge of the Everfree Forest. The storm bared down on them, rain soaking Twilight’s fur and Kaleb’s robes along with the wind blindsiding them. A few seconds later, Twilight cast another spell to shield them from the rain. The Jedi took out the commlink and tried to get a message out. “The storm is disrupting the channel, but it’s still online. He triggered the emergency beacon on it, probably about five thousand meters west of here.” “Then that’s where we need to go,” Twilight ordered. “Keep trying to get a message through. We can’t lose that connection.” The two began to walk steadily through the rain, into the woods. The trees stood tall, the blackened wood reflecting the sinister nature of the situation. Normally, Kaleb would run and Twilight would fly, given the terrain and weather conditions, made it near impossible and reckless. As the two walked at a fast pace, she gave him a glance. “If Shining Armor knew the possibility of a changeling attack, why didn’t he tell me? Now would be a good time to start your investigation.” “Those intelligence documents had changeling magic all over them,” Kaleb explained hastily. “Commander Alpine was almost certain the Guard had been compromised. Also, I started my investigation the moment after we spoke this morning.” “Good to know.” Twilight said. “I would have asked you tomorrow to start anyway. What’s our strategy for now and after finding Flash?” Kaleb had only taken a few moments to come up with a rough plan. “We do not split up no matter what happens, we stay together. I can sense who is a changeling, but they have the advantage of terrain. Don’t not explore or follow them into any cave or cavern moving underground. Trust me, it’s a death trap waiting to happen.” That last piece of information caught Twilight off guard, as she was surprised at the darkness and nerve in his voice. “But I can use my magic to light the cave. Why are you on edge?” Kaleb sighed, and kept silent for about twenty minutes. before speaking again. He had his hand outstretched, sensing the movements of life in the forest. He remembered the early days of the war, and one specific memory that haunted him. It was in a grim and dark voice that he spoke. “During the first battle of the Clone Wars, there were many Jedi and Clones who went into the caves underneath the planet of Geonosis, specifically around the field of battle. Not a single one reappeared. I monitored communication channels, and although it was difficult to make out what was going on, it was a massacre. Nobody knew who was responsible for those deaths, but Master Johanna told me it shook the Jedi Order. In that moment, they were the most vulnerable to attack ever since the Nihl.” Twilight looked at him again, as she wished to comfort him in this moment. He got the first word in before she could speak. “The drums of war have arrived, pounding on our doorstep. And we need to be ready.” Raising a quick fist, he stopped, motioning Twilight to get down low to the ground. She did, and he put his hand to the ground, spotting Flash’s commlink by the red light a few feet away. Kaleb moved forward slowly, grabbing the link. “This is the location of the distress signal…” “But where is he?” Twilight finished, the rain pouring around them. “Royal Guard training establishes they can cast sparks to give away their location…” Both the alicorn and the Jedi sensed the figures around them, getting up from the ground. Twilight deactivated the spell, rain and wind pouring down on them at the same time as Kaleb activated his lightsaber. The blue light of the blade illuminated as he heard signs of a struggle nearby, pinpointing it to be near a home not far from their location. “Zecora! Twilight exclaimed, as she and Kaleb ran toward the sign of the struggle. The rain and wind whipped past them, blinding Kaleb’s vision. Relying on the Force for guidance, he sensed the presence of changelings and heard Flash call out to him. They have her hostage. I’ve been ambushed for the past half hour…don’t have much strength left to fight. Zecora’s home had been taken by changelings, with Flash fighting head on against five different changelings. His fatigue was palpable, as the long struggle had taken a toll on his sword technique. Kaleb jumped in, using the Force to push enemies away as he moved in front of his friend. “We’re here…” “Took you long enough,” Flash grunted as Twilight used her magic to steady him. “We need to get her out of there. A changeling cell loyal to Chrysalis is responsible for this attack. They want to spread chaos.” Kaleb nodded. “You two, get her out of there. I’ll handle the ones out here.” The two teleported, as Twilight began to fly and attack the changeling defense wards. Kaleb turned to the changelings as they fired blasters. He kept on the defense, deflecting bolts right at them as he used the Force to evade knife attacks from behind him. Flipping through the air, he disarmed the attackers from behind and stabbed them cleanly, knowing even if one escaped, Ponyville could be in danger. The head changeling moved out of the front door, Zecora trailing behind him barely conscious. With a large bang from his horn, he caught the group’s attention. “Attack me, and she dies.” He pulled out a metallic sphere that Kaleb recognized, as the red light started to flash intermittently along with the rest of the indicators. A thermal detonator! Kaleb indicates for Flash and Twilight to move on his signal, as he looks at his opponent only ten feet in front of him. Battle meditation now! Knowing his options were limited, as the seconds passed before it detonated, he used the Force to jump towards Zecora, pulling her out of the changeling’s grasp as fast as lightning while pushing the changeling with the detonator into the treehouse. Twilight grabbed Zecora and teleported her away from the blast zone. The detonator went off with a large bang, sending debris crashing out of the windows of the treehouse. It destroyed the interior of the house, but left the structure still standing. Flash and Kaleb were caught in the blast zone, and throw back into the trees. Kaleb avoided the fall, rolling as he got up and moved toward Flash, coughing on the ground. Helping him up, the two ran towards Twilight, who was providing medical treatment to Zecora. “Is she alright?” “She’s fine, just in shock,” Twilight relayed. “She’ll wake up in about a minute. Why did they target the Everfree?” “These cells act independently from Chrysalis, and they usually look at isolated locations as easy targets,” Flash explained. “We got all of them, don’t worry. Apparently, they chose the wrong day to attack. I heard from Shining a few minutes before I spotted them. Many intelligence reports have been found to contain these spells, which have the effect of warping the information in them.” “So they did,” Kaleb said, with Twilight asking the next question. “Is the Royal Guard truly compromised?” Flash nodded gravely. “Celestia is pulling all Royal Guards out of Canterlot, it’s that serious. They attacked us at our core. It’s going to take time to recover from that.” Zecora’s eyes fluttered open as she coughed and tried to get up. Kaleb knelt down, making sure she knew he was here. “Zecora, it’s Kaleb. You’re safe. Do you remember what happened before you were attacked?” “The group attacked out of nowhere, their fangs bared,” she recounted. “But even through their evil acts, they seemed scared.” “What were they scared of?” Twilight asked. Zecora shook her head. “It’s unknown what was in their heads, but whispered they would be dead. At the fangs and claws of a ghost, from what they said.” She got up. “Where should I stay, or should I go?” “You’re going to stay with Fluttershy and I for tonight,” Kaleb reassured her. “You’ll be safe there. Flash and I will come back here tomorrow and inspect every inch of this forest to make sure nothing can harm you.” With a nod, Twilight helped Zecora to her feet. “I can teleport all of us out of the forest, and send a message it’s safe for the students. Flash and I will make sure the students are escorted back to their parents. Meanwhile, I’ll teleport Fluttershy directly back to the cottage to help you.” They all agreed to the plan, and Twilight teleported them out of the forest. About a half hour later, Fluttershy ran through the door of the cottage to find Zecora on the couch with Angel in her lap. “Oh goodness! Are you hurt?” She nodded, and pointed to her cuts and scratches on her body. Kaleb emerged out from the dining room. “Aside from a few cuts and bruises, she’ll be fine. I’ve already treated her for shock, and Nurse Redheart is making a house visit tomorrow to make sure she’s alright.” She hugged Kaleb hard. “What happened? Twilight said Flash and Zecora were attacked and you two had to rescue them?” Kaleb nodded. “A group of Changelings. We got to them just in time, but Zecora’s home was damaged. Ponyville is in no immediate danger, as we dealt with them quickly.” She nodded, knowing that was the extent Kaleb could tell her. “I’m just glad both of you are safe. None of the students seemed to suspect anything aside from Rainbow Dash announcing the winners. Sweetie Belle and Spike won.” This lightened Kaleb’s mood. “I can’t wait to congratulate them. But for now, let’s make sure Zecora gets a good night’s sleep.” The night had remained a constant storm, as the wind and rain refused to let up. But still, Fluttershy’s bedroom remained a space of comfort, with a large bad she and Kaleb shared. On the walls, it was a dark shade of green with various pictures of animals and cottage life she adored. The two had separate wardrobes and nightstands, with a bookcase right next to a window overlooking the garden. When she had redecorated soon after Kaleb moved in, Fluttershy explained she wanted it to be a safe space for him, as he was still recovering from the Changeling Invasion. A large comforter covered the two, with quilted blankets and sheets underneath. Fluttershy and Kaleb usually fell asleep in each other’s arms and hooves reading a book under the light of a small lantern. Tonight, they were on opposite sides of the bed, but one of her hooves was intertwined right with his foot. All as well, as even the storm couldn’t break this sanctuary. Until tonight. Kaleb shot up immediately, the disturbance in the Force waking him. It was unlike anything he had experienced before, as if a hundred voices of creatures young and old had all died and cried out before the silence of death took them. Pain, panic, bloodshed all made themselves present in his mind, and took over as he felt it reverberate from all over Equestria. The pain from hundreds of voices made him let out a cry as he did, his body shaking from the experience. Sweat clung to his entire body, particularly his chest. Wiping it from his face as he breathed heavily, he glanced at Fluttershy, still asleep in their bed. All I can sense is death. Something terrible has happened, as a million voices cry out and silenced. For now, I must remain calm and focused. Whatever happens, I must protect Equestria from harm, and everyone who lives here, no matter where they are. A beeping interrupted his thoughts, as the holoprojector on his nightstand started to go off. Grabbing it quickly, and moving over to their closet as to not wake Fluttershy, he opened the call. Bright Flower, a policy advisor to Celestia on foreign relations answered the call. She and Fluttershy had been classmates in Cloudsdale, and had been friends with the two of them for a while. It was with a grave voice of relief that greeted him. “Kaleb, thank Celestia you picked up.” “Bright Flower, what happened?” Kaleb said. “I just felt a grave disturbance in the Force.” “Celestia and Luna called a Code Red.” She replied. “Things are bad. Are you sure this line is secure?” The last time a Code Red was called, Tirek had broken free from Tartarus. “Any communication from the device in Canterlot is run through multiple encrypted channels with strict layers of encoding I designed myself. Only a Jedi Master could break through. Repeat what you just said.” She relayed the message again, adding more context. “Mass assassinations across the Continent. Confirmed areas in the palaces of Saddle Arabia, YakYakistan, Griffinstone, and the Dragon Lands. At least three hundred dead, even more suspected at this time.” Shock made him dizzy, as he leaned against the wall, remembering the pain echoing in his head. Quickly, he calculated the time. “I can be there as soon as I can if I leave now. The storm will delay me due to weather conditions, but I will be there in three hours.” She nodded. “I will keep this channel open, so you will be in communication with us the entire time. May your flight be swift.” With that, the chat ended, but the channel remained open as the holoprojector indicated it was on. Kaleb moved to his dresser, grabbing the cleanest pair of Jedi robes and quickly dressing, turning on the light. This woke up Fluttershy, as she rubbed her eyes with her wings, not knowing the conversation which took place. “Babe, what’s going on? Who you were talking too?” “Celestia and Luna need me in Canterlot,” Kaleb relayed, making sure not to reveal anything more. “Something terrible has happened. Look after Zecora, make sure she’s safe. I’m taking the ship and A5 with me.” She saw the horror etched into his face, and could only imagine how grave the circumstances were. “I’ll guard her. What about Twilight? Should I let her know?” Kaleb answered her quickly, making sure not to give away too much. "I think all of you will be informed soon at this point. Until then, trust in each other, and in the Force.” She hugged him quickly before letting him go. Kaleb ran down the stairs, running through a plan in his head as he exited the cottage. The war of darkness has begun.