//------------------------------// // Muse-ic to my Ears (Lyra, Bon Bon) // Story: Little Thoughts // by paperhearts //------------------------------// Lyra Heartstrings paused in the doorway and stared at the piles of dirty bowls and utensils and trays invading her kitchen. It was supposed to be her day off. Bon Bon wasn't working, which meant that Lyra didn't have to work either. And that should have meant pancakes and lazing in the park. She cleared her throat in the floury air. "Soooo... still not thinking about the Fancy Pants contract?" Bon Bon's head appeared amongst the clutter. She mumbled something that sounded like an apology. Her wild eyes turned pleading. Lyra smiled, and swapped her plans for her lyre. She felt a little jealous of Bon Bon. Lyra was a Heartstrings; a muse was supposed to inspire others to reach their dreams, not search for their own. Still, as she watched her music reached her love, and as panic succumbed to inspiration, Lyra knew she had found a dream anyway.