//------------------------------// // Schrödinger’s Yak (Yona, Rainbow Dash) // Story: Little Thoughts // by paperhearts //------------------------------// “Look, Yona, I don't wanna stay after class any longer than you, but Twilight needs you to get this.  Apparently.”  Rainbow Dash looked at the book, bleary-eyed.  “Right, so this cat in the box is both dead and not dead at the same time, because…” “Because subatomic… thing!  Yona doesn't know why box cannot be smashed to find out.”  Yona beamed.  “Yona be gentle.” “But the point is-” “Bah! Yona never understand this. Yaks not scientists! Except metallurgy.”  Yona frowned. “Maybe architectural engineering.” “Hey, I can't stand this stuff either.” “Why are you teaching then?” “A drunken bet, a hungover friend taking advantage of another hungover friend.”  Rainbow shrugged.  “Depends who you ask, kid.” “Aha! Better example.” Yona completed a fresh exercise sheet and sealed it inside an envelope.  “If paper not examined then Yona has passed and not passed.  Yona likes odds.” “Good enough for me.  We're outta here!”