//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: Growing Pained // by Wonderousm //------------------------------// With a groaning young dragon clutching a very full stomach on her back, Twilight Sparkle cantered up to Fluttershy's cottage on the outskirts of the Everfree forest. The trees were filled with the morning's birdsong, whilst the shy pegasus's other charges could be heard merrily going on about their business. Little of yesterday's chaos seemed to have left much mark; the image of peace was marred only by a set of large clawprints torn into the earth, which were now being sniffed curiously by a pair of bewildered badgers, and of course the chicken coop in the small paddock was conspicuous by it's absence. Taking all this in, Twilight gently lifted her small friend of her back and deposited him on the doorstep, before tapping the door smartly with a hoof. A sudden cacophonous squawking shattered the blissful atmosphere, followed by the sound of something hitting the floor hard. Twilight was fairly confident of the source of the latter occurrence, and sure enough, the door was soon opened just far enough for the delicate face of her friend to peep out at her unexpected guests, with a small bruise forming above her left eye. “O-oh, it's you, Twilight! And Spike! G-good morning!” said the soft-voiced pegasus, as she opened the door the rest of the way. Following her inside with Spike in tow, Twilight could see a group of hens in one of the corners of the cottage, being emphatically lectured by a stern-looking Angel Bunny. “Good morning, Fluttershy!” returned Twilight, with Spike groaning something incoherent. “We didn't mean to startle you.” “Oh n-no, you didn't! But, um, the chickens are still a little n-nervous about sudden noises after, um, yesterday, and since I was grooming their feathers when you knocked, they j-jumped up all of a sudden... and I f-fell.” Fluttershy trailed off, and Twilight couldn't hold in a slight chuckle as the pink-maned pony went cross-eyed trying to stare at her bruise. “Well, looks like I owe you and the ladies an apology. Anypony would be a touch jumpy after everything that went on.” The chickens waved a dismissive wing in unison at Twilight's cheery words, whilst Fluttershy hurriedly denied that the unicorn had anything to say sorry for. “S-so, is there something I can do for you, Twilight? N-not that I'm not happy that you two stopped by or anything...” Twilight raised a hoof to cut her off, with an understanding smile. “Well, Spike here...” was as far as she got, as Fluttershy finally noticed the worse-for-wear condition of the small dragons, and with a burst of motion she flew across the room and swooped up Spike in her forelegs. “O-oh no! Spike, you look terrible! What happened? D-did somepony d-do something mean to you?” cried Fluttershy, checking Spike's temperature with a hoof to his forehead, concerned eyes staring into his – checking for dilation no doubt, thought Twilight. Spike's condition seemed to worsen dramatically under all the attention, his head hanging loosely from his neck, with his tongue lolling out between his fangs. Like the littlest war hero, he coughed twice, illiciting a snort from Twilight, and managed to give Fluttershy a name. “Granny.... Pie....” “Granny Pie?! B-but... what... how...who...” spluttered Fluttershy. “Oh Spike! What did she do to you?” “She...” Spike's strength seemed to flag, causing Fluttershy to move in closer. Twilight contented herself with rolling her eyes. “She made me a pie.” Spike's voice was now a contented whisper. “It was a large pie. I ate it all.” Fluttershy's expression of concern froze on her face, and it was all Twilight could do to suppress a giggle under a hoof. Spike sighed once more, dreamily. “It was... so golden delicious...” “O-oh. I, um, see.” said Fluttershy, relieved, though momentarily with an expression that Twilight thought resembled that time Applejack had found half a worm in an apple. “Well, that's a relief. Um, not I'm relieved that your stomach hurts or anything...” Fluttershy's voiced tapered off, and she tapped a hoof on her chin thoughtfully. “I have some medicine somewhere if you'd like? It's for reptiles who've, er, indulged on candy a bit too much.” Spike nodded, letting out an apple-scented burp as he did. “Pinkie Pie?” asked Twilight. “Pinkie Pie.” confirmed Fluttershy, who hovered about the various medicine cabinets which were placed safely out of her charges' reach, the terrestrial ones at least. “Poor little Gummy does have a tendency to get his stomach a little achy.” Fluttershy grabbed a dull green vial from a shelf and darted back to the dragon. “Should I get a glass of water?” Twilight's horn glowed at the ready. Fluttershy looked confused for a second, before realisation spread across her face. “Ah, um, it's kind of you to offer, but no, that's ok, Twilight. Zecora introduced me to this medicine. It's very effective, but...” Fluttershy's quiet voice dropped to a whisper. “It's not administered orally.” Twilight nodded to herself. Scaleshine the Luminous had written much about the use of various skin ointments in dealing with various draconic ailments. Had Fluttershy borrowed her copy of Sharp Spines and Sharper Tongues? She'd have to check the ticket stubs later. “Hmm. Would you mind taking care of Spike for a bit? I needed to talk to Rarity about, um, socks, and I don't want Spike getting over-excited in his, um, weakened state.” said Twilight. Nice and smooth, Sparkle! Luckily for Twilight, Fluttershy didn't notice her evasion. “He does get a little silly around her, doesn't her?” the pegasus giggled softly. Spike just groaned and muttered something, of which Twilight could only make out the word “pastry.” “That's no problem, Twilight. I'll take good care of him. He's in safe hooves.” she said, smiling down at the dragon, before running into the bathroom where she started rooting through a small cabinet. “I know he is, Fluttershy.” Twilight followed Fluttershy into the small room, and decided not to comment on the toilet seat cover with a butterfly motif. “I haven't forgotten that you helped save his, and Rarity's, lives yesterday. I'll never forget.” Twilight pulled her surprised friend into a tight hug, which lead to poor Fluttershy banging her head off sink. “I love you, Fluttershy. You're our hero!” Twilight swiftly pecked the pegasus on the cheek, and darted off with a giggle. “I'll be back for Spike later! 'Bye!” After a few seconds to compose herself, Fluttershy got to her feet somewhat unsteadily, and stared at herself in the mirror wonderingly. Her hoof touched the spot on her cheek which still felt tingly, and then somewhat more gingerly the new-born twin of the bruise she'd gotten earlier. “Did you hear that, Angel Bunny? I'm a hero!” she said proudly. Angel Bunny sprang up onto the cabinet and saluted her smartly. Fluttershy turned to her companion, and Angel allowed her to nuzzle him for a few seconds before tapping her with an item he'd pulled out of the cabinet's drawer. “Oh, why thank you, Angel!” Fluttershy pulled on the item with a rubbery snap, and returned to the main room. “Now hold still dear, this might feel a teeny bit uncomfortable...” Angel Bunny folded an ear down over his eyes. ------------------------------- As Twilight approached what remained of Carousel Boutique, she was surprised to see Rarity and and Applebloom together, seemingly immersed in a large scroll one of the two must of weighed down on a little table on the street outside. Applebloom seemed to be sketching something, scribbling hurriedly in response to Rarity's dramatic gestures. “And for the roof, I'm thinking a – a crown! Yes, a crown, covered in gems! Emeralds, sapphires, rhinestones! And, pride of place, on the central prong above the doorway, a sparkling fire ruby! Just like the one dear Spikey-wikey gave me!” Rarity sighed heartily, and briefly touched a hoof to the necklace she was wearing. “Only, um, bigger.” Applebloom nodded as she drew, splashing a little ink on her face. “Not that size is important darling, of course, but it does pay to advertise.” Applebloom stared blankly up at the fashionista, who smiled sheepishly. “Never mind, darling.” “Well, you two seem to be working hard.” said Twilight cheerily as she approached the two. “Why good morning, Twilight darling. Applebloom is being kind enough to help me design the new and improved Carousel Boutique!” exclaimed Rarity dramatically. Applebloom put her quill down in the ink pot calmly, and looked up at Twilight. “Howdy, Twilight. Ah'm helping Rarity with architecture an' stuff! Scootaloo always said ah had carpentry 'mad skillz', which ah didn't really understand none, but maybe ah can get a architect cutie mark!” The two unicorns smiled fondly as the little filly paused for breathe. “And where is Scootaloo? And Sweetie Belle? I'd of thought they'd love to help out here, too.” asked Twilight. The young earth pony and the older unicorn's faces froze, and they stared at each other for a second, before looking back at Twilight. “Well, um, Rarity here said that architectin' was really only a one pony job, so, um...” started Applebloom. “And little Applebloom had the most marvellous idea that her fellows might be better helping out where they'd” Rarity paused, apparently stuck for words. “Cause less damage?” Twilight finished for her. Applebloom winced. “Twilight Sparkle! What a thing to suggest!” said Rarity in a tone Twilight found somewhat less then convincing. “No, no, where their talents would prove most useful!” she finished, with a faltering smile. What, they're helping out the demolition team? Said a voice in Twilight's head that sounded rather like Spike. She bit down on one lip and decided not to press the two further. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile, in the sorting room, Derpy Hooves and her fellow mail-mares and stallions had all backed into a corner, staring in horror at the two fillies who had so suddenly burst through the door and dived into the pile of unsorted letters and packages. “CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS MAIL MARES! YAY!” --------------------------------------------------------------- ​”So, darling, what brings you up and about at such an... unscholarly hour?” said Rarity with a smile. Twight shot a glare at her friend. “Hah hah. I can get up early, when I have to, you know.” growled Twilight. Applebloom's eyes flicked back and forth between the two, as if she were at one of Ace's tennis matches. Rarity's smile grew wider, and she prodded Twilight joshingly with a hoof. “Of course you can darling, I'm just teasing you.” said Rarity. “ One wouldn't dream to imply you were like dear Rainbow Dash.” Rarity's head cocked to one side. “Who certainly seemed rather more... rambunctious then usual this morning. Who'd of thought a Sonic Rainboom could look embarrassed?” “Ah reckon all of Ponyville musta heard you hollerin', Twilight.” added Applebloom happily. “That was real sweet of ya.” “Well, she did save two of my dearest friends yesterday” said Twilight, which caused the indigo-mained unicorn to blush profusely. “Oh Twilight. You really do say the sweetest things!” Rarity replied, waving a hoof in a hushing motion. “I do hope you weren't as effusive with dear Fluttershy. If you've embarrassed her, I'll be sure to hear about it at our weekly spar meets.” Rarity said, her voice pseudo-threatening the other unicorn, who rolled her eyes good-naturedly. “Well, once the spar is rebuilt anyway. But yes, I do seem to have something of a habit of plummeting to my doom. Maybe I should have a sky diving cutie mark!” The elder ponies chuckled, before noticing how Applebloom's eyes had lit up eagerly. “Don't even think about it!” they said in unison. “Awww....” cried Applebloom, drawing a little circle in the dirt in disappointment. “Never get to do anything cool...” “I shall definitely have to do something to show them my gratitude. Ah! A dress! I know just the look that would look simply stunning, and...” Rarity cut off abruptly. “Well, I'm sure I could make something for Fluttershy that she'd just love, but I can't help feel that making Rainbow Dash a dress would be, well, a little self-serving. But, oh, I have to make her something! Oh, this is the. Worst. Possible. Thing!” “Uhuh.” said Twilight, long used to her friend's theatrics. “Why don't we go get some brunch and see if we can come up with any ideas?” “Like apples!” suggested Applebloom happily. “Everypony loves apples!” “Oh, that's a wonderful idea!” cried Rarity. “Elevenses sounds wonderful, darling.” “Elevenses?” asked Applebloom. “Ah shoot, ah need to be makin' trails. Me and the girls are meant to be helping Zecora re-decorate her hut. Can ah take a rain-check?” “Of course, darling!” exclaimed Rarity. “You've been such a help with the designs. Do give my love to Zecora and the girls.” “Ah'll be sure to, Miss Rarity. See ya'll later!” said Applebloom, and headed off in the direction of the Everfree forest. Twilight and Rarity waved, before heading off to what the latter called a “modest but chic little establishment.” As they walked, Twilight glanced at her friend curiously. “Do you think Zecora's really thought having the girls help her redecorate through?” she asked. Rarity's response was simply a dainty shrug. -------------------------------------- Zecora waited outside her hut, tracking her young friends' progress towards her by startled birds taking flight over the tree line. A breeze blew through the trees and shrubs, gently rattling the masks, chimes and other personal artefacts she had brought from her faraway home. “All of a sudden the wind has turned chill; perhaps to bring me tidings ill?” she mused to herself. ------------------------------------------- “ and whilst I could make her some simply magnificent curtains, with the aid of your magic of course darling, I rather doubt she'd care for them any more then cushions, or bedsheets, so it's back to the drawing board once again I'm afraid. Still, the idea of cloud-based upholstery is so intriguing! Why, everything was so gloriously soft in Cloudsdale, it would be so wonderful to bring that to the homes of every earth pony and unicorn!”Rarity sighed softly to herself happily, lost in her vision. “Twilight... Twilight?” Twilight snapped out of her own reverie, and realised her friend seemed to be expecting something of her. Rarity's eyes narrowed slightly as she stared at her startled dining companion. “Is there something on your mind, darling?” Rarity asked. Twilight realised this was finally her chance to change the subject. “Well, actually there is. I wanted to talk to you about yesterday...” Twilight began hesitantly. Rarity's eyes widened in surprise. “Yesterday? Honestly Twilight, I'm fine.” the pale-maned unicorn interjected. “Or at least I will be once the spar is back on form. And the Boutique of course!” she laugh. Twilight shook her head. “Well, that's good, that's great of course, but it's not you I'm still worried about.” explained Twilight. Rarity looked puzzled. “Not me? Then – oh no! Not little Spikey-wikey! Is he feeling bad about yesterday?” asked Rarity concernedly, raising a hoof to one cheek. “Well, he was pretty upset about what happened, so I've been taking him around Ponyville, making sure he knows everypony isn't angry and doesn't blame him. Which is why I was up so early.” said Twilight, finishing with a pointed glance, which Rarity waved away with a hoof. “Oh, Spike. Such a sweet, considerate, gentledragon! Who could possibly blame him?” Rarity said. “Why, anypony that dares accuse our little Spikey-wikey had better be prepared for the consequences!” Rarity's horn sparked menacingly, drawing startled looks from the other diners. Twilight smiled at the idea of her friends all stepping up to defend Spike. “Mmm, exactly. And I think he's pretty much realised that now.” Rarity nodded approvingly along with Twilight's words. “But there's something else that's really bothering him that happened yesterday, and I must admit I've no idea what to do about it.” “So you've come to me for help? Oh darling, I'm flattered!” Rarity twilled happily. “But what else could be bothering the poor dear?” she said thoughtfully. Twilight simply stared steadily at her friend, who stared back blankly. Then, realisation dawned. “Oh...” she said, softly. “Oh.” confirmed Twilight. There was a long, silent pause, unbroken even by the other diners, who were enjoying the impromptu cabaret. “He, um, told you about that?” asked Rarity hesitantly, eyes not making contact with Twilight's. “Yes.” said Twilight. Not for the first time, it occurred to Twilight that the two of them should of talked about this a long time ago. She sighed, with gusto. “How long have you known, anyway?” “About his... feelings for me?” Twilight nodded. “Oh, from the start, darling. Dear Spike's not the first colt... dragon to fall for me, and not to sound immodest, but I have come to recognise the signs. Well, he probably is the first dragon, but you know what I mean. But yes, Spike's never been exactly subtle... not that the rest of our little social circle seemed to have 'cottoned on', as t'were.” “Thank you!” cried Twilight heartily, causing a small uproar of tinkling cutlery as the other patrons were startled by her outburst. “I mean, is everypony around here blind​? I mean, sure, I understand Pinkie Pie not realising, but Fluttershy checks out all those Mares and Boon novels out from the library, and Rainbow Dash.... Rainbow Dash...” Twilight trailed off, as it suddenly dawned on her that she might actually be in the top three of her friends when it comes to recognising someone with a crush. This was most unprecedented, and required further thought. “Huh.” “What about Applejack?” asked Rarity, curiously. Twilight shrugged. “I hope she knows, but she's never said anything either way. She's not one for talking about romance.” Rarity nodded gloomily, bemoaning the lack of juicy gossip in the group. “But to return to the matter at hoof. Obviously, dear Spikey-wikey was infatuated with me from the start, and it was the most adorable little crush. I didn't have the heart to say anything, and besides, I thought it would clear up soon enough, like most foal-hood crushes. And...” Rarity paused dramatically, and Twilight waved a hoof at her to continue. “Well, at first he was just your dragon. Cute and adorable, yes, and his little displays of admiration were good for the ego... but, as time passed, I started to see him less as your assistant, and more as my friend. And I also saw... that it wasn't just a crush. He wasn't just attracted to my impeccably-kept mane, or” The unicorn blushed, and lowered her voice, causing the eaves-dropping diners to edge their chairs closer as surreptitiously as possible. “flanks, nor even my delightful mastery of etiquette. He was attracted to me.” The diners sighed in unison. “And the gems were a big clue, of course.” “The gems?” asked Twilight, who was feeling distinctly out of her depth. “Mm. I remember that sapphire I gave him, shortly before that ghastly incident with the Diamond Dogs. Spike looked like Doctor Whooves in a clock shop, but he kept it instead. At first, I thought it might just be part of some dragonic hoarding instinct, but I soon noticed that he quickly devoured any gems other pony gave him.” “Wait,” Twilight interrupted. “You knew about Spike's hoarding instincts?” “Oh, not like that, darling. Just you know, generally, dragons being quite well-known for collecting gems. Not so much globe and scooters. Or dress-makers.” she finished, giggling. Twilight nodded, with a smile of her own. “And of course, there was last week, with that star ruby. Spike-wikey's always been such a kind and considerate gentlepony... dragon, but for him to give a gem away? And not just any gem too, but such a rare and unique beauty like this?” Rarity sighed, a little dreamily, and stared at her necklace lovingly. “Well, clearly I was... very special to him.” Twilight stared at her friend, and then closed her eyes. With one hoof rubbing her chin, she tried to process everything Rarity had told her. She was still learning about friendship for Celestia's sake, this romance malarkey was too much for her! Adding to her mental checklist to take some of Zecora's strongest painkilling draught for the no-doubt agonizing migraine all this confusion was going to cause her, she exhaled slowly, and met Rarity's anxious gaze. “Okay. So that explains that. But if you've known about his feelings for you for so long, why have you been... letting him do so much for you?” asked Twilight, trying for tact. Rarity,alas, didn't take it well. “Are you accusing me of taking advantage of him?!” she shouted, eyes ablaze with anger. “Twilight Sparkle, how dare you? Don't you know... don't you know me better then that?” her voice broke, and fire drained out of her sapphire eyes, to be replaced by tears. “Don't you trust me, Twilight?” “Of course I trust you. But...” Twilight waved her forehooves about, trying to find the right words. “ Don't you see how it's looked? Accepting all those favours, that gem, using him as a pincushion for Luna's sake! Not to mention soaking up all that attention, those compliments... help me understand!” she said heatedly. Panting slightly after her outburst, she stared across the table at her friend, who seemed to deflate slightly. Closing her eyes, Rarity groaned and rested her head on the table in front of her, covering her face with her hooves. “Oh Twilight, darling.” she began, her voice tired. “I'm afraid I don't understand either. I said that at first I thought Spike would get over it... me, and that this is the first time anypony... dragon has fallen for me.” Twilight nodded, unseen. “Well, I wasn't lying. I'm not used to such heartfelt affection, let alone from a close friend. And I must admit, I have enjoyed the attention. Little Spikey-wikey makes me feel like the most beautiful and special pony on Equestria... it's hard not to let it all go to my head! As for the gifts, the favours, well, I must admit, it hasn't always occurred to me to refuse them, but when it has, it never seemed very generous to turn them away. I do appreciate generosity, and... I don't want to hurt him. Oh Celestia, I've never wanted to hurt him!” Rarity's words turned into a low wail. “But I don't know what to do, Twilight! I don't want to lose him as a friend! I won't lose him as a friend! But if we carry on this way, will I hurt him more? That's not fair to him! I. JUST. DON'T KNOW!” caterwauled the distressed unicorn, now open eyes staring around the room wildly as she punctuated every word with a stomp on the table. Opening her mouth wide for another keening wail, she was cut off as Twilight Sparkle dived across the table and pulled her into a hug. “Oh, Rarity!” she said in a low, warm tone, as the discarded cups and dishes clattered on the floor. “I didn't think about how this might have been affecting you! I'm so sorry!” “Quite alright, darling.” Rarity whispered back. Twilight sighed, and pulled her head back far enough so she could look her friend in the eye. “Do you... return his feelings?” she asked awkwardly, a faint blush appearing on her cheeks. Rarity shook her head, waving her magnificent mane in Twilight's eyes inadvertently. “No. He is quite the dashing little gentledragon, and so sweet and generous, but he is only a little dragon, even if that makes him more mature then a colt his age.” Twilight could not repress a snort at the idea of her number one assistant being called mature. “Maybe... maybe when he's older, if we're both unattached, if he's still partial to an... older mare. Maybe. But, I can't wait for him to grow up, at a natural rate anyway, and I can't allow him to spend years pining after me either. Not for a maybe.” Twilight looked at her for a second, then abruptly struck herself on the head with a hoof. “Ow. Oh Twilight, you are a silly filly at times. You know what to do when you don't understand something!” Rarity stared up at her friend who had suddenly started talking to herself, three of her legs still tightly holding the two unicorns together. “Books! There's a whole section devoted to romance, there's bound to be something to help in there somewhere! And... and the princess! Celestia's aeons-old, she's bound to have had some experience with this kind of situation. I'm sure there was something like this in volume 27 of her auto-biography, what was it now...” Twilight's face lit up as the ecstasy of study-planning consumed her, and thus she missed Rarity's face frowning at the idea of sharing her private life with such a public figure. “Besides,” the bookish unicorn continued. “you and Spike have certainly grown close these past months. You two will be fine, I just know it.” Twilight smiled down at her friend. “You know, you both gave me a scare yesterday! I've no idea what I'd of done if anything had of happened to either of you. You've got to stop having these near death experiences, Rarity, if only for the sake of the ponies who love you.” Twilight chuckled, though both ponies, not to mention the engrossed eavesdroppers, could both hear the note of fear in her voice. “I don't know, darling. They do generate quite a bit of publicity for the Boutique and myself.” she laughed softly, and nuzzled into her friend's mane.