Robot Pony

by Dreadnought

The Silent Service

0933 Zulu
The North Atlantic
USS Dallas

"We've got a contact!" cried Petty Officer Jones. He began analyzing the signature. "It's a Typhoon-class... I think it's a new boat." He pressed some more buttons. "Starting recording."

0935 Zulu
The Red October

"...when the world trembled at the sound of our rockets. Well, they will tremble again, at the sound of our silence." Captain Ramius gave the order, "Engage the caterpillar drive!"

Doors opened and the screws stopped spinning. A moment later twin jets of water silently propelled the Red October forward.

0937 Zulu
USS Dallas

Alarms starting ringing out. "What happened?" asked Master Chief Watson.

"It's gone. One moment it was there and then it wasn't. And..." trailed off Jones.

"And?" pressed Captain Mancuso.

"I heard something when it went silent."


"I heard singing."


"Yes Sir, let me pull up the tapes."

He pressed a few buttons then pushed play:

♫ Soon, one small thing leads to more
It's so much more than there was before
Just one small thing, and you will see
The start of something big for you and me ♫

Mancuso balked, "What the -"