Twilight Sparkle the Dragon

by PlutoMilo

Sombra go Bye-Bye - End Arc

Sombra screamed when his brain finally registered that he was in the clutches of a dragon. An angry dragon. Its eyes glittered strangely when it saw the blood on his coat. He screamed louder when it occurred to him that the blood could induce a feeding frenzy like sharks.
Slaver dripped and flew away from the dragon’s bared teeth and its eyes were pinpricks, focused only on him. He barely had enough presence of mind to form a shield around his back before they crash-landed into the crystal buildings. He hoarsely cried out when his head banged into something. Something sticky and warm ran down the back of his neck and he feared what he would see if he turned his head to check.
“Mercy! Mercy!” he screamed, knowing the animal couldn’t understand him.
His hooves flailed erratically and any spell he had ready fled his mind in terror. The dragon again took to the air with him in its claws. It clutched him so tightly he could feel the bruises forming. They flew high, higher than his platform had been. 
Sombra’s stomach was left up near the clouds when the dragon plummeted back down to the ground. His shield barely managed to hold when the dragon let go of him and he crashed into another crystal dwelling. It was back on him before he could recover, incisors on full display. One of the dragon’s claws migrated to his forehead.
“You have no concept of mercy,” the dragon spat, “Why should any be given to you?”
The shock of it speaking was pushed aside for a more pressing problem. Sombra understood what the dragon was about to do milliseconds before it actually followed through with it. His jaw hung open in horror when the dragon yanked at his horn so hard, his neck cracked. He cried out, whether in shock or pain he didn’t know. It wrenched at it again in the opposite direction and the ache around his forehead grew. One more pull later and his horn broke off at the base.
Sombra screamed again as his pride and joy was thrown into the dragon’s mouth and chewed up as if it was nothing more than a snack. The dragon swallowed and grinned with too many teeth to be natural. Its teeth were stained red from his horn and Sombra shuddered at the mental image of his blood in the dragon’s mouth rather than his horn. The crystal stump on his forehead crackled pathetically, unable to power a true spell.
“You wouldn’t know mercy if it kicked you in the face,” its eyes sparkled with cruel amusement, eyeing his fractured teeth.
Sombra snarled back, holding back a wince as his teeth ground together, “You know nothing of intelligence, animal,”
The amusement painting its face faded, morphing into an expressionless mask so quickly, Sombra gulped. The spoken intelligence the dragon portrayed made him forget that the creature holding him was… well a dragon. He cursed himself for angering it further.
“You want an animal?” it hissed so quietly that he barely heard it over the wind, “I can give you an animal,”
Sombra did not have time to regret his words. He was grabbed by his barrel and flipped as the dragon took off once more. The dragon held him by his mane as it flew faster and higher than before.
His next scream was so loud he tasted copper and his vocal cords ceased working. The dragon swung him by his front hoof and then propelled him with an earth-shattering force into his former castle. There was a thunderous boom that sounded and he knew it was him that caused it. Everything from his neck down went numb upon impact and he closed his eyes, prepared for the end.
The wind whistled through his fur as he fell. His eyes remained closed. What a pathetic end, perishing from getting thrown into a building. He’d always thought he’d get a noble end, like dying in battle or from a magic duel. Getting snatched out of the air was enough for his eyes to snap open in shock. He was alive!
But one look at the dragon and he regretted not hitting the ground beforehand. The look on the dragon’s face promised that getting thrown into the castle was the least of his worries. Oh how he wished for his horn, then he might’ve been able to do something. The dragon held him by the tail, dangling him upside down. He couldn’t muster enough energy to be any more terrified than he already was.
Something flickered in his vision and he deliriously wondered if the tales of the Grim Reaper were true. He looked down to the ground, fully expecting to see a black-cloaked figure in the crowd with its scythe ready to take him to Purgatory. However, instead, he bore witness to the Crystal Heart exploding in a beam of colors.
The shockwave blasted all of his hard work away and as it reached him, he knew it was the end for him. Was it all for nothing? His conquest for power? Was he really going to be defeated by something as simple as positive emotions? It looked like it. As the power washed over him, he felt a sense of peace descend upon him. When was the last time he felt so… warm? Protected? Happy?
It took him a second longer to realize he was still in the grip of the dragon. He laughed weakly at the thought. Him, King Sombra, in the clutches of a dragon! Maybe later, he could ask it for a ride. He laughed again at the image. King Sombra rides off into the sunset on the back of his pet dragon, never to be seen again. Yes, that sounded like a very good plan.
Sombra never felt Twilight toss him directly into the beam the Heart produced. He never felt his body begin to crack and disintegrate. He never figured out who the real being that touched his leyline was. But he never felt more at peace than he had at that moment. And that was enough for the old beaten king.
Sombra died with a brilliant smile on his face, imagining his ride into the sunset on his dragon.

If Twilight thought the worst feeling in the world was nearly turning into a dragon popsicle in a northern blizzard, she was sorely mistaken.
The moment the adrenaline faded after she got rid of Sombra, she fell out of the air, her body unable to continue. As she fell, she became aware of the aches, scrapes, bruises, and lacerations upon her. The wind cut through her injuries like a knife. Her eyes fluttered closed as she fell, too exhausted to even think about opening them anytime in the near future.
Behind her closed eyelids, she felt the Heart send out a second shockwave. It washed over her like a lava bath and she found the strength to open her eyes again. What she saw took her breath away. Everything, from the ponies to the blades of grass and even to her, shone like diamonds.
Her breath hitched as the castle glittered, almost like it was winking in thanks at her, or that could be her concussion, she wasn’t sure. Almost absentmindedly, she snapped her claws and reappeared on the balcony. She may or may not have misjudged the landing as she skidded ungracefully against the crystal before laying in a tangled heap.
She prematurely winced, expecting her injuries to worsen, but no pain came. She sat up and nothing hurt. Spike jumped up and ran into her stunned claws. Did the Heart fix any injury she had? Carefully, she ran her paws over Spike, feeling for any discrepancies, but it looked like he was healed too.
“Are you going to make it a habit to routinely give me heart attacks?” Shining sniffed, his fur fluffed up around his neck like an ugly scarf.
Twilight chuckled and didn’t answer.
Spike’s bright smile had her own heart settling and she sat silently with him as Cadence and Shining Armor addressed the citizens. She felt the magic of the Crystal settle into the background ambiance of Equestria. Mission accomplished. 
Well, not quite. Celestia might find all her teabags replaced with dehydrated broccoli for the next month or so.

“I can’t believe you kicked an evil supervillain in the face,”
“I can’t believe he actually bled,”
“I can’t believe you jumped like that,”
“I can’t believe you crushed all that rock like nothing,”
“You know what? Me either,”