//------------------------------// // 7- my dinner with shiny (not tamatoa) // Story: the wedding is off (a reimagining) // by wertyui //------------------------------// Shining Armor had invited Twilight to dinner at Goldmare's Paradise, a beautiful five-star restaurant in the center of Canterlot. how he managed to secure a table considering the soiled reputation of the royals and connection to royals is beyond anyponys guess, Twilight was still down about everything that she did, but didn't want to reject her brother's invitation for a night of "paradise" and 1.99$ mozzarella sticks. she still loved him. even when they were apart, she couldn't help but feel guilty sometimes about what she did, she quickly brushed it off before, but now it was unavoidable. they were sitting down to dinner at a table in the middle of the restaurant. "Shining, what's this all about?" Twilight asked. Shining Armor sighed, "Twiley, it's been two months now since the changeling attack, and I brought you here because I wanted to tell you the truth." (At times like this I wish tivo fast forward worked on fanfics) That changeling queen brainwashed me into thinking she was Cadance, I now understand it all, she took off down the hall crying as a way of turning me and everypony else against you. But when we found her room, we saw that she wasn't there, I figured that she must've quickly calmed down and had gone back to the wedding room to continue the rehearsal. So I told your friends and Celestia to stay there while I went back to the wedding room, but when I got there....." he gulped as tears started to fill in his eyes *FLASHBACK* Shining Armor had reached her dressing room to see if Cadance was in there, to his surprise she had somehow reappeared in the wedding hall, it got to him on how she would re-enter a room after the doors to enter it would slam shut, but to his surprise, Twilight was nowhere to be found, he looked over at "Cadance" and saw she had an evil smile on her face, he saw an illuminating circle where twilight once was, that's where he discovered the truth, he furrowed his brows in anger, ready to fight at a moments notice, his horn glowed flamingly bright, now all he needed was the confirmation. "cadence, I'm only gonna ask you once, twilight said you had been evil and I don't wanna believe it, so ill ask you only once, have you done anything to my sister," he asked calmly. "Well my sweet, beloved,soon-to-be-husband..." said "cadence" ominously "why don't you find out!!!" before he could say or do anything else, the imposter shot a beam of magic at him and quickly enhanced him under her control, turning his blue eyes to a shade of emerald green. soon she transformed right before her very eyes, revealing the one they call chrysalis. shining armor would be forced to watch himself sign away his life to this thing lampooning his bride. "HA!" she shouted "TOO EASY!, Now that you're under my control, and with that hopeless little brat Twilight out of the way, nothing can stop me now!" she said laughing evilly. *END OF FLASHBACK* "I quickly figured out everything, but she had me under her control before I could do anything," he levitated a new smarty-pants doll for her. Twilight's heart started lifting as she levitated it out of her brother's magical grip, she looked back at him and saw remorseful tears dripping on his face. but she noticed something else, some strange markings on his neck. "um, shiny," she asked worrisomely "yes" he answered "What happened to your neck?" She asked. "I uh had an accident," He said nervously. Twilight then thought about what he said and wondered what kind of accident would mess up his neck that badly, but she soon realized what he meant by "accident" and finally put two and two together. "Shiny did you try to hang yourself?" She asked. After a moment's hesitation, Shining armor wasted no time and simply gave her the answer, not even bothering to try and hide it. "YES!," He said as tear's started to form in his eyes while Twilight remained visibly shocked. " That's right, I tried to kill myself Twily. I hurt you, my own sister, so badly with my harsh word's all because I jumped to the conclusion that you were just jealous. I was so furious that you were trying to hurt Cadence verbally that I didn't want you anywhere near her, so I made the worst mistake of my life............... I cast you out of the wedding. not even Sombra would pull some bullshit like that off. a part of me felt so bad for saying it, but I was so clouded with anger that I simply brushed it aside like the ungrateful asshole I am, and what's worse those were my words not from the queen's mind control spell. like I said Before the wedding I was gonna go find you and apologize but then that damn insect's mind control spell kicked into overdrive and I never got the chance, that is until her defeat. You were so furious at me that you wanted nothing more to do with me, and I didn't blame you one bit! I was a monster, even mom and dad were furious at what I did. I was so clouded with guilt that I felt I didn't deserve to be in this world anymore, and I still do. and oh god, when I tried to talk to you, dad wouldn't let me. so I tried to shoot a laser beam, and accidentally hit mom! so my dad kicked me out and I had to live in a halfway house. after that and the pain I've put you through and the fact that I lost you forever. So I've been trying to kill myself all week, however, I failed three times this week. And when I tried to hang myself off the balcony on Wednesday I was put on suicide watch after I was released from the hospital with a near-fatal neck wound from the rope. After that, a counselor has been trying to comfort me all week saying that it wasn't my fault and that I deserve to live in this world, but I knew that was a lie. I hurt you my own little sister from my selfish behavior Twily, I fell for that bitches manipulations and It almost cost the lives of not only you but my one true love, whom I may never see again, and I'll never forgive myself for it. Twily I Am so very sorry for what I've said to you, I don't expect you to forgive me I am nothing more but a thoughtless coldblooded asshole who hurt his little sister and nearly drove her to insanity, If you want to hate me for the rest of your life I understand and I will always love you even if you don't love me anymore. But please I'm begging you to forgive the others. I'm the one who instigated it, I'm the only one you should hate for the rest of your life. Please Twilight hate me, not them, I deserve to rot in a grave for my harsh action's please, please, please, please.....................................and after this, I plan to finally take my life just to prove how sorry I am, in fact, kill me now twilight! no other punishment will do, you have to kill me now! and then kill me again!" shining buried his face under the tablecloth and hollered in absolute grief. Suddenly, he felt a hoof rub him, he looked up and saw Twilight was actually smiling this time, after two months of severe vendetta-faux-depression-syndrome, she was finally smiling. "Oh Shining, this is probably the nicest thing you've ever done for me," she then broke down in tears! I mean it was absolutely POURING down her face shining asked "what's wrong Twiley" it-its just that" twilight answered through her tears "you've all been so nice to me, and yet, I've been so cruel, and don't give me that "we should've listened to you" crap, cause I have a confession to make and you won't like it, in fact, I don't think you'll want to call me your sister after it" "Twilight, no matter what you did, it can't be any worse than what I did" twilight let it all out "I LIED, I LIED TO EVERYPONY I MET WHEN WE WERE IN THE CAVERNS I TRIED SO HARD TO GET OUT, I SHOT AT THE CRYSTALS ZAPPING MY HEAD AND ALTERING MY MEMORY, AND BECAUSE OF MY FEVERED, HATE-FILLED THOUGHTS AND DESIRES, I PLANNED TO RUIN ALL YOUR LIVES, YOUR WEDDING, MY FRIENDS LIVES, AND ULTIMATELY STEAL CELESTIA'S POSITION IN ORDER TO GET WHAT I PERCEIVED AS REVENGE WHEN YOU ALL WERE SLEEPING, I SNUCK OUT, OF MY ROOM TO FIB TO PONIES ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED TO ME, SPIKE AND CADENCE DID THE SAME THING. PONYVILLE, CANTERLOT, FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE CELESTIA WAS BEATEN BY A MOB BECAUSE OF ME! SHE HAS BASICALLY BEEN IMPEACHED! THE POOR WOMAN! I DESTROYED YOUR MARRIAGE BECAUSE OF MY DOWNRIGHT SELFISH ATTITUDE. EVEN IF I WAS RIGHT IN THE END I WAS A POMPOUS SELFISH STUCK-UP BITCH WHO PUSHED YOU AROUND AND STOLE YOUR MARE JUST AS YOU SUSPECTED! YOU KNOW I FUCKED HER, I DOWNRIGHT HATE FUCKED HER. DETERMINED TO DO IT BETTER THAN YOU EVER COULD, I EVEN TRIED TO GO TO CHRYSALIS TO SEE IF SHE'D LET ME JOIN, THEY REJECTED ME BUT STILL, AND I PERMANENTLY DESTROYED THE RELATIONSHIPS, AND REPUTATIONS OF MY FRIENDS, APPLEJACKS FAMILY KICKED HER OUT, PINKIE WAS FIRED, FLUTTERSHY'S ANIMALS HAVE STARTED A COUP, RAINBOW DASH HAS TOOK TO DRINKING OVER HER DREAM BEING CRUSHED BY ME I MIGHT ADD, AND RARITY WENT INTO DEPRESSION OVER THE LOSS OF HER BUSINESS. I CAUSED THAT TO HAPPEN TO THEM AND I CAN NEVER TAKE IT BACK! SOMEPONY CROWNED ME "PRINCESS OF FRIENDSHIP" AND I BOUGHT INTO THAT SHIT HOOK LINE AND SINKER, I DON'T KNOW THE FIRST THING ABOUT IT, I LIED ABOUT MY FRIENDS AND GOT AWAY WITH IT, I COULDN'T SLEEP THE PAST TWO NIGHTS BECAUSE OF THE GUILT THAT ATE ME ALIVE WORSE THAN THAT BUG COULD EVER DO, I AM THE ABSOLUTE WORST LSBBF IN EXISTENCE, I DON'T DESERVE TO WIELD MY ELEMENT! I DON'T EVEN DESERVE THE PRIVILEGE OF BEING A STUDENT, LET ALONE HAVING A BROTHER, OR EVEN FRIENDS, THE FACT I EVEN HAD SPIKE AND CADENCE SUPPORTING ME PROVES THE POINT THAT SOMEPONY OUT THERE IS FUCKING WITH ME AS SOME SORT OF SICK JOKE! I AM NOTHING MORE IF NOT A SELFISH, FOAL-LIKE, ANIMALISTIC, SELF-CENTERED, HEARTLESS, TYRANT OF AN ELEMENT WHO DOESN'T EVEN DESERVE A PASSING GLANCE, AND I FRANKLY SHOULD BE FUCKIN ZAPPED TO DEATH WITH PELTING SPELLS FOR WHAT I DID, KILL ME SHINY, IT'S THE ONLY WAY ILL EVER BE ABLE TO REPAY FOR MY SINS. BOOOHOOOHOOOHOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11" she then cried uninterrupted into her bowl for 7 minutes, then looked at shining with a stained face saying "and furthermore, you're none of those things you've described yourself as you are my Big Brother Best Friend Forever...and you always will be, and I'm gonna talk to dad later about seeing you back in," she said, collapsing to the floor from exhaustion. Shining Armor quickly scooped her up and hugged her. "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" said the crowd of other ponies that were watching, this caused Shining to quickly disengage the hug, remembering he was in a restaurant, he soon sat back down at their table and carried her and the smarty-pants doll out. in her dreams, she could see herself and her B.B.B.F.F, playing happily together, to this song (id do the big brother best friend forever song, but that's been done before)