Twilight Sparkle the Dragon

by PlutoMilo

Not really a chapter

“I am not wearing that,” Sparkles protested, eyeing the too-small red vest dubiously, “It can’t even fit on me.”
A tick developed over Sunset’s right eye, “Does it look like I care? Put it on.”
After her harrowing experience in the shower, Sunset wasn’t in the mood to humor the bear-dog, especially since she had to get to work within twenty minutes. She left Sparkles to her own devices and went to her room, opening the wardrobe door with far too much force to be necessary. Jeans, appropriate t-shirt, leather jacket, boots were by the doors. Sunset sighed in relief.
A quick glance at the clock showed her that she had ten minutes to be in the office. She bolted. Sparkles followed, squeezed tightly into the fake service dog uniform. Her entire car rocked on its wheels when Sparkles jumped into the back and her heart may or may not have seized in terror, wondering if that was going to be the end for her second-hand car. Thankfully, the car stabilized and Sunset went just a little bit above the speed limit.
Halfway there, Sunset noticed that Sparkles was a bit quieter than usual and when she looked back, she choked back laughter. The bear-dog appeared queasy, slumped over on the back seat, glassy-eyed. Sunset supposed that taking Sparkles out on a motorcycle ride was out of the question if a car could do her in.
Her amusement abruptly died when she realized she could possibly be cleaning her car seats of more mess, “Don’t you dare puke again,” Sunset warned, torn between finding Sparkles’ expression hilarious and the terror of cleaning up dog vomit twice in one day. This is why she didn’t get any pets, they were too high maintenance. And this one wasn’t even a true animal.