//------------------------------// // Chapter 7: Into The Unknown // Story: Heart of the Force: Gambit of Darkness // by fluttershyfan17 //------------------------------// The reflection of sunlight trickled out of the small window poking out of the basement of the cottage. Over the years, it had still remained a place for Fluttershy to knit, but with more organization as opposed to chaos. It served as a guest bedroom, with a twin bed, a couch which could fold into a bed, and an old armchair which had been with the cottage ever since Fluttershy bought the place. Kaleb woke up early, as that habit from the Jedi Temple was one which he had kept over the years. Rising up from the bed after drinking the prescribed potions from Dr. Bluejay, he watched Fluttershy nestled into the couch with a quilt over her. Her breaths calm, rising and falling with her wings and strands of hair over her face; it was relieving seeing her sleep peacefully. He looked towards his hands, reflecting on past events. Time has not been kind to the weary. It had been a week since Twilight’s assassination attempt, which managed to be kept quiet. If anyone asked, it was just out of precaution after the changeling attack in the Everfree Forest. The Royal Guard had stayed in the town for the duration of the week, allowing the Mane Six out of the safehouses once the fourty-eight hours had passed. However, there were strict curfews and were to be accompanied by two guards when they went out. Twilight had reassured the town to stay calm and to report anything out of the ordinary to the guard. Kaleb and Fluttershy had barely left the cottage all week, with both having physical and psychological injuries. Fluttershy hadn’t been this shaken since Starlight’s village, and Lyra made several house visits over the course of the week. She was brave, even with nightmares and flashbacks haunting her. Kaleb had blamed himself for the attacks, as the guilt complex kicked in. They had each other to heal, with Lyra helping to guide them through therapy. He walked over to the couch and knelt down, stroking the fur near her ears. She stirred. “Shy, it’s time to wake up.” Fluttershy opened her eyes, yawning as she looked at him. “Do I have to? I was having a pretty great dream.” “What was the dream?” Kaleb asked, sitting down on the couch next to her. “The two of us were hiking together during the winter, and we saw a rainbow,” she recalled, before turning her attention to his injuries. “How’s your head, and are the potions working?” “It’s working for the most part,” He replied. “I still get head pain, but it’s manageable. I got lucky with how much impact I prevented.” The two got up from the couch, with Kaleb throwing on a clean set of Jedi robes before fastening his lightsaber onto the belt. Opening the hidden door, the bookcase on the outside moved, and they walked into the living room, going to the small kitchen. Fluttershy put on a kettle, and after a few minutes had tea ready to go. She sipped her mug and handed her significant other his. “What was your dream?” “Still trying to figure that out,” Kaleb replied. “It was of a mountain; I don’t know where. I could feel the Force present throughout the dream.” Angel made his way into the kitchen, and Kaleb handed him a carrot. “We’ve got a long day ahead of us. How much prep do we have to do before winter hits?” “A ton,” Fluttershy sighed. “Normally, we would have done all of this weeks in advance. But given recent events, it’s impossible.” “I’m sure the Royal Guard is more than happy to help,” Kaleb reassured. “I know they won’t be here until later this morning, but they’ll work with us.” A5 came into the kitchen and relayed news to Kaleb, who let out a frustrated sigh. “The communications network is still shut down between here and Canterlot. Damage must have been pretty severe. I know we still have other options for contacting Canterlot, but I can’t repair the connection without physically looking at the unit in the castle.” “Do they know how they managed to jam the signal yet?” Fluttershy asked A5, who gave her an uncertain response. “For now, let’s get some breakfast and plan how we’re going to get the Royal Guard to help…” She was interrupted by knocking at the door. Kaleb signaled to Fluttershy to stay in the kitchen, and he walked through the kitchen to the hallway by the stairs quietly. He sneaked to the door, one hand on his lightsaber as he cracked it open. Not seeing anyone, Kaleb opened the door and slipped outside. There was fog surrounding the gardens, with the sun barely peeking through. Kaleb could see only a few feet in front of him, and he used the Force to sense the world around him. Walking out, he looked around and a few seconds later, felt the presence of someone to his right. It was only two seconds to activate the lightsaber and point it in direction where he felt the presence. Kaleb kept his gaze fixed, and Luna emerged from the fog just to the left of his blade. “I could have killed you.” “You could have tried,” Luna responded, and Kaleb deactivated the blade. “My apologies, but I wanted to make sure there was nobody else around.” “Next time, just send a scroll,” Kaleb mumbled with slight annoyance, and led her back into the cottage, locking the door. Fluttershy and A5 were talking quietly when the two entered into the dining room. “Princess Luna, welcome,” Fluttershy greeted with slight surprise. “Sorry for the mess, can I get you anything to drink?” “Thank you Fluttershy, but I am good for now,” Luna responded politely. “I am actually here to deliver information. Celestia, Shining Armor, and myself have decided to move the Element Bearers and their immediate families to Canterlot out of precaution. There are stronger protections in the castle, and we can keep tabs on locations easier in a smaller space.” Fluttershy nodded. “That’s actually a good idea. All of our homes are pretty widespread, I imagine it must have been a scheduling nightmare as far as shifts.” “Not necessarily, this was also about protecting the citizens of Ponyville,” Luna responded, handing Kaleb a sealed letter. “Kaleb, this is for you from Celestia and myself.” He opened the seal on the envelope, and the folded letter, reading it carefully. “A mission request for the Jedi.” Luna nodded. “We are putting this investigation into your hands, as something else has come up which needs our attention. All will be explained in Canterlot, but know this mission takes you north where the chills of winter dwell.” Kaleb read the wording more carefully. “I am not the only Jedi listed in this letter.” “Under normal circumstances, Twilight would have gone with you or Flash. But given options are limited, I would rather have her go with you,” Luna answered. “Our intent isn’t to overstep our bounds, but in the interest of Equestria.” “The question of whether you did is valid,” Kaleb responded with well-reasoned annoyance. “It brought a whole new complicated set of circumstances to a delicate situation. For multiple reasons.” She nodded, knowing he would tell her on the way. Taking out two necklaces out of a wooden box, she handed them to the pair. “These necklaces are imbued with enchantments which will counteract the spell used that night. You will no longer have to fear the Eternal Darkness.” Kaleb brought the necklace to his neck, securing the clasp and noting the weight of the magic just barely noticeable. “Thank you, I’m sure these will be useful. Right now, we need to be ready to move as soon as the Royal Guard is ready to go.” “Got it, I’ll start packing bags after I check with the animals,” Fluttershy said. “Babe, a word?” Kaleb followed her into the kitchen, and Luna moved to the living room. “This was to be expected,” Kaleb started. “You know there’s stuff I can’t tell you, but what I can say is the Jedi need to step in before anyone else gets killed. There’s something else here, I know it.” Fluttershy nodded, speaking wisely. “Sometimes, it gets a little harder every time you go on a mission, but I always remind myself how prepared and selfless you are.” She placed her hoof in his hand, looking at him. “Go. Be safe, strong, and courageous, and be the Jedi Knight we all aspire to. And come home to me.” Kaleb responded with a hug and kiss on her cheek. “Always. And I promise to protect our home so one day, our dreams can be together. Grab the emergency duffel from the basement and throw it in the ship.” The two separated, with Kaleb moving to the living room, kneeling down to A5. “Prepare the ship for takeoff, and make sure needed mission supplies are in storage. Meet me in front of Rarity’s house in an hour.” The droid beeped, and hurried over to help Fluttershy pack. Kaleb indicated to Luna he was ready to go, and the two exited the cottage, starting to walk upon the path leading to Ponyville. Luna glanced at him as they crossed the small bridge pointing towards the road. “It was never my intention to go over your head…” “It was never about that,” the Jedi responded. “Celestia and I had an agreement early on to keep Sweetie Belle’s name out of any official records or correspondence because of security. Those terms must be honored since the work we do is dangerous.” Leaves whisked in the wind along with a moving fog as the two walked down the road. “Upon further meditation, it is clear although Twilight was attacked, she was never the intended target.” “If not her, then who?” Luna asked. “Nobody attacks a Princess without reason.” Kaleb sighed. “The Jedi. The mastermind made it known he has a personal vendetta for reasons unknown.” This was partially a lie, as he knew what was said laid out disturbing motivations. Those facts cannot be made known lightly. There’s something else which cannot be seen, and requires confidential investigation. “If that is truly the case, then we should have handed this over to you long ago.” He shook his head. “Our facts were being manipulated, so it was natural to follow multiple leads. What have you discovered about the magic at play in these assassinations?” Luna looked at him with a straightforward manner. “I checked each source, and none reveal any kind of break-in. There is a possibility that any evidence would have been concealed by the same magic. It’s not something I’d like to admit, but I feel this has to be the case. We’ve been looking into who could have had the locations, and our course of action is why we are handing over the mission to you.” “And I’m assuming what you know cannot be told to me at this time?” Kaleb inquired. “Not at least in this location,” Luna said. “You’ll be briefed in a secure place in Canterlot in which everything will be laid out.” They stopped as two members of the Royal Guard flew down, who Kaleb recognized as the two who had guarded the cottage. The senior member known as Pine stepped in, his voice smooth as water. “Princess Luna, Jedi Master Taymar. The town is secure, with residents starting their day.” “Thank you, Captain Pine,” Luna responded stiffly. “For now, I ask you to assist Fluttershy with preparing for the long winter ahead. From there, I will contact you when it is time for her to depart to Canterlot.” “Right away.” Pine saluted them both, with the younger guard followed his superior into the sky. “Both of them did well, and Fluttershy and I appreciated their commitment and kindness,” Kaleb remarked. “Town is fairly quiet this time of day. If we take the correct route, we should encounter little attention.” The two started walking, passing by the clock tower and heading straight into Ponyville. Passing by the Quill Shop and bowling alley, Luna observed the town. “Much has changed since my time here during Nightmare Night.” “The destruction of the library brought the community together,” Kaleb recollected. “When the castle sprouted out of nowhere, Twilight wanted it to be a beacon of growth from the ashes. That’s why along with it being her home and office, it’s a resource for the town.” They finally arrived at Carousel Boutique, with the two guards at the door saluting Luna. She knocked at the door, waiting for a minute. Rarity opened the door, looking surprised even thought she had seen them through the keyhole. Luna greeted her formally. “May we come in?” “Yes, of course,” She ushered them in, closing the door. Rarity was still in her dressing gown, with her hair done up in curls. “What’s going on?” “Princess Celestia and I have decided to move all of you to Canterlot out of precaution,” Luna said. “You will be given enchanted necklaces which will counteract the spell used during the assassination.” Rarity eyed Kaleb with curiosity, noticing the disturbed glance in his eyes. “Are you alright? I know you were badly injured that night.” “I’m fine,” Kaleb said, shaking away the lingering effects of Dr. Bluejay’s potions. “Princess Celestia and Luna are handing over this investigation to me, and have requested a mission. Your sister was named in the formal letter.” Rarity nodded, reading the letter he handed to her. Her voice was calmer due to the early hour. “I understand it’s an honor, but you know my feelings on this.” “I understand, but circumstances have changed,” Kaleb interrupted, choosing his words carefully, “Whoever is doing this has knowledge of myself, and there’s a significant chance they’re going to after her.” The blush drained from Rarity’s face as she lowered her voice. “Do you think if she joins you on this mission, she’ll be safer than in Canterlot?” “There is no safe option anymore,” Kaleb said honestly. He did a silent Pinkie Promise. “I will protect her with my life, and will not force her to go against her will. She is smart and capable as a Jedi Padawan, and both those talents and her skilled knowledge of magic make her ideal for this mission. This needs to be handled by Jedi, since everyone else is a target.” Luna stepped in. “When I named her, it wasn’t just because out options were limited. She’s one of the best magic users from what I’ve observed with Twilight, and has an insight of generosity compassion inherited from you. Celestia and I trust her with both our lives.” Rarity thought for three minutes, noting the emotion and sincerity in both their voices. Rarity met the Jedi’s gaze with one of understanding and honesty. “We’ve been through a lot. To see her grow has been a blessing as an older sister, and yet I still want to protect her. It’s been difficult to trust, particularly after the attack but seeing the pain of her not being able to protect her friends is devastating for me.” “It’s not my intent to scare or manipulate with fear,” Kaleb replied. “Nor has that even been the case. I am telling you what my instincts are telling me, and what is the safest option moving forward. I know what I ask is not easy as a guardian, but please trust in the Force.” Rarity thought for a few more seconds, and then sighed. “Okay. I am going to hold you to your promise. My love for her drives me, and I will allow her to go only if she agrees to it.” Once the Jedi agreed to these terms, they shook and she pointed him to the other side of the house. “She’s in her art studio.” Kaleb thanked her, and headed around to the other side of the house to the kitchen and the small room which served as Sweetie Belle’s art studio. The room was small, with one side dedicated towards painting, and the other towards music, which often combined with various projects. He walked to the open doorway, as he saw her facing towards her canvas away from him. A simple knock brought her attention to the doorway. “Nice attention to detail on the lighting.” Sweetie Belle jumped, looking at him with surprise, paintbrush still in hoof. “Master…what are you doing here? I had heard you were badly hurt.” He sat down on a barstool next to Sweetie Belle, swiveling to face her. “First and foremost, making sure you’re safe. I had a few rib injuries and a concussion from the attack which sidelined me, but I am recovering well.” “I’m glad to hear that,” Sweetie Belle replied with a bit of anxiety in her voice. “It’s been weird not being able to go out of the house or see my friends. Even my schoolwork has been reduced significantly. There’s just so much things to regret…” His approach was a gentler one, remembering the last time they talked. But on top of that was a commitment to honesty, and making sure she knew the truth. There was sincerity in his voice. “Sweetie Belle, talk to me. Nobody else is listening in.” She sighed, as there were tears rolling down her cheeks. “I am so, so, sorry for lashing out at you. I didn’t know how bad things were, and I let my own problems get to you. And to make it worse, it’s terrifying when they go after those who you love, and it’s your fault…” Kaleb hugged her, showing every ounce of compassion through his actions and words. “None of this is your fault, okay? None of what is happening now or happened in the past is because of you.” They separated, and he handed her a handkerchief from his robes. “That guilt weighs on you conscious, and eats you from within.” Sweetie Belle nodded, using the handkerchief to wipe them away. “I never thought they would go after Twilight. My memory’s foggy, but when I lashed out, did I mention my parents?” “You did,” Kaleb acknowledged. “Rarity might have told me some details. I didn’t want to pry in your personal relationships, but it concerns me when this causes uncertainty and stress.” “I wasn’t trying to stress anyone out,” she defended, shifting her hair. “I know how much the Jedi mean to you, and how well-loved they were in your galaxy. I was just trying to defend that.” He nodded. “That’s not necessarily the case. There were those who had valid criticisms of the Jedi Order’s place in the galaxy, who thought we shunned the needs of the average individual. And there were others who hated everything we did, and never believed our viewpoint was right. Often times, no matter how much we disliked the other, we ended up on the same side.” Sweetie Belle took in this information for a few seconds. “When they brought you into this, I took it personally. I was trying to protect you, while having to defend my own choices. That’s hard, and you want others far away to keep them out of this.” “The thing is, in order to protect others, you need to be able to protect yourself, and allow yourself some forgiveness,” Kaleb said. “Don’t worry about me. I’ve faced far worse. You can’t control everything, but don’t let that bring you down. Show compassion and understanding to yourself, and it will carry a long way.” “I promise, I’ll do better in the future,” she replied, taking a deep breath. “What’s going on with your investigation? I thought Celestia and Luna are looking into other leads.” “They are handing over full control to me,” Kaleb replied. “Along with requesting you and I for a mission. I promised Rarity this would be your decision alone, not influenced by…” Sweetie Belle interrupted him before he got the chance to finish. “I’ll go.” That stopped him in his tracks, and he gazed at her with vulnerability. “This mission is going to be dangerous, Sweetie Belle, far more than you can imagine. They’re going after us, and I was lucky I wasn’t killed during the assassination attempt. They know we’re Jedi. And they won’t hold back.” She blinked with surprise. I haven’t seen him this fearful in a long time. Taking a breath, she chose her response well. “Our first mission, going out into the Everfree Forest, you told me danger is everywhere. You can’t avoid it, you can’t run from it. But what you can do is mitigate the risk, and be smart and brave. If this mission protects my family, my friends, and this world, then I want to take that chance to save them.” “I need you to be absolutely certain this is your decision,” Kaleb said. “I won’t be mad if you decline.” She nodded. “If going on this mission protects my friends, then I need to do this in order to move forward as a Jedi. Plus, there’s no way I’m letting you go out there alone. You need me.” “Granted, aside from being my Padawan, you’ve trained with Twilight in the art of combat and survival magic,” Kaleb reminded her. “You’re the most qualified second to her and Flash.” Sweetie Belle retorted back. “Don’t forget about A5, she would shock you into oblivion if you left her off the list.” That made him laugh, as he took a few seconds to chuckle. “That it would. In all seriousness, pack warm, it’s going to be cold. Bring the pouch for your lightsaber, as we don’t want them to attract attention. Do you have your magical stores for potions and spells ready to go?” “I still need to replenish from Twilight,” Sweetie Belle answered. “Rarity doesn’t let me keep them in the house, as they can be dangerous. Explosive, to the point where you can blow a hole in the roof if you’re not cautious.” Kaleb looked astonished. “Ah, I see. That’s understandable. Once you have everything set, depart with the Princess Luna and meet me in Canterlot.” Sweetie Belle nodded. “Of course.” She got up, moving ahead of Kaleb as he followed her into the drawing room. Luna and Rarity were talking quietly as they shared a bit of breakfast. “Thank you for the consideration, Princess Luna. I will be going with Kaleb on this mission.” Rarity beamed despite her fear, and Luna accepted it with a short smile. “You’re welcome, Padawan Belle. This necklace is enchanted with counterspells to protect against the spell used in the assassinations. It is my request that you wear it.” “Okay, I will,” she replied, putting the necklace on. Rarity spied Kaleb exiting quietly, opening the door. “Aren’t you traveling with us?” “I have arranged for my own transportation,” Kaleb answered, as he indicated to his ship. “There’s supplies which need to be looked after. But thank you for the offer.” He closed the door with a wave and climbed in as A5 shut the hatch. The ship took off with the engine roaring in the late fall wind. Rarity shook her head, pointing to the fruit and cereal on the table. “He always does go out in style. I have breakfast on the table, my dear sister.” “Thank you,” Sweetie Belle replied, grabbing an apple. “I need to get to Twilight to have her replenish magical supplies. Is it okay for me to leave the house?” “You’ll need one of the guards to escort you, but that’s understandable,” Rarity answered. “Just come straight back here when you’re done.” “Got it!” The Jedi Padawan moved upstairs to her room, throwing on a gray tunic with a red robe. Making sure the lightsaber was in its pouch on her belt, she moved back downstairs, and exited. One of the guards nodded and started walking with her. It took the pair only three minutes to get to the Castle, which was guarded by four Royal Guards staking the perimeter. They nodded to her, opening the door allowing Sweetie Belle to enter. She made her way to the small kitchen to find Twilight reading a book, already wearing the necklace. “Sweetie Belle,” the princess greeted in surprise. “What brings you here this morning?” “I’ve been called with Kaleb on a mission, and I need the magical supplies replenished,” Sweetie Belle explained. “Sorry to bother you this early, but I need to get back to Rarity as soon as possible.” Twilight waved away the apology. “No, of course. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” Just as she left, Spike walked into the room with a book on gemstones and a letter in his hand. “Sweetie Belle!” He hugged her, and she returned the enthusiasm. “Thank Celestia you’re okay. I was worried about you.” “Same here,” She replied. “How are you, and be honest with me.” “I’m…okay,” Spike reassured slightly. The voice and shadow hadn’t come back since the night of the assassination, but the thoughts of fear still lingered in his head. “I’m doing better than I was a few days ago. It’s a process, but I’m just trying to move forward. Actually, I just got a letter from the school with the geology program I shadowed two summers ago. I got in!” “That’s amazing! I’m so happy for you!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed with surprise. “You’ve earned it, especially with all of the notes you took from Saddle Arabia.” “That was the inspiration for the essay I wrote for the application,” Spike explained. “How about you?” Well, it’s not official yet, but might as well, Sweetie Belle thought before responding. “I spoke with Twilight, who is going to put in a good word for me with the School for Gifted Unicorns. They have a collegiate program in Advanced Magic which Princess Celestia runs. I sent in an application, but I haven’t heard back yet.” “Awesome, I just know you’re going to get in,” he replied. “They would be idiots not to do it.” Twilight walked in with a bag of supplies in hoof, setting it down on the table. “Good morning, Spike. Sweetie Belle, I’ll set these down on the table for you. There’s some letters I must write, but breakfast is over on the counter. Feel free to help yourself.” She left the room just as quickly as she entered. Spike eyed the bag with curiosity. “What are those for? Some kind of magic assignment.” “Jedi business, I’m going on a mission with Kaleb,” Sweetie Belle responded easily, answering Spike’s question before he asked it. “You know I can’t tell the details even if I wanted too.” “I know, but I want to make sure you’re safe,” Spike added hastily. “If Kaleb’s putting you in dangerous situations, then I should talk to him.” She looked at him with a slight coldness. “It was my choice to go with him, not the other way around. I’m doing this to protect you and all my friends and family. I can’t just sit on the sidelines and do nothing.” He backed off. “Okay, sorry for the assumption. Just try and come back in one piece, alright? I get worried sometimes, even if I don’t like to admit it.” The dragon chuckled to save himself from embarrassment from the sappy nature of it. “Spike, nothing bad is going to happen to you or me,” Sweetie Belle promised. “Just know that when even though we’re apart, I’m still with you. And when I come back, when all of this is over, we’re going to spend so much time bonding over comic books and movies and gemstone mining. We will have all the time in the world.” It was as close to a confession of her feelings as Sweetie Belle could get at the moment, and just for a moment, he grabbed her hoof. At first, her heart jumped but not for the reason she thought. The sound of running water ran through her head as she felt every feeling and thought going through Spike’s head. The emotions were conflicted, with one of optimism, but something else lurked within his soul. A chill emanating through with a shock like lightning. Just as quickly as it came, it went when Spike let go of her hoof, speaking to her. “We understand each other, we always have. Stay safe, and have a good mission.” He grabbed an apple and left the kitchen. Sweetie Belle gathered up the leather bag of supplies, walking out to the entrance of the castle. That wasn’t just the feelings, I swore something else was there. How did that happen, and could he sense the same thing? Kaleb flew the ship through the skies of Equestria, going above the clouds as the sun warmed the cockpit. It was a nice contrast to his last trip to Canterlot, as he probably guessed this was going to be one the last sunny weather days for a while. Winter was settling in, as every animal in the forest had felt its return. A5 relayed him a direction, and he looked to see a flock of birds following him before dipping in the opposite direction. “It looks like we’re almost there. Starting our descent with about ten minutes to destination.” The ship began its long descent down, the wind flowing smoothly against the cockpit. The Jedi started the landing procedures, making sure to run diagnostics on the engines to make sure there were no malfunctions. “A5, keep an eye on our radar. If there’s any indication of attack, we need to be ready.” The droid beeped, scanning the skies for any kind of threat. None would make itself known over the course of the next few minutes as the ship breached the clouds heading toward his landing pad on an elevated walkway at the Castle As he descended, he noticed a large number of ponies gathered near the landing spot. “Be ready, we don’t know whether they’re friendly.” It was a sigh of relief Kaleb uttered as he realized the ponies were Royal Guard, and Flash was among them. They must be here to guard the platform and to make sure I’m not attacked on my way to the castle. Setting the ship down, he turned off the engines and opened the cockpit, moving out of the ship slowly. The guards fell into two lines on either side of the platform, giving him a salute. “At ease.” Flash, in full Royal Guard regalia, spoke to him and the troops in a sharp and orderly tone. “Taymar, with me. The rest of you, see to your posts and patrols. Move out!” “Yes sir!” The guards shouted, moving back into the castle while two guards stayed to look over the ship. A5 jumped out of the ship, using her rockets to land on the ground and roll as Kaleb followed Flash across the walkway. “The royal treatment is a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.” “Please hold off on speaking until we’re in my office,” Flash said in a quiet tone. The Jedi took this seriously, and held off on remarking as they walked into the Castle. The hallways were quiet, but a sense of surveillance remained, always present. He noticed the amount of guards stationed in every room and hallway, eyes sharp with their swords and staffs at the ready. A few minutes later, they arrived at Flash’s office, and the pegasus opened the door. It was modest for a captain, but still featured lush chairs and a couch, with a desk facing the door and a coffee table in the front. Kaleb took a seat, noting just how tired his friend looked. “Sorry about that, it’s Royal Guard protocol,” Flash apologized, sitting at the desk and taking off his helmet. “We’ve been preparing Canterlot for possible attacks, changing plans to make sure our guard is kept.” “Given the circumstances, completely understandable,” Kaleb replied. “Treating me with the seriousness of an interrogation is a good strategy.” The guard gazed at him with seriousness, not acknowledging the joke. “That’s because it is, Kaleb. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have authorized me to investigate the circumstances under the attacks have taken place. Under confidential oaths, I have been tasked to investigate the links between Chrysalis, the fallen criminal organizations, and the Guards of Equestria.” Kaleb’s eyes widened. “A large undertaking. Do you have certainty someone on the inside would betray the guards?” “That would have been the only way to have gotten into this castle,” Flash answered, taking a measured tone. He set down a series of photos, showcasing the inside of the communications console. “Your communications network was tampered with, the electronics damaged. There was changeling magic detected, along with this.” He set down a charred datapad, the metallic ash scattered across the remains. “Slicers,” Kaleb muttered to himself, before looking to Flash. “That explains how they were able to hack into the Holotable. Right now, its of upmost importance this be investigated. I programmed the code myself; it would have taken someone with great skill to break through.” Flash laid it down clearly. “Here’s the thing; you and I both know there’s more to the story. And I know you have more insight than you let on. You’ve been holding back. Please tell me what information and intelligence you have.” This was not easy for the Jedi to say. “I have my suspicions. But I can’t tell you because of the oath I took so many years ago. This is Jedi business, and my insights into the Force cannot be shared lightly.” “It’s my business when Equestria is in danger,” Flash argued, his voice growing more annoyed with the second. “It’s my business when my friends and guards are in danger. And when Twilight is in danger, I’m going to do anything I can to protect her. What do you expect me to do when we are dealing with something beyond our reach and into your galaxy?” Kaleb sighed, looking at his friend with a softened expression. He’s right, but I still can’t reveal my hand. “Trust me to do the right thing, Flash. Trust me to look into this with the best my ability, make the judgements and decisions necessary, and trust the Force. I know it might not look like it, but I’m as lost as you in this. The information I have now is uncertain and clouded, even far-fetched. The only way I can figure this out is for the Jedi to investigate with confidence and report back with the truth. That’s all I ask.” The guard took two minutes to reflect before speaking. “What you’re asking isn’t easy. I trust you with my life, but I need you to know that. Everyone’s lives and safety is on our hands, and we can’t forget that responsibility.” “You have my word, I will tell you everything once I figure out what is truth and falsehood,” Kaleb swore, stating each word calmly and putting every ounce of meaning behind them. “Do you suspect Chrysalis is behind the attacks on the train?” “What we know is someone is using these criminal organizations as a proxy,” Flash explained. “None of them have the resources to pull these off, so the interested party is pulling the strings. Aside from the assassination attempts, there’s another reason I pulled you into here. The one pony with the amnesia who we apprehended was found dead last night.” The guard pulled out photos from the scene, and Kaleb examined them carefully. The body was shown to have fallen to the ground, with a note and a means of death visible behind the bars. “Death by suicide?" Flash shook his head. “Nobody believes that, not with the amount of security in the prison. I believe he was murdered and made to look like suicide.” Kaleb reflected on the layout of the prison briefly. “You suspect the Equestrian Guard?” “They are number one on our suspects,” Flash growled. “Only because of the circumstances of death. But for now, Shining Armor and I are still investigating.” “You should probably be careful this doesn’t get out to the press,” the Jedi remarked. “Otherwise you’re going to have every true-crime vinyl producer hounding the case.” That got the guard to chuckle. “Don’t worry, not a word of this is getting out there.” There was a knocking at the door, and Flash got up, peering through the eyehole and opening it. Sweetie Belle walked through the door, looking around the office before greeting him. “Good morning, Captain Sentry. I hope everything is well with you.” “Of course, Sweetie Belle. Great to see you as always,” Flash replied kindly. The guard who escorted her saluted and left the room. “Princess Celestia is in a meeting, but she should be out soon. You two should wait in here, there’s water and sandwiches in the fridge. I’ll see you soon, Kaleb.” Flash left the room, closing the door behind him. Sweetie Belle set her bag down and sat on the chair opposite of Kaleb. “Do you know any more details about the mission?” “It’s somewhere up north; that’s all Princess Luna shared with me,” Kaleb answered. “Tonight, we’ll have a full mission briefing where I’ll share what I know with you. But for now, I need to wait until we have more information.” She nodded, going to the fridge underneath the desk and pulling out water. “Captain Sentry has a press under here for coffee. Do you think he’ll mind if I use it?” “Well, I would ask…” Kaleb began, just as she put the device on the desk. He chuckled, as he knew his mind was set. “But I don’t think there are any beans in the office…” “No need, I brought my own,” Sweetie Belle interrupted, summoning a bag from her pack. She heated the water using magic while using a grinder to crush the beans into powder before putting it in. Kaleb recognized the package. “Wait a second, that coffee is from Saddle Arabia. Where did you get it?” “Doesn’t matter, it’s good coffee,” she answered in a hurry, making sure the water was the right temperature. “There’s a darker note to it, but is has hints of fruit and florals to balance it out…” “Sweetie Belle, please don’t tell me you smuggled it in across the border…” Kaleb said in slight exasperation. “There are strict rules on trade and regulations…” “I’m not letting good coffee go to waste,” she defended, timing it precisely and getting mugs out of the desk drawer. “Besides, those rules don’t make any sense in the first place.” “I just don’t want to cause an international incident here,” Kaleb said, chuckling. “You did smuggle it well, and could open a coffee shop with the magic you pour into it.” “No need to hold an intervention, I’m fine,” she quipped, causing Kaleb to laugh. “Making coffee isn’t magic, it’s a science. You really need to be precise with the quality and amount of ingredients along with the temperature.” Kaleb took the mug of coffee Sweetie Belle handed him, and he looked out the window. “At this rate, they’ll be snow here by tomorrow if these temperatures keep up.” “Did you and Fluttershy manage to get the animals ready for winter?” Sweetie Belle asked. “We were going to work non-stop today, but then this came up,” Kaleb replied. “Luckily, Dr. Fauna should be able to help us out.” It was another hour, and several sandwiches later that Celestia finally arrived with a stack of papers. Both the Jedi stood up as she entered. “Please, sit down. There’s no need for formality. I hope you two weren’t waiting too long.” “It wasn’t too long.” Kaleb brushed aside, knowing that the two of them have waited longer. “Now then, shall we get started?” Celestia sat down at the desk and looked at Sweetie Belle and Kaleb respectively. “As you both know, I have asked the Jedi to take over this investigation. Right now, my main priority has to be enacting measures to protect the citizens of Equestria. I have had several meetings with the mayors of various cities on increasing security presence.” “The assassinations seem to target royalty. Would they go after ordinary people in those cities?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Good question Sweetie Belle,” Celestia answered. “Our main concern is organized crime taking advantage of the fear and chaos. We need to make sure our communication is consistent and clear along with our strategy.” “If you are focusing on the organized crime element, then where should we focus our investigation?” Kaleb asked, making note of the cities she would need to contact. The princess sighed and handed a letter to Kaleb. “This letter was received by the Royal Guard a few weeks before the assassinations began. It’s from a pony called Sunflower Pine, who pleads for help.” Kaleb read over the letter. “Her father is missing, hasn’t been seen for months. Why would she be writing to you?” “Because she knows Equestria can send humanitarian supplies to her village,” Celestia answered gravely. “Look at where the letter was sent from.” He handed the letter to Sweetie Belle, whose eyes widened. “The Northern Badlands! I read about it in history class, isn’t the war still going on?” “There was a ceasefire, but no negotiations,” Kaleb answered. “The Dragon Lands and YakYakistan could never reach an agreement, so they abandoned the ponies, yaks, and dragons who chose to stay after the war. Many of the public officials are corrupt, the capital city is a hive of scum and villainy. It’s a hub for a fair amount of the criminal organizations within the continent.” “You understand why this peaked my interest,” Celestia responded. “For whoever is controlling the criminal organizations, it’s the perfect place to hide. Sunflower Pine’s village is near the south-central part of the Badlands, near the mountains. It’s right near Mount Boneclaw, which is also referred to as Kingdom of Sorrow.” Using her magic, Celestia summoned a picture of the mountain onto the table. Kaleb peered over, recognizing the blackened peaks. That’s the mountain from my vision! “There’s no need to explain futher, I understand why you put this in our hands.” Sweetie Belle looked at him with slight confusion, and he indicated this would be a conversation for later. Celestia looked surprise. “Well then, I guess that’s settled. All we need is to figure out the approach.” “One does not simply walk into the Northern Badlands,” Kaleb muttered, reflecting on his options for a minute or two before addressing Sweetie Belle and Celestia. “Our main problem right now is the Jedi are too recognizable, both in our wardrobe and approach. Because of compromised intelligence, we cannot reach out to YakYakistan or the Dragon Lands. Aside from that, they won’t let us even pass the border in because tensions are too high.” “If I may offer a suggestion,” Celestia said. “There are old smuggler’s routes that go in and out of the territory, which were used to avoid detection from authorities. Using those could make it easier to get in or out.” “If we could get in on speeder bikes, that would make our travel time faster,” Sweetie Belle added. “Even speeder bikes would raise suspiscion,” Kaleb replied to her disappointment. “We need to stay off the grid. I think the smuggler’s routes would be our best approach. If we walk, how far would the journey be on foot?” “At most, a week depending on the weather conditions,” Celestia answered. “You would be departing from the very edge of the Crystal Empire. I need you two to keep in mind how risky this approach is. If the Jedi were revealed to have snuck into the Northern Badlands, the diplomatic consequences would be catastrophic, no matter how good our relations with the Dragon Lands and YakYakistan have been in the past.” “It’s better to ask forgiveness later than to ask for permission first,” Sweetie Belle responded. “I learned that from him.” “In any case, I have experience with stealth missions going back to the Clone Wars,” Kaleb added, giving his apprentice a sly shrug. “This mission won’t fail. We will get in undetected.” Celestia nodded, standing up. “Well then, I believe its settled. Keep the details in confidence. Inform Flash when you would like to depart, and there will be a portal to the Crystal Empire with supplies waiting for you.” Before leaving, she turned to Sweetie Belle. “I reviewed your application yesterday. That was an excellent essay. Congratulations Sweetie Belle, you have officially been accepted into the collegiate program for The School for Gifted Unicorns. Here is your letter, and I look forward to teaching you next year.” Sweetie Belle’s jaw dropped and her eyes widened with shock and amazement. “Oh wow, thank you Princess Celestia. I’m honored to be accepted; this was my number one pick for schools.” “You chose well,” Celestia responded warmly. “Take care, and may the Force be with both of you.” She left in a hurry, leaving the door open behind her. Kaleb had the biggest smile on his face, when Sweetie Belle turned to him. “Congregations, we’ll celebrate tonight in the Crystal Empire. Why didn’t you tell me you were applying, I could have given you a recommendation?” “Honestly, I didn’t want to get anyone’s hopes up,” she responded slowly. “It was just a dream school. So then, when are we leaving?” “Soon,” Kaleb said, standing up and walking out the door. Sweetie Belle followed behind him as he made his way out to the ship. “Once I stop by and get the supplies out of my ship, I want to speak to everyone who was evacuated to Canterlot Castle. At the very least, I want to give them a speech before departing.” The doors opened, and the two of them started down the walkway to the ship. Sweetie Belle’s eyes had a bit of a distracted gaze. “That will be my chance to say goodbye as well. I swear, if I see my parents even look at my friends, sister, or you the wrong way, that won’t be the end of it…” “Padawan!” Kaleb growled in a warning tone. The two made it to the ship as A5 hung back and the Jedi Master removed the emergency duffle. Moving over to A5, he filled her in on the mission at hand. “I need you to keep a close eye on the group, and assist Flash with the investigation. Slicers hacked into the communications, so he will need all the forensics he can get.” The astromech droid beeped, going ahead of the two Jedi. Sweetie Belle had recoiled at her Master’s words, as she saw just how serious he was. Kaleb softened his gaze and tone and knelt down. She’s still young. Harshness should never be without explanation. “Sweetie Belle, I know there’s issues between your family which should be addressed. But I need you to focus on the task at hand, and give this your undivided attention. Our mission starts with how we conduct ourselves, and not letting our emotions cloud our judgement.” She backed off, looking down at the ground and around the courtyard before meeting Kaleb’s gaze. “I’m sorry; I should know better. It’s just a very difficult situation with everything going on.” “It’s okay, this is new territory for you,” Kaleb said, accepting the apology warmly. “I find that even when the world seems to be crumbling around me, giving my attention to the mission gives a bit of relief from it.” The two walked back into the castle, with a guard guiding them one of the Royal chambers. Sweetie Belle grabbed her luggage and looked at Kaleb sheepishly. “I thought we would be going by ship or speeder bike.” Kaleb shrugged, as the two left the room to get to Celestia’s throne room. “We can repack and replenish at The Crystal Empire. Remember, there’s going to be a lot of fear from the ponies who were evacuated here. We need to keep a calm presence to ease their minds.” Sweetie Belle nodded. The two were escorted up two flights of stairs before the doors to the throne room opened. Gathered in spare chairs and couches were the Mane Six, along with their families. Twilight’s parents were speaking to their daughter, while Fluttershy’s were in conversation with the Apples. Pinkie Pie’s family contrasted her, as they seemed stoic and unreposed. It was a relief to Sweetie Belle that her parents haven’t arrived yet, and she waved to the rest of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They spoke in quiet tones, as A5 gazed at the group next to Celestia and Luna. The Jedi approached quietly, as their presence had not been detected as of yet. Celestia cleared her throat, as the group quieted down and realized who had just entered. “Kaleb, you may speak freely.” “Thank you, Princess Celestia,” Kaleb replied. He gazed warmly at Fluttershy’s family and all the others before speaking. “As all of you know, you have been evacuated to Canterlot Castle under the recommendation of the Royal Guard due to the assassination attempt a week prior. Before I go further, I would like to thank the Royal Guard for their continued hard work and efforts to ensure your safety.” The group clapped slightly and Flash nodded briefly before indicating the Jedi to continue. “Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have requested the Jedi to take over and continue this investigation as I see fit. My Padawan and myself will be embarking on a mission. We cannot tell you anything more, but rest assured this mission is in the best interest of protecting this continent from great danger. The Jedi must step in to protect the innocent, and to stop whatever darkness is coming. I know what I ask is not easy, for you to put your lives aside and trust the Jedi. But in order for this mission to succeed, you must trust myself, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and the Royal Guard.” Kaleb wasn’t one for inspiring speeches, but it did inspire an uptick of optimism in the room. He added quietly to Sweetie Belle, “Say your goodbyes, and we’ll leave in about five minutes.” She nodded, running over to her sister and friends. The Jedi Master kept a more reserved manner, walking over and slowly shaking the hoof and hugging each pony in the room, from the Apples to the Pies and more. After three minutes, he finally made it over to Fluttershy and her family, with Mrs. Shy hugging him. “Thank you so much, we don’t know what to say.” “Just being here in this castle is enough,” Kaleb said, shaking hands with Mr. Shy before turning to Fluttershy’s brother. “Zephyr, it’s been far too long.” Zephyr embraced Kaleb in a hug before rubbing his mane. “Yeah, sorry about that. The photography business really picked up; I’m traveling around Equestria half of the time shooting weddings and family events. Thanks for helping me get on the right track.” “Don’t mention it,” Kaleb replied. Over the past few years, he had helped Zephyr figure out his career path, which he figured out was photography two years after they met. Despite their differences, they had grown close over the past few years. Fluttershy was relieved for her brother to have somewhat grown, with Kaleb lending a Jedi’s recommendation for a college program for a business degree and a start-up hub for entrepreneurs. “I hope your business isn’t affected too bad by this.” “Believe me, it’s not,” Zephyr emphasized. “The holiday season isn’t as frantic as the spring and summer.” Finally, Fluttershy went over to him and hugged him. “Stay safe and warm. I wish we had more time.” “We have all the time in the world.” It was a simple statement, but the phrase meant so much to the two of him. He kissed her gently, before heading over to Princess Celestia Sweetie Belle said her own goodbyes, starting with giving her sister the biggest hug in the world and breaking the news. Rarity simply cried as she heard the college her younger sister got into. This was followed by fierce hug from Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Spike. The dragon added something quietly in his hug. “A dragon’s fire can breathe life and create warmth. Mine is with you.” “I’ll keep that with me,” She replied in a calm tone, despite her pounding heart. “Don’t be afraid to reach out to Apple Bloom or Scootaloo if you need advice, they’re great at giving it.” A warm smile and nod greeted her back, and she left to go along beside Kaleb. Celestia opened the portal to the Crystal Empire, sending one last message. “Thank you for taking on this mission. May safe winds guide your travels.” The two entered the portal, taking one look back before striding forward into the library of the Castle of the Crystal Empire before it closed behind them with a whoosh. Kaleb took a deep breath. “Well, it looks like this is where it begins.” Before Sweetie Belle could reply, Cadance opened the door and strode in. “Ah, Sweetie Belle and Kaleb! Glad to see you two got through safely.” “All it took was a step,” Sweetie Belle quipped. “A literal step.” “I do say, it’s nice not having to travel by train this time around,” Kaleb replied. “How has your day been?” Cadance glanced out of the corner of her eye, turned around and jumped in fright to see a floating Flurry Heart. “Well, it’s been something. I laid all of the maps out on the table you need to study.” Kaleb turned to see a gigantic pile laid down on the table closest to him. “Thank you, I’ll get to studying and digitizing as soon as possible. Celestia told me there would be supplies as well.” Flurry Heart once again floated out of Cadance’s grasp, but Sweetie Belle caught her just in time. “I can sort through those, Princess Cadance. Where would they be?” “Just down the hall and to the left,” she directed, thanking Sweetie Belle and taking back her newborn child. “Shining Armor went through most of it; it’s our camping supplies. Just promise to bring them back in one piece.” “We’ll try,” the Jedi replied, thanking her as Cadance left to put Flurry Heart down for a nap and turning to her Master. “I did so much camping with my friends, so don’t worry, you have an expert.” Kaleb chuckled. “You do have experience.” He reached into his robes and pulled out a bag of bits, sorting quite a few into another bag before handing it to her. “Buy whatever you think we need, and the rest is yours. Consider it a gift for you getting into the collegiate program.” “Thank you,” Sweetie Belle chimed with surprise. “Sorry I didn’t tell you. I honestly did not expect to get in given the strict acceptance rate.” “I’m just glad you’re happy,” Kaleb replied. “Now then, enjoy your afternoon while I whittle away at studying these maps and putting the cartography skills I learned at the Jedi Temple to use. We should have an assigned room just upstairs from here, so meet me up there at 8:00 for dinner and we’ll get into the briefing.” Sweetie Belle looked at the pile and added a witty remark. “Have fun, and I expect your exam due tonight!” They both laughed, and she went out to get the supplies organized. It was hours later, as the afternoon snowfall would find its way into the evening, that Kaleb found himself in the room, sitting for a meditation. He knew once tomorrow began; his focus had to be on the mission. It was tonight which the Jedi allowed himself some levity to reflect on his attachments, with Fluttershy being the main focus. Just for tonight, I wish you were here with me Shy…Kaleb pondered, as he held the box which contained the engagement ring in his hand. You would love it here, with the snow and the lights. It was at this point which he heard a knock at the door. “It’s open.” Shining Armor strode in, holding a bag of takeout food from The Tasty Treat. “All the way from Canterlot, just as you requested. You’re lucky the portal connection is still viable for today.” “Thank you,” Kaleb said graciously, taking the food and setting it on the table. “I wouldn’t normally ask for extravagance, but I want to celebrate Sweetie Belle’s accomplishment. It’s a big deal.” “In dark times, it’s good to have small spots of brightness,” the captain replied, looking at him. “How are preparations for tomorrow? We have a specific spot just near the border where we’ll be transporting the two of you.” “Alright so far,” Kaleb mentioned. “Looking at the maps, it's clear we’re going into the unknown here. I just need to remember to keep a calm head.” Shining Armor nodded. “That helps. I know about the argument you got into with Flash this morning. You mean well, but there’s a lot of responsibility on his shoulders at this moment. Now’s not the time to leave anything hidden on the table.” Kaleb sighed. “I could have handled that better, and he needs to know I always have his back. I’ll write an apology letter for him and leave it on the table so it can be delivered.” “He cares for you,” Shining reassured. “And I know how difficult friendships can be when the professional setting is there. What are your thoughts on his mission?” The Jedi thought had reflected on this while looking over the maps. “My instincts tell me there is a link between the Equestrian Guard and Queen Chrysalis. Focus in on the those embedded within the criminal organizations and the location and timing of the changeling infiltration.” “I’m not surprised, thank you for that and I’ll pass it on to Flash along with your letter,” Shining replied calmly. “We’ve already begin surveillance on the captains and commanders. If they as so much make a step, in the wrong direction, we’ll know.” Kaleb hugged Shining Armor. “Stay safe, for Twilight’s sake and mine.” The two separated with the captain replying in kind. “Trust me, I will. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He left the room quickly, with a few minutes passing before Sweetie Belle entered just as Kaleb was plating the food. Her eyes widened at the food which lay before her. “Whoa, you didn’t have to go all out.” “Believe me, I had planned this either way,” Kaleb said. “This is our first big mission together, and I wanted to celebrate.” Both of the sat down and began to eat. The meal was simple, with each ingredient crafted with care and combined into a fantastic curry with rice and roasted vegetables. Sweetie Belle looked at the logo on the bag with recognition. “I know this place; Rarity helped them out when the map called her and Pinkie Pie to Canterlot.” “Fluttershy and I went to see a concert there, and we found the restaurant while wandering around,” Kaleb explained. “Coriander and Saffron talked with us for over an hour. You know, the map is a lot like the Force, now that I think about it.” “Extremely convenient while being just vague enough to be kind of annoying?” “Exactly,” Kaleb replied, raising his glass of sparkling water and taking a drink. “Slightly harsh, but true.” She chuckled. “Don’t let Twilight hear me say that. With the Force, there will be days where I’ll be meditating and get these sounds and sensations and it feels like I’m being watched or witnessing something.” “Echos in the Force are common,” he added after taking a few spoonsful of curry. “We’re part of a larger circle, and there’s always others reaching out to us. It’s just a question of whether we reach out to them. There will be cases where these echoes will be a part of objects, and it tells a certain part of its history and what happened around it.” Her eyes widened. “That sounds useful, especially in a mystery or investigation.” “Often times, Jedi would be called in to assist with murders, and those skills came in handy,” Kaleb replied. “Anyway, what are you going to study in that program?” “Well, I’m kind of undecided at the moment, but I’m thinking maybe Advanced Spellcasting,” Sweetie Belle said. “There’s a focus on magic, but they also have regular programs so I’m most likely going to go with communication.” “That’s a good field of study,” Kaleb replied. “And fitting since you already have great communication skills.” She shrugged. “Well, I try. I wanted something to help me as a Jedi, and I figured this is a good strategy. It’s just hard sometimes figuring out what I’m going to do for the rest of my life, you know?” “You have plenty of time,” Kaleb responded wisely. “I never fully had this conversation with you, but what you do is completely up to, not me. Jedi were more than just peacekeepers, but also teachers, scholars, and scientists. I would never pressure you to follow in my footsteps.” “I never realized there was more than one way to be a Jedi,” Sweetie Belle said after a moment. “And for the record, I want to follow in your footsteps, but at the same time walk down my own path. I don’t know what it is yet, but what I do know is my Jedi way will bring compassion. As long as it pays, of course.” She added that with slight embarrassment. Kaleb laughed. “Don’t worry, it pays well. The royal government pays for most expenses, but I still get a decent salary to support Fluttershy and myself. One of the great things about the Jedi Order was the classes I took and just how much knowledge and experience I gained in many fields of study.” “I just wish that I could see the Jedi Temple on Coruscant,” Sweetie Belle said in a dreamy tone. “It looks so amazing from the holos you’ve showed me, even grander than Canterlot Castle.” There was a twinge of sadness in Kaleb’s voice as he responded. “You would have loved it. Now then, let’s have dessert and discuss the mission. I’m assuming all of the supplies are packed down the hall?” “Everything is good,” Sweetie Belle responded as he took out two small pieces of a cake which smelled of cinnamon and spice. “The good news is we won’t need to break our backs carrying heavy supplies. I enchanted two canvas bags to change the dimension on the inside. It will fit everything we need and be as light as a feather. The actual size of the bag is small enough so it will just feel like a normal backpack when its inside.” That manage to get a whistle out of Kaleb. “Wizard.” Sweetie Belle looked at him with a large amount of confusion. “It means that something’s cool. Everybody says that.” “Nobody says that in Equestria.” Sweetie Belle responded with a straight face. Kaleb was slightly determined to make sure it was a thing. “I’m pretty sure they do.” And Sweetie Belle just shook her head. “No, they don’t.” Realizing his language was uncool with the youth, he just sighed and moved forward. “Anyway, you heard most of what this mission is about. Essentially, what we’re doing is traveling to this place undetected, investigating, and moving forward from there. This was common with most of the missions the Jedi undertook, as a lot of times we were going into situations which had mystery.” “Here’s what I don’t understand,” Sweetie Belle began. “Why are we taking the word of a stranger we barely know? Her father could have gone missing for a number of reasons unrelated to the assassinations. And why travel all the way up there instead of investigating more and going in with a better idea?” “All of those are valid questions,” Kaleb responded. “There are certain things I chose not to reveal to Celestia and Luna when taking on this mission. The first being I saw that same mountain where she lives. in a Force vision earlier this morning. In fact, I have been having visions going back to seven years ago, and they reemerged the moment this trouble started.” Her eyes widened and the tone she took was in disbelief. “No way, that shouldn’t be possible. There’s no way that could happen. How would that even be possible?” “It’s not unusual to have visions from the Force,” he added in a neutral tone. “But when it’s reoccurring with this level of timing, it’s more than visions, but a prophecy. The only reason I told Twilight and the rest of her friends was because they swore they would not interfere with fate until things became clearer.” Sweetie Belle stood up for a moment, pacing around the room before sitting back down. “Okay, I’m good. I guess that makes sense.” “The second piece of information I did not disclose was the fact that I spoke to the one responsible for the assassinations before Twilight was attacked.” Kaleb said calmly. His apprentice jumped slightly, but did the breathing exercises he taught her to calm her mind. She took a minute to process this fact before speaking. “Why didn’t you tell me this in my art studio this morning? It’s specifically designed to help my anxiety and prevent panic attacks.” “Sorry about that. I didn’t want to keep you in the dark, but to make sure our location was secure,” Kaleb apologized. “The communications system was hacked by a slicer, and he was able to talk to me. He spoke of the usual goal of revenge, but what was most disturbing was that he had a deep knowledge of the Jedi, the Nihl and a history of my galaxy.” For the first time, Sweetie Belle looked at him in fear. “I’m honestly at a loss for words…” “I’ve spent days meditating on this, thinking of every possible scenario, but one comes to mind,” Kaleb mentioned. “The spell that brought me here; the one of Starswirl’s design. Is there a possibility it could be reversed so that only someone or something could cast it? The magic here resembles nothing of the magic of the Nightsisters, so the likelihood is low.” “There are so many unknowns, we can’t even begin to figure this out,” Sweetie Belle said. “So, is the one you spoke to actually carrying out the assassinations?” “I think there are two in this case,” Kaleb theorized. “The mastermind, and the assassin. I believe this assassin is an extremely skilled spellcaster who was able to replicate Nightmare’s Moon’s enchantments. While at the same time, conjuring some kind of metallic beast to physically kill whoever is in the spell. It is possible to cast two spells at the same time?” Sweetie Belle thought for a few moments. “It’s extremely rare and dangerous, but not impossible. The amount of energy and magic for two powerful spells could react negatively against each other, basically causing an explosion. What you’ll see experts do is cast one spell less than a second after the other.” Kaleb nodded, taking in her theory and approaching the conversation in a more compassionate tone. “There’s another mission in all of this: protecting you. Because of your status as a Jedi, they are more likely to go after you. I need you on this mission not just to help me, but so I can protect you. My Master gave her life to save mine, and I will do the same for you.” Her eyes widened. I knew she died, but he never told me the circumstances. “I won’t let you down. And I’ll protect you.” Kaleb got up, looking at the time. “We need to get up early tomorrow, so I’m going to bed. I suggest you get some sleep. Have a good night.” They hugged, and moved to their separate bedrooms. Nine hours later, Kaleb and Sweetie Belle stood in the midst of a path laid clear with snow. Farmland stretched towards the Crystal Empire, with a wooded forest just beyond the horizon, the peaks ominously looming in the north. Both wore cloaks of black over their clothing, with small hiking packs concealed underneath. “You’re going to need all the strength you can get,” Shining Armor lectured as himself and another Royal Guard stood with them. “Once you hit the border, be careful of the enchantments. Sweetie Belle, do the counterspells exactly as I taught you and both of you should move undetected.” “Thank you,” Sweetie Belle responded. “Those spells will be useful.” Kaleb grasped Shining Armor’s leg in a firm grasp. “Take care and keep an eye on Flash for me. He has so much on his shoulders.” “I will,” the unicorn replied, indicating to the time. “This is as far as I can take you. But I know both of you will succeed. We’re all counting on you. Safe travels.” With a flash of light, Shining Armor and the guard teleported back to the Crystal Empire. The Jedi looked to the horizon, with Kaleb beginning to take the first steps. “Wait.” He stopped. “What is it?” Sweetie Belle looked back towards the Crystal Empire before turning to him. “This is the farthest away from home I’ve ever been…the farthest away from Rarity.” Giving a compassionate gaze, he knelt down and looked at her. “It’s scary, going out your front door and venturing off into the unknown. But we will face this together, as Master and Apprentice. I’ll be right by your side, as I always will be.” She hugged him briefly then let go. Together, the ventured down the path into the wild unknowns lying in the North.