//------------------------------// // Chapter 8: Spirits of the Damned // Story: Heart of the Force: Gambit of Darkness // by fluttershyfan17 //------------------------------// The sound of the heart beats loudly as soon as one follows their own footsteps. One after the other, in a rhythm which drives purpose and forces the one who walks to the path to make the decision. The jarring crunch of snow and ice on foot or hoof cracks you up to attention like a punch to the face, every small sound wave hitting your ears and never leaving you. Just as your other foot hits the ground, and the process cycles into oblivion. Kaleb and Sweetie Belle walked on a small path, where the frozen fields of the Crystal Empire had been replaced with dying trees standing tall in defiance of their own deaths. The leaves had long fallen to the ground, buried with snow and ice. The unicorn’s ears perked up as she thought she heard the sound of rushing water up ahead, but stayed silent none the less. Exhaustion haunted their bodies, as it had been a difficult journey to get to where they walked now. One day to get to the border; the other to cross it. The second day required a massive amount of magic from Sweetie Belle, to the point of almost collapsing the moment they got into a safe place to rest for the night. It was the cold which got to them the most, no matter how warm the fire Kaleb built. “I hear water nearby,” Sweetie Belle observed, glancing over at her Master. “As do I,” Kaleb replied, looking ahead. “I’m guessing this is the river on the map, which flows just south of the mountain.” The two continued ahead, walking forward for no more than a few minutes. Sweetie Belle sighed and took a few sips from her canteen. Although we’re good on food, it’s the water I’m most worried about. The supply we started with dropped fast yesterday. We need to find a source fast. Kaleb had his hand to the ground as they walked, detecting signs of life. Only the smallest traces of life exist. These are harsh conditions for any creature to live in, particularly the winter. Around five hundred feet away, he spotted a bridge and indicated for them to move forward at a quicker pace. The two finally made it to find a run-down wooden bridge with a small dock right next to it. The river had not yet frozen completely, as the ice was thin and the water running as fast as a summer’s day. Kaleb looked at Sweetie Belle, indicating for both of them to stop. “We’ll stop and rest here for lunch before moving forward.” “I thought you said we weren’t going to stop until nightfall,” Sweetie Belle said with confusion. “That we had to keep going to get to the village in a few days.” “That would be in an extreme circumstance. We’re good on time for now,” Kaleb said. “As well, you need to pace yourself after yesterday. That’s why I had us sleep in by two hours this morning.” Sweetie Belle brushed it off, persisting. “I can push myself if I need to, go beyond what I think are my limits. That’s what we do as Jedi.” “There’s a difference between pushing ourselves and being reckless to the point of endangerment,” Kaleb said, being careful not to talk down to her. “I like that energy, but we need to save it for the mountain. That’s where the path is going to get steep and treacherous.” Realizing what he was saying she nodded and found a small clearing overlooking the dock. The two sat on tree stumps as she took out two silver pouches of food. Only needing a small heating spell to be activated, the pouches glowed for a moment before Kaleb took his and opened it. Steam came out, and he used the utensils on the side to eat a mix of chicken, rice, and vegetables. Sweetie Belle had chosen all of them herself, getting a mix of those with meat and vegetarian options. Ponies could technically eat meat, but under really strict cooking circumstances and in small amounts. She chose a mix of rice, vegetables, and tofu and used the utensils to eat while both of them gazed out at the river. It was a beautiful sight to behold, as tall pines and boulders surrounded the river, with the sun reflecting down on the snow, ice, and water. The unicorn gazed out, saying to herself and Kaleb, “Thank goodness the sun is out, I thought the wind and snow would never stop yesterday.” “It’s a good sign. We crossed the border, and now are entering into gentler territory,” Kaleb replied. “Thank you for using your magic. I couldn’t have gotten this far without you.” “Of course,” she answered warmly. “It’s good practice for my spellcasting anyway. I like this river, it reminds me of doing winter hikes with Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash.” “Now that is something I would pay to see,” Kaleb replied, imagining the banter between the four of them. “Fluttershy and would do winter hikes every so often, they’re a lot of fun.” She gazed out at the scenery, looking at the winding path the river took to go southwest around the mountain. “I imagine you got a lot of experiences seeing natural wonders of the galaxy.” Kaleb responded with nostalgia. “That’s the great thing with multiple planets; every single one was unique, both in history and ecosystem. I never felt bored exploring.” “What planet would you say was the most dangerous?” Sweetie Belle asked directly. “Just on an ordinary day without any kind of war.” He replied with a bit of humor before getting serious. “It’s difficult to say; there were so many. But I would go with Tatooine. The grip Jabba The Hutt holds over the planet and the city of Mos Espa is strong, but somehow manages to keep the peace between the various crime families residing within its borders. It was well out of Republic jurisdiction, meaning it was a hub for smuggling and unfortunately, slavery.” This shocked Sweetie Belle. “I thought the Republic had banned slavery.” “We did, but not in the Outer Rim,” Kaleb acknowledged. “That was out of our control, and with the war, it prospered. Even with all the laws and power in the galaxy, the Republic couldn’t stop it. The Jedi did everything we could, but it still wasn’t enough.” “It must have been hard to live there,” Sweetie Belle replied. “I read some of the texts from your library. I had no idea moisture farming was that difficult, on top of the seasons and attacks from the Sand People…” “Tusken Raiders,” Kaleb corrected. “Those texts are outdated in regard to the language and attitudes it portrays. A lot of the conflict starts with moisture farmers who hold prejudice against the Tusken tribes and did not respect their borders and customs. They lived on those lands long before Tatooine became a desert planet, and unfortunately many of the settlers stole the land for themselves.” “I’m so sorry, I had no idea,” Sweetie Belle apologized. “I swear, I just read it in the book.” Kaleb accepted the apology. “You’re good. I didn’t realize those texts were in the database, so I’ll take a closer look. That planet has always had a complicated history, and its unfortunate the bad moments outweigh the good of everyone who lives there.” Sweetie Belle had a thought, but lost it, and turned to other matters. ‘We’re going to run out of water. I know there’s a river right there, but I would be concerned just because we don’t know how clean it is.” He nodded, knowing that she was right. “That’s a good call. I’m assuming that even a spell for purification has its risks.” “There are limits to how far it can go, and it takes a deep understanding of magic and science to pull off,” she explained. “I’ve read about it, but it’s still beyond my grasp. There’s a biochemistry aspect to it, and combining that with the magic is tricky.” “We should be able to find a freshwater spring somewhere,” Kaleb mentioned, though not with complete reassurance. “The only problem is finding one which isn’t frozen. If worse comes to worse, I can pull some survival techniques from Jedi training.” He got up, looking at the horizon. “We should get going.” Sweetie Belle sighed, and put her pack back on just as he did. Kaleb also put on a pair of gloves, matching the black of his robes. Thin enough to allow movement of the slightest fingers, but thick enough to protect from the cold, the gloves put a hand on the post indicating the start of the bridge. It was made from rope, thick knots encasing each wooden panel at the bottom with each weathered strand indicating a story in the long history. It swayed with uncertainty in the wind, dipping down to just a few feet below the surface of the icy water. The Jedi both looked at each other, each thinking of their own solutions. “I could teleport us across with magic,” Sweetie Belle suggested. Kaleb shook his head. “That shouldn’t be necessary, I believe if we go one at a time, it will hold. We need to make sure our energy is conserved for the hours ahead.” “If it holds your weight, it’s going to hold mine. You should go first.” She didn’t agree with him, but she held back. Now wasn’t the time for unnecessary arguments. He nodded. “Very well.” He put a foot on the wood, feeling it dip and creak with the pressure and weight of the strings. Letting out a slow, deep breath, he gripped the two ropes on either side of him for guidance, and made the first step. The bridge shook with his weight, as his boots slipped slightly on the ice accumulating on the bridge, as it swayed and leaned downward. “Karrabast…” He swore under his breath, as he waited another ten seconds. Breathe, just breathe. Keep your eyes forward, and move slowly. One step at a time was the approach he took as waited to fully put down his weight until the bridge stopped shaking. It wasn’t easy, as the wind made it hard and the snow began to fall. The Jedi Master had a precision, and reached out to the Force to steady himself, and to allow himself to focus. The breathing brought him into a small state of meditation, as he centered himself and overcame the center of the bridge where it had dipped the most. From there, it was an uphill trek as the ice didn’t make it easy. The moment Kaleb hit the other side, he knelt down feeling the weight of the earth. His hands touched the path, now laden with a fresh coat of snow. Standing back up, his gave a thumbs up to Sweetie Belle. “Go slow and steady, there’s ice all over the wood. You can’t see it, but it’s there.” “Here I go,” she called to him as she nodded, taking a deep breath similar to him and putting her hoof on the ice. Even if four limbs on the bridge was better than two, this left the problem of no steadying of the ropes, leaving the bridge to sway freely in the wind. She reached two the lower pair of ropes on the sides, as she was stuck about three steps away from her side. Kaleb gripped the ropes, trying to steady the bridge to keep it from swaying. “You’re doing good, just keep your eyes towards me. Follow the sound of my voice.” He couldn’t tell whether she heard him as the wind whipped even more. He thought he saw a speck of something pelt past him, but kept his eyes solely on his apprentice. Sweetie Belle kept going slow, using a technique of one hoof at a time to slowly move across the boards. It had worked for the first minute, but as she moved towards the center of the bridge, it became tricky with the ice. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw something peculiar and turned her head to the left. The was a wolf cub out on the ice, just a few feet away from the bridge. Its white fur was pelted with speckles from the snow, and its gray eyes looked at her wide. “Hey, little buddy,” Sweetie Belle said, remaining on the center panel of the bridge. “You need to get off of this river…go to the other side. You’ll be safe…” At that moment, the ice underneath the cub cracked and shattered the pup tried to move towards land. The water dragged the pup underneath the surface. “NO!” Sweetie Belle yelled, as Kaleb lost his grip on the bridge, and the center panel collapsed. She fell right onto the ice, her impact shattering the remaining ice and dragging her under the fast-moving currents. “SWEETIE BELLE!” Kaleb sprinted downstream, keeping his eye on the ice and looking for any signs of her underneath the broken ice. There were rapids ahead, with menacing white peaks and currents he knew would drag anything under the surface to never reappear. The unicorn had only been underwater on a few occasions, where the lakes were as clear as crystal and the oceans provided plenty to explore. The river rendered herself blind, as she spluttered with keeping water out of her lunges. Can’t think…have to react. The one thing she knew was she had to get to surface or drown in the icy depths of the water. The currents lurched her body to the left, barreling into the wolf cub who was completely unconscious. She grabbed him and together they were carried by the currents underneath the river, where they hit ground about ten feet below the surface. The rocks…the rocks! Knowing she had only about two minutes of air left, she reached her hoof out, feeling the weight of the Force on her body and sensed the objects around her. Finding a large boulder, she moved it towards her and the pup, it blocked the current, as she hit the rock, feeling the weight of the current pushing up against her and the rock, but it didn’t budge. Meanwhile, Kaleb ran with his hand outstretched, tracking the two life forms down the river, until he realized they had stopped. Ripping off cloak, he moved on the ice slowly towards the center of the river, realizing they were right below him. He pounded, realizing he couldn’t break the ice with just his body. Sweetie Belle was floating in and out of consciousness as she saw the piercing blue light of a lightsaber cutting a large hole through the ice. Kaleb…hurry…can’t hold on much longer. The Jedi Master carved the hole, and using all the impact his powers could muster, punched down on the ice to break it. He dived in without reservation, continuing to use his powers to keep his body from moving downstream. Using a swift breaststroke, he found the two huddling near a boulder, and he grabbed both of them. Making his way back up, he broke the surface and threw them onto the ice. Sweetie Belle breathed fast and heavy, coughing up riverwater and shivering like crazy while grasping for air. She grabbed the cub, and slowly made her way back onto the land as Kaleb crawled just as slowly. Within a minute, all three of them were back on dry land. She had thrown off her own cloak, drenched with ice and rocks, and shivered to the point of near convulsions. Kaleb wrapped his dry cloak around her, but she paid no attention as she huddled over the cub, holding its body close to hers. “Come on..wake up…please wake up. I saved you…you have to wake up.” It was devastating to the point where tears streamed down her face. Kaleb put a hand on her shoulder. “Let me have a look at him.” Lost and in a dazed sense of confusion, she handed the cub over to Kaleb, who took it in both of his hands and laid it down. He put his head close to its body, one ear on its chest and moving up near its mouth. “He’s still alive…but breathing is ragged. We can give him a fighting chance.” Remembering his veterinary training from Dr. Fauna and Fluttershy, Kaleb checked the pulse and started CPR on the wolf, breathing air into its mouth several times before starting compressions to the chest. He repeated this cycle several times, using the Force to transfer a small part of his own energy into the wolf to sustain it. Come on…you can do this. You need to wake up…you can fight and live another day…breathe! Finally, the wolf cub came back to consciousness, opening his eyes and whimpering while huddling up. Kaleb sat on the ground, recovering from saving the animal as Sweetie Belle quickly moved and embraced it in her hooves. “You’re alive! It’s okay, baby, I got you. You’re safe with me,” Sweetie Belle cooed, wrapping it in her hooves and looking at her Master concerned. “Are you okay? I didn’t realize you were going to dive in.” “I’ll live,” Kaleb replied, more concerned about her safety. He shivered as he tried calm breaths to warm his body. “Thank Faust you’re alive, I was so worried you wouldn’t make it back. I’m so sorry, I swore that bridge was safe.” She gave him a compassionate glance. “You saved us both, that’s enough for me. I shouldn’t have stayed on the center panel of the bridge for that long.” “You did the right thing,” Kaleb said. “That cub would not be alive if not for your bravery.” “It’s like Fluttershy would say, I would rather die than let an innocent animal come to harm,” Sweetie Belle remembered. “I looked at him, and it was like looking into its soul.” “That’s what it first felt like for me when I started to communicate with them,” Kaleb said, his eyes widening as she had started to fully develop his senses. He chuckled as the cub licked her face. “He likes you.” She stood back up, looking upstream. “We need to get back to the path. I can use a warming spell to help you…” He declined. “You need it more than I do. The side of the stream is too risky, there’s too much of a chance we could attract unwanted attention. If we cut through the woods, we’ll meet the path eventually. I’ll carry the cub.” Sweetie Belle nodded, agreeing with his observations. “There’s a chance we can find his mother. Otherwise, he’ll freeze out here alone.” “Our compassion will guide us, and hopefully lead us to warmth,” Kaleb mumbled as he picked up the wolf cub, who gazed at him before settling into a comfortable position. Sweetie Belle packed away her damp cloak before catching up to her Master. It was a treacherous journey into the afternoon, with the snow starting to pick up even through the dense forest. It was difficult to make out, but they eventually got back to the path after an hour of slowly moving one foot and hoof after another to get through the powder. Sweetie Belle kept quiet through these hours, but her mind buzzed as she followed Kaleb up the steep path. It was difficult to concentrate, as her mind remained on her family and the possibility of Rarity confronting her parents. She knows exactly the right words to say, and I wish I had half the wisdom of her sometimes. I love them, but I just want them to understand I’m not their little mare anymore. The last time Sweetie Belle and her parents had exchanged words, it ended with slammed doors and her storming out of the house. Maybe I should tell Rarity to intervene, even when she goes to extreme she’s still in the right state of mind… Her senses alerted her to deep emotions of turmoil. At first, she thought it was the wolf cub, as she immediately prepared to ease its mind, but realized the cub’s mind lay still, between sleep and consciousness. The emotions instead were coming from her Master. Sweetie Belle honed in, realizing with each step, his breathing was ragged and every step was heavy with slight tremors in his right leg. That can’t be good, Sweetie Belle thought. I swear, he’s more stubborn than a goat sometimes. Although the pair agreed most of the time, she had become increasing frustrated with his overprotectiveness. It was something both him and her parents had in common. He should have let me do the warming spell. I get we have to conserve magic, but it can absolutely be necessary. She couldn’t even bring herself to think about Spike to distract and comfort her weary mind. Does this what it means to be a Jedi? Just constant worrying about the future and your own sanity? Yet her thoughts remained unanswered as she marched on through the ice and snow. The sky had soon given its way to dusk, with the darkness soon creeping in. Kaleb knew they needed to find shelter, as the snow at this rate would bury them before they reached the mountain path to the village. I need to find proper shelter fast. The ground everywhere is too unstable, and there’s no proper clearing to pitch the tent. I can’t have Sweetie Belle cast unnecessary spells, not after what she went through. If we can just make it a little further, there might be… Kaleb stopped, looking around at their surroundings, and turned around to Sweetie Belle. “Darkness is going to set in soon, and if necessary we’ll build a shelter instead of risking the tents getting buried. And I believe we’re being followed.” “How?” Sweetie Belle asked with annoyance. “There’s nobody out here for miles, and if you had just let me cast a healing spell, that leg wouldn’t be bothering you.” “Not until we’ve reached safety,” he replied, acknowledging her annoyance with him. “I appreciate your concern greatly, but I can hold on a bit longer. Whatever is following us is using the terrain to their advantage well.” She sensed something just to the left of her, and looked at the massive grizzly bear about twenty feet away from them, growling from its menacing jaws. Its brown fur was pelted with snow, and knew exactly what its next meal was going to be. Slowly backing away, she tried to avoid eye contact. “Kaleb…if you’re going to do something, now would be a great time.” “Don’t move a muscle,” he instructed, as he prepared to use the Force to reach out to the creature before igniting his blade as a last resort. We can’t afford to fight now, not in our condition. The standoff lasted for a minute, as suddenly the bear gazed just ahead of them and turned around, slinking away into the forest. The two of them turned to where the bear had its attention. A pack of wolves had surrounded them, the twelve forms blending into the snow perfectly into the forest. The three to the right of Kaleb were growling with menace, ready to pounce at a moment’s notice. “Well, at least we have company,” Kaleb said, noticing Sweetie Belle getting ready to pull out her lightsaber. “Hold on, I want to try something. This is their territory, and we must have passed into it without realizing.” Sweetie Belle’s eyes widened as she hesitated. “Wait a second, I think the one right ahead of you is his mom. Let go of him.” Kaleb set down the cub, letting it scamper over hurriedly to its mom. He outstretched his mind to the wolves, using the Force to translate his words. “We mean you no harm, Wolves of the Forest. It was only by accident that we trespassed upon your territory, and we have no intention of threatening your borders. We are weary travelers who only seek warmth and shelter from the storm fast approaching.” The other wolves stopped growling, with the mother listening intently to his words, as he nodded for Sweetie Belle to move beside him. “We found this cub down at the river, and he fell through the ice. It was because of her bravery he is still alive, as she rescued him from drowning. It was our intention to take him back to his parents and clan.” The mother licked her cub, making sure he was warm before nodding in understanding and howling right at Sweetie Belle, who jumped as her Master translated. “She says thank you.” The larger wolf who must have been the leader of the clan stepped forward, and let out a half bark and half growl. Kaleb knew there was a good chance they were in the clear, but understood the concerns the leader had. “If circumstances are ideal, it would only be for tonight. As well, we need safe passage around the mountain to the village on the other side. We will not betray your trust and secrecy, as our purpose is to help those who are less fortunate than us.” The leader thought about it for about thirty seconds, and nodded, focusing his muzzle up into the sky and howling. The other wolves joined him, including the cub before they started to move back to their den. Kaleb gave a thumbs up to Sweetie Belle, and the two started following the pack. “That was incredible!” She exclaimed in amazement. “I knew you could communicate, but not to that level.” It was rare praise that reminded him of their first days of training. “Thank you. It takes a fair amount of practice and meditated isolation, but it’s helpful in unfamiliar environments. I discovered that ability on accident, and it saved my life on Kashyyyk.” As the two continued to walk, they noticed the giant rock formation in the distance, with what appeared to be a cave where the wolves made their den. “If I appeared extra overprotective to the point of annoyance today, it wasn’t to patronize you. It’s actually for a good reason.” “I understand, but it really does get on my nerves,” Sweetie Belle replied with straightforward honesty. “It’s the same thing with my parents, but in a completely different sense.” “Because of your magical ability, you’re the designated medic for this mission,” Kaleb explained fully. “I can’t have you getting injured or worn out. It jeopardizes both our safety in case of an emergency, especially since there’s only two of us.” “Well, you could have told me that earlier,” she huffed with frustration. “Everyone is counting on me, and I need to know what I’m getting into.” The Jedi rubbed his hair apologetically, seeing her point. “Yeah, sorry about that. Let’s just call it a truce and I’ll communicate better in the future.” “Fair enough,” Sweetie Belle said just as they were ten feet away from the cave. It was unlike anything Kaleb had ever seen, with two orbs carved into the rock at the entrance. The snow just seemed to have melted away as wild grass appeared where there should have been stone. As the two of them stepped into the entrance, it was as if going through a shield which kept away the cold, as a blue light illuminated the passageway going into the main entrance. “What is this place?” Kaleb wondered aloud, just as the two of them stepped down the grassy path which curved along with the walls. They walked for two minutes, as finally they gazed upon the hidden treasure within. The main cavern was large and circular, with the walls extending upward in a dome to reveal a translucent top of the cave, which had the sunlight of the setting sun streaming through. The grass seemed to move on its own, as the wolves nestled all around the cave. At the other end in the center stood a spring, with the water trickling down from a fall built into the cave. The pool seemed to glow, just as mysteriously. Sweetie Belle’s eyes widened and she gasped. “Oh wow, I think this is a spirit oasis! I read about these in Twilight’s library of magical legends! I never thought they were actually real!” “Well, there always is a bit of truth in legends,” Kaleb replied, looking at her. “It looks like the spirits saved our lives, and for that, I’m grateful. We’re resting here for tonight; once I sit down, you can perform any healing magic you find necessary.” She nodded as Kaleb walked slowly around the perimeter to a place to the center-left of the cave, and sat down, his leg almost giving out on him. Indicating for him to pull up the damaged right leg of his pants, she examined the skin, which had blue and red abrasions from the cold, with some parts appearing pale and yellow. “How did you get all this just from the river?” “It was most likely from the sharp rock and crystal which was hurtling downstream,” he replied, wincing at the pain. “On top of that, the shock from the cold makes you feel you have a hundred ice-cold and a hundred burning hot needles going through you all at once.” “You’re going to need to bite down on this,” she said after thinking for a few seconds, throwing him a dowel covered in cloth. He took it, putting it in his mouth a few seconds before Sweetie Belle lit up her horn and cast a spell, pointing right at his leg. It illuminated it in a cast of soft yellow, as Kaleb shouted through the dowel while arching his back. A few seconds later, she cast another spell, enveloping the leg in a green light which felt like pinpricks to him before it disappeared. Sweetie Belle, sat down, taking out a small granola bar after completing the spell. “Luckily, nothing’s broken, just very bruised. I cast two spells; one to heal the injuries on and below the surface of the skin, and the other to prevent an infection in case anything managed to piece through to the muscle or bloodstream. I would suggest wrapping bandages around it; that’s going to help the sprain in your knee and ankle as well.” Kaleb took out the dowel, and she put it back with her magic and handed him the bandages. “Thank you, and I’ll take it easy and rest tonight. But first, we’re going to need to get tents set up and a fire underway.” “It looks like the spirits already have that taken care of.” He turned to his left to see a fire was already going along with stones around the perimeter and a pile of firewood. “Well…that was oddly convenient.” Nearly three hours later, after a little bit of time to set up supplies and meditate, the two Jedi sat near the fire on their mats and sleeping bags, eating a stew Kaleb had pre-made during his preparations in the Crystal Empire. Featuring broth, beef, and vegetables all warmed up in a pot over the fire, it was a pleasant change of pace from the ready-made meals they had borrowed from the Royal Guard. “…So let me get this straight,” Sweetie Belle spoke in pure disbelief as she took a mouthful of the stew. “Not only do you know what Ogres and Oubliettes is, but you are in two campaigns?” “Hard as it is to believe, yes,” Kaleb said, having finished his stew a few minutes ago. “I’m in a group with Big Mac, Spike, Shining Armor, and Flash. On top of that, Fluttershy and I have our own campaign going with Angel as our Dungeon Master.” That made her laugh. “You’re joking.” “I wish I could say I was,” he chuckled. “Angel has thrown nearly every obstacle my way and has had every monster and spell attempt to kill me. Fluttershy wanted to give him a stern talking to, but I asked her to let him because I live for the thrill of it. And seeing the look on his face every time I survive is worth it.” Sweetie Belle cracked a small smile. “I never knew living on the edge can make Jedi so vindictive.” “What can I say, I live dangerously.” The two of them laughed, as the wolves looked at them strangely. “Hand me you bowl when you’re done, and I’ll clean and pack it away.” She handed him her bowl, and Kaleb washed it using a special spray he had packed away. “There’s so much magic deep in Equestria’s mythology, it’s difficult to imagine how much of it is real.” “The world is always mysterious,” Kaleb replied as the two of them walked over to the spring. “More than we think. You seem to know a lot about this place.” “It was for a research project,” Sweetie Belle responded, thinking back to simpler times. “These places were sacred to the kirin, who would hold their gatherings here. It was sickening to find out what happened to them.” “They were driven from their ancestoral lands and exhiled, if I remember correctly.” The Jedi recalled, remembering the time he spent in the Canterlot Archives. She nodded. “I cannot believe Equestria allowed this to happen, especially under the watch of Princess Celestia. It makes me so angry their lands were taken from them.” “I am not going to defend her,” Kaleb said upfront. This was a subject matter he had yet to talk to her about. “She should have spoke up and done more, but was manipulated by into silence by those around her while in grieving over for Luna. The Kirin still survive, but scattered across the continent. They are often times looked upon as cursed for their silence, and they face discrimination and violence to this day.” Sweetie Belle looked up at the sky. “When I was growing up, I was taught that we were the best nation, and everyone looks up to us for our peace and civility. What an amazing lie that was. Now, I question that viewpoint and if we’re truly looking out for everyone here.” He nodded. “The world is more often in shades of gray than black and white. There is great evil in this galaxy as much as there is great good. You just need to look for the light, and no matter how great the darkness, you will find it. That is what keeps us going as Jedi.” “Do you always agree with the princesses?” Sweetie Belle asked with a neutral tone. “Of course not,” Kaleb answered quickly, washing away any doubt. “Although I serve Equestria and the Force, I will not swear fealty to Celestia and Luna. We work with them, but still have our autonomy. There are many times we disagree. I think if every official were to look away from the politics and nuances and focused on the bigger picture, the goal of peace would be closer.” The unicorn looked back at him with honesty, as the two of them walked back to the fire, sitting down. “All I want is to help those less fortunate than I, and to make this world a better place. To protect the innocent from those who would do them harm, and to bring light into the darkness.” “The Jedi of the High Republic had a phrase for their mission, whose principles are in line with both of our morals,” he remembered, thinking back on his readings and lectures. “For Life And Light. Master Yoda was alive during that time, and shared many of his memories with my Master and I.” The two paused, reflecting on the phrase for a minute, as the wolf cub Sweetie Belle had rescued headed towards the fire and laid beside her. I know what I want to ask, but I don’t know if I have the strength to do it. Having the cub, whose name was Wind, by her said gave her the courage. “May I ask you a personal question?” Kaleb nodded. “Go ahead.” “How did Master Johanna die?” He was taken aback and surprised by the question, and she elaborated further. “It’s just that…whenever you mention her during training…it seems painful. I sense that, and I want to know if talking about it could help.” I never told her, for so many reasons besides protection, Kaleb thought to himself. “It’s not something I talk about often. The day of the training session, I declined the invitation you extended because it was the anniversary of her death. In tradition with Jedi customs, I sat vigil deep within the Everfree Forest.” “I just want to be closer to her,” Sweetie Belle said carefully, knowing this was a delicate subject. “That’s all I want. I’ll keep what you say to myself, I promise.” Expecting him to decline, she braced herself for the worst. Instead, the opposite happened. Kaleb took a deep breath, gazing at her, and began to talk. “It was a few months before the end of the war. I was deep into my Jedi Trials, and was guarding a Senate fundraiser for those affected by the war. Master Johanna contacted me with an emergency mission. There was nobody else who could go, otherwise I wouldn’t have been interrupted during my Trials. A distress signal had been picked up from a village on Lothal, and we were the only option.” “Wasn’t there anyone else who could have gone?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Were there no other Jedi around?” He shook his head. “Not during this point in the war. The Jedi and troops were scattered thin across the Outer Rim, and those who were on Coruscant were assigned to protect the Temple. She had recently been cleared for active duty after an injury to her wrist, and knew my skillset with animals would be essential for the mission. Light transport was provided for us, and we went straight there.” “That seems resourceful,” She responded. “You don’t want to draw away others from their battles.” “That strategy ended up blindsiding the Republic to further attacks later on,” he explained. “The chancellor ended up kidnapped because of our ignorance.” Sweetie Belle nodded. “I’m sorry, please continue.” Kaleb accepted the apology with a nod. “Our transport dropped up off and went to keep watch. Master Johanna and I split up. She went in the direction of the village to find those still help captive, and I went to get the rest to safety. I managed to do so, but we walked right into an ambush. Our transport was destroyed, and we were attacked by droids in every direction. I managed to escape to the village, but she was captured.” Her heart began to beat faster with dread as he continued and finished the story. “The one who organized the ambush was a Separatist general and warlord who killed many Jedi. I found myself immobilized, unable to move as Master Johanna protected me from being detected He stabbed her with her own lightsaber, along with the others he had killed before leaving. I was beside her body for hours in the pouring, freezing rain before help arrived.” Kaleb took a drink of water from his container, running a hand through his hair as telling the tale exhausted him. Sweetie Belle wiped the tears away from her eyes. “I’m so sorry you went through such a horrible tragedy. The grief you must feel is overwhelming.” “It takes time to heal, and in many ways, I’m still in mourning,” He said, his voice cracking a little as he coughed for a few seconds. “She was brave, and sacrificed her own life to save mine. Every day, I try to live up to the ideal she set, no matter how hard the choices are. It helps keep her memory alive.” “Well, she would be proud of you.” “She would be proud of you as well,” Kaleb replied to her surprise before moving on. “I’ve been meaning to ask, as a friend: do you truly hold hatred in your heart towards your parents?” That caught Sweetie Belle off guard. “Hate is a bit of a strong word, isn’t it? I mean, I’m angry with them, and hold a lot of rage, but I don’t know if I would use that term to describe it.” “Anger by itself is an emotional response, one which is completely normal,” he began, trying not to lecture. “Where I get concerned for you is when it’s a result of fear. It progresses to anger, and from there hatred which blinds all logic in a vengeful rage. And that only leads to suffering into the end.” “And once again, you assume you know everything,” Sweetie Belle responded with a cold tone, backing off slightly. “Look, it’s not your place to judge, you’re not me. If anything, I’m afraid that I’m not going to live up to their expectations. It feels like I’m under a microscope half of the time, but I’m just frustrated with them not being able to understand that I’m my own mare, and it's my life, not theirs.” Kaleb softened his voice, realizing he hit the nerve. “Sweetie Belle, if they are truly your parents, they will love you no matter what. And if they don’t, you can choose whether you want them to be a part of your life. I’m not going to tell you what to do, but if you and Rarity just sat down with them and someone like Lyra, I’m sure that there could be a productive conversation to help you decide how to move forward.” It was technique he had learned from Applejack when dealing with teenagers: not to lecture down to them in emotional turmoil, but to try and get down to their level for honesty and openness. And it worked, slightly. “I guess…I could give that a try. But it just feels like when there’s that much anger, it has no place to go and just keeps building until it just explodes.” “All it takes is a few deep breaths and calming thoughts,” he suggested. “When that happens, our instinct is to try and stay in one place, but our body needs movement. Go outside, get some fresh air, or do something indoors like a jigsaw puzzle or write. That stimulation and repetition helps calm the mind and body. Trust me, as someone who has been through plenty of anger, it helps.” That got her attention. “I thought you were supposed to be the embodiment of calm, that’s the Jedi’s personality summed up?” “I wasn’t always,” Kaleb answered while taking a few seconds for a quick sip. “Probably the first year I was here, from the moment my ship crashed, I was angry. Very, very angry. Towards everyone, from the Jedi Order to the Clones that betrayed us, even towards Master Johanna. I had thought she had abandoned me. And there was anger towards Celestia and Luna for the spell which brought me here in the first place.” “I never heard about any of this,” Sweetie Belle said stunned. “It’s like a whole other side of the story.” Kaleb nodded. “There was a lot you didn’t see. Some nights I would just storm out of the library and walk it off to get rid of the emotions. It would just build during my days working at Sweet Apple Acres and got pretty bad. I made sure that I never took it out on Twilight and her friends, who deserve the world for taking me in when nobody else would have. About a month later, I started having flashbacks. A war’s worth of trauma reemerged after Discord’s return, and I was diagnosed shortly after with Complex PTSD.” She shook her mane to try and get a through loose strains away from her eyes. “Did anyone else know, or pick up on the signs?” “Dr. Bluejay did, during the Gala,” Kaleb explained. “Fluttershy knew there was something deep, but didn’t realize the extent. Before we were dating, the reason we would have tea aside from talking was to give me a calming environment where often times she would have therapy animals in-training during the day. It helped immensely, and it gave my mind something calming to do while also being engaging enough to keep me interested.” “That explains a lot,” Sweetie Belle expressed, adding in the last part with a flustered voice. “I’ve been meaning to ask you this, but how did you two get together? Like…how did you woo or charm her per say?” Kaleb remembered Fluttershy’s own observations at the dance. “I’m going to answer that question with another question: do you ask out of curiosity or for your own self-interest?” “What do you mean?” she replied confused. “Are you asking me to tell you this story because you want to know, or perhaps you want to gain advice from this story to apply to your own romantic journey?” The moment she got the meaning, Sweetie Belle jumped up, walking around in a circle. “No, no, no. Sweet Celestia no. Where the hay did you hear that? Did A5 tell you? I told her to keep that a secret.” Kaleb chuckled internally. Well, that didn’t take long. “She didn’t tell me anything, but I believe you did so just now.” She still denied it, blushing. “I can tell you one thing, Kaleb Taymar. I do not have anyone in mind when I asked you this question, and I do not have feelings for anyone.” This was an obvious lie, and the wolf pup just looked up at her and shook his head. “He can tell you’re lying.” “You’re bluffing,” Sweetie Belle said with all the energy she could muster. “You’ve got to be.” He replied with that signature sense of wit, reiterating her words back at him. “I can tell you one thing, Sweetie Belle. The animals always know.” Finally, she admitted defeat as she sat down. “Fine, you’ve caught me. I guess the answer to your question is both.” “I’m not putting you in this position to gloat,” Kaleb said, softening his words and making sure his message was clear. “I try to keep out of your personal life, but this is an area where my own experience can help you. But in order to do that, you need to be open with me, just as I was open with you previously. Tell me however much you feel comfortable.” Sweetie Belle nodded. At least he was sincere about it. “There is someone who I have feelings for. We’ve both known each other for a very long time; basically we’re best friends. He’s strategic, smart, funny, and really kind. I hang out with him and other friends all the time. I just want to tell him so badly how much he means to me…but I can’t find the words or the courage, and something always comes up.” “Has there been any indication from him that he feels the same way?” Kaleb asked. “Any kind of verbal or nonverbal communication?” “There are times where I think he knows or picks up on something, and there’s a warm response,” Sweetie Belle replied. “But at the same time he’s been through a lot, and I don’t want to overwhelm him by doing this at the wrong time. When it comes to dating, I cannot get a read on this kind of stuff for the life of me.” “It literally took Fluttershy kissing me to realize an entire evening in Canterlot was a date,” Kaleb remembered, and Sweetie Belle laughed. “The simple truth is you cannot calculate the right time, no matter how much planning and strategizing you put into it. When the moment presents itself, you’ll just know. It’s as simple as that.” She nodded. “Let’s circle back to what you just said. How did you not realize for an entire evening you were on a date?” “It was a little more complicated than that,” he explained. “Both of us had feelings for each other that were building for a long time, and after Discord attacked, she was the first one I open up to about the war and assisted me in seeking help. I didn’t realize I had feelings for her until after. In fact, Rarity was the one that set us up.” “You know, I should be surprised by that, but I’m not,” Sweetie Belle responded. “And after this date, you two were smooth sailing?” “The first year took some getting used to, including a terrible first encounter with her parents which I’m never talking about again,” Kaleb admitted. “The Changeling invasion of Canterlot nearly broke us up, but we pulled through and learned more about ourselves than we ever did.” “Fluttershy told me stories about the manticore,” she recalled. “That would have been terrible for anyone to have gone through. But at least it had a happy ending.” He nodded, remembering the two of them having board game nights as he recovered from his injuries on her couch. “We took things slightly slower after that, with a lot more communication, but it worked out for us in the end. Technically, Jedi aren’t allowed to have romantic attachments.” Sweetie Belle’s ears perked up. “Wait, really? Now that I think about, I never read about any Jedi having a spouse or family.” “The Order was very strict in their thinking it was a distraction from our duties and blinded us from the Force,” Kaleb replied, remembering having the conversation with Fluttershy in the Canterlot Castle library. “There were many who didn’t follow the rule, and Master Johanna never fully agreed with it. I had feelings of affection, but it wasn’t until arriving here I felt genuine love.” “That’s so sweet,” she said, tearing up. “Its no wonder you two were so adorable together those first few months.” He nodded, thinking of the best advice to give to her. “I never followed that rule, and I didn’t expect you to either, so I never mentioned it. That doesn’t mean its always easy. I had to find my own path away from the Council’s teachings to balance this relationship with my duties as a Jedi. There are times where I must let go of all my attachments, and let the Force guide me. However, even if I must let go, I never forget. The ones we hold in our hearts remind us why we protect them, and help us through the darkest times.” There was a few minutes of silence where Sweetie Belle took in his wisdom. “Its just so overwhelming…I want to hold him tight but I don’t know how to do that and be a Jedi. It must have been hard on you and Fluttershy.” “It took us years to fully be able to understand, and a lot of therapy and processing on my end, but we found our way,” Kaleb finished, realizing he went a little overboard with the explanation. “Sweetie Belle, I’m not telling you this to scare or discourage you. I wanted to tell you my own journey so you don’t have to go through the same guilt and denial I did. To give you the chance of a happier and healthy life, one which Master Johanna tried to give to me despite everything that happened.” There was a realization in her eyes as she saw Kaleb through different eyes. Not just as a Jedi Master, but someone who genuinely cared about her with the same level as Rarity. She walked over and hugged him. “Thank you, I don’t know what else to say.” He nodded. “That was all you needed to say. My advice is to follow your heart, and tell him exactly how you feel. Be honest, truthful, and sincere, and even if it doesn’t work out, you will feel better knowing that you tried.” Sweetie Belle smiled, and then let out a large yawn. “Good conversation really exhausts the body, doesn’t it?” “We should both get some rest tonight,” Kaleb advised. “We’ll need it tomorrow. Go ahead and try and get some sleep, I’ll clean out everything here.” She nodded, and went over to her sleeping bag and pillow, settling in. Wind snuggled up beside her, and within minutes the two slumbered soundly. Flash’s office was the place of many late-night hours, logging reports or making sure the schedule for Canterlot was set in stone. Tonight, the Captain of the Guard had other plans on his mind, as he paced around the desk: surveillance and wiretapping. It was a simple plan: they had someone on the inside of the Equestrian Guard who didn’t like where the direction was going, and agreed to help investigate on the condition of immunity. From there, a wire would be placed on Bentley, who was known to go with Tywin on his excusions out towards the borders. And all they needed was to wait for the right moment, and they were inside the heads of the Equestrian Guard as thanks to this informant, they knew an important meeting with someone was going to take place. So much could go wrong, from the technology malfunctioning to the wire being discovered. Everything hinged on secrecy, and it was in that moment the door opened and Shining Armor appeared looking tired, and Flash looking to him. “Please tell me you’ve got some good news.” “Flash, face it. No news coming out of this is good,” Shining Armor said in a neutral tone. “The wire is in place, and we’re tracking it. We’ve narrowed it down to this region covering about one hundred miles in range.” He used his magic to set the map with pins on the portable board. Flash’s eyes widened. “Yakyakistan. Good job. I know this technology isn’t easy to use because of its age, but it’s our best option of going in undetected.” “I had a flight navigation class back in the Academy which taught us in the old methods,” he responded. “You guys had it easy when they changed the curriculum. All it took was a compass, a map, tools, and a brain to figure this out. It took us hours of study to get a hold of this.” “And don’t forget luck. You can’t rule that out, sir,” Flash said, with a bit of a smile. Shining chuckled. “That too. Speaking of which, it took a lot of luck to provide adequate cover for keeping this out of knowledge from the lower ranks. With that in mind, I’ve invited Dr. Bluejay to help assist us tonight. He’s not going anywhere anyway with Celestia’s concern, and he knows this old tech better than anyone.” “Okay, I suppose it’s a good idea to bring him in,” Flash responded. “At least its not too many ponies…” “And also Twilight and Fluttershy.” That didn’t make him happy. “No, absolutely not. This is supposed to be a small operation, we can’t just bring in anyone we want. It threatens security, and…” “Hear me out,” Shining said with authority, shutting down the rest of the captain’s speech. “Twilight’s knowledge of magic puts us at an advantage, and Fluttershy has code-breaking training from Kaleb. I don’t like putting my sister and her friends in complicated situations, but given the fact that Celestia, Luna, and Cadance cannot intervene, we need all the assistance we can get. Not only that, but working on a special project for Princess Twilight gives us a good cover from the rest of the Royal Guard. No one is going to question that.” The pegasus sighed. “Fine, fine. I’m not thrilled about it bringing more into a one-pony operation, but if this is what it takes, then I’ll accept it.” “No spy operation is a one-pony operation,” the unicorn responded gently. “Even if you have one operative on the ground, there’s an entire team behind them.” There was a knock at the door, one of intricate nature. Realizing it was Royal Guard code, Flash went over to the door and opened it. Dr. Bluejay entered, along with a confused Twilight and Fluttershy behind him. “I’m here, and we were not followed. Secrecy is maintained.” “Flash, help Dr. Bluejay set up the equipment in those boxes,” Shining directed. “He’s going to be running the machinery and making sure we’re getting the best signal and recording.” The two saluted in unison and started. “Shining, what’s going on?” Twilight asked. “Why did ask us to help on this special project of the guard.” He signed. “It’s a long story, but Celestia and Luna directed us to look into the Equestrian Guard for interference of the Jedi investigation. Because of the nature of this investigation, you weren’t briefed, and we brought you two in because your expertise. We need your help.” “You could have asked the Element Bearers to have stepped in, and we gladly would have,” Fluttershy pointed out. “Why would you not go with a larger team?” “Because it’s a spy operation,” Shining answered simply and respectfully. “Smaller teams work best for espionage, Fluttershy. That way, you don’t risk information getting out. And given the assassination attempts, we figured it was best to keep all of you in the dark unless absolutely necessary.” Flash stepped in, as he finished bringing in the radio receiver, audio recorder, and radar scanner to the table. “Twilight, it was my idea to keep this secret, so please don’t be angry with him. With all of the security concerns, I just couldn’t put you at risk unless absolutely necessary.” Twilight hugged him gently. “No, of course not. I completely understand why you didn’t tell me.” “Where do you need us?” Fluttershy asked. Dr. Bluejay finished setting up the equipment, setting up a small red light which he mounted to the side of the table. “Right here, listening to this wire with the rest of us. Twilight, this light indicates the presence of magic so when it glows, try and figure out what spell is being cast. I believe that Celestia gave you audio training when it comes to identifying magic.” “Got it,” Twilight said, heading over to look at the equipment. “Fluttershy, you learned code-breaking from Kaleb, so you’re going to listen in for any Equestrian Guard jargon, and call it out,” he continued, handing her several pages worth of phrases. “Right, just let me look this over,” she responded, studying the page quickly with the focus techniques from Kaleb. Dr. Bluejay turned it on, checking the cables to make sure everything is in the clear. “Flash, as soon as I indicate, you’re going to hit the button on the top left of the control panel. The moment this wire goes live, we’re going to scramble the signal. Even if we’re discovered, they have no idea where its coming from. The old ways are much harder to detect than the most current technology,” Shining Armor reinforced the door with magic before heading back. “We’re clear. Is everyone ready?” Flash, Twilight, and Fluttershy nodded, and Dr. Bluejay indicated for all of them to put on headphones. As soon as they did, he activated the recording device. “Going live in five…four…three…two…” The snowy forest on the outskirts of YakYakistan was a rarity, as the harsh cliffs and peaks dominated the landscape of the country. In this late night-trek, Bentley and General Tywin marched through the woods, using a smuggler’s path at a steady pace to keep from falling behind. “Are you worried about getting lost out here, sir?” Bently’s voice still contained the usual annoyance, but was at a much calmer, more eloquent pace. “You need to get out more,” Tywin grumbled, with a hint of nostalgia. “When I was first a cadet with the Equestrian Guard, my grandfather held this very position. He would take me out for walks, making sure that I was put into a false sense of security before he unleashed me upon an entire den of wolves. They chased me for days, but I killed every single last one in revenge. I was taught in those hours through these very woods that a sharp tongue means nothing without a blade to back it up.” The two continued to walk before Bently’s voice rang out again a few minutes later. “All of the networks are reporting the usual, and the organizations are getting their fair share. However, there’s a lot more eyes on every move these organizations take and representatives from the main families are concerned they’re going to get caught.” Tywin nodded. “A consequence of the assassinations. For years, I studied how every government entity operates, and know exactly how they’re going to react. Tell them to continue operations as usual, and we’ll take care of the rest.” “Those assassinations provoked quite the response,” Bentley replied. “What if they get scared, and go to the authorities? There’s a risk they could go out of line…” “They know we have as much evidence on them as little they have on us,” Tywin responded. “If not, perhaps more persuasion is needed with more brutal needs.” Twilight and Fluttershy both looked shocked and confused, and the red light turned on for a brief moment. Flash glanced at them. “We’re investigating them for interference, but I forget to warn you. Be prepared for much, much worse.” The two stopped, moonlight illuminating the small clearing they stood in. Tywin breathed as he glanced forth at the woods around them. “We’re here, and right on schedule. All we need is to wait for our fellow party to arrive.” Bentley glanced at him confused. “What do you mean? Who are we meeting out here?” Tywin just chuckled. “Don’t worry, your life is safe. But we are a part of something bigger, and in order to move forward, we all need to know our place.” There was silence for about fifteen minutes, and then a small lantern could be seen in the distance. The light grew closer, revealing five members of an unnamed criminal organization, made up of both ponies and yaks. In chains, stood an Equestrian Guard private, looking scared as could be. “A hostage exchange?” Bentley asked, looking confused. All Tywin gave was a glance. “Hold your tongue, and leave the talking to me.” The group arrived in the clearing with the lead earth pony stepping out from the group and speaking. “We have your filth, now give us our money and get out of here.” Tywin simply gave a nod and stepped forward before speaking. “Gentleponies, you are mistaken. Your payment will not arrive now, but in the afterlife.” That was the signal, as the private’s horn turned a meancing green. In quick sucession, all five members’s necks were snapped, and they lay on the ground dead. The unicorn was brave, staring down Tywin. The general simply chuckled. “Your disguise has strengthened over the years, along with your courage it seems.” A raspy female voice came out, not belonging to any pony. “Consider yourself lucky I chose not to kill you.” And with that, the disguise was broken as the guard revealed her true form. Shining Armor knew exactly who the guard was, immediately recognizing the voice. “He’s working with Chrysalis!” “Queen Chrysalis,” Tywin greeted warmly, smiling at the queen. “Its been far too long since our last meeting.” “You’re damn right,” Chrysalis said, not amused by his tone. “You undercut my operation. Mountain’s Fury was my group to control, and you swiped in at the last minute with your weapons.” “The weapons…if I may remind you, that I supplied to the changelings,” Tywin responded in defense. “You wouldn’t have gotten anywhere with the Royal Guard if not for me.” “Which were part of the agreed terms,” Chrysalis interrupted before he could finish. “The Sandstorm Riders being brought in as bait was not part of the deal.” “I do not think of it as bait, but as an extra layer of security,” he added, repeating a piece of information he had told her many times. “When you are in my position, you must control the flow of information. The contents, the timing, the spells on it. You may recall how much effort it was loop you in. When you control the information it becomes propaganda for your cause, one that seeps into every government. And so you know their responses after years of observation.” “Your grandfather prepared you well, just as his family before him,” Chrysalis acknowledged, dropping the hostile tone. “I knew him, at least in passing. We’re on the same side, Tywin. And I don’t need your secrets, Not after those damn assassinations forced me to halt everything and move underground to avoid detection.” Tywin admitted the truth. “I was in the dark, just as much as you were. This new faction represents a challenge, but also an opportunity. We must be patient, allowing things to play out before making our move in the chaos.” “You cannot believe that whoever is responsible is going to let us stand by,” Chrysalis argued, stomping her hoof down on the frozen ground. “They will incinerate us as we sleep in our hives.” He simply stated the ace up his robe. “Rest assured, no harm will come to the ones loyal to you. But for the resistance, their time will come. I’ve always wondered why you had stopped attacks in recent months. Perhaps you are protecting someone who you hold dear…with a bond as close as family.” That struck a nerve with Chrysalis, as she hesitated. “You don’t know a thing about what I went through.” “Don’t I?” Tywin recalled. “Your husband plotted against you in order to save lives, and was killed by Drogo who went rogue without your knowledge. You thought it was an accident until he was killed by the Jedi. And now your son lies in Equestrian hands, leading the resistance from within Canterlot.” “Thorax,” Flash said to Shining Armor. “Did Celestia and Luna know who he was?” Shining nodded. “They searched his mind and gave him a chance of a new life. I knew since I observed but was sworn to secrecy.” “How…did you know?” She just simply stared, not trying to deny it. “The Equestrian Guard always finds out when secrets are being kept from us,” Tywin responded coolly before stating his commands. “As long as you refuse to risk endangering your son, our operation is at a standstill. Your own troops no longer obey your commands, as splinter cells attack everywhere. They listen to us. In order to regain their trust, you must become his enemy, or step aside. I leave the choice up to you. She thought for a minute, remembering every moment spent with Thorax. “I…cannot cause any more pain because of my mistakes. But I knew walking into this clearing, I would not come back alive. If you want to control the changelings, then you will have to kill me.” He spat on the ground in anger. “There is no room for mercy. I will do what is necessary to ensure peace, no matter the blood spilled on our sacred grounds. This is your last chance: step aside and reject cowardice, or the next words will be your last.” There was no hesitation. “Long live the changelings.” The blaster was drawn from Tywin’s robe in less than a second, and she saw the flash of the muzzle before ever hearing the reverberation of the laser. It went through straight through her chest, and she fell, the life draining from her eyes as death took her. Tywin simply shook his head as he holstered the blaster. “Good riddance.” Bentley looked in disbelief at the scene he just witnessed. “We should send a patrol to dispose of the bodies, or to at least bury them.” Tywin put a hoof on Bentley’s shoulder, giving him a look of reassurance. “There’s no need for that. Nobody will find them in these woods. Now, we go and rest, for we have much work to do.” The two walked out of the clearing, leaving the carnage behind them. Dr. Bluejay pressed a button to deactivate the wire, one to fry the electronics inside, and another to stop the recording. He nodded and everyone removed their headphones. Shining Armor let out a rare display of anger by kicking the couch nearby, and sighed. “You know my feelings on Chrysalis are complicated, and there’s a reason why I cite conflict of interest for every mission involving her. But her death will not go in vain.” Twilight stood up, as Fluttershy looked out at the group. “As an Element Bearer, I know we need to be there for him. Grief is a difficult journey, but it helps when you know you’re not alone.” “That is well said, and I am proud of both of you for your bravery,” Dr. Bluejay said to the two of them, who both hugged him before he continued. “There is no question from what we just witnessed that Tywin’s crimes go beyond interference, but espionage, conspiracy, and treason against Equestria. The question is, what do we do now?” Shining Armor stepped forward, coughing slightly and taking a sip of water from his mug before speaking. “This needs to be handled delicately, meaning this information cannot become known aside from Celestia and Luna. The moment it does, not only will this investigation be dead on arrivial, but the unrest would threaten to break Equestria.” “I agree,” Twilight answered. “We wait to take it to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, and then move forward from there. Even after that, secrecy must be maintained. It hurts to leave our friends and family in the dark, but it’s the only way.” Flash sighed, then nodded. “I’ll tell Thorax, he deserves to know first. Additional protections should be put in place, but I’ll talk to him about it.” Shining Armor closed the discussion. “For now, we all need to get some rest. Stagger your departures back to your bedrooms, so we remain undetected from the rest of the nighttime patrols.” All of them nodded, putting away the equipment and reflecting on what they just witnessed.