//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Another Dimension // Story: Pony Rangers // by Heroic412227 //------------------------------// Two weeks later… The sun rose from behind the mountains, gradually replacing the darkness with a gradient of blue and white. At the Golden Oak Library, the rangers got together to help the Green one tidy up the place. Since another adventure happened in Ponyville, the whole place became a magnet for dust and fallen objects after it was dealt with. So, they had to help clean up the mess that was left behind, much to the Green Ranger's appreciation. "Thanks, guys. After so many adventures we've had, I really think we could use some relaxation for once," Twilight said. "After we get this place cleaned, that is." “I wonder if we will find any good books at all,” said Applejack.  “I really hope we do”. Said Pinkie Pie. Then one of the books on the bookshelf falls down and it is a book on interdimensional travel. It then opens up and the Elements Of Harmony react to it and then opens up a portal which the Mane Six Pony Rangers get sucked into and the portal then disappears and closes. Then Princesses Celestia and Luna sense what has happened and they say “Oh no what has happened we need to find out what happened to Twilight and her friends and need to find a way to go to where they are now.”  Then the portal opens up and the Mane Six come out of it. Then Rainbow Dash says “Twilight, what just happened and how did we get here?" "I don't know! I've read that book before, but I never thought it could actually send others to different dimensions! I've always been good to you, Library!" Twilight shouted. “I hope the zords follow us here,” said Rainbow Dash. Then, out of the blue, hundreds of Timberwolves, Ursa Majors, and Hydras were attacking Ponyville and the actual Mane Six of this dimension arrived to fight. "Wait a minute! Those ponies look exactly like us in this world?!" Applejack questioned. Then Rainbow Dash said “We should help them out alright everypony IT'S MORPHIN TIME! Magic! Generosity! Laughter! Honesty! Kindness! Loyalty! “Alright ponies let us call our zords and hope that they will be able to come here too, alright we need Element Dinozord power now!” Then a portal opens up and out comes the Element Dinozords and Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie go into their cockpits. Then Twilight decides she should call the Element Dragonzord which she plays the summoning song on the dragon dagger and then it too comes out of a portal and then she goes into the cockpit of it too.  The Pony Rangers then go after the invading forces and Rainbow Dash is piloting the Element Tyrannosaurus Dinozord and starts using its laser beams to start firing at the invading forces and she also uses its awesome fire breath attack to try to take down timber wolves and hydras. Applejack is piloting the Element Triceratops Dinozord and is using the cannon thing at the end of its tail to fire at it more timber wolves, hydras and ursa majors. Rarity is piloting the Element Mastodon Dinozord and is using its freezing attack to get rid of more creatures trying to attack and invade Ponyville. Fluttershy is using the Element Saber Tooth Tiger Dinozord and using its tail energy beams to take out more timber wolves which keep on coming. Pinkie Pie is piloting the Element Pterodactyl Dinozord and is firing its lasers to try to take out more enemies. Twilight is piloting the Element Dragonzord and is using its finger missiles and its tail to try to get rid of more timber wolves, hydras, and ursa majors.  Then Twilight FIM is then wondering who these other ponies and robots are. She then says “Who in the world are these ponies are they changelings or something else entirely I should study them once this fight is over and I must tell Celestia about this at once and there is no way these can be the Equestria Girls counterparts of my friends because they haven’t met that version of me yet”.  Rainbow Dash FIM is amazed at seeing the Element Tyrannozord and thinks it is awesome and cool seeing it in action and kicking ass. She says “Wow whoever that other me, is sure is awesome and her zord is over 20% percent cooler and I definitely need to be friends with her!”   After a few final hits from the zords, the timberwolves, hydras, and ursa majors fled from Ponyville. Everyone cheered for the rangers, including their FIM counterparts. Then the Pony Rangers Mane Six demorph and their zords teleport away back to their dimension where they will be awaiting the next time to be summoned.  The Mane Six FIM dashed over to them, “My word! That was positively astounding!” Rarity asked. “Yeah! It was funtastic…!” Pinkie cheered. … “Fun and fantastic? S-seriously?!” She complained. “Who are you? You look just like us, except with all this technology and these suits,” Twilight FIM asked. "I've never seen anything like it." "Yeah… Anyway, what is this new dimension and why is it so similar to ours?" Green Ranger asked. "Wait… you're from another dimension that looks just like ours, but with cool technology?" Rainbow Dash FIM questioned. "Yeah," said Rainbow Dash. “We have been friends since we were fillies and moved away for years but now we are back as friends now”. “So would you like to go to my Friendship Castle?” “We just recently got back from the Crystal Empire said Twilight Sparkle FIM.” Then the Pony Ranger Mane Six decided to follow their FIM counterparts and were amazed how much their Ponyville resembles theirs from home. Twilight FIM asks her counterpart if there is a Spike in her dimension and she says “Yes there is but he lives with his mom Princess Celestia and his sister Sunset Shimmer.”  Twilight FIM is shocked at this revelation because the Sunset Shimmer she knows was Princess Celestia’s former student and left her after an argument and went to the Equestria Girls world. The Pony Rangers Mane Six are amazed at seeing the Friendship Castle. Rainbow Dash then asks Twilight FIM “Do you think we can keep our zords here so they don’t get mad at all because they get lonely when we don’t see them.” Twilight FIM then says “Okay you can but I need to use my alicorn magic to open up a portal in order to bring them here, alright girls we need the Elements Of Harmony to bring the Element Zords here.”  End Of Chapter 1