The Life and Times of Spike and Rarity

by Silver Wit

Dragon Dilemma

Rarity sipped her coffee, each drop perking her up like a turnkey in a wind-up toy and sighed, thankful as ever that she was able to sweet talk the recipe for the best espresso in Canterlot out of the café owner. Though despite yet another night of restless sleep, she couldn’t help but feel some kind of serenity. Perhaps it was the coffee, perhaps it was that she was finally able to work on designs for next season or maybe it was the sight of the flowers in her best vase. Spike’s bouquet was still a sight to behold and Rarity did everything in her control to keep the petals as vibrant and lively as she could. Though she still felt like a silly nilly filly for her… unsavory and unladylike envy towards Gabby, she could still take solace in the fact that Spike bought these for her.

Rarity hummed as she nibbled on her plate of eggs and toast. Spike said that it was a thank you gift, but she still wasn’t sure if she was deserving of such praise. Either way, it was a lovely gesture. There was a knock at the door, snapping the fashionista out of her own little world. Rarity got up and trotted out of the kitchen just in time to see several letters be pushed through the mail slot. Rarity scooped them up in her magic and sorted through the junk. She found an urgent letter from Sassy Saddles and decided to sit and read that one first, Celestia knows Rarity put her trusted manager through enough stressful hurdles these past few months. She took another bite of her breakfast before reading. 

Dear Rarity.
I hope this letter finds you well, the dresses you’ve sent from Ponyville have been selling better than zap apple jam. But that’s not the reason I’m writing to you, I have the most exciting news to share with you! I’m sure you’re familiar with Blue Suede? Designer and organizer of the most coveted fashion show in Canterlot, the Velvet Room? Well she just so happened to have seen the dresses you sent and wants you to help design the next line of dresses for her next show!

Rarity counted herself lucky she wasn’t drinking her coffee, if she were she’d have spewed it across the table. She took out her glasses to make sure she didn’t misread Sassy’s writing.

You read this right; the Blue Suede has asked you to design a line of dresses for her show! She said that with the ugly truth of Pish Posh coming to light that she needed to work with somepony who truly understands fashion and has chosen you! I sent you the details of the show’s theme as well as Blue Suede’s mailing address. I apologize if I overstepped my bounds, but I told her you’d be more than happy to take her on as a partner which is why I sent you this letter ASAP. I hope to hear from you soon.

Sassy Saddles.

The white mare was at a loss for words. For the longest time, Blue Suede worked exclusively with Pish Posh and now one of the strongest hooves in the fashion world has chosen Rarity to partner with? This is the biggest news of her whole career! Rarity eagerly read through the theme details, mind abuzz with inspiration as she read each and every one of Blue Suede’s hoofwritten words. What she was asking for was daring, bold and nothing short of incredible. The perfect challenge. 

Rarity was set to polish off her breakfast and get to work on her latest and greatest designs yet, if it weren’t for another letter that caught her eye. This one had a stamp from Canterlot General Hospital and the name “Hawkeye Pierce” in the top corner. Rarity opened the letter from the good doctor.

Dear Ms. Rarity.

I just wanted to share the most incredible news! The hospital has approved the use of rainbow quartz therapy! I can’t thank you enough for all that you’ve done. Because of you, we’ll be able to treat ponies as well as dragons. Stop by the next time you’re in Canterlot, I’d love to thank you personally and you just might be able to see some of the good you’ve done here.

Your friend.

Dr. Hawkeye Pierce.

Rarity smiled, sure the news about Blue Suede’s partnership was world changing, but knowing that more patients like Spike could be healed filled her with a different kind of joy. A certain beauty was beginning to unfold before her like flowers blooming after a terrible storm. With letters in hoof, Rarity eagerly climbed her stairs; it was time to get to work.

Spike was enjoying the rays of the sun on his scales as he strolled down the street. He never realized how much he took these simple feelings for granted as he waved at passing ponies and breathed in the sweet, sweet air. It was a true-blue kind of day and Spike figured that he’d make the most of it. After all, he couldn’t remember the last time he and Rarity went to the gem caves, perhaps now was as good a time as ever. Spike found himself at the all too familiar door of Carousel Boutique and gave it a firm knock, though for a moment he forgot about how strong he was and the knock was more of a bang. Spike winced, still getting used to the muscles after not really using them for so long. He raised his claw again and gave another knock, and after a moment, he heard the patter of hooves approaching.

The door swung open. “Hello, how may I-“ Rarity said in her most customer friendly voice, but began to trip up when she saw who was there. “O-oh, Spike! What a pleasant surprise! What… what brings you here, darling?”

Spike gave a small wave. “Hi Rarity! I was just wonderin’, if you wanna go to the gem caves. It’s such a beautiful day and I’m sure we can find a bunch of rare ones. I can feel it.”

Yes! Rarity wanted to say yes, so, so badly. A day in the gem caves with Spike sounded as divine as an outing could be. But the fashionista had other responsibilities, a massive order by a very lucrative client took precedence unfortunately.

“I’d love to Spiky, I truly would, but I’m afraid I have a great deal of work before me. I was recently commissioned for a rather large order by one of Canterlot’s premier fashion shows.”

“Oh, really? That’s great to hear,” Spike said.

“Indeed it is,” Rarity remarked proudly. “It’s especially fortunate that I am working with the legendary Blue Suede. A collaboration with her would be just the boon I need to bolster sales and revenue after-“ Rarity cut herself off before she let herself get carried away, though Spike’s quizzical look was forcing her to come up with something. “-my… last seasonal showcase. Sadly, not enough of my pieces sold so I felt the financial hit this time.”

But Spike could see right through her. Rarity meant well, but he knew she was lying about her sales. She spent more time with him in the hospital than anypony else, so how in Celestia’s name would she find the time to make dresses and take care of him? Not even Twilight could be in two places at once.

It’s… because of me, isn’t it?

“But it’s quite alright,” Rarity continued. “After all, it’s nothing I can’t handle, besides I’ve been in tighter pickles than this, and-“

“No worries Rarity,” Spike said. “We can always try again another day, I’ll leave you to your work then… Um, I’ll see you later.” Spike gave a small wave and a smile before flapping his wings and flying off.

A rush of sadness gripped Rarity as she watched Spike fly away, normally hearing that Rarity had a heavy workload would make Spike leap at the chance to offer his assistance. But he didn’t. Perhaps she was expecting too much? Or maybe she truly thought things between them were back to normal and their friendship could pick up again. “Although,” Rarity said glumly. “I wouldn’t be surprised if he no longer wished to help me again…” Rarity had a sharp pain in her head as she closed the door. She took a deep breath. Now was not the time to feel sorry for herself, she had dresses to make. With or without her favorite dragon.

“Hey, um. Thanks for seeing me Starlight,” Spike said as he got comfortable on the beanbag seat in Starlight’s office. Taking a moment to sip his empathy cocoa.

“It’s not a problem at all Spike,” Starlight assured. “I normally deal with a lot of student drama, but you should know I’m totally qualified to help my friends out with their issues too. So, what’s on your mind?”

Spike drummed his claws on his mug for a moment before answering. “Well… Rarity has a really big commission right now.”

“That’s great! I’m sure she can use the work.”

“That’s the thing. I don’t think she can afford to turn this order down; I mean she was at the hospital so often…"

Starlight sipped her own cocoa and thoughtfully nodded. “I see. Do you feel guilty about all the work she couldn’t do?”

“Yeah… I wanted to help Rarity; I really did. But I kinda got scared that I’d just be a reminder of all the time she must’ve wasted on me.”

“Hey, don’t talk like that Spike,” Starlight scolded. “I’m sure I speak for Rarity when I say that nothing was wasted. I don’t know if it was a sense of responsibility or her own guilt, but taking care of you wasn’t a waste of time.”

Spike sighed, “But… I just can’t shake this feeling that I have. It’s like, my insides are tangled up Hearth's Warming lights and no matter how much I think about it, I can’t make any sense of it.”

Starlight hummed, “Hmm… I have an idea Spike, why don’t you ask your other friends about this?”

Spike cocked a brow. “Is… my problem too much for you to handle?”

“Oh no, no, no! Not at all! I could sit here with you all day if I thought it would help, but I think what you need is some differences in opinion. Besides, you haven’t been back in Ponyville for  very long, this might be a great chance for you to do some reconnecting and get some insight.”

Spike shrugged. “I guess that makes sense. I think I’ll start right now. How have you been Starlight?”

Starlight giggled, “I’ve been doing well. Went on a trip with Trixie to Saddle Arabia recently.”

“Oh right! You were telling me about that last time I saw you in the hospital. How did that go?”

Starlight’s face became unreadable. “Um… it was… ok. Some ups and downs. Though I really wish Trixie would put some of her stuff into storage or something. It gets cramped in her wagon. But in the end we came to understand each other better so I guess it was a positive trip overall.”

“That’s good. It’s nice to know Trixie has a friend as… patient and supportive as you.”

Starlight blushed and rubbed her neck. “Oh it’s not that big a deal. We just have similar wavelengths is all.”

“Heyup!” Applejack struck her hooves into the side of a tree, causing all the apples to fall neatly into strategically placed wicker baskets.  “Phew, making great time. Hey, Autumn! Ye doin’ alright?”

Autumn poked her face out through the leaves. “Doin’ just fine AJ!” Autumn vanished and soon the branches of the tree she was in began to shake. And again, all of the apples plopped out and landed perfectly into their bushels.

“Ah still don’t know how ya do it,” Applejack laughed.

Autumn Blaze leapt out of the tree and landed rather dramatically. Making sure the scarf on her head was secure and taking a moment to pop the collar on her trench coat. “It’s not too hard once you get used to it. Say, how are the boys doing?”

Applejack looked back, spotting Big Mac and Spike. The two of them were gathering apples, but at a much slower pace as it seemed they were having a conversation. Well, a one-sided conversation to say the least.

Spike crossed his fist up to the side of his head and in one swift motion struck the tree with the bottom of his claw, the apples fell very soon after. “And that’s kinda the long and short of it, Big Mac. I just can’t help but feel bad for Rarity. I mean, I know I’d still be laid up or worse if it wasn’t for her, but should she have put all of her work on the back burner for me? I guess this sounds pretty weird, huh?”

“Nope,” Big Mac replied.

“It’s just… I know how important Rarity’s career is. She’s worked for it her whole life, and then she gets roadblocked by me. At least that’s how I see it…”

Big Mac gave a contemplative hum as he bucked his next tree.

“Anyways, how are things between you and Sugar Belle?”

Big Mac had a goofy smile and blushed. “Uhh, pretty dern good.”

Spike smirked. “Oh? That’s good to hear, but what’s with that blush? Got something else to say?”

“Well… Ah’m actually savin’ up fer a ring…”

“Woah! You’re gonna ask her to marry you? Congrats Big Mac!”

“Ah hate te break up the chit-chat you two,” said Applejack as she trotted up with Autumn trailing behind her. “But yer fallin’ behind. We’ll be here till sundown at the rate yer goin’.”

“Sorry sis,” Big Mac said sheepishly.

“Sorry Applejack,” Spike said. “I was just asking Big Mac for some advice. Well, it was more like listening to my problem.”

Applejack rose a curious brow. “Somethin’ on yer mind sugar cube?”

“Yeah. The thing is, Rarity’s really behind on her work and I can’t help but feel like it’s my fault. She was in Canterlot for a long time and now she has to play catch up.”

“Ooh, I know how you feel,” Autumn said sympathetically. “I felt awful for taking AJ away from her farm work when I caught a cold.”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Autumn, it was only fer three days and Ah got mah work done right quick afterwards. But as fer you Spike, Ah don’t rightly know all the details, but it really seems like Rarity knew about what takin’ care of ye was gonna be like and the consequences fer her actions. Can’t say Ah don’t get how ya feel, but it might be best te not git yerself all in a tizzy over this.”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac added.

Spike sighed, “Well I’ll try to at least. By the way, Autumn, what are you wearing?”

Autumn smirked. “Like it? I saw Rarity wearing it a few days ago. She said she was starting a new trend and I thought, ‘woah, I have to get in on being a trendy spy before anypony else.’ I tried to get AJ to join me, but she said her hat was enough.”

Despite becoming an avid flying lover, Spike could never bring himself to soar over the quiet path leading to the outskirts of town and the quaint little cottage at the end. The chirping of birds and the chatter of squirrels brought the dragon to a nice level of calm as he continued his walk. Taking a moment to breathe deep the wildflowers and decaying foliage. Soon Spike was standing on the doorstep of the kindly Pegasus. He knocked gently and patiently waited for a reply. When none came, he knocked again, and when that proved fruitless Spike walked around to the back of the cottage and sure enough he caught sight of a yellow Pegasus and a draconequus in the animal sanctuary. Spike drew closer to the pair.

“I still don’t understand the point of this,-“ Discord said as he reached into a bag of bird seed and flung it on the ground for a family of swallows. “-you know I could get all of this work done with a single snap right?”

Fluttershy gave a few brushstrokes to a baby capybara before turning her attention to her complaining friend. “That’s not the point Discord. I told you; the animals don’t just need food; they need some tender loving care too. Give it time and you’ll see.”

Discord sighed, “Oh, very well. But we could be using this time for an impromptu tea party, you know.”

“Work first,-” Fluttershy said as she sent the little capybara on his way. “-then tea. After you feed the birds, I’ll need you to take care of the frogs.”

“I can help with that, if you want,” Spike said as he entered the sanctuary.

“Why hello Spike,” Fluttershy greeted in a pleasing voice. “It’s so nice to see you again.”

“Yeah, I’ve been meaning to visit, but Twilight’s kept me pretty busy.”

“It’s alright. I’m sure Twilight is just happy to see you again. Oh, and if you want to help, can you grab that jar of flies and open it by the pond? The frogs will really appreciate it.”

Spike nodded and grabbed said jar of flies, set it down by the pond and opened the lid. The flies took their chance to flee, but they couldn’t escape the hungry frogs, as they were gobbled up one by one.

“So what brings you here Spike?” Discord asked. “Just wanted to feed some frogs?”

“Well, not exactly. I’ve got a lot on my mind right now and Starlight suggested I take some time to reconnect with friends, so I’ve kinda been doin’ that.”

“Oh?” the lord of chaos seemed interested. “What’s this? Barely here a week and you’re having issues already? Alright, what is it this time?”

Spike rolled his eyes. “I’ve been feeling guilty. Rarity set so much of her time aside to take care of me when I was in the hospital, I can’t help but feel I set her back with her work.”

“Pff! Are you serious?” Discord snarked. “Why would you feel guilty? Isn’t it her fault you got hurt in the first place? I mean she didn’t lure you under that chandelier and you saved her of your own accord, but if you didn’t go to that dumb party none of this would’ve happened.”

Discord shuddered as he could feel Fluttershy’s glare. The Pegasus then turned to Spike with a softer face. “Spike, I understand what you’re saying, and your feelings are valid,-“ Fluttershy placed a bowl of salad down for Angel, who happily indulged in his meal. –“But maybe you should think of it this way, she was behind in her work because she cared about you, and she cared more about you and what you went through than her own work. Well, that’s what I think at least.”

Spike gave a thoughtful look as he absorbed what Fluttershy said. Then he cracked a smile. “Wow… I guess I never thought of it like that. Thanks Fluttershy.”

“Of course Spike. Always happy to help.”

“Fluttershy!” Discord called out. “Not to alarm you, but is there a reason why this lion is looking at the gazelle this way?”

Fluttershy broke out in a sweat. “Oh dear!”

It was dark when Spike returned home, he volunteered to help out at the sanctuary for the “lion incident” and before he knew it the sun was beginning to set. A pair of guards saluted as he reached the doors, it was still weird to see, but there was a nostalgia that reminded Spike of his days living at Canterlot Castle . He walked through the foyer and turned to take the stairs.


Spike paused as he heard the voice of his sister as she stepped out of the kitchen with a steaming pot of tea. From where Spike was standing it smelled like chamomile. “Oh, hey Twilight.”

“Hey yourself,” Twilight responded. “So what have you been up to? I haven’t seen you all day.”

Spike paused for a moment. Did he really want to tell Twilight what he was up to? He knows things between Twilight and Rarity have been… tense to say the least. How would she react to Spike’s tangled feelings of guilt towards the white mare? He certainly didn’t want to set Twilight off, he’s been careful not to bring Rarity up in her presence so far, but perhaps Twilight can offer up her own wisdom on the matter. Couldn’t hurt to try.

“Spike?” Twilight asked. “Are you ok?”

Spike ran a claw over his head and sighed, “Well… the thing is… I went to see Rarity today…”

Twilight’s eyes drifted to a spot on the floor. “Oh… you did, did you?”

“Yeah. I thought it’d be nice to go out to the gem caves, but then I found out that Rarity’s really behind on her work, and I can’t help but feel like it’s my fault. I mean she took care of me at the hospital for ages, so I went to talk about it with Starlight and she suggested I should go and reconnect with some friends and get their advice.”

“And? Did you find the answer you were looking for?”

“I don’t know… maybe? Applejack said that she must’ve known about the consequences and did it anyway, Discord was baffled why I’d feel guilty, Fluttershy said that Rarity cared more about me than her work and Big Mac… Well, he was a good listener. They all gave me some pretty good advice, well except Discord, but I still can’t get rid of this nagging feeling. That she’s in deep because of me.”

Twilight’s ears drooped as she listened to her little brother’s woes. Was she really in a position to give Spike advice on Rarity? It’s not like she’s seen the fashionista since the incident at Canterlot General. But she couldn’t leave Spike to feel this way, she had to do something as the Princess of Friendship and as a big sister.

“Spike,” Twilight said cautiously. “even though Rarity and I aren’t on the best of terms right now, I know that she sacrificed a lot of her time and energy for you. Heck, she only just came back from Canterlot after… geez, I don’t know how long. And who really knows how far behind she is in her work. But… maybe you shouldn’t think about what Rarity did because of you, and start thinking about what Rarity did for you. She put you before herself and her career because that’s just how she is. Her generosity wouldn’t let her leave you there in that hospital bed, all alone and in pain.”

Spike gave his sister a small smile and pulled her in for a hug. “Thanks Twilight. You always know what to say when I’m down.”

Twilight returned the hug. “I should hope so. It’s kinda my full-time job.”

“I… think I’m feeling better now,” Spike said as he broke the hug. “But all this thinking has worn me out, I think I’m gonna call it an early night.”

Twilight nodded. “That sounds like a nice idea. Good night Spike, I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Night Twi.”

Spike let out a long, drawn-out yawn as he crossed the threshold of his room and closed the door, wanting nothing more than a few hours of shut eye. He thought back on what Twilight said and that got caught up in a chorus of the advice the rest of his friends gave him till he was hearing their voices talking over each other. If anything, a good night’s sleep will put his mind in order. Spike crawled into his bed and pulled up his blanket. But as tired as he was, he just couldn’t seem to find the sweet spot on his bed. That one special area that would carry him off to dreamland. As he did his best to sleep, his mind started to calm down little by little, till only one thought seemed to be on the forefront.


He really was a heel. The least Spike could’ve done for her was assist Rarity in the shop. He thought back to his time in Canterlot General Hospital and the time he spent with Rarity. The talks they had, the games they played and her help in Spike’s physical therapy. And of course their night of celebration when he was released from the hospital and all the gems she brought him. Heck those lousy gems alone must’ve cost…

Just then Spike sat up as realization struck. Wait… how much did those gems cost?  Spike thought. Why didn’t this cross his mind sooner? Sure all the time Rarity spent caring for him would encroach her dress making schedule, but that isn’t the whole story. Rarity brought those gems with her every day; she didn’t get them from the doctors. Which means… Rarity spent her own bits on the medicine that saved Spike’s life… and she did it for… how long was he in the hospital again? Spike finally understood, with no new dresses, her business suffered, and with dwindling revenue, she had to spend money from her own savings on Rainbow Quartz.

Spike got up and opened his bedroom window. He peeked outside and looked in the direction of Carousel Boutique, spotting the ornate building. In that moment, Spike felt something change within him. All the regret and guilt he felt throughout the day just evaporated and was replaced with… gratitude. He closed his window and sat in bed, rubbing his scarred arm.

I’m sure I speak for Rarity when I say nothing was wasted.

Ah don’t rightly know all the details, but it really seems like Rarity knew about what takin’ care of ye was gonna be like and the consequences fer her actions.

She was behind in her work because she cared about you, and she cared more about you and what you went through than her own work.

Maybe you shouldn’t think about what Rarity did because of you, and start thinking about what Rarity did for you.

Spike sighed and laid back down, staring at the ceiling. He placed a claw on his chest, he knew in his heart what Rarity did for him was for him and only him. And now, he was going to return the favor. Spike’s eyelids became heavy as he finally relaxed into his sheets and in mere moments was slumbering soundly.

Rarity sipped her coffee and nibbled on her modest breakfast. She was up late last night, but she made some real progress in her assignment. Her sense of accomplishment and the caffeine was just enough to keep her energy up. But Rarity wasn’t sure how in Celestia's name she was going to finish Blue Velvet’s order at the deadline she set. Though if she were to put her nose to the grindstone and work a few more full days and nights, she might make it. Rarity sighed, it was probably for the best if she wrapped up breakfast quickly and got to work asap. As Rarity placed her washed plate and mug onto the drying rack, there was a knock at the door. Rarity trotted over and opened the door, finding a chipper Spike on the other side.

“Spike!” Rarity said as the butterflies began to flutter. “G-good morning. How may I help you darling?”

“Heya Rarity,” Spike said with a wave. “I was just wondering, since you have that big order and everything, if you’d like some help.”

Rarity smiled and in that moment, felt like the luckiest mare in Equestria. “I’d like that very much Spiky.”