//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Chance Encounter (Rewritten) // Story: A Friend From Another Star // by HunterDeRiot //------------------------------// Twilight: Come on, Spike! You don't want to miss this meteor shower, right? Spike: Isn't that kind of weird? We just had one recently, and everypony said it wouldn't happen again for the next four decades? He was still baffled on how the astronomers didn't see this coming. Twilight: Well predictions aren't accurate, which is why they're called "predictions". Which is why we're going out to see it right now. Spike: Well, if you say so. He finishes packing the things they both need and they exit the golden oak library. It's been about 20 minutes since they've arrived at the spot, just at the edge of Ponyville close to the Everfree forest, where it would give them a nice view of the incoming meteor shower. Spike meanwhile was getting a bit bored of waiting, so he starts with a bit of small talk to pass the time. Spike: Twilight, you ever think that there are others out there? Twilight: Duh, yes Spike everypony is going to be watching. Spike: No, I really mean out there, in space. Twilight: Hmm, I don't know Spike. If there are, we would know by now... However that is possible for how many stars there are in the sky, as Twilight thought, the chances of life is probably likely. She did read a few books about the theory of extra terrestrial life. Discovering it however is a different story, so she figured that wouldn't happen anytime soon. If it did, everything that she knew would change and that one question will be answered, are we alone in this universe? Both answers are both equally terrifying. As she continued to think about it, she gets more interested about that topic, but it wouldn't last long as Spike tab her shoulder. Spike: Twilight look, it's starting! Twilight looks up and sees numerous meteors flying by. She is mesmerized by this sight, until one of them caught her eye. That one looks like it was veering off course. She wondered if that one was hit before entering the atmosphere, that was her thought until she realized that one was headed straight for them. Twilight: Spike run! The two of them attempted to get some distance from the incoming meteor. It was at that moment she knew It was clearly going to catch them, so next best thing. Twilight: Spike get down! Both of them hit the deck. The meteorite flys over them, so fast they could almost feel the heat from it. It then flew into Everfree forest taking out trees in its way. As it lost altitude it finally hit the ground and began to dig into the dirt, causing it to slow down to a grinding stop. By now, both Twilight and Spike stood up, still shaken by what just happened. How could a meteor have gone off course? Twilight needed answers. Twilight Come on Spike, let's go see it. Spike however wasn't so sure if he wanted to. Spike: I don't know Twilight, something about that scares me... Something about, I don't know, a meteor that almost crushed us and decides to crash into the everfree?! Twilight: Spike, will you just calm down? It's just a meteorite. A space rock... She gives him a deadpan look. As they went into the everfree forest, they can see how much damage that meteorite has caused. Trees were either torn in half, uprooted, on fire, and in some combination of the three. As they continued walking down the path of destruction they find the start of a trench, that leads to what Twilight was a space as she simply put out for Spike to understand. Scratch that assumption, because what they find is something they never seen before. It was a triangular shaped silver colored craft, which is now scorched on its nose, mangled beyond its original shape and was sparking like it was a fireworks display, two strange looking engines with a pulsating red glow to them, possibly what makes it move and finally a sort of glass dome which is open, exposing what's inside. A seat can be seen, as well a curved panel that is cracked in front of the seat. Now the question is though, where is the being that was controlling this craft? As Twilight was in thought, she heard a twig snap and a strange noise immediately followed. She looked in the direction of the sound, she was starting to freak out as well as Spike. Spike: Twilight, we should probably get of out of here. This is giving me the creeps... Twilight: Yeah, we should probably go now. I'm getting freaked out over here! Before they could make their escape, a pack of timberwolves came out of the darkness and surrounding both Twilight and Spike. There was nowhere to run, nowhere but to back up to where the craft was. Not wanting to get closer to it, Twilight shoots a magic beam at the timberwolves but of course they wouldn't stay down. After many attempts, Twilight took Spike into her forlocks and embraced him in her grip, they were goners... Until the timberwolves stopped in their tracks as they were eyeing on something else that was behind Twilight and Spike. Twilight couldn't help look at the timberwolves, it was if they were in fear of something, entranced perhaps? Twilight then turned her head around and saw a dark silhouette of a pony, that is roughly as tall as Princess Luna with white glowing eyes, standing on top of the mangled wreck. The pony made its way to Twilights direction, she can now understand why the timberwolves stopped, it's because of this menacing presence. The figures didn't stop to where she was, it walked passed both her and Spike was also aware of what Twilight was seeing, instead it went into the direction of the timberwolves. The pony then stopped in front of the timberwolves with one stoop of it's hoof, the timberwolves flinched. ???: You dogs better get lost! Or I will turn you all into ash in a flash! Do you understand?! The timberwolves responded by snarling at him, ready to make their move. ???: Sigh I didn't want to do this, but you creatures are giving me no choice! He stands in a readied position, as all of the timberwolves charges at him. Just before the first one was able to maul him, the stallion delivers a devastating back-hoof, that sent the creature flying into the forest. The timberwolves continued their assault on the stallion, until one of them finally made contact. He felt the sting, as the timberwolf sunk its fangs into his forlock. He punched the timberwolf in it's face, causing it to splinter into pieces. Twilight and Spike can't look away from this sight, he just shattered a timberwolf's face! Knowing who tough they are, Twilight had the impression this pony had to be strong. The assault kept going, the young stallion was more injured. Until... ???: ENOUGH! His horn lit up, BOOM and blasted the timberwolves as they attempted to escape when they saw that happening, and indeed they became burning piles of ash. The blast had also knocked down a bunch of trees, letting in the moonlight and revealing who it was. The pony turned to face Twilight and Spike. Twilight is frightened as well as Spike, quivering with fear in their eyes. The pony was an alicorn stallion! His mane and tail looked like they were blue flames, dark blue eyes, light diamond colored coat, a long horn and wings with iridescent feathers. He also looks very strong due to his size. Twilight couldn't believe what she is seeing right now, at one point she thought she was having a crazy dream. She asked Spike to pinch her, she yelped and was infact not dreaming. Twilight: Uhh, h-hello? The stallion however wasn't looking so good, it was as if he was dizzy as everything he sees is spinning. That and the cuts and bruises he has all over his body. His flaming mane and tail reverted to their normal state. The stallion passes out and falls to ground, groaning in pain. Twilight seeing he was falling over, caught him in her magical aura, gently setting him on his side. Twilight placed her hoof on his shoulder, just from that touch she could feel how powerful he is. It's an immense feeling. Twilight: I got you! Where did he come from? Spike: Uhh how should I know? Twilight: I meant to say that to myself, Spike... But he's very hurt and I don't know taking him to the hospital will work... Spike: Why's that? Twilight: Well one, he's an alicorn and alicorns are royalty! That's definitely what will break the headlines! And two he literally came from outer space! This is what you would call Twilight's twilighting moment and Spike, thankfully, was quick to catch her in the act. Spike: Okay okay I get it Twilight! Let's just try to think this through... Twilight was now deep in thought. Twilight: I do have a basement, bearly anypony goes in there anyway. But then, him waking up in a basement wouldn't give him a good impression of us, so scratch that. Also the library wouldn't be a good place for him right now, since it's in town, somepony would see him in there. Pinkie would be way too ecstatic and would want to throw a party for him, as soon as she sees him. Rainbow Dash wouldn't be able to keep a secret, as she would think this is too awesome for somepony to not know. Rarity would freak out and would want to make a huge attire for him, and that'll definitely get somepony's attention. Can't really rely on Applejack either, she's just too honest for her own good. So only one thing remains. Twilight: Fluttershy's cottage. Spike: What, are you crazy Twilight!? Twilight: It's the safest option Spike. Plus, you know Fluttershy isn't really good with crowds and I'm assuming he isn't either. Also, he needs help, and I know Fluttershy can help us. Spike: But don't you have healing magic? Twilight: That's the thing Spike, I don't know how his body will react if I tried. I'm afraid of hurting him when I'm not meaning to... Spike: You're probably right... Twilight: Come on, help me with this. In order to take the stallion to Fluttershy's cottage, they both had to make a makeshift stretcher out of two strong branches they could find and picnic cloth they had while watching the meteor shower. Twilight then placed the stretcher under the male alicorn and rolled him on it. Spike took both of the branches in front while Twilight held them from behind. They then make their way to Fluttershy's cottage, while being careful to not get seen.