The Last Duke

by TheronActs

Chapter 2 -Capital Importance-

-Capital Importance-

"Sir Lime, we've arrived", the Exca' Works structure appears abruptly. Concrete reaffirms his stature after the nauseous dive landing aftereffects subsided.

"Thank you for the smooth...*coughs...sailing Wing Rose" temporarily forcing the buildup of expired air from his system.
"Just doing my job. Sir Lime" replied Wing Rose, aiding me on the descend from the coach.

"Please do audit my performance afterwards, paying the fa-...sir?" Wing Rose pauses upon notice of my sudden belching of air.

Heaving, "I will do...I will do" sparingly said after the peak of the ordeal had come to pass.
"You may leave as need be of your schedule Wing Rose"

"As to your presence, I be excused...and have a nice day!" quickly scurrying off to handle other reserved bookings.
Having calmed my inner workings, "Alright, so as to today's agenda" trotting towards the main yard works.


Alcom Press urges the workers to finish the installation of the newly acquired Aluminum Rollers from OrePress incorporated. "Quickly fasten those bolts and weld the chassis in place!" he exclaimed, "We need to complete the refurbishment of the works!, as to have a proper break for this coming Years 'Eve".

As the finishing touches of the contraptions came done Alcom Press expresses "Alright coltponies! prepare to be handed your checks for the month and that also includes your wares", momentarily positioning himself towards the entrance "Please enjoy your Years 'Eve!".

The entryway soon gave view to a crowd of ponies gently laying their wares to their assigned lockers and assumed their checks of bits for this month's work. As the ponies came barreling out, a figure crisscrosses throughout the leaving audience.

Alcom recognizes the figure which had revealed himself upon his gaze, "Alcom Press, sorry for the inconvenience."


Screeching noises heard from the movement of heavy machinery to their changing direction of use, the addendum of new equipment installed for the better operation of the factory and the lessening of burden to its workers wellbeing. The monstrous stature of the machine towers over the predecessor which lay disassembled on the exit of the bay doors across the north side of the factory compound.

A shout of orders and instruction are heard announcing, "-ecks for the mo..." the rushing headwinds made the following less audible. However, the end was a discernable bit, "-our Years 'Eve!". Then came the flurry of clops on the concrete stone floors, echoing throughout the assembly area and briefly, within the workers comp' area.

Hoping in not missing the agenda communication to the head officer in duty, hurried did I through the crowd abruptly leaving the entranceway into the facility. Weaving about to avoid trampling issues or accidental collision with an unfortunate, hurrying colt and filly.

Once the majority of the way hurdles were averted, promptly I shouted, "Alcom Press, sorry for the inconvenience". Upon identifying the officer in duty. Alcom Press on turn received the statement and had developed a scowl expression when having recognized the voice individual belonging.

Alcom Press proceeds to motion an formal stance, "Greetings to the founder, Sir Lime.", "Greetings to the officer in duty, Officer Alcom" I replied. "What is the purpose for the abrupt, unscheduled visit?" questioned Alcom, "I had been informed of a new development regarding the establishment of a separate capital for administrative purposes", "And what of it?" added Alcom.

Repositioning myself to better meet the look of Alcom Press, "Two things! One, is the addition of royal quarters whose purposes is the Princesses intent to relocate and convert their now Castle of the Two Sisters, into a monument."

Breathing in, "And... secondly, the Princesses had endowed the responsibility upon us on the excavation and construction of the capital on the side of Mount Canterhorn." The issue with the assignment is not its importance nor its difficulty, it is the time of which it is issued which is most troubling.

This news struck Alcom like a steam to paper, "That's an impossibility, Sir Lime. It mustn't be made now, we've had just unveiled the new railway and... the renovation phase is ongoing!", "That is true... I am very much troubled by the inconvenience wrought by the assignment. That is why I am here to relay the message Alcom and would wish to suggest, perhaps discuss a possible workaround to the issue at hand."

"You're emphasizing the term 'workaround' to which entails...? " Inquired Alcom, "We both are very aware of the present work exhaustion our main enterprise labor is currently experiencing from the prior completed projects in rail transport, and
the renov - ", "Again. What workaround have you suggest?" Interjected Alcom.

"Delegate the labor contribution to our associate companies and newly acquired subsidiaries from the recent merger with - " I suggested, to which I promptly added, " - and ourselves relegated to performing consultation of operations, thus limiting the work to our planning & management branches!"

Finishing off, I looked to Alcom Press for his thoughts on the possible solution. "That is brilliant, Sir Lime. Just brilliant!", "I merely had offered a possible workaround. Hast thou had any imagining formed beforehand the discussion ends?" I inquired, "None that could match to the caliber thou had propose. And yet the issue comes not from the appraisal of staff, Sir Lime"

"Thou are not wrong, we would hast to appoint some of the enterprise's and the recently merged representatives, to a meeting with the Princesses, with the Council of Equestria together to approve the changes" This incurs the utmost hurdle, that is convincing the Royal court, Administrative court of the changing development of the assignment.

It would've not be difficult, if for refinement of role. However, the aim is to contribute lesser physically, for a position in direction of function within the project, an action foreign within and without the Equestrian system. Surely -

"clank*... clank*... clank*"

A blaring noise was made known as the time reached seven-twenty two PM, this had made any plans brewing to be put on hold for tomorrow afternoon.

"clank*... clank*... clank*", "Hmm... Sir Lime?"

"Mmm. ay. ay what is't, now. O right! the time?", "Marry our time does call upon's, i'd prefer we could continue to-morrow noon Sir Lime" Alcom suggests, "Please compose it so officer Alcom"

"Farewell to the founder, Sir Lime" stated Alcom as he gestures himself towards the exit doors. "Farewell to thee, Alcom" I quip. The day was truly at its rest, the night full moon has adjourned upon the center of the night sky, as I made way to switch off the igniter fuses outside. A gentle breeze caress my mane, a sudden arrival unknown make known.
"Pleasant evening Sir Concrete"

Hovered down came a spectacle unexpected, Princess Luna has descended upon the meagre soil I stand upright. Expressionless from the sudden surprise appearance of a Moon goddess, quickly bending both knee and head to bow to the royal Diarchy sister, Princess Luna.

"A presence most welcome Princess Luna. A goddess of the lunar skies" a formal tone accompanied the title. Lifting her hoof, "Refrain the formal tone. I wish to speak of thy series of changes to thee original proposition", having calmed down from the pressure emitted of Princess Luna. "Apologies Luna, I hadn't thought thee be present", "Is there a rule insinuating, I require prior inform visit sent" a serious tone replacing the relaxed tone before.

"There is none." Gazing down, "Then is not a matter! Have thee absolve thy worries that may I continue my intentions". "Princess. Thy may -", I then remembered. "-Wait! I do have one issue", "And that is?"

"The proposition in regards of the... Sole contributor. We wish to abdicate-", "You wish to abdicate our offer, building the capital!" The regal tone shocking, tremors rocked the unsteady platform.

Eardrums assaulted, my body became heavy, lightheaded. Noticing the sudden rocking, I leaned onto the wall for support. "We Plea!" I shouted, stopped the vocal barrage. "Speak" ordered Princess Luna, toned harshly.

"Princess Luna, I am burdened with responsibility as a servicepony of Equestria. I am given a responsibility to from a prior event", "Thou mean the day the dukes pay heed to our civilian worries?!" Affirmed Luna. "Indeed, it per say an appointment fixture that cannot be absolved by your own rulings! Princess."

"And what of the status of our offer Concrete", I stood rigid, bound to the hooves still. "Consultation Princess. will only offer consultation within the excavation" a moment of silence prevail the scene, harrowing the thought of cause, "Prin -."

"We will discuss further soon" interjected, swiftly pulse through the clouds moments after the statement had left her muzzle. I beckoned the slab of bricks as comfort for sleep had withered my psyche, slowly impasse my consciousness to the realm of dreams.

May Equestria be kind to us.