//------------------------------// // Ho Ho Huh? // Story: Griffin the Griffin // by BlackWing //------------------------------// In light of the holiday season, I have decided to release chapter one of the sequel early. Here is the link to it. It might not be out yet, as I submitted it at 11:15 pm on Christmas eve, so I guess you'll all just have to wait for it to pass moderation. http://www.fimfiction.net/story/59466/falling-feathers Take note that there will be both a Christmas and New Years themed chapter, however they will come after the event has taken place. Between getting ready for Christmas, completely remodeling my room, (part of my present) and just life in general, I've only got three chapters written so far. I'll most likely have the Christmas one by New Years, and the New Years one maybe a week after that. Also, I'm hoping to get on more of a weekly update schedule, in order to allow enough time for proper revision, in order to ensure quality. This is one sequel that I hope will turn out better than the original.