Pinkie Pie - The Wall

by Critic

Prologue (redux)


a parody by Critic

"My Little Pony Firendship is Magic " copyright by Hasbro all rights reserved , " Pink Floyd-The Wall " (movie) copyright by MGM

I do not own " MLP FIM ", neither do I own "The Wall "...........but man would I be happy if I did.

Author's note: I am typing this using a computer that does not have apostrophies, question mark, quotation marks, etc. So keep in mind that I have to basicaly copy and paste those things throughtout. Also English is not my first language; so
please leave a comment if any of my grammar seems strange. Also I guess it has become mandatory to tell the readers that this is my first fic, don't take it easy on the criticism, I need to improve as a writer. And so just skip bellow and enjoy the story.


There laid the pink pony, her body flat against the cold floor, eyes wondering beyond the horizon, of the trashed room above Sugarcube Corner, a place she called home. A clock on the wall kept on ticking, but the mare did not seem to notice any of her surroundings, she only kept starring out into nothingness. It was becoming harder and harder for her to accept her goal, being an element of harmony meant fame and parties. If she thought hard enough, she could remember a time when those feelings were all she could ever hope for. But now that she had achieve her life long dream, she felt......empty.
Outside the room Mrs. Cake was cleaning the hallway like she always did, from room to room, from corner to corner, until she came to Pinkie's door. She tried to open but it was locked, she tap on the door. No answer came.

''Pinkie can you please be a dear and open the door '' Mrs.Cake called out.

Still no answer. She became worried and cried out once again.

''Pinkie open this door please !''.

She waited, but no answer came. Now trully worried she yelled at the door

'' Pinkimina Diane Pie, open this door this instant !''.

Inside the room, the pink pony with straight hair stood up, her eyes twitched as she heard that name. She tried never to remember those days, the days on the rock farms owned by her family. As the door was being unlocked by Mrs.Cake, Pinkie's mind wondered back to where all her troubles began.

Griffin Wars

Somewhere in the middle of the trenches sat a brown old stallion. He lit a match and brought it close to a lamp, the lamp light up revealing Pinkie's father's face.

The old stallion looked tired, hungry, miserable. He placed a cigar in his mouth as he heard the bombardment shells fall from above. All he could do now was wait for death, his commander ordered them to hold the line. Knowing his fate, all he wanted was to be able to give his family a proper farewell.

He picked up his sword using his teeth, he started to sharpen it. He then polished it, until he could see his own reflection. His reflection stared back for a moment. He didn't have long now, the enemies were on their way, thousands of griffins, all armed and ready for the raid.

With the last moments of his life he thought of his farm, he thought of his family.


It was just an ordinary day on the rock farm, just like every other day. There were no birds singing, no beautiful flowers blowing in the wind, no clouds, just the beaming sun in the sky above, and the rocks bellow on the dirty land. There in the middle of the patch of grey and brown laid a pink blur, it had its head hanging low, tears on its eyes. The small filly was almost as small as the rocks she harvested. She had a sad look on her face, he thought of the life away from the farm, away from her family, away from her troubles.

All that kept her from leaving was her over protective mother, and the idea of abandoning her sisters. Her mother had taken care of her for years since her father left to fight in The Griffin Wars, a single parent taking care of three foals was no easy task. So the mother became as strict as she could, nothing could ever harm her daughters while her hudsband was away; not even themselves.

Parties were banned on the household, so that no harm could be caused by accidents while playing ''put the tail on the pony''. Pinkie and her sisters were order never to leave the farm, so that they wouldn't need to deal with the troubles of the outside world. No strangers were allowed to talk to the foals, so that they wouldn't become influenced by the wrong ponies.

Overall life was boring and uneventfull, all except for that day long ago, when Pinkie saw an explosion in the horison. It was as if a rainbow had exploded, sending a beautiful array of colors sweaping across the skies, it was unlike anything she had ever seen. It brought her hope, dreams, and happiness. But those feelings only lasted until the departure of her father a few months after. The war had caused a great deal of pain and suffering, for both of those involved fighting on the battlefield, or praying at home.

Pinkie still looking down towards the ground, beggan to weep. She did not like to think about her father.The old brown stalion had been the only thing keeping the family together, he was one of the most experienced rock farmer in all of Equestria. And so were all of his ancestors, all stalions in the family had been at one time the best rock farmers in all of Equestria. Truth is her father was dissapointed that he had no stalions to keep the tradition, but that did not stop him from loving his daughters, and being proud of them.

His face flashed in her mind one last time, the hopelessness in his eyes as he left to war. She wondered why did he had to go, why she couldn't had gone with him. She held the dog tags in one hoof, she felt her hearth race faster as if it was crying out for her to act. She stood up on the spot, finding new energy powering her hooves as she ran full speed ahead towards the setting sun, towards the next city,
towards her new life.