//------------------------------// // Clover Story Part 4: The Finale (Last chapter of story arc). "Everypony makes the right choice." // Story: Pony POV Series Season 5.5/6.5 Side Story: Seven Dreams/Nightmares // by Alex Warlorn //------------------------------// My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Pony POV Series Gaiden/Side Story My Little Pony Tales 7 Dreams/Nightmares Clover By Richforce and TheJacobLB44 Edited By Alex Warlorn, Kendell2, and Louis Part 4 of 4 A few days later Patch dropped by. "You're a hard pony to find," she said. "Have you seen Starlight?" I only told her no, I still felt a little ashamed that I thought her quest was a fool's errand. She looked so young. She'd barely aged a day since I'd last seen her. I was surprised by the scars and muscles she was now sporting. Her body language was like she always had weights on her shoulders. She'd always scoop out any place she came to, but it wasn't the same excited curiosity I always knew Patch for before. Dandy gave her a friendly hug when he saw her, she tore away from him. "Don't touch me unless I say it's okay!" She snarled. Then caught himself. "Uh ... please?" She always slept holding her sword, with warnings not to wake her unless we wanted a beheading before she knew it was us. We shared tales of the adventures we each had, she even told me she had met Rasa and Yoki and that together the three of them beat the feathers off of another griffin clan that was going to have Patch for lunch. Of course she had to share her adventures with my children and nieces. I wonder if she noticed the glowing pink star that hung in the sky over the town during the entire time she visited. She was especially fascinated about the story about the founding of the town and about the green fragment, and expressed lament she hadn't found it. We started up the search again. We went back and forth between my house and the forest for three weeks, but we never found anything. I convinced Patch that someone must have found it since then, no telling where it will pop up next. Still it was nice to have her over, even when she did cause a big ruckus in the saloon. Even with everything she went through, deep down she's still the same old Patch. So many years have passed since the end of civilization as we knew it. Mom and Dad are gone, Meadowlark and Cheval are gone and Suzette and Albert are gone. That song about the old gray mare is proving true in my case; I ain't what I used to be. There are days I can hardly move. At least I have an old gray stallion to keep me company. After the mine accident, Bahamut's Rest had settled down to a quiet, sometimes sleepy place. I guess things as they were then happened mostly because of a high number of young stallions and mares looking for excitement and going about sowing their oats. Now those had been planted and sprouted two or three times over. I just recently became a great-grandmother. Things had changed and not all for the better. The tribes' feelings towards each other seem to keep worsening, before Pegasi and Unicorns would stop by because they still needed our ore, now they barely ever come. Bahamut's Rest is effectively on the edge of what counts as civilization now. Paradise Estate, it's like it's become invisible to them. A place where all three tribes are getting along just fine? It's like their brains have just blotted it out of their heads before admitting their prejudices are wrong! Are we really that pig-headed? The social relations between mares and stallions have also changed, mares became more and more dominant in what society there is. Things are still pretty equal in Bahamut's Rest, though I was made town elder when Meadowlark died, even though Dandy is a month older than me. In other towns and villages it tends to be a little worse, I heard rumors that unicorn stallions in some places aren't allowed to practice magic that isn't directly related to their talents. I visited Paradise Estate once, they treated and greeted me like any friend. It was stunning to see them all young, many have left choosing to abandon eternal life and their fight against monsters to help the ponies in need. Ember said she's thinking it might be time to stop being a filly in body. I have too many responsibilities to abandon the rest of the world and stay there(even if I DO feel younger while staying there), not just my family, but all the ponies of Bahamut's Rest. I envy Bon Bon, while the rest of us got swept in some insanity or quest from the world falling apart, she got to raise what was left of her family, she protected her family from the hate everyone aimed at us, she spent so long just writing in her diary. Sure, I haven't lost anyone, but I had to kick an insane Diamond Dog's tail and get a wretched hive of sin back up and running as an acceptable town. Except for Patch, who was kept young by the Rainbow of Light pieces in her possession, I am the only one of our circle of friends still alive. But that doesn't mean that I don't have any friends left. The sun was setting as I sat in the meadow with Rasa. It had a spring that flowed to a waterfall and overlooked Bahamut's Rest and the entire valley below. "It is good that you came for a visit," I told my griffin friend. "Not a visit," said Rasa. "I am too old, I've become too much of a burden on my clan so I left to make sure they could survive." "You still miss Yoki?" "Every day, but I am sure when my own time comes I meet him at the side of the ancestors." "You both came a long way. When we first met you didn't even speak in complete sentences." "I learned so much from you. Now my clan is writing our own history, building our own village. When I was born life was just wake, hunt, eat, sleep, mate and bear young; now we ponder the meaning of things." "It's good that the great disaster wasn't all bad. If it didn't happen I never would have had you as friend. An exotic pet maybe but, not a heart-to-heart friend." "Hey!" "Oh, I'm just teasing you." Rasa looked over the town to the edge of a wide ravine with some construction on one side. "That looks risky. Are you sure your town needs it?" I sighed. "Our town has grown so much our gardens soon won't produce enough food. But the land over the ravine would provide enough land to help feed us for generations." "From what I could tell your family is one of the largest, how many kids did you and Dandy have?" "I'd rather not get into our love life right now, but I will say I just recently welcomed my first great-grandchild into the world." "Yes, I miss my own chicks. I'd ask them to visit but our clan still has a hard time convincing the others to move past the ways from before the awakening and embrace the future. They'll need every Griffin and Keythong they can get, ancestors know Yoki and I had a hard enough time convincing our own clan." I look back to the sunset, the world as damaged as it was is still so beautiful. It was a lot different from when I was a teenager and how I imagined all red or gray skies in the 'time after a world altering disaster' would be, probably from the movies. In some ways, the end of the old world was the beginning of a new one. "Dandy and your family are probably getting worried right now," said Rasa. "Should we head back?" I felt so tired. "Just let me rest my eyes for bit and then we'll go." "Okay, I should probably go for short flight while I still remember how." I closed my eyes after taking one last look at the bridge that my family was building with the town. I wasn't worried with how risky it was. Like that other Clover told me, as long I held on to my hope, my luck will pull my family through. So tired... +++ "Clover, it's time to wake up." "Yeah, we're gonna have to wait for a while after so let's get this show on the road!" I opened my eyes and look around. They're here! Starlight, Bright Eyes, Sweetheart, Bon Bon, Melody, Patch isn't but I wouldn't have expected... "We've all waited a long time for you," said Bon Bon. I got up. The pain I've having in my joints is gone. I'm young again. "What are you all, ghosts?" "Join the club," said Melody. "Clover," Sweetheart said. "You're dead. That's your body right behind you." "What?" Bon Bon lowered head looking away an pointed behind me. I looked. I saw myself, old, so very old, not moving in the least still at where I lied down. "I'm...dead?" Fear swept through me, I took a trot back from myself, from, from my dead body. "Yes, Clover," said Starlight not quite as how I remembered her. "This is the fifth time I've had to explain this. Good thing there's just one to go..." "Hey!" said Melody. "I figured it out myself!" "This isn't a contest, Mel'," said Bright Eyes. "Oh you're just jealous you weren't the one to figure it out." I saw Rasa glide down to where my body was. "Okay Clover, you've had your nap. It's getting dark." She nudged the lifeless corpse. "... So... Your time has come, Clover. I'll take this shell back to your family, now that you are under wings of the ancestors." Then a loud noise came from the direction of the bridge. I turned and saw one of the towers used to place the supports on the cliff face had collapsed. Rasa looked between my body and the tower, quickly pick it up, and flew as fast as her grayed wings would carry her back. "No, I can't go." "Clover, no one lives forever..." Was that Bon Bon? I didn't care. "They still need me. Dandy, Red Lantern, Lucky Coin, Blue Moon, all of them! Without my luck my family is doomed! I don't care if I'm dead I have to stay and protect my family!" Starlight stepped in front of me, unlike just moments before she looked so intense. "Clover there is a reason ponies doubt the existence of ghosts. Most spirits, even those going to Pony Hell, pass on instead of lingering for too long because it can be dangerous. Even all of us waiting for our full circle is pushing it a little so they only do so with unfinished business, but it has to be completed sometime. As much as you want to, you can't linger and watch over your family forever!" I ignored her and galloped off to the bridge. Whatever danger she's talking about I can brave it if and be my family's guardian angel. I ran down the path, I'm almost to Bahamut's Rest... But as I crossed the town limit I suddenly found myself in some kind pure white void. It was like all the world was a piece of paper and it had just been all torn away. It seemed to be endless though there seemed to be a black spot in one direction and something that was even whiter than my surroundings in the other. "Okay, when passing on... they talk about heading into the light. I want to save my family so I don't go into the light." I decided to move to the black spot and it seemed to move closer to me. Then I saw them, shadows of ponies, griffins, diamond dogs and other things were coming out of the black and towards me! They looked at me like I was dinner! The little black spot grew bigger and widened like it wanted to eat me! "Not this way! Not this way!" I went further into the void but they continued to catch up. That's it I'm done for! I bumped into a pony when I looked up I saw them. Mom, Dad, Meadowlark! The shadows came to stop as they saw my family, they crashed into each other like they were about to run over a cliff! "No! Don't go with them! Come to us!" 'Not said' the shadow of an earth pony mare with sparkles in her hair. "You won't have her now or ever," Mom vowed. "Leave," My dad said sternly. The shadows couldn't run away fast enough. I went next to mom, as though I was three again. "What were those things?" "Shadows of existence," said Mom. "They go after those lost in Limbo for the light they hold within them. They wished to use it to make themselves real, but they won't bother you as long as you are with us." "But why did they run from you?" "I'd say they're scared of the love we have for you, something they can't touch, something they can't fight, don't worry about them," said Meadowlark. "Right now we need you to do something very important. It will also allow you to protect our family forever." "Of course," I said gleefully. "What do you...?" "This way," said Mom. As they turned and went further into Limbo. "Hey wait up!" +++ =Terranigma -City of Lost Souls= We walked through Limbo until from out of nowhere we were standing in front of a colossal gate that was locked up with giant chains. There were four giant statues of winged unicorns in front of the gate to either side of us, three mares and a stallion. The stallion had a cutie mark like a crown and seemed to be looking to the gate with a mare that had a sword as a cutie mark. The other two mares were looking away from the gate, one also with a crown for a cutie mark, though different from the stallion, and that other had some sort of wheel. For some reason that last one seemed familiar to me. "Here," said Dad. "All you have to do is touch the chains and open the gate. There is a gate in the living world that's connected to this one. Once this gate is opened we can stay with our family forever." "Sounds easy enough, but what about Cheval, Suzette and Albert?" "They'll...be along shortly," said Meadowlark. "Just make sure the gate is open by the time they get here." "But why haven't any of you tried to use it? Didn't any of you ... didn't any of you want to be with me?" Mom nuzzled me. "Of course we did, dear. But we didn't use it because you're special. You've always been special. This is your gate, it's been waiting for you since before you were born. It's the only one of its kind, and only your will to live even after your body dies can open it. It'll open for you because you have a strength to live that stronger than any of ours. Please, can you loan us that strength now? We can all be guardian spirits to our families forever." Forever. I'd never have to leave them. Never have to abandon them. Always there to help them, even if it's just as a spirit to give them a little luck. Would I give up paradise until judgement day for them? Yes, I would. I moved towards the gate but as I did I felt an increasing sense of unease, like I walking on top of my own grave, impressive since I was already dead. I trust my family but I just felt so afraid, but I won't let that stop me. "Clover!" I heard Melody yell. I turned and found my five friends running up to me. My family stood between us and my friends suddenly came to a stop. "Girls?" I asked turning around. Just then my old clumsiness kicked in and I tripped as I got back up I found myself looking straight into the eyes of the statue with the wheel mark. A number of images then flooded my mind. +++ An elderly Patch finds the green shard in a dark city. A monstrous Goat attacks her. - I see myself as the older sister while Meadowlark is coming to ME. "How did you get to be such a great dancer sis?" the teenage Meadowlark said. "Practice, practice, practice." I told her. "If you set your mind to it you can do anything." - All of us are back at Paradise Estate the day we had our reunion. Just as Firefly flew over Patch gave a nod to the rest of us and we pulled out guns. It's now five years or so later the seven of us are standing on a balcony as soldiers bring a fat Pegasus to his knees in the courtyard below. "You are hereby found guilty of crimes against the state," said Starlight. "Do you have any last words before your sentence is carried out, Mr....?" Starlight looked at list she had in her hoof. "Film Critique?" The Pegasus looked up defiant. "The resistance will prevail." The other me actually rolled her eyes as the soldiers shot him in the head. - Changes again, now Starlight was in a marble gazebo surrounded by a starlight night sky and bluish clouds in all directions. In front of her was a pony wearing a butterfly mask. "Geetings, I am Fillymon, a dweller of the collective hearts ands minds of all ponies. I welcome to you to the collective unconscious, but first a simple test, can you tell me your name?" "... My name is Starlight." "Excellent! Many ponies who come here cannot recall their name, for ponies go through life wearing many masks, but you have the strength of identity to hold onto the Starlight you think of as Starlight. I will grant unto you the power to summon forth the other Starlights within you. The Starlights you wish to be Starlight, and the Starlights you fear to be Starlight. Call it forth." " ... Pony ... Ponysona!" Starlight shouted, a circle of light appeared beneath her, and above her the transparent image of a winged unicorn appeared, it reminded me of the ones from the gate, "Tis you who hast called me here from the depths of your heart's ocean? I am the star that guides the lost through the night. I am thee, and I am thou, let us walk this path together." "They shall aid you in the trials ahead. Destiny does not change at a whim, it must be remade with one's own hooves. Be wary of the easy road. Now you must return for now to your own world." "Hey, Starlight, wake up!" Patch called. Starlight did wake up; she had fallen asleep in class. That was totally not like her, and everypony commented as such. But the rumors turned to a mysterious pony who'd grant you your dearest wish if you called your own cell number. "Maybe I should try it." Bon Bon said taking her cell, Starlight's eyes widened as she remembered what her dream had said and grabbed Bon Bon's cell. "Now, now come on, it's just a silly rumor, why waste time on something like that?" "But ... it might be fun ... just for pretend," Bon Bon said, as he glanced at her body in the mirror. Things blurred, monsters from fairy tale style to just plain weird popping up in obscure spots, Starlight using Ponysona to protect her friends, Patch gaining the power next, and a confrontation on the school roof with a mask stallion. "Teddy! How can you be doing this!?" "Can't you see I'm just making everyone's wishes come true? Bon Bon has the body she's wanted, Clover has what she wants, and Ms Hackney is a pretty young mare again. How is that wrong?" "Can't you see what it's DOING to them?!" "It's not doing anything to them! You're just making crud up!" "Teddy ... I'd never do that to you." "Don't worry, son," said a stallion behind the masked stallion, he had NOT been there a moment ago. He moved with confidence and calm, but something about his eyes, they reminded me a bit of Fluffy the Terrible, and General Ripper, and the revolutionary ewe, even a tiny bit of Bright Eyes as a filly when she once insisted she knew everything. "They're just selfish. They think if everyone finds their happiness, then no one is experiencing happiness. That is a contradiction." He grinned. "You're a hero for doing this, son." Patch shook her head, "Teddy ... your dad's gone. Remember? That isn't him!" "Liars!" A glowing circle formed around the masked stallion, and a transparent winged unicorn appeared above him, only this one had slit eyes, much darker colors, a looked downright freaky. Like the kind Bon Bon had summoned earlier, or Clover after she intentionally wished to be made into a copy of Meadowlark. Sweetheart shuddered, "Teddy I'm sorry, but if you can't see what you're doing, then I'll have to help you ... I have to, for you." Sweetheart then startled, she gasped out loud, and a circled formed beneath her. A transparent winged unicorn appeared above her. "I have heard the cry of your heart, and from within you I have come. I am the healer of hearts. I am thou, and ye art I, let us walk this road together." "Heh. Are you two fillies feeling left out now? How about you, Melody, Clover? Isn't your dearest wish to be a rock star, and know everything there is to know and protect nature's beauty?" Asked the fake father. "I'm going to earn it!" Melody snapped, "No one's going to say it was just handed to me." "And ... I won't ... I'd have to be crazy to trade in my dreams for making them come true!" "Contradiction, contradiction, you say you want those things, but won't take them when they're offered to you. Heheheh. Contradictions should be removed." The stallion pretending to be Teddy's father summoned some freaky creature, Teddy ordered it not to heart them, only delay them and teleported away, and the monster not quite getting its instructions attacked and the heroes fought back, promising to save their loved ones and Teddy from the stallion pretending to be his father. - It changes again. Now Bright Eyes is rushing to Princess Rosy. "STOP!" "What's wrong, Bright Eyes?" Rosy asked. "It will never work! The spell, so many wishes and contradictions, the universe itself wouldn't be able to handle it! It would destroy...everything!" "But after so much has been put into the spell, if we stop now it will make a lot of ponies angry." "It's not worth the risk!" Countless years have passed. There was no disaster; the cities were gleaming monuments to Magitechnical advancement. On board a spacecraft a unicorn descendant of mine stepped into the middle of a command center. "The Equestria has been cleared for departure. We have friends out there among the stars, so let's go meet them." The ship turned to the night sky and in an instant flew out into deep space. - Now I see myself in preschool. So many ponies I don't know, I feel scared. "Hi!" said a pink pony my age. "My name is Pinkie Pie! What's yours?" "C-Clover." "Ok, Clover. We are going to be bestest best friends!" - I looked at a green pony with a three rock candies cutie mark armed with a sword looked at a bunch of smiling balls of fur. "So you've been down here miles below ground for thousands of years living in harmony with the Queen of the Pig People? And you just saved me after the Winter Queen tried to 'dispose' of me now I'd done her dirty work?" "Yep!" "Uh-Huh!" "Bushwoolies live her long long!" "Looong time!" "So you'll help me?" "Yep!" "Uh-Huh!" "Bushwoolies Help!" "help lots!" +++ It was . . . it was the castle where Starlight died . . . but where was . . . Starlight! She was driving AWAY from the castle? She was going to see Ms. Hackney after all, her beloved teacher, and be with her in her final hours if the spell couldn't bring back the dead as Starlight feared it just might not be able to do. The explosion happened, and a shard of something pierces Staright in the eye as she's knocked out. When she came too, she had dried blood from one eye, but it was fine . . . but now her blue eyes was one blue and one rainbow colored, almost like crystal. And she could feel them, where the other six pieces were. She healed almost at once, she felt magic running through her at a level she didn't think was possible for a living pony! Pegasus, Earth Pony, Unicorn, Seapony, Flutterpony, there was no border to her anymore, all magic, making it work felt so trivial! She floated with telekinesis and bend a small beam of light between her hooves and put in a ball of water like it was a jar, she turned a pebble into a seed and made the seed bloom into a flower. And it meant nothing . . . because through the other pieces, like they were a part of her (or she was part of the rainbow of light), she felt it, she had killed the world. "Starlight? Starlight is it you?!" "Logan?" "Starlight? Are . . . are you okay? What happened?" " . . . I think I murdered the world . . . Will you help me find redemption Logan? I have a whole world to restore." And maybe find some pain killers for the two aches in her shoulders and the piercing pain in her forehead.  "I promise, we'll heal this world, that'll be my try at one tiny bit of redemption . . . " + The green pony with a pink mane again, except now she was in a castle, with a big hole in the roof, through more than one floor.  "I need to get up there! . . . Why am I talking to myself?" She look around the make-shift amphitheater chamber, and brightened she saw some plants . . . one looked like a cactus and I think the other one was a fern. She galloped over to them and drew her sword and said, "Okay! How did this go? Right! Season of Spring! Oh right need to touch the ground with the sword too! Season of spring!" The two plants began at once to climb up the wall until they were nearly at the top like vines. "Okay, let's go! OUCH! Why did it have to be a cactus?" - + Pinkie, "Oh, Minty gets to star in a Zelda parody!" "Pinkie!" "Sorry Twilight!" + - Things have changed once again. Shady is in the middle of the woods in labor. She soon gives birth to something. It is a bizarre mish-mash of different animals, in spite of that she isn't repulsed though it seemed to be a very difficult labor. - In the middle of a blizzard an old unicorn stallion with a long beard came to the middle of a ghost town. Icy spirits seemed to surround him. In the middle of the storm there was a baby's cry. The Stallion went to its source and found an infant purple unicorn filly wrapped a baby blanket, the one I made into an heirloom. "Clover," he said reading my name on the blanket. He then looked at the baby's dead parents, an Earth Pony and a Unicorn. "A half-blood, so they died trying to protect you from the mob that froze here." The icy spirits seemed to back away at his pity for the orphan. "Come on, Clover. Let's go home." - Bahamut's Rest is right in front of me. I see the bridge complete, gardens and houses prospering across the ravine. Then winter comes, the longest winter I have ever seen. Bahamut's Rest becomes a ghost town in the cold, completely forgotten. The borders of now medieval pony civilization shrink. When the winter ends Earth Ponies, Unicorns and Pegasi all begin to resettle. Later what looks like an older version of Shady's mismatched baby drives all the ponies away and then throws a castle on the town that looks like it was designed by either a modern artist or someone who lived in an insane asylum. A thousand years pass the castle is abandoned, more time passes, a white winged unicorn with a rainbow mane comes and turns the fortress into the most beautiful castle I have ever seen. Ponies start coming back and build a town near the castle; the town grows into a city bigger, more beautiful and more prosperous than I ever imagined Bahamut's Rest could ever be. - Now I am in space, the white winged unicorn with the rainbow mane is standing in front of what I can only describe as a hole in the universe. She is not alone; at her side is a blue winged unicorn with a mane of stars. I also see the four winged unicorns I saw as statues and more beside them, eighteen in all. They channel all of their magic into the hole shrinking it, sealing it, healing it. The hole is gone but they look so weak now, withered, it looked like they were going to die. Then a pair of voices boom out. "AS IT WAS IN THE BEGINNING, SO SHALL IT BE AGAIN OUR CHILDREN. UNTIL THE TIME YOU MAY RECLAIM YOUR FULL STATE AND GROW BACK INTO YOUR RIGHTFUL PLACES!" I now see a place that, I'm not sure if place is too much or not enough to describe it. I see two winged unicorns, one a stallion who seems to the universe in and of himself, the other a mare that seemed to be made of light, no, life itself. "The Mortals May Have Trouble Adjusting For The Millennia This Will Take," The stallion said. "IN THEIR SUBCONSCIOUS," said the mare. "THEY WILL NOT NOTICE ANYTHING DIFFERENT AS WHAT OUR CHILDREN ARE STILL LIVES." "Agreed, It Has Been Quite Some Time Since They All Shared This State." "IT IS BETTER THAN THE DAMAGE DONE IF WE INTERVENED DIRECTLY. THOUGH STRIFE WILL BE REASONABLY... MIFFED IN THE INTERIM, WE WILL GUIDE THEM ONCE MORE. MEANWHILE GAIA, VERITAS, THALIA, ANASI, AND THE OTHERS KNOW WE BELIEVE IN THEM IN THE MEANTIME." I then see at their feet are eighteen winged unicorns just like the ones I had seen; only all of them were happy little babies. - Things change once again; I just see... the gate. The chains fall off and the doors swing out... The whole world is burning! The skies, the seas, everything! Every living thing is in pain and suffering, and they are all laughing as if they enjoy it! No, it is like they all share the same sadistic mind that is enjoying the flames that burn everything that is and ever will be. Unendingly, forever... ++++ "SHADY IS DISCORD'S MOM!?" Pinkie Pie's eyes crossed. "WHO THE HAY WAS THE FATHER-?!" Her mane and tail frazzled. "Such a shocking truth! I feel I have lost all my youth!" 'Uh, oops.' Twilight and Luna looked at each other sharing the same thought. Mortal and goddess both having forgotten neither Pinkie or Zecora were in the know to this particular secret. Luna folded her wings hard against her body and her tail and wings drooped. "That ... tis a long and unpleasant story. We shall only say Shady lost her son who loved her very much long before Discord was sealed in stone." ++++ I find myself back where I was, in front of the gate, still chained. "Open the gate," said Dad. "I just saw so many things," I said. "One was so horrible..." "A trick!" says Mom. "Ignore it and open the gate." "Yes..." says Starlight. But her voice seems so hollow, empty of herself. "Open it." "We will miss you," says Bon Bon. "Have a nice forever." "Girls..." I say. "What's wrong with you?" "They're just sad," says Meadowlark. "Just open the gate like they asked." That creepy feeling from before has been cranked up to eleven. I feel so scared. But then it hits me. "No," I told them flatly. "Don't you care about what happens to your family?" said dad. "To Dandy?" "Don't you?" "Of course we do, Clover," says mom. "We are your family." "Are you? Mom, Dad and Meadowlark would never tell me to just cast my friends aside. So if you want it opened you're going to have to do your zombie thing to me like you did to those shadow things and my friends." They came right next to my face; it feels like the temperature just went up to four hundred degrees just now. "OPEN THE GATE!" the three of them said at once. "OR WE WILL DESTROY THE LIGHT AND SHADOW OF YOUR SOUL FOR ALL ETERNITY!!!" I actually laughed at that threat. "You can't control me can you? You need me to be myself to open it, willingly. Well you can forget it! I'm never touching that thing!" I looked at the statues again and felt like I understood them now. The ones facing the door seemed to like a dad telling a mugger, "You shall never hurt my child," and the ones facing away were like a mom saying "Don't touch this, it will hurt you." My fake family's hooves and manes burst into flame, their eyes, mouths and nostrils glowed as if a furnace was just behind them. They grew bigger as their coats darkened to the color of ash, they grew horns and not just on their foreheads but all over the tops of their heads and a few on their bodies as well. They weren't like the fake dad of Teddy I had seen in the visions, not in the least. That thing at least had felt familiar. It looked like they were going to strike me in anger. Then an elderly winged unicorn with a wheel cutie mark had appeared right in front of me forcing them back. "She is lost to you," she said. "Your plan has failed." "Ugh," I heard from Bright Eyes. They were all snapping out it! I saw threads of flames appear, connected from my fake family to my friends and burn out into nothing. "Get OUT OF MY brain! Mind! Whatever!" snapped Bon Bon. "Only Ace is allowed in here!" Melody hissed. "The last thing that happened before I felt those things worm inside is following Clover into Limbo," said Starlight. "I ran and found her in front of this gate then Clover's family blocked us and then I was trying to think thoughts and do things but was being blocked." "I have severed their infestation of you," said an Alicorn filly standing where the old mare was a moment ago. "Their projections are weak enough that it was easy for me to do on my own." "Projections?" asked Sweetheart. "You mean those things aren't even here?" "They are here as much as you can cast a shadow on a wall. They have only a fraction of the power of the ones imprisoned beyond the gate." "So they were trying to get me to free them," I said. "But who are they, who are you?" The filly suddenly grew and matured into an adult bigger than I was. In addition to the wheel cutie mark she had broken shackles around her ankles. I recognized her as one of the mares from the statues. "I am Rota Fortuna, the Tenth Tarot, concept of Time, Destiny, Fate, and Free Will." "Ok you lost me," said Bon Bon. "Starlight taught us all she knew about the Alicorns and the Draconequi but I don't understand what's happening here." "Back when your kind was still very young, these beings came to our universe. Their reality was lost to them so out of hatred and spite they chose to make this reality and all that would branch from it since their arrival places of eternal suffering and torment where their minds would dominate all others forcing them so their bodies were merely another set of senses and limbs while others' minds were only along for the ride. It went against the will of the Mother of All Alicorns who desired living things to possess free-will and the Mother of All Draconequi who desired all things to end. The only time They ever really agreed on anything. So My Mother sent myself, and my siblings Princeps, Imperatrix, and Justitia to do battle against them while the Draconequi stood guard at Their Mother's orders to prevent these invaders from escaping back into another plane, Their Mother would not allow these invaders to go unpunished. Together the four of us we were able to seal them away behind the Gates of Tartarus, the prison of destructive and corruptive forces that do not fit into the domains of Limbo or Pony Hell, for what we hoped would be till their end." "But why me?" I asked. "Why not some other soul? Any other soul?" "They spoke the truth when they said the gates exist as pairs on the physical and spiritual planes. The one on the physical plane has been lost to mortals for ages but when found and when my kind can influence your world again, one of us will place a guard that will deter curious mortals, not to mention the countless smaller gates that divide up the other lesser prisoners who wait for their rage and hate to fade. And for total freedom, both gates must be opened at the same time, however, the gate opening for either would still enable them to reek devastation on that plane of reality. But in a real way this gate opening would be much worse than the mortal one. The gate on the spiritual plane however is more restrictive, it can only be opened by a select few; My Mother or Father, the Mother or Father of the Draconequi, one of the four who made the gate or a soul who in life had a particularly strong connection to one of the four of us. In your case Clover, you are connected to me." "I'm connected to you?" I suddenly felt like I was Rosy did when she found out she was a princess, only many times over. "We Alicorns at times live mortal lives in order to remember what makes life precious and worth protecting, I did so as well. I was born, matured, grew old, died, and most importantly had children, those children are your ancestors Clover. You were born with a rare gift, you were subconsciously able to see and direct the many paths of probability to one that would be of most need or benefit to you. You are a force of me." "My luck." "It has been increasing in power ever since the overwhelming magical release of the day of Destruction. When I sensed that you were about to open the gate I momentarily expanded that ability so you could see the branching paths of reality, ultimately directing your mind to the one you needed to see most, what the results of your near future actions would be. And so their scheme was thwarted." "Only for now," said the fake dad. "Like you we are eternal and we are patient. This path to freedom is closed but there are others. Our emancipation is only a matter of time." "I am time. And while your escape is a possibility, it is one I will deny and reject with all my power." "That won't be enough." "We're not afraid you now," said Starlight. "You definitely seem weaker than any Alicorn or Draconequis I know of." "What you see this projection as now is only what your limited spirits can comprehend. Only the Alicorns, Draconequi, and the Shadows who Watch, Make and Control can perceive us as we truly are." "Yeah, and four Alicorns kicked ALL of your flanks to seal you away in the first place, so I'm pretty sure I can say you're still not that impressive," Melody countered. I stood right up to my fake family and spoke coldly. "Go to Hell." "He wouldn't take us. Havoc said that eternal fear and torment for damned souls whose minds would be subsumed by ours would be...boring. I can't say that didn't hurt." "You should leave all the same," said Rota Fortuna. "Or would you rather I 'kick your flanks', as she so eloquently put it, again?" "Very well," Fake Dad turned to Fake Mom and Fake Meadowlark. "Withdraw." "I told you, this plan would never work!" said Fake Meadowlark. Fake Mom snorted. "At least it got us closer than that stupid Whispering Plague of yours! All those mortals driven mad and not one got even close to the gate!" "Wait," said Sweetheart. "That was you!? You are the Whispers?!" "Yes," said Fake Meadowlark. "And getting in your disgusting little fleshy heads was worth it just for the kicks." "Clover, open the gate," said Sweetheart. "I'm going to tear them apart!" "Um, no." I said. "Worth a shot," said Fake Mom. "They are lying," Rota Fortuna said. "Their bickering just now was a performance. They have no influence on the material world at all as they are now. What you call the whispering plague had nothing to do with them. And they only have about two thousand to four thousand years left before they degrade to nothing due to be foreign entities in creations unless they twist it into theirs. And I wonder how they would feel about the humiliation of six souls and one Alicorn striking down their shadows." The three became tongues of flame that flew into the gate and went through it. We left that place right after, I had a feeling that my family was going to be fine. Misfortune would befall them, but with hard work and a little luck of their own they would grow from it. "Come on," said Starlight. "We have a while to wait for Patch but where we're waiting, there's a pizza we're going to share." That was the best thing I have heard all day. "That is not your choice quite to make, Starlight." Said Rota Fortuna, "This is Clover's choice. Clover, your real parents and siblings are waiting for you. You are free to go to judgement and be with them. Or you can wait here for Patch with your friends. It'll take her many, many, years, centuries even, for her to complete her quest and rest with you." " ... If my friends are here, then that's all I need to know!" "Very well my little pony, if that is the destiny you have chosen." "Don't you mean chosen wisely?" Bon Bon asked. "Not all choices are neatly divided into 'wise' and 'unwise' little pony. Many simply are." "And this is the choice I make, being with my friends, is the most wonderful thing I could ask for right now." I said. "And that's wonderful to hear!" Starlight cheered as she hugged me, followed by Melody, Sweetheart, Bright Eyes and Bon Bon and I hugged back. I was surprised for only a tiny bit when Rota Fortuna folded one of her two fluffy feathery wings around me too, like it was a precious gift, and I gladly accepted it. "Uh, Rota Fortuna...if I may ask...the time with the te pot...was that ALSO me subconsciously altering my luck?" "If you can give yourself good luck, you can give yourself bad as well, simple as that. Such applies to all mortals." "Uh ... we aren't going to wait for them here are we?" "Are kidding?" Mel' laughed. "Not on your afterlife." That was when suddenly we were someplace else that looked a little bit like an office at a big school, but a lot more welcoming and friendly. Bon Bon said, "Come on Clover, I promise you'll like this slice of Pony Heaven." "You guys being here makes it heaven enough for now." +++ Twilight shivered at the section where Rota Fortuna described the unknown evils, " ... something that horrible is inside Tartarus, creatures that love suffering? And wanted to create something as unnatural and cruel as a hive mind?" Princess Luna said, "There are many species in creation who naturally have a hive mind Twilight Sparkle. And to them, thy individual egos are as terrifying, unnatural, and stupid as a hive mind is to ye. Imagine if every cell in thy body had a face and a conflicting voice, and ye might understand what they would see if they looked upon us." The image flashed through Twilight's mind and she really wished it hadn't. "I understand." "And don't worry. As Rota Fortuna explained, the majority of those creatures have faded into nothingness and the only time one has gotten loose, myself and Celestia took care of it without even needing to call for your aid." "What?!" "Twilight, not all threats to Equestria require the Elements, and why put the seven of you in danger if we can handle it ourselves?" "FORGET ABOUT THAT!" Pinkie Diane cheered, "Focus on Clover, Twilight! She's, well she's a lot of things for you! The story isn't quite over yet! There's still some pages left!" "Indeed. Let us read." Twilight simply smiled with her friends and nodded. +++ =Chrono Cross - Star Stealing Girl= Dandy had mourned his wife for a couple of months now. She died the same day that tower collapsed but the accident caused no permanent damage to anyone or anything; it was back up the day after. He looked at the half finished bridge as well as the remainder of Bahamut's Rest. The town he and Clover had started the one that grew up with their children and grandchildren, the place he now knew was where he was going to die and he wouldn't have it any other way. The windmills were steadily grinding their grain, the miners were come up after a long day's work, the flowers and vegetables were growing in the gardens and the laughter of foals echoed in the streets. The days of those who had lived through the worst disaster the world had ever seen were starting to come to an end. Soon the history of the time before would fade into legend. He looked up to the peak of the Canterhorn and the sky beyond. "Oh Clover, my love and my life I still remember that first day we first fell into one another. The times we spent apart were times I was incomplete. I am coming for you soon, to be where we can watch this town and our descendants grow and prosper forever. Soon, I will be whole again once nature takes its course." A few hours later Dandy's cane fell from his grip, never to be picked up by its owner again. +++ Dandy found himself a teenager again standing on a grand stage as a spotlight shone down on him. Across from him another spotlight shone on me, as young and beautiful as when we continued to help each other try to get over each of our four left hooves. We were each dressed as a Harlequin. "What's all this?" he asked. "The stage is set," I said. "The time for curtain is almost here, the only thing I am missing is my dancing partner." "But I never danced a step of ballet in my life." "Here you only limited by your mind. Shall we begin?" Dandy came closer to me until the spotlights became one. "I can't think of a better way to start the rest of my afterlife." My Dandy didn't need it explained to him, he knew the moment he saw me that this was not a dream. We were like poetry, each move flawless. When we were done our friends and family applauded what I knew was only the first of many, many performances. +++ = 'Live For Live' from Live-A-Live = These hoof notes we include after we took a vote, and decided it was best if all of us were given a little send off to those who are reading this. Still they let me choose. It is my diary, after all. But I felt that none of us really should go out first or last, so we picked the order of Clover's song to her babies. Death isn't the end, I can tell you this much, and Pony Heaven isn't frozen happiness, we're still growing and changing, into what I don't know, but I can say this, Pony Heaven is Heaven because of the ponies who are there, yes, even Sane Reality. I'm just rambling aren't I? Okay. Here we go, please remember our lives. Ahem. Okay okay guys I'll each let you dictate your own. - For every pony who died on the day of the disaster, and for many shortly after, whose hearts could be weighted as neither selfish or selfless, when they began their journey of eternity, a pink teenage filly with a blond mane waited for them in a black robe, who'd warmly greet them, and protect and guide them to let go of their inner demons so they might enter paradise. As she used her own forgiveness as example with this as her self appointed redemption in purgatory. Helping the most lost of souls finding the light? What could be a stronger form of magic? She is Starlight Sky- The Greeter - She was the mare who would become a saint in death, her skills and then powers growing more fantastic with each generation. She'd inspired countless ponies, including those of her own family, to become healers, doctors, even as the frozen winds of death swept the world. But her family knows her to be real, knows she lived and that they carry her legacy. May her spirit continue to bring kindness to the world. She is Saint Sweetheart- The Healer Her songs live on, even now. They will not vanish until the end of time. They will change as cultures and traditions change, but the spirit of them, their inner true meaning will not be forgotten or twisted. Nor will her family ever forsake them as well, and they will remember they are theirs as they kept them hidden treasures even if the reason for their being hidden as long since past. Her songs bring love and joy to the world. She is Melody- The Silent Songsmith The pony who was made a clean slate and freed from her hubris. Even before her sin was revealed to her, she continue to give and give for her family and for her tribe and any who asked it of her instead of focusing only on her own quest for her memories. May ponies continue to be generous with the gift of all magic of all tribes as set by her example. She is Dr. Bright Eyes - The Restorer No matter the danger, no matter the monster or villain, she was there. Her dream of becoming a clown lost out to her lust for adventure. She continued far after her time for the sake of others even as the world itself forgot her quest and most of it became her enemy. She didn't forsake them. She never abandoned the world. She stayed loyal to her friends and fellow ponies, neither betraying her quest for them or them for her quest. She is Patch - The Hero Of Ages Fate's wheel seemed to always turn her direction, to turn against her, only to turn again in her favor as the wheels of fate will. But she was no toy of destiny. She turned Fate's wheel also in favor of those she loved. And her bloodline one day would at least twice be one of the keys to saving the world and would join with another line of heroes much like her friends. And most amazing of all, she touched the heart of a filly who had fallen into darkness. This would not be the last crossing of their lines. She is Clover - The Fortuitous Dancer In life, like most teenage fillies I felt the need to express my ideas and opinion in a place that was private rather than keep them bottled up inside or share things better left unsaid. I am the one who once faked being ill out of petty jealous of my sick baby brother, then saw how many opportunities I missed with my selfish pretending, then had to take care of my entire family when they became ill for real. I dressed as a model for a high-school dance to show what I wished to be as a mare, and mistook my friends laughing at Patch the Clown as laughing at me. Teddy saw me, and got the others to look for me, and I almost (accidentally!) fell off a cliff, but Lancer and Starlight saved my life. Did I ever forgive Patch for the humiliation she put me through and hurt Bright Eyes' grade for her own fun showing off the recording of a destroyed kitchen and a ruin pie after she rushed me through baking it and tapped over Bright Eyes' project? Yes. Eventually. It was harder to forgive Ace and Teddy when they put on that 'bad guy and bad guy' act just so Ace could charm our lemonade stand's recipe out of me. I'm a sensitive mare who doesn't like her feelings being used. I just wanted a colt who cared. I never thought I'd find Cookie. I had to eat my words about Patch just being weird when Patch swore she had met magic flying ponies while I was cowering on the floor of the basket of the balloon (that Patch dragged me into!) as we were about to land (and sink) into shark infested waters. That they saved us.  I wish had met them to say thank you. At least I got to say thank you to Bright Glow. I'm happy Patch learned her lesson and didn't drag her family on her biggest adventure. I restored a ruined wedding for Clover's sister, even if I tried to take a taste test first. I had no clue what I was getting into when I decided on a whim to help Bright Eyes with her quest for the Green-Winged Songbird, I had no idea what I was getting into. But my diary ended up saving us. It also almost ruined me once. I was so focused on my cooking I failed to study for a math test, so I cheated instead, and confessed my crime to my diary. The diary I lost, but Teddy found, and black mailed me for several little tasks and wanting to go out with him, until he suddenly had a change of heart (or is change by Sweetheart?) and to my surprise handed Ms. Hackney my diary, which I had no clue about until after I confessed my cheating to my teacher so be free of Teddy and face responsibility for my own actions (she hadn't read it, she respected my privacy as a person, student or not). Teddy doing the honorable thing made forgiving him a whole lot easier. My diary was a just a habit, a hobby, my dreams were to be a model, while my parents would support me but I'd continue to take pride in and hone my skill as a cook. Then the world fell down. Gourmet Cooks and fashion models had no place in the world. So as I raised Misty's foal and my own children, I did the only thing left I was good at. I wrote, and I kept writing, things I saw, things I heard, and when I met my friends in death, I wrote that all down too. I trust you, the ones reading this, be you ponies, humans, dragons, or robot-gerbil people, to remember our stories, to share them, to let ponies know about them, to let others remember our lessons, and our past, our mistakes, our hopes and dreams and what we did even when the entire world seemed to be out to get us. I thank you for reading this far, I thank you for taking the time to remember the power books have, and I forgive you for reading my diary, in fact, I'm HAPPY you did! Thank you! I had no really grand part to play in anything, but this story began with my point of view and I think it's nice if we end it the same way. Thank you for reading, our little pony tales. I am Bon Bon - The Diarist Of My Friends +++ Luna closed the last page of Bon Bon's diary. "And that is all there is." "We owe so much to all of those ponies," said Twilight Sparkle. "The neighborhood in Canterlot I grew up in is still called Bahamut's Rest. It just doesn't seem fair." "What is it that you call unfair?" asked Zecora. "So much that it brings close to despair." "That all that history, the lives those ponies had lived just gone. Now I know how Pinkie Pie and Lickity Split feel." "It's not like the world before and it had to be erased," said Pinkie Pie. "Ponies just forgot." "What are ye suggesting?" asked Luna. Twilight levitated the Diary close to Luna. "I know most ponies aren't ready for some of the things in this diary like the nature of the spirit world and the lost third age. But the first and second ages are our history. You told me earlier that perhaps our technology may one day surpass that of the Second Age, but it would be a lot easier and safer if we had the knowledge of the Second Age to rely upon. What I am saying is that maybe this history should be given back to the ponies." Luna took the Diary from Twilight's magic grip. "Tis no wonder ye art our sister's most prized student. Celestia discussed this with us after Princess Gaia's attempt at making a kinder world. She came to the same conclusion as ye did, though it would be through other means that you are suggesting." "What does Celestia want?" "She feels, and we have come to agree, that ponies would appreciate this lost history more if they rediscover it themselves. If they had to work to recover this lost knowledge they would make greater efforts to make sure it would never be lost again. She is going to privately fund some digs she will silently direct to a few of the places that hide signs of the lost ages that managed to survive Discord's thousand year rule with the help of the Paradise Pony, Masquerade eons before. Both the lost technology of the Earth Ponies and the lost magic of the Unicorns and Pegasi. She also suggested that we guide the dreams of a few archeologists so that they will draw the right conclusions." "Princess Luna ... I'd like you to pass along to Princess Celestia, I'd like to help in that regard in any way possible, after everything I've learned, I want to help it be remembered again." "We swear we shall indeed pass on thou request Twilight Sparkle, we think our sister would grant thy wish." "But there are still some unanswered questions," said Twilight said. "Who put those mares' stories together in that diary and how could they be able to write about the things that happened in the lost world or after they died?" "Excellent questions indeed, Twilight Sparkle. However they art ones we no longer have time to answer tonight. Other responsibilities call to us. We shall take ye and Miss Pinkie Diane home. Ye too Lady Zecora. You may keep the diary Twilight, you should keep it with Razzaroo's book." "Thanks," Twilight said taking the diary back. "I will." "Before giving us all a lift," said Zecora. "For Pinkie Pie I have a gift." Zecora gave Pinkie Pie a small satchel. Pinkie opened it a found a number of berries in seven colors. "Rainbow Berries?!" said Pinkie. "But I thought these didn't exist anymore, or ever now that I think about it." "One day while I ran from an angry bee hive, I found a place in the forest where these berries did thrive. When I saw them I thought of you. Now I know why this is true." "Thank you, Zecora. I'll take the seeds and grow a few bushes of them; the Cakes can make some really yummy stuff with these!" "Speaking of which," said Twilight. "You still need that book on rainbow spices don't you?" "Oh yeah! I better get it and get back home; it's late enough as it is." "I do not mean to be surly But at this time it would be better to say 'early.'" All the ponies made a small chuckle and hugged one another. A small folded piece of paper fell out of the closed diary. Pinkie Pie picked it up first. "P.S. Here's a recipe for Rainbow Berry Cake since yours got erased from existence. Hope you enjoy. - B.B." Twilight stared in awe. Luna smiled. Zecora whispered a prayer to her ancestors. Pinkie Pie chuckled, "Thanks BonBon." Luna teleported herself, Twilight and Pinkie away while Zecora walked home, the never was village was silent once again. "OH NO YA DON'T!" Pinkie Diane's voice echoed and suddenly Luna teleported them back. "Miss Pinkie Diane, what tis the source of thy anger?" Princess Luna wondered. "Not happening! Nope! Nada! Forget! NEGATORY!" Pinkie Pie did x's with her hooves. "You're right, Twilight! I have had to read six or seven times over tonight seeing the world this place was built in honor of being erased and the ponies with it even if it wasn't their fault! You convinced me not to just fade away because I was born from a dream! Well guess what? I'm not letting this place fade away either! The Everfree doesn't get any trophies today!" Pinkie Pie took out a sheet of paper and a pen and began writing down details of every building and its location and its state of construction and decay. "Twilight, after we get back, I'd like you to see what materials we'll need to finish, don't worry I'll pay for it, I'll just cut back on parties for a while, oh, jaw off the floor, that joke's been run into the ground. I patented the Party Cannon after all! You didn't know that?! Can you send a letter to Princess Celestia? Just ask her if she'd like this place as her private vacation spot, or if she'd like it more if I made it a public park for Ponyville's foals! Of course if she says the second one that I'll need some unicorns and pegasi to move all this stuff to outside Everfree! Nopony likes a theme park in a haunted forest outside of video games! Though it'll make a great project for Fluttershy's therapy in helping the Sunnytown ponies remember what being good feels like!" Smoke nearly came off the paper as Pinkie Pie wrote down and switched to another paper a second later. "PINKIE PIE! You can't just tell everypony about the lost age!" "OH SILLY TWILIGHT! Of course I'm not! Do you think I'm STILL crazy?! But the spirit of this place! The feeling it has! The ideals it has! I am NOT letting that fade away and be forgotten again!!! Even if it's just a theme park to everypony else, even if it ends up being just a fad, even if it's still abandoned someday, THIS Ponyville at least then got a chance to LIVE, it'll exist then in popular culture, in the hearts and minds of ponies again instead of a forgotten dream! And that'll be my gift to Starsong Melody, and all my other friends who can't be here! Go ahead Twilight Sparkle! Tell me that I'm wrong for that!" Twilight looked at the Pinkie Pony, smiled and slowly shook her head, "You're not wrong Pinkie Pie, not in the least. If this is what you want, then I'm willing to help. If the Princesses are willing to help my dream come true for what's lost, then the least I can do is the same for you." Twilight nuzzled her. "Like friends should." "And that is all she wrote." Zecora smiled. "Now let us all leave on a happy note!" "Verily," Luna said as the ponies vanished again, but the lonely incomplete town, wouldn't remain lonely or incomplete forever more. +++ Spike the next morning found Twilight instead of going through her precious scheduled morning, was copy downing some text from a little old pink book. "Morning, Twilight ... what are you doing?" "I found some old family history of one of Ponyville's residents in this book last night. The book's too important to leave the library, and a lot of it is ... too sensitive. But there's also a ton in here that's the inheritance of some ponies who have a right to know they can be proud of their families. And it's time they remembered." And a few hours later. "Uh, oh! Hello Miss Twilight Sparkle!" "Hello Bon Bon, or should I say, Moth?" "?! How'd you tell?" "Heh. Don't be silly, the stories about identical twins acting exactly alike are just stories. You may look like her, but you're your own pony. Not that I need to tell you that." "Oh ... thank you very much, Miss Twilight." "So is Bon Bon home?" "Oh yes she is! Bon Bon! You have a visitor!" "Who is it? Oh my! Twilight Sparkle? What is it?" Twilight took out some transcript pages. "I believe I have something that belongs to your family." +++ "Thank you for finding that Diary for us," said Luna. (Interviewer's Notes (Unicorn): It was our pleasure.) (Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): It was long, but lots of fun too.) "Yes it was. If you happen to see Razzaroo, give her our regards." (Interviewer's Notes (Earth Pony): Don't worry, we will.) 7 Dreams/Nightmares ~New Beginnings