//------------------------------// // Chapter 5: Situation getting worse // Story: Hybrid // by BAR0SS //------------------------------// Chapter 5 The sun rays slowly beat their way through the window of the room and within moments, were landing on my eyelids. I stirred for a moment then opened my eyes before I immediately squeezed them shut again. "God damn it. Why do you hate me so much sun?" I asked out aloud. I was lying on my stomach, something I never really do, and I decided that I needed to get up. I went to pull off the blanket that was draped over me only, when my hand made contact, I could have sworn that I had never felt something so soft in my life. I moved the blanket to my face only to notice that this blanket must have been very small. When I pulled it to my face, it only covered my head. I slowly opened my eyes to get a look and realized that the blanket was not a blanket at all. What I had pulled over my head and began to subconsciously rub my face against was a wing. A tan coloured pegaus wing to be precise. It was only now that I realized that there was a weight on my back. I slowly turned my head to look at said weight only to find that Dee's head right next to mine, her body asleep on top of my back while her legs where hugging me in a sense. her wings were just splayed all over the place. She also wasn't wearing her pith helmet to shirt. 'Her fur and wings are really soft. I could get used to...' I thought to myself but stopped when I realized where that thought was going. 'DAMN IT! Don't think like that! She's a pony, and you are a... a whatever you are!' I yelled in my head. I was Frozen in fear of how awkward this situation was going to become, knowing full well that I was naked. 'Why the hell didn't I transform to my bipedal hybrid form just so I could put some pants on?' I asked myself. While I was trying to figure out a way to get out of this situation, Dee must have felt my movements and opened mouth and gave a loud, but cute yawn, before opening her eyes. She was smiling and we just starred at each other for what felt like hours. That is until she realized that she was sleeping on me and I was aware of her situation. Her eyes shrank to pinpricks and her smile faded to an expression of shock. She jumped up and flew up stairs again faster than I could blink. I got up and began to put on my clothes. 'What was up with her? Why was she sleeping on me? Why did she speed off when I found her sleeping on me?' These were the questions that swirled around in my head. I needed to know what was going on. I finished putting on my clothes by pulling my shirt on. I then began to walk to where Dee had flown off to. As I made my way up the stairs, I could hear what sounded like someone was sobbing, but trying to muffle it. I got to a door. The sobbing was coming from the other side. I carefully pushed open the door and found Dee on her bed, head buried in her pillow. "How could I have been so stupid!" She yelled, only it was in her pillow so it was muffled. I walked over to her bed and sat down beside her. She noticed and looked at me with her red eyes. "I-I'm sorry Orion. I didn't mean anything by it, I swear. If you do-" I cut her off. she was getting pretty upset for nothing, so I hope things better. "You don't have to be sorry Dee. As awkward as it was for me, I'm sure you had your own reasons, and besides, you fur and wings are really soft. If I had my clothes on, I would have been completely fine. Nice actually. But, I would like to know why, IF you want to tell me" I said. "I... It's... You... But..." She stuttered before taking a deep breath. She sat up next to me before speaking. "I cant believe that I'm going to say this, least of all, to you. You promise to keep it to yourself?" I put my arm around her. "Dee. I, Orion, hear by state that whatever you say will remain in the confines of this room. Your secret will always be safe with me" I state as if I am royalty giving a decree. "Thanks" she says before taking a moment to collect her thoughts. "OK. I feel safe around you. I don't know why, but I think I have an idea. Last night, I tried to go to sleep on this bed, but my mind kept going back to what the zebras were doing to me yesterday. But ever since you kicked that disgusting zebra off me, and I know it's only been a short time, I have been able so see that you mean me no harm. Otherwise you wouldn't have saved me yesterday. I know this sounds paranoid, but the further away from me you are, the less safe I feel. And now I feel like a small filly that needs to watched all the time." she began to sob again. I pulled her into a hug. "It's going to be ok Dee. I promise that I won't let anything happen to you for as long as I am with you. However, my human form that you see now is wanted by the rest of your race. And from what I have seen in my short time awake, I don't know if they have any way to stop me. And if they do, I won't have any choice. They will most likely imprison me and try to study me." "But what of your hybrid form's abilities?" she asked "I do take some pride in my skill with them. But I am smart enough to not take any chances. That and I wont kill anyone" I said. She smiled then frowned. "So what are you are you going to do?" "I don't know. I have yet to pay back Ceylon so he'll go back to whatever it was that he was doing before he found me. But I know I wont be able to stay in this city any longer that today. Even in my hybrid form, I don't want to risk giving away what I am" I said. "Yeah. Heres what we'll do. I need to pick up some stuff today, and tonight, we go to Volcano City. It's a place just outside of the Equestrian border. I have a friend there that can give us a place to stay" "Alright then. Lets not waste any time" I said as I got up, too my shirt off and began to shift into my hybrid form (Bipedal). "I'm going to go wake up Ceylon. You do what you need to do" "Ok. I'm going to take a shower and I'll be down soon." She said. I nodded and left the room. 'Damn it. Now I have two people... or whatever stuck with me' I thought to myself. I have been here like what, four days, and I'm socially bound to others. I'm going to have to fix this soon. It's not that I don't mind the company, it's just that I feel that I would be better off alone. I got to the bottom of the stairs and looked over to the couches. Ceylon looked like he was having a really nice dream. Time to be an ass. The couch that he was on was out in the open so I walked up behind it and put my claws on the the back. "Ceylon. This is your one warning to get up. I suggest you take it and get up off your ass. Are you going to take this warning?" I asked in a normal voice. Ceylon just mumbled something in his sleep before rolling onto his side and beginning to snore again. "Very well. You brought this on yourself Ceylon" I said. I kneeled down and put my claws under the couch. And with a bit of force, the couch quickly lifted off the ground while spinning forwards and throwing Ceylon half way across the room and sending his feathers all over the place. I'd like to think that Ceylon woke up relatively quickly. I then began to pick up the couch and set it back to where it was not a moment ago, ignoring whatever it was that the angry gryphon way yelling at me. I walked over to the couch that I slept on and pulled out my pistol. I then pulled the slide open and looked into the chamber. No round in the chamber? Good. I flicked the slide lock and released the slide back to its forward position, aimed at the ground and pulled the trigger. *Click* Good. Step one complete. I looked to the disassembly lever and saw that it had one of those 'integrated access lock'. And I didn't have one of the piece of shit lock keys that you should get with the weapon when you buy it. 'Fuck it. I don't need it anyway, but it will be helpful if some pony tries to take what isn't theirs' I told myself. I could just lock it with my telekinesis if they did get it. I pushed the disassembly lever down and slid the slide of the front of the frame before putting it down. Next step was to depress the recoil spring while lifting it out of the slide. I then removed the barrel from the slide. I didn't know how to break down the weapon any more than that. I looked over all of the parts that I had managed to separate. They spring and the slide looked slide still looked new. Even the barrel was clean. It's as if the entire system had never been used. I picked up the frame and inspected what I could of it, but was met with the same result, Looking as if it had only been used once or twice. I began to put the weapon back together the way it was supposed to assembled. There was absolutely nothing wrong with it as far as I could tell. After I got it back together, I picked up the mag and removed a round. Turning it over in my claws, it too looked fine. That's when I realized a potential problem. I got up and walked over to a table that was in the room, held the end of the projectile against the end of the table, and hit it to bend the end of the cartridge and release the projectile. I then carefully poured the powder out onto the table and moved it into a strip. "What's that?" Ceylon asked from over my shoulder. I looked to him and saw that he had a very interested look on his face. "That there is a powder charge. I need something to ignite it with" I said. Ceylon looked under his wing and pulled out some matches and set them on the table. "Ok. Where the hell did you get these from?" "I always had them" he said. "Yeah but... Ugh never mind." I picked up th matches and lit the one. "Lets just hope this dosen't detonate to violently." "WHAT!" I put the flaming end of the match into one end of the powder strip and. Nothing happened. Just as I thought. The gun powder had aged to the point that it wont even ignite anymore. Damn. I've gone from five rounds, to four from this test, then straight to none. "Was that supposed to happen?' asked Ceylon. "Nah. It was supposed to burn up along the line of powder. But it's aged to much now" I said. "Also. If I get caught, I'm saying that this thing is yours" I said while picking up the pistol. "And in return, I might tell you how it works one day" I put the pistol back into my pocket and the mag back into the left before sweeping up the powder. I carefully pulled off the primer from the damaged cartridge and kept it along with the actual bullet. I disposed of the cartridge and powder in the bin. "Can you at least tell me what it is and what it dose?" he asked. "Ok, but this stays between me and you. It goes no further alrigth?" I asked and he nodded. "Think of it as a small bow. It's called a Steyr M9- A1. It's a projectile based weapon that fires small lead projectiles somewhere between 305-400 m/s, depending on the manufacturer that you purchase it from. But sadly, the powder charge in the ammo I have has aged an will no longer ignite. So all I need now is to talk to a blacksmith to make new rounds. Oh yeah, we are leaving today by the way Ceylon" "Where we going?" "Dee said something about a place called Volcano city or something" "Well, I guess that that dump of a place will have to do. Not my favourite place in the world" he said. "Oh quit your bitching. Dee says she knows someone there that will help us out, and I am going to trust her with that." "And I bet that you would do anything she asked, wouldn't you?" he asked with a sly grin on his face. I turned to look at him and saw in his eyes what he meant. I walked over to him, grabbed him by the neck and slammed him up against the wall. "Is that supposed to mean something!? Or are you just trying to be funny?" I asked while yelling at him. "*WHEEZ* N-No. I didn't mean anything by it. I promi-" "NO! You opened your mouth just before. Do it again so I can understand please!" I said, cutting him off. He seemed to be having a hard time breathing so I dropped him before taking a deep breath to calm myself down. "Sorry, I just got angry for a sec. But seriously, what did you mean?" He was rubbing his neck while greedily taking in air. "*COUGH* Yeah, I'm sorry too. I should have just kept my mouth shut. What I meant is, if all the ponies are out to get you or whatever, what make her so different?" He asked in a raspy voice. I held out a claw to him and he took it with a talon and I helped him back up. "That's a mean grip you have by the way" he added. "Yeah sorry about that. But to answer you question-" I was about to tell him what we Dee and I talked about this morning, but remembered that I promised that I would keep it to myself. "What's going on down here?" Dee asked coming down the stairs. Ceylon and I both turned our heads and saw her standing at the bottom. She had her mane wrapped up in a towel. "Ah... nothing. We were just planing on how we should get out today" Ceylon lied for me. "Well. We'll deal with that after breakfast. I'm hungry" Dee said turning around and walking into the kitchen. Ceylon and I looked at each other and shrugged before following her in. I was about to ask what food she had, but I was stopped by a knock at the door. All three of us looked to each other, waiting to see if another would answer the door. "I guess I will get it" Dee groaned as she left the kitchen. Makes sense, it is her house after all. I walked to the doorway to listen to what was being said while staying out of sight. I signaled Ceylon to keep quiet as well. Dee opened he door. "Miss Daring Do. You have been summoned to throne room of Canterlot Castle by Princess Celestia herself to discuss the whereabouts of the prehistoric creature that was found by you four days ago and on your escape. You are to also bring the dragon and gryphon that escorted you back here yesterday as well" someone said. Sounded female, or mare if I recall properly. "Ah... Sure. When?" Dee asked. "The Princess wishes to speak with you right now" said the mare. "Umm. I'll be right out. I just need to get a few things and I'll make my way there" Dee said. "OK. I pass word that you are on your way. Thank you for complying" the mare said. Then I heard the door shut and Dee walk back to the kitchen. She entered the kitchen and turned to face me. "Any Idea's?" she asked. "Two. Either we go to the summon, in which case I need to transform into my quadruped form because that's the form I was last seen in, and act as if we know nothing about this 'Creature'. AKA, I never saw it. Or option two where we just make a break for it and give up my secret instantly because we won't be unnoticed" I offered. Dee looked down in thought for a moment, going over what I just said. "Well I think that we should go with the first option" Ceylon said. "Yeah I have to agree. We don't need to be hunted down any more that you are now" Dee said. I smiled and nodded. "I'll be back in a second then" I said as I bagan to walk out of the room. I got into the living room and stripped off my clothes and began to change into my quadruped form... Again. This was becoming a bad habit. Never had I transformed this many times within a season let alone in four days. After I transformed, I walked back into the kitchen. "Hey Dee. Do you have like a small bag or something that I can borrow to put my stuff in when I am in this from. Just saves tieing my things to me with my belt constantly?" I asked. "Yeah sure. I have a gryphon saddle bag that you can use" she said walking back up stairs. Ceylon was just looking at me weirdly. "You loose something over here or something?" I asked sarcastically. "I gota ask. Dose it hurt when you... 'change'? I definitely sounds as if it dose" he asked. "Well it used to when I was learning how to do it. But it just kind of got easier to handle" Dee came back into the room with a large strapped saddle bag in her mouth and tossed it to me with a flick of her head. "Uh Thanks" I said as I began to put all of my clothing and my pistol into it before throwing it over my back. It fit perfectly. "We should go. We cant keep the princess waiting too long or more guards will show up looking for me" Dee said. "Alright then. Lead the way" I said. and we began our trip to the palace. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "These doors lead to the throne room. Are you guys ready?" Dee asked. I looked to Ceylon and he nodded. "Lets do this" I said. Dee nodded approached the guards outside of the door and they opened it for us, so the three of us walked in. The first thing my eyes locked onto was the giant white horse at the far side of the room. Ceylon told me that the princesses were alicorn's which were both unicorn and pegasus, and they had unmatched power aside from the so called 'Element's of Harmony'. God only knows what they did. This alicorn's mane seemed as if it was made of... what seemed like solid light and was blowing in a non existent wind. "Ah welcome. Please come in" she said. Her voice seemed to radiate power, but also a calm and kind vibe. How that was possible, I don't know. As Dee, Ceylon an I walked toward's her, I noticed the group of ponies that my two companions seemed to have a great conversation with in the doughnut shop. We three got past the group and Dee and Ceylon bowed in respect. I just did it because they did. "Rise my subjects. This is a gathering of great importance. No need for formalities" she said. 'Her subjects?' I thought to myself. Uh-uh, not happening. "Now miss do. I have been told that you are the discoverer of the human?" I tensed when she said that. how the hell did she know what we are called. "And I have also been informed that it attacked and used magic to get away, but you managed to hold onto it. Please tell me, what happened next?" She asked. "Um, Princess if I may, how do you know what they are called?" Dee asked. 'Yeah how the hell do you know that!?' I demanded in my head. "We will come to that another time. But for now, lets stay on subject" Said the princess. Of course she would dodge the question. "Well, When I saw the... 'Human' beginning to glow, I jumped over and hugged it just before it teleported. I was then hurled away from it as it got to where ever it had teleported us to and I lost sight of it and haven't seen it since" Dee explained. "So what about this gryphon and dragon with you? How do they fit into all of this?" asked the princess. Ceylon stepped forwards. "You majesty, I will speak on behalf of myself and my friend here" he said gesturing to me. "He and I were in the gryphon hunting grounds near my fathers domain when we discovered Miss Do there. We knew who she was form her famous book series and noticed that she seemed to be in the wrong place, so we brought her back here, and in return, She would give us autographs." That was well said by him. "Ah. You are Black Wing, Son of lord Aragon yes? It's been a long time since I have had any contact with you family" the princess said. "Yes, and I am aware why" Ceylon said. "So now to you" the princess said turning to me. "What is your name?" I had never been so caught off guard. "A-Ah. B-B-Ben D-Dover... Ma'am" I said while I mentally face palmed at how big of a mistake I just made. The room went silent. All the ponies were looking around at each other quickly before one guard broke and fell over laughing, holding his sides. 'Dude, wasn't that funny' I said in my head. "Guard control yourself at once!" shouted another guard. "Y-Yes captain. S-Sorry Sir" the guard said getting up while trying to suppress his laughter. "Sorry princess for my stupidity. But you may call me Halex" I said trying to defuse the situation. "Ok Halex, what is your story?" she asked while giving me an evil look, but I could see in her eyes that she to found what I had said amusing. "My story goes kind of like this" I said as I had an awesome cover story. "It all started when-" *CRASH* I was cut off by the throne room doors being thrown open with force. "Princess! Get away from that thing!" For Fucks Sake!!!