//------------------------------// // Ch IV - Explaining (Rewrite) // Story: Stargazers // by Astarea //------------------------------// Stargazers Chapter IV - Explaining Luna and Twilight were sitting on a cloud high above Canterlot, recounting the past month, which consisted of the visit to the Crystal Empire and the lavender alicorn’s adventures there. “So, you’re telling me that Sunset Shimmer, Tia’s previous student really tried to steal the Element of Magic? From what I gathered it was just a rumour.” – Luna asked when Twilight explained that part. Yes, and let me tell you, if there is one thing certain about Celestia, it is the fact that she can train her students well. Sunset Shimmer matched almost all of my sills. I was chasing her though the entire Crystal Palace, trading spell fire constantly. I was about to sap her with a binding spell, when she pushed some ancient looking mirror onto me. The mirror hit me – let me tell you, that thing weights too much for its own good – and I lost consciousness, but not before my spell finished and hit her.” – Twilight explained. “I remember checking upon you from time to time. You were out cold for a really long time and I could not enter your dreams…” – Luna said with a frown. – “Quite unusual, considering the fact that we meet a lot through dreams quite often, is it not?” “I had the weirdest kind of dream, though; perhaps I’d even call it a nightmare? It started quite normally – with the exception of the entire changing of species thing, not that there are not spells that do that, anyway – but it quickly spiralled out into madness. There was a wild dance in some kind of school, I saw an alternate version of you –and I liked what I saw, too – and then it got quite crazy. I am glad that it turned out to be just a dream and I was simply out of it the entire time. From what I had heard later - I do not know if you knew this - Sunset Shimmer ended up staying in the room in which I have been knocked out.” “I heard there were some problems with moving her because of your bindings.” “Exactly! Apparently after I passed out, nopony was able to dispel the bindings from my spell that held her and they were forced to keep her there…” – Twilight trailed off. “Really? There was nopony in the entire Crystal Empire that was able to get rid of the binds?” “Yes, even our Equestrian Archmage, who was visiting the Empire at that time, told them that when he came back home he was going to resign because he had shamed himself by being unable to overpower my magic. Then, when I came back yesterday, he forced your sister to re-evaluate my magical potential. The results certainly explained a lot.” “How so? If I recall correctly, you had an intense magic flare during your fillyhood and Tia had to teach you how to build limiters on your own power.” “That’s right. When I first went out to Ponyville, I had around fifty limiters set up but I have been building up since. The whole incident with the Ursa forced me to drop at least five of them. But yesterday…” “Just how powerful are you now, love?” “Well, I lost count of my limiters at around thousand limiters and yet I am still a hundred times powerful than the next top powerful unicorn. Which is apparently my brother. Anyway, after I dropped all of my limiters yesterday… pure magical pressure overwhelmed Celestia and the Archmage simply fainted. There was so much magic pouring out of me that the air around me crackled with electricity. Heck, even my aura became solid.” “Wow. I guess that the Element of Magic could not have chosen a better bearer.” – Luna said, kissing Twilight’s forehead. “Well, about that…” – the lavender alicorn trailed off, smiling sheepishly. – “It seems that we have all been mistaken. I am not the bearer of the Element. I AM the Element of Magic.” Luna stared at Twilight, thinking about what she had just heard. It all made sense in a way. She finally decided to reveal the entire story to her lavender marefriend later that night. The two alicorns lay on the cloud, resting from the chaos of everyday life, warming each other with wing embraces. “So, did anything else happen during the trip from your point of view? I heard rumors of some new crush. And your recent dream confirmed it…” – Luna broke the silence, teasing Twilight. “Well… my dreams are not as interesting as yours are. I am grateful that you have taught me how to dream-walk. It is a very rare talent. Also, you and Celestia were so cute back when you were foals!” – Twilight exclaimed, laughing gently. – “To answer your question… Yes, my friends teased me about it. A guard seemed to have gotten the idea that Cadance delegated him – for all I know she did so to prank me – to be my personal guard. He had been following me the entire stay – at least when I was awake – and I constantly bumped into him in the hallways. I attempted to talk to him more but when I tried, he always run off telling me he was on duty. I think the poor dear was just scared to befriend an alicorn.” “Ah yes, ponies tend to act with varying levels of panic whenever one of us appears. Moreover, I just have to remember my first official visit to Ponyville. I have to admit, it was not one of my best performances.” “Well, I cannot blame you, though. You were under a spell back then. In addition, the entire Nightmare impression rather quickly got out of hoof. Me, I do not have an excuse. I was a social recluse before I arrived in Ponyville.” “Yes, it seems we have that in common. To be honest, there is something different in that town, because it changes ponies. It changes both our lives. I have to give credit to your friends – they taught you how to be a great friend and you passed those skills onto me.” Twilight giggled and bumped Luna’s nose with the tip of her forehoof. “It was the least I could do in exchange for all the arcane knowledge you have taught me.” – She said. – “At this rate, I will have to find a new way of paying you back, if you keep showing me more and more wonders about magic.” “It’s been a pleasure for me. Just like me, you soak in knowledge like a sponge. I guess that’s another reason why we get along so well.” “Aww, are you sure we do not get together, say, because we like each other’s flanks so much?” “That is a given. I saw an orange pegasus with a blue mane ogling your flank yesterday.” – Luna said, puffin her cheeks and pouting adorably. – “I will let you know that I was quite jealous!” “That must have been Flash Sentry, the guard I’ve told you about. I cornered him yesterday and got the truth out of our feathered friend - he got an idea in his mind that we are a couple, just because the Alicorn of Love said so! I have gently explained to the poor misguided soul that I was with somepony already. And even if I was not, I would not be able to bear to be with a mortal, simply because of this ‘outliving everypony’ thing…” – Twilight explained, her mood darkening. – “Yes, Celestia told me I might end up being immortal like you and her… It still pains me to think about the fact that my friends will die and I will live on forever.” The dark blue alicorn put a wing over the smaller one, hugging her closely. They sat like that for a while, until Twilight relaxed again. “I will not bother with saying the same hollow things you probably heard a thousand times from Tia by now, but you have to remember two things; your friends will live on inside your heart and you will have me by your side.” – Luna said to cheer up her gloomy marefriend. – “And think of all the books you will be able to read and all the research you will be able to do!” “Yes, yes, I know. It is just that…. It is so sad. Some beings are more fortunate than others are. I know this is how the world works but it does not mean I have to like it. I am glad I can count on you and that I will be able to dedicate myself to help those in need.” “That’s an admirable goal. Anyway, there was one other reason I have invited you here. As of yesterday, when you dropped your limiters, you might have felt… a change in yourself and the surrounding world.” – Luna explained. “Now that you mention it... I do feel kind of….” – Twilight trailed off, looking for a proper word. – “…split.” “Let me explain to you the mystery of alicorns. My sister did not want to be the one to do this, so I will be the one to, figuratively, bring you in. You see, the ascension of the alicorn consists of three distinct stages. Stage one is a magical flare, which signals the beginning of the process.” – Luna said, looking at Twilight expectantly. The smaller alicorn pondered for a second before a look of understanding closed her face. “You mean to tell me I have been ready since… back then?” – She asked. “Exactly. The entire first stage can last as long as the entire life of a pony. Tia took you in, both because of your potential but also because you were one of the few candidates for ascension. Sadly, Tia accidentally held you back and you were unable to proceed to the next step under her. The second step pertains of gaining an aspect. Tia is the embodiment of selfless love. Your sister-in-law, Cadenza, embodies the romantic love for another. You now embody the platonic love for friends…” – Luna stopped explaining, but saw the clear question in Twilight’s eyes. – “…while I… I embody the love for oneself. Until you and your friends reminded me about it, I forgot what it meant. I needed to love myself in order to love others.” Twilight used her forehoof to wipe away the single tear that appeared on Luna’s muzzle and once more embraced the bigger mare. Both mares used mutual love between them to heal any doubts and wounds remaining in their hearts. Finally, Luna was ready to continue. “Once you understood friendship completely, you were able to proceed to the next step. At this step, all alicorns gain their immortality as they pair with a domain. Once again, Tia’s domain is the sun, my domain is the moon, and your foalsitter has yet to find her domain. You… you connected with your domain yesterday. Can you reach out and feel what it is?” Twilight looked at Luna, thinking about the question and trying to find the entity, which brushed against her consciousness from time to time. She could feel something, something she knew and loved… “It is… something familiar. When I reach out, I can feel something like you, yet more… spread out. It is dark, but not evil… yet it also feels light.” – Twilight broke off as she reached both deep inside her and far outside. Beads of sweat appeared on her forehead as she concentrated on catching the elusive feeling. Finally, something…. Gave and Twilight’s senses were overwhelmed by information and she understood what her charge was. – “Oh my gosh! It is the stars! I control the stars! How? Are they not supposed to be yours?” The smaller alicorn started hyperventilating, thinking she stole something from her lover. Luna quickly cast a calming spell and embraced Twilight. “Shh, my love. They were never mine. I told you already – my domain is the moon, remember? I have been able to paint the night sky with stars simply because there was no actual Alicorn of Stars. Now you finally have the entire picture of why we get along so well and why we feel complete when we are together. We were literally meant to be with each other.” – Luna explained, kissing and nuzzling Twilight. Finally, the smaller alicorn relaxed and they could continue their discussion. “I have got just one more question and it is crucial I ask you before that stress reliever spell fades.” – Twilight said with a determined face. “Yes, what is it?” “Will you marry me?” – Twilight asked, suddenly flashing Luna a giant grin. In Canterlot below them, a certain white alicorn smiled broadly in her sleep as her sister’s enthusiasm and happiness leaked into the dream realm, completely dissolving every single nightmare in all of Equestria.