//------------------------------// // Chapter 17 // Story: A New World, a New Way // by zeusdemigod131 //------------------------------// Fluttershy walked off the train in Ponyville station, followed by Korrina and the other Pokémon. Cubone sat peacefully on her back, looking around at everything with interest. “So other ponies are gonna be able to understand us, right?” Misty asked. “That’s what the Princess said, yes.” Fluttershy looked around at the various ponies. “At least, I think that’s what she said.” Misty plodded ahead of the group. “Only one way to know for sure.” Then Vaporeon looked around the station, then trotted over to a grey Pegasus mare with a mail bag slung over her shoulder. “Excuse me, miss?” The mare looked down at Misty. “Hello!” She chirped happily. Misty smiled. “Hi, just wanted to make sure that you could understand me.” She giggled. “Of course I do, I understand everyone.” She held out a hoof. “I’m Derpy.” “Hi Derpy, I’m Misty.” Misty was glad she had chosen to talk to Derpy, she seemed like a nice mare. “Well, I gotta go.” Derpy waved as Misty trotted off. “Bye, Misty.” Once Misty was back with her group Derpy pulled a note pad from her bag, eyeing the Pokémon. “Blue fish-fox, yellow and blue Diamond Dog like creatures, white, red and blue speckled egg...” She said as she jotted down the notes. “Well that settles that.” Misty said. “So what now?” Fluttershy asked. Korrina shrugged. “Guess Lucario and I’ll head back to the farm first, tell Mrs. Smith what‘s up.” “I was figuring I would go for swim,” Misty shifted nervously. “Since I’m gonna be like this for a while I figured I’d see what I can do.” Korrina raised an eyebrow. “Alright just, don’t get too attached, we are getting back to normal.” Misty nodded, then turned to Fluttershy. “Know any good ponds or anything?” Fluttershy thought for a moment. “There’s a little stream by my house, it leads into Ponyville Lake, I can take you there, but then I really should try to find Pinkie and Discord.” “A little to the left!” Pinkie shouted. “Righty-o, Pinkie Pie.” Discord called back, maneuvering the stage light into place. “Little more… little more… perfect!” Pinkie turned to Zap, who was sitting next to the power cable. “Alright Zap, light ‘er up.” “Rotom, tom, tom.” An electric pulse traveled from the Pokémon and into the light, activating the hoofball-grade lighting system. “Perfect.” Pinkie crossed another item off her checklist. “That’s lighting, food, dessert, stolen meat products… still need Oran berries.” “Zzzzz.” A blue and purple creature floated up behind Pinkie, its disconnected head floating to face the pink pony. “Hi, Entropy,” Pinkie greeted the Pokémon, flipping a few pages to see if she had time to get some things for Mewtwo’s party. “What’s up?” The Porygon-Z had found Pinkie and Discord last night in Canterlot, and had immediately clung to Discord like butter on toast. “Z, z, z, zzz.” “Uh huh, uh huh, I hear ya.” “Uhhh, Pinkie Pie?” Pinkie turned to see Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo staring up at her in confusion. “Can you understand him, eh, her... it?” Apple Bloom asked. “Not. At. All.” Pinkie answered, shaking her head with each word. “What’s up, girls?” “Well,” Scootaloo began. “We’ve kinda just been wandering around town, and we heard that you were setting up some kind of party.” “And we realized we haven’t tried to get our party-throwing cutie marks.” The CMCs had been sent home the night before and had been told they would receive their punishments the next morning. Thus, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle had stayed in their bedrooms, and after her sister left Apple Bloom had avoided her brother and granny, until boredom had driven to take what was coming to them. Coincidentally, this had coincided with one god announcing his plans, suffice it to say, this had caused temporary panic, which had, for a while at least, cleared the CMC’s of their wrong doings as everypony tried to sort out the issue. And while everything was back to almost normal the next morning, the girls punishments were still forgotten. Which was why they were now out and about, and discussing ways to get their Cutie Marks, several of which involved Pokémon. None of which would have ended very well. “Soo,” Sweetie continued. “Can we help you…?” She looked up at Discord, who was painting some kind of art in the sky. “And Discord, with the party.” Pinkie tapped her chin. “Well, I could use some help getting some supplies, and if you girls do that I can start planning Belle’s bachelorette, and Gene’s bachelor party, after I get the last thing I need for Mewtwo’s ‘Welcome to Equus’ party.” Pinkie smiled. “So I don’t see why not!” Unbeknownst to Pinkie, there was one thing that was supposed to stand in the way of something like this. After Discord had been released, Twilight had made several contingency plans revolving around the chaos lord. The other Element Bearers had been present for these planning sessions and they had all been revised after the Elements were lost. But Pinkie hadn’t been present for one, not due to her having some other plan, or simply being late, the others had not told her because the plan had involved her, and Discord, and three other ponies. Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy had solemnly sworn to never, never let Pinkie Pie, Discord, and the CMC’s work together on anything ever. They had almost Pinkie Promised but Dash had stopped them, saying that Pinkie would know. Pinkie and the other beings involved in their pact had no idea. “Alright!” The CMC’s hoof bumped. “Cutie Mark Crusaders Party Ponies!” In Canterlot and the Hall of Legends respectively, Princess Celestia and Arceus shuddered. “Alright, girls,” Pinkie said, jotting down a list of directions and supplies. “You’re gonna have to split up for this. Apple Bloom, I want you to stay here and make sure everything goes according to plan.” Pinkie Pie shoved a hard hat on to Apple Bloom’s head. “Yes ma’am.” She saluted. “Sweetie Belle, this is a list of stuff we’re gonna need and a bag of bits; get as many streamers as you can!” Sweetie grabbed the list in her magic and walked away. “Carrots, candy… candy carrots,” She read the list as she walked off. “Scootaloo,” Pinkie turned to the little Pegasus. “I need you to pass out these invitations.” Pinkie dropped a pile of invitations in front of Scootaloo, they left a small crater in the ground. Scootaloo’s jaw dropped. “Pass these out to every pony and Pokémon in town, and then see if you can get one to Zecora and any Pokémon in the Everfree.” Scootaloo shook her head, then smiled nervously. “Y-you got it, Pinkie Pie.” The little Pegasus grabbed the pile of invitations and dragged them towards her scooter and the wagon attached to it. Pinkie Pie looked down at her checklist. “Willing volunteers to lessen work load, check.” “Say what now?” Apple Bloom asked in confusion. “Never mind that, go help Discord with the stage.” Apple Bloom looked over to see the Draconequus pounding nails into a large wooden structure. When the filly turned back to Pinkie she saw that the Party Pony was gone. “It needs to be done by tonight!” Pinkie called from over further off than should have been possible. As Pinkie Pie bounced off, Apple Bloom shrugged, passing it off as Pinkie being Pinkie. Pinkie Pie hopped through town, Zap nestled in her mane, looking over her checklist. “Alright! Mewtwo said. “Stop bothering me, already! I don’t want a party!” I ignored him and stood there bouncing, then he sighed and said “If I give you an answer will you stop jumping out of the dresser?” Then he said. “I do enjoy apple pie, and no, I don’t remember when my birthday was.” Which is the saddest thing I’ve ever heard, or maybe the second.” Pinkie Pie shrugged. “Either way I need to get an apple pie, and who makes apple pies better than…” Pinkie Pie jumped and landed in front of… “The Apples!” Sweet Apple Acres. “Tom?” Zap had no idea what had just happened, and he was beginning to wonder if it was safe to be around Pinkie. Pinkie hopped towards the house, smiling all the way. “But ya know, Zap, this can’t be a normal apple pie. No, I’ve gotta make it super-dy duper special, you only come to an alien planet with an entire ecosystem in tow to escape the evils of your home world once.” “Tom.” Zap nodded in agreement. “Which is why I brought these.” Pinkie Pie reached into her saddle bags and pulled out a bag with a stitch of a rainbow apple on it. “Rotom?” “No silly, these are Zap Apples, they’re a magical fruit, native only to Equestria, and only around Ponyville. I asked Discord about it once, and he said that the Everfree’s chaos magic sunk into the flora and fauna, although I’m pretty sure he made Poison Joke himself.” “Tom tom?” “I know Zap Apples normally only grow at a certain time of year, but I kept these babies safe and sound since last season for something special, and a ‘Welcome to Equus’ Zap Apple apple pie for Mewtwo is just that kind of special.” Pinkie Pie trotted up to the house and knocked. A second later, Big Mac opened the door. “Hi, Big Mac!” Pinkie Pie hopped inside. “Is Applejack home yet?” “Nope.” Big Mac replied. “Oh, then I need your help!” Pinkie Pie showed him her bag of Zap Apples. “Do you know how to make Zap Apple pie?” “Nope.” Big Mac didn’t do much kitchen work, he cooked about as well as his sister lied. “Alright, then is Granny Smith around?” “Eeyup.” Pinkie Pie smiled. “Kitchen?” “Eeyup.” “Thanks, cuz!” Pinkie said with a smile as she trotted into the kitchen. “Mewtwo,” She whispered to herself. “Prepare to have your taste buds blown away!” Gene watched as the landscape rolled past them, he had been on trains before but never one as… odd as the ones they had in Equestria, and he was surprised that they ran as fast as they did. “So, what’s Appleoosa like?” He asked Applejack, the only pony in the car. Applejack smiled. “Nice enough. Nice ponies, and buffalo too. Wonder how they’re reactin’ to this whole thing.” “I just don’t wanna get attacked as soon as I get off the train.” Gene replied. “Don’t worry, Ah’ll be with ya, so I doubt anything’s gonna go wrong.” Gene smiled and looked over at his mate. Belle had nodded off after a few hours and Fang had followed suit. “Gene?” Applejack asked, getting the Gallade’s attention. “Can ah ask ya somethin’?” She looked down slightly. “It’s kinda personal, but Ah’m a might curious.” “Sure, what about?” He asked, slightly suspicious. “Well, uh, gosh, how do ah say this? Ah know you use ta be human, and that you and Belle had the whole…” She gestured vaguely around to get her point across. “But you and her looked so similar, least from what she showed us the other day, so uh… why don’t you guys have kids yet?” Gene was shocked and confused by the question. “Because… well, that would be impossible. Belle and I aren’t, or, uh, weren’t compatible in that way. We were different species.” Applejack nodded. “Right, but so are ponies and griffins, and Twilight told me she met a hippogriff once up in Canterlot.” “A hippo-what now?” Gene asked in confusion. “Oh, um, half pony, half griffin.” Applejack explained. “And we have less in common appearance wise than you two did, well maybe about the same.” Gene nodded. “Well I can see where the confusion’s from but unfortunately Belle and I couldn’t have kids.” “And now?” At that point Gene realized something that seemed obvious in retrospect. “We… can.” His face lost all expression. “I could… be a dad, I can…” A goofy smile formed on Gene’s face as he drifted off. Applejack laughed lightly at her friend’s realization, then she saw something out the window. “Gene,” The Gallade didn’t hear her. “Gene!” He snapped to attention. “Hmm?” Applejack pointed out the window. “See that?” Gene looked out the window and saw a little town come into view over the hill, the town itself appeared calm but the sandstorm that raged in the distance said otherwise. “That there’s Appleoosa.” Applejack led the group of four off the train and into town, the almost abandoned town. “That’s probably not a good sign.” Belle commented. Applejack ignored her and trotted ahead of the group. “Braeburn? Strongheart? Anyone around?” No one answered. “Oooh, ghost town.” Gene said jokingly. “I bet there’s a Chandelure around here somewhere, just waiting to suck out our souls!” Belle rolled her eyes. “As long as we have Fang, I think we’ll be fine.” When no one else said anything Applejack got nervous. “Uhh, ya’ll are jokin’, right?” “Half joking.” Gene answered. “Chandelure really can steal your souls.” Applejack’s eyes filled with terror. “But don’t worry, they prefer graveyards and spooky towers and… ok, ghost towns but I doubt there’s anything here that’s dangerous.” The group walked for a while longer before they became fed up. “Alright, this is stupid; Belle? Find them if you would.” Belle smiled and clasped her hands together. As the Gardevoir’s eyes took on a bluish glow, a psychic wave traveled outward, alerting Belle to any nearby presences. Belle sighed and walked over to the sheriff’s office. “Come on.” The group followed her over and, as Applejack pushed the door open, the earth pony was pulled inside by a pair of light yellow hooves. The three Pokémon stood there for a moment, confused. “Umm,” Gene began. “Applejack? Are you alright?” More muffled sounds from behind the door. Gene sighed. “Look,” he called. “I don’t know who you are, but you can either open the door or we’re gonna break in. Seriously, my dog breathes fire, and I do kinda have swords for arms.” “Not to mention that I can teleport.” Belle added helpfully. There was silence for a moment, then the sound of someone being slapped on the back of the head and a soft “Ow!”, followed by Applejack pushing the door open. “Sorry ‘bout that.” She apologized. As Applejack stepped out of the sheriff’s office she was followed by two Earth Pony stallions and a young female Buffalo. “Gene, Belle, Fang, this is my cousin Braeburn,” The stallion was still rubbing the back of his head, he held his hat at his side. “This here’s Little Strongheart,” The Buffalo calf eyed the Pokémon nervously, especially Fang. “And Sheriff Silverstar.” The Sheriff stared at the Pokémon, unblinking, as if he were unsure of what to do with them. “Umm, hi.” Gene offered, feeling slightly uncomfortable. “Well, hog tie me and hang me from the rafters, they do talk.” Braeburn let out a low whistle. Applejack sighed. “Braeburn, what’s goin’ on here? Ah ain’t seen a soul since I showed up.” Sheriff Silverstar stepped forward. “Well Miss Applejack,” He began. “It all started-” “Three days ago, Pokémon suddenly appeared all over your town, you were afraid, and it didn’t get better when an inter-dimensional deity explained the situation to you.” Belle summed up. Sheriff Silverstar stared at her disapprovingly. “You some kinda mind reader?” He asked in suspicion. Belle shrugged. “Yes, but I didn’t need to read your mind to figure that out, we’ve been through the same thing, except we actually talked to the god.” The stare didn’t stop but Little Strongheart stepped in front of the sheriff, blocking it. “We’ve been inside since yesterday, waiting for the Princesses to fix the situation.” Gene laughed. “Yeah, that’s not gonna happen. We Pokémon are here to stay.” “WHAT!?!” All three Appleoosans asked at once. “Yesh,” Gene said. “I didn’t think we were that bad.” “You’re telling me the Princess is just gonna let these things stay here?” Sheriff Silverstar asked, sounding almost angry. “One of those monsters is whipping up a sandstorm and cutting off our path to the orchard!” Gene gritted his teeth. “Did you just call us monsters?” The sheriff eyed the Pokémon. “Well-” “Eenope.” Applejack held her hooves out and stopped both of them. “You two ain’t fightin’ over this. Sheriff, we actually came her to stop whatever’s been causin’ that storm.” The sheriff raised an eyebrow. “You four are gonna stop a dragon? Ah know you’re strong, Miss Applejack but not even you can stop a dragon, and those three, well some of ‘em look more fit ta go dancin’ rather than fightin’.” Belle glared at the sheriff, then gave Gene her “Please let me hurt him just a little?” look. Gene had to admit, he considered it. “Ok, Sheriff,” He finally said. “First off, don’t underestimate my mate, and never pull the damsel in distress thing around her, I’ve seen her take down opponents who were about five times your size easily.” Silverstar shot Gene a disbelieving look. “And secondly, I’ve worked with this type of Pokémon before, in fact, I’m hoping that it’s the one I know, and if it isn’t I’ll still probably be able to talk some sense into it.” “You’re gonna talk sense into a dragon?” Little Strongheart asked. “You worked with a dragon?” Braeburn asked in awe. Gene shrugged. “Technically two, although River was a lot easier to train than Draco.” Sheriff Silverstar threw his hooves up in defeat. “Fine; ya’ll wanna get yourselves killed by some vicious beast? Be my guest, but I have a duty to protect the citizens of Equestria, so Braeburn? Go with ‘em and if anything goes wrong, get Miss Applejack back here safely. Ah’m gonna go talk to Chief Thunderhooves ‘bout this.” The stallion trotted off, eyeing the Pokémon as he passed them. “You’ll have to forgive him,” Braeburn said. “He’s been on edge ever since them crit- uh- ya’ll started showin’ up.” “I can tell.” Belle agreed. Gene looked in the direction of the sandstorm. “Well, if we’re going to do this we should get going, Flygon, at least wild ones, are active most of the day but they don’t like the cold, you know, reptilian, so we need to get there before nightfall.” Braeburn’s eyes widened. “Wait, you’re serious about this? I mean, it is a Dragon.” “Yeah and even if it’s not Draco, Belle’s basically a dragon slayer.” Gene said nonchalantly as he started off towards the distant storm “You know I don’t like it when you call me that.” Belle complained as she caught up with him. Gene smiled. “Sorry my sweet Fairy Princess, but it’s the truth.” Belle blushed and smiled softly as she heard Applejack suppressing her laughter, and saw Fang smirk from his place at Gene’s side. Applejack, Braeburn and Little Strongheart caught up with the Pokémon soon after. “So what’s this ah, Flymon?” “Flygon.” Fang corrected, surprising Applejack. “Uh, right, what’s a Flygon like?” Gene tapped his chin. “They’re some of the smaller dragon Pokémon, not usually over six feet, sort of a muted green with light red casing covering their eyes.” “Do they sing?” Little Strongheart asked. “Some members of my tribe who went to investigate reported what sounded like a mare singing.” “That’s the sound that a Flygon’s wings make when it flies through a sandstorm.” Belle explained. “Although I suppose a Flygon could sing if they wanted to.” “It probably wouldn’t sound all that great though.” Gene added. After a short while the group found themselves a fair distance from the town, surrounded by the desert. And some desert Pokémon. “I swear that cactus is followin’ us.” Braeburn warned in a hushed voice. Gene looked back at the cactus, which was actually a Cacturne, and sighed. “Don’t worry, it’ll leave after it figures out we’re not gonna die.” That only made the ponies, and the Buffalo, more nervous. “Fine,” Gene conceded. “Fang, use Flamethrower.” The Dark-Type smirked and turned around. His jaws lit with fire. The Cacturne’s eyes shot open and it quickly ran in the opposite direction. “Heh, heh.” Fang trotted back over to his trainer. “What was that?” Applejack asked. “A Cacturne, it’s a Grass-Type so-” “Ah meant the thing with Fang.” Applejack corrected. “Oh, that,” Gene patted his dog on the head. “A Houndoom’s fire leaves a permanent burn, not the actual mark, just the feeling.” Applejack’s mouth hung open. “And you fight other Pokémon with Fang’s fire?” She asked, sounding slightly distressed. Gene saw the minefield before him and thought of a quick way around it. “Yeah, but only when he’s angry, like, enraged angry, otherwise it’s normal fire, still scares the daylights out of just about anyone though.” Applejack wasn’t completely satisfied but she dropped it. Not ten minutes later the group ran into their next Pokémon. “Diglett-dig. Diglett-dig. Diglett-dig.” “Trio, trio, trio.” “Diglett-dig. Diglett-dig. Diglett-dig.” “Trio, trio, trio.” “What in the world are they?” Little Strongheart asked, kneeling down to look at the little creatures. “The little singular ones are Diglett, the others are Dugtrio.” Gene explained, watching a Diglett slide past him. “They just hang around in desert or rocky areas and they-” “No wait, let me guess,” Applejack interrupted. “They dig.” Gene smiled. “You guessed it.” They left the Ground-types to their digging and continued on their way. They were already halfway to the orchard and the sandstorm, and were just passing the time by talking. Unaware that high above, they were being watched. The dragon honed his powerful eyes in on the Gardevoir and Gallade below him, he knew at this height he would just appear to be a large bird Pokémon. He recognized the Gardevoir, as well as the Houndoom, but the Gallade, something was off about him, but that wasn’t important. What was important was that the strange Gallade was acting affectionately towards Belle, and she wasn’t stopping him. “I don’t care where we are,” Draco grumbled to himself. “A mate is for life, no matter what.” Draco loved Gene like he was his hatch-mate, that would be a brother in human terms, and he was not going to let some strange Pokémon take his brother’s mate. Draco reposition his wings and drifted behind the group, then he folded his wings against his body and shot downwards. Gene heard the wind whistling behind him, he thought nothing of it until Belle tensed up and her eyes widened. “Gene, look out!” She shouted, a moment too late, as a two hundred pound dragon slammed into Gene from behind, knocking the ponies to the ground as it shot past. “Who are you?” Draco growled. “And what are you doing with my hatch-mate’s mate?” Gene, now lying on the ground, pinned beneath a Dragon, had four things going through his head at that point, the first was, “Neat, I survived that.” The second, not surprisingly, was “Oh good, it’s Draco, he’s not gonna eat me.” Not only had his questions made his identity clear, he had the same shaped tail fins as Draco, which were slightly rounded at the tip before curving in at a sharp angle. The third was “I shouldn’t’ve left my hat at Rarity’s.” Gene had assumed he wouldn’t really need his old hat anymore, considering he had a natural helmet now, and the fourth was. “Did you just call me your hatch-mate?” Draco reeled back in shock. “That voice…” He couldn’t not recognize the voice, and yet he couldn't believe it. “Draco,” Belle ran up behind the Flygon and put one hand on his shoulder. “It really is him.” The Mystic Pokémon looked from Belle to the Gallade in disbelief. “H-how did… is that what Lord Arceus meant when he said ‘transformed’?” Gene nodded. “I guess I got my reward, didn’t I, Draco?” The Flygon would've teared up if he could. “Gene.” He walked back over to his trainer. “I’m sor-” Gene wrapped his arms around his Pokémon. “Don’t worry, I’m not a fragile little human anymore.” He said with a laugh. Draco smiled and returned his trainers hug. As the two broke apart, Applejack trotted over. “So, Ah take it this is Draco?” Gene smiled. “Yep, Draco, this is my friend Applejack, her cousin Braeburn, and their friend Little Strongheart, everyone, this is Draco one of my Pokémon and best friends.” “Fly!” He greeted the ponies happily. The Appleoosans were less than pleased. “Great, now could you get him ta stop with the sandstor- wait what happened to it?” The sandstorm had indeed dissipated, having lost its energy when Draco got all emotional, the Flygon’s eyes widened in fear behind the tinted lenses. “Uh oh.” He whispered. “What is it?” Gene asked. “Why were you even causing a sandstorm in the first place?” Draco shook his head. “When I first woke up, I was in a cave a little away from that orchard, but… I wasn’t alone.” Belle had set up the translator once Draco started explaining so they didn’t have to restate what he said. “Well what else was-?” Belle began, but was interrupted when the ground started shaking. “Earthquake!” Little Strongheart screamed. “No,” Draco said, lifting himself slightly off the ground. “It’s just using Dig.” Gene’s eyes widened as the shaking subsided, and an enormous steel snake burst from the ground. “AAARRAAHHHHHHH!” The ground shook with thunderous roar. Gene gulped. “Steelix.” He said aloud, informing the ponies. “Also, run.”