La Vie En Rose

by Summer Dancer

Don't Let Me Go

Pinkie Pie felt nothing but despair as she was dragged inside Esme’s large bedroom. There was a large bird cage in the corner. Another cage?! Pinkie thought. Really now?! She was promptly forced inside before she could even get a word in. Her melancholy quickly turned into anger as Ivy shut the cage door and applied the lock to it. “You’d better let me out of this cage, or you’re in for a world of hurt!”

Steel and Poison Ivy only gazed at her in slight amusement. “I mean it!” Pinkie warned. She pulled at the chains that restrained her hooves. “I can break these chains!”

Poison shook her head. “You can’t break those chains.”

“NAAAARG!” Pinkie couldn’t break those chains.

Steel laughed. “Don’t get yourself all worked up, cupcake,” He said. “You ain’t goin’ anywhere.”

Pinkie shot him a fierce glare. “I’d watch myself if I were you, mister! I’m like a puma! I’ll come at you from behind!”

Steel smirked. “Oh yeah, sure, I’ll make sure that I’m extra careful around you next time,” He cooed.

“I’m shaking in my saddle!” Ivy jeered.

Pinkie’s face burned bright red as the two ponies shared a laugh. The one thing she hated more than a broken promise was ponies laughing at her. She hated being laughed at. “You’re… you’re just a couple of big meanies!” She cursed.

The two thieves went silent for a moment. They took one look at each other and howled with laughter. “Big meanies? Oh no!” Steel cackled.

Such language,” Ivy snickered.

Pinkie’s eyes watered in anger and sadness. Her bottom lip started to tremble slightly. Ivy stuck out her own lower lip, mocking Pinkie Pie. “Aww, it looks like we’ve hurt her feelings!” She laughed again. “Look at her, she’s like a child.”

“She practically is a child,” Steel nodded in agreement. He bent his knees to Pinkie’s level. “How old are you, little filly?”

“Alright, enough.” Esme had entered the room. “Thank you, Ivy and Steel. You may both leave now.”

The two ponies gave respectful nods, and left the room without a word. Pinkie turned around to quickly brush away her tears. She couldn’t let Esme see her cry. Esme closed the bedroom door and locked it. The leader of the Sinister Six said nothing as she removed the black hair pins from her mane. Pinkie watched silently as Esme removed her black leather jacket and slipped into a long black night shirt with sleeves.

There was something about this mare that was strangely unsettling to Pinkie Pie, but she couldn’t put her hoof on it. Her very presence was chilling. Esme sat on her large bed facing the pink pony as she ran a brush through her long blonde mane. She stared at Pinkie for awhile. The party pony could hardly stand the silence any longer. “What’s happening to my friend?” She asked. Esme simply kept staring. “Why am I in a bird cage?” She pressed. Esme didn’t respond. “Okay, lady, you’re seriously freaking me out.”

Esme put down the brush and stood up. Pinkie gulped. Okay. Bad idea. Esme slowly walked over to Pinkie’s cage, her expression unreadable. She reached out to touch the bars. Pinkie shrank back out of instinct. “Shh,” Esme whispered. “I’m not going to hurt you, Pinkie Pie.”

Pinkie was still for a moment. “Really?”

Esme nodded. “Really. Your safety here is my top priority.”

Pinkie sat up. “Oh, well that’s a relief,” She said, using her arm to wipe off the beads of sweat that were previously forming on her forehead. “You know—aside from the whole me being sold to Chrysalis thing.”

Esme smiled a little. “Are you hungry? Thirsty?” Pinkie looked down at her rumbling stomach. With all that’s been going on, she didn’t notice her hunger until now. The pink mare looked up and nodded vigorously. Esme went over to a mini fridge beside her bed (Which was most likely stolen) and took out some leftover spaghetti. Even though it didn’t look appetizing, Pinkie drooled slightly at the sight of food. Esme placed the spaghetti into a small dish, and then she grabbed a bottle of water.

A thought crossed Pinkie’s mind. “Wait a minute! What about Cheese? Is he eating too?”

“Not at the minute, no.”

Pinkie crossed her arms. “Then I’m not eating until I know he’s eating,” She said stubbornly. “He hasn’t had anything since before the party, and I would know because he was stuck inside the bathroom for 20 minutes because of that hot sauce!” She realized what just blurted out. She lowered her voice to a whisper. “Sorry, Cheese.”

Esme smiled and went over to a call box next to the door. She pressed one of the buttons. “Red? Will you please make sure that Mr. Sandwich gets a proper meal before he goes to bed?”

“You got it.”

“Thank You.”

She turned to Pinkie. “There, now. Are we satisfied?”

Pinkie was not satisfied. She wanted to communicate with Cheese somehow, hear his voice again. She also wanted to make sure that he wasn’t being hurt in any way. It hurt just to even think of the possibility that she might not see his smiling face again. At least she knew that he wouldn’t be hungry; she didn’t think that Esme would go as far as to lie to her and not give Cheese anything to eat at all. As much as she hated the idea of it, he was supposed to be working after all. “… Yeah… I guess.”

With that, Esme went over to the side of the cage and placed the items into the open small compartment and slid it inside so that Pinkie could retrieve it. The baker peered closely at the dish. “…Is this a dog dish?” She asked her eyes wide.

Esme nodded.

“I feel offended!” Her stomach growled once more. “Yet my hunger betrays me.” She drove her face into the pile of spaghetti, noodles flying in every direction as she devoured the left over’s. It was cold and stringy, but she felt much better. She lifted her head out of the dish, her face covered with sauce. “Sho whu happun to the dug?” She asked with her mouth full. Esme’s mouth curved into an odd shape.

“We had to… let him go.” She said ominously.

“Oh. That’s too bad,” Pinkie said, not fully understanding what Esme really meant. She finished the last of the spaghetti quickly, using her tongue to lick the sauce off of her face. “So… why are you being so nice to me?” She asked suspiciously.

Esme chuckled. “What? I can’t be nice once in a while?”

“Well, you did rob all of those ponies at the party. And hurt them. And you tried to rob the kids… and you kinda kidnapped us.”

Esme got up and slowly started to pace the room. “Yes. I did rob and injure those Prench folk. But items can be replaced, and those wounds can heal. And, as I recall, it was Sal’s team that planned on robbing those children. I had no knowledge of this until after the fact. Also, kidnapping you two was a last resort. They had no choice in the matter since you saw two of our members without their masks, and that is a very important rule around here. It puts everypony here in danger. You understand that, don’t you?”

Pinkie frowned. “I guess… but it still doesn’t make it less wrong.”

“Not everything is black and white, Pinkie. You and your friends have been battling countless villains for so long, it hasn’t even occurred to you. Not everypony is one-sided.”

“Yes it has occurred to us!” Pinkie protested. “We reformed Discord and he never went back! Well, except that one time, but we’re all like, totally besties now.”

Esme sat on her bed, giving the younger mare a small smile. “You remind me of my sister. She was always peppy and energetic, just like you. We were close once. I haven’t seen her since 1997. I was… quite the rebel when I was your age. Left early. Maybe if you’re good tonight, I’ll let you have a pillow and some blankets, hmm?” She leaned across the bed to turn off the light within her oil lamp.

“My friends will find us,” Pinkie said in a quiet yet determined voice. “They’ve fought worse before.”

“I’m sure they have,” Esme said with a slight grin. “But I’d doubt they’ll go up against Chrysalis without risking your life as well.” With that said, she blew out the lantern and the whole room went dark.

Pinkie hung her head sadly. She wished that Cheese was with her. The warmth that surrounded him, the laughter they shared. Without him it was like…like half of her was gone. She felt worn and battered from the journey, physically and emotionally. Her back ached and her legs felt like jelly. And not the good kind of jelly. Her eye was hurting a lot more from being punched in the face while being taken. But to Pinkie Pie, the worst pain was being held in her heart.

She slowly curled up into a ball and shut her eyes tightly. Maybe things will be better in the morning, Pinkie thought. I’ll be able to think more clearly once I get some sleep.

Pinkie didn’t sleep one wink that night.

Twilight stared up at the full moon with half-lidded eyes. She was certain it was three in the morning by now. She averted her gaze from the window to her friends. It was nothing short of a miracle that they happened to be the only ponies to be riding on the train at this time of night. The majority of them were glad to be taking the hoods off of their heads.

All was quiet, but no one was asleep. Rarity was skimming through the newspaper headlines. Fluttershy was turned on one side, but it was clear that she was wide awake. Spike was chewing through a gemstone with less enthusiasm than usual. Rainbow Dash was staring out the window looking both sad and frustrated, but she remained silent. Applejack sat next to Twilight looking completely and utterly exhausted, but her eyes were wide and alert. The bookworm glanced at her friend with worry. She had been rather soft spoken and off balanced since she arrived at Canterlot the day before.

“You look tired,” Twilight whispered.

Applejack gave her a sideways glance and smiled weakly. “Yeah, well… I’ve had my hooves full lately.”

“Were you hard at work? Are the Appeloosans and the Buffalo having trouble again?”

Applejack shook her head. “No. Everypony—and Buffalo—are gettin’ along better than a corn field and a scarecrow. I kinda…” She chuckled lightly. “Delivered a foal recently.”

Twilight sat up with wide eyes. “You delivered the foal? Applejack, that’s amazing!”

The farm pony ducked her head modestly. “Aw, shoot, it was nothin’. Wasn’t any different than delivering a calf.”

“Is it a filly or colt? Is it healthy? How far apart were the mother’s contractions? Did the birthing happen as soon as her water broke? ”

Applejack held up a hoof. “Whoa, hold on now, Sugar cube,” She said with a light laugh. “One thing at a time… I don’t know if I can answer all that technological stuff, but bottom line—yes. She’s healthy. Beautiful little thing. Her name’s Mahogany.”

Twilight sighed happily as she leaned her head back against the seat. “That sounds wonderful,” she said softly.

“It’s nice to know that good things can come out even during the roughest times,” Applejack said gently.

Twilight nodded slowly. “That’s true… That’s true.” She glanced at the mare beside her. Applejack’s eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, no matter how many times she tried to force them open. “You need to get some sleep, A.J."

“Mmm-mmm. I ain’t tired,” Applejack replied, failing to stifle a yawn.

Twilight suppressed a smirk and nudged her tired friend. “Yes you are. Don’t be so stubborn. You need to rest.” She looked up to glance around at her friends. Spike and Fluttershy had fallen asleep. Rainbow had wrapped herself in her cape, looking much calmer than before. Rarity had put away the newspaper and was curled up ever so daintily on the two train seats she had to herself. “We all do.” She looked back at Applejack. “Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich need all the strength we’ve got.”

Applejack nodded, knowing in her heart that Twilight was right. She leaned her head against the alicorn's shoulder. “I’m just worried about her, Twi,” She mumbled as she fell asleep.

Twilight rested her head on top of Applejack’s. She closed her eyes. “Me too…”

“It’s all my fault!” Cup Cake moaned mournfully. She was curled up on the couch with Granny Smith and her husband on either side of her. The baker rocked back and forth with tears rolling down her face.

Carrot Cake wrapped his arms around his wife. “No, sugar dumpling. It was my fault. I should have never let her go.”

“I gave the oka-a-ay!” Cup sobbed.

Granny Smith rubbed her back. “Now, now, Mrs. Cake. Y’all couldn’t have known that this would happen. It could’ve happened to anypony. I’m sure she’ll be alright. The girls’ll find her, you’ll see.”

Cup sniffed. “I love her like a daughter… but she’s so small and naïve and sensitive… Who knows what’s being done to her?!”

“Now you listen to me,” Granny said. “I’ve known that mare for a long time now. She may be a few berries short in the bushel, but she’s strong. Capable. Resilient. A full -fledged Apple. And I reckon that that Cheesy fella can hold his own too. Trust me.”

Cup Cake looked deep into the elderly mare’s eyes. They were filled with determination and hope. Cup nodded slowly. “Thank you, Granny.” She sniffled.

“This is terrible,” Sweetie Belle lamented, pacing back and forth inside the Cutie mark Crusader Tree house.

“I know,” Scootaloo sighed. “I miss Pinkie Pie. She’s so much fun!”

“And Cheese Sandwich was really nice,” Apple Bloom added.

“Sweetie, you’re wearing a groove in the floor.” Scootaloo warned.

Sweetie barely heard her. “We’ve got to do something,” she murmured.

Apple Bloom frowned. “But what can we do? The Royal Guard’s lookin’ for ‘em, The Police are lookin’ for ‘em, and our sisters are lookin’ for ‘em—“

Shh! Not so loud! ” Sweetie hissed. “Nopony else is supposed to know that, remember?”

“Sorry. But how can we help when we’re supposed to stay inside Ponyville?”

Scootaloo jumped over to Sweetie Belle and stopped her with her hooves. “Seriously! Enough with the pacing! You’re making me even more nervous!”

The young unicorn sighed. “I’m sorry. My mind’s on the fritz today.”

Scootaloo nodded and sat down on a box. “It’s okay. But you’re right though. We should do something about this! I love Pinkie Pie! We can’t just sit here and do nothing!”

Sweetie Belle’s expression was sad and empathetic. “I know. Nothing would make me happier than to take action. But the guards have ordered everypony to stay within the town borders for safety precautions. I love Pinkie too. Everypony in town does, especially all the other kids, but unless we come up with some genius plan that’s gonna help her and Cheese Sandwich, we’re gonna be stuck here for awhile.”

Apple Bloom rested her arms outside of the window. Ponyville was much much quieter since Pinkie went missing. Ponies wandered about the town looking sad and depressed. They would often offer hugs of comfort to one another, reassuring words on their lips. Even the sky seemed a little bit darker. The filly sighed. Pinkie sure wouldn’t want this… she loves Ponyville. She’d hate to see it in this state…

“That’s it!” Apple Bloom exclaimed, startling the other two fillies.

“What’s it?” Scootaloo asked.

“Ponyville!” The small yellow filly replied with a grin.

“What about it?” Sweetie Belle inquired.

“Things have been down and out around here since Pinkie’s been gone. You know she wouldn’t want that for us! Here’s what I’m thinkin’. The media’s been covering this case from the beginning. Every. Single. Detail.

“Go on,” Scootaloo said, starting to gain interest.

“So what if we spruce up the town with its Pinkie Pie flair and get the press to cover it? It’s just like you said—everypony here loves Pinkie! We shouldn’t be mourning for her… we should be celebrating her! That way we can get that message to her and Cheese that we’re rootin’ for ’em! Show her how much we love her!”

Sweetie Belle perked up. “That’s a perfect idea! We can throw parties in their honor; bake cupcakes and everything!”

Scootaloo’s wings buzzed with excitement. “Cheese has thrown parties all over Equestria—we can get others to throw parties in his honor too!”

“We—We could start a campaign!” Apple Bloom squealed.

Scootaloo suddenly frowned. “Only one problem guys. We don’t have the money for it.” The fillies were quiet for a moment.

Sweetie Belle lifted her head with a serious expression on her face. “No… but I know somepony who does.”

The two other girls gasped. “You’re not serious!” Scootaloo exclaimed.

“It’s madness, Sweetie Belle!” Apple Bloom cried.

The small unicorn held up a hoof. “It’s a sacrifice we have to make, Crusaders! These ponies’ spirits depend on it! There is a light that still shines bright in this town! And whatever it takes, we must help ignite it! Now… are you with me?”
Apple Bloom and Scootaloo exchanged glances before looking back at their fellow Crusader.

Scootaloo paused before giving a slow nod. “Yeah… we’re with you.”

Sweetie returned the nod earnestly. “Then let’s do this.”

Diamond Tiara glared at the CMC, who stood on her front doorsteps, with anger and disgust. “What are you blank flanks doing here?” She demanded.

Silver Spoon came out from the mansion behind her. “What gives?” She said in the same exact tone.

Apple Bloom spoke, ignoring the insult. “We didn’t come lookin’ for a fight. We need your help.”

Diamond scoffed. “Help you? I’d rather spend the day scrubbing floors then waste a single second of my time helping a hillbilly, a squeak toy, and a dodo. Not that I would. That’s the butler’s job.”

Scootaloo scowled. “And I’d rather punch you in the face!” Her friends shot her a stern look. “…But that’s not we’re here for.” She said, her tone softening a bit.

“We come in peace!” Sweetie Bell insisted. “We could really use some help from you guys.”

“Grody to the max!” Silver Spoon grimaced, straightening her glasses. “What do you even want?”

“It’s about Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich.” Apple Bloom said.

The two wealthy fillies’ smirks vanished within an instant. Their postures faltered a little. “…Well…yeah? What about them?” Diamond questioned in the softest tone they’d ever heard her speak in.

Apple Bloom drew in a small breath. “Well… with Pinkie gone, Ponyville’s become a gloomy place, and you know that’s what she wouldn’t want at all. We were hoping to get other ponies to celebrate her and all that she’s done as well as get other lands and countries that Cheese had visited to celebrate what he’s done. And when the press covers it, they’re bound to see it. Show ‘em that we care and that we’re cheering them on.”

“It’s also to show Equestria how special they are. Also, it’ll help them be recognized faster,” Sweetie added.

“We can encourage everypony to help look for them and bring them back home!” Scootaloo finished.

“…Like…a campaign?” Silver asked.

Apple Bloom smiled and nodded. “Exactly!”

“But we can’t do it without your help,” Sweetie said earnestly. Diamond looked at her friend who was scuffing her hoof against the ground.

“I do miss her, Di,” She admitted, her violet eyes downcast. “And her parties.”

The pink filly sighed. “She did do a good job at my Cutecinera. I mean… she passed my standards and all. And I guess Cheese was…an okay party planner.” She looked at the three fillies before her, staring at her with hopeful eyes. She raised her head. “Fine. We’ll help with your idea. Come on in. But remember—we’re still rivals. I’m only doing this for Pinkie.” The CMC broke out into fierce grins and raced into the mansion with profound excitement.

“Rise and shine!”

Cheese Sandwich’s eyes snapped open. “Ahh!” He yelped, sitting straight up in his cot. The voice that woke him up laughed. He turned his head to see Sal chuckling at him on the other side of the bars. He had been put in a tiny room with nothing but a cot and a scratchy blanket with jail-like bars keeping him from escaping. Cheese hadn’t gotten much sleep at all. After being separated from Pinkie, they had given a little bit to eat and then put him in this room. Or jail cell. It wasn’t that much different. He missed Pinkie more than anyone could ever know. It was like someone had ripped half of him apart. He was half a sandwich.

“Whoa,” Sal said looking at Cheese’s bloodshot eyes. “I’m guessing you didn’t quite get a visit from Luna last night, huh, son? Heh heh.” A pony next to him took out some keys and unlocked the bar doors. “Come on, sticks, you got work to do.”

Cheese was brought down a flight of stairs; the bottom of the facility. He could feel immense heat as soon as he got within 11 feet of it. At the bottom, there was a huge furnace. Dirt covered ponies in dirty clothing were shoveling coal into it. The fire roared dangerously. “This is how we get our heat,” Sal shouted over the noise. He pointed farther back, where Cheese saw more ponies pushing carts filled with coal. Behind them was a huge dark cave where he could hear faint tinkering. “That back there’s the mines. That’s where the real danger is. But today, your job is to shovel the coal into the furnace. Hey, Dusty! Get over here!” A grey pony wearing a coal-miner’s outfit looked up from supervising two others and trotted over to them. He had a helmet on his head and he was covered with ash and soot. “This is Dusty Tail, he’s here to supervise you.”

Dusty looked at Cheese and laughed. “Bad perm day, son? Or did you forget, the 70s are over and done with?”

Cheese stared at him blankly. He’d heard all the jokes.

Sal chuckled. “Welp, this boy needs to do some work around here, and I was hopin’ that you could teach him how it’s done.”

Dusty smirked and looked Cheese up and down. “Alright, but it’d take a miracle of some sort to get him into shape. Heh! He’s all skin and bones! But I’ll see what I can do.”

Sal nodded. “Good. I’ll leave you to it.” He started walking away. “Oh, and by the way,” He called back. “If he tries any funny business, don’t hesitate in burning him.”

“Oh, don’t worry, I won’t,” Dusty laughed as Sal left. Cheese swallowed a lump in his throat. Dusty slapped a hoof on his shoulder which made him jump. “Relax, boy, I don’t bite. Much.” He laughed at his own joke. “Now, I’ll be helping you through the easy stuff, but after that, you’re on your own, got it?”

The younger pony nodded jerkily.

“But first… we gotta get rid of that shirt,” Dusty said, glaring disapprovingly at Cheese’s attire. “Frankly, it’s hurting my eyes.”

Pinkie lay on her stomach, still inside the birdcage, bored out of her mind. Esme had left, but she had turned on the T.V. for Pinkie to watch while she was gone. To Pinkie’s dismay, it was a channel that only showed boring antique shops. The pink pony sighed dramatically and rolled over on her back. “I am soooo boooored!” She moaned. “Naaaaaahh!” Suddenly, the PNN logo flashed across the screen with Breaking News. “Finally!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Maybe it’s an epic cart chase!”

Another image appeared. It was two ponies, one pink, one orange. “Heh, that looks like us,” Pinkie chuckled lightly. Then her eyes widened. “Wait, what?!” She fell onto her side and sat straight up. Yep, It was them alright, posing in front of the open window of Madame Honey’s mansion. Pinkie gazed at Cheese’s grinning face. Her heart lurched, thinking of how much she missed him.

“The search continues for Pinkamena Diane Pie and Cheese Albert Sandwich who were last seen in Paris Prance…”

“It’s Pinkie Pie!” She huffed. “Wait…they’re looking for us?” She grinned and pumped her hoof in the air. “Alright!”

“So far, the police have found a small clue just outside the border of Prance; a small strand of brown hair, most likely Cheese’s. Nothing else has been reported.”

“We must be really far away from Prance,” Pinkie frowned. “…But… they’ll find us. I know they will.”

“In lighter news, there’s been an organization going on in Ponyville, Pinkie Pie’s hometown. Ponies there seem to have thrown a giant party in her honor… and it all started with five little fillies, and Wendy Waters has the story, Wendy?”

Pinkie’s eyes practically popped out of her head. Ponyville was covered in pink. Every door on every house had a picture of her cutie mark on it: Three balloons. All of the lampposts had big pink ribbons tied to them. Shimmering pink banners were being hung by pegasi. On them were tiny blue jewels that spelled out We love you, Pinkie Pie! Ponies were wearing pink t-shirts that said Free Pinkie and Cheese! Children ran through the streets singing Giggle at the ghostie.

A mare in a reporter’s outfit was standing in front of the scene with a smile on her face. “Yes, Dave, the Citizens of Ponyville have all gathered here to celebrate the life of their beloved party planner Pinkie, and guest party planner Cheese. The town is all decked out in pink, and cupcakes and other sweets are being passed out as well as cheese sandwiches. Some have even combined the two and made it a ‘Pinkwich’ no pun intended. I’m here with the fillies that started it all.”

The camera panned out to reveal that Wendy was standing next to Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon. Wendy lowered her microphone to Apple Bloom’s level. “Tell me, how did you come up with this idea?”

“Oh, well, it was a group effort,” Apple Bloom smiled. “We just love and miss Pinkie Pie so much. We wanted to let her know that as much as possible.”

“She’s the greatest!” Sweetie squeaked happily. “Next to Rarity, of course. There’s nopony like her!”

“I paid for everything!” Diamond cut in, grabbing the microphone with a huge smile on her face.

“And me!” Silver added.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes and snatched the microphone from the both of them. “We’re all behind you, Pinke! The two of you will be back in no time! You got this!”

For the first time in her life, Pinkie was speechless. Happy tears rolled down her cheeks. They did all this for her...

Scootaloo had returned the microphone to the reporter who chuckled. “Well there you have it—oh, thank you!” A random pony had pinned a button on her shirt that said Smile! With stars and hearts surrounding the word. “A vigil will be held for Pinkie tonight. Various parts of Equesrtia have also been celebrating Cheese Sandwich, locations such as Dodge Junction, Phillydelphia, Las Pegasus, Baltimare, Manehattan, and so much more. He will also have a vigil in Manehattan, where he grew up.”

A blast of confetti shot out from behind the reporter, followed by a “Be careful with that thing!”

Wendy seemed oblivious. “Live from Ponyville, I’m Wendy Waters, PNN News.”

Pinkie sniffled and wiped away her tears. Her heart sweeled with happiness. Her spirit was lifted for the first time in two days. “T-That’s the n-nicest most *Hiccup* wonderfullest thing *Sob* ever! Ch-Cheesy would be so happy…*Sniff* I’m so happy!

Dave reappeared on the screen. “Thanks, Wendy. In Canterlot, Princess Celestia is cautioning subjects to be careful if they should encounter the sinister six. If you should see any of them or Pinkie and Cheese Sandwich, the best action is to contact an officer or a guard. Do not put yourself in danger. Also, Princess Twilight and the other bearers of Harmony are still in deep grief over the disappearance of Pinkie Pie. They are said to be undergoing intensive care and therapy.”

Pinkie put a hoof to her mouth. “Oh no! My poor--!” Her ears started to tingle. “Wait a minute…”

Ear tingle.

Back itch.

Eyebrow twitch.

“That’s a lie!” Pinkie exclaimed. “My friends are looking for us—I can feel it!” She started to shiver and jerk. “Yep! They’re a lookin’!”
Lilly suddenly came in with blankets on her back and stared at Pinkie with a shocked expression. The baker smiled and tried to stop herself from twitching, but her senses weren’t having it. “Ooooh… Good Morning! Or afternoon!” She shivered.

“Er… Are you alright? Are you having an… attack of some kind?” Lilly asked.

“Nope! This always happens!” Pinkie finally stopped. “Whoo! That’s better.”

Lilly blinked. “Right…” She walked over to Pinkie’s cage and placed the folded blankets into the small compartment like Esme had done so that Pinkie could get them. “Esme said you were good last night, so I offered to bring you the blankets,” She explained.

Pinkie beamed as she wrapped the comfy blanket around her body. “Thanks! That’s really nice of you! What’s your name?”


“Thanks a bunch, Lilly! Normally, I’d be hugging you right now, but… y’know…cage…”

Lilly chuckled lightly. “Huh… you’re welcome.” She looked around and lowered her voice to a whisper. “But... that’s not entirely why I came here…”

Pinkie looked confused. “Huh?”

“…Do you trust me?”

Cheese grunted as he shoveled what had to be his thirty-hundredth pile of coal into the furnace. The coal miner’s outfit he was forced to wear didn’t make this job any easier. Dusty was supervising the whole process. He walked behind the workers scrutinizing their every move. “Pick it up, Sandwich!” He yelled.

Cheese puffed as he drove his heavy shovel into the huge pile of coal. “With the sting of the whip on my shoulder…”

A few ponies near him gave him strange looks.

“With the salt of my sweat on my brow

Elohim, God on high can you hear your ponies cry?

Help us now… This dark hour…”

He whipped out his accordion and started to play.

“Deliver us! Hear our call, deliver us!

Lord of all remember us, here with this burning coal

Deliver us! There’s a party you promised us!

Deliver us, to the—"

Dusty knocked his accordion down to the ground. “Enough singing!” He yelled. “Now get back to work, or you’ll become a grilled cheese sandwich, you got me?”

Cheese nodded vigorously. “Yes sir!” He squeaked.


Satisfied after watching Cheese shovel more coal, he moved on to the other workers. In his head, he wondered where in Equestria he got that accordion.

Cheese glanced up to see if Dusty was out of hearing range. Returning his gaze back to his work, he began singing under his breath. “Look down… Look down… Don’t look them in the eye…” The ponies around him groaned.

After eleven hours of shoveling coal, an exhausted Cheese Sandwich was finally brought back to his tiny room. Every muscle ached. His hooves had multiple blisters. His arms carried burn marks from getting in trouble. He collapsed onto his cot which now felt like an oasis.


The party pony perked up at the sound of his name. He lifted his head to see Lilly staring at him from behind the bars. She had tears in her eyes. “What’s wrong?” He asked. “Are you okay?”

Lilly made a sound that was a cross between a laugh and a sob. She clutched the bars like a life line. Curious, Cheese slid off the cot and stood to meet the mare’s gaze. “…Look at you… you’re all grown up now,” Lilly chuckled sadly.

Cheese raised an eyebrow. “Uh…I’m… sorry?”

“Cheese… Don’t you remember me? Look closer.”

Cheese squinted as he looked deeper into her eyes. Wait… No… It couldn’t be… His eyes widened and he stumbled back a little. He looked at Lilly for the first time, like really looked at her… she had changed… but it was unmistakable. Tears watered his eyes.

“…Aunt Blueberry?”