A New World, a New Way

by zeusdemigod131

Chapter 55

Editors Comments-

Bubba - This ship has set sail, let’s just hope it’s not a like the Titanic.

TDN - A nice chapter and a good cool down hope to see more relationship development again soon.

Misty paced back and forth in the camp Ash and the others had set up. She’d decided to come and stay with them, after thanking Fluttershy profusely for letting her stay with her for so long.

She was pacing because she was still waiting for Ash to come back. He’d gone into town earlier and he hadn’t returned yet.

“That stupid dragon probably scared him off,” Misty said under her breath.

“Nuh uh!” Latias defended, appearing beside Misty.

“Gah!” Misty shouted in surprise. “Don’t do that!”

Latias stuck out her tongue. “You’re just jealous cause I can turn invisible.”

“Why would that make me jealous?” Misty shot back.

Latias shrugged. “I don’t know, but you are!”

Misty groaned. “Why are you even here?” She asked curtly.

“I’m waiting for Ashy to come back and tell me he loves me,” Latias said, smiling blissfully at the thought.

“He’s gonna pick me,” Misty said, glaring at Latias. “Not you.”

“I say one thing, you say another, the point is one of us is right and it’s not the walking catfish.” Latias giggled again.

Misty sunk back a bit, the words biting her as her sisters had. “Why are you doing this?” Misty asked. “I love him, I’ve loved him for so long, why do you want to take him from me?” She had tears stinging at her eyes, a culmination of everything that had happened the past few days that she couldn’t stop.

Latias frowned. She didn’t want to be mean, not really, but... she wanted Ash. “I... I’m sorry,” Latias said. “I shouldn’t be insulting you, that was just a mean thing to say.”

Misty sniffed and looked at the Legendary in mild confusion.

“And... I love him too, I really, really do. I know I’ve said I’ve had feelings for others but... not like this, I can’t stop thinking about him,” Latias admitted. “I don’t care if he is mortal, I want to spend as much time with him as possible... I’m sorry Misty, but I’m not backing down.”

Misty glared at Latias. “I can’t see a solution to this problem, either way, one of us is going to walk away hurt.”

“I can only think of two ways to sort this out,” Latias began. “One, we could fight over him.”

“You’re a Legendary, I use to be human,” Misty said.

“I know,” Latias said with a smirk. “Which is why I’m certain I’m going to end up holding Ash in my arms by the end of the day.”

Misty growled. She hated it when people counted her out, when they were so sure they would win that they didn’t even consider the possibility of anything else.

“Alright, you wanna battle me?” Misty asked. “Fine. WATER PULSE!”

Latias’ eyes widened and she dodged to the left of the attack. “You’ll never win like that. Try something like this instead, Dragon Claw!”

The Eon Pokemon shot forward, ready to rake her claws across Misty’s body, but the Vaporeon slid under her to dodge.

“I’ll never give up,” Misty informed her. “So this battle’s gonna go until one of us passes out.”

“It won’t be me,” Latias stated.

The two glared at each other.

“Hydro Pump!”

“Dragon Breath!”

The two attacks collided between them, and while the Dragon move overtook the Hydro Pump, both attacks fizzled out.

“Quick Attack!” Misty shouted, blasting towards Latias.

Latias smirked and made to dodge, but moved a little too slowly, and Misty rammed into Latias, full speed, knocking her back.

“Ow...” Latias said in surprise. “Alright, try this on for size... Steel Wing!”

Misty eyes widened but she was unable to get out of the way befor Latias rammed into her. “Just give up,” Latias said. “You’re only going to get hurt!”

“I. Don’t. CARE! SURF!!”

Latias eyes widened as the sound of crashing water reached her ears and, before she could do anything, a twenty foot wall of water crashed through the trees and down onto her.

Fortunately, she could hold her breath for a long time. Once the water receded, leaving Latias dripping wet, Misty smirked. “Think I still don’t have a chance at beating you?”

“None whatsoever,” Latias admitted. “Mist Ball!”

Latias’ signature move shot towards Misty, but the Vaporeon managed to dodge it. “Water Pulse!” She called out.

“Dragon Pulse!” Latias countered

Once again the two attacks met in the middle, but this time, Latias’ blasted through Misty’s, and struck the Vaporeon, slamming her backwards against a nearby tree.

“Ahh!” Misty cried out in pain as she hit the tree and fell to the ground.

Latias winced. “Hey... you alright?” She wanted to win, but she didn’t want to really hurt Misty, especially since the former human had no chance of-

“ICE BEAM!!” Latias’ eyes widened at the jagged ray of ice energy racing towards her-

Mity smirked as the ice sculpture formerly known as Latias fell to the ground. “Thank you, Dewgong,” Misty had been practicing a few moves she’d used in Gym Battles over the past few weeks. It had really paid off.

“Now then,” Misty said, walking up to the icecube. “Why don’t you try this AURORA BEAM!”

Misty was almost shocked when a multicolored ray of light shot from her mouth and struck Latias, shattering the ice and sending the Dragon type backwards. Thank Arceus that worked, Misty had been practicing that move for a while, but hadn’t been able to get it right. Guess I just needed the right motivation.

Latias shivered as she picked herself up off the ground. Two consecutive Ice type attacks had done a number in her, but she wasn’t out just yet.

“Y-you th-think it’ll be that easy?” Latias asked. “A few advantageous moves and I’m out?” A yellow light was beginning to gather in her claws. “Well, that won’t work on me. But maybe it’ll work on you CHARGE BEAM!”

Misty’s eyes widened again as the Electric attack closed in on her. Sorry Ash, she thought, a tear rolling down her face. I tried.

“MISTY!!” Misty and Latias both turned to see Ash running towards them. To the surprise of both of them, the Charge Beam arched away from Misty, and instead struck Ash’s tail.



They both raced towards him, worried that he might be hurt. But to their surprise, other than glancing back at his tail, he seemed fine. In fact, it was as if he hadn’t felt the effects of the attack at all.

“Huh,” Ash shrugged, looking back to Misty and Latias. “Guess my ability is Lightningrod,” he said with a smile.

“Ash I am sooo sorry!” Latias apologized. “We were battling and things kind of got... out of hand after Misty froze me.”

“You suggested a battle!” Misty retorted.

“You attacked me first!” Latias shot back.

“Girls!” Ash suddenly shouted. “Just... please stop fighting and let me talk.”

Latias and Misty fell silent.

“Thank you,” Ash said with a sigh. “I want you two to know that I’ve spent literally every waking moment since you two... proclaimed your love for me, trying to figure out how I feel, or how I could let one of you down without hurting the other,” the Pikachu let out another sigh. “I’ve talked to my mom, and... one weird pony who tried to give me advice... but just kinda made me feel bad.”

Elsewhere, Pinkie Pie felt a disturbance in the force.

Ash shook his head and smiled at Misty. “Misty, you’re one of my best friends, and I’ve known you for a long time,” he looked up at Latias. “And Latias... you are one of the sweetest, most adorable girls I know, and I happy to call you my friend.”

Both girls were leaning in so they could be closer to Ash, hoping, praying that he would say what they wanted to hear.

“And... I’ve honestly never thought of either of you as anything other than my friends,” Ash said with a small frown.

Noooo. Misty moaned mentally.

Must not call Cresselia. Must not call Cresselia, Latias chanted in her mind.

“And I don’t want to hurt either of you, and I know choosing one of you would hurt the other... a lot... and I don’t want that,” Ash sighed. “So... I guess what I’m saying is... I can’t love either of you, not knowing the pain I’d cause the other.”

Without waiting for either of them to respond, Ash turned around and began to walk away. Misty’s legs gave out from under her and she stared after him, one paw reaching after him. “N... no.”

Latias, meanwhile, was beginning to hyperventilate. Can’t, nope, won’t lose him, not gonna lose him again, not gonna let him slip away... DOING IT!!

“WAIT!” Latias mental cry caused Ash to stop and look back, and Misty to look up a Latias hopefully. “... Misty,” Latias said after a long moment. “I... I said I had two ways that we could... work out our problem...”

Misty’s eyes widened and she sat up. “Okay, what’s the second? Love trivia? Dating game show?” She was starting to get kinda... desperate, understandable as the only man she’d ever loved was about to walk away from her, possibly forever.

Latias floated down until she was eye level with the Vaporeon. “Do you love Ash more than anything? Do you love him enough to...” Latias blushed and she whispered the next part in Misty’s ear.

The Vaporeon blushed and stared back at Latias. “... are you sure my game show idea wouldn’t work? I mean it has to have some merit.”

Latias deadpanned at the Water type, and Misty sighed. After a moment, she looked back up at Latias and slowly nodded her head. “I... I do.”

Latias smiled and giggled. “Good,” Latias and Misty turned towards Ash together, both of them smiling.

“Uhh... what did you two just agree to?” Ash asked nervously.

Latias and Misty looked at each other, then back at Ash. “This,” was all Misty said before she pounced Ash.

“Ah!” Ash found himself being held tightly against Misty... he had to admit, it wasn’t a bad feeling. “So does this mean that-Yah!”

Ash and Misty were both suddenly grabbed by Latias, who held both of them close to her and nuzzled Ash softly.

“... Okay... I’m REALLY confused,” Ash admitted.

Latias and Misty giggled. “You always were in this kind of situation Ash,” Misty said with a smile.

“Since you couldn’t choose, and neither of us wanted to lose you... we agreed to share you.” Latias explained.

“Wait, wait, wait, wait... what?” Ash asked, eyes wide.

“You’re OURS, you cute little Pikachu,” Misty said, kissing Ash’s cheek. “Latias and I will work out how... our relationship works later, but for now.” Ash felt himself being held tighter by both his girlfriends.

“I... just... I...” he stammered.

“Shhh,” Latias cooed, nuzzling him again. “You’ll ruin the moment.”

Ash sputtered for a few more seconds, before resigning himself to his huggy fate.

When ponies learned that Fluttershy, of all ponies, had opened her house to any Pokemon who needed a place to stay... not many were really that surprised. This was Fluttershy they were talking about.

Most ponies, however, did not know just how far she was going to accommodate them.

Fluttershy smiled as the last post for her yards new fence was driven into the ground. “That should do it Miss Fluttershy.”

She smiled. “Thank you Sawk,” she said to the blue Pokemon who stood before her in a karate uniform.

“It was no trouble,” he said with a bow. “Especially after you fixed my uniform.” He smiled and tugged at a stitch on the uniforms left shoulder.

“Oh, it was nothing, really,” she said, looking away sheepishly. “I’m just here to help.”

“Nonsense,” Sawk insisted. “My uniform is of great importance to me, and helping you with your fence was the least I could do to repay you.”

Fluttershy smiled and surveyed the fence. A combination of working on it herself in her free time, and Sawk’s work had expanded it outward several yards, and had lowered the bottom board so that no one could slip out under it.

The last part was mostly so none of the younger Pokemon escaped.

“But still, thank you so much for your help,” Fluttershy said with a smile.

“My pleasure,” Sawk said, returning the smile.

The two talked for awhile, and after he had assured Fluttershy he was in no need of anything else, Sawk walked off, leaving Fluttershy to tend to the rest of the Pokemon.

“Alright Cubone,” she placed the little Pokemon who had become her assistant on her back. “Before we get started, I want to check on someone.”

“Who?” He asked curiously, causing Fluttershy to smile. Despite being so withdrawn and sad when he arrived, Cubone had really opened up since Fluttershy had found him.

“Just some Pokemon who I found a few days ago,” she answered, trotting around the side of her house to a pile of dead branches she had collected. As she spotted the Pokemon she was looking for, she smiled. “Hello Paras,” she said to the trio. “How are you feeling today?”

The lobster like Pokemon skittered over to her and looked up at her with adoring eyes. “Just fine Miss Fluttershy,” the largest of the three replied, giving her an insectoid grin.

Fluttershy sighed with relief, she checked up with all the Pokemon she was taking care of, to ensure they were all doing okay, but these three... she had been worried about the mushrooms she had found growing on their backs, and apparently she had been right to worry. A talk with Professor Oak had revealed the disturbingly parasitic nature of the mushrooms, and the detrimental health effects it had upon their Evolution.

Fortunately, they had been easy enough to remove, and the Paras didn’t seem to mind that much, aside from their curiosity as to why she’d done it in the first place... she wasn’t sure telling them was the best idea.

She was keeping the Mushrooms in an old planter in her basement, just in case. Besides, the Professor had said eating them would help extend her life.

After checking the soft spots where she’d removed the mushrooms, Fluttershy moved on to her next daily chore, feeding all the animals, and Pokemon, that she was taking care of.

“Angel?” She called as she trotted inside. “Where are you? It’s time for your lunch.”

It took Fluttershy a few minutes to track down her pet, but she found him. “Oh, how cute~”

Angel was sitting on the couch with Buneary. She had her arms wrapped around him and he... had his arms crossed and a scowl on his face. “Well Angel, I’ll just leave your lunch here for you whenever you’re ready.”

Angel tried to get out of Buneary’s grip as Fluttershy placed a plate of carrots next to them on the couch before trotting off to feed some of the other Pokemon.

“Oh stop squirming you,” Buneary said, hugging him tighter. “You’re all fuzzy,” she said with a giggle. “Now I see why those kids at the daycare always liked to hug me.”

Fluttershy, meanwhile, was outside, feeding some fish to the Water Pokemon who’d taken up residence in the river in front of her cottage.

“Thank you miss Fluttershy,” Oshawott said with a smile as he took the bowl of fish from her.

“You’re very welcome Oshawott,” Fluttershy leaned down and nuzzled the little otter, causing him to laugh and smile at her.

After finishing her rounds, Fluttershy went back inside and sat down in one of the chairs. Placing Cubone on her lap, she sighed. “I love that I’m able to help them,” she said with a yawn. “Even if it is a lot of work.”

It was especially exhausting preparing the fish for the Pokemon who needed it. She had plenty, but before the Pokemon had arrived she’d really only had to fed some otters, weasels, and Harry the bear any amount of meat.

She understood better than most ponies a creatures need for meat. I wonder how they all managed back on Earth, from what some of the Pokemon had told her, not all Pokemon had someone to take care of them.

I hope they all managed to get enough food, she thought, leaning back in her chair and closing her eyes. I’d hate for some Pokemon, or anyone really, to go hungry if they couldn’t catch...

Fluttershy’s thought process stopped. Couldn’t catch... her eyes opened. “Wait, what did they eat?!”

Lucario yawned as he awoke. Aside from the feeling of the grass under his back, the first thing he felt was warm fur against his own.

Cracking open an eyelid and waiting a moment for his vision to adjust, he looked over and his eyes widened as he saw Korrina lying next to him. Oh right, he recalled. I was helping her train and we lied down to rest... he chuckled softly to himself Guess we must have dozed off.

Lucario took another look at Korrina’s sleeping form and smiled. By Arceus, I love this feeling, he thought to himself. Just being able to lie next to her like this was beyond wonderful.

And even better was the fact that he and Korrina had been spending time together ever since the wedding. Since most of what he did back on Earth was battling, there wasn’t much for Lucario to show Korrina, especially since she’d made a point of training alongside her Pokemon. Korrina, on the other hand, had been introducing Lucario to some of her non-Pokemon related hobbies. Mainly teaching him how to skate. Thankfully after the first ill fated attempt, she’d decided it’d be better to start with the basics, rather than pushing him down a hill and hoping for the best again.

Lucario sighed. That hadn't been on of her best ideas. But then again, he thought with a smile. Korrina never was one to do anything halfway. Lucario chuckled. He remembered once when several consecutive gym battles had really gotten Korrina's spirits up, she had Mega Evolved him and swept through their next challengers team... which consisted of his starter and a Bunnelby.

Korrina had apologized afterwards, and the boy came back a few weeks later with a trained team, so it had worked out, but Lucario still felt sorry for the boy.

Lucario sighed and looked over at Korrina again, he'd always loved these kind of quiet moments, even back on Earth, when it was just him and her. Despite having a busy schedule as a Gym Leader, she always made time for him. And she always treated him as an equal, as a member of her family. Especially when he got sick or hurt.

He remembered one really bad cold he’d gotten that left him bedridden for a week, she was right there with him, usually with a bowl of hot soup to make him feel better.

Lucario smiled at the memory.

“Hey,” a groggy voice said from beside him. Lucario turned to see Korrina stretching out, her eyes open. “How long was I out?”

“Not long I think,” Lucario told her. “Though to be honest, I fell asleep for awhile too.”

Korrina smiled, that was when she realized that she was lying right next to Lucario. Surprisingly, she didn't jump up, or try to cover it up, she just scooted over a bit. "So... anything else you want to show me today?"

Lucario chuckled. “Honestly, there’s not much more I can show you.” Korrina’s habit of training alongside her Pokemon had really paid off once she figured out how to use her new powers correctly. She had been able to smash rocks as a human, and apparently, that strength had carried over.

“Well... that’s good,” Korrina said. “Though I’m still not entirely use to the aura thing.”

“It takes awhile,” Lucario said with a shrug. “I didn’t get it at first either, remember?”

Korrina smiled. “Oh, I remember,” she paused. “Hey Lucario?... thanks for your help and... everything... I honestly don’t know if I could’ve made it through this without you.”

“It’s no trouble,” he said with a smile. “You’re my best friend, you know I’d do anything to help you.”

Korrina smiled. “You... you’re my best friend too,” she blushed softly. “I don’t care if you are a Pokemon, you’ve been my friend for years, and that’s all that really matters right?”

Lucario smiled at her. “Right,” he said with a nod.

“Good,” Korrina replied, still blushing. Before Lucario could respond, Korrina leaned forward and kissed him squarely on the cheek. After a moment of shock, she said. “I uh... I still want... us to take things... slow... okay?”

Lucario blinked once, still shocked at what had just happened, then he smiled. “Of course,” he said, gently nuzzling her cheek. “I promised I wouldn’t push you into anything, and I meant it.”

Korrina sighed and leaned against Lucario, who placed an arm around her shoulder, a contented smile on both their faces.