//------------------------------// // Fluttershy and the Rage of a Friend. Part Two // Story: Legacy // by NFire //------------------------------// I replay the last conversation I had with Fluttershy. “Here’s Zecora’s house too! You don’t want to do anything bad around there okay?” “Yes Fluttershy.” I watch as she points out things on the digital map, marking them as restricted airspace, so I am sure the drones will not accidentally destroy anything. “You know what Manticores look like now too? They’re big and mean looking, but mostly just big softie’s inside.” “I do yes.” “You promise you’ll try to just scare them off? If anything like my friends come wandering out?” “I promise Fluttershy.” “Good! I know there’s scary things out there, but some things are just trying to protect themselves.” “I understand. But the forest is making new creatures Fluttershy. Please be careful near there.” “Oh...I will I promise. My friends keep me safe.” “I shall endeavor to do so as well Fluttershy.” “I know Crusader, you’re doing your best.” “I am trying Fluttershy, I am trying.” I have tried and I have failed. To atone I plan my final strike on the enemy. I will blot it from the face of the world, and then, I will rest. -------------- My Commander visits me in the day. “Welcome Applejack.” I watch as she settles into a cushion. “Crusader, you know you can’t beat yourself up over this any more?” “I have failed Applejack. I have tried to be something I am not. I am a machine of war, built for killing. It is all I can do. I could do nothing...” “Ponyfeathers! Nopony is blaming you. None! They all understand.” I will not argue. I continue planning the strike as we chat. “I understand Applejack.” “Don’t you even take that tone with me. You’ve fought that danged forest to a standstill, hay I think it’s plum scared to death of you now!” She is correct. It has been quiet, there has been nothing moving my drones have seen. “You need to stop. You’re my friend Crusader, I’m not a ‘commander’ anymore than anypony else. But ah’m your friend.” “You are, my friend and my commander. Thank you.” “Stop beating yourself up, it’s not right.” “I will try Applejack.” I watch as she leaves, her emerald eyes look back into my camera lens with concern as she exits the command area. But I cannot stop. I am sorry my Commander, I cannot stop this. It must be done, to ensure the safety of your world I must do this. I plan carefully, my drones are loaded down with their payloads, they are in holding patterns right now, awaiting word of drop zones. I have reprogrammed them now, taking time, they will now avoid ponies and IFF from the commsets, so no danger will be had. I have my tech spiders plant charges, as soon as the word is given, my Vertical Launch System and Mortar arrays will be cleared of soil and I will begin the bombardment. The blast zones are carefully chosen to minimize damage near Ponyville and it’s environs. The war agent I have designed is non persistent, and will not hurt anypony if it comes in contact, but it will destroy any vegetation in the drop areas. I have one last thing to do, getting Command Authorization for nuclear weapons. -------------- I contact Princess Luna on the link, of them all, she would be most likely to not question my request for authorization. She agrees to meet with me, but brings Applejack along as well. “What can I do for you Crusader?” The dark blue pony settles herself regally into a cushion. Applejack lay beside her, face showing concern. “I would like your authorization for the release of nuclear weapons Princess.” “These would be the weapons that you warned us of? Quite destructive you said?” “Yes Your Highness.” “Why would you need these?” “I am planning a final strike on the forest Your Highness, I will take care of it once and for all.” “And after that?” I was hesitant to say so, now I am forced to be honest. I can be nothing but to my Commander and Command Authority. “I would like Applejack to give me the code to burn my personality center.” Her face shows a bit of confusion, Applejack’s as well. “What exactly would this do?” I hesitate, being questioned by Command I cannot lie, I cannot prevaricate, I can only tell the truth. I am bound by duty to do so, but for the first time, I wish it were not so. “It would erase me permanently Your Highness. I would cease to exist. I cannot do it myself, so my Commander must give the order." “Do not play word games with me Crusader. What would this do?” “I would die Your Highness.” Applejack appears to be about to shout something, an elegant hoof is laid across her withers by Princess Luna, urging her to calm. I can see the anger in her eyes, the frustration, but she remains quiet. “Do you truly wish to die so badly? Why Crusader, tell me that.” “Why? I have asked myself that as well. I have done nothing but bring pain and death to this world. At every turn I see who I am meant to be, a killer. I rain destruction because I can do nothing else. I saw an angel of kindness and shy reserve lying in my medical bay and I wanted nothing more than to scream my rage and pain to the world. To let loose with all that I am and destroy, to avenge, to bring anguish and annihilation to those that wronged her! Had I the power this would not have happened, to turn back the hands of time so that I may do something else, to be faster, smarter, to somehow avoid the suffering! I can do none of these. I cannot turn back the clock. I must live with my choices. I just wish to do one last thing, then pass from this world. I am not meant for here, I am something that should never have awoken.” I watch as her eyes look into my camera lens, she is silent for long moments before speaking in a soft tone. “Have you listened to yourself?” “Pardon?” “Have you listened to yourself?” “No Your Highness.” “Had you been aloof, or cold, or even nonchalant about what has happened, I would give the order to Applejack myself. I would see to your destruction in a heartbeat if I for a second believed you did not care for the results of your hoofwork.” Applejack is staring at the Princess now, her mouth open slightly as she listens. “It is responsibility you feel, the weight and burden of every thing you do or have done. As I do each and every day Crusader. “ Luna moves to a standing position, walking as she talks and gestures. “I remember meeting you; you were distant, somewhat removed, and my sister and I worried about what you would do. But at every point where it counted Crusader, you have behaved honorably, you have spread goodwill everywhere and to everypony you have met. I have heard of the family you saved, yes even in our lofty heights we receive news. You did not leave them to die, you did everything that you could possibly do and more to save them. I see the flowers you keep here on the table. Do not think I do not follow what my subjects do. I have also heard of the money you constantly refuse, irking Twilight to no end.” The Princess chuckled to herself a bit, “I see where it goes. To families in need, to the building of a new hospital wing, for more teaching items for the school. Yes Crusader, my sister and I have kept very close tabs on you.” She stamps a shod hoof on the floor, the sound penetrating the silence. “You are hurt, and in pain and can think of nothing but revenge. This stops now. You are not a petulant child, you are a citizen of Equestria and you will act like one!” “Your Highness I do not think...” “Correct! You are not thinking!” I am taken aback by the sudden forcefulness in her voice. “You are right in being sorrowful, but you do not and will not have any authorization from me to strike at anything unless it is in defense of my ponies!” “I am just asking..” “I said NO! Is that not clear? I am Your Princess Crusader, and you will follow my directions. You will cancel your plans and defend Ponyville and Equestria as you have promised! I do not release you from that!” She turns and points a hoof at the camera, “As a caveat, I hereby order you to live! You will no longer think these thoughts of taking your life, or even somepony else doing it for you. Asking a good and honest pony like Applejack to do something like that! Have you no shame? Such a selfish thing to ask for a supposedly honorable defender of ponies!” I stop listening and think. She is right, how dare I ask such a thing of somepony who has been nothing but my friend, why would I lay a burden like that? The voices of my ancestors come to me, reminding me that we of the Dinochrome would never do such a thing, in all our lives. I see them, I feel them, I hear the word ringing in my cores. WHY? I have no answer but shame. I recall my drones immediately, I destroy the plans, forever erasing them from my data banks. I am not an avenger, I am a protector and a citizen of Equestria, and by rights I have been called to task and found wanting. My sovereign has told me I am to live. I shall do so with pride, and with all the honor left to me. This is my home, I have a place here; I am not needed, I am wanted. With that knowledge I am changed forever, I am not just a Bolo anymore. I feel it deep in my arrays, a subtle adjusting of my emotions, they are powerful, resonating deep within me, and I want to live! “You are correct Your Highness. I have wronged you and Applejack and for that I have no excuse.” “You have no blame attached. We all hurt Crusader, my sister did when she banished me, but I was welcomed back. With love and respect and all the good that it brings. You have done marvelous things, continue to do so. In time you will see Crusader, this is the right choice.” “I see it now Your Highness, once again I am truly sorry. My Commander, forgive me for even putting such a burden on you.” Applejack nods, “I told you. But ya had to go and get the Princess involved, that’s always a bad thing Crusader.” The grin that splits her face is merry as is the laughter from both of them. “I guess for now I can forgive you, just this one time though!” “I shall make sure not to make the same mistake my Commander. My weapons are standing down, I am recalling the drones. There will be no more thoughts of this, I can promise. But, I will continue to defend my homeland in any way I can, it might get noisy sometimes.” “As long as it is you Crusader, we’re fine with it.” -------------- The group of friends stands at my hatchway, I see the five enter, huddled together and talking. I am finalizing my project now with a new resolve. A directive given to me by my sovereign and I shall live with her words. I will live, it is such a solemn and onerous duty, but it is mine. I shall be as such a Bolo could never have imagined. I hurt, I cannot stop that, but in time it will fade. Twilight coughs politely for my attention, “Somepony wishes to say something.” It is HER! She is here! I see her golden form limping out of the covering of the group, they had so skillfully avoided my cameras. The gel packs cover her wings and barrel, wrapped around her throat and leg, she will heal, it will take time, but it is HER! She slowly makes her way to the console and leans against the chair. The pain comes back, seeing her in the medbay, my inability to stop the seizures as the nanites worked on her furiously. I had to let them run their course, hoping beyond hope there was no more damage done when they were through. My entire being devoted to her at that moment, tearing through supplies like they were water to save her, my friend. I have to say something, I have to make amends. “Fluttershy, I am sorry I could not be there sooner, I am so very..” I am stopped by a raised hoof, she is smiling up at the camera. I watch her closely as her mouth forms words in silence, unable to speak for now. I thought I would never see her again, that she would forever shun me for my actions. As I see the words form I know now I am truly absolved of my sins. “Thank you.”