Sentinels of Equestria

by Lightning Spear

The Audience

The four quickly jogged to their VTOLs and detached their exo-suits, weapons, and other combat gears. They did this because they knew they were still building their trust with the Princesses and the inhabitants of the castle. Surely walking around with weapons to the damn teeth won't win any favors.

After storing their gears neatly on the storage boxes, the four Sentinel operatives were finally clad on their MultiCam uniform, and quite frankly they loved the feeling outside of their combat outfit despite already being used to them.

"Aw man that feels good!" Joker said while stretching his body. Getting acknowledgements from the others.

"Come on, lets not keep the Princesses waiting" Gideon said while stepping out of the Razorback and back into the gardens with the others following suit.

"Ready to go?" Shining Armor asked while trotting up to Gideon's side "You four look different by the way" he said while eyeing them curiously.

Gideon smiled "Yeah I don't see any reason why we need our weapons here, just give us a second" he said while grabbing four earpieces and four tablets with them and giving them to Mitchell, Joker, and Ramirez respectively.

"What are those?" Shining Armor asked while pointing at the devices.

"These are called tablets and earpieces" Mitchell explained "We use the earpieces to communicate remotely and the tablets to help us explain the answers of your questions later" he said while donning his earpiece.
"So, which way?"

"This way please" Shining Armor said while walking towards a large gate that led to the castle; followed closely by the four and the pegasus guard.

There was an atmosphere about the castle that just made a person just stop and admire every inch of it. The Sentinels certainly did this a lot on their way to the meeting, resulting in Shining Armor and the guard to occasionally stop, explaining things about the castle to them. Despite the tour provided by both guards, the Sentinels were getting annoyed due to the endless hallways, twists, and turns they were being led on. The stained glass windows and the red carpet were luxurious and good to look at, but eventually they got old if they were the only things to look at. But nevertheless, they kept observing their surroundings and noting every possible escape route in case things get dicey.

After ten minutes of navigating the lavish hallways, they arrived at a heavily-decorated pair of double doors.

"Now this is the most fantastic door I have seen in my life" Joker said out-loud "Is this the throne room or something?"

"Just wait until you see what's in there" Shining replied with a smirk "so, shall we?"

"Yeah lets" Gideon replied after making sure there were no grimes or mishaps on their outfits. As much as he disliked formal meetings; especially with the higher-ups , he still held his manners and self-esteem high. Besides, first impression was and still is one of the most important aspect.

As the doors opened, they entered a very well-stocked and decorated study room. There were chairs and tables everywhere with piles of books and documents on top of them, which to the Sentinels' surprise were written in English. There were a seemingly endless shelves filled with books of various ages and some even looked they were hundreds of years old. It was a large open room with windows and a balcony at the end. Before it, at a long table with eight chairs,sat Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and two other unidentified alicorns. One had a pink coat and the other one was lavender, each had a mark resembling a crystal heart and a burst of pink and purple light on their flanks respectively.

Shining Armor cleared his throat to get their attention "Your Majesties, the four Sentinels have arrived"

"Thank you Captain, you are dismissed...but feel free to join us if you'd like." Princess Celestia replied politely. With that, Shining Armor and the pegasus guard saluted and went back to the door, but instead of walking out, they stayed inside and kept watch.

When the guards retreated, Gideon stepped forward and saluted "Your Majesties, I believe you wished to speak with us..."

"We do, please sit.We have a lot to discuss" Princess Celestia replied. The four complied and took a seat next to each other directly in front of the Princesses. As they took their seats, they could feel eyes of curiosity roaming on their bodies; especially from the lavender alicorn.

"I have to say, all of you look different today" Princess Luna stated.

Gideon chuckled "True, Princess. We don't see any necessity to carry our weapons around here" he said "My team and I are soldiers, peacekeepers. And right now, seeing we are not in danger of any kind and based on how you treated us; even after knowing we are military, we saw it fit that our weapons weren't needed. I hope our relations can remain on the good track during our stay, and quite frankly this is how we really look like." he joked, the Princesses chuckled at this.

"So do we" Princess Celestia replied with a smile "Oh, before we begin, I would like to introduce Princess Cadance and Princess Twilight Sparkle" she said while glancing to the pink and lavender alicorn respectively.

"Hello, Your Majesties" Gideon greeted them politely "It's an honor to meet you both personally"

Cadance smiled "It's an honor to meet you too Major, all of you." she said while looking at the other three Sentinel operatives; smiling back at her "I see you and your team are getting along just fine with the guards. Forgive me for the hostility last night, but when it comes to our safety; Shiny could overreact sometimes..." she trailed off, only to be responded by a chuckle from Ramirez.

"Don't be Princess, your guards and Captain Armor were just doing their jobs and as fellow soldiers we completely understand everything they did so far" he said "It was necessary"

"I am glad you can understand Sergeant" she replied "Now, lets begin shall we? *ahem* Twilight?"

Twilight snapped from her trance of preparing her writing utensils. Even after becoming the Princess of Friendship, her curiosity remained high as ever. "Oh-oh y-yes, forgive me. Please, continue" she stuttered.

"Feel free to ask Your Majesties; you probably have a lot of question for us" Gideon stated.

The Princesses nodded (Except for Twilight, who nodded frantically) "Yes, but don't you have questions of your own?" Princess Luna asked.

"We do, but it would be better to answer yours first" Gideon replied.

"Very well then. Tell us, where do all of you exactly came from?" Celestia asked.

"Ramirez, show them" Gideon ordered. He quickly searched for a large tactical image of planet Earth on his tablet and projected the image as a floating holographic image above the tablet; much to the Princesses' astonishment.

"We came from a planet called Earth" Ramirez began "With seven continents, and five oceans, splitting some continents apart. One of the continents was called North America" he said while pointing at the continent "With four major countries, and the largest one was called the United States of America, or U.S.A for short. Which were basically fifty united states ruled under a democratic government" he said "most of us came from the United States of America, in exception for Gideon and Ilona, the human female we spoke about yesterday. Gideon came from a country called The Great Britain, and Ilona came from a country called Russia" he said while pointing at the countries respectively. The Princesses nodded in acknowledgement, minus Twilight who was scribbling on her parchment paper.

"Plus, we humans, are the only sapient beings on our planet" Joker added.

"Fascinating" Twilight said while scribbling quickly on her paper.

"What are those devices you are using?" Luna asked while pointing at their earpieces and tablets respectively.

"This is called an earpiece and a tablet" Joker replied while taking off his earpiece and giving his tablet;placing them on the table for the Princesses to see "the earpiece is used for remote communication and the tablet is used for various tasks; such as briefings, data search, and even for controlling our weapons and vehicles." He stated. The Princesses nodded.

"Could you tell us more about the Sentinel Task Force? I am very curious about your peacekeeping military organization." she stated.

"Of course Princess." Mitchell replied while gathering some images that would help in his explanation "In our world, we were formed five years ago, A tier-one U.S. led multinational special forces unit. Codename: Sentinel."He then showed the signature icon of the Sentinel Task Force as a holographic image. "Our mission, was to investigate severe attacks committed by a terrorist organization called the KVA and prevent things like that from ever happening again."

" Could you tell us more about this KVA?" Twilight inquired "And, how severe were their attacks?" a question she was about to regret.

"Of course Princess, The KVA was a leading anti-Western and anti-technology terrorist organization on our world; formed by Chechen separatists under the leadership of this man..." he said while putting up the image of Hades.

"Who is this?" Twilight asked again.

"Joseph Chkheidze, also known as Hades" Mitchell began "He was an anti-Western and anti-technology leader of the KVA. He stated that we have hidden behind the protection of technology, technology is cancer, the world must be reset to it's natural state, and he is the people's savior." He stated "And how severe the attacks were? enough to cripple most of our world and killing thousands of innocent people"

The Princesses gasped in horror after hearing the amount of casualties caused by the attacks. Nightmare Moon, Queen Chrysallis, King Sombra, and even Tirek despite their dark hearts would never commit such atrocity. A murder, let alone a genocide was never heard of in Equestria. Except for the occasional casualties from driving off the beasts from the Everfree Forest and clashes with rogue Dragons and rebellious Griffon troops. But the Sentinels just told them that a single organization turned their world into a state of disarray and chaos; killing thousands of their kind. Judging by their reactions, the Sentinels knew that the Equestrians never experienced the horrors they have been through.

"W-what h-happened after the attacks t-took p-place?" Cadance stuttered, holding tears from flowing down her face.

Mitchell sighed "With the governments crippled, the world turned to the most powerful private military corporation in the world called the Atlas Corporation for help and protection. With their massive industrial power and an endless wealth, they helped us to rebuild our world and providing our needs." He handed them the card Irons gave him years ago, displaying the company's name and its CEO. Celestia levitated the electronic card before passing it to Luna, Cadance, and Twilight; studying the card curiously before returning it to Mitchell.

"How noble..." Celestia stated with amazement "Did Atlas do anything concerning the KVA?"

Gideon nodded "We did Princess. A year ago, me, Joker, and Mitchell were working for the corporation. We were stationed on a city called Detroit, we fought them 22 days straight, and captured Hades' right-hand man, Dr. Pierre Danois." He said while putting up the image on holo-projection.

"After Ilona interrogated him, he eventually gave us the whereabouts of Hades. We tracked him down, and...killed him. And with that, the KVA."

"I...see" Luna commented weakly "Did you tried to negotiate?" Gideon shook his head.

"Negotiating with that man much less the KVA would be like digging your own grave." Gideon stated "Neither Hades nor the KVA would ever negotiate. They don't care about peace, they simply wanted to throw our world back to the Stone Age."

"So we did what had to be done. It was either them, or us." Mitchell stated.

"We understand, but before we go any further I have one question in mind." Celestia said.

"Go ahead Princess." Ramirez replied.

"Do you enjoy killing?" She asked with a thousand yard stare visible in her eyes. The Sentinels immediately shook their heads.

"No" Mitchell replied "If there were any other options beside killing our enemies, we'd surely go for it." He stated "But unfortunately, there were no other options." The Princesses glanced at one another, before nodding.

"Okay, now lets get back to the topic; after the KVA was dealt with, did your world finally achieved peace?" Luna asked.

"Only for a short time, Princess." Mitchell stated "As Hades drew his last breath, he gave me and Ilona a data chip and uttered 'Irons knows' before dying."

"Do you mean Jonathan Irons the CEO of Atlas? w-what does he know?" Twilight inquired.

Gideon sighed "The insane bastard knew the upcoming attacks all along, but instead of intercepting the KVA when they were still preparing; he let them happened and profited from it."

Celestia cocked an eyebrow at his statement "Are you sure? certainly a human with such noble heart won't do such atrocity." She stated, receiving nods of agreement from the rest of the Princesses.

Gideon glanced at Mitchell who immediately surfed on his tablet for a certain recording. The very same recording that opens everyone's eyes about the truth behind the scene. Moments later, a holographic image of two men showed up in front of them. One was clad in black attire, had a brown hair, and seemed to be on his middle sixties. While the other one was wearing a business suit, bald, had facial hair, and seemed to be on late 30's or early 40's.

"Who are these humans?" Princess Luna asked.

"The man wearing the black attire is Jonathan Irons and the other is a technologist we rescued from the KVA. This is what Hades gave us before his death..." Gideon stated, with that the recording started.

"The KVA are planning an attack...they told me everything!" The technologist stated with a panicked tone.

"What kind of attack?" Irons asked with a concerned tone.

"Power plants, all over the world. They want me to compromise their security systems." The technologist stated.

"Where are they planning on hitting?" Irons asked again.

"Seattle, Paris, Tokyo...thousands will die! We have to tell someone." The techologist replied again.

Irons got up from his seat.

"No! We have to tell everyone! It's okay. It's alright. I am gonna take care of this right now."

Irons drew one of those strange metal stick from his coat, which the Princesses assumed to be some sort of crossbow and shot the technologist in the head with a loud bang; spilling holographic blood and brain matter on the table. Plus, shocking the Princesses to an unholy point in the process.With that, the recording stopped and Mitchell turned it off. After regaining their composure, Princess Celestia spoke up.

"That was horrible" Celestia stated "I thought he was a good and noble man. He helped to rebuild your world and provide for your kind." She paused "But now...I take it back." something that the denizens of Earth learnt very well.

"That was what I thought..." Mitchell said with a somewhat saddened tone, but his words were barely audible.

"What was that Captain?" Princess Luna asked.

"Oh, nothing Princess. Just, thinking out loud." He stated. Luna raised her eyebrows, perhaps sensing a hidden truth. But she shrugged it off, deciding to ask him about the matter in private. Or perhaps when she got more information from his dreams.

"How could your kind kill each other so easily?" Twilight asked.

"Ambitions, religions, politics, resources,power...some just wanted to see the world burn." Gideon replied with a grim tone "Our history was not filled with sunshine and happy dreams. It was never pleasant, but we persevered through all of those hardships, becoming stronger and adaptive in the process."

"We understand, but lets continue shall we?" Cadance asked.

Gideon nodded "Of course Princess.Long story short, Me, Ilona, Mitchell, and a year later; Joker defected to the Sentinel Task Force with more defectors coming in. By that time, our mission have switched from the KVA to Atlas; due to the corporation's sudden skyrocketing power and influence. And needless to say, becoming the largest and the most powerful standing military force in our world. They took security for ports, shipping lanes, pipe lines. Nation after nation handed their most critical infrastructure to Jonathan Irons. We realized too late, he was surrounding us." he said.

"Okay..." Twilight said while scribbling with her quill "what happened next? Did you struck them immediately?"

Mitchell chuckled"No Princess, it would be too reckless to do an all out war before our investigations were complete. So, not long after me and Ilona defected from Atlas, we heard rumors about a mysterious Atlas operation known only as MANTICORE. After further investigations in turns out that Manticore is a biological weapon of mass destruction designed to target specific genotypes. That means, if your DNA signature isn't on the Atlas database, you are dead." With that, he put up the Manticore's image in holo-projection.

Twilight's quill snapped into two pieces and the royals' mouth went agape. It took a couple of minutes for the Princesses to contemplate the whole story before continuing. For Twilight, she managed to summon another quill, thanks to her personal reserve.

"That's...something" Luna said, an understatement.

"Did the Manticore was ever used?" Celestia asked.

Gideon and Mitchell nodded in unison "Yes Princess, in fact we were there when it was first deployed."
Gideon said. "During our initial shock and awe campaign, we were assaulting the Atlas headquarters in the city of New Baghdad to bring Irons in; dead or alive." He stated "Things were going just fine until the Manticore was used against us. Within seconds, our entire team was wiped out. Leaving me, Mitchell, and Ilona only to be captured by Atlas moments later."

"And because you three are former Atlas operatives, you are immune" Twilight stated. Receiving nods from Mitchell and Gideon.

"Exactly. Not long after, we were taken to an Atlas prison camp on the outskirts of New Baghdad. There, we witnessed twisted human experimentations with the Manticore with hundreds of dead bodies being hung on air-tight plastic body-bags for further autopsy."

"How barbaric..." Celestia stated through gritted teeth "Did Irons ordered this?"

Mitchell nodded "Yes Princess. Even what's more shocking, Irons had a missile--a long range weapon, packed with even more Manticore gas. Enough to destroy every major military base on our country with even more to destroy every major military base on Earth." He said.

"After escaping from captivity, me , Mitchell, and Ilona were the only ones who could stop the Manticore missile from launching. We know it would be suicide, but we promised our late friend and former Major; Cormack that we will stop the Manticore and Irons no matter what." Gideon said.

"D-did Irons killed your friend?" Luna asked with a saddened tone. Mitchell nodded slowly, "I- we are sorry to hear that. We share your condolences." The rest of the Princesses nodded in agreement, lowering their heads as a sign of sympathy and empathy.

"Thank you Princess Luna." Mitchell and Gideon replied with genuine smiles on their faces

"What happened next? Did you managed to stop the Manticore?" Cadance asked.

"We did Princess. Using a pair of heavily armored battlesuits known as ASTs or Goliaths, me and Mitchell stormed the Atlas headquarters with no reinforcements supporting us due to the Manticore's contamination. After shooting our way through an army of Atlas soldiers, we stopped the missile launch and Mitchell killed Irons" Gideon stated.

"But Irons' death wasn't the was just a beginning." Mitchell said.

"And that's how war started on your world...but it's good to know that the man behind the scenes has been defeated." Celestia stated "speaking of which, have you got any methods to return home?"

Gideon glanced over to his friends who nodded in return,before turning towards the Princesses "It appears we can't go home anymore Your Majesties..."