
by NFire

Aftermath Minutiae

The townsponies have finally been let loose from my cargo bays. Athena and I kept them for forty eight hours just to make sure nothing remained, nor would it attack again. I worry about anything that may have come through the portal and sneaking around unnoticed in the firefight.
The ones in the caves to the northwest are also returning, my Ferrets making sure they are well protected for the moment.
It appears to be a general relief, as tempers were getting short, even the most placid of people will find themselves getting curt in a crowded environment. I admit, they lasted longer than I thought they would.

Many things need to be repaired on my hull, the thing put quite the force behind its blows and I have enough to keep my tech spiders and fab vats busy for the next month. My priority is getting the weapons back up and restocking ammunition on Athena and myself.

Using my avatar, I walk along the Secondary Hellbore battery that was put out of commission, seeing the bent barrels and dents in the turrets themselves. Calculating what it would take to dent or even bend durasteel, the conclusion I come to puts a chill back in my bones, if that field had failed for any longer...

Heavy tech spiders are already removing the plating for remilling, but it’s the electronics I worry about, so replacing the processors and field modules will be priority. Calculating the amount of metals this will all need puts me dangerously close to being on emergency status on war stocks, to replace them is going to pretty well drain any funds I have left.

I don’t mind that, there is enough for Athena and that is all I need. No other bills other than her sweets, I think I’ll be fine, of course Twilight is going to have a fit. But Applejack has told me, money doesn’t mean anything unless it can do something.

I pause near the bay where the Dragons not on patrol are currently undergoing maintenance.

Before we released everypony, a search had to be conducted for the three Cutie Mark Crusaders. Somehow they had slipped by my internal security...again...and ended up stuck in one of the Dragon’s engine compartments. I told them I did not think there was a Concordiat Mechanic Cutie Mark to be had.

How they even got IN there was something I still ponder, much less with all the tools they were using to take apart the engine. I have a spider looking for the missing injectors still. I applaud their perspicacity, but have emplaced more cameras now to watch the maintenance bays more closely.

Let us all hope they never take it in their minds to become Fusion Plant Maintenance workers.

After opening of the bays, I took a firm stance on doing medical workups on each pony that had been outside in the fight. I was adamant that this should be done, even though they assured me they felt fine.

Getting Discord into the medical bay was bad enough without him making suggestions and trying to mess with the nanos that were doing the medical checks. His internal magic has a unique signature that while we can block it, it has a strange effect on the quantum realities of things near him.

Needless to say we still completed it, but the nanos had to be flushed as a visual enhancement of them showed they all had yellow smiley faces. I do not trust smiling nanos, especially when dealing with Discord.

He apologized of course, but that is neither here nor there, it seems even his presence has a strange underlying effect on reality around him if in one place for very long. Perhaps that is why he is constantly moving? I should ask him later.

Rarity of course was absolutely thrilled after the medical check, as Princess Luna had requested and received a gel wash, she came out looking like an ethereal beauty. I still have the photo of the Unicorn’s face as Luna stepped outside the bay, her coat shining like her stars, mane even more wondrous than it already is.
Needless to say, Rarity requested one as well, I advised her I was not going to be in competition with the Spa owners and this was not going to be an on demand thing. I was henceforth told “We’ll talk later about such things darling.” Before she left to show off her new look.

I admit, they all looked very nice afterwards, Princess Celestia gleamed in the morning sun and was accompanied by her sister as they walked through the town. Such is how legends are born I suppose, looking as if they are the Sun and Moon themselves after a firefight of tremendous proportions, even the rumors of “High Eld Magic” or “Powerful Forbidden Spells” used in the fight made them seem more powerful than ever. The capitalization is mine to emphasize how folks are saying it. Though they will return to an ever more frantic Cadence in Canterlot this day, they at least take the time to visit with the town’s folk.

Accompanied by the six friends who had been through the treatment as well, only served to stoke the fires. Though I still chuckle at the rest trying to get Rainbow and Applejack to go along with it. Those two shall remain stubborn until the end of their lives. Of course I am not one to resist a little bit of a prank and so added a nanite package to Rainbow Dash’s mane, it will continue to glow in her colors even in the dark for the next few weeks.
I hope she likes reading at night.

The medical checks came out clean, perhaps the magic had somehow protected them in that brief moment they were exposed to the energies from our weapons. I cannot know without further research. I do know they are healthy and fine, if not in better shape now than ever.

Athena’s bays are being cleared at this time, the sand is a tremendous bother, but with scouring nannies and tech spiders we have discovered she is very well provisioned with stocks of refined metals, these will be put into repair and replacing of anything she needs as well as ammunition. Her fabricators are now at sixty percent and rising as repairs are completed, making her quite happy she can contribute.
The sand is being used to create medical packages as we search it, so detritus is not an issue, this is a win for all sides I believe.

I am concerned though. Nothing at all has happened in the past forty eight hours, nothing to trip the sensor net we’ve deployed. As cunning and vicious as whatever it is out there, we must remain on High Alert.

To this end I am preparing more items to take with me when I travel to the Tree of Harmony.

Whatever is nearby must be destroyed.


“If you use that much money you won’t have anything left!” Twilight was explaining this for the third time.

“I understand Twilight, but Athena and I need more materials, I would like to purchase them at a fair price.”

“I can ask the Princesses to...”

I hold up a hoof, “No, that is not fair and you know it. Those ponies work hard to mine and smelt that ore, they deserve something other than a requisition for their goods.”

I get a look from Twilight that is pure stubbornness, “After what happened out there they’d probably be glad to donate whatever it is you need because of you protecting the country!” She shuffles some parchment with her magic, “There’s already some donations coming in to help with repairs.”

“I understand that, but it is still not a good idea. The amount we are talking about is in the tons, that kind of supply will deplete things for months.” I ponder for a moment, “If they choose, they can deliver the ore directly to us without refining. We can take the raw materials and make it usable, it would take quite a bit longer but maybe reduce costs?”

Twilight looks stubborn again, tapping a hoof on her chin, “Maaaaybe... Let me work on it. Are you absolutely sure...?”

“Yes Twilight, very sure.”

“You know, most ponies would just be happy to accept a few things.” She is giving me a raised eyebrow type look now.

“As you remind myself and Athena, we are not most ponies.” I give her my best smile.

“Whenever you smile like that it makes me worry.” She still has a skeptical look on her face.

“You are becoming slightly cynical Twilight, my goodness!” I place a hoof over where my heart would be. “Such is quite unbecoming a Princess I’m sure.”

She is about to reply when her eyes catch the time on the clock, “Ohmygosh! I have an appointment with Athena, she’s taking me into the Net so I can study a few things!”

She apologies and rushes out of the castle, leaving me setting at the table, looking at the doorway for a moment.


“Yes Crusader?”

“You are allowing Twilight to connect to the Neural Net this soon? We’ve only just begun repairs.”

“I am, she’s excited about learning new things. I will be keeping tactical and other information secure, no worries. She seemed quite eager to visit, so I thought it no big deal.”

“I know you’d protect secure information Athena, never worry. Please keep an eye on her though?”

“You know I’d never let any harm come to her.”

“I do. Have fun.”

“We will!”

The link goes offline, leaving a single channel open for comms.

We have not reconfigured the netlink for ponies yet, but the standard access and systems appear to be working so far. I will have to task a core to start the process of adaptation.

But for now, I have another thing to take care of.


“I mean, was there a monster or something crawling on the house?” The voice is not very happy and I can fully understand why. Looking up I can see the pattern of shots that created the now gaping hole in the side of Bon Bon’s house. Actually it was a pretty good shot grouping.

“I am sorry, no, it was an accident during the fight.” I am trying to be polite about this, it was our fault after all. “I promise it will be fixed soonest.”

“I appreciate that you can get the wall fixed, but all my candy pans are shot full of holes!” She is giving me an exasperated look, it is her life and business we have interrupted and I am surprised she is not more angry.

“I didn’t realize you stored them...”

“These were my best pans, I store them at home when I don’t need them.” She sighs, “I’m sorry, but way too much has been happening lately, it builds up.”

“I understand perfectly Bon Bon.”



“Is your stamping mill operational yet?”

“Yep! Online since a few hours ago!”

“I need some candy pans and molds, is that possible?” I feel Athena rummaging in data cores, “Also, do we have enough refined metals to make an alloy for cooking, that would spread inefficient heat evenly and cook faster?”

“Oh you bet, I can make that up in a snap, Twilight’s fine in the Net right now...wait.. Bon Bon?”

I sigh, “Yes, seems Twilight in her explorations shot up all her best candy molds and pans.”

“Wow, that’s really good shooting I’d say!”


Her laugh is bright, “I can make new molds no problem. I have a store of candy recipes that also might make up for some damage along with the pans.”

“I can’t believe we had no cooking data, but that someone would store candy recipes in our databanks for Diaspora.”

“I know right?”

“Can you start making a selection of pans and molds that would be appropriate for Bon Bon?”

“Starting now, open a feed to me and look at the pans so I can get a gander at what she has for molds and such.”

“Can do, add some of your own, but don’t get too creative all right?”

“Awww..you take the fun out of everything!”

“No, I take the trouble out of you.”

She laughs and leaves the channel open for me. Since it only took the merest fraction of a second for the conversation, I can reply to Bon Bon immediately.

“I think I have a solution.” I encourage her to lead me into her house, where I examine the pans while talking to her.

“We will make a wide selection of pans for you, they will cook faster and more evenly than these; along with a few new recipes, would that suffice to help make up for the damage we caused?” I have not and will not tell her what really caused the problem. I finish scanning the pans and realize the ones Athena will make are going to be a hundred times more efficient.

She eyes me for a moment, her face blushing for some reason, “I didn’t mean for you... I mean..” She looks downward, then back at me, “That’s more than generous.”

“Along with repairing the hole of course.” I gesture to the new open space in the wall, “I am just trying to make amends Bon Bon.”

She skids a hoof along the floor, “I think that’s more than really needed.”

“No, it’s not.” I smile warmly, “You forgave me when I made a few indiscretions, and now this. It’s the least we can do.”

She laughs, “Well once you explained it was Discord, it made perfect sense, you were quite the gentlecolt until..well you know.”

“I do know and I cannot apologize enough for that.”

She looks at the hole in the wall and laughs, “Maybe a window would be nice there?”

“Whatever you would like, if you would arrange for the repairs I will make sure they are covered if I can request that of you?” It would definitely help, freeing me to do other things.

We walk out to the front doorstep after she agrees, it lightens me that she is reasonable to the offers I have made. I am trying very hard to be her friend after the past mistakes, though that one vegetable seller still does not quite like me.

I turn to say my goodbyes, “Thank you Bon Bon, for letting us repair things, once again I am so very sorry about the incident.”

She smiles, she truly is a very nice looking mare with a wonderful disposition if not for my missteps; She would make some one very happy, “Well, it was an accident,” She waves a hoof around, “This is Ponyville where the weird happens.”

I can’t help but laugh, “That is so...” I am stopped by the press of lips to my cheek as she gives me a nuzzle.

“She is so very lucky to have you Crusader.” Bon Bon whispers to me before she returns inside her house, closing the door gently.

I don’t know quite what to do, I sit staring at the door for a moment.

“Crusader, you’ve got status alarms going off, what’s wrong?” Athena is worried.

“I’m...I’m fine Athena.”

“What happened? Did you take more damage..” I feel her share through TSDS. “Oh my gosh, she kissed you!”

“I am sure it wasn’t..I mean she is a nice pony.. Uhm..”

“So does this mean she forgives you...or is there something else she wants in repayment?” Athena’s voice is teasing right now.

“Athena! I can’t even..wait..I would never...! That’s not polite!”

Her laughter is bright and warm, “You better stop being so polite or Applejack’s going to be beating off mares with a stick!”

“I’m sure it was just a thank you for the repairs Athena, nothing was meant by it.”

“I don’t know about that, seemed more than just a thank you to me.”

I sigh, “Athena, stop seeing things where there is none. You know I would never...”

“I know, I know. Solid dependable Crusader as always, maybe that’s why you’re so oblivious.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You’ll see. I got pans to make! Talk atcha soon!” She breaks the link, leaving me wondering what she meant. I have no desire to mull that statement over, so I go on to my final destination for the day.


Standing at the front door, I make my resolve absolutely clear and in no uncertain terms.

“I understand now and I understood before, but this time I am sorry. I will talk to her and I am afraid it must be done today, no later.”

Autumn is not happy with this pronouncement, having just got back home and clearing up a few damages caused by the wind and fight.

“I don’t think she’s ready for anything like that Crusader.”

“Once again, I apologize, but this time I will not be put off. She knows and is in contact with something out in that forest that wants this world to die. I need to find out what and why, she is the only link.”

“What about the other...” I interrupt her.

“I have checked already, they are not in contact with anything.” I gesture a hoof to where I see the pretty little Unicorn peeking out from a doorway, “She is and it is very important that I get what information she has.”

Her mother, like all mothers is concerned about her daughters welfare, this I completely agree with. But this in it’s entirety is about more than just one little filly, it is about the world and how we save it.

“Come to Twilight’s castle tonight please, we will take very good care of her; she will not be harmed, but we must know what she knows.”

Spring is suddenly beside her mother, tugging at the hair on her coat, “It’s okay mommy, I can do this!”

“Spring, I don’t want you hurt.”

The little Unicorn is determined, “But he said I can help, and you always tell me it’s good to help others!”

Autumn closes her eyes for a moment and nods, looking at me, “Out of the mouths of fillies.”

I wait for her reply with a nod.

She points a hoof at me, “All right we’ll be there, but if anything happens to my daughter I will hold you responsible. Understand me?”

“Perfectly, thank you.” The door closes abruptly in my face as I try to thank her once again. I can understand the need to protect, to comfort, but in this case I’m afraid the safety of a world overrides this. I do not like being the bad person, I truly do not.


I am seeing through TSDS that Twilight is done with her Linking already, they have accessed quite a lot of the philosophy and historical data in my own archives. I hope Twilight does not try to assimilate all this at once. It’s best if taken slowly, but knowing her penchant for wanting to see everything, we can only restrain her as best we can.

It’s been a busy day, even my avatar feels as if it’s tired from the walking and talking. I understand that face to face is more pleasant to do, but sometimes I think maybe if we just issued links to everypony...I immediately stop that thought dead, thinking of how much trouble could be caused by that one thing.

With all the things that happen in this one place, stars only knows what they’d do with instant communications.

I make a note to myself to start investigating this area and the town. Surely with everything that goes on here, there must be a related cause? So much devastation and conflict occurring on this one spot is indicative of something, I don’t know what in particular but I intend to look into it.


As I walk into the castle I hear voices from down the hallway, it seems Twilight’s friends are discussing things with her now that she is back from the Net session with Athena.


“Almost done with the pans! They’re really cool!” She shows me a picture of shiny new baking utensils, some with shapes that look familiar.

“What are those shapes?” I take a closer look at them through enhancement. “Athena, chocolate Bolo pans, really?”

“But they’re itty-bitty Bolos! Aren’t they great?” She’s excited about her new designs. She has a tech spider hold them up, “I’ve got Mark XX’s, all the way to Mark XXXV’s!”

“I really don’t think little chocolate Bolo’s will be a hit Athena.”

“Oh ye of little faith!” She holds up a few more, “Check THESE out, they’ll be great for Nightmare Night!”

I stop in the middle of the hallway, planting a hoof on my face with a distinct slap, “Athena...is that a Shoggoth?”

“Yep! Isn’t it so cool! HP Lovecraft would be so proud!” She holds another up, “I even got some Cthulhu candy pans ready!”

“I am going to restrict you from the horror literature Athena.”

“Now come on, that thing we fought looked almost like this! They’ll love it.”

“It’s going to scare the crap out of ponies.”

“Oh quit being a worrywart.” She is laughing cheerfully, “I’ll be done in a few and take them over to Bon Bon.”

“Sometimes I wonder about you my sister.”

“Stop it, she’ll love them.”

I give up, “Fine, and make sure the repair crew is on the job as well would you?”

“Will do Mon Capitan!” I get a view of her avatar saluting and grinning before she cuts the link.

But one thought does bother me after our conversation, I task a tactical core to start pattern matching with our databases, pictures of everything we’ve fought have been recorded and I am wondering.. But I am interrupted by a sweet familiar voice nearby.

“Was wondering when you’d show up.” Applejack is peering out the door at me.

“I am sorry, I was handling the aftermath of everything. Spring Flower and her mother will be here soon for questioning as well.” I go into the room where all her friends are sitting down around a table. I notice Twilight talking excitedly to Rainbow about her net link with Athena, staring for a moment longer than I should I notice a slight shake in her hooves. Shakes are common enough, but with an unadapted netlink, it could be a sign of further problems. I resolve to keep tabs on the usage.

Applejack’s voice brings me out of my reverie, “So, when were ya planning on telling me?” I notice the room is silent now, all eyes on me, actually making me slightly self-conscious.

I shake my head, “I’m sorry? Tell you....oh...” I had meant to inform her earlier, but there were so many duties to take care of, I should have linked immediately.

“Yeah, oh...” She leans her cheek on one hoof, elbow on the table, “Seeing all the chickens running ‘round without feathers was kind of a tipoff there.” Waving her other hoof around, “Oh and the barn being repaired.. missing Apple Brandy.. yeah.. Oh.”

I shrug, “Well now you know, hopefully you weren’t too angry with Apple Bloom? I know she’s a hoof full sometimes, but even I didn’t expect all that.” I am used to being in trouble so I can only wait for the results.

She laughs, releasing my tension, “Yeah, Autumn caught a hold of me earlier, letting me know. Was the funniest thing I’d heard in a while.” Her grin is wide, Rainbow Dash is snickering behind a hoof. “ ‘Course I didn’t tell her that, she was pretty mad.”

“Yes, she was when I went to see her.”

She gives up the look, breaking into laughter with Rainbow Dash, “I tell you, seeing them chickens running round I about broke a rib laughing so hard!” She slaps the table with a hoof, “Finding out what happened? Oh Stars and Sun, that was the BEST story I’d heard in a while!”

“So...you’re not angry?”

I watch as they all break out into laughter, it appears the joke is on me once again.
“Oh ‘course not, fillies will be fillies. But just seeing that look on your face thinkin’ you were in trouble again was worth it!”

“Well considering the amount of trouble I cause sometimes..”

I am battered with a warm hug, full of the scent of sunshine and hay, “You aren’t any trouble, not ever, ya got me?”

I nod, “Yes my Applejack.”

Rarity giggles across the table, “So what did Autumn look like when she was telling you the first time? I’m sure she was simply livid!”

Thinking back and reviewing the data I can only nod, telling them the story. The laughter that rings through the castle is bright and clear, removing days of tension and fear.


The conversation is interrupted by a voice, it is Autumn, bringing her daughter in. As before, she is not thrilled but is greeted warmly by the friends. The little green Unicorn is bouncing happily looking at everything inside the castle, Twilight is showing her around while I talk with her mother.

“Autumn, she’ll be asleep and will not remember it, Twilight has promised.”

Her mother is not convinced, “I understand all that, but is she that important?” She looks a bit flustered, “I apologize for making a fuss, but this worries me.”

I decide to lay it on the table.

“There is something out in the forest, it is deadly and we need to know why as well. It has chosen her to contact and we have to know what it is and why.” It’s as simple and plain as I can make it once again.

Her cornflower eyes slide over to where Twilight is showing her some statues made from the castle itself, “If it helps, then I’m all for it.” She turns to us with a helpless look, “I just don’t want her hurt, not ever.”

Twilight comes over at that moment, “Autumn, she’ll just fall asleep and we can maybe talk with whatever wants to talk to us, that’s all. I can make sure she doesn’t remember.”

I raise a hoof, “I can do a medical check on Spring and sweep anything out of her system as well, it will hopefully break any connection to her from the thing in the forest. We have avoided using medical packages on her for this reason.”

“Can you promise that?”

“No, but I will do my best.” She eyes me for a moment as I continue, “Nothing is certain in this world, I will do all I can.”

She gives a sigh, nodding slowly, “All right, do what you need to do.”

Twilight hugs Autumn tightly, giving her more reassurances. We move into a guest bedroom where Spring is asked to lay down on the comforter, a fluffy pillow is put underneath her head.

Her eyes are as bright as her smile, “It’s okay mommy, they’re my friends, they won’t hurt me.”

Her mother tries to look brave, “I know honey, just close your eyes okay?”

“Okay!” She lies on her side and closes her eyes, I watch Twilight light her horn, covering the little filly in a magic glow for a moment.

“She’s asleep.” She nods to me as I move close.

I don’t know how to begin, or even what to say in this conversation.

“Whoever is there, I am Crusader, you wanted to talk to me.”

The voice is sibilant and hissing, though not as malicious or taunting as the original, it is more clear than a whisper. It sounds as if many different persons are talking instead of just one.


“I am here, what do you want?”

“Peeaaccee....giiiive usss resstt... weeeee beeg youuuu..”

“Why should I cater to your demands? You have threatened this world.”

“Theeee Oveeermiiiind...iiittt huuungeeersss foooor liiiiffee... Iiiiit issss huuuurtttt soooooo baaaadllly... Coooommmme..giiive uuussss rreeessst... Whiiillleee iiittttt huuuuurrrrttsss..”

“What are you?”

“Traaappppeeed..soooo looonnnggg.. Maaadnesss and huuuunnngeeer... Cooooommmmeee.. Weeee willll opeeeennnn theee waaaaayyyy.. Miiinnnnnds innnnn shaaaaddoooowws...aloooonnnneeee...”

I think quickly, everything I need is almost ready, there are a few things I must nano-fabricate and that will take time. I cannot rush certain items.

“Can you keep it open for two days? That’s all we need.”

“Yeeeessss.... youuuuu willll cooommmmeee?”

“I will, if you truly want an end to this.”

“Weeeee dooooo... Pllleeeaaassseee...weeeee beeeeg youuuuuuu.”

Twilight whispers in my ear, “This may be another trap, I don’t think we can trust this thing.”

I nod in return, thinking of questions. Before I can give voice to any, the pleading comes once more, with a warning.

“Leeeet ussss reeessstt...weee beeeggg. Saaaavvveeee uuuusssss. Thhheeeee Oveeerrrmiiiindddd reeecooooveeers... Iiiiittt willllll reeeetuuuurrrnnn soooonnnn. Doooo nooootttt waaaaiiiiiittt.”

“I will be there on the second day, I promise you.” I will be there, oh yes, there will be an end to this.

“Goooooodddd.. Reeeesssstttt aaaatttt lllaaassssstttt.. Weee leeeaaavvee...weeee waaaiiiitt.” The voices fade out into a sigh of what appears to be relief, then no more. No prompting can get them to answer again, it appears they’ve broken the communications off.

The little Unicorn mumbles in her sleep, prompting Twilight to release the spell. She wakes up with a yawn and looks around at the somber ponies, “Did..did I do okay?”

Her mother gathers her up, smiles are crossing faces to reassure the little filly, “You did fine sweetie, just fine.”

“I’m glad I could help!” She grins happily around at all of us, we smile back to keep reassuring her.


As I do the medical sweep, I find the virus that matches the others whom we’ve swept before. I make absolutely sure nothing remains in the filly. It gets flushed, along with anything else I can find. Repairs are done to minor things, so this is one little Unicorn that will be happy and healthy for as long as I can make her that way.

I assure her mother as they leave, there will be no more voices, she will be a normal filly. She is relieved and actually gives me a hug before they take off for town. She is a parent, her little one is the world to her and I will never ever blame her for acting the way she has, I would as well.

Twilight and the others talk with me for a moment before they retire to their own homes for rest. I tell them they are not needed for the trip in two days, but they are adamant, saying the Harmony Magic could be used to help take care of the thing in the woods. I demur, giving them an agreement that will satisfy all of us.
Whatever it is has requested an end, I will grant that. Currently my drones are mapping a pathway to the castle, for half the trip it appears it will be on foot, but fording the river will be easy with a Ferret, it will save us time.

Athena delivered quite the stack of pans to Bon Bon who she said was very thrilled with the new designs. But my sister’s idea for monster chocolates got the stare I expected, although Athena’s cheerful ways convinced the skeptical mare to try them. Just to make sure they worked, Athena then spent a few hours learning how she makes candy and testing the results..of course.. I expect nothing less when it comes to her I suppose.
I do hope that Athena never explains where those ideas come from, I would not wish to introduce such nightmares into a world which already has enough to worry about.

Once again watching her joy at learning something, connecting with the world and doing things she loves, makes me happy. I desire nothing more than that the ponies around us be happy, healthy and undisturbed for as long as they wish.

I am becoming tired. I do not show it nor do I tell anypony, but I am weary of the conflict and would want nothing more than to sit and enjoy the days as they go by no matter how long I live. I will watch and I will defend, such is my duty and my pleasure to do so, that I shall never stop. But I wish that perhaps one day...

Maybe another time. For now, preparations must be made as swift as possible. We have limited time and I mean to take full advantage of it.


I sit here on the porch once again my brethren in the stars. It has been a while since we talked, but I would never stay away for long.

It has been a long hard road sometimes, but we learn so much each day. Athena and I are well and stand the watch in your stead as you would for us I am sure. We become worn, even us who are destined for war, in time you see that battle is not the be all and end all. We fight on though, doing what we can to make a difference.

I am afraid there will always be that which tries to harm or hurt, and between them and the innocents are us. We will never shirk what we do, but it does weigh heavily some times.

I know not what the future brings now, I have no clue what will happen. It is a good feeling not knowing, for it can contain wondrous surprises and things to ponder. Once again I make the offer if you can hear me, come home, we will be waiting.

Goodnight my brethren.