//------------------------------// // Many Questions Raised // Story: Project Re-Do // by akajulester //------------------------------// Minuette, Twinkleshine, and Lemon Hearts walked down the road from Twilight's tower, a bit disheartened, but nonetheless optimistic. Each unicorn had a present on their back, which somehow remained perfectly balanced. "Honestly, I'm shocked that she even left that tower," said Twinkleshine sarcastically. Minuette's ears flattened. "Or she might be in there, and she's just decided to outright ignore us!" Lemon rolled her eyes. "Calm down, Minuette, she's probably at the library or something." "Yeah," agreed Twinkle. "She could also be with the Princess having a lesson. Though I think she didn't have one today?" "Hey girls!" Lemon, Twinkle, and Minuette all jumped, and saw Twilight trotting towards them with a pair of saddlebags filled with books, and her dragon, Spike, on her back. She picked up the pace, and was soon in front of them. "THERE you are, Twilight!" exclaimed Twinkle. "Moon Dancer is having a little get-together in the West Castle Courtyard. Wanna come?" The three mares all leaned hopefully towards her. Twilight giggled. "Actually, I was about to head over there. I was just running back to my tower to drop off these books." She tilted her head towards the saddlebags, one of which holding a large tome with a golden unicorn on the cover. "Tell Moon Dancer I'll be there in a minute or two!" That said, she galloped past them, leaving the three mares in total shock. "Di-did she just-" said Twinkle unbelievingly. Lemon stared after Twilight's retreating back in equal disbelief. "Yep. She just agreed to a party without any hesitation." Minuette look worried. "AND she already knew! What happened to her?!" "Maybe Spike told her?" suggested Lemon. "I told him yesterday when I saw him in the shopping district." "What was he doing there?" asked Twinkle. "He said he was picking up some extra quills, parchment, and ink for Twilight." Minuette chewed on a forehoof. "Oohhhhh, I just hope she hasn't been replaced with a changeling or something!" Twinkle rolled her eyes. "Oh, come on, Minnie. Nopony has seen those creatures around since the Princess banished them to the Badlands!" The three mares looked back at Twilight's tower with varying degrees of worry, before shrugging off the incident and heading over to Moon Dancer's party. Moon Dancer excitedly danced in place, awaiting her friends' arrival, especially Twilight's. As she hurriedly made sure everything was in order, a little voice in the back of her mind told her that it was pointless asking Twilight out to a party. She had always shown discomfort or even a little disgust whenever she was present in their group outings, and usually brought a book or two with her. However, Moon Dancer could not help herself from being optimistic, and excitedly looked forward to the party. Lyra Heartstrings was the first one to arrive, bearing something small wrapped messily in wrapping paper. "Sorry the wrapping's a bit messy," Lyra said apologetically. "I'm not the best wrapper." She placed the present gingerly on the table. "You didn't have to get me anything," said Moon Dancer. "Besides, I can probably already guess what it is." She picked up the small present, and examined it. "Based on the small size, the rectangular shape, and the fact that you are an avid music-lover, I can make an educated guess that this is a harmonica!" She smugly looked at Lyra, who did her best to keep a poker face. "Anyways, have you seen Twilight, or the others?" Lyra's neutral mask dropped somewhat, her eyes lowering. "I dunno about the others, but I saw Twilight and Spike run past me on my way here. I don't think that she saw me, and she was headed for her tower." Moon Dancer's face dropped, causing Lyra to hastily continue with, "I don't know if she's coming, though. She still might! Who knows, she might even have been picking up a little gift from her house! Please don't look sad, Moonie!" Moon Dancer just sighed, and trotted over to the table that bore treats. She put on a hopeful smile, and cheered herself up by thinking about how nice the party would be. Soon, Minuette, Twinkle, and Lemon walked into the courtyard, also bearing gifts. "Hey Moon Dancer," said Minuette cheerfully. "Look at this spread, huh?" Moonie smiled. "Thank you so much for coming!" "Of course!" exclaimed Twinkle. "We wouldn't miss one of our best friends' parties!" "Is Twilight coming?" asked Moonie hopefully, looking around, as if Twilight would just suddenly jump out from behind a bush. Minuette grinned. "Yeah! I couldn't believe it when she told us, but she's coming!" Moon Dancer took a step back in surprise. "R-really?" "Yep," said Lemon with a smile. "She's just dropping off some books she ordered at her tower. She'll be here soon." As if on cue, Twilight suddenly ran into the courtyard, Spike still on her back. She collapsed onto the ground, tired from running all the way to and from her tower. Spike skillfully got off of her back, the present clutched safely in his claws. "Hey Moon Dancer," he said nonchalantly. "Twilight just needs to rest for a minute. This is for you." He held up the present to Moonie, who almost snatched it out of his grasp with excitement. She carefully untied the ribbon from the package, and opened up the wrapping paper gently. She found a small, framed photograph of all six of them, sitting around a table. Twilight, who had somewhat calmed her heart rate and breathing, slowly walked over to Moon Dancer. "I almost forgot that Spike had taken that picture." She smiled sheepishly. "I feel kinda awkward now, since I had my nose in that book instead of looking like I was enjoying myself!" The other four looked at her strangely, while Moonie covered her own confusion with a grateful smile. "Thank you SO much for coming, Twilight. And thanks for the picture, too!" Moonie hesitated, then awkwardly held out a hoof for a hug. Surprising everypony, most of all Spike and Moonie, Twilight happily embraced her. "Oh, and girls?" Twilight said when she stepped back. "I just wanted to apologize for the way I've been treating you. Not exactly how a friend is supposed to act, huh? "I have to get going now," said Twilight after that unexpected message. "Lot of studying and researching to do! Later, girls!" She quickly grabbed Spike with her levitation, ignoring his yelp of surprise, and placed him on her back. She then turned around and trotted out of the courtyard, leaving her friends to deal with their shock. "Did she just apologize for being antisocial," Lyra finally said, "or am I starting to hear things?" "I still think she's been replaced by a changeling!" Minuette was keen to remind them. As Lyra, Minuette, Twinkle, and Lemon began to talk about how strangely Twilight had been acting that day, Moon Dancer smiled so wide, it hurt. She wiped an eye to stop a single tear, and joined in on their musings.