//------------------------------// // Ponyville under siege; Tirek the dark conquerer appears! // Story: One Piece: Chopper's Quest in the land of Ponies // by mauvsheep //------------------------------// Separated from the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates, Tony Tony Chopper finds himself in the land of Equestria; where it is populated not by humans, but talking ponies. After meeting with Princess Celestia, Equestria's ruler, Chopper is to leave the kingdom in two days. However, a dark invading force has attacked the home of his new friends. It was chaos everywhere, creatures never seen before were raiding Ponyville. Dragon like monsters were diving down and snatching ponies as they ran for dear life. Lizard soldiers with spears threw nets at other ponies trying to flee the scene. Some tried to fight back, but were no match for the physical strength of the invaders. The Mane 6, Spike, and Chopper were unable to believe what they were witnessing. "Girls!" Twilight called to the others, "We have to protect the town from, whatever those are!" All of them nod in agreement, though, Fluttershy was more terrified than anything else. "We must capture at least seven physically strong ponies for our lord. He has something special planned for them." The gargoyle riding a winged beast yelled to the rest of the creatures. "Commander Scorpan!" One of the lizard troops addressed him, "I believe I have three in possession as of now." He pulls a net containing Vinyl Scratch, Derpy Hooves, and Carrot Top. Scorpan observes the ponies. "Excellent, these three will do." He addressed the soldier. "Continue the assault until we have at least seven." Twilight and the others began to charge towards the invaders. Twilight uses her horn to blast several bolts at a number of lizardmen, while Rainbow Dash, using her super speed, plows through another group of flying dragons, knocking them out of the air, and smashing them to the ground. Applejack began to buck at a number of lizardmen, as Rarity assisted her, with a number of quick kicks, and punches. Spike did whatever he could to protect Fluttershy, as she was still cowering at the sight of the invaders. "What are these things Spike?" She asked the dragon. "Why are they doing this?" "I don't know Fluttershy, but I won't let them get you." He answered. "Nor will I" Chopper said, as he charges towards a number of lizardmen closing in on Fluttershy and Spike. "KUNG FU POINT!" Chopper suddenly increased in size. He looked like his Brain Point form, except he was larger, bulkier, and seemed more aggressive. He began do flips in the air, while letting out a flurry of punches and kicks, easily knocking away the attackers. He then spins at a high speed with this limbs flying in every direction, knocking out more invaders. Fluttershy and Spike were greatly surprised that Chopper had another form, but were none the less grateful. "YEAH! That was awesome Chopper! Go get'em!" Spike cheered him on. Fluttershy looked at him in awe. She was now even more grateful to him. Chopper lets out another full fury of martial arts moves as he pounds a number of opponents to the ground. He then leaps in the air, and kicks a number of flying enemies away, lands, and lets out another flurry of punches and kicks at a group of lizardmen who were advancing on Fluttershy and Spike. "Come on! Let's get out of the open!" Chopper said, as he transforms back into his full reindeer form. Spike hops on Chopper's back, as Fluttershy flies up next to him. The three then began running to the others who where are still in battle. Pinkie Pie pulls a cannon seemingly out of nowhere, as two lizardmen try to net her, but are hit by a blast of confetti that shot out. They were tied up, and immobilized. "Take THAT you big meanies!" She taunted. "You ruffians had enough?" Rarity said, while in some martial arts stance, and panting. "Foolish, pony" A dragon said. "You now belong to us!" "Ah don't think so ya varmant!" As he is bucked straight into the air by Applejack. Scorpan sees this, and dismounts the dragon. He then flies up to Twilight, who was still blasting his men with her magic. "Surrender pony." He said calmly to her. "I don't wish to harm you, so just come quietly." "Yeah, right, Like I'm going to believe you!" She said as she unleashes another magical blast at Scorpan, as he flies up to dodge, which barely missed him. "Please, for your own good, just stop fighting." Scorpan said again. "Twilight, give him a taste of your talent in magic!" Rainbow Dash yelled as three dragons were closing in on her. She zips around several buildings, as the dragons crash into them. Scorpan then approches Twilight with a net. "I'm sorry..." He mutters as he tries to throw it over her. Twilight then teleports out of the way, and ends up behind him. She fires a bolt that knocks Scorpan down. "YOU should surrender!" She yelled to the gargoyle. "My magic is the strongest in Ponyville." "Is that so?" A dark sounding, deep voice boomed from the distance. Twilight looked up, to see, up on a hill, a dark figure was standing. The bottom half had four legs, like that of a pony, but the top half, was humanoid. It had two arms, with hands. It's head was like that of a minotaur, horned. It had grey fur all over it's chest, and bottom half of the body, with a red face and arms. It had an armor on it's chest, and wore what appeared to be a satchel with a rope tied around it's neck. It was a Centaur. Twilight had thought that centaurs were only a myth. Celestia had already told her Humans are real, and Chopper proved it as well. Now centaurs too. "Do you think you're a match for me?" The centaur taunted her. "I don't know who you are, but I won't let you hurt my friends, and destroy my home!" Twilight yelled, as she charges up her horn, and unleashes the strongest bolt she could muster. The Centaur, materializes a scepter, with a purple orb at the end, and deflects her magical bolt like it was nothing. "No, that's not possible!" Twilight gasped. By now, the others and Chopper had caught up with her. They too witness her confrontation with the centaur. "I'll take care of this." Chopper said, "HORN POINT!" Chopper transforms again, this time, while still on two legs, his antlers however, grow twice as long as his body. He springs forward to ram the opponent, only to be swatted away by a fist the centaur unleashed. He is sent flying into a side of a tree. "CHOPPER!" Fluttershy yells as she flies up next to him. Chopper groans, as he gets back on his feet, and turns back into his human-reindeer form. He was unable to retain any other forms due to his weakened state. Scorpan flies up next to the centaur. "My lord, the attack goes as planned, soon we will have enough ponies to..." Before he could finish his line, the centaur strikes Scorpan with his scepter. "You let yourself be defeated by these weaklings. Capture some more ponies, and return to Midnight Castle." "Yes, of course my lord." Scorpan then flies off. "Now as for the rest of you." He said as he approches the Mane 6. "Prepare for your end." Suddenly, a bright light began to shine from the sky. And through the clouds, Princess Celestia drops down. "That is ENOUGH Tirek!" She yells at the centaur. "I will not allow you to harm anymore of my ponies." "Ah, Celestia. It's been too long. Did you really think you could trap me in Tartarus forever?" Tirek addressed her. "You mave have escaped, but I will see to it you are beaten again." Celestia said as she took a battle stance. "Please, had you known, I have been free for the past ten years. I have been plotting and planning this attack for some time. And what better time than in your current weakened state after your defeat at the hooves of the Changeling Queen, Chrysalis was it?" "How? How did you know about that?" She asked. "I know many things Celestia. More than you can imagine." Tirek responded, "As I know you are currently no match for me." He raises his scepter as Celestia, while at the same time, Celestia's horn began to glow. They each fire a beam at their opponent. The beams collide, and go back and forth in a power struggle, until Tirek's beam breaks through, and hits Celestia. "PRINCESS CELESTIA!" Twilight Sparkle screamed out as she watched in horror. All around Ponyville, all the ponies gasp in horror. Once the intense light from the beam subsided, Celestia had been turned to stone. "How fitting. You now share the same fate as my former master, Discord." Tirek said, then gave an evil cackle. "Stegadons!" He calls to the winged dragons, "Take my trophy back to the castle." Two stegadons then carry the petrified Princess towards the horizon. "NO! Princess!" The Mane 6 cry out in unison. "I won't let you do this!" Chopper said, as he gets back on his feet. "Heavy Point!" He transforms into his full human form, and began to charge at the lizardtroops. He punches away a number of them and gives chase, but the stegadons have already flown away too far. Another voice called out for help. This caught Applejack's attention. As she knew the voice. She looks up to see another stegadon fly away, with her little sister, Apple Bloom. "Apple Bloom! No!" Applejack called as she threw a rope towards the flying creature, but it was too high up. "Applejack! Help Me! HEEEELLLP!" Apple Bloom cried out in vain. "Give me back mah sister ya lousy freaks!" She angrily called, while crying at the same time. She was completely helpless to stop her sister from being kidnapped. "I'm on it AJ!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she gave chase to rescue both the little filly, and the princess. But before she could catch up, a bolt of lighting from Tirek's scepter strikes Rainbow, and she falls to the ground. "DASHIE!" Pinkie called out in horror. Chopper seeing this, immediately ran up to Rainbow Dash to see if she was ok. "HAHAHAHAHA!" Tirek bellowed. "And now it ends." But before he could do anything, another bolt strikes him from behind. It was enough to knock him a few steps forward, but that was all. He turned around to see a dark blue alicorn, with a number of pegasus and unicorn guards charging towards his own troops. Tirek was about to unleash another blast when he realized his own magic was starting to weaken. "Blast, I've depleted too much power fighting Celestia, all forces retreat." Tirek ordered, as the stegadons began carrying the lizardmen back into the dark cloud vortex. Two Stegadons carry Tirek himself, while Scorpan flies after them. The hole in the dark cloud closes, and the cloud vanishes. Daylight had re appeared. "Oh dear sister, why did you have to confront him on your own?" Luna asked sadly. " Why couldn't you have waited for me?" "Princess Luna!" Twilight called as she ran up to her. "What's going on? Who was that? What happened to Princess Celestia?" "All will be answered soon Twilight Sparkle." she replied. "For now, we must tend to the wounded." Chopper had gave Rainbow Dash a thorough check. Her vitals are still in good condition, and she didn't have any broken bones. Other than several burn marks, it looked like she'll be fine. He was relieved. "Oh Chopper, is she ok?" Fluttershy asked. "Don't worry, other than a few burns, and bruises, Rainbow's gonna be just fine. I'll give her some painkillers." "I'm so glad." She responded. "you were so brave back there. You did everything you could to save us. To save me. How can I ever thank you?" "Brave?" Chopper then transforms into his brain point and began doing his happy dance again. "I don't need your compliments to make me feel good, jerk." Fluttershy started giggling at his antics, but then they both suddenly went back to serious mode as they see Rainbow get back up. "That's gonna hurt tomorrow morning." She uttered. "We're just glad yer A-OK Dash!" Applejack said, "But Apple Bloom, and the Princess, We gots to do something!" "All in due time fair Applejack." Luna replied. "Can you explain what's going on?" Twilight asked. "Of course, I believe since you are the Elements of Harmony, you deserve to know........ You see, nearly five thousand years ago, another evil appeared in Equestria. His name, is Tirek, a demon Centaur from the fourth plane of Tartarus. He came to our world to conquer it. He was once one of Discord's followers, but he grew tired of his master's antics, and broke all ties with the Chaos bringer. After Celestia and I defeated Discord, Tirek began his own brand of terror. He began to enslave city after city, until we used the Elements of Harmony to banish him back to Tartarus." "But it looked like he broke back out." Rainbow said to the princess. "Yes Rainbow Dash, that is correct." Luna replied. "Now he has returned, and he wishes to continue his conquest of Equestria. We cannot allow that to happen." Luna said to the ponies, as Spike and Chopper listen. "And you must be Dr. Chopper, charmed, I am Princess Luna. I know my sister had asked you to leave our land, but I have seen you in battle. You have unusual abilites. Perhaps some unknown magic from the outside world?" "No, just a devil fruit power." Chopper replied. "No matter." Luna said, "But I ask... No I BEG for your help. Please Dr. Chopper of the Straw Hat Pirates. Please help my ponies recover the Elements of Harmony!" "Recover the Elements?" Fluttershy asked. "But I thought they're in Canterlot Tower." "No, not anymore. You see, the Elements mysteriously disappeared shortly before Tirek began his raid on Ponyville. I do not believe this to be a coincidence. I believe it was Tirek, or an accomplice of his, who stole the Elements from Canterlot Tower before he made his move. It was the only thing that could stop him. Celestia tried to stop him on her own. Had she waited for me, we may have perhaps prevailed with our combined power. Why didn't you wait for me sister?" "So where could they be?" Pinkie asked. "No doubt in Midnight Castle." Luna replied. "Midnight Castle?" Rarity asked. "Yes, it is an old castle in the heart of the Everfree Forest. We ordered no pony to ever venture that far into the forest. The road, though not far, is highly dangerous with many perils. You must journey there to retrieve the Elements, and stop Tirek then and there." "Princess Luna," Chopper said to her. "I'll help however I can. They're my friends, and I never turn my back on friends in need. I know if Luffy were here, he'd back me up 100%." With that, Luna gave a smile. "Thank you good doctor. You have my eternal gratitude and friendship for helping us." She said to him. "I wish you all the best of luck. But be warned. Tirek is very powerful, and I have no doubt he isn't the only escapee from Tartarus. He may have made alliances with other villains who also once plagued Equestria. My guards and I will stay here and defend Ponyville however we can. We shall be the last line of defense." "Princess Luna, we won't let you, Celestia, or Equestria down." Twilight Sparkle said in confidence. "Girls, Spike, Chopper, we have no time to waste. Let's get going." They all nod in agreement, and began to head towards the Everfree Forest. Fluttershy was terrified of going into the forest, but this time, she felt different. As she looked at Chopper, she realized he would watch over her, and protect her with his life. She felt safe around him, and the thought of being close to him made her heart flutter, and her head light. Before she could deny it, she realized, she had fallen in love with the reindeer. "Oh, I wonder if he feels the same way." She thought to herself, "I mean, what would a strong reindeer like him ever see in a weak, and useless pegasus like me?....... No, I can't think of these things right now, We have a mission. We have to save Princess Celestia, all the kidnapped ponies, and Equestria. Oh, but what can I do really?!" "Umm, hey Fluttershy, you ok?" Chopper asked her. She gave a high pitched squeak, and blushed at him. "Oh, I'm fine, just a little nervous." She replied, though not completely lying. "Don't worry, I promise I won't let anything hurt you." He said to her, giving her a warm feeling. The gang finally reach the edge of the Everfree Forest. "OK, gang, this is it. Spike, I need you to be an extension of my eyes and ears on this. Got it?" Spike saluted, "Got it Twilight, I won't let you down." The group of eight, then enter the forest, braving whatever hidden dangers that they may face later.