//------------------------------// // A Warm Welcome // Story: The Wolf That Saved Equestria // by Oldtakufanboy //------------------------------// The elements of harmony and I continued on the dirt road towards Ponyville. I am still nervous of their reaction, but because I have the princess on my side, then I believe there won't be any problems. "So Fang, could you tell us a little about yourself?" asked Twilight. "Well… you already know that I came from a different world," I said, as I continued my walk on all fours, "I was something called a human and… well… let's just say I had a crappy life back in my world." Twilight and the girls gave me a somewhat sorry face. "What makes you say that?" asked Pinkie, as she hopped over to my right. "My foster parents were just terrible people… I hated them and I'm glad I'm away from them. My real parents would've never treated me like they did if they were still alive." "What were they like?" asked Fluttershy, as she sat on top of my back. "They were kind and sweet. At least they treated my like their child." "They sound sweet." I wanted to smile, but I couldn't. "What happened to them?" That was a tough answer to ask her, but I had to tell them. "They died…by a car accident injuries when I was eight." No replies; only silence. I then felt Fluttershy lay her head against my back and could feel her hoof patting my back. "You poor soul," she said in a sad tone, "your parents are gone." I couldn't reply; it was just to hard to think about. It all began on a Saturday, five O'clock PM. I remember being home watching an episode of Pokemon, until I heard a knock at the door. I turned off the TV and quietly walked over to the door and looked through the peephole. In front of the door was a female cop, which terrified me because I didn't do anything wrong. I unlocked the lock and opened the door slowly. "Is their something wrong, Miss officer?" I asked. "Sweetie, you need to come with me. Mommy and Daddy are at the hospital," said the policewoman. "Hold on a sec. I need to turn off everything and get the keys," I said, as the officer agreed to it and allowed me to go back in the house. After getting everything turned off and grabbing my keys. The officer took me to her car and placed me in the back. I was very worried and unsure what happened to my parents. "You okay back there, sweetie?" asked the policewoman. "Yes Miss," I replied. "My name is Molly by the way. What's yours?" "Jacob." "That's a nice name," she said, as she started the car, "don't worry, Jacob. We'll make it to see your parents." And just like that, she quickly sped towards the hospital. As we made it to the hospital, I sat in the waiting room for me to see my parents. A doctor came up to me and introduced himself. "Hello young man, I'm doctor Mark and I want you to come with me," he said, as he grabbed my hand and took me to where mother and father are resting. As we came in, I saw how hurt and bandaged they were. Mother had a cast on her right arm, father wore a neck brace, they both had broken legs, and were breathing slowly. "Go on," said the doctor, "go talk to them." I slowly walked up to mother, who turned her head at me, including father. "H…hi, h-honey," said mother, as she stretched out her left arm to touch my face, "Daddy…and I…had an…accident." I grasped mom's hand and began to tear up. "Mommy," I said, as I rested my heard beside her bed. "Don't cry son," said father behind me, "mother and I hate to see you cry." I wiped the tears from my face and walked up to father. "Does it hurt, father?" I asked. "It hurts very much, son." "Are you two…gonna-" Mother hushing me stopped me. "Don't ever...think like...that, Jacob," she said, "we'll always...be with you." "Your mother is right, son," said father, as he slowly ruffles my hair, "no matter what, we're always with you." "What am I to do?" I asked. "Honey…you are destined…for greatness…that you have…yet to…discover," said mother. "I can see it in your eyes that you are going to be a hero someday," said father, "whenever it happens, we'll be there to witness it." "You really think so, papa?" "We know so," said father. Suddenly, he gasps and begins to have a panic attack. "Father?! What's wrong?!" I yell in worry. Loud beeping noises were all around me and nurses came in to see what's wrong. "Call the medics!" said one of the nurses, "panic attack." I run up to mother on the left side of her bed. "Mom? What's wrong with papa?" "He's having…a panic attack," she said, before a nurse interrupts her and pulls me back. "Come on, sweetie. Let mommy and daddy be alone for a while," she said, as I was being pulled back from my mother. "MOMMY! MOMMY! PAPA! PAPA!" I shouted, before being pulled all the way out of the room. I was put back in the living room and was very scared to what was going on. The nurses distracted me, as they played some cartoons on a screen. I was distracted, but I still worried about mother and papa. Three hours later, a doctor came up to me and pulls his mask off. "Jacob, it's time to see your mother," he said in a low voice. "What about papa?" I asked. He didn't reply, but took my hand to the same room. I looked in and saw only mother lying on her bed. I ran up to her and held her left hand. "Mommy, what happened to papa?" I asked. "He's…gone to...another place." "what do you mean?" I asked. "He's in…a better place," she said before giving out three coughs. "Are you…saying that he's-" Mother hushed me and let me let go of her hand. "Jacob, I too…will be with your…father…before I go…I want you…to remember what…your father…told you…about being…a hero in…the future…you are destined…for greatness…I can see you…standing tall and…proud…" "But mom, I'm a nobody. I'm just a boy," I retorted. "Don't say…that…you are not…a nobody…you are the…sweetest kid…in the whole world…and you will…absolutely do something…amazing…" "Mommy, I need you. I don't know what I would do without you…don't leave me," I said, as my vision began to go blurry. I then felt mothers trembling hand touch my cheek. "I will never…leave you…I will always be...by your side." "Forever?" She shakily takes her hand and slowly wraps her pinky around my own. "Forever." "I love you, mommy." "I love you…too, Jacob…never give up…never…give…." And just like that, she was gone from my life. I was then taken to an orphanage and was taken away by horrible foster parents. "Fang? Are you okay?" asked Twilight on my left. "Sorry…was thinking back to an…old memory," I said, without looking at her in the eyes. I looked at her and noticed her right wing stretching out and placing it gently onto my left shoulder. "Thanks, Twilight," I said with a smile. "Anytime, Fang," she said smiling back at me. "May I tell you something, Fang?" asked Pinkie. "Sure." "While you're in Equestria, just smile. Smile is what makes every pony's day worth it." "For my new friends, I will do that." Pinkie gave me a large grin and hugged my head. As she let go, we all went silent. I then began to sing a little song. "Look for the bare necessities, the simple bare necessities. Forget about your worries and your strife." "What are you singing, Fang?" asked Fluttershy. "A song about the good life," I replied. "Oh! Look!" said Twilight, as she pointed out towards a village-like town, "It's Ponyville. You ready to see some more ponies, Fang?" "Anything for the princess of friendship." "Hopefully no one will think of you as a ravenous monster." "I won't hurt anyone, unless I feel threatened." "Don't worry. They won't hurt you," said Fluttershy, as she jumped off of my back and walked beside Pinkie, "I won't let them." "Your the best, Fluttershy." She smiled and patted me on the head with her right wing. As we walked through the entrance, I saw many colorful ponies. Some were stallions, most were mares, and some looked downright bizarre (meaning the grey pegasus that looked at me, while in the middle of getting a muffin). Suddenly, Twilight held up a wing for her friends and I to stop walking. She folds her wings back and looks back at me. "Don't worry, Fang. Nothing bad will happen to you," said Twilight, before looking at the ponies, that almost looked terrified because of me, "attention Ponyville, this creature is no monster. He's a friend and a savior. He's new to this world and he's trying to get along with us all. Can you all treat him, as though he were one of us?" After Twilight made that announcement, a small little filly came up to me. She had orange fur, purple color mane and had small wings. "Go on, Scoots," said Rainbow Dash from behind me, "pet him. He's not dangerous. Think of him as a large dog." The little filly held up a shaky hoof and slowly, but gently petted my head. I gave her a smile without showing my teeth; I didn't want to terrify her. "See? I'm nothing to fear of," I said, as the filly retracted her hoof. The filly gave me a smile. "What's his name, sis?" asked the filly. "Sis?" I thought, as I looked back at Rainbow Dash. "His name is Fang. He's a real werewolf," said Rainbow Dash. "A werewolf?! Cool!" said the little filly, "may I ride on his back?" "Sure," said Fluttershy, "I had a ride on his back on the way here from the Everfree forest." She flies onto my back and lies down. "Comfortable?" I asked. "Your fur is very soft, Fang," said the little filly, as she made herself comfortable, "the name's Scootaloo, by the way." "Cool name," I said, as I began to walk around Ponyville. As I walked around, with the girls behind me, many ponies gave me a look of interest, unlike before. Perhaps because Scootaloo is on my back, they now know that I am no threat. Suddenly, as I made it the center of Ponyville, two fillies came up to me, they were around Scootaloo's age. One had had a red mane, a large bow and yellow fur. The other was a unicorn; she had a purple-pinkish mane, a small horn and looked like a plushie that you'd see at a toy store (in fact, every pony in this world looks as though they were toys for children). The two fillies came up to me, but unlike Scootaloo, they seemed calm about it. "Scoots? What the hay is this thing?" asked the yellow filly, with a southern accent. "He's a friendly werewolf," said Scootaloo, "don't worry, he won't bite." "A werewolf? Like the ones in those stories that kill ponies or turn them into wereponies?" asked the white filly. "Yes, but he's different. His name is Fang." "How's it going, little ones," I said, making the two fillies flinch. "Don't worry, sis, he's kosher," said Applejack. "AJ's sister?" I thought, as I looked back towards the girls. "Go on, sister," said Rarity, "Jump onto Fang's back." "THE UNICORN FILLY IS RARITY'S SISTER?!?!" The fillies giggled, as I looked back at them. "My name is Applebloom, Fang," said the yellow filly. "I'm Sweetie Belle," said the white filly. "Nice to meet you two," I said, with a smile, "lets be friends." The fillies smile and jumped with glee. "You are the coolest werewolf, Fang," said Sweetie, "plus, I like the color of your eyes. They are the color of the sky." "D'aw, you are so sweet," I said with a flush, "you three fillies have the cutest names." The three fillies squeal and gave me a hug. Scootaloo hugged my back, Applebloom hugged my right arm and Sweetie Belle hugged my head. "D'awww," said the six elements of harmony from behind me, "Fang, you really are a sweet creature." "Thanks girls," I said, as I fell to the ground, so that the three fillies can climb onto my back. "Your fur is really soft, Fang," said Sweetie Belle. "Thanks." "Where are we going?" asked Applebloom. "I'm just walking around Ponyville getting to know you ponies and your civilization." "Oh right, because you're new in Equestria, right?" asked Scootaloo. "Yep." "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go explore." "Lead the way, girls," I said, as I walked forward. TO BE CONTINUED...