//------------------------------// // The Blazing Dusk // Story: The Sun Never Sets // by Mr Fislewait //------------------------------// Twenty years. It had been twenty years since Sunset returned to Equestria and she was still haunted by memories of the changelings. She had scoured the Badlands, spending much of her free time looking for the elusive hive, but still she hadn't found it. Today she had finally decided to bring another pony into her confidence, somepony who might know where the changelings were hiding. As Agent Sweetie Drops descended into the depths of Sunset's cellar, she considered that perhaps she should have covered the mirror apparatus up. The exact function of it was a state secret not even known to the MIB, but that shouldn't be obvious through simple observation. The mirror was one of her most prized possessions, a gateway to her other home, available whenever she wanted to use it. Twilight had gifted it to her as a housewarming gift, but in her heart Sunset knew she had been given it to try and smooth things over between the two alicorns. "Nice place you've got here, Agent Shimmer," Sweetie Drops deadpanned, "care to fill me in on why I'm here instead of preparing for the celebrations in Ponyville?" "Celebrations? You know what? Doesn't matter." Sunset sat down and collected her thoughts. "Agent Drops, ever since the incident with my daughter's foalnapping-" "She wasn't foalnapped Sunset," Sweetie sighed, "she ran away from home." "Sure, whatever. Ever since that I've found it hard to trust most of the other agents. Most of them, but not you. You're a good friend, Sweetie Drops. Here's the deal, I think the MIB are trying to cover up the changelings and I need your help to find them. It's been twenty something years since the wedding and still nopony has found them!" "Sunset, has it ever occurred to you that maybe they might be using illusions to hide themselves? It's kind of their specialty. They're experts at it, Sunset, and the Badlands are a big place. Nopony knows where to start looking and nopony knows how big the hive would be. There's no conspiracy, Sunset, the MIB simply doesn't know where the hive is, there's no conspiracy here, Sunset." "Illusions...of course... Nopony would ever find them if they hid behind illusions, not unless they already knew where they should be looking... You've been a great help, Sweetie Drops, a great help." "Great, now if you'll excuse me I need to be back in Ponyville to help set up for tonight." Sunset paid no attention as Sweetie Drops departed, she was already focusing on her memories, thinking back to the bad times. It hurt to remember, but she needed to do it. The fire, the screams, popping sounds and...and laughter. It sent shivers down her spine. But then there was what came next. A seemingly blank expanse of land, unusually empty actually, a few mountains nearby, one of them vaguely memorable. She thought back on her crawl to the campsite and the journey north to the edge of the Badlands in the company of the nightmare guards. She could probably make her way back there. Sunset made her way out of the basement and back into the main house, as fond as she was of the mirror she found it hard to spend too much time in its presence, her reflection unnerved her. She had a proper lead now though, her first one in years, and there was no pressing urgency after all, the changelings weren't going to disappear overnight. She settled down on a sofa and sorted through her days mail, preparing to relax for the evening. She had dozens of pamphlets and fliers that had piled up on her doormat over the past week or so, a hoofful of letters in response to her ongoing inquiry into how her daughter was doing... that just left five other letters. The first was a postcard from Evey, confirming the date she should be getting back to Canterlot. The second was a letter from Luna, inquiring about Sunset's recent nightmares, the third a coded message from the MIB and the fourth was an invitation to meet up with Twilight and her friends. That just left the curious fifth letter, it had originally been on the top of the stack as it had only been delivered that morning. Slicing the top of the envelope open with her magic, Sunset levitated the letter out and began to read. Dear Princess Sunset Shimmer, I know we haven't really spoken much except for when we have met at Twilight's little get-togethers, but there's a matter regarding your daughter that I need to speak to you about. I've met little Evey a few times over the years to discuss some personal matters that she didn't feel comfortable speaking to Twilight or you about. I don't want to breach the trust she has shared with me, but at the same time I'm worried for her safety. According to the papers her last few visits have been to the Dragonlands and I'm worried she is going to wind up getting herself hurt. Most dragons aren't as nice as Spike and even though I'm sure she can look after herself, I think you have a right to know considering you're her mother. I won't say any more on that subject as I feel it is better discussed face to face. I'd also like to remind you that you are always welcome to visit us in Ponyville. I know Twilight loves it whenever you visit and I'm sure the rest of the girls feel the same way. If you do visit then please bring Evey with you, I know she isn't getting along very well with Twilight and Applejack but I'm sure that given a chance they can reach a reconciliation. I got your current address off of Twilight because nopony else seems to have it. Please don't blame her for giving it to me, I was quite assertive in requesting it, and, I still feel a little bad that I might have raised my voice when speaking with her. Hoping to see you soon, Fluttershy Fluttershy. Sunset hadn't been expecting a letter from her. Well whatever she wanted to talk about, Sunset could probably spare her some time. Fluttershy had always been a nice and thoughtful girl, if she had some concerns about Evey then it would probably be a good idea for Sunset to hear her out. With an hour or so of dusk left, Sunset penned a few responses to her letters and threw on a cloak. She stepped out of the door of her house and saw- Changelings. Changelings everywhere! She slammed the door to the house shut and ran to the window. How did they find out so fast? This couldn't be a simple coincidence! The same day she found out that the hive was probably masked by illusions they perpetrated a mass attack on Canterlot. What if Sweetie Drops was working with them? Sunset peeked through the window to double check what she had seen. Sure enough the changelings were walking about the streets of Canterlot, not even bothering to use proper disguises. They instead took on comically monstrous forms, transforming themselves into vamponies, zombies and other strange creatures. One of them even had the gall to crudely disguise itself as Princess Celestia, the illusion was unconvincing though, the height was all wrong for starters. She couldn't stay here, that much was certain. If Agent Drops was working with the changelings then this would be one of the first places they would attack. She ran into her basement and gathered up a few items of importance (her photo albums, Twilight's journal and the mirror) and teleported them to the safety of her wagon in Whitetail Woods. Then, mustering her magic, she set fire to the room. The flames curled across the walls and the floor, enveloping everything they touched. Whatever the changelings hoped to gain from attacking her home they would be leaving empty hooved. Satisfied that the flames had caught she cast a second spell, teleporting her to the castle. ---------------------------------------- "Luna!" Sunset screamed as she ran into the alicorn's chambers. "Luna, it's an emergency, the changelings are attacking Canterlot again! They're all over the streets and the guards aren't even trying to stop them! It's not too late though, I think I know where we can find their hive so if we act now we might be able to make a counterattack while they-" "Sunset." Luna said with authority, cutting the other alicorn off from her panicked ranting. "Sunset, it is Nightmare Night. Whatever you saw was probably just somepony in fancy dress. Are you quite alright? Has something else set you off today?" Luna observed Sunset with concern, she had long worried for her health, try as she might to help her overcome her past, Sunset still continued to have horrible nightmares on a regular basis. "Nightmare Night? No, Luna, that was last year, this is a serious problem that we need to-" "Sunset, it is an annual holiday. Those do tend to happen every year. Now how about you sit down and speak with me, it seems you are quite distressed." Luna had been planning to make a public appearance tonight but this clearly took priority. Sunset was clearly not feeling like herself. Reluctantly the younger alicorn took a seat on the floor cushions, her head nervously twitching back and forth. "The changelings, Luna, they could strike at any time! I think I know where they are now though, so I was thinking me, you, Twilight and Cadance might be able to work together and defeat them once and for all. Just like with Tirek or Sombra or any other villain." She continued to nervously fidget, ill at ease despite how familiar the two of them had become with one another over the years. "Sunset, the changelings aren't going to attack." Sunset stared at Luna in disbelief but didn't interrupt. "Over the past decade or so we have actually been working to improve relations with them. Not all changelings are evil, Sunset, it was Queen Chrysalis who orchestrated the attack on Canterlot. It is true that their current Queen has no great love for ponyfolk but we have been working with her daughter to solve that problem. Princess Naiad believes that with our assistance she could carry out a successful coup, deposing her mother without any need for violence. Under her leadership the changelings could emerge from the shadows and begin to integrate themselves into Equestrian society as proper members. Do you understand, Sunset?" At present the plan had only been known by the two royal sisters and a few select members of the royal guard and MIB, but if everything went according to plan soon everypony would know. "I...I...understand," Sunset replied. "Good, now how about the two of us-" "I understand that you're betraying us to help them!" Luna was taken completely off guard by the blast of magic that erupted from Sunset's horn, it hit her at full force sending her flying through the wall of her chamber and out of the castle, crashing into the streets of Canterlot below. "How could you, Luna? How could you betray us all and side with them?" A furious looking Sunset landed in the street beside her, narrowing her eyes at the princess. "Sunset, think through this rationally, you are not thinking straight and you are acting rashly." A second blast from Sunset's horn came flying towards her, but this time she was ready and blocked the shot. As she did so though she felt a surge of pain run down her side, apparently she had broken some ribs during Sunset's initial attack. Around them ponies watched in horror as the two alicorns fought and Luna suddenly realized that Sunset was no longer in disguise. Her alicorn status would soon become public knowledge and the first thing the populace would know of it would be her attacking royalty. "When did they get to you? Who else have they taken? How..." Sunset turned and saw the crowds gathering around them, most dressed in Nightmare Night outfits. A look of fear crossed her face and Luna knew what was about to happen. The next blast from Sunset's horn wasn't aimed at Luna, but at the crowd. Mustering her energy, Luna leaped through the air and interposed herself between Sunset and her target, absorbing the worst of the shot with her shield and the rest with her body. "Too many...there're too many," Sunset muttered before disappearing in a flash of light. ------------------------------------------- Rematerializing in the Crystal Palace, Sunset stormed through the halls. Guards approached her demanding that she halt, but she simply pushed them out of the way with her magic. She didn't have time for this, Equestria was in grave danger, betrayed by those who were meant to be protecting it. How far did the conspiracy go? Who else was involved? Was that really Luna she had fought with or was it an imposter? There were too many questions and not enough answers. Turning the last corner and levitating the remaining guards out of her way she finally came to the artifact chamber and blasted the door off of its hinges. If she was going to have to fight the changelings on her own then she would need a weapon, thankfully she had the perfect tool for the job in mind. Raising a magical barrier over the door to prevent the amassed guards who were now following her through the castle from interfering, Sunset began to sort through the contents of the room. There was a lot of junk but she quickly found what she had been looking for, the crown from the other world, the one that held the Elements of Harmony. Placing it firmly upon her head she realized she had one last place to go before she headed to the Badlands. ----------------------------------------------- Fluttershy was just making the last finishing touches to her house as she settled in for another Nightmare Night when a flash of light filled her room. She was about to run and hide beneath her bed, until she realized who it was. "Sunset?" Fluttershy asked, as she tried to hide her earlier terror. "My daughter," Sunset muttered, her voice barely audible, "I need you to keep her safe when she gets back to Equestria, things are dangerous right now, your letter seemed to suggest the two of you are friends." Something appeared incredibly wrong with Sunset. Fluttershy had long known that the mare had a nervous disposition but her current state went far above that. She wasn't in her normal disguise and didn't appear dressed up for the holiday, instead wearing an unusual crown upon her head. "My letter? Oh yes, I needed to talk to you about something very personal to do with...dragons. I know we don't know each other very well but-" "What do you mean?" Sunset asked, twisting her head to the side. "We know each other great, you're one of my best friends, Fluttershy. One of my first friends." Fluttershy stared at her in confusion before realizing what Sunset meant. "Oh, you mean the other Fluttershy." It was easy to forget that Sunset was good friends with the human versions of Fluttershy and her friends. "Other Fluttershy?" Sunset blinked a few times then her expression hardened. "Fluttershy, what instrument do I play?" "You play music?" Fluttershy hadn't pegged Sunset for a musician. "What's my favorite food?" Fluttershy nervously backed away as Sunset advanced on her. There was a wild look in her eyes that she found unnerving. "My favorite color? What was my favorite class at CHS?" "I don't-" a blast of magic cut Fluttershy off and sent her flying into the wall of her house with a sickening crack. Never before in her life had she felt so much pain. The world was spinning around her but she could just about make out her wing on the side where Sunset had struck her. It was covered in blood, most of the feathers were gone and it seemed to bend at angles that she was certain it shouldn't. She reflexively tried to move it but that only made the pain worse. "If you were really Fluttershy then you'd know the answers to any of those questions! But you're not! You're just another changeling!" Fluttershy lay where she had fallen, whimpering in pain and fear as Sunset advanced on her. She could see Sunset channeling another shot, one that would no doubt kill her, and she was powerless to protect herself. The spell exploded out of Sunset's horn in a burst of confetti. Both mares stared in disbelief at what had happened as the confetti swirled together taking on the form of Discord himself. "Nopony hurts Fluttershy," the Draconequus growled, staring down at Sunset. "Now then, Princess, I don't believe we've ever formally been introduced but I am Discord, Lord of Chaos, and nopony harms my friends." Fluttershy had never seen Discord so mad before, but true to his word he wasn't harming anypony, he was reformed, and good ponies asked questions first and fought second. "Never formally been introduced?" Sunset laughed maniacally, to the surprise of both Fluttershy and Discord. "How can you not remember me? You mocked me! Taunted me! Acted like all of my suffering was one big joke!" "Hmmmmm, no. I do that to a lot of ponies but I'm afraid I don't remember you," Discord mockingly answered. "I know you're not as rare as you used to be but I'd like to think I'd remember all of the alicorns I've met. "I wasn't an alicorn back then!" Sunset screamed in rage. "Oh, I remember you!" Discord smiled snapping his claws. "You were the mopey little apprentice that the Princess had! The one who kept coming down to the palace gardens and complaining about how awful her wonderful pampered lifestyle was. I'd have joined in with the conversation but, you know, I was a statue at the time." "No! No you'd remember me! I was down on my luck, you made me an offer...." "I make a lot of ponies offers, I generally keep them too." "You told me I was pregnant!" "Still not ringing any bells." "I made you a promise before you left!" Something changed in Sunset's expression, her rage twisting into a smile. "Remind me of the details," Discord absentmindedly asked as he began bandaging up Fluttershy's wing with his magic, scarcely paying any attention to the alicorn. "With pleasure," the crown perched upon Sunset's head lit up and a multicolored beam of light shot forth. Discord casually snapped his claws together to dismiss the magic but to his surprise nothing happened. The beam continued towards him and he suddenly realized where he had seen this magic before. "Oh bother," he muttered as the magic hit him. When the light cleared Discord was standing exactly where he had been before, except now his entire body was white and he was frozen in place, petrified. Sunset turned away from his frozen body and blasted a hole in the door of the cottage, turning to face the setting sun with a smile upon her face. "I'm an expert on your kind, changeling, I've studied you in great detail. I know for example that you are primarily nocturnal, preferring the dark to the light. I know that excessive heat makes you slow and lethargic, and I know that you burn just as easily as everything else in the world." Sunset mustered her magic and began channeling a spell at the sun. Fluttershy watched in awe as it seemed to freeze in place in the sky, embraced by an ominous black nimbus. Despite the dark ring that now surrounded it, the sunlight seemed to grow in intensity, its light increasing and the evening becoming unbearably hot. "The dusk shall not end tonight, changeling! Not until your Queen has been defeated and Equestria is safe again!" With a flash Sunset was gone, leaving Fluttershy alone and injured, with the statue of her friend.