Pony POV Series Triple Treat's Three Way Story

by Alex Warlorn

First published

Triplet Treat of Ponyville, not exactly the world's most important pony, but in a Ponyville that is without flaw, and sugary innocent, she remembred the other roads reality had taken. Her talent is making conflicting tastes work after all.

Optional Canon

A look into the POV of one pony you never thought you'd hear from again in the Pony POV verse. One pony, three paths, one story. She is bound to give you some interesting surprise.

Includes a tribute to : oraclemask:'s http://oraclemask.deviantart.com/ Looking Glass Series. http://oraclemask.deviantart.com/art/Looking-Glass-Ponies-359203297 One of the coolest, biggest, and best recursive verses ever created for the pony pov series!!!!

Previous: http://alexwarlorn.deviantart.com/art/Pony-POV-Series-Sunset-Shimmer-s-Cutie-Mark-475395277

Next Chapter: http://alexwarlorn.deviantart.com/art/Pony-POV-Series-Setting-Records-Straight-477407535

First Chapter: http://alexwarlorn.deviantart.com/art/Pony-POV-Series-Fluttershy-FlutterCruel-Pearls-260092460

Trope page: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/PonyPOVSeries (SERIOUSLY need to be kept up to date, every little bit helps!).

My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic And All Related Character Copyright Of Hasbro

PLEASE check out the ton of recursive fanfics of this fanfiction series. A lot of heart went into them! They also answer a lot of unaswered questions. http://mlp-pony-pov-series.deviantart.com/ For heaven sake they rock! Kendell2 and Oracle Mask and Richforce and Ardashir and Jawmax and Persona22 and Dragon of Twilight and ItsFromPeople and all the rest!!!

Cover By Kendell2

Episode 211: Triple Treat's Three Stories In One

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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic fanfiction
Pony POV Series: Triple Treat
Optional Canon

Hello, I'm Triple Treat, welcome to Ponyville!

You want to talk with me? Oh sure! That'd be nice. No, 'but I'm nopony?' speech? But that's silly! Everypony is somepony! We're all special, we're all friends, we're all happy, everyone is super! From Rainbow Dash's dresses to Minty's green candies!

What's my special? Well, you see the ice-cream, lollypop and cookie on my flank? I take treats that taste good by themselves, and taste not-so-good together, and make it so they taste great together!

One time, when Rainbow Dash was making me a dress, she said the coloring I was asking for would clash, but I asked her to try anyway, and I think I surprised her when she saw how those three colors together worked fine when two of them together didn't.

Sweet Berry and Sweetie Belle make the cakes and cookies, and Minty is the one making candies, but I'm the one who can make all those flavors work together! I'm also the one who mixes together all the different halloween candies for Abra-ca-dabra. You've GOT to see her Halloween costumes sometime.

. . . That time Pinkie Pie, Scootaloo, Cheerilee, Starsong Melody, Toola-Roola and Rainbow Dash all got together at Sweetie Belle's, and they ALL threw in their favorite cake flavors into the same batter?

I'd have done what Sweetie Belle did on their second go and make it a layer cake. Even I couldn't create a lemons, carrots, chocolate chips, rainbow berries, pink sprinkles, and coconut mix in the same batter that didn't taste like mud!

How'd I know about that? Are you kidding? That's become practically legendary in Ponyville now.

I don't care how much I'm noticed or not noticed, I do my part, and that's what's important, we all do our part, so we're all important, so we're like a good mix of flavors.

That's how it is, and that's how it's gonna be.

Dreams? Why'd you ask about that? Why NOT ask about that? Okay.

Well, normally I just dream about Candy Land, and candy ponies, and- dreams that are unusual? oh, okay. Hmmmmm.

Once upon a time, I dreamed about this...well, they were a pony, a flying pony, a pegasus. And...they weren't a mare...they were...not a girl...like Spike isn't a girl. A not-girl-pony? Weird huh?

He had a...roll of movie film for a curie mark, how do I know what that is?

He liked movies a lot. Movies are these moving pictures where you show them against a flat surface, like that cool thing you can do with crystal and make a rainbow appear on something if you shine light through it, but like one of Fiesta Flair's plays. They're called 'movies' because they're pictures that move! I really wonder how I knew that. Oh oh oh right the movies!

He was really liked going to see movies, and borrowing movies, for this stuff called 'money' in return. He liked all kinds of movies, funny movies, happy movies, sad movies, scary movies, exciting movies, he liked all of them. But he could also tell how a movie could have been done better, when it done just right, and how a movie should have ended. He was really good at it.

Which is good, because he really wasn't good at flying. Everypony laughed around him, but...the laughing he got...it reminded me when you get a booboo. And ponies who were bigger than him, would put his head in the toilet and flush it. Yes I know what a toilet is, I use one, doesn't everypony? Why are you looking at me funny?

Whenever he tried to make friends with fillies, they'd do more of that 'not really laughing' at him. And 'not-girls' would just shrug him off or push him (big meanie!).

Because he wasn't good at flying, and because he really liked to sit down and watch movies, he got a round tummy. I know that doesn't make sense, sure ponies can get full, but I've never seen a pony get...what's the word? Fat? Okay, I've never seen a pony get fat before.

So...he didn't have any friends besides his...uh, sort of like how Cheerilee looks after Princess Rarity, oh right! SILLY ME! How could I forget?! Heh! Where was my head? Parents! Of course! Everypony has parents, Pinkie Pie talked about her mom after all! So therefore ponies have parents! How silly of me.

He didn't have any friends besides his parents. He did get a bunch of ponies to listen to what he had to say about movies on these magic windows that just show words and pictures but not the pony on the other side. So tht was good.

...Then...Uh, I'm not sure. It was a dream after all. It's not like you can really remember a dream perfectly, since it didn't ever happen. Think harder? Hmmm.

I think I had...more than one dream about what came next.

There was a big storm, bigger than, than, bigger than Ponyland I think! And when the storm was over, there weren't anymore movies, and the magic windows didn't work anymore, and...his parents...He was alone.

But then he found this pretty blue piece of rainbow. And with it he was able to make lots and lots of ponies happy! He was able to make some of the stuff like the magic windows work just for a little bit. He made the girls around him super happy too! And they were all now his friends! Even one greedy pony who had a pretty red piece of rainbow who wanted to steal his pretty blue piece of rainbow. But then they became friends too...

Then he lived happily ever after, the end. Of course that's the end of the dream silly, it's my dream. Of course I know how it ends.

Stop looking at me like that. Please?

The greedy pony, only pretended to be his new friend, and stole his blue piece of rainbow, and suddenly all the other ponies who were his friends weren't his friends anymore, they really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really disliked him now. And they didn't want to his friends anymore, and he was all alone again.

I, I need to get a hanky, excuse me.

Could you please not look at me that way again please? With sugar on?

There was another dream...it starts out a lot like most of the first one but...then things go different.

Instead of the storm, there was a big rainbow, like the time after it rains. But it was everywhere. It was so pretty, so friendly, it really felt familiar.

I heard him making wishes, that he wasn't pudgy anymore, that ponies wouldn't wrong-laugh at him, and that the ponies who had wrong-laughed at him would trot through gates made out of pearls. That last one didn't get granted, I wonder why, it sounded nice...

And...he lost his wings, but he didn't really care about that, since he couldn't fly well anyway. That's when it gets really really weird.

His mane turned all yellow, pink and light pink, his mane turned light violet, he got really pretty big blue eyes, and his cutie mark became three treats, and ...he became a normal girl pony.

He became me.

Well, it was my dream, so maybe it was about time I show up in my own dreams right? It was still super-duper-weird though.

But now he, she, me, ugh! This is making my head hurt. Now the pony in my dreams had friends, didn't mind if she wasn't popular or not popular, Everyone was someone! They were all special, all friends, all happy, everyone was super! And she was very very happy. Happier than she had ever been before. And she was never empty or lonely.

Much better ending don't you think? Please don't look at me that way again, thank you for not looking at me that way again.

Another dream? What other dream could there be?...

Well...if you gotta know...there was one other dream...and it was super-duper-mega-ultra-weird.

I had a dream, where...where Ponyland, everyone, everything, all existed because we all wished to be happy, even if we had to become really different to be all happy, we wanted to be happy that much, that we deep down we all agreed to change for the better. So the world changed in one big rainbow from what it was before, where ponies fought, where ponies hurt each other, where not everypony was happy, where ponies got all wrinkly and went away and didn't come back, I know that sounds really scary, like the world's biggest bad dream.

It was the same pony from before with the film wheel cutie mark. He wanted to be someone new.

He didn't become a girl this time, in fact, lots and lots of not-girl ponies didn't become girls. Some girls even BECAME not-girl ponies! Before in the weird world it didn't that weird with all the other weird stuff, but...now seeing not-girl ponies in a world like my own...it was actually a little scary. Like say if Abra-ca-dabra had her Halloween decorations up for Christmas. They used to tell ghost stories at christmas? I didn't know that.

The pony in my dreams stayed a pegasus this time too, and now his wings worked really good, well, good enough that he could fly and be happy. Now he had a green coat. And the REALLY FREAKY part is how his mane was one color, I mean, a pony with one color in their mane?... Fiesta Flair, Cheerilee, Tiddlywink, okay okay! There ARE lots of ponies who manes and tails are one color. But...they're...not as many of them are there are ponies with different colored manes, 'minority'? Thanks! But there were more ponies with just one color in their mane than before!

In a way...ya know...that place was even weirder than the before place...In the before place, there bits here and there that reminded me of home in that dream, that made me kinda like it. But now that there lots of bits and pieces that were different in a place that reminded me of home, it kinda made me not-comfortable.

Uncanny Valley? Never heard of it, is it a good place to have a picnic?

But the pony in my dreams, he was still a pegasus, still a not-girl, and had a yellow mane and tail, and his coat was green. His cutie mark was an ice cream sundae using a seashell as a bowl. I remember him talking with other ponies, including a not-girl versions of Fiesta Flair and Razzaroo!

I remember wanting to wake up it was so like-home but not-like-home! But I remember, there was something important I needed to do first before I'd be allowed to wake up.

He was sleeping in his own bed at night, it was so much like-my-home but not-like-my-home.

I was on the other side of a mirror. I looked behind me, and saw myself sleep in my head. Or maybe he was on the other side of the mirror. I knocked on the glass. He sat up in bed, his transparent dream self, the rest of him kept sleeping, like in those cartoons they showed before the main movie.

I waved. "Hi! Over here!" What was I supposed to do? All I knew was that I was supposed to say something important to him.

He wandered over to the mirror, he looked really surprised to see me. Think of something! Think of something! Come on!

"I'm Triple Treat."

"I'm Tongue Twister. What are you doing in my mirror?"

"No, you're in my mirror!"

What was the point of this? Oh right. This was a dream. This wasn't supposed to have a point. So why did I feel I needed to say something important before I could wake up?

This was bad. What if I couldn't think of anything? What if I never woke up? I'd miss Christmas!

"No, it's my mirror you're in," He said.

"Is not."

"Is too."

"Is not."

"Is too."

"Is not times a zillion!"

"Is too times two zillion!"

"Is not times a zillion zillion!"

This wasn't right....We weren't mixing well at all.

"Is to times-"

"It's both our mirrors?"

"Oh...okay I guess."

Did that count as important? I look back, nope, I'm still sleeping. I want this dream over with already. What did I matter if I said something important to this pony or not? If it was important, shouldn't I have been told what it was and then tell him so I can wake up now?

Wait...when did I start talking about my dream, and then be awake while dreaming? Lucid dreaming, that's what it is. Did I fall asleep while you were talking with me?

It's all nonsense. I can't make tastes that work with flavors like this.

Maybe...if I do it in layers?

"Uh, let's try again. I'm Triple Treat."

"Okay. I'm Tongue Twister."

"We're both dreaming I think, or I'm dreaming that I'm thinking that, I sound Sky Wishes."

"Yes you do."

"Oh, you have a Sky Wishes whose a friend too?"

"I think I do. You have potato sack race with her too?"

"Yep. I live in Ponyville, and my special talent is getting different flavors to work together."

"Well, I live in Ponyville now, I used to live on Butterfly Island. And that's my special talent too, but it's mostly ice-cream flavors, Pegasi love ice cream."

"Yes they do!" I nodded. "You make a point to try new ice cream flavors whenever you can?"

"Yes I do. Ever try Heath-Bar, Cookies N Cream, and Cookie dough together?"

"Yes yes! Then there's caramel, marshmallows, and cake batter-ice cream together!"

"Then there's chocolate, vanilla, and peanut better!"

We both nodded. Only the uninitiated considered vanilla to be a 'blank canvas' flavor.

We traded ideas back and forth, I even got ideas for the giant super big sundae I was planning for Star Catcher's birthday!

What had I been so upset and worried about again?

I heard a rooster crow. We turned towards our windows and saw the sun was beginning to rise.

Oh right! Something important! Gotta say something important!

I find myself thinking of the different favorite flavors of my friends, how some loved chocolate, and others ponies didn't love chocolate unless it was chocolate chips.

How important something is . . . depends on who's saying it, and who you're saying it to.

"Tongue Twister..." I swallowed. "I... friends are great to have aren't they? They're like flavors. Maybe it's not how similar flavors are that makes them special, but how different they are and can still make something wonderful together that makes them special."

"...Yeah...they are! So your friends are a lot alike?"

I startled. I had never thought about that before. But I remembered how I was told Lilly Lightly had been scared that her horn glowing would make ponies laugh at her.

"... Maybe a little. But we all still love each other!"

"I'm sure you do."

"Ya know, how we make opposing flavors work? I think friendship makes opposing ponies work too, like Minty and Pinkie Pie, and all the pegasi, earth ponies, breezies, and unicorns!"

"Hmmm. You're right!"

And Lilly, that little bit of difference, that little bit of extra-specialness, it caused so much, what would more do? I thought of those dreams, and the pony I saw in them.

"Tongue Twister. I just want to say that, what we have is a gift. Don't ever forget that."

"Same to you Triple Treat... " We actually passed through the mirror and hugged.

That was when I woke up. I ran to my mirror, all it showed was me, all it showed was my room, same as normal, same as always.

"Why do we all use the same mane style?" I hear myself ask. I tied my mane into a braid down my back. Whoa! It as like I felt the world itself ripple a little.

I did my morning business and trotted outside to begin the day... as I looked around, I noticed, lots of ponies were now wearing their manes differently, some longer, some in pig tails, some short, it was... unique.

"Well, variety is the spice of life." I trotted along with a skip in my step.
