Preston Marlowe Goes to Equestria

by Bill the Storyteller

First published

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Crossover


(Takes place during Season 2.)

When one mission appears to be his last, Preston Marlowe of the 222nd Army Battalion's "Bad Company" winds up in another world that is far beyond his comprehension. Separated from his squad, his troubles are far from over when he is soon thrusted into another conflict that is about to reach its breaking point. On top of that, he must learn to coexist in this new world until he can find a way back home. Can't a man ever catch a break?

Rated Teen for language and violence.

Prologue - The Liberation of Hamilton

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[Pvt. Preston Marlowe - 222nd Army Battalion, Bravo Company, US Army]

[May 14, 2010, 0512 Romeo Time]

[US-Canada Border, Niagara, ON, Canada]

Here we were again, Bad Company. We prevented the Russian plot to detonate a scalar weapon over the United States, but the war was far from over. Turns out that the scalar weapon was merely a distraction for the Russians to invade us from the North. Right after the destruction of the scalar weapon, we got word that the Russians were coming through Alaska, and in just a matter of days, we've already lost Alaska and most of Canada to the Russian occupation. The tide of the war once again turned in favor for the Russians.

With the Russians at our doorstep, we have only one chance to turn the tide back in our favor. Today, a majority of the United States Armed Forces were about to stage a massive counterattack across Canada to retake strategic locations and stem the tide of the Russian invasion. And that's where we come in.

Bad Company was the same as always. Just me, Sarge, Haggard, and Sweetwater. We were tagging along with a detachment of US troops to Niagara, where we would be tasked in retaking the province of Ontario. When asked why we would be sent to Ontario, rather than attack from British Columbia and then work our way up to Alaska, we were just told that Ontario was of strategic importance. Not that I'm complaining about it anyways.

After a couple of hours on the road, we finally arrived at the Canadian border near Queenston. Haggard immediately woke up from his nap when our humvee pulled over next to a row of parked vehicles.

“Rise and shine, Sleeping Beauty,” Sarge said from the passenger side. “We've here.”

“Already?” Haggard yawned. “The whole ride felt like ten minutes...”

“Yeah, well lucky you,” Sweetwater rolled his eyes as he shut off the engine. “You got a good night's rest and a nice nap on our way over here. Meanwhile, the rest of us hardly got any sleep on account of your snoring.”

Haggard pouted. “I don't snore.”

“Oh yeah? How about that one time when you-”

“Cut the chatter you two,” Sarge interrupted, rubbing his temple in annoyance. “Let's just get this over with. The sooner we kick the Russians back to Moscow, the sooner we can all go back home.”

The four of us stepped out of our humvee, where we were greeted with helicopters and jets flying above us in the early morning sunrise. Around us, the entire Canadian border was transformed into a front line position. Tanks, armored personnel carriers, and humvees were getting fueled up and rearmed for the battle ahead. Soldiers were running all over the places, reporting to their squads. And rows of artillery placements were on standby and ready to fire when their coordinates were received.

“Boys, welcome to Canada,” Sarge declared, stopping at the flagpoles which flew our stars and stripes flag, and the Canadian's maple leaf flag. “Home of ice hockey, maple syrup, and geese.”

Sweetwater, Haggard, and I looked around, the atmosphere not feeling like Canada at all. “Could be worse, I guess,” he shrugged.

Haggard gave the air a whiff, then grimaced as though he smelt something bad. “This is Canada? Smells worse than Detroit.”

“That's because we're close to the front line, Hags,” Sweetwater commented. “There's obviously going to be the smell of fuel and artillery smoke nearby.”

“I didn't ask for your input, you mallrat,” Haggard grumbled.

“I'm just saying-”

“Alright you two, settle down,” Sarge sighed. “You don't see Marlowe complaining about the scenery, do you?”

“Gentlemen,” a voice from behind got our attention. “I see you all made it here on time.”

Turning around, we were greeted by our handler, General Braidwood, army commander and leader of the Special Activities Division.

“Squad, ten-hut!” All four of us stood at attention and saluted to the four-star general in front of us.

“Sir! Bravo Two, reporting for duty, sir!” Sarge announced.

“At ease, gentlemen,” Braidwood commanded. “I'd take it that your trip to Niagara was uneventful?”

“All due respect, sir, why did you send us here to Ontario?” Sweetwater asked. “Shouldn't we be sent to the west coast, and then press forward to Alaska?”

“Sweets,” I muttered softly, reminding him that despite our reputation as Bad Company, we were still in the presence of a high ranking officer.

“It's like I've told you before, Ontario is of strategic importance,” Braidwood explained. “The province is rich with petroleum, which we and our Canadian friends will need in order to win this war, and there are several military bases that will be vital for our air force. Plus, eastern provinces like Ontario and Quebec, are less occupied by the Russians.

“According to intelligence, the Russian Army is stretched thin around here and they're being bogged down by unrelenting resistance from our Canadian allies still stuck in between the occupation. If we can retake Ontario and the eastern provinces nearby, we'll have more breathing room and supplies to push westwards into Alaska. What's more is that retaking the eastern provinces will give us access to naval ports in places like Newfoundland and Labrador, opening up another supply route for us. With you gentlemen on our side, I have high hopes that we will make short work of Ontario and the eastern provinces by the end of the day. Make sense?”

“I suppose,” Sweetwater replied, somewhat convinced.

Braidwood stood tall and began pacing around, acting all official. “Then you have nothing to worry about. Your task for today will be to join up with the 1st Armored Cavalry in retaking Hamilton, a port city that's a few miles west of here. Russian occupation there is pretty small, so liberating the city shouldn't be too difficult. After Hamilton has been retaken, you'll then be pushing north into Toronto to secure the rest of the harbor for our naval supply ships coming in from the St. Lawrence River. From here on out, it's smooth sailing as the rest of our forces move across the Canadian border in different time zones to retake the remaining provinces. This will perhaps be the largest invasion since D-Day that we'll be taking part in, and if all goes well, we'll be victorious. Before long, Alaska will be liberated, and we'll be marching over the crumbling ruins of Moscow before returning home in a parade to Times Square. Any other questions?”

“No sir,” Sarge replied.

Briadwood nodded. “The operation begins at 0700 hours. Good luck, gentlemen. The Free World is counting on us all. Dismissed!”


[A few miles outside Hamilton]

“Soldiers of the United States Armed Forces. In less than an hour, you will all be taking part in what will be the largest invasion since D-Day, to once again fight against tyranny and restore peace and honor to our Free World. This will not be an easy task, for the enemy has an overwhelming advantage, and like you, they will not go down without a bloody fight. But think of your loved ones back home, and the future that awaits them should the enemy reign victorious. Anyone that threatens your homes and family, you will show them no mercy. When you meet the enemy out there, pursue them ruthlessly and prosecute their defeat and destruction with the utmost efficiency, with every single weapon you have. Give them no quarter, and we will no doubt achieve victory. I have absolute faith in all of you. Remember what you've trained for and keep each other safe. Good luck, and godspeed.”

This was General Braidwood's speech from an hour ago, before the operation began. We were there to see him in person to make the speech, while those in different time zones watched a live broadcast. The speech was more like him pretending to be Eisenhower on D-Day, but nonetheless, it inspired the troops and boosted morale. Once Braidwood had his chance to roleplay as Ike, we set off to our first objective: the City of Hamilton.

We were linked up with the 1st Armored Cavalry, some old buddies we had fought alongside in Chile. Our task was simple: push into Hamilton, retake the city, then it's off to Toronto. Once we have those two cities back under allied control, it's up to the rest of the troops in different time zones to complete their objectives. Meanwhile, we'd just sit back and relax at some cafe patio in Toronto and await further orders.

We were up front with the rest of the humvees, the tanks and armored vehicles tailing us from behind. Haggard was on the wheel this time, while Sweetwater sat at the back, taking a little nap before we arrived in Hamilton. Sarge rode shotgun and I was on the mounted gun, keeping an eye out for threats.

Halfway to our objective, the radio crackled. “Bravo Two, this is Kodiak One. Come in, over?”

Sarge picked up the radio and responded. “Go ahead, Kodiak One.”

“Bravo Two, be advised, we're coming up to our first objective. Stay on guard, you hear?”

“Roger that, Kodiak One. Thanks for the reminder.” Sarge shook Sweetwater awake, prompting him to sit up straight. “Alright boys, this is it! We're getting close to the city, so keep your eyes out for anything suspicious. Marlowe, if you see anyone speaking Russian out there, light 'em up!”

“Copy that, Sarge.”

Up ahead, we could see the City of Hamilton closing in to view. The city looked empty of any Russian occupation.

“It's quiet. Too damn quiet,” Sweetwater whispered. “Think the Russians pulled out, knowing that we were coming?”

“If that's the case, then today must be our lucky day,” Haggard laughed.

“I doubt it,” Sarge muttered. “More likely that they've set a trap for us, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike us. Everyone, keep your shit tight.”

As we got closer to the city, another humvee drove ahead of us, their mounted gunner keeping a constant watch like I was.

“Kodiak One, this is Sentinel Three. City looks quiet. I think they might have-”

All of a sudden, the humvee exploded into a massive fireball as it drove into a concealed land mine. The humvee flew a few feet in the air, before landing on its side. Everyone inside the vehicle was instantly killed, except for the gunner. He fell out onto the road, stumbling around and screaming as he was burned alive. His suffering came to a swift end when a hailstorm of bullets flew in our direction and tore him apart. What followed immediately was more bullets and an artillery barrage.

“Motherfucker!” Haggard cussed, slamming on the brakes.

“AMBUSH!” Sarge yelled.

I held down the trigger of the .50 cal and sprayed downrange while the rest of the squad rolled down the windows and returned fire. At once, every vehicle stopped and began engaging the enemy. Up ahead, Russian tanks that had been camouflaged in the foliage nearby started moving out of cover, followed by infantry. Soon, we began taking casualties as our own vehicles were getting demolished by the enemy.

“There's too many of these fuckers out there,” said Kodiak One. “We're going to need to fallback and call in air support down here.”

“I hear you, Kodiak One,” Sarge responded, immediately switching radio stations to call for air support. “Archangel, this is Bravo Two Actual. We're taking heavy fire from hostile armor and infantry near the city. Sustaining multiple casualties. Road ahead is possibly booby-trapped. We cannot advance at this time. Requesting CAS mission at our current location.”

The radio cracked in response. “Solid copy, Bravo Two. Air support is on its way. ETA, ten mikes. Fall back 1500m and sit tight. This is gonna be a big one.”

“Solid copy, Archangel,” Sarge switched the channels to all remaining allied vehicles. “Everyone, fall back 1500m and dig in! Air support is coming in fast, and they're bringing in a big payload to destroy everything in front of us!”

“Solid copy, Bravo Two,” Kodiak One replied. “Let's get the hell out of here!”

Every surviving tank and humvee went into reverse gear and started falling back to a safe distance. About 700m to the safe spot, Kodiak One was incapacitated by enemy tank fire coming from the west.

“T-90s and infantry on our left,” Sweetwater said. “They're trying to cut us off!”

“Those boys are stuck back there,” Sarge muttered. He picked up the radio and attempted to contact the downed tank, which was now on fire and its left tracks destroyed. “Kodiak One, come in. Kodiak One, respond! Are you alright?!”

A static response came on our radio. “This is...Kodiak One!” the tank commander coughed. “Everyone's fine, but I think Jackson's hurt bad. We're gonna ditch this tank and try to make a run for it!”

“Those boys aren't going to make it like this,” Sarge muttered. He groaned and punched the radio, immediately regretting what he was about to do. “Solid copy, Kodiak One. We're on our way to give you boys a ride out of here. Get out of that smoldering tin can and watch your heads while you're at it.”

“You sure we should go back for them?” Haggard asked. “Don't you think they can make it back on foot?”

“With a wounded man while under heavy fire?” Sarge shook his head. “They're definitely going to need our help, Hags. And we don't leave a man behind.”

Haggard grinned and put the vehicle back into forward position. “You read my mind, Sarge. Let's go get 'em.”

“We better hurry though,” said Sweetwater. “If we don't get to a safe distance in eight minutes, we're fucked.”

With that, we drove back to the smoldering remains of Kodiak One, where the tank crew was already evacuating the tank. Smoke billowed out of the tank's hatch, as the three crew members struggled to pull their wounded driver out. They were constantly ducking and weaving as bullets impacted their tank.

“They're taking heavy fire,” said Sarge. “Marlowe, hose down those sons of bitches while Sweets and I get them on board!”

“Copy that, Sarge!” I responded back to the enemy with another barrage of .50 calibre rounds as Haggard pulled up beside the tank. Sarge and Sweetwater hopped out of the humvee and began helping out the crew of Kodiak One. Their driver, Jackson, had taken shrapnel to his left leg, so he was definitely going to need a hand in getting to safety. Once he was safely out of the tank, Sarge and Sweetwater did their best to load everyone in our humvee. As I continued to provide covering fire, a T-90 started aiming at us.

“Sarge, they got a lock on us! We gotta go!”

“Hang in there, Marlowe!” Sarge responded. “We're trying to get everyone inside the humvee!”

“There's no more room in the back, Sarge!” Sweetwater cried.

“Then we improvise! Get on the top and hold on tight!”

“Are you crazy?!”

“Just do it!”

I watched in astonishment as Sarge and Sweetwater threw themselves on the top of the humvee and held on as tightly as they could. Sarge pounded on the roof. “Everyone's on board! Get us the hell out of here!”

“Roger that, Sarge! Hold on tight!”

Haggard stepped down on the gas pedal and took off, just as the T-90 fired its shell and destroyed what was left of Kodiak One's tank. Our humvee swerved right and left at high speed while bullets and shells flew over our heads.

“Oh shit! Shit! Shit!” Sweetwater cursed as he clung tightly to the roof for dear life.

“Hang on, Sweets! Don't let go!” Sarge called out.

Through all the gunfire and chaos, I could hear Kodiak One's tank commander trying to talk with us. “Thanks for coming back for us, Bravo Two. That's twice we owe you. If we survive this, beers are on me later.”

“Well, if we get through this, I'm treating you all to a REAL Texas-style barbecue,” Haggard replied cheerfully.

“Oh shit, look out!” I pointed as a rocket flew by and exploded in front of us. Haggard slammed the brakes, the humvee spiraling out of control. At this point, Sweetwater and Sarge had lost their grip and they fell onto the road. Our humvee came to a jarring halt as it crashed into an abandoned APC, putting it out of commission. That wasn't the worst part. The worst part was that we were still 300m away from the safe zone.

“Ah, shit...” Sarge groaned.

“Oh, that smarts,” Sweetwater winced. “Definitely going to feel that one in the morning...”

“You guys alright?” I called out.

“We're fine,” Sarge replied, before having to duck his head as more rounds flew over him and Sweetwater. “Shit! We need to get out of here!” He pulled Sweetwater up on his feet and began making a run back to the humvee. “Haggard! Get that hummer back on!”

Haggard turned the key, trying to get the humvee operating, but all he could hear was the sound of the engine stalling out. Smoke began pouring out from the hood, and after a few more turns, Haggard gave up and punched the wheel. “Fucking hell, Sarge! The damn thing won't start!”

“Goddamn it!” Sarge growled. “Everyone get the fuck out and take cover!”

We grabbed our guns and exited the humvee, taking cover behind the APC. At this point, we were pinned down and had nowhere to go. The Russians that had attacked us on our left flank were now closing in, and if we tried making a run for it, we would no doubt get tagged. Our allies from a safe distance tried to provide suppressing fire, but they were doing too little to help us at this point.

“We gotta get out of here!” Sweetwater said.

“We can't!” Sarge replied. “If we try to make a run for it, we're fucked! We also got wounded, so there's no way we can just sprint to a safe distance.”

“Then what do we do? Sit here and die?!” Sweetwater exclaimed.

“Um, guys,” one of the crew members of Kodiak One had peeked his head before getting back into cover. “We have a problem.”

We took turns peeking out to see the same T-90 on the road, taking aim at the wreckage we were hiding behind. As we got back into cover, another transmission was heard over our earpieces. “Bravo Two, you boys need to get the hell out of there! That air strike will be here in five, and if you don't hunker down soon, there's going to be nothing left of you to bury.”

I examined our surroundings, trying to figure out an escape plan. I took a quick glance at our crashed humvee. Whatever was wrong with the engine, there was no doubt I could try to get it back up and running, but at this point, it wouldn't matter. We'd either be overrun by the enemy, or get taken out by the air strike once I got it working again. And then, it hit me.


[A Few Hours Earlier...]

[Syracuse, New York]

We had spent the night in Syracuse, before setting out for Niagara at three in the morning. We were just about packed up and ready to go when I saw Haggard hauling two duffle bags of heavy cargo into the trunk of our humvee.

“Hey Haggard,” I waved. “Need a hand?”

“Oh, morning Pres,” he greeted. “You mind giving me a hand with one of these bags?”

“Sure thing,” I set down my cup of coffee and went over to help load whatever it was he was carrying. Picking up one of the bags, I could tell it was quite heavy, but it was nothing I couldn't handle.

“Fuck, this is heavy,” I muttered. “What are you carrying in these bags, anyway?”

I set the bag into the trunk, where it slightly opened to reveal a bunch of C4 inside. I backed away, feeling a little apprehensive at the sight of that many explosives. Especially as Haggard loaded the last bag of what I assume was more C4 into the trunk.

“Uh, Hags, where'd you get all of this C4?” I asked.

“Surprised you, didn't I?” Haggard chuckled. “I managed to sweet-talk the quartermaster when we were getting our weapons and gear. Nice looking gal, by the way. I told her we were going to need some C4 for the operation ahead, and after much convincing, she managed to give us enough explosive to blow up a whole damn town! Turns out their armory here is overstocked with explosives, and they barely use it for whatever damn reason, so she was more than happy to throw in a little extra for our cause.”

I took another look at the bags. “That's a lot of C4 you managed to get your hands on. Hags, why do we even need this shit anyways?”

“Well, you never know,” Haggard shrugged. “Might come in handy. Plus, isn't it always fun to blow shit up?”

I shook my head in amusement. “I swear, Hags, if it wasn't for your good sense of humor, I would've preferred going to prison than joining up with Bad Company. So, uh, is it safe to drive around like this?”

“Um, sure! Totally safe,” Haggard nodded, giving the bags a light shove. “So long as it's not armed and we don't have a road accident, we'll be fine.”

“Alright, I'll take your word on that,” I chuckled nervously. I picked up my coffee and walked back to the barracks to get Sarge and Sweetwater, all the while muttering, “Why do I even put up with you sometimes?”


[Present Day]

“Hags, you still got all that C4, right?” I asked.

“C4?!” Everyone turned around and stared at us. Haggard, nor I, bothered to tell Sarge or Sweetwater about the C4 in the trunk earlier, lest Sarge had us reprimanded.

“It's always been in the trunk,” Haggard answered.

“In the trunk?!”

“Shut up, Sweets,” Sarge interrupted, grabbing Haggard by the shoulder. “What C4?”

“Uh, the one I managed to sweet-talk the quartermaster into giving us?” Haggard replied sheepishly. Sarge gave him a hard look, before facepalming. “Why do you ask, Pres?”

“Arm it. All of it,” I said, pulling out a power tool from my satchel.

“What are you up to, Marlowe?” Sarge asked.

“I'm gonna buy you guys time to get to safety,” I said, peeking out from the APC. “I think I know what might be wrong with the engine. If you guys can cover me while I fix it, I can take the humvee and divert the enemy's fire to myself while you guys get away.”

“No can do,” Sarge shook his head. “I think I know what you're planning, and I can tell you right now that this plan of yours is suicide, and that there's no way you'd survive.”

“There's no other way, Sarge,” I argued. “We're running out of time. We either do this now, or we die. Simple as that.”

Sarge turned away, pondering about it for a few seconds before he finally agreed. “Okay Marlowe, if you’re willing to put yourself in harm's way for this plan of yours, fine by me.” He gathered all of us together. “Everyone listen up! Marlowe has a plan on getting us out of here, but to do that, we're all going to have to help him and Haggard out.” He looked over at Jackson and the rest of the Kodiak One crew. “Soldier, can you shoot?”

Jackson, whose left leg was bandaged from shrapnel wounds, nodded. “Don't worry, sir. I'm not out of the fight, yet.”

“Good,” Sarge nodded. “Kodiak One, you will be providing covering fire for Marlowe while he goes and fixes the hummer. Sweetwater, you and I will cover Hags as he retrieves the C4 from the trunk. We only got one shot at this, so let's make it count. Everyone clear on this?”


“Good! Let's get to work! Marlowe, get ready to hop over and fix that hummer. Haggard, watch your head and grab that C4 of yours.”

I stood up from the ground, preparing to climb over the APC. Haggard stood at the ready, preparing to run to the trunk. Everyone else got their guns loaded, preparing to step out of cover and provide covering fire.

“On my mark,” Sarge whispered. We counted to three seconds, before the T-90 fired again, its shell exploding near our right. “COVERING FIRE!”

We all sprang into action. Sarge, Sweetwater, and the crew of Kodiak One provided covering fire at the enemy as I bounded over the APC and landed in front of the humvee. I lifted the hood and got to work on the engine. Haggard ran as fast as he could, grabbing the two duffle bags of C4 before rushing back into cover.

The crash knocked some important bits out of the engine, but thankfully, it wasn't that bad. With quick work from my power tool, I was able to fix the engine in under thirty seconds. I slammed the hood back down and climbed into the driver seat.

“Pres,” Haggard called out from the gunfire. “I got the C4 armed! Now what?”

“Throw it through the roof, where the mounted gun is,” I replied. “And give me the detonator as well.” There were two heavy thuds as the bags of C4 landed in the back seats. Something small was also thrown through the roof, landing on one of the bags of C4. I reached back and grabbed the detonator, placing it in my pockets. With the C4 armed and the humvee repaired, it was time for the next phase of the plan.

I turned the key of the ignition. The engine stalled. I turned it a few more times. More stalling, followed by smoke.

“Come on, you piece of shit! Come on!”

One last turn, and the engine finally sputtered with life. I revved up the engine with excitement, grinning like a madman.

“Heck yeah!” Haggard cheered. “Give 'em hell, Pres!”

I put the gear in reverse, backing away from the APC. I turned the wheel until the humvee was now facing the Russian tank. I put the gear forward and stepped on the gas, driving down the road at max speed.

All attention was now on me, as every Russian focused their fire towards the humvee. I was swerving left and right to avoid missiles and artillery, all the while trying to drive straight towards the T-90 in front of me. It fired again, the shell missing the humvee by an inch. With another shell spent, the tank switched to its machine gun and pelted the humvee. The windshield cracked, and I could feel rounds flying past me as they tore through the armor.

Haggard's voice crackled on my earpiece. “Hey Pres, the plan's working. We're pulling back to a safe distance now. But, uh, could you remind me again what you're planning to do?”

“Simple Haggard,” I smirked. “The humvee, the C4, and the detonator? Put it all together, you got a bomb on wheels.”

“I know what you mean, Pres,” Haggard said. “What I mean to ask is how you plan on getting out of a moving vehicle?”

I fell silent. Come to think about it, I haven't even thought about how I was going to get out of this ticking time bomb. As the humvee closed in on the target, I realized that if I wanted to get out of this alive, I was going to have to do something even more stupid than this plan. I grabbed my gun and opened the driver side door, feeling the wind rushing inside. I took a deep breath, and when the time was right, I jumped.

“Son of a BIIIIIITCH!!!”

I fell out of the humvee and tumbled over the road. I don't know exactly how Sarge and Sweets felt when they fell off of a moving vehicle, but I can tell you that this hurts like hell. Had it not been for all the armor I was wearing, I would've been dead, or seriously injured.

Looking up, I could see the humvee barreling towards the T-90 in a straight line. The tank fired one more time, but as luck would have had it, it missed by a hairline. I was slightly winded from the jump, but I was conscious enough to pull out the detonator and arm it. Once the humvee crashed into the tank, I detonated the explosives.

The second that detonator was pulled, there was an explosion so powerful, it may as well have been a Hiroshima bomb going off. There was a bright flash, followed by an ear-splitting bang, as though lightning had struck nearby. The force of the blast knocked me back on my ass as I was getting back up on my feet. I lay there on the ground, my ears ringing and chest tightening. As my hearing returned to normal, I slowly got up and saw the result of my work.

There was nothing left of that T-90. All that was left in its place was a black mushroom cloud of smoke. Anyone or anything that was caught in the explosion suffered the same fate as well. The explosion itself left the Russians stunned for a short period. They must’ve been in shock at the site of what happened.

Their dazed state put me at an advantage, because suddenly I could hear tank and artillery fire from behind, followed by a couple of voices on my earpiece.

Haggard was laughing and cheering hysterically, his mind completely blown from what he just witnessed. “Preston, you crazy son of a bitch! That was a beautiful thing! Thank you!”

Sarge's voice crackled in response. “Okay Marlowe, you bought us enough time to fall back, now get your ass out of there! We got them suppressed from here!”

“Hurry Marlowe,” Sweetwater added worriedly. “Fast movers will be here in three minutes!”

I picked up my weapon and made a run for it, rounds flying in every direction. The fact that I wasn't hit by a single bullet yet was baffling, more so than that asinine plan I'd just pulled off. If I made it out of this alive, no one back home was ever going to believe this, not unless they were drunk or high. Either way, this is definitely one for the books.

I was about to be home free, with two minutes left on the clock. Seemed like nothing could go wrong, but at the last second, I jinxed myself. Out of nowhere, an RPG flew past me on my right, the rocket then arcing left towards the ground

“Aw, fuck...”

I skidded to a halt, but it was too late. There was a bright flash, then I felt a rush of hot wind and something sharp piercing the left side of my face as the rocket exploded a few inches in front of me. I was propelled a few feet into the air, before making a rough re-entry onto the concrete road. My vision was blurred, and I could barely hear anything from all the constant ringing in my ears. I don't know how badly injured I was, and I probably didn't want to know. Eventually my ears stopped ringing and I could hear properly again. My vision also cleared up and I could see the early morning sky with both of my eyes. There was a crackling noise from my earpiece as various voices flooded into my hearing.

“Oh God, no...”

“Preston! Are you alright? Say something!”

“Marlowe, can you hear me? You need to get out of there, now! Those fast movers are almost here and you're still in the danger zone. Get moving! Hurry!”

I tried to walk, but because of my injuries, I was reduced into a crawling state. I had managed to drag my wounded carcass back to the APC when I heard the sound of fighter jets approaching from a distance. I looked up and saw about a few meters away, all allied forces were at a safe distance. Above them, multiple F-18s were in the sky, closing in on my position.

“Ah, fuck this! I'm going in after him,”

“You can't! It's too late, sir! If you go back in and get him, you're gonna die too.”

“Goddamn it...all fighters, stand down! Do you hear me? Stand down! Stand the fuck down!”

I heaved a tired sigh. Deep down, I knew that I wasn't going to make it out in time. The best I could do was hunker down in the APC and wait for death. Using the last of my strength, I dragged myself up the ramp and into the vehicle, sitting on one of the empty seats as I awaited for death to finally take me.

So...this is how it ends? I could've died a hundred bloody ways, and this is the way I go out? Not what I expected, but good enough, I suppose.

As I sat there, waiting for the end, something else had caught my eye: a bright flash of violet to my right. Looking over, I could see what appeared to be a gold pocket watch sitting on a seat beside me. I would've assumed one of the soldiers who sat in this vehicle may have accidentally left it on board as he was fleeing, but the strange thing was that I didn't even see it in the first place. What was even more strange was the purple aura surrounding it. Since when was there a pocket watch capable of emanating purple light?

I reached out, wanting to take a closer look at it. As my fingers grasped it, I could feel the warmth of the light intensifying. Before I could process what was going on, my whole world went white, and then, silence. The last thing I heard was the sound of jets flying at a low altitude to deliver their deadly payload.


[Four Hours Later...]

[HMCS Star, Hamilton, ON, Canada]

The liberation of Hamilton was swift and brutal. After minutes of deadly air support, American forces moved into the city and put down the last of the Russian occupation remaining in Hamilton without trouble. Those that weren't killed retreated, or were taken prisoner. By noon, the city was under allied control, and the people of Hamilton were happy to see the last of the Russians leaving the city. Soon, word got out that across Canada, the liberation was going smoothly. Half of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba were free of Russian occupation, though there was still intense fighting going on in British Columbia. Quebec and all the other eastern provinces nearby were already liberated, considering the fact that the intel was correct about Russian presence spread thin around here. The operation was proving to be a success, and before long, Canada would be liberated weeks later.

But the operation did not come without its costs. Heavy casualties mounted on both sides, and the number was certain to rise in the days to come. For Bad Company, the loss of one of their own was greater than anything else. Though they've faced death countless times, and even lost friends in the war, Marlowe's death had shaken them to the core. The moment the F-18s had concluded their air strike, Haggard vengefully stated that “one of those Ruskie bastards just signed their own death warrants,” before marching off towards the city on his own, with Sarge and Sweetwater tailing behind him.

As if possessed by demons, Bad Company retook the city almost single-handedly, without even requesting for support. Within an hour, Hamilton was liberated thanks to the efforts of the US Army and Bad Company themselves. Normally, their next objective was to move into Toronto and liberate the city, but for now, they were given orders to take a well-earned rest at a Canadian naval base located in the North End.

Sweetwater and Haggard were sitting in the break room, not being able to say anything for the longest time. It was just the two of them. Many of the soldiers were either on duty, or joining the celebration the people of Hamilton were throwing in thanks for liberating the city. The door to the break room opened, and Sarge entered with an exhausted look on his face. He pulled up a chair and sat down at the table with his two privates.

He finally broke the silence, trying to lighten the mood. “There's a baker who's serving some damn good marble cake to us troops,” he said. “You two should go grab some before it's all gone. The baker's at the pier, near the old battleship.”

Haggard shook his head. “Thanks Sarge, but I'm just not in the mood for cake right now.”

“Or celebrating for that matter,” Sweetwater added. “I'll celebrate once we liberate Alaska.”

Sarge looked at his men grimly. He then sighed, and said, “Alright, look, it's a damn shame about what happened to Marlowe, and we all wish that it didn't have to end like this. But what happened, happened, and there's nothing we can do to change it. He sacrificed his life to save us all, so the best we can do is move forward and complete our mission. That way, he wouldn't have died in vain.”

“We could've saved him, Sarge,” said Sweetwater. “There was still some time left before the F-18's came in. Why couldn't we have tried to drive a jeep in there and get him out? Why didn't those air force guys listen to your order to stand down? Don't they know the meaning of friendly fire when one of our own is still in the danger zone?”

“Sweets, we've been over this already...”

“I know, Sarge. I know,” Sweetwater replied. “I'm just saying that there could've been another way. That all of this could've been avoided.”

There was an uncomfortable silence among the men. Finally, Haggard placed his hand on Sweetwater's shoulder and said, “Sweets, I get that you miss Pres. We all do. But as Sarge told us before, there was nothing we could do. Those fast movers were already in the middle of their bombing run before Sarge's order reached them. And even if we could've driven in and saved him, we wouldn't have made it out in time.

“I may have not known Preston for all my life, but I've known him long enough to know that he's one tough son of a bitch. He's also stubborn, mind you. Once that boy makes up his mind, there's no way you can talk him out of it. I would've convinced him otherwise, but he'd probably still go on with that crazy plan of his.”

“He's right, Sweets,” Sarge nodded. “Marlowe knew what he was doing, and he understood the risks that came with it. So let's not dwell on it any further. As I've said earlier, the best we can do is move on and complete our mission. For Marlowe. You hear me?”

“I guess so,” Sweetwater mumbled. “For Marlowe.”

Someone knocked on the door to the break room, getting the squad's attention. The door opened, and a lone soldier walked in. He was a Caucasian gentleman, aged somewhere in his mid-to-late thirties. The tag on his uniform read 'Tobias' and his rank was sergeant.

“Sergeant Redford?” he asked.

Sarge stood up. “Can I help you with something?”

“I'm Sergeant Tobias with the 1st Armored Cav,” he explained. “I don't believe we properly introduced ourselves, but I'm a tank commander with Task Force Kodiak. My crew's call sign is Kodiak One.”

“Oh shit,” Sweetwater's eyes widened. “You guys are the ones we helped out earlier.”

“And the same guys who fought with you back in Chile,” he added. “It's good to finally meet the men of Bravo Two.”

The whole squad stood up as Tobias went over and shook each of their hands. “I just wanted to stop by and thank you all again for saving us. If you hadn't come back like you did, we would've been goners.”

“You don't leave a man behind,” Sarge replied. “How's your wounded guy doing?”

“Jackson's fine,” he answered. “He'll be out of the fight for the rest of the war, but he'll live.”

Tobias cleared his throat, and said, “Listen, about your guy, I'm sorry about what happened to him. He was a brave man.”

Sarge nodded solemnly. “He knew what he was doing, and the risks that followed.”

“And we'll make sure he didn't die for nothing,” Tobias added. “My crew and I are going back in the fight tomorrow with a new tank, and most likely a new driver. If you gentlemen ever need armored support, give us a holler and we'll be there.”

“For sure,” Sarge replied. “You take care now, alright?”

With that, Sergeant Tobias left the squad on their own, returning to his own duties. Haggard spoke up. “So, now what?”

“Braidwood said we can rest here for the night,” Sarge explained. “Our plan to liberate Toronto will have to wait until tomorrow, but he expects us to take back the city by then. Our supply ships will be coming through from the St. Lawrence River tomorrow, and if the harbor in Toronto is not secured, the Russians will cut them down. Once we secure Toronto, we await further orders, see where they'll want to send us next.”

Sweetwater nodded. “Then I guess I'll go grab some of that cake you've mentioned.”

“I'm with you, Sweets,” Haggard said. “Let's just see how good this cake is.”

Haggard and Sweetwater made their way out of the break room, but not before Haggard stopped at the door and asked, “By the way, what are we going to do about Marlowe's body?”

“Right, I forgot about that,” Sarge muttered. “Braidwood said that he'd take care of it. He's sent some men out there to recover casualties from today's battle. If he finds Preston's body, what's left of it anyways, he'll ship him back to the States and inform us about it.”

“Guess that takes a load off my mind,” Haggard said. “Come on, Sweets, let's go get some cake before it's all gone.”

Once they were gone, it was just Sarge in the break room. He pulled out a cigar from his pockets and took a good puff out of it. He could not wait until this war was over, that he could finally retire and go fishing for the rest of his life.

Chapter 1 - First Contact

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[Somewhere else...]

Cold and dark. Silence all around. Is this what death feels like? When I came to, I found myself lying in a tall, grassy field, surrounded by thick trees. It was nighttime already. The sky was black and inky with the stars and moon shining brightly, bathing the field in an eerie glow. All around, I could hear the sound of crickets chirping and owls hooting.

Judging from all the trees, I must be in some forest. How I ended up here in the first place, I do not know. All I remember was sitting in the APC, waiting for death, when I spotted a glowing pocket watch and...

The pocket watch! In the palm of my right hand, there sat the same watch from earlier. No longer did it have a purple glow around it. It was just a simple, gold pocket watch. It looked pretty antique, and was probably worth a few hundred bucks, maybe more. Whatever this watch was, it had just saved my life. I never believed in magic, but whatever happened earlier, I couldn't deny the fact that there was some magical phenomenon connected to this watch. It had got me out of danger and somewhere safe, well, if you can call a dark, spooky forest safe. Either way, I tucked that watch away in my pocket for good luck.

Regardless of where I am, I was still in hostile territory, so the least I could do was be on guard. First things first, inventory:

1x Interceptor Body Armor

1x Advanced Combat Helmet w/ ballistic goggles

1x M16A2 5.56 assault rifle w/ M203 grenade launcher

1x M1911 .45 semi-automatic pistol

1x Combat Knife

12x 5.56mm thirty-round STANAG magazines

10x .45 caliber seven-round box magazines

10x 40mm grenade rounds

4x M67 fragmentation grenades

1x Power Tool

1x Ammo Box


1x Weapon Cleaning Kit

1x Portable Radio with earpiece communications system

1x Portable GPS

1x Compass

1x Binoculars

1x Hygiene Kit

1x Hydration Pack

3x MREs

Seems like I had everything in order. Next step was to check comms. I needed to see if my radio still works. I activated my earpiece and tried to radio for help.

“Bravo Two Actual, this is Bravo Two, do you copy?”

There was no response. Just static.

“Bravo Two Actual, this is Bravo Two, do you copy?” I repeated. “Sarge, you there?”

More static.

“Damn it,” I shut off my radio. It seems that comms weren't working around here. The GPS wasn’t working as well. Looks like I was on my own. Not knowing where I was, I guess the only option I have is to move out and find assistance from allied troops. I was just about to set out when I felt a stinging pain on the left side of my face. I then remembered that I may have sustained an injury from that RPG blast. I had to check my injuries to make sure they weren't too serious.

Spotting a large rock nearby, I took cover behind it and pulled out my IFAK. First thing I took out was a mirror. I needed to see how bad the injury was. I pulled the mirror to myself and saw the extent of my injuries. There were a few tiny pieces of shrapnel embedded into my left cheek and somewhere above my left brow. Nothing too serious. Despite this charming face slightly marred by RPG fragments, I was fortunate enough to not lose an eye.

Still, it's best that I treated that injury before moving out. I seemed to be well isolated, so I didn't have to worry about someone trying to jump me. I searched my IFAK for tweezers, gauze, and suture. Once I had everything with me, I took off my helmet and pulled the mirror back in front of me. Taking a deep breath, I lowered the tweezers towards the first piece of shrapnel and got to work.


“Are you sure it's a good idea to be out in the Everfree Forest at night?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Relax,” Scootaloo assured. “We're not going that far into the forest like last time.”

“Shouldn't we head back to the cottage?” Sweetie Belle suggested. “Fluttershy told us to stay at the cottage and never go to the forest while she was gone. We're going to get into a lot of trouble if she finds out that we left the cottage.”

“We'll be fine,” Scootaloo assured. “We're not going to go that far out into the Everfree just to find a few possums, mice, frogs, owls, maybe some snakes.”

Sweetie Belle shivered. "S-s-s-snakes?"

“What are you, Twilight?” Scootaloo giggled. “Don't worry Sweetie Belle, they're harmless. And like I said, we'll be fine. Now, come on, let's go!”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders were out exploring the Everfree Forest tonight. They were hoping to find a way to earn their cutie marks by being zoologists or something. All three of them were dressed in their jungle explorer clothes, carrying with them wildlife books and a map of the Everfree Forest.

They were staying at Fluttershy's place for a sleepover since Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle's sisters were a bit too busy to babysit them. Scootaloo tagged along with them as well. After dinner, Fluttershy headed out for the grocery store to purchase more food for her animals. Before leaving, she had explicitly told them that they were not to leave the cottage while she was gone. Of course, being young and curious fillies, they had set out on their own once Fluttershy was gone.

The three fillies traveled further into the forest, taking caution not to go too far. Halfway through the journey, they stopped in an open area to view their map.

“So, where are we now?” Scootaloo asked.

“According to the map, we should be somewhere here in this open field,” Apple Bloom pointed out. “We're still far enough from the danger zone, so perhaps we can move forward and see what we can find.”

Turning to Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom asked. “But since we're here, anything in that book of yours can tell us what kind of wildlife's around?”

Sweetie Belle pulled out a wildlife encyclopedia from her saddle bag and flipped through the pages. “Well, it says here that we can spot some fireflies out here. If we're lucky, there might be some rabbits and nightingales nearby.”

Scootaloo shrugged. “I guess we can have a look around here.” They made their way into the tall grass, looking out for any sign of wildlife. So far, there was nothing.

After a minute of looking around, Scootaloo got bored. “Well, this was a waste of time. Let's move on.”

At that moment, the Crusaders heard a short cry of pain. They froze in place, the hairs on their coats standing straight.

“What was that?” Scootaloo whispered.

“I don't know, but I don't think it's a rabbit,” Sweetie Belle trembled. “I think we should head back to the cottage now.”

“Hold up,” Apple Bloom said in a calm tone. “Listen.”

The girls quieted down and listened for any noises. What followed was hisses of pain and muttering. It sounded male.

“I think somepony's hurt out there,” Apple Bloom whispered.

“How do you know it's a pony?” Scootaloo hissed. “For all we know, it could be one of those monsters deep within the Everfree Forest. It must've entered this field, looking for food, and we're going to be its dinner if it catches us.”

“I'm telling you, it's a pony,” Apple Bloom said. “Somepony must've wandered in the forest just like us, and they probably injured themselves. We should go and see if they need our help.”

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked at each other, nodding hesitantly. “Then you go first, AB,” Scootaloo whispered, shoving her forward.

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes and quietly motioned for her friends to follow her. The crept further into the grass, looking for the source of the noise. As they moved forward, they could hear the voices growing more audible.

“Ah fuck...son of a bitch...”

“Hear that?” Sweetie Belle whispered.

“It's coming from that rock,” Apple Bloom pointed towards the large rock in the center. She pulled out a flashlight and aimed it at the rock. Scootaloo placed a hoof on her shoulder.

“You're positive it's a pony?” she asked.

“I'm positive,” Apple Bloom nodded. She switched on the flashlight, bathing the rock in bright light. “Hello? Are you alright?” she called out loudly.

There was silence. The Crusaders held their breath, waiting for a response. After an agonizing ten seconds, a response came from behind the rock.

“Who's there?” the voice asked. “Are you a Canadian citizen?”

“Canadian?” Scootaloo muttered. “What the hay is a Canadian?”

“Shh!” Apple Bloom shushed. She turned back to the rock and said, “Um, hello there! We're not what you call a 'Canadian citizen'? We're Equestrians. Ponies.”

“...Pardon me, kid, but aren't we in Hamilton, Ontario?”

“What's he talking about?” Sweetie Belle whispered. “I've never heard of this Hamilton place before.”

Apple Bloom looked at her friends and shrugged. She replied back to the voice. “We're in Equestria. More specifically, the Everfree Forest. The Everfree Forest is a dangerous place for a pony to wander around at night. You're better off heading to Ponyville. It's safer there.”

“Ponyville?” the stranger questioned. “You playing with me, kid? What the heck is Ponyville?”

“You've never been to Ponyville?” Apple Bloom asked. “It's the greatest town in all of Equestria! If you're looking for a place to stay, there's a really nice hotel over there. We can take you there.”

“...Okay, I guess that'd be a good idea,” the stranger replied. “You gotta name, kid?”

“I'm Apple Bloom,” she said. “And I'm not the only one. My friends are with me – Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.”

“H-hello,” Sweetie Belle greeted nervously.

“How's it going?” Scootaloo grinned.

“What's your name, stranger?” Apple Bloom asked.

“...My name is Preston. Preston Marlowe,” the stranger answered. “I'm an American soldier.”

Apple Bloom couldn't help but giggle. “Preston? That's a funny name.”

“You're a soldier?” Scootaloo couldn't help but ask. “As in like, a royal guard?”

“I guess you can say that,” Preston replied. “So, what are you kids doing out here in the middle of night? Didn't you say this forest is dangerous?”

“Well, yeah,” Apple Bloom said. “There's all sorts of monsters out here, and if you go too far into the forest, you might end up running into one of them.”

“Then why are you kids out here if it's that dangerous?” Preston asked.

“We're looking for ways to get our cutie marks,” Sweetie Belle replied. “We thought that if we go exploring the forest at night, we can find some interesting wildlife and earn a cutie mark in zoology.”

“Anyways, that doesn't matter right now,” Apple Bloom said. “Are you hurt, Mr. Preston? We heard you crying earlier. Is everything alright?”

“I'm fine, kid. I got into a little accident and I was treating myself with some first aid. I'll probably go see a doctor later, but other than that, I'm fine,” Preston explained. “So, you're gonna take me to this town of yours or something?”

“Sure!” Apple Bloom nodded. “It's safer than being here for another minute. And you being a royal guard, maybe you can keep us safe if we run into any monsters.”

“Okay, sure,” Preston said. “Listen, Apple Bloom, was it? I'm going to come out from behind this rock slowly with my hands up, to show that I'm not a threat. That okay with you?”

“Uh, sure, I guess,” Apple Bloom said.

“Alright then, I'm coming out.”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders kept their eyes on the rock. Soon, Preston emerged from behind the rock, and to their surprise, he was not the pony they thought he was.

Preston was some tall, green, ape-like creature. In other words, a big green monster. He had black hair and brown eyes, and there was some dried blood smeared on his face. Bandages were wrapped around his forehead and the left side of his face. He wore a surprised expression on his face. Obviously, he had never seen a pony before.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders on the other hand were terrified. For all they know, he was one of the many monsters of the Everfree Forest looking for a tasty snack to dine on, and he'd managed to trick them into trusting him. The three of them stood there, not knowing what to say or how to react. Preston was the first to speak.


The Crusaders screamed in terror and ran off into the woods as fast as they could.


Treating shrapnel injuries by myself wasn't exactly a fun thing to do. I thought that it'd be a simple task to just remove the pieces embedded in the left side of my face. Every time I pulled a piece out with the tweezers, it stung like fuck all. Once I had the pieces removed, I had to sew up the cuts that were now pouring out with blood. Wiping most of the blood off my face, I got to work sewing up the wounds. It was a painful procedure, but with one hand, I managed to sew up the wounds as best as I could. Finally, I took some gauze and wrapped it around my forehead and left face. Now that I was done treating myself, it was time to head out and figure out where the hell I was.

“Hello? Are you alright?”

I froze in place as light flooded past the rock. I was compromised! I must've made too much noise while treating myself. However, the voice didn't sound Russian. It sounded like a little girl, with a twang to it. A local farm kid, perhaps? I had to be on my guard. It could be a trap.

I replied back. “Who's there? Are you a Canadian citizen?”

There was silence for a moment, before I got another response. “Um, hello there! We're not what you call a 'Canadian citizen'? We're Equestrians. Ponies.”

Seems like she wasn't alone. There were others with her. Allies? Or Russians? I readied my weapon, preparing for anything. But there was something else that caught my attention. She said she was an Eqeustrian. A pony. What the heck is this kid going on about? I needed more information.

“Pardon me, kid, but aren't we in Hamilton, Ontario?” I asked.

Another response. “We're in Equestria. More specifically, the Everfree Forest. The Everfree Forest is a dangerous place for a pony to wander around at night. You're better off heading to Ponyville. It's safer there.”

“Ponyville?” I'm starting to think that this kid is just trying to troll me. “You playing with me, kid? What the heck is Ponyville?”

“You've never been to Ponyville?” she said. “It's the greatest town in all of Equestria! If you're looking for a place to stay, there's a really nice hotel over there. We can take you there.”

I really don't know what this kid's going on about, but if she's offering to take me into town, she seems harmless enough. “Okay, I guess that'd be a good idea. You gotta name, kid?”

“I'm Apple Bloom,” she said. “And I'm not the only one. My friends are with me – Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.”

“H-hello,” another little girl spoke up, with a higher-pitched voice.

“How's it going?” a raspy voiced girl asked.

So it seems that she was with some friends, and not Russians. Good to know. She and her friends have strange names though, but I guess that's Canada for you.

“What's your name, stranger?” The girl named Apple Bloom asked.

“My name is Preston. Preston Marlowe,” I answered. “I'm an American soldier.”

I heard her giggle. “Preston? That's a funny name.”

“You're a soldier?” the raspy voiced girl named Scootaloo asked. “As in like, a royal guard?”

“I guess you can say that,” I replied. “So, what are you kids doing out here in the middle of night? Didn't you say this forest is dangerous?”

“Well, yeah,” Apple Bloom said. “There's all sorts of monsters out here, and if you go too far into the forest, you might end up running into one of them.”

“Then why are you kids out here if it's that dangerous?”

“We're looking for ways to get our cutie marks,” the high-pitched one named Sweetie Belle explained. “We thought that if we go exploring the forest at night, we can find some interesting wildlife and earn a cutie mark in zoology.”

Cutie Marks? At this point, I couldn't tell if I was being trolled or that these kids just have a very active imagination.

“Anyways, that doesn't matter right now. Are you hurt, Mr. Preston? We heard you crying earlier. Is everything alright?”

That explains how they found me. “I'm fine, kid,” I said. “I got into a little accident and I was treating myself with some first aid. I'll probably go see a doctor later, but other than that, I'm fine. So, you're gonna take me to this town of yours or something?”

“Sure!” Apple Bloom chirped. “It's safer than being here for another minute. And you being a royal guard, maybe you can keep us safe if we run into any monsters.”

“Okay, sure,” I shrugged. Got nothing better to do, so I may as well follow these kids. But first, I wanted to see who I was really dealing with. “Listen, Apple Bloom, was it? I'm going to come out from behind this rock slowly with my hands up, to show that I'm not a threat. That okay with you?”

“Uh, sure, I guess.”

I sighed. “Alright then, I'm coming out.”

I raised my hands up and slowly came out from behind the rock, where I was momentarily blinded by a flashlight. Once my eyes adjusted, I got to see who these kids were, and they weren't people I was expecting. In fact, they weren't even people at all, but ponies. Fucking ponies. They looked like characters out of a cartoon or storybook.

There were three of them. One had a yellow colored coat, red mane color, and a bright red bow on her head. Another had an orange coat, purple colored mane, and tiny wings on her back. There was a white coated one with pink and purple streaks in her mane and a horn on her head. The three of them stared at me in shock and horror. Guess I looked like the boogeyman to them. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Either I was in one hell of a morphine trip, or I was dead, and this was some sort of fucked up afterlife.

I spoke again. “Um...hello?” Their reaction? They just screamed and ran off into the woods, the one with the red bow dropping her flashlight in panic.

“Wait! Come back! COME BACK!” I yelled, trying to catch up to them. They were too fast and I immediately lost sight of them. “Goddamn it, they're gone.”

I had to take a moment to process what I had just seen. Talking ponies? What the fuck? None of this made sense. I was supposed to be in Hamilton. Not some bullshit, Kiddie Land full of talking ponies. Where was I even? How did I get here in the first place?

Well, whatever was going on, those ponies might have answers. Maybe even a way back home. With nowhere to go, my objective was to follow these kids and find out where the hell I am. I loaded my gun and ran off into the woods, but not before picking up the dropped flashlight. Even though I could see clearly with the moonlight glow, the flashlight might come in handy.

Deeper into the woods, I found stuff the ponies had dropped when they fled: books, bags, empty jars for catching small bugs, and a map. They must've dropped everything in order to run away faster. I picked up the map and examined it. Looks like it mapped out the whole forest. Most of it at least.

According to the map, areas in the far north were marked with a red highlight and a symbol resembling a skull and crossbones. Guess the area up ahead was dangerous. I examined the surrounding area, using the map as reference, and my compass to identify what direction I was traveling in. Based on some familiar landmarks spotted on map and in the local area, I was getting close to the danger zone. Looking north from my compass, the trail of objects left behind indicated that the ponies ran north, straight into danger. They probably didn't know where they were going or what dangers were up ahead without that map. I need to find them fast, before something bad happens to them.

I pushed north, hoping I'd find those kids alive and well. Halfway through, I heard screams up ahead, followed by a monstrous roar. Not good. I ran towards the direction of the commotion, pausing midway as I found those three ponies. They weren't the only ones, however.

Some kind of creature, the likes I have never seen before, had them cornered in front of a large tree. It was some three-headed monster with a tiger as the body, a goat as the hindquarters, and a snake as the tail. It looked pretty dangerous, not to mention hungry. I mean, if you look at it from its point of view, each of those ponies were the size of a full course meal. Plenty enough to satisfy their stomach, or stomachs, I don't know.

And here's the weird part – each of these heads could talk as well. First, talking ponies, now talking monsters? What's next?

I listened in on the conversations. Judging by the voices from each head, they were all female.

“What do we have here,” the tiger head growled. “Some fresh, juicy meat!”

“And enough meat to satisfy all of us,” the goat head said gleefully.

“Yessss....” the snake head hissed. “All of ussss...”

“W-what's a chimera like you doing in the forest?” the orange pony asked frightfully. She had a slightly raspy tone, so I'm guessing that one's Scootaloo.

“I thought chimeras never wander into the Everfree Forest,” the marshmallow-colored pony said in a high-pitched voice. Guessing that's Sweetie Belle, which makes the yellow one with the red bow, Apple Bloom.

“Oh, but we do,” the tiger head snarled. “Plenty of good morsels around here.”

“And you're about to become our dinner for tonight,” the goat's head cackled.

“The yellow one looks very juicy,” the snake head said. “I'll take her. You two sort out the rest.”

“Don't worry, sister,” the goat head replied. “They're all the same. Take whatever you like.”

The three ponies cowered on the spot as the creature closed in for the kill. Enough was enough. I'm not a kid-person, but human or not, you don't threaten children. Not when I'm around. I flipped the safety off and took aim at the monster, waiting for the perfect opportunity to attack.


Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo ran further into the Everfree Forest, dropping everything they were carrying in order to escape faster. Every three seconds they would look back to make sure they weren't being followed by that monster named Preston. Once they were sure they lost him, they paused to catch their breath.

“I...I think we lost him,” Apple Bloom gasped.

“Good thing too,” Scootaloo panted. “I don't...I don't think I could've made it in another mile.”

“What was that thing anyways?” Sweetie Belle asked. “He sounded like a pony, but he wasn't.”

“Probably some monster that tricks ponies into thinking he's one of them,” Scootaloo explained. “And once you let your guard down, that's when he strikes.”

“I told you we should've stayed back at the cottage,” Apple Bloom glared at Scootaloo. “This whole quest to earn our cutie marks in zoology was a bad idea from the start.”

“Let's just get back to the cottage,” Sweetie Belle said. “It shouldn't be too far from here.”

“Sounds good,” Scootaloo nodded. “Anypony know where we are?”

“Let me just check the map and-” Apple Bloom froze, realizing that in their panic, she had dropped the map. “Ponyfeathers!”

“What? What is it?” Scootaloo asked.

“I lost the map!” Apple Bloom whimpered.

“You what?!”

Suddenly, a noise from behind caught their attention. They turned in the direction of the sound.

“What's that?!” Sweetie Belle shuddered.

“Something's in the bushes!” Scootaloo pointed at the rustling bushes nearby.

“Back up! Back up!” Apple Bloom hushed as the three of them backed away from the bush. The kept their eyes on the bush, getting ready to scatter at the first sign of hostile wildlife. The bush shook a few more times before something popped out of it – a little brown rabbit.

The Crusaders breathed a sigh of relief. The rabbit looked at them curiously, then looked above them, where it suddenly panicked and ran off into the darkness. The fillies looked at each other, confused, before a low growling noise caught their attention. They felt warm breathing on the back of their necks, making their hearts race a beat faster. Turning around, they saw a beast twice their size with the heads of a tiger, goat, and snake. It was a chimera.

They screamed in terror as the tiger head gave a mighty roar. They made an attempt to run, but to their dismay, they had been cornered in front of a tree. The chimera closed in on them, each head licking their chops.

“What do we have here? Some fresh, juicy meat!”

“And enough meat to satisfy all of us...”

“Yessss....All of ussss...”

Scootaloo gulped. “W-what's a chimera like you doing in the forest?”

“I thought chimeras never wander into the Everfree Forest,” Sweetie Belle shivered.

“Oh, but we do...Plenty of good morsels around here.”

“And you're about to become our dinner for tonight...”

“The yellow one looks very juicy,” the snake head hissed, glaring at Apple Bloom. “I'll take her. You two sort out the rest.”

“Don't worry, sister,” the goat head replied. “They're all the same. Take whatever you like.”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders cowered on the spot as the chimera got closer. The snake head raised itself high, before bringing down its fangs towards Apple Bloom. She screamed, hugging her friends tightly and shutting her eyes. Just when she thought it was over, there was a sound that sounded like firecrackers going off, followed by a roar of pain. Looking up, Apple Bloom could see that the snake head was badly injured. Something had hacked a chunk of its flesh off its neck and the top of its head. The chimera turned around, glaring at the one responsible for the damage.

The Crusaders looked in the same direction it was looking at. Up ahead was none other than Preston Marlowe. He had his M16 at the ready, keeping its sights on the chimera.

“Hey! Asshole!” he called out. “Why don't you go pick on someone your own size!”

The chimera approached him menacingly. The Crusaders looked on in surprise to see Preston standing up for them. More surprising that he was unafraid at the sight of an angry chimera closing in. The chimera paused a few feet, sizing up this strange creature in front of them.

“And just who are you supposed to be?” the tiger head growled.

“I'm the last person you want to piss off,” Preston replied. “And if you want to keep all your body parts intact, then I suggest you leave these kids alone and get out of this forest.”

The goat head laughed. “And what if we don't want to? What are you going to do about it?”

Preston responded by firing a single shot at the goat’s head. The projectile pierced through its skull, sending blood, skull fragments, and brain matter all over. The goat head fell limp, dead.

The Crusaders gasped in shock. They had never seen a creature killed before their eyes. The remaining two heads howled in pain, thrashing around violently.

“Sister!” they cried, before glaring back at Preston. “We'll kill you for that! You'll make a fine meal for the two of us!”

“Bring it on, freak show,” Preston taunted. “Let's see what you got.”

The two heads roared in response and charged at Preston, leaping towards him for the kill. He ran up and fired a few shots before sliding underneath the chimera, avoiding its pounce. He turned around and fired again, dealing more damage and aggravating the beast. His gun ran dry and he quickly swapped out his empty mag for a full one. Meanwhile, the beast had enough. It leaned back and breathed fire towards him.

“Look out!” Apple Bloom cried.

Preston and the girls shielded themselves from the bright flames rushing forward. The flames stopped a few inches from his face, before dying down in a wall of smoke. When the smoke cleared, the chimera was gone. Cursing himself, Preston realized that the flame attack was merely a distraction for the chimera to escape.

He had no idea where it was. All he could hear were its growls and hisses, and then, silence. Spotting the Crusaders, he ran over to them and placed himself in front of them, scanning the area for the chimera.

“Move back,” Preston whispered to them. “Stick together and keep an eye out for anything suspicious. Got it?”

Realizing that he was not a threat anymore, the Crusaders nodded and stuck close by. Not being able to see what was going on in the dark, Preston reached into his satchel and pulled out the flashlight Apple Bloom dropped earlier. In one hand, he held his gun, and in the other, the flashlight to light the way.

He scanned the darkened forest, trying to spot the chimera. Every time he heard a twig snap or a bush rustle, he'd shine the flashlight in the direction of the noise, only to find nothing. After a minute of scanning around, he motioned for everyone to be quiet. Shining the flashlight up into the trees, he spotted some movement in the leaves. Was it the chimera? Only one way to find out. He turned off the flashlight and put it away, gripping the M16 with both hands now.

“Listen up,” he whispered to the Crusaders. “When I start shooting, run away as fast as you can, and don't stop.”

“What about you?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Don't worry about me,” Preston said. “You three just focus on getting out of here.”

The rustling grew quiet. He aimed his weapon towards the trees. “Get ready...”

He put his finger on the trigger and flipped a mechanism on the side of his weapon. The leaves above shook violently.


He opened fire into the trees, prompting the Crusaders to scatter. The field was bathed in the flashes of gunfire. Casings of spent rounds flew out of the chamber and onto the ground. The gunfire continued for a few more seconds until it ran dry again. Preston lowered his weapon, but not before loading another full magazine. He kept his eyes on the trees, expecting the body of the chimera to fall out of the leaves.

Instead, he got an angry chimera popping out from the bushes on his left. He was able to dodge its pounce once again, but not before the chimera swiped its paw and knocked his weapon out of his hands. Preston was now completely unarmed. Not wanting to waste time retrieving his gun, he went for his knife and engaged the chimera at close range. The chimera lunged forward, the tiger head bearing its teeth. Another swift dodge from Preston himself, giving him an opening to slash the tiger's left eye. It snarled in pain and swiped at him, prompting another dodge from Preston.

Just as he was about to counter with his knife again, the snake had brought down its fangs towards him. By the time he realized what was going on, it was too late. The snake had bit him in the left arm, sending waves of razor sharp pain throughout his body. He pulled his arm free from the bite and stumbled backwards. His vision blurred, and he was having a hard time trying to keep his balance.

“Aw, what's the matter? You feeling sick?” the tiger head taunted. “Just so you know, my sister's venom is capable of killing any living creature in a matter of minutes. Soon, you'll lose control of your whole body and become paralyzed. Then, your pathetic little organs will begin to shut down, one by one. And finally, death.”

Within seconds, Preston felt his body shutting down as he collapsed to the ground, convulsing in agony.

“You just sit here and die,” the snake hissed. “Once we've had our appetizer, then we'll move onto you for the main course.”

With that, the chimera disappeared into the darkness of the Everfree in search of their three remaining prey, leaving Preston for dead.


The Cutie Mark Crusaders continued running away as Preston stayed behind to fight off the chimera. None of them dared to look back. All they could hear behind them was the continuous rattling of Preston's weapon. Even when that weapon grew quiet, they didn't stop running. Everything around them looked the same, and there seemed to be no escape from the Everfree, but they kept on running as Preston told them to. If they stopped to take a breath for even a second, they'd be chimera food.

During their escape, Sweetie Belle, not bothering to examine her surroundings, tripped on a root and sprained her ankle, prompting the Crusaders to stop.

“Sweetie Belle! Are you alright?” Apple Bloom said.

“My ankle,” she whimpered. “I think I twisted it...”

“Alright Sweetie, hang on,” Apple Bloom hushed gently as she and Scootaloo helped her up. “We're going to get you back on your hooves, and we're going to make it back to Fluttershy's in time for some hot chocolate. Don't you worry.”

“But the's going to-”

“Shh, shh, don't you worry,” Apple Bloom assured. “I'm sure Mister Preston took care of it. Now, all we have to do is make it back to Fluttershy's.”

“You think we can trust him?” Scootaloo couldn't help but ask.

Apple Bloom nodded. “He put his life on the line to save us. That's more than enough for me to trust him. Now, come on. Let's get Sweetie Belle home.”

“Aw, how tragic! Did the little pony hurt herself?”

A familiar and sinister sounding voice echoed from behind, prompting the Crusaders to freeze in place. They turned their heads to find the chimera walking slowly towards them. It looked badly wounded, but even that wasn't going to stop it from dining on fresh equine. The girls moved as fast as they could, but with Sweetie's injury, they were hardly going anywhere. Eventually, Sweetie lost her grip and fell away from her friends. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo attempted to carry her again.

“Come on, Sweetie Belle, you have to get up! Come on!” Scootaloo whispered urgently.

“I don't think I'm going to make it,” Sweetie Belle said. “Go on without me. Save yourselves.”

“We're not leaving you,” Apple Bloom pulled her up on her hooves again. “Now, move!”

They trudged along, trying to escape the chimera. Their escape proved to be futile when the chimera leaped forward and blocked off their escape.

“There's no escape for you three now,” the tiger snarled. “That stupid monkey failed to protect you, and now he's dinner.”

“But first,” the snake glared at the fillies. “We can't have dinner without having appetizers first...”

“And though our sister is gone, there's still plenty enough for us to eat,” the tiger licked its chops. “Any last words?”

The chimera approached menacingly. Not knowing what to do or where to go, the Crusaders sat on the ground, holding onto each other.

“Looks like this is it,” Sweetie Belle muttered sadly.

“I...I don't want to die!” Scootaloo sobbed.

Apple Bloom held both of her friends tightly, tears streaming down her face. This was not how she wanted to go. Her way of passing should be at an elderly age, after living a fulfilling life. It was too soon. She didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to Applejack, Big Macintosh, or Granny Smith. Looking back at her friends, however, she couldn't help but smile. If this is the way it has to end, then at least she had her friends by her side for comfort. “At least...we all go together...” All three of them smiled, despite their situation.

The chimera's snake head raised itself at full height, striking down at the Crusaders. It stopped about an inch when it felt a stabbing pain in its throat. The snake coughed out blood, looking down at the source of the injury. A knife was jammed into its throat, with one hand holding the knife, and another wrapped around its serpentine body.

“Wha-” the snake gurgled. “”

“Did you honestly think that a little poison is going to kill me?”

Before the snake could even react, there was a swift cut off the knife, followed by a spray of blood as it felt its head leaving its body. The last thing it felt was the world growing silent, followed by darkness.


So here I was, in a world full of talking ponies, poisoned by some beast from hell and convulsing on the spot. Just when I thought that my day couldn't get any worse, this happens to me. And now, I'm going to die in some godforsaken shithole, miles away from home.

My body grew numb. Every time I tried to breathe, I felt this razor sharp pain in my chest, like someone was stabbing me. I couldn't do anything, except lie down and die. As I lay there, I couldn't help but think about those kids. That beast continued its chase shortly after I got bit. Did they make it out in time? Did the monster catch up to them?

I couldn't live with myself without knowing I'd leave those kids to die without even trying to help them. I had to go after that thing and stop it. That thing can say all it wants about its poison, but even that wasn't going to stop me. If there's one thing I learned from being with Bad Company, it's that there's no place for soft men, and I'm not going to let some snakebite kill me that easily.

I forced myself to move, despite my limbs feeling like jelly. I rolled up onto my stomach, planted both hands to the ground, and pushed myself up on my knees. The process was excruciating, but once I was up on my feet, nothing could stop me. I retrieved my weapons and ran off into the monster's direction.

Running through the woods, I felt nauseous and disoriented. Side effects from the poison, I guess. I pushed forward into the woods, trying to find that creature before it found those ponies. I heard voices up ahead. The kids were close by, and it looks like they've been caught. Stopping near a tree, I spotted them just sitting there, terrified as that thing closed in for the kill. I was a couple of meters from it, and rather than shooting it right then and there, I decided to go in for a sneak attack. It didn't know I was there, so I had the element of surprise. I slung my M16 over my shoulder and pulled out my knife, creeping towards the beast. I was going to kill that snake first. No way was I going to let that thing bite me again.

The snake raised its body at full height and lunged towards the girls. I was quick enough to grab it and plunge my knife into its throat. Bet that freak didn't expect to choke on a piece of metal.


“Did you honestly think that a little poison is going to kill me?” I sneered. I pushed the knife further into its throat, before making a quick cut across its flesh, decapitating it. The tiger head roared in pain as it felt another part of itself get destroyed. I jumped in front of the girls, staring down the beast as it thrashed around in pain. Noticing that I still had the snake's head in my hands, its eyes rolling back as all life was extinguished from it, I threw it on the ground and crushed it under my foot, the head exploding like a Halloween pumpkin.

Once it stopped thrashing about, it turned its attention back to us, and boy was it not happy.

“You!” it growled. “I'LL TEAR YOU TO PIECES!”

It charged forwards, teeth bared and claws out. I had my M16 out, switching to the grenade launcher. As it pounced, I told the girls to take cover before launching a 40mm grenade straight into its ugly face. The monster didn't even have a chance to react as it collided into the grenade round. There was an explosion, and the beast was sent flying a few meters back. It lay on the ground, unmoving.

I turned my attention to the ponies, who were no doubt surprised to see me alive. I was about to ask them if they were alright, when we heard movement from behind. We turned around to see that the monster was still alive. Just barely. The thing was bleeding all over and its face was badly marred from the explosion, with one eye missing from its socket. It was already dead, but I should probably finish it off, just to be safe.

“Wait here,” I said to the girls. I walked over to the dying monster, taking out a frag grenade and pulling the pin. It lifted its head up weakly.

“Dinner time's over, bitch!” I grabbed its head and stuffed the grenade into its mouth, clamped it shut, and hightailed it out of there. I stumbled forward as I felt the grenade go off five seconds later. I didn't even need to look back to confirm that the thing was dead.

Looking back, the girls were aghast from the way I killed that monster. My response? I gave a grin and a thumbs up, before feeling a wave of nausea overcome me. I'd forgot that I was still poisoned, and now I was at my limit as I fell to my knees, my whole body shutting down on itself.

I felt something touch me on the shoulder. I looked up to see all three of them around me, a look of concern on their faces. Apple Bloom placed a hoof on my shoulder, trying to keep me from falling over.

“Why?” she asked. “Why did you save us?”

I smiled weakly. “Cause it was the right thing to do...” I felt myself lose consciousness as Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo grabbed each of my arms and guided me towards a tree. They helped sit me up against the tree.

“Are you okay?” Scootaloo asked. “You don't look so good.”

I nodded in the direction of that dead creature. “That thing back there...what do you call it?”

“It's called a chimera,” Sweetie Belle answered. “A dangerous monster from Flame Geyser Swamp. They never step out of their swamp, or come into the Everfree, but I guess this one had its reasons.”

“A chimera, huh?” I showed them my left arm, where there was a clear sign of the bite. “The snake head...bit me in the arm. I think I'm poisoned.”

“You got bit?” Scootaloo asked worriedly.

“This is not good,” Apple Bloom muttered. “Chimera venom is deadly if not treated with the proper antidote.” She turned to her friends and said. “We need to give him antivenom, now!”

“How?” Scootaloo asked. “The hospital's too far and they probably don't have it. The only place that might have it is probably at Zecora's Hut.”

“Then that's where you're going,” Apple Bloom said. “You go get Zecora. Sweetie Belle and I will stay here with him.”

“But how do I get there?” Scootaloo asked. “I'm not too familiar with this area, and without the map, I don't know how to get to Zecora's from here.”

“Did you say map?” I pulled out the map from my pockets and handed it to her. “You dropped it when you, well, ran from me.”

Apple Bloom couldn't help but grin sheepishly. Scootaloo took the map and gave it a quick look. “Okay, okay,” she nodded. “I think I know how to get there. You two stay with him, I'll be right back.”

“Hurry!” Sweetie Belle pleaded.

Scootaloo ran off into the woods, leaving me alone with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. At this point, I was having a hard time trying to stay awake. Apple Bloom was trying to keep me awake, though it wasn't helping as much.

“Please stay awake a little longer,” she said calmly. “You're going to be fine, just stay awake.” I have to admit, she was doing a good job of putting on a brave face, but I could still see the tears in her eyes as she tried to keep me awake. I didn't know how much time I had left, but I didn't want her to worry. She and her friends had been through a lot tonight, and she didn't need to burden herself with a stranger's death.

“Tell me more about this world,” I asked all of a sudden.

She and Sweetie Belle looked at me, confused.

“I'm actually new around here,” I said. “So, tell me about this place. What's to see?”

Apple Bloom smiled a little bit. So did Sweetie Belle. Guess they finally stopped seeing me as the boogeyman. “Well, there's Ponyville, like I've mentioned earlier. It's a nice place, and everypony's so friendly with each other.”

“Anything good over there?”

“There's Sugarcube Corner, the best bakery in all of Equestria,” she said. “All the sweets and confectioneries they make over there are out of this world. Travelers that visit Ponyville always stop by there to get something, and they say that it's nothing compared to the other bakeries they've visited. Although, I think it's also fair to say that our food is equal to that of Sugarcube Corner. Maybe even better.”

“You cook?”

Apple Bloom nodded. “My family and I are farmers. We own Sweet Apple Acres, and our specialty is apples. We make a lot of apple-related dishes – apple pie, apple fritters, you name it! In fact, our apple pies are famous compared to that of other pies.”

“That so?” I chuckled. “Well, I guess you can say I'm a fan of pie. Think there's a chance I can try some of this 'world famous' apple pie of yours?”

“Of course,” she said. “Once we get you to a hospital, I'll get to baking a whole pie for you, assuming Applejack doesn't ground me for this.”

“I'll take your word on that, kid,” I grinned weakly as everything faded in and out.

“So, where are you from exactly?” Her voice began to quiet, and everything got dimmer. I guess this was it.


Silence all around, followed by the pitch black darkness and the cold touch of death. Finally, I can rest.


“Hurry, Zecora! This way!” Scootaloo said, running back into the direction she came from.

“Slow down, Scootaloo! Please!” Zecora gasped. “I am not as agile as you think I am.”

Zecora didn't know what she was getting herself into. One minute, she was enjoying her evening with a nice cup of tea. The next thing she knew, she was running in the Everfree Forest to deal with an emergency. Scootaloo had barged into her home earlier, frantically asking for her to follow and to bring an antidote for chimera poison. Thankfully, Zecora had all sorts of antidotes for various poisons, and chimera snakebites were one of them. She wasted no time in grabbing some from her cabinet before heading out with Scootaloo. A bite from the snake-end of a chimera was serious business, and if Scootaloo was telling the truth, then this was definitely a real emergency.

“They're right over there,” Scootaloo pointed to the clearing nearby. “Hurry!”

Upon entering the clearing, the first thing Zecora saw were the remains of a chimera, lying in a pool of blood. The snake tail had its head missing, the goat had half of its head blown off, and what was left of the tiger was half of its lower jaw.

Zecora's stomach churned at the sight. “What savagery took place here?”

“Scootaloo! Zecora! Over here!” Apple Bloom's voice brought Zecora out of her state. She looked over to see her and Sweetie Belle standing next to some strange creature.

She ran over to the two fillies. “Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle,” she said. “Are you two alright? None of you are hurt?”

“It's Preston,” Apple Bloom said, her face stricken with panic and tears. “He's not breathing! He lost consciousness a minute ago!”

“Preston?” Zecora asked.

Sweetie Belle pointed to Preston. “That's what he called himself – Preston Marlowe. If it weren't for him, that chimera would've eaten us.”

Zecora turned her attention to the unmoving creature sitting up against the tree. Of all the creatures she has seen, this was something she had never seen before. Based on his appearance, he appeared to be some sort of primate with less hair on its skin. Well, that and the clothes he was wearing, plus the bandages wrapped around the left side of his face.

“He got bitten by the chimera, trying to protect us,” Apple Bloom explained tearfully. “I tried to keep him awake, but he...he...”

“Shh, it's okay, Apple Bloom,” Sweetie Belle whispered, rubbing her friend's back. “You did all you could to help him. Zecora's here now, so maybe we're not too late.”

Zecora placed a hoof on Preston's forehead, feeling his temperature. His skin was cold and pale. She then tried to listen in for a heartbeat, but was unable to hear it due to all the clothing he was wearing.

“I cannot hear a heartbeat,” said Zecora. “Can one of you help me remove the clothing on his upper chest, so that I may listen in on his heart?”

Apple Bloom nodded and helped remove the vest Preston was wearing. It was quite difficult at first, but once she figured out how it was worn, she was able to open up his vest for Zecora to listen in. She placed her head up against his chest and listened for a few seconds.

“His heart grows weak,” she muttered. “We don't have much time left. Where was he bitten?”

“Left arm,” Sweetie Belle said. “He was bitten right there.”

Zecora examined his left arm, finding a large snakebite on it. “This should be no problem at all,” she said. “First, I'll need to administer some antidote onto his wound.” She reached into her knapsack and pulled out a vial of chimera antivenom. She pulled the cork out with her teeth and administered a few doses of antivenom into the bite wound. “Now, I need him to ingest the rest of the antidote.”

She tilted his head back and opened his mouth, pouring the rest of the antivenom down his throat. She then closed his mouth and sat him up straight, waiting for the next step to take place.

“So, what now?” Scootaloo asked.

“We now wait for the medicine to take effect,” said Zecora. “We'll know if it worked once he shows signs of life.”

They waited for a moment, watching carefully for any signs of movement. Suddenly, he awoke in a coughing fit, struggling to get up on his feet. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo rushed over to help him, but Zecora held them back.

“Don't!” she yelled. “Let the antidote take effect.”

He crawled up on his knees, clutching his stomach, as he turned to his right and vomited, his body shuddering from the strain. After a few seconds of puking, Preston wiped his mouth and breathed shakily.

“Ow, fuck,” he said with slight fatigue. “Feels like I swallowed something nasty...”

He lifted his head to see the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Zecora. He groaned, nearly planting his head into the ground. “Ah hell, I'm back here.”

“Preston! You're alive!” Apple Bloom cried with joy. Preston nearly fell over as the young filly jumped up and embraced him.

“Hey kid,” he grinned weakly. “What did I miss?”

“Oh, thank Celestia you're alright,” Scootaloo sighed. “I thought we were too late.”

“So did I,” Preston got up on his feet and brushed himself. “So, which one of you saved me?”

“That'd be Zecora,” Sweetie Belle pointed to Zecora. “She gave you the antidote just in time.”

He looked over to the zebra before him, Zecora feeling slightly apprehensive at the tall creature standing before her. “Well ma'am, I guess I owe you one for saving my life,” he gave a small bow towards her. “Thank you.”

Zecora smiled. “It was nothing, Mister Preston Marlowe. I'm happy to help a creature in need.”

“Please, call me Preston,” he said. “And if you're wondering what I am, I'm a human.”

“What's a human?” Scootaloo asked. “Do they all look exactly like you? And where are you from?”

Preston all of a sudden gave a wide yawn as he stretched his aching body. “One question at a time, kid...Boy, am I tired. Was there something else in that antidote?”

“The chimera antivenom has a mild sleeping aid intended to put the victim to sleep so that their immune systems can recover,” Zecora explained. “We should probably head back to my home, so that you may get some rest.”

“Sounds good to me,” Preston picked his weapon off the ground. “Where's your house?”

“A few minutes away from here,” she said. “Please follow.”

With that, Preston Marlowe and the Cutie Mark Crusaders set off for Zecora's Hut. As they walked through the forest, Preston happened to notice Sweetie Belle limping.

“You alright?” he asked.

Sweetie Belle nodded. “When we were running away from the chimera, I think I twisted my ankle.” She continued to hobble as everyone walked at a slow pace. “It's probably nothing too serious.”

“Once we get back to my house, I'll provide you a remedy that will get you back on your hooves in no time.” said Zecora.

Preston paused halfway and bent down on his knees. “Hop on my shoulders, I'll carry you.”

“Are you sure?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Aren't you really tired?”

“I'm not going to collapse from exhaustion anytime soon,” he said reassuringly. “Hop on.”

Sweetie Belle nodded and jumped onto his shoulders. Once she felt secure, Preston got back up on his feet and carried her all the way back to Zecora's place. On the way, the Crusaders asked more questions about him.

“So, are you finally going to tell us where you're from?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Right, I believe that was what you were going to ask me before I passed out,” Preston said. “If you haven't already known, I'm from the United States of America. It’s my homeland from planet Earth.”

“I've never heard of this 'United States' before,” Zecora said. “But as for Earth, our planet here is also called Earth. Maybe your Earth is different from ours.”

“Is that so?” he shrugged. “Well, who knows? Maybe you're right and I somehow ended up in another universe on a similar planet.”

“How did you get here exactly?” Scootaloo asked.

“I would really like to know that,” Zecora said, before pausing on the trail. “But first, how about you three fillies tell me what you were doing out in the forest in the middle of the night?”

“Oh, that...” Scootaloo rubbed her hooves nervously. “We were actually having a sleepover at Fluttershy's place, when we decided to go out into the Everfree Forest to try and earn our cutie marks in zoology. We weren't going to be out there for long, and we made sure that we didn't go too far where we might run into any monsters. But then we ran into Preston, and the rest is history.”

“You do know that going out into the Everfree is very dangerous,” said Zecora. “Especially at night. Why go in when you already knew the risks?”

“We just wanted to try earning our cutie marks,” Scootaloo said, before earning some glares from her friends. “Well, it was mostly my idea, but I thought it'd be fun looking for critters at night. Look, if anything, I'll take the blame for all of this. I put my friends in danger tonight, so I'll take full responsibility for this.”

“Well, it doesn't matter,” Apple Bloom muttered. “All of us are going to be in big trouble either way. We all knew the dangers and we went along anyway.”

Preston decided to step into the conversation. “Listen, there's nothing wrong with going out and exploring the world. You're kids, and I get that you want to satisfy your curiosity by seeing what's out there. But you should know that there are limits to that kind of thinking. If you already knew about the dangers in the forest, then you should've never stepped foot in here in the first place.”

“He's right,” Zecora added. “You knew that this forest was dangerous to begin with, yet you ignored the warnings and placed yourselves in harm's way. Tell me, if Preston had not been here in the first place, what do you think the outcome would've been?”

“I can already guess,” Scootaloo shuddered. “In any case, it was wrong of us to sneak out of Fluttershy's and take a risk like that. We're sorry.”

“We're very grateful that you saved us, Preston,” said Apple Bloom. “But we're also sorry for what happened. You wouldn't be in this mess if we just stayed back at the cottage.”

Preston gave a small smile. “We're still alive, aren't we? As long as you realize your mistake and learn from it, that's all that matters.” He yawned again. “Let's keep moving. I'd like to get to Zecora's place before I decide to take a nap in this forest.”

Zecora nodded, and resumed the journey. Their conversation with Preston continued. “So, how did you get here?” Scootaloo asked again.

“That's a mystery, actually,” Preston answered. “I was in a battle when I spotted this glowing pocket watch nearby.”

Apple Bloom blinked. “Glowing pocket watch?”

“Yeah,” he pulled out the pocket watch and handed it to Apple Bloom. “It was glowing purple when I found it. Upon touching it, I ended up here. Guess it's a lucky, magical watch.”

Apple Bloom and her friends examined the watch. “It's a very nice looking watch,” she said, before handing it back to Preston. “And it just brought you here?”

He nodded. “Like I've said, I touched the thing, there was a bright flash of light, and before I knew it, I found myself in this forest.”

“Interesting,” Sweetie Belle placed a hoof on her chin. “Perhaps you should ask Twilight about this. She might know something.”

“Twilight?” he asked.

“Twilight Sparkle, the Ponyville librarian,” Sweetie Belle clarified. “She knows all sorts of magic, so maybe she'll know something about this watch. She's also good friends with Princess Celestia, so if she can't help you with that watch, maybe the princess might know something?”

“A princess?” Preston asked. “You got a monarch ruling around here?”

“Yep!” Sweetie Belle nodded. “Princess Celestia is her name. She rules Equestria with benevolence, and she also controls the sun. She also has a sister – Princess Luna. She controls the night.”

“So you've got two rulers that control day and night? That's interesting,” Preston said. “In any case, I'll go talk to this Twilight, maybe the princesses as well. One of them might know the way home.”

Zecora then got everyone's attention. “We're here.”

Preston bent down to let Sweetie Belle get off his shoulders, before glancing up at Zecora's home. It was a house built inside a large tree. “This is your home?” he asked. “Not a bad place to settle, but you don't mind living out here with flesh eating monsters?”

“The beasts never come around here,” said Zecora, as she unlocked her door. “And I like the peace and quiet out here.”

“Fair enough,” Preston shrugged. “I can see myself spending retirement in the middle of nowhere. Just not in a tree.”

Zecora welcomed everyone into her hut. “Do make yourselves at home, but mind the mess. I've barely had the time to clean up today.”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders sat themselves down on some soft cushioning while Preston stood there, barely able to keep himself up as the sleeping aid started taking full effect. “You'll have to forgive my lack of accommodations for you, Mister Preston. I don't believe I have beds that can support your height. The best I can do is find some pillows and blankets for you to sleep comfortably on the floor.”

“Good enough for me,” he said. “I've slept worse, and this ground looks comfy compared to the cots we sleep on.”

Preston chose a comfortable spot near the fireplace and laid down, his whole body growing weary as he drifted off to sleep. The Crusaders gathered around him. “Are you going to be okay?” Apple Bloom asked.

He gave an assuring smile. “Don't worry, kid. I'm not going anywhere.”

Sweetie Belle placed a hoof on his shoulder. “Is there anything we can do for you?”

Preston thought for a moment. “Well, there's one thing I can ask you girls to do, and that's to not touch anything I'm carrying.” He patted the firearm he was holding. “I have weapons on me that are capable of killing anything within a hundred yards away, so for your safety and mine, don't touch anything you see hanging off of me.”

“Would you like me to move your weapons to a safe place, so that no one may touch them?” Zecora asked, walking over to the group with a pillow and blanket in her hoof.

Preston shook his head. “I prefer to hold onto them. Safer that way.” He turned back to the girls. “Are we clear on this?”

The Crusaders nodded. “Crystal.”

He sighed, resting his head back on the floor. “Then I guess I'll see myself out. See you on the flipside, I guess.”

With that, Preston Marlowe drifted off into sleep, the events from today finally wearing him out. The Crusaders then huddled around him. “Sleep well, Preston,” Scootaloo said, keeping a vigilant watch at the windows and doors. “We'll keep the monsters at bay.”

Zecora smiled at the sight, gently placing the pillow underneath Preston's head, and covering the rest of him with a warm blanket. She then went over to her cabinet and grabbed a remedy for sprained ankles, pouring a cup for Sweetie Belle.

“Drink this,” she said. “This remedy will help heal your sprained ankle and get you back on your hooves in no time.”

“Thank you,” Sweetie Belle said as she took a sip from the cup.

Zecora then turned back to the door. “Now, you three stay here while I find Fluttershy. I'm sure she's worried about your safety. In the meantime, you stay here and look after Preston. Do not leave this house. Am I understood?”

Apple Bloom nodded. “Don't worry, Zecora. We've had enough of the Everfree tonight.”

“And we'll make sure nothing happens to Preston,” Scootaloo added. “You can count on us!”

Zecora smiled with relief. “I have some tea and biscuits on the table. Help yourselves if you are hungry.”

With that, Zecora set back out into the forest in her search for Fluttershy, leaving the Crusaders and Preston on their own.


“I should never have left them on their own,” Fluttershy panted as she ran past trees in bushes. “That was so stupid of me!”

“Fluttershy, slow down!” Twilight gasped. “You're all going too fast!”

“We can't slow down!” Applejack said. “Not when my sis is out there!”

The moment Fluttershy returned to her cottage to find that the Crusaders weren't there, she dropped everything to get Twilight and the rest of her friends. Upon hearing the news that their sisters were missing, Applejack and Rarity wasted no time by heading out to the forest on their own. The rest of the gang followed suit, with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy up front, and Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and Spike tailing behind.

While gathering her friends, Fluttershy heard a sound similar to firecrackers going off. It was loud enough to get everyone's attention in Ponyville. Something was going on in the Everfree Forest, and she knew she had to get her friends to form a search party, before something bad happened to the Crusaders.

Eventually, their search brought them to a clearing in the forest, where a ghastly sight awaited them. In the center of the clearing lay a dead chimera, its body mangled so badly that Twilight didn't recognize what it was at first. Fluttershy and Rarity nearly fainted at the sight, while everyone else wore a sicken expression. Pinkie looked like she was going to hurl if she gave the body another glance.

“Sweet Celestia...” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“What could've done this?” Spike asked.

“Never mind that,” Applejack said, ignoring the carnage. “Does anypony see Apple Bloom? Or any of the girls?”

“If you're looking for your young friends, I can assure you, they are perfectly safe,” said a voice from behind. Everyone turned around to see Zecora walking over to them. They all gathered around her.

“Zecora! Where is Sweetie Belle? And Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo? Are they alright?” Rarity asked frantically.

Zecora placed both hooves on Rarity's shoulder. “Calm down,” she said. “Your sister and her friends are safe. They are resting at my place. I will take you to them.”

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Twilight then asked, “What happened here? Before Fluttershy came to get us, Spike and I heard loud noises coming from the forest. Zecora, what exactly went on over here?”

“Ah yes, I believe that was Preston Marlowe's work,” Zecora answered. “At first, I thought it was troublemakers playing with fireworks, then young Scootaloo barged into my home and everything else was history.”

“Preston Marlowe?” Twilight asked.

“Follow me,” Zecora turned to the path ahead. “We should check in with Apple Bloom and her friends. No doubt they're waiting for you all.”

“They'd ought to be waiting for us,” Applejack huffed. “Apple Bloom's about to get her hide handed to her for scaring me like that.”

The six ponies and baby dragon followed the zebra back to her hut. Arriving at the hut, Zecora opened the door, revealing the Cutie Mark Crusaders huddled by the campfire, sleeping next to a strange creature that was fast asleep. Though they were relieved to see the girls were alright, they were also intrigued by the sight of the strange creature next to them.

“What is that?” Twilight whispered.

“That would be Preston Marlowe,” Zecora explained. “He told me that he was a 'human'. I don't know what a human is, but he bears a striking semblance to the common ape, though more intelligent and dexterous than they are.”

Applejack and Rarity could care less about the creature in front of them. All they cared about right now was their sister's well-being. Rainbow Dash felt the same way with Scootaloo as well. They went over to them, gently shaking them away from their slumber.

Apple Bloom awoke with a yawn, seeing the worried looks of Applejack and her friends. “A-Applejack...?”

Applejack immediately wrapped her hooves around her sister, pulling her into a hug. Rarity did the same with Sweetie Belle, and Rainbow Dash with Scootaloo.

“Don't you ever – I repeat, ever – scare me like that again!” Rarity said, as she released her hug.

Rainbow Dash placed a gentle hoof on Scootaloo's cheek. “You okay, Scoots? You aren't hurt, are you?”

“No, I don't think so...?” Scootaloo replied in confusion.

Applejack released her hug and gave her sister a stern look. “What were you three thinking, running off into the Everfree Forest like that?! Do you have any idea how worried we were when Fluttershy told us you all went missing?!”

Fluttershy nodded. “You girls really frightened me,” she said softly. “And when I heard those noises coming from the forest, I thought something might have happened to you.”

“Yeah, like, what's up with that?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Don't you guys know that it's dangerous to wander in the Everfree at night? Why'd you go in there in the first place? And what's the deal with that dead chimera we found.”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders shied away from the adults, unsure of how to explain the whole thing to them.

Zecora spoke up. “I suggest you tell them the truth. The sooner you tell them everything, the better.”

Apple Bloom sighed. She opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted when Scootaloo placed a hoof on her shoulder. She stood up in front of the mares and explained everything.

“It was my fault,” Scootaloo said, her voice quivering. “I told the girls that it'd be a great idea for us to head out into the forest at night to look for critters, so that we could try and earn our cutie marks in zoology. I was told by the girls that it was probably too dangerous to go, but I insisted everything would be alright. I didn't expect us to run into a chimera out there. We would've ended up as chimera chow, had it not been for Preston over there.

“Look, the point is, if you're looking for someone to punish, punish me,” Scootaloo sniffled. “I put my friends in danger, and Sweetie Belle was hurt while we made our escape. For what it's worth, I'm sorry.”

Scootaloo lowered her head in shame, tears leaking from her eyes. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle suddenly came to her side, gently wrapping their hooves around her. “We're equally responsible as well,” Apple Bloom said. “We all knew the dangers of the forest, yet we still went along for the sake of trying to earn our cutie marks.”

Sweetie Belle nodded. “Scootaloo is not the only one at fault. We too take responsibility for our actions.”

“We're sorry,” Apple Bloom muttered. “All of us are, and we'll gladly face whatever consequences you have in store for us.”

There was an uncomfortable silence between the fillies and mares. Applejack then cleared her throat and spoke, still keeping a stern expression on them. “Under normal circumstances, I'd have you three grounded for a month, and I'm sure Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and everypony else would agree to that.”

The rest of the adults nodded in agreement, as Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo lowered their heads further.

Her expression then softened. “But in the end, what really matters is that you're all safe. And that all of you realize your mistakes. So, this once, we'll let it slide.”

Scootaloo's face brightened. “Really?”

“Well, maybe a little bit,” Rainbow Dash said jokingly, before being elbowed by Rarity. “I'm kidding, I'm kidding. We're cool.”

“But don't you ever scare us like that again,” Rarity added. “Understand?”

The Crusaders nodded in response. Twilight then turned her attention to the sleeping creature next to them. “Well, now that we got that out of the way, would any of you care to tell me more about this creature over there.”

Apple Bloom looked over her shoulder. “You mean Preston? He's the one that saved us. If it wasn't for him, we would've been fine appetizers for a hungry chimera.”

“He killed that chimera?” Rainbow Dash asked, prompting nods from the Crusaders. “All by himself?”

“You should've seen it, Rainbow Dash,” Scootaloo said excitedly. “He had this weapon that looked like a crossbow, except it wasn't, but it was very powerful and it tore chunks out of that chimera! It was pretty loud too, like firecrackers.”

“So that's what we heard earlier,” Spike whispered to Twilight.

“The weapon also had this small cannon underneath it. He fired some explosive out of it and blew that chimera to bits!” Fluttershy whimpered and covered her ears as Scootaloo retold every detail on how the chimera was killed. “He then finished it off by stuffing some green baseball in its mouth, which exploded five seconds later! It was awesome!”

“How could you think like that?” Twilight asked in disbelief. “That's just gruesome!”

“I thought it was gross at first,” Scootaloo admitted. “But now that I think about it, I thought it was the coolest I've ever seen. Earlier, Preston got poisoned, but that didn't stop him. He took out a knife and severed that snake head, then he threw it to the ground where he crushed it like a-”

“Okay, I think we get the idea, Scoots,” Rainbow Dash grinned nervously, placing a hoof over Scootaloo's mouth. She looked over to Preston, then back at her friends, “Now what are we going to do about him?”

Twilight turned to Spike. “Spike, take a letter. Tell Princess Celestia about what we've discovered, and what our next move should be.”

Spike nodded, pulling out a parchment and quill. Twilight then turned to the Crusaders and said, “Okay girls, tell us everything that has happened tonight, including what you know so far about Preston.”

The Crusaders nodded and retold the entire scene. After explaining just about everything, Spike rolled up the parchment, and with his magical fire breath, sent the letter off to Princess Celestia. Now, they had to wait for a response from the Princess.

Not more than thirty seconds later, a response was delivered back. Spike opened the letter and gave it a read.

“Princess Celestia says that she's on her way over here,” Spike explained. “She's also bringing her guards with her so that they can transport him to Canterlot for questioning.”

Twilight shrugged. “Well, I guess we'll wait.” Turning to Zecora, she asked, “You don't mind if we stay here until Princess Celestia arrives?”

Zecora shook her head. “Not at all. I'll prepare some more tea while you wait.”


Half an hour later, Princess Celestia arrived at Zecora's hut with her entourage. From there, she proceeded to question everyone in attendance while her guards secured the sleeping Preston. They all sat at the table, Twilight retelling the whole tale with a bit of help from the Crusaders.

“...And that's everything we know so far,” Twilight concluded.

Princess Celestia took another sip of her tea. “I see. And you're telling me that he claimed to have arrived by teleportation from a pocket watch?”

Apple Bloom nodded. “That's what he told us, your highness. I believe he still has that pocket watch on him. You can find it in one of his pockets.”

Sweetie Belle looked over her shoulder to see a few of the guards strapping Preston down to a stretcher while some took his weapons and secured them inside a locked chest. “Um, excuse me, what are you going to do to him?” Sweetie Belle asked nervously.

“We're going to take him back to the castle infirmary to have his injuries treated,” Princess Celestia answered. “Then I'll have a talk with him in the morning to learn more about him.”

“You're not going to hurt him, are you?” Scootaloo asked. “He's not a threat, if that's what you're wondering.”

Rainbow Dash placed a hoof on Scootaloo. “Scoots, I'm pretty sure she's not going to-”

“Please Princess Celestia, don't hurt him,” Scootaloo pleaded. “I know he might look dangerous, but trust me, he's not. He risked his life to save us, and if he was truly a threat, then we wouldn't be here right now.”

Princess Celestia patted the top of Scootaloo's head gently. “Do not worry, sweetie. I believe everything that you and your friends have told me. I give you my word that he will not be harmed and that he will be treated humanely under my care.”

Scootaloo frowned. “Well, as long as he'll be okay.”

“Once he's awake, I'll be sure to let you inform you about his condition.” She then slowly got up from her seat. “In any case, this is where I make my departure. I must return to Canterlot to rest, for the night is my sister's domain.”

She turned to Zecora, and said, “I do apologize for interrupting your evening, Miss Zecora. I hope we weren't that much of a bother for you.”

“Not at all, your majesty,” Zecora bowed. “It was a pleasure to have you visit my home.”

“To make up for your evening, shall I invite you to the castle for dinner next week?” Celestia asked. “I'd like to know more about your hometown and your knowledge on herbal remedies.”

“Certainly,” Zecora nodded. “I would be honored to be your guest next week.”

Celestia smiled. “I shall have the servants send you an invitation in the morning.” She then turned to everyone in the room. “And now, I must bid you all goodnight. Zecora, thank you again for your hospitality. Twilight, please bring all your friends to Canterlot tomorrow. I'd like for all of you to meet this human once he awakens. Depending on his mood, you and your friends may have to spend a night at the castle tomorrow night. I'll have my servants prepare a private suite for all of you.”

“I understand, Princess,” Twilight bowed.

“And one last thing,” Princess Celestia turned to the Cutie Mark Crusaders, giving them a serious look. “Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo?”

The three fillies stood up straight. “Yes, your majesty?”

“Please stay out of trouble. The next time I hear any of you go off into the Everfree Forest without adult supervision, I will personally have you all reprimanded. Am I clear on this?”

The Crusaders nodded nervously, to which Celestia responded with a warm smile. “Then I wish you all goodnight.” With that, she and her guards left the premises, with Preston Marlowe in tow. Still deep in his slumber, he had no idea what was in store for him, but he would soon find out upon waking up in Canterlot the next day.

[OUTDATED, RIP Nikolai] Chapter 2 - Canterlot

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[Pvt. Nikolai Degtyarev - Russian Ground Forces]

[May 15, 2010, 0600 Romeo Time]

[Outpost 12 (formerly Hornby Glen Golf Course), Hornby, ON, Canada]

Somewhere near Mississauga, the Russian military outpost established in Hornby was keeping a constant watch to the south for any sign of hostile activity. Hamilton had fallen under US control yesterday, and the Russian Army had no choice but to fall back to Toronto. Current orders were to hold the line and await reinforcements.

Located near Toronto, Pearson International Airport was under Russian control, and that airport was their lifeline in getting men and supplies to Ontario. If the airport falls, they would lose Ontario in a matter of days.

For Nikolai Degtyarev stationed at the outpost, he had been up all night, keeping an eye out for Americans. Like most of the soldiers here, there wasn't a whole lot of time to rest, not when the enemy's out there. But after hours of guard duty, he could really use the time to recharge his batteries. Thankfully, one of the soldiers tapped him on his shoulder to inform him that he was taking over his shift.

“Hey Degtyarev,” said Fedor. “Go get some rest. I'll take it from here.”

Nikolai nodded. “Spasiba, Fedor. Another hour longer, and I would've just collapsed.”

He climbed down from the watch tower and made his way over to the mess tent. Inside he found his squadmates – Andrei, Pavel, and Vitaly – sitting at the same table and enjoying a hot meal.

“Privyet, Nikolai!” Andrei waved. “We've just got off our shift. Grab some food and sit with us.”

Nikolai waved back and walked over to the chef on duty. The chef greeted him with a nod, giving him a tray packed with bread, beef stew, cucumber salad, and a cup of tea. With a meal in his hands, he sat down at the table and began conversing with his squad.

“So, how was watch duty? See anything interesting?” Pavel asked.

Nikolai shrugged, rubbing his eyes. “All quiet out there, which is odd. I half expected the Americans to push forward after taking Hamilton, but it looks like they're too tired to push forward.”

“Then what are we waiting for?” Andrei said. “Let's counterattack and retake the city!”

“With what? Sticks and stones?” Nikolai shook his head. “You know our orders, we're to stay put and await reinforcements.”

They resumed eating, often sharing some jokes or stories at the table. A sense of normalcy before having to return to the battlefield.

“Did you hear?” Vitaly said all of a sudden. “The Americans took back three provinces yesterday.”

“Da,” Andrei nodded. “What a shame. At least we still have the northern provinces under our control, as well as British Columbia and Alaska. Hopefully, we should be able to get more men to stage a counterattack soon.”

Pavel sighed. “What went wrong? A few months ago, we were making great strides, capturing Alaska and marching across Canada. The moment we came this close to invading America, we came to a standstill. What the hell is going on?”

“It's because of their defense line at the borders,” Andrei said. “They're putting everything they've got to prevent us from stepping into their country. They've also got the Canadians helping them out, and their army hasn't been completely wiped out. They're persistent, I'll give them that. They'd rather die fighting than let America fall into our hands.”

“And now we're stuck here, waiting for the Americans to overrun us,” Vitaly added sadly. “Have you heard about what's going on back home?”

“About the anti-war protests? Why do you think we're lacking manpower?”

It was no surprise that everyone has heard of the anti-war protests going on in Russia. Shortly after their failed invasion of the US, Russia lost its support from their South American allies, and their hold on Europe was slipping as they focused their efforts on Alaska and Canada. The people of Russia started seeing this war as a waste of time and life, and began demanding for an end to the conflict. The government saw this as an act of insurrection and started relocating many soldiers to quell the protests going on across the country. This leaves a huge problem for the Russians in North America, they were lacking the manpower they needed to push through the American defenses, and to keep a hold on occupied Canada. They were stretched thin, and were slowly losing the war again.

“How's that for irony? Our families want nothing more than for us to return home, and our leaders are sending us home to silence them.” Pavel shook his head. “Ironic.”

Andrei nodded. “And I thought we'd be going to war for Russia, NOT against Russia. How are we supposed to win a war when you're asked to fight your own people as well?”

“Not enough men, not enough supplies,” Vitaly muttered bitterly. “Feels like we've been left to die.”

Nikolai continued to eat his meal silently, all the while listening to his squad talk about the situation back home. He didn't need to say it out loud, but like his squadmates and a small size of the Russian Army, he was against this war with America, and he hated what his country was doing right now. Every day, every week, he questioned his orders and his purpose in the military, and had even gone so far to disobey some of his orders, particularly those involving atrocities against civilians in occupied territory. Nikolai was basically serving his country without even serving at all.

It was a miracle that he hasn't been court martialed for insubordination, else he'd be in a cell right now. Either way, he didn't care whether Russia wins or loses this war. He just wanted to go home and see his sisters again.

“Nikolai,” Andrei said, breaking him out of his trance. “You're not saying too much.”

Nikolai sighed. “Just thinking of home...and my sisters.”

Before joining the army, Nikolai had lived in Vladivostok with a family of five. Just him, his parents, and his three sisters – Masha, Nastya, and Tatiana. Masha was the youngest of the siblings, with Nastya being the middle child. Tatiana was the second oldest, and Nikolai the eldest brother of the family. They lived well for a time, and like many, they aspired to make the world a better place.

Nikolai had just finished university and was about to start his career as a teacher in Novosibirsk when tragedy struck. Both of his parents were killed in a railway accident, and he had no choice but to put his career on hold and help take care of his sisters. He did some odd jobs around his home city, paying off the bills and keeping his sisters fed. When things started looking up for them, war was declared, and Nikolai got drafted into military service. Since then, he had fought in the conflicts ranging from Europe to the Middle East, before being transferred to the frontlines in North America.

For a time, he served his country proudly, knowing what he was doing was not only for the betterment of Russia, but for his family as well. Now, he just wanted to go home. He'd seen enough war and death to last a lifetime.

“I've forgotten that you even have family,” Pavel said. “I thought it was just you ever since that-” He received glares from Andrei and Vitaly before realizing his mistake. “...oh, sorry Nikolai.”

Nikolai waved it off, not insulted at all. “It's alright, Pavel. It has been a while since I've last spoken to them.”

“You barely speak of your sisters,” said Vitaly. “How are they?”

“They're doing well. Masha's just about finished with high school, and Nastya's just started her second year of university. As for Tatiana, she's still working at the hospital as an intern.” He then gave a sad sigh. “Masha's birthday is coming up this week, and it looks like I'll be missing it again this year.”

“Well, maybe you can ask the commander if you can get an early leave,” Pavel encouraged. “You're on good terms with him, so maybe he'll understand.”

“I don't know about that,” Nikolai said. “With things as they are, I doubt that I'll be given a chance for leave.”

“But you haven't seen your sisters for what? Almost two years?” Andrei asked. “There's no harm in asking the commander to grant you leave. He'll understand.”

Nikolai lowered his head in thought. “Still, I wouldn't want to leave you guys to fend for yourselves out here.”

“Quit worrying about us,” Pavel said. “We can handle ourselves out here. It's you that hasn't seen your family in a while. So, go for it! Ask the commander for a short leave.”

Nikolai couldn't help but smile back. He could always count on his squad when he needed them. Not just in battle, but for comfort in tough times. “I guess I can talk to the commander later today. It really has been a while since I last saw my sisters. He'll understand.”

“That's the spirit, Nikolai!” Andrei patted him on the shoulder. “And when you get back and see your sisters, tell them we all said 'hello'!”

“Say,” Pavel nudged Nikolai. “Do you think you can ask Tatiana if she's still single?” Nikolai responded by roughly elbowing his friend's ribs. “Alright, alright! I was joking!”

Nikolai just smirked and resumed his meal. As things seemed to resume back to normal, a loud siren was heard outside the tent, putting everyone on high alert.

“What's going on now?” Vitaly groaned, grabbing his rifle off the table. “Another drill?”

“Possibly. Between all the false alarms and drills we've been doing, I can't even tell the difference anymore.” Andrei replied.

“Wait! Listen!” Pavel hushed. “Do you hear that?”

“Hear what?”

At that moment, there was a loud whistling sound, followed by a loud explosion outside the mess tent. The shockwave sent seats and tables flying all around. Nikolai and his squadmates fell backwards, shaken and alarmed.

“Shit! Blyat! Damn!”

“What the fuck was that?!” Andrei yelled.

“What do you think, you dumbass? We're under attack! That's what's happening!”

The tent flap opened and the commanding officer marched hastily into the mess tent. “What are you four standing around here for? The Americans are attacking us! Get to your positions and defend this outpost, on the double!”

“Yes sir!”

“Nikolai,” the commander began. “You and Vitaly head to the primary watchtower. There's a sniper rifle and a bunch of ammunition sitting there. Vitaly, help spot for Nikolai.”

“Understood, Comrade Major,” Nikolai saluted. “Vitaly and I will deal with the mortars right away.”

“Then get going, soldier, and try not to die!” said the Major.

The whole squad exited the mess tent and proceeded to their battle stations. Outside, things were going to hell real fast. Artillery and mortars were raining down onto the outpost, destroying buildings, tents, and vehicles. Soldiers ran around the base, trying to stay alive. On his way to the watchtower, Nikolai could see one young soldier sitting on the ground, covering his ears and crying as bombs were going off. From the looks of it, things were about to get a whole lot worse.

Eventually, Nikolai and Vitaly made it to the watchtower. Heading up the stairs, they found a Dragunov sniper rifle leaning against the wall inside the tower, along with some ammunition.

“There's your gun,” Vitaly said. “I'll spot targets, and you take them out.”

“Got it,” Nikolai grabbed the rifle and loaded it, sighting the rifle for a thousand yards. Vitaly peered through his binoculars and began spotting out targets.

“Artillery spotter, 800m, by the burnt-out tank in the open field!”

A light squeeze of the trigger, and Nikolai saw his target drop through the scope. “Target down.”

Vitaly continued spotting. “Another spotter, 1100m, at the collapsed utility pole, near the gated mansion!”

Another shot from the rifle. “Enemy is dead.”

For the next three minutes, Nikolai and Vitaly inflicted heavy casualties on artillery spotters, snipers, and any infantry nearby. Suddenly, a squad of scout cars came speeding through the open field.

“Enemy vehicles coming from the open field! Nikolai, take out the drivers!” Vitaly shouted.

Nikolai took a deep breath and steadied his aim. He focused his crosshair onto the driver of the first vehicle. He fires, the bullet successfully hitting the driver, causing him to swerve out of control before being launched into the air and landing upside down, killing everyone on board. Nikolai was about to shoot at the next car when he saw the mounted gunner take aim at the tower.

“Vitaly! Get down!”

Dozens of .50 cal rounds pierced through the sheet metal, forcing Nikolai down on his stomach. When the bullets stopped flying, Nikolai turned around to see if Vitaly was alright. He backed away in shock and disgust when he saw Vitaly laying on the floor in a pool of blood; a gaping wound in his chest. His mouth hung open and his eyes were wide and lifeless.

Nikolai went over to check his friend's vitals, but there was no need to do so. Vitaly was dead. Letting out a sad sigh, he gently closed the eyes of his fallen comrade, before getting back into the fight.

Suddenly, an explosion was heard below the watchtower, followed by a low creaking noise and unstable shaking. Before he could even react, the tower fell over and came to a jarring crash. The crash threw Nikolai out of the fortifications and onto the muddy ground. Groaning, he got up and made his way to the trenches, where most of the soldiers were holed up. Spotting his squad, he landed next to them and began shooting at the Americans in front of them.

“Nikolai! What the hell are you doing here?” Andrei asked. “Shouldn't you be in the watchtower? And where's Vitaly?”

“Vitaly's dead,” Nikolai replied glumly as he took out another enemy. “The watchtower is also gone.”

“He's dead?” A shocked Pavel asked before shaking his head sadly. “Shit...”

“We'll mourn him later. Right now, let's focus our attention on the Americans,” Andrei said, before ducking from the rounds flying over his head. He pointed to a dead ally nearby. “Take that Kalash off his hands. I doubt he'll need it anymore.”

Nikolai slung his sniper rifle and went over to the dead soldier, taking the gun off his hands. The weapon was an AEK-971 with a grenade launcher attached to the bottom. He grabbed some ammo from a supply crate before rejoining his squad.

“Get ready, here they come!” A wall of thick smoke shrouded the field as the Americans deployed smoke grenades to conceal their movements, before charging towards the trenches. The Russians opened fire, taking out as many hostiles as they could, all the while taking casualties on their end.

“There's too many of them!” Pavel cried.

“Stand your ground!” Nikolai called out through shots. “We must hold them back, otherwise we’ll lose the province!!”

The fighting continued for another fifteen minutes. Every three seconds or so, one Russian and one American soldier would be killed in the hailstorm of bullets. Eventually, the Americans started falling back.

“Look! They're retreating!” Andrei pointed.

“That's right, run! Run home to mommy you American bastards!” Pavel taunted, firing back at the retreating Americans.

“We've won!” Everyone began to celebrate as they saw their enemies falling back into the wall of smoke. Nikolai, on the other hand, had a sinking feeling that this was far from over.

“No, this is bad. This is very bad,” he muttered.

“What are you talking about? We just kicked their asses!” said Pavel.

“They wouldn't be retreating unless they were down to a handful,” Nikolai said, bringing his rifle to eye level. “If they're pulling back all of a sudden, then that means we've just entered the eye of the storm.”

A low noise was heard from the wall of smoke and the ground shook slightly. “Hear that? Something's approaching from the smoke!”

All the soldiers readied their weapons towards the wall of smoke. The noise grew louder and the shaking became more intense. Suddenly, a barrage of bullets and shells came flying out, followed by more tanks and infantry.

“Hostile armor and infantry advancing on our positions! All units, engage!”

The Russians did their best to repel the advancing enemy from breaking into their outposts, but there were just too many of them to handle. Even though they had tanks and light armored vehicles at the outpost, there just wasn't enough to hold back the tide of American tanks. Before long, their own vehicles were getting scrapped. Outpost 12 had one attack helicopter, but even that was shot down before it got a chance to engage the enemy. With casualties mounting and their outpost about to be overrun, they had no choice but to call for air support at Pearson Airport.

Andrei picked up his radio and started calling for help. “Airport, this is Outpost 12! Our position is taking heavy fire and is dangerously close to being overrun! We're taking casualties from hostile armor and infantry! We cannot hold out any longer! Requesting immediate air support at our location! How copy?”

The radio crackled in response. “Outpost 12, this is Airport. No longer in a position to provide support. Stand your ground and await further instructions.”

Andrei gave an incredulous look. “What the hell are you saying? We're fucking surrounded over here!”

“Outpost 12, you'll have to hold out with what you've got. Stand your ground and await further instructions. Out.”

Andrei tossed his radio to the ground. “Can you believe this shit, Nikolai? They're unable to provide air support!”

“Never mind them, just hold the line! We've been through worse before, and we can get through this!”

“Enemy fighters! Incoming!” Pavel pointed to the sky.

In the horizon, a group of American F-18 fighter jets closed in onto the outpost, their noses almost touching the ground. Nikolai's comrades did their best to shoot them down with anti-air missile launchers, but the enemy fighters were prepared, deploying countermeasures to steer the missiles away. Finally, the F-18's were close enough to launch their missiles down onto the trenches. Streaks of white flew towards the trenches as the jets pulled up. Chaos broke among the ranks as the soldiers attempted to escape from the incoming missiles.

“Back! Everyone fall back!” Andrei yelled, running for cover.

Missiles exploded from left to right, tossing Nikolai around as he fled from the trenches. Finally, a single missile landed behind him, the force sending him up into the air, before the ground came rushing into view, and everything went dark.


“All units, this is Major Petrovich. The Outpost has fallen. All surviving personnel are to fall back to Mississauga and defend the Airport. Repeat, fall back to the Airport!”

“Nikolai...Nikolai! Wake up! Now!”

Nikolai awoke with a jolt, seeing Andrei and Pavel standing over him. They breathed a sigh of relief to see that their friend was alive.

“Boy, you are one tough son of a bitch, you know that?” said Pavel. “For a minute there, I thought that was it for you.”

“I'm fine,” Nikolai said, as Andrei helped him up onto his feet. “What happened?”

“Things have gone to shit,” Andrei explained. “The Americans have broken through our defenses, and we're scattered all around. Most of us are either dead, captured, or making their way to Mississauga. The Major has just given the order for any survivors to fall back to the Airport.”

Nikolai dusted himself clean before retrieving his weapon from Pavel. “Then I guess this place is done for. How do we get out of here?”

“The truck depot isn't too far from where we are, which is the armory and barracks,” Andrei pointed. “We dragged you over here when you were knocked out, and our comrades have set up a defensive position while we evacuate the wounded to the truck depot. If we can make it to the truck depot, we can hitch a ride to Mississauga.”

The sharp whistle of an incoming mortar landed nearby and destroyed the last of the men covering the evacuation. “Then let's get out of here. I think we're about to be overrun.”

Not wanting to wound up dead or captured, Nikolai, Andrei, and Pavel made a run for the truck depot, dodging bullets and explosions along the way. The truck depot soon came into view, and relief washed over them. There were still vehicles on the premises, and evacuations were being made.

“There's the depot!” Pavel pointed. “We're almost out of here!”

They ran at full speed and waved at the trucks, yelling at them to not leave them behind. As they got closer, their hopes of escape were dashed when one of the trucks exploded. American tanks and infantry appeared in the distance to cut off any last chance of escape from Outpost 12.

“Damn it!” Nikolai cursed. “That was our only ticket out of here! Now what?”

Andrei looked around, trying to find another way to escape from the area without the Americans spotting them. He looked back to the direction they came from. “This way!” The three of them turned around and made a run back to the armory and barracks.

“Andrei, why are we running back in the direction we came from?” Pavel panted. “Shouldn't we look for another way out of here?”

“The armory has some heavy armor and weapons,” Andrei explained. “If we can gear up and arm ourselves with the big guns, we can fight our way out of here!”

“That's your plan?!” Nikolai exclaimed. “All you're doing is getting us killed!”

“Well, what else can we do? There's no other way out of here, and I'd rather take my chances shooting my way out of here than be captured by the Americans. If you're wise enough, you two would do the same thing.”

“That's assuming the armory hasn't been picked clean,” Pavel added.

“Guess we have no other choice,” said Nikolai. “Fine, we'll go with your crazy plan. I didn't come all this way to die now.”

The armory was a large metal shack placed near the barracks. As the building came into view, the three of them were suddenly spotted by a group of American soldiers sweeping the camp for survivors.

“Heads up! We've got hostiles!”

“Shit!” Andrei fired his weapon at the soldiers, before he and his squad dived behind some barrels for cover. A small firefight broke out between them and the Americans, each man peeking out of cover to let loose a few shots. In the chaos of it all, a stray round hit Pavel in the neck, knocking him down to the ground. Nikolai retaliated by firing a 40mm grenade directly at the Americans, finishing them off for good. With the Americans dealt with, he and Andrei focused on their wounded comrade. Pavel was clinging to his neck, choking as a pool of blood formed around him.

“Oh shit! Pavel, hang in there! You're going to be alright!” Andrei said, as he frantically dug around for his IFAK and attempted to treat his friend's injury. Nikolai, however, just stood there, watching as his friend slowly lost consciousness. As much as he hated to admit it, Pavel's fate was already sealed. He placed a hand on Andrei's shoulder.

“Andrei, he's gone.”

“Don't you give up on me, мой друг (moy drug),” Andrei muttered as he applied pressure to the wound. “You've come too far to die now...”

“Andrei!” Nikolai forcefully grabbed his friend. “There's nothing you can do for him. Pavel is gone.”

The two looked over at their now deceased friend. Like Vitaly, he had died with his eyes wide open, the life completely extinguished from his pupils. Andrei sighed, gently closing the eyes of his friend and saying a quick prayer for him. Afterwards, he stood up, staring off into the distance with fire in his eyes.

Up ahead, more American soldiers began moving in towards the barracks, accompanied by an LAV-25. Andrei loaded a fresh magazine into his weapon, and stood his ground.

“Nikolai,” Andrei whispered. “When I give the signal, run to the armory. I'll hold them off.”

“Are you crazy?” Nikolai asked. “I'm not doing this without you.”

“It's alright,” he said. “Just promise me that you'll make it back home: to Russia, to your sisters.”

Andrei readied himself, preparing to charge towards the enemy. Nikolai placed a hand on his companion's shoulder. “Andrei, please...”

He turned to Nikolai and smiled. “Go, братуха (bratuha). I'll take it from here.” Taking a breath, Andrei let out a mighty cry and charged forward. “Hey bastards! Over here!”

“Andrei!” He reached out, but held back, taking his friend's word and heading for the armory. Andrei was already engaging the Americans.

“Enemy spotted!”

“Shoot him! Shoot him now!”

As Nikolai made it into the armory, he closed the door halfway and watched the firefight between Andrei and the Americans. Andrei had managed to kill a few soldiers, but he also appeared to have sustained some injuries. He was shot in both legs, his left arm, and left hip, but he continued to stand strong, unfazed. He had picked up another AEK from somewhere and was dual-wielding them like the Terminator. Nikolai couldn't help but be impressed. Despite his injuries, Andrei was really hurting the Americans.

The LAV turned its attention to Andrei, aiming its main armament towards him. When both of his guns ran dry, the LAV fired a single, high explosive round near his feet, propelling him into the air. He landed on the ground, battered and bruised, as the LAV pulled over and let out its passengers.

Andrei was not dead, however. He dragged his broken body towards a crate and sat himself up against it. He was about to draw out his sidearm when a lone American walked over to him, weapon raised. The American was a young, bearded man wearing a gray beanie over his head. He noticed Andrei going for his gun and was trying to get him to surrender.

“Don't even think about it buddy,” the American spoke in a calm, southern accent. “Just give up. No one else needs to die today.”

Nikolai was listening to the whole thing through his radio, as he watched Andrei and the American stare off. He knew enough English to know that the American didn't want to fight Andrei anymore, and that he only wanted him to surrender. Nikolai radioed Andrei through his earpiece, as he watched him slowly go for his gun.

“Don't do it, Andrei,” Nikolai whispered. “Don't get yourself killed for this.”

Andrei wasn't listening. He continued to reach for his sidearm. The American readied his weapon.

“Andrei, don't...” Nikolai pleaded.

In a swift motion, Andrei drew his sidearm and took aim at the American before him.


In an instant, Andrei was gunned down before he could even fire off a shot at the American. Once he lay lifeless, the American gently removed his hand away from his sidearm. Overcome with grief, Nikolai locked the armory door and slumped down to the floor, letting out a breathless sob. It was just too much for him. First Vitaly, then Pavel, and now Andrei. He was the only one left in his squad.

“Why didn't you just surrender, Andrei?” Nikolai muttered. “Why did you have to go for your gun?”

As Nikolai sat there, heartbroken, a bright fire started burning inside of him, as he felt an uncontrollable rage overpowering him. He got up and started digging through the armory for something he could use. To hell with Andrei's plan, and to hell with surrendering. There was no chance that he could escape unscathed, and the Americans were bound to search the armory soon, so he may as well kill as many of them before they killed him.

Finding a set of heavy armor, Nikolai donned on the bulky vest and a bulletproof helmet for protection, replenished his ammo, and grabbed whatever grenades he could carry. He had also rigged the armory with all the C4 he could find. When the ammo runs dry, he could just clack off the entire building with a single detonator.

Suited up and fully armed, he pushed a heavy desk in front of him as cover, waiting for the Americans to come in. Sure enough, Nikolai started hearing the Americans outside.

“I think this is their armory. It's all sealed up, though. How are we going to break through?”

“Get an engineer over here. We'll blowtorch our way in.”

As the Americans discussed ways to breach the armory, Nikolai decided it was a good time to give one last phone call to his sisters. More specifically, Tatiana. He had a satellite phone on him, so he could technically call them from anywhere around the world. He dialed Tatiana's number and waited for a response.

The phone rang for a few more times before transferring his call to a voice messaging system. “Hi, this is Tatiana! I'm currently unavailable to answer my phone right now. Please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you! *BEEP*”

Nikolai sighed. He had hoped to get to talk with Tatiana, but she was most likely working right now. Then again, it was probably best that he left a message for. He didn't want her to worry. Taking a deep breath, he said, “Hey sis, it's Nikolai. I know we haven't talked in a couple of days, but I hope you and the rest of the girls are doing well.” As he thought of what to say next, there was a smell of burning metal, followed by the familiar noise of a blowtorch cutting through metal. Realizing he was running out of time, Nikolai quickly said what he had to say before making his last stand. “Listen, I promised that I'd return home for Masha's birthday this year, but unfortunately...things happened, and it looks like I won't be able to make it again this year. In fact, I'm not going to be able to come home anytime soon. I'm sorry. I know I made a promise earlier, but you know, duty calls. I'll make it up to you all, I promise.”

Nikolai glanced back at the door to see that it was halfway cut. “Well, I should get going now. Tell the girls I said 'hi', and that I'm always thinking of them.” He breathed shakily. “...Love you, sis. See you later.”

With that, he hung up and aimed his gun towards the door. It won't be long until they breached the armory. As he readied himself for a fight, a bright flash of violet was seen in his peripheral vision. Nikolai swiveled his head towards the source of the light – a fancy gold chalice of medieval origin, sitting on one of the tables.

He blinked in disbelief. He didn't recall seeing a gold chalice in the armory. If he had, he would've noticed it immediately. It appears to have manifested out of thin air, but that wasn't the strangest part. The strange part was the purple aura surrounding it. The way the chalice glowed on its own was...unnerving.

Now ignoring the enemy at the doorstep, Nikolai slung his weapon over his shoulders and approached the table. He lowered his hands towards the chalice and picked it up. As soon as he touched it, the light from the chalice grew brighter, and before he could even comprehend what was going on, the light overtook him. And then, silence.



Small rays of light blinded my sight as I came to my senses. Once my eyes adjusted to the light, I sat myself up on the bed I found myself laying in and examined the room I was in. All around were rows of beds with small desks in between them. There were also a couple of large windows in between a few beds, letting light into the room.

“Looks like I'm in some kind of infirmary...”

I got up from my bed. My weapons and equipment were gone, and all I had was my uniform. What exactly happened? Oh right, I got teleported to a world full of talking horses. That's what. All because of this little pocket watch I found on the battlefield.

I dug around my pockets to find the watch, but all of them turned out empty. Guess they confiscated it as well. Hard to believe that little antique was responsible for sending me here. The question is, how? But more importantly, where am I?

I decided to have a look around the infirmary. The beds were all empty, and there were no doctors or nurses on duty. Near the exit, there was a medicine cabinet and a desk with a large mirror in front of it. Upon inspecting myself in the mirror, I made an unbelievable discovery. The cuts on my face, the ones caused by the RPG shrapnel, had miraculously healed up! The stitches and bandages were also gone as well. It was as though I was never even wounded in the first place.

I gently brushed the left side of my face, still unable to process how it was that the scars were gone. Scars like that take years to fade, or never at all. At any rate, thinking about it won't get me anywhere. I needed to find out where I was and who's in charge around here. Guess I'll just leave without the need of a doctor to sign me out.

I was about to step out of the infirmary when the door opened by itself, and standing before me was a tan-colored mare dressed in a nurse's uniform. She was looking away from the door, focusing on the bundle of fresh bed sheets she held in her hooves. When she finally turned around, her eyes widened and her jaw dropped when she saw me standing in front of her. Can't say I blame her. It's not everyday you see a giant alien monkey standing before you.

We both stood there, eyeing each other, not knowing what to say for the longest time. It was then that I finally spoke.

“Um, hello?”

The nurse dropped the bed sheets and slammed the door shut. I heard the door being locked on the other side, to which I immediately tried to force the door open. “Hey, wait a minute! I'm not here to hurt you! I just want to know where I am!”

With no response on the other side, I promptly gave up and started pacing around the room. My mind was racing constantly. Where did that nurse run off to? Is she getting security or something? What's going to happen to me? I wish I had a gun on me right now. Not that I don't trust these ponies, but I would feel a whole lot safer with a gun in my hands. Still, if I end up dead, I guess dying in a world of talking horses isn't the worst way to go.

After a few minutes of waiting around, I heard the door behind me unlock. I turned around and saw a pony who was tall as an adult horse with wings and a horn. A crossbreed of the species that Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were, perhaps? She, for her figure was that of a mare, had a multi-colored mane and tail, and wore a crown over her head. Guess she was the big shot around here. She was surrounded by a few guard ponies dressed in armor similar to that of the Roman praetorian guards. All of them wore an emotionless expression and were armed with spears. At the sight of their weapons, I stood up tall, not letting my guard down.

The taller pony looked at me for a moment, sizing me up, before smiling warmly. She spoke to me in a tone that was authoritative, but motherly at the same time. “Well, I'm glad to see that you're awake, Preston Marlowe. Yes, I know who you are. Apple Bloom and her friends told me everything. What you did last night was very brave. Risking your own life to save those children while fighting a chimera by yourself.” She bowed her head. “Thank you for protecting my ponies.”

I raised a brow towards her. “And you are?”

She laughed. “Oh, where are my manners? I am Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria.”

“And where exactly are we, Princess Celestia?”

“We're in the castle infirmary at Canterlot,” she said. “You've been out for hours since your transportation to Canterlot, and I've been waiting to speak with you once you've regained consciousness. I was told by the girls that you were brought here under 'usual' circumstances and I want to know more about your story.”

I crossed my arms. “That's right. And if I tell you everything, can you help send me back home? To my world?”

Celestia shrugged. “That depends. But first, let's make you feel a little more welcome. You must be feeling hungry right now. Would you like something to eat?”

At that moment, I felt my stomach beginning to growl. “I guess it wouldn't hurt to grab a bite.” Princess Celestia nodded, and motioned for her guards. The guards moved the desk towards the center of the infirmary, along with two chairs. Celestia sat down on one of the chairs and motioned for me to sit. One of the guards then laid out two bowls of oatmeal and a tea set on the table. With their tasks completed, the guards bowed their heads and left the room, giving us privacy.

Celestia poured herself a cup of tea while I stared at my bowl of porridge. It looks normal and smells alright, but is it safe to eat? I took a spoonful of the oatmeal, tasting oats and sugary sweetness to it. Tastes like normal oatmeal, which is fine by me. As I ate, a teacup suddenly hovered right in front of me, as Celestia poured a cup of tea.

“Cream and sugar?” she asked, levitating a small pitcher of cream and two sugar cubes.

I blinked. “How are you doing that?”

“Do you not have magic from where you’ve come from?” she giggled.

“In my world, magic is mostly parlor tricks, or non-existent,” I replied.

“All unicorns have the ability to use magic and cast spells,” Celestia explained. “I am an alicorn, a species that shares the wings of a pegasus and the horn of a unicorn, but I can still cast spells like a unicorn. Right now, I'm using my magic to help serve you a cup of tea. Now, cream and sugar?”

I wasn't a big fan of tea, but I decided to accept her offer. If the ruler of a kingdom offers you tea, you should probably accept it. “Uh, sure, I guess.”

She poured a bit of cream and added the sugar cubes to my tea, giving it a bit of a stir. Once I finished my oatmeal, I took careful sips of the hot tea, being careful not to burn my lips and tongue, blowing on the hot liquid to cool it down quickly. The tea was a little bitter, with a little bit of sweetness from the cream and sugar, but other than that, this was some damn fine tea. After minutes of eating and drinking, Celestia went straight to the questioning.

“Well, that was a nice breakfast, if I'd say so myself,” she said, wiping her mouth with a handkerchief. “Did you find everything satisfying?”

I nodded. “When I first arrived here, I'd half expected you ponies to eat stuff like grass or hay, but I guess it's not like that around here. As for the meal, it was alright. In fact, this is much nicer than the grub they serve at the canteen.”

“I'm glad to hear that,” Celestia smiled. “I wasn't sure what it is that you creatures eat, so I had the chef prepare you some oatmeal. Speaking of which, what is it that humans like yourself eat?”

A simple, yet difficult question to answer in front of a princess who rules a land full of sentient ponies. Knowing that ponies were primarily herbivores, my response could end up painting me as some flesh-eating monster to them. I had to approach this carefully with her. “Well...biologically, I would say that I'm primarily a herbivore. But as a species, we do tend to eat meat...which makes me and a majority of mankind omnivores.” I rushed to finish my sentence, worried that I might accidentally give Celestia a heart attack. “BUT that doesn't mean I have to eat meat. I just need a source of protein, that's all. I can substitute meat for soy and legumes, and I can live off on fruits, vegetables, and grain. So, if you can get me that sort of food, I'll be fine. However, if you're cool with me eating seafood, that would benefit me nutritionally.”

Celestia nodded. “I see. There are some creatures in this world that do eat meat as part of their diet, like the griffons from the east. Perhaps for your future meals, I could talk to the chef about throwing in some sausage or fish to your meal.”

I breathed a sigh of relief. For a moment there, I thought telling the princess that I was also a meat-eater would get me tossed in the dungeon. Or worst, executed on the spot. “I think that'd be a great idea. Again, I hope that this doesn't bother or offend you.”

“Not at all,” Celestia replied. “Whenever the emissaries from Griffonstone visit Canterlot, I make sure that they're served meat dishes. As ruler of Equestria, I have to make our guests feel welcomed at the castle.”

I cleared my throat. “Well, speaking of 'feeling welcomed', while I do appreciate the hospitality, I thought we had some questions to answer.”

“You're right, of course,” she nodded, setting aside her tea. “While I should be saving most of the questions for Twilight, I do like to ask you a few questions. To start off, where are you from originally?”

“Didn't the girls help answer some of your questions on me?” I asked.

“They did, but you know how children can over-exaggerate stories sometimes,” she said. “I just like to hear it in your own words.”

“Fair enough,” I nodded. “Then allow me to start from the beginning. I'm from the United States of America, a country from planet Earth. I understand that this planet here is also called Earth, but perhaps your Earth is different than mine.”

“I've never heard of this 'United States of America', but it does sound like an interesting place,” she admitted. “Tell me, why is it called the 'United States of America'?”

“Because there’s fifty states in America, and all of them united as one nation. I'm from the state of Pennsylvania, in case you're wondering.”

“Amazing,” she whispered. “Fifty states united into a single nation? Your people must have a strong sense of unity.”

I chuckled, taking another sip of my tea. “You have no idea. Democracy, freedom, the Second Amendment, apple pie, etcetera. With so many rights and freedoms in America, you can believe that we Americans will stand united to defend our very way of life.”

“Which brings me to my next question,” Celestia continued. “If this America is what you say it is, then what is it that brought you here – to Equestria?”

“It's a mystery,” I said. “I'm not so sure what happened. I was in a battle when I got wounded trying to cover my squad. I thought I was done for, then I saw this glowing pocket watch from out of nowhere. I touched it, and the next thing I know, I wound up here.”

“A battle? You're a soldier?”

“Well, yeah, in case the uniform didn't give it away,” I muttered. “I'm a private in the United States Army. Been in the army for about five years now.”

“So, back where you're from, you're fighting a war?”

“That's right,” I nodded. “America is currently at war with another country called Russia. I'm not going to bore you with the details, but long story short, the reason we're at war with them is because Russia's planning to take over the entire world and they're threatening our democracy as well. We Americans who value freedom more than anything else, don't stand idly by that, so we fought them back with the help of other allies that support democracy.”

Celestia frowned. “So, assuming that humans are the dominant species in your world, you're fight against other humans? Killing your own kind?”

“Hey, don't chastise me with any of your political bullshit. I'm just a grunt doing my job.” I crossed my arms. “And besides, I have every good reason to wanna fight the Russians.”

“I'm not judging you,” she replied calmly. “I'm just surprised that you would go to war with your own species, even if you have a legitimate reason.”

“Humans have been fighting since the age of dinosaurs. No matter how hard we try to co-exist, there always seems to be a reason for us to fight one another. We had wars over land, resources, independence, name it. We also had two world wars, and even after all the death and carnage, life went on as usual.”

Celestia shook her head. “That's sad.”

“Don't worry about it. It's just how it is,” I said. “Anyways, I assume you wanted to know more about what brought me here.”

“Ah, yes,” she said, levitating the pocket watch onto the table. “How a single pocket watch somehow brought you to our world. Before we get to that, I just want to confirm something, where did you get this watch?”

“What do you mean?”

“This was an old family heirloom given by one of my aunts a long time ago,” she explained, gently brushing a hoof over the engravings. “It went missing about ten years ago, yet you have it in your possession? How very strange.”

“I had a feeling that this watch might have something to do with this world, but are you implying that I somehow stole it?”

“No, not at all,” she shook her head. “I'm just surprised to see it again. More surprised when the girls told me that you were brought here because of this watch.”

“Do you know why it brought me here? And how?”

“My guess is that there was some form of teleportation spell casted on this watch,” Celestia hypothesized. “When we examined your belongings and found this watch, I detected some small hint of magic on it. Most of the magical residue has faded away, but once I'm able to find out what spell this was and who casted it, perhaps we might be able to find a way home for you.”

“How long will it take?”

“A week, maybe two.”

I sighed. “If that's what it takes, I guess I can wait.”

“Then I guess we have no reason to keep you in the infirmary any longer.” She stood up from her chair. “How about we relocate you to somewhere more comfortable than a hospital bed?”

I shrugged. “Couldn't hurt.”

With that, we were escorted out of the infirmary and moved further down the castle halls. I hadn't really got a chance to look around the castle, but then again, I wasn't interested in gawking at any paintings. After a climb up a flight of stairs, we stopped at a room with a large door. Celestia opened the door and I was greeted by the sight of a fresh and tidy room.

“This is one of the castle's guest rooms,” she said. “You'll be staying here for now, until we've decided what to do with you next.”

I took a whiff of the room. “The room's not bad, but am I under house arrest or something?”

“Not exactly,” she replied. “You'll only be kept here for a short period. It's for your own safety, that's all.” We entered the room, Celestia giving me a short tour. “We weren't able to find a bed that would fit your size, so we improvised by putting together four beds. Hopefully it should be comfortable enough. There are also some snacks and water on the table, and there's a bathroom in the next room with some toiletries for your convenience. Any questions?”

“Yeah, one I've been meaning to ask since I woke up: where are my weapons?” I asked.

“They're currently being examined by the Canterlot science team for research. A good thing too. I know you seem like the type who would keep his weapons secure, but for everypony's safety, I think it's best that we hold on to them for now. Don't worry, though, you'll get everything back soon enough.”

“I'd prefer if you'd at least let me keep my pistol, but alright,” I muttered. “Your eggheads better not break anything.”

“I can assure you, your belongings will be handled with utmost care,” she smiled. “In the meantime, try and relax. If you need anything just ask one of my guards.”

With that, Princess Celestia left me alone in the guest room. Not knowing what to do first, I decided to take a shower. Considering all I've been through yesterday, I think I've earned it. After a quick, but soothing hot shower, I flopped down onto the bed that was put together for me. It may be four beds combined, but it was comfortable enough. Even though I had just woken up and had breakfast, I had fallen asleep almost instantly the minute I settled in. For now, I'm not even going to worry about what's going to happen to me while I'm here. Talking ponies or not, Sarge ain't going to reprimand me for sleeping on the job.


[1800 Romeo Time.]

[Eleven hours later. Somewhere in Toronto...]

After a day of tense fighting, Toronto was finally liberated by the efforts of the American and Canadian armies. With Pearson Airport under allied control, the Russians were cut off from any supplies and reinforcements, and were forced to retreat further northwest.

Now taking the time to rest before the next battle, Sarge, Haggard, and Sweetwater gathered at a pub in Toronto to celebrate their victory with some of the troopers. Among them were the men of Task Force Kodiak, who had promised those beers they owed them. Sergeant Tobias stood up from his seat and raised his glass to the men of Bad Company.

“Alright guys,” he began. “Let's raise a glass to Sergeant Redford, and Privates Sweetwater and Haggard of the 222nd: the men who make the impossible, possible. To you!”


“Hear! Hear!”

All the soldiers raised their glasses in the air, before taking a good, long swig. Setting their glasses down, Tobias continued his speech.

“Hell, if it weren't for you guys, my whole crew would've been dead yesterday. You guys deserve a medal.” He then turned to the waiter on duty. “Or at the very least, more beers. Waiter! Bring a couple of more pitchers over here! And some burgers as well!”

“Aw shucks, you didn't have to do that, sir,” Sweetwater said bashfully.

Tobias once again raised his glass. “To your health!”

Another round of raised glass and swigs followed. Tobias set down his glass again and all of a sudden, the cheerful atmosphere in the pub turned solemn.

“Sadly though, these fine gentlemen did not save us without losing one of their own: Private Preston Marlowe. He gave his life so that we may fight another day. May his courage and valor be a shining example to us all.” He raised his glass once more, but instead of making a cheerful declaration, it was one out of respect. “To Marlowe.”

Everyone raised their glasses in solemn respect. “To Marlowe.”

And with that, the celebration kicked off. More rounds of beer and food were delivered to tables as music filled the pub. Soldiers all around were chatting with each other, boasting about today's victory and on how many Russians they've killed. Some Toronto locals even stopped by to thank the soldiers for liberating their city, as well as to enjoy a nice meal at the pub. Bad Company ate in silence, occasionally talking about things like NASCAR and Super Bowl Sundays, though Haggard was a bit quieter than usual.

“Haggard, snake got your tongue?” Sarge asked suddenly. “You're awfully quiet today.”

Haggard shook his head. “It's nothing, Sarge. It's just that...I can't stop thinking of that one Russkie.”

“Which one?”

“The one in Hornby, the one that was giving us trouble earlier.” Haggard took another sip of beer. “He was pretty young, probably has a beautiful lady friend back home, maybe even kids of his own...even if we've taken him prisoner, he'd have a chance to later return home to his loved ones, but instead he chose death. I know it was either him or me, but still...”

Sweetwater shook his head in disbelief. “First time I've ever seen you get a pang of conscience.”

“Are you getting soft on us again, Hags? You know this ain't the place for soft men.”

“I'm not growing soft, Sarge,” Haggard replied. “I just can't help but think about why he didn't choose to surrender. Do guys like him not value their own life?”

“Well, he's a soldier just like you, me, and Sarge. The difference is that he was serving another country with different ideals.” Sweetwater explained. “You know how we're trained to never submit to the enemy if we're taken prisoner? Same thing applies with the Russians. Given their history, you ought to know by now that most of them would choose death over surrender.”

“I get that, but still, I can't help but feel a little bad for that guy.”

“In any case, there's no use thinking about it,” said Sarge. “What's done is done. As you said before, it was either him or you.”

“You're right, Sarge,” Haggard nodded slowly. “It ain't nothing I should worry about. After all, I'm the one who's still standing.”

“And you better remain standing. I don't need you or Sweets to die before my retirement.” Sarge reached for another hamburger, placing it on Haggard's plate. “Now do yourself a favor and eat up. We've got plenty of battles to face in the morning, and this is probably the only good meal we'll have for a long while.”

No longer feeling guilty about what happened at Hornby, Haggard was back to his usual self, talking about things like seeing the next Dallas Cowboys game and getting premium seats for himself. As they ate and drank, a familiar individual approached their table.

“Sorry to interrupt, but do you have room for another at this table?”

Realizing who it was, the squad stood up at attention, dusting off any crumbs from their uniforms before saluting. “General Braidwood, sir!”

“At ease, gentlemen,” he waved. “I just happened to be in the neighborhood and was feeling a little parched, so I decided to stop by at the nearest pub to wet my whistle. Don't suppose you mind if I sit here and have a beer or two?”

Sarge shook his head. “No, sir...we don't mind at all.” He quickly turned to Sweetwater. “Sweets, don't just stand there like a buffoon! Pull up a seat for the General!”

Sweetwater immediately pulled up an empty chair and placed it in between his and Sarge's. The General sat down and immediately ordered himself a drink. Bad Company continued to eat and drink in silence, not sure on what to say. It was then Sarge broke the silence.

“General Braidwood... is there something you want to talk to us about?” asked Sarge. “I have a feeling you aren't just here to enjoy a beer.”

“You aren't wrong about that,” Braidwood replied. “I'm actually here to give you some news; news that may peak your interest. Want to hear it?”

“I'll bite,” Haggard said, setting down his glass. “What have you got for us, sir?”

“First and foremost, I'm officially here to inform you that today, the 222nd Army Battalion has been disbanded, and that the three of you have been honorably discharged from the military.”

The squad stared at Braidwood in disbelief. Were they hearing this right? Did a four-star army general just tell them that they can go home? Sweetwater raised his hand. “Um sir, I didn't really get what you just said. Did you just say that we've been disbanded and discharged from the military? That we can go home?”

Braidwood gave a small smile. “I did say that, didn't I?”

“But why, sir?”

“Word's out about what you guys did back in Hamilton yesterday,” he explained. “Congress wants you guys out of the conflict and to return home, have a parade around Washington DC, boost morale back home and encourage support for the war effort, that sort of thing. Now that we're winning the war, I think it was high time that the 222nd finally retired.”

Hearing the news that they could go home earlier, the squad felt an overwhelming sense of relief. Finally, they can retire and do all the things they've wanted to do! However, they stopped short, realizing that there was a catch to all of this somehow. Haggard was the first to point it out.

“While this all sounds mighty fine, I feel like there's a 'but' to all of this,” said Haggard. “After all, this doesn't feel like the only news you have for us.”

“You're a sharp one, private,” Braidwood grinned. “While it's official that you're no longer part of the military, I still think it'd be a waste to send you all back home early, when you can still do more for us. And I have a fairly good reason to want you gentlemen to stick around.”

“And what might that reason be, sir?”

General Braidwood straightened up, looking all official, before delivering the news. “We have every reason to believe that Preston Marlowe is still alive.”

The whole squad went wide eyed with mouths agape. Sarge looked right back at Braidwood, with an “are you serious” kind of look. “Our guy is still alive?”

“Sir, the last time I checked, Marlowe's dead as of yesterday,” Haggard added. “No way anyone could've survived all those explosions.”

“That's what you all think, but I believe that he's still alive and is somewhere behind enemy lines as of now. Early this morning, I sent a detachment of Marines to identify and recover any fallen soldiers from yesterday's battle in Hamilton. They checked the remains of the APC which you've mentioned that Marlowe took cover in before his supposed demise. They found no trace of his body.”

“Well, he could've been vaporized,” Sweetwater suggested. “All those explosions can easily erase a man off the face of the earth.”

“That would be true, but even after the bombardment, the APC was still somewhat intact,” Braidwood continued. “Even if he were vaporized, there would've still been some small trace of what was left of him. Which leaves me to believe he survived out of two ways: either he made his escape before the bombardment, or he survived the bombardment and immediately fled the scene.”

“No way,” Sarge interrupted. “If you're saying that Marlowe deserted, then you're wrong. Despite what you've read in his record and the reasons he was transferred to B-Company, I've known Marlowe long enough to know that he would never be a deserter.”

“I didn't say he deserted,” Braidwood said, raising his hands in a calming gesture. “I understand that this news is a lot to take in, but just in case you don't believe me, I have proof that shows that Marlowe may have survived yesterday's battle. Take a look at this.”

He produced his PDA and handed it to Sarge. On the PDA was a video clip waiting to be played. Sweetwater and Haggard gathered around as Sarge hit the 'PLAY' button and watched the clip unfold.

“A civilian who happened to be in the area took this film at a safe distance. Watch closely at the opening of the APC.”

The squad watched the footage in silence. Whoever was filming the battle was pretty amateur, but they still did a good job on catching all the fighting on camera. Fast forwarding to the end, the squad came upon the moment where Preston was limping towards the abandoned APC.

“There he is.”

“Yeah, this is the moment where we last saw Marlowe...”

Back in the video, Preston ducked underneath the small opening and took cover inside. Up in the sky, the sound of fighter jets grew more audible as they closed in onto the road. In the last few seconds of the video, the camera caught some kind of activity going on in the APC before a blinding explosion obstructed the view. The squad could hear the cameraman cursing and dropping the camera as the whole film came to an abrupt end.

“Wait, wait, wait,” Sweetwater said suddenly. “Go back a bit...right before the explosion. Did you see that?”

Sarge rewinds the footage back to the moment before the explosion. Slowing down the speed of the video, they were able to see a flash of purple light coming from the opening. It was seen for only half a second before the first bomb went off.

“I'm guessing you gentlemen saw that light back there?” Braidwood asked. “Guess I wasn't seeing things after all.”

“It could've been a gunshot,” Sarge rationalized, though there was a hint of doubt in his voice. “Marlowe must've realized there was no way he was getting out alive, so he took the easy way out.”

“Nah, no way,” Haggard shook his head. “You said it yourself that Marlowe was no deserter. If that's the case, then there's no chance in hell he'd off himself so easily.”

“But even so, there's no way he would've survived the bombs. Let alone outrun the bombers,” Sweetwater added.

The men were stumped, unsure of how to take in this news. For all they knew, this was a trick to try and get them to stay in the conflict a little while longer, but at the same time, there was that nagging possibility that their comrade-in-arm was still alive. Sarge turned to Braidwood, and asked, “If Marlowe is alive, why are you telling us this now when you've already told us that we've been disbanded?”

Braidwood took back his PDA and pulled up a map of Canada, showing three red dots marking locations that were of high importance. One dot was located further northwest in Ontario, somewhere outside Sioux Lookout. Another dot was marked somewhere in central Manitoba, and the last one was placed somewhere near lower Nunavut.

Handing back the PDA, Braidwood explained the situation. “Those are the locations of major prisoner or war camps the Russians have set up since the early occupation of Canada. These camps hold both Canadian and US military personnel, as well as some Canadian resistance fighters and a few important figures. As you may have heard, the Russians are losing the war again. Sooner or later, they'll come to realize that they're not going to win this war, and they'll begin the process of starting peace talks with us. But as you all know, the Russians like to play dirty.

“Intelligence operatives have gathered that they're going to transport all POWs to Alaska, where they'll be shipped back to Russia and be held at labor camps there. The Russians want to use them as leverage in the eventual peace talks, play things their way. Problem is, Uncle Sam is not looking to play their dirty game. If we can liberate those camps, they'll have squat for leverage at the peace talks.”

“And let me guess, Marlowe might be held at one of those camps?” Sarge asked.

“Some of our troops were scattered during the battle of Hamilton yesterday and were taken prisoner. They're probably being transferred to one of the camps as we speak, which may or may not include your guy.” Braidwood finished off his beer in a quick gulp, setting down the empty glass. “Listen, you may not be part of the military anymore, but I'd like you to help me with this one last task. I'd ask another unit, hell, maybe send a few Delta operators to take this assignment, but I don't think there are any better soldiers than you three that can handle this operation. If you do this for me, I'll put in a good word for you guys and have the government offer you and your families enough money and benefits to last a generation. It's your call.”

Haggard looked over to Sarge. “Sarge, if you wanna head on home and go on that fishing trip of yours, go right ahead. You've been wanting to retire for a long while, so now's a good time as any. Sweets and I can go look for Marlowe by ourselves. We'll take it from here.”

Sarge shook his head. “And make me look bad by letting you boys run amok? Absolutely not. Someone has to keep you bastards in line, and I guess it'll have to be me.”

Braidwood smiled. “Then I guess it's settled. I'll inform Washington that you boys will be staying in the fight for a little while longer. Your first target to liberate will be the camp outside Sioux Lookout. You'll be departing with the 1st Armored Cavalry tomorrow morning. Good luck, and godspeed, gentlemen.” Before he left, he pulled out some cash from his pocket, setting it down on their table. “Oh, drinks and steaks are on me tonight.”

Once Braidwood was out of sight, Sweetwater asked, “What...what just happened?”

Sarge sighed, taking another sip of his beer. “My retirement got delayed. Again.”

Haggard looked at Sarge, and asked, “You think Braidwood was right, though? About Marlowe being alive?”

“How the fuck should I know? For all we know, he probably lied about Marlowe and is getting us involved in a wild goose chase,” Sarge set down his glass and pulled out a cigar, lighting it up and taking a puff out of it. “Played us all like damn fiddles.”

As they sat there, slowly regretting their decision, Tobias stepped forward to their table, taking Braidwood's seat. “I overheard your conversation with the General earlier. Sounds like your guy is still alive.”

“It's just a possibility,” Sweetwater replied. “For all we know, Marlowe's already dead, and Braidwood's probably sending us to an early grave.”

“Why do you think he'd do that?” Tobias asked.

“Probably to get rid of us,” Sarge answered. “Men like us aren't meant to live out the rest of our lives in peace.”

Tobias shrugged. “In any case, we've got orders to assist you in liberating the camps. If your guy is still alive and he's being held at one of those camps, my men and I will do everything to help you get him and the rest of our boys freed.” He placed a hand on Redford's shoulder, and said, “You don't have to do this alone. Just give us a holler, and we'll be there.”

Redford gave a small nod. “Many thanks. You're a good man.”

“I'm going to join back with the rest of my crew. In the meantime, you guys enjoy the rest of the night and get some sleep. We've got more battles ahead of us, as well as people to save.”

With Tobias gone, Bad Company slowly finished their food and drink, before looking at each other with renewed confidence. “So, we're going to do this or what?”

Haggard grinned. “Count us in, Sarge. Let's go find Marlowe and bring him home.”

Chapter 2 - Canterlot

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Small rays of light blinded my sight as I came to my senses. Once my eyes adjusted to the light, I sat myself up on the bed I found myself laying in and examined the room I was in. All around were rows of beds with small desks in between them. There were also a couple of large windows in between a few beds, letting light into the room.

“Looks like I'm in some kind of infirmary...”

I got up from my bed. My weapons and equipment were gone, and all I had was my uniform. What exactly happened? Oh right, I got teleported to a world full of talking horses. That's what. All because of this little pocket watch I found on the battlefield.

I dug around my pockets to find the watch, but all of them turned out empty. Guess they confiscated it as well. Hard to believe that little antique was responsible for sending me here. The question is, how? But more importantly, where am I?

I decided to have a look around the infirmary. The beds were all empty, and there were no doctors or nurses on duty. Near the exit, there was a medicine cabinet and a desk with a large mirror in front of it. Upon inspecting myself in the mirror, I made an unbelievable discovery. The cuts on my face, the ones caused by the RPG shrapnel, had miraculously healed up! The stitches and bandages were also gone as well. It was as though I was never even wounded in the first place.

I gently brushed the left side of my face, still unable to process how it was that the scars were gone. Scars like that take years to fade, or never at all. At any rate, thinking about it won't get me anywhere. I needed to find out where I was and who's in charge around here. Guess I'll just leave without the need of a doctor to sign me out.

I was about to step out of the infirmary when the door opened by itself, and standing before me was a tan-colored mare dressed in a nurse's uniform. She was looking away from the door, focusing on the bundle of fresh bed sheets she held in her hooves. When she finally turned around, her eyes widened and her jaw dropped when she saw me standing in front of her. Can't say I blame her. It's not everyday you see a giant alien monkey standing before you.

We both stood there, eyeing each other, not knowing what to say for the longest time. It was then that I finally spoke.

“Um, hello?”

The nurse dropped the bed sheets and slammed the door shut. I heard the door being locked on the other side, to which I immediately tried to force the door open. “Hey, wait a minute! I'm not here to hurt you! I just want to know where I am!”

With no response on the other side, I promptly gave up and started pacing around the room. My mind was racing constantly. Where did that nurse run off to? Is she getting security or something? What's going to happen to me? I wish I had a gun on me right now. Not that I don't trust these ponies, but I would feel a whole lot safer with a gun in my hands. Still, if I end up dead, I guess dying in a world of talking horses isn't the worst way to go.

After a few minutes of waiting around, I heard the door behind me unlock. I turned around and saw a pony who was tall as an adult horse with wings and a horn. A crossbreed of the species that Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were, perhaps? She, for her figure was that of a mare, had a very animated multi-colored mane and tail, and wore a crown over her head. Guess she was the big shot around here. She was surrounded by a few guard ponies dressed in armor similar to that of the Roman praetorian guards. All of them wore an emotionless expression and were armed with spears. At the sight of their weapons, I stood up tall, not letting my guard down.

The taller pony looked at me for a moment, sizing me up, before smiling warmly. She spoke to me in a tone that was authoritative, but motherly at the same time. “Well, I'm glad to see that you're awake, Preston Marlowe. Yes, I know who you are. Apple Bloom and her friends told me everything. What you did last night was very brave. Risking your own life to save those children while fighting a chimera by yourself.” She bowed her head. “Thank you for protecting my ponies.”

I raised a brow towards her. “And you are?”

She laughed. “Oh, where are my manners? I am Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria.”

“And where exactly are we, Princess Celestia?”

“We're in the castle infirmary at Canterlot,” she said. “You've been out for hours since your transportation to Canterlot, and I've been waiting to speak with you once you've regained consciousness. I was told by the girls that you were brought here under 'usual' circumstances and I want to know more about your story.”

I crossed my arms. “That's right. And if I tell you everything, can you help send me back home? To my world?”

Celestia shrugged. “That depends. But first, let's make you feel a little more welcome. You must be feeling hungry right now. Would you like something to eat?”

At that moment, I felt my stomach beginning to growl. “I guess it wouldn't hurt to grab a bite.” Princess Celestia nodded, and motioned for her guards. The guards moved the desk towards the center of the infirmary, along with two chairs. Celestia sat down on one of the chairs and motioned for me to sit. One of the guards then laid out two bowls of oatmeal and a tea set on the table. With their tasks completed, the guards bowed their heads and left the room, giving us privacy.

Celestia poured herself a cup of tea while I stared at my bowl of porridge. It looks normal and smells alright, but is it safe to eat? I took a spoonful of the oatmeal, tasting oats and sugary sweetness to it. Tastes like normal oatmeal, which is fine by me. As I ate, a teacup suddenly hovered right in front of me, as Celestia poured a cup of tea.

“Cream and sugar?” she asked, levitating a small pitcher of cream and two sugar cubes.

I blinked. “How are you doing that?”

“Do you not have magic from where you’ve come from?” she giggled.

“In my world, magic is mostly parlor tricks, or non-existent,” I replied.

“All unicorns have the ability to use magic and cast spells,” Celestia explained. “I am an alicorn, a species that shares the wings of a pegasus and the horn of a unicorn, but I can still cast spells like a unicorn. Right now, I'm using my magic to help serve you a cup of tea. Now, cream and sugar?”

I wasn't a big fan of tea, but I decided to accept her offer. If the ruler of a kingdom offers you tea, you should probably accept it. “Uh, sure, I guess.”

She poured a bit of cream and added the sugar cubes to my tea, giving it a bit of a stir. Once I finished my oatmeal, I took careful sips of the hot tea, being careful not to burn my lips and tongue, blowing on the hot liquid to cool it down quickly. The tea was a little bitter, with a little bit of sweetness from the cream and sugar, but other than that, this was some damn fine tea. After minutes of eating and drinking, Celestia went straight to the questioning.

“Well, that was a nice breakfast, if I'd say so myself,” she said, wiping her mouth with a handkerchief. “Did you find everything satisfying?”

I nodded. “When I first arrived here, I'd half expected you ponies to eat stuff like grass or hay, but I guess it's not like that around here. As for the meal, it was alright. In fact, this is much nicer than the grub they serve at the canteen.”

“I'm glad to hear that,” Celestia smiled. “I wasn't sure what it is that you creatures eat, so I had the chef prepare you some oatmeal. Speaking of which, what is it that humans like yourself eat?”

A simple, yet difficult question to answer in front of a princess who rules a land full of sentient ponies. Knowing that ponies were primarily herbivores, my response could end up painting me as some flesh-eating monster to them. I had to approach this carefully with her. “Well...biologically, I would say that I'm primarily a herbivore. But as a species, we do tend to eat meat...which makes me and a majority of mankind omnivores.” I rushed to finish my sentence, worried that I might accidentally give Celestia a heart attack. “BUT that doesn't mean I have to eat meat. I just need a source of protein, that's all. I can substitute meat for soy and legumes, and I can live off on fruits, vegetables, and grain. So, if you can get me that sort of food, I'll be fine. However, if you're cool with me eating seafood, that would benefit me nutritionally.”

Celestia nodded. “I see. There are some creatures in this world that do eat meat as part of their diet, like the griffons from the east. Perhaps for your future meals, I could talk to the chef about throwing in some sausage or fish for your meal.”

I breathed a sigh of relief. For a moment there, I thought telling the princess that I was also a meat-eater would get me tossed in the dungeon. Or worse, executed on the spot. “I think that'd be a great idea. Again, I hope that this doesn't bother or offend you.”

“Not at all,” Celestia replied. “Whenever the emissaries from Griffonstone visit Canterlot, I make sure that they're served meat dishes. As ruler of Equestria, I have to make our guests feel welcomed at the castle.”

I cleared my throat. “Well, speaking of 'feeling welcomed', while I do appreciate the hospitality, I thought we had some questions to answer.”

“You're right, of course,” she nodded, setting aside her tea. “While I should be saving most of the questions for Twilight, I do like to ask you a few questions. To start off, where are you originally from?”

“Didn't the girls help answer some of your questions for me?” I asked.

“They did, but you know how children can over-exaggerate stories sometimes,” she said. “I just like to hear it in your own words.”

“Fair enough,” I nodded. “Then allow me to start from the beginning. I'm from the United States of America, a country on planet Earth. I understand that this planet here is also called Earth, but perhaps your Earth is different from mine.”

“I've never heard of this 'United States of America', but it does sound like an interesting place,” she admitted. “Tell me, why is it called the 'United States of America'?”

“Because there’s fifty states in America, and all of them united as one nation. I'm from the state of Montana, in case you're wondering.”

“Amazing,” she whispered. “Fifty states united into a single nation? Your people must have a strong sense of unity.”

I chuckled, taking another sip of my tea. “You have no idea. Democracy, freedom, the Second Amendment, apple pie, etcetera. With so many rights and freedoms in America, you can believe that we Americans will stand united to defend our very way of life.”

“Which brings me to my next question,” Celestia continued. “If this America is what you say it is, then what is it that brought you here – to Equestria?”

“It's a mystery,” I said. “I'm not so sure what happened. I was in a battle when I got wounded trying to cover my squad. I thought I was done for, then I saw this glowing pocket watch from out of nowhere. I touched it, and the next thing I know, I wound up here.”

“A battle? You're a soldier?”

“Well, yeah, in case the uniform didn't give it away,” I muttered. “I'm a private in the United States Army. Been in the army for about nine years now. In two months time, I'll have been in the army for about a decade.”

“So, back where you're from, you're fighting a war?”

“That's right,” I nodded. “America is currently at war with another country called Russia. I'm not going to bore you with the details, but long story short, the reason we're at war with them is because Russia's planning to take over the entire world and they're threatening our democracy as well. We Americans who value freedom more than anything else, don't stand idly by that, so we fought them back with the help of other allies that support democracy.”

Celestia frowned. “So, assuming that humans are the dominant species in your world, you're fighting against other humans? Killing your own kind?”

“Hey, don't chastise me with any of your political bullshit. I'm just a grunt doing my job.” I crossed my arms. “And besides, I have every good reason to wanna fight the Russians.”

“I'm not judging you,” she replied calmly. “I'm just surprised that you would go to war with your own species, even if you have a legitimate reason.”

“Humans have been fighting since the age of dinosaurs. No matter how hard we try to co-exist, there always seems to be a reason for us to fight one another. We had wars over land, resources, independence, name it. We also had two world wars, and even after all the death and carnage, life went on as usual.”

Celestia shook her head. “That's sad.”

“Don't worry about it. It's just how it is,” I said. “Anyways, I assume you wanted to know more about what brought me here?”

“Ah, yes,” she said, levitating the pocket watch onto the table. “How a single pocket watch somehow brought you to our world. Before we get to that, I just want to confirm something, where did you get this watch?”

“What do you mean?”

“This was an old family heirloom given by one of my aunts a long time ago,” she explained, gently brushing a hoof over the engravings. “It went missing about ten years ago, yet you have it in your possession? How very strange.”

“I had a feeling that this watch might have something to do with this world, but are you implying that I somehow stole it?”

“No, not at all,” she shook her head. “I'm just surprised to see it again. More surprised when the girls told me that you were brought here because of this watch.”

“Do you know why it brought me here? And how?”

“My guess is that there was some form of teleportation spell casted on this watch,” Celestia hypothesized. “When we examined your belongings and found this watch, I detected some small hint of magic on it. Most of the magical residue has faded away, but once I'm able to find out what spell this was and who casted it, perhaps we might be able to find a way home for you.”

“How long will it take?”

“A week, maybe two? It’s hard to say, but if it’s a complicated spell, then you’ll probably have to wait for more than a month until I can find the right spell to send you home.”

I sighed. “If that's what it takes, I guess I can wait.”

“Then I guess we have no reason to keep you in the infirmary any longer.” She stood up from her chair. “How about we relocate you to somewhere more comfortable than a hospital bed?”

I shrugged. “Couldn't hurt.”

With that, we were escorted out of the infirmary and moved further down the castle halls. I hadn't really got a chance to look around the castle, but then again, I wasn't interested in gawking at any paintings. After a climb up a flight of stairs, we stopped at a room with a large door. Celestia opened the door and I was greeted by the sight of a fresh and tidy room.

“This is one of the castle's guest rooms,” she said. “You'll be staying here for now, until we've decided what to do with you next.”

I took a whiff of the room. “The room's not bad, but am I under house arrest or something?”

“Not exactly,” she replied. “You'll only be kept here for a short period. It's for your own safety, that's all.” We entered the room, Celestia giving me a short tour. “We weren't able to find a bed that would fit your size, so we improvised by putting together four beds. Hopefully it should be comfortable enough. There are also some snacks and water on the table, and there's a bathroom in the next room with some toiletries for your convenience. Any questions?”

“Yeah, one I've been meaning to ask since I woke up: where are my weapons?” I asked.

“They're currently being examined by the Canterlot science team for research. A good thing too. I know you seem like the type who would keep his weapons secure, but for everypony's safety, I think it's best that we hold on to them for now. Don't worry, though, you'll get everything back soon enough.”

“I'd prefer if you'd at least let me keep my pistol, but alright,” I muttered. “Your eggheads better not break anything.”

“I can assure you, your belongings will be handled with utmost care,” she smiled. “In the meantime, try and relax. If you need anything just ask one of my guards.”

With that, Princess Celestia left me alone in the guest room. Not knowing what to do first, I decided to take a shower. Considering all I've been through yesterday, I think I've earned it. After a quick, but soothing hot shower, I flopped down onto the bed that was put together for me. It may be four beds combined, but it was comfortable enough. Even though I had just woken up and had breakfast, I had fallen asleep almost instantly the minute I settled in. For now, I'm not even going to worry about what's going to happen to me while I'm here. Talking ponies or not, Sarge ain't going to reprimand me for sleeping on the job.


[1800 Romeo Time.]

[Somewhere in Toronto...]

After a day of tense fighting, Toronto was finally liberated by the efforts of the American and Canadian armies. With many strategic pointes retaken, the Russians were cut off from any supplies and reinforcements, and were forced to retreat further northwest, abandoning Ontario to the allies.

Now taking the time to rest before the next battle, Sarge, Haggard, and Sweetwater gathered at a pub in Toronto to celebrate their victory with some of the soldiers. Among them were the men of Task Force Kodiak, who had promised those beers they owed them. Sergeant Tobias stood up from his seat and raised his glass to the men of Bad Company.

“Alright guys,” he began. “Let's raise a glass to Sergeant Redford, and Privates Sweetwater and Haggard of the 222nd: the men who make the impossible possible. To you!”


“Hear! Hear!”

All the soldiers raised their glasses in the air, before taking a good, long swig. Setting their glasses down, Tobias continued his speech.

“Hell, if it weren't for you guys, my whole crew would've been dead yesterday. You guys deserve a medal.” He then turned to the waiter on duty. “Or at the very least, more beers. Waiter! Bring a couple of more pitchers over here! And some burgers as well!”

“Aw shucks, you didn't have to do that, sir,” Sweetwater said bashfully.

Tobias once again raised his glass. “To your health!”

Another round of raised glass and swigs followed. Tobias set down his glass again and all of a sudden, the cheerful atmosphere in the pub turned solemn.

“Sadly though, these fine gentlemen did not save us without losing one of their own: Private Preston Marlowe. He gave his life so that we may fight another day. May his courage and determination be a shining example to us all.” He raised his glass once more, but instead of making a cheerful declaration, it was one out of respect. “To Marlowe.”

Everyone raised their glasses in solemn respect. “To Marlowe.”

And with that, the celebration kicked off. More rounds of beer and food were delivered to tables as music filled the pub. Soldiers all around were chatting with each other, boasting about today's victory and on how many Russians they've killed. Some Toronto locals even stopped by to thank the soldiers for liberating their city, as well as to enjoy a nice meal at the pub. Bad Company ate in silence, occasionally talking about things like NASCAR and Super Bowl Sundays. As they ate and drank, a familiar individual approached their table.

“Sorry to interrupt, but do you have room for another at this table?”

Realizing who it was, the squad stood up at attention, dusting off any crumbs from their uniforms before saluting. “General Braidwood, sir!”

“At ease, gentlemen,” he waved. “I just happened to be in the neighborhood and was feeling a little parched, so I decided to stop by at the nearest pub to wet my whistle. Don't suppose you mind if I sit here and have a beer or two?”

Sarge shook his head. “No, sir...we don't mind at all.” He quickly turned to Sweetwater. “Sweets, don't just stand there like a buffoon! Pull up a seat for the General!”

Sweetwater immediately pulled up an empty chair and placed it in between his and Sarge's. The General sat down and immediately ordered himself a drink. Bad Company continued to eat and drink in silence, not sure on what to say. It was then Sarge broke the silence.

“General Braidwood... is there something you want to talk to us about?” asked Sarge. “I have a feeling you aren't just here to enjoy a beer.”

“You aren't wrong about that,” Braidwood replied. “I'm actually here to give you some news; news that may peak your interest. Want to hear it?”

“I'll bite,” Haggard said, setting down his glass. “What have you got for us, sir?”

“First and foremost, I'm officially here to inform you that today, the 222nd Army Battalion has been disbanded, and that the three of you have been honorably discharged from the military.”

The squad stared at Braidwood in disbelief. Were they hearing this right? Did a four-star army general just tell them that they can go home? Sweetwater raised his hand. “Um sir, I didn't really get what you just said. Did you just say that we've been disbanded and discharged from the military? That we can go home?”

Braidwood gave a small smile. “I did say that, didn't I?”

“But why, sir?”

“Word's out about what you guys did back in Hamilton yesterday,” he explained. “Congress wants you guys out of the conflict and to return home, have a parade around Washington DC, boost morale back home and encourage support for the war effort, that sort of thing. Now that we're winning the war, I think it was high time that the 222nd finally retired.”

Hearing the news that they could go home earlier, the squad felt an overwhelming sense of relief. Finally, they can retire and do all the things they've wanted to do! However, they stopped short, realizing that there was a catch to all of this somehow. Haggard was the first to point it out.

“While this all sounds mighty fine, I feel like there's a catch to all of this,” said Haggard. “After all, this doesn't feel like the only news you have for us.”

“You're a sharp one, private,” Braidwood grinned. “While it's official that you're no longer part of the military, I still think it'd be a waste to send you all back home early, when you can still do more for us. And I have a fairly good reason for wanting you boys to stick around longer.”

“And what might that reason be, sir?”

General Braidwood straightened up, looking all official, before delivering the news. “We have every reason to believe that Preston Marlowe is still alive.”

The whole squad went wide eyed with mouths agape. Sarge looked right back at Braidwood, with an “are you serious” kind of look. “Our guy is still alive?”

“Sir, the last time I checked, Marlowe's dead as of yesterday,” Haggard added. “No way anyone could've survived all those explosions.”

“That's what you all think, but I believe that he's still alive and is somewhere behind enemy lines as of now. Early this morning, I sent a detachment of Marines to identify and recover any fallen soldiers from yesterday's battle in Hamilton. They checked the remains of the APC which you've mentioned that Marlowe took cover in before his supposed demise. They found no trace of his body.”

“Well, he could've been vaporized,” Sweetwater suggested. “All those explosions can easily erase a man off the face of the earth.”

“That would be true, but even after the bombardment, the APC was still somewhat intact,” Braidwood continued. “Even if he were vaporized, there would've still been some small trace of what was left of him. Which leaves me to believe he survived out of two ways: either he made his escape before the bombardment, or he survived the bombardment and immediately fled the scene.”

“No way,” Sarge interrupted. “If you're saying that Marlowe deserted, then you're wrong. Despite what you've read in his record and the reasons he was transferred to B-Company, I've known Marlowe long enough to know that he would never be a deserter.”

“I didn't say he deserted,” Braidwood said, raising his hands in a calming gesture. “I understand that this news is a lot to take in, but just in case you don't believe me, I have proof that shows that Marlowe may have survived yesterday's battle. Take a look at this.”

He produced his PDA and handed it to Sarge. On the PDA was a video clip waiting to be played. Sweetwater and Haggard gathered around as Sarge hit the 'PLAY' button and watched the clip unfold.

“A civilian who happened to be in the area took this film at a safe distance," Braidwood explained. "Watch closely at the opening of the APC.”

The squad watched the footage in silence. Whoever was filming the battle was pretty amateur, but they still did a good job on catching all the fighting on camera. Fast forwarding to the end, the squad came upon the moment where Preston was limping towards the abandoned APC.

“There he is.”

“Yeah, this is the moment where we last saw Marlowe...”

Back in the video, Preston ducked underneath the small opening and took cover inside. Up in the sky, the sound of fighter jets grew more audible as they closed in onto the road. In the last few seconds of the video, the camera caught some kind of activity going on in the APC before a blinding explosion obstructed the view. The squad could hear the cameraman cursing and dropping the camera as the whole film came to an abrupt end.

“Wait, wait, wait,” Sweetwater said suddenly. “Go back a bit...right before the explosion. Did you see that?”

Sarge rewinds the footage back to the moment before the explosion. Slowing down the speed of the video, they were able to see a flash of purple light coming from the opening. It was seen for only half a second before the first bomb went off.

“I'm guessing you gentlemen saw that light back there?” Braidwood asked. “Guess I wasn't seeing things after all.”

“It could've been a gunshot,” Sarge rationalized, though there was a hint of doubt in his voice. “Marlowe must've realized there was no way he was getting out alive, so he took the easy way out.”

“Nah, no way,” Haggard shook his head. “You said it yourself that Marlowe was no deserter. If that's the case, then there's no chance in hell he'd off himself so easily.”

“But even so, there's no way he would've survived the bombs. Let alone outrun the bombers,” Sweetwater added.

The men were stumped, unsure of how to take in this news. For all they knew, this was a trick to try and get them to stay in the conflict a little while longer, but at the same time, there was that nagging possibility that their comrade-in-arm was still alive. Sarge turned to Braidwood, and asked, “If Marlowe is alive, why are you telling us this now when you've already told us that we've been disbanded?”

Braidwood took back his PDA and pulled up a map of Canada, showing three red dots marking locations that were of high importance. One dot was located further northwest in Ontario, somewhere outside Sioux Lookout. Another dot was marked somewhere in central Manitoba, and the last one was placed somewhere near lower Nunavut.

Handing back the PDA, Braidwood explained the situation. “Those are the locations of major prisoner or war camps the Russians have set up since the early occupation of Canada. These camps hold both Canadian and US military personnel, as well as some Canadian resistance fighters and a few important figures. As you may have heard, the Russians are losing the war again. Sooner or later, they'll come to realize that they're not going to win this war, and they'll begin the process of starting peace talks with us. But as you all know, the Russians like to play dirty.

“Intelligence operatives have gathered that they're going to transport all POWs to Alaska, where they'll be shipped back to Russia and be held at labor camps there. The Russians want to use them as leverage in the eventual peace talks, play things their way. Problem is, Uncle Sam is not looking to play their dirty game. If we can liberate those camps, they'll have squat for leverage at the peace talks.”

“And let me guess, Marlowe might be held at one of those camps?” Sarge asked.

“Some of our troops were scattered during the battle of Hamilton yesterday and were taken prisoner. They're probably being transferred to one of the camps as we speak, which may or may not include your guy.” Braidwood finished off his beer in a quick gulp, setting down the empty glass. “Listen, you may not be part of the military anymore, but I'd like you to help me with this one last task. I'd ask another unit, hell, maybe send a few Delta operators to take this assignment, but I don't think there are any better soldiers than you three that can handle this operation. If you do this for me, I'll put in a good word for you guys and have the government offer you and your families enough money and benefits to last a generation. It's your call.”

Haggard looked over to Sarge. “Sarge, if you wanna head on home and go on that fishing trip of yours, go right ahead. You've been wanting to retire for a long while, so now's a good time as any. Sweets and I can go look for Marlowe by ourselves. We'll take it from here.”

Sarge shook his head. “And make me look bad by letting you boys run amok? Absolutely not. Someone has to keep you bastards in line, and I guess it'll have to be me.”

Braidwood smiled. “Then I guess it's settled. I'll inform Washington that you boys will be staying in the fight for a little while longer. Your first target to liberate will be the camp outside Sioux Lookout. You'll be departing with the 1st Armored Cavalry tomorrow morning. Good luck, and godspeed, gentlemen.” Before he left, he pulled out some cash from his pocket, setting it down on their table. “Oh, drinks and steaks are on me tonight.”

Once Braidwood was out of sight, Sweetwater asked, “What...what just happened?”

Sarge sighed, taking another sip of his beer. “My retirement got delayed. Again.”

Haggard looked at Sarge, and asked, “You think Braidwood was right, though? About Marlowe being alive?”

“How the fuck should I know? For all we know, he probably lied about Marlowe and is getting us involved in a wild goose chase,” Sarge set down his glass and pulled out a cigar, lighting it up and taking a puff out of it. “Played us all like damn fiddles.”

As they sat there, slowly regretting their decision, Tobias stepped forward to their table, taking Braidwood's seat. “I overheard your conversation with the General earlier. Sounds like your guy is still alive.”

“It's just a possibility,” Sweetwater replied. “For all we know, Marlowe's already dead, and Braidwood's probably sending us to an early grave.”

“Why do you think he'd do that?” Tobias asked.

“Probably to get rid of us,” Sarge answered. “Men like us aren't meant to live out the rest of our lives in peace.”

Tobias shrugged. “In any case, we've got orders to assist you in liberating the camps. If your guy is still alive and he's being held at one of those camps, my men and I will do everything to help you get him and the rest of our boys freed.” He placed a hand on Redford's shoulder, and said, “You don't have to do this alone. Just give us a holler, and we'll be there.”

Redford gave a small nod. “Many thanks. You're a good man.”

“I'm going to join back with the rest of my crew. In the meantime, you guys enjoy the rest of the night and get some sleep. We've got more battles ahead of us, as well as people to save.”

With Tobias gone, Bad Company slowly finished their food and drink, before looking at each other with renewed confidence.

“So, we're going to do this or what?”

Haggard grinned. “Count us in, Sarge. Let's go find Marlowe and bring him home.”

Chapter 3 - Midnight Chat

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[Earlier today...]

Twilight Sparkle and her friends had taken the morning train to Canterlot to have a private audience with Princess Celestia. It pertained to matters regarding the sudden arrival of a strange creature: the human called Preston Marlowe. All of Ponyville was in a buzz about the ruckus going on in the Everfree Forest night, and they were desperate for answers. So far, the news of Preston's arrival was kept in the dark. The guards assured the townsfolk that the cause of the disturbance were some foals playing with fireworks in the forest, and that the Princess would issue a statement soon. Hence the reason for this trip. Having heard eyewitness testimony from the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Twilight and her friends were to travel to Canterlot and meet with this new visitor and determine whether or not he was a threat.

Although the Crusaders have many times assured them that Preston was no threat, they still had their doubts and concerns. Applejack and Rarity, though grateful for his actions in saving their sisters, were still cautious towards him. Rainbow Dash was the most cautious of the group, already viewing Marlowe as a possible threat. Between seeing the chimera's corpse and hearing Scootaloo's graphic retelling of his actions, she had every reason to be wary of the human. The only ones who didn't seem so cautious were Twilight and Fluttershy. Pinkie, on the other hand, was the most excited among them. Alien or not, Preston Marlowe was a newcomer to Equestria, and she couldn't wait to throw a welcome party for him.

An hour later, the six friends arrived at the station in Canterlot, where a single guardspony escorted them to the castle and into the throne room. There, the princess sat atop her throne, going through mounds of paperwork stacked before her.

The guard cleared his throat, getting her attention. “Your highness. Twilight Sparkle and her entourage have arrived.”

“Thank you, guardspony. Leave us, please.”

The guardspony bowed and stepped out of the throne room, leaving Twilight and the others in the company of Princess Celestia.

The six mares bowed before their princess before she addressed them. “It's good to see you again, Twilight. I assume your trip was uneventful?”

“Thank you, Princess. And yes, the trip was quite peaceful for the most part,” Twilight replied. “I hope we didn't keep you waiting.”

“Not at all,” Celestia smiled. “In fact, you all arrived at the perfect time.”

“So, where is he?” Pinkie chirped, scanning the room. “When can we meet Mr. Alien?”

“Easy there sugar cube,” Applejack said. “I don't think we should get too excited about this.”

“You got that right, AJ,” Rainbow Dash sneered. “I wouldn't be too excited about our 'guest', not until I'm sure he's not up to something fishy.”

“Aren't you getting too ahead of yourself, Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked. “I mean, yes, I have my doubts, but based on what the Crusaders told us yesterday, he can't be all that bad, right?”

“Are you kidding me?” Rainbow Dash said incredulously. “Did you not see how he tore up that chimera? If he's able to do something like that, then I'd be a little careful around him. We don't even know what he's truly capable of.”

“At least we weren't there to witness it...” Fluttershy muttered “Oh, I had such terrible nightmares after seeing that chimera.”

Rarity gently rubbed Fluttershy's shoulders, calming her down. “Twilight is right, dear. I think we're overreacting on this too much. Besides, weren't you also fascinated when you heard how he killed a chimera by himself.”

Rainbow Dash's jaw hung open, a slight blush appearing on her cheeks, before turning away. “Th-that's not true. I wasn't fascinated. I was just...surprised that someone was capable of slaying a chimera by themselves. That's all.”

“Sure,” Rarity rolled her eyes. “When Scootaloo talked about him, you were very immersed into the story, as if you were reading one of your 'Daring Do' novels.”

Princess Celestia giggled, getting everyone's attention. “I think you're all getting the wrong idea about Preston. I've talked with him while waiting for you six to arrive, and I can assure you that he is of no threat to Equestria. He just simply arrived here by accident.”

“Is that so? How did he even get here?” Twilight asked.

Celestia levitated over a golden pocket watch, dropping it in Twilight's hoof. “His story matches what the girls told us last night. Apparently, this watch transported him from his world to ours. My guess, and perhaps it's what you're thinking as well, is that some advanced teleportation spell was casted on this watch.”

“Well, yes,” Twilight nodded. “I had a theory that how he got here had to be by a form of teleportation. But what I don't get is how it happened in the first place?”

“That was what was puzzling my mind at first,” Celestia admitted. “At first, I found it hard to believe that a pocket watch was responsible for teleporting an alien being to our world. But then, I found a catalyst!” She suddenly took back the watch and held it up for all to see.

“What catalyst?”

“This watch, Twilight,” she answered, before handing it back to her. “Study it carefully. What does something about it feel familiar?”

Twilight took the watch in her magic, looking at it closely. “I...I don't see anything familiar about it.”

“Not its appearance,” Celestia said. “Feel it with your magic.”

She closed her eyes, using her magic to feel for anything out of the ordinary. Suddenly, something tingled within her. “I feel something...something familiar...”

“Yes, what is it?”

“Some residual magic. It's...” her eyes shot open. “My magic?”

Princess Celestia smirked. “It seems that my theory checks out.”

“What theory?” Twilight asked, panicking. “I don't understand. Why do I sense my own magic on this watch?”

“Twilight, do you remember the day when I accepted you into my school? The day you got your cutie mark?”

“W-what about it?”

“Do you remember how you accidentally unleashed a flurry of magic during your entrance exam? After that day, when I had retired to my private chambers, the watch was gone. I knew it was gone, because I had always kept it on my desk.”

“But wait,” Applejack interrupted. “Why is this watch so important to you, princess?”

“It was a gift from one of my great aunts from a millennia ago,” Celestia explained. “Back then, I thought that I must have misplaced it, or that it was one of the servants who accidentally lost it while cleaning. In the end, I was never able to find that watch.

“But then Preston showed up last night with that watch on him. It was strange to see it again after it went missing for nearly a decade. When examining this watch, I detected some magical residue, though most of it had faded due to the spell being so old. Because of this, I wasn't able to figure out who casted the spell. And then I remembered the day when the watch went missing; the same day you were accepted into my school and earned your cutie mark. It all came in full circle.

“Want to know what I'm thinking? I think one of the spells you unleashed was a teleportation spell that flew in the direction of my private chambers, struck the watch, and transported itself to Preston's world. And at the exact moment when he found the watch, whatever was left of the spell was enough to bring him over to our world.”

Twilight felt her blood freeze. “So that means...”

Princess Celestia smiled comfortingly. “Twilight Sparkle, it seems that I chose you as my personal student for the right reasons.”

Pinkie's jaw dropped. “Whoa...”

“So you're responsible for bringing this 'thing' to our world?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“I didn't mean to...” Twilight whimpered.

“But even so, I don't get it,” Applejack said. “If Twilight casted that spell as a filly, why did it take so long to find its way to this Preston feller?”

“That I'm not so sure,” Celestia admitted. “The only hypothesis I could come up with is that the spell wandered around in space for a decade until it somehow found its way to Preston's world. Whatever the reason, he's here now.

“Anyways, what's done is done. Preston Marlowe has been released from the infirmary and I had him moved to one of the guest rooms in the castle. Now that you're all here, I'd say the time is right to start making proper introductions with our new guest. Please, follow me.”

The Princess led the six ponies out of the throne room, down the west hallway, and straight towards Preston's guest room.

“So, can somepony explain why that 'thing' is being kept in a guest room and not in the dungeon?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Wouldn't it be much safer to keep him locked up for the time being?”

Twilight heaved a sigh. “We've been through this already, Rainbow. Princess Celestia has already determined that he's no threat.”

“Well threat or no threat, we're not even sure what his motive is. Just because he saved Scootaloo and the others doesn't mean we can just immediately assume he's a good guy.”

“Rainbow Dash,” Celestia began. “I understand your concerns, but as I've said before, you and your friends have nothing to worry about. The creature is no threat to us, and even if he were to try something, rest assured that I can easily restrain him. I also have his weapons confiscated, so there's no reason that he'll try to harm anypony.”

Rainbow Dash frowned. “Well, as long as he's unarmed, then I can tolerate him, Princess.”

Arriving at the guest room, Celestia gave a light knock on the door. “Preston, it's Princess Celestia. Are you free to talk right now?”

There was no answer. She knocked again. “Preston? Is everything alright?”

Once again, no response. Checking the door to see that it wasn't locked, Celestia motioned for Twilight and her friends to stay behind her as she went in first. She opened the door gently and was relieved to find that Preston was still in his room. In fact, the reason he couldn't answer the door was that he had fallen asleep.

“Is it me or does this guy fall asleep a lot?” Rainbow Dash whispered.

“Feller's gone through a lot,” Applejack said. “From dropping in out of nowhere to fighting a chimera by himself, it's no wonder why he's so worn out.”

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy carefully approached the sleeping human. Pinkie gave a light poke on his cheek, prompting a slight murmur from him.

“Not now, mom...five more minutes...”

Giggling, Pinkie was about to give another poke when Fluttershy held her back, shaking her head. Twilight and Rarity, meanwhile, examined his clothes that hung on a nearby chair.

Rarity cringed. “I must say, even though I'm truly grateful for him saving Sweetie Belle, I cannot accept his taste for fashion.”

“Well, the girls did mention that he was a soldier, so that's probably the uniform he was issued,” Twilight explained.

Rarity levitated his clothes off the chair and examined them, taking quick measurements in her head before putting them back where they belong. Princess Celestia quietly cleared her throat. “It seems that our guest is quite exhausted at the moment. I think we should leave him be and give him some time to rest.”

Nodding in agreement, the ponies filed out of the room, leaving Preston to rest.


[Later that evening...]

When I came to, it was already night time. What was supposed to be a short nap ended up being a deep sleep that had lasted an entire day. On top of that, I was pretty damn hungry, as stated by my growling stomach. Still, I hadn't had any good sleep lately, so getting the extra Zs was a well deserved bonus. Getting up from my bed and changing into my uniform, I decided to go find Celestia and ask her if there was anything to eat. I must've missed dinner, so hopefully she has something to feed her guest.

As I was about to leave my room, I found a dish cover and a bottle of wine on the table, along with a glass cup and some silverware. A note was left at the front of the cover.

The note read:


I hope you had a good nap today. I was going to invite you to dine with us later, but I've decided to let you sleep in longer. I had my chefs prepare you a pasta dish with some pork sausage in it, as well as some red wine for you to enjoy. I'll assume you're around the legal age to consume alcohol, as this pasta dish does go well with some red wine. At any rate, I hope that everything is made to your liking. If the dish is too cold, please let one of my servants or guards know.

Don't worry about cleaning the dishes or silverware. When you're done, just cover everything up and my servants will come by later.

If you need anything, just ask one of my guards or servants and they'll be glad to help. If you need to get some fresh air, I've given you free access to wander about on the castle grounds.

Have a wonderful evening Preston. We'll talk more on what to do tomorrow morning.


Princess Celestia

At the end of the letter, there was a postscript at the bottom. It read:

P.S. My student, Twilight Sparkle, followed by her friends, are staying for the night in the castle. If you get the chance to meet them tonight, please take the time to converse with them. Two of her friends are the sisters of Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, and they would very much like to meet you. In any case, whether you see them tonight or not, you'll get to meet them tomorrow morning during breakfast.

It felt weird that the Princess would offer me, an alien visitor, luxurious VIP treatment. But then again, who am I to complain? Not wanting to let my stomach suffer further, I lifted up the dish cover and prepared to dine. The pasta that was prepared for me was fettuccine in tomato sauce with some sliced sausages in the mix, along with a side of garlic bread. Wasn't sure how long it was left there, but from the looks of it, everything was still pretty warm, so I didn't need to worry about cold food. It also smelled like good ol' Italian cooking, like how mom used to make it. But how did it taste?

I poured myself a glass of red wine before digging into the pasta. To my surprise, it was delicious. Knowing that these ponies are predominantly herbivores, I half expected them to create some kind of meal made of grass and hay, even though Celestia knew I was an omnivore. The fact they could make a kick ass pasta dish with some meat in it was a whole other matter. I think I actually might enjoy myself here.

After finishing my meal, I set aside the dishes and silverware and decided to take a bit of a stroll around the castle; get some fresh air, that sort of thing. I opened the door and was greeted by two guard ponies standing outside. They had their backs facing towards me until they heard the door open. Both of them immediately turned their heads towards me.

“Awake at last, huh?” said one of the guards. “Had a good nap?”

“More or less,” I shrugged. It still felt awkward conversing with talking ponies, but then again, I was able to have a normal conversation with Celestia earlier, so why should this be any different. “I take it you two are in charge of looking after me?”

“The Princess has given us orders to keep you well guarded for the time being,” said the other guard. “For everypony's safety, and yours as well.”

“So, am I under house arrest or something?”

“Not exactly,” he said. “The Princess has given you free access to walk around, though you'll only be limited to the castle grounds. As I've said before, it's for everypony's safety, including yours.

“If you want to get some fresh air, you can head out to the castle gardens. Just take the hallway down to the right, out through the two large doors. Just behave yourself while you're here.”

I nodded. “Roger dodger. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get some fresh air. Do let one of the servants know that I've finished dinner and that they can come collect the dishes.”

As I made my way to the gardens, I heard one of the guards whisper, “Does this guy think he owns this place? What a weirdo.”

“What was that?” I said, turning to face them.

“I didn't say anything.”

“N-nothing sir, carry on.”

Shrugging it off, I continued towards the garden entrance. It's not like I was going to cause any trouble around here. Especially being unarmed and all.


“WHEEEE!!!” Pinkie Pie chirped, bouncing on her bed. “These beds are soft and fluffy! They're like bounce houses!”

“Pinkie, darling, do you mind keeping it down?” Rarity muttered, pulling her sleeping mask over her eyes. “I'm trying to get some beauty sleep.” She sighed, fidgeting around into a comfortable position.

“Aw, lighten up, Rarity,” Applejack chuckled. “It's not every day you get to have a sleepover at the castle.”

Even though they had been called over to Canterlot for different reasons, the girls had spent the whole day strolling around the city, shopping and snacking. With their 'guest' still out of commission, Princess Celestia had decided to prepare a guest room for them to stay for the night. After dinner and a pleasant conversation with the princess, the girls retired to their room for a good night's rest.

Though it was good to spend time with her mentor again, Twilight was still a little disappointed that she wasn't able to meet with their guest today. There were so many questions she would've loved to ask the human about, but alas, Princess Celestia decided best that they'd let him rest for the night. A good thing too. Upon learning about the revelation that she was responsible for sending this guest to their world, she wasn't sure how she would break the news to him once they met. She was worried that he would get mad at her for accidentally teleporting him to Equestria, even though Princess Celestia had assured her dozens of times that he would most likely not hold a grudge against her.

“Can't sleep, Twi?” Applejack asked, pulling her covers up.

“It's not that. I just...I still can't believe that I'm responsible for bringing him here,” Twilight replied. “I don't know how he'll react once I break the news to him.”

“It'll be fine, Twi,” Applejack assured. “If Apple Bloom said he was a friendly guy, then I'm sure he wouldn't get mad at you for casting a spell on him.”

She sighed. “I hope you're right, AJ...”

Pinkie all of a sudden sat up. “Hey, isn't that him walking outside right now?”

“It is? Where?” Twilight rushed over to Pinkie's side, looking out the window. Everyone got up from their beds and gathered at the window.

Sure enough, they could see their guest – the human, Preston Marlowe – wandering around the castle gardens, taking in the scenery.

“Oh my, what is he doing up this late at night?” Fluttershy asked.

“Probably up to no good,” Rainbow Dash muttered. “I told you I had a bad feeling about him.”

“We don't know that for sure,” Twilight said. Feeling a sense of excitement inside her, she grabbed a parchment and quill. “Since he's awake, why don't we go down there and introduce ourselves to him?”

“Can it wait until tomorrow?” Rarity yawned. “I'd really like to get back to-”

“YIPPEE!” Pinkie cheered, pushing Rarity forward. “Let's go say hi!”

Without further argument, the girls all agreed to head to the gardens and meet their 'guest'.


Following the guard's directions, I had no trouble finding my way outside the castle and into the gardens. Pushing the door open, I was greeted with the sound of chirping crickets, warm breeze on my skin, and the fresh scent of nighttime air.

The garden was an oasis of colorful flowers and smooth cut hedges. In the distance stood a large mountain with a waterfall flowing down the side. The soothing sound of falling water could be heard from miles away. I wandered further and found myself standing in front of a small hill with a large tree in the center. It gave me a good view of the night sky, so I thought it would be a good place to sit down and gaze up at the stars and moon.

I took a seat on the soft grass and leaned back against the tree...And then I was back in Montana, at my family ranch. I grew up in the country, where there was a lot of open space for a kid to get lost in. With so much space on our property, Mom made use of the space around our home to build the garden of her dreams, transforming our ranch into an evergreen paradise that would rival many of the world's famous gardens. Most of my childhood was spent in that garden; reading comic books, playing hide and seek with my brother and my cousins, or enjoying a nice barbecue with family and friends. After high school, I went off to join the Army, and that was that. Haven't seen the ranch for years now. I had planned to go visit it on my next leave, but then I got transferred to B-Company to avoid a court martial, and just when I thought I'd be heading home after our tussle with Kirlenko, the Russians came through Alaska.

And now here I was, lost in a world of talking horses and stuck here for God knows how long. Depending on how long it takes for Celestia to find a way to send me home, I could be sitting out the rest of the war in relative safety. I can't tell if that was a good thing or bad thing since I'd be missing out on all the glory of winning the war. But perhaps after all these mishaps, I'll finally be able to go home. I'd be in the garden, lazing around and taking in the scenery, like old times. Dad and I could go take the Bell-copter for a spin again, assuming he's forgiven me for the Black Hawk incident which ultimately landed me in Bad Company. Maybe I could help my brother start that business of his. Mom could bake some more chocolate cookies for us, and maybe I could invite the squad over for a barbecue once a month. Perhaps Mom could get Sarge to open up more and make him grin in spite of himself. “You got a good Mom, Pres,” Sarge once told me when he asked about family. “You ought to count your blessings.” My Mom could easily get anyone to smile, no matter how bad their day might be. She was golden and beautiful...

“Preston? Preston Marlowe?”

I stirred up from my dream and sat up. Rubbing my eyes clear, I saw six ponies surrounding me. Four of them eyed me with wide-eyed curiosity, though the pink one seemed more cheerful than the rest. The yellow one was really timid as even one glance caused her to cower behind her blue friend, who was glaring at me with suspicious intent.

I yawned. “That's me. And you are?”

The purple one introduced herself first. “Please excuse me for intruding on you. My name is Twilight Sparkle,” she said, bowing her head. She gestured to each of her friends. “And these are my friends, Applejack...” the orange one took off her stetson hat, pulled it over her chest, and bowed her head, saying, 'Howdy'. She had a southern accent, just like Haggard. “Rarity...” the white one said, 'How do you do', with a mid-Atlantic accent. “Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash...” the yellow one just squeaked and cowered behind the blue one, who was still glaring at me. “And last, but not least, Pinkie Pie.”

The pink one got up close to me. Too close. Her grin was wide and her eyes wide with excitement. “HI! I'm Pinkie Pie! You're new around here so I would have to throw you a 'Welcome to Equestria' party! Although, all of my party stuff is back in Ponyville, so you'll have to wait until we return to Ponyville to throw you a party. It also gives me time to invite everypony to your party, so that way, you can meet new friends! Doesn't that sound fun?”

I blinked. “Um, yeah. I guess.”

Pinkie Pie giggled, stepping aside as she let Applejack and Rarity come forward. “So, you're the one who saved Sweetie Belle last night?” Rarity asked, before bowing her head. “You have my deepest gratitude. Thank you so much for saving my sister and her friends.”

“Yes, thank you,” Applejack added. “I don't know what I would've done had you not showed up last night and saved them. We're all in your debt.”

“Shucks, it was nothing,” I grinned. “How are they, by the way?”

“They're all still in shock about what happened last night, but they're slowly recovering,” Rarity explained. “Sweetie's ankle has healed up thanks to Zecora's remedy, so there's no need for concern.”

“Apple Bloom is doing fine, and so is Scootaloo,” Applejack said. “But that does not mean I'm letting her off the hook so easily. She's got a lot of chores to do this weekend, and if she wants to be able to go on that school trip next month, she'd better learn her lesson and get everything done lickety split.”

I couldn't help but laugh a little. Reminds me of the times when I got in trouble as a kid and how my parents would give me extra work as punishment. “Well, so long as they're okay, that's all that matters.”

I turned to Twilight. “Twilight Sparkle, was it? Celestia mentioned that you and your friends were here to visit me or something. Sorry I slept through the whole day without properly introducing myself. To make up for it, would you like to ask me some questions?”

Her eyes lit up with excitement. “I do! I have so many questions I'd like to ask you: where you're from, what you do, your people...” she stopped mid-sentence, probably noticing me yawning. “...But since it's pretty late, maybe we can talk about it tomorrow morning, once you've gotten some rest.”

“No, it's fine. I can spare some time to answer whatever questions you have, so long as you try and make it brief.” As I leaned back against the tree, I noticed Rainbow Dash still glaring at me. “Though, could you get your friend over there to stop looking at me like that?”

Twilight rolled her eyes and turned to face her friend. “Rainbow, we've been through this already. Princess Celestia trusts him, so we should do the same as well.”

Rainbow Dash huffed. “Alright, fine.” She then faced me, saying, “Look, I'm grateful that you saved Scootaloo and the girls. Really, I am. But just so we're clear, if you try anything funny around here, I'll make you regret it. You got that, buster?”

I shrugged. “Not like I'm gonna be able to do anything, but alright.”

With everyone now in a somewhat relaxed mood, Twilight Sparkle procured a roll of parchment paper and an ink quill as she prepared to question me. Looking at the size of the parchment, something tells me that this whole interview would take a long time. It was then I noticed Fluttershy, who at first was very timid around me, was now gazing at me with childlike curiosity.

“My,” she whispered, before grabbing a hold of my hand. “You don't have claws like a dragon, nor paws, but hands. Are you a gorilla?”

Applejack stifled a chuckle. “He sure doesn't look like a monkey to me.”

I smirked. “Well, not exactly. Although, us humans did evolve from primates millions of years ago.”

“You evolved from primates?” Twilight asked, scribbling down the information on the parchment roll.

“Well, that's what I was taught, according to my science teacher. Though we share some characteristics of the common ape, our ancestors certainly didn't originate from apes.

“But I'm sure you didn't come out this late to learn about human evolution,” I yawned. “Tell you what, why don't you ask me some of the important questions for tonight, and we can save the minuscule questions like human history for another day.”

“O-of course,” Twilight nodded. “Sorry, I sometimes go a little off topic.”

“Don't we all,” I laughed. “Now, what is it that you'd like to ask about me?”

“Well, to start off, can you tell me a bit about yourself and where you're from?”

“Certainly,” I nodded. “I already told most of it to Celestia earlier, but I'll give you a simpler version. I come from a planet called Earth, and yes, I know, both our planets have the same name. Don't ask me why, cause I don't know. My country, a slice of paradise called the United States of America, is where I'm originally from. I was born and raised there. Great place to live if you like peace, freedom, and apple pie.”

“It does sounds like another Equestria to me,” Applejack chuckled

“And according to Princess Celestia, you're a soldier with the 'United States'?” Twilight asked.

“Yup. Joined up when I got out of high school. Been in service for about nine years.”

“And why did you join the military?”

“Various reasons,” I briefly replied. “But let's just say for now that it was mostly family tradition. My grandfather served. My father served.”

“Do you enjoy serving in your country's military?”

I gave a breathless laugh. “If you don't mind getting sent to fight an entire army by yourself, all just to avoid court martial, then yeah, it's super fun!”

At my response, everyone just looked at me with awkward silence. I rubbed my head sheepishly, realizing how confusing my answer was. “You know what, let's just save that story for another time,” I coughed. “If you must know, I enjoy serving, more or less. I am a patriot after all, and I'll continue to be one until the day I die.”

Twilight nodded as she continued to scribble in her scroll. “Which brings me to my next question. Princess Celestia mentioned that back where you're from, your country is currently at war with another nation. If you don't mind me asking, why is that?”

I sighed, leaning further back into the tree. “It's something I don't like to talk about too much, but since I only gave Celestia a brief description about it earlier today, I guess it's only fair that I give you the full details. If you and your friends can stomach it, that is.”

Twilight and her friends looked at each other, contemplating through facial expressions on whether or not they want to hear this story. After a pause, they nodded to one another with determination, though Fluttershy seemed a bit hesitant. “By all means, please tell us about this war going on in your world.”

So they really want to hear the ugly side of humanity at this time of night? Well, you reap what you sow.

“What I can tell you is this,” I began. “Since the dawn of mankind, humans have constantly been at war with each other. Whether it'd be for good or ill, we always find a reason to kill one another.”

Pinkie gasped. “He said the 'K' word!”

I rolled my eyes, ignoring Pinkie's remark, before continuing. “Ever since we've declared independence in 1776, America has been involved in many wars with other nations and itself. Through all these conflicts, no matter how tough things were, the one thing that always kept us united was our fight to preserve freedom and democracy. Not just for ourselves, but for the whole world. At least, that's what they told us back in elementary school.

“America has always prided itself as being the greatest nation in the world. And how can you deny it? A land of free and brave men, where you can live in peace without any fear of persecution or discrimination. Many Americans will say that's the main reason their country is the greatest world, and maybe they're right. However, there are those who disagree with our way of life; those who believe that freedom and democracy are corrupt and impure, and that the only way to achieve world peace is by ruling with an iron fist. That's where the Russians come in.”

“Russians?” Twilight asked. “Are they humans like you?”

I couldn't help but chuckle at how clueless Twilight was, despite her being the smartest of the group. “Well, obviously. To put it simply for you, they're humans from another country in my world. That country they're from is called Russia, and they speak a language, which is, you guessed it, Russian. There's a lot of countries with different languages, and Russia's one of them. And before you ask, yes, they're the enemy I'm fighting back home.”

“Humans fightin' humans?” Applejack muttered. “That just ain't right.”

I continued. “For years, Russia and America had always been at odds with each other on how the world should be run. Americans believe that the world should run as a democratic society, whereas the Russians believe that the world should be ruled with a more authoritarian style. You know, a little bit of violence here, some persecution there, and everyone falls in line.”

“So, why are you at war with 'em in the first place?”

“To tell you the truth, I have no idea,” I shrugged nonchalantly. “Though we've always had disagreements in the first place, none of us had the guts to engage in an all-out war with each other, cause if we did, that would spell the end of civilization itself.”

Rarity blinked in surprise. “Whatever do you mean by that, darling?”

“To understand this, we need to go way back,” I began. “Don't worry, though. I'll keep it brief, cause I'd really like to go back to sleep soon.

“About seventy years ago, America was involved in a major conflict to stop some tyrannical despot from ruling the world. It was one of the deadliest wars in human history, and the whole world was involved in stopping them. Including the Russians.”

“So, you were allies with the Russians back then?” Twilight questioned.

“Yeah,” I nodded. “Crazy how things turned out to be. In this case, it was 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'. Anyways, long story short, the tyrannical overlord and his 'mighty' army were crushed by the might of the allied powers, and peace returned to the world. Or so we thought.

“As a means to hasten the end of the war, the United States developed a new kind of weapon that would force the surrender of one of its enemies: the nuclear bomb. It was a weapon of mass destruction, capable of leveling cities to ruins and covering a wide area with its poisonous radiation to kill off anything living there, be it plant, animal, or human. The bomb worked as it was built to be, and you'd think its devastating results would be enough to serve as a reminder on why we should never wage war ever again. Well, that wasn't the case. The Russians started making their own version of the bomb, and America, not wanting to be left in the dust, evolved their nuclear arsenal. Over the years, both sides kept making more of these bombs, building them to be bigger and badder, to the point they could just fly across the globe and strike at any target. If we wanted to, we could easily wipe out the entire human race with just a push of a button.”

There was a collective gasp among the ponies.

“My goodness...” Rarity gasped.

“Ain't possible!” Applejack exclaimed.

Fluttershy whimpered, hiding behind Rainbow Dash, who was glaring at me for scaring her friend with all these stories I was telling. Well hey, you asked for it. If you didn't want to hear any of this, you could've just gone back to your room earlier.

“But knowing that fact has actually stopped any big war from happening,” I continued, ignoring Rainbow Dash's glare. “Neither Russia or America is willing to let the nukes fly in a war, lest history condemns one of them for being the destroyer of the human race. In a way, it's a good thing the bombs exist. It made us talk out our differences rather than go for the ammo.”

“Unfortunately, that's not what it seems like for you,” Twilight stated bluntly.

“Yeah,” I sighed. “Despite all we've done to try and coexist with one another, the Russians wanted war. After years of putting up with our influence on the global order, they had enough. About two years ago, they declared war on what they called 'western imperialism' and started an invasion of the entire world. We were completely caught off guard. Within days, weeks, and months, many of our allied nations fell to the Russian occupation, and before long, they had their sights set on America.

“Which brings us to our current situation back home. Not too long ago, the Russians attempted an invasion from our southern border. Thanks to our combined efforts, however, we've managed to halt the invasion in its tracks, though it only gave us a brief respite. Shortly after, we got word that the Russians were moving towards our northern border, immediately taking control of one of our states in the north, as well as our northern neighbour, Canada.”

“What's Canada?” Pinkie couldn't help but ask.

I gave a short chuckle. “It's another country on Earth. You could say that they're sort of like America, but more...polite, I guess? The only difference is that their gun laws suck, but hey, at least they got maple syrup and ketchup chips, so there's an upside to it.

“Anyways, back to the story. I arrived in Canada yesterday to help liberate one of the cities and push back the Russians. On our way there, we got ambushed and had no choice but to fall back. I stayed behind to cover my buddies, but then I got wounded. Last thing I remember was finding that glowing pocket watch, before waking up to find myself here in your world. And the rest is history.”

“I see,” Twilight nodded, scribbling the final few notes. “So your story does match up with what the girls told us about last night.”

“Celestia confirmed it as well,” I added. “It's not something new anymore.”

As everyone sat there, taking in everything I've just said, Fluttershy finally broke the silence and asked, “D-does this mean that you and that other country now have to use those...bombs on each other?” Her eyes welled up with tears. “Because you're at war with them now, are all the humans going to...going to...die? That's not right...” She sobbed, trying to brush away the streams of tears down her cheeks. “That's not right...”

Seeing one of her friends upset, Pinkie started to tear up before going over to hug Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash gently patted Fluttershy's head, trying to comfort her. “Hey, don't look at it that way, Flutters,” she assured. “I'm sure the humans aren't that stupid to wipe themselves out that easily, right?” For the first time since our meeting, Rainbow Dash didn't glare at me for whatever reason, but instead looked towards me with an expression that said, “hey, say something that'll make her feel better”.

All eyes, except for Fluttershy, were on me now, wondering what my answer to them would be. The truth was, even though we were officially at war with Russia, everything was still the same as it was; how neither side had the balls to use the nukes, so far. Although there were times that each side threatened to nuke the other, the reality was that we were all too scared to use the nukes because of what it could do to the human race. Still, it's kinda my fault I scared her with my story, so I should at least try to calm her down.

I went over to Fluttershy, getting her attention as she looked up to me with tear-stained cheeks and puffy eyes. Carefully, I brought my hand above her hand, gauging her reaction. When it didn't look like she wanted to move away from me, I gently patted her on the head, giving a comforting smile.

“Fluttershy, there's no need to worry. We're not going to use the nukes just because we're at war with each other. Yes, having these weapons is stupid, and I wish they never existed in the first place, but as I've said earlier, the fact that these bombs are so devastating is the reason why neither of us would ever use them in the first place. That's not to excuse their existence in the first place, but at least it gives those in power to try and find a peaceful way of ending the war instead of wanting to end it all. Perhaps one day, when the war is over and we become friends again, we can go back to talking about disarming those terrible weapons so that they can never be used ever again.”

I gazed up to the moon, thinking about home. “It's all the more reason for me to get back home as soon as possible. To see that this war is won in favour of the United States. I've got no doubts that America will be triumphant, but I want to see it for myself. To see that Sarge, Haggard, and Sweetwater make it out alive.” I closed my eyes, seeing the faces of my family in my mind. “To be with Mom, Dad, and Darren again.”

I slowly opened my eyes and glanced back at the ponies, who were giving me odd looks – the kind you see when someone catches you doing something idiotic. I coughed nervously, feeling my face getting warm with embarrassment. “Sorry. I don't know why I said all that, but you get my meaning.”

As I tried to regain my composure, Fluttershy surprised us all when she gently took my hand into her hooves. She smiled warmly. “You are very kind, Preston. At first, I thought you were scary, but all you want to do is protect those around you. I think that's very noble of you. I truly hope you will soon find your way home and be with your family again.”

I was taken aback by her sudden change of character, but nonetheless, I felt relieved that she was feeling better again. “Thank you, Fluttershy,” I nodded in appreciation. “That's very kind of you to say. And I'm sorry for scaring you earlier with my stories.”

“It's alright,” she said. “It doesn't bother me too much anymore.”

“Looks like you two are getting along just fine,” Applejack chuckled. “Guess you are as good as Apple Bloom and the others have mentioned. Wouldn't you agree, Rainbow?”

Rainbow Dash just smirked. “Yeah, yeah. You're alright, I guess.” She suddenly put up a serious expression and got close to my face. “But as I've said earlier, mess with my friends, and you'll catch these hooves. Are we clear on this?”

“Crystal,” I said bluntly, somewhat irked by her attitude. She then let out a small smile and patted me on the shoulder.

“Then we got nothing else to worry about,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Ooh, this would be a great time to throw a party!” Pinkie chirped. “Except I left my party supplies back home. Oh well! Once we get back to Ponyville, we can throw a grand party for you!”

Everyone got a good laugh from Pinkie's response. It seems that everyone's mood was a whole lot better now that I've managed to cheer up Fluttershy. Twilight looked like she was about to ask me more questions – specifically ones that were more lighthearted compared to the horrors I've just explained – but I think this was a good time to call it a night.

“Welp,” I yawned. “As much as I want to enjoy this 'jovial atmosphere', I think I'm going to call it a night and head back to my room. We can talk more in the morning. Is that okay with you, Twilight?”

“O-of course,” Twilight nodded, feeling a bit disappointed that we had to cut this meeting short. “We'll talk more in the morning, and hopefully, Princess Celestia will figure out the next step on where to go with you.”

“Let's hope so. Otherwise, I'll be stuck here for God knows how long.”

With that, I turned my back towards them and started making my way back to the guest suite. However, I stopped myself at my third step, realizing that throughout our conversation tonight, I had not even had the chance to ask these ponies a question. And there was one question that's been nagging me since my arrival.

“Oh, by the way, I'm sure you've all heard about my arrival here thanks to a magical pocket watch.” I turned around to face Twilight. “Sweetie Belle mentioned you're the smartest around here, and said that you might know something about these spells and what not. So, here's my question for you: do you happen to know anything about this teleporting watch?”

For some reason, when I asked her that question, Twilight seemed a little nervous. Something was off. When she didn't respond, Applejack stepped in.

“It's quite simple, Preston,” she chuckled. “The reason that watch was able to bring you here was because-”

“We're still figuring that out!” Twilight suddenly blurted as she covered Applejack's mouth with her hoof. “We have some theories on how you might have ended up here, but we haven't been able to confirm them yet. We'll know more in the morning.”

“Twilight...” Applejack said in a low voice.

“I'm sorry we haven't figured out the cause, but hopefully, Princess Celestia will have a clear answer for you tomorrow.”

Twilight was obviously hiding something from me. I thought about pressing her further, but decided against it. Besides, what do I know about magic? “In any case, this is where we go our separate ways. It was good meeting you all, though. I'll see you all in the morning. Have a good night.”

And just like that, we all went our separate ways. I must say, I think I handled this whole meeting better than I thought. I guess that means I've made some new friends in this world now. Can't help but wonder where this is all going to lead up to in the end? More importantly, how am I even going to get back to my world? More questions and still no answers. Hopefully tomorrow will provide me with the answers I need.


“Why didn't you let me tell him the truth?” Applejack asked moments after Preston had left the garden.

“I'm sorry, Applejack,” Twilight sighed. “But I just couldn't bear to see what would happen if he found out that I was responsible for bringing him here. He might get angry at me. Or worse.”

“Ah, you’re overreacting, Twilight,” Applejack said. “After how he just cheered up Fluttershy and started getting along with us, do you really think he's gonna blow a fuse just because you accidentally teleported him here?”

“You're probably right,” Twilight murmured. “But still...”

“Oh, quit worrying, Twilight,” Rainbow Dash barged in. “Based on what I've seen of him, I don't think he's that bad. Besides, you know I'll have your back if he tries something.”

“See, even Rainbow Dash agrees,” Applejack stated. “How about I go tell him the truth so that we don't have to tell him in the morning?”

“No!” Twilight held Applejack back. “No, just...I-I'll tell him in the morning. I promise. Just...let him rest for the night, please?”

Applejack gave Twilight a hard look before she finally resigned herself, deciding to follow her friend's wish. “Alright fine,” she sighed. “You can tell him in the morning. But just so you know, if you change your mind at the last minute, either I or the Princess will tell him.”

“Then if we're done here, can we please head back to our rooms?” Rarity yawned. “I'd really like to get back to my beauty sleep rather than argue about the who or what of things.”

“Sure thing, Rarity,” Applejack nodded. “Come on, let's get back to our rooms.”

And with that, the six ponies made their way back into the castle for rest, awaiting for the uncertain but exciting morning that was to come.