> Pony POV Series Side Story: Sewing Buttons > by Alex Warlorn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The World's Biggest Tea Party and other important events in Pony History > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, my name is Buttons of Paradise Estate. I don't really see why you want to chat with me. I don't really have anything to share that you haven't heard before. And I left Paradise Estate and lived my life before Starlight and her friends met my friends. Any worthwhile stories I was a part of my friends probably already told. We were a herd, even the adventures only some of us were on we all knew almost everything about. You want to hear more about me in particular anyway? Alright, but I can't promise anything new. Yes I said my name is Buttons, video games? What's that? Oh right, Danny brought over his 'Game-boy' once over the rainbow bridge, I honestly don't see what humans or Starlight's herd see in those things. Why did I leave Paradise Estate? I wanted to raise my family. The witches were beaten, Grogar was long gone (at least for another good 500 years), I just wanted to have a life. I guess you could say I just got tired of being a legend and just settle down like anyone else now that the world had settled down too. No. I never really thought about what might happen if there were none of us left. I figured the others would recruit new ponies eventually. Moochick used to say how Fate knows the importance of heroes more than anyone else...and then got sidetracked when he realized he'd lost his pocket watch again. My husband is Slugger, one of the Big Brother Ponies. Like the rest of the rest of them he couldn't stand the idea of being tied down to once place, and once raced all the way around the world in one year on hoof with the rest just for the fun of it. He was my knight in shining armor who saved me and the others from Somnambula. Unlike the others who were put in a fantasy world as their youth was drained away, us Unicorns were just shackled to her crystal ball draining our magic after Kyrie's song had done its job of luring us in dream-like state right to the witch. So we could appreciate what was happening to us! Somnambula always seemed to leave that part out when she talked about giving hurting ponies last moment of happiness in bad times! I guess that's why Hydia's family kept inviting her to the family reunions (long story how we know that). Slugger was shackled by that witch's magic and he STILL broke free and saved me along with the other unicorns! How's that for determination? My magic talent? My unique magic is telekinesis. What? Since when has that ever been something all unicorns can do? Now if you told me all unicorns can teleport, of course I know all unicorns can blink. I know some unicorns take longer to learn than others, but any unicorn can 'wink' given enough time and hard work by the time they're adults. What? Since when did most unicorns forget that type of teleportation? Ugh...reminds me of how Earth Ponies started forgetting their life magic. The way you talked about that reminded me of how that one time I visited Gypsy. For fun I asked her to read my future with that wheel of fortune of hers. She says she can see into the past, present, and future with it! She's really good at ribbon dancing too! She was royal adviser for years until she moved out of Dream Castle and wanted to live by herself. To who? I...I guess everypony? I can't remember... Oh right, my fortune. She told me that in five or six thousand years, every unicorn alive would carry my bloodline, and at least one Earth Pony family. What a strange prediction. Not to say I'm complaining, who doesn't like knowing their family will remain strong throughout history? It was wonderful to know I'd HAVE a family line with all the disasters we kept having to save the world from! And I haven't even told you about the fruit of our family, Baby Buttons. I still don't like that Paradise once told a sad story around her. I really realized that our paradise ponies had been neglecting our foals with all our efforts to protect Ponyland when I called Slugger her daddy and she didn't even know what a 'daddy' was! I shudder to think what might have happened had Megan and her siblings not given our foals a lot of attention whenever they came over. She even felt, out of place with her little friends, like her having a father somehow made her 'different' from the other baby ponies. How silly can you get? Who were the fathers of the other Baby Ponies? The other Big Brother Ponies of course. No, we don't practice having more than one mate, we're not wild ponies. The number don't add up? Who was whose father? I . . . I can't really seem to remember, sorry. I don't know why that is. It just kinda gives me a headache. Baby Buttons was the odd one out for one thing, most of the Baby Ponies had cutie marks that were smaller or fewer versions of their mother's, my daughter had one more button on her flank than me. No, I can't remember how the other baby ponies earned their cutie marks. My baby never got out much compared to the others Baby Ponies. She was remarkable for nothing really remarkable happening to her. She got to be just a normal filly, as normal as one who gets captured by Grogar, and driven out of our home by talking furniture and a shape shifting ghost and . . . She never took charge, she never offered her own opinions or ideas. I needed to get her out of there. Yes I told Wind Whistler I didn't think she had a heart. It's just . . . she acted so cold at times. Megan and Danny both scolded Gusty and I for saying so. She proved us wrong when she faced the truly heartless Crunch. I had the odd day events that didn't make it into the history books, like all my friends. My signature when dress making was of course buttons. Not just any cheap buttons, I made sure each other was beautiful and done in a pattern that enhanced the beauty (having telekinesis made that a bit easier than just moving it with my hooves). Immortality can leave you bored. One night, just for the fun of it, I decorated seemingly all of Ponyland in one night with a basket of Buttons (might have just been around the Estate), the trees, the bushes, the flowers, the clouds, yes the clouds, they shined like stars and jewels. It was so unusual and over the top that they were all delighted! I even wove buttons into their manes and tail just so they match everything else and finish my decorations! No, I didn't damage Posey's flowers! I'd never hurt her garden! I know how much it means to her! Remember what happened when the Flories destroyed her garden? I was sure nothing I did hurt her plants. I had to clean them up and take the buttons out of their hair eventually, but it all been worth it just for the smiles on everypony's face, including mine! And here another tale most haven't heard of. I had visited the seashore, and spent the day just collecting seashells, yes seashells by the seashore! It was a nice escape and change of pace just to visit the ocean! This was actually back when we still lived in Dream Castle. Before King Hugo and the Grundles became the keepers of the secrets and treasures hidden in its walls after the Smooze. On my return from the beach, I found Megan, who felt equally comfortable dressed as a cowgirl or in a frilly-dress, had been finishing a dress for a Ball that night. Megan wanted it extra special, and using some unique magic I had learned on my own, I turned my seashells into gemstones that were rainbow colored, making Megan the picture of a princess, I added in some for her hair as well, and she was a smash that night! That was Megan for you, she could run the entire spectrum and still be comfortable with herself. Guess that's why she got along with all of us. One I bet a lot more of you remember is a time when Ribbon and I checked on the Baby Ponies. Ribbon found her baby had tried to teleport to the top shelf for a board game, but had teleported only HALF-WAY, meaning the lower half of her body was simply 'not there'. No she was fine! But she was scared and confused since half her body was still in the magical limbo, between where she teleported from and teleported to. And she was just floating there like she was wearing half an invisibility cloak. Ribbon teleported next to her and helped her materialize all the way through. But the big event was the one little rubber ball we gave them. They baby ponies were bored of all the games they had, so Ribbon and I decided our girls' imaginations needed some exercise! The girls DID have fun just using their imaginations instead of us just going and getting them a new toy from Megan (and with two younger siblings, she had a lot). Baby Tiddly-Wink imagined the ball lead her through a giant magic fun house. Baby-Half imagined the ball played piano for her as she danced ballet for everyone in Ponyland! Baby Lofty imagined the ball gave her flying lessons for her to become Ponyland's best flier. And Baby Ribbon imagined the the ball was a talking goodluck charm that helped her teleport anywhere she wanted and she opened a teleportation school and she could even teach bushwhoolies to wink in and out! The joke is, the rubber ball we were going to give them? Got stuck in the bushes, the girls really were using their imaginations at full blast. HEH! Surprised me. But it nice to see the fillies' imaginations were as strong as they should be! A foal with no imagination is no foal at all. I was once told about how Erebus stole the kids shadows and that was one of the most depressing things ever. No, I wasn't the one that beat him or even played a big role in it, I didn't even take part in that quest! I had hear about it from the others. But the thought of kids losing that spark. No thanks! I prefer little kids being happy, imaginative and having fun! Ever heard of the Twice as Fancy Ponies? I was one for a while. Long story short, our cutie mark appeared all over body! I'm pretty sure I still have pictures of that in my photo album! No, it was just my cutie mark, not a bunch of random ones. No I wasn't driven to do my special talent all the time until I died from exhaustion. Though I did get some odd looks from other ponies while I was like that. You've heard the rest before. I got Aladin's Lamp from beyond the golden door, and met the genie. I wished for an ice-cream cone but he asked for so many details I couldn't get a thing out of him until Wind Whistler did the talking for me. Given it was a giant ice-cream cone and almost fell on us, I guess it's a good thing the genie's magic was failing being in the real world too long and the ice cream cone just vanished. You heard about the Glass Princess...you think being turned to glass would hurt, and not being able to move would drive you crazy, that seeing your land and your friends turned to glass would terrify you, but the creepy part is how PEACEFUL I felt through the whole thing. But it was refreshing to meet a villain who actually had enough of a heart to change on her own. Though come to think about it, even when the lead baddie didn't turned good normally at least one of their minions does. One time that didn't have to do with saving the world was a game of hide and seek between us unicorns. Sweet Stuff asked to join in the game, and Fizzy lied about Sweet Stuff agreeing to be it until Ribbon took a chance and heard Sweet Stuff thinking how she hadn't agreed to that. Ribbon's special magic talent was telepathy...It was also how she managed to send a warning dream to Megan after we were all captured by Grogar, just barely able to get out the word 'Tambelon' (that place was horrible). Ribbon didn't exactly use her gift much, saying it was too creepy hearing what some monsters thought, and an invasion of privacy for her friends, but Sweet Stuff didn't mind. Sweet Stuff didn't mind a lot of things done to her, maybe she SHOULD have minded things more. (At least she drew the line being used as a goal post by the seaponies). I volunteered to be it instead. I found Sweet Stuff easy, mostly cause she was being brow beaten by a very loud squirrel (which isn't as strange of a sight as you might think). Sweet Stuff being it wasn't as big a challenge as it could have been, considering everyone could find her. Gusty saying how 'hide and seek' wasn't a good game for earth ponies. Gusty you and your mouth. I suggested we ban teleporting from the game, but Sweet Stuff said she didn't want to spoil the game for the rest of us and left. That's Sweet Stuff. But unlike poor Shady, she didn't spent forever talking about how useless she was (thank goodness for Molly). She partnered up with her fellow twinkle-eye Whizzer for Megan's scavenger hunt, and she was the only one to figure out the Bushwhoolies were the last item on the list. I don't think Shady ever realized you didn't get through the things all of us at Paradise Estate went through on a daily basis if you were actually useless. Heh. Everyone talks about Firefly, but Whizzer would make your head spin, she just wasn't eager to try out dangerous stunts. We could just as well make our own trouble as save the world from it. The magic coins (Sweet Stuff ended up looking like a clown because of one of them and Hearthrob just wanting to help her with her make up). I was told about the wish made for it to never rain again after a storm broke out over a picnic. Baby Lickety Split, that one I don't blame her for, she was a filly! Fillies aren't supposed to know how to handle that much power! I know what kind of reputation she has, I should know, I've had to deal with her attitude, she just HAD to be the center of attention at the spring festival and ruined the dance routine because of it. But she's not nearly as awful as you think. And the stories are all about when she was a foal, she GREW UP, and became an ADULT like all of us do. I gave her a talking to like any adult would, but I never expected her to run away from home! At least it was a blessing in disguise with her befriending Morning Glory who helped get Queen Rosedust and the Flutterponies to stop the Smooze (which was the only reason we won). Poor Sweet Stuff, it was WRONG to see her and Gusty reduced to gloomy mares when infected with the Smooze. I was so happy to see Baby Lickety Split back safe and sound, and Megan even trusted her with the Rainbow of Light! I think its safe to say she did some growing up on that journey. I think I lost count of how many times my telekensis magic helped in those big adventures where we almost died or ended up trapped in a realm of shadows or part of a fake ruler's zoo animals. Moving things with your mind might be simple, but it's practical. I used my gift to move a giant clam shell as a brace to slow down a giant set of skeletal jaws from crushing us in Squirk's death trap. To get the flash stone away from Squirk after the pegasi had him netted, it wasn't easy (Wind Whistler went into one of her science babble speeches later that things like...whatever Squirk was are strong for their size). I still think it was weird Megan destroyed the flash stone so it couldn't be misused, after the Gizmonks wanted to steal the Rainbow of Light to power their machines. Especially since wherever Squirk and that minion of his got wash away to we never heard from him again, so it wasn't like we had to worry about him coming back. There was also the time I used my telekinesis to take the key belt off a sleeping guard's pants when we were locked in a dungeon. Some like to talk about how much of a little monster Baby Lickety Split was, they don't know the meaning of the word, she wanted attention, she wanted her own way, she was selfish as any foal. Margette, daughter of the usurper Suzzete, she was a real little monster. Using our pair of recently born twin ponies like toys and calling them 'pets', not even caring they were crying their eyes out I was told. Yeah, Megan having horses that were as smart as animals was WEIRD, but she knew there was a difference between those and us! Baby Lickety Split HELPED in that rescue. Bet you never heard about that! You've heard about the bigger adventures, and to be honest, I'd rather just not go over them. I've been asked about them so many times. The near end of Flutter Valley: I spent most of it with my friends trapped by the witches, or running from the Stonebacks. Morning Glory, the Furbar, and Sting the bee were the heroes of that story. Their friendship saved the day that time, and I'm proud to say it did. I was also the last unicorn to be captured by Grogar during the return of Tambelon. I was scared. My fellow unicorns (including foals) just winking out and not winking back in. It was like something out of a ghost story told to keep baby unicorns to keep them from abusing their teleportation. We had no idea where to look, so we just searched everywhere, including the nearby mountains, we were just that desperate. I wanted to look 'just a little further' even if I knew there was no realistic chance of finding them around a random turn of a cliff even after Megan's warning. I was terrified that I might end up being the last unicorn. Then it became a choice of teleporting or getting crushed by boulders. I just want to say that what happened felt WRONG for a normal teleport and leave it at that, and suddenly ending up in that creepy city only to get caught a minute later and not able to teleport out! It felt wrong into a walled city. Winking wasn't supposed to go through walls. Grogar said how he preferred slaves with hands over ponies, I knew better than to show of my telekinesis. It was terrifying just to be in the same room as him. Our teleporting didn't work, but the rest of our magic did! We didn't just around waiting to be rescued. We make our own jail break, it turned out our cell was right next to some caves that connected to the city's underground tunnels. We met up with Megan and were making our way out when we ran into Grogar's soldier. Fizzy, Gusty, and the Bushwhoolies all proved they were anything but pushovers! Then Gorgar himself showed up...it wasn't even a fight. He steamrolled us. Only Peach Blossom got away to the rest of our friends outside. Thankfully both Peach Blossom and Wind Whistler were eggheads, and were able to figure out Grogar's magic was in his bell. And they had Surprise's unpredictability on their side too. And Masquerades' disguises and stealth. And Danny's tape recorder to lure Grogar into an ambush making him think his minon Bray was giving him lip...And it just wasn't enough. Grogar was just that powerful. And Drog of Grogar's troggle army trying to help our remaining friend only ended up with them captured as well when it turned out some of Drog's friends were more loyal to Grogar than Drog thought. And Grogar planned to send us to the same dark nothingness between worlds that his city had trapped in. It seemed no matter what we tried or how hard we tried, we just thrown more reversals. It was like trying to ram our heads through a brick wall. Wish we had the rainbow of light with us that time (I think it was used to beat Grogar one other time he returned, but I wasn't there). But all of Grogar's mandatory celebrating gave us the noise to realize our cell had a crack to the city. Grogar was many things, but his biggest weakness is he relies so much on his schedules and laws that he can get caught in his own gears. Of course we tried again! Did you actually think we wouldn't? We'd fight to the bitter end! We hadn't fought for that long just to let some old goat take over Ponyland! Fizzy and I combined our magics to blast a hole in our cell ceiling with a bucket of gruel, that let Megan and Northstar and Forget-Me-Not grab the keys from Bray and let us pull a giant jail break. And Drog and Megan began convincing Grogar's army to desert for their freedom. Megan's biggest strength is her head and her heart, not her fists and not any gun. She was human, but I think we all considered her an honorary pony. But none of this made Grogar himself any weaker. This time Grogar was so clopped off he was shooting to kill. Then Paradise remembered part of what she read about Tambelon and Grogar, that giant bell we'd stumbled across before. It was linked to Grogar's magic. She didn't know any details. Only that ringing it would destroy Grogar's power. The rest of us playing decoy with Grogar's blasts as Megan and North Star flew to ring that bell! But how did whoever wrote down that legend know this? Did they ring that bell a thousand years ago and break Grogar's power? The Flutterponies might be at their strongest when they're a group, but Forget-Me-Not proved a lone one wasn't helpless when she tricked Grogar into blasting down the city's gate so we could all escape and avoid getting sucked into the Realm of Shadows along with Grogar. Did we sing while doing it? Of course we did! We're ponies! Even if Megan and North Star were on the other side of the city we all felt it in our hearts we were about to light all that darkness up! I don't know if it was the bell, as it rung midnight, or Grogar's spell that was meant to send US into that dark nothing world backfiring, but Grogar and his city got sent back to the realm of shadows for another five hundred years while we escaped safe and sound! Grogar. Ugh. He reminded me of Tirek. Good-riddance. Megan said that Grogar had to be logically gone for good. After all, "It took him 500 years to rebuild the old bell even with the troggles help, so I don't think we'll be seeing him any time soon." And so we can settle a little something, Dream Valley was PART of Ponyland, not the other way around! The Witch War? While it was not a fun time...there was just something that felt good about fighting alongside with all of our friends we'd ever made. Seeing every good deed, world saving adventure, and act of kindness pay off when everycreature we'd ever helped united together to help us. Even the Stonebacks were there! They ended up smashing up to bits the legs of a giant rock monster Hydia summoned!…It showed just how much good we'd gave to the world when all of that good came to back us up against every wicked witch and warlock there was! And there was something nice about seeing Crunch fight side by side with Gusty considering he'd turned her to stone last time they saw each other. And Slugger got a chance to send Somnambula packing a second time! ...But contrary to what Magic Star might have told you, we didn't come out of that war without it costing us. I'd rather not talk about it. Firefly was now 'officially' Ponyland's first general, whatever that was, we ponies still didn't really have an army, but we voted that Firefly should 'stay' a general just in case we needed to work with the other kingdoms again. But she never liked the uniform, she said it itched. Draggle and a few of her relatives decided they'd had enough of their family not caring at all for them and that the side that had gone through Tartarus and back for each other was more appealing. That and Gingerbread offered them cake. Some did say 'I fight for the strongest' and joined us because we won, but I like to think most of them became our friends. And it was nice to see Draggle become a successful white mage, like we should have helped her become in the first place. And it was nice to see the Moochick have a pupil he had a blast teaching. He told me once Megan could've been a great white mage if she's wanted to, but she was happy just being a farm girl who sometimes saved an alternate universe. She said she had a ranch to look after after all. After nearly being turned into paste by goblins, almost eaten by Ahgg and his relatives, electrocuted by gizmonks, the Blue Smooze trying to drain the life-magic out of Slugger, and one witch that threatened to (non-magically) turn my Baby Buttons into a stuffed toy, I had had enough. Would I have left if the witches hadn't been finished off for good? I would have stayed if my family would have stayed, I'd have gone if my family would have gone without me, that was what I cared about it. I wanted to help give some life to the world instead of just guarding the Rainbow and toppling whatever tyrant decided to show up that week. Personally, I wonder if some of my friends stayed at Paradise Estate because they were scared of being old. I believe that with some of them more than others...I think some just didn't want to give up helping others. So we left Paradise Estate, no more adventures, no more monsters, no more wizards or monsters around every corner. Maybe my family didn't make new friends every time we turned over a rock, maybe it felt a little uncomfortable at first going from having such a huge herd to it being just the three of us...but I had Slugger and Baby, they had me, and we all had each other. And one good thing about all those years of saving the world?...The world was safer. There are stories of what Dream Valley was like once...how it used to be a den of nightmares like Tirek and Squirk...they were gone. Hydia's coven was gone. The Toggles and Lava Demons were free now because of us...There was just something beautiful about actually getting to enjoy the world our good deeds had helped make real. My life isn't the story of things you'd write down after that, but it was a life I could enjoy and just live. I had plenty of donations to live on being a former Paradise Pony, but Slugger and I still had to make a living, and I was still the best at buttons there was, and Slugger was a still a great baseball player, he just needed to form a baseball league first (thankfully Megan had given him a lot of information on how to do that)! I'll admit, it was hardest on Baby Buttons. She wasn't that close to the baby ponies, but they were still the ones who she'd been comfortable around the most. Now she had to make new friends the old fashioned way. And having spent her entire life with the same circle of friends, it took some time for her to learn those skills. And...The part you know best rest happened long after my grandfoals were buried. My friends who were still alive made the choice for me, and their families, and for my family, to remake the world into paradise at the price of us being washed away. My heart returned to Fauna Luster to be given a new life to live. While I watched my empty shell be swept away to the place where all things that never were go. If it could feel anything, I knew it would be resenting me right now. I think it's actually kinder our echoes don't have feelings. No one would want to -feel- alone forever. And I never understood why we should simply cease to exist. It felt more like some petty spiteful creator who couldn't stand the idea of all the goodness that was going to be created and not have something horrible happen in exchange. So there wouldn't have been any need for heroes in a world without villains. So what? Why couldn't we be simply remade along with everyone else? How many of us really would have never existed if a maniac like Lord Tirek never was? It wasn't some cruel, unfair twist of fate: it was a cheat. A cheat on my friends, their families, and mine. Not only Button's empty shell resides here. But the empty shells of her friends. I'm certain if I had a heart I'd hate them. But I feel as much for them as I do those who I know I'd love if I could. But they mean the exact same to me. Firefly's shadow means as much to me as Somnambula's. This dead cold could be like a warm summer breeze and I'd feel no different, that part of me returned to Fauan Luster. There is also here the empty shells of Button's husband and her foal. and her foals. And her grandfoals. All down through the ages. Guess what Gypsy, looks like your prophecy got hijacked. Then the world we, and those we loved, sacrificed more than our lives for, simply fell apart because those who created it couldn't see the loose threads in the stitching. That wasn't even a cheat. It was an insult. To everything we sacrificed, and to everyone's hopes and dreams. A petty spiteful creator somewhere, who couldn't stand to see something beautiful, and not corrupt it into something ugly. It was sickening. = Once upon a time I had a dream. In my dream there were ponies who weren't girls, they were called 'stall-leons' and they were bigger and bulkier than normal ponies and had deeper voices. One of them made me feel super happy for some reason. And all the ponies were funny looking, such tiny eyes and ears, so many only had manes of one color, one of them had little heart shaped marks on their hooves, and they were shaped funny too! They were kinda pudgy too! Oh! I don't mean that in a, what's the word? Mean way? They were a funny kinda funny, not a mean kinda funny. I dreamed that ponies would get wrinkles all over their bodies, get tired more, and then one day go to sleep and never wake up. Starcatcher always seemed, (what's the word?) sad, When I said that. In my dream also, ponies would do bad things to each other for bad reasons and wouldn't kiss and make up afterwards! And they'd be ultra super silly and say how bad things were what made things good, and how nice things could only be nice if those nice things stopped happening. They were so silly. It was like they were so used to bad things happening they couldn't even imagine a world without them so they just made up excuses for those bad things being around. Excuses for them to do bad stuff? Who would WANT to do bad things at all? Who were the ponies in my dreams? They were all friends, they were all, uh, older. They loved talking and playing a game called 'bridge' but there didn't seem to be any bridges involved. It was a silly dream. They were also all, what was the word? Oh right, mommies, of course ponies have mommies, Pinkie Pie talks about her mommy, so of course I know what that is. There were seven of them. They were really proud of what their girls doing. They were going to make all the bad things in the world go away and everyone would be happy instead of just a few ponies happy. Everything everywhere would all be happy! The day came when all the world would be made better and how it's supposed to be. They were all talking about what they'd wish for and where watching one of the castles that would make all their wishes come true through this magic square box with pictures that moved. The castle was extra special because it was where the baby of one of the mommies was. Then the bright happy rainbow came, and made all the ponies happy, and made them look normal instead of funny looking! They were all so happy from before! And one of them even turned into me! It really was such a funny dream. Oh I'm sorry, my name is Sew-and-So! You never heard of me? I'm one of Ponyville's best dress makers! What do you mean that's Rainbow Dash? No no no, she's just Ponyville's expert on Rainbows. I'm one of the best dressed ponies in Ponyville, and I make all my own clothes! I have a closet full of clothes I've made myself, sparky skirts, lacy scarves, and pretty knit hats! I spent most of my time 'nake-kid?' So? I also have lots of nice boas for my friends too. What are some other stuff I like to do? Embroider my initial on a pretty white hanky for one. And sometimes my friends too. And I like to read my favorite fashion magazines. Where do they come from? Uh...I dunno, they're just in my mail box whenever I feel like I'd like to read one. And I like to for a nature walk with Fluttershy. No, she's not a pegasus, she's an earth pony (like me), and she's really light pink, not yellow, and her hair has yellow and purple in it, not just pink, and her eyes are pink and purple not blue. Her cutie mark is one big pretty butterfly, not three small ones. She likes making pretty frames for photos, going to the movies with Daisyjo, and writing stories for her friends, not take care of animals. Are you sure you have the right pony? What are movies? I can't remember right now. Yes my cutie mark does look a bit like a flower, but it's actually a button with four little hearts pointing inward with a stitch connecting the hearts together! See the cute little loop it makes between the hearts? I also love making fancy outfits for all my friends. Who are my friends? Everybody of course. Cherry Blossom, Golden Delicious, Shenanigans, Skywishes, Spring Parade, Toola-Roola, Triple Treat, and of course Rainbow Dash, Thistle Whistle, Minty, Pinkie Pie, Wysteria, Princess Rarity, and Sweet Berry. You never heard of half of those ponies, and the others never mentioned me? Well, we have so many friends, they must have just forgotten about me! You must have heard about the World's Biggest Tea Party! Everypony everywhere was invited to that! We even had lots and lots and lots of extra guests who came from...somewhere...but they were all happy to meet us. They all seemed to be smiling and having a blast! We sang so many songs that day! A lot more than normal! But it was okay! It was great! Sweet Berry even introduced all our guests to all our friends. Thistle Whistle. Wisteria. Rainbow Dash of course was the one and only. Sweet Berry was also good at making sweets, muffins, and cakes, but she just always had to try and make that super tall cake in Cotton Candy's cafe! I think she just liked hanging out with her. In Ponyville we all said hi to each other! And I made sure ponies were all nicely dressed. You keep using that word 'nake-kid', I don't what it means. But after we finished introducing our friends, we realized Rarity, Minty and Pinkie Pie were missing! Rarity was off having fun, like always. Pinkie Pie was still brushing her teeth. Minty was...being Minty, at least she didn't break anything. Minty was in a rush when she realized what time it was. She and Minty always share the first muffin of the day. And the breezies helped Pinkie Pie get hurry up. They love being helpful. Apparently she'd been dreaming that everything was pink. Well, most of the town was still painted bright pink from her birthday (Sparkle Works and Minty had done similar things for their birthdays...in fact everypony did something crazy on their birthday). Oh! And Spike was wondering around the whole time looking for some big important book. Spike's about the only...anything I know to get as serious about some things as he does. It was his How To Book (the first page is on how to find the How To Book...), Spike said it'd been given to him when he was just a tike by a troll thousands of years ago. You think Spike would be bigger being thousands of years old and everything. What's a troll?...I don't know, I've never seen one. But they have to be nice if one gave him a book, right? And there were three pretty big lady bugs, who said how the 'Lady Bug Song' Pinkie and her friends played at Fiesta Flaire's theater was their song too. Well that's funny. And they REALLY liked to sing it. We all like to sing too, that day more than normal, but it never seemed to click with us when they sang. I wonder how they got so big, or how they could sing. Even Story Belle's little dragonfly couldn't talk. Minty seemed a little more green than usual, but I think she was just dizzy from one too many Minty moments. With all of us at the Sweet Shop (well, Pinkie Pie came a in the middle), we put our heads together on what to do for the day for all our guests. Rarity just wanted it to be fun (what else?). Fly high in a balloon? Decorate a room? Sweet Berry wanted to bake (Rarity liked the end result of that), I wanted to dress up with feathers and frills, Wisteria wanted to pick flowers, Minty wanted to have tea. Rainbow Dash just wanted it to have to do with rainbows. Rarity wanted us to decide before we ran out of day time. But we had so many fun ideas, we couldn't decide. Pinkie Pie thought as long as we didn't think small, we'd do it all! We'd get everything on the list! It reminded me of Scootaloo's party with all the sports and games. Except...Pinkie Pie had no idea HOW. Thistle Whistle and Rainbow Dash thought we were aiming too high. Now Pinkie wished she had Spike's How To book. She'd promised us to do all that in one day. As Spike it put, she'd "promised herself into quite a pickle." Pinkie Pie called upon the Pinkie Squint to find her solution. Except for once her Pinkie Squint couldn't show her the answer. Pinkie wondered if her Squint was kaput, but Spike figured the answer was too big for just one Squint. So Pinkie Pie had our guests help Pinkie Pie do the biggest Squint ever with her song. Pinkie Pie's idea? A tea party: not just a tea party, the world's biggest tea party! You heard Pinkie Pie promise that to Rarity but they didn't get to do it? Now that's just SUPER SILLY! I was there! Of course we had it! Oops! That's getting ahead of the story! Sorry, Story Belle is the storyteller, not me. Just thinking about it, it's beautiful. It was the day we hoped would never end. Then Pinkie Pie declared how'd we do it THAT DAY! TODAY! And that was the 'best part.' Thistle spoke for all of us when she said, 'The best part? You mean the silly part?' Pinkie Pie hadn't even thought where to have it! Then Rarity declared we'd have it in Unicornia, at Rarity's house, Rainbow Crystal Castle. Thistle Whistle said it was impossible. But with all of us together, the others were determined we could pull it off. Hehe, thinking about it it's kinda silly, isn't it? Pinkie and Minty saved Christmas once, of course a tea party was possible! Minty would do the invitations. Wisteria would handle flowers, her roses were in bloom. And I was doing pretty boas for everyone to wear! See? I told you so! Sweet Berry would do the cookies and throw in a cake! Thistle Whistle said she'd find the milk and sugar. Pinkie Pie asked Rarity to do the streamers (shinny fun streamers of course). What did Rainbow Dash do? The rainbows...I think? And Pinkie Pie of course would bring the tea. We'd sure need a big teapot, wouldn't we?! And Thistle Whistle taught the I'm A Little Teapot Song to our guests...except she had to ask Spike and the lady bugs how to do it first. Minty got all the invitations ready to be sent via rainbow. Yes rainbow, how else would you send letters? It's really convenient! Minty...invited literally everyone! From Sparkle Works and Sunny Daze and everyone in Ponyville to every Pegasi on Butterfly Island and breezie in Breezie Blossom (though most normal invitations were too big for them) to every unicorn in Unicornia! Rainbow Dash was delighted! Minty couldn't find the stamps, but the stamps found Minty and were stuck to her flanks. She had more on them than if they were her Cutie Mark! What were the stamps for? You send letters with stamps, that's all there is to it. We realized we had more guests than invitations and...Pinkie Pie's Squint had us use the world's biggest invitation for the world's biggest tea party! Razzaroo told you Ponies do things in a big way! Spike gave our guests some basic rules on drinking tea...the pinky being up was important apparently...except we didn't have anyway, but that was okay, our guests did and so did he. We just pretended we have them. Spike talked about where tea came from and how got so popular. The Lady Bugs think how the china for tea must be called china because tea came from China. Where is China? I dunno. And Spike began to think his How To Book was hiding from him. Me? I was making boas for everyone! I had the colors to match their coats...yes we were singing about trying a new color on for size and not to be afraid to try new things. Counter-diction? What's that? When a table top has someone else write down its life story? I admitted, I couldn't really razzle dazzle Rainbow Dash since she was already as razzle dazzle as you can get. ...Then came Spike in wearing sunglasses and a jewel encrusted gold 'S' emblem with the lady bugs playing 'disc-co' music... I have no idea what that is. Spike insisted it was all the rage a thousand years ago. I can't imagine that being in style 70,000 years ago. Did they have music back then? Of course they did, we've always had music! Pinkie said later maybe she'd dress like Spike did if she ever needed to do a history lesson. Minty bumped into the record player...I think it was an improvement to the music...maybe. Uh. A little? Our guests liked it. Even if it really wasn't the music we normally sing. "Shake shake shake! Shake shake shake! Shake your cutie! Shake your cutie!" Rainbow Dash declared she'd wear a boa of every color in the world to the world's biggest tea party. Pinkie Pie was excited everything was going according to the promise list. Including Rainbow Dash chasing rainbows (see?). How did that work when the unicorns made the rainbows? I don't know, but it was fun. Yes, Pinkie Pie was checking off a promise list. Is it really that strange? This was the world's biggest tea party. Pinkie Pie realized unhappily that she hadn't marked off the streamers. Rarity said she hadn't finished. Pinkie Pie asked if she had even STARTED! Rarity ran for it. "Rarity just wants to have fun, check." We were packing everything in the balloon for the tea party in Unicornia. Minty said how there was nothing to worry about, Pinkie Pie would check the list over and over and over. That sounds like somebody else you know? Okay. Minty was really impressed with Pinkie about that. Spike was still looking for his book, he nearly undid our packing looking for it. Wow, he must really be serious about his book. Huh? That sounds like somebody else you know too? Huh, that's fun! And...Rarity...it was time to go and...yeah. Rarity sang her song again. You know, the one she sang when she was casing a mess through Ponyville...it was a reprise of the first song we'd ever heard her sing. I think that's the longest we've ever waited for one. She just wanted to have fun. But then we sang about things we liked to do and what was fun for us...and I sang how the best part was dressing up a friend. And that as long your friends are with you, you can make almost anything fun! And you know what? I don't think there was one thing that we ever didn't make fun...well, except worrying about getting our Winter Wishes...wishes...and a few other times. Wasting time? No we didn't, it's never a waste of time singing with your friends! "All of us together can do so much than one!" And...Rarity finally got it. The best fun was with friends, even if it was prepare for a party, helping could be fun too! We were all proud of Rarity finally understanding. And she made the streamers. The balloon...didn't have room for us. Maybe we should've gotten more balloons considering all of Ponyland was coming...so we sent it ahead of us to Unicornia, and we marched to Unicornia with Rarity leading the way! Pinkie Pie said she had this odd feeling she'd forgotten something important. But we were marching there with a song in our hearts! Thistle Whistle asked if we were there yet, and we were! Unicornia was as beautiful as they said, and so was Crystal Rainbow Castle! Rarity eagerly welcomed us to 'her house.' Were any of us 'jell-us' of her having such a big cool house? No, I don't think so. We were all eager to get started! This was all gonna be so much fun! All we needed was the tea...the tea . . . Minty! Did she forget the tea! Was she the one who was supposed to bring the tea? Minty thought how it might have been her! Ugh! Minty! Minty! Minty! Except...Not Minty. Pinkie Pie. Since when did Pinkie Pie forget anything? This...this never happened before...something like this? Wasn't it Minty who always goofed up? Except...no, it wasn't. It was Pinkie Pie. Since when did she mess up like this? "I was too busy making sure everybody was doing what they promised to do I forgot what I promised to do! There's not going to be the world's biggest tea party! There's not going to be a tea party at all! I've let my friends down!" Pinkie Pie was heart broken. She was crying! I don't know why, but my chest hurt. Pinkie Pie was...was so sad . . . none of us had a clue what to say or do. It just felt...wrong...like something that shouldn't happen. Minty . . . Minty looked like her chest hurt worse. "I know exactly how Pinkie feels." She sang. "You're sad-" "-I'm blue." "I've been there too. And so, I know just how you feel." "It hurts inside, I want to hide." "I know I know, justhow you feel." "I'm so afraid, to admit the mistake that I maade. I forgot, and didn't come through." "It's all right, we still love you." "You do?" "That's why, I'm here, to lend an ear, and to show, I know, just how you feel." They...sang together. "Hard to believe, that someone so different from me, could have felt what I feel, now I know that my feelings are real." "It helps a lot-" "To know I've got, a friend who knows just how I feel." "That's right, you're not alone, you've got a friend who knows just you feel." They nuzzled. And said something to each other, but I couldn't hear what. But I know it was important. It made us all feel better to see Pinkie Pie a bit not sad anymore. Pinkie Pie didn't know what to do now...Minty told her she just needed to bounce back. And that was our cue. We sang. She was still our friend. We still cared about her. The day wasn't over. And she had us to lean on. And Pinkie Pie's spirits rose back to the Pinkie Pie we know and love! That's how we do things! Nothing ever stays sad for long! We always find a way to save the day! Even if we didn't have tea, we still had everything to have a fun party! Cakes. Flowers. Streamers, and friends. Lots of friends! All of our friends! Huh? Abra-ca-dabra and her friends? We invited everypony, so why wouldn't they be there? But Pinkie Pie wasn't done. She was back to her old self. That means he did a Pinkie Squink (three, maybe four Squinks in one day? I'd never seen Pinkie Pie use her gift this much! I wonder if she got tired). And...Pinkie Pie laid eyes on a very familiar book being held by the Lady Bugs. The ladybugs didn't mean any harm, they were just having fun with Spike, and they said it made for a more interesting story. They WERE ladybugs, it was just a game to them. And it was kind of a funny prank. Not that there's a mean prank. Spike was just happy to have his book back. The instructions for finding the How To Book? 'Look in the last place you had it.' Spike's How To Book also had instructions on how to make tea for lots and lots of friends. And boy did we need a lot! All you had to do was sing a rhyme in the book...and say it together. Except...it had to be more than just Spike and Pinkie. You needed lots of teacups too! AND say the poem with lots and lots of friends all at the same time! But this was the world's biggest tea party! Well, it was about to be! One more time! Everyone!!! Yes you too! Yes you're someone! "When your party has no tea! Say and do this rhyme with me! Smile as you raise your cup! And don't forget! Say pinkies up!" And the BIIIGGGEST teapot in the history of everything appeared!!! HAHAHAHAHHH!!! It was like Winter Wishes Festival! We all wished and asked hard enough so it happened! We all sang teapot song! Everyone helped! Everyone was here! Spike suggested doing it every day, but we shot down that idea! We were happy for our guests! They all loved it so much! All smiles! And Pinkie Pie was happy she got to keep her promise. For the world's biggest tea party. The day we hoped would never end. We were all there. Every pony from every corner of Ponyland. You name, they were there. Sparkle Works and Sunny Daze. Kimono and Razzaroo. Twinkle Twirl and Skywishes. Scootaloo and Cheerilee! Storybelle and her dragonfly. Cotton Candy. Daffidazy. Applejack and Star Beam. Puzzlement. Daisyjo. Bowtie. Desert Rose. Apple Spice. Triple Treat. Cream Coconuts. Fiesta Flair. Glitter Glide. Valenshy. Piccollo. Gem Blossom. Forsythia. Tink a Too. Peachy Pie. Dragonfly. Fizzy Pop. Scooter Sprite. Blossom Forth. Merriweather. And Cheerilee from Unicornia . . . wait . . . how could she be from Ponyville and Unicornia? Ugh. Head hurt. Bright Brightly and Whistle Wishet. Lily Lighty and her firefly friend. Sweetie Belle. Star Catcher. Star Song. Cloud Climber. Baby Honolulu. Coconut Grove. Splish Splash. Why are your eyes all dizzy? Yes we have lots and lots of friends. I still have so many to list off! I still have the rest of the pegasi and unicorns, and the breezies! All of us together! It's funny, but not funny like laughing funny. The world's biggest tea party...a part of me felt like...we were doing something extra-super-special for the entire world...like the super extra special fireworks Sparkle Works did for the end. Like...the world's biggest tea party was like the night's biggest fireworks just before they ended. But that's just silly! Every day was special! Starsong was going to be holding a concert soon, and I wanted to be rested up for everything. It...felt a bit strange how ...after the tea party... nothing well, special was happening... nothing...unique... everything became...routine... everything just was. Like a pattern copied over and over, fading a little bit each time. Like that time the rainbows almost didn't get made and all the color started slowly fading away. I remembered, I provided Rainbow Dash with all sorts of materials for her shop, I wasn't as famous as her, or did as many costumes, but I still had fun. That isn't what I said before? Of course it is. Why would I say two different things? The last dress I did before going to bed was for Cherry Blossom. I didn't mention her before? She looks a lot Cheerilee. And I dreamed again. I dreamed at exactly the stroke of midnight, a ghost pony visited by room. Good thing it was a dream or I would have fainted. What's a ghost? They're... like a pony except... what's the word? Always sleeping and not waking up? The ghost was like a colored shadow, she was a unicorn. She had a pink coat, blue mane with red parts, blue eyes, and her cutie mark was five red buttons and two blue stars. Good thing this was all a dream or I'd have jumped out my window. "They will come for you soon. And it'll be like you never existed. They'll say you have no identity, no uniqueness, not enough life to exist in a complex and consistent world. You'll simply be washed away like most of them." Most of what she said didn't make any sense, but this was a dream, dreams didn't always make sense I'm told. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between them since being awake is normally so fun. "Who are they? And never existed? That's silly. And I'm not special? That's even more silly, everyone is special! Washed away? Is it going to rain?" The ghost rolled her eyes and put her hoof to her face, did she have a pretty picture on it she wanted to look at? "If I could force us to join together I would. But we're not naturally compatible they said. That means for any chance of this working we have to both be willing. They said the said the end results still might not be pretty, but I want to have a light again after my old one DISCARDED me, and I think YOU want to go on existing somehow right?" "Uh...can you explain all that again Miss Ghost? I'm really not understand this dream. Maybe I need to talk to Kimono when I wake up." "Ugh! My name, or the name of the light I carried was Buttons." "I'm Sew And So!" "Like I care!" "Well you should care if we're going to be friends." "Look, if you don't agree with what I'm asking? We'll be friends in Oblivion!" "Obli-what?" "...Imagine the exact opposite of your world." "So ponies sleep during the day, play at night, walk on their front hooves, say goodbye when they meet someone and say hello when they leave, and earth ponies fly and pegasi walk, and breezies are huge?" Huh? Why did she smack herself in the face with her hoof? "...There is no day. No night. No hellos, no goodbyes. No happy, no sad. No anything! Everything you like about your world? It doesn't exist there. Is that clear enough for you?" "But...that's silly, how can it be a place if it doesn't have those things? Then it wouldn't be anyplace, and how could you even go there?" "That's because it isn't a place, it's the opposite of a place. It's where places go when they never were a place. And were ponies go when they never were ponies...and where I went when I never was, and you'll go when you never were." "But I'm here. How can I never be? If something is, it doesn't just stop being. Even if I move my bed, that doesn't mean I slept on my floor when I slept there before." "...Do you know what an eraser is?" "Yes." "What happens when you erase something on a piece of paper?" "It's not on the paper anymore." "Is it somewhere else? "No." "Where is it then?" "Uh...as dust on the table?" "And do you wipe the dust off into the trash can?" "Sometimes…" "And inside the trashcan is dark and cold right? It's not a 'happy' place is it?" "I think…" "Button was the drawing, I'm the dust. Oblivion is the trash can. And you're about to be the dust too." "But I'm not a drawing!" "Everything comes from somewhere. Everything goes somewhere, except you're about to go nowhere." "I don't like this dream anymore." "This is no dream." "Of course it's a dream. It's way too crazy not to be a dream." "Would you really imagine something as bad as I described?" "M-Maybe it's one of those….what are they called? Knight-scares? Bad dreams? Pinkie Pie had one about a really bad storm once." "If this is a nightmare, how can I be describing things and words that you don't even know?" "...But it can't be...and what did you mean? Join with you? Are you going to take me somewhere? Can I take all my friends? I don't wanna leave them behind!" "You know how somehow when you erase something there's a faint outline left?" "I...think…" "If you trace that outline, it's a drawing again. Just normally a little altered. You're still an outline. If we merge, we become a drawing again." "But I'm all me! Why would I need to do all that?" "Because when we merge, my traits get added to you...and They will consider you unique enough to keep in the new drawing instead of turning you into eraser dust." "BUT WHY is there a new drawing? And...and...and...and . . all my friends! What about them?! And I'm unique! I'm special!" "Some of them are in the new drawing. Some are going in the trash...And if you go in the trash, you'll lose your heart. You won't care about your friends at all. You won't be able to care." "But-but I'm not trash!" "Oh really? Name off what names you YOU Sew and So. "Tell me what makes you special from all your friends." "I'm friendly. I'm nice. I care about my friends. I read fashion magazines, none of my friends do that, I make dresses, most of my friends don't do that, I love dressing up my friends, I have lots of friends, I helped with the World's Biggest Tea Party. How can I not be special?" "That's nice and all, but those are things you do, not things you are. You care, you read, you make, you have. Here's an example: Button, who I was, loved to make buttons. She was good at it. But that is not who I was, that was what I did! I was bossy, but nurturing. I took care of baby ponies because I was nurturing. They listened to me because I was bossy. I didn't just do those things, my personality was why I did them. I had a friend named Truly who was also bossy, but she liked more having her own way, while I'd give ground to compromise. Unless it was obliviously that say one baby pony's attention grabbing was going to ruin a whole dance routine, but I STILL was happy to see her back home safe after she ran away! Being bossy was just ONE of my traits! Just like being bossy was just one of hers! " "B-But Spike can be bossy sometimes-" "Yes, he can be. But we're talking about you. If Spike has a personality, he's in the new drawing already. He doesn't need to get filled in to be a whole drawing. But you're not Spike. So WHY do you sew Sew and So?" "Because it's fun?" "Then why don't you play in the mud?" "Because it's not fun!" "It's fun for Rarity." "It's not fun for me!" "Why not?" "Because I'm not Rarity!" "That's an eternalization!" "A what now-" "You're just comparing yourself to others! WHY is it not fun FOR YOU?" "I...it, gets my clothes dirty?" "You almost never wear clothes." "I...never thought about that." "I'm not surprised." "But...why would I be erased? And can't I help my friends?" "Because...you all had your dreams come true, but not all your dreams made sense with each other. How can one pony wish for one thing and another wish for the opposite and both be true? Can one pony wish it's raining and another wish it's sunny and both have their way?. . . the drawing is ruined and needs to be redrawn. And the longer I'm here, the more chance that those whose job it is to erase everything will realize I'm here, and you'll be erased, and we can just stare at each other in the trash can forever. I can introduce you to all my friends who got erased to make room for you." "...I...I . . I'm scared!" "Grow up!" "I am grown up!" "That's not what I-ugh!" "You aren't being nice…" "...I can't be nice." "...Huh? Can't be nice? Why?" "That's what happens when you're erased. You can't be nice, you can't be happy, you can't laugh, you can't cry. All you can do is remember what you used to be. Remember who you used to be. You want more than anything to be them again but know you never can. I want to be Button again, but I know I never can." "...That's sad…" "What do you care?" "...Because no pony wants another pony to be sad." "...I knew some ponies who did...they're all gone like me…" "...Is that why you want us to come together? To be Button again?" "...We wouldn't be Button again, she's already a new pony somewhere, I'm her discarded shell, we'd be somepony else...but I'd exist again...I'd rather steal somepony's place in Tartarus than not exist." "Tart-tarus? You mean that stuff on your teeth if you don't brush?" "...No, I mean...ugh, you literally couldn't understand it...it's a very bad place as mean and cruel as your world was nice and happy...but I'd rather be there than in Oblivion." "But that means...I wouldn't be Sew-And-So?" "Trust me, it's better than nothingness. It's better to be not Sew-And-So anymore than to have never been Sew-and So." "Alright." "What?" "You asked me to trust you...I will...because that's what ponies do. From the sound of it, Button knew that too, so I think we'll work out." She banged her head against the wall a few times. "So from the start all I had to do was...t-thank you." "So what now?" Was my room turning gray? "Looks like you agreed just in time...just hold still...I have no idea what happens next either." She jumped on me, she went into me. I don't grow a horn like she has. I saw a pony with wings and a horn popped in my room with a funny looking Jackalope who shouted something, but I couldn't hear them. My fur turned purplish, I didn't see how the rest of me changed, I grab a little handkerchief next to my bed. And . . . Buttons. Sew-And-So. Buttons. Sew-And-So. Buttonssewandso. buttonssewandso Everything dissolved. I We. Them. Us. That. There. We/I we . . . two puzzles, not fitting together . . . have to fit together . . . don't wanna lose the pretty light. Don't wanna go to the dark. Like I/we/was are a cake/cupcake/pudding with the ingredients mixed up . . . Like Sweetie Belle's mishmash cake.... that . . .the others...made at...her...party? What party was that? We/I was/are/would like batter/clay/paint, mixed together, poured into a new mold/painting/patterns . . . My yarn was pulled apart, and sewed into something else . . .bits felt wrong, we forced it all together, if we stopped now, we'd fall completely apart...the light, can't let it escape, hold onto it, no matter what! I exist! I am! I am! I am! My name! Buttons. Buttons. The bells ringing at midnight when the ghost appeared. My life before or after. Just one long pattern. No differences. The bells. Buttons. Buttonbelle. My name is Buttonbelle! I slept. +++ Oh me oh my! Hello darlings! I'm on my way to Manehatten! The city of dreams! I'm a professional seamstress and business mare from little old Ponyville! I had to leave my friends behind, but that doesn't mean we'll stop being friends. I have big dreams! And this city is only the place big enough hold them, well, that and Canterlot! I could laugh out loud! I think I will! I've liked telling joke back at home, but I've got to get serious if I'm going to make it in the serious world! What you give is what you got. I know I've heard Manehattern is a tough city, but I know if I just give enough that I'll come through. I already know that I can make new friends there! Look out Manehatten! Here come Buttonbelle! I love to sew, and I'm very good at buttons. And I know how to take charge, and I know how to keep others in line. I'm a natural leader. And I know how to help ponies realize what they want from their clothes. I don't treat them like personal dress up dolls, it's about their beauty, not mine. You know what? I think I need a new name. Fashion designers use alias' all the time. Or I think they do. I need to sound impressive if I'm going to make a good first impression. Now let's see...Hmm....Well, I know some Neighponese, not much, but then again most ponies don't, that will sound exotic. But mustn't make it too exotic or I won't sound right...Ah! I got it! Writing up my name on my first interview, I write down my new name: Suri Polomare! If a friend of mine back in Ponyville is looking to someday become the big name in Canterlot, I'll be the ying to her yang in Manehatten! Our next fashion together won't be with our dolls! Just you watch, I'm going to be the pony everypony should know. ~New Beginning