> Heart of the Force: Gambit of Darkness > by fluttershyfan17 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corellia, Night The hum of this planet is one which echoes and reverberates everywhere, in Coronet City. There’s always movement, starting at the crack of dawn. The laborers pour into the shipyards, supervised by every human and alien alike. One goal is in every mind: survive the day, get the pay, and sleep knowing the process repeats all over again. The dawn begins with even the sun blocked out by the haze of smoke and pollution which come from the shipyards. Everyone works to get paid, for themselves, their family, or loved ones far and few between. The weight of every ship causes ripples to form out of the ocean below, which forms a dark blue/black layer. Or perhaps it was the giant, hunkering steps of the stripped- down AT-ATs, carrying giant ships to be broken down. All of this to build the new TIE Fighters and Star Destroyers for the Imperial Fleet. The Republic had left a large number of ships needing to be broken down for scrap, and reforged into something new. Sometimes, laborers would steal parts, taking it for their own purposes. Or for the next available buyer. Great care had to be taken with a transaction, as to not alert the supervisors of the shipyards, or the various crime families that littered the underbelly of the city. To the eye of an everyday citizen, the bridge leading to the industrial section of the city was quiet. Just a way for goods and everyone else to get to a transport, but its for more than that. Only the most skillful can go across unnoticed, and it would be common for every smuggler and scoundrel to get across. The figure moved across the bridge quickly, moving away from the transport center. Beneath the streetlights, the cloak would flutter. It moved without hesitation, avoiding the glimpses which Imperial watchtowers would detect. The cloak was a deep black, blending into the surroundings. The cold wind shook the bridge, but before the spotlights of the watchtowers moved, the figure was gone. It moved into the industrial center; a labyrinth of metal and stone full of hidden eyes and blasters. He knew exactly the direction to take. On occasion, he would hide in small crevices and between building to avoid Imperial patrols, who regulated the outside of the district. Their radio chatter was audible as they stepped through the street. It took over an hour to make his way through the complex, but at least he arrived at the warehouse. It was an older place, smaller than any of the buildings in the complex. But keeping low-key was essential to this deal. Moonlight shown through the openings in the walls, creating a dazzled effect. The figure stepped forward into the light, and heard the drawing of over thirty blasters. Every single one aimed at him. The criminals in the rafters held their positions, the sniper scopes mounted. Half of them moved down onto the floor. Many of the criminals were comprised of humans and aliens of various kinds, but also figures in rectangular helmets, the red bars watching him as they would an enemy. They kept their eyes straight on him, moving into a circular position to surround him. The ringleader moved forward, his helmet still except for simple movements. “You are surrounded.” The figure observed the criminals around him, before slowly removing his hood. A unicorn stood, his head held high looking into the crowd. His fur was a dark grey, with his crumpled mane as dark as the black robes. The blue eyes scanned everyone in the room. He responded in a smooth, yet age-experienced tone. “You are not the ones I was expecting.” He pressed further, addressing the ringleader. “Recruiting mercenaries outside of your own Clan? The Pykes have grown desperate since the fall of the Republic.” The ringleader primed his blaster. “That does not matter! There is a bounty on your head, placed by us for stolen cargo.” A false bounty? Interesting. The unicorn shook his head. “I do not want your pathetic spice, and even if I did I would not take it. I have no business with the Pykes. My reasons are beyond your understanding.” The group did not take well to that. The leader called out to his followers. “Do not let him leave. Take him dead or alive. But I prefer dead.” The pony only sighed, realizing this would get messy. His voice sounded smooth as water, but laced with menace. “Have you ever heard the philosophy of the great sage Kujet?” Breathing, he began, walking around with blasters aimed at him. “There was once a civilization who learned to weird a power so unimaginable it could balance the entire galaxy. Or as they called it, ‘Life Wind’. Over time, they prospered, but Kujet realized the true potential of this power.” Little did the Pykes on the ground know that their snipers were now floating above the rafters, choking as the last of air was released from their bodies. The pony continued. “He realized bloodshed would be the only way to lead to true power. So, in the halls of the great temple of Darthomir, he massacred all who stood in his way. Even after his death, and the extinction of his own civilization, his story lives on. As a reminder the only way to true peace is the path of revenge and darkness.” With that, an echoing of cracks was heard as the snipers were dropped, back onto the rafters. The group looked upward, realizing as the moon shone brightly into the warehouse that half was dead, their necks snapped after suffocation. The ringleader looked in anger and horror, as potrayed through his voice. “What are you? Some kind of demon?” The pony walked up to the leader, who stood only ten feet away from his followers. His eyes became red. “No. I am no demon. I am merely one who knows true darkness.” Within less than a second, the unicorn withdrew a hilt, igniting the blade and stabbing the leader, whose helmet flicked as he fell. The lightsaber appeared weathered, as ancient as any relic, but still forged strong. On the blackened hilt appeared to be writing, which could not be read. The red blade crackled in an unstable manner. The rest of the assembled criminals responded. Some ran, while others moved to face their opponent. The unicorn moved swiftly, using a harsh combat technique to strike down the remaining criminals. He pulled his enemies towards him using the Force, striking them down one by one in a quick manner. For those who ran, he cast a spell which blocked all exits, not allowing anyone to leave. Leaping and moving with power, he overwhelmed opponents with a mixture of lightsaber combat and magic. The spells would create bright flashes which would blind them, and in the confusion, the power of the Force reverberated. As the final Pyke ran, the unicorn outreached his hoof, stopping the criminal. Within a few seconds, he pulled with the Force, and stabbed it, pushing his lightsaber upwards. The body hit the ground with a thud. He stared at the criminal cell he had just killed, before taking a breath and deactivated the lightsaber. Walking around, he looked up to the moonlight that bathed the warehouse. They were expecting someone else in my place. Someone who has a knowledge of their trade routes and spice. Perhaps an enemy, or an ally betrayed. We could have been looking for the same enterprise. He turned around suddenly, noticing something strange about the warehouse. Or perhaps this was set-up for another reason. To watch and observe, to spy from the shadows. On the crate pushed against the center of the wall, there lie a holoprojector. Blinking red lights indicated it was recording and transmitting well hidden from the Pykes. “The display is simple,” the Unicorn said. “Small enough to hide from everyone, including me. But unnecessary in the grand scheme. I do not like to be deceived in my dealings.” The holoprojector began to transmit, casting an image of an emblem. Within the circular design was a circle, filled in on the top half and left empty on the bottom. The outside design was filled opposite of the inner design, with the bottom entirely filled in. Once the transmission began, a voice began to speak. “You performed a service. Eliminating the Pyke cell on Corellia. An unexpected display, but it will enhance future dealings on this planet.” The unicorn recognized the symbol. “Who speaks for Crimson Dawn?” A calm menace worked its way through the response. “You have been gathering information this entire time, from tracking our shipments to questioning our associates. Dryden Vos told me much about you. Your ambition, your interest in the ancient and occult. But I had to see your power myself.” He did not back down from the intimidation. “As I’ve said, I do not like being deceived. Reveal yourself.” “Very well, for it appears the rule of two is complete.” Out of the shadows an image emerged, a life-sized projection which looked more realistic than before. The tall figure was seated in a chair, his dark robes covering his body and head. With a movement of the hands, he revealed himself through lowering his hood. The Zabrack had red and black markings all over his skin, with horns protruding from his head. His body was muscular, and his eyes were bloodshot red with yellow pupils. “But you know who I am.” “Maul,” the pony said. “The last I heard of you, you were in power on Mandalore before the siege. I thought you were dead.” “I lived,” he said simply. “And became leader of Crimson Dawn. The Pyke cell you killed were conspiring against me in their desperation to seek power since the formation of the Shadow Collective.” The unicorn nodded. “Dryden Vos mentioned a leader who led from the shadows. And he reported to you my intentions.” “Not completely,” Maul replied. “You have kept yourself in mystery long enough. State who you are, and why you sought out Crimson Dawn.” The pony sighed before speaking. “My name is Nyroc. Long ago, I led an uprising against a leader who exiled my master to the moon. During the battle, the Force awakened inside me and combined with my magic. It nearly destroyed me, but in the midst transported me to this galaxy. Long did I search for the source what combined with my magic, and in doing so brought me to the Dark Side.” “You forged yourself a new identity, in the ways of the Sith Lords,” Maul guessed. “With a lightsaber reflecting your own power.” Nyroc nodded. “In doing so, it brought me to the realization of what caused the Force to awaken. I become intrigued by the Zeffo, traveling to their remaining temples, and studying their writings along with ones from the Ancient Sith. My own lightsaber was forged with their words.” He gazed up at Maul. “You ask for my purpose; I seek revenge against the ruler who exiled my master, and to destroy my world and remake it in the image of eternal night and darkness.” “And so you seek my help in this endeavor.” Maul stood up, walking around Nyroc. It was as if the Sith Lord was actually there. “Yes,” Nyroc answered. “I believe I have found my way back. The writing of the Zeffo spoke of an ancient realm also written in the histories of the Jedi and the Sith: Mortis. Kujet believed in turn this realm was linked to an mystical plane between the Force that was referenced in sacred texts of the Jedi on Ahch-To.” Nyroc looked out towards the moonlight, and spoke the next sentence close to a whisper. “A world between worlds. One spoken in legends to guide through space and time, even dimensions. I believe by using this, combining with my magic, I can go back to Equestria. I seek not your help, but a partnership in my conquest. In exchange, I offer your Crimson Dawn a piece of the fortune I gain in the process.” Maul looked at him for a moment. “And this relies on my trust in the words of legends and myths from long ago. I cannot offer members of my organization based just on this. How do you seek to gain control?” “By manipulating the criminal organizations within Equestria, and using them to my command,” Nyroc explained. “They will fall under me, and I could destroy them in the process. As well, those once loyal to me whose ideas are passed down will follow. With their combined strength, I will plant the seeds of chaos, mistrust, manipulation, and darkness across every government, who will suffocate without light.” “In this case, Crimson Dawn can offer you weapons. In exchange, you will allow us to take half of the profits from your exploits,” Maul decided. “You seek to lead from the shadows, with others sneaking around to carry out your master plan.” Nyroc simply bowed his head. “I want Equestria to live in fear, nobody will be safe.” “You will need a second-in-command, one who keeps everyone in order, to ensure your operation is successful,” Maul spoke, with an idea forming in his head, while sitting back down. “You have been to Darthomir. I’m sure you have heard of the tales of the slaughter of the Nightsisters.” “They say nobody survived, it was a massacre,” Nyroc remembered. “The Clone Wars were long ago, while I still sought out the Zeffo temples.” “There was one who led that attack,” Maul stated. “A fearsome warlord, and military leader in the Seperatist forces known for his hatred and cruelty. Spealizing in warfare and assassination, he killed many and struck fear in the Jedi.” Nyroc’s eyes widened in recognition. “I heard stories of those onslaughts, of blood shed by a cybernetic ghost. But it was said that warrior has been dead for a long time, killed in battle shortly before the fall of the Jedi.” “A well-known theory, but only partially true,” Maul corrected. “I had a personal vendetta against the Jedi responsible for killing him. But after I escaped from Republic forces in the midst of Order 66, my agents tracking him informed me of a different fate. Kenobi, in his ignornance, forgot to finish the job.” “Are you telling me that a trained Jedi Master would just leave his enemy alive rather than killing him?” Nyroc asked with annoyance. “Do you expect me to believe that?” “I believe that Kenobi thought he was finished, and left before confirming,” Maul said. “Nevertheless, his body shut down, with only the life systems of his body barely surviving. My agents tracked down the body, and transported it to a facility. He has been unconscious for years now, his body kept alive only through cryo-stasis in possession of Crimson Dawn.” Nyroc paused. “Are you offering me this along with the weapons?” “I believe it can help you in your cause,” Maul confirmed. “You will need to repair his body, and convince him to not kill you where you stand. But he will be of use to you.” Nyroc nodded in thanks. “If you promise me this, then we are in agreement. Now then, you will need to tell me the locations.” “Within this holoprojector contains coordinates which will lead you to the bunker,” Maul explained. “The weapons will be there. This will also serve as how to communicate with me, if it’s not destroyed in your process to get back to your world. Begone, for I have work to do.” The transmission ended. Nyroc picked up the holoprojector, and putting his hood back on, walked out of the warehouse. Utapau, Days Later Nyroc made his way from the ship through the desert on the surface, the winds battering him with sand. Held with magic, the tracking beacon let off a steady sound, with the compass built in pointing to the coordinates on this planet. Although many had left the planet since the rise of the Empire, there were some who still remained. Many still lived in the large caverns of populated cities, but there were some who still lived on the surface. Loners, outcasts exiled here often as a punishment. Or they seek the soliutude of a quiet grave. Only a few settlements still remain, Nyroc observed looking at the abandoned homesteads. He had left his ship by one, knowing due to the hyperwind storms on the surface that he could only navigate on hoof. Even for the experienced animals which helped to navigate the various underground caverns on the planet, the surface was a treacherous place. No wonder the Pau’ans moved underground. Still, he knew he had to remain focused on getting to his destination. The winds were picking up on the horizon, and there would be a storm hitting within only a few hours. Only the steady beeping of the tracker and the desert would keep him company. Sighing, he began to recite the words of Kujet and ancient prophets of the Sith in his head, long forgotten to many since the days of the Old Republic. Finally, within a few hours, as the hyperwind storm clouds banged on the horizon, threatening to break at any moment, he spotted where the tracker was taking him. A large cave, perhaps an abandoned mine, stuck out in the distance. It was between the plains of sand, made up of the skeletons of animals dead and extinct, and the mountains which held ores and minerals. Perhaps it was a passage leading to the mines themselves. Nyroc shook his head, as he made his way toward the marker. About two hours later, he made his way to the mouth of the cave, just as the storm began to rain down on the desert plains. Walking into darkness, he put the tracker into a pocket, and ignited his lightsaber. The red light lit up a passageway into the mines, as the floor lined with metal and carts which would be filled with salts. He walked slowly, taking in the various life forms which cluttered the old mine, from filth beetles to ginntho. The giant spiders would keep away from the red lightsaber, knowing not to tempt their fate. After a few minutes of walking, he spotted the door leading into the center control room of the mining operations. Now, the door was marked with the marker of Crimson Dawn. He was sure that this spot was first used by smugglers in the chaos of the Clone Wars before it was taken over by the criminal syndicate. Entering the code given to him by Crimson Dawn, the door opened, and closed as he entered. The first thing he observed were the boxes of weapons given to him by the criminal syndicate. Blasters and bombs of every type were packed away, lining the walls just underneath and in-between the décor. Although the number was limited, Nyroc knew that he could produce copies using a simple spell. On the walls, various robotic parts were hanged, and statues lined the walls, telling a story of a warrior’s transformation. Whether more machine than living being, or the other way around, each one told the story, leading to the opposite wall. The wall was lined with a large crypto-statis tank, one which was lined with glass, an icy fog making it nearly impossible to see. However, at one point, the fog cleared for a few seconds just enough to make out a metal exoskeleton. Standing tall, the arms and legs were stretched out, as the heart could be seen just barely through the metal. Just above the tank, a cast of three masks could be seen. And beneath those masks, the head stood, with eyes closed. Here lies the body of the once great General Grievous, Nyroc thought. Preserved with the life systems intact. Going over to the control panels, he started to thaw the tank, slowly raising the temperature. Using this, I must repair the body, so it can be reborn. Indicating a series of commands, the machinery within the tank began to repair the body, starting with the metal exoskeleton surrounding the biological components. The process would only take a few minutes, as it seemed Crimson Dawn was knowledgeable about how the body worked. Nyroc had read files about the warrior, including on who he was before, and his various traits and histories. Because of this, he knew he had an advantage to win over the warrior to his cause. After a few minutes, it was time for the final two repairs. The first would be to replace the metal mask, which had been damaged in the battle against the Jedi. The second would require Nyroc’s magic to help repair the lungs, allowing the warrior to breathe easily and get rid of the cough. Stealth cannot be maintained unless the body is silent. In that moment after the final repairs were completed, the lights in the room went out, with the emergency lights on the walls providing only a small amount. The storm must have taken out the main generator. Nevertheless, the emergency one will provide a small amount of power before it can be repaired. He waited in silence, turning around to observe the weapons. It was close to an hour later as he was observing the weapons, when he heard two sounds. The first was a large banging from the glass, which would echo throughout the room. The second was the another bang, accompanied by the sound of glass cracking. “I would not do that if I were you,” Nyroc called out, turning around. Although the tank was still intact, the impact of the crack was caused by a cybernetic claw rolled into a first. “Your life support systems are still weak. You must allow them to heal for only a few minutes longer.” The fist moved back into the fog. From that point forward, Nyroc counted down as the control panel indicated the life systems and exoskeleton would be fully brought back power soon. In the meantime, he continued to address the recovering warrior. “I know who you are, Qymaen Jai Sheelal of Kalee. A fearsome warlord who would do anything to improve himself, to become the ultimate warrior to enact vengeance against the Republic. Building yourself anew after a crash decimated your body, you looked to droids for inspiration while building your cybernetic enhancements. Trained in the arts of lightsaber combat by the Sith Lord Count Dooku, you led an army to reign terror upon the citizens of the Republic.” There was no sound of broken glass, which he considered to be a good sign. He decided not to mention Crimson Dawn. “The Republic is no more, the Jedi long vanquished by the Empire. But you survived, as a result of your strength and resilience. Rise, Grievous of Kalee, and tell me what it is you seek.” Out of the fog, a metallic claw emerged, moving downward as it scraped the glass. And with the claw, came the mask, with eyes of yellow interlaced with bloodshot red. Only the claw and head were visible before the rest of the body emerged from the fog. And with that, the tank opened. General Grievous walked out of the tank, holding onto a railing for support as he hit the ground. Still standing, the cyborg walked through the fog, staring at the pony. Nyroc had only seconds as Grievous smashed his claw where the pony stood. The impact destroyed the systems of the crypo-stasis chamber, sparks whizzing out of the console. Teleporting, he soon emerged out of the other side of the room. “Your strength is returning, along with the muscle memory of your life systems. But fighting me will get us nowhere.” Finding a box on the ground, he used magic to push it over to the warrior. “In here, you will find your belongings, including the cloak from Kalee and the lightsabers rightfully won by you.” This was all part of Nyroc’s plan, as Grievous put the cloak back on, along with the lightsabers. “Before you attack me again, I believe we can come to an understanding. Listen, while your voice modulator is still healing.” From underneath his robes, he pulled out the hilt of his lightsaber, igniting the red blade. “I am a Sith Lord, having learned from the writings of the Sith scholars of the Old Republic, to the Acolytes of the High Republic. But before that day, I was a warrior like you. I saw my leader betrayed and exiled, and I fought to free her, along with many of the Guards of the Night. But I was cast out from my world, a spell teleporting me across worlds to this place after I attempted to combine my powers.” The cybernetic warrior stared at him, taking in the words. “All I want is to go back to my world, and cast a shadow of darkness and bloodshed where no soul is unafraid. And you want to enact that same shadow onto the Jedi. But they are gone. Which leads you here to me. Tell me, what is it that you want?” Hatred filled Grievous’s eyes as his voice let out only one word. “Revenge.” “Our goals are the same, only separated by different targets. You can have another chance at revenge, and rule as the warlord which made you feared on Kalee. Will you join me in my quest for vengeance, as we act together?” Grievous looked at him. “If you want my service, then we are in agreement. But cross me, and I will kill you where you stand.” “Then we are agreed,” Nyroc said, bowing his head. “Now then, we have much planning to do before the storm passes.” As he opened the doorway going deeper into the mine, Grievous followed him, gripping a lightsaber. This lightsaber, like many others, was won from a slain Jedi. Each hilt in his possession tells of a different story. But this one tells a story of a massacre on Lothal, the master who sacrificed herself, and the apprentice with vengeance in his eyes. > Chapter 1: Master and Apprentice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saddle Arabian Capital, Evening Light reflected around the hall as dusk filtered in through the windows of the Saddle Arabian palace. To the ordinary eye, these windows appeared ordinary, contrasted by the fanciness of the hallway. There were twelve, with six on each side, each measuring six feet in height. But crystals and gems were embedded in the glass, cast into interesting patterns each symbolic to the citizens of the nation. It could be as grand as the pyramids which lie southwest of the capital city, or as ordinary as the livestock which can be found in farms all over the land, but every piece was captivating. The colors of each individual gemstone created a small rainbow creating a slope to the ground. There were only two others in the hallway, asides from the figures in the glass. A pony and an astromech droid strolled side by side, each taking in the sights quietly. The stone floor echoed with each step the pony took, as she gazed at the sights from beneath a hooded robe. Eventually, she stopped, and took down her hood. Sweetie Belle stood parallel to the windows, casting a shadow due to the light. She wore Jedi robes of beige and brown, similar to her master. A sash and belt was worn over the tunic, the same shade of color. Attached to it was her lightsaber, the metallic hilt cast in silver and the more intricate casings having a hint of rose gold. It was hidden beneath the robe, but could be drawn at a moment’s notice. Taking a breath, she studied the windows, and the intricate patterns embedded in the glass. “Did we pass this hallway before, or is this a new section?” A5 shook her domed head, confirming this was new. “You’re probably right. Thanks to agreeing to come on patrol with me.” The droid beeped happily, and a small smile quickly appeared on her face, just to disappear. It had been seven years since she had become an apprentice, and had learned over time that silence could be just as disturbing as the most chaotic of battles. She couldn’t tell if it was her own tiredness which disturbed her, or the silence that lay pensive through the palace. Looking inward, she saw her own emotions, and fear as bright as day. I need to calm myself, even in this hall. I’m not always going to have the time for a full meditation, so there has to be some techniques I can use. Perhaps breathing will help. She let out a few deep, long breaths, feeling the rhythm and flow of the Force, and matching it. She closed her eyes only for a moment, for she knew she would fall asleep otherwise. “Do you know anything about these murals? There’s only so much reading I could get done before this mission.” R5 thought for a moment, and chirped off a few quick facts, and asked her a question. “To be fair, you would make for an excellent opponent. And if I need to be attacked randomly to keep awake, I’d much rather it be you.” The droid laid down a heavy compliment, and Sweetie Belle laughed for the first time all day. “Thanks, I needed that. I don’t know how much longer these talks are going to go on, they’ve been at it for hours at this point.” “At least nine to ten, if my math is correct.” Normally, Sweetie Belle would be able to sense if someone was incoming towards her through the Force. Kaleb had stressed this as part of her training. But in her tired state, she jumped and glanced around to see Spike walking toward her, equally surprised and amused. They had both grown in the past seven years, with Sweetie Belle being around three feet, and Spike only a few inches taller. In those years, he became leaner, developing small muscles around the arms and legs, along with a slightly longer tail. His wings, stretching the length of his back, had grown slightly over the years. Developing them over time, Spike had been slowly training to fly longer distances. He had the same blue backpack over his shoulder as he went towards her. “I knew from Twilight these things can go long, but never like this…” “Not to mention it’s the fifth round of negotiations in seven years,” she added. Her heart began to race as she took notice of how the sunlight caught his scales, and how they highlighted the various shades of purple and green. His eyes reflected a darker shade of forest green than the scales on his body, which seemed to peer into her soul. “Uh…Sweetie Belle…are you there? Earth to Sweetie Belle…” She jumped, and blushed hard. “Oh, sorry about that. Guess I’m pretty tired today, which is normal considering how long this tour has gone on.” “I can’t imagine,” Spike replied. “You and Kaleb have done a great job guarding the two princesses and their friends through this entire tour.” He pulled out a part of a granola bar and offered it to her. “You want the other half?” Sweetie Belle smiled. “Thanks,” She leaned against the wall, and began to take a few bites. “How has your day been?” “Pretty quiet, since most of it was to myself,” Spike answered. “I explored more of the royal grounds, including the archives. They had a pretty great exhibit on gemstones and mining in the region. Had some rare ones I’ve only seen in textbooks up to this point. The gardens were also pretty awesome, they have a ton of cool plants. Then I went to the palace library to read. How about you?” She thought back to her day. “Well, it was pretty quiet. I have orders to patrol this building until the talks are over.” She pulled out a small notebook from her saddlebag. “Kaleb wants me to keep a journal through the mission, so I can reflect on every detail. I’ve been working on an entry throughout the day, when I’m not walking around in circles.” He nodded. “It seems pretty rude of him to leave you this one task, with nothing to really do.” “It’s more complicated than you think,” she replied. “It’s more than just walking around; I have to be actively listening to the Force. Besides, I’m not all alone.” She raised an eyebrow. “Sorry A5,” Spike apologized meekly. The droid let off a bunch of sounds that recognized that. “I got a message from Twilight three hours ago saying they would be finished in two minutes.” “I got the same thing from Kaleb,” Sweetie Belle replied. “I guess something held them up.” There was silence for a few moments before Spike broke it. “Well, I should probably be heading back to Twilight’s room. I’ve got to finish up some studying for the big exam coming up in a few weeks.” “Awesome! I’ll see you later.” She waved as Spike left her and A5 in the hallway. Sweetie Belle let out a deep breath, as they went near the other end of the hallway to one of the main drawing rooms. R5 had been watching this interaction carefully, and was not oblivious to what was happening. Without further delay, she commented in a very teasing way. “What! No! No, I do not…where the hay did you get that?” Sweetie Belle replied in a quiet, flustered tone, her face turning red. “For the last time, we are just friends. There’s nothing between us, at least not right now…but maybe in the future.” R5 advanced, chirping and whizzing around the room with her arms out. Sweetie Belle let out an exasperated sigh. “Fine, I do really like him…but not a word of this to anyone. You hear me? Not to him, or anyone else, is that clear.” Once the droid agreed, Sweetie Belle shook her head, trying to clear it. Dang it, and I thought I could keep that a secret, at least from everyone except Scootaloo and Apple Bloom. She pushed those thoughts aside, as she turned to A5 with a determined look. “Right, we need to focus. Kaleb is counting on us to keep on patrol.” A5 beeped in confirmation, and let out a bunch of other sounds. Sweetie Belle could tell the words were directed at her master, and they weren’t exactly positive. She chuckled. “Well, if you do decide to burst into the meeting and drag him out, be my guest.” An echo of doors opening went throughout the hall, along with loud voices, and the apprentice turned to the droid. “Well, I guess they’ve finished. If I remember, this drawing room is close to where they were holding the talks. He should be here soon…” The main doors opened, and Kaleb Taymar walked into the room. He was wearing his usual Jedi attire, the beige tunic standing out against the navy blue robe. The past seven years had aged him, with his curly hair longer and a short, light brown beard on his face. Still, he still had the same youthful, mischievous eyes and smile when Sweetie Belle started her training. He grimaced as R5 began to go off at him, and Sweetie Belle let out a small smile. He let the droid finish. “I guess I deserved that. Sorry to leave you hanging, the meeting went longer than anyone expected.” She shrugged, “Is nine hours a lot for these kinds of negotiations?” “Depends on the context. Normally? No. But for final dealings? Yes. This was the first time the Queen has attended beyond the first round; normally the prince and princess handle matters of delegation.” Kaleb replied. He knelt down to A5, inserting a small drive. “This contains information from my datapad in relation to the proceedings. Can you deliver it to Twilight, she’s in the lounge near the library?” A5 beeped, grumbling a bit as she rolled out of the room. Sweetie Belle pointed with her head over to the glass door, which entered a small garden. Kaleb nodded, and the two of them walked over, opening it. Sweetie Belle looked over to him. “I like how the gardens are structured. Even in the smallest places, they leave room for animals to nest.” Kaleb nodded. “They make good use of the small structures.” Their bond as master and apprentice had grown over the years, and it had been difficult at first. For Kaleb, the responsibility of mentorship laid much on his shoulders, but he did his best to rise for the occasion. Although Sweetie Belle and him never always saw eye to eye, they got along with each other well. He turned to his apprentice, leaning back on a pillar. “You’ve done well, for this entire trip you know? Much of this is new, but adjusting to the changing circumstances when it comes to guarding can help you.” “Thanks,” Sweetie Belle replied. “At times, it’s exhausting though. You’re in the present with whomever you’re guarding, yet your always look ahead, predicting and planning.” “It can be,” Kaleb empathized. “But you get used to that with time. And with the Force, and proper training, it becomes instinct.” This sentence was largely familiar to her, as it was where she needed the most improvement. It soured her mood. “I feel like I’ve heard that word a lot over the past few years.” “None of us our proud of our flaws,” Kaleb admitted, trying to give some reassurance against the slight angst. “But we have to try, and learn from every experience. You have improved greatly going from then to now. Particularly in the past two years.” I have grown, but I still feel so far away from where I need to be. Sweetie Belle sighed. “Even so, it’s not much. I’m sure you were much better at my age.” Kaleb had heard this before. “You are your own Jedi, and you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. I had been training my whole life, but even then wasn’t perfect. We each learn at our own pace, and I am proud of how you have improved through this trip” Her ears perked up, and eyes reflected surprise at the praise. Kaleb was always genuine when it came to compliments and critique, which she appreciated. “I guess this whole experience has made me learn a lot. I’ve never traveled outside of Equestria before this trip, so there’s a lot to take in.” “Did you understand everything there is to know from this?” She shook her head. “Insight comes with age. But I am glad you’re having this experience now. If we were in my galaxy, you would have planets worth of memories.” “I kind of wish Rarity’s rule with missions had been looser,” Sweetie Belle added in retrospect. Rarity and her Jedi Master had an agreement that he wouldn’t take her on these kinds of missions until she had gotten her cutie mark, which had only happened recently. Kaleb nodded in understanding. “I had to argue with her more than a few times to do some of the missions before that. Still, those missions in Equestria were still good experiences for you.” The two of them sat down across from each other on the stone benches, listening to the sounds of the plants rustling. She looked around. “This has been an interesting few weeks. Visiting different nations, learning about these cultures I had only read about till now. It’s an eye-opening experience that not even a school field trip can provide.” Her Jedi Master smiled. “Exactly, and that’s what I want you to get from this. The world is always bigger than we think.” He chuckled slightly. “There’s always one mission…” Sweetie Belle looked confused. “What do you mean?” Kaleb took a deep breath before beginning. “There’s always one mission that every Jedi goes through. It can be at any age, mostly at a young one. But it shapes them. It can change their life, their perspective, and even their philosophy on why they became a Jedi, and what continues to drive them.” Her eyes widened in amazement. “Really? I don’t remember that from any of the Jedi teachings.” “It was something my Master would say,” Kaleb explained. “Each of us is on our own path with the Force, and that journey reflects that. Half of the time, you would only know it by instinct.” Sweetie Belle nodded. “This isn’t mine, but it’s still a good mission. What was yours?” He thought back, remembering. “I was fifteen, probably a year before the war. It was my first solo mission, and I had been tasked to protect a young princess on Kashyyyk on a journey. Every year, a pilgrimage was made to the Origin Tree, which took many days. The treetop stood higher than any mountains in the Dragonlands. It tested me, and made me relook at the natural order of the world. There were many animals who were out to kill both of us. I had to learn how to communicate in a new way, or kill them to defend us. In the end, I escorted her to the highest peaks of the branches.” What Sweetie Belle and Kaleb shared was the appreciation of good storytelling, along with knowledge. She smiled slightly, remembering the early days of her training with Kaleb telling stories to her sister’s friends near a campfire. “It must have been thrilling.” “It was,” he added. “And completely changed my outlook of the galaxy and any ecosystem I encountered. My connection to the Force became stronger as a result.” He rubbed his shoulder, it being sore from the hours of negotiations. “It’s something you’ll go through at some point.” She nodded. The crickets began to chirp as dusk moved over the edge of the horizon. “I’m confused about something, even though I read the background file on every location we visited. Why is there so much secrecy visiting Saddle Arabia, as opposed to the other nations? I know this mission across the continent was supposed to be low-key, but we teleported directly to the palace from the train.” Good observations, Kaleb noticed. “Because these talks are supposed to be secret. There is general knowledge Equestria and Saddle Arabia are in negotiations. But the actual dates and times have been kept a secret aside from the initial announcement. The main reason being for security.” Instinctively, she glanced around, making sure nobody was behind them. “I thought the palace and grounds were safe from organized crime.” “The palace is one of the more secured places in the capital,” Kaleb explained. “And the government has done a good job in securing with security this far. But the main concern is the giant crime syndicates, which exist in every nation. They come in through the cracks of chaos caused by every world-ending villain, it seems.” Sweetie Belle counted the three which seemed to emerge since her training began. Sombra, Tirek, and Starlight. Though I guess she’s more of a reformed ally at this point. “I guess there’s only so much you can do when the ground is constantly shifting…” “…but you got to keep on your feet quicker than a jump to hyperspace,” Kaleb finished, and the two chuckled. He checked his pocket watch, which was tucked inside his robes. “Come on, let’s be going. Twilight will be wondering where we went off to.” The two got up, and entered the palace, going through the very same doors Kaleb went through. They walked through the maze of corridors, leading to where Twilight, Cadance, and everyone else were secure in a room protected by wards. Sweetie Belle made her way through, walking beside her master. “Is there anything else you want to tell me before we leave tomorrow?” “Not of note, but I want you to be present for the decision, which should be made tonight. The Queen will most likely be present as well.” A wave of nervousness went through her. Even though she had met the leaders and diplomats of various countries when they visited Canterlot or The Crystal Empire, meeting royalty was still a challenge. “What should I say? I’m going to make a fool out of myself.” “You’ll be fine, and just think of it as a step on your journey in a larger world.” Kaleb gave her the advice, but he only felt a slight reassurance. They arrived at the room by the library, and Kaleb let out a strategic knock on the door. It opened, and revealed their fellow companions. Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Cadance were all resting on the couches in the center of the room, talking quietly among each other. Spike was reading a book in the corner, as was Starlight. He could still feel the anxiety of his apprentice. “Try and do some writing in your journal, or do a light meditation. It will help calm yourself. And get something to eat if you’re hungry.” Sweetie Belle nodded, and went over to the fruit bowl, grabbing a mango and settling over to the opposite side of the room. Kaleb went over to where the seven were talking, still standing. “Kaleb! Good to see you,” Twilight greeted, as she looked around and saw his padawan eating while looking out the window. Sweetie Belle waved at all of them before Twilight continued. “That took a while to sort out.” “The negotiations were long,” he admitted. “but hopefully worth it. Has there been any word?” Candance shook her head. “Not yet, but we should be hearing back soon.” He nodded. “While we’re here, we should probably talk about the plan for tomorrow. Once we’re ready in early morning, we’ll teleport out to the empty part of the train station where we first arrived. The moment we land, we file into the train and depart once we confirm the security. Since the route is more direct, it should be a short trip out of Saddle Arabia and back to the Crystal Empire.” Everyone nodded, looking slightly exhausted. Even Pinkie Pie, who had a tired edge in her voice. “Kaleb, it’s been nine hours. I’m too tired for this.” Everyone stared at Pinkie Pie until Rainbow Dash broke the silence. “Damn, Kaleb. You got served by the Party Planner herself.” Kaleb coughed slightly, trying to hide his realization and slight embarrassment, rubbing the back of his head. All of them laughed, including him. “Yeah, sorry about that Pinkie.” Twilight thought for a second. “You can relax since there’s wards on this room. Sit down, Kaleb.” He sighed with amusement, and sat down on the chair right next to Fluttershy. “All right, but only because of that.” He turned to her, sinking into the chair slightly. “How are you holding up?” She shrugged. “Not bad, just tired. You’re a great guard, but that must be exhausting. How do you do it?” “Mainly through meditations, that allow me to rest while also keeping alert,” Kaleb said, squeezing her hoof. “I still sleep, but require less hours. Though, it’s never a replacement for a nice warm bed.” Fluttershy nodded. “True, and you seem to have your hands full now.” She glanced back towards everyone. “We’ll have time to ourselves soon, I promise,” Kaleb said, knowing how long it had taken for this tour to be set up. Months of planning had gone into it, with barely enough time together beyond sleeping and sharing meals. “That would be nice,” Fluttershy replied. “I know that you’re still on duty, it’s just that we haven’t had a date night in a while.” Both of us have been so busy this year alone, he thought. We’ve spent a lot of time together, but haven’t fully relaxed in a while. “True. How about we plan on the train ride back?” “I have to go over the blueprints one more time, but after I should be free,” Fluttershy said, chuckling a little. “I guess the days of spontaneous dates are over.” “Not necessarily, Fluttershy,” Cadance pointed out. “Shining and I plan small surprises for each other every week. You have to keep the magic alive, or in your case the Force.” Kaleb was slightly annoyed at that last addition. “That’s not how the Force works.” Applejack interrupted them, not interested in the argument. “When ya’ll get the results, are we going to tell Princess Celestia?” “We should be able to, but I’m not certain,” Kaleb said, thinking. “The holoprojector should work, but it needs a clear signal. Since we’re in the middle of a city, there might be interference.” All of them heard a knock at the door, and everyone went quiet. Kaleb held up a fist, indicating everyone to stay quiet where they were. He jumped up, landing softly on the balls of his feet and moving quickly to the door. Putting a hand near the lightsaber, he cracked open the door slightly. After confirming who it was, he opened the door. Princess Amira and Prince Haakem entered the room. They both wore traditional robes and helmets; Amira’s set in purple and blue, and Haakem’s in shades of blue and gold. The princess entered the room first, her light blue eyes reflecting in the light of the sunset from the window. Everyone stood up, moving to bow to them before Amira raised her hoof. “I do not mean to alarm; I just wish to inform you of what has been decided.” Twilight nodded. “It’s alright, everyone is tired from these talks. Kaleb, please keep watch if you could, but I still want you inside the room.” Kaleb nodded, as the two delegates smiled at him. He set a hand near the ground, and reached out to the Force, listening and sensing any outside movement. “No movement outside of these halls.” Amira nodded to her brother. “I am happy to announce the Queen has decided to these terms. And negotiations have been successful, with leading the way to a formal treaty.” The silence in the room was short, as the cheers of the Equestrian ponies rang out. Kaleb let out a small smile, as Haakem looked to the room. “Thank you for all your hard work. Especially Kaleb, for his expertise in diplomatic negotiations.” “The pleasure is all mine, Prince Haakem.” As Kaleb replied, he saw Sweetie Belle walking up to him with a similar smile on her face. It could also be read as relief as she wasn’t meeting the Queen. The two turned to the apprentice as Kaleb introduced them. “Princess Amira, Prince Haakem, I would like to introduce you to my apprentice, Sweetie Belle.” The princess nodded. “It’s good to meet you, Sweetie Belle. How are you enjoying your stay in Saddle Arabia so far?” “I’m…just really enjoying it,” she said with hurry, meeting both of their eyes. “Your gardens are beautiful, as well as the glass around the palace. How do you embed the gemstones?” “It is through the glass-blowing process, which is one our craftsponies have kept a secret for generations,” Haakem replied. “You would be hard-pressed to find anyone willing to reveal its secrets. But perhaps during one of the festivals, one would oblige.” While the two began discussing artwork, Princess Amira took Kaleb to the side, indicating Twilight and Cadance to follow. As soon as they were together, Amira addressed the group. “What happens now the negotiations are settled?” “We would send our reports back to Equestria, and then work with everything that has been done to craft a formal treaty and any other documents,” Twilight rattled off. “After or while this is done, we would make arrangements for the date of signing.” “I’m sure we can get that all taken care of by the end of the year,” Cadance added. Kaleb had been looking out the window, as the sun began to disappear over the horizon. Something doesn’t feel right. Just as he was about to mention this to the group, Prince Haakem called for quiet as a scroll appeared in front of him. Amira rushed over, and they read it quickly. “We just got word from one of our patrols. A landslide occurred over the Eastern train line.” The group looked up in shock, and Kaleb turned to them. “Will someone please get me a map with all the train lines? Prince Haakem showed Pinkie Pie the bookshelf where the maps were, and she quickly pulled out a map, handing it to Kaleb. He set it down on the large table. Princess Amira took a pencil, reading the coordinates carefully, and marked out a large circle with a dot at the epicenter. “Was anyone hurt?” Sweetie Belle asked, looking concerned. “Nobody was hurt,” Princess Amira reassured to her along with everyone else. “There had been flooding in the area for the past few weeks, but we thought the ground was stable.” She turned to Kaleb. “The tracks are completely buried under twelve feet of sand, dirt, and gravel.” He nodded. “How long do you think it will take to clear the tracks?” She sighed, knowing the news wasn’t good. “Given the large mass, it would probably take us two days to clear the ground and make sure the tracks are further stable.” Kaleb kept a calm demeanor, turning to his travel group. “Given the circumstances, the original safety plans are going to have to be altered. We can either wait here for another two days for the original route to be cleared, or travel on a different train.” Twilight thought for a few seconds. “Given these talks are supposed to be secret, I don’t want us wandering out there to help clear the tracks. It’s a small thing, but can be larger due to the circumstances.” Applejack chimed in. “I wouldn’t mind the labor, but I see your point Twilight. Couldn’t we go on a commuter train instead of a private one?” “There is a train that goes out of the capital and runs up into Equestria,” Prince Haakem suggested. “It has sleeping cabins beside the normal ones as well. It wouldn’t be that packed this time of year, so you can lie low.” Kaleb glanced at Twilight and Cadance. “This is your decision, not mine. However, both options have their risks.” Twilight nodded. “Although going on the train is a risk in itself, our extended stay could threaten the secrecy of these talks.” Kaleb reached out to both of them through the Force. I believe whatever decision is made, we can trust the information they have given us. The two princesses exchanged small words before Cadance turned to Amira and Haakem. “We should probably go on the commuter train. You have our sincere apologies for our early departure. I have a newborn daughter back at home, and it’s for the best I get back on time.” Haakem nodded. “We completely understand. I will send word to the station director. If I recall, all of your belongings are still in the one storage car.” “Yes,” Twilight confirmed. “There’s a lot of valuables in there, and it’s critical that train car remains locked and nothing is removed.” She glanced at Kaleb at this statement, and he chuckled. “You have our royal promise we will transfer your car safely,” Princess Amira assured everyone. “Our royal guards will oversee the attachment to the other train.” Fluttershy looked at the clock on the wall. “What time does the train leave?” “It leaves in an hour and a half,” Haakem answered. “The route goes the long way through the mountains to the Equestrian border. It’s roughly ten hours to that point, and probably another six hours to the Crystal Empire.” “I would like a map of the route, if it’s all the same to you.” Twilight asked. Haakem handed her the map, and she brought it to Kaleb. “We actually have a small dinner being prepared for you,” Princess Amira revealed to everyone’s delight. “Feel free to eat and relax before you leave. It should be ready in a few minutes. We’ll have a guard inform you when the dining room is prepared.” The Saddle Arabian ponies nodded and left, closing the door behind them. As the ponies began to chatter, Sweetie Belle turned to Kaleb. “What’s so funny?” He explained with a sheepish grin. “While Twilight considers the one possessions I have in that car valuable, Fluttershy is not necessarily in agreement on that point.” His apprentice laughed softly. “That’s a fair point. Still, I can’t wait to have some proper dinner. Did plans change for the two of us?” “Yeah, and I still need to work out the details in my head, and probably should get to that train,” Kaleb explained. “I want you to guard both Twilight and Cadance tonight. You can be in their compartment, but we both need to be more attentive than usual tonight.” She nodded. “As always, I’ll do my best, and maybe outdo you in the process. Remember when all those vines attacked Ponyville, and I had to save you multiple times?” “You and I remember that time very differently,” He said. “In my defense, I have faced many things as a Jedi. Murderous vines wasn’t in the curriculum.” “But you always said to be prepared for anything. Right, master?” Sweetie Belle countered, before moving away to talk to her sister. Fluttershy slinked right next to him. “Your apprentice managed to roast you well enough. She has your wit.” Kaleb had a beaming image of Master Kenobi in his head. If only he could see this. “What can I say? I taught her well.” Kaleb wandered down the small hallway of the train, going from car to car. It was night, and every time he switched cars, he had to wander outside to the platforms connecting the cars to one another. The bumpy ride meant he had to be careful, otherwise it could result in him falling off. Even though there were guardrails, there was still a risk. Before moving from the next car, he looked outside, staring out at the desert soon turning into a mountainous terrain. The moonlight reflected outward, and shone light down on the train. It seems so peaceful out, yet still alive. Even in the late summer, you must have all kinds of animals in this terrain. Closing his eyes, he breathed in and out, feeling the rhythm of the Force around him. Kaleb always found the outdoors peaceful, finding life exists even within darkness. He opened them moments later, and made his way to the next car. The dining car was full of possibility, and was still packed even this late at night. A mix of ponies sat dining at the tables on each side, as the waitstaff made their way through. Kaleb made sure to let them pass, and made his way beside the many parents who sat with their kids. He noticed one family, eagerly awaiting their food as the waiter made her way towards them. In those moments, Kaleb noticed that she tripped, trying to balance the tray on her wings. The food went flying, and he reached out to the Force. The family and waiter were amazed that their plates were now floating in the air, held aloft by Kaleb’s outstretched hand. Carefully, he set their order down on their table. “And I believe this is your order.” The family and the waitress laughed, as the dad smiled. “Thank you, kind stranger. We’ve been looking forward to a good meal together for ages.” “You’re welcome,” Kaleb replied. “Family meals are always something to look forward too.” The daughter looked no more than eight, and she passed a note to Kaleb. He opened it, and saw it was addressed to Twilight. Her mom answered his question. “She’s a really big fan. We saw them when we were going from the sleeping cars to here, but she was too shy to approach them.” Although he was slightly concerned the secrecy had been broken, he knew it was only a matter of time before someone found out. And lucky it was just a family rather than a someone more sinister. “I’ll pass on the message. I’m sure Princess Twilight would be more than happy to reply.” He kneeled down to the daughter, using the Force to float a straw into her drink. She giggled, and smiled back at him. Kaleb got up and turned to the waiteress. “Seems like I got here just in time.” “Thanks for saving me back there,” she replied, her blue hair waving slightly as she blushed. “Would you like anything to eat?” “Would it be possible to get it delivered to a compartment?” She nodded. “Then I’ll have a seasoned chicken sandwich with fries and water please. And I’ll throw in a slice of peach pie while I’m at it.” She wrote down the order, and he used her pen to write down the compartment number. “I’ll have that out in a few minutes.” Kaleb nodded and with a quick smile to the family, left the dining compartment. It took about five minutes to make his way back to where Twilight and her friends were. He remembered something that Master Johanna had told him on one of their missions. Never forget while we serve the Republic, the citizens should always be on our minds. Everyone, from the oldest elders to the youngest child. “She always knew what she taught,” Kaleb said to himself. Once he reached the car, he quickly moved to Twilight and Cadance’s compartment, where the rest of the Mane Six were gathered along with A5. Opening the glass door, he handed the note to Twilight and greeted everyone. “Hey everyone. It looks like we’ve been discovered. Though luckily by the right ponies.” Twilight chuckled, handing the note around. “She certainly loves reading, especially poetry. I’ll do her one better, and visit her family in the morning.” “As long as it’s quick, I don’t see why not,” Kaleb replied. He noticed one absence which concerned him. “Where’s Sweetie Belle?” “Oh, I told her we could manage on our own,” Cadance answered, throwing a hoof over to the side. “I think she’s probably with Spike.” “But she’s supposed to be guarding you, specifically this section,” Kaleb added slightly annoyed. “We had an established plan a few hours ago. I need to go find where she is, at least.” He left before any of them could say a word. Meanwhile, in the section by their sleeping compartments, Sweetie Belle sat with Spike. An assortment of papers and books lie across the seats, as they sat opposite from each other. Spike furiously scribbled in answers as Sweetie Belle looked over the book. “Done,” Spike said as he passed in the practice test. “How long will it take you to grade.?” “I haven’t even looked at the first question, give me a few minutes,” she replied, looking over the test. It took her about four minutes to check the answers from the key in the book, marking off any wrong answers. Finally, she handed the test back to him. “Not bad, though you could still use some work on the chemical formulas.” “Noted,” Spike replied, looking over the questions he got wrong. “Thanks for helping me study. These exams coming up are really going to help me out.” She nodded. “Yeah, no problem. When are the entrance exams scheduled for?” “Sometime in September,” he answered. “You probably already know this, but these scores are sent out to schools all over Equestria.” That reminds me, I really need to talk to Rarity about that, and probably Kaleb as well, she thought. “Where are you thinking of going? I thought Twilight was pushing for some up in Canterlot” Spike nodded. “She still is, I think she wants me to be closer to her parents. Personally, I’m hoping for some schools closer to Ponyville, still farther away. That’s where the geology programs are all centered towards.” He turned the question on her. “How about you?” She shrugged. “I really don’t know, though I need to schedule those tests soon. It’s something I need to talk to Kaleb since it could conflict with my training. Rarity would probably want me to go, but I’m not sure if I want to.” “But if you did, what would you want to go into?” he pushed. Sweetie Belle thought for a few moments. “Well, if we’re talking about something which could help my Jedi training, political science or communications. Or maybe something with animals, like zoology or environmental science. But the problem is finding the time.” “That does seem tricky,” Spike added. “Maybe you could do both. Live that double life like a superhero.” Sweetie Belle laughed. He really does know how to cheer me up. “I could. If anything, we could have used the math superpowers years ago.” They chuckled, remembering the upcoming onslaught of schoolwork that awaited them in a few weeks. Spike settled down. “We all have our work cut out for us. Both in school and with the Cutie Mark Crusaders.” She nodded. Even though she, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo had all gotten their marks a while ago, they all decided to keep it going. “I think we’re helping to organize some of the festivals this year. Maybe even Homecoming if I can convince. Ms. Cheerilee.” “Perfect! That would be a great way to help out those who haven’t found their special talents,” Spike said. “I’ve got some ideas I’ll talk about next meeting.” “Sounds like a date…plan! Sounds like a plan.” She realized her mistake. Darn it! That was close. Spike didn’t seem to pay attention. “We should probably clear out some of these papers.” Just as she was about to help, she heard a knock at the compartment door, seeing Kaleb standing outside the glass. He opened it, looking at them. “So that’s where you are. I’ve been looking all over.” “But it’s late, surely Cadance told you…” She began. “You’re supposed to be guarding her and Twilight, and everything else,” Kaleb interrupted, slightly annoyed. “Why did you go? This isn’t supposed to be a relaxing trip, it’s still a mission…” “If you would just listen to me, I’ll tell you,” Sweetie Belle talked back. “She sent me away, and Spike and I went here…” “And for your information, we weren’t goofing around,” Spike said, clearly flustered at Kaleb’s accusation. “She was helping me study for my big exams coming up next month. And talking about out schoolwork coming up.” Kaleb paused, looking down at all the papers. “The big standardized exams are next month?” “Yeah,” Sweetie Belle said, exhasperated at her Master’s annoyance. “Trust me, you’d be studying like crazy too.” Realizing his mistake, Kaleb sighed. “I guess it’s okay then. But still, you should have told me or at least had chosen a closer compartment to them. We’re still on-duty, and I have to conduct hourly checks on the other compartments and check in with the drivers.” “Have a good study session.” With a nod, he closed the door, going back to his own sitting compartment the next car over. It took him a few minutes before he saw a waiter, handing food in, hearing Starlight’s voice. “Yes, that would be my order, I’ll…” “Be taking that,” Kaleb interrupted, taking the bag from the waiter. “Thank you, and have a good night.” He sat down opposite of Starlight, who was very close to stealing his order. He sighed in frustration, muttering louder than he meant. “Teenagers.” Starlight fixed him with an amused look. “Republic credit for your thoughts?” Kaleb glared at her slightly. “Not exactly in the mood now, Starlight.” “You should cut her at least a little slack,” she said. “She’s seventeen. Do you really think she would be that reckless? What about you at her age?” “Granted, when I was seventeen, I was fighting in a Galactic war, but I never really had a normal adolescence,” Kaleb added with a sigh. “I do suppose I was a little harsh. I trust her, but still she should have at least told me she was studying with Spike.” Starlight nodded, looking at him. “Look, if going off to study with a friend without telling you is teenage rebellion to you, then I don’t know what is.” Even that got a chuckle out of Kaleb, who began to eat his sandwich. Starlight eyed the bag. “Can you at least give me some of your fries?” Kaleb looked at her. “Given you were trying to take that order a few minutes ago, no. I don’t think I will.” He continued eating, but Starlight sensed there was more to that answer than the food. “Kaleb, why don’t you trust me?” He set down the sandwich, fixing her with a look. “Twilight trusts you, and so does everyone else. My feelings are a little more complicated.” He took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before starting to speak. “You do know that a few minutes after you escaped, I arrived in my ship, cannons primed and ready to fight whoever was keeping the Mane Six hostage? I know you may mean well now, but that kind of tactic can change someone. I saw it happen during the Clone Wars, and I saw it with the pony I care for.” Starlight looked at him. “You mean Fluttershy?” He nodded. “Both of us were still recovering from the ferocity of Tirek’s attack. Sweetie Belle and I were guarding Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadance at the time in a safehouse. Tirek destroyed much of the forest, including habitats where many animals took refuge. A large amount of them died as well. The ones who did survive managed to take shelter in the cottage. When the map called Fluttershy to your village, she was trying to figure out what to do.” The unicorn had a look of guilt on her face as Kaleb continued. “After I arrived at the village, Fluttershy wasn’t the same. There was a lot of trauma combined from those two events, plenty of sleepless nights. But she is recovering on her own, and I cannot be prouder of her. That’s why what she’s working on now is so important to her. It can help be a refuge to any animal in need.” “I’m sorry,” Starlight began. “I never meant to hurt her. Not like that.” “Admitting wrongdoing is the first step to a path of recovery,” Kaleb said. “While I cannot forgive as easily, I understand. It’s going to take time for me to fully trust you, Starlight. That may be the case, but I’m glad you’re on the right track, and in time, we’ll be friends.” Kaleb heard a knock on their door, and opened it to reveal Fluttershy. She stepped in. “Hey, everyone’s about to go to bed. Want to take a break?” “Sure, just hang on one second,” He grabbed the sandwich and drink, handing the bag to Starlight. “You can have half the fries, there’s more than I expected. Leave the box of pie though.” Starlight rolled her eyes. “Alright, Kaleb. If you insist.” She looked at Fluttershy with slight guilt before Kaleb got out of the compartment. It was a short walk, but Fluttershy and Kaleb made it to their sleeping compartment. They both went inside as Kaleb closed the door. It was small, with two bunk beds and a small bathroom. “I’m just going to wash up.” “Cool, I’ll be out her finishing my sandwich.” She closed the bathroom door. As Kaleb continued to eat, he looked out the window at the forest. The dark pines created a reptative display, but sometimes fireflies would pop out. He could even guess there were a few owls out as well. Fluttershy exited the bathroom, wearing red pajamas, and sat next to Kaleb. “Would you mind doing the breathing exercises with me? You look like you need it more than I do.” He did realize the tension in his body. “Sure.” After finishing up the sandwich, he took Fluttershy’s hooves in his hands, and both of them closed their eyes. They began to breathe together, taking slow breaths in and out. It was something that Lyra had talked to her about, and encouraged Kaleb to help out with as well. For the next few minutes, it was silence before opening her eyes. “For the record, Sweetie Belle argued to stay but Cadance wouldn’t let her. A5 was guarding over us the entire time though.” He sighed. “Yeah, I was probably a little harsher than I meant. I was kind of on edge with the change of plans from today which threw everything off. Coming from someone who didn’t have that normal adolescence, it probably sounded hypocritical.” Fluttershy nodded. “Then apologize to her. You won’t get anywhere with teenagers if you don’t allow them a small amount of trust. You should have seen me when I was her age.” “With the amount of posters at your parent’s house? I wouldn’t have believed it myself.” They both laughed, which put Kaleb at ease. “I will, and maybe I’ll give her the pie to help guide the apology. How are the animal sanctuary plans going?” “Fine, despite some technical difficulties,” she explained. “Look, I’ve been thinking a lot about what Cadance said. Has our relationship grown that busy and predictable?” “I’m not sure if I would say that,” Kaleb thought out loud. “Busy, yeah but that’s normal given our schedules. I think predictability is kind of out of the question given the map. You never know when you’re sent off to next.” Fluttershy countered that. “True, but that doesn’t fully count because of our duties. I mean, when is the last time we had a surprise date night?” He couldn’t answer that one. “I guess it’s probably a part of growing into adulthood. Our schedules are not always as it seems But I bet between the two of us, and every animal in the Everfree Forest, we can figure something out.” “Let’s brainstorm tomorrow, I’m tired,” Fluttershy yawned. “We both need less sleepless nights.” A memory popped into Kaleb’s head. “I remember many sleepless nights in that one nature reserve.” Fluttershy’s wing hit his arm, with both an annoyance and a blush. “Save the quips for when I have the blueprints done.” Smiling, Kaleb kissed her cheek. “I’ll probably be another hour or two. I have to patrol again soon and check in with the conductor.” “You do that, and I’ll see you soon.” As Fluttershy nestled in, Kaleb went out into the hallway. Making his way back to the compartment, he saw Starlight had already gone to bed. Sitting down, he finished off the remaining fries while looking out at the window. The terrain had turned into mountains, with the train making its way up the path. He heard a sudden knock. Sweetie Belle was in the doorway. “Twilight and Cadance are in bed, and A5 is with them.” She sighed, about to apologize. “Look, I’m sorry…” Kaleb held up his hand. “I should be the one apologizing. This time, it’s on me. I shouldn’t have been so reactive.” She had a seat opposite of him. “Cadance insisted I go relax, and I couldn’t refuse. Still, Spike and I were close to them in case anything happened.” “She should have told me in that case,” he replied. “In the future, if there’s downtime and you need to study, just let me know and I’ll take care of it. I’m not angry at you, it’s just something to keep in mind.” “I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to take them,” Sweetie Belle said. “If I get accepted to these schools, I’m not sure what happens with Jedi training.” “We’ll figure something out,” Kaleb replied. I knew this would come sooner or later. “Your academics are important, Sweetie Belle, and I’ve always tried to work around them so you don’t have to choose. If taking these exams can help increase your knowledge, then that is a good step to take. Knowledge is part of the Jedi way. Let’s just focus on that for now.” She smiled. “Thanks Kaleb,” almost laughing when he offered her the pie. “I swear, what is it with you sharing desserts with me?” “Partially nostalgia for the cinnamon roll, the other part a lesson,” Kaleb answered honestly. “When I was a Padawan, Master Johanna would always insist on eating meals together, including desserts. I think for her, she wanted to share with me that food can have a deep connection to the places we’re protecting. So we never forget why we do this…” “To serve the Republic, and each and every citizen,” Sweetie Belle finished. “And even those outside our reach. You know, I’ve never heard a lot of these food-related stories before.” “There are a ton,” he described. “Especially when Obi-Wan would take me to Dexter’s Diner on Coruscant. So many…” The start of the story was interrupted by a large jolt on the tracks, which echoed its way through the other cars. “A story for another time, perhaps. I guess the mountains are rough territory for trains.” She nodded. “Kaleb, there’s another question I have. Are landslides in Saddle Arabia common?” He thought for a few seconds. “If there’s a large amount of rain in an area, yes. But it also depends on the soil and sand type. Why do you ask?” “Something Spike mentioned was the conditions for the landslide rerouting our train are strange,” she said quickly. “There were no major rainstorms in the area, and the soil wouldn’t seem right. It’s to rocky to fall without the rain.” I trust Spike on the geology, but I’m not sure he’s accurate on the cause. Kaleb looked at her. “Those are strange circumstances. Let’s take a closer look at the map.” Sweetie Belle pulled up the map with the train lines, as well as a map showing the geography of the area. “See, look right her,” she pointed out the area of the landslide. “It’s too rocky for the ground to give way on its own, even without rain.” He nodded. “You’re right. Usually in my experience, the only way those would be coming down is by carefully done explosions. Usually for the sake of mining. Does the map point out any mines in the area?” She took a closer look. “Yeah, but it looks like they’ve been abandoned for years. It could have been an accident…” “Or made to look like one…” Kaleb trailed off, his mind racing. “The only way that was possible if someone knew when our visit was going to be. To cut us off from that route.” “Why would they do that?” Sweetie Belle asked. “If there was going to be an attack, wouldn’t it be easier to use the charges there?” “Unless that wasn’t the intent…” The two of them moved to the window by instinct, just in time to see a large spark fly out from under the rails with a large crack announcing it. “Wait, that was just a fog detector,” Kaleb remembered. “Operators would put the sparkers on the tracks to be triggered by the movement of the wheels before lighted signs. That way, the conductors would be able to see when fog was ahead.” “But wouldn’t it trigger when it hit the front car?” she challenged. “Not unless they’re defective or are remotely triggered.” “And there’s no fog tonight…” Kaleb stood up. “Something doesn’t add up, we need to try and get a signal back to Saddle Arabia.” He moved out of the compartment, with Sweetie Belle in front of him. They moved down the hallway, moving away from the front car to the door. Opening it, Kaleb moved outside with Sweetie Belle staying in the doorway. Taking out the holoprojector, he attempted to get a clear signal out to Saddle Arabia, but alas in the wind and terrain, the attempt resulted in failure. He looked up at the sky quickly, realizing there may be something above before coming back in. “We’re in a dead zone, can’t get a transmission out anywhere.” “Maybe the conductor will know what’s going on,” Sweetie Belle suggested, looking alarmed. “Good thinking,” He took out the comlink, just as Sweetie Belle saw another spark from the window. “This is Kaleb Taymar, do you copy, over? I’m just checking to make sure everything is okay.” There was silence from the other line. “Hello, do you copy? This is Kaleb Taymar…” Both of them could just make out muffled groans from the other end, before a large thud of electronics begin damaged it the signal cut off. Realizing the comm had been smashed, Kaleb looked at her. In those moments, he looked towards the front of the car and her. “I got a bad feeling about this.” With those words, the electric to their car went out, leaving them both in darkness. A moment later, a light popped beside Sweetie Belle as she cast a spell. He indicated quiet, and motioned to get on the ground. The surrounding air echoed in flashes of spells outside. In both of their heads, the same thought popped in. We’re under attack! Moving quickly down the car, Kaleb made his way to the sleeping rooms where the Princesses and Mane Six were located. He put in a rapid series of knocks; a secret code indicating trouble. Before the trip began, Kaleb had instituted a strict security plan with Twilight and Cadance with plans for any kind of assault. The first step of any attack on the train: Barricade their individual rooms in the car, and wait for further updates. As much as he knew Rainbow Dash would want to fight, secrecy took priority. “Padawan, with me.” Kaleb called, as he rushed back to her. Sweetie Belle knew the code: Be on guard for anything. They both knelt down, knowing a plan would have to be formulated quickly. Sweetie Belle had been glancing through the window, looking for signs. “Attacks are concentrated on back of the train, near the dining and cargo cars. No signs of sparks from the tracks.” The sparks are signals, Kaleb realized. “Those were signals, visable from the sky for a staged attack. We need to move back there, keeping hidden for now. Keep an eye on what kind of magic they’re using.” Keeping low to the ground, Kaleb opened the first door, and used the Force to open the other car, rolling with Sweetie Belle behind him. They moved quickly through the first car, sneaking close to the ground. The flashes coming from the outside were the only which illuminated the way. The second car proved to be much of the same. Kaleb signaled for them to stop, and they got beneath a window. “What kind of spells are they using?” Sweetie Belle cast an identifier charm, her horn glowing. “It’s hard to tell; distance is too far. But I think they might be after something.” She indicated to the various cabinets and drawers in the car which had been taken out. A train robbery. Makes sense, given the secrecy and Saddle Arabia’s history with valuables. He nodded. “It looks like we’re going to have to confront them head-on. They’re coming in from the sky.” In that moment, Kaleb sensed an incoming projectile coming from the open window, landing on the floor between the two of them and beeping loudly. “Down, now!” It was only a few seconds too late as the detonater went off with a large bang. Sweetie Belle flew through the air, hitting the door hard. Kaleb went in the opposite direction, rolling and opening the door to clear the smoke. As he meant to hit the railing, a pegasus slammed him into the next car, separating master and apprentice. Kaleb rolled to the ground of the dining car as the door slammed shut, his opponent facing him front and center. The pegasus had a short blue mane tucked in as she taunted him. “You’re mine now. Looks like your runt will have to fend for herself.” “You’ll regret saying that soon enough,” Kaleb replied, turning to face her as she moved to assault him. Not having time to draw his blade., he knew that hand-to-hoof combat was the only way. He blocked her punches, disarming them to the side as she pushed him down the cart. With a roundhouse kick, she got him in the ribs, throwing him into the bar in the side, glasses shattering. Remembering his training from Master Johanna, he continued the Soresu technique, even without his lightsaber. Allow your opponent to tire themselves out, and at the right opportunity, strike. It had been a while since he had fought this way, as his technique was sloppier than usual. Flash would be a good sparring partner to talk to. As he noticed a moment of weakness in her wing, he used footwork to switch sides, putting him on the offensive. Using a quick combination of jabs, he disarmed her just as she was about to take out a knife, and used the Force to push her against the wall. She fell back, dazed. He took out his lightsaber, kneeling right beside her. “Don’t move, or I’ll be forced to kill you. This weapon provides a painful death, What are you planning, and where are the rest of your conspirators?” Her eyes grew wide as she began to talk quickly. “We’re hired to rob the passengers, and get their valubles in the freight car. Don’t kill me, they just hired me for this job.” He pressed the question. “Who hired you?” She tried to distract him by moving her head to the side, and trying to tackle him, but it didn’t work. Kaleb took notice, and quickly used the Force to put her to an unconscious sleep, holding his hand above her head. He stood up. That will subdue her for a while, need to get to the freight car. He heard bangs from the other car, as Sweetie Belle must have been engaged in magical combat. She’ll have to hold her own for a bit longer, the door’s magically shut. He began to run to the other end of the car, as he sprinted down the next few cars, moving to the freight car. Scared passengers gazed at him, their doors locked as they were magically sealed in by the robbers. “Don’t worry, I give you my word I will protect you. As a Jedi Knght.” He called, locking eyes with the families. They seemed assured by his words, as thoughts raced through his head. She didn’t need to give away her employer, I saw the symbol on her necklace. Or it’s what she wants me to think. Reaching out to the Force around him, he sensed the opponents were in the next car. Freight cars have a small balcony on each end. Perhaps if I make my way through the top window, I can surprise them. Using the Force to push the door of the car open, he jumped, making his way through the top window and rolling silently in. Below him, he saw armored ponies trying to crack the safes below. He jumped down, landing on the ground with a loud thud. “Hello there.” Immediately, ponies began to attack him. There were about fifteen in the car, but it was the weapons that surprised him. Not just blasters, but vibroswords and electrowhips. All from his galaxy. Kaleb withdrew his lightsaber, igniting it as they began to fire. He blocked each of the bolts, standing his ground. Not being able to move forward was his disadvantage, as well as the small space. He only took out one of the thieves with blasters before the others attacked. How the hell did they get those weapons? Kaleb thought, knowing that construction was difficult or nearly impossible. There was no time to think, only act. Vibroblade met lightsaber, and the ultrasonic vibrations blocked the plasma blade, much to Kaleb’s surprise. The unicorns wielded the swords, swinging and jabbing in an unpredictable manner. This forced him on the defense, using simple blocks and stances to hold his own. Normally, he would be able to use the Force, but the location put that at a disadvantage. The car was small and narrow, where concentrated use of the techniques would be the only thing to have worked. This required more concentration, and for Kaleb, fending off the vibroweapons and blasters was difficult enough. Using a creative use of technique and footwork, he disarmed the four ponies of their blades and killed them on the spot. Rushing forward, he encountered the ultrasonic vibrations on their staffs, which deactivated his lightsaber in his tracks. Kaleb swore as he realized the weapons had a cortosis-weave, rendering lightsaber blades useless. Karabast, no time to think. He used the Force to push his opponents backwards as he backflipped through the air, rolling as he grabbed the vibrosword, activating it. Dashing forward and dodging blaster bolts, he used the sword one-handed against the three ponies with staffs. It was a smart technique, where he would continue to force them into positions that would block the blaster fire, knowing there was a chance they would hit their own. Flash drilled him in one-handed blade combat, often sparring when visiting Ponyville. This allowed him to keep shifting positions, moving in a faster manner than a two-handed approach would allow. As vibroblade met vibroblade, a growling could be heard as the stress on the blade grew only more. Kaleb quickly used jabs to deliver pressure points near the wings of the pegasus, as they fell while separating them from their weapons. As all three fell, he moved forward only to be stopped by blaster fire. The thieves had positioned themselves outside of his range, as Kaleb prepared to use the Force to reveal them. Just as he was about to, one of the pegasus snuck behind him, and struck him in the back of the head with the vibrostaff. The ultrasonic vibrations always had a stronger effect when hitting the head or spine, and Kaleb’s knees buckled. Using this moment as an opportunity, the rest drew forward, using their electrowhips to try and grab his limbs. One wrapped around his left hand, as he pulled the user forward before it could be activated. This worked, as he grabbed his lightsaber with his free hand, intending on cutting it before the activation. It activated just as the blue blade was inches from it. Even trained Jedi masters had difficulty with whips; he hadn’t encountered one since a mission long ago during the Clone Wars. Kaleb resisted the jolt of electricity, intending to attack his opponent behind him, but another whip went around his hand and activated. He kicked and buckled, trying to use the small space to his advantage, but the final whip wrapped around his neck. All three activated their charge at the same time, as the pressure on his nervous system folded. He dropped to his knees, bending over in pain. A voice popped into his head of Anakin telling him his story of being in the same position. Kaleb looked upward, as it appeared the head of the group in the car moved forward. “Pathetic. You couldn’t even stop us when you’re at your peak.” “Fear and intimidation will not scare me easily,” Kaleb replied, his voice defiant despite the choking strain on his vocal chords. “You will not succeed, no matter what pain you reign upon me.” He snorted. “Be my guest then.” Just as he was about to use a vibro-dagger against Kaleb, the door slammed open. Kaleb immeditally recognized who it was, but the others didn’t. “Care to join him in a painful death?” She didn’t respond as the door slammed shut, bringing them back into darkness. Within a moment, a blade of green ignited, illuminating Sweetie Belle in the lightsaber’s light. Her eyes flashed with concentration. “Let my master go!” They began to fire, as she attacked, blocking the blasters. Using the distraction, Kaleb pulled on the whips, forcing them loose as he freed himself. Activating his lightsaber, he stabbed the nearest one, while knocking the other two out with the Force. Sweetie Belle dodged the attacks of the staff, weaving with her own technique before finding her opening. She used the Force to push him into the wall, and magic to blind him. He lunged at her, and reacting by instinct, not intent, she killed him with a blow to the stomach. Kaleb had already moved forward, and killed the remaining attackers before moving back to his apprentice, who was staring at the body before her. “I didn’t mean to kill him…I was going to disarm, but it went so fast…” She explained, a slight sense of guilt in her voice. Kaleb realized this was the first time she had to kill. He thought quickly, knowing how the wrong words and actions had driven his sense of guilt down a dark path. “Death, of any kind, should not be taken lightly, or celebrated,” he said, putting a hand on her shoulder. “I don’t kill unless there is no other option, and even then, exhaust every option. But sometimes, it is a necessary choice to defend those we hold to our hearts.” Sweetie Belle smiled, hugging him briefly and remembering why she held him close. He’s always protected me and cares, but never shields me from the reality. Making sure I grow as a Jedi and as a pony. “It’s still disturbing though, promise me we’ll talk about it later. “We will,” he promised. “But for now, we still have more to protect. I’m sensing a large magical power in the next car.” “That must be the head spellcaster,” she realized. “I can hold them off, but not for long.” Kaleb nodded, sensing two additional pegasus coming in from the sky. “It looks like we have company?” She moved forward to the other door, as he used the Force to push open the window on the ceiling, as wind began to blow in. “Wait! How long do you want me to hold them off? And how are you going to get back down. What’s the plan?” He didn’t respond, only let out a small smile that could be categorized as a smirk. Sweetie Belle was frusterated with that response. “So, no plan?” He only gave her a look, and just as she was about to move forward to ask him again, he jumped out of the car. “I hate it when he does that.” Kaleb grabbed handle of the door as it slammed shut, the wind moving rapidly across his robes. He saw the railings on the roof. I should be able to get across this car and the next from here. Need to avoid detection from the spellcaster. His thoughts were interrupted from the two pegasus flying down, firing blasters at him. Deflecting the bolts with the Force, he began to crawl forward on the roof, slowly making his way across the car. His opponents couldn’t get on the roof either, so they were restricted to flying by. It was a slow process stretching over minutes, but he finally got to the other car, only to notice it shaking from the battle of spellcasters. I’ll have to thank Twilight for giving her those lessons in magical combat. Moving quickly, he noticed one pegasus coming around the other side. Igniting his lightsaber, Kaleb, waited until the first was just about level with him before attacking. Killing the first with a quick blow, he felt the call of the Force alert him. The second jumped down in front of him, with the intent to tackle. He rolled to the side of the car, avoiding the blasters just barely, barreling over the edge and holding on just by one hand. The wind almost whipped Kaleb’s cloak out from him, every thread threatening to blow away. Brace for the impact and wait, this is going to be trickjy. Kaleb bent his knees and braced against the side of the car. Just as the other pegasus was about to attack him again, he pushed outward and leapt using the Force. Landing just in front of his opponent, Kaleb let the momentum of the train move him as the lightsaber stabbed below the ribs. As his opponent lost his grip and fell off the car, Kaleb continued moving forward after deactivating his lightsaber, hearing the rumble of blaster fire and spells below. Just hold on Sweetie Belle. Meanwhile, as the minutes drew by, Sweetie Belle was engaged with her own battle with the rival magician. It was more than a battle of spells and hexes, but one of concentration and focus. They continued to fire off spells at each other, his trenchcoat resistant against the magic. It didn’t help that beside the magician, there was another pony with a blaster cannon. Firing off rapidly, it had forced her to take cover under a cabinet Damn it, hurry up Kaleb. Sweetie Belle thought. He’s trying to break my concentration. It was an effective strategy; use the cannon to move her into a defensive position, making her shifting physical locations while trying to fend off attacks from an experienced magician. Thinking on the fly, she noticed the various trunks that still lay about the car, along with the safe set up behind her. Why the heck would they need a cannon to break a safe in the first place? And more importantly, why bring one in the first place? Setting her mind to work, she used the Force, reaching out to the space around her. Use the terrain to your advantage. She rolled forwards, pushing the trunks through the air as projectiles while shifting to an offensive position, firing spells at the magician. The magician cast a shield charm, with the other opponent blasting the trunks out of existence, including one with an explosive material. It went off with a bang. Training kicked in as she flipped back away from the blast zone, taking shelter and clutching her robe to her mouth to avoid dangerous fumes. Just as she was about to think of another strategy, she sensed a presence right outside the car. Using the Force without delay, she opened the sliding doors to her right, as the three ponies were greeted a Jedi Master. The engine of the speeder bike roared, the brown frame illuminated by the lights in the car and the small headlamp on the front. Kaleb threw his blade, killing the pony operating the blaster cannon as Sweetie Belle overwhelmed the magician, knocking him out. Moving the bike closer, he yelled to Sweetie Belle. “Hop on!” She ran, jumping out of the car and right behind Kaleb. Strapping in the safety belt, she tapped his shoulder and he revved the bike forward, flying past the other cars. “Did you even have a plan when you jumped to the roof?” Sweetie Belle asked. “More or less,” he explained. “Those two gave me more difficulty than I expected. Why was there a blaster cannon in that car?” “I think they were trying to open the safe,” Sweetie Belle yelled out in the wind. “It’s one of the most magically protected ones I’ve seen. You need more than strong spells to break the combination.” Kaleb nodded. “Right now, we’re going to the engine car. Whoever took control might still be there, or fled in the process.” They got closer and closer to the car, and Sweetie Belle’s mind was racing. With those weapons, it was more of a battlefield than a robbery. What could have been so important to have brought all of that? The engine car was just in front of them. Kaleb reached down, grabbing a grappling hook. “Use your magic to hook us to the car just behind it. We can jump from there.” Sweetie Belle nodded, concentrating on the balcony in the front of the car. A purple glow illuminated the hook, and she attached it to the railing, making sure it was secure and with slack. Kaleb moved the tethered speeder forward until it was just level with the engine car balcony, while Sweetie Belle undid the safety belt. “Jump!” With that direction, Kaleb and Sweetie jumped onto the platform, as he used to Force to push the door open. There was no sign of the thieves who attacked the train, only the body of the conductor and the broken comlink. He knelt down, examining the body while taking the remains of smashed electronics. “Kaleb, the brake is gone.” Sweetie Belle pointed to the direction of where the brake used to be, now pulled out and damaged beyond repair. He looked out of the windshield of the train, now rapidly getting faster, to see a long bridge crossing a giant chasm.. “Oh shit…” Sprinting to the balcony, he used his lightsaber to cut the connection to the rest of the cars. “Jump!” Sweetie Belle followed him, landing hard on the gravel slope that acted as slide. Rolling, she noticed Kaleb hitting the ground with too much momentum, the roll dislocating his shoulder and ankle. He strugged to regain his balance and used his hands to try and slow down. Quickly, she used a spell to catch him before he fell from the edge, using that magic to get him secure. Twilght and Cadance had managed to stop the rest of the cars using their magic, as the alicorns flew about two hundred feet back. Both of them made it up to the tracks, as Sweetie Belle looked at him. “Steeper fall than expected.” “Thanks for that, I owe you one…” he said, grateful. “But negotiations can be talked about later.” She and Kaleb both looked towards the front car of the train, now going over the bridge fifty feet from them. She let out a chuckle. “At least wait until you’re healed until you start making…” He sensed it mere milliseconds before Sweetie Belle, and barely had time to give notice. Multiple explosions rocked the bridge, from every inch of the tracks to the frame itself. It was as intense as lightning, letting off a large flash, followed by the roar which deafened all in its path. The impact after the sound was a fireball and smoke careening through the sky, followed by shockwaves which shook the ground, letting out wind and debrise. Kaleb threw himself in front of his apprentice, determined to protect whatever was to happen. Sweetie Belle, in turn, cast a shield charm, which was broken by the sheer power of the blast. A Master and Apprentice, both close and willing to put themselves on the line to save each other. First, Johanna and Kaleb. Now, Kaleb and Sweetie Belle. In the minutes that the smoked cleared, Kaleb’s hearing was still fuzzy, but his vision recovering. He noticed Sweetie Belle passed out from exhaustion, only to regain consciousness a few moments later. She got up slowly, pointing to the bridge before laying back down. As he noticed the Mane Six, Starlight, and Spike running towards them, he looked out at the scene before him. The bridge was obliterated, not a single piece left from the blast. The scorched trees closest to the blast zone on fire. And the engine car now lay at the bottom of the chasm, its corpse letting out the last dying breaths of smoke steadily into the sky. > Chapter 2: Aftermath > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was a tension in the great throne room of the Crystal Empire which threatened to break down each molecule of crystal in the walls. Small windows let in natural light, each embedded with a crystal-like filter naturally or done through the ancient magic of the kingdom, each with silky purple shades. This elegance rivaled the great halls of Canterlot, though Cadance would never admit it to Celestia. Kaleb stood to one side of the hall, as he observed the other three groups who inhabited the hall. Cadance and Twilight sat on the thrones, listening to the current reports with great interest, but with a distant gaze. Particularly from Cadance, who kept glancing between the Equestrian Guard general who was giving the report and the Royal Guard, who were stationed near the doorway of the throne room. Royal Guard troops had been guarding the throne room, but had been returning the hostile stares given from the Equestrian Guard troops, lead by the commander and general who spoke at the moment. Even making sure to have it clear staffs and swords were well on display from both sides. Some with a few hidden daggers. It was clear there was always going to be tension at this meeting. As soon as Cadance and Twilight sent out a distress signal via magic, the Royal Guard arrived on the spot, followed by the Equestrian Guard about an hour later. After arresting the attackers still on the train and scattered injured across the surrounding area, Kaleb and everyone else were taken back to the Crystal Empire, leaving the Equestrian Guard to sort out the passengers. After both princesses authorized the Royal Guard to take over the investigation, Shining Armor had left one of his lieutenants to continue to search the area, relaying messages between the area and Canterlot. Kaleb wondered whether this was the source of tension, which had become apparent in recent years. However, it was always beneath the surface for him, never witnessing it until now. I need to know what is going on. After Commander Bentley finished his report to the princesses, he coughed before continuing. “That is all there is to know at this time for the civilians. But the endangerment of Equestrian national security is clear, as this attack from foreigners clearly shows the hostilities will only continue to grow. And yet you continue to engage with them, as if the ones your put in charge is not capable of protecting a herd of geese let alone you…” Bentley had crossed a line with that, as the Royal and Equestrian Guard’s gazes at each other clearly grew more hostile. Twilight openly glared at the light-blue pegasus, clearly growing agitated at the passive-aggressive nature of insults directed towards Kaleb and the Royal Guard during his report. Just about as she was going to act, Cadance created a loud bell which echoed throughout the hall, silencing Bentley. “Commander, I will remind you along with everyone else where you are speaking, and you will adhere to the dignity and decorum set by this room. Speak out of turn again, and I will dismiss you from this chamber.” “Just try it…I dare you…” Bentley muttered under his breath, as the rest of the Equestrian Guards hissed, some preparing their minds for battle. “Bentley, calm yourself,” said General Tywin, the unicorn setting a hoof on his commander’s shoulders. His fur was a lighter gray, mixed in with splotches of red hidden under a black tunic textured similar to armor. White hair and beard meticulously pulled back, and blue eyes cold and hardened as steel created an intimidating figure. However, his deep voice was as smooth and experienced as it was equally chilling. “My princess, I apologize for the actions of my commander, as clearly he has much to learn,” Tywin began. “However, I have my concerns of what happened last night, and why more appropriate action was not taken.” Kaleb looked directly at him, just as Twilight began to speak. “Master Taymar was chosen for this mission for a particular reason, as his abilities allow him to act in multiple roles from guardian to negotiation and secrecy.” Tywin challenged Twilight. “Perhaps he would like to speak for himself instead of standing in the shadows of others.” “The actions I took last night were not just improvised, General,” he said, keeping neutral and not allowing anything else to be betrayed. “It was meticulously planned between the Princesses and I in case anything were to happen. However, I did take into account the unplanned circumstances we found ourselves in. Civilians being held hostage due to magic, being the main one.” “That may be, Master Jedi, but therein lies our disagreement,” Tywin stated simply. “Your philosophy requires a steady voice of peace, while mine requires a steady hoof with its pulse on the sword and stone. So; let me ask you for the attackers you spared; why are they still alive?” Kaleb never wavered as he answered calmly. “If you uproot every sapling in the forest, there is no room for growth, only decay and destruction. I only kill in self-defense, and I am not an executioner. However, I spare those who I believe will have useful information, or who must answer for their crimes.” The general acknowleged the answer, even if it was not the one he was seeking. “My troops and I must take our leave. However, let it be known on the thrones of my fathers The Equestrian Guard will always hold the interest of Equestria at heart. Princess Cadance, Princess Twilight.” With that, he turned and strode out of the hall, Commander Bentley and the rest of the Equestrian Guard following. The Royal Guards opened the doors, allowing them to pass as they tried not to look the rest of them in the eye. The door closed with a hollow bang, signifying the tension was over. Cadance let out a long, deep breath. “If he would have spoken one more word out of term, I would have thrown him out myself,” Twilight muttered loudly. “I understand the sentiment,” Cadance replied. “Let’s just be glad it ended there, Twilight.” She dismissed the royal guards, and turned to the Jedi waiting in front of her. “You may give your report when ready.” Kaleb nodded. “Permission to drop the royal formalities for the remainder of this meeting?” “Permission granted Kaleb,” she responded, with Twilight asking another question. “Where is your apprentice?” “Taking a well-deserved day off,” he replied. “Especially after last night, she needed time to rest and recover.” An image flashed in his head of her spell protecting them. Twilight nodded. “She’s sleeping as of a few hours ago, according to Rarity. I think that attack caught all of us by surprise.” “Spike alerted Sweetie Belle to some inconsistencies in the geography, and the landslide was pony-made,” Kaleb began. “This was confirmed by Saddle Arabia by this morning.” “What I found odd was they never were looking for us,” Cadance pointed out. “They never made any attempt to breach our car.” He gathered his thoughts. “I have a theory. There were two groups involved. One who set off the landslide, and the other who attacked the train. Both working separately or together. If they weren’t expecting two Jedi to be on board, then why did they have those weapons?” “It’s not unusual they would want upgraded weapons,” Twilight added. “But that is a good theory. Right now, we’re receiving intelligence by scroll from Canterlot. Most of it is going there, but they should have a large report by noon.” She continued, using her magic to send a picture to Kaleb. “What we do know is what they were after. Those are Saddle Arabian fire rubies, which were magically sealed in the safe. Princess Amira confirmed the safe had been stolen a few months ago from a facility outside the capitol. Whoever stole it must had been trying to smuggle it into Equestria.” Kaleb observed the red gemstones, noticing that even in the still picture, they glowed embers of red and orange. “And then another organization gets word the valuables are crossing the border, and attempts to steal them.” It makes sense, that explains why they weren’t attacking the Mane Six or any of the princesses. “Still, there’s a lot of unknowns. This still could hold true to my theory of multiple organizations.” “Did you manage to get a look at who attacked the train?” Cadance asked. “The symbol I saw in the pegasus’s necklace indicated it was Mountain’s Fury,” Kaleb explained. “A smaller organization that specializes in heists. They normally go after cargo trains, small-time operations that keep them under the radar. This was highly unusual, even for them.” “We should have more information soon, as the members arrested are being held in Canterlot,” Twilight informed him. “For now, you can take a rest from what happened last night, and give us the full report.” Kaleb nodded gratefully, as she must have sensed his weariness of unanswered questions and fatigue from the attack. Any more speculation could lead to misinformation or repeating what we already know. Taking a deep breath, he began his full report, taking up to an hour give every last detail. After the full chain of events leading up to the treaty was told, Kaleb addressed Twilight and Cadance directly, as they stood from the chairs. “What is to happen now? I assume the Royal Guard is taking over my duties since we’re back in Equestria.” “Yes, and your mission is concluded,” Cadance replied. “I think Celestia wants you in Canterlot to discuss the events of last night. When I get word from her, I’ll set up a portal that will send you straight there.” Kaleb nodded in thanks, as Cadance formally dismissed him from the chamber. Turning to Twilight as Cadance walked out to see her daughter, he sent a grateful expression. “Thanks for standing up for me during the Equestrian Guard’s testimony, I really appreciate.” “Even if they disagreed with your methods, they should have shown you respect,” Twilight replied. “Friends have each other’s backs, Kaleb. Don’t forget that.” Even as a princess, Twilight still treated Kaleb as a friend and equal. They had their minor disagreements from time to time, but aside from ceremony, there was no change. The two walked out of the hall, talking briefly about schedule as A5 joined them. She beeped a recap of what had been going on, indicating everyone else was having a late breakfast together. Twilight glanced at the time. “Shoot, I should probably go join them. I’ll let you two catch up.” The droid looked at Kaleb, with a little bit of contempt as she asked him about the briefing. “I wouldn’t call it an interrogation, but it did feel abnormally long.” He paused. “Look, I’m sorry about last night. You were perfectly capable of protecting Twilight and Cadance, and I shouldn’t have overreacted. Something was off, I could sense it. I just couldn’t until it was too late.” She reached her grasper arm out to Kaleb. “Thanks, you’re the best. And I’m not underestimating you.” He sighed. “What information did you manage to find from the broken comlink?” Handing him the broken transmitter, she hinted towards the time of the logs. “That’s a good place to start. The logs will give us time of any attempted transmissions. Anything else I should know from this morning?” A5 started on one thing, but hesitated with embarrassment. “It’s alright, you can tell me. Though I have an idea who it probably is…” “KALEB!” A sharp voice broke off in the distance, as Rainbow Dash flew up to him, clearly not happy. “Explain to me why your droid isn’t accepting any of my challenges. You owe me, big time.” “Ah, Rainbow Dash,” Kaleb greeted, clearly not surprised by the situation. “I’m assuming this is about the competitions you have been inviting us to over the years. But where do I owe you?” She wasn’t fully in the mood for his greeting. “It’s more than delaying them. A group of robbers attack, and you didn’t think to bring me out to be your backup? I would have defeated them like that with the way the pegasi were flying.” “There was a lot I didn’t know at the time,” Kaleb pointed out. “Including logistics. There was a plan in place; Sweetie Belle and I needed to stick to that. It’s adaptable for a reason.” An idea popped into his head. “But you can help me with something.” Her head bobbed with excitement. “What do you need?” “I need an assessment of flying conditions in the area where we were attacked,” Kaleb said carefully. “The mountains between Saddle Arabia and the Crystal Empire are unique due to their wind currents and air pressure. Whoever was flying had to be skilled; the area rivals the highest peaks between Equestria and YakYakistan. This is a task I know a Wonderbolt Reserve is capable of, and could greatly aid the Royal Guard.” “You got it, Kaleb. I’ll have it to you in the next few days,” she accepted with excitement, then adding with a bit of extra challenge; “But this doesn’t mean I’ll let you off the hook for those challenges. I was pitching it to A5.” The astromech droid looked at Kaleb, mentioning the breakfast conversation and handing him a piece of paper. “Twenty five events of skill and strength is too many. Can’t you narrow the list down?” “But the point of the fall festival is to give people a show,” she argued. “An Iron Pony event would draw eyes wide, and this is part of the schools Homecoming Festival leading up to their dance. It has to be packed.” Kaleb thought about what his apprentice would say knowing her dedication to the school. “Pick your top five, and we’ll discuss it from there.” “Fine, but you can at least convince A5 to let me fly your ship in a Wonderbolts show. She won’t let me…” “With good reason!” Kaleb said slighty exhasperated. “You stole my ship when helping to repair it…” “Borrowed…” Rainbow Dash corrected him. “You told me to test the engines. How else would you truly know they were good?” “By starting on the ground, and not going up.” he said simply. “It took me weeks to redo the new coat of paint too.” “You got to at least meet me halfway on this, I’ve got this whole new plan which will blow minds,” she convinced. “I’ve cleared it with my Commander.” A5 looked at him, and beeped that he needed to let it go. “Fine, I’ll take a look at it. But I’m flying my ship. And narrow down your list of challenges to five, and we’ll talk from there.” Rainbow Dash shook his hand. At that moment, both of them heard whistling in the sound of birdsong. “Do you hear that Rainbow Dash? What’s that sound?” The birdsong continued, and Kaleb kept explaining, projecting his voice. “It sounds to me like a birdsong, More specifically, one of a sparrow. They’re probably around this time of here.” Rainbow Dash was so close to groaning as he moved around, trying to find the not-sparrow. “And what do you think it’s trying to tell you?” “I don’t know…perhaps it’s a mating call.” Kaleb said. Meanwhile, A5 was just observing, in on the entire act. “But what I do know, is when a sparrow is near…” He looked around one of the columns, and spotted Fluttershy hiding. “It’s always worth looking around.” The two kissed, and Rainbow Dash finally had enough. “Damn your adorableness.” She flew away, not wanting to watch the display any longer, but still amused. Kaleb and Fluttershy separated, both laughing loudly. “Good mating call, by the way. It sounded close to the real thing.” “Thank you,” Fluttershy replied. “But it was technically a robin, not a sparrow. You need to work on identifying birds by call.” Most of the time, Kaleb just used the Force, but he was always eager to learn. “True. And I think Rainbow Dash and I have finally cut a deal on those competitions.” He told her about the festival. “I think it’s an amazing idea,” she said. “She’s really grown, and I think you two see eye to eye on the flying.” She handed him a blueberry muffin, as she was still finishing up hers. “I managed to grab these from the breakfast. I’ve been busy finishing up the blueprints for the animal sanctuary.” He nodded in thanks, taking a few bites. “The investor meeting is still tomorrow, right? With the Dr. Fauna’s clinic and the bank?” “That actually got pushed back to a later date, we’re still trying to figure out a good time for everyone,” Fluttershy explained. Dr. Fauna was one of Fluttershy’s close friends, and was using her veterinary clinic to help fund the animal sanctuary. “Do you want to look over the blueprints with me this afternoon?” “Princess Celestia needs me in Canterlot, otherwise I would,” he remembered sighing. “I know I said after the trip, but this is important.” “As it should be,” Fluttershy agreed. “Nobody was expecting that last night. We can always get together back at home.” He nodded. “I just feel bad for making plans only to break them at the last minute.” She looked at him, taking his hand. “We’re a team, Kaleb. We work together, and acknowledge both of us has roles which hold importance. Go to Canterlot, I’ll be fine here today.” Kaleb smiled, remembering why he cared for her. “I should be home late tonight, but I’ll send you a message through holoprojector.” Fluttereshy nodded, hugging him one last time. “I’ll see you soon. Say hi to Dr. Bluejay for me.” Spike gazed out at the horizon on one of the balconies of the palace, taking in the morning sun. His eyes moved around, looking at the ponies down below going about their day. I wish I could be that carefree, given these exams. It was more than the academic pressures of school which was troubling him. Over the past seven years, something had changed. He was aware of it, as this lingering feeling was always with him. One which showed him a mirror, and the demon staring back. Even with the mirror shattered, both in his mind and from shards in his bathroom, this shadow remained. The feelings of raw vitriol and hatred were strong. Even worse, it was a lighting rod for the emotions of others, feelings of fear, anger, hatred, and suffering. He experienced them all through their minds, as if given a piercing gaze into their souls. And Spike did the only thing he knew in response; one which he turned to keep his feelings of greed and jealously in check: bury it. He hid this from Twilight, from Kaleb, and all his friends ever since that day. With all of these emotions running through him, it was overwealming, and nearly destroyed him. The only thing that had kept him in check were Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom. His friends. Still, even then, as he continued to gaze out at the horizon, it was to district himself from the feelings of anxiety from that night. He could sense the fear in the passengers, the greed and bloodlust of the robbers, and the suffering of those killed, the light fading from their eyes. Even hours after the attack on the train, those emotions remained. Hoofsteps echoed behind him, and Sweetie Belle moved next to him, out of her Jedi robes and with a mug of coffee. “Hey, everyone is just grabbing breakfast. You want to join?” “Yeah, I will in a few minutes,” Spike said absentmindedly. He continued to gaze out at the surrounding ponies. “It’s…been a rough night.” “You can say that again,” Sweetie Belle added, sighing. “Nobody was expecting that attack, not even Kaleb.” The two leaned over the railing for the next five minutes in silence. Spike looked over, and saw she wasn’t going to leave. “How do you do it?” The young unicorn’s ears perked up. “Do what?” “Manage to keep so focused…in those situations?” Spike asked. “When the world threatens to tear itself apart from fear and hatred.” There was a standard response that Kaleb had taught her, but that didn’t always hold true for Sweetie Belle. “I don’t know…I guess I try to look at one thing at a time. And just focus on that…” In those moments, Spike felt himself transported, as a quick vision entered into his head. One which showed the moments on the train. Sweetie Belle moved with focus as she fought to rescue her master. There was one pony who fought her, tall and string, brimming with hatred. The light of determination versus the sheer anger of her opponent. Both their emotions were strong, and unresolved. But that changed in a flash as the lightsaber moved by instinct. And landed with a stab into his stomach. The pony’s emotions kept to anger even as the light faded from his eyes, and Sweetie Belle’s moved to guilt and fear. The feelings yelled out to him as if in a scream. Spike let out a quick breath as he opened his eyes back up. It had only been a few seconds, a flash of times past, but every moment felt real. What the…what was that? How did that vision occur? Sweetie Belle noticed this. “Hey, are you okay?” He blinked rapidly and looked back at her. “Yeah, I think so. Just spaced out for a second.” Pausing, he looked at her again. “Are you okay?” “I’m trying,” she said. “That’s all I can do at this point. While figuring out where to go from here…” Because you killed that pony, Spike thought to himself. He didn’t judge her, but felt uncomfortable about the intrusion into her mind. “I see the way some ponies look at me, the way they stare. Sometimes, I honestly can’t tell whether things have gotten better or worse since the treaty with the Dragon Lands.” Sweetie Belle nodded. “Then they’re idiots for feeling that way. Nobody should be judged by how they look.” “I always felt welcome in Ponyville,” Spike remembered. “Even in school, they looked at me as Spike, not just a dragon. It’s when you get outside of those areas where some can be unwelcoming.” “Even if only a few more ponies showed kindness, they can change that,” she muttered. “It starts with one, even a small act can make a difference.” “It’s not that simple, though,” Spike added. “There have always been those who hated dragons, going back centuries. I know Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have done their best to change those attitudes over time, but it’s still there in small ways. I just wish I could change their minds.” Sweetie Belle looked at him with agreement. “It takes all of us to change a world of hatred to a world of peace. You’re not alone; you have your friends and family. And I’ll stand with you, no matter what.” Spike smiled, thanking his friend for the support. He longed for lighter topics of conversation. “How would you rate the coffee you’re drinking?” Sweetie Belle thought for a few moments, taking another sip. “It’s pretty good, though a little warm for the summer. I just wish I had the chance to sample the blend in Saddle Arabia….” “What, so you can analyze it and write observations in your coffee notebook?” Spike teased lightly. “If you’re considering opening a café one of these days, I would be first in line.” She laughed. “You got me there. And I would make a special discount for all Cutie Mark Crusaders.” The two shared a few more minutes of conversation before Sweetie Belle went inside. Spike gazed out at the horizon, the emotions within his mind picking up speed like waves on a choppy sea. The moment Kaleb stepped onto the marble floors of Canterlot Castle, the portal closed behind him. Much smoother than teleportation, and better than first time. Walking down the small hallway, he had been transported too, he turned the corner into one of the main halls. It was moderately packed, with Royal aids and gardeners speaking loudly. “Kaleb, over here!” Shining Armor waved, and Kaleb walked over. “Sorry for the delay, things have been hectic here. The castle is currently organizing the late Summer music festival, and resources had to be shifted because of what happened.” He started walking hurridly, and the Jedi followed. “It’s alright, I’m just glad to be alive and breathing. How has the investigation been going?” “Well, it’s just been a long night between getting communication established,” Shining Armor explained. “I got here around three in the morning, and have been supervising ever since. Flash got one hell of a wake-up call, but I assured him I would take over. He’s got his hooves full already teaching cadets here.” Kaleb remembered his friend’s new post in Canterlot. We haven’t seen each other in at least a year because of the traveling. “Well, I’m sure he’s doing well. How many guards had to be transferred here?” Shining Armor thought for the exact number. “We have at least forty to make sure security is fortified, but there’s at least two hundred more due to the festival. This is one of the biggest summer events Canterlot has ever hosted.” He escorted Kaleb to the royal chambers, where Celestia and Luna were looking over reports. The door opened with a large creek, and the guard next to the doors jumped. “I have to continue to meet with advisors, and send an update to Flash, but I’ll leave all of you to your work.” Shining Armor shook his head to keep awake, and closed the doors. The princesses turned to face the Jedi, with Luna greeting him as Celestia finished writing something down. “Kaleb, good to see you, although I wish we were meeting under better circumstances.” “Agreed, Princess Luna,” Kaleb replied, keeping the royal formalities for the greetings only. “Princess Celestia, it is good to see you as well.” She nodded, smiling at him. “We have much to discuss. Come into the other room.” Nodding, Kaleb followed them, the guard keeping a safe distance as he trailed them. Kaleb noticed the Royal Guard eyeing him with apprehension, and slight curiosity. On the table of the small room, evidence lay scattered in organized areas, including weapons Kaleb recognized as playing a role in the attack. Undetonated gernades, vibroblades, and electrowhips all lay with equal spacing on the table, along with a variety of blasters. The cannon was propped up against the wall, with burning around the edge. Kaleb paused, taking a minute to look at the weapons on the table in silence. “The Royal Guard did a good job in collecting these, and transporting them here.” Celestia glanced at Kaleb, with Luna nudging her. He had already know who they had been looking at, and waiting for his reaction. “You are wondering why I have not drawn my weapon.” There was silence in the room, followed by the guard in the door replying in a curious, but strong voice. “I do suppose they are wondering why, along with myself, and waiting for your reaction.” Kaleb glanced at the princesses. “I would not draw my weapon and attack unless the changeling in the corner does so first.” He then turned to the guard. “I am a guardian of peace, and personally, I prefer to hold to the rules of engagement." Celestia seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. The changling nodded in understanding. “Out of curiosity, what gave my disguise away?” “It is quite excellent, enough to deceive everyone in the castle,” Kaleb complimented, knowing that whoever he was talking to was a possible ally. “However, the Force alerted me of the disguse. And I would sense if there were any magic controlling the actions of the princesses.” “My apologies for the confusion. Introductions seem to be in order,” Celestia said. “Kaleb, this is Thorax, leader of the Changeling Resistance.” With that, Thorax revealed himself to the group, changing back into his changeling form. His ocean blue eyes looked at Kaleb, holding out a hesitant hoof. He shook it, remembering something from meditations. “I heard rumors of a rift in the changelings, but I didn’t fully know they were true.” “They are,” Thorax added. “My father was well admired by many changelings, and he opposed Chrysalis’s rule and conquest. He was killed by Drogo after refusing to fight, causing a huge rift. I took over his cause, and there are many changelings who want to live their lives peacefully, not by the rules of war. Some of them were young ponies such as myself, others had families who feared for their children’s safety. We were expelled from the hive, and driven from our homes.” Luna gave context. “Thorax came to us in peace, shortly before Starlight reappeared. Families were starving, and many would have died if we had not acted. We gave him a chance after he gave us permission to examine his memories.” “Lives were saved because of this, and we are grateful for the support,” Thorax finished. “After Chrysalis is tracked down and arrested, Celestia and Luna promised us aid, support, and formal recognition of our hive if we sign of declaration of peace with Equestria." Kaleb took all of this in. “Well then, it is a pleasure to meet you, even if it is under tense circumstances.” Thorax nodded, as Celestia cleared her throat. “Well, with that in order let’s begin. As you are aware, Mountain’s Fury was responsible for the robbery on the train, and along with the valuables of the other passengers, it was their goal to steal the fire rubies hidden in the safe.” Luna handed Kaleb a set of reports. “It’s been confirmed by Prince Haakem the landslide was triggered by detonation of mines. They were already placed into the soil, but it was the heat which triggered the explosion. He doesn’t have confirmation on who placed them there and why. We need your insight here.” He looked over the reports, taking a few minutes. “And it looks like we don’t know why Mountain’s Fury was after the fire rubies either. That’s one of my questions at least.” Kaleb looked up at three leaders, laying down points. “My focus in on the motive; as in why they went after the rubies, and if they were hired, by who? My second focus is on how they got these weapons, and the final question is regarding the explosion which took down the bridge.” “I can provide some information at least, from the Royal Guard’s interrogation of the suspects,” Celestia said. “Although the leader is gone, the second in command, said they were given the location of the safe, but they don’t know by who. It was an anonymous tip, and she felt like the risk was worth taking.” Interesting, Kaleb thought. “What about the weapons? Every single one is from my galaxy, and subsequently my memories. Is it possible that Chrysalis could have supplied them with those?” “I sense no changeling magic on any of these,” Thorax said, walking around the table. “Even with permanent spells, you would still be able to detect it. It is possible other magic could mask those spells though, but I don’t know which incantations would be used.” “We’ll check for that,” Luna assured him. “How difficult is it to build these kinds of weapons?” Kaleb thought for a moment. “Here, it would be nearly impossible. There are other elements from my galaxy that I’ve found here, but it’s in trace amounts in the limited time I’ve looked. You would need those and blueprints, and I’ve kept any in strict security.” “In that case, we’ll look into seeing if there are any spells hiding the changeling magic,” Celestia decided, with Thorax approving. “There is something strange with the explosion of the bridge, though.” The Jedi looked with focus. That does seem to be the mysterious part of all of this. “What is that?” “Well to start, the explosives were placed on the bridge ahead of time it seems, they were all over,” Luna began. “And seemed to be detonated remotely, with a sensor on the tracks to arm it. The materials needed were stolen from a large construction sight on the other side of the mountains.” Celestia continued, taking over from Luna. “Here’s the strange part though: eyewitness testimony placed a member of Mountain’s Fury at the scene, but he said he has no memory of stealing or rigging the explosives to the bridge, nor killing any of the security guards at the construction site. The wards placed on the room where the interrogation was held detected no lies, and examination of his memories proved to be worthless. There’s a gap of darkness in his memories between a few weeks before the raid on the construction site and the train heist.” This fact legitimately shocked Kaleb, who was at a loss of words. Severe amnesia, but if that were the case, how did it happen? “I…don’t have an answer for that, I’m as stumped as you are. Is it possible that spells can alter someone’s memory, and were there signs of trauma to the head?” Luna shook her head. “No injuries. There are certain spells, but none were detected. We can double-check to see if there were any, but it’s not likely our investigation will yield answers.” Kaleb nodded. “Those are the areas I would focus on, in this case. What would you like my role in this investigation to be?” “In an advisory role, for now,” Celestia answered. “Normally, I would request the Jedi take on this mission, but the Royal Guard has it handled for now. We’ll continue to be in contact, of course.” The four walked out of the room and Kaleb spoke to them at the foot of the royal chamber doors. “If I think of anything else, I will contact you directly. Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Thorax.” With that, the doors opened, and he left the room. Kaleb made his way out of the castle, and onto the Royal grounds, which were currently being set up for the festival. The main stage was set up right in front of the entrance to the castle, with booths and tents being set up all around. Gardeners, cooks, assistants, and a small amount of guards were helping out, rushing around the Jedi like he wasn’t even there. The sounds of electric guitar made it’s way through the side are Kaleb made his way towards, as the musicians continued to warm up and rehearse, playing a hard rock tune he just barely recognized. I’ve got to get tickets for Fluttershy and I, she would love this. He leaned against the tree, resting for a few minutes. As the song finished with one long triumphant chord, the singer went right up to the mic, and yelled before heading out. “Rock on!” Clapping could be heard, and Kaleb turned around to see a bunch of Royal Guard cadets cheering as he heard Flash’s voice ring out. “Alright, everybody, let’s get back to work. Trust me, you don’t want to hear me sing. I’m saving that for the festival.” They laughed, and Flash walked out in front of them, wearing his Royal Guard uniform. The helm laid in the sweet summer grass, and the guard brandished a staff in his right wing. “So far, you’ve had experience with hoof-to-hoof combat, and knowledge with blades. But the cornerstone of Royal Guard tradition is the staff. This is what we’re well known for, with our skill rivaled by many. The staff represents a beacon, a light of hope to Equestria and any nation. No matter where they are, help will arrive.” “Our next training session will be over basics tomorrow, but until then, let me give you a demonstration.” Without hesitation, Flash jumped, backflipping while switching his staff from wing to wing, spinning it with ease. Everyone clapped, their jaws dropping at the impressive display. “Movement is key. Remember that. Company, dismissed!” The cadets moved out, talking loudly while gathering their materials. Kaleb moved from the tree where he was leaning against, and walked over to Flash. “Good demonstration, I think they’re really impressed.” Flash turned around, with a surprised look on his face, and hugged his friend. “Kaleb! Good to see you, it’s been too long.” “It’s been a very busy year, for both of us it seems,” Kaleb observed. “How has the training been?” Flash picked up his helm and staff, and they began walking towards the pathway. “It’s been well, though being Captain of the Canterlot branch does have a lot of responsibility. I’m coordinating with Shining Armor every week, between filling out paperwork and training cadets.” Kaleb nodded. “That does take up a lot of time. How are you able to keep up with that schedule?” “Practice and routine,” Flash explained. “I have a few lieutenants under me who I coordinate with to make sure daily tasks are completed.” He pointed toward a small pavilion in the shade, where a cooler stood nearby. “I’m just about to have lunch, want to join me?” “Sounds like a plan.” Kaleb followed Flash to the pavilion, which was only a small distance away. As they got closer he noticed another familiar face, playing cards with a few Royal Guard lieutenants. Dr. Bluejay looked at the players before him. “Lieutenants, you have all laid down your cards. Some of you have a pretty good hand. But I must admit, it just might be better than mine.” One of the lieutenants looked at him. “It looks like I win, you can stop the act now.” He laid down his hand, as wide eyes stared down in disbelief at the doctor’s winning hand. “And that is how it is done. Never reveal you full intentions, for the eyes always give it away.” Grumbling slightly, the lieutenants all shook his hoof and left as their break was now over. Dr. Bluejay turned his attention to the two entering the pavilion, with sandwiches and drinks in hand. “You two want in the next round?” Flash chuckled. “I’ll pass on that, but I’ll take the company.” “Same here,” Kaleb replied, shaking Dr. Bluejay’s hand. “But it’s good to see you all the same.” “Great to see you as well Kaleb,” he said, looking out at the festival. “Are you coming to the festival this weekend?” “I wasn’t aware there was one until this morning,” Kaleb explained. “I am hoping to grab tickets for Fluttershy and I, but they might have already sold out.” “You should be fine, they still have plenty,” Flash explained. “I can reserve some for you two just in case. I have mine reserved for myself and Twilight.” Dr. Bluejay took a sip of his tea. “So, how many non-dates would that make this? I keep losing count.” “I don’t know, but hopefully this is the first official one,” the Royal Guard answered honestly. “And I’m nervous as hell. What if she doesn’t feel the same way? I’ve been holding off on asking since she became princess.” “Twilight would not care about that, you know her,” Kaleb assured him. “And trust me, I think she’s been waiting for you to ask her for a while, she’s just anxious.” “Keep your head clear and calm, and you’ll be fine,” Dr. Bluejay answered with ease before turning to Kaleb. “Now, I thought you would be still traveling to the Crystal Empire by now?” Kaleb sighed. “We were attacked on the train ride back last night.” Flash jumped up in surprise. “Shining Armor told me something had happened, but I didn’t realize the attack was on all of you. Is everyone alright, how’s Twilight?” Kaleb held a hand. “We’re all fine, just shaken up. Nobody was seriously injured. But it was under very strange circumstances.” At their insistence, the Jedi began to tell the story of final negotiations in Saddle Arabia, the landslide which forced the group onto another train, and the attack which led to the explosion of the bridge. He was sure not to leave any important details out, while using the Force to make sure they were not overheard. It took about twenty minutes to tell the full story, but it was one which needed to be heard. After he had finished, including with what Celestia and Luna had told me, he took a few seconds to eat and drink, as Flash looked just as perplexed. “That is strange, particularly with the explosion and weapons. If the Royal Guard is handling the investigation, I can lend a hoof where I can.” Kaleb nodded in thanks. “There is something you can help me with, both of you in fact.” He took a deep breath before continuing. “I need to know what quarrel exists between the Equestrian and Royal Guard.” That was not the question they were expecting, but Dr. Bluejay didn’t look as surprised. “How long did it take you to figure that out?” “I’ve noticed it more over the past few years, but it was prominent today in the Crystal Empire,” Kaleb explained. Flash looked, making sure nobody else was around. “Look, this isn’t something to discuss lightly. Right now, Cadance, Celestia, Luna, and Shining Armor are the only ones who know the full details along with myself.” Kaleb had been expecting this resistance. “And I understand that. But I am a Jedi Knight, a guardian of peace in Equestria. I need to know what is happening and why.” Dr. Bluejay, nodded. “Might as well tell him, it would do more harm than good if we don’t.” “This isn’t something that just began recently, it’s been around for a long time,” Flash began. “The Equestrian and Royal Guard used to be one unit working together when they were first formed. With one unified goal and philosophy. That changed after Discord was first defeated, along with continuing attacks from the changelings. The Equestrian Guard went to the borders, while the Royal Guard moved inward.” Dr. Bluejay took over from Flash for a few moments. “The Royal Guard was already having its own problems after Nightmare Moon was banished, torn between loyalty to Celestia or Luna. That nearly caused its own civil war in the process. Some were banished from the Royal Guard as a result, and so the Equestrian Guard took them in.” Historical events and context seem to have played a large role, Kaleb observed. “How does that play into what’s happening now?” Flash took a few seconds to gather his thoughts. “Over that time, the Equestrian and Royal Guard both developed their own code and philosophy, which brings us to our current problem. When it comes to which one of us has jurisdiction, we disagree about which one of us has the higher role within the government. Our ethics are so different, we are acting as two different agencies rather than one we still are classified as. So we are trying to separate, and work out which one of us has priority.” “When they say two different philosophies, we mean polar opposite,” Flash added, before Kaleb can get his word in. “The Royal Guard believes defense requires more than war, but also reaching out an olive branch in compassion and kindness. Embodying the traits of the Elements of Harmony while also being prepared to defend if the occasion arises. We want to be the branch everyone looks up to, not matter who you are or where you are from. If you need help, we will be there to assist.” “And the Equestrian Guard holds the opposite viewpoint?” Kaleb asked. “Unfortunately, yes,” Dr. Bluejay answered. “They believe there can be no peace without hostility, and Equestria should remain separate from the other countries on the continent, not even signing any kind of treaty. Viewing everyone else as an enemy, and treating them as such.” Even Kaleb seemed shocked at that answer, and Dr. Bluejay acknowledged it. “I thought the core values were the same as in the Royal Guard when I joined, but as many of us found out, it was not what it seemed. Many field medics along with me felt what they were saying went against our code; even more than a few soldiers felt so as well. We tried to change it, but it was without success. I was transferred to the Royal Guard the last few years before my discharge.” “Hatred doesn’t lead to peace, only more bloodshed and suffering,” Kaleb said quietly. “I can’t believe that is allowed. I knew there was tension, but I didn’t realize it was that bad.” “That’s why we’re trying to change it, and to come up with a solution before a fight breaks out,” Flash informed. “Equestria can’t go down this path, not after what has happened.” Kaleb added his observations aloud. “They don’t seem to agree with the decision to sign peace treaties with our neighbors. General Tywin made that clear back at the Crystal Empire.” Dr. Bluejay looked at both the Jedi and Flash. “Is he still in charge? I thought he would have retired by now. He’s recluse; keeping away from any public appearances and staying close to the borders.” “I guess so,” Flash said. “His family has been in the Equestrian Guard for generations. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have kept him in that position because it’s inherited at this point. And because we still think we can come to a solution.” Kaleb nodded. “I get the feeling the Equestrian Guard don’t view me favorably. Both because of my actions and my philosophy.” “And also what you represent,” Dr. Bluejay added wisely. “You are a Jedi, a guardian of peace and harmony. They view that as a threat, no matter how you frame it. I would advise you to be careful around them.” Flash added his view. “As well as staying out of the negotiations. Normally, I don’t like to tell you that, but keeping as far away as possible from this is what’s best.” Taking a few moments to take all of this in, Kaleb analyzed the situation. If I’m one of the main conflicts of interest here, I need to stay out of this and hope for the best. “In that case, I will and hope everything goes well for Equestria’s sake. I’m sorry of bringing up a painful topic on such a nice day.” “It’s alright, you needed to know this anyway,” Flash said. “I’ve got to file some paperwork, but it was nice having lunch with you two.” He stood up to go. “Wait, there’s something I need to tell you two,” Kaleb realized. Well, if I’m going to start entrusting friends with this, it’s a start. Both Flash and Dr. Bluejay stared, not knowing what the information was. “Before I catch the train to Ponyville, I’m going to stop at a small store by the station. It belongs to Ruby, who’s an old friend. She has been helping me restore an old piece of jewelry that was given to me by Fluttershy’s parents.” He rubbed his neck as he let out a chuckle of slight embarrassment. “More specifically, an engagement ring.” Flash had been expecting the worst, but lit up with a large smile and laughter, clapping Kaleb on the back with his wing. “And I had been expecting more bad news! Congratulations, my friend!” Dr. Bluejay chuckled. “It’s about damn time, Kaleb. But part of me had a feeling this would happen sooner or later. When are you going to ask the question?” “When everything’s settled with the animal sanctuary,” Kaleb explained. “I had asked for her parent’s blessing a few months back, and they gave me her grandmother’s ring, which needed a lot of work. Twilight is planning on throwing us a party as soon as Fluttershy get final approval on the sanctuary, so that’s going to be the place.” “Well then, I wish you the best of luck,” Flash expressed as he got up for real this time, heading out. “I’ll send you those tickets tomorrow.” As the captain walked away, Kaleb got up and looked at the doctor. “This is one event where I don’t know what will happen. We’ve both been through a lot these past few years. But all I know is I want to spend the rest of my life with her, and for us to be happy.” “Marriage is an adventure all its own,” Dr. Bluejay expressed. “I was married for nearly forty years before my wife passed. That journey is one which takes you by the hoof, and never lets go.” He put his hoof on Kaleb’s shoulder. “You’re going to do fine. My advice is to take it one day at a time, and always remember why you love her. The leaves of time may wither and pass, but love will always remain.” The two exchanged a few more words, and parted to continue their day. Ponyville, Two Weeks Later The sounds of late summer rolled through the air, as crickets chirped in the night. Near Fluttershy’s cottage, what appeared to be a wooden barn stood in the clearing in a clearing only one hundred feet away from the building. There were only a few windows on the side, which light crept out of in a simple manner. It was short, only about fifteen feet high, and smaller than most with a length of about fifty feet and a width of thirty five. But it served its purpose well. Applejack had designed and built the hangar to be simple, as the architect insisted it resemble a barn at Sweet Apple Acres. Along with her style, it was a reminder and thank you from her, Big Mac, Granny Smith, and Apple Bloom for the help Kaleb had poured in over the years with the farm. Even though being a Jedi was full-time employment, he still insisted on helping the family every year with the harvest, and during the spring and summer when he had the chance. He had never forgotten it was their employment and hospitality which made his first year in Ponyville memorable. The hangar was divided into two sections; the first being where his ship was parked in the center, low to the ground. The area was large enough to provide ample space for it and any repairs. The two speeder bikes he kept were both off to one side, in custom-made holders which made sure they wouldn’t fall to the ground. The wall on the other side had shelves which held every tool Kaleb would need for maintenance. The second part was at the very back of the barn, acting as an office. It was smaller, acting as its own room with a width of fifteen feet, and a length of ten along with a roof eight feet off the ground. A couch sat the length of the room, with a tall bookshelf right next to it. Two other bookshelves lined the other side, with windows on every wall of the room. Kaleb sat at his desk, looking over a report he had written on the past mission. The room was illuminated by two lamps, one of which was on his desk. The data tablet he had on his desk showed a series of archival writings from the Jedi Temple, all of which centered around accounts of the High Republic. His eyes were beginning to droop as A5 entered through the open sliding doors, announcing her greeting with the sound of an alarm. He jumped slightly as she did, and she greeted him with smug satisfaction. “Thanks, A5. I needed that,” Kaleb yawned slightly, and finished up the last few touches on his report, putting the papers in a filing system under his desk. “How has your night been?” She chirped about spending time with Angel, and then spent a few moments on the speeder bikes. “I’m glad it’s been going well, and I agree with the engines needing finer tuning.” She looked at him with concern, as she had over the past two weeks. He acknowleged that. “I know, I’m disturbed by the information from Canterlot as well. There are too many unknowns, too many variables to count. The best thing we can do now is wait for further information.” A5 referenced the weapons and tensions between the Equstrian and Royal Guard as her main concerns. Kaleb nodded. “Those are on my mind, but the main one right now the gap in memory for the one suspect. If there’s no evidence of injury or trauma to the head, than something else has to be at play.” She asked about Twilight. “She knows the same amount as we do, and told me she would let me know of any more updates arrive. Secrecy is important, now more than ever. In the meantime, let’s focus on what we can do now.” That calmed her down, and she indicated it was time for her to shut down. “Have a good night.” The astromech droid left the office and rolled out the door of the barn, moving back to the cottage. Kaleb sighed and looked down at the writings on the datapad. These writings can only keep your interest this late for so long. Maybe I’ll switch to something else to keep the mind occupied. After a few more minutes of reading, Kaleb turned off the device, and switched to a novel on Saddle Arabian wildlife. A half hour passed, and as he was reading about the reptiles which lived in the desert, he heard a knock at the door. Fluttershy entered, closing the sliding door behind her. “Hey, it’s getting pretty late. A5 told me you were still here.” “Yeah, I guess I lost track of time,” Kaleb said. Realizing he had been in the same chair for too long, he stood up, and sat down on the couch next to her. “The report needs to be as detailed as possible. I was waiting for Rainbow Dash to give me an overview of the mountains, and then polishing the final draft.” “I’m sure Princess Celestia will appreciate that. Give it a good grade, probably an B.” Fluttershy chuckled at her joke along with Kaleb. “I still remember when Applejack and her family was building this. Laying down on the floor with a mattress, pillows, and blankets. Gazing up at the stars.” "Those sliding panels on the roof are handy for more than take-offs and landings,” Kaleb added. “Adding the clear shields on the panels kept it dry and the sky visible, even in the hardest of rains.” “I have good news,” she began, looking at him with excited eyes. “That dinner went well, and the bank has approved the animal sanctuary! "That's amazing!" Kaleb replied in excitement, hugging her. "I am so proud of you." The two reflected for a few minutes before Fluttershy noticed something. “You’ve been spending a lot more time out here than normal, even for after missions.” He thought about what to see without giving away the secrecy. “I’ve…had a lot on my mind. And it’s more than just the attack on the train. I guess it’s the timing as well since….that anniversary is coming up in a week.” She realized solemly what he was referring to. “How long has it been, since her death?” “Maybe…seven or eight years,” Kaleb answered, his voice cracking slightly. “Time always seems to blend together during that period.” Over the years, Fluttershy had noticed Kaleb’s vulnerability increase during the weeks leading up to the date of Master Johanna’s death. It was always small cracks, and though appearing miniscule, they had a large impact. He was aware of it too, but didn’t always realize it since it was on a subconscious level. Even with Lyra’s advice, it was a difficult time for him, and Fluttershy knew he needed support. She noticed his tension, and put a wing on his back, guiding his head down to her chest. The two remained like that for a while, with Fluttershy brushing his hair gently. Finally, she spoke in a quiet tone. “She would be proud of you. Rebuilding your life; keeping the Jedi Order alive. Finding happiness.” He nodded, communicating a look which told things only she would understand. “I think I should try and get some rest. I’ll close up here in two minutes.” “I’ll be waiting outside,” Fluttershy said, moving up from the couch. She held his hand for another moment before leaving his office, walking past the ship to the outside. Kaleb put away the book, knowing on the anniversary of her death, where he must go. The mourning traditions must still be upheld, always. He used the Force to unlock the hidden drawer built into his desk. The engagement ring was still hidden, kept safe from Fluttershy in its navy blue velvet box. “There are many questions which need to be answered. Perhaps the light of the stars will reveal them.” Closing the drawer, he turned off the lights in the office and hanger, and walked back to the cottage. > Chapter 3: Echoes of The Force > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie Belle ran, the wind whistling through her fur as she ran through the edge of the Everfree Forest. The light of the late morning sun beamed upon her, warming her fur as she ran in her tunic. The leaves had yet to turn brown in these parts, though it had been happening only a few days ago. The terrain of trees and bushes was easy to spot but complex. Branches and twigs often came out of nowhere, along with leaves and pines which got in the way of visibility. Concentrate, Sweetie Belle told herself jumped between two bushes. She had been running for at two miles, coming up on her third. Her master had only left her a note, with a small map indicating where he was, and the path he wanted her to take. However, it was barely a path, with no dirt trail on the ground to guide her. She recognized the challenge, and set off immediately. Sweetie Belle had to use every skill and sense as Jedi to navigate the terrain. She called out to the Force, using it to guide her every step. Our first training session after the mission, and he’s not easing up. Although she was able to navigate her direction, keeping up a fast pace while using the Force to avoid obstacles was one of the most challenging tasks she had navigated, ever. “Ow!” She yelped slightly as she felt acorns being thrown right at her. Squirrels had lined up in drones, throwing them at her. Focus, focus…. She saw a tiny gap in the undergrowth, with a small cliff about eight feet high leading down into bushes with thorns. Leaping down and diving in to escape the onslaught, she sprung back up, using the Force to expand her jump out of the dangerous terrain. Leaping was one of her specialties in physical movement, and used it in her fighting style along with weaving around and behind her opponent. She knew Kaleb had a lot more to teach her, as he said before the trip she was only scratching the surface of what those movements were capable of. After another half hour of fast movement, she found herself in a clearing in the forest, the sun beaming down at her. A training sword lay in the middle of the clearing, made of wood and being the size of her lightsaber. She continued to run, picking it up. Why is this here… She only had three seconds to roll and evade, as Kaleb jumped down from the branches with a Falling Leaf attack; a signature move of his. She rolled as his training sword hit in the middle of the ground, and she moved forward to attack. He dodged, rolling to his feet and facing her. This was not the first time they had sparred, but nothing to level of this ferocity. He kept a calm, focused demeanor as he used Ataru first and foremost, with Sweetie Belle having to go on the defensive with Soresu. She kept using those movements from the style, but suffered from the amount of movement as she was always having to shift her position. The spar lasted for only a minute before Kaleb disarmed her, keeping his training sword aimed at her for a moment before moving it down to his side. “Good work, Sweetie Belle. Take a few minutes to rest, and grab some water. I’ll be by the lake.” She nodded, moving to a tree where a bottle of water was already there, kept cool for her by the shade. She drank, collapsing against the branch of an oak. After a few minutes of resting and casting quick spells on her aching hooves, she moved out by the small lake. Kaleb was already sitting there in a Jedi tunic of forest green right next to the lake in the shade. His beige robe hung on one of the branches. About ten feet beside him lay a large wooden disk, measuring out to twelve feet in diameter and two feet deep. It was made of a buoyant wood, with specialized markings pre-made into the wood to make it look like a wooden deck. Sweetie Belle sat beside him in the shade. “You really couldn’t ease me in on my first day back? And why squirrels?” “The acorns were their idea, not mine,” Kaleb answered. “Though I couldn’t pass it up. And there’s a method to my madness, I didn’t put you through three miles of terrain for nothing.” He stood up, and she followed, as they sat across from each other in the sun. “I read through your journal of our mission, and you did a good job organizing your thoughts and observations. It was an interesting read, to be sure. But before asking questions on what you learned, I wanted to focus this morning and afternoon on something else. What do you think it is?” Sweetie Belle thought back to the course she just ran. With the amount of running, and terrain avoidance, it has to be it. “Movement?” “Correct,” Kaleb said, smiling. “And balance. Your fighting style utilizes both, especially with the weaving. It pairs well with Soresu as well. I’m going to help you take it to the next level, and to help with a flaw in your fighting style.” She looked back at the giant wooden disk. “I’m going to assume it has something to do with that. How much did it set you back?” “Not as much as you think,” Kaleb replied mysteriously. “And you should have seen Angel on it earlier. He was trying to use it as a fighting ring before I had to step in. Sweetie Belle laughed along with his chuckle. Kaleb stood up, breathing slowly and closing his eyes. Keeping an ease of flow, he used the Force to levitate the disk, just two feet off the ground. Moving it as smoothly as a puck across ice, he eased into the shallow area of the lake, setting it down. The disk floated on the water, and Kaleb looked at her. “Don’t mind going for a swim? Only two at most.” She nodded, moving into the water. Rarity had made her Jedi clothing water-resistant for the most part. Still, they managed to get pretty wet going into the water to the disk, with Kaleb swimming in a swift breaststroke and Sweetie Belle doing the same. Both of them climbed up onto the disk, wobbling precariously in the water. “Sit down across from me, that should balance it out.” Sweetie Belle sat down. “This feels like something out of a coming-of-age karate film.” “Or a sequel set years later,” Kaleb added, that joke not landing as well. “Actually, it’s based on something I trained on in Coruscant. It levitated six feet in the air, but still held the same concept.” “I noticed my movement wasn’t as smooth when I was navigating the path,” Sweetie Belle observed. “I was off-balance, even when I was fighting in the train car. It was shaking pretty hard, and I couldn’t tell my direction.” Kaleb nodded. “When our movement and balance are not smooth, it can throw off our fighting styles and make it more difficult. Even if that car wasn’t shaking, you still would have problems. By learning to balance ourselves, and keeping our movements smooth and swift, we can control the terrain instead of the opposite.” That makes sense. Make the terrain work for you, she thought. “What does this have to do with Soresu? It is because of the blocking?” “There are advanced techniques within Soresu which allow for defense while running and fast movement take focus,” Kaleb explained. “It’s defense, offense, and terrain control all in one. It’s difficult to get the hang of, but its good to know.” He felt something else as she was listening. “I sense fear within you, and guilt. What’s wrong?” She sighed, taking a deep breath and looking out at the water. Never taking her eyes off of the horizon for a second as she answered with hesitance. “It’s just that…I never meant to kill him. That robber in the train. Everything was off, and my instincts came in. I know we’re supposed to be training, but I can’t get his face out of my head.” Kaleb nodded with sympathy. “It’s never an easy choice to make, and even if the death was by accident, guilt can linger. I think it’s good for us to talk about this, and have an open dialogue.” She looked back at him, breathing to calm herself. “You always taught me ways of resolving conflicts, and even with combat, going with non-lethal techniques. Twilight taught me defensive spells. But you never said anything about killing. Is it against the Jedi Code?” Kaleb realized the complexity of her question. “At the time, I was still very protective of what I taught you because of my own experience, but you needed to know. That was my mistake.” “It’s okay, I get why you did,” Sweetie Belle replied, “But I would like to know now, so I can work on resolving that guilt.” He nodded. “The Jedi Code values all life, no matter how small. However, killing is not against the Jedi Code. But the debate falls in a gray area, of when it is okay to take that action, and what the motivation is behind it. And the potential fallout of the action.” Kaleb took a stone from his robe, and set it down on the wood. “Jedi do not kill out of fear, anger, or hatred, for that path leads to the Dark Side. However, the Order recognized it was necessary in self-defense, if your opponent is trying to kill you or to harm innocent civilians.” “I understand…” Sweetie Belle started. “But it still feels excessive. That makes it all sound easy.” “Taking a life is never easy, no matter how you frame it,” Kaleb said. “Back on Coruscant, there would always be times where Padawans would get in trouble for responding to a situation with excessive force. It was always depending on the circumstance, and never involved killing. Taking off someone’s arm might get them a review, but it always depends.” “Great,” she mumbled to herself. “That just makes it more complicated.” “Not as much as you think,” he responded. “One of the first things I taught you when beginning combat training was de-escalation, and every alternative to fighting. Looking at different scenarios Jedi find themselves in, and how to respond. But it’s not always enough. I’m going to tell you what Master Johanna told me.” Sweetie Belle looked at him as he mentioned his deceased master, noticing a small twinge of sadness. There’s so much I never knew about her. Taking a deep breath, Kaleb took a moment to remember her wisdom. “Killing should not be a common practice, and explore every option you can. Including surrender. Once all other options are considered, Jedi can kill to complete their mission, but only in the event of a life-or-death struggle or protecting innocent civilians. Never kill out of revenge, anger, hatred, or take the life of an unarmed opponent. ” Her eyes widened, as she took all of the information in. “That does make sense, especially in those situations after considering everything.” He nodded. “As well, although its not an easy thing to do, we should introspect on all the death and suffering we cause. Every life should be respected, no matter who they are.” Sweetie Belle nodded solemly. Kaleb withdrew his blade, placing it sideways next to the rock. “When we draw our lightsabers, Sweetie Belle, we need to be prepared and ready to take a life. To protect those around us we care about, without hesitation. The pain is never easy, but learning to accept, reflect, and move forward is the best path.” “You’re right,” she accepted. “But learning that acceptance is going to take me time.” “Part of that is accepting trust,” Kaleb added. “I trust you to do the right thing, my Padawan. Trust yourself to make the right decision, and trust your judgement. Guided by the Force, the path will become clear.” Sweetie Belle took a deep breath, closing her eyes as she reflected upon the path she must take. I need to trust my own judgement if I’m to move forward. Allowing herself to let go of her mistrust, she opened her eyes, the Force ringing like a bell. “Thank you, Kaleb.” “Now then, let’s dive into the lesson of movement and balance, and hope we don’t dive into the lake along the way,” he began, noticing her chuckle at that line. “Stand up with me, and follow my movements.” Both of them stood up, the wooden disk bobbing up and down as both of them found their balance. Kaleb and Sweetie Belle ignited their lightsabers at the same time, falling in to the basic forms. Moving in sync, they began their exercise flowing together, keeping up the momentum for the next half hour. This is easy, Sweetie Belle thought, moving through the basic stances of Soresu. “I thought you said this was going to be challenging.” “Oh, this is just the warm-up,” Kaleb said with a smile. “The real fun begins now.” Without warning, he tested her reflexes. A second had passed before he jumped sideways, spinning through the air, and using his hand to spring himself around the edge of the disk. The apprentice was too late, as she lost balance and fell into the lake. To her credit, she had just barely caught his initial jump, but the timing plus the hand spring played a part in her plunge. Sweetie Belle swam back to the disk, resting her front hooves on it, and shaking water out of her mane, laughing. “Did I ever say how I’m glad we’re not enemies?” “No, but it’s sweet of you to say,” Kaleb replied, kneeling down and helping her back up onto the disk. “Let’s work on that move.” The two continued to practice for several hours, until noon had arrived. After getting back on land and setting the disk to the side, Kaleb and Sweetie Belle both walked back, using a nature trail to make it considerably easier than before. Sweetie Belle noticed there was a tension as he walked that wasn’t there before, but she knew something was off. When I mentioned her name, there was emotional hesitation. Figuring out her way of approaching this, she asked. “Hey, so Rarity wanted me to invite you over tonight for dinner. We’re having a game night, and Applejack and Pinkie Pie will be there.” “Unfortunately, I have a prior engagement,” Kaleb answered. “One which requires time and concentration. It’s important I don’t miss it.” Looking back on what Kaleb had said, she realized who his mind was on. “I never knew her, aside from looking at the holos you assigned me to watch. You don’t really talk about her much…” Kaleb turned to her. “I guess…I never have.” He walked in silence for a few minutes. “What was Master Johanna like?” Sweetie Belle asked. Kaleb avoided reflection as he responded. “She was kind, and determined. Always knew what path to go on, and loyal in her convictions. And resourceful. She took a page from her master, always spending time in the archives.” He coughed. “I would rather not dwell on the past right now.” Realizing she had struck a nerve, she backed off. “That move you taught me should come in handy. But I thought you were going to teach me more about jumping.” “I did, but you still need to practice those basic concepts,” he said. “It’s not so much about jumping as it is how the proper way to fall is.” She looked confused. “What do you mean, with the Force?” He nodded. “One of the reasons Jedi were able to perform these amazing jumps and falls from various heights like acrobats is because of the Force. You use it to provide extra power and strength to launch you into the air, and to slow down and aid your descent so you don’t break your legs. In the training rooms at the Temple, I would practice jumps along with falls from up to thirty feet.” Sweetie Belle gasped in amazement. “That sounds awesome!” “Master Kenobi could jump like no other, he was the one who taught me,” Kaleb remembered. “He joked that he could help me practice by throwing me off of the highest skyscrapers on Coruscant; you could fall for minutes before you hit the ground.” “Push me off of the highest cliff near Ponyville, I want to put this to the test,” she demanded, her excitement hitting levels that could surpass Rainbow Dash. Kaleb laughed. “Rarity would obliterate me on the spot, so I think I’ll pass on that suggestion. But I do have plans for something fun to work on in the afternoon. What do the Crusaders have planned for the Fall Festival?” “Well, that’s a good question,” Sweetie Belle thought, remembering back to the last meeting. “We’re helping out with the parade in the morning, and then zipping to the town hall right after to decorate it for the dance. Why do you ask?” “Rainbow Dash has once again challenged me to a series of events testing the strength and skill of the Jedi,” Kaleb said in a tired voice. “After a conversation yesterday, we agreed to a race. But seeing as I don’t have wings, we have come to an agreement on the rules which will make it more even.” “Wow, you sound very enthusiastic about this,” she added sarcastically. “You would think a Jedi would be more thrilled with assisting local celebrations.” “I would be, if that conversation hadn’t lasted for three hours,” Kaleb grumbled slightly, chuckling. “The point is, this race is going to be fun, and could actually help with training. He looked at her, stopping. “How would you want to learn to ride a speeder bike?” That stopped Sweetie Belle in her tracks. “That sounds awesome! When is it happening?” “Right after the parade,” he remembered. “You should still have enough time to make it to the town hall to help decorate. This is something you need to learn, along with it helping your training along the way.” “Count me in.” Sweetie Belle said, giving Kaleb a high five. The two arrived back at the cottage, sitting down on two chairs they arrived to a very odd sight. A large grand piano sat to the side of the backyard, with Scootaloo playing notes. In the back near the chicken coop, Pinkie Pie was operating a camera, with a giant megaphone in her hoof. “ACTION!” Scootaloo started playing notes, while Spike ran being chased by Apple Bloom wearing a boulder costume. The dragon wore a brown fedora, carrying a prop golden idol. Sweetie Belle was loving every minute of this. Spike jumped out of the way as Apple Bloom went past him, before walking up to Sweetie Belle. “This belongs in a museum, but I need you to translate the writing.” He handed her the prop, which had the word “Homecoming?” written out on the back. She turned it around, gasping with surprise, and then looking back at Spike. Sweetie Belle’s heart was pounding a mile a minute as she let out the biggest smile ever. “YES! ABSOLUTELY! I WOULD LOVE TO GO WITH YOU SPIKE! YES!” She hugged him hard, and he did the same as her friends and Pinkie Pie clapped around them. “And that’s a wrap! Pinkie Pie Party Planning Productions is proud to present this Homecoming proposal.” Kaleb was happy for his apprentice, but there was a lingering question in his mind. “How did Pinkie Pie get a grand piano all the way out to our lawn?” “It’s Pinkie Pie,” Fluttershy answered, setting a hoof on his shoulder. “I find it’s best not to question it.” “Well, congratulations you two,” Kaleb started, walking up to Sweetie Belle and Spike. “I’m sure the dance is going to be a blast.” “Thanks Kaleb,” Spike replied, addressing him and Sweetie Belle. “I had been planning this for a while, we just had to get everything into place. And to catch Sweetie Belle by surprise, of course.” She giggled at that one, before getting serious. “Still, it looks like we have a lot to do. Getting the dress, the flowers, and making sure we have time to gather supplies for the decorations…” Kaleb held up a hand. “How about we hold off on afternoon training until tomorrow? That way you have time to go to the shops today. Most are closed tomorrow.” “Are you sure?” Sweetie Belle asked with concern. “I don’t mean to skip training, this is just so unexpected.” “Absolutely, you’re fine,” Kaleb answered with ease. “You’re only young once. Be with your friends, it can wait till tomorrow.” “Thank you Master!” She said with enthusiasm. “I really did enjoy training today, and I can’t wait for tomorrow.” The Cutie Mark Crusaders walked out of the backyard towards Ponyville. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were talking quietly as he heard A5 come up beside him. “Come on, let’s go over the choreography for the Wonderbolts show.” Flash and Shining Armor burst through the door leading to Luna’s chambers, the first doorway right in front of them. Both of them were clearly agitated, with Flash swearing and kicking the wall. “I should write you up for that,” Shining Armor said. “But I agree with the sentiment. The first talks were a disaster.” “It’s an understatement,” Flash replied with frustration. “Tywin didn’t even show up, Bentley gave ridiculous commands that aren’t even feasible given current treaties, and went on a rant. I know this was going to be difficult, but it’s to a whole new level…” “Both of use, please keep your voices down.” Luna called, coming in the same way with Celestia and Dr. Bluejay behind her. “Do you want everyone in the castle to know of these talks?” “Sorry, Princess Luna,” Flash apologized. “It won’t happen again.” Celestia nodded. “Let’s go inside my sister’s chambers. There, you at least have privacy to voice your opinions.” Luna used her magic to open the first door with everyone going inside. As the door slammed shut, the second door opened, revealing the room filled with ancient scrolls and books, along with furniture and a large telescope pointed out of the window. She moved it over to the side, and closed the window. Flash and Shining Armor both sat on one couch, with Dr. Bluejay taking the armchair. Celestia and Luna sat down, taking a few moments as Celestia activated some spells. “There are already spells on this room, sister,” Luna reminded her. “That should keep any eavesdroppers at bay.” She shook her head. “I’m doing this out of extra precaution.” Taking a deep breath, Celestia began to talk. “It seems all of us have concerns regarding the security of Equestria and our neighbors, not just stemming from the talks with the Equestrian Guard. I want us to meet now to share updates and intelligence, and to figure out where we go from here.” Shining Armor started. “We are close to breakthroughs on the train attack. Particularly with the weapons. We’ll know what spells are on them in the next two weeks and how.” “What about the one who blew up the bridge?” Dr. Bluejay asked. “The one with the gap in his memory.” “For that, we still don’t have an answer,” Flash answered gravely. “There are no spells that can be detected. This leaves the theory of either head trauma or something else.” The doctor shot down the idea. “I checked the records, I saw no injury to the skull. But I do have another idea. What if some kind of medical toxin was used?” “What do you mean?” Luna asked. “Something taken to fog one’s memory, to keep it from being revealed,” Dr. Bluejay explained. “Back in Equestrian Guard medical training, there were a section of books on the use of toxins, from putting poison on a blade to gas that could produce hallucinogenic effects. My main theory is there was a toxin taken into the body to block one’s memory from being recalled or examined upon examination. One that could even evade the detection of magic.” Celestia thought for a moment before responding. “I studied magic and memory for many years, and this area was never discussed. The Equestrian Guard seems to keep many secrets on their subjects.” “Not surprising.” Flash grumbled. “Nevertheless, this is an area worth investigating,” the Princess responded. “Dr. Bluejay, I want you to investigate this quietly. Things are tense right now, but these materials could be the difference between life and death.” “Yes, Princess Celestia,” Dr. Bluejay responded swiftly. Luna glanced at her sister, getting her approval before speaking. “We do have information, but it is critical it does not leave this room. Nobody can know, not even Twilight.” Flash seemed to object at that, but Shining Armor gave him a look. “I don’t like leaving my sister out of conversations any more than you do, but let’s hear what she has to say.” “There have been rumors, or more so whisperings of you will, of increased criminal activity,” Celestia started. “Based at every border of Equestria. Nothing too big to attract attention, but smuggling is a major concern.” Luna clarified. “There have also been rumors of rival criminal organizations shifting alliances, some working together while others becoming enemies. Infighting is something that is becoming more common.” “Smuggling,” Shining Armor muttered. “The fire rubies on Twilight’s train were said to be smuggled according to Saddle Arabian intelligence. Causing the attack on the train. Do you think this attack could have been part of this trend?” “It’s a possibility,” Celestia replied. “There’s a lot of unconfirmed information out there. But more should be uncovered in the next few weeks.” “Who’s your source?” Dr. Bluejay pressed. “Where are your informants?” “Many of them are in the intelligence unit of the Equestrian Guard,” Luna explained. “I did not like being deceived by them, but that is beside the point,” Flash stated simply. “Mountain’s Fury could be working under another organization. The clearest connection they have to the train attack would be to the Saddle Arabian organization who placed the fire rubies on the train in the first place. The Saddle Arabian Royal Guard told us the closest connection would be to the Sandstorm Riders, the largest major organizations in that nation specializing in heists and smuggling. They’ve been on the radar for several major kidnappings for ransoms as well.” “Every operation they have been a part of has happened during cover of a sandstorm. Difficult to track them and impossible when done under the cover of night,” Shining Armor finished. “Given the information you gave us, I think we now have our main suspect for who supplied the weapons.” “Move forward and continue your investigation,” Celestia said, looking at the clock on the wall. Everyone got up, intending to leave. Before they could, she left them with final words. “But be careful, and carry on with absolute secrecy. Darkness is always riddled with deception.” Night had fallen in Ponyville, with the early fall air bringing a crisp chill. The lights were on inside of Fluttershy’s cottage, as Kaleb slowly checked the bag to make sure he had the essentials. Map, lighter, firewood, compass, holoprojector. That should be everything. He strapped the bag onto his back over his robe. “You really are going to let Sweetie Belle on the speeder bike?” Fluttershy asked him, slightly exhasperated. “What if she crashes…” “Really, it’s not that bad,” Kaleb reassured her, taking notice as she sat on the couch reading next to Angel. One of the disagreements the couple seemed to have over the years was the value and safety of speeder bikes. “They’re not death machines. I, I can tell you that.” “Your ship is much safer than those…machines. It has safety protocals, airbags in the cockpit. The speeder bike is exposed to the elements.” She chuckled softly to herself. “I guess we agree to disagree, as we have for the past seven years.” “Yeah, but it’s not ten thousand feet above ground” Kaleb mentioned, checking the bag one more time. “I’ll be back before dawn. Call me on the commlink in case something comes up.” She got up of the couch, hugging him. “Stay safe out there, and stay warm. It’s starting to get chilly with the fall weather. And she would be proud of you.” Kaleb nodded, hugging her back before going to the door. “I know.” Exiting the house, he set off on a path right off the main road leading to Ponyville, one which trekked into the darkest parts of the Everfree Forest. Speed walking at a brisk pace, walked in the direction of Zecora’s house before seeing the light of the stars in the clearing. I must let the Force guide me tonight. Closing his eyes, he reached out, finding his path as clear as the sky, and walked off of the trail, setting off in an unknown direction. Every year, on this night, Kaleb would let the Force guide him to this location, where he would light a fire and keep vigil till just before dawn. Memories of Jedi memorial services poured into his mind, the warmth of the fire flickering in his mind’s eye, and the silent watch that came forward. He was young but, just barely remembered the death of Qui-Gon Jinn. He was only a youngling, but the importance of life and how quickly it can be extinguished. For the Jedi who died during the Clone Wars, they never got that vigil. Caught up in the rhythm of war, there was simply no time to think, to acknowledge and grieve. Only to move forward without emotion or hesitation. Perhaps this was the reason Kaleb chose to remember these old traditions. To remember and never forget the sacrifice his master made. And to hope he would not have his apprentice go through that pain. Kaleb had been walking for over an hour, letting the Force guide him to his location. In the distance, he saw wolves following him. The leader of the pack kept a short distance, while the others followed. “The Loth-wolves have sent their regards,” he muttered, as he wandered just a few steps ahead before reaching his destination. The clearing had not changed much in the past year, nor the cave. Blinking back unpleasant memories of timberwolves, he set his pack down, retrieving the firewood from his bag. Arranging it in a a circular formation, he picked up stones from the cave to encase it. He used the fire starter to light the spark, adding kindling from the surrounding forest to feed it. After a few minutes, the fire roared and crackled creating a familiar song. Smoke gently pillared upwards with a haze. Kaleb sat down crossing his legs, and closed his eyes as he felt the Force echo around him. Creatures of every shape and sized felt it, their hearts hearing the call and responding in kind. The plants and trees quivered in their roots as perhaps a soft vibration could be heard. Nocturnal animals howled and hooted and the presence could be felt. The call of the Force was humbling, as every living creature heard and sang its song. Kaleb began to speak in the quiet darkness of the forest. “Hey master, it’s been a while. The days here seem to go by faster than expected, seasons moving forward with the rhythm and rush of a starfighter. Other days, they move slower than a freighter. But time passes. And everyday, I think of how we could have spent time, side by side as Jedi Masters. The thought of how long it has been is always in my heart, and I wish we could have had more time together.” The soliloquy went on. “When I look out at this planet, I see the echoes of my galaxy etched out through its core. There is light; the Force reaching out and singing its song for all to hear, happiness, joy, kindness, and compassion. Every creature heeds and responds. But there is great darkness; anger, hatred, suffering and cruelty exist here too, more recent now more than ever. Shifting alliances, criminal activity under the shadows, and infighting between organizations. I need your guidance now more than ever.” This world is more complicated, and every day tests me as a Jedi. How to protect everyone from harm, and how to maintain peace and harmony in a world of chaos. But I know the Force will guide me, as it always has. And as I keep vigil over this flame, your spirit and those who died during the war will be remembered.” He closed his eyes, repeating a mantra in his head to go into a deep meditation. The first thing Kaleb noticed was the chill in the air, a biting cold threatening to strangle the breath in his lunges. The ground had hardened, into a rough stone as cold as the air. And with that chill, and overwhelming sense of darkness. He opened his eyes, jumping up to find himself surrounded in a fog which enveloped the cave around him. The cavern was massive, at least fifty feet high, and a stone path leading downwards to it. Realizing the path had revealed itself, he began to walk forward. Echoes of the past reached his ears, whispers of prophecies long forgotten, children crying out and families running. The sounds of fighting, of a great battle once fought in these very halls echoed hard, reverberating like a bell across the ancient structures cloaked in fog. Kaleb could not think, or even begin to process what was happening, but knew the only thing he could do was look forward. Forward into an abyss of fog whose walls were a prison, threatening to swallow anyone into a sea of memory for eternity. But for the crutial minutes he walked forward, he found a familiar sight. The bridge ahead of him was long, with the archway built into the walls at the end stretching upwards close to one hundred feet. Ancient symbols and runes glowing white lined the archway, all illuminted in a tall light of blue emanating beyond the archway. This light reflected into the fog, clearing it to find bodies mummified and encased in stone, all facing the direction of the light. Even as the fog cleared, some remained to cast an echo of mystery. As he continued to walk towards the archway, feelings of transfixion filled him. There was something about it which drew him to it, as if it was alive, some deity which the mummified figures cast their gaze upon. For a moment, he felt weak to its power. Kaleb turned around one moment later, feeling a gaze upon him and a sense of recognition. The same creature looked upon, in a robe and head decorations of gold, and eyes which gazed of blue. One which had appeared in a previous vision of the Force years ago. It spoke with a booming and wise voice which echoed and reverberated across the hall. And before him, Kaleb heard its wisdom. “Heed The Sages of the Life Wind. Close The Gates of The Light Before The Darkness Brings Extinction.” In that moment, the calm sage was replaced with one of eyes glowing red, bleeding of The Dark Side Of the Force. The mummified statues around him become molten as the blue light emanating from beyond the archway turned red. The sage crumbled into molten lava as Kaleb turned around, finding the screaming of pain and suffering multiplying faster. From the archway, a red river of blood began to flow as fast as the gales of wind, buffeting Kaleb in the sea and smell of death. From the red glow of the archway, fires of red and black began to engulph, moving down the path faster and faster. From within, figures encased in black with eyes glowing red and orange began to scream with anger and hate. The Jedi could only watch, frozen in the blood, as the fires and figures moved forward, engulphing him and corrupting every part of his body and torturing his soul before the release of death would take him to worlds beyond. Kaleb opened his eyes and jumped upward, igniting his lightsaber and pointing it towards the cave near the clearing. The fire had gone out, leaving him in the dark. The now deactivated lightsaber fell to the ground as Kaleb felt his knees give out, as his hands grip the ground hard. Echoes of confusion, chaos, and fear went through his mind, the screams of the molten figures and the words the sage given to him echoed in his mind. That figure….I saw that same figure. In the vision from seven years ago, Kaleb thought, his mind still spinning from the Force vision. “But…how…” Before he could wonder, the commlink went off, beeping loudly. He grabbed it with alarm, speaking in as calm of a voice as he could. “Fluttershy, what’s happening?” “Twilight called. She needs to see you right now,” Fluttershy replied through the device. “I don’t know why, but it sounded urgent.” “Tell her I’m on my way.” Kaleb replied, turning off the device before beginning a journey back to Ponyville. Twilight paced in her 1st floor office within the castle, with various papers and photographs on her desk. The light from the floor lamp near her desk was the only source, casting shadows on the walls in addition to the ones the princess was creating. Her speed was quick, reflecting one of late night thoughts and perhaps disturbing occurances. She heard the rumble of the speeder bike from outside the castle, sighing. It was a relief he had arrived quickly, but that did not relieve her emotions. And a minute later, Kaleb opened the doors, striding into the study as they closed behind him. Kaleb had known Twilight long enough where he could tell whether it was tireless determination to learn and perform her abilities or severe anxiety which made her emotions disturbed. Since becoming princess, they had worked and grown closer together more in those past few years than ever in his time here. But he noticed an emotion he hadn’t seen in her before: distress and fear, and he could get the sense she saw the same emotions in him. “Kaleb, I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize tonight was the anniversary of…” she apologized, speaking quickly with emotions running high in her voice. He raised his hand. “Don’t, not tonight. You did the right thing.” He tried to calm his own emotions, knowing that his distress could make her fear worse. Walking over to her, Kaleb kneeled to her level. “I am a Jedi, but first and foremost I am your friend. Twilght, tell me what’s going on.” Twilight knew she could trust him, and sighed. “So, you know how Moondancer went to travel and explore and ended up becoming a nightcrawler in Equestria’s big cities?” Kaleb nodded, remembering how her friend became a private investigator and nightcrawler, acting in a role between the journalist and law enforcement in the legal gray areas of that profession. “She sent me her findings…and they’re bad.” She indicated to the writings and photos on her desk and Kaleb went over, taking a look. On the letter Moondancer had sent, she had listed over twenty different murders scattered across Manehatten, Las Pegasus, and every major city within Equestria. Scattered across the desk were pages with details, including newspaper clippings and pictures taken by her. He stared at the pages and pictures in disbelief before looking at her. “How far do these go back? It can’t have been in a short time frame,” Kaleb asked. “Nearly a year,” Twilight responded gravely. “She’s probably the only one who thinks they’re all connected. Spread across different cities, but local law enforcement are treating them each as individual cases because they’re overwhelmed with organized crime.” He nodded. “The two views between connection and individual cases are not necessarily separated. Moondancer says every murder is completely randomized; there’s no connection between any two victims. That can be merely a coincidence, or premeditated to appear so which would require precise strategy.” “You sound like you know this from experience,” she observed. “Unfortunately yes,” Kaleb said. “I never participated in any murder investigations aiding Coruscant police, but I read a significant amount of reports by those who did. What are your thoughts on this?” Twilight thought for a few seconds, her eyes glancing in fear. “The first thing my mind jumps to is this could be a work of a serial killer, which is terrifying. The other thought is organized crime, but there isn’t evidence to support that.” “There’s a lot we don’t know,” Kaleb said, agreeing with Twilight’s point. “With a serial killer, there’s connection or similarities between all of the victims. Here, it seems to be randomized, which could be a coincidence. Or these victims have been carefully selected to make sure they appear random.” He noticed her fear, and continued. “Contact her directly, and see if she would be willing to talk to us. It could draw danger, but I trust her and I swear I will protect my friends.” She nodded. “Kaleb, I saw that some fear and disturbance the moment you walked in here. Are you okay, because you looked like you were going to pass out.” Kaleb sat down as his knees threatened to give way again, trying to shake the disturbance out of his eyes. “It’s…I don’t even know where to start. “ “Where you feel most comfortable, and I have a spare cup of herbal tea here.” She pushed the mug into his hand, never forgetting the amount of times Kaleb had offered her the same in rough moments. “I had a Force vision,” Kaleb began, trailing off. “I was meditating out in the Everfree Forest, and the vision spoke of bloodshed and darkness. It was visceral, so lifelike and teeming with the Dark Side of the Force.” The color drained from Twilight’s face as she heard his warning, and nearly passed out right there if she had not been already sitting down. He continued. “ I was in a large cavern with some kind of ancient archway. There was a creature in that vision, who I saw seven years ago in a previous vision when I was unconscious after the Battle of Canterlot. I never understood why that creature appeared then, but I know now it was warning me of something.” “It looks like tonight may have been a warning, for both of us,” she finished, the last words trailing off. “The question is, how do we move forward?” Kaleb kept a careful tone of voice. “I do have to keep neutral as a Jedi in the matters of governing and politics. But then again, this is different than other matters.” He paused for a few more moments. “I trust your judgement Twilight. But I can give my guidance and outlook on the situation.” “I want your guidance on this,” Twilight decided. “This isn’t a policy decision, but a matter of keeping peace and harmony. It’s not Canterlot, and I know for a fact you relay more in me than any other princess. More importantly, you are my friend whose judgement I value equally along with the rest of the Element Bearers.” He nodded, pausing to think. The mystery of this vision is still clouded in fog. “I think you should cancel the festival entirely, but others might see it as overkill. The tricky thing with these visions is they are often unclear in meaning and how they play out. Change the events in our lives too much, and the events change with it.” Twilight nodded. “Then we should still go forward, but with precautions in place. What I’m going to do is just have the parade and dance go forward on the last day, and cancel all other events.” “Good choice,” Kaleb replied with a neutral tone. “I would also say have a Royal Guard presence as well. Along with extra security, it makes it more special for everyone in Sweetie Belle’s class.” “I’ll contact Flash on that, I was just talking to him this morning,” Twilight replied, her voice going darker. “He told me what’s been going on with the Equestrian Guard. I no longer feel comfortable having them at my royal events.” She sighed. “That is not a direction Equestria should head in, and as the Princess of Friendship, I condone it with every inch of magic in my body. Particularly for Spike’s safety, when the two of us have been having more conversations about this topic.” Kaleb sensed the deep frusteration within her. “Those conversations must not be easy for the two. Particularly now. I sense you have conflicted feelings.” She sighed. “We did have these talks early on, but then it took on a whole new form of meaning after The Battle of Canterlot. Dragon Lord Ember has been talking to us about this, including taking days out of her schedule to spend time with Spike.” Twilight stood up for a moment before continuing to help organize her thoughts. “I’m frusterated with Celestia and Luna for not telling me about this. It’s not directed at Shining Armor or Flash; I get the concern with security; but especially because of Spike it’s personal.” “I understand,” Kaleb said in a comforting voice. “My feelings on the matter are complicated. The only reason I have stayed out of it is because Flash and Dr. Bluejay told me to. But the philosophy the Equestrian Guard hold is against everything the Jedi stood for. They hate my guts, and judging by the stares back in the Crystal Empire’s throne room, many would gladly stab me with every sword and dagger in their possession if given the opportunity.” “I trust you are able to defend yourself,” Twilight responded. “But this is all the more reason for my concern. I’m contacting Shining Armor and Flash to bring the Royal Guard to Ponyville. There are too many risks at play. I’ll follow-up with you later today as soon as I hear back.” He got up to leave. Before exiting the study, he looked at her with serious and honestly. “Something’s coming, Twilight. I don’t know what, but it will come. For Equestria, and us.” > Chapter 4: Secrets > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The cold wind whipped through the fields outside Ponyville, rustling the stems of wheat, corn, and grasses around the area. Fall had arrived, and brought the chill with it. The sun was slow to rise, as it could just be made out over the horizon of gray clouds. Fog plagued the field. Every step one took was heightened with the dead leaves and branches on the trails today. But even the mild weather left a threatening aurora which everyone could feel. Kaleb leaned against the side of his speeder bike, wearing a dark red tunic with his brown robes and boots. This was normal fall attire for the Jedi, except for the armor built into his robes. The white armor fit sleek on and under his robes, reminiscent of Jedi General attire during the Clone Wars. It was light, yet effective, still allowing Kaleb his full range of movement. The meditations from the past few mornings are just like this fog. Shrouded in mystery; leaving a chill within the soul. Sipping his caf from a travel mug, he watched the steam billow into the air, whisping to nothingness. “I don’t like this.” “You don’t like anything,” Flash remarked, moving next to him as he watched the fields of wheat rustle from the wind. “That’s not good coffee to begin with…” He shook his head. “No, this…” He indicated to the location they were standing in. “We’re too exposed; out in the open. We would be better to move into the cover of the forest. Any opponent would catch us a mile away even with the fog and our position would be given away…” “Here, we would be able to sense any oncoming opponent from at least two miles away,” Flash argued. “Royal Guard training on top of that, the flat nature of the landscape makes sure any communication we give is clear. Mountain’s Fury attacked in a specific dead zone where no transmission could get out.” Kaleb nodded, taking another sip and sighing. He looked towards Twilight and Shining Armor, who were on the other side of the field having what seemed to be a heated conversation. After arriving at the location first, he had observed the three of them arrive, everyone in a sour mood. Flash seemed to be quiet as the siblings continued their argument. “The tension stems from last night,” Flash explained, noticing where he was looking. “Twilight’s angry about the lack of transparency about the Royal Guard investigation, and says she should have been updated with all of the information since she ordered it. Shining is under a lot of pressure with this on top of the Equestrian Guard talks.” “Personal and professional relationships are difficult to balance,” Kaleb acknowledged. “I read the report last night. Confirming the weapons are real is a major development, but leaves larger questions of how they were made and acquired. As well, any kind of toxin is a possibility.” Flash continued. “Dr. Bluejay is still looking into that. No word yet. Right now, our main focus is pursuing the lead into the Sandstorm Riders. Saddle Arabia is working with us to determine if there is truth to the link.” He sighed. “The Royal Guard is stretched thin right now. Shining doesn’t want to admit it, but with things the way they are right now, we’re vulnerable even with our numbers.” Kaleb nodded. “That is why you have me. If anything develops, and if Twilight doesn’t ask me first, I will open an investigation as a Jedi Knight. It’s clear any one of these isolated incidents poses a threat.” “I appreciate that,” the guard replied. “I just wish Luna would offer the same support instead of coddling the Equestrian Guard’s demands. I understand there’s times where you have to negotiate, but I don’t like the agreed placement of troops away from our major hubs…” He fell silent as Twilight and Flash walked back over to where they were standing. Kaleb could still sense the tension between them, but it was over a shared resolve rather than a disagreement. Twilight looked at Kaleb, speaking with surprise and slight annoyance as she was still waking up. “The armor’s a nice touch, but it’s a little much, don’t you think?” “This is traditional Jedi armor. It’s supposed to be that way,” Kaleb responded in a neutral tone. “Flash helped me craft it based off of blueprints from the Jedi Archives. It’s probably a bit lighter than the original, but still resistant against blasters. Sorry about grabbing him last minute; this is the last time I keep you two from your dates.” That woke Twilight up, as both she and Flash jumped at the same time at the mention of their relationship. Kaleb distinctly remembered the memory of going to the Canterlot music festival with Fluttershy, and standing right near the pair as they snuck off to Twilight’s library right after the concert. Plus, from the amount of letters Kaleb saw Twilight tried to hide from him, he knew they had gotten together. However, that was not the case for her brother. Shining Armor looked at the two of them with surprise at this information. “Wait…what do you just say, Kaleb…?” Kaleb interrupted. “I assume you knew…it seemed pretty obvious at the music festival and the letters they’ve been sending.” He glanced at Twilight, who slapped a hoof on her face. “I should probably shut up now.” Flash groaned with sarcasm slipping into his voice. “Yeah, you really should. Or feel free to continue talking.” Shining sighed, glancing out at the horizon before looking back at them. “This was not how I was expecting to hear about this, and I have more important things on my mind right now. But congratulations.” Flash took this as approval for now, and threw a sign of relief at the Jedi. “When is your friend supposed to arrive? We’re wasting daylight.” Just as the unicorn was supposed to respond, Moondancer teleported right near them. Twilight had placed wards around the area which would allow her to teleport to them with a certain code. Wearing a black trenchcoat, her hair flapped in the wind with even the glasses moving slightly. A camera bag was slung over her shoulder, always at the ready as a tool of her trade. Flash and Shining both drew their weapons in record time, but they stopped. That made her smirk. “Always at the ready, I see. Twilight, good to see you.” The two friends hugged, with Twilight holding on a little tighter the usual. “Even under these circumstances.” Twilight nodded. “Thank you for coming on short notice. It’s time to look into this, and I’ve brought a few friends to advise. This is Shining Armor and Flash Sentry of the Royal Guard, and Jedi Master Kaleb Taymar.” She shook Kaleb’s hand. “I’ve heard stories about you, in the papers. Most are standard newswriting, but there are rumors and gossip of your tales.” “Most are exaggerated,” Kaleb replied. He had only given out a handful of interviews, but was still secretive about his work as a Jedi. “Some are amusing.” All of them chuckled before the mood turned serious, as Twilight used a summoning spell to bring a table. “Moondancer, as a Princess and your friend, I want you to tell us about your observations.” She sighed before speaking. “It started probably eight months ago, by my calculations. The first one I heard about was based in Manehattan, in one of the smaller neighborhoods. I managed to get there right before police arrived.” Moondancer threw a set of pictures from her saddlebag on the table, and the rest of the group gazed down at the carnage. Each picture showed a different murder scene, ranging from lavish apartments to smaller places of living. However, all of them showed the same story. The bodies lay on the floor in a pool of blood, each having bruising, burns and slashes on the external body. Parts of the bodies had been severed, including legs, wings, and horns. The age of the victims ranged from the elderly to the youngest of ponies. Flash put a hoof over his mouth, turning away to keep from gagging. Twilight and her brother looked sickened at the severity. Kaleb kept a neutral expression, his hand stroking his beard. Finally, he looked up at Moondancer. “Were there any signs of forced entry or exit? And what did the autopsies report?” “It’s impossible to tell how the victims died, but I have heard many suspect internal and external internal bleeding, trauma to the head, neck, and spine, or shock otherwise,” she listed off. “There were no or limited signs of forced entry or exit. It’s difficult to tell what is or what sustained damage from the fight.” Shining took another look at the photos. “With this amount of damage, it’s difficult but not impossible to track how the murderer escaped. My best guess would be they went underground into the tunnels beneath each city. That’s how they are able to go about undetected.” Twilight nodded and looked at Kaleb. “Have you seen this kind of severity before?” “I have,” Kaleb said quietly. “But I don’t know who could have caused this. It could be changelings, but I am unaware of the whereabouts of Chrysalis at this time.” “The last we heard was over two years ago that she was spotted on the outskirts of the Dragon Lands,” Flash added. “It’s a good theory given their use of disguise, but we know there’s a changeling resistance against Chrysalis which could keep her busy. Unless she’s using this as a distraction.” Moondancer gazed at them for a few seconds before adding a disturbing note. “This isn’t a normal crime. There’s a different energy in these cities; everyone is terrified of what is to come next. Even criminal organizations have been put on watch, and there’s been rumors of organizations joining together, some splitting down the middle.” “Celestia and Luna told us from intelligence of increased criminal activity,” Shining told the group. “If this is what’s causing it, then the Royal Guard has to step in.” Kaleb had a memory pop into his head, one which he had forgotten from long ago. “Do you know what everyone thinks it is? Whoever committed these acts?” “It’s like…ghost stories,” Moondancer answered with finality. “Some kind of monster hiding in the dark, waiting for it’s next victim. The police think it’s just a normal murderer, but nobody else has that in their head. It haunts everyone. Some call it a Grim Reaper, others consider it a demon of Tartarus. But whatever it is, the mystery behind it is spreading to every creature on this planet.” He had heard enough. “I’m finished with questioning for now. We still have much to do today. I need to speak to Twilight alone before I start my patrol.” Twilight thought for a second before proceeding to order the Royal Guard. “Okay, here’s what we’re going to do. I want you two to escort Moondancer back to my castle and check in with the rest of the guards. Tell them to keep an eye on the parade and the skies, and report back to me in an hour.” “Yes, Princess Twilight.” They both saluted, and Moondancer waved before Shining Armor cast a teleportation spell, and the group was gone in a flash. Twilight turned to Kaleb and she sighed. “I want your assessment on this. What are you thinking?” “I can understand why Moondancer brought this up to you,” Kaleb started. “The severity of the murders stands out, along with the circumstances. Give me time to meditate on this, and I will present my options.” “We might not have time, Kaleb,” Twilight countered. “If the Royal Guard is to investigate, I have to authorize them as soon as possible. Why do you want to hold off?” Kaleb sighed. “I was looking over the intelligence reports from the Royal Guard, and something seems off. There are inconsistencies within which tell a different story. It’s small, almost too small to notice. But bundled together, it could have destructive results. And all delivered within familiar hooves.” That observation annoyed the princess before him. “Are you suggesting my own brother and his friend would lie and betray me?” “No, of course not,” Kaleb said quickly. “But wherever they received that information from could have been deceived. Or they are being deceived in the process. I know what forged intelligence documents look like, Twilight. It’s extremely difficult to spot them if they’re well-crafted. I do not blame them,, as I saw it happen to the best of commanders. But I need time to figure out if they are, what information is false, and the deeper truth behind them.” She nodded. “I have no doubt the Royal Guard is loyal, but Shining has expressed to me his fears about vulnerability given recent events over the past few years. If you are right, this could endanger all of Equestria.” She turned away, only to face him right back with a neutral look. “This sounds overly familiar to you, by the sound of it.” His voice was serious. “Believe me, it does. Attempted assassinations, tensions within and between various governments, and murders. The last time I saw this, it was all leading to one thing, Twilight.” “And what is that?” She asked, not wanting the answer in her head to be correct. “War.” Spike sprinted across Ponyville, dodging pedestrians lined on the parade route. The rhythm of his wings beat across the grass, creating a humming around his ears which were covered by a cheap pair of headphones and drowned out by the mixtape playing on an old cassette player. The vintage look was completed with an old jean jacket he found from a thrift shop in Canterlot. Hope I can make it in time, Spike thought as he barreled through the streets. At this rate, the parade is going to start any moment. After a tense few minutes, he finally spotted Big Mac checking the wheels on the float, and he jumped on just as Scootaloo was looking around. “I’m here,” Spike greeted her slightly out of breath. “Sorry, it took me a while with the crowds and getting my scales just right…” “Looking good, Spike,” she said. “It’s alright, Apple Bloom and Big Mac are just checking to make sure our float goes off without a hitch. We just need Sweetie Belle to come back from getting the decorations set and we’re good to go.” He nodded, as Scootaloo moved back down to a different side of the float. They had gone with a vintage theme, something they had seen in so many movies that seemed to style from a different era. They loved it all, from the hair and fashion to the music, which Fluttershy, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash had taught them well. Chuckling, Spike looked around the float, which featured neon colors heavily like something out of a dream. Gazing out at the sky, he noticed a shifting change in the weather patterns. Judging from the pressure in the air and the cloud formations from the west, it looks like it’s going to rain tonight. Luckily it held off for the parade. The past few years, he had began to have intuitions of the weather. These were natural signs of maturing for an adolescent dragon, but he noticed that his senses were more attuned than normal. Even Dragon Lord Ember had been surprised at how precise his senses for pressure and wind changes were, especially when flying. He was a natural, and one of the best she had seen even amongst her own dragons. But it was more than that, as these intuitions led him to be more aware of the world around him, from the history of every gem he encountered to those who had discovered them. They were almost like echoes, ones which fought with the sense of foreboding darkness he kept sensing. These two keep him in a state of flux, of highs and lows. The shield of light kept his mind sane, and was something he wanted to explore out in the world. Now, all I need to do is just get through the parade, and then get my tuxedo on and get ready to dance. This is going to be fun… In that moment, his senses told him someone behind him was tripping as they were getting onto the float. Quickly, he turned around to grab their hoof, using his wing to balance and guide them forward. As the action was completed, he looked at the pony he had saved, only to realize it was his date for the dance. Sweetie Belle had on a simple jean jacket over a purple sweater, almost the same as Spike was wearing. It was covered with patches of old bands Fluttershy had taught her. And on her face was a blush of pure red. “Hey…thanks for the save.” “No problem,” Spike said, not picking up on anything out of the ordinary. “Nice jacket. This is going to be awesome for the parade.” Sweetie Belle shook her head to clear her mind. “We’re totally going to get first place at this rate! So much hard work has been poured in. I’m just worried Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are going to outshine us. ” She couldn’t think of anything else to say, and was thankful when Apple Bloom interrupted. “Spike, Big Mac needs help tightening the bolts for the float, can you please lend a wing?” “Yeah, no problem. I’ll be there in a sec,” Spike called out. “Life moves pretty fast, Sweetie Belle. If you don’t stop to look around every once in a while, you could miss it. So relax, and don’t worry about them. It’s just our friends on this float. Along with you and me.” He quickly moved away from Sweetie Belle, who was in the process of processing what he had just said. Particularly that last sentence. Apple Bloom walked over to her, a small smile on her face. “I saw that. For apple’s sake, just tell him.” “I told you two earlier this summer, I’m just waiting for the right time,” Sweetie Belle explained, quickly rustling her mane to get rid of the blush. “You know how much this could change things. If it goes badly, it could ruin our friendship, not to mention the Cutie Mark Crusaders if I’m not careful.” “You’ve been waiting for the right time the past seven years,” Apple Bloom pointed out simply. “You can’t hide this forever. Love is a shot in the dark, and every rose has its thorn. But that doesn’t mean it’s not worth taking the risk.” Sweetie Belle thought for a minute. Maybe she’s right. It is time to tell him. “But how do I do that?” “We’ll take care of that,” Scootaloo replied as she joined them. “Just leave it to your friends. At the dance, we’ll take care of the music as you two dance, you tell him, he says you feel the same way, and you kiss with an ending of a fairytale.” The unicorn sighed. “I guess that sounds like a solid plan. But not a word to him, got it?” “We’re your friends, we got this.” Apple Bloom said, high hoofing Scootaloo. Big Mac called out, saying the float was ready. Spike joined them on top, all of them putting hoof and claw on top of each other. “Cutie Mark Crusaders Parade Team! Let’s Go!” Together, they all helped pull the float to the starting position, which had been given to them the night before. The wheels croaked but held steady as all of them pushed and pulled the float, the Ponyville streets of grass providing a bumpy transport. It took about half an hour, with Sweetie Belle finally shaking the cold sweat out of her mane as soon as it was finished. Turning around, she saw a familiar face as she recognized the Royal Guards marching, looking at the floats from beyond. After Kaleb exchanged some quiet words with Big Mac as he was leaving to check back on the Sweet Apple Acres stand, he walked over to her. “Great job, the Cutie Mark Crusaders really pulled this together nicely.” “Thanks, but it was those three who did most of the work,” Sweetie Belle acknowledged. “I was up early this morning getting the decorations for the dance together last minute. What’s with all the Royal Guards?” He had expected she would take notice. “It was a last-minute decision from Twilight, just as a precaution. Sorry about the race being cancelled; that was out of my control.” Sweetie Belle waved a hoof. “It’s okay, you’re fine. If anything it gives me more time to get my mane done. Nice armor by the way.” Just as Kaleb was about to respond, Spike pulled up. “Whoa, Kaleb! That’s awesome. You got to wear that to the dance tonight, and get me a custom set while you’re at it.” Sweetie Belle gave him a questioning look which Spike answered. “Didn’t Rarity tell you? Kaleb is chaperoning because he crashed into the school.” Spike walked away before he could respond, and Sweetie Belle gave him a questioning glance. That explains why Miss Cheeriliee has been cursing his name under her breath the past month. “For the record, I didn’t crash my ship. It just knocked the bell and tower down because of malfunctioning sensors,” Kaleb corrected. “A5 and I helped repair it, but she knows how much I despise chaperoning these events.” “Well, I’m sure you’ll get through it,” Sweetie Belle teased with a hint of sarcasm. “Us Jedi have to endure these trials for the will of the Force.” Kaleb let out a chuckle. “Well, at least I’ll have some entertainment. You put in too much hard work for the judges not to award your float the best. And if they prefer others, perhaps a Jedi Mind Trick will do nicely.” “You wouldn’t dare…” Kaleb raised his hands. “Just kidding. Wouldn’t dream of it.” His tone became serious. “I know there’s a lot of Royal Guard here today, but today is your day off. Try to relax, and enjoy the time with your friends. I can handle it from here.” Sweetie Belle nodded. “I know, it’s just a nerve-racking experience for a number of reasons. I suppose it can’t be worse than nearly running your speeder into a gorge. But know I’m here.” “To be fair, the worse thing would be Rarity finding out,” Kaleb replied, with Sweetie Belle chuckling. “But I’m impressed with your level of preparedness as a Jedi. Keep it up.” His commlink began to beep, and he answered it, with Sweetie Belle able to hear the conversation. “Flash, this is Kaleb. I’m heading back on my patrol. Do you copy?” He heard no response, and tried a few more times before the guard finally answered. “I’m sorry. Flash isn’t here right now, but someone else is.” “I told you for the last time, we are not using code names,” Kaleb argued. “I don’t care how many movies you’ve seen, it’s only going to cause confusion.” “It’s Royal Guard tradition, and we’re keeping it,” Flash replied. “Besides, we’re wingmates. Me with my gorgeous pair and you with your weird funky flying machine. Our call signs I came up with have to tell the world we’re badass and ready to take on anything. It has to be better than our fellow commanders.” Kaleb huffed with annoyance. “Those were my suggestions, and apparently Maverick and Goose are already taken…” Sweetie Belle used her magic to take the comlink from Kaleb’s hand, clearly very entertained from the argument going on between them. “I for one would love to hear the codenames you came up with, Flash.” “Thank you, Sweetie Belle. Your apprentice is only proving my point.” “Give me that,” Kaleb growled in annoyance as he caught it as he tossed to him. “Fine, I’ll use the codenames.” He took a breath, and paused for a few seconds. “Cobra Command, I’m on my way back on patrol, over.” “Eagle Fang, I read you loud and clear. Awaiting you landing to begin the parade patrol. Over and out.” “But eagles don’t have fangs,” Kaleb said meekly just as Flash ended the transmission. Sweetie Belle laughed loudly, with the volume being louder than the response to any joke he told her. She wiped a tear from her eye. “I’m never going to let you live this down, you know that right? Have a great patrol, Master.” She left to be near her friends. Kaleb just sighed and continued on his way. Slipping through the crowd, he made his way to the parade route, where he would be stationed around SugarCube Corner. The store was a central place within Ponyville, never too far out of reach to any location within the town. Right on the parade route, but quiet enough to hear and respond to any disturbance. Kaleb waved in greeting to the Cakes before leaning against the wall of the shop. If I am to be stationed here for the remainder of the parade, I might as well meditate on the possibility of forged documents. If I am right, then Shining Armor must be informed right away. A few moments later, the guard assigned to Kaleb’s spot joined him, but it was the look of the guard which made him put up his guard. It was the same eyes which had gazed upon Fluttershy and him at a restaurant years ago, and poisoned a manticore. He knew the one responsible had long been dead, but the guard settled down near him. “I am no changeling, only a unicorn who woke up with a headache after being kidnapped,” he said openly. “If you won’t take my word for it, I can show you identification.” Kaleb put his lightsaber back on his belt. “My apologies. Drogo and I had a history. Commander Alpine, right?” The commander nodded. “Shining Armor told me much about you. I take care of the Crystal Empire branch when he is occupied, along with being in charge of Royal Guard Intelligence.” A bell rung in the back of Kaleb’s mind. He could prove useful in this mystery. “I am conducting an investigation on my authority as a Jedi, and I would like to ask you a few questions.” “When I was informed Princess Twilight called us here, I had a feeling there was something else going on,” Alpine responded. “Ask your questions, and I’ll bring in anything I know which may be of use.” “How does the Royal Guard handle their intelligence reports?” Kaleb pressed. “Who gets the information, and who delivers?” “That’s all done through Royal Guard offices, but it starts with our own intelligence unit. We’re fairly small, so anything else is done through Equestrian Guard spy networks,” Alpine explained. “Our numbers have been reduced in recent years, but the work is still consistent.” “I have reason to believe the intelligence documents I received last night are forged,” Kaleb stated. “It’s the small inconsistencies which add up.” “Hand me the documents. I know every report which has gone through my office.” The Jedi hesitated. “Do you want your investigation to go to a standstill? Give me the bloody documents!” Sighing, the Jedi slipped a hand into his robes and pulled out the intelligence report. Alpine took the envelope and read the material inside, going over it in detail. The parade had kicked up, with a crowd lining the route in front of them, exchanging glances at the two. Kaleb and Alpine entered inside the shop, which was empty aside from Mr. Cake in the back kitchen. Sitting down at a booth, away from the noise and crowds, it took a few minutes for the conversation to restart. “This report was done by the Royal Guard with select intelligence from the Equestrian Guard,” Alpine began. “However, you are right to be suspicious. All the information here is technically correct, but there are inconsistencies besides the ones you listed. It’s possible there could be some kind of enchantment on the paper itself.” He cast a quick spell, complex in wording. “This will detect any kind of forgery, but it takes time. I will also cast a spell which prevents any listening enchantments from activating.” Kaleb nodded. “I’m sure you have noticed there is a fair amount of tension both internal and external to Equestria. I need to understand this and what dangers the Royal Guard is facing.” “Well, we can start with the internal. The obvious conflict between us and the Equestrian Guard,” Alpine answered. “I assume you’ve been prepped on the basics. That tension is just starting to crumble into the intelligence spheres of our organization. I’ve instructed all the guards under my command to keep out of it, but be wary the moment it starts to compromise information.” “The true danger isn’t always the physical threat in front of you, but the false information in your mind,” Kaleb said out loud. “That was what my Master told me. It spreads faster than hyperspace, and brings institutions to crumbling ruins.” “We haven’t had that, at least not yet,” Alpine reassured. “General Tywin has not indicated any change of it happening in the Equestrian Guard.” “What do you know about him?” Kaleb asked. “He has made it clear we do not see eye to eye.” “The few times I’ve met him, he was very smooth and had a deep presence,” Alpine explained. “He keeps private, and isn’t even in Canterlot most of the time. He has a bases of operations both on the Saddle Arabian and Dragon Land borders. Princess Luna has a close friendship with him, since his family was part of her own guard for generations.” “The shroud of mystery is strong,” Kaleb replied. “Shining Armor and Flash have both instructed me to keep out of this conflict, but there’s only so far I can ignore. Am I correct to be suspicious?” Alpine nodded. “To an extent, yes. Outside of any feelings regarding the place of the Royal Guard in Equestria, I do think the lack of transparency to us regarding their spy network raises an alarm. All I know is it’s vast. And there’s the possibly agents embedded within criminal organizations themselves, which raises more issues.” The guard took a sip from his canteen, and continued. “The main external threat comes from the changelings ruled by Chrysalis, who has been impossible to find. There have been reports of changelings being spotted increasing over the past two years, but none have organized any major attacks. However, there is another group which concerns me. A rising criminal organization that seems to stand above the rest.” “What do you know about them?” Kaleb asked, once again checking to make sure they were alone. “Once this group came onto the scene, it caused a ripple effect in regards to the other criminal organizations within Equestria. They would either merge or fight, and there have been reports of criminals abandoning their old syndicates to join this new one. The organization is known by multiple names, but the ones most commonly used are The Shadow Collective and Crimson Dawn.” Familiarity hit Kaleb hearing the first name. I heard whispers in the Jedi Temple regarding an organization with the same name, but never knew what the Council was talking about. “Have they claimed any responsibility to criminal activity over the past year? In particular, any murders?” “Nothing large,” Alpine answered. “But there have been a few isolated incidents in Saddle Arabia and YakYakistan. Mainly robberies and bombings done in their name to send a message to their rivals. But rumors have it they’re planning something big.” All of a sudden, the paper in front of them stared to glow a shade of green, visible even in the lights of the café. Alpine immeditally grabbed the papers. “There are spells of deception on the documents. You were right to bring them to me. We need to get to Shining Armor. Now.” He dashed out of the café, just as the parade was beginning it’s final stretch. The Jedi kept up, weaving through the crowd, preparing his mind for whatever was to happen. I learned a great deal from that conversation. This new organization concerns me, especially one which shares that name. Activating the commlink, Kaleb sent an encrypted message to Flash. “Cobra, I’m sending you my location. Meet me there. Winds are active on the northern front.” “Eagle, read you loud and clear. Over and out.” After a few minutes, Kaleb found Alpine running over to Shining Armor, saying a code phrase. The three moved away from the judging table, which was in deep discussion over the winners of various contests, and into an alleyway. Flash flew through the narrow way, landing right in front of the group. “What’s happening?” “Your intelligence documents have spells of deception written all over them,” Alpine said without haste. “Kaleb brought them to my attention. I can’t distinguish what kind of magical trace is on them.” Shining Armor looked at the documents on the ground, casting a complex spell to figure out who had cast them. “There are many different kind of deception spells, but my counterspell should break down the wards. Alpine, where did you get this report?” “This came from outposts out in the Badlands and Undiscovered West, both of which have not been in consistent contact,” Alpine said. “I think this may be the first report from them in over a year.” The paper began to shine an even brighter green, mixed with blue creating a psychedelic effect. Shining’s eyes widened, and jumped back as the paper glowed for a few moments before turning back to normal. Finding his voice, he spoke gravely to the group. “That is changeling magic enchanted on this document, and I have a suspicion this isn’t the last one. Kaleb, I can confirm if there are more, than the Royal Guard has been compromised.” Flash spoke quickly on his hooves. “If that’s the case, we need to withdraw from this event. Otherwise, we would be endangering Twilight and everyone here. Whoever wrote that document knew it would end up in Kaleb’s hands.” Shining took charge. “Alpine, gather up the rest of the guards and tell them we’re leaving. Don’t explain why, that’s going to be on me. However, I’m not leaving Ponyville completely without help. Flash, for now you are suspended under a disciplinary review on the charge of roughhousing. Not because you are in trouble, but because of your personal relationship with Twilight. I can’t risk the conflict of interest and endangering both of you. And I know you will guard my sister well.” That took Flash by surprise. “I’ll protect her with my life.” “Trust me, don’t let Twilight hear you say that. She’ll be the one protecting you,” Shining replied. “Kaleb, somehow, we’ll keep in contact. For now, I ask you don’t reveal the specifics why the Guard leaving until we have confirmation. You are allowed to say that we left for concerns on internal security, but no more than that. Twilight will understand the meaning.” “Best of luck to you on this, and may the Force Be With You.” Kaleb said as Shining and Alpine, activated a teleportation spell, taking the documents with them. In an instant, the pair were gone. An odd stillness echoed in the air as Kaleb and Flash both looked at each other. At the same time, they both started to walk forward towards the parade. “First things first, we need to inform Twilight and formulate a security plan for the rest of the day. I know the Homecoming Dance is still going forward for now, but I want that school protected. Is there any way you could have Sweetie Belle help out?” “No, and I told Twilight the same thing,” Kaleb answered firmly. “This is her day, and one the Cutie Mark Crusaders have been looking forward to for a very long time. You have to remember they’re still children, and this night is something they’ll remember for the rest of their lives. I’m not taking this away from my Padawan. And I will protect Sweetie Belle and everyone in that room tonight, by the will of the Force.” The light bounced off of the ceiling of the dance hall in a spectacular way, with deep rich colors switching along with the music. It was a simple spell, but one that made the students in Ponyville happy as they hung out in their various groups. Tables and chairs were huddled alongside the dance floor, with refreshments over to the other side. Students mostly stood around the dance floor, some partaking with dancing while others sat on the sides. It was a dream of light and magic, no thanks to Twilight assisting in the spell work of the enchanted lights. Sweetie Belle moved slowly, making her way to the table she had reserved with her friends. Her dress was an elegant shade of light blue, mixed with small ornamentations of turquoise and gold. Rarity had made it herself, adding small adjustments to make it shimmer just right. She eventually found her friends, as Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were sitting down. “There you are, we’ve been looking all over for you,” Scootaloo exclaimed, with Apple Bloom getting to the compliment first. “You look amazing!” “Thank you,” Sweetie Belle chuckled nervously. “Rarity was adding the finishing touches. Spike and I were going to take pictures out at Sweet Apple Acres but the weather seemed too uncertain. Luckily, we got pictures in our parade outfits beforehand, so she’s going to take them at the dance.” “Speaking of, where is the handsome fellow?” Apple Bloom asked aloud, only to be surprised by Spike’s sudden voice. “Having some of this delicious food.” Spike sat right down at the table. His suit had also been custom made by Rarity, with it being a dark violet with accents of forest green on the edges and bow tie. “Whoa…Sweetie Belle. You look beautiful.” The words came bursting out of Spike’s mouth before he could even realize. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo both tried to keep their composure as Sweetie Belle blushed hard, attempting to cover it with a smile. “Well…so do you Spike. I love your bow tie.” As the two stared at each other in awkward silence, Apple Bloom interjected. “You know, I think I’ll try a bit of that cake now. But there’s no way it’s better than apple pie.” Nudging Scootaloo, they both left the table. Sweetie Belle cleared her head. “It’s hard to believe all the hard work we put in, it’s all here. Although the outdoor patio is pretty wet. We did this, together. And I can’t have done any of this without you.” “It’s all worth it, every single step,” Spike replied. There was something on his mind, something since the morning after the train attack. “Sweetie Belle, did you ever feel…connected to someone? Like you know them, inside and out.?” The lights began to dim, and the music started slow. Spike took notice “Do you, maybe wanna dance? This song goes on for a least ten minutes…” “I’d love to,” Sweetie Belle replied, jumping at the opportunity. “But first, let’s make my Jedi Master’s night slightly more interesting.” They walked over to the other side of the dance hall, where the food was being served. Kaleb leaned against the side of the gym, keeping an eye on the students while talking into a commlink. What was being said couldn’t be heard, but from the expression on Kaleb’s face, it sounded serious. After finishing the conversation, he set it down and looked upon the two of them. “I thought I saw you two across from there.” “We’d thought to make your night a little more interesting,” Spike replied. “Things seem to be going well. But I thought the Royal Guards would be here; Twilight said they would escort her as she announces King and Queen.” “Unfortunately, there was a change of plans,” Kaleb answered. “But I can assure you the moment will be just as special. I mean, you have the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony here. That’s still a big deal.” “As long as it’s not Rarity, I’m good. I’m not going to be accused of rigging an election tonight,” she joked, as Spike laughed. Kaleb gave a chuckle. “It’s been raining for hours now. Do you think the forest will still be good to train in tomorrow?” Kaleb remembered Rainbow Dash telling him about the storm. “I’ll probably find out tomorrow morning, and go from there. And try and take your mind off training for tonight. This is your night to relax. That’s an order.” “Very well,” Sweetie Belle replied. “Just promise me the same. I haven’t seen you this uncomfortable since that one time training in Cloudsdale…” “Which we agreed never to speak of again,” Kaleb said. “Now, run along, you two.” Nodding, the pair waved and moved to the dance floor, just as a slow dance was beginning. Years of dance lessons from Rarity couldn’t even prepare her for this moment, as she put her hoof on Spike’s shoulder and waist, and he did the same. They swayed to the music. She thought for a few seconds on his question. “There are only a few ponies in my life that can apply too, my parents and sister for instance. Siblings have a way of getting in each other’s heads. But I guess slowly, there could be others. What’s up?” “Dragons have this power which causes them to be more sensitive when it comes to creatures they hold close,” Spike explained. “It grows in power as they age. That’s the reason dragon clans are so close to each other. They can sense when the other is in danger. Ember told me all of this two years ago when I visited.” There’s something else to this, something he’s not telling me, Sweetie Belle realized. “Why are you telling me this?” “You know me, better than anyone,” Spike said. “And those senses have been growing the past three years, but I think my development is twisted. There’s something happening to me; something in my mind I can’t control.” Sweetie Belle quickly noticed others were watching them with a strange expression, so she spun Spike around quickly and moved away from prying eyes. “How are you feeling? You can talk to me…” “How do you think I feel?” Spike replied defensively. “I can’t tell Twilight, Celestia knows how she’ll react. I’m telling you because I don’t want to lose anyone else, not like I lost my parents…” He fell silent as Sweetie Belle looked at him in shock, and realized how much he had revealed. “I guess I never told you. The last time I went to the Dragon Lands, I found my family document. My parents and siblings are dead. I’m the only one that survived.” She pulled him close, making sure nobody else could hear. “I’m so sorry, I wish I could have been there. I can help you now. Spike saw something out of the corner of his eye which made his blood go cold, as his eyes moved to confirm. The Shadow stood in the middle of the dance floor, oblivious to any of the other ponies in the room. But something happened, which had never happened in the past seven years it had haunted him. The eyes changed color to red. With that, it vanished, and everything returned back to normal. “I don’t know if you can help me through this. Somehow, this is tied to my grief and I need to face it on my own. I just need you to be here for me, and to try and understand what I’m going through.” Spike realized how much information he had revealed. “I’m sorry, I’m probably being a terrible date.” “No, you’re not,” Sweetie Belle said. “If anything, I need to be better date. And friend, more importantly.” “We can argue about this all night,” Spike chuckled, going back to his normal self. “But you’re a much better dancer than I am. It’s nice to throw in a few spins here or there.” “Well, what are we supposed to do? Just stare into each other’s eyes awkwardly?” Sweetie Belle asked with slight humor. “It’s a well- known law we must adhere to the same level of anxiety as every other couple on this dance floor,” Spike joked. “Besides, it’s actually a pretty nice view…” He trailed off slightly after that. Sweetie Belle smiled at the compliment, trying not to blush. “I never really noticed your eyes before. I mean, really looked at them. How many shades of green are there?” “How many do you see?” Spike asked. “I can count the shades of purple in your eyes for hours.” As Sweetie Belle and Spike danced, Kaleb leaned back against the wall, taking a sip from the punch he was drinking. It had been a long day. After he informed Twilight of the message, she gathered the Mane Six to keep an eye on the dance as the Royal Guards would have. Meanwhile, Flash insisted on patrolling the skies of Ponyville, arguing it would be better to have a scout around the town rather than all being in the same place. She agreed hesitantly, only on the condition that he would keep in regular contact. This storm makes it difficult to get a signal out; at least Flash checked in, Kaleb thought. With A5 recalibrating the atmospheric sensors back at the hanger, I can’t have her scouting in the ship with him. Our best strategy is to hope for the best, and hope this blasted night doesn’t get any more complicated. But from what I learned over the course of this day, there are outside factors which should be looked at carefully. He saw Fluttershy walk up to him. She wore a long green skirt with a buttoned white blouse, looking professional. “Deep in thought, Master Jedi?” “There’s a lot to think about,” Kaleb replied. “But sometimes it’s a good thing. Keeps the mind from getting distracted.” She was honest with him in an amused way. “Come on, let’s sit down. Your serious expression is intimidating the students away from their refreshments.” The two of them sat down at a nearby table, where they were still able to keep an eye on the students. Kaleb chuckled. “I do suppose my mood has been complicated despite the occasion. How has your day been?” “It’s been good,” Fluttershy answered. “I helped out with Dr. Fauna’s booth raising awareness for wildlife preservation, and then spoke with a few contractors about the sanctuary. The area of land a quarter mile away from the cottage is going to do nicely. They’re hoping to do prep work over the winter, then start construction the moment after Winter Wrap-Up.” “It’s sound like you have it all planned out,” Kaleb said with excitement. “I’m so happy this is finally coming to fruition. You’ve worked so hard on this over the past few years.” “And having a supportive partner helps immensely,” Fluttershy complimented. “Thank you. It’s been a crazy few years, but it’s a great adventure. With Saddle Arabia signing the treaty soon, we’ll have more time to spend with each other, and I’ll need all the assistance I can get with the sanctuary.” “Between my Jedi duties with training Sweetie Belle, I’ll defiantly be there,” Kaleb said. “Just tell me what needs to be done.” She nodded, giggling slightly at the end. “It’s a whole new chapter of my life, and I’m dragging you with it. You know, the one thing my parents and Zephyr have in common is a shared interest in our lives, more specifically a wedding. They’ve been asking me night and day about it the past few years, but six months ago they stopped asking.” “I have no idea why,” Kaleb lied, keeping his voice neutral. Walk very carefully. More delicate than on a Mustafar lava field. “I guess they finally got tired of it.” Fluttershy shrugged. “Maybe. Something about weddings always stuck out to me as a filly. I was always drawn to the flowers, and the animals of course. It sounds silly, but I had a binder hidden in my childhood bedroom all about them.” Kaleb shook his head. “Not at all. You were passionate about something you loved. And it sounds like a lot of it carried over to who you are now.” “It did, funnily enough,” she answered. “I almost became a wedding planner at one point. I would guide you step-by-step for hours on end about the process when we get married, you wouldn’t be able to escape…” She realized what she had just said, blushing and slightly mortified. Quickly thinking of a response, Kaleb grinned. “Between the two of us, and every animal in the Everfree, we could pull off one hell of a wedding.” Fluttershy laughed. “That we could. Maybe I could even set Angel up with a potential mate.” Kaleb laughed nervously in response to Fluttershy’s joke. No way she knows about the proposal. That ring is locked inside my desk drawer. He steered the conversation towards any other topic he could think of. “The students look like they had fun dancing tonight.” “The Cutie Mark Crusaders just poured so much work into this, and it shows,” Fluttershy observed. She looked at the dance floor, where Sweetie Belle and Spike were dancing with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. “I was helping Sweetie Belle pick out flowers for the tables the other day, and Spike was with her. She seemed really determined to find ones fitting the color scheme, but also asked me about what kind of flowers grew in the Dragon Lands if there were any. You don’t think…” It took Kaleb a few seconds to realize what she was asking. “I wouldn’t know, but I would be careful around Twilight and Rarity. Those two are the most protective older siblings I’ve ever seen.” Fluttershy’s expression turned serious. “When Twilight asked us to help observe the dance, she sounded pretty serious. Do you know why the Royal Guard had to leave all of a sudden?” “I do, but I can’t tell you. What I do know is Twilight is going to let you in as soon as she can,” Kaleb replied honestly. He felt a disturbance in the Force, reverberating within his mind. “Look, I have to patrol the hallways again. But it was really nice talking to you.” Just as he got up to leave, he saw Twilight heading towards him. There was a sense of alarm in her eyes beneath the calm. She indicated to a quiet hallway by the exit, and he met her there. “What’s going on?” “I just got word from Flash. Changelings have been spotted in the Everfree Forest.” She spoke. “We need to go now.” Kaleb processed the information quickly. “Tell the others to make sure no one leaves or enters this building. Don’t mention changelings, the last thing we need is panic. Teleport us straight there, no time to get my speeder.” Twilight used a spell to communicate with Miss Cheerilee and Applejack, relaying Kaleb’s words. With a flash, she teleported herself and Kaleb out of the dance hall, emerging a mere second later at the edge of the Everfree Forest. The storm bared down on them, rain soaking Twilight’s fur and Kaleb’s robes along with the wind blindsiding them. A few seconds later, Twilight cast another spell to shield them from the rain. The Jedi took out the commlink and tried to get a message out. “The storm is disrupting the channel, but it’s still online. He triggered the emergency beacon on it, probably about five thousand meters west of here.” “Then that’s where we need to go,” Twilight ordered. “Keep trying to get a message through. We can’t lose that connection.” The two began to walk steadily through the rain, into the woods. The trees stood tall, the blackened wood reflecting the sinister nature of the situation. Normally, Kaleb would run and Twilight would fly, given the terrain and weather conditions, made it near impossible and reckless. As the two walked at a fast pace, she gave him a glance. “If Shining Armor knew the possibility of a changeling attack, why didn’t he tell me? Now would be a good time to start your investigation.” “Those intelligence documents had changeling magic all over them,” Kaleb explained hastily. “Commander Alpine was almost certain the Guard had been compromised. Also, I started my investigation the moment after we spoke this morning.” “Good to know.” Twilight said. “I would have asked you tomorrow to start anyway. What’s our strategy for now and after finding Flash?” Kaleb had only taken a few moments to come up with a rough plan. “We do not split up no matter what happens, we stay together. I can sense who is a changeling, but they have the advantage of terrain. Don’t not explore or follow them into any cave or cavern moving underground. Trust me, it’s a death trap waiting to happen.” That last piece of information caught Twilight off guard, as she was surprised at the darkness and nerve in his voice. “But I can use my magic to light the cave. Why are you on edge?” Kaleb sighed, and kept silent for about twenty minutes. before speaking again. He had his hand outstretched, sensing the movements of life in the forest. He remembered the early days of the war, and one specific memory that haunted him. It was in a grim and dark voice that he spoke. “During the first battle of the Clone Wars, there were many Jedi and Clones who went into the caves underneath the planet of Geonosis, specifically around the field of battle. Not a single one reappeared. I monitored communication channels, and although it was difficult to make out what was going on, it was a massacre. Nobody knew who was responsible for those deaths, but Master Johanna told me it shook the Jedi Order. In that moment, they were the most vulnerable to attack ever since the Nihl.” Twilight looked at him again, as she wished to comfort him in this moment. He got the first word in before she could speak. “The drums of war have arrived, pounding on our doorstep. And we need to be ready.” Raising a quick fist, he stopped, motioning Twilight to get down low to the ground. She did, and he put his hand to the ground, spotting Flash’s commlink by the red light a few feet away. Kaleb moved forward slowly, grabbing the link. “This is the location of the distress signal…” “But where is he?” Twilight finished, the rain pouring around them. “Royal Guard training establishes they can cast sparks to give away their location…” Both the alicorn and the Jedi sensed the figures around them, getting up from the ground. Twilight deactivated the spell, rain and wind pouring down on them at the same time as Kaleb activated his lightsaber. The blue light of the blade illuminated as he heard signs of a struggle nearby, pinpointing it to be near a home not far from their location. “Zecora! Twilight exclaimed, as she and Kaleb ran toward the sign of the struggle. The rain and wind whipped past them, blinding Kaleb’s vision. Relying on the Force for guidance, he sensed the presence of changelings and heard Flash call out to him. They have her hostage. I’ve been ambushed for the past half hour…don’t have much strength left to fight. Zecora’s home had been taken by changelings, with Flash fighting head on against five different changelings. His fatigue was palpable, as the long struggle had taken a toll on his sword technique. Kaleb jumped in, using the Force to push enemies away as he moved in front of his friend. “We’re here…” “Took you long enough,” Flash grunted as Twilight used her magic to steady him. “We need to get her out of there. A changeling cell loyal to Chrysalis is responsible for this attack. They want to spread chaos.” Kaleb nodded. “You two, get her out of there. I’ll handle the ones out here.” The two teleported, as Twilight began to fly and attack the changeling defense wards. Kaleb turned to the changelings as they fired blasters. He kept on the defense, deflecting bolts right at them as he used the Force to evade knife attacks from behind him. Flipping through the air, he disarmed the attackers from behind and stabbed them cleanly, knowing even if one escaped, Ponyville could be in danger. The head changeling moved out of the front door, Zecora trailing behind him barely conscious. With a large bang from his horn, he caught the group’s attention. “Attack me, and she dies.” He pulled out a metallic sphere that Kaleb recognized, as the red light started to flash intermittently along with the rest of the indicators. A thermal detonator! Kaleb indicates for Flash and Twilight to move on his signal, as he looks at his opponent only ten feet in front of him. Battle meditation now! Knowing his options were limited, as the seconds passed before it detonated, he used the Force to jump towards Zecora, pulling her out of the changeling’s grasp as fast as lightning while pushing the changeling with the detonator into the treehouse. Twilight grabbed Zecora and teleported her away from the blast zone. The detonator went off with a large bang, sending debris crashing out of the windows of the treehouse. It destroyed the interior of the house, but left the structure still standing. Flash and Kaleb were caught in the blast zone, and throw back into the trees. Kaleb avoided the fall, rolling as he got up and moved toward Flash, coughing on the ground. Helping him up, the two ran towards Twilight, who was providing medical treatment to Zecora. “Is she alright?” “She’s fine, just in shock,” Twilight relayed. “She’ll wake up in about a minute. Why did they target the Everfree?” “These cells act independently from Chrysalis, and they usually look at isolated locations as easy targets,” Flash explained. “We got all of them, don’t worry. Apparently, they chose the wrong day to attack. I heard from Shining a few minutes before I spotted them. Many intelligence reports have been found to contain these spells, which have the effect of warping the information in them.” “So they did,” Kaleb said, with Twilight asking the next question. “Is the Royal Guard truly compromised?” Flash nodded gravely. “Celestia is pulling all Royal Guards out of Canterlot, it’s that serious. They attacked us at our core. It’s going to take time to recover from that.” Zecora’s eyes fluttered open as she coughed and tried to get up. Kaleb knelt down, making sure she knew he was here. “Zecora, it’s Kaleb. You’re safe. Do you remember what happened before you were attacked?” “The group attacked out of nowhere, their fangs bared,” she recounted. “But even through their evil acts, they seemed scared.” “What were they scared of?” Twilight asked. Zecora shook her head. “It’s unknown what was in their heads, but whispered they would be dead. At the fangs and claws of a ghost, from what they said.” She got up. “Where should I stay, or should I go?” “You’re going to stay with Fluttershy and I for tonight,” Kaleb reassured her. “You’ll be safe there. Flash and I will come back here tomorrow and inspect every inch of this forest to make sure nothing can harm you.” With a nod, Twilight helped Zecora to her feet. “I can teleport all of us out of the forest, and send a message it’s safe for the students. Flash and I will make sure the students are escorted back to their parents. Meanwhile, I’ll teleport Fluttershy directly back to the cottage to help you.” They all agreed to the plan, and Twilight teleported them out of the forest. About a half hour later, Fluttershy ran through the door of the cottage to find Zecora on the couch with Angel in her lap. “Oh goodness! Are you hurt?” She nodded, and pointed to her cuts and scratches on her body. Kaleb emerged out from the dining room. “Aside from a few cuts and bruises, she’ll be fine. I’ve already treated her for shock, and Nurse Redheart is making a house visit tomorrow to make sure she’s alright.” She hugged Kaleb hard. “What happened? Twilight said Flash and Zecora were attacked and you two had to rescue them?” Kaleb nodded. “A group of Changelings. We got to them just in time, but Zecora’s home was damaged. Ponyville is in no immediate danger, as we dealt with them quickly.” She nodded, knowing that was the extent Kaleb could tell her. “I’m just glad both of you are safe. None of the students seemed to suspect anything aside from Rainbow Dash announcing the winners. Sweetie Belle and Spike won.” This lightened Kaleb’s mood. “I can’t wait to congratulate them. But for now, let’s make sure Zecora gets a good night’s sleep.” The night had remained a constant storm, as the wind and rain refused to let up. But still, Fluttershy’s bedroom remained a space of comfort, with a large bad she and Kaleb shared. On the walls, it was a dark shade of green with various pictures of animals and cottage life she adored. The two had separate wardrobes and nightstands, with a bookcase right next to a window overlooking the garden. When she had redecorated soon after Kaleb moved in, Fluttershy explained she wanted it to be a safe space for him, as he was still recovering from the Changeling Invasion. A large comforter covered the two, with quilted blankets and sheets underneath. Fluttershy and Kaleb usually fell asleep in each other’s arms and hooves reading a book under the light of a small lantern. Tonight, they were on opposite sides of the bed, but one of her hooves was intertwined right with his foot. All as well, as even the storm couldn’t break this sanctuary. Until tonight. Kaleb shot up immediately, the disturbance in the Force waking him. It was unlike anything he had experienced before, as if a hundred voices of creatures young and old had all died and cried out before the silence of death took them. Pain, panic, bloodshed all made themselves present in his mind, and took over as he felt it reverberate from all over Equestria. The pain from hundreds of voices made him let out a cry as he did, his body shaking from the experience. Sweat clung to his entire body, particularly his chest. Wiping it from his face as he breathed heavily, he glanced at Fluttershy, still asleep in their bed. All I can sense is death. Something terrible has happened, as a million voices cry out and silenced. For now, I must remain calm and focused. Whatever happens, I must protect Equestria from harm, and everyone who lives here, no matter where they are. A beeping interrupted his thoughts, as the holoprojector on his nightstand started to go off. Grabbing it quickly, and moving over to their closet as to not wake Fluttershy, he opened the call. Bright Flower, a policy advisor to Celestia on foreign relations answered the call. She and Fluttershy had been classmates in Cloudsdale, and had been friends with the two of them for a while. It was with a grave voice of relief that greeted him. “Kaleb, thank Celestia you picked up.” “Bright Flower, what happened?” Kaleb said. “I just felt a grave disturbance in the Force.” “Celestia and Luna called a Code Red.” She replied. “Things are bad. Are you sure this line is secure?” The last time a Code Red was called, Tirek had broken free from Tartarus. “Any communication from the device in Canterlot is run through multiple encrypted channels with strict layers of encoding I designed myself. Only a Jedi Master could break through. Repeat what you just said.” She relayed the message again, adding more context. “Mass assassinations across the Continent. Confirmed areas in the palaces of Saddle Arabia, YakYakistan, Griffinstone, and the Dragon Lands. At least three hundred dead, even more suspected at this time.” Shock made him dizzy, as he leaned against the wall, remembering the pain echoing in his head. Quickly, he calculated the time. “I can be there as soon as I can if I leave now. The storm will delay me due to weather conditions, but I will be there in three hours.” She nodded. “I will keep this channel open, so you will be in communication with us the entire time. May your flight be swift.” With that, the chat ended, but the channel remained open as the holoprojector indicated it was on. Kaleb moved to his dresser, grabbing the cleanest pair of Jedi robes and quickly dressing, turning on the light. This woke up Fluttershy, as she rubbed her eyes with her wings, not knowing the conversation which took place. “Babe, what’s going on? Who you were talking too?” “Celestia and Luna need me in Canterlot,” Kaleb relayed, making sure not to reveal anything more. “Something terrible has happened. Look after Zecora, make sure she’s safe. I’m taking the ship and A5 with me.” She saw the horror etched into his face, and could only imagine how grave the circumstances were. “I’ll guard her. What about Twilight? Should I let her know?” Kaleb answered her quickly, making sure not to give away too much. "I think all of you will be informed soon at this point. Until then, trust in each other, and in the Force.” She hugged him quickly before letting him go. Kaleb ran down the stairs, running through a plan in his head as he exited the cottage. The war of darkness has begun. > Chapter 5: Investigation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coruscant, 11 Years Ago Kaleb Taymar sat in his usual spot in the library of the Jedi Temple. It wasn’t reserved, but everyone knew it was his spot. And nobody would mess with it aside from a few brave younglings. A small table with a window overlooking the city of Coruscant, specifically with a meditation garden in perfect view. It was there where he could sense garden’s life forms around him, even a few stories up. And he would need all the support he could get. He took notes on his personal datapad furiously as the large screen built into the desk glowed. It spoke of history from long ago, as he was finishing an assignment for his Anthropology class. It was at a frantic pace, as well. Something caught the corner of his eye as he looked up to see Master Johanna walk over to him, setting down a piece of fruit. “Master, what are you doing here?” “You’re going to break that datapad if you continue to type that fast,” Johanna remarked. “Also, Master Nu wanted me to give you some company, and something to eat. You’re growing after all.” Kaleb shook off that last comment. “I’m just working on this assignment for Master Cordova. He’s being sent off on a big mission soon, and needs this turned in as soon as possible.” She took a look at his assignment. “It’s good, but needs more depth. You shouldn’t be just retelling the same events, but looking for signs. Your instincts can be applied even here.” “What do you mean, Master?” Kaleb asked, confused at the wording. “When there’s an investigation, you have to look beyond what is visible,” Johanna explained. “It’s about finding what is underneath the surface. Use the Force to guide you as you look for clues. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a history assignment or a murder investigation. It’s all the same.” The Padawan nodded. “Master Cordova said you have to look into the past in order to understand the present. Can those in the past really speak, even if time has passed?” “The Force leaves a record, hidden from the common gaze. Imprints upon the scene,” She lectured. “These are left upon certain objects, and contain a record of the sights, sounds, and scenes associated with that one object, as well as information on creatures and events. Do you remember when you and I tracked down those missing children on Dattooine with Master Vos?” “He knew exactly what happened, and where to go,” Kaleb remembered. “Is this a common technique?” Johanna shook her head. “It is a difficult skill to master, and often times frowned upon by Council. They believe it should not be used on weapons of violence, since that brings us closer to darkness. It takes training to learn to use it responsibly. I believe you are ready since completing your mission on Kashyyyk.” Kaleb stood up looking out at the meditation garden before turning back to her. “Thank you Master. I will not fail you.” She rustled his hair, as he jerked away. “You never fail me, Kaleb. This skill will serve you well in the future. Troubling times are ahead, and in the darkest of times, the Force brings light to illuminate and reveal.” Equestria, Present Day Kaleb opened his eyes as he found himself still in the cockpit of his ship, up ten thousand feet in the air. The storm still rained down on his Jedi Starfighter, the droplets creating the noise of a waterfall. It was pitch black out aside from the lights outside the ship, giving him about twelve feet of visibility ahead. Checking the meters to make sure the right amount of thrust was given to the engines, he spoke into his headset. “A5, where are we?” She relayed the location via the small screen to the left of the controls, the language appearing in Aurebesh. “Got it, we’re not far. Thanks for handling the flying this far, I’ll take over from here.” She let out a series of nervous beeps as he took over the controls. “I know; I sense the thunder too. Adjusting the shield levels.” He pressed a few buttons, adjusting the ratio of the shields front to back. “We should start our descent soon, Canterlot is only a half hour away. Let’s take this slow, and drop the speed for now.” Reducing the speed, he began to descend, keeping the ship at a nice steady angle. Using the Force, he was able to sense the change in pressure from the air currents around him. Master Skywalker had always told him landings were a slow game of Sabbac, with variables changing rapidly despite what appeared to be a smooth landing. He was right about that, and the moment you hit the ground, things get complicated. The communications unit within the ship began to beep, and A5 patched the call through to his headset. “Kaleb, this is Dr. Bluejay. Do you copy?” “I read you loud and clear,” Kaleb replied, keeping an eye on his descent while checking the scanner. “Just began my descent about three minutes ago, approaching five thousand feet.” “Good,” Bluejay replied, his voice muffled due to the transmission. “Luna wants Equestrian Guard pegasi to guide you in…” “Not necessary,” Kaleb said. “I don’t want to alert everyone in Canterlot of my presence. Nor do I want anyone flying out in this storm except me. Just make sure the landing pad is visible from above. Activate the lights.” “Yes sir,” Bluejay said. “I’ll keep this channel open. Once you land, I’ll meet you at the door.” For the next twenty minues, Kaleb kept silent, using this time to concentrate on landing and reflecting on his meditation. I have to be focused and vigilent. From what I’ve been told, things are going to be panicked, fearful, and hectic the moment I enter the castle. A Jedi must stand as tall as the Origin Tree in the storm, never surrendering to the wind. But every branch and leaf must be flexible if the tree is to survive. Finally, Kaleb came upon the city of Canterlot, descending rapidly as he made his way towards the landing platform. Princess Celestia had designated and built it just for him, as it lead into the East Wing of the castle. The lights reflected of white, blue, green, and red as they lined the edges. Bringing the ship down to fifteen feet above the platform, he extended the landing gear and brought it down onto the ground. “Stay with the ship.” As soon as the engines turned off, Kaleb put up his hood, and lifted cockpit window, allowing the heavy rain to soak him. Quickly getting out of the ship and using the Force to close the cockpit, he gazed out at the castle, sensing the fear even from within. Dr. Bluejay gazed at him as he walked down the platform, and closed the doors as soon as Kaleb entered the castle. “Thank you for coming on such short notice.” “Don’t mention it,” Kaleb replied. “I got a distress signal indicating Code Red with mass assassinations. What happened?” The two walked through a dark passageway, lit by lanterns. Dr. Bluejay sighed, with a grave look on his face. “About two in the morning, we started to receive distress letters from Saddle Arabia, YakYakistan, Griffinstone, and the Dragon Lands. Queen Tatiana, Grand Chief Tarkov, King Gruffclaw, and Dragon General Pyro were found dead, along with every member of their guard.” Grief hit Kaleb, as he did not expect the severity of the situation to be this dire. Memories hit hard, as he remembered meeting every one of those leaders while traveling across the continent. “I’m assuming Princess Celestia and Princess Luna offered aid and assistance.” “Right now, there are portals set up to each of the crime scenes,” Dr. Bluejay explained, as the two entered through another door into a hallway, where conversation from a number of creatures could be heard. “Investigators from the five nations are trying to figure out what happened. But there’s so much distrust to the point where it won’t amount to anything.” Kaleb focused his attention to another room, hidden from the main area where the portals were set up. “I sense a great deal of anger, grief, and rage emanating from the smaller room just ahead and to the left of there.” That must be the location of the leaders. “It’s a powder keg about to explode,” he replied. “There’s nobody here to keep the peace, fights are going to break out at this rate.” “I’m on my way. Try and cool things down out here,” Kaleb ordered. He began to walk fast towards the other room. A Jedi must keep the peace and order. He kept his simmering emotions down, just enough to keep calm. Equestrian Guard commanders took notice of his presence, as one called out in an intimidating voice. “You’re not authorized to be in this area. Leave at once.” He was in no mood for any quarrel or disagreement on jurisdiction. Using a Jedi Mind trick, Kaleb waved his hand. “I am a Jedi Knight; You will let me pass.” Barging through the guards, he made his way to the closed room, where shouting could be heard. There’s no time, I have to move now! Using the Force, he pushed the doors open with strength, the boom of the impact echoing loudly. Prince Haakem, Princess Amira, Grandpa Gruff, Prince Rutherford, and Dragon Lord Ember, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna had all been in deep conversation, which had clearly sparked arguments between them. All fell silent as they looked at the source of the noise, and Kaleb closed the doors quietly with a wave of his hand. A Jedi can command the room when all else fails. I need to keep calm in this room while maintaining order, even if my actions seem intimidating. Lowering his hood, he looked each and every one in the eye, observing a minute of silence before speaking. “I will need everyone here to give me an alibi, telling me when and where they were the moment the assassinations were discovered.” “Are you serious?” Grandpa Gruff challenged him. “Do you really think any of us would kill our own? Perhaps you should question why Equestria has come out unscathed in all of this.” “I do not wish to offend, Grandpa Gruff,” Kaleb replied, taking a calmer tone. “I only wish to uncover the truth behind this tragedy, the same as all of you. My role as a Jedi Knight is not bound to Celestia or Luna, but to my code of maintaining peace and order. Distrust will only delay our efforts, so we must work together to find who did this, and bring them to justice.” Amira addressed the group. “There is a mountain about to erupt. He’s right; we cannot continue arguing.” They all nodded, with asking the next question. “I know, but Grandpa Gruff raises a good point. It is odd Equestria was not one of the nations struck.” “Over the past day, I had been talking with Shining Armor,” Celestia began, trying to settle their concerns. “It was confirmed Royal Guard intelligence has been compromised by Chrysalis’s changeling cells.” “Ponyville was attacked earlier tonight,” Kaleb explained. “Changelings took a beloved member of the town hostage and ambushed Flash Sentry. Princess Twilight and I rescued them, just barely. It is unknown whether the attacks are connected, but I do not believe the timing is a coincidence.” Ember looked at him with alarm, and Kaleb relayed Spike was safe, getting back to the main topic. “Now then, I will need your alibies. One at a time, please.” Going around the room, he questioned the group on their whereabouts. He kept aimed at the ground, and closed his eyes as he listened. A well-trained Force user could tell from the inflections in the voice and the emotions surrounding their mind, as well as physical body reactions to tell truth from lies. However, it was always a risk since one could easily counteract these methods knowing the proper technique. But he was certain none of them knew how, as those techniques were only part of his galaxy. Princess Amira and Prince Haakem went first, relaying they had found out at one in the morning when a guard alerted no message had been sent from Tatiana’s personal guards. They were concerned, as she had been taking medications which needed to be monitored. Grandpa Gruff was next, explaining he was Gruffclaw’s advisor on economics, and had found out from police knocking on his door early in the morning around the same time. Gruffclaw was paranoid that someone would try to steal his treasure, and always would have guards and police working together on a patrol plan. The body was discovered while police searched for the commander of his guards. Grand Chief Tarkov had been found in his fortress, according to Prince Rutherford. It was about the same time when the guards were discovered as well, after being alerted by the fact the watchtower’s lantern had not been lit. Dragon Ember mentioned a distress signal had been sent, with a letter saying something was watching them, but it had not reached them in time. Finally, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna confirmed they had been alerted at two this morning, and called the Code Red the moment it had been confirmed, sending investigators to each scene to figure out what had been determined. Kaleb took a few moments to sort out the alibies in his head. There are no major signs of deception here. Any doubt is based in confusion. He spoke. “I sensed no lies in this room. I don’t think anyone here has prior knowledge happen, or had any conscious part in planning it. Whether you trust my judgement is another question, but don’t give in to fear.” Everyone drew a sigh of relief, as Ember spoke. “So far, what’s consistant is we all discovered the deaths at roughly the same time. The leaders, and about fifty to seventy-five of their guards. The structures attacked are all different in nature, and have defensive enchantments on them. Every spell was found to have been broken.” “What do the autopsies report?” Kaleb asked. “Does each death have the same cause?” Luna answered him, walking up to the front of the group. “Autopsies done on the spot report trauma to the neck, indicating suffocation. There are burns, bruises, and cuts all over the bodies; limbs severed. Stab wounds to the chest visible. Cause of death has yet to be determined on any of the fallen.” He nodded. “Any witnesses, or suspects at this time?” “There were no witnesses,” Celestia said. “However, investigators have found a pendant at one of the crime scenes. The symbol etched into it represents to The Iron Hoof. The Equestrian Guard confirmed it, and they believe any magic could be traced to a location.” The Equestrian Mafia, Kaleb thought. He didn’t know much about them, but knew they were the largest crime family in Equestria. And they have connections in every single nation. It makes sense, but there has to be more to this story. Luna addressed everyone. “For now, I propose we move forward with looking into the lead on The Iron Hoof. The Equestrian Guard should take charge, since General Tywin has had experience dealing with them in the past.” Prince Rutherford disagreed. ‘Yak territory was where this happened, and Yak investigators should take the charge.” “There has been enough trouble with them as is,” Ember joined in. “The Dragon Council will not let someone else take over, especially those who have been hostile for years. So let me ask, why are we even considering them when there is a conflict of jurisdiction with your Royal Guard?” “That is Equestrian business, not yours!” Luna snapped. Surprised at the statement, Kaleb saw Celestia give him a warning glance as she stepped in, talking to her sister quietly. Only the Jedi could hear her words. “Luna, calm yourself. This is a concern, not an insult. And one we can’t let our disagreement affect this decision. The stakes are too high.” Luna took a few deep breaths before looking at them. “Sorry, this has been a trying night.” Kaleb took over from there. “In my galaxy, there were always disagreements between the Republic and Jedi about who should lead investigations. I’m keeping neutral in this, but any leads should be investigated regardless of jurisdiction.” “Your concerns as valid, as I understand how traumatizing these past few hours have been for all of you,” Celestia said. “I suggest you four work together on finding any clues outside of Equestria, and the Guard will work from within. This way, there’s no arguments of jurisdiction. The only thing I ask is you to share intelligence so nobody is in the dark. In return, we will do the same.” Prince Haakem responded first. “A joint intelligence task force should be formed to make sure the information is secure, and to plan the next steps. We all know they have ties in every nation, so Saddle Arabia will act quickly. Master Jedi, do you believe this is a good option? And what is your role?” “As I’ve said before, I’m keeping neutral on this,” Kaleb said carefully. Knowing he had to keep cards of secrecy close to his chest, he crafted a statement. “But in any case, working together to investigate this lead will ease the burden of time. I am currently investigating the changeling attack on behalf of Princess Twilight, but know I will be there to advise if requested.” It took a few minutes for Amira, Haakem, Gruff, Rutherford, and Ember to decide, with the Dragon Lord giving the princesses their answer. “We agree to those terms. But I will be watching closely to make sure they are honored.” Celestia nodded. “Thank you. I am adjourning this meeting so all of you can meet with your advisors and investigators to begin planning.” “Princess Amira, Prince Haakem,” Kaleb began as the leaders began to leave the room. “I would like to take a look at where Queen Tatiana’s body was found, with your permission. There’s something I need to check.” “Of course, Kaleb,” Amira responded warmly. “We’ll have the room clear for you.” The Saddle Arabian siblings left, leaving Kaleb in the room with Celestia and Luna. “Luna, try and get some rest. You need it after yesterday.” Celestia expressed. Luna nodded and with a brief goodbye towards Kaleb, exited the room. When the door closed, the remaining princess sighed. “I’m sorry you had to see that. It’s been difficult…” “Completely understandable, given the circumstances,” Kaleb replied, waving off the apology. “What’s the cause of the rift between you and Luna?” “The Equestrian Guard,” Celestia answered. Kaleb noted it was the first time he ever heard her insight into the issue. “General Tywin and Luna are close friends, so she feels a sense of betrayal to hear that perspective. Nightmare Moon’s history is directly tied in to the Equestrian Guard. There’s a strong bond with his family still after all those years.” Kaleb nodded. “And you have concerns about Tywin?” “That’s correct, at least in part,” she said. “I have known him for many years. He’s knowledgeable and has the most experience with dealing with The Iron Hoof. That’s why he’s on this case. But at the same time, I cannot ignore his hostility towards those outside of our borders and contempt towards you and the Royal Guard.” “If at any point the Equestrian Guard attempts to sabotage my investigation, I will deal with it as I see fit,” Kaleb stated. “Not under your orders, but under my authority as a Jedi Knight. I have reason to keep an eye on them.” I do not blame you,” Celestia expressed. “My frusteration at Tywin is for allowing his anger to spill into the Equestrian Guard. The Jedi seem to value their ideals highly, and I don’t want their reputation and character to be tarnished.” “Thank you,” Kaleb expressed. “I am not someone quick to anger, nor do I strive to be. But I’m protective of the legacy I carry, and the responsibilities it entails.” Celestia opened the doors, indicating for Kaleb to follow. He trailed behind her as she walked towards the guards he had encountered earlier. They immediately went to stop him before the princess spoke to them in a serious tone. “Although you are under General Tywin’s orders, this is still my castle. Let it be known the next time any of you disrespect Master Taymar or any guest of Canterlot Castle, I will make sure you are court martialed under Canterlot law. Am I clear?” They had not been expecting the harshness in Celestia’s voice, and faltered under her gaze. The commander faltered, as Kaleb stared with the same harshness. “Yes, Princess Celestia.” “Good. Now get out of this room, do your jobs, and patrol the grounds. NOW!!!” Without haste, the Equestrian Guard members cleared out faster than a jump to hyperspace. Celesta turned to him, returning to her normal level of voice. “What do you need?” Kaleb thought for a moment. “I will need the room clear before I look at Saddle Arabia.” Celestia nodded, and the two entered the main room. The portals to the crime scenes were still set up, with Dr. Bluejay speaking quietly to the investigators left in the room, before everyone settled down. “Attention, everyone. This is Kaleb Taymar, who I have brought on to consult on this investigation. Right now, our main focus is regarding any links to the Iron Hoof. However, if you have any leads or suggestions, don’t be afraid to ask. I will be reaching out in the next few hours regarding our strategy. For now, I need everyone to clear this room so Master Taymar can investigate. Feel free to wait in the throne room.” The investigators filed out quietly, with Dr. Bluejay walking over to the two. “Everything here has been accounted for. Luna is okay, but she wants me to keep an eye on her over the next few days. I think the stress of the Equestrian Guard talks paired with this is taking a toll on her.” “Thank you,” Celestia expressed with gratitude. “I’ll talk with her as well. Get some rest, Doctor. And that’s an order.” He nodded gratuitously, and exited the room. Celestia looked over to Kaleb, and the two of them stepped through the portal. All of the bodies still remained in their original positions, covered with sheets and chalk outlining their silhouettes. The Saddle Arabian bedroom was silent, with Queen Tatiana’s body still lying in her bed. It was dark, as the shades were drawn, covering the sun starting to rise. Celestia observed Kaleb walking around the room. He kept an open palm in front of him, before kneeling down and closing his eyes. A few moments later, he opened them, and continued to walk around the room. Just as she was about to ask, he turned to her. “The Force always leaves traces. Echoes from the past, emotions, thoughts; there’s always a record. This technique was passed down to me by Jedi Master Quinlan Vos. It’s been years since I’ve even attempted this, but it could shed light on what happened.” Kaleb turned his attention to a guard’s body, feeling the Force surrounding it. Putting a hand to the ground, he heard the echo in his mind, relaying his thoughts aloud. “The guards outside heard distress coming from this room, as the other guards tried to fight off the assassin. They rushed the room, all trying to protect their queen.” He walked over to the window, closing his eyes and calling his attention to the lock. “She locked this window, but she hadn’t before. There’s no sign of forced entry on the door or window. The door leading to the hallway had been locked. It was opened as the guards came in, but locked as soon as every guard was inside this room.” Celestia repeated the information quietly. “No sign of magic aside from the pendant, no witnesses, multiple causes of death, and no entry or exit point. As well, some wounds show sign of blood loss while others don’t.” “That is because those wounds are cauterized,” Kaleb said. “There wouldn’t be any blood. As well, look at the scratches on the floors, the walls, furniture, and ceiling. Some of these surfaces are harder than diamonds, so whatever scratched them must be very sharp.” “Kaleb, even the most hardened criminal organizations across the continent would not have gone this far,” Celestia said. “The Iron Hoof is known for assassinations, but they are subtle in their methods. This is highly unusual, even for them.” “Whoever did this, knew exactly what they were doing. They weren’t just after leaders, but made sure to maximize the amount and severity of every death possible. This wasn’t just an assassination, but a massacre. To send a message.” Kaleb said. The two exited the portal, arriving back in Canterlot Castle. “With these methods, who do you think we are dealing with?” Celestia asked. “I believe whoever did this is dangerous, and is well aware of the balance of power on this planet,” Kaleb said. “Follow your lead on this, and I will follow mine. Zecora told me the changelings were scared. I think they knew something was going to happen.” “We will investigate the Iron Hoof, since that lead is the only one we have,” Celestia said. “Word of these assassinations have already reached the press outside of our borders, and will be breaking in a few hours. By mid-morning, Equestria will know.” She handed him a sealed letter. “Deliver this to Twilight as quick as you can; I do not want her to find out from a newspaper. I am entrusting the two of you with looking into the changeling attack further.” “I will,” Kaleb answered. “Stay safe. I can always be up in Canterlot in a heartbeat.” Celestia nodded. “I’ll hold you to that. Now, fly swift and leave for Ponyville at once.” She left the room quickly to meet with the investigators. Kaleb put his hood back up, made his way through the passageway. I’m not going to risk communicating with Twilight right now, not without checking the security of her communications. I just need to get to her as quickly as possible and hope for the best. The storm had lightened up, but rain still lightly fell as he ran towards the ship. A5 started the engines, and opened the cockpit enough for him to jump in and she closed it. Strapping in, Kaleb eased the ship up and started the route back to Ponyville. He noticed just how exhausted he was in that moment, as A5 took over the controls. “Take the fastest route you can to Twilight’s castle. Wake me when we’re there.” Time seemed to pass slowly in Kaleb’s sleep, as he woke up with a beeping in his headset as A5 alerted him they were five minutes away from her castle. “I’m going to need you to go with me into the castle. Once Twilight knows, there’s a strong chance we’re going to be there awhile.” Twilight’s castle stood high among the other buildings in Ponyville, but she insisted it would be as welcoming as Sugarcube Corner. Small plots of flowers planted by the Cutie Mark Crusaders surrounded the exterior, with a community garden designed by the princess herself nearby. Right behind the castle was a designated landing area for Kaleb’s ship, which descended down the cloudy sky and hovered over the landing pad. A5 eased the ship onto the landing point, powering down the engines. Kaleb unfastened the safety harness and jumped out of the cockpit, with the droid doing the same. After making sure the ship was locked down, the two made their way to the front door, slipping in quietly. He could hear her voice reading a children’s book from the main library, with small ponies and their parents assembled around her. Karrabast, I forgot she does this once a month. “Please wait in the map room, and make sure it’s secure.” As his droid moved ahead of him, he slipped through one of the doors to find the ponies politely watching Twilight read to the young ponies assembled, and started to make his way towards her. Only to be stopped by Starlight, who blocked his path. “Kaleb, you can’t just barge in like this…” “I need to speak to Twilight immediately,” he responded quietly, keeping his hand low to the ground as he scanned the area. He felt Sweetie Belle reach out to him, reacting to his use of the Force. “It’s an emergency.” She nodded. “Wait here.” She made her way past the children, and Twilight stopped mid-sentence. Twilight glanced at Kaleb, and then heard Starlight whisper to her. The princess set down her book. “I’m sorry everypony, there’s something I need to attend to quickly. I’ll be back soon.” Twilight slipped out of the other door, signaling Kaleb to follow. He went the other direction, as he saw Sweetie Belle glance at him as he exited. I’ll have to tell her soon. I have a feeling she sensed it too. Walking fast, he met Twilight in the map room, closing the door as Starlight and Flash sat down in the extra chairs. “I apologize for the interruption, but I have orders straight from Celestia to deliver this information.” “I understand. Give me the context first, than the message.” Twilight said. “I want to make sure I have full understanding.” Kaleb nodded. “I sensed a disturbance in the Force early this morning, and there was a distress signal from Canterlot. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna called a Code Red. When I got there, I found out what had happened and was asked to deliver this information.” Twilight held out her hoof, and he gave her the sealed message. Using a complex spell to break the seal, she opened the letter and read what was inside. After the first few lines, the color drained from her face as her eyes revealed shock, grief, and alarm which became present through the rest of the message. She glanced at Flash and Starlight. “The rest of the reading is cancelled for today. Please inform everyone I give my sincerest apologies, and will reschedule soon.” They nodded, and Starlight exited the room. Flash had one of his wings bandaged, as he looked at Kaleb and Twilight with concern. “What happened? Was it the changelings?” She shook her head, and handed the letter to him. Kaleb sensed the ponies exiting the castle, mumbling with confusion, but he felt his apprentice moving towards the map room. Heading over towards the door, he opened it and turned left to find Sweetie Belle standing in front of him. “Master, what happened? I felt that disturbance too, it woke me up and I couldn’t go back to sleep…” Kaleb knelt down, getting closer to her. “It’s better you hear this from me than somewhere else. Last night, there were a series of attacks across Equus, with assassinations in Saddle Arabia, YakYakistan, Griffinstone, and the Dragon Lands.” She gasped quietly in shock and confusion, as her voice became close to a whisper. “Sweet Celestia…why would anyone do this?” He shook his head. “There’s a lot we don’t know, and what we do know is under secrecy and investigation. Training for this afternoon is cancelled, and I’m postponing any future sessions till further notice. I’m keeping you out of this.” “There has to be something I can do,” Sweetie Belle argued. Kaleb had known this decision was one she wouldn’t agree with. “I can help with the investigation, fight whoever did this…” “No,” Kaleb stated simply. “This isn’t up for debate, Sweetie Belle. I’m not doing this because I doubt your ability; I’m doing this because there’s still too many unknowns. And I made a promise to Rarity to keep you safe.” This hadn’t been the first time Sweetie Belle and her master had disagreed, but the stakes were real. She respectfully chose her best arguments. “I know you made a promise to my sister. But that was seven years ago. I’ve gotten stronger, and I’m able to defend myself. You know that, and I don’t understand why you can’t recognize it.” She still needs to learn patience. But she has a point about the passage in time. Kaleb remembered what Starlight had told him, and acknowledged her points. “That is true. But even a trained Jedi Knight knows there is a time to move forward, and when to retreat to fight another day. This decision is based on the severity of the attacks, and nothing else.” “Then what am I supposed to do?” Sweetie Belle said. “I can’t just do nothing and let fear rule over Equestria.” “Be there for your friends,” Kaleb said. “There’s going to be a lot of fear in the coming days ahead. They need you, and so does your family. I know this is hard, but try and understand our training doesn’t just apply to missions, but our daily lives. Even when we’re not fighting a threat, we are still doing good in this world. Now go home, and get some rest.” Sweetie Belle walked away from him, her emotions hurting but speaking up with frustration. “I’ll be there for them, but not because of you. I help them on my terms, and don’t you dare bring up my parents! I won’t let anyone else get hurt because of my ignorance, not when there were changelings that could have killed everyone in Ponyville!” She stormed off, and Kaleb went to follow but felt Twilight’s hoof on his shoulder. “Don’t, you’re only going to make it worse. She’s going through a lot right now. We all are.” He sighed. I need to ask Rarity what’s going on. “What are you going to do now? That news is probably breaking as we speak.” “Celestia is likely going to give a speech,” Twilight thought aloud. “I’ll summon my friends for an emergency meeting, and release a statement promising to make sure everyone in Ponyville is safe. Your name is going to be kept out of it, and I give you full authorization to continue your investigation how your see fit.” “Spoken like a true leader of Equestria,” Kaleb complimented. “Contact your friends. I’ll stay here for the time being.” Twilight nodded, going over to the map table and casting a spell which would activate it to summon her friends. She turned to Starlight, who just came in. “Starlight, I need your help to cast additional defense spells on this castle. Nothing is going to get in or out without any of us knowing about it.” “Of course, I can help with that now,” Starlight said, as the two hurried outside of the map room. Kaleb leaned against the wall as Flash looked at him, giving a report. “Everything went smoothly last night getting the kids back to their parents. As for how Sweetie Belle knew about the changelings, I have no idea.” “She’s more perceptive than you think,” the Jedi replied. “Do you think I made the right decision here? And I thought you weren’t injured from last night.” Flash moved his bandaged wing slightly. “My wing’s sprained, but it should be fine with some rest. You made a difficult choice based on your own observations, but I don’t think you did it out of logic. It’s out of fear. I know you want to protect her, but pushing her away from this isn’t going to make her any safer.” Kaleb admitted he had a point. “After what I saw, you can’t blame me for wanting to keep her away from this.” “That may be, but you could have phrased it better,” Flash said. “Look, I joined the Royal Guard around the same age she was. There’s only so long you can keep them out of the line of sight when they want to protect Equestria. It’s on us as leaders to know them in and out. It’s better to be honest with those younger than you then try to make excuses.” Maybe I don’t know Sweetie Belle as well as I once did, Kaleb thought. “I’ve forgotten just how much she’s grown as a Jedi Padawan. While I was wrong to push her completely away, discussing this with Rarity is going to be a difficult conversation.” Just as they finished their conversation, Twilight and Starlight returned to the room, with Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Zecora behind them. Kaleb helped Zecora to the couch near the side of the room to rest, while Flash closed the door. “Thank you everyone for coming on short notice,” Twilight began, as the group sat down around the table. Each of the Element Bearers sat in their respective chairs, while Kaleb, Flash, and Starlight pulled up folding chairs. “Last night, Kaleb received a Code Red from Canterlot. Princess Celestia tasked him with delivering this letter, which I will read to you now. The five ponies gasped as Twilight began to read the letter. My Dearest Ponies, I hope this letter reaches you before the news breaks in Equestria. Last night, we received messages of distress and panic from across the continent. A series of mass assassinations occurred, resulting in the deaths of Queen Tatiana of Saddle Arabia, Grand Chief Tarkov of YakYakistan, King Gruffclaw of Griffinstone, and General Pyro of the Dragon Lands along with three hundred of their guard combined. Cause of death is undetermined, but the methods employed are brutal in nature. No clear points of entry or exit and no witnesses. No traces of magic. Our only lead is a pendant with the signal of the Iron Hoof found at one of the crime scenes. The situation is grave, with a fair amount of tension between the four nations involved. It was with Jedi Assistance that I managed to keep the peace and come to an agreement with how to proceed. Luna and the Equestrian Guard will investigate the Iron Hoof. Twilight, I am leaving you with the task of investigating any other leads, including the changeling attack in the Everfree Forest. Jedi Master Taymar will coordinate with you on his investigation. Sincerely, Princess Celestia Everyone sat in silence after Twilight read the letter, trying to process the events which just happened. Each struggling to comprehend the tragedy which was clear in their eyes. Kaleb watched them carefully, closing his eyes at times to read the emotions in the room. Shock, confusion, anger, frustration, fear, denial, he thought to himself. But most of all, determination and drive to figure out the truth behind these events. Applejack interrupted the silence. “I…don’t know where to start. Granny Smith would tell stories about the Iron Hoof she heard from her parents, but never in a million apples did I ever think they were real.” Pinkie Pie thought of something, but shook her head, her mane losing its springiness. Fluttershy held her hoof, whispering comforting words while Rainbow Dash started. “We should find whoever did this and beat the hell out of them. Make them suffer for every life lost.” “That’s not how it works!” Applejack exclaimed, and the two of them starting to argue loudly, yelling. Pinkie Pie just walked away from the table, with Fluttershy going after her. Rarity just stared at Kaleb, looking at him with loss and concern. Flash shot a warning glance at Twilight, and before she could raise a hoof, Starlight acted. She shot a loud spell into the air, the bang echoing across the room. “Hey! That’s enough. This is exactly what they want. But I know you better than you think, as I know the group that defeated me back in my former village is better than this.” Starlight continued, walking around the room and speaking in a normal tone. “I know that I’m still new to this friendship thing, but the one thing I learned from you is working together can accomplish great things. We may disagree, but unity in friendship is key. It’s just when I see tempers blowing over, it reminds me of my past. And shows me how I need to gain your trust. "I caused a lot of pain, especially to you, Fluttershy. I know I can’t take that away, but please know I’m sorry and I’m learning to control my actions.” All eyes on the room drifted to Fluttershy, who walked over and hugged Starlight, whispering words unheard into her ears. The two held the position for a moment before walking back. The unicorn looked over to Kaleb, who gave a quick nod of approval. “Kaleb, I think it’s time you tell them,” Twilight stated. “About your vision.” He looked at her. “Are you sure? Force Visions aren’t meant to be taken lightly, Twilight.” “If you do, I’ll make sure we are careful about the direction we take,” Twilight reassured. “Please.” After a few moments, he let out a deep breath. “Promise me what is said here does not leave this room,”. Once everyone had given their promise, he began to tell them about the Force Vision. Starting with what he saw while unconscious in Canterlot, and ending with the omen from the forest. He was descriptive in his storytelling, leaving no detail unturned. Once he had finished, he paused for two minutes, taking time to reflect on what had been said. “I am almost certain what the figure had been warning to is related to what is happening now. And it didn’t just start here. We’ve been looking at what’s been happening around us as isolated events. It’s time to acknowledge the attack on the train, the murders in the cities, the changeling attack, and now the mass assassinations are connected.” “Who do you think did this?” Applejack asked him directly. “The Iron Hoof seems to be responsible.” “Here’s the thing,” Kaleb began. “Princess Celestia acknowleged herself the Iron Hoof would not have gone this far. They’re far more secretive with they’re assassinations. It’s out of character, even when looking at other villians. Not even Chrysalis, Tirek or King Sombra would have been this bloodthirsty.” Twilight looked at him with concern. “What do you mean?” “I don’t think the Iron Hoof did this; they’re being framed. I think the lead should be followed, but something feels off,” Kaleb said. “Whoever did this knows exactly what they were doing. The way it was executed; this wasn’t just an assassination but a massacre. And it was meant to send a message.” Silence fell upon the group as they took in Kaleb’s disturbing insights. Rarity asked him a question. “How are we even supposed to move forward given this information? I can’t find a single statement of hope in here.” “My Master would tell me at times, we must abandon false hope when the path lies in darkness,” the Jedi answered. “Hope is good, but it’s not going to get us through this. Nor should we turn to fear and despair. In the middle is where we must be, with our own determination and resources to guide us. Remembering as one, we can accomplish our mission and save Equestria. For our friends, family, and loved ones.” Twilight took over from there. “Yesterday, Kaleb began his investigation as a Jedi Knight into these events, and I am asking him to continue. I think the best place to start is the changeling attack. We need to figure out where their hideout was in the Everfree Forest and see if it contains any information relating to these assassinations.” “Princess Celestia has assured me there is no immediate threat to Equestria at this time,” Kaleb said. “I believe this to be true for now. All of the targets seem to be in high profile cities, so Ponyville would be at low-risk. Canterlot or The Crystal Empire seem to be the more likely options.” “I’ve been in contact with Shining Armor, and he believes this to be the case,” Flash said. “He also thinks our security breach is related to these attacks, and is working with Princess Celestia.” “I know this is a lot to take in, but know I’m here,” Twilight finished. “We’re all here for each other, because that’s what friends do. In the meantime, go home and get some rest. Spend time with your loved ones. Tomorrow, we’ll head back to Zecora’s home to search for clues.” Nodding, the ponies began to file out, starting with Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash. Rarity looked at Kaleb, indicating for him to speak to her in the corner of the room. She shook her mane to clear her thoughts before starting. “Sweetie Belle’s still angry, but I understand why you made the decision. I approve of it, and this is just simply too dangerous.” “I’m examining my motives of keeping her out of this, and I don’t think this automatically makes her safer, Rarity. There’s a farther distance, but the danger is still there,” Kaleb replied. “What’s been going on between Sweetie Belle and your parents? That set off a nerve.” Rarity sighed. “It’s a long story. I have a high opinion of you and approve of Sweetie Belle becoming your apprentice. My parents do not. It’s become a point of tension between her and them, as she’s always having to defend her own life choices and you in the process. She thinks they’re insulting the Jedi and the memory you have been keeping alive, and it’s reached a boiling point over the last few years.” This shocked the Jedi. “I’m sorry, I had no idea what she was going through. It must hurt having to go through all of that, and then to be blindsided.” “Yeah,” she replied. “I tried talking to them, but they won’t budge. You need to promise me Sweetie Belle is off of this mission. After today…I just can’t have her in the middle of this when danger arrives.” Kaleb remembered the promise he gave to Rarity, especially the specifics. At the same time, he thought about Flash’s words and how hurt Sweetie Belle felt when she was taken off the mission. If Master Johanna was in danger, I would not have been benched so easily. And given everything I know now, I admit the decision was rushed. “Rarity, the danger is already here. And she was caught up in it the moment the train was attacked. I can protect and guide her, but I can’t promise what you ask. If whoever did this is going to fight the Jedi, then I’m not the only one in their sights.” Rarity protested. “She’s seventeen! And…” “She has her cutie mark,” Kaleb pointed out. “And saved my life multiple times during the train attack. All she wants is to protect her friends, and to be the best Jedi she can be. Guidance and protection mixed with not shying away from reality is the balance I have to walk. This has always been a gray area which will be debated by Jedi Masters. For now, I will not involve her in this because there’s too much that I don’t know. But in case something happens in this future, I can’t promise anything else.” She tried to think of an argument, but just shook her head. “We may disagree, but I trust you enough to know what you’re doing. She needs space away from both of us at the moment, but her heart is in the right place.” With that, Rarity walked away and Kaleb turned to Twilight. “With your permission, I would like to stay here and act as your guard. I can leave Flash with you, but with him still injured, I would like someone else to be in this castle.” “I would like to stay too,” Fluttershy added, walking up to them after consulting with Zecora quietly. “I want to keep an eye on Zecora, along with keeping him company.” Twilight nodded. “Of course. I’ll be preparing statements and letters to send to Canterlot, but please feel free to take one of the guest rooms and any food in the kitchen.” “Thank you,” Kaleb said as he walked out of the room, calling over his shoulder. “I’ll check in every few hours.” The day passed quickly for Kaleb, and turned into night as fast as a blaster. Thoughts plagued his mind as he looked back at the gruesome events of the day. This contrasted to the castle, which remined quiet as Twilight had retired for bed along with Starlight. Spike hadn’t felt well that day, and only came down to grab something to eat every few hours before retreating to his room. As the Jedi walked, hands clasped behind his back, he saw Flash coming out of the study, carrying a staff and danger attached to his back. “The changing of the guard is here. I’ll take over for tonight.” Kaleb shook his head. “No, I can continue to guard this castle. With you still injured, I can’t take the risk…” “I’m fine,” Flash interrupted. “You haven’t had a wink of sleep since last night, and sleeping in the ship doesn’t count. We’re both going to need to be at our best tomorrow. Go to bed Kaleb, and get some rest with Fluttershy. She’s in the library by your guest room.” Kaleb sighed softly and relented. “Okay, I’ll go. Thank you for being a good friend Flash.” “Think nothing of it,” he replied. “You can repay me always with a drink at Solar’s. Or tickets to the Equestrian Hoofbowl.” “We’ll see where that takes us. Besides, podracing is obviously the more exciting sport.” With a wave, Kaleb retired and set off in the direction of the small library, while the guard began his duties. The small studies by the guest rooms on each floor had been converted into their own mini libraries by Twilight’s suggestion. This was for materials considered lighter reading, organized by genre for each floor. The library by Kaleb and Fluttershy’s room was for mystery and exploration, with the bookcases showcasing titles of wonder. The security measure for the windows allowed nothing to be viewed from the outside, while letting in the view from within. Kaleb walked up the stairs toward the study right next to their room. He stood in the doorway, taking in the sight and atmosphere of the room. Fluttershy was sprawled out on one of the couches in a green dressing gown reading a book with deep fascination. “Your fur looks good in the moonlight.” Fluttershy saw Kaleb gazing at her, and waved her hair around. “Thanks, but I don’t think now’s the time for joking around..” Kaleb went to join her on the couch. “How are you holding up?” “I was just about to ask you the same question,” Fluttershy replied. “It’s been a difficult day for both of us. And I want you to answer first.” He reflected on the past day with his answer. “I’m…holding up the best I can. It’s all I can do at this point. Accept the reality, reflect, and move forward. But that doesn’t mean I’m not in shock or anxious about what’s going to happen.” She nodded. “For me, it’s the uncertainty. I’m gazing into fog, and where the wind takes me is unknown. All I know is something is out there, and threatens everything and everybody I love. I feel so useless, especially when there were changelings hiding out in the Everfree Forest and I never even realized.” “I don’t think any of us knew; they caught all of us by surprise,” Kaleb answered. “Sometimes, we blame ourselves when in reality there is truly nothing we could have done. This incident wasn’t your fault, but a tragedy not even Celestia could have prevented.” Silence echoed between the two as Fluttershy pondered his words. “That doesn’t mean the pain is silenced. It just blossoms anew. I have to rethink every coping strategy in the book, not to mention bring this up to Lyra.” She leaned into Kaleb, who wrapped an arm around her as he stroked her hair gently, letting the strands brush between his fingertips. The two remained like this as minutes passed before he spoke. “Do you remember when we were hiking a few summers ago and had to take shelter from the storm?” “I do,” Fluttershy replied as she perked up her ears. “It was fierce, and I had to help you get the non-poisonous berries after the tent was set up in the cave. I still get chills thinking about the wind.” “Both of us worked together to shelter from the storm and survive the night,” Kaleb explained, as she moved her head to face his. “We’re a team, Fluttershy. I’m going to be there for you, and we’ll get through this together.” Fluttershy gazed at him with insight. “That’s something I’ve noticed in our relationship. Even outside our own separate lives as Animal Whisperer and Jedi, we’re never afraid to ask for help when overwhelmed. I think that bond has strengthened our care and empathy.” “What I saw today, was the closest I have seen on this planet to the Clone Wars,” Kaleb admitted. “When I faced those missions, I felt alone. Seeing everyone today working together gave me strength to push through the fear, just barely.” She hugged him. “I’m sorry; I can’t imagine how the trauma made you feel today. If you ever need to talk, I’m here.” He nodded, kissing her cheek. Gazing out of the window, he spoke quietly. “We’re going into the unknown, unable to see around us due to the darkness. All we can do is move forward and let the light of the Force guide us. Let’s get some sleep, and protect each other from this world.” Fluttershy moved off of the couch, with Kaleb following into their room. > Chapter 6: Assassination > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nyroc walked through the dark caverns beneath the mountains, his dark cloak billowing around him as he sped through at a quick pace. His own hoofsteps echoed around him, adding to the symphony of noises as he recited passages in his head from ages past. Time flowed differently from his perspective, as one part of his head was always in the past, looking into the writings of the Zeffo and Sith acolytes, with the other in the present. It was in this moment where he entered the room where Grievous spent his time where his mind switched to the current task. “Your lungs have failed you,” the Sith observed, as Grievous held a pony’s skull in his claw, studying it. “But the new body I built will preserve your remaining organs, as the spinal cord, eyes, and brain will remain intact through electronic circuitry combined with your biological structures.” “Only because your spells failed!” Grievous said, shattering the skull with a single motion. “My spells were never meant to be eternal, but to keep you alive long enough for your body to adapt,” Nyroc countered calmly. “To grow. But that has always been your purpose. To be more machine than man.” “You know nothing of the burden of conquest,” the warlord countered back. “My training by Count Dooku was only part of it. The Huk War showed me the depths man would go to conquer and rule. The sacrifices I made for my people, to become the ultimate warrior. The weight of a burden understood by no one.” Nyroc walked to the other side of the room before moving back. “Your past defines you, even as you move forward. The blood of Sifo-Dyas still remains in your but that does not grant you the ability to wield the Force. Even if the last remaining biological systems were to wither and die, you would rather transfer your memory to another body than to let the great warrior fade into memory.” “The Izvoshra would not let their ruler fade into memory easily,” Grievous rumbled. “And neither shall I. My philosophy of war is to trap my enemies in a Labyrinth of Evil. Let them wander, lost and in despair, as I torture them from the shadows. And I will slice them down as they beg for mercy, and make their loved ones suffer as I once did for Kummar.” “Your technique fared well in the slaughter against Equestrian’s allies,” Nyroc praised. “But it is time for the next phase of my plan. Find the one who dreams in darkness and corrupt his trace of light. This will take timing and precision, as our window is limited. Those who protect him think they are safe. Let them continue. But when the time is right, we show them no mercy.” Kaleb and Flash moved silently in the Everfree Forest, as they kept a close eye on the direction they were heading. The Jedi had his hand down towards the ground, with a commlink attached to his belt currently on an open channel. The guard had daggers hidden beneath a cloak of blue, ready to draw at a moment’s notice. The tension between the two was marked by concentration rather than dispute. Kaleb stopped, making a fist to signal Flash. “This is the spot. According to Fluttershy’s calculations, the animals observed this area to be suspicious to activity during the night. Judging from their observations, we’re looking at about a five-hundred-meter radius going west from here.” Flash nodded, taking a sip from a flask. “Wherever their base of operations is, the changelings would have it hidden. Did you speak to Thorax last night?” The resistance leader insisted to Celestia he had no knowledge about Chrysalis’s infiltration of the Royal Guard and promised furiously to help her in any way he could. “He said it’s likely to be underground, and to look for giant rocks that are used to cover the entrance.” “Well, that’s helpful,” Flash remarked with slight annoyance. “I guess we’ll have to check every rock in this forest, and if that doesn’t work, we’ll sacrifice ourselves to the hydra in exchange for answers.” Kaleb shuddered, as the creature which lurked in the waters near the bridge creeped him out immensely. “Look, from what he was telling me, it’s a pretty large rock so it should be easy to spot. Let’s move.” Moving from that spot, his brown cloak billowed as he and Flash moved westward. A lot had happened with the Equestrian Guard investigation, with a joint raid of their headquarters scheduled for tonight. The past week had been nothing but dead ends for Kaleb and his friends, who had still been determining how changelings were able to hide undetected within the Everfree Forest. This time, they had been able to use eyewitness accounts from the animals to locate a radius of their location, plus intelligence from Thorax. “Have you spoken to Sweetie Belle yet?” Flash asked as the two moved at a moderate pace. “Not yet,” Kaleb answered. “There are more complicated circumstances than I thought. I’m giving her space until I know more. Rarity has me on thin ice for not making that promise, even though she understands why I had to decline.” Flash acnkowleged this with a sympathetic nod. “It’s not an easy choice to make. Do you think they would go after her?” “In all my dealings as a Jedi, I have always kept Sweetie Belle out of the spotlight,” Kaleb said. “She was there to learn, and I tried to keep her out of danger. This was the one time my plan failed, and there will be a price to pay.” “I had an old commander who would say danger is learning, as if forces you to keep on your hooves,” Flash said. “He wasn’t wrong, but I think even he would question these circumstances.” “If and when I do tell, I’m going to be honest about the stakes,” Kaleb said. “During the war, I knew it was dangerous but not the specifics due to secrecy. Master Johanna wanted to tell me, but she was bound to the upper Council. This is why I want distance before figuring out the truth. She deserves a full explanation…” The two stopped as they gazed on a giant boulder about three meters high in the middle of a clearing. Flash lowered his hood. “Well, that’s ironic.” Kaleb took out the commlink, activating the location beacon. “Twilight, we found it. Teleport to my precise location about five meters north of where I’m standing.” A loud bang ruptured behind them as Twilight, Fluttershy, and Applejack teleported right behind them. Flash jumped, taking out his dagger and nearly hurling it at Twilight as Kaleb stopped his hoof just in time. He muttered an apology to Twilight, who just waved it off. “Kaleb, are you sure this is the place?” “Unless we know of any more unusually large boulders in this area, I think this is probably the one,” the Jedi replied. “If we get close enough, you can undo the counter spell hiding the entrance.” “We can’t just walk right up to it,” Flash remarked, his Royal Guard training kicking in as he scanned the ground. “Is there a Force power for telling whether this ground is booby-trapped to oblivion?” Kaleb simply picked up a rock, looking at the ground and the boulder before throwing it as hard as he could. The rock flew in the air, skimming the ground as it hit the boulder. He held up a hand and indicated for them to get down. A few seconds later, loud bangs popped around the area of the stone, going for about two minutes before finally settling down. “Was that really necessary?” Flash asked in a tone that was half-annoyed, half-amused. “It’s a sacred Jedi art,” Kaleb said. “Saved me a few times on Kessel.” The group moved forward, walking across the clearing up to the boulder. Twilight recited a complex counter spell which undid the wards keeping the entrance hidden. At that precise moment, a doorway emerged, opening to reveal a cavern right into the ground. “I can fly down and float you along with me,” Twilight said, casting a ball of light and throwing it through the doorway. “I’m guessing about a twenty-five-foot drop.” Kaleb could just as easily jump down there himself, but knew it was the riskier option. “Thank you. Proceed as planned.” Twilight jumped, flying in before casting a spell on the group to drag them down. Kaleb grabbed Fluttershy and Flash for support, and the three of them plunged into the semi-darkness. It was a quick but steady descent, and they all hit the ground gently, with Kaleb extending his hand out just as Twilight turned on the lights. The hideout was simple, built into the natural flow of the cave. A singular table stood in the center, with a large map of Equestria on it. To the side, various boxes of tools and weapons lined the walls along with sleeping quarters on the other side of the cave. Flash went over to look at the map. “All of these marked places are the bases where we found infiltrations. More importantly, they must have had some communication with these other bases.” Twilight looked at the map, as she had various documents in her grasp. “Not necessarily. They had knowledge of where they bases were but knew little of what was going on.” As Flash and the princess discussed the possibility, Kaleb and Fluttershy examined the weapons. Various blasters of various sizes stood, along with vibroblades and whips were contained in the boxes. Fluttershy looked with hesitance. “I never realized how focused your galaxy was on weaponry and war.” “When you are dealing with sinister characters, it helps to have a blaster,” Kaleb acknowledged. He held up a particular model, examining it in the light. “Many of these are from the Clone Wars, this one in particular wielded by a battle droid. Some of these are up to fifty years old. There’s no way these weapons were built by magic but are the real thing.” “How is that even possible?” Fluttershy asked. “I thought the portal which brought your ship here was an accidental spell.” “It was, but that doesn’t change the fact about these weapons.” Kaleb answered. “All I know is somehow, used weapons from my galaxy ended up in the hands of criminal organizations. Which means there’s something else at play here…” “Kaleb, I need you here!” Twilight called, and the two of them headed over to the table. “We just found documents linking the changeling cell to the Sandstorm Riders. It’s written in some kind of code; I can’t decipher it.” The Jedi looked at the letters. “Let me find the meaning from within.” He took two minutes to look it over, using the Force Echo to see each symbol written in his head. Once the code was cracked, he gazed at his friends. “This gives a clear hierarchy the changelings were following. It was the Sandstorm Riders, but they were being framed. It says here members of their own organization turned on them to serve a greater purpose.” “That’s been happening all across every criminal organization across the continent,” Flash gasped. “I don’t understand, the Royal Guard was sure the Sandstorm Riders were responsible.” “Mountain’s Fury were taking orders from who they thought were the Sandstorm Riders but were mistaken. This must have happened while the betrayal within the organization was happening,” Kaleb thought aloud. “Then who were they taking orders from?” Twilight said with anxiety. Kaleb looked at the final letter and took a few moments to gaze at the symbosl on the page. “Alpine mentioned a rising criminal organization known by the names Crimson Dawn and the Shadow Collective, both referred to in this document. The second is familiar to me, as there was a criminal alliance in my galaxy which went by that name.” Fluttershy interjected. “Twilight, those weapons are at least fifty years old by Kaleb’s calculations. They’re not replicas made here, but battle worn.” Twilight looked to Flash and Fluttershy with uncertainty, then to Kaleb. “Please tell me this isn’t true.” “I wish I could, but I would be lying to myself,” the Jedi said, rubbing his temple in confusion. “We don’t know yet if the Iron Hoof is being framed, so that possibility isn’t out the window. As for the weapons, I have no idea how they got here, but we must accept this as fact.” Flash sighed, setting down his staff. “If we look at every piece of information we have within Royal Guard intelligence, it’s turned out to be false regarding this case. Or we’re being misled. At this point, I’m questioning everything being thrown my way.” Fluttershy sensed the unease. “What’s bothering you?” “I think our enemy isn’t just from outside, but within,” Flash explained. “Someone is a spy, a turncoat giving levels of false intelligence to us while conspiring with the enemy.” Twilight jumped on this fast. “Given how strict Equestria’s security has been, how would that happen? And why wouldn’t they have been caught?” He looked to the side before answering her question, thinking. “Because they know the system inside and out, every rule and loophole. On top of that, they would need to have contacts outside of Equestria into the other countries. Given how strict both Equestrian Guard and Royal Guard protocols are, it’s damn near impossible. Multiple levels of verification, strong security spells, and more would eliminate it on the spot. That’s why I wouldn’t dare consider it up until this point.” Kaleb nodded. “It’s understandable, on top of being keen observation. But you have no idea of a suspect?” Flash shook his head. “Not at this time. It would involve more resources, and we don’t have definitive proof at this time.” “I’m going to teleport all of us out of here if it’s alright with everyone.” When Twilight heard no objections, she cast a spell and they disappeared before reappearing in the woods near Kaleb’s training grounds. “I wanted to make sure we got out okay, even with the detection wards placed around the perimeter of the Ponyville area.” “For now, I believe that concludes our side of the investigation,” Kaleb announced. “We tracked down the hideout and got valuable intelligence. Princess Celestia has said she will contact us when the Equestrian Guard raids the main headquarters of the Iron Hoof.” Twilight nodded. “Thank you for lending your assistance. Do we have any idea when the raids will be taking place?” “Three day's time,” Flash confirmed. “They’re going to strike late at night in the dark. It’s going to be probably around midnight our time when it happens.” “Even with the days growing shorter, it’s good practice to wait until it’s absolutely certain,” the Jedi murmured. “But still, it’s a while to wait…” “Look, we’ve all been on edge for the past week,” Flash began, thinking to remember something. “And it’s Royal Guard practice that you need to be both observant and relaxed in order to think clearly. All of us need to destress.” Twilight turned to Fluttershy and Kaleb. “Kaleb, didn’t you want to throw a surprise party for Fluttershy to celebrate the animal sanctuary?” Fluttershy’s eyes widened, gazing up at her love. “Wait, you planned a party? That’s so sweet.” “Well, there goes the surprise, but yeah,” he acknowledged. “I suppose we could have that party while we wait for Celestia’s call.” “I would enjoy that,” Fluttershy chimed in. “We can get all dressed up, and I can prepare my speech telling you all my plans.” “I’ll arrange all of the details, so you two don’t have to worry about a thing,” Twilight said. “It’s going to be a night to remember.” The Cutie Mark Crusader treehouse stood no matter the season as a place for the group to gather. Even as the winds buffeted the treehouse tonight, the lantern lights remained on as Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Spike played cards as the darkness of night fell. “Draw,” Sweetie Belle announced as she picked up a card. “Stay.” Dang it, I was this close to getting twenty-one. Scootaloo clapped her hooves. “Alright, that’s everyone. Show your cards.” Everyone did at the same time. Sweetie Belle and Spike both looked at each other, noticing they were tied at twenty. The dragon looked at her with a curious expression. “We tied. For once, I’m actually surprised.” “Yeah, it’s a coincidence really.” It had been a rough week for Sweetie Belle. One minute, she was walking on air with going to the dance with Spike, the next terrified of recent events and having bristling anger for her master. She had never been through so many emotions in a short time span, and it was exhausting. After what Spike told me at the dance, I have to be there for him. He seems fine, but is now really the best time to bring up romance? Sweet Celestia, why does this have to be so complicated? Her thoughts were broken as Apple Bloom announced her victory. “And that’s blackjack. Thank you everyone and have a great night. Now pay up.” The group chuckled as Sweetie Belle shook her mane, noticing how crushed fall leaves must have gotten in. “Unfortunately, I spent it all on coffee. Thanks for helping to organize this get-together…or whatever we’re calling it.” “Sweetie Marie Belle, now hold on,” Spike interjected, the invoking of her middle name causing mild amusement in her head. “This whole operation was your idea. You sent all of us a letter suggesting we sneak out in the middle of the night, in defiance of our siblings and hold a party.” “Damn, I didn’t know you broke your own rules. Mad respect,” Scootaloo threw in. Sweetie Belle shook off the embarrassment in her voice. “Well, I just thought after the week we’ve all had, we could use this. First the changelings, and now the attacks. I think I need to rely on my friends now more than ever for multiple reasons.” “We all read the story in the newspaper,” Scootaloo said. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen Miss Cheerilee ever avoid current events that fast. They don’t want us to talk about it, we’re just expected to figure it out on our own.” “I don’t blame her, though,” Apple Bloom responded. “An attack on that scale hasn’t been seen in so long, she’s probably figuring out how to even approach it.” Spike noticed Sweetie Belle had been zoning out of the conversation, looking out at the window. She was clearly uncomfortable with this conversation, and he interjected. “Hey, let’s not talk about this now. We’re trying to get away from it for a reason. Actually, could you two mind getting some snacks from the barn? Maybe some apples, caramel popcorn if there’s any left from the festival?” “Yeah, sure. We’ll be back in a few.” Apple Bloom let out that answer before taking a flashlight, her hoof making sure her jacket was zipped. Scootaloo followed her out of the treehouse, closing the door behind them. After they had gone down the walkway, Spike turned to Sweetie Belle. “There’s something on your mind, I can sense it. What’s up?” “Sorry, I was just thinking about my parents,” Sweetie Belle sighed. “And my annoyance at them. Do you know how hard it is just to get their approval? Rarity gets on my nerves sometimes, but she’s been nothing but welcoming to who I am. If I here one more word about being brainwashed by the Jedi, I swear…it’s just complicated. And Kaleb forbidding me from even trying to help just feels demeaning.” Spike nodded. “It’s like no matter how hard you try, you can’t help anyone. I wish I could help you with your family, but I don’t know how given my own past.” “Honestly, you just being you helps,” She responded warmly. “Being that smart, funny, and kind-hearted friend. Not to mention adorably scruffy-looking with the scales…” Her eyes went wide, realizing what she said. Shoot, go back, go back, go back… Spike just laughed, rustling her mane. “Who’s scruffy-lookin’? Honestly, I don’t mind the compliments, they’re helping take my mind off of these past few days as well.” “How are you holding up?” Sweetie Belle asked, steering away that embarrassing observation. “It’s been weird,” Spike acknowledged. “I wasn’t feeling well that morning, so I heard about it from Twilight later in the day. Hearing about the Dragon Lands was devastating. It’s bad enough hearing about dragon massacres from back in the day, but to see this now makes my blood boil. I just want to track down whoever did this and make sure they don’t see sunlight again.” “Revenge isn’t the answer,” Sweetie Belle said with slight alarm. She had known Spike had been angry, but could feel his emotions pounding, with a spark of red in his eyes she hadn’t seen before. “Trust me, it’s not worth it.” Just as quickly as the red emerged, it vanished, with Spike seeming to go back to normal. “I’m sorry…I don’t know what came over me. I hate that part of myself which wants to see the world burn. I’ve been exchanging letters with Ember, but it’s awkward at times given our history." She remembered the two dated for a few months before a mutual breakup. “Yeah, that’s rough. Just know you can always count on your friends to be here. You can always count on me, Spike.” “I just need you to remember the same,” Spike said in kind. “Remember last summer when we went to Manehattan? That was a great trip.” “Well, except for the traffic,” she grumbled. “The LaQuestria train station was horrible, nobody can navigate that place. Why do ponies get to the city through there in the first place?” “Given it’s one of the most crowded cities next to Las Pegasus I’m not surprised,” Spike replied with surprise. “I didn’t know you had such strong feelings about train stations.” “Well, you’d be surprised,” Sweetie Belle defended. “What was your point?” “I honestly remember when we saw a show, and you looked so happy and excited. You were literally dragging us into the theater.” She remembered, her eyes relaxing. “That show went on to win several awards. I was thrilled all of us were there together.” “Exactly,” Spike said, bringing it back to his point. “Whatever happens, I need you to know that we should face this future together. We’re the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Nothing is going to tear us apart.” At that exact moment, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo returned, with cider and snacks. “We brought a bit of everything. It’s too bad we couldn’t bring back the special cider.” “That’s fermented cider we work hard to make!” Apple Bloom argued. “And expensive. I’m not risking it, and it’s not even going to taste good at this state.” “Sounds like someone has had some secret drinking experiences,” Spike joked, which earned him a pillow to the face. “Ouch. I deserved that.” “You did, you goofball,” Sweetie Belle said, grabbing the popcorn. “What do you guys want to do now?” “We could play another game,” Scootaloo suggested, with a wicked smile going to her face. “How about Truth or…” “No, absolutely not,” Apple Bloom shut down. “Not in this treehouse and too predictable of a game.” “How about a ghost story?” Sweetie Belle suggested. “Scariest story gets the zap apple jam.” “Sounds good to me,” Scootaloo agreed, with Apple Bloom nodding in approval. “Whose first?” “I’ll go,” Spike volunteered, as all three of the ponies looked up at him with anticipation. “It’s an old tale from the Dragon Lands.” He took a long sigh before starting. “During the Dragon Wars between Saddle Arabia and the Dragon Lands, there was a battle known as The Fallen Embers. Considered to be the fiercest conflict of the war, it was said that ash fell from the sky, with the rain evaporating from the heat in the air. Our heat our dragon fire is our attack and defense. The battle was a stalemate, a siege lasting for over five days. But late into the battle Saddle Arabian spellcasters turned our own fire against us, with a spell turning the magical properties engrained in our fire to target dragons. They suffocated us with our own fire, scorching and killing many in the process.” The ponies listened with horror, with Apple Bloom holding a hoof to her mouth. “What happened to those who survived?” “Very few got away, and their magic was so badly damaged they could never breathe fire again,” Spike answered gravely. “The fields are considered cursed to this day, with few dragons daring to fly there. Some say you can still hear the screams of dragons dying with your own ears and smell the smoke of the fire...” Spike trailed off as a dark presence tugged at his mind. Warily, he glanced out of the corner of his eye towards the window. Outside, there stood the shadow, gazing up at him from the ground. The dragon’s limbs acted without thought, as he jumped out of the treehouse, using his wings to glide him close to the ground as he gave chase to the shadow. Half-flying, half galloping through the undergrowth of the Apple Family farm, he locked onto the smell of the shadow, knowing that it wouldn’t escape. I got you…you won’t hurt them this time. After minutes of running, he noticed the scent trail coming to an end right at a cliff face near a lake. He stopped just before the edge, his eyes turning red as he yelled with the ferocity of red fire. “WHAT ARE YOU!” The air was still for a moment, before Spike felt another presence in his mind. This one was different, a smooth presence which hid its vibe like a tiger burrowing into the night. Your shadow is not to be trifled with, as it taunts you. Consider yourself lucky you haven’t been killed. Spike jumped away from the edge of the cliff, surprised. “Who was that? Where are you?” The voice answered in his head. I know many things about you, Spike of Equestria. And I know the power which has haunted you for years, the feelings of anger, madness, and rage which make the blood boil. There is much you have to learn, but as I watch you, remember and fear the shadow. Embrace the darkness within you. The voice disappeared, and Spike’s eyes went back to normal. He looked around, and saw his friends running towards her, with Scootaloo grabbing Spike by the arms. “Whoa, are you alright? What happened back there?” He pushed her back, and the trio took the message to back away. After coughing for a few seconds, he looked at them. “Sorry about that, that must have been my dragon senses kicking in. It’s based on instinct, and the thoughts of that story must have been a lightning rod.” “I’m just glad you’re okay,” Sweetie Belle added. “We were really worried about you.” “I’m fine, really,” Spike replied, brushing off their concerns despite his confusion with the other voice. “Let’s head back to the treehouse.” The group set off for the treehouse, which was about a ten minute walk from the cliff. As the group walked, Sweetie Belle felt something through the Force. “Guys, we need to get back to Apple Bloom’s house.” “Isn’t this whole point that we’re supposed to be sneaking out?” Scootaloo asked, with Apple Bloom and Spike looking at her, stopping in their tracks. She shook her head and felt the sense of danger get stronger. “Something’s wrong, I can’t sense Rarity or Kaleb…” Kaleb sat in Twilight’s kitchen, reading a recipe book by lanternlight as he adjusted his suit. It was the same one he wore to the Grand Galloping Gala, except with a regular tie this time around. After getting here a few hours earlier, he had patrolled the halls, making sure everything was secure leading up to the party and Celestia’s call. It was all he could do, along with a few meditations to keep himself calm. The small velvet box containing the engagement ring was clasped in his hands, as he gazed into it. It was pure gold for the ring and chain, which is placed around the wearer’s neck. Turquoise the same color as Fluttershy’s eyes was embedded into the band, with accents of silver and rose gold surrounding the diamond. Keeping this with him over the past few days helped him immensely, grounding him to reality during the day. It represented a promise he made in his mind to her, one of a peaceful and happy life for the two of them. Still, uncertainty and fear plagued his dreams, and cast doubt. I don’t know if I can propose at a time like this, when these dreams rule my mind. But this ring reminds me how much I care for her, and no matter where I am, she’s always with me. Plus, it’s probably better to keep it with me instead of risking her finding it. He heard a noise, and quickly put the ring away, only to find Rainbow Dash and Applejack entering the kitchen. “There you are, we’ve been looking all over for you.” “Twilight kicked me out while she was preparing the room,” he explained quickly, putting the box away before they could take a peek. “I was just doing dishes a few minutes ago.” “Fluttershy’s here,” Applejack said. “We still have to hang the decorations; do you mind keeping her occupied for a few minutes?” “Not at all,” Kaleb said, using the Force to move some clean dishes into the overhead cabinets. “Tell her I’m in here.” The two exited the room, and Kaleb tried to clear his head by getting the rest of the dishes by hand. Waiting for information is never easy. I remember waiting in my cabin on the Republic ships for hours at a time. Hopefully, it won’t take long to get updates on the raid. The door opened, and Fluttershy entered the room. She wore a simple dress of dark blue, which shimmered in the lights of the kitchen. Her mane had been done just for tonight, with the pink strands being curled, with a broach featuring a songbird on her head. She chuckled as she saw his jaw drop slightly. “Why, hello there handsome.” Quickly closing his mouth, Kaleb rustled his hair to hide the embarrassment. “You look amazing. The curls are a nice touch.” “Thanks, they do add a lot,” Fluttershy replied, with her giving him a sultry look. “I wanted to surprise you. I know how much you enjoy the tiger’s perspective. Wild and untamed.” “Save the flirting until I get these dishes put away.” Both of them laughed at the exchange before she helped him get the last of the dishes in the sink. “But seriously, it’s a great look.” She nodded. “How long do you have to wait for Celestia’s intelligence update?” “It won’t be for another half hour at least,” Kaleb answered. “These kinds of operations take time, and I need to stay awake, no matter what happens.” He felt himself closing his eyes before jerking his head to keep them open. “You’ve been doing that the past few days," Fluttershy observed with concern. “Are you okay?” “I’ve just had trouble sleeping the past few days.” For Kaleb, that was only part of the truth, as the nightmares which plagued his mind kept him awake. Ones where everything ended in bloodshed and couldn’t give Fluttershy the peaceful life she deserved. “These disturbing dreams keep coming back, where darkness disrupts peace. And no matter how the two of us live our lives, it always ends badly.” Fluttershy wrapped her wings around him. “Nothing is ever going to stop me from loving you, you hear me? Nothing. And I will fight for that dream as long as I’m alive, breathing and standing by your side.” She took his hand and led him to the party where their friends were waiting. “Come on, they’re waiting for us.” He took a few deep breaths, and nodded, smiling for the first time that evening. They entered the large dance hall to be greeted by cheers from their friends. Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Starlight all wore their best attire, cheering as Fluttershy gasped with delight. “It’s about time you two got here,” Starlight said, already slightly intoxicated from the glass of wine in her hoof. “I’m starving.” “My apologies, I didn’t mean to hold everything up,” Kaleb said hastily as Pinkie Pie waved it away. “But enough of my Jedi excuses, let’s eat!” The group began to start with the meal Twilight had been keeping warm with magic, as even the late hour could not stop their appetite. It was a good meal, with Rainbow Dash demonstrating her latest Wonderbolt move, with the wind from her wings buffeting the table. Kaleb got up, realizing the wind had spilled wine over his suit jacket. Forgiving Rainbow Dash after many apologies, he addressed the group. “If you would excuse me, I need to run to the restroom.” Moving from the table, he went out of the room and down the long hallway to the nearest restroom. The water only got the stain out slightly, as he closed the door and looked into the mirror. Karrabast, I need the sleep. But we should all sleep soundly knowing what’s happening with the other investigation. The Jedi splashed it on his face, trying to keep awake, as he muttered with curiosity. “They should have called by now…” Just as he was about to leave, the holoprojector went off, as he quickly activated it in the palm of his hand. A small image of Dr. Bluejay emerged, coming in clear through the channel. “Kaleb, do you read me?” “I can hear you loud and clear,” Kaleb said. “Apologies about the appearance. We’re celebrating Fluttershy getting the animal sanctuary approved.” “Don’t worry about it,” Dr. Bluejay replied. “We should be getting results in the next minute. Princess Luna insisted we waited until we had official confirmation before contacting you.” “Is she with you? I thought Celestia or her would be with you in Canterlot?” Kaleb asked “They’re at the Crystal Empire, and I’m located at the Royal Guard watchtower,” he explained. “There’s better communication here opposed to Canterlot since it’s farther out… He got interrupted as a scroll appeared suddenly near him, bearing the official seal of the Equestrian Guard. Grabbing it and opening it, silence filled the background noise as he read it. Shock appeared on his face. “Oh…sweet Celestia.” “What’s going on?” Kaleb said, as he could tell the look in Dr. Bluejay’s eyes was of fear. “What happened, keep me informed.” The pegasus looked at Kaleb through the holoprojector. “The raid went through, but we’re too late. The entire leadership of the Iron Hoof is dead, along with every member in the main hideout. They need to get out before it’s too late…” Just as the Jedi was clinging onto every word, the signal cut out, completely dead as loud static noise shot out of the holoprojector. Kaleb moved out of the bathroom, into the hallway as he tried to reestablish the connection. But it was too late, as the stream was cutting in and out of focus. The signal didn’t just go out. Our communications are being jammed! Just as quickly as the minute of static took place, the static stopped and was replaced with clear communication. The visual came back, this time featuring a logo he couldn’t recognize, and a deep male voice shot through. “Good evening, mind if I drop in?” Kaleb used the Force to allow the unit to float as shock was replaced with reality. Whoever this is, they’re not friendly. “To whom am I speaking?” “I don’t believe we’re well acquainted, but it does not matter if we are,” the voice said. “Rather, I would rather let actions speak louder than words.” Whenever the enemy presents itself, there’s room for opportunity. One slip-up can ruin the slightest strategy, but I have to be careful. “I am speaking to the one responsible for the assassinations across this continent, am I correct? Or perhaps the other attacks on my friends and their allies?” “All done in the name spoken in fear. The one which everyone will soon know,” The voice replied with venom. “It’s a pity Equestria has fallen this far, to be so ruled by hypocrisy and corruption, not being afraid to do what is necessary to survive.” “Who speaks for Crimson Dawn?” Kaleb pressed, keeping his voice as neutral as possible. “And why that name?” The voice began its monoluge in a calm manner. “Someone who has been faced death and isolation and found a new purpose in life. I am the voice of the prophets who will free this world from tyranny. Every step meticulously planned, all in the name of a new order. You and I are the same.” He spat in disgust. “We are nothing alike! Don’t you dare compare myself to you.” “Who am I to judge the great Kaleb Taymar, Jedi Knight?” The voice sneered. “We were both cast aside by those who we entrusted, and found new life, new purpose. But I’m not a hypocrite to the philosophy I serve. Or when the Republic fell, when the children in the Temple were slayed on Coruscant, begging for mercy as blasters and blades cut through their bodies, did they even consider the consequences of their actions?” Chills of shock, fear, and uneasiness shook through the Jedi, as he calmed himself. “I see you’ve been talking to Chrysalis.” “The changelings are strong,” The voice acknowledged. “Her tactics are impressive, but not what I’m after.” “They weren’t enough to stop the bearers of the Element of Harmony,” Kaleb said. “If you seek power, then you’ve come to the wrong place. Murder of the innocents will not give you the strength to wield but will stab you in the back before you even comprehend the actions taken.” The voice rejected his warning. “Every planet, every system from the Core Worlds to the Outer Rim knew what would happen. But the Jedi refused to accept the inevitable. The Nihal should have finished you off, instead of letting you bring war into the galaxy. I know your philosophy, just as I follow mine. We’re two sides of the blade, accept I will do what needs to be done in the name of peace and control.” “You know nothing about what the Jedi brought. Don’t you dare bring the past into this.” Kaleb said, anger entering into his voice. “Who are you, and what are you after?” “I am a prophet who will bring this world into darkness, and smite down Equestria in vengeance,” The voice answered. “I will unleash hell upon them, perhaps letting them beg for mercy before slaughtering the innocents. To follow the will of Kujet, and bring his will to this place.” “You won’t get away with this,” Kaleb said forcefully. “I will bring you to justice before you make your next move.” “I’m afraid that is already in motion. It is my intent to finish what was started and eliminate the Jedi. Or perhaps you should watch your friends die first.” The transmission ended as loud static rang through the hall, only adding to the loud sound of rain. Kaleb sensed it the moment he dropped the holoprojector. The fever, the rage of vengeance as white-hot as his own, and a sense of cruelty filled his senses. He sprinted down the hall, his footsteps echoing as shadows bounced around. His mind occupied with one thing: get to the banquet hall before it did. Using the Force to get the doors open, he ran into the hall as his friends looked at him. He put a hand to the ground, closing his eyes before looking up at his friends. The expressions in their eyes ranged from curiosity, slowly to the anxiety and fear reflecting in his own. He could tell as they began to look around, and Twilight realized with horror that every spell she had placed on Ponyville and the castle had been broken. The last thing Kaleb saw was the horror in Fluttershy’s eyes as he yelled. “EVERYONE, GET DOWN! NOW!” There are many definitions of darkness, which stem from the perception children receive from their parents. Taught no matter how scary and unknown the dark was, it could always be broken by light. A candle, a lantern, or the creatures which provide bioluminescence. But every belief the group had with the darkness was broken in less than a second. True darkness which couldn’t be penetrated by light, which froze them in their tracks and blinded all five senses. Even with going unconscious, there was still a voice in one’s mind which knew they would wake up. That voice was silent, choked by the hold of the one who held it. It constricted their senses and made the air unbreathable, suckling the life out of all the oxygen in the room. This wasn’t darkness. This was death’s grasp. Kaleb felt the darkness holding on, and dived deeper into his mind and body than he ever had. Reaching out to the Force, going deeper and deeper into his conscious until the grasp he had on the meditation was farther than any Jedi dared to go. The method was last-resort, going between the living and cosmic Force where the dead dwell. Only Master Yoda had gone this deep in the history of the Jedi Order, and it nearly killed him. Yet Kaleb knew it was the only way to free him and save their lives. In his head, he saw the faces of ghosts from long past, and he knew he had reached the center. Allowing the Force to take over his body, he sensed a large, imposing figure jumping down from the ceiling, about to go in for the kill. His lightsaber ignited and he used the Force to fight back, pushing the figure away from his friends and chasing it as it led him into the castle. It was unlike any chase he had gone on, as the Force was in control of his body and moved with instinct. The assassin weaved it’s way through the castle, climbing the walls and ceiling with the agility no pony could keep up with. It was only through the Force that Kaleb chased it, trying to get a read on it. He knew there was only a limited amount of time he would be able to keep this up before the darkness would take hold of his body once again. A meditation this deep would kill him anyway, so he knew he would rather go out after eliminating the target rather than die of this darkness. For a moment, he lost track of the figure, not being able to sense it in the upper hallways of the castle. That was when it struck. It clawed against him, going for the ribs with the strength of a manticore and throwing him against the wall. Kaleb howled with pain as the meditation was broken and darkness took hold of him once again. A few of those ribs were broken, and he was frozen with the feeling of fractures. A metallic claw took hold of his neck and lifted him up, and the darkness let up for only a few moments. As his windpipe was crushed, he saw yellow eyes with red veins in them, filled with nothing but hatred as he felt scalding hot heat radiating from something near his chest. Then, it all vanished as the figure bashed his head against the wall, knocking Kaleb out as unconsciousness took hold. The next thing he saw was a bright light as he came out of unconsciousness, his sight still hazy from the trauma to his head. However, he could tell that Princess Celestia was running towards him as the hallway came into view. “KALEB!” She yelled, getting down and quickly casting spells to find his injuries. “STAY WITH ME, STAY WITH ME. KEEP YOUR EYES FOCUSED ON ME, ALRIGHT. EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE OKAY.” She summoned medical supplies as she realized the extent of his injuries. Using a spell to numb his body, she operated with precision as she repaired the windpipe by performing an emergency tracheostomy before casting her spell, repairing it just as quickly. Kaleb gasped for air, breathing heavily he lay with his head still against the wall, as she continued to use magic to stop the bleeding on his head. “What the hell happened? My friends…no they can’t be…” “They are safe and alive,” Celestia explained. “Twilight put alarm defense charms on the Castle so we would be alerted the moment they were broken. Whatever spell was used to subdue everyone, you managed to break through it.” The Jedi tried to get up, but Dr. Bluejay arrived to push him down. “Easy, let me get a look at you.” He shined a light into Kaleb’s eyes, observing their movements. “You’re lucky that concussion isn’t worse. The impact from the looks of the wall would have killed you if it was any further.” “I used the Force to try and soften the blow,” Kaleb said. “Am I okay to get up now? Or is that going to make it worse?” “Your protection was good enough for this only to be counted as a mild case,” the Doctor said. “However, that means different things for everyone else.” Celestia cast a quick spell, writing down the enchantment on a scroll and handing it to the doctor. “I’ll be supporting you with a spell in case you fall,” Princess Celestia said, helping him up with the spell. Kaleb wobbled a bit on his feet, as she and Dr. Bluejay grabbed him, and they slowly began to walk. “What happened? It was chaos after we lost contact with you.” “I shouted to everyone to get down, and the whole place was cast in complete darkness,” Kaleb described. “It was sensory deprivation which froze the victim in place and suffocated them in the process. The only reason I was able to get out was due to an advanced form of meditation, and I went after the assassin. It was fast. Strong enough to subdue me in two blows.” “Did you get a good look at it?” Celestia pressed. “All I saw were yellow eyes brimming with hatred,” Kaleb tried to remember, but his head began to throb as he grunted in pain. “Easy,” Dr. Bluejay said steadily as he brought Kaleb through the portal into the first floor. They entered through the doors to find the Mane Six and Starlight surrounded by Shining Armor and the Royal Guard huddled around them. Their eyes reflected trauma and loss, with even Pinkie Pie sobbing quietly in the corner. Flash came over, handing Kaleb his staff to lean on, speaking quietly. “Now we know why there were no witnesses.” Shining Armor came over to Celestia. “We have Royal Guard all over this castle and every corner in Ponyville. Nobody is dying tonight.” “Thank you,” Celestia replied, her voice still shaking. “Luna is out both in her physical form and her astral projection combing the skies to find the responsible parties.” Kaleb looked out at Fluttershy and saw a blank expression in her face, and eyes of no emotion. That scared him more than any assassin, and he appealed to Celestia. “We need to get everyone out of here and back to their own homes under protection now. They will try again, and this castle is a target.” She looked surprised at the intensity in his voice. “Is splitting up the best option? There has to be a safer route…” “I don’t know,” he admitted, noticing a ringing in his ears. “But more importantly, we need to make sure their families aren’t being targeted. Each home is a safehouse, and if we time it right, we can make sure nobody else in Ponyville knows what happened tonight. Tomorrow is a different story, but just for this night, make it feel familiar.” Celestia nodded, understanding what he was trying to say. She signaled for everyone to be quiet and spoke to the group. “My job is to protect everyone in Equestria, including my student and her friends. Tonight, I failed. We underestimated what we were dealing with, and by doing so, put all of you in harm’s way. I am so sorry, and I will make sure all of you are safe and protected so you can go back to your homes and be with your loved ones. Tonight, the Royal Guard, Luna, and I will guard Ponyville and make sure peace is maintained. And be assured in the coming days, we’re staying right here.” Shining Armor took over. “We’re going to stagger your departures and teleport you back to your homes. Two guards will be with you and will patrol and protect your home. I am asking all of you to please stay inside for the next forty-eight hours as each of your homes is being designated as a Royal Guard safehouse with rigorious protective spells applied to each.” As the unicorn began designating who was going first, Kaleb took out his lightsaber and looked at Celestia. “I’m going with you tonight to find whoever did this and end them.” “Absolutely not,” Celestia ordered, noting just how shaken Kaleb was as she addressed him in a firm manner. “You are one of the targets, and on top of that you’re still injured.” Adding in a quieter tone, she put a wing on his shoulder. “You’re not well, and neither is Fluttershy. Just this once, let us protect you.” Kaleb sighed and nodded with defeat. “Before Fluttershy and I go back, I need to talk to you and Luna. It’s urgent.” “Understood.” Celestia moved back to talk to one of the guards about arragements for the castle. Fluttershy moved over to him as she had been trying to console Pinkie and had a lost appearance. “I can’t process this, not here.” “We’re going to be back at the cottage soon, safe with Angel and every songbird,” Kaleb comforted. “My lightsaber is yours, its blade protecting you and everyone you hold dear.” The two just sat together on the couch while the rest of their friends were assigned guards and teleported back to their homes. Applejack was first, with Shining Armor reporting back that Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Spike were with the Apple family. Just relieved they were safe, Rarity, Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash agreed not to ground them. Not after tonight. Pinkie Pie was next, with Fluttershy trying to console her as she waved a sad goodbye and left. Rainbow Dash was slightly defiant at the guards protecting her, and Rarity was just relieved to get home to Opal. Twilight hugged Flash as he was going to organize the patrols around the Apple family farm and went into the other hallway to greet Spike. This left Kaleb, Fluttershy, and Celestia in the banquet hall, with Luna joining them with a flash. She immediately went over to Fluttershy, hugging her hard and promising she would watch over her dreams. After making sure Fluttershy was comfortable on the couch, she moved back over to Celestia and Kaleb. “Tell me everything you can recall about what spell was used.” Kaleb described the spell in detail, shivering at the sensory deprivation and suffocation still in his head. “If it hadn’t been for that spell, I may have had a chance. But whoever attack me was strong and could sense my every move. If it wasn’t for that spell being lifted, it would have snapped my neck.” “Whatever magic was used, it was strong. And so was the spellcaster,” Celestia replied. “Strong enough to break those spells, and to leave undetected. What doesn’t make sense is how is it possible for a spell to have such capability, when in my years I have never this used…” “That’s because the nature of the enchantment was never designed for that…” Luna had been quiet up to this point, listening to Kaleb intently while she looked around the room. Slowly, throughout the entire conversation she had been keeping something to herself, trying to find anything that would deny this possibility. “Sister, what do you mean?” Celestia asked. “Who designed this spell?” She let out a long sigh and looked at both of them. There was a harshness in her eyes, but one of tragedy. “The magic that was used here tonight is almost identical to my magic. This enchantment, however, was the work of Nightmare Moon. It was designed for intimidation and torture, never to kill anyone.” Celestia’s gaze softened. “This isn’t your fault…” “Tia, don’t. Not tonight,” Luna interrupted swiftly, turning to Kaleb. “My magic as you know is incredibly difficult to wield to the point of death. However, it is not impossible for a highly skilled magician to crack the code. It’s a closely guarded secret, to the point where I split up my library to different locations across Equestria after Tirek invaded. I will look into whether these locations were breached.” That spell is going to kill again if we’re not careful, Kaleb thought before asking a question. “In theory, can the magic be reverse engineered into the form of a protection ward? This way, if this enchantment is attempted again, it will be blocked.” Luna thought for a moment. “Yes, in theory that works. Practically, it’s complicated depending on how complex the enchantment. There is enough magical energy in this room for me to get a sample of the spell and reverse it using my own enchantments. It will need to be imbued within an object one can wear due to the amount of power within.” Celestia gave her sister a supportive glance. “This is a small step, but if we can ensure the safety of those we protect, then it’s worth it.” Kaleb thought about what happened before the enchantment took effect, and ruminated on those words. There are certain things only Jedi must know, but I’ll reveal as much as I can. “Before the spell took effect, the signal connecting my holoprojector to Canterlot was jammed, and hijacked by the one responsible for the assassinations. He spoke to me directly.” Celestia and Luna both looked at him with alarm, with Luna taking the first response. “Did you get any information on who this suspect might be?” “What he wants is not power, but revenge. And it appears he will do anything to get it, including massacring innocents,” Kaleb relayed with as calm a tone as he could muster. “Crimson Dawn is the name of the group responsible. He believes he is a prophet for names unfamiliar to me.” “What prophet believes murdering innocent citizens will bring peace?” Luna muttered to herself in shock. “There’s something else bothering you,” Celestia pushed. “Something you’re not telling us.” Kaleb sighed, figuring out how much he was going to say and how. “The fact that the communications were jammed is near impossible, as I programmed the security measures myself. This could not have been done remotely, as there are specific measures with those kinds of signals which would not allow wireless hijacking. The only way it could have been intercepted was if someone tampered with the console in Canterlot.” Luna and Celestia both looked at each other, exchanging a glance before Luna responded to his query. “We will look into this, and whoever dared played a role will be brought to justice.” “Start with talking to Flash, he might be onto something,” the Jedi replied. Just as he was about to talk more, pain radiated from his ribs and head. Fluttershy had gotten up and kept a wing on his back to steady him. “How badly is he injured?” Fluttershy asked Celestia. “The ribs will heal in a few days, but I’m most worried about the concussion,” Dr. Bluejay answered, walking over from talking to Twilight in the other room. “Keep an eye on him for the next 24 hours. From the enchantment Princess Celestia cast, we have determined this is a Grade Two concussion based on the symptoms and head trauma. I can prescribe potions that will help with the pain, but you won’t be going anywhere for at least a week or more. I’ll check in on you tomorrow.” Kaleb nodded with gratitude. “Thank you. I’m in your debt, and I will always take the sacrifice for Equestria.” “And we are always grateful,” Luna said. She took out a potion, handing it to Fluttershy. “This will help you two sleep, and it should not interfere with any treatment Dr. Bluejay prescribes for Kaleb.” Celestia cast a wordless spell, creating a portal which led straight into the cottage’s living room. She placed a small stone with a metallic button in Kaleb’s hands. “The guards are outside, and the enchantments are in place. One press, and they will be by your side.” Fluttershy thanked the group, and walked with Kaleb through the portal, which closed with a quiet thump. The two looked at each other, seeing the trauma and bravery in each other’s eyes. “I couldn’t protect you…” She started sobbing the moment Kaleb wrapped his arms around her, and the two went downstairs to rest in uncertain dreams. > Chapter 7: Into The Unknown > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The reflection of sunlight trickled out of the small window poking out of the basement of the cottage. Over the years, it had still remained a place for Fluttershy to knit, but with more organization as opposed to chaos. It served as a guest bedroom, with a twin bed, a couch which could fold into a bed, and an old armchair which had been with the cottage ever since Fluttershy bought the place. Kaleb woke up early, as that habit from the Jedi Temple was one which he had kept over the years. Rising up from the bed after drinking the prescribed potions from Dr. Bluejay, he watched Fluttershy nestled into the couch with a quilt over her. Her breaths calm, rising and falling with her wings and strands of hair over her face; it was relieving seeing her sleep peacefully. He looked towards his hands, reflecting on past events. Time has not been kind to the weary. It had been a week since Twilight’s assassination attempt, which managed to be kept quiet. If anyone asked, it was just out of precaution after the changeling attack in the Everfree Forest. The Royal Guard had stayed in the town for the duration of the week, allowing the Mane Six out of the safehouses once the fourty-eight hours had passed. However, there were strict curfews and were to be accompanied by two guards when they went out. Twilight had reassured the town to stay calm and to report anything out of the ordinary to the guard. Kaleb and Fluttershy had barely left the cottage all week, with both having physical and psychological injuries. Fluttershy hadn’t been this shaken since Starlight’s village, and Lyra made several house visits over the course of the week. She was brave, even with nightmares and flashbacks haunting her. Kaleb had blamed himself for the attacks, as the guilt complex kicked in. They had each other to heal, with Lyra helping to guide them through therapy. He walked over to the couch and knelt down, stroking the fur near her ears. She stirred. “Shy, it’s time to wake up.” Fluttershy opened her eyes, yawning as she looked at him. “Do I have to? I was having a pretty great dream.” “What was the dream?” Kaleb asked, sitting down on the couch next to her. “The two of us were hiking together during the winter, and we saw a rainbow,” she recalled, before turning her attention to his injuries. “How’s your head, and are the potions working?” “It’s working for the most part,” He replied. “I still get head pain, but it’s manageable. I got lucky with how much impact I prevented.” The two got up from the couch, with Kaleb throwing on a clean set of Jedi robes before fastening his lightsaber onto the belt. Opening the hidden door, the bookcase on the outside moved, and they walked into the living room, going to the small kitchen. Fluttershy put on a kettle, and after a few minutes had tea ready to go. She sipped her mug and handed her significant other his. “What was your dream?” “Still trying to figure that out,” Kaleb replied. “It was of a mountain; I don’t know where. I could feel the Force present throughout the dream.” Angel made his way into the kitchen, and Kaleb handed him a carrot. “We’ve got a long day ahead of us. How much prep do we have to do before winter hits?” “A ton,” Fluttershy sighed. “Normally, we would have done all of this weeks in advance. But given recent events, it’s impossible.” “I’m sure the Royal Guard is more than happy to help,” Kaleb reassured. “I know they won’t be here until later this morning, but they’ll work with us.” A5 came into the kitchen and relayed news to Kaleb, who let out a frustrated sigh. “The communications network is still shut down between here and Canterlot. Damage must have been pretty severe. I know we still have other options for contacting Canterlot, but I can’t repair the connection without physically looking at the unit in the castle.” “Do they know how they managed to jam the signal yet?” Fluttershy asked A5, who gave her an uncertain response. “For now, let’s get some breakfast and plan how we’re going to get the Royal Guard to help…” She was interrupted by knocking at the door. Kaleb signaled to Fluttershy to stay in the kitchen, and he walked through the kitchen to the hallway by the stairs quietly. He sneaked to the door, one hand on his lightsaber as he cracked it open. Not seeing anyone, Kaleb opened the door and slipped outside. There was fog surrounding the gardens, with the sun barely peeking through. Kaleb could see only a few feet in front of him, and he used the Force to sense the world around him. Walking out, he looked around and a few seconds later, felt the presence of someone to his right. It was only two seconds to activate the lightsaber and point it in direction where he felt the presence. Kaleb kept his gaze fixed, and Luna emerged from the fog just to the left of his blade. “I could have killed you.” “You could have tried,” Luna responded, and Kaleb deactivated the blade. “My apologies, but I wanted to make sure there was nobody else around.” “Next time, just send a scroll,” Kaleb mumbled with slight annoyance, and led her back into the cottage, locking the door. Fluttershy and A5 were talking quietly when the two entered into the dining room. “Princess Luna, welcome,” Fluttershy greeted with slight surprise. “Sorry for the mess, can I get you anything to drink?” “Thank you Fluttershy, but I am good for now,” Luna responded politely. “I am actually here to deliver information. Celestia, Shining Armor, and myself have decided to move the Element Bearers and their immediate families to Canterlot out of precaution. There are stronger protections in the castle, and we can keep tabs on locations easier in a smaller space.” Fluttershy nodded. “That’s actually a good idea. All of our homes are pretty widespread, I imagine it must have been a scheduling nightmare as far as shifts.” “Not necessarily, this was also about protecting the citizens of Ponyville,” Luna responded, handing Kaleb a sealed letter. “Kaleb, this is for you from Celestia and myself.” He opened the seal on the envelope, and the folded letter, reading it carefully. “A mission request for the Jedi.” Luna nodded. “We are putting this investigation into your hands, as something else has come up which needs our attention. All will be explained in Canterlot, but know this mission takes you north where the chills of winter dwell.” Kaleb read the wording more carefully. “I am not the only Jedi listed in this letter.” “Under normal circumstances, Twilight would have gone with you or Flash. But given options are limited, I would rather have her go with you,” Luna answered. “Our intent isn’t to overstep our bounds, but in the interest of Equestria.” “The question of whether you did is valid,” Kaleb responded with well-reasoned annoyance. “It brought a whole new complicated set of circumstances to a delicate situation. For multiple reasons.” She nodded, knowing he would tell her on the way. Taking out two necklaces out of a wooden box, she handed them to the pair. “These necklaces are imbued with enchantments which will counteract the spell used that night. You will no longer have to fear the Eternal Darkness.” Kaleb brought the necklace to his neck, securing the clasp and noting the weight of the magic just barely noticeable. “Thank you, I’m sure these will be useful. Right now, we need to be ready to move as soon as the Royal Guard is ready to go.” “Got it, I’ll start packing bags after I check with the animals,” Fluttershy said. “Babe, a word?” Kaleb followed her into the kitchen, and Luna moved to the living room. “This was to be expected,” Kaleb started. “You know there’s stuff I can’t tell you, but what I can say is the Jedi need to step in before anyone else gets killed. There’s something else here, I know it.” Fluttershy nodded, speaking wisely. “Sometimes, it gets a little harder every time you go on a mission, but I always remind myself how prepared and selfless you are.” She placed her hoof in his hand, looking at him. “Go. Be safe, strong, and courageous, and be the Jedi Knight we all aspire to. And come home to me.” Kaleb responded with a hug and kiss on her cheek. “Always. And I promise to protect our home so one day, our dreams can be together. Grab the emergency duffel from the basement and throw it in the ship.” The two separated, with Kaleb moving to the living room, kneeling down to A5. “Prepare the ship for takeoff, and make sure needed mission supplies are in storage. Meet me in front of Rarity’s house in an hour.” The droid beeped, and hurried over to help Fluttershy pack. Kaleb indicated to Luna he was ready to go, and the two exited the cottage, starting to walk upon the path leading to Ponyville. Luna glanced at him as they crossed the small bridge pointing towards the road. “It was never my intention to go over your head…” “It was never about that,” the Jedi responded. “Celestia and I had an agreement early on to keep Sweetie Belle’s name out of any official records or correspondence because of security. Those terms must be honored since the work we do is dangerous.” Leaves whisked in the wind along with a moving fog as the two walked down the road. “Upon further meditation, it is clear although Twilight was attacked, she was never the intended target.” “If not her, then who?” Luna asked. “Nobody attacks a Princess without reason.” Kaleb sighed. “The Jedi. The mastermind made it known he has a personal vendetta for reasons unknown.” This was partially a lie, as he knew what was said laid out disturbing motivations. Those facts cannot be made known lightly. There’s something else which cannot be seen, and requires confidential investigation. “If that is truly the case, then we should have handed this over to you long ago.” He shook his head. “Our facts were being manipulated, so it was natural to follow multiple leads. What have you discovered about the magic at play in these assassinations?” Luna looked at him with a straightforward manner. “I checked each source, and none reveal any kind of break-in. There is a possibility that any evidence would have been concealed by the same magic. It’s not something I’d like to admit, but I feel this has to be the case. We’ve been looking into who could have had the locations, and our course of action is why we are handing over the mission to you.” “And I’m assuming what you know cannot be told to me at this time?” Kaleb inquired. “Not at least in this location,” Luna said. “You’ll be briefed in a secure place in Canterlot in which everything will be laid out.” They stopped as two members of the Royal Guard flew down, who Kaleb recognized as the two who had guarded the cottage. The senior member known as Pine stepped in, his voice smooth as water. “Princess Luna, Jedi Master Taymar. The town is secure, with residents starting their day.” “Thank you, Captain Pine,” Luna responded stiffly. “For now, I ask you to assist Fluttershy with preparing for the long winter ahead. From there, I will contact you when it is time for her to depart to Canterlot.” “Right away.” Pine saluted them both, with the younger guard followed his superior into the sky. “Both of them did well, and Fluttershy and I appreciated their commitment and kindness,” Kaleb remarked. “Town is fairly quiet this time of day. If we take the correct route, we should encounter little attention.” The two started walking, passing by the clock tower and heading straight into Ponyville. Passing by the Quill Shop and bowling alley, Luna observed the town. “Much has changed since my time here during Nightmare Night.” “The destruction of the library brought the community together,” Kaleb recollected. “When the castle sprouted out of nowhere, Twilight wanted it to be a beacon of growth from the ashes. That’s why along with it being her home and office, it’s a resource for the town.” They finally arrived at Carousel Boutique, with the two guards at the door saluting Luna. She knocked at the door, waiting for a minute. Rarity opened the door, looking surprised even thought she had seen them through the keyhole. Luna greeted her formally. “May we come in?” “Yes, of course,” She ushered them in, closing the door. Rarity was still in her dressing gown, with her hair done up in curls. “What’s going on?” “Princess Celestia and I have decided to move all of you to Canterlot out of precaution,” Luna said. “You will be given enchanted necklaces which will counteract the spell used during the assassination.” Rarity eyed Kaleb with curiosity, noticing the disturbed glance in his eyes. “Are you alright? I know you were badly injured that night.” “I’m fine,” Kaleb said, shaking away the lingering effects of Dr. Bluejay’s potions. “Princess Celestia and Luna are handing over this investigation to me, and have requested a mission. Your sister was named in the formal letter.” Rarity nodded, reading the letter he handed to her. Her voice was calmer due to the early hour. “I understand it’s an honor, but you know my feelings on this.” “I understand, but circumstances have changed,” Kaleb interrupted, choosing his words carefully, “Whoever is doing this has knowledge of myself, and there’s a significant chance they’re going to after her.” The blush drained from Rarity’s face as she lowered her voice. “Do you think if she joins you on this mission, she’ll be safer than in Canterlot?” “There is no safe option anymore,” Kaleb said honestly. He did a silent Pinkie Promise. “I will protect her with my life, and will not force her to go against her will. She is smart and capable as a Jedi Padawan, and both those talents and her skilled knowledge of magic make her ideal for this mission. This needs to be handled by Jedi, since everyone else is a target.” Luna stepped in. “When I named her, it wasn’t just because out options were limited. She’s one of the best magic users from what I’ve observed with Twilight, and has an insight of generosity compassion inherited from you. Celestia and I trust her with both our lives.” Rarity thought for three minutes, noting the emotion and sincerity in both their voices. Rarity met the Jedi’s gaze with one of understanding and honesty. “We’ve been through a lot. To see her grow has been a blessing as an older sister, and yet I still want to protect her. It’s been difficult to trust, particularly after the attack but seeing the pain of her not being able to protect her friends is devastating for me.” “It’s not my intent to scare or manipulate with fear,” Kaleb replied. “Nor has that even been the case. I am telling you what my instincts are telling me, and what is the safest option moving forward. I know what I ask is not easy as a guardian, but please trust in the Force.” Rarity thought for a few more seconds, and then sighed. “Okay. I am going to hold you to your promise. My love for her drives me, and I will allow her to go only if she agrees to it.” Once the Jedi agreed to these terms, they shook and she pointed him to the other side of the house. “She’s in her art studio.” Kaleb thanked her, and headed around to the other side of the house to the kitchen and the small room which served as Sweetie Belle’s art studio. The room was small, with one side dedicated towards painting, and the other towards music, which often combined with various projects. He walked to the open doorway, as he saw her facing towards her canvas away from him. A simple knock brought her attention to the doorway. “Nice attention to detail on the lighting.” Sweetie Belle jumped, looking at him with surprise, paintbrush still in hoof. “Master…what are you doing here? I had heard you were badly hurt.” He sat down on a barstool next to Sweetie Belle, swiveling to face her. “First and foremost, making sure you’re safe. I had a few rib injuries and a concussion from the attack which sidelined me, but I am recovering well.” “I’m glad to hear that,” Sweetie Belle replied with a bit of anxiety in her voice. “It’s been weird not being able to go out of the house or see my friends. Even my schoolwork has been reduced significantly. There’s just so much things to regret…” His approach was a gentler one, remembering the last time they talked. But on top of that was a commitment to honesty, and making sure she knew the truth. There was sincerity in his voice. “Sweetie Belle, talk to me. Nobody else is listening in.” She sighed, as there were tears rolling down her cheeks. “I am so, so, sorry for lashing out at you. I didn’t know how bad things were, and I let my own problems get to you. And to make it worse, it’s terrifying when they go after those who you love, and it’s your fault…” Kaleb hugged her, showing every ounce of compassion through his actions and words. “None of this is your fault, okay? None of what is happening now or happened in the past is because of you.” They separated, and he handed her a handkerchief from his robes. “That guilt weighs on you conscious, and eats you from within.” Sweetie Belle nodded, using the handkerchief to wipe them away. “I never thought they would go after Twilight. My memory’s foggy, but when I lashed out, did I mention my parents?” “You did,” Kaleb acknowledged. “Rarity might have told me some details. I didn’t want to pry in your personal relationships, but it concerns me when this causes uncertainty and stress.” “I wasn’t trying to stress anyone out,” she defended, shifting her hair. “I know how much the Jedi mean to you, and how well-loved they were in your galaxy. I was just trying to defend that.” He nodded. “That’s not necessarily the case. There were those who had valid criticisms of the Jedi Order’s place in the galaxy, who thought we shunned the needs of the average individual. And there were others who hated everything we did, and never believed our viewpoint was right. Often times, no matter how much we disliked the other, we ended up on the same side.” Sweetie Belle took in this information for a few seconds. “When they brought you into this, I took it personally. I was trying to protect you, while having to defend my own choices. That’s hard, and you want others far away to keep them out of this.” “The thing is, in order to protect others, you need to be able to protect yourself, and allow yourself some forgiveness,” Kaleb said. “Don’t worry about me. I’ve faced far worse. You can’t control everything, but don’t let that bring you down. Show compassion and understanding to yourself, and it will carry a long way.” “I promise, I’ll do better in the future,” she replied, taking a deep breath. “What’s going on with your investigation? I thought Celestia and Luna are looking into other leads.” “They are handing over full control to me,” Kaleb replied. “Along with requesting you and I for a mission. I promised Rarity this would be your decision alone, not influenced by…” Sweetie Belle interrupted him before he got the chance to finish. “I’ll go.” That stopped him in his tracks, and he gazed at her with vulnerability. “This mission is going to be dangerous, Sweetie Belle, far more than you can imagine. They’re going after us, and I was lucky I wasn’t killed during the assassination attempt. They know we’re Jedi. And they won’t hold back.” She blinked with surprise. I haven’t seen him this fearful in a long time. Taking a breath, she chose her response well. “Our first mission, going out into the Everfree Forest, you told me danger is everywhere. You can’t avoid it, you can’t run from it. But what you can do is mitigate the risk, and be smart and brave. If this mission protects my family, my friends, and this world, then I want to take that chance to save them.” “I need you to be absolutely certain this is your decision,” Kaleb said. “I won’t be mad if you decline.” She nodded. “If going on this mission protects my friends, then I need to do this in order to move forward as a Jedi. Plus, there’s no way I’m letting you go out there alone. You need me.” “Granted, aside from being my Padawan, you’ve trained with Twilight in the art of combat and survival magic,” Kaleb reminded her. “You’re the most qualified second to her and Flash.” Sweetie Belle retorted back. “Don’t forget about A5, she would shock you into oblivion if you left her off the list.” That made him laugh, as he took a few seconds to chuckle. “That it would. In all seriousness, pack warm, it’s going to be cold. Bring the pouch for your lightsaber, as we don’t want them to attract attention. Do you have your magical stores for potions and spells ready to go?” “I still need to replenish from Twilight,” Sweetie Belle answered. “Rarity doesn’t let me keep them in the house, as they can be dangerous. Explosive, to the point where you can blow a hole in the roof if you’re not cautious.” Kaleb looked astonished. “Ah, I see. That’s understandable. Once you have everything set, depart with the Princess Luna and meet me in Canterlot.” Sweetie Belle nodded. “Of course.” She got up, moving ahead of Kaleb as he followed her into the drawing room. Luna and Rarity were talking quietly as they shared a bit of breakfast. “Thank you for the consideration, Princess Luna. I will be going with Kaleb on this mission.” Rarity beamed despite her fear, and Luna accepted it with a short smile. “You’re welcome, Padawan Belle. This necklace is enchanted with counterspells to protect against the spell used in the assassinations. It is my request that you wear it.” “Okay, I will,” she replied, putting the necklace on. Rarity spied Kaleb exiting quietly, opening the door. “Aren’t you traveling with us?” “I have arranged for my own transportation,” Kaleb answered, as he indicated to his ship. “There’s supplies which need to be looked after. But thank you for the offer.” He closed the door with a wave and climbed in as A5 shut the hatch. The ship took off with the engine roaring in the late fall wind. Rarity shook her head, pointing to the fruit and cereal on the table. “He always does go out in style. I have breakfast on the table, my dear sister.” “Thank you,” Sweetie Belle replied, grabbing an apple. “I need to get to Twilight to have her replenish magical supplies. Is it okay for me to leave the house?” “You’ll need one of the guards to escort you, but that’s understandable,” Rarity answered. “Just come straight back here when you’re done.” “Got it!” The Jedi Padawan moved upstairs to her room, throwing on a gray tunic with a red robe. Making sure the lightsaber was in its pouch on her belt, she moved back downstairs, and exited. One of the guards nodded and started walking with her. It took the pair only three minutes to get to the Castle, which was guarded by four Royal Guards staking the perimeter. They nodded to her, opening the door allowing Sweetie Belle to enter. She made her way to the small kitchen to find Twilight reading a book, already wearing the necklace. “Sweetie Belle,” the princess greeted in surprise. “What brings you here this morning?” “I’ve been called with Kaleb on a mission, and I need the magical supplies replenished,” Sweetie Belle explained. “Sorry to bother you this early, but I need to get back to Rarity as soon as possible.” Twilight waved away the apology. “No, of course. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” Just as she left, Spike walked into the room with a book on gemstones and a letter in his hand. “Sweetie Belle!” He hugged her, and she returned the enthusiasm. “Thank Celestia you’re okay. I was worried about you.” “Same here,” She replied. “How are you, and be honest with me.” “I’m…okay,” Spike reassured slightly. The voice and shadow hadn’t come back since the night of the assassination, but the thoughts of fear still lingered in his head. “I’m doing better than I was a few days ago. It’s a process, but I’m just trying to move forward. Actually, I just got a letter from the school with the geology program I shadowed two summers ago. I got in!” “That’s amazing! I’m so happy for you!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed with surprise. “You’ve earned it, especially with all of the notes you took from Saddle Arabia.” “That was the inspiration for the essay I wrote for the application,” Spike explained. “How about you?” Well, it’s not official yet, but might as well, Sweetie Belle thought before responding. “I spoke with Twilight, who is going to put in a good word for me with the School for Gifted Unicorns. They have a collegiate program in Advanced Magic which Princess Celestia runs. I sent in an application, but I haven’t heard back yet.” “Awesome, I just know you’re going to get in,” he replied. “They would be idiots not to do it.” Twilight walked in with a bag of supplies in hoof, setting it down on the table. “Good morning, Spike. Sweetie Belle, I’ll set these down on the table for you. There’s some letters I must write, but breakfast is over on the counter. Feel free to help yourself.” She left the room just as quickly as she entered. Spike eyed the bag with curiosity. “What are those for? Some kind of magic assignment.” “Jedi business, I’m going on a mission with Kaleb,” Sweetie Belle responded easily, answering Spike’s question before he asked it. “You know I can’t tell the details even if I wanted too.” “I know, but I want to make sure you’re safe,” Spike added hastily. “If Kaleb’s putting you in dangerous situations, then I should talk to him.” She looked at him with a slight coldness. “It was my choice to go with him, not the other way around. I’m doing this to protect you and all my friends and family. I can’t just sit on the sidelines and do nothing.” He backed off. “Okay, sorry for the assumption. Just try and come back in one piece, alright? I get worried sometimes, even if I don’t like to admit it.” The dragon chuckled to save himself from embarrassment from the sappy nature of it. “Spike, nothing bad is going to happen to you or me,” Sweetie Belle promised. “Just know that when even though we’re apart, I’m still with you. And when I come back, when all of this is over, we’re going to spend so much time bonding over comic books and movies and gemstone mining. We will have all the time in the world.” It was as close to a confession of her feelings as Sweetie Belle could get at the moment, and just for a moment, he grabbed her hoof. At first, her heart jumped but not for the reason she thought. The sound of running water ran through her head as she felt every feeling and thought going through Spike’s head. The emotions were conflicted, with one of optimism, but something else lurked within his soul. A chill emanating through with a shock like lightning. Just as quickly as it came, it went when Spike let go of her hoof, speaking to her. “We understand each other, we always have. Stay safe, and have a good mission.” He grabbed an apple and left the kitchen. Sweetie Belle gathered up the leather bag of supplies, walking out to the entrance of the castle. That wasn’t just the feelings, I swore something else was there. How did that happen, and could he sense the same thing? Kaleb flew the ship through the skies of Equestria, going above the clouds as the sun warmed the cockpit. It was a nice contrast to his last trip to Canterlot, as he probably guessed this was going to be one the last sunny weather days for a while. Winter was settling in, as every animal in the forest had felt its return. A5 relayed him a direction, and he looked to see a flock of birds following him before dipping in the opposite direction. “It looks like we’re almost there. Starting our descent with about ten minutes to destination.” The ship began its long descent down, the wind flowing smoothly against the cockpit. The Jedi started the landing procedures, making sure to run diagnostics on the engines to make sure there were no malfunctions. “A5, keep an eye on our radar. If there’s any indication of attack, we need to be ready.” The droid beeped, scanning the skies for any kind of threat. None would make itself known over the course of the next few minutes as the ship breached the clouds heading toward his landing pad on an elevated walkway at the Castle As he descended, he noticed a large number of ponies gathered near the landing spot. “Be ready, we don’t know whether they’re friendly.” It was a sigh of relief Kaleb uttered as he realized the ponies were Royal Guard, and Flash was among them. They must be here to guard the platform and to make sure I’m not attacked on my way to the castle. Setting the ship down, he turned off the engines and opened the cockpit, moving out of the ship slowly. The guards fell into two lines on either side of the platform, giving him a salute. “At ease.” Flash, in full Royal Guard regalia, spoke to him and the troops in a sharp and orderly tone. “Taymar, with me. The rest of you, see to your posts and patrols. Move out!” “Yes sir!” The guards shouted, moving back into the castle while two guards stayed to look over the ship. A5 jumped out of the ship, using her rockets to land on the ground and roll as Kaleb followed Flash across the walkway. “The royal treatment is a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.” “Please hold off on speaking until we’re in my office,” Flash said in a quiet tone. The Jedi took this seriously, and held off on remarking as they walked into the Castle. The hallways were quiet, but a sense of surveillance remained, always present. He noticed the amount of guards stationed in every room and hallway, eyes sharp with their swords and staffs at the ready. A few minutes later, they arrived at Flash’s office, and the pegasus opened the door. It was modest for a captain, but still featured lush chairs and a couch, with a desk facing the door and a coffee table in the front. Kaleb took a seat, noting just how tired his friend looked. “Sorry about that, it’s Royal Guard protocol,” Flash apologized, sitting at the desk and taking off his helmet. “We’ve been preparing Canterlot for possible attacks, changing plans to make sure our guard is kept.” “Given the circumstances, completely understandable,” Kaleb replied. “Treating me with the seriousness of an interrogation is a good strategy.” The guard gazed at him with seriousness, not acknowledging the joke. “That’s because it is, Kaleb. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have authorized me to investigate the circumstances under the attacks have taken place. Under confidential oaths, I have been tasked to investigate the links between Chrysalis, the fallen criminal organizations, and the Guards of Equestria.” Kaleb’s eyes widened. “A large undertaking. Do you have certainty someone on the inside would betray the guards?” “That would have been the only way to have gotten into this castle,” Flash answered, taking a measured tone. He set down a series of photos, showcasing the inside of the communications console. “Your communications network was tampered with, the electronics damaged. There was changeling magic detected, along with this.” He set down a charred datapad, the metallic ash scattered across the remains. “Slicers,” Kaleb muttered to himself, before looking to Flash. “That explains how they were able to hack into the Holotable. Right now, its of upmost importance this be investigated. I programmed the code myself; it would have taken someone with great skill to break through.” Flash laid it down clearly. “Here’s the thing; you and I both know there’s more to the story. And I know you have more insight than you let on. You’ve been holding back. Please tell me what information and intelligence you have.” This was not easy for the Jedi to say. “I have my suspicions. But I can’t tell you because of the oath I took so many years ago. This is Jedi business, and my insights into the Force cannot be shared lightly.” “It’s my business when Equestria is in danger,” Flash argued, his voice growing more annoyed with the second. “It’s my business when my friends and guards are in danger. And when Twilight is in danger, I’m going to do anything I can to protect her. What do you expect me to do when we are dealing with something beyond our reach and into your galaxy?” Kaleb sighed, looking at his friend with a softened expression. He’s right, but I still can’t reveal my hand. “Trust me to do the right thing, Flash. Trust me to look into this with the best my ability, make the judgements and decisions necessary, and trust the Force. I know it might not look like it, but I’m as lost as you in this. The information I have now is uncertain and clouded, even far-fetched. The only way I can figure this out is for the Jedi to investigate with confidence and report back with the truth. That’s all I ask.” The guard took two minutes to reflect before speaking. “What you’re asking isn’t easy. I trust you with my life, but I need you to know that. Everyone’s lives and safety is on our hands, and we can’t forget that responsibility.” “You have my word, I will tell you everything once I figure out what is truth and falsehood,” Kaleb swore, stating each word calmly and putting every ounce of meaning behind them. “Do you suspect Chrysalis is behind the attacks on the train?” “What we know is someone is using these criminal organizations as a proxy,” Flash explained. “None of them have the resources to pull these off, so the interested party is pulling the strings. Aside from the assassination attempts, there’s another reason I pulled you into here. The one pony with the amnesia who we apprehended was found dead last night.” The guard pulled out photos from the scene, and Kaleb examined them carefully. The body was shown to have fallen to the ground, with a note and a means of death visible behind the bars. “Death by suicide?" Flash shook his head. “Nobody believes that, not with the amount of security in the prison. I believe he was murdered and made to look like suicide.” Kaleb reflected on the layout of the prison briefly. “You suspect the Equestrian Guard?” “They are number one on our suspects,” Flash growled. “Only because of the circumstances of death. But for now, Shining Armor and I are still investigating.” “You should probably be careful this doesn’t get out to the press,” the Jedi remarked. “Otherwise you’re going to have every true-crime vinyl producer hounding the case.” That got the guard to chuckle. “Don’t worry, not a word of this is getting out there.” There was a knocking at the door, and Flash got up, peering through the eyehole and opening it. Sweetie Belle walked through the door, looking around the office before greeting him. “Good morning, Captain Sentry. I hope everything is well with you.” “Of course, Sweetie Belle. Great to see you as always,” Flash replied kindly. The guard who escorted her saluted and left the room. “Princess Celestia is in a meeting, but she should be out soon. You two should wait in here, there’s water and sandwiches in the fridge. I’ll see you soon, Kaleb.” Flash left the room, closing the door behind him. Sweetie Belle set her bag down and sat on the chair opposite of Kaleb. “Do you know any more details about the mission?” “It’s somewhere up north; that’s all Princess Luna shared with me,” Kaleb answered. “Tonight, we’ll have a full mission briefing where I’ll share what I know with you. But for now, I need to wait until we have more information.” She nodded, going to the fridge underneath the desk and pulling out water. “Captain Sentry has a press under here for coffee. Do you think he’ll mind if I use it?” “Well, I would ask…” Kaleb began, just as she put the device on the desk. He chuckled, as he knew his mind was set. “But I don’t think there are any beans in the office…” “No need, I brought my own,” Sweetie Belle interrupted, summoning a bag from her pack. She heated the water using magic while using a grinder to crush the beans into powder before putting it in. Kaleb recognized the package. “Wait a second, that coffee is from Saddle Arabia. Where did you get it?” “Doesn’t matter, it’s good coffee,” she answered in a hurry, making sure the water was the right temperature. “There’s a darker note to it, but is has hints of fruit and florals to balance it out…” “Sweetie Belle, please don’t tell me you smuggled it in across the border…” Kaleb said in slight exasperation. “There are strict rules on trade and regulations…” “I’m not letting good coffee go to waste,” she defended, timing it precisely and getting mugs out of the desk drawer. “Besides, those rules don’t make any sense in the first place.” “I just don’t want to cause an international incident here,” Kaleb said, chuckling. “You did smuggle it well, and could open a coffee shop with the magic you pour into it.” “No need to hold an intervention, I’m fine,” she quipped, causing Kaleb to laugh. “Making coffee isn’t magic, it’s a science. You really need to be precise with the quality and amount of ingredients along with the temperature.” Kaleb took the mug of coffee Sweetie Belle handed him, and he looked out the window. “At this rate, they’ll be snow here by tomorrow if these temperatures keep up.” “Did you and Fluttershy manage to get the animals ready for winter?” Sweetie Belle asked. “We were going to work non-stop today, but then this came up,” Kaleb replied. “Luckily, Dr. Fauna should be able to help us out.” It was another hour, and several sandwiches later that Celestia finally arrived with a stack of papers. Both the Jedi stood up as she entered. “Please, sit down. There’s no need for formality. I hope you two weren’t waiting too long.” “It wasn’t too long.” Kaleb brushed aside, knowing that the two of them have waited longer. “Now then, shall we get started?” Celestia sat down at the desk and looked at Sweetie Belle and Kaleb respectively. “As you both know, I have asked the Jedi to take over this investigation. Right now, my main priority has to be enacting measures to protect the citizens of Equestria. I have had several meetings with the mayors of various cities on increasing security presence.” “The assassinations seem to target royalty. Would they go after ordinary people in those cities?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Good question Sweetie Belle,” Celestia answered. “Our main concern is organized crime taking advantage of the fear and chaos. We need to make sure our communication is consistent and clear along with our strategy.” “If you are focusing on the organized crime element, then where should we focus our investigation?” Kaleb asked, making note of the cities she would need to contact. The princess sighed and handed a letter to Kaleb. “This letter was received by the Royal Guard a few weeks before the assassinations began. It’s from a pony called Sunflower Pine, who pleads for help.” Kaleb read over the letter. “Her father is missing, hasn’t been seen for months. Why would she be writing to you?” “Because she knows Equestria can send humanitarian supplies to her village,” Celestia answered gravely. “Look at where the letter was sent from.” He handed the letter to Sweetie Belle, whose eyes widened. “The Northern Badlands! I read about it in history class, isn’t the war still going on?” “There was a ceasefire, but no negotiations,” Kaleb answered. “The Dragon Lands and YakYakistan could never reach an agreement, so they abandoned the ponies, yaks, and dragons who chose to stay after the war. Many of the public officials are corrupt, the capital city is a hive of scum and villainy. It’s a hub for a fair amount of the criminal organizations within the continent.” “You understand why this peaked my interest,” Celestia responded. “For whoever is controlling the criminal organizations, it’s the perfect place to hide. Sunflower Pine’s village is near the south-central part of the Badlands, near the mountains. It’s right near Mount Boneclaw, which is also referred to as Kingdom of Sorrow.” Using her magic, Celestia summoned a picture of the mountain onto the table. Kaleb peered over, recognizing the blackened peaks. That’s the mountain from my vision! “There’s no need to explain futher, I understand why you put this in our hands.” Sweetie Belle looked at him with slight confusion, and he indicated this would be a conversation for later. Celestia looked surprise. “Well then, I guess that’s settled. All we need is to figure out the approach.” “One does not simply walk into the Northern Badlands,” Kaleb muttered, reflecting on his options for a minute or two before addressing Sweetie Belle and Celestia. “Our main problem right now is the Jedi are too recognizable, both in our wardrobe and approach. Because of compromised intelligence, we cannot reach out to YakYakistan or the Dragon Lands. Aside from that, they won’t let us even pass the border in because tensions are too high.” “If I may offer a suggestion,” Celestia said. “There are old smuggler’s routes that go in and out of the territory, which were used to avoid detection from authorities. Using those could make it easier to get in or out.” “If we could get in on speeder bikes, that would make our travel time faster,” Sweetie Belle added. “Even speeder bikes would raise suspiscion,” Kaleb replied to her disappointment. “We need to stay off the grid. I think the smuggler’s routes would be our best approach. If we walk, how far would the journey be on foot?” “At most, a week depending on the weather conditions,” Celestia answered. “You would be departing from the very edge of the Crystal Empire. I need you two to keep in mind how risky this approach is. If the Jedi were revealed to have snuck into the Northern Badlands, the diplomatic consequences would be catastrophic, no matter how good our relations with the Dragon Lands and YakYakistan have been in the past.” “It’s better to ask forgiveness later than to ask for permission first,” Sweetie Belle responded. “I learned that from him.” “In any case, I have experience with stealth missions going back to the Clone Wars,” Kaleb added, giving his apprentice a sly shrug. “This mission won’t fail. We will get in undetected.” Celestia nodded, standing up. “Well then, I believe its settled. Keep the details in confidence. Inform Flash when you would like to depart, and there will be a portal to the Crystal Empire with supplies waiting for you.” Before leaving, she turned to Sweetie Belle. “I reviewed your application yesterday. That was an excellent essay. Congratulations Sweetie Belle, you have officially been accepted into the collegiate program for The School for Gifted Unicorns. Here is your letter, and I look forward to teaching you next year.” Sweetie Belle’s jaw dropped and her eyes widened with shock and amazement. “Oh wow, thank you Princess Celestia. I’m honored to be accepted; this was my number one pick for schools.” “You chose well,” Celestia responded warmly. “Take care, and may the Force be with both of you.” She left in a hurry, leaving the door open behind her. Kaleb had the biggest smile on his face, when Sweetie Belle turned to him. “Congregations, we’ll celebrate tonight in the Crystal Empire. Why didn’t you tell me you were applying, I could have given you a recommendation?” “Honestly, I didn’t want to get anyone’s hopes up,” she responded slowly. “It was just a dream school. So then, when are we leaving?” “Soon,” Kaleb said, standing up and walking out the door. Sweetie Belle followed behind him as he made his way out to the ship. “Once I stop by and get the supplies out of my ship, I want to speak to everyone who was evacuated to Canterlot Castle. At the very least, I want to give them a speech before departing.” The doors opened, and the two of them started down the walkway to the ship. Sweetie Belle’s eyes had a bit of a distracted gaze. “That will be my chance to say goodbye as well. I swear, if I see my parents even look at my friends, sister, or you the wrong way, that won’t be the end of it…” “Padawan!” Kaleb growled in a warning tone. The two made it to the ship as A5 hung back and the Jedi Master removed the emergency duffle. Moving over to A5, he filled her in on the mission at hand. “I need you to keep a close eye on the group, and assist Flash with the investigation. Slicers hacked into the communications, so he will need all the forensics he can get.” The astromech droid beeped, going ahead of the two Jedi. Sweetie Belle had recoiled at her Master’s words, as she saw just how serious he was. Kaleb softened his gaze and tone and knelt down. She’s still young. Harshness should never be without explanation. “Sweetie Belle, I know there’s issues between your family which should be addressed. But I need you to focus on the task at hand, and give this your undivided attention. Our mission starts with how we conduct ourselves, and not letting our emotions cloud our judgement.” She backed off, looking down at the ground and around the courtyard before meeting Kaleb’s gaze. “I’m sorry; I should know better. It’s just a very difficult situation with everything going on.” “It’s okay, this is new territory for you,” Kaleb said, accepting the apology warmly. “I find that even when the world seems to be crumbling around me, giving my attention to the mission gives a bit of relief from it.” The two walked back into the castle, with a guard guiding them one of the Royal chambers. Sweetie Belle grabbed her luggage and looked at Kaleb sheepishly. “I thought we would be going by ship or speeder bike.” Kaleb shrugged, as the two left the room to get to Celestia’s throne room. “We can repack and replenish at The Crystal Empire. Remember, there’s going to be a lot of fear from the ponies who were evacuated here. We need to keep a calm presence to ease their minds.” Sweetie Belle nodded. The two were escorted up two flights of stairs before the doors to the throne room opened. Gathered in spare chairs and couches were the Mane Six, along with their families. Twilight’s parents were speaking to their daughter, while Fluttershy’s were in conversation with the Apples. Pinkie Pie’s family contrasted her, as they seemed stoic and unreposed. It was a relief to Sweetie Belle that her parents haven’t arrived yet, and she waved to the rest of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They spoke in quiet tones, as A5 gazed at the group next to Celestia and Luna. The Jedi approached quietly, as their presence had not been detected as of yet. Celestia cleared her throat, as the group quieted down and realized who had just entered. “Kaleb, you may speak freely.” “Thank you, Princess Celestia,” Kaleb replied. He gazed warmly at Fluttershy’s family and all the others before speaking. “As all of you know, you have been evacuated to Canterlot Castle under the recommendation of the Royal Guard due to the assassination attempt a week prior. Before I go further, I would like to thank the Royal Guard for their continued hard work and efforts to ensure your safety.” The group clapped slightly and Flash nodded briefly before indicating the Jedi to continue. “Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have requested the Jedi to take over and continue this investigation as I see fit. My Padawan and myself will be embarking on a mission. We cannot tell you anything more, but rest assured this mission is in the best interest of protecting this continent from great danger. The Jedi must step in to protect the innocent, and to stop whatever darkness is coming. I know what I ask is not easy, for you to put your lives aside and trust the Jedi. But in order for this mission to succeed, you must trust myself, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and the Royal Guard.” Kaleb wasn’t one for inspiring speeches, but it did inspire an uptick of optimism in the room. He added quietly to Sweetie Belle, “Say your goodbyes, and we’ll leave in about five minutes.” She nodded, running over to her sister and friends. The Jedi Master kept a more reserved manner, walking over and slowly shaking the hoof and hugging each pony in the room, from the Apples to the Pies and more. After three minutes, he finally made it over to Fluttershy and her family, with Mrs. Shy hugging him. “Thank you so much, we don’t know what to say.” “Just being here in this castle is enough,” Kaleb said, shaking hands with Mr. Shy before turning to Fluttershy’s brother. “Zephyr, it’s been far too long.” Zephyr embraced Kaleb in a hug before rubbing his mane. “Yeah, sorry about that. The photography business really picked up; I’m traveling around Equestria half of the time shooting weddings and family events. Thanks for helping me get on the right track.” “Don’t mention it,” Kaleb replied. Over the past few years, he had helped Zephyr figure out his career path, which he figured out was photography two years after they met. Despite their differences, they had grown close over the past few years. Fluttershy was relieved for her brother to have somewhat grown, with Kaleb lending a Jedi’s recommendation for a college program for a business degree and a start-up hub for entrepreneurs. “I hope your business isn’t affected too bad by this.” “Believe me, it’s not,” Zephyr emphasized. “The holiday season isn’t as frantic as the spring and summer.” Finally, Fluttershy went over to him and hugged him. “Stay safe and warm. I wish we had more time.” “We have all the time in the world.” It was a simple statement, but the phrase meant so much to the two of him. He kissed her gently, before heading over to Princess Celestia Sweetie Belle said her own goodbyes, starting with giving her sister the biggest hug in the world and breaking the news. Rarity simply cried as she heard the college her younger sister got into. This was followed by fierce hug from Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Spike. The dragon added something quietly in his hug. “A dragon’s fire can breathe life and create warmth. Mine is with you.” “I’ll keep that with me,” She replied in a calm tone, despite her pounding heart. “Don’t be afraid to reach out to Apple Bloom or Scootaloo if you need advice, they’re great at giving it.” A warm smile and nod greeted her back, and she left to go along beside Kaleb. Celestia opened the portal to the Crystal Empire, sending one last message. “Thank you for taking on this mission. May safe winds guide your travels.” The two entered the portal, taking one look back before striding forward into the library of the Castle of the Crystal Empire before it closed behind them with a whoosh. Kaleb took a deep breath. “Well, it looks like this is where it begins.” Before Sweetie Belle could reply, Cadance opened the door and strode in. “Ah, Sweetie Belle and Kaleb! Glad to see you two got through safely.” “All it took was a step,” Sweetie Belle quipped. “A literal step.” “I do say, it’s nice not having to travel by train this time around,” Kaleb replied. “How has your day been?” Cadance glanced out of the corner of her eye, turned around and jumped in fright to see a floating Flurry Heart. “Well, it’s been something. I laid all of the maps out on the table you need to study.” Kaleb turned to see a gigantic pile laid down on the table closest to him. “Thank you, I’ll get to studying and digitizing as soon as possible. Celestia told me there would be supplies as well.” Flurry Heart once again floated out of Cadance’s grasp, but Sweetie Belle caught her just in time. “I can sort through those, Princess Cadance. Where would they be?” “Just down the hall and to the left,” she directed, thanking Sweetie Belle and taking back her newborn child. “Shining Armor went through most of it; it’s our camping supplies. Just promise to bring them back in one piece.” “We’ll try,” the Jedi replied, thanking her as Cadance left to put Flurry Heart down for a nap and turning to her Master. “I did so much camping with my friends, so don’t worry, you have an expert.” Kaleb chuckled. “You do have experience.” He reached into his robes and pulled out a bag of bits, sorting quite a few into another bag before handing it to her. “Buy whatever you think we need, and the rest is yours. Consider it a gift for you getting into the collegiate program.” “Thank you,” Sweetie Belle chimed with surprise. “Sorry I didn’t tell you. I honestly did not expect to get in given the strict acceptance rate.” “I’m just glad you’re happy,” Kaleb replied. “Now then, enjoy your afternoon while I whittle away at studying these maps and putting the cartography skills I learned at the Jedi Temple to use. We should have an assigned room just upstairs from here, so meet me up there at 8:00 for dinner and we’ll get into the briefing.” Sweetie Belle looked at the pile and added a witty remark. “Have fun, and I expect your exam due tonight!” They both laughed, and she went out to get the supplies organized. It was hours later, as the afternoon snowfall would find its way into the evening, that Kaleb found himself in the room, sitting for a meditation. He knew once tomorrow began; his focus had to be on the mission. It was tonight which the Jedi allowed himself some levity to reflect on his attachments, with Fluttershy being the main focus. Just for tonight, I wish you were here with me Shy…Kaleb pondered, as he held the box which contained the engagement ring in his hand. You would love it here, with the snow and the lights. It was at this point which he heard a knock at the door. “It’s open.” Shining Armor strode in, holding a bag of takeout food from The Tasty Treat. “All the way from Canterlot, just as you requested. You’re lucky the portal connection is still viable for today.” “Thank you,” Kaleb said graciously, taking the food and setting it on the table. “I wouldn’t normally ask for extravagance, but I want to celebrate Sweetie Belle’s accomplishment. It’s a big deal.” “In dark times, it’s good to have small spots of brightness,” the captain replied, looking at him. “How are preparations for tomorrow? We have a specific spot just near the border where we’ll be transporting the two of you.” “Alright so far,” Kaleb mentioned. “Looking at the maps, it's clear we’re going into the unknown here. I just need to remember to keep a calm head.” Shining Armor nodded. “That helps. I know about the argument you got into with Flash this morning. You mean well, but there’s a lot of responsibility on his shoulders at this moment. Now’s not the time to leave anything hidden on the table.” Kaleb sighed. “I could have handled that better, and he needs to know I always have his back. I’ll write an apology letter for him and leave it on the table so it can be delivered.” “He cares for you,” Shining reassured. “And I know how difficult friendships can be when the professional setting is there. What are your thoughts on his mission?” The Jedi thought had reflected on this while looking over the maps. “My instincts tell me there is a link between the Equestrian Guard and Queen Chrysalis. Focus in on the those embedded within the criminal organizations and the location and timing of the changeling infiltration.” “I’m not surprised, thank you for that and I’ll pass it on to Flash along with your letter,” Shining replied calmly. “We’ve already begin surveillance on the captains and commanders. If they as so much make a step, in the wrong direction, we’ll know.” Kaleb hugged Shining Armor. “Stay safe, for Twilight’s sake and mine.” The two separated with the captain replying in kind. “Trust me, I will. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He left the room quickly, with a few minutes passing before Sweetie Belle entered just as Kaleb was plating the food. Her eyes widened at the food which lay before her. “Whoa, you didn’t have to go all out.” “Believe me, I had planned this either way,” Kaleb said. “This is our first big mission together, and I wanted to celebrate.” Both of the sat down and began to eat. The meal was simple, with each ingredient crafted with care and combined into a fantastic curry with rice and roasted vegetables. Sweetie Belle looked at the logo on the bag with recognition. “I know this place; Rarity helped them out when the map called her and Pinkie Pie to Canterlot.” “Fluttershy and I went to see a concert there, and we found the restaurant while wandering around,” Kaleb explained. “Coriander and Saffron talked with us for over an hour. You know, the map is a lot like the Force, now that I think about it.” “Extremely convenient while being just vague enough to be kind of annoying?” “Exactly,” Kaleb replied, raising his glass of sparkling water and taking a drink. “Slightly harsh, but true.” She chuckled. “Don’t let Twilight hear me say that. With the Force, there will be days where I’ll be meditating and get these sounds and sensations and it feels like I’m being watched or witnessing something.” “Echos in the Force are common,” he added after taking a few spoonsful of curry. “We’re part of a larger circle, and there’s always others reaching out to us. It’s just a question of whether we reach out to them. There will be cases where these echoes will be a part of objects, and it tells a certain part of its history and what happened around it.” Her eyes widened. “That sounds useful, especially in a mystery or investigation.” “Often times, Jedi would be called in to assist with murders, and those skills came in handy,” Kaleb replied. “Anyway, what are you going to study in that program?” “Well, I’m kind of undecided at the moment, but I’m thinking maybe Advanced Spellcasting,” Sweetie Belle said. “There’s a focus on magic, but they also have regular programs so I’m most likely going to go with communication.” “That’s a good field of study,” Kaleb replied. “And fitting since you already have great communication skills.” She shrugged. “Well, I try. I wanted something to help me as a Jedi, and I figured this is a good strategy. It’s just hard sometimes figuring out what I’m going to do for the rest of my life, you know?” “You have plenty of time,” Kaleb responded wisely. “I never fully had this conversation with you, but what you do is completely up to, not me. Jedi were more than just peacekeepers, but also teachers, scholars, and scientists. I would never pressure you to follow in my footsteps.” “I never realized there was more than one way to be a Jedi,” Sweetie Belle said after a moment. “And for the record, I want to follow in your footsteps, but at the same time walk down my own path. I don’t know what it is yet, but what I do know is my Jedi way will bring compassion. As long as it pays, of course.” She added that with slight embarrassment. Kaleb laughed. “Don’t worry, it pays well. The royal government pays for most expenses, but I still get a decent salary to support Fluttershy and myself. One of the great things about the Jedi Order was the classes I took and just how much knowledge and experience I gained in many fields of study.” “I just wish that I could see the Jedi Temple on Coruscant,” Sweetie Belle said in a dreamy tone. “It looks so amazing from the holos you’ve showed me, even grander than Canterlot Castle.” There was a twinge of sadness in Kaleb’s voice as he responded. “You would have loved it. Now then, let’s have dessert and discuss the mission. I’m assuming all of the supplies are packed down the hall?” “Everything is good,” Sweetie Belle responded as he took out two small pieces of a cake which smelled of cinnamon and spice. “The good news is we won’t need to break our backs carrying heavy supplies. I enchanted two canvas bags to change the dimension on the inside. It will fit everything we need and be as light as a feather. The actual size of the bag is small enough so it will just feel like a normal backpack when its inside.” That manage to get a whistle out of Kaleb. “Wizard.” Sweetie Belle looked at him with a large amount of confusion. “It means that something’s cool. Everybody says that.” “Nobody says that in Equestria.” Sweetie Belle responded with a straight face. Kaleb was slightly determined to make sure it was a thing. “I’m pretty sure they do.” And Sweetie Belle just shook her head. “No, they don’t.” Realizing his language was uncool with the youth, he just sighed and moved forward. “Anyway, you heard most of what this mission is about. Essentially, what we’re doing is traveling to this place undetected, investigating, and moving forward from there. This was common with most of the missions the Jedi undertook, as a lot of times we were going into situations which had mystery.” “Here’s what I don’t understand,” Sweetie Belle began. “Why are we taking the word of a stranger we barely know? Her father could have gone missing for a number of reasons unrelated to the assassinations. And why travel all the way up there instead of investigating more and going in with a better idea?” “All of those are valid questions,” Kaleb responded. “There are certain things I chose not to reveal to Celestia and Luna when taking on this mission. The first being I saw that same mountain where she lives. in a Force vision earlier this morning. In fact, I have been having visions going back to seven years ago, and they reemerged the moment this trouble started.” Her eyes widened and the tone she took was in disbelief. “No way, that shouldn’t be possible. There’s no way that could happen. How would that even be possible?” “It’s not unusual to have visions from the Force,” he added in a neutral tone. “But when it’s reoccurring with this level of timing, it’s more than visions, but a prophecy. The only reason I told Twilight and the rest of her friends was because they swore they would not interfere with fate until things became clearer.” Sweetie Belle stood up for a moment, pacing around the room before sitting back down. “Okay, I’m good. I guess that makes sense.” “The second piece of information I did not disclose was the fact that I spoke to the one responsible for the assassinations before Twilight was attacked.” Kaleb said calmly. His apprentice jumped slightly, but did the breathing exercises he taught her to calm her mind. She took a minute to process this fact before speaking. “Why didn’t you tell me this in my art studio this morning? It’s specifically designed to help my anxiety and prevent panic attacks.” “Sorry about that. I didn’t want to keep you in the dark, but to make sure our location was secure,” Kaleb apologized. “The communications system was hacked by a slicer, and he was able to talk to me. He spoke of the usual goal of revenge, but what was most disturbing was that he had a deep knowledge of the Jedi, the Nihl and a history of my galaxy.” For the first time, Sweetie Belle looked at him in fear. “I’m honestly at a loss for words…” “I’ve spent days meditating on this, thinking of every possible scenario, but one comes to mind,” Kaleb mentioned. “The spell that brought me here; the one of Starswirl’s design. Is there a possibility it could be reversed so that only someone or something could cast it? The magic here resembles nothing of the magic of the Nightsisters, so the likelihood is low.” “There are so many unknowns, we can’t even begin to figure this out,” Sweetie Belle said. “So, is the one you spoke to actually carrying out the assassinations?” “I think there are two in this case,” Kaleb theorized. “The mastermind, and the assassin. I believe this assassin is an extremely skilled spellcaster who was able to replicate Nightmare’s Moon’s enchantments. While at the same time, conjuring some kind of metallic beast to physically kill whoever is in the spell. It is possible to cast two spells at the same time?” Sweetie Belle thought for a few moments. “It’s extremely rare and dangerous, but not impossible. The amount of energy and magic for two powerful spells could react negatively against each other, basically causing an explosion. What you’ll see experts do is cast one spell less than a second after the other.” Kaleb nodded, taking in her theory and approaching the conversation in a more compassionate tone. “There’s another mission in all of this: protecting you. Because of your status as a Jedi, they are more likely to go after you. I need you on this mission not just to help me, but so I can protect you. My Master gave her life to save mine, and I will do the same for you.” Her eyes widened. I knew she died, but he never told me the circumstances. “I won’t let you down. And I’ll protect you.” Kaleb got up, looking at the time. “We need to get up early tomorrow, so I’m going to bed. I suggest you get some sleep. Have a good night.” They hugged, and moved to their separate bedrooms. Nine hours later, Kaleb and Sweetie Belle stood in the midst of a path laid clear with snow. Farmland stretched towards the Crystal Empire, with a wooded forest just beyond the horizon, the peaks ominously looming in the north. Both wore cloaks of black over their clothing, with small hiking packs concealed underneath. “You’re going to need all the strength you can get,” Shining Armor lectured as himself and another Royal Guard stood with them. “Once you hit the border, be careful of the enchantments. Sweetie Belle, do the counterspells exactly as I taught you and both of you should move undetected.” “Thank you,” Sweetie Belle responded. “Those spells will be useful.” Kaleb grasped Shining Armor’s leg in a firm grasp. “Take care and keep an eye on Flash for me. He has so much on his shoulders.” “I will,” the unicorn replied, indicating to the time. “This is as far as I can take you. But I know both of you will succeed. We’re all counting on you. Safe travels.” With a flash of light, Shining Armor and the guard teleported back to the Crystal Empire. The Jedi looked to the horizon, with Kaleb beginning to take the first steps. “Wait.” He stopped. “What is it?” Sweetie Belle looked back towards the Crystal Empire before turning to him. “This is the farthest away from home I’ve ever been…the farthest away from Rarity.” Giving a compassionate gaze, he knelt down and looked at her. “It’s scary, going out your front door and venturing off into the unknown. But we will face this together, as Master and Apprentice. I’ll be right by your side, as I always will be.” She hugged him briefly then let go. Together, the ventured down the path into the wild unknowns lying in the North. > Chapter 8: Spirits of the Damned > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sound of the heart beats loudly as soon as one follows their own footsteps. One after the other, in a rhythm which drives purpose and forces the one who walks to the path to make the decision. The jarring crunch of snow and ice on foot or hoof cracks you up to attention like a punch to the face, every small sound wave hitting your ears and never leaving you. Just as your other foot hits the ground, and the process cycles into oblivion. Kaleb and Sweetie Belle walked on a small path, where the frozen fields of the Crystal Empire had been replaced with dying trees standing tall in defiance of their own deaths. The leaves had long fallen to the ground, buried with snow and ice. The unicorn’s ears perked up as she thought she heard the sound of rushing water up ahead, but stayed silent none the less. Exhaustion haunted their bodies, as it had been a difficult journey to get to where they walked now. One day to get to the border; the other to cross it. The second day required a massive amount of magic from Sweetie Belle, to the point of almost collapsing the moment they got into a safe place to rest for the night. It was the cold which got to them the most, no matter how warm the fire Kaleb built. “I hear water nearby,” Sweetie Belle observed, glancing over at her Master. “As do I,” Kaleb replied, looking ahead. “I’m guessing this is the river on the map, which flows just south of the mountain.” The two continued ahead, walking forward for no more than a few minutes. Sweetie Belle sighed and took a few sips from her canteen. Although we’re good on food, it’s the water I’m most worried about. The supply we started with dropped fast yesterday. We need to find a source fast. Kaleb had his hand to the ground as they walked, detecting signs of life. Only the smallest traces of life exist. These are harsh conditions for any creature to live in, particularly the winter. Around five hundred feet away, he spotted a bridge and indicated for them to move forward at a quicker pace. The two finally made it to find a run-down wooden bridge with a small dock right next to it. The river had not yet frozen completely, as the ice was thin and the water running as fast as a summer’s day. Kaleb looked at Sweetie Belle, indicating for both of them to stop. “We’ll stop and rest here for lunch before moving forward.” “I thought you said we weren’t going to stop until nightfall,” Sweetie Belle said with confusion. “That we had to keep going to get to the village in a few days.” “That would be in an extreme circumstance. We’re good on time for now,” Kaleb said. “As well, you need to pace yourself after yesterday. That’s why I had us sleep in by two hours this morning.” Sweetie Belle brushed it off, persisting. “I can push myself if I need to, go beyond what I think are my limits. That’s what we do as Jedi.” “There’s a difference between pushing ourselves and being reckless to the point of endangerment,” Kaleb said, being careful not to talk down to her. “I like that energy, but we need to save it for the mountain. That’s where the path is going to get steep and treacherous.” Realizing what he was saying she nodded and found a small clearing overlooking the dock. The two sat on tree stumps as she took out two silver pouches of food. Only needing a small heating spell to be activated, the pouches glowed for a moment before Kaleb took his and opened it. Steam came out, and he used the utensils on the side to eat a mix of chicken, rice, and vegetables. Sweetie Belle had chosen all of them herself, getting a mix of those with meat and vegetarian options. Ponies could technically eat meat, but under really strict cooking circumstances and in small amounts. She chose a mix of rice, vegetables, and tofu and used the utensils to eat while both of them gazed out at the river. It was a beautiful sight to behold, as tall pines and boulders surrounded the river, with the sun reflecting down on the snow, ice, and water. The unicorn gazed out, saying to herself and Kaleb, “Thank goodness the sun is out, I thought the wind and snow would never stop yesterday.” “It’s a good sign. We crossed the border, and now are entering into gentler territory,” Kaleb replied. “Thank you for using your magic. I couldn’t have gotten this far without you.” “Of course,” she answered warmly. “It’s good practice for my spellcasting anyway. I like this river, it reminds me of doing winter hikes with Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash.” “Now that is something I would pay to see,” Kaleb replied, imagining the banter between the four of them. “Fluttershy and would do winter hikes every so often, they’re a lot of fun.” She gazed out at the scenery, looking at the winding path the river took to go southwest around the mountain. “I imagine you got a lot of experiences seeing natural wonders of the galaxy.” Kaleb responded with nostalgia. “That’s the great thing with multiple planets; every single one was unique, both in history and ecosystem. I never felt bored exploring.” “What planet would you say was the most dangerous?” Sweetie Belle asked directly. “Just on an ordinary day without any kind of war.” He replied with a bit of humor before getting serious. “It’s difficult to say; there were so many. But I would go with Tatooine. The grip Jabba The Hutt holds over the planet and the city of Mos Espa is strong, but somehow manages to keep the peace between the various crime families residing within its borders. It was well out of Republic jurisdiction, meaning it was a hub for smuggling and unfortunately, slavery.” This shocked Sweetie Belle. “I thought the Republic had banned slavery.” “We did, but not in the Outer Rim,” Kaleb acknowledged. “That was out of our control, and with the war, it prospered. Even with all the laws and power in the galaxy, the Republic couldn’t stop it. The Jedi did everything we could, but it still wasn’t enough.” “It must have been hard to live there,” Sweetie Belle replied. “I read some of the texts from your library. I had no idea moisture farming was that difficult, on top of the seasons and attacks from the Sand People…” “Tusken Raiders,” Kaleb corrected. “Those texts are outdated in regard to the language and attitudes it portrays. A lot of the conflict starts with moisture farmers who hold prejudice against the Tusken tribes and did not respect their borders and customs. They lived on those lands long before Tatooine became a desert planet, and unfortunately many of the settlers stole the land for themselves.” “I’m so sorry, I had no idea,” Sweetie Belle apologized. “I swear, I just read it in the book.” Kaleb accepted the apology. “You’re good. I didn’t realize those texts were in the database, so I’ll take a closer look. That planet has always had a complicated history, and its unfortunate the bad moments outweigh the good of everyone who lives there.” Sweetie Belle had a thought, but lost it, and turned to other matters. ‘We’re going to run out of water. I know there’s a river right there, but I would be concerned just because we don’t know how clean it is.” He nodded, knowing that she was right. “That’s a good call. I’m assuming that even a spell for purification has its risks.” “There are limits to how far it can go, and it takes a deep understanding of magic and science to pull off,” she explained. “I’ve read about it, but it’s still beyond my grasp. There’s a biochemistry aspect to it, and combining that with the magic is tricky.” “We should be able to find a freshwater spring somewhere,” Kaleb mentioned, though not with complete reassurance. “The only problem is finding one which isn’t frozen. If worse comes to worse, I can pull some survival techniques from Jedi training.” He got up, looking at the horizon. “We should get going.” Sweetie Belle sighed, and put her pack back on just as he did. Kaleb also put on a pair of gloves, matching the black of his robes. Thin enough to allow movement of the slightest fingers, but thick enough to protect from the cold, the gloves put a hand on the post indicating the start of the bridge. It was made from rope, thick knots encasing each wooden panel at the bottom with each weathered strand indicating a story in the long history. It swayed with uncertainty in the wind, dipping down to just a few feet below the surface of the icy water. The Jedi both looked at each other, each thinking of their own solutions. “I could teleport us across with magic,” Sweetie Belle suggested. Kaleb shook his head. “That shouldn’t be necessary, I believe if we go one at a time, it will hold. We need to make sure our energy is conserved for the hours ahead.” “If it holds your weight, it’s going to hold mine. You should go first.” She didn’t agree with him, but she held back. Now wasn’t the time for unnecessary arguments. He nodded. “Very well.” He put a foot on the wood, feeling it dip and creak with the pressure and weight of the strings. Letting out a slow, deep breath, he gripped the two ropes on either side of him for guidance, and made the first step. The bridge shook with his weight, as his boots slipped slightly on the ice accumulating on the bridge, as it swayed and leaned downward. “Karrabast…” He swore under his breath, as he waited another ten seconds. Breathe, just breathe. Keep your eyes forward, and move slowly. One step at a time was the approach he took as waited to fully put down his weight until the bridge stopped shaking. It wasn’t easy, as the wind made it hard and the snow began to fall. The Jedi Master had a precision, and reached out to the Force to steady himself, and to allow himself to focus. The breathing brought him into a small state of meditation, as he centered himself and overcame the center of the bridge where it had dipped the most. From there, it was an uphill trek as the ice didn’t make it easy. The moment Kaleb hit the other side, he knelt down feeling the weight of the earth. His hands touched the path, now laden with a fresh coat of snow. Standing back up, his gave a thumbs up to Sweetie Belle. “Go slow and steady, there’s ice all over the wood. You can’t see it, but it’s there.” “Here I go,” she called to him as she nodded, taking a deep breath similar to him and putting her hoof on the ice. Even if four limbs on the bridge was better than two, this left the problem of no steadying of the ropes, leaving the bridge to sway freely in the wind. She reached two the lower pair of ropes on the sides, as she was stuck about three steps away from her side. Kaleb gripped the ropes, trying to steady the bridge to keep it from swaying. “You’re doing good, just keep your eyes towards me. Follow the sound of my voice.” He couldn’t tell whether she heard him as the wind whipped even more. He thought he saw a speck of something pelt past him, but kept his eyes solely on his apprentice. Sweetie Belle kept going slow, using a technique of one hoof at a time to slowly move across the boards. It had worked for the first minute, but as she moved towards the center of the bridge, it became tricky with the ice. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw something peculiar and turned her head to the left. The was a wolf cub out on the ice, just a few feet away from the bridge. Its white fur was pelted with speckles from the snow, and its gray eyes looked at her wide. “Hey, little buddy,” Sweetie Belle said, remaining on the center panel of the bridge. “You need to get off of this river…go to the other side. You’ll be safe…” At that moment, the ice underneath the cub cracked and shattered the pup tried to move towards land. The water dragged the pup underneath the surface. “NO!” Sweetie Belle yelled, as Kaleb lost his grip on the bridge, and the center panel collapsed. She fell right onto the ice, her impact shattering the remaining ice and dragging her under the fast-moving currents. “SWEETIE BELLE!” Kaleb sprinted downstream, keeping his eye on the ice and looking for any signs of her underneath the broken ice. There were rapids ahead, with menacing white peaks and currents he knew would drag anything under the surface to never reappear. The unicorn had only been underwater on a few occasions, where the lakes were as clear as crystal and the oceans provided plenty to explore. The river rendered herself blind, as she spluttered with keeping water out of her lunges. Can’t think…have to react. The one thing she knew was she had to get to surface or drown in the icy depths of the water. The currents lurched her body to the left, barreling into the wolf cub who was completely unconscious. She grabbed him and together they were carried by the currents underneath the river, where they hit ground about ten feet below the surface. The rocks…the rocks! Knowing she had only about two minutes of air left, she reached her hoof out, feeling the weight of the Force on her body and sensed the objects around her. Finding a large boulder, she moved it towards her and the pup, it blocked the current, as she hit the rock, feeling the weight of the current pushing up against her and the rock, but it didn’t budge. Meanwhile, Kaleb ran with his hand outstretched, tracking the two life forms down the river, until he realized they had stopped. Ripping off cloak, he moved on the ice slowly towards the center of the river, realizing they were right below him. He pounded, realizing he couldn’t break the ice with just his body. Sweetie Belle was floating in and out of consciousness as she saw the piercing blue light of a lightsaber cutting a large hole through the ice. Kaleb…hurry…can’t hold on much longer. The Jedi Master carved the hole, and using all the impact his powers could muster, punched down on the ice to break it. He dived in without reservation, continuing to use his powers to keep his body from moving downstream. Using a swift breaststroke, he found the two huddling near a boulder, and he grabbed both of them. Making his way back up, he broke the surface and threw them onto the ice. Sweetie Belle breathed fast and heavy, coughing up riverwater and shivering like crazy while grasping for air. She grabbed the cub, and slowly made her way back onto the land as Kaleb crawled just as slowly. Within a minute, all three of them were back on dry land. She had thrown off her own cloak, drenched with ice and rocks, and shivered to the point of near convulsions. Kaleb wrapped his dry cloak around her, but she paid no attention as she huddled over the cub, holding its body close to hers. “Come on..wake up…please wake up. I saved you…you have to wake up.” It was devastating to the point where tears streamed down her face. Kaleb put a hand on her shoulder. “Let me have a look at him.” Lost and in a dazed sense of confusion, she handed the cub over to Kaleb, who took it in both of his hands and laid it down. He put his head close to its body, one ear on its chest and moving up near its mouth. “He’s still alive…but breathing is ragged. We can give him a fighting chance.” Remembering his veterinary training from Dr. Fauna and Fluttershy, Kaleb checked the pulse and started CPR on the wolf, breathing air into its mouth several times before starting compressions to the chest. He repeated this cycle several times, using the Force to transfer a small part of his own energy into the wolf to sustain it. Come on…you can do this. You need to wake up…you can fight and live another day…breathe! Finally, the wolf cub came back to consciousness, opening his eyes and whimpering while huddling up. Kaleb sat on the ground, recovering from saving the animal as Sweetie Belle quickly moved and embraced it in her hooves. “You’re alive! It’s okay, baby, I got you. You’re safe with me,” Sweetie Belle cooed, wrapping it in her hooves and looking at her Master concerned. “Are you okay? I didn’t realize you were going to dive in.” “I’ll live,” Kaleb replied, more concerned about her safety. He shivered as he tried calm breaths to warm his body. “Thank Faust you’re alive, I was so worried you wouldn’t make it back. I’m so sorry, I swore that bridge was safe.” She gave him a compassionate glance. “You saved us both, that’s enough for me. I shouldn’t have stayed on the center panel of the bridge for that long.” “You did the right thing,” Kaleb said. “That cub would not be alive if not for your bravery.” “It’s like Fluttershy would say, I would rather die than let an innocent animal come to harm,” Sweetie Belle remembered. “I looked at him, and it was like looking into its soul.” “That’s what it first felt like for me when I started to communicate with them,” Kaleb said, his eyes widening as she had started to fully develop his senses. He chuckled as the cub licked her face. “He likes you.” She stood back up, looking upstream. “We need to get back to the path. I can use a warming spell to help you…” He declined. “You need it more than I do. The side of the stream is too risky, there’s too much of a chance we could attract unwanted attention. If we cut through the woods, we’ll meet the path eventually. I’ll carry the cub.” Sweetie Belle nodded, agreeing with his observations. “There’s a chance we can find his mother. Otherwise, he’ll freeze out here alone.” “Our compassion will guide us, and hopefully lead us to warmth,” Kaleb mumbled as he picked up the wolf cub, who gazed at him before settling into a comfortable position. Sweetie Belle packed away her damp cloak before catching up to her Master. It was a treacherous journey into the afternoon, with the snow starting to pick up even through the dense forest. It was difficult to make out, but they eventually got back to the path after an hour of slowly moving one foot and hoof after another to get through the powder. Sweetie Belle kept quiet through these hours, but her mind buzzed as she followed Kaleb up the steep path. It was difficult to concentrate, as her mind remained on her family and the possibility of Rarity confronting her parents. She knows exactly the right words to say, and I wish I had half the wisdom of her sometimes. I love them, but I just want them to understand I’m not their little mare anymore. The last time Sweetie Belle and her parents had exchanged words, it ended with slammed doors and her storming out of the house. Maybe I should tell Rarity to intervene, even when she goes to extreme she’s still in the right state of mind… Her senses alerted her to deep emotions of turmoil. At first, she thought it was the wolf cub, as she immediately prepared to ease its mind, but realized the cub’s mind lay still, between sleep and consciousness. The emotions instead were coming from her Master. Sweetie Belle honed in, realizing with each step, his breathing was ragged and every step was heavy with slight tremors in his right leg. That can’t be good, Sweetie Belle thought. I swear, he’s more stubborn than a goat sometimes. Although the pair agreed most of the time, she had become increasing frustrated with his overprotectiveness. It was something both him and her parents had in common. He should have let me do the warming spell. I get we have to conserve magic, but it can absolutely be necessary. She couldn’t even bring herself to think about Spike to distract and comfort her weary mind. Does this what it means to be a Jedi? Just constant worrying about the future and your own sanity? Yet her thoughts remained unanswered as she marched on through the ice and snow. The sky had soon given its way to dusk, with the darkness soon creeping in. Kaleb knew they needed to find shelter, as the snow at this rate would bury them before they reached the mountain path to the village. I need to find proper shelter fast. The ground everywhere is too unstable, and there’s no proper clearing to pitch the tent. I can’t have Sweetie Belle cast unnecessary spells, not after what she went through. If we can just make it a little further, there might be… Kaleb stopped, looking around at their surroundings, and turned around to Sweetie Belle. “Darkness is going to set in soon, and if necessary we’ll build a shelter instead of risking the tents getting buried. And I believe we’re being followed.” “How?” Sweetie Belle asked with annoyance. “There’s nobody out here for miles, and if you had just let me cast a healing spell, that leg wouldn’t be bothering you.” “Not until we’ve reached safety,” he replied, acknowledging her annoyance with him. “I appreciate your concern greatly, but I can hold on a bit longer. Whatever is following us is using the terrain to their advantage well.” She sensed something just to the left of her, and looked at the massive grizzly bear about twenty feet away from them, growling from its menacing jaws. Its brown fur was pelted with snow, and knew exactly what its next meal was going to be. Slowly backing away, she tried to avoid eye contact. “Kaleb…if you’re going to do something, now would be a great time.” “Don’t move a muscle,” he instructed, as he prepared to use the Force to reach out to the creature before igniting his blade as a last resort. We can’t afford to fight now, not in our condition. The standoff lasted for a minute, as suddenly the bear gazed just ahead of them and turned around, slinking away into the forest. The two of them turned to where the bear had its attention. A pack of wolves had surrounded them, the twelve forms blending into the snow perfectly into the forest. The three to the right of Kaleb were growling with menace, ready to pounce at a moment’s notice. “Well, at least we have company,” Kaleb said, noticing Sweetie Belle getting ready to pull out her lightsaber. “Hold on, I want to try something. This is their territory, and we must have passed into it without realizing.” Sweetie Belle’s eyes widened as she hesitated. “Wait a second, I think the one right ahead of you is his mom. Let go of him.” Kaleb set down the cub, letting it scamper over hurriedly to its mom. He outstretched his mind to the wolves, using the Force to translate his words. “We mean you no harm, Wolves of the Forest. It was only by accident that we trespassed upon your territory, and we have no intention of threatening your borders. We are weary travelers who only seek warmth and shelter from the storm fast approaching.” The other wolves stopped growling, with the mother listening intently to his words, as he nodded for Sweetie Belle to move beside him. “We found this cub down at the river, and he fell through the ice. It was because of her bravery he is still alive, as she rescued him from drowning. It was our intention to take him back to his parents and clan.” The mother licked her cub, making sure he was warm before nodding in understanding and howling right at Sweetie Belle, who jumped as her Master translated. “She says thank you.” The larger wolf who must have been the leader of the clan stepped forward, and let out a half bark and half growl. Kaleb knew there was a good chance they were in the clear, but understood the concerns the leader had. “If circumstances are ideal, it would only be for tonight. As well, we need safe passage around the mountain to the village on the other side. We will not betray your trust and secrecy, as our purpose is to help those who are less fortunate than us.” The leader thought about it for about thirty seconds, and nodded, focusing his muzzle up into the sky and howling. The other wolves joined him, including the cub before they started to move back to their den. Kaleb gave a thumbs up to Sweetie Belle, and the two started following the pack. “That was incredible!” She exclaimed in amazement. “I knew you could communicate, but not to that level.” It was rare praise that reminded him of their first days of training. “Thank you. It takes a fair amount of practice and meditated isolation, but it’s helpful in unfamiliar environments. I discovered that ability on accident, and it saved my life on Kashyyyk.” As the two continued to walk, they noticed the giant rock formation in the distance, with what appeared to be a cave where the wolves made their den. “If I appeared extra overprotective to the point of annoyance today, it wasn’t to patronize you. It’s actually for a good reason.” “I understand, but it really does get on my nerves,” Sweetie Belle replied with straightforward honesty. “It’s the same thing with my parents, but in a completely different sense.” “Because of your magical ability, you’re the designated medic for this mission,” Kaleb explained fully. “I can’t have you getting injured or worn out. It jeopardizes both our safety in case of an emergency, especially since there’s only two of us.” “Well, you could have told me that earlier,” she huffed with frustration. “Everyone is counting on me, and I need to know what I’m getting into.” The Jedi rubbed his hair apologetically, seeing her point. “Yeah, sorry about that. Let’s just call it a truce and I’ll communicate better in the future.” “Fair enough,” Sweetie Belle said just as they were ten feet away from the cave. It was unlike anything Kaleb had ever seen, with two orbs carved into the rock at the entrance. The snow just seemed to have melted away as wild grass appeared where there should have been stone. As the two of them stepped into the entrance, it was as if going through a shield which kept away the cold, as a blue light illuminated the passageway going into the main entrance. “What is this place?” Kaleb wondered aloud, just as the two of them stepped down the grassy path which curved along with the walls. They walked for two minutes, as finally they gazed upon the hidden treasure within. The main cavern was large and circular, with the walls extending upward in a dome to reveal a translucent top of the cave, which had the sunlight of the setting sun streaming through. The grass seemed to move on its own, as the wolves nestled all around the cave. At the other end in the center stood a spring, with the water trickling down from a fall built into the cave. The pool seemed to glow, just as mysteriously. Sweetie Belle’s eyes widened and she gasped. “Oh wow, I think this is a spirit oasis! I read about these in Twilight’s library of magical legends! I never thought they were actually real!” “Well, there always is a bit of truth in legends,” Kaleb replied, looking at her. “It looks like the spirits saved our lives, and for that, I’m grateful. We’re resting here for tonight; once I sit down, you can perform any healing magic you find necessary.” She nodded as Kaleb walked slowly around the perimeter to a place to the center-left of the cave, and sat down, his leg almost giving out on him. Indicating for him to pull up the damaged right leg of his pants, she examined the skin, which had blue and red abrasions from the cold, with some parts appearing pale and yellow. “How did you get all this just from the river?” “It was most likely from the sharp rock and crystal which was hurtling downstream,” he replied, wincing at the pain. “On top of that, the shock from the cold makes you feel you have a hundred ice-cold and a hundred burning hot needles going through you all at once.” “You’re going to need to bite down on this,” she said after thinking for a few seconds, throwing him a dowel covered in cloth. He took it, putting it in his mouth a few seconds before Sweetie Belle lit up her horn and cast a spell, pointing right at his leg. It illuminated it in a cast of soft yellow, as Kaleb shouted through the dowel while arching his back. A few seconds later, she cast another spell, enveloping the leg in a green light which felt like pinpricks to him before it disappeared. Sweetie Belle, sat down, taking out a small granola bar after completing the spell. “Luckily, nothing’s broken, just very bruised. I cast two spells; one to heal the injuries on and below the surface of the skin, and the other to prevent an infection in case anything managed to piece through to the muscle or bloodstream. I would suggest wrapping bandages around it; that’s going to help the sprain in your knee and ankle as well.” Kaleb took out the dowel, and she put it back with her magic and handed him the bandages. “Thank you, and I’ll take it easy and rest tonight. But first, we’re going to need to get tents set up and a fire underway.” “It looks like the spirits already have that taken care of.” He turned to his left to see a fire was already going along with stones around the perimeter and a pile of firewood. “Well…that was oddly convenient.” Nearly three hours later, after a little bit of time to set up supplies and meditate, the two Jedi sat near the fire on their mats and sleeping bags, eating a stew Kaleb had pre-made during his preparations in the Crystal Empire. Featuring broth, beef, and vegetables all warmed up in a pot over the fire, it was a pleasant change of pace from the ready-made meals they had borrowed from the Royal Guard. “…So let me get this straight,” Sweetie Belle spoke in pure disbelief as she took a mouthful of the stew. “Not only do you know what Ogres and Oubliettes is, but you are in two campaigns?” “Hard as it is to believe, yes,” Kaleb said, having finished his stew a few minutes ago. “I’m in a group with Big Mac, Spike, Shining Armor, and Flash. On top of that, Fluttershy and I have our own campaign going with Angel as our Dungeon Master.” That made her laugh. “You’re joking.” “I wish I could say I was,” he chuckled. “Angel has thrown nearly every obstacle my way and has had every monster and spell attempt to kill me. Fluttershy wanted to give him a stern talking to, but I asked her to let him because I live for the thrill of it. And seeing the look on his face every time I survive is worth it.” Sweetie Belle cracked a small smile. “I never knew living on the edge can make Jedi so vindictive.” “What can I say, I live dangerously.” The two of them laughed, as the wolves looked at them strangely. “Hand me you bowl when you’re done, and I’ll clean and pack it away.” She handed him her bowl, and Kaleb washed it using a special spray he had packed away. “There’s so much magic deep in Equestria’s mythology, it’s difficult to imagine how much of it is real.” “The world is always mysterious,” Kaleb replied as the two of them walked over to the spring. “More than we think. You seem to know a lot about this place.” “It was for a research project,” Sweetie Belle responded, thinking back to simpler times. “These places were sacred to the kirin, who would hold their gatherings here. It was sickening to find out what happened to them.” “They were driven from their ancestoral lands and exhiled, if I remember correctly.” The Jedi recalled, remembering the time he spent in the Canterlot Archives. She nodded. “I cannot believe Equestria allowed this to happen, especially under the watch of Princess Celestia. It makes me so angry their lands were taken from them.” “I am not going to defend her,” Kaleb said upfront. This was a subject matter he had yet to talk to her about. “She should have spoke up and done more, but was manipulated by into silence by those around her while in grieving over for Luna. The Kirin still survive, but scattered across the continent. They are often times looked upon as cursed for their silence, and they face discrimination and violence to this day.” Sweetie Belle looked up at the sky. “When I was growing up, I was taught that we were the best nation, and everyone looks up to us for our peace and civility. What an amazing lie that was. Now, I question that viewpoint and if we’re truly looking out for everyone here.” He nodded. “The world is more often in shades of gray than black and white. There is great evil in this galaxy as much as there is great good. You just need to look for the light, and no matter how great the darkness, you will find it. That is what keeps us going as Jedi.” “Do you always agree with the princesses?” Sweetie Belle asked with a neutral tone. “Of course not,” Kaleb answered quickly, washing away any doubt. “Although I serve Equestria and the Force, I will not swear fealty to Celestia and Luna. We work with them, but still have our autonomy. There are many times we disagree. I think if every official were to look away from the politics and nuances and focused on the bigger picture, the goal of peace would be closer.” The unicorn looked back at him with honesty, as the two of them walked back to the fire, sitting down. “All I want is to help those less fortunate than I, and to make this world a better place. To protect the innocent from those who would do them harm, and to bring light into the darkness.” “The Jedi of the High Republic had a phrase for their mission, whose principles are in line with both of our morals,” he remembered, thinking back on his readings and lectures. “For Life And Light. Master Yoda was alive during that time, and shared many of his memories with my Master and I.” The two paused, reflecting on the phrase for a minute, as the wolf cub Sweetie Belle had rescued headed towards the fire and laid beside her. I know what I want to ask, but I don’t know if I have the strength to do it. Having the cub, whose name was Wind, by her said gave her the courage. “May I ask you a personal question?” Kaleb nodded. “Go ahead.” “How did Master Johanna die?” He was taken aback and surprised by the question, and she elaborated further. “It’s just that…whenever you mention her during training…it seems painful. I sense that, and I want to know if talking about it could help.” I never told her, for so many reasons besides protection, Kaleb thought to himself. “It’s not something I talk about often. The day of the training session, I declined the invitation you extended because it was the anniversary of her death. In tradition with Jedi customs, I sat vigil deep within the Everfree Forest.” “I just want to be closer to her,” Sweetie Belle said carefully, knowing this was a delicate subject. “That’s all I want. I’ll keep what you say to myself, I promise.” Expecting him to decline, she braced herself for the worst. Instead, the opposite happened. Kaleb took a deep breath, gazing at her, and began to talk. “It was a few months before the end of the war. I was deep into my Jedi Trials, and was guarding a Senate fundraiser for those affected by the war. Master Johanna contacted me with an emergency mission. There was nobody else who could go, otherwise I wouldn’t have been interrupted during my Trials. A distress signal had been picked up from a village on Lothal, and we were the only option.” “Wasn’t there anyone else who could have gone?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Were there no other Jedi around?” He shook his head. “Not during this point in the war. The Jedi and troops were scattered thin across the Outer Rim, and those who were on Coruscant were assigned to protect the Temple. She had recently been cleared for active duty after an injury to her wrist, and knew my skillset with animals would be essential for the mission. Light transport was provided for us, and we went straight there.” “That seems resourceful,” She responded. “You don’t want to draw away others from their battles.” “That strategy ended up blindsiding the Republic to further attacks later on,” he explained. “The chancellor ended up kidnapped because of our ignorance.” Sweetie Belle nodded. “I’m sorry, please continue.” Kaleb accepted the apology with a nod. “Our transport dropped up off and went to keep watch. Master Johanna and I split up. She went in the direction of the village to find those still help captive, and I went to get the rest to safety. I managed to do so, but we walked right into an ambush. Our transport was destroyed, and we were attacked by droids in every direction. I managed to escape to the village, but she was captured.” Her heart began to beat faster with dread as he continued and finished the story. “The one who organized the ambush was a Separatist general and warlord who killed many Jedi. I found myself immobilized, unable to move as Master Johanna protected me from being detected He stabbed her with her own lightsaber, along with the others he had killed before leaving. I was beside her body for hours in the pouring, freezing rain before help arrived.” Kaleb took a drink of water from his container, running a hand through his hair as telling the tale exhausted him. Sweetie Belle wiped the tears away from her eyes. “I’m so sorry you went through such a horrible tragedy. The grief you must feel is overwhelming.” “It takes time to heal, and in many ways, I’m still in mourning,” He said, his voice cracking a little as he coughed for a few seconds. “She was brave, and sacrificed her own life to save mine. Every day, I try to live up to the ideal she set, no matter how hard the choices are. It helps keep her memory alive.” “Well, she would be proud of you.” “She would be proud of you as well,” Kaleb replied to her surprise before moving on. “I’ve been meaning to ask, as a friend: do you truly hold hatred in your heart towards your parents?” That caught Sweetie Belle off guard. “Hate is a bit of a strong word, isn’t it? I mean, I’m angry with them, and hold a lot of rage, but I don’t know if I would use that term to describe it.” “Anger by itself is an emotional response, one which is completely normal,” he began, trying not to lecture. “Where I get concerned for you is when it’s a result of fear. It progresses to anger, and from there hatred which blinds all logic in a vengeful rage. And that only leads to suffering into the end.” “And once again, you assume you know everything,” Sweetie Belle responded with a cold tone, backing off slightly. “Look, it’s not your place to judge, you’re not me. If anything, I’m afraid that I’m not going to live up to their expectations. It feels like I’m under a microscope half of the time, but I’m just frustrated with them not being able to understand that I’m my own mare, and it's my life, not theirs.” Kaleb softened his voice, realizing he hit the nerve. “Sweetie Belle, if they are truly your parents, they will love you no matter what. And if they don’t, you can choose whether you want them to be a part of your life. I’m not going to tell you what to do, but if you and Rarity just sat down with them and someone like Lyra, I’m sure that there could be a productive conversation to help you decide how to move forward.” It was technique he had learned from Applejack when dealing with teenagers: not to lecture down to them in emotional turmoil, but to try and get down to their level for honesty and openness. And it worked, slightly. “I guess…I could give that a try. But it just feels like when there’s that much anger, it has no place to go and just keeps building until it just explodes.” “All it takes is a few deep breaths and calming thoughts,” he suggested. “When that happens, our instinct is to try and stay in one place, but our body needs movement. Go outside, get some fresh air, or do something indoors like a jigsaw puzzle or write. That stimulation and repetition helps calm the mind and body. Trust me, as someone who has been through plenty of anger, it helps.” That got her attention. “I thought you were supposed to be the embodiment of calm, that’s the Jedi’s personality summed up?” “I wasn’t always,” Kaleb answered while taking a few seconds for a quick sip. “Probably the first year I was here, from the moment my ship crashed, I was angry. Very, very angry. Towards everyone, from the Jedi Order to the Clones that betrayed us, even towards Master Johanna. I had thought she had abandoned me. And there was anger towards Celestia and Luna for the spell which brought me here in the first place.” “I never heard about any of this,” Sweetie Belle said stunned. “It’s like a whole other side of the story.” Kaleb nodded. “There was a lot you didn’t see. Some nights I would just storm out of the library and walk it off to get rid of the emotions. It would just build during my days working at Sweet Apple Acres and got pretty bad. I made sure that I never took it out on Twilight and her friends, who deserve the world for taking me in when nobody else would have. About a month later, I started having flashbacks. A war’s worth of trauma reemerged after Discord’s return, and I was diagnosed shortly after with Complex PTSD.” She shook her mane to try and get a through loose strains away from her eyes. “Did anyone else know, or pick up on the signs?” “Dr. Bluejay did, during the Gala,” Kaleb explained. “Fluttershy knew there was something deep, but didn’t realize the extent. Before we were dating, the reason we would have tea aside from talking was to give me a calming environment where often times she would have therapy animals in-training during the day. It helped immensely, and it gave my mind something calming to do while also being engaging enough to keep me interested.” “That explains a lot,” Sweetie Belle expressed, adding in the last part with a flustered voice. “I’ve been meaning to ask you this, but how did you two get together? Like…how did you woo or charm her per say?” Kaleb remembered Fluttershy’s own observations at the dance. “I’m going to answer that question with another question: do you ask out of curiosity or for your own self-interest?” “What do you mean?” she replied confused. “Are you asking me to tell you this story because you want to know, or perhaps you want to gain advice from this story to apply to your own romantic journey?” The moment she got the meaning, Sweetie Belle jumped up, walking around in a circle. “No, no, no. Sweet Celestia no. Where the hay did you hear that? Did A5 tell you? I told her to keep that a secret.” Kaleb chuckled internally. Well, that didn’t take long. “She didn’t tell me anything, but I believe you did so just now.” She still denied it, blushing. “I can tell you one thing, Kaleb Taymar. I do not have anyone in mind when I asked you this question, and I do not have feelings for anyone.” This was an obvious lie, and the wolf pup just looked up at her and shook his head. “He can tell you’re lying.” “You’re bluffing,” Sweetie Belle said with all the energy she could muster. “You’ve got to be.” He replied with that signature sense of wit, reiterating her words back at him. “I can tell you one thing, Sweetie Belle. The animals always know.” Finally, she admitted defeat as she sat down. “Fine, you’ve caught me. I guess the answer to your question is both.” “I’m not putting you in this position to gloat,” Kaleb said, softening his words and making sure his message was clear. “I try to keep out of your personal life, but this is an area where my own experience can help you. But in order to do that, you need to be open with me, just as I was open with you previously. Tell me however much you feel comfortable.” Sweetie Belle nodded. At least he was sincere about it. “There is someone who I have feelings for. We’ve both known each other for a very long time; basically we’re best friends. He’s strategic, smart, funny, and really kind. I hang out with him and other friends all the time. I just want to tell him so badly how much he means to me…but I can’t find the words or the courage, and something always comes up.” “Has there been any indication from him that he feels the same way?” Kaleb asked. “Any kind of verbal or nonverbal communication?” “There are times where I think he knows or picks up on something, and there’s a warm response,” Sweetie Belle replied. “But at the same time he’s been through a lot, and I don’t want to overwhelm him by doing this at the wrong time. When it comes to dating, I cannot get a read on this kind of stuff for the life of me.” “It literally took Fluttershy kissing me to realize an entire evening in Canterlot was a date,” Kaleb remembered, and Sweetie Belle laughed. “The simple truth is you cannot calculate the right time, no matter how much planning and strategizing you put into it. When the moment presents itself, you’ll just know. It’s as simple as that.” She nodded. “Let’s circle back to what you just said. How did you not realize for an entire evening you were on a date?” “It was a little more complicated than that,” he explained. “Both of us had feelings for each other that were building for a long time, and after Discord attacked, she was the first one I open up to about the war and assisted me in seeking help. I didn’t realize I had feelings for her until after. In fact, Rarity was the one that set us up.” “You know, I should be surprised by that, but I’m not,” Sweetie Belle responded. “And after this date, you two were smooth sailing?” “The first year took some getting used to, including a terrible first encounter with her parents which I’m never talking about again,” Kaleb admitted. “The Changeling invasion of Canterlot nearly broke us up, but we pulled through and learned more about ourselves than we ever did.” “Fluttershy told me stories about the manticore,” she recalled. “That would have been terrible for anyone to have gone through. But at least it had a happy ending.” He nodded, remembering the two of them having board game nights as he recovered from his injuries on her couch. “We took things slightly slower after that, with a lot more communication, but it worked out for us in the end. Technically, Jedi aren’t allowed to have romantic attachments.” Sweetie Belle’s ears perked up. “Wait, really? Now that I think about, I never read about any Jedi having a spouse or family.” “The Order was very strict in their thinking it was a distraction from our duties and blinded us from the Force,” Kaleb replied, remembering having the conversation with Fluttershy in the Canterlot Castle library. “There were many who didn’t follow the rule, and Master Johanna never fully agreed with it. I had feelings of affection, but it wasn’t until arriving here I felt genuine love.” “That’s so sweet,” she said, tearing up. “Its no wonder you two were so adorable together those first few months.” He nodded, thinking of the best advice to give to her. “I never followed that rule, and I didn’t expect you to either, so I never mentioned it. That doesn’t mean its always easy. I had to find my own path away from the Council’s teachings to balance this relationship with my duties as a Jedi. There are times where I must let go of all my attachments, and let the Force guide me. However, even if I must let go, I never forget. The ones we hold in our hearts remind us why we protect them, and help us through the darkest times.” There was a few minutes of silence where Sweetie Belle took in his wisdom. “Its just so overwhelming…I want to hold him tight but I don’t know how to do that and be a Jedi. It must have been hard on you and Fluttershy.” “It took us years to fully be able to understand, and a lot of therapy and processing on my end, but we found our way,” Kaleb finished, realizing he went a little overboard with the explanation. “Sweetie Belle, I’m not telling you this to scare or discourage you. I wanted to tell you my own journey so you don’t have to go through the same guilt and denial I did. To give you the chance of a happier and healthy life, one which Master Johanna tried to give to me despite everything that happened.” There was a realization in her eyes as she saw Kaleb through different eyes. Not just as a Jedi Master, but someone who genuinely cared about her with the same level as Rarity. She walked over and hugged him. “Thank you, I don’t know what else to say.” He nodded. “That was all you needed to say. My advice is to follow your heart, and tell him exactly how you feel. Be honest, truthful, and sincere, and even if it doesn’t work out, you will feel better knowing that you tried.” Sweetie Belle smiled, and then let out a large yawn. “Good conversation really exhausts the body, doesn’t it?” “We should both get some rest tonight,” Kaleb advised. “We’ll need it tomorrow. Go ahead and try and get some sleep, I’ll clean out everything here.” She nodded, and went over to her sleeping bag and pillow, settling in. Wind snuggled up beside her, and within minutes the two slumbered soundly. Flash’s office was the place of many late-night hours, logging reports or making sure the schedule for Canterlot was set in stone. Tonight, the Captain of the Guard had other plans on his mind, as he paced around the desk: surveillance and wiretapping. It was a simple plan: they had someone on the inside of the Equestrian Guard who didn’t like where the direction was going, and agreed to help investigate on the condition of immunity. From there, a wire would be placed on Bentley, who was known to go with Tywin on his excusions out towards the borders. And all they needed was to wait for the right moment, and they were inside the heads of the Equestrian Guard as thanks to this informant, they knew an important meeting with someone was going to take place. So much could go wrong, from the technology malfunctioning to the wire being discovered. Everything hinged on secrecy, and it was in that moment the door opened and Shining Armor appeared looking tired, and Flash looking to him. “Please tell me you’ve got some good news.” “Flash, face it. No news coming out of this is good,” Shining Armor said in a neutral tone. “The wire is in place, and we’re tracking it. We’ve narrowed it down to this region covering about one hundred miles in range.” He used his magic to set the map with pins on the portable board. Flash’s eyes widened. “Yakyakistan. Good job. I know this technology isn’t easy to use because of its age, but it’s our best option of going in undetected.” “I had a flight navigation class back in the Academy which taught us in the old methods,” he responded. “You guys had it easy when they changed the curriculum. All it took was a compass, a map, tools, and a brain to figure this out. It took us hours of study to get a hold of this.” “And don’t forget luck. You can’t rule that out, sir,” Flash said, with a bit of a smile. Shining chuckled. “That too. Speaking of which, it took a lot of luck to provide adequate cover for keeping this out of knowledge from the lower ranks. With that in mind, I’ve invited Dr. Bluejay to help assist us tonight. He’s not going anywhere anyway with Celestia’s concern, and he knows this old tech better than anyone.” “Okay, I suppose it’s a good idea to bring him in,” Flash responded. “At least its not too many ponies…” “And also Twilight and Fluttershy.” That didn’t make him happy. “No, absolutely not. This is supposed to be a small operation, we can’t just bring in anyone we want. It threatens security, and…” “Hear me out,” Shining said with authority, shutting down the rest of the captain’s speech. “Twilight’s knowledge of magic puts us at an advantage, and Fluttershy has code-breaking training from Kaleb. I don’t like putting my sister and her friends in complicated situations, but given the fact that Celestia, Luna, and Cadance cannot intervene, we need all the assistance we can get. Not only that, but working on a special project for Princess Twilight gives us a good cover from the rest of the Royal Guard. No one is going to question that.” The pegasus sighed. “Fine, fine. I’m not thrilled about it bringing more into a one-pony operation, but if this is what it takes, then I’ll accept it.” “No spy operation is a one-pony operation,” the unicorn responded gently. “Even if you have one operative on the ground, there’s an entire team behind them.” There was a knock at the door, one of intricate nature. Realizing it was Royal Guard code, Flash went over to the door and opened it. Dr. Bluejay entered, along with a confused Twilight and Fluttershy behind him. “I’m here, and we were not followed. Secrecy is maintained.” “Flash, help Dr. Bluejay set up the equipment in those boxes,” Shining directed. “He’s going to be running the machinery and making sure we’re getting the best signal and recording.” The two saluted in unison and started. “Shining, what’s going on?” Twilight asked. “Why did ask us to help on this special project of the guard.” He signed. “It’s a long story, but Celestia and Luna directed us to look into the Equestrian Guard for interference of the Jedi investigation. Because of the nature of this investigation, you weren’t briefed, and we brought you two in because your expertise. We need your help.” “You could have asked the Element Bearers to have stepped in, and we gladly would have,” Fluttershy pointed out. “Why would you not go with a larger team?” “Because it’s a spy operation,” Shining answered simply and respectfully. “Smaller teams work best for espionage, Fluttershy. That way, you don’t risk information getting out. And given the assassination attempts, we figured it was best to keep all of you in the dark unless absolutely necessary.” Flash stepped in, as he finished bringing in the radio receiver, audio recorder, and radar scanner to the table. “Twilight, it was my idea to keep this secret, so please don’t be angry with him. With all of the security concerns, I just couldn’t put you at risk unless absolutely necessary.” Twilight hugged him gently. “No, of course not. I completely understand why you didn’t tell me.” “Where do you need us?” Fluttershy asked. Dr. Bluejay finished setting up the equipment, setting up a small red light which he mounted to the side of the table. “Right here, listening to this wire with the rest of us. Twilight, this light indicates the presence of magic so when it glows, try and figure out what spell is being cast. I believe that Celestia gave you audio training when it comes to identifying magic.” “Got it,” Twilight said, heading over to look at the equipment. “Fluttershy, you learned code-breaking from Kaleb, so you’re going to listen in for any Equestrian Guard jargon, and call it out,” he continued, handing her several pages worth of phrases. “Right, just let me look this over,” she responded, studying the page quickly with the focus techniques from Kaleb. Dr. Bluejay turned it on, checking the cables to make sure everything is in the clear. “Flash, as soon as I indicate, you’re going to hit the button on the top left of the control panel. The moment this wire goes live, we’re going to scramble the signal. Even if we’re discovered, they have no idea where its coming from. The old ways are much harder to detect than the most current technology,” Shining Armor reinforced the door with magic before heading back. “We’re clear. Is everyone ready?” Flash, Twilight, and Fluttershy nodded, and Dr. Bluejay indicated for all of them to put on headphones. As soon as they did, he activated the recording device. “Going live in five…four…three…two…” The snowy forest on the outskirts of YakYakistan was a rarity, as the harsh cliffs and peaks dominated the landscape of the country. In this late night-trek, Bentley and General Tywin marched through the woods, using a smuggler’s path at a steady pace to keep from falling behind. “Are you worried about getting lost out here, sir?” Bently’s voice still contained the usual annoyance, but was at a much calmer, more eloquent pace. “You need to get out more,” Tywin grumbled, with a hint of nostalgia. “When I was first a cadet with the Equestrian Guard, my grandfather held this very position. He would take me out for walks, making sure that I was put into a false sense of security before he unleashed me upon an entire den of wolves. They chased me for days, but I killed every single last one in revenge. I was taught in those hours through these very woods that a sharp tongue means nothing without a blade to back it up.” The two continued to walk before Bently’s voice rang out again a few minutes later. “All of the networks are reporting the usual, and the organizations are getting their fair share. However, there’s a lot more eyes on every move these organizations take and representatives from the main families are concerned they’re going to get caught.” Tywin nodded. “A consequence of the assassinations. For years, I studied how every government entity operates, and know exactly how they’re going to react. Tell them to continue operations as usual, and we’ll take care of the rest.” “Those assassinations provoked quite the response,” Bentley replied. “What if they get scared, and go to the authorities? There’s a risk they could go out of line…” “They know we have as much evidence on them as little they have on us,” Tywin responded. “If not, perhaps more persuasion is needed with more brutal needs.” Twilight and Fluttershy both looked shocked and confused, and the red light turned on for a brief moment. Flash glanced at them. “We’re investigating them for interference, but I forget to warn you. Be prepared for much, much worse.” The two stopped, moonlight illuminating the small clearing they stood in. Tywin breathed as he glanced forth at the woods around them. “We’re here, and right on schedule. All we need is to wait for our fellow party to arrive.” Bentley glanced at him confused. “What do you mean? Who are we meeting out here?” Tywin just chuckled. “Don’t worry, your life is safe. But we are a part of something bigger, and in order to move forward, we all need to know our place.” There was silence for about fifteen minutes, and then a small lantern could be seen in the distance. The light grew closer, revealing five members of an unnamed criminal organization, made up of both ponies and yaks. In chains, stood an Equestrian Guard private, looking scared as could be. “A hostage exchange?” Bentley asked, looking confused. All Tywin gave was a glance. “Hold your tongue, and leave the talking to me.” The group arrived in the clearing with the lead earth pony stepping out from the group and speaking. “We have your filth, now give us our money and get out of here.” Tywin simply gave a nod and stepped forward before speaking. “Gentleponies, you are mistaken. Your payment will not arrive now, but in the afterlife.” That was the signal, as the private’s horn turned a meancing green. In quick sucession, all five members’s necks were snapped, and they lay on the ground dead. The unicorn was brave, staring down Tywin. The general simply chuckled. “Your disguise has strengthened over the years, along with your courage it seems.” A raspy female voice came out, not belonging to any pony. “Consider yourself lucky I chose not to kill you.” And with that, the disguise was broken as the guard revealed her true form. Shining Armor knew exactly who the guard was, immediately recognizing the voice. “He’s working with Chrysalis!” “Queen Chrysalis,” Tywin greeted warmly, smiling at the queen. “Its been far too long since our last meeting.” “You’re damn right,” Chrysalis said, not amused by his tone. “You undercut my operation. Mountain’s Fury was my group to control, and you swiped in at the last minute with your weapons.” “The weapons…if I may remind you, that I supplied to the changelings,” Tywin responded in defense. “You wouldn’t have gotten anywhere with the Royal Guard if not for me.” “Which were part of the agreed terms,” Chrysalis interrupted before he could finish. “The Sandstorm Riders being brought in as bait was not part of the deal.” “I do not think of it as bait, but as an extra layer of security,” he added, repeating a piece of information he had told her many times. “When you are in my position, you must control the flow of information. The contents, the timing, the spells on it. You may recall how much effort it was loop you in. When you control the information it becomes propaganda for your cause, one that seeps into every government. And so you know their responses after years of observation.” “Your grandfather prepared you well, just as his family before him,” Chrysalis acknowledged, dropping the hostile tone. “I knew him, at least in passing. We’re on the same side, Tywin. And I don’t need your secrets, Not after those damn assassinations forced me to halt everything and move underground to avoid detection.” Tywin admitted the truth. “I was in the dark, just as much as you were. This new faction represents a challenge, but also an opportunity. We must be patient, allowing things to play out before making our move in the chaos.” “You cannot believe that whoever is responsible is going to let us stand by,” Chrysalis argued, stomping her hoof down on the frozen ground. “They will incinerate us as we sleep in our hives.” He simply stated the ace up his robe. “Rest assured, no harm will come to the ones loyal to you. But for the resistance, their time will come. I’ve always wondered why you had stopped attacks in recent months. Perhaps you are protecting someone who you hold dear…with a bond as close as family.” That struck a nerve with Chrysalis, as she hesitated. “You don’t know a thing about what I went through.” “Don’t I?” Tywin recalled. “Your husband plotted against you in order to save lives, and was killed by Drogo who went rogue without your knowledge. You thought it was an accident until he was killed by the Jedi. And now your son lies in Equestrian hands, leading the resistance from within Canterlot.” “Thorax,” Flash said to Shining Armor. “Did Celestia and Luna know who he was?” Shining nodded. “They searched his mind and gave him a chance of a new life. I knew since I observed but was sworn to secrecy.” “How…did you know?” She just simply stared, not trying to deny it. “The Equestrian Guard always finds out when secrets are being kept from us,” Tywin responded coolly before stating his commands. “As long as you refuse to risk endangering your son, our operation is at a standstill. Your own troops no longer obey your commands, as splinter cells attack everywhere. They listen to us. In order to regain their trust, you must become his enemy, or step aside. I leave the choice up to you. She thought for a minute, remembering every moment spent with Thorax. “I…cannot cause any more pain because of my mistakes. But I knew walking into this clearing, I would not come back alive. If you want to control the changelings, then you will have to kill me.” He spat on the ground in anger. “There is no room for mercy. I will do what is necessary to ensure peace, no matter the blood spilled on our sacred grounds. This is your last chance: step aside and reject cowardice, or the next words will be your last.” There was no hesitation. “Long live the changelings.” The blaster was drawn from Tywin’s robe in less than a second, and she saw the flash of the muzzle before ever hearing the reverberation of the laser. It went through straight through her chest, and she fell, the life draining from her eyes as death took her. Tywin simply shook his head as he holstered the blaster. “Good riddance.” Bentley looked in disbelief at the scene he just witnessed. “We should send a patrol to dispose of the bodies, or to at least bury them.” Tywin put a hoof on Bentley’s shoulder, giving him a look of reassurance. “There’s no need for that. Nobody will find them in these woods. Now, we go and rest, for we have much work to do.” The two walked out of the clearing, leaving the carnage behind them. Dr. Bluejay pressed a button to deactivate the wire, one to fry the electronics inside, and another to stop the recording. He nodded and everyone removed their headphones. Shining Armor let out a rare display of anger by kicking the couch nearby, and sighed. “You know my feelings on Chrysalis are complicated, and there’s a reason why I cite conflict of interest for every mission involving her. But her death will not go in vain.” Twilight stood up, as Fluttershy looked out at the group. “As an Element Bearer, I know we need to be there for him. Grief is a difficult journey, but it helps when you know you’re not alone.” “That is well said, and I am proud of both of you for your bravery,” Dr. Bluejay said to the two of them, who both hugged him before he continued. “There is no question from what we just witnessed that Tywin’s crimes go beyond interference, but espionage, conspiracy, and treason against Equestria. The question is, what do we do now?” Shining Armor stepped forward, coughing slightly and taking a sip of water from his mug before speaking. “This needs to be handled delicately, meaning this information cannot become known aside from Celestia and Luna. The moment it does, not only will this investigation be dead on arrivial, but the unrest would threaten to break Equestria.” “I agree,” Twilight answered. “We wait to take it to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, and then move forward from there. Even after that, secrecy must be maintained. It hurts to leave our friends and family in the dark, but it’s the only way.” Flash sighed, then nodded. “I’ll tell Thorax, he deserves to know first. Additional protections should be put in place, but I’ll talk to him about it.” Shining Armor closed the discussion. “For now, we all need to get some rest. Stagger your departures back to your bedrooms, so we remain undetected from the rest of the nighttime patrols.” All of them nodded, putting away the equipment and reflecting on what they just witnessed. > Chapter 9: Rabbit's Burrow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie Belle opened her eyes suddenly, finding herself in a mess of sweat and fur as she felt the wolf cub, who she named Snap, snuggled up against her. Her dreams that night had been strange, all in a fog with the smell of smoke still lodged inside of her brain. Groggily, she yawned and stretched just as Snap did so right at the same time. “You’re adorable, you know that?” Snap just wagged his tail, and she gave him a pet before getting up and starting to pack up the sleeping bag and mat. It was a simple process, as she rolled both with magic and stuffed it in her magically-enhanced bag, which she placed inside her pack. After double-checking everything was set and saying goodbye to her new friend, she moved past the wolves, who were still basking together in the warmth, and set out the passageway of the oasis. I wonder where Kaleb has gone, she wondered as she rounded the corner to the wide entrance of the cave. He must be around here somewhere. As she stepped out into the snow, she spotted him about twenty yards away meditating on a boulder embedded on the landscape. The sun was shining through the trees, melting away much of the snowfall from the night, leaving it spotless. Kaleb had his legs crossed, his hands in his lap as he levitated a few inches off of the ground. “Whoa,” she whispered as she saw the concentration etched upon his face, yet ease with it. There were times when she forget just how strong with the Force he was, as he centered his emotions in balance and harmony to heed its call. A few moments later, he landed on the boulder gently and turned around. “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to disturb you.” “You’re quite alright,” Kaleb replied as he stood up and jumped down, landing on his feet and putting the pack on his shoulders. “I needed to clear my head after getting an unfortunate wake-up call an hour ago.” “Was it the sunlight?” Sweetie Belle asked. “It’s difficult to get used to here.” He shook his head. “I received a message last night from Flash. Queen Chrysalis is presumed to be dead.” “No way,” she reacted, her eyes widening in shock. “I thought the Royal Guard had no idea where she was.” Kaleb nodded. “That was all he told me. I suspect they used that wording because her body is still missing. We should take precautions, but I do not believe we’ll find any changeling cells this far north.” “I’ll keep quiet about it for now; you never know who is listening,” Sweetie Belle decided wisely. “What’s our plan for today?” Instinctively, the leader of the pack, along with a different wolf, walked towards Kaleb as he spoke. “They are going to escort us out of their territory, which so happens to provide us safe passage around the more treacherous areas of the mountain. After last night’s storm and the thaw, risking an avalanche would be unwise. Once we get to the path, it's only a few hour’s journey to the village where we’ll find Sunflower Pine.” “The sooner we get there, the better,” Sweetie Belle remarked. “I’m ready to go whenever you.” Kaleb indicated to the rock. “Take a few minutes to eat and meditate. I’ll consult the maps one more time and ensure we’ll get there by nightfall.” She nodded and went about the tasks before the long journey ahead. Dawn had broken through the snowy grounds of Canterlot Castle as Luna flew through the sky toward her balcony. Landing with a simple maneuver, she opened the windows and entered her chamber, closing them shut to avoid letting any excess snow. Setting her bag down on the floor, she went to her desk and sat. It had been a long night. The amount of fear and anxiety over the assassinations had provoked many nightmares, and it was her job to help comfort those in need, particularly the children paralyzed with terror. She did what she could for many, but her magic had been stretched thin due to her investigation. She turned her face to the window and sighed. Even after searching those libraries, there is no evidence of a break-in. Tia is already stressed as is, but there is only one other possibility…one which I even hate to consider. Making sure her study was secure, Luna opened the doors and stepped out into the hallway. The guards assigned to her hallway saluted, and she responded with a simple nod. As she left them to their duties, she started towards the small dining room adjacent to the throne room. Even after my exile, the memories that came before are as clear as day, she thought as she quickened her pace down the stairs to the main floor. Our guests have remained calm so far during their stay, which is preferable. Perhaps it would be good to program some entertainment to alleviate the tension. Laughter can ease the worse of worries. It was only a few more steps to the dining room, which she opened quietly and slipped in before closing the door. Celestia sat on the chair closest to the clock, drinking her morning coffee and having waffles with fruit to start her day. There were newspapers scattered across the small rectangular table, the print standing out from the rich blue tablecloth which covered oak. “Luna, please sit down. I already prepared coffee in the pot over there.” Luna poured herself a mug of the blend made right in Canterlot and sat down. “Forgive me; it has been a long night. The restlessness of uncertain dreams and harrowing nightmares has increased substantially.” “It’s alright; I was delayed this morning as well,” Celestia replied. “I was up early this morning having a conversation with Haakem and Amira by spellwork. We’re trying to keep everyone as calm as possible while ensuring financial security and aid keeps the markets in Manehattan from crashing.” Luna nodded. “How much funding will we need to make sure trade continues on as normal with extra security?” Celestia indicated to another paper she had been looking at. “A lot. There’s a cabinet meeting this afternoon, and then Treasurer Oakfur will present it to the Equestrian Congress for approval.” Sighing, Luna began her express her thoughts. “After a deep examination of the magical libraries, I can tell you there was no break-in into my archives. However, there is one other possibility I hate to consider, but I fear we must.” She set down a giant book, bound in black leather with dark blue runes and transcriptions into the front. The other princess eyed the book with curiosity. “Where did you get that?” “Deep within my Canterlot library,” she replied. “Tucked away with the oldest of materials. This book contains examinations and analysis of my magic and the ancient dark spells of old, written by the only other one who could wield it.” Celestia’s eyes widened. “Wait…you don’t mean…” Luna simply nodded. “Cloudy Sky. Under the years he studied with me, he gained knowledge and power which no other could.” “Luna, he has been dead for the past thousand years,” Celestia pointed out. “You know the history behind his rebellion and what led to his downfall. We looked, and there was no sign of him. The magic he used must have vaporized him.” “And that story has faded into myth and legend,” Luna interrupted. “Your decisions in my absence were the right thing to do, but I wish this ended differently. In my experience dealing with such power, there are ways to survive such magical overloads you do not think capable of.” The Princess of the Sun sighed. “Even if he did survive, where would he have gone and how would he still be alive? Luna thought for a moment. “Starswirl taught me one of the gifts of Noctum Spellcasting was the ability for the user to regain health and have an expanded lifespan that protects against natural means of death. As for the other question, I do not know. There are theories about different planes of reality beyond Tartarus, but none have yet been proven. I can search across the continent if I need to for runes…” “Not without jeopardizing Kaleb and Sweetie Belle’s mission,” Celestia reminded her. “We can’t risk revealing their position. I know this means a great deal to you, but we can’t take risks when we’re struggling to protect our own citizens…” There was a knock at the door. “We’ll talk more about this later.” Luna nodded, noticing more frantic knocking and struggling with the door handle. As the room was a personal space for the two princesses, it was sealed with magic, and she undid the spell. The door burst open, and Flash and Shining Armor burst through. They survived, but their combined weight and speed of entry broke the door off its hinges and splintered the wood. The two Royal guards looked at each other and the poor, damaged door they had destroyed. Flash spoke quietly. “Oh yeah… they added magic seals to the private rooms a few years back.” “Now you tell me?” Shining asked with annoyance, raising his voice slightly. “This is why we keep getting our plots kicked at the Crystal Empire Hoofball Tournament. No communication and terrible planning…” Luna looked at her sister and smirked. Celestia was not amused, and raised her voice above the fray. “Excuse me! Is there a reason why you are interrupting our breakfast this morning? Perhaps you would like to take an axe to the antique dining table, which is just as old as that door.” The two looked up and realized who they were in the company of, and Shining Armor coughed to clear his embarrassment. “So sorry about that, Princesses Luna Princess Celestia. We were trying to get through and….” He indicated for Flash to take over, who just shook his head. “Yeah…that was not a good idea. But we do need to talk with you two.” Celestia sighed, wishing she had more coffee to deal with this. “I’ll have someone send a scroll to Ford Carpentry in Canterlot. What is it you need to tell us?” “We made progress on the investigation,” Flash reported, speaking with seriousness and urgency. “And you’re going to want to hear what we discovered.” Celestia and Luna both sat up, surprised by the seriousness in the guard’s voice. Luna looked towards him. “Lead the way. We’ll follow.” Shining Armor nodded, and making sure the hallway was clear, started at a brisk pace towards the throne room. The princesses followed behind him, with Flash taking up the rear, Meanwhile, the rest of the group waited in the throne room. Twilight and Dr. Bluejay stood in silence, carrying the audio equipment and maps. In the corner, Fluttershy was comforting Thorax, who had slipped out of his disguise and sat in changeling form. It had been a rough morning, when Flash, Twilight, and Fluttershy had knocked at his door in the Royal Guard barracks and informed him of what happened. His eyes reflected sorrow and dryness from the amount of tears having been shed the hour prior. He spoke in a rasp, the first time he had since hearing of the news. “Thank you for informing me of my mother’s death. She was brave, up until the very end. We had a complicated relationship, but I had hoped if she had seen how Equestria opened its doors to so many of us, that we would be able to reunite in peace.” Fluttershy nodded, responding warmly. As the Bearer of the Element of Kindness, she carried a lot more sympathy and empathy than many would, especially when discussing someone who had nearly killed her. “There’s no need, I’m just glad to see you safe. I didn’t know her very well, but she seemed always so determined and confident, in a way so many we fought…” “It’s okay, I understand how her villainy wreaked havoc upon your lives,” he said in understanding, knowing the history between his mother and the Element Bearers. “Despite everything, she had a love for her hive which extended beyond everything, even peace itself. We both wanted what was best for the changelings; we just had different ideas of going about it. The rift started after the first invasion of Canterlot, and I stormed out a few years later. Many followed, and in our anger, we broke off and started fighting. But the toll after the first few battles was too much, and we were driven out of our lands. Nobody would open their doors for us, and a plague of disease and hunger hit.” “How did you find peace with Equestria?” Fluttershy asked, realizing how much telling this story was helping Thorax. He cleared his throat before continuing. “There was a child who was sick, and would have died if we had not did something. I snuck in with her to the Crystal Empire and was caught by Princess Cadance as we were in the Royal Garden. She was angry, but stopped attacking the moment she saw there were children in danger. We were arrested, but she made sure the child received the best of treatment. Celestia and Luna arrived, and all three of them examined my memories. Something must have changed Cadance’s mind, and she was the first pony to welcome me in open hooves.” At that moment, the large doors opened, and Princess Cadance entered the room. She had been splitting her time between Canterlot and the Crystal Empire ever since the assassinations, with Flurry Heart never leaving her side. The child was now awake, yawning in the morning sun. Twilight went up to her and whispered what happened. The moment she heard, she rushed over to Thorax and hugged him. “I’m so sorry, and you have my condolences. I wish I could have done more…” “That we all do,” Thorax responded quietly. “What you did was enough, and saved so many lives. I am proud to call you my friend, and nothing will change that. In fact, I was just telling Fluttershy here about our first meeting.” He stretched, and went over to talk to Twilight and Dr. Bluejay. “How much did he tell you?” Cadance asked. “Up to the point where his memories were examined,” Fluttershy answered calmly. “What made you change your mind?” “I was already horrified at the thought I could have killed a child,” Cadance explained quietly with a sad reflection. “I made it a priority even with his arrest, she would survive and recover. But when I saw his memories, it reminded me of my conversations with Kaleb. Whenever he would visit the Crystal Empire, he would tell me about the war. In particular, his experiences with refugees and how he would never blame or hurt them, even if they were Separatists.” Fluttershy nodded. “He felt a lot of guilt, and probably told you how he wished he would have done more. Kaleb never wanted war with anyone; he just wanted to make his galaxy a place of peace and light.” “Those conversations made me realized how I can have a chance to make a difference beyond Equestria, and save lives because of it,” the Princess of Love responded. “I made the Crystal Empire a safe haven for changeling refugees fleeing Chrysalis, and designated safe zones around the castle where they don’t have to disguise themselves to walk freely around the city.” “The rule reflects and unfortunate reality we live in,” Thorax finished, coming back. “Many ponies in Equestria are unaware of the war, and would respond in fear and hatred if they found out we lived close to them. All we want is to live our lives peacefully. We do not like the rule, but it is the only way for us to be safe in the city.” Everyone became quiet as they heard a set of smaller doors open, and Shining Armor, Flash, and the rest of the princesses emerged. Celestia surveyed the room, addressing Twilight. “I heard progress has been made.” “Yes, Princess Celestia,” Twilight said in a formal manner. “Is there a place we can gather securely? The throne room might be too open.” “We can gather in my study. Everyone, please follow me.” Celestia went back through the doors, with Luna following beside her. Something’s not right. Even when Shining Armor was apologizing, I’ve never seen him that on edge. Everyone moved slowly through the back hallways until they came to white, ornate doors. Celestia opened them with a spell, and entered her study. It was much more open and spacious compared to Luna’s, decorated in bright colors that can be changed with a simple spell. Books lined the walls, and a large oak desk was at one end by the window, with couches and chairs surrounding it. “Please, everyone take a seat.” Luna and Cadence pulled up chairs, while Twilight sat on the couch next to Flash and Shining Armor, with Dr. Bluejay, Fluttershy, and Thorax facing them on the opposite couch. “This room has the strongest security spells in Equestria on it. Nobody will overhear our conversation, and everything that is said here will be safe and secure.” Dr. Bluejay began. “A few nights ago, I had received word from Shining Armor that he needed my assistance on a project he was working on with Flash, and to recruit Twilight and Fluttershy. He told me about the investigation, but held off on key details.” “That was because we were conducting an spy operation,” Shining Armor, said, taking over. “We had received word from a mole sympathetic to our cause that there was going to be a meeting taking place with Tywin and Bentley right at the center. Suspecting the worst, this source helped us place a wire on Bentley, and give us approximate locations of said meeting.” Twilight put the maps on the table, as Flash went into detail. “We used old-school radar and radio technology so that way we wouldn’t be traced. You’re going to want to hear what we found.” Dr. Bluejay and Fluttershy had finished setting up the audio equipment, getting headphones in place and indicating it was ready. Celestia, Luna, and Cadence exchanged glances, and put the headphones on, and they started the tape. It was an intense few minutes, with Twilight exchanging nervous glances with Flash as the two princesses listened to the conversation. “I don’t know how they’re going to react to this, its impossible to read them.” “They’re good at that,” Twilight hushed, answering quietly. “I could never tell when they were grading my tests on the spot. It’s one of the hallmarks of being a good leader.” As the tape ended, and Fluttershy turned off the player, Celestia, Luna, and Cadence both took off their headphones, with looks of shock emanating from their eyes. The Princess of the Sun spoke first. “Thorax, I am so sorry. You have our sympathies and condolences, and we will continue to ensure the safety and security of the changelings within our borders.” “Thank you,” Thorax said, sniffling as he had heard the recording a few hours prior. “This is upsetting, not just because of my mother’s death, but of the lies and deception peddled by those who want to manipulate and control.” Cadence nodded, turning to the room as Flurry Heart was still asleep in the carrier on her back.. “There is no question that General Tywin not only has lied straight to our faces, but has also committed treason against Equestria. His actions have endangered all of us, and will continue to do so.” “This is a delicate situation,” Celestia acknowledged up front. “We cannot act recklessly unless we want a civil war brought upon our doorsteps. I do not question the validity of this recording, but we need more evidence and time to avoid detection and unrest.” Fluttershy looked at Luna, who had not said a world. “Princess Luna, are you alright? You haven’t said anything.” “Yes…I am,” Luna responded after a few seconds, dawning on her that she needed to be present. “I have known the Equestrian Guard for many years, and to see what they have become is shocking to say the least. This is a good, but only a first step in an investigation. Tywin is smart, and will know how to respond if any moves are brought against him.” “If I may make a suggestion,” Dr. Bluejay threw out into the fray just as the room burst into conversation. “Wiretapping was a good idea, but is normally the final step before an arrest. We cannot replicate that operation twice because I suspect they will be even more careful in the future. We need to de-escalate our plan, and just scratch the surface enough to see if what he was saying is true.” “In other words, we build up a definitive case, and when the time is right, arrest him.” Flash said. “There are a million ways we can go about this, from breaking into their headquarters to…” Celestia interrupted him. “Both of you need to keep a low profile. For now, I want to put a pause on this investigation. We are not doing nothing, but reducing the risk of harm. Trust me, you do not want to mess with the Equestrian Guard.” “Not to mention, we are not the only ones who are involved,” Fluttershy said, shooting a harsh glance at Flash. “Kaleb and Sweetie Belle are out there risking their lives! Anything we do puts a target on their backs. The Jedi must be given time to complete their mission.” “It’s clear there are a lot of emotions in this room,” Twilight stated. “Whatever decision we make, we have to be absolutely sure we’re making the right call.” Flash sighed, turning to Princess Celestia. “It’s your call.” She sat for a few minutes before making her decision. “For now, each of you lay low and go about your duties. Right now, anything more would place the security of those we are protecting at risk. Cadance and Shining Armor, I want you to make sure Thorax and the rest of the changelings are protected more carefully from this moment forward. Flash; inform the rest of the Royal Guard to stay towards the castle. Double the patrols. Twilight and Fluttershy; keep everyone here calm as much as possible. I designated the other part of this mission to Kaleb, and I won’t make another move until he completes it. All of you are dismissed.” The sternness in her last sentence ensured a swift removal of everyone in the room, with Fluttershy being the last one out of the door. Luna looked to her sister. “And what will you want me to do?” “Tell me everything you can about your magic,” Celestia said in a calmer tone. “We are going to look into this together.” The road leading to the village was paved with gravel, which only had a light layer of snow it in the afternoon sun. Kaleb and Sweetie Belle had long departed from the wolves after a convoluted trek around the mountains, and now could only keep going. The village where they would find Sunflower Pine was only three hours away, but with limited daylight, it would be important. Sweetie Belle looked around at the abandoned farms. Now out of the tall forests for now, the valleys of land used for agriculture abandoned and run down. Small houses, barns, and storage structures made from wood crumbled and creaked from the wind, threatening to fall down with the slightest gust of snow. She shivered and threw her cloak closer to her body. “They don’t speak.” “Huh?” Sweetie Belle let out, noticing her master’s voice for the first time in hours. “Who?” “The buildings,” Kaleb explained, indicating as they continued to walk. “But they don’t need to. The stories of hardship from this life are etched into the landscape. It seeps into the ground, and withers until it creeps back up for someone to find.” “I can’t imagine anyone wanting to live here during the winter,” she replied. “Not this isolated from the world.” Kaleb nodded. “Many do not have a choice, but must make the best of what they have. I’ve seen much desolation and poverty, and it is never by choice. It is the circumstances they find themselves in which traps them.” “How does one survive in this place?” Sweetie Belle wondered aloud. “They must do what they have to in order to survive.” “From what I’ve read, they survive by storing food and supplies, and selling it,” Kaleb said. “They pay the crime syndicates for protection, and in get that plus customers. The region we’re in is considered abandoned by the syndicates, so they see no value and allow those here to suffer. Or as easy targets.” Sweetie Belle had tuned him out, as she noticed the snow had slowly been changing in the past few minutes. It had gone from white to gray, with black clumps coming down from the sky. “Whoa…that wasn’t there before.” The pair stopped for the first time in hours, as Kaleb knelt down to examine the material. Running it through his glove-covered hands, he took them off to confirm the texture. “That’s soot mixed in with the snow.” She looked ahead, noticing a grayish haze in the distance. “Wait, I think that’s smoke! Its difficult to spot, but look ahead…” Kaleb’s eyes widened as he spotted it. “Follow me, quickly.” Calling upon the Force, he sprinted and Sweetie Belle followed behind him. Her technique needed work, especially in this snow as her eyes scanned the ground to avoid any pockets of ice that had formed. They went up the vast hill, blowing past all of the farms into another section of woods. The smoke had become darker and darker the closer they got, and they kept up the pace as the Jedi jumped over fallen logs and branches and stones, all in an effort to get closer to their destination. A stark realization held over Sweetie Belle as she ran. That wasn’t a dream I had, it was a vision! After almost a half-hour of sprinting, they came upon their sight. A barn, house, shed, and trading post had all been burned to the ground, with the smoke still rising from the small sections still burning. Kaleb dived behind a nearby log about fifty meters away from the carnage, and Sweetie Belle followed him. Both of them panted and gasped for air as they observed the dying fire. She looked at him. “I can’t sense anyone here.” He shook his head, taking a pair of binoculars out of his pack. Setting the range, he looked through and combed the landscape carefully, switching it to get a sense of heat signatures. “Whoever did this left long ago. The fire is recent, probably happened early in the morning after the storm. We’re moving in, but keep your guard up.” With a hand signal, he stared to move back to the path, and walking in at a more cautious pace. Sweetie Belle followed his movements, preparing herself at any moment for an attack. It was that defense mechanism she had drilled into herself with Kaleb’s training which could kick in at any moment. Kaleb noticed something in the snow only ten meters away from the trading post. Kneeling down, he brushed the snow off of it, realizing it was a blaster. Putting a hand over it, he reached out to the Force and the echo came through, of blaster fire and screaming of a mare and her children as they were separated. This was an attack…a murder…or perhaps a kidnapping. Killed by blaster, with the buildings set ablaze to cover up their trail. “Wait…that’s a blaster.” Sweetie Belle said quietly as she knelt down near Kaleb. “This would have been standard issue for any battle droid during the war,” he said, recognizing the kind. “Separatist-made. The serial number is destroyed, making it impossible to track. We found these same blasters at the hideout of the changeling cell.” Sweetie Belle’s voice trailed off in confusion. “I don’t understand…I thought you said there weren’t any this far north.” Kaleb shook his head. “I don’t think they’re the only ones who have them.” He looked to the building, smoldered, but crumbling. “Stay here, I’m going inside.” Without further words, he pushed on the door and entered the trading post. Among the ruin and debris laying before him, echoes that spoke of shattered glass and blood, he noticed the burns on the wall. The wood was charred, but not like a normal fire. Something much hotter had burned it. Scanning the ruin further, Kaleb noticed the body of the father in the corner. Taking a few delicate steps, he examined the corpse, who had claw markings all over his body and limbs which clearly were broken. But none of that caught the Jedi’s attention, as his eyes were drawn to the stab wound right at the center of the chest. He removed the clothing, taking a closer look. It was a clean wound, round in nature with the flesh completely cauterized. There was no indication of burns on the chest you would normally get with a blaster. Kaleb felt inside the wound for a moment, confirming it was a clean cut before looking around. He noticed the burn marking on the floor leading to the table, which had been cut in half cleanly. “No…this can’t be possible.” A theory entered his mind, one which he dreaded the possibility of. “There has to be more information needed to disprove this…there just has to be.” Shutting down the thought, he brought himself together and exited the house. Sweetie Belle heard the creaking of the door, as she saw her Master’s face. It was one filled with horror and dread, but switched in less than a second to one of neutral stature. “What did you find?” Lying, he shook his head before checking the daylight. “Nothing, the shop was just ransacked. We need to get moving to the village; we’re going to run out of daylight at this rate.” He started moving back towards the path. It was several hours later which they reached the section of the main road lined with lamps, which glowed brightly as day rapidly turned to night. Sweetie Belle was still perplexed with her Master’s response back at the trading post. Just when I think I get to know him, he buries himself back in that cloak of mystery, Sweetie Belle thought to herself as they walked upon the cobbled stone road. “Did I do something wrong back there? I swear, I was keeping watch the entire time while you were looking inside.” That seemed to center Kaleb to reality, as he felt the guilt she had on her mind. “No, no…of course not. You did a good job. I think we’re undetected so far, but we need to be a lot more careful about covering out tracks.” She nodded, peeking over the top of the hill as lights grew stronger in the distance. She rushed ahead of Kaleb, galloping to the top and saw the village down below. Although it wasn’t the most strategic location, wooden walls made it easy to keep guard from the wind and beasts, with a town center glowing brightly with celebration. Music and voices echoed in the distance, with the vague crackling of a fire. “We made it,” Sweetie Belle said to herself, smiling. “We actually made it.” “And unscathed, for the most part,” Kaleb replied, stopping right next to her. “This village is known as Rabbit’s Burrow, for its location in regards to the hills. It’s considered a sanctuary for refugees and a safe haven from the violence and corruption that plagues this land.” She nodded, reflecting back on the trading post. “What’s our plan?” “Head into the village, grab a drink at the local cantina, and go from there,” he stated simply, adjusting his cloak. “Just follow my lead.” That caught her off guard, as she scrambled to keep up as he walked at a moderate pace down the steady slope. “Wait, we can’t just walk in there. You said we needed to cover our tracks. Can’t we just sneak in somehow, or don some kind of disguise?” “An overly-complicated deception would draw more attention than anything,” Kaleb pointed out, explaining his reasoning. “Subtlety is required here, along with a quick mind.” As the two approached the main gate, they were greeted by two sentries standing guard. One was older and gruff with a mane and beard of gray while the other was younger and scrawny. The bearded guard eyed them with suspicion. “Halt! Who goes there at this hour?” “Two weary travelers, looking for food and shelter away from the cold,” Kaleb greeted in an even tone. “The warmth of the fire and ale will help us rest for the long day ahead.” The younger guard eyed the Jedi with suspicion. “I’ve never seen a creature like you before, or any of your kind.” Kaleb knew his human form would come into the conversation, and deflected from it. “I imagine you see many strange things in this role. My apprentice and I are printmakers, who travel to the coast to assist her father, who is a merchant.” “Is that so?” The older guard huffed, looking at the two of them with a tough stare. “What’s the name of the village you’re traveling to?” “Serpent's Sorrow ,” Kaleb replied, remembering the maps he studied from the Crystal Empire. “The high cliffs surrounding the bay make it difficult to navigate even for the most experienced sailors. By setting our shop closer to him, we hope to have more reliable business and connections.” The guard thought for the moment and lowered his staff. “You’ll find food and shelter at Leaf’s tavern, which is just west of the town center. We have many merchants here for the festival, Safe travels, now move along before I change my mind.” His voice was still harsh. Nodding, Kaleb and Sweetie Belle entered the village through the main gates. She breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank Celestia that’s over. I’m surprised they didn’t ask us for any identification.” “If it would have come to it, I would have used a Mind Trick,” Kaleb explained as they slowly made their way towards the center of town. “But even that would have drawn attention of some kind.” The first thing the two noticed were the festive garlands hanging from the street lamps, with trails of lights leading their way to the square just ahead. Smells of freshly backed food and drink packed into their senses, with nutmeg and cinnamon being the leading contenders. Soft music from an accordion played in the background of loud voices. At the very center of the square was a large tree decorated with various metallic objects, with lights surrounding it. Various venders and merchants had carts and booths set up, with some having temporary shops built into the buildings of stone and wood. Kaleb indicated for them to stop just short of entering the fray. “This must be their Hearth’s Warming celebration,” Sweetie Belle mentioned, her eyes widening at the sight of the lights. “Or the start of it, since it’s not for another month at least.” “Naturally, it’s a good cover, but we still need to be careful,” Kaleb replied. “Whatever danger lurks appears to be moving closer day by day. Follow my lead through the crowd, and we’ll get to the tavern.” There were at least fifty villagers out in the square, and the two Jedi put their hoods up over their head, making their way around the outside. It was snowing, so that provided a good reason why they would need to cover their heads. Sweetie Belle twisted and turned through the crowds as easily as a training exercise. Except this time there weren’t any squirrels throwing acorns at her. Kaleb focused less navigating the crowds and more so on using the Force to scan the area, his mind feeling the emotions of everyone in the square. Anything unusual than the normal holiday cheer would stand out at him. There are so many, it takes a lot of energy to concentrate. Have to conserve energy and keep hidden for now. Finally, the two arrived at the tavern, which was two stories. The building was one of the oldest in the village, with a foundation of gray wooden stones combined with wood for the walls and roof. It was smaller, but still had enough to stand out. With a nod, Kaleb and Sweetie Belle entered the building. It was quiet for the most part, but still packed with various tables as conversation could be heard. Kaleb removed his hood, with Sweetie Belle following right behind him. They made their way to the bar, to be greeted by a pegasus with light yellow fur and a red mane. She cleaned glasses, but looked at them neutrally. “I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before.” “We’re not from around here, so that’s probably the reason,” Kaleb said, with Sweetie Belle sitting on the barstool next to him. “We’re travelers, looking for warmth and shelter away from the storm.” “I’m Leaf, the owner of this tavern,” she said, moving on to cleaning the next glass. “We’re full for the evening, so you’ll have to make your own arrangements.” Sweetie Belle tried to put a spin on it. “But in the spirit of Hearth’s Warming, couldn’t you just spare us….” “We don’t have any rooms. End of story,” Leaf cut her off, glaring at her. “Now, are you two going to order a drink or talk all night?” “I’ll take a mulled cider…” Kaleb said. Sweetie Belle jumped in. “Make it two!” Leaf rolled her eyes, and made her way to the back. Sweetie Belle saw the look her Master was giving her. “It would look more suspicious if I didn’t order anything. Besides, I’m three months away from the legal drinking age in Equestria.” Kaleb sighed out of frustration. “Fine. But no more than a few sips, and we are not mentioning this to Rarity.” The two waited in silence, taking in the atmosphere of the tavern. The door frequently opened and closed, drawing in the cold air and forcing them to keep their cloaks on. Leaf returned with two mugs of mulled cider, the foam nearly spilling over. “That will be ten.” Kaleb nodded. “We also need information.” “That costs extra.” Sighing, he started, looking at her. “We’re looking for someone named Sunflower Pine, who lives here.” “I don’t go near her,” Leaf said, shaking her head. “I’m not allowing her kind in my bar. But you’ll find at her merchant booth, most likely. Now, that’s going to cost you thirty.” Sweetie Belle looked at her with a mix of anger an disgust, and Kaleb quickly counted out the bits. “Here you go.” Leaf shook her head. “We don’t take Equestrian Bits here, only currency printed in the capital.” Adapting a casual tone of voice, Kaleb concentrated hard on her mind, and employed a Jedi Mind Trick. “You will accept the Equestrian Bits, and move along.” “I will accept the Equestrian Bits, and move along.” She took the money and left them alone to go to the back. He looked at Sweetie Belle with honesty. “Prejudice is always fueled by hatred, and it as angering as it as depressing that discrimination still exists, even in these times.” “It just brought up some really poor memories,” Sweetie Belle said, remembering what Spike had told her. “I still can’t believe the things ponies have the nerve to say, and that anyone can be that spiteful and ignorant.” “Well spoken,” Kaleb said, trying to reassure her. “And I’m proud of you today. You stepped up in so many ways.” He raised his mug in a toast. She met him, and both of them took a sip at the same time. Sweetie Belle could taste the apples and the spices, both heightened by the warmth, but there was a bitterness that was unexpected. She took it the flavors before swallowing, coughing slightly. “Whoa, that is something. Ponies actually drink this?” For the first time all day, Kaleb laughed. “It does take some getting used to, especially the bitterness. Even if its not to their liking, everyone will drink at least to appreciate the hard work and flavors that go in. It’s better than my first drink.” “Well, this is a story I need to hear.” Sweetie Belle teased slightly, eager to get away from the darkness from before. Kaleb thought back while taking a few more sips. “It was just before the war. Master Johanna and I were exploring a mining facility, and a local had taken us in. She owned a bar just on the outskirts of the city, and made her own spotchka, the recipe of which was acquired from raiders. But she didn’t age it properly, and I got sick from it and had to retire for the rest of the mission. Master Johanna felt really bad that was my first drink, and right after I turned sixteen, took me to Sorngan to have it proper. It was much better.” “Whoa, that must have really made you sick,” Sweetie Belle replied, looking shocked. “At least you got to experience it properly though after.” He smiled, thinking back on the laughter and good times he had with Master Johanna at that village, before the Clone Wars reached their training grounds. “It’s one of my fondest memories of her. Flash and I tried to brew it ourselves in his apartment, and we got really close, but the krill have to be from Sorngan.” After a few more minutes of conversation, Kaleb had finished his drink, with Sweetie Belle taking at least one more sip of hers. They departed the tavern, and entered back into the cold, bundling their cloaks around them. “Now where do we go…” She wondered aloud, but her question was answered as she sensed pain and distress just blocks away form the tavern. Kaleb nodded to her, and she ran, only to see a trio of Earth pony foals surrounding someone she couldn’t see. “Give it back!” The voice cried out, as he was drowned out by the foals surrounding him. The leader of the gang snickered; his eyes harsh despite the teasing nature. “Or what? Going to run home to your mommy? Or is your daddy going to come back to the grave to save you, you pathetic weaking.” The foal was defiant, but faltered back as the bullies surrounded him. “I’m not weak, I’m going to be brave…or I hope I will….” “HEY!” Sweetie Belle yelled, casting a spell that emitted a harsh light to catch the bullies attention. “Pick on someone your own size! Lay a hoof on him, and I’ll hex you to oblivion!” “It’s not worth it! Scatter!” The bullies ran away, weaving into the alleyways of the village. Sweetie Belle moved forward in a protective instinct towards the young voice who called for help. The kirin foal shivered in the cold, and Sweetie Belle grabbed his cloak out of the snow, drying it with magic before wrapping it around him. He sniffled as he gazed up at her with wide eyes. “Are you an angel?” She chuckled to herself as she smiled, her voice warm and soft. “No, but I’m a friend. And I’m going to make sure those bullies don’t bother you anymore. Are these yours?” She pointed to the stuffed rabbit on the ground along with a handmade necklace. He nodded, and picked them up. “I just wanted to be brave…but they just appeared.” “You are the bravest individual I’ve ever met,” Sweetie Belle comforted, and that made him smile. “Here, let me get you back home to your mom.” He took her hand, and followed her back into the light of the festival. Kaleb waited at the edge near a streetlamp by the tavern, and eyed the child with concern. “Is everything alright?” “Yeah, we’re going to be just fine,” Sweetie Belle said, looking at the child with reassurance before talking to Kaleb quietly. “I might have drawn attention to us, we need to move.” “It was for a noble reason,” Kaleb replied brushing off her apology, before kneeling down to the kirin child. “Do you know where we can find your mom?” He nodded, and whispered something to Sweetie Belle. “Don’t worry, we can trust him. He’s my friend too.” With a reassuring glance, the child began to walk into the festival, and Sweetie Belle walked with him. Kaleb lagged behind, making sure that nobody was watching with suspicion. It seemed the festival had cleared out, with only a few straggling ponies still remaining as they made their way across the square to a line of merchant booths built from stone. There was one still open, the light casting its glow onto the mother of the child. The kirin mother had a light cream fur similar to the child, with a bright yellow mane with orange highlights. Her horn was brown as a pine cone, with a lighter shade of auburn brown for the eyes. There was a sense of worry in her mind, one which was lightened as soon as she saw her son running towards her. “Pedal!” She yelled with relief, and brought him into a deep hug. “Where were you? I thought I told you not to wander off?” “But I just wanted to see the lights on the tree,” Pedal said with a slight sense of guilt. “They looked so pretty.” The mom shook her head. “But you went without me, and I was going to take you after everyone had left. I’m just glad you’re okay, but never do that to me again.” “I’m sorry,” Pedal said. “I’ll wait for you next time.” She nodded, and told him to get inside. He followed her directions, going inside the booth to get warm. Looking around, she saw Kaleb and Sweetie Belle walking over towards her. “Thank you so much for your kindness, you have no idea how much it means to me.” “The safety of a child is important beyond anything,” Kaleb said wisely, noticing she didn’t seem alarmed by his appearance. “It was my apprentice who heard him and managed to scare off the bullies. She deserves your praise.” “They won’t be bothering him anytime soon,” Sweetie Belle expressed. “I know it must be alarming for two strangers to show up like this, but we’re here to help those in need.” The kirin nodded in understanding. “Anyone who helps someone of my kind is a friend. My name is Sunflower Pine, and you’ve already met my son Pedal.” “I’m Kaleb Taymar, and this is my apprentice, Sweetie Belle,” the Jedi introduced, pulling out a piece of parchment from his robes, handing it too her. “We’re actually here to find you. We are here on your behalf at the request of Princess Celestia.” Sunflower’s eyes widened with shock as she read the letter. “That can’t be possible, I thought this letter would never reach Equestria. Nor would anyone help a kirin.” “It did, and we traveled a long way across the border to make sure you’re safe,” Sweetie Belle reassured her. “I will help anyone in need, no matter how alone they are in this world. Kaleb insisted we take on this mission.” Confirming this was her letter, Sunflower nodded and looked at Kaleb. “Do you two have food and shelter for tonight?” “Unfortunately, there’s no spare rooms at the tavern, nor food by the looks of it,” he replied gravely. “Our alibi is only going to take us so far here.” After thinking for a few moments, Sunflower looked at her booth before fixing her gaze back at the two of them. “You two can stay with me tonight. It’s the least I can offer. Give me a few minutes to pack up my shop and we’ll be on our way.” Sunflower’s house was modest, but still cozy. Sitting on the outskirts outside of the wall to the east of town, it was one story built from stone and wood, with windows with thick panes of glass to keep out the cold. A small sitting area was right by the fire, which was lit and sparking every few seconds with the crackling of wood. A small kitchen and dining table was on the other side, with a small hallway leading to three small bedrooms. Kaleb and Sweetie Belle sat on opposite ends of the couch, eating bowls of a stew prepared a few nights ago along with a piece of bread. Pedal had already been put to bed, having been carried to his bedroom by his mother after a quick snack. Sweetie Belle looked at the fire, speaking quietly. “I’m just glad we have shelter.” “There’s a strong connection to the Force here,” Kaleb replied, reflecting back on their journey here. He set his bowl down on the small table and looked outside through the window. “It’s dormant, lying under the surface and hiding from the cold, but you can still feel it shaking through each life form.” Sunflower moved to the windows, pulling back the curtains and settling down in an armchair by the fire, speaking quietly to not wake Pedal. “I cannot thank you both for coming here tonight and for your kindness. I’m in your debt.” “You have no debt to repay,” Kaleb responded, shaking his head. “We are Jedi Knights. Peacekeepers of wherever we go, and only seek to help those less fortunate than us.” “I’m technically still a Padawan,” Sweetie Belle threw in, drawing a chuckle from her Master. "But I’m learning more and more each day, helping both my friends and family, and someday I will move forward.” Sunflower nodded, turning her eyes from her to Kaleb. “Well, it seems you have very good teacher. Are the Jedi a part of the Royal Guard?” He shook his head. “We work with the Equestrian government and the Royal Guard, but are separate from them. I came from someplace far away, and I was stranded here seven years ago when my ship crashed.” “You mean, from space?” She asked, her eyes going wide with shock. Kaleb nodded. “That’s simplifying it, but yes. I was fortunate enough to make friends here and be able to continue to live my life.” He took a sip of tea from his mug before moving to another topic. “Your letter alerted us to the disappearance of your father. When was the last time you saw him?” Sunflower let out a sorrowful sigh before meeting both of the Jedi’s eyes. “It was about three weeks ago. We were struggling with the harvest this fall, and he was determined to make sure we had enough funds to make it through the winter. He was going on an excursion down into Mount Boneclaw in order to find valuables to sell. I begged him not to go, but he would do anything to help us. He left in the morning, and I haven’t heard from him since. That mountain is cursed, and there are plenty of legends and stories that all end in death.” There was a reason why this mountain came to me in a vision, Kaleb thought. “He mentioned something about valuables. What do the legends tell about the mountain?” “There are ruins underneath, which contain a treasure beyond dreams,” Sunflower recalled, examining them carefully. “But with that treasure comes a terrible curse, one which traps the explorer underneath.” Kaleb nodded, noticing Sweetie Belle was waiting for his response. “Tomorrow, we’re going to follow the tracks, go into the mountain, find your father, and bring him back safely. You’ll have two Jedi with you, so we’ll face whatever this curse may be together. You two should get some rest, I’ll be up just a while longer.” “Thank you, Kaleb, Sweetie Belle,” the kirin said, getting up from the sitting area. “I think Pedal might still be up. I need to read him a story to help him sleep. Extinguish the fire before you turn in for the night.” She quickly headed toward the child’s room. She nodded, realizing there was something else on his mind. “You saw something in the trading post, didn’t you? That you didn’t want me to see.” He didn’t try to deny it, but deceived her mind away from the symbols etched into his thoughts. “There’s only so long I can shield you away from needless slaughter, but for now I ask that you allow me to do so. That trauma will stay with you for the rest of your life, and as long as you are my apprentice, I will protect you from that and any other storms on the horizon.” Sweetie Belle bought the speech, giving him a quick hug before standing up. “I should probably get some rest as well. It’s going to be long day tomorrow. But I’m ready to face whatever lies underneath that mountain.” She went to the bedroom closest to Pedal and closed the door. Kaleb sighed, and started a small meditation to gather his thoughts. This mission has just become more complicated than I could have imagined, and all the more dangerous. I should contact Twilight from here before going to bed. Taking out the holoprojector from his bag, he activated it, entering a complex security code that would allow a closed-signal that would allow direct contact with his droid. “A5, do you copy?” Beeping from the other side of the signal confirmed a clear connection. “Yeah, it’s good to hear your voice too. I need you to listen to me very carefully. I’m transmitting some scans I took from a trading outpost which was burned to the ground. After you confirm you have the scans saved into your memory bank, go find Twilight.” He sent the scans. As the data processed, he put a hand to the ground and confirmed he was the only one still awake in the house, and that no one would disturb him. An alarmed series of buzzes and whistles confirmed A5 had looked at the scans. “Yeah…I have a bad feeling about this.” Very few ponies were still awake at this hour in Canterlot Castle, but Twilight’s room proved to be the exception. The Princess of Friendship sat writing a letter quietly by candlelight to Mayor Mare, giving updates on what was to be done in her absence. She had headphones on, which were connected to a small radio, playing a late-night jazz show that was broadcast on one of the smaller stations in Canterlot. Fluttershy at the small dining table right beside the armchair, using a deck of cards to keep herself amused. She was a master at many games in her own right, and had beaten Kaleb and Angel many times at rummy. This time, a game of solitaire was leaving her stumped, even as Flash sat down in the chair opposite of her with two cups of tea. “I didn’t realize Royal Guard had their own standard-issued tea.” “Just for Canterlot Castle,” Flash replied, his helmet and armor resting right beside the large bed. “I owe you a cup of jasmine, and an apology for this morning. My emotions just got the better of me, and I never meant to trivialize Kaleb and Sweetie Belle’s position.” “Apology accepted,” she returned graciously, taking a sip of tea and noting the flavors. “It’s understandable given the circumstances. You seem to put a lot of pressure on yourself at times, just like Kaleb.” “Yeah, we both do that more of than not,” he said, looking at Twilight. “On our first few dates, Twilight acknowledged how much pressure our positions had built into them, and it was a bonding point for both of us to get away from the expectations and just be ourselves. We bring out the best in each other and that’s what I love about her.” Fluttershy nodded, smiling. “You’d be surprised just how sensitive Kaleb can be, and we both push each other as introverts. He can be quite the romantic at times, but I’m not going to say more.” “I love when she writes,” Flash complimented, staring at her mane in the moonlight. “Such a great storyteller, and especially with the poetry-writing by candelight…” Twilight interrupted them, blushing slightly. “Hey Flash, you know that I love you but please keep the talking a bit more quiet. These headphones aren’t exactly soundproof.” Fluttershy giggled slightly. “Your secret is safe with me.” At that moment, a metallic bang hit the doorknob. Flash signaled for quiet before checking the peephole, and opening the door to let A5 in, speaking in Droidspeak so fast that Fluttershy couldn’t even pick it up. “What is it?” Twilight asked, heading towards the droid. “Is there something wrong?” A5 shook her dome and started to transmit the signal from the holoprojector. It took a few moments for the blue light to form a clear signal, but Kaleb appeared before them on the floor, shorter than his normal size. “Hello…can anyone here me, this is…” “Kaleb!” Fluttershy exclaimed, with Flash’s eyes widening. “Are you okay? Where’s Sweetie Belle?” “Yeah, we’re both alright. She’s currently asleep,” Kaleb replied, looking at Twilight and Flash. “Can everyone hear me okay? This signal is coming from far away.” “Loud and clear,” Twilight said. “It’s so good to hear from you, we were all getting worried.” Flash ruffled his mane out of his eyes. “Did you get my transmission from last night?” “I did,” Kaleb replied gravely. “Have you found a body as of this time?” “No, but we have an approximate location,” Flash answered. “We believe treason has been committed and are going to search the area…” The Jedi interrupted. “I need all of you to listen to me carefully. Put a hold on all operations, including any investigation into the Equestrian Guard. Make sure nobody leaves the castle, and issue a red alert to Celestia and Luna.” “What do you mean?” Fluttershy asked with slight alarm. “Did something happen?” Kaleb nodded, knowing that the line was secure enough to give more detail. “This afternoon, Sweetie Belle and I found a trading post which had been burned to the ground. Within the building, I found the body of the shop owner, and no trace of his family. I need you to check the autopsy reports of the assassination, specifically regarding the stab wounds.” “What stood out to you?” Twilight asked, writing information down in a small notebook. “The wounds I found on this body were cauterized, more ferocious than any heated sword found here, yet less wild than a blaster or any kind of firearm,” Kaleb explained. Flash nodded, trying not to get frustrated with Kaleb’s cryptic nature. “What do both of these signs point to? Do you know who is responsible?” “Is it some kind of magical curse?” Twilight asked, remembering the old enchantments she studied in Canterlot. He shook his head. “This was not committed by magic. Twilight, if the stab wounds from the assassination match the ones I found today, then those ponies were killed by lightsaber.” A silence fell over the group, as Twilight struggled to find the words. It was Flash who responded. “Are you sure the lightsaber is the murder weapon?” Nodding, Kaleb responded gravely. “I know the severity of the wounds. Before we were attacked, my comm was hacked and I spoke to the mastermind responsible. He had an uncanny familiarity with the Jedi and the history of my galaxy.” Fluttershy looked taken aback. “Wait, that can’t be possible unless he would have been in contact with Chrysalis.” “It was beyond anything she knew,” Kaleb clarified. “I took on this mission for a reason. This is a labyrinth which delves deep into the Force, and the Jedi must take this on alone before anyone else gets killed.” Twilight took a few deep breaths, and looked at him. “Okay, we will look into this. I trust you, but I’m worried if you two go in without an escape plan, you’re not going to make it out alive.” It was stark, and bold to say it in front of Fluttershy, but she knew it was the truth. The Jedi nodded. “Princess Cadance gave us magical teleportation devices. We have our way out, but we’re protecting a mother and child at the moment. On top of that, I believe we’re being watched, and I can’t put that risk on Sweetie Belle by sending her back alone.” Flash thought in his head. “I’ll talk with her tomorrow and check those connections are secure. In the meantime, I’ll redouble the patrols around Canterlot and look into other ways to find Chrysalis’s body.” “Thank you all,” Kaleb replied graciously. “I know I am asking a lot, but this is for your safety. We need to proceed with caution.” “We understand,” Fluttershy said, speaking for the entire group. “Just please, be careful. I love you, and remember the promise you made to me.” “I love you too. I need to end this transmission, but for now, stay safe. Over and out.” The hologram vanished. Twilight took a deep breath. “Well, now we have our answer. What was the promise, out of curiosity?” Fluttershy looked out at the uncertain night. “To come home safe to me.”