the wedding is off (a reimagining)

by wertyui

First published

After Chrysalis is defeated, an amnesia ridden Twilight shows unrelenting anger towards what she perceives is true.

After Chrysalis gets defeated and Shining Armor and Cadance return to the ground, Celestia tells Twilight that she has a real wedding to put together. But after a few misspells, twilights memories are altered, and after all she THINKS they did to her earlier makes this her chance to lose her temper and snap at them.

(note: this is a reimagining of the work of xd77, go check out his story before mine, right here)

(and before you ask, YES i have been given permission to do this story)

(update: im ABSOLUTLY DISGUSTING, and proud of it!)

1- starting this shit off with a bang!

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with Princess Cadance and Shining Armors powers combined they had generated enough to send the changelings packing. they floated up in the air and surrounded the room in a powerful beam of light. Chrysalis, in her arrogance, had witnessed its power, the elements watched happily as Shining Armor and Cadance's love for one another gave them power.

a shockwave was then created, causing it to blast Chrysalis and her changeling army out of Canterlot and off to parts unknown. Everypony in the city cheered as a power that fuels their whole world from which they would be frozen without it, driving back the ones who wished to take advantage of it. This blast also managed to free Princess Celestia from her cocoon prison.

But as for Twilight, she was




"Don't worry about me, I'm fine," she said as she got back up on her hooves, she then turned to Twilight who had her back turned from them, and approached her.

"You have a real wedding to put together," she said, but her response was the sound of sobs, then silence.

"Twilight is everything okay?" she asked her placing a hoof on her back, she kept sobbing, the next one who saw her sad and approached her was Shining Armor.

"You all right Twiley?" he asked, the next one was Applejack.

this went on for an hour like musical chairs until...

"You okay, sugar cube," she asked, finally Twilight snapped.

(before we continue I must stress why she acts the way she acts, you see while twilight was in the caverns, she attempted numerous times to break out using her magic, this magic ricochets off the many crystals and shot back at her, and these crystals, along with her raw emotions caused her mind to erase certain short term memories and replace them with new ones. so since her alternate timeline was formed in her mind, she's been planning to get back at her friends, ruin her brother's marriage, and remove Celestia from power, now, on with the story)

for a few seconds, she force choke her flesh and blood in ire and fury, squeezing ever so tightly around his throat, then releasing him, nopony said a thing, they were too shocked, twilight herself took a few moments to calm down, and said. "a real wedding, A REAL WEDDING?!,IS THAT ALL YOU ABSOLUTE TARDS CAN THINK ABOUT????!!!!!!!!!" her scream of anger echoed all over the room, then there was dead silence, they had never seen Twilight this angry.

"Twilight, what's your problem?" Rainbow Dash asked

"YOU'RE my problem, can you not see what has just happened?! We nearly lost Canterlot to a group of monsters that wanted our love. They nearly got all of Equestria, and still, all you care about is the damn wedding?!"

"Twilight, please calm down," Celestia said kneeling her head down to Twilight, but Twilight turned and slapped her face, causing her to step back from her.

"Why the fuck are you out here, unless you have something to say, crawl back in your cocoon?!" her voice cracked like an old road

"Twilight I...."

"Glue it you son of a bitch!" There were audible gasps from everypony in the room, including Celestia. She was cussed at, and insulted, by her own student, Twilight continued on with her verbal tirade.

pinkie, however, found it amusing "heh, glue it, I get it!"

"This is exactly what I was trying to warn you about at the rehearsal," she said pointing at the husk of the cocoon, decimating it with her magic "I was trying to warn you, and what did I get as a response?!......banishment, betrayal, and scorn!!!"

twilights head was reeling as she remembered the things they said to her

"You can forget about being my best mare, in fact, if I were you, I wouldn't even show up to the wedding at all."

"Come on ya'll, let's go check on the princess."

"You have a lot to think about."

The first one to speak up from her outbursts was Applejack, "look, all of us are sorry, 'specially me, but if ya' had just come in here with proof that she was evil, we would've believed ya'." she said.

Rarity added, "I have to agree with applejack here darling, even if you were right in the end you didn't make the greatest case for yourself, you kinda just barged in here accusing all sorts of things"

rainbow dash backed her up "plus you were kiiiiiiiiinda acting like a filly!"

Twilight's rage grew, "So you just decided to abandon me for that black hag based on THAT, or we’re just using that as an excuse to dump me like an ex,?! I’m starting to wonder if you were even my friends in the FIRST PLACE!!!" she then turned to Celestia, who had her head hung low in disappointment.

"And furthermore the only one around here that has a lot to "think about" is you, because do you know what happened DO YOU KNOW what happened after you left me in this godforsaken hall?"

"No," she sadly admitted.

"She trapped me in the caverns below Canterlot." her eyes were now moist, teary, and bloodshot. eyes that look fit to burst out of her skull. "I was so...embarrassed....(sob)...and frightened, plus the imposter told me.....that.....I was never going to be found! I could've died down there, but clearly, that didn't bother you, long as you could have your precious little ceremony! if I hadn't found Cadance and escaped with her. we wouldn't be having this thing at all!!" she said trying to calm herself down, but she just couldn't, she turned to Celestia.

"Why did you reject me Celestia?!" she snapped "was I not GOOD enough for you, did I have to keep my muzzle shut until you wound me up like the dancing monkey I am!?"

"Twilight, I was disappointed, it's true, but I would never want to reject you, and I regret it dearly. But let me ask, if my faithful student is screaming 'SHE'S EVIL!' in the middle of a wedding rehearsal, and my 'niece' breaks down crying in offense, who do I believe? Applejack is right, had you just come in here with proof say a photo, we would've believed you."

Then in a fit of anger, Twilight pounded her hooves on the floor. The vibration from it was so hard that it caused a window to crack hard.

"I DIDN'T NEED PROOF, I SAW IT WITH MY OWN TWO EYES, SHE WAS EVIL, SHE WAS THE THREAT AGAINST CANTERLOT, CADENCE EXPERIENCED IT TOO!!!! ASK HER AAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLL ABOUT IT!!!!!! and what gets to me most is, what if I did need proof, WHAT IF, I was acting irrationally, would that STILL excuse the fact that we were facing the threat of an attack?! would that excuse the fact that nopony thought to carry out ANY checks for the behavior of Cadance?! or Shining?! don't forget I studied under you for years! if anypony can tell between a stress relief spell, and mind controls ITS ME!! Didn't any of you bother to think it could've better been safe than sorry?! Or were you all just too blind to your own ignorance and selfishness because your potential positions in power are more important than our friendship?!"

"as for you shiting armour. you are the cum shot our mother should've swallowed! how DARE you choose that lanky charred temptress over your flesh and blood! how dare you leave me at the time I needed you most, you should've stood up for me!

"BUT I DID STAND UP FOR YOU!" shining tried to argue in desperation, "They had no reason to believe you when you said you hadn’t seen her in years, you didn't even know her real name was Mi Amore Cadenza. I spent the last few YEARS with her. Your friends have no previous experience with her. So, don't blame your friends because (sob) you got such a lousy brother"

"oh I'm blaming, I'm blaming you ALL none of you deserve to be spared" twilight showed no signs of relinquishing her anger

Rainbow Dash had just about had enough, "Twilight, please shut up, you're acting like a filly again!"

Twilight's rage had now reached its crescendo, but before she did she murmured "you still don't get it, cunt" "SO HELP ME GOD, IM GONNA GET THROUGH TO YOU ALL, AND IF THIS IS THE ONLY WAY, THAN SO FUCKING BE IT!!!!!!!I" she said lighting up her horn and starting to shoot blasts of magic.

First, she shot down the beautiful curtains that were hanging on top of the windows causing them to fall off, and the beautiful plants that stood in between the curtains fell off and shattered making the plants and dirt scatter all over.

Then she looked up at the ceiling and shot down the chandelier and curtains around it, causing the chandelier to plummet to the ground and shatter, the mane six were directly hit. quickly throwing the chandelier off themselves, they tried to stop her.

"Twilight!" Cadence screamed at her, but Twilight didn't listen.

"Twilight stop!" Celestia said, but Twilight just kept on going, even with all her friends trying to tackle her she kept going,

her final destruction target was the arch that stood on the stage, the one with the bells on them, with one shot of her magic, the arch toppled down onto the stage and broke in half, causing the bells that were on it to snap off and land in front of Shining Armor.

After she had finished, her body was now boiling red with fury, her face stained from tears, everypony backed away a good 5-10 feet, Celestia approached to try to once again reason with her, but Twilight's horn charged up like she was about to attack, she herself backed away slowly, for she thought she had already known the truth.

"You told me that I have a lot to think about, well I did think about something.................. wanna hear?" Twilight said with a hint of cold sarcasm.

"spike, take a note please"

spike in fear for his own life pulled up a scroll and quill and began to write

Dear Princess Traitor

Today I learned that friendship is nothing but a boatload of fuckin shit. It's nothing more nothing less if not a waste of time, emotion, and resources. all they ever do is use you for their own selfish desires and pretend that they like you just to get what they want. And when you are no longer of use to them or you piss them off even in the slightest, they up and ditch you like a broken tool. And that's just how I felt about everyone in this room, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie the elements of Honesty, generosity, kindness, loyalty, and laughter. But after today they should change them to filthy lies, selfishness, cruelty, ego, and irritation. None of you worthless panty waste fucks showed the least bit of sympathy for me in this wedding hall and you up and went on ahead without me with DAMN SMILES on your faces! And in all honesty, I'm surprised you all learned nothing from that Lesson Zero incident. and out of all of you traitors I expected at least Spike, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and maybe even Dash to have my back. But in the end, you all are just as evil as that GODDAMN INSECT and every other Adversary we faced. Each and everypony of you is terrible, and I regret ever moving to Ponyville in the first place and meeting all of you WONDERFUL PONIES only to have you stab me in the back and abandon me when I was only trying to save your sorry ASSES!!!!!!!!! I finally realized now that making friends is a big waste of time cause sooner or later they'll just abandon you. So I came to a decision............................... I'm fuckin done with this fuckin friendship, I'm done with all of you. if you wanna marry that asshole, be my guest, but I want nothing more to do with the rest of you TRAITORS. and shining, your nothing more but a CORPSE to me now. Have a nice life knowing you lost the one pony you PRETENDED to cared about.

get fucked with all my heart

Twilight Sparkle AKA The former element of magic (and your new worst enemy)

and that was it,

"Celestia, take this phony friendship and SHOVE IT! I QUIT!!" she said, before she left she had one last parting gift, she turned to the stained glass window bejeweled in her friends honor when they defeated discord, with tears in her eyes, she shot at her own depiction, causing the colored glass to bounce off off her lavender face,

"oh, and one last thing, shiny, fuck you"

she then stormed out of the big hall, leaving behind a group of ponies and a former teacher inside the ruins of the wedding room.

2-continuing the theme of hatred

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Everypony continued to sit there in the room, looking around at the damage Twilight caused from her fury.

"so it's come to this, huh," shining said to himself

"like you didn't start it" rainbow dash hissed "why the hell did you throw us all under the bus, trying to get back into her good graces maybe you can save yourself"

"Because I'm her brother, I owe up for my own mistakes, unlike you! from what I see, you only cared for a ticket to the sky and a flashy pin on your lapel! and lemme tell you something, badges like that are EARNED! missy! you don't just get them by sucking up to the highest of power and going along with them no matter how wrong, aren't you supposed to be her friends!?"

his eyes filled up with tears "and I KNOW I was the one who instigated it but at least I ADMIT IT" he looked down at the ground dry heaving at the mixture of self-anger and remorse.

As they were looking around, they heard a loud rip. They turned and saw that Spike had torn his tuxedo off and tossed it aside, he then took his hat off, put it on the floor, and stamped on it repeatedly.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!!!!" he screamed, "I never should've followed any of you out those doors, what the hell was I thinking!"

"Spike, please calm down," Celestia said, but Spike wouldn't budge.

"No, fuck that! I have no intention of calming down. Because of us, the whole city nearly fell, and you still care about a barbaric wedding more than your best friend."

"ya know rarity, I used to have a crush on you before all this happened, but I guess I was just, LOVESICK! just like everypony else was"

"AJ, if I could do it all over again, id hogtie your flank to the podium and leave you there and take yer precious little stetson!"

Fluttershy held back applejack and calmed her down, trying desperately to prevent any more violence.

"Sorry, Fluttershy, but ah jus couldn't take anuther minute o his BLASPHEMY,

"And as for you Rainbow Trash..." he said turning his attention to the rainboomer, "That little bonehead phrase you said, or any number of your phrases (DUUHD IM TWENTY PERCENT KEWLER) proves it all. You're not loyal, nor do you care about Twilight, your friends, or me, all you care about is yourself, and how you can feel better, look better, and draw more attention to yourself. and I know it's not my business to get personal, but I hope the Wonderbolts never accept you, it would serve you right if they never even spoke to you!" Rainbow Dash gasped at this.

"Now if you all don't mind, I have a friend to apologize to."

"FINE" rd yelled "GO TO YOUR FRIEND!" not wishing to hide her own tears of disappointment.

So spike went out the door as well, leaving behind five ponies, two princesses, and a guard captain.

"well then, now THAT'S all over with...

Shining Armor, what do you have to say for yourself?" Cadance asked.

"I..." Shining Armor tried to explain, but Cadance quickly cut him off.

"I thought you loved me, how could you possibly shrug off a threat for any of this? even more important, how could you reject Twilight like that, the one who brought us together in the first place, ?!"

"I..I...i" he stammered but once again Cadance cut him off.

"I trusted you Shining Armor, Twilight trusted you, and this is what she gets?!"

"I never wanted any of this for her" shining tried to argue, "but you have to listen, your imposter was a shapeshifter who acted just like you, she distracted me to keep me from thinking about her, or if she might have been acting strange. I've been manipulated"

"Hey, why are you taking her side?" Rainbow asked. "She barged in here acting like a filly, we thought she was jealous." Cadance snapped and struck Rainbow across her face.

"I can't believe that you'd do something like that to somepony who trusts you, how could you reject a nice pony, dare I say SAINT like Twilight, and after all, she did for you all?"

"It wasn't like that," Applejack tried to explain, "we only wanted..."

"Oh, I think I know what you all wanted," Cadance interrupted, "You're not her friends, you're just using her to get what you all want, it must feel really good to make a pony cry like that!"

"w-wait didn't she make the imposter cry," Fluttershy thought to herself

She then turned to Shining Armor, "shining, CONSIDER THIS A BREAKUP! if you come near me or Twilight again I will FUCKING KILL YOU, and the same goes for you too Celestia!"

And with that, she stormed out of the room as well, leaving behind the ponies that were responsible for the tragedy that nearly destroyed them all.

"Celestia, I'm sorry but... it's all over." Shining Armor said taking off his uniform and walking out of the room in anguish and hurt.

Everypony then turned to Rainbow Dash who had a big mark on her face from where Cadance struck her, Applejack helped her back up.

"All our rehearsal for nothing!" Rainbow said with tears in her eyes, "come on, let's just go home and forget this ever happened!"

Before long, they went out the door too, all that was left was now Celestia.

"I could've gained a new princess for Equestria, but instead, I lost my most faithful student." she sighed with grief in her heart. She slowly headed for the door "good-bye Twilight Sparkle" was the last thing said in that room before the door was closed, leaving behind scattered bits and pieces of what could've been.

Torn decorations, a torn tux, a guard uniform, and a pillow with two rings spilled right next to it.

Twilight was in her room that she had been staying in for the past couple of nights plotting, with her most convincing crying over what she had just done, as she was crying, she heard her bedroom door opening gently when she looked to see who opened it, it was Princess Cadance along with Spike who had sad yet concerned looks on their faces, Twilight then plopped her face back on her pillow and bawled louder, Cadance walked over and sat down next to Twilight, then gently rubbed her back.

"Shh, let it out sweetie, just let it out."

let it out, just let it out
your stress and your fear and your doubts
let every drop of sadness treacle from your troubled mind
let it out, let it out
to face another bout
and you will find your happiness, in time

Twilight got up from her pillow and hugged Cadance, but quickly took notice that Spike was there too as he waved nervously at Twilight, she was not in the mood to see him.

"Get out Spike!" she said through clenched teeth.

"Twilight I have something important to say, please let me say it," Spike begged, Twilight knew what he wanted to say, so she gave him a chance to explain.

"fine, what is it?" she asked.

"Twilight I'm sorry for ditching you like that earlier, the only reason I did it, was because I was afraid that they were going to reject me too, but now I've seen what was really going on, all they were doing was impressing a spoiled monster, I didn't even know what I was thinking, I only wish I knew sooner. please forgive me Twilight," he said with a heartbroken look on his infantile face.

Twilight paused to wipe tears off her own face for a moment, when she took one good look at Spike's expression, she could suddenly feel that he meant it from the bottom of his heart, he truly was sorry, she then cracked a smile and embraced him.

"Oh Spike, how could I not forgive you, you're my #1 helper, your my little brother," she said consoling him, “and as it stands, my ONLY brother” she was clearly hurt from what she thought her so-called friends did to her, and she was in no mood to see them now nor ever, because of this, she decided now was the time to set her wicked plan into motion.

"Cadance, spike, I have a plot." twilight grew a giant Grinch-like smile on her face.:twilightsheepish:

"tell Celestia I'm staying here in Canterlot for a while, I am not returning to Ponyville for quite some time." she said, "meanwhile. I'm going to sneak down there and tell everypony exactly what happened, they'll regret everything they did to me!" Cadence gasped at this "but twilight, are you sure that you wanna go through this, don't get me wrong I'm pissed at what they did to you but shouldn't we.."
NO!!!" twilight interrupted "no mercy for any of them, YOU UNDERSTAND, THEY MADE THEIR BED AND NOW THEY HAVE TO LAY IN IT!!"

"It's okay twi, I can take care of everything," spike said calmly, without another word, Cadance walked out of the bedroom and down into the throne room to solidify the course of events to follow.

3-no stone left unturned, nopony left unaccused

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Princess Celestia was in her throne room angrily signing the last official papers with her magic some documents had been incinerated because of the turn of events, her guards were so scared they fled the castle in fear of how she would react if they even talked to her, one guard peeped in the see how the princess was doing and she gave him a glare that could turn a pony to stone, he fled sooner rather than later, as she signed the last paper, the throne room doors opened and revealed Cadance with a stern look of disappointment on her muzzle, they locked eyes, it appeared neither was in the mood to even see each other.

"What do you want Cadance, can't you see I'm busy?!" she blustered, Cadance flinched.

"I just came in here to tell you that Twilight will be staying in Canterlot for a while, she's still upset with you and the others for what happened earlier, she won't be returning to Ponyville anytime soon," she said, Celestia gave a frustrated sigh.

"Fine by me Cadance, just leave me be" she ordered

"Well," cadence said "I expected you to be a bit less rude"

Celestia signed and said, "frankly cadence, being threatened to a criminal extent is not something I look forward to, but it's not you, or your breakup, or even twilight, I can't find luna anywhere, she somehow disappeared two days before the ceremony, when she should've been helping with it."

cadence sighed and said "alright if you say so" she slowly closed the door and left to be with twilight

Meanwhile outside...

Princess Luna had landed in Canterlot, "Hello everypony, did I miss anything?" she asked, but she was soon greeted by a bunch of royal guards who were none too happy to see her. one however was worried sick

"LUNA Where in hell have you been?! the guard demanded an explanation, Luna gulped, she was in big trouble.

"You went to the moon last time you ditched, so you'd better have a good excuse for ditching the changeling attack!"

"Changeling?" she asked.

"Don't play dumb with us Luna, your sister is going to kick your ass once we get inside!" one guard said, once again Luna gulped.

the guard blew his honorary whistle "private, in spite of the circumstances, you don't get to speak to royalty in that tone, 48 hours in the cell"

with that, the other guard was silently dragged away

The throne room doors opened up again, to reveal a still angry Celestia, when Luna saw this, she quivered in fear.

"Thank you guards, you are relieved for the day," she said.

"Yes, your majesty." they said exiting the throne room, once they did, Celestia used her magic to lock the doors, making sure her sister didn't go anywhere when Luna saw this a big shadow hovered over her, she could see her life flashing before her eyes"

"Luna, I like to think of myself as a forgiving leader, especially with what's been happening ill need to be forgiven myself, so I will ask nicely dear sister and I expect a straight answer,!" she asked in a serious tone.

"celly, I..."

"Speak up!" she said.

"one knew that there was a threat, but I didn't know who or what caused it, I saw that the shield was put and I figured there would be no problems if we didn't know what the cause of it was, so thou said to thyself, 'hecketh with it, so when nopony was looking I left."

"Luna, big or small, as a princess, we always take a threat seriously, we don't ditch it, besides we did find out what the cause of it was, a group of creatures known as changelings, and their leader was disguised as Cadance, but that doesn't matter anymore, because Twilight has quit on me!"

"Why sister?"

"Because she barged into the rehearsals, and told us that Cadance, the fake Cadance, was evil, she didn't make a good case for her argument, so the imposter stormed out of the room crying, Shining Armor told Twilight reasons for her strange behavior and then essentially banished her from the wedding, I wasn't so merciful either, I walked by and simply told her that she had a lot to think about and left the room, looking back that made no sense, I mean I was trying to show disappointment, but that was just kinda vague-


"Oh, my apologies, we soon discovered that she was right, now she won't even talk to me anymore, Twilight has ended her friendships and the elements of harmony could very well be disbanded."

"I'm sorry." Luna said, "And I'm sorry that I ditched the threat, I shall promise thee to take things more seriously from now on, canst thou forgive a ditcher, Tia?"

Celestia showed a compassionate smile and hugged Luna.

"You're my sister, I'll always forgive you, but you're going to have to be punished for this, you are to not to leave Canterlot for two weeks, agreed?"

"Yes, sister," she said with disappointment, she knew she deserved this, now all that was left was to see if Twilight would ever buck up and forgive her friends, or if she would carry her grudge forever.

"But you know sister, you haven't really been taking threats seriously yourself," Luna said.

"What are you saying?"

"What I'm saying is that every single time a threat comes to Equestria, you always make Twilight stop it, such as when Discord got set free, Twilight had to defeat him, while you just sat on your big fat ass and did nothing, she has every right to quit, which is what the big point is, you call her your student, but in other perceptions, you've just been using her as a tool to get attention and glory, when it all should've gone to her, plus the fact that you're always relying on those filthy elements of harmony to solve everything, same ones you used to banish me, so it's partially your fault too."

Celestia lowered her head in shame. then she thought a little bit, "lulu, didn't I give them a stained glass window, and aren't we preparing to make her a princess someday, luna, are you fucking high?"

"I ate some plants before I came here," luna announced as she began to sway from side to side" they looked a little strange"

hearing this, Celestia could only help but laugh at what she just heard, luna soon joined into the ludicrousy

both burst into laughter over this accusation, in times like this, they needed a reason to laugh.

meanwhile, twilight showed spike and cadence her exact plan, she would be under the cover of darkness, and she would sneak back to Ponyville by train, wherein she would go under disguise as an anonymous source, a "Canterlot insider" and tell the story to all who were in earshot of twilight.

"Alright, the goal is to take away everything that matters to them we start with the elements of TRAVESTY, cadence, you'll go to sweet apple acres and Sugarcube Corner.

"at your service, twilight" cadence announced

"spike, you go to wonder bolts HQ and tell captain spitfire what happened, ill provide you with a hot air balloon and a boatload of gems"

"aye-aye, twilight" spike replied, saluting her in addition

"ill go to Fluttershy's cottage, I have a spell that will allow me to communicate with them, just like her, then ill deal with rarity, once their businesses, relations, and goals are "dashed" THEY'LL HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO CRAWL TO ME!!!"

"now disperse" the pony, the alicorn, and the dragon all went to prepare what was needed for the scheme.

4-in which everypony loses everything, and somepony gets an ego

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It was going as usual for Ponyville as everypony went their business, but as for the five "elements" they were not doing so great, twilights wicked web of manipulation had begun.

In order to have an alibi, she learned a spell to replicate a hologram of herself, then she along with the rest of them got to work. She fabricated the accounts of what happened (from what little were based in reality) using explosive detail to garner everypony in, cadence told the cakes, and the apples, spike then told regulars at the carousel boutique, and the wonderbolts, as for twilight, she went for Fluttershy's cottage. Then, she along with the rest would hide behind bushes to sit back and watch her friends' lives fall apart.

Applejack's thoughts of what she did at the rehearsal were already making her lose her focus on bucking apples in the orchard, it was driving her into depression because of this, Granny Smith told her to rest for a few days, to clear her mind. not too long after she heard the rumors, she didnt want to believe it, but when she got confirmation from princess cadence about what "happened" she could deny it no longer.

And so, after serious consideration from her and the rest of the apples, she decided with a heavy heart, she had to disown her, as she was lying in her bed with her suitcase just beside herself, Big Macintosh came inside angered with her for all he thinks she did in Canterlot.

"Ya know, big mac, ah really oughta be ashamed of mahself" she said sulking.

"Eyup" big mac agreed

"Why did ah even do it in the first place, why didn't ah ever stop to even look at the strange behavior?" she asked.

Big mac shrugged

"Then why would ah even bother taking a phony's side!? Ah' thought she was really cryin', plus Twilight was as you would say, actin' a fool. But That's still no excuse, ah've got some thinkin' to do!"

"Eyup," he said as he left the room, Applejack plopped her head on her pillow and started bawling. Once her tears had run dry, she dragged herself out of bed, and started to move on, passing by a picture of the many memories she had made in these walls, she turned her face away in shame as she looked at the face of her parents in the photo, as if the picture itself shared her disappointment. In the end, the disgraced farm girl took her last steps out of what used to be her home.

Spike snuck over on a hot air balloon disguised as an insider at the Wonderbolt Academy, telling the others that Rainbow Dash had deliberately shunned Twilight all over performing a stunt at the now-called-off wedding and it got word to Spitfire, furious at this, she filed a restraining order on Rainbow Dash, which stated that she was not to go near 75 feet of the Wonderbolt Academy, nor was she even allowed to talk to any member of staff of the Wonderbolts.

Her dream was now shattered, for the next two hours or so, she sulked in her dark bedroom, not even moving a muscle. She then saw a bottle of vintage cider she was saving for the day she would eventually join the group, with her dream now crushed, she took it, downed the whole thing, and threw it at the wall. Which was made of clouds so certainly killed someone.

Pinkie Pie was at Sugarcube Corner, Mr and Mrs cake had heard these tall tales too, and with confirmation from cadence, they took a pretty hardline stance, not just firing her from her job but evicting her as well, but first, she was forced to scrub the bathrooms, clean the tables, clean the ovens with the gas on, and the rest of the kitchen. plus she was not allowed to eat any CAKE!!! OHHHHHHHHHH THE HUMANITY!!!!. She said goodbye to pound and pumpkin one more time, packed her bags, and left.

Fluttershy's animals had turned on her after twilight learned a spell to communicate with animals, and Rarity had gone so low over what had happened, that she was too sad to make a single dress.

Oh wait, you want me to explain, well ok then,

Fluttery woke up after a nap to clear her mind of the awful things that occur (you know that kind of break you take in order to rest and then figure out your next course of action) well she was trying to think of what to do next, and how to fix the situation she was in, her thoughts were ceased when she stepped into her living room, tripped on a bunch of acorns, and landed right on her face.

She winced in pain a bit, soon pushed her hair aside, and attempted to pick herself up, craning her neck to the window, she saw what looked like pointy sticks being shaken, she couldn't be dared to open the door, but had to.

She began to walk slowly to the door of her house. But before she could make it, it blasted wide open. And a flurry of small woodland "buddies" came out and rushed towards her.

Curling into the fetal position, Fluttershy was quickly ambushed, hogtied, and carried outside by a whole colony of squirrels. They must have carried poor Fluttershy a whole 50 yards before they put her down on a bed of marsh.

Just when she thought it was over, Angel appeared to her in an army helmet, with badges like a decorated soldier, and "cool hand luke" shades.

Fluttershy just had to ask what was going on "a-angel. Wh-what is this?"

Angel yelled at her in a language only understandable to her and the rest of the animal kingdom. But if you pay attention to the story's context, it's pretty obvious.

"A-angel, please, think about what your doi-" she was meant with more slander from the bunny, whose eyes were welling up underneath his glasses. Afterward, he turned away from her and towards his fellow animals, telling them to leave her there, and not let her back into the cottage, they soon dispersed, leaving Fluttershy alone and heartbroken.

Now let's head on down to Rarity's clothing shop, Carousel Boutique. Where the hottest selling item is SCORN!. It was a normal day for Rarity, then a cloaked mare came into the boutique and loudly announced "Attention, shoppers! I have urgent news from Canterlot about twilight!" She told the customers a lot more than needed to be said, leaving everybody in the boutique quite shocked.

Hoity Toity then said "You abandoned your own friend, the hero of Equestria in her time of need! How COULD you! We thought you were better than that!"

This caused Rarity to panic, saying, "No, sir. This isn't what it looks like!"

"I don't want to hear it! This is the last time I ever come to THIS establishment! go sell your rags to those damn insects, TRAITOR!" The other customers agreed, turning their snoots away from Rarity and leaving the store in a huff.

So The fashionista had to close her boutique and with it, her inspiration and creative mojo. So, like I said Her spirits had gone so low over recent events that she was too sad to make a single dress.

(just realized I should add a side story about the CMC being lost later, maybe they'd find a changeling and befriend him, but I digress)

Meanwhile, at the Library, the mayor had gotten a letter from Celestia over what had just happened and was told that Spike would be coming over to pack up Twilight's things because she was not going to return to Ponyville now, or EVER! She claimed to have gone into depression and would be needing some time to let it wear off, no one actually knew about mental health so everypony bought that excuse. Mayor Mare completely understood and went over to the library to help Spike pack her things.

It was really starting to go downhill now, a massive attack, Twilight breaking off her friendships and quitting her role as the element of magic, Cadance calling off the wedding, etc.

But for twilight, everything was coming up roses, everything was going according to her plan

"This plan is going far too perfect

Everything is going the way that I designed

Soon with those yellow bellies gone

It surely won't be long

Till the rest of this Equestria is miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine"

Back in Canterlot, Twilight was at her parent's house lying down on her bed in her old room that she stayed in when she was a filly, doing her best damn impersonation of one in pain, pretending to be too upset to even talk, downstairs, Shining Armor received his worst, and most personal dressing down from those who raised him.

"But dad..."

"Son stress does not excuse bad behavior, for Pete's sake! You've known this mare for five years! Why did you even bother defending such an impostor?"

"I thought she was Cadance, I didn't realize Twilight was telling the truth."

"Shining didn't you ever stop to see how she was behaving, cause from what Twilight told us, plus evidence from a couple of guards, she didn't look stressed out whatsoever." Night Light said.

"How did you get evidence?" he asked

"We had a guard knock on our door and he told us what you did, plus he brought us some pictures here for you to see," he said levitating some photos snapped from a camera that the guard had used, now, unbeknownst to him, twilight used magic to doctor up these photos.

When Shining Armor saw these photos, he was in shock, damn, why didn't he stop to see this.(probably because this wasn't present to anyone).

He also noticed the detail twilight never brought up during her rant, the one thing that could've solved everything, that her horn glowed green instead of blue.

"Another question is, why did you shrug off the threat, you should've been concentrating more on the threat and not the wedding!" Twilight Velvet said.

"Come on!" shining spat "everything else I can be blamed for, but I literally put up a force field, strong enough to keep just about any threat away. You can't blame me for that!" he said.

"Look even with a force field, you gotta take a threat seriously." Night Light answered, "You're mother and I could've died that day/ got separated from each other because of the attack. I saw her and her friends outside having to fight off the hoard, but as you already know they got captured anyway"

Shining Armor sighed, "I'm sorry, I've been a lousy captain." he said, Shining Armor knew that if he didn't set things right, he could lose his rank.

At that moment, his mother, twilight velvet, came up to comfort you, "there, there, sweetie, you tried your best, and you did enact the love wave."

"You'll see, things are gonna look up, all you gotta do is be brave"


At the castle, Princess Cadance was doing some thinking, when twilight came in

"Your mind seems to wander, dear cadence, care to tell me?"

"I've just been thinking about shining-"


"Sorry, but what if he really was under mind control, what if the changeling queen was using him"

"You know cadence, you may be the princess of love, but often it blinds you, it is an unfortunate shield from what matters. He knew full well what he was doing when he crossed me"

"I-i guess your right"

"Don't guess, dear babysitter, be certain! But yes, I'm right, just like I was about that black hag!"

Yep, these were the daily conversations that would take place in that castle. (she even started wearing a dark cloth, like she was some gay-ass emo)

Cadance looked out the window and saw a large group of ponies rioting outside the Canterlot castle, so twilight and cadence quickly flew down and heard angered chatter, plus cussing coming from the crowd.

"Those two creeps haven't done shit for Equestria!" one pony said.

"Making a poor unicorn do all the work, while they just sit on their big fat asses and pretend it's not happening?!" another said.

Cadance walked up to one of them, "Excuse me, what's all the commotion out here?" she asked

"Celestia and Luna, they've failed to defend us once again!" he said out of extreme fury. and because a column had landed on his back, crushing him

Then one from the crowd looked up and shouted "THERE SHE IS, THE HERO WHO SAVED OUR COUNTRY"

The crowd erupted in cheers of adulation, the same pony lifted twilight up and placed upon her head, was a tin foil crown made by a sickly little filly with no front teeth.

"Twiwight" she said in her cute little voice "because of what you did in canterwot, me and my father would wike to decware you, pwincess of fwiendship!!"


"Princess of Friendship" twilight thought "I could get used to that"

Despite her joy in Twilights newfound glory, she still felt very uneasy inside, almost guilty in some way, as if to say This was showing no signs of stopping.

5-the downhill slope, picabo twilight takes the lead

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Spike had managed to help carry in most of Twilight's things back into her old bedroom that she had been staying in all day. but the thing is her (faux) depression was getting worse by the minute (or her acting was getting better by the minute), Shining Armor saw the metaphorical face of sister deteriorate until there was nothing left, and he decided that he wasn't going to stand idly by and watch the only sister he had sink so low.

"I'm not going to stand idly by and watch the only sister I have sink so low!"

Exactly like that too,

seriously, out loud.

to nopony.

what a doofus.

He headed out the door and walked straight to the Castle. He met with the guards inside, instantly recognizing him, and loyal to their captain in spite of everything. Once they pulled their swords out of the cross position to let him in, he levitated the badges on his uniform off and placed them in their hooves

"Captain, what are you doing?" he asked.

"Turning in, this job is all yours, I'm telling Celestia that as of today, I'm resigning my role as captain," he said, the guards gasped at this.

"For what?" a guard asked

"For what!? He says, The attack, plus the fact that my sister has gone into a depression, and I'm afraid shes gonna commit suicide, so I'm going to do my best to get her back!" he said.

The guards watched in sorrow as their captain walked away. Meanwhile, Celestia was in her throne room, looking at the hole in the stained glass window where twilight had struck, (she placed a crude drawing of twilight over it, but it didn't help none), when she saw Shining Armor walk inside, taking off his helmet.

Putting his helmet in front of her he said "Princess, I can't go on living like this, I resign"

"What, why?" she asked.

"I'm sorry Celestia, but my sister has gone into a depression and it's all because of me, I have to set things right before its too late, which I suggest you do as well"

Celestia was truly in dire straights, but she couldn't quite figure out how to address twilight, she considered

" Oh and by the way you have a massive crowd of ponies outside furious with you and Luna," he said as he left the room, Celestia snapped out of her daydream and pondered.

"Why would they be mad at me?" (take a fucking guess!)

She decided to go out and check it out like she knows nothing, once she was outside, she was surrounded by a group of ponies expressions on the crowd that said "you're gonna die, right here RIGHT NOW!"

"Hey look everypony, it's our so-called leader!" one pony said.

"Let's get her!" another said, Celestia tried to retreat to her quarters, but she was soon tackled down by the crowd,she tried to release a bolt of lightning to make them disperse, but then she felt her magic seal up like glue, as she strained her neck she managed to look up and see her former student, turned ringleader of this mob, she shed a single tear of shame, of how far things have fallen.

"This, my dear princess" twilight announced like a canterlot royal "is what we like to call, PAYBACK, and your gonna feel it, as long as I see fit!!!! Suddenly the crowd began kicking , punching , and spitting on the one they called leader. All the while her former student pranced around like a schoolgirl.

This lasted for about a good 20 minutes until a group of guards flew over after seeing the fight trying to break it up. twilight just shot them back, the ponies then scattered like rats once it was over.

Celestia did her best to get back up on her hooves, but to no avail, she had a black eye, a bloody nose, and a sharp pain in her right wing, she was too beaten to even move. i think somepony burned her hair off, i wasn't there so i couldn't tell you.

Back in Ponyville, the other five were really starting to get not only tired but worried about Twilight, and for their own health, cold, desperate, pariahs in their own hometown, they had now known that if they had just listened to Twilight in the first place, none of this would've happened, yet they were too caught up in their wedding planning, speaking of which they would be too caught up their own guilt and anger to question themselves. So they thought they deserved what they were getting, but they had never known the manipulation twilight had enacted that would make the bug herself blush.

At the Sparkle residents, Shining Armor approached his parents with caution, trying to avoid another verbal confrontation

"What is it this time son?" Night Light asked.

shining sighed, he was foolish to even try to avoid this

"I've stepped down, Dad,i am no longer captain, that title belongs to my successor"

"well, good for you" his dad said in a sarcastic tone

"and because of what I've done, I'm going to try and talk to her," he said, his mother, twilight velvet placed her foreleg on his back

"It's the right thing to do shining," Twilight Velvet said approaching him, just then a pair of subtitles appeared underneath them

"Ever since the attack, she's felt humiliated because shining rejected her for no reason, you know she won't even talk to your parents, she just lies in her bedroom alone cause she's too hurt to see anypony"

Night light looked down, then looked at shining and said "well, the captions are never wrong"

Another one appeared

"this asshat ruined her whole life and he didn't even care!"

Shining Armor sighed, "regardless, I'm gonna go talk to her."

"It doesn't even matter if you talk to her, she probably won't forgive you anyway, even then shes still going to be too upset, cause you can't take back what you did!"

"Look, I just want...." Shining Armor tried to explain.

"You went off the deep end son, and you can't fix it!" Night Light said.

"I don't care, dad, I'm going up those stairs right now, and I'm going to set things right!" he said with a serious expression.

As Shining Armor was walking up the stairs he shot a charge of magic directly at the door

"I said, YOU CAN'T FIX IT!"


His horn glowed dangerously bright, shooting a ball of lightning directly in the patriarch's direction, he ducked at the last moment, the bolt aimed directly at his mother, twilight velvet, it shot across her face, making her drop in an instant

"VELVET!!!!!!" night light shouted before running to his beloved, "velvet please speak to me" but velvet didn't say a word, she was still breathing but totally unresponsive

"MOM" shining ran over to her as well "I'm.. (sob) so sorry" his words were cut off by his father punching him directly in the muzzle


Shining could only bow his head in shame, he tried to speak

"Dad i..."

"Don't call me that anymore, just pack up your things, and get outta my sight"

With a heavy heart, he got what little possessions he had, and headed for the local boarding house for accommodation. before he left he heard jabbering coming from outside the house, he quickly ran to the window and saw a massive crowd of ponies running to the Canterlot Courthouse, he simply shrugged it off but what he didn't know was who was in the courthouse that was the problem.

The Equestrian Royalty group along with congress were holding an important parlimentary meeting with Celestia and Luna, over recent events.

M.P Neighsay used the opportunity to strike at the princesses while they were down in order to advance his political career, since before the wedding, was going nowhere "Princess Celestia, what is your excuse for the gross negligence of this nationwide threat?" the later-to-be chancellor asked.

"I had a choice to make, and it is one I hope never to have to make again, we didn't know who was causing the threat, we had the shield over the entire kingdom, and at the time, my student did not offer any conclusive proof. So we figured it was only jealousy and continued with the wedding."

"Oh BULL, Celestia, Twilight is not a plate that you put up in a cupboard then take it out when you're ready to use it, and besides that poor martyr, you called your student has every right to quit, because from what I've seen, every time a threat comes to Equestria, EVERY DAMN TIME, you always make her stop it, what in God's name makes you think that those elements of harmony can defeat everything?!"

"Because they are the most powerful artifacts in equestrian history, they have been used to not only defeat discord but reform ME as well, does that not count for something!? and has thou forgotten she went hoof to hoof with Chrysalis to protect our kingdom!? After thousands of years, one must give thou sister a break!" the answer unfortunately was not accepted

"Oh, so you think, Oh well since I've discovered that Twilight's powerful, I can use her to do all my work for me, and I can just sit down on my LILLY WHITE FLANK and WATCH HER DO IT! ., well think again, princess traitor! Twilight has problems of her own you know, she can't always defend our kingdom against these (shudders) CREATURES!"

Celestia hung her head in shame, Luna approached her and put a comforting shoulder on her, and proceeded to berate "she has the right to get some help after thousands of years of suffering YOU IMPUTENT, INSENSITIVE, LITTLE PRICK!!!"

"Strike from the record" the high chancellor ordered

"Chancellor", one meek pony argued "I may not be able to speak for the royals personally, but what I was told, they gave her the benefit of the doubt. Because if not mistaken, That’s what good citizens do, On top of that, they didn’t KNOW Cadance! How can they possibly judge one on how she normally acts if they just met said pony! and surely we can show sympathy to a princess who raises our sun!! who has been beaten by her own subjects!!!

"Regardless", Neighsay retorted "any and all threats to Equestria are the business of the princess, not her student, but since they seem intent on making her do such, then maybe SHE ought to be our leader! therefore, I ask for the motion that you and your sister be disbarred!"

"I'm afraid we cannot do that," the chancellor told neigh say, but if the ponies feel this seriously about the issue, then we shall vote for a special election, whether or not to remove the princesses and replace them with a president."

After a long day in the legal system of Equestria, The motion was voted in favor of 51-49, a special election would take place in a few days.

"This royal meeting is adjourned." a gavel slammed on the marble placeholder,

As the rest of the lawmakers got up to leave, Celestia just sat there in a state of utter shock, she had just been told off again because that's how these fics go that Twilight was under pressure and being depressed because of her lousy role as a princess she was always making her handle all the trouble. Never taking her seriously from day one, she too now had to set things right.

see how I made that text small, cuz this doesn't matter

i could say anything look




no one truly cares

back to the story

Late that night, a crack formed in an all too familiar statue, with the CHAOS going on its no wonder HE would make an appearance

discord had his own plans, to hitch a ride onto twilight's feeble mind, and his it for HIS own desires, and with what had happened these past months, it would be a cinch.

Twilight slept peacefully in her tin foil crown, thinking about how swimmingly everything was going, MP neighsay was sure to get a stocking stuffer for his fanning of the fire. Suddenly she awoke in a strange alternate world, a world where space and time had no meaning, a place where rules and logic themselves had no meaning. Where everything was controlled by the whims of a madman. And there was only one who could run a world like this

"Ohhh, twiiiiiiiiiiiiileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey"

Twilight shot up from her daze, finding herself floating in a sea of tranquility, heading towards of lake of fire, and in front of her lay the draconequis, on a velvet lily pad, chewing on a hookah which he stole from a caterpillar

"Ahh, back away vile demon, I thought I slew you!"

"Relax, twi-fi, I'm not going to hurt you, I just wanted to thank you," he said "because of your little (finger quotes) mental breakdown, you've turned the entirety of Equestria (or at least those who care enough) against its leaders, creating an inevitable power vacuum for all of your enemies, whilst at the same time, unlearning all your friendship lessons, you've made it THAT much easier for me to slip into the cracks of power"

She ignored his taunt, still furious over the perceived actions of her friends and loved ones

"What do you want anyways"

"Well," he mused "I figured since you've done such a big favor for me, I thought it would be nice to give you something in return"

Discord flipped the whole scene around, four walls of milk-white appeared all around them the two of them trapped in a completely white room, discord dressed as Morpheus and asked twilight "what if I told you, your not as innocent as you think you are, that YOU were fooled just like the rest of them"

Twilight tried to protest "because I wasn't fooled, I knew the whole time!!! I knew that cadence was replaced by a changeling so THERE" she then indulged in a rather vulgar and insulting victory dance involving a lot of pointing at her posterior, it was gruesome, even for discord

it looks a little like this

(1:18) (1:31)

"I'll try to put it into terms that even a technicolor miniature horn horse like oneself could understand, see in your frenzy to get out you tried shooting a laser beam at the crystals multiple times, this shot back into your brain, miraculously deleting short term bits of your memory, that combined with your anger, and uncertainty created the perfect arsenic concoction. So your brain filled in the blanks."

he then opened a sort of mirror pool in the floor

"So without further ado, here's what really happened!!!!"

she saw the whole scene play out, how she reacted beforehand

"See, you were already concerned with your brother marrying someone evil, you saw her act mean to your friends, and of course how can I forget, when you looked through that peephole and saw what you saw"

Shining Armor: Hey... Has anypony seen Twilight?
[doors open]
Twilight Sparkle: I'm here! I'm not gonna stand next to her! And neither should you!
Shining Armor: I'm sorry, I... I don't know why she's acting like this.
Princess Cadance: Maybe we should just ignore her.
Twilight Sparkle: You have to listen to me!
Fluttershy: Oh, goodness! Are you okay?
Twilight Sparkle: I'm fine.
Applejack: Ya sure about that?
Twilight Sparkle: I've got something to say! She's evil!
Rest of the main cast: [concerned chattering]
Royal Guard: [inaudible comment to another guard]
Twilight Sparkle: She's been horrible to my friends, she's obviously done something to her bridesmaids, and if that wasn't enough, I saw her put a spell on my brother that made his eyes go all [bells jangling]!
Princess Cadance: [starts crying] Why are you doing this to me?!
Twilight Sparkle: Because you're evil!
Princess Cadance: [crying]
Twilight Sparkle: Evil! And if I don't stop you, you're gonna ruin my brother's life!

Discord sat in a movie chair with a bucket of popcorn and 3D glasses "forgive me if I'm in the wrong twilight, but I don't hear any mention of the word CHANGELING in the rhetoric, you may have suspected something wrong, but you didn't catch that! what about this little number"

Twilight Sparkle: I'm sorry!
Princess Cadance: You will be.

"You were fooled TOO! Oh here's another gem from the archives"

Princess Cadance: No! Wait! Ugh! Please! Don't hurt me! Twilight, it's me! Please, you have to believe me. I've been imprisoned like you. The Cadance who brought you down here was an imposter.
Twilight Sparkle: Likely story!

Twilight seeing herself attack her own babysitter was enough to send her over the edge "THAT'S A BUNCH OF BULLSHIT!!! Your lying to me, just like everypony else!!!"

Discord couldn't help but condescend "twilight, baby, sweetie, darling, I could lie to you anytime I want, but one thing that cannot lie to you is your heart."

Discord then ripped her heart out and placed it on a scale, with a weight labeled, "lies" on it, her heart tipped the scales and sent the weight flying in her direction, smashing her right between the nose. a streak of red poured from her dented schnozz.

and at that moment, everything became clear, she could deny it no longer, she WAS fooled, now that she knew the truth, she felt more of a jackass than Cranky Doodle Donkey, speaking of which, her remorse was cut off by the sound of a mule screaming through the black void of space.

"And because you were not only fooled, but you fooled yourself, Equestria will fall and I will take my rightful banana seat in the ruins of your queendom. So sweet dreams "princess of friendship"

"AAAH" twilight skyrocketed out of bed, realizing it was only a dream, but the implications were real, her actions were real, and she knew she had to set things right before it was too late.

6-ok, FINE MOM, ill write a happy ending, jeez!!!!

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Princess Celestia had required a meeting with the elements of harmony and Shining Armor over what they were going to do about Twilight, their options had run thin, life had become nothing if not a burden for the group, and they knew that they had really gone too far when they rejected her, but Celestia really wanted her most faithful student back more than anything, as for Shining Armor, he just couldn't bear to watch his Twiley suffer anymore, and since his falling out with his family, he hasn't been able to look himself in the mirror, he had attempted suicide multiple times, so he hid it with a dark scarf, no one asked because of the guilt still eating away at them all.

you think that's shit's hard to believe, wait'll I tell you it had been nearly two months since the changeling attack, but they thought Twilight still wanted them dead or at least their lives to be ruined #mane6shiningarmourandcelestiaareoverparty

"everypony, I know it seems like it's been forever, but Twilight's revolution has pushed us this far, her grudge over us has gone off the deep end, and it's time we did something about it!" Celestia said.

"What's the point?" Shining Armor asked, "Twilight can't be reasoned with anymore, she won't even talk to me." he said hanging his head low, Celestia lifted his head.

"I know Shining, but you got to know deep in your heart that she still loves you," she said.

"Ah' know Twilight will budge, but ah' just want her back in our lives." Applejack said.

Celestia then turned to the elements and said, "Girls, remember what happened when Twilight put that love spell on Smarty Pants?"

"oh, you mean season 2, episode 3?" pinkie answered with glee

all members could only stare as to what she meant

Then the five ponies nodded.

"Remember you all told me that you learned to take a friend's matters seriously."

They nodded again.

"But now we see, when we rejected her it's like...we completely forgot all about that." Rainbow Dash said.

"Oh, how could we have acted so shamefully, that changeling queen turned us against her, she's to blame for this!"

"No, well most of it, but we're more to blame for this." Pinkie Pie said, "I should have stayed and maybe try to make her laugh. instead, I left her there to cry."

"I was like her second mother, yet I hurt her without reason, I'm ashamed," said Celestia.

"Ah'm supposed t' be the element of honesty, but ah was dishonest to all of this." Applejack said.

"How so?" Celestia asked in curiosity

"i dunno, cause i was the one t' tell everypony t go check on the princess, plus I suppose the element of honesty suppose t' know when sumthin wrongs goin on"

Fluttershy nodded and lamented "I was supposed to be the element of kindness, but I wasn't very kind at all, leaving her the way I did."

"Me, a pony who is supposed to be known for her generosity, but her mind was on greed when she walked out. I could've offered my time or an ear to listen, but I didn't" Rarity said in her mascara-stained state.

(now its time for fan service)

"of all the worst things to happen this is THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!!!"

she then pulled out a fainting couch and fainted on it.

"And me, shows you how loyal I am, the only pony I've been loyal to was myself, I was nothing more than a self-centered, arrogant, whore." said Rainbow Dash, as she swigged another bottle of cider.

"fer lands sake, put that down" applejack scorned "if yer gonna make it up to her, then get in a 12-step program or sumthin"

"Let's just face it we're all to blame for this, we let this whole wedding get in the way of our civic duty," said Shining Armor

"But we must still find a way to apologize to Twilight, we can't just sit here and let her keep falling like this. hell, I gotta get help myself" Rainbow said.

"I think it's going to take more than an apology, maybe a small gift." Rarity said.

"Rarity we ain't bribin' her." Applejack said. "Ah' mean we must find the best way to let her know that we love her and that we made a big mistake."

Pinkie Pie was about to say something, but Rainbow Dash quickly silenced her, "and before you say anything, a party won't solve this either."

"oh I wasn't going to suggest THAT, I was going to suggest a sentimental and significant offering the symbolizes the bond we once shared between us and her"

"in any case, most importantly, will she still forgive us after all of this?" Celestia asked.

"I'll find a solution." Shining Armor said.

"Why?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"RD, look at me, I'm a shell of my former self, and I have nothing left to lose. she is my sister, and I've known her longer than any of you," he said.

"But..." they tried to say, but Celestia stopped them.

"He's right, he's known Twilight longer than even I have, maybe we should let him find the best apology."

"good luck, son" she ended

twilight stumbled out of bed, groggy and demented, ready to come clean for what she had done.

"hey twilight," her two co-conspirators said in unison

"whatre we doin today, manglin some flesh" spike asked

"bashin some bones" cadence continued

"plottin the ruination of Celestia" spike chose to end with

"cadence, spike, thank you for being so nice to me for the last couple of months, but I have something to tell you, and you're not going to like it, you won't want to believe it, but I'm going, to tell the truth"

so she told them how discord shows her the truth with his magic and how she manipulated everything to go her way, and afterward, she broke down crying

spike and cadence could only stand there in shock at what they heard, cadence's eyes filled with liquid regret, she asked: "why... why... why you would do this to them, why would you do this to me."

"I can't believe you would do a thing like this, you... y-you JERK!!"

twilight received a hoof across her face from an emotional princess of "love". spike gave one because he still hadn't learned to think for himself, think that happens around season 4.

twilight could only continue to cry as she continued to receive punishment for her crime.

"I don't blame you, cadence why, why did I ever let it get this far, why did I say all those stupid things, why did I get my own friends and family HURT!!!"

"I can't believe it" cadence kept telling herself "I can't believe I dumped the man I love over a lie! I literally told him I would kill him! why did I ever let myself be so horribly manipulated, I'm no princess of love, I'm a princess of hate!"

"what have I done," spike said "I loved those guys, they were like my second family and I told them off! I don't deserve them"

"how," twilight asked, "how did I let everything go this far, WHY did I even do it in the first place, I'm a failure, I don't deserve my magic!"

now everypony felt guilty for one reason or another, whereas twilight was thinking of a way to apologize, shining had already figured it out, probably the most obvious choice too, he hand-stitched together Twilight old smarty-pants doll.

now, a few favors from an old friend would seal the deal.

in both parties' minds, this song played constantly

7- my dinner with shiny (not tamatoa)

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Shining Armor had invited Twilight to dinner at Goldmare's Paradise, a beautiful five-star restaurant in the center of Canterlot. how he managed to secure a table considering the soiled reputation of the royals and connection to royals is beyond anyponys guess, Twilight was still down about everything that she did, but didn't want to reject her brother's invitation for a night of "paradise" and 1.99$ mozzarella sticks. she still loved him. even when they were apart, she couldn't help but feel guilty sometimes about what she did, she quickly brushed it off before, but now it was unavoidable.

they were sitting down to dinner at a table in the middle of the restaurant.

"Shining, what's this all about?" Twilight asked.

Shining Armor sighed, "Twiley, it's been two months now since the changeling attack, and I brought you here because I wanted to tell you the truth."

(At times like this I wish tivo fast forward worked on fanfics)

That changeling queen brainwashed me into thinking she was Cadance, I now understand it all, she took off down the hall crying as a way of turning me and everypony else against you. But when we found her room, we saw that she wasn't there, I figured that she must've quickly calmed down and had gone back to the wedding room to continue the rehearsal. So I told your friends and Celestia to stay there while I went back to the wedding room, but when I got there....." he gulped as tears started to fill in his eyes


Shining Armor had reached her dressing room to see if Cadance was in there, to his surprise she had somehow reappeared in the wedding hall, it got to him on how she would re-enter a room after the doors to enter it would slam shut, but to his surprise, Twilight was nowhere to be found, he looked over at "Cadance" and saw she had an evil smile on her face, he saw an illuminating circle where twilight once was, that's where he discovered the truth, he furrowed his brows in anger, ready to fight at a moments notice, his horn glowed flamingly bright, now all he needed was the confirmation.

"cadence, I'm only gonna ask you once, twilight said you had been evil and I don't wanna believe it, so ill ask you only once, have you done anything to my sister," he asked calmly.

"Well my sweet, beloved,soon-to-be-husband..." said "cadence" ominously "why don't you find out!!!" before he could say or do anything else, the imposter shot a beam of magic at him and quickly enhanced him under her control, turning his blue eyes to a shade of emerald green.

soon she transformed right before her very eyes, revealing the one they call chrysalis.

shining armor would be forced to watch himself sign away his life to this thing lampooning his bride.

"HA!" she shouted "TOO EASY!, Now that you're under my control, and with that hopeless little brat Twilight out of the way, nothing can stop me now!" she said laughing evilly.


"I quickly figured out everything, but she had me under her control before I could do anything,"

he levitated a new smarty-pants doll for her. Twilight's heart started lifting as she levitated it out of her brother's magical grip, she looked back at him and saw remorseful tears dripping on his face. but she noticed something else, some strange markings on his neck.

"um, shiny," she asked worrisomely

"yes" he answered

"What happened to your neck?" She asked.

"I uh had an accident," He said nervously.

Twilight then thought about what he said and wondered what kind of accident would mess up his neck that badly, but she soon realized what he meant by "accident" and finally put two and two together.

"Shiny did you try to hang yourself?" She asked.

After a moment's hesitation, Shining armor wasted no time and simply gave her the answer, not even bothering to try and hide it.

"YES!," He said as tear's started to form in his eyes while Twilight remained visibly shocked. " That's right, I tried to kill myself Twily. I hurt you, my own sister, so badly with my harsh word's all because I jumped to the conclusion that you were just jealous. I was so furious that you were trying to hurt Cadence verbally that I didn't want you anywhere near her, so I made the worst mistake of my life............... I cast you out of the wedding. not even Sombra would pull some bullshit like that off. a part of me felt so bad for saying it, but I was so clouded with anger that I simply brushed it aside like the ungrateful asshole I am, and what's worse those were my words not from the queen's mind control spell. like I said Before the wedding I was gonna go find you and apologize but then that damn insect's mind control spell kicked into overdrive and I never got the chance, that is until her defeat. You were so furious at me that you wanted nothing more to do with me, and I didn't blame you one bit! I was a monster, even mom and dad were furious at what I did. I was so clouded with guilt that I felt I didn't deserve to be in this world anymore, and I still do. and oh god, when I tried to talk to you, dad wouldn't let me. so I tried to shoot a laser beam, and accidentally hit mom! so my dad kicked me out and I had to live in a halfway house. after that and the pain I've put you through and the fact that I lost you forever. So I've been trying to kill myself all week, however, I failed three times this week. And when I tried to hang myself off the balcony on Wednesday I was put on suicide watch after I was released from the hospital with a near-fatal neck wound from the rope. After that, a counselor has been trying to comfort me all week saying that it wasn't my fault and that I deserve to live in this world, but I knew that was a lie. I hurt you my own little sister from my selfish behavior Twily, I fell for that bitches manipulations and It almost cost the lives of not only you but my one true love, whom I may never see again, and I'll never forgive myself for it. Twily I Am so very sorry for what I've said to you, I don't expect you to forgive me I am nothing more but a thoughtless coldblooded asshole who hurt his little sister and nearly drove her to insanity, If you want to hate me for the rest of your life I understand and I will always love you even if you don't love me anymore. But please I'm begging you to forgive the others. I'm the one who instigated it, I'm the only one you should hate for the rest of your life. Please Twilight hate me, not them, I deserve to rot in a grave for my harsh action's please, please, please, please.....................................and after this, I plan to finally take my life just to prove how sorry I am, in fact, kill me now twilight! no other punishment will do, you have to kill me now! and then kill me again!" shining buried his face under the tablecloth and hollered in absolute grief.

Suddenly, he felt a hoof rub him, he looked up and saw Twilight was actually smiling this time, after two months of severe vendetta-faux-depression-syndrome, she was finally smiling.

"Oh Shining, this is probably the nicest thing you've ever done for me," she then broke down in tears! I mean it was absolutely POURING down her face

shining asked "what's wrong Twiley"

it-its just that" twilight answered through her tears "you've all been so nice to me, and yet, I've been so cruel, and don't give me that "we should've listened to you" crap, cause I have a confession to make and you won't like it, in fact, I don't think you'll want to call me your sister after it"

"Twilight, no matter what you did, it can't be any worse than what I did"


she then cried uninterrupted into her bowl for 7 minutes, then looked at shining with a stained face saying

"and furthermore, you're none of those things you've described yourself as you are my Big Brother Best Friend Forever...and you always will be, and I'm gonna talk to dad later about seeing you back in," she said, collapsing to the floor from exhaustion. Shining Armor quickly scooped her up and hugged her.

"AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" said the crowd of other ponies that were watching, this caused Shining to quickly disengage the hug, remembering he was in a restaurant, he soon sat back down at their table and carried her and the smarty-pants doll out.

in her dreams, she could see herself and her B.B.B.F.F, playing happily together, to this song

(id do the big brother best friend forever song, but that's been done before)

8-as john Lennon said-it'll be just like starting over

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Twilight and Shining Armor were upstairs in the guest bedroom at their house playing checkers, trying to rekindle their stunted relationship. shining armor had forgiven twilight for what he did to her, and shining had forgiven twilight for what she did to him because shining has guilt as a substitute for knowledge.

they heard a knock on the door downstairs, Shining Armor got up and went downstairs, opened it, and there stood Princess Celestia, with a face longer than twilights feud towards them.

"Shining, may I please come in?" she asked, Shining Armor gave a warm smile.

"Of course Celestia, come on in," he said, Celestia entered the house as Shining Armor used his magic to close the door, first thing he noticed about the leader was that she was lacking her signature crown.

"Celestia, why aren't you wearing your crown?" he asked.

"I've put it in my quarters at the castle, I have no need to wear it, I don't feel my rulership is deserved," she said, sitting down and beginning to cry, the former captain placed a hoof on her back.

"Why would you ever say that?!" he asked, "You are the best ruler we've ever gotten. in fact you're the only ruler we had for, what is it, thousands of years"

"Not after all I've done I'm not!" she said as she continued to weep.

"Come on Celestia, Twiley can't still be mad at you, she's forgiven me, and frankly, from what she described to me last night, she may have done worst, and this isn't about the rehearsal. I'm pretty sure she'll forgive you."

"She'll never forgive me, how could I have been so stupid, how could I do that to Twilight, I now know she had every right to quit on me, I never should've said what I did to her, it broke my heart!" shining armor could only wonder at how similar she and her sister's arguments were, like a mirror she said, meanwhile upstairs Twilight heard Celestia crying and came downstairs to see what was going on, when she made it downstairs she saw what was happening.

"Celestia?" Twilight said, Celestia, turned over and saw Twilight with a worried expression.

"Twilight Sparkle my most faithful former student" She began sadly. "Words cannot express how much I regret hurting you the way I did. I've always loved having you as my student and I loved you as if you were my own daughter. But what I've done has driven you away from me just like how I drove Sunset Shimmer away a year ago. All the times you saved everyone and put your life on the line to protect the ones you love made me regret having you do everything I could have done myself, all those threats I could have helped but I didn't. even if I helped you when discord was around, it's still not enough. it was written by fate that you would be element of magic, so I thought it was only fair to have you deal with all the problems in order to teach you about responsibility and to protect your loved ones. But in the end, it was selfish and stupid of me, and because I left everything to FAITH your life was nearly cut short by that horrid Queen and her army of Changelings and I'll never forgive myself for it. I'm a poor excuse for a princess Twilight who has put her own students on the line instead of aiding with such problems myself, I should have taken responsibility for my actions and dealt with the many threats. And I'm a poor excuse of an aunt to my niece since I couldn't tell her apart from the queen, I loved Cadence, when my brother and his wife died years ago I promised to look after her and treat her as my own daughter. but in the end, I betrayed her just the same as you. For everything it's worth Twilight Sparkle I am deeply sorry for what I have done and I pray for you to find it in your heart to forgive me someday" she said still crying, Twilight walked up to her and also put a hoof on her back.

"Well Celestia, first off, lemme explain what I did"

she did such after much crying she then said

"you did hurt me when you said that I had a lot to think about, but you were right, I DID have a lot to think about, I was a fool, a fool from the very start who doesn't think to act rational and not shout "she's evil" every five seconds, I broke YOUR heart, not vice versa, what I'm trying to say is..." she gave a sorrowful sigh, "I'm really sorry I quit on you Celestia, I was a selfish little tool who frankly should have a wedding chosen over her"

Celestia blew her nose with a tissue while trying to wipe tears off her face, "no Twilight, it was foolish of me for what I did."

"no celly, it was foolish of me"
"no twilight, I was the fool"
"no, I was the fool"
"no, it was me"
"It was me"
"no me"

"It was foolish of all of us." said a recognizable voice from the door, Celestia, Twilight, and Shining Armor saw the faces of Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity standing at the door with sorrowful looks that could make an orphan foal jealous.

"Twi' we have somethin' to say to you." Applejack said, Rainbow Dash walked up beside Applejack.

"I know what you're about to say but you can save it, I have something to tell all of you"

she then told the story and said

"if you want to kill me right here on the spot, I wouldn't care, it's no less than what I deserved, in fact right now, I think you'd all be better off if I never was born"

just then, a guardian angel appeared...


ok, never mind

"Now look here," aj said "ah think we're all in agreement what y' did was pretty durn loathsome, especially considrin' everything else, but We all saw what was happening n' we knew damn straight that we went through a shield, their wus gonna be trouble wit a capital T, but we got so tangled up with that mess of a wedding, that we ignored it, we've been nothin but fools Twilight, so don't blame yerself, just've got a group of rotten traitors fer friends, and honestly it's a miracle we've made it this far d'spite everythang the worlds done thrown at us. I want nuthin more than to go back to normal, but ah know that can't happen. I was the only one who apologized cuz I told everypony to check on that horse feathers of a princess and I felt it'd only be fair, but that's a coward's way out and I've hated myself fer it. If ma and pa were alive right now, they'd be ashamed to know me, and ah wouldn't blame them. I'm a poor excuse for an Apple and it's exactly why ah was "recalled" honestly, we were all terrible friends and we don't even deserve you,y' may never fergive any of us but we just wanted to let you know if this is the end, then just tell us so. no matter what we'll always think of you as our friend even if you don't believe us.

After an almost three-month revenge plot over them, Twilight finally perked up and smiled at them for the first time, she walked up to applejack and put a hoof on her.

"That was the nicest thing you've ever said to me, and as I said, none of you need to be sorry, you had every right to leave, and I don't blame you anymore. I'll forgive you even if you don't promise to do three things for me from now on."

"What's that?" Rarity asked.

"Number 1 - I want you to be treated more like superheroes, not sidekicks."
"Number 2 - I want you all to give yourselves more credit for your endeavors."
"And Number 3 - I want you to keep me calm next time I go insane, even if I'm right."

"We promise." they all said, Twilight then hugged them all and then turned her attention back to Celestia.

"And Celestia, id like to take an entrance exam, if that's ok with you," she said, Celestia walked up and hugged her.

"Welcome faithful student," she said with glee.

"guys," twilight continued "I promise you now that I'm gonna fix everything, I'm gonna keep you from being disbarred, I'm gonna get you and cadence back together, and I'm gonna fix your lives and relationships, and make them better than ever before. but for now, let's do something together, whatever you wanna do!"

Shining Armor could only smile, there were still problems in their lives but the fact that his "Twiley" was starting to go back to her former life, made things feel a lot better.

as she danced around with her former-former- friends, she had this song in her mind


9- we just wanted to reaffirm our maya culpas too you all

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Celestia and the mane six, along with Shining Armor had managed to gather up all of Canterlot for a big meeting, she and the others wanted to apologize and set the record straight for good. The crowd looked on at the many figures that had been prominent in the last three months, Celestia, twilight, cadence, spike, the mane six, and Shining Armor stood on the balcony, Twilight was the first to speak, who removed her tin foil crown because just like celly, she felt unworthy of her title.

"All of this started when I began to suspect that the bridesmaid was evil, I did NOT suspect she was a changeling, after all, that's when I burst into the wedding hall, and proclaimed that nopony should stand next to Cadance. I Ignored the inquiries of Fluttershy and Applejack, I approached the podium and pointed at "Cadance", crying, "She's EVIL!" While aggressively cornering her, I condemned "her" behavior towards my friends, the sudden disappearance of the bridesmaids, and the spell she cast on Shining Armor. I didn't sheepishly ask about safety concerns and then get smacked in the face, I was not forced to sleep outside, and I was not RAPED by the queen of the changelings, those were all LIES!"

Shining's eyes grew wide open, just how much did twilight say about them?

"Then when I was captured, I (sob) still believed she was the imposter, so I attacked her (sob) if she hadn't proven to me she was my former babysitter, I may have killed her right there!

Twilight broke down crying, Celestia nuzzled the neck of her faithful student and got up to speak

(don't worry reader, ill write you a hall pass if you don't wanna read this tedious repetition)

"It has been really foolish of me to send Twilight out on all the dangers that come to Equestria, and it was because of me that Luna became Nightmare moon, but instead of doing my duty and stopping her myself, I acted like a fool and sent Twilight out to stop it plus I refused to listen to her it was me and Luna that should've stopped Discord when he stole the elements of harmony, instead, I made Twilight and her friends stop him."

"Um, dearest sister" Luna spoke up "you are forgetting about then thou sent back her letters to you to break the hold discord had over her mind, if anything, it was me who did nothing"

"Not true, you organized the letters for a year, just for that occasion" Celestia stated

She then turned to the crowd" anyways, now the fact that a massive attack on Canterlot has happened inadvertently because of us, we chose a silly wedding over the safety of our people. and I've relied too much on the elements of harmony stopping our problems and keeping peace and harmony in Equestria, even if it is fate, some things go beyond fate. and Although it's true that I defended you from chrysalis and was even in the process of being turned into food for you, which in a way, that sacrifice makes me a bit like Jesus, but regardless, the fact we let it happen in the first place in inexcusable"

Celestia then turned to Twilight, "I'm sorry my most faithful student, I have been a rotten teacher to you, " she then turned back to the crowd below, "And I'm sorry to you all, I have been lazy for the past few years, and I beg forgiveness from everypony."

Tears started forming in some of the ponies in the crowd as Celestia stood back and Shining Armor walked up.

"Thank you, and you don't need to apologize to me, I mean for your sake, you've been the leader for thousands of years, after all those years. Why wouldn't you want to have a successor, even the immortal need a break."

"Me, Shining Armor, Captain of the Royal Guard, I was the one that surrounded this city with a force field, yet the problems with this wedding were within, instead I chose to turn my back on you all and go through with this wedding regardless, hell I don't even deserve love in the first place, anyways as my sister explained, she barged in, claiming she was evil. and chose to believe that imposter under the excuse of "stress" so I told her to forget about her being my best mare and said if I were her, I would not show up to the wedding at all, then her friends took my side and abandoned her, lastly, Celestia told her that she had a lot to think about and left leaving her all alone. However, when I got to 'Cadance's' room I saw that she didn't even go in, I figured she must've calmed down and gone back to settle things with Twilight, but when I returned I saw that she was nowhere to be found then 'Cadance' turned and gave me a look of evil, I then discovered the whole truth and the fact that Twilight was right all along"

(oh, youre back, i know, waaaaaaaay too long)

"Before I could do anything, the imposter had me under her spell, I was a prisoner within my own mind." he said as tears streamed down his face, he then turned back towards his sister, "Look all I know is that somepony really close to me, I grew up with, and I love a whole lot, could have died and it would be on my head."

Twilight walked up and hugged her brother as he cried the last ones to come up were Twilight's friends whom she had reconciled with, they were the last ones to look at the crowd.

"And us," Rainbow Dash said loudly, "The Elements of Harmony, yet we have betrayed them, AND you all, me the element of loyalty, the only pony I've been loyal to is myself, I chose my ego and chance for stardom over a friend's hurt feelings."

Applejack - "Me, the element of honesty, Ah' thought Ah' was bein' honest when Ah' told everypony to go and check on 'Cadance' it was mostly mah' fault, if Ah' hadn't turned on Twilight like that, none of this would've ever happened, Ah' was wrong to do that to a friend."

Fluttershy - "Me, the element of kindness, I was mean when I turned my back on Twilight like that."

Rarity - "Me, the element of generosity, I chose to be generous to an impostor instead of a close friend."

Pinkie Pie - "Me, the element of laughter, I made a friend cry and hurt her deeply."

Princess Celestia came back up and joined them, "We are greatly sorry for our foolish actions, so once again, i beg for forgiveness."

"ALL HAIL PRINCESS CELESTIA!!!" said a pony from the crowd, pretty soon the whole crowd joined in.


Forgiveness was easy from the ponies, cause let's face it, even though they're well-intended, they're putts

"They're not the only ones who have to apologize" cadence stepped up "me-the princess of love, I fueled hatred without even being aware of it

"Me-the plucky assistant, I have no element to betray but I'm sorry anyways, and rarity, I still love you!"

"And thank you all" Twilight said, "but, I don't deserve your apologies, I was the worst of all of them, me, twilight sparkle, element of magic and student to H.M, used my magic powers for my own selfish desires, I lied to all of you about my situation and ruined the lives of those I cared about, all for petty revenge and to rub it in that I was right, well I got my own taste of it, and let me tell you, it isn't sweet, speaking of which" she turned to Celestia "I have a letter to write, spike, please take a note"

With that, spike pulled up a scroll and quill, ready to jot down whatever it was twilight had to say

"Dear Princess Celestia, I found an empty cup hollower than a barrel over the course of 3 months, revenge is a waste of time, all it does is leave you unfulfilled and even more depressed than you already were. Especially since those I care about were hurt both mentally and physically, by ME I might add. Revenge took a toll on me as well. I may have got a cathartic feeling, but it didn't last. All I got, was the kick in the beaver that I deserved. And I also learned that being right is not always right. I should've solved this problem that arose from circumstances beyond my control. Or controlled my anger to keep from saying something I regret, but nooooooooooooooo, I just had to barge in with no evidence, get locked in a cave, wherein I tried to beat up the REAL cadence. Thinking she was FAKE! Then destroy the wedding hall AFTER the love wave, trick spike, and cadence into my will like that GODDAMN BUG WOULD, and ruined everyponys lives! Being right doesn't matter, you know what does? Friends, families, loved ones, respect, dignity, compassion, understanding, and justice, I also want to thank the crowd for forgiving all my friends, especially since they were not only unaware of information they couldn’t possibly have access to, but were being more mature about it, to begin with. Forgive and forget, because even though many will betray you in life, true friends always try harder after they make a mistake. Yours truly, twilight sparkle"

Suddenly Celestia felt somepony tapping her from behind, she turned and saw Luna who had a smile on her face and was levitating her crown.

"Sister, I believe this is yours," she said, Celestia smiled and levitated the crown from her sister's aura, and placed it on her head. Meanwhile, Shining Armor felt a hoof on his shoulder, he turned and saw his beloved who levitated his face towards hers and kissed his cheek. She then looked with sympathetic puppy eyes.

"Shining, can you ever forgive a "princess of hate?" Cadence sheepishly asked

"Hey, when have I ever not" shining said

If I can say I'm sorry

If I can say I really cared

If I can say I'm sorry

If there's love inside somewhere

If I can let you know

I'd let everything go

To keep you from closing the door

If I can say I'm sorry

Then maybe I need say no more.

10-bet you a hundred they dont last two months together!

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It had been nearly six months since the changeling attack, but now everything had been nearly restored to normal, Twilight was now friends with everypony again and was officially Celestia's student once again, and Shining Armor and Princess Cadance were together again. later that day he was later reinstated as captain of the guards.

in three months, twilight cleared all the lies she told, the apples and cakes tearfully reunited, pinkie was allowed to have as much cake as she wanted for the next few days, Fluttershy's animals used their collective efforts to make dinner for Fluttershy, and angel pledged not to be so picky. rarities customers poured in official apology letters for days, hoity-toity went into talks with her about making a new line of clothing, and spitfire officially apologized to rainbow dash, making it up to her by officially making her a wonder bolt with the highest honor, she also received help for her developing drinking problem.

unfortunately, not everypony was so forgiving. she was banned from certain establishments, many ponies still gave her dirty looks, and of course, she had a blemish on her record, but she didn't care, all that mattered was the wellbeing of those around her.

(oh, and Neighsay was planning revenge on twilightsparkelanyways..........................................................................................>

a real wedding was taking place in the same room as it was originally going to take place six months ago, twilight had cleaned and repaired it from when she lost her temper and destroyed it then, she paid for all the damages she caused that day, but here she was in her wedding dress standing beside her brother who was once again wearing his red guard uniform and blue sash as trumpets played in the background, night light and twilight velvet were there, luckily she wasn't permanently damaged, but had temporary blindness in one eye and half blindness in the other, and a small scar across her forehead, night light had heard the truth, though still mad at shining, reluctantly, he let him back in.

Twilight nuzzled her brother's cheek. "Seriously, though." twilight asked as she straightened her brother's bowtie " I get why the queen of the changelings wanted to be with you, but how did you get someone as amazing as Cadance to marry you?"

shining merely said "I told her she wouldn't just be gaining a husband. She'd be getting a pretty great sister, too."

Twilight's friends were back in the dresses that they had worn before while Celestia stood in the center.

"Mares and Gentlecolts, we are gathered here in the sight of God for a momentous occasion," she said, the ponies at the edge of the door started playing the trumpets, and in came Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom(who had been missing for a while, I swear ill explain in another story) in their flower filly dresses tossing flower petals alongside the aisle with Cadance behind them, looking as beautiful as a diamond walking up towards the edge of the aisle wearing a pink and white dress with a purple bow ribbon in the back center, her mane had been pulled back and she had the sweet smell of perfume on her whole body. Shining Armor stared in awe at her looks.

Cadance stood alongside Shining Armor with a smile on her face. knowing this would be the last day she'd ever have to spend without him

"Does thou Princess Mi Amore Cadenza...."

"Princess Cadance is fine." Cadence interrupted.

Celestia giggled, "Princess Cadance take Shining Armor to be your lawfully wedded husband, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, and until death do you part?"

Cadance had tears forming in her eyes, "I do!" she exclaimed, Shining Armor was now relieved big time, and why wouldn't he be, Cadance was serious enough about giving him another chance as she said, and he was just as serious about giving her a second chance, Celestia then turned to Shining Armor.

"Shining Armor, do you take Princess Cadance to be your lawfully wedded wife, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do." Shining Armor said with a smile.

"May we please have the rings?" Celestia asked, Spike was wearing a fresh brand new tux and hat and walked up to the stage with the re-engaged rings,(a little duct tape will do ya) Celestia put them on Cadance and Shining Armor's horns.

"you may now kiss the bride."

Shining Armor and Cadance then touched lips and kissed, Rarity cried and levitated a tissue while Applejack put her hat on. because country waits for nopony.

“This is your victory as much as theirs,” Princess Celestia said to Twilight.

“You persisted in the face of doubt, and your actions led to your being able to bring the real Princess Cadance back to us Learning to trust your instincts is a valuable lesson to learn.”

"Learning to trust others is just as important" Twilight remorsefully admitted.

Celestia nodded her head in agreement “Rainbow Dash, that’s your cue.” she whispered into the young pilot's ear as she literally flew right out of her bridesmaid gown, high in the air above the castle, and set off her long-awaited Sonic Rainboom which spread across the entire sky above Canterlot.
“Best… Wedding… EVER!” Dash cheered as she flew through the air.

Later on, after the wedding there was a big reception out in the gardens, the cake was eaten, the songs were sung, and everypony danced. After everything, Shining Armor and Cadance entered the carriage bound to depart for their honeymoon, Shining Armor went in after cadence, but before he did, he looked over at Twilight and gave her a big hug for all she did.

"Twilight! None of this would've been possible without you, little sis. Love ya, Twily.." he said.

"Love you too B.B.B.F.F.," Twilight said smiling at the touch of her brother's hug.

as he climbed in, Cadance threw the flowers out into the crowd before the wagon departed, causing rarity to go into a frenzy for them, Twilight watched them leave for their honeymoon with a smile on her face, and she was soon joined by her friends.

"Now that was a good wedding," Twilight said.

Spike jokingly said "Oh, yeah? Just wait until you see what I have planned for the bachelor party!"

the whole group laughed at the thought

"And let's never forget, if it hadn't been for your warning darling, this never would've happened." Rarity said.

"Girls come on," Twilight said cheerfully, "you give me far too much credit, if you didn't fight back the changelings with me, I would've wound up in a cocoon! besides, we're all friends again, that's all that matters right now, to the bitter end."

Pretty soon they all got together in a group hug as fireworks lit up the night skies over Canterlot.

"you know, even though we were at our worst when we fought back the army, it felt like old times, it still felt good, despite everything, I guess we did do something right."