> The Crescent Pact > by Chromentazol > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1 - The Delivery > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A faint ticking sound reverberated around a large room filled with many strange apparatuses and machines. Walking underneath countless copper spheres hanging from the ceiling, a young unicorn was making his way towards an old wooden desk covered with strange trinkets and baubles. The young researcher sat down, inspecting a scroll filled with strange writings that only made sense to him. A perplexed look on his face, he spoke to himself. "It happened this morning again. Three seconds late, this time. This is beyond the realm of coincidence, now... But why?" With a sudden yellow flash, the unicorn summoned a large book to his side. He began quickly flipping through the pages, hoping he had missed something in the past: a detail, an anecdote, a reference to another book. He searched for an hour, painstakingly obsessing over every single sentence, before putting down the tome with an exasperated sigh. His eyes glossed over the title, The Complete History of Equestria - Volume V, then laid his head on it. He felt exhausted, to the point of considering treating this book as an impromptu pillow. "I'm probably overthinking. Maybe Celestia's just getting old. Doing the same thing over and over again for centuries... Can't blame her for not caring about being on time anymore." He let his eyes wander across the room, the familiar sight of the orrery comforting him. Feeling cozy in this well-lit room, his head rested upon a large hard-cover book, he yawned. He then glanced through the window. Raindrops were slowly dripping down, slightly blurring the view. He could still make out the overgrown walls surrounding the mansion and the forest that spread seemingly endlessly around it. Even further away, above the tree line and atop a cliff, he was able to see the outline of Canterlot. This view always felt unnerving: the mansion was technically in plain sight of its main enemy. According to his father, this was by design. Celestia would never expect the Crescent Pact to hide so boldly, that is if she even believed the organization still existed. Feeling his neck becoming sore from resting on such a hard pillow, if it could even be considered one, the unicorn stood back up. He stretched for a while, then began walking towards the door. Having worked for so long today, he could now only think about the warm, soft bed waiting for him. As he was about to open the door and leave, he turned back. Something felt off. Narrowing his eyes, he scanned the room, searching for the source of his unease. Quickly, he found it: one of the copper orbs depicting the Canis Major constellation was smudged. Being a perfectionist, the unicorn knew he would not be able to sleep knowing that his instruments were dirty. Levitating a small, enchanted rag next to him, he walked towards the sphere and quickly cleaned it. With only a few passes, the metal was spotless, reflecting the unicorn's image back to him: he could see his gray coat and teal mane, left completely unkempt. He smiled with satisfaction, letting the rag float back down to its place. Suddenly, he could hear a loud knock at his door. A stern voice accompanied the knocking. "Aphelion, are you still in there?" "Yes, father. It's open, come in," answered Aphelion, his smile vanishing. The door was opened by a large indigo unicorn with a graying mane. Aphelion barely looked at his father, wishing he had been gone on another of his so-called business trips. While the manor belonged to him, Aphelion saw him as an intruder. Especially in this room. Out of habit, Aphelion bowed to his father. The intruder nodded, then spoke up. "Have you made any progress on your... Research?" The disdain in his father's voice was clear as day, but Aphelion had learned to pay no mind to this tone. "Not quite. The raising of the sun has maintained its growing latency. While I do have a few leads, I still need more time to figure out what's going on," he lied. No progress had been made in the past week. His father groaned, putting a hoof on his face. "You only have one job, son, and you can't even do that correctly. I will have to report your inadequacy to Lord Comet. You do know that, right?" "Y... Yes. I understand," Aphelion hesitated. "Though, I do have a more substantial lead... However, I am afraid you won't like it." His father sighed. "Well, then, let us hear it. Why has Celestia been struggling to raise the sun for the past few months?" "I believe Nightmare Moon may have something to do with it." For a moment, the only sounds in the orrery were the ticking of the machines and the rain outside. Aphelion's father looked stunned. "Nightmare... Moon? As in..." Feeling the need to argue his case more, Aphelion continued. "Yes, that Nightmare Moon. From the fairy tale. But there is mention of four stars playing a role in her release, which could have been affecting the cosmic forces at play when Celestia raises the sun." The look on Aphelion's father went from stunned to disappointed. "You have spent too long stuck inside and you've gone mad. All this machinery, the finest clockworks that the Crescent Pact could afford to buy with its very limited budget... And you're using it to investigate a damned fairy tale." Feeling his anger rise, Aphelion attempted to not let himself be affected by his father's insults. He decided to backpedal, not wanting to face his father's disappointment any longer. "I can assure you that my mind is sane. Besides, that's just a single theory amongst many others. I just believed it was something worth mentioning." With a sigh, his father continued. "No matter. That's not why I came. Lord Comet himself has a new task for you." Aphelion raised an eyebrow. "Really? He gave a task to me specifically? I thought the surveillance of Celestia was supposed to be my sole focus." "Consider this mission more important for now. Lord Comet needs you to go to Canterlot tomorrow. You will need to find a middlepony and exchange a package with this person. Once the trade has been made, come back to the manor and deliver it to me. I will take care of the rest." It took Aphelion some time to fully process the information. "Lord Comet wants me to... Act as a courier? And to go directly inside Canterlot?! Father, are you sure this is what he wants me to do?" "Yes. Do not bother with the 'why', just focus on the 'how'. He gave you orders; your only goal is to follow them. Besides, this will be greatly beneficial for you. You've been stuck indoors for too long and your mind has begun to consider fiction and fairy tales as facts," The disdain in his father's voice was palpable. Aphelion felt his temper rising once more, but took a deep breath. "I am above his pettiness," he thought to himself. Not letting his emotion show, he nodded. "...Very well, father. What shall I deliver, and to whom?" "Your role is only to make the trade, not to worry about what you are trading. You must not under any circumstance check the contents of any of the packages. Lord Comet left you a letter with more detailed information about where exactly you need to go." With a flash of a sickly green light, his father conjured the letter in front of his son, dropping it on the floor. He then turned around and began to leave, leaving Aphelion with some last words of wisdom. "Do not mess this up." "I will not, father." The door slammed shut. Confused, Aphelion began to wonder about this strange task. Why did Lord Purple Comet need him specifically to play mailpony? What was he going to deliver? Shouldn't he focus on tracking Celestia's every move from the manor instead, in case she rediscovers the Crescent Pact's existence? Aphelion made the letter float in front of his eyes and began reading the instructions left for him. "Well then. Guess I need to prepare for tomorrow. The following day, Aphelion was walking along the capital's busy streets. Surrounded by what felt like a swarm of ponies in every direction, he felt incredibly out of place. Aphelion focused on standing out as little as possible, which wasn't very hard. He looked at his saddle bag, which contained a large rectangular package, slightly poking out. Despite being told not to worry about its contents, Aphelion wondered what could be inside. Classified documents? Money? Drugs? A weapon to take down Celestia's reign of terror? His imagination running wild, Aphelion began to look around. Many ponies were going about their businesses. Some were shopping, others were visiting. A few were guardponies, which made Aphelion nervous, but they paid no mind to him. All in all, this seemed to Aphelion like a regular day. "Are we really living under a reign of terror?" he wondered, his voice drowned in the capital's many other voices. "...No, this must be a trick. This is the capital, after all, Celestia probably ordered the citizens to act all happy and stuff. To keep up appearances. That's got to be it," Aphelion thought. He himself wasn't convinced, but he trusted the Crescent Pact more than his own judgment. And yet, he could feel a seed of doubt appear in his mind. Taking a deep breath, he focused on his task. While Lord Comet's instructions were vague and cryptic, Aphelion did his best to follow them. As they led him through less crowded streets, he made sure to observe every single sign as he was passing in front of the many shops, restaurants and boutiques of the capital. Eventually, he found the 'meeting point' mentioned in the letter: a relatively small café named The Rainy Brew. He thought the name a bit odd, then stepped inside. As Aphelion pushed the door, a small chime announced his entrance to the almost empty café. Looking around hesitantly, he headed towards one of the tables furthest away from the windows. Aphelion quickly glanced at the other ponies inside: two mares, a yellow earth pony and a pink unicorn, were having lunch and gossiping, barely paying attention to him. On another table, there was an older crimson-colored pegasus, reading a journal while drinking coffee. The pegasus was keeping an eye on Aphelion, his face not betraying any emotion. "Either he's my contact, or he's suspicious of me", thought Aphelion. Proceeding with his instructions, he sat down and pretended not to pay attention to the other ponies around him. He placed his saddle bag on the chair next to him. Aphelion began reading a menu, trying to look inconspicuous. Waiting for somepony to come to him to take his order, he hummed a tune. Soon enough, a waiter came to his table to take his order. Aphelion smiled, then uttered the 'password phrase' as per his instructions. "I'll have verbena tea with six sugar cubes and a bit of milk, please." According to his instructions, this specific order would indicate to the middlepony that Aphelion was ready for the trade. After the waiter left his table, Aphelion attempted to see if anypony had reacted to his order. The only thing he had noticed was the pegasus standing up after finishing his coffee, leaving a couple of bits on the table and exiting the café. "So, I suppose it's not him?" Aphelion wondered. "I suppose that all I have to do, now, is to be patient." A short moment later, his tea arrived. Aphelion thanked the waiter and floated the cup to his lips taking a sip. He put it down immediately, the taste reminding him how much he hated tea. He had no choice, however, as his instructions were quite clear on that point: he had to order this specific kind of tea and he must finish it, as leaving it untouched will raise suspicions, at least according to Lord Comet. Ignoring what felt like a disgustingly sweet assault on his taste buds, Aphelion kept taking sips of his poison over the course of fifteen long, agonizing minutes, during which he kept an eye out for anypony that would come to him. After finishing his cup, Aphelion took a sigh of relief. He had survived the overly sweet trial of his verbena tea. However, he was still sitting alone. Nopony had come for the exchange, leaving Aphelion to wonder if he had gotten the right place. Maybe he misremembered his instructions and went to the wrong café? Or maybe his contact was unable to reach him? Just about to call it quits and going back to the manor, Aphelion noticed that one of the two mares had stood up and was headed towards him. She was a yellow earth pony, her orange mane covering one of her eyes. He stared at her, finding her attractive, then spoke to her. "Uh... Hi. How can I help you, ma'am?" Aphelion asked, quickly glancing at the rest of the café. The other mare, the pink unicorn, was still sitting on the other table, alone. She was looking towards the café's windows. The yellow mare sat down at Aphelion's table, right in front of him and answered his question with a soft voice. "Heya. Couldn't help but notice what you ordered there. Seems like you've got quite the sweet tooth," she smirked. Her gaze felt like it was piercing directly into Aphelion's soul. "I, uh... Yup, I sure do enjoy some very sweet tea," he answered. The tea had left a sugary aftertaste in his mouth, still taunting his taste buds. "Wait, are you the..." "I think you have something for me," she winked. Blushing, Aphelion felt his heart beating faster. Being stuck indoors most of the time, he had very little experience with other ponies his age. Especially with the pretty ones. "Y-Yes, I've got the thing right here." The package floated from its bag and onto the table, enveloped by a yellow glow. The mare in front of him quickly inspected the package while Aphelion stood still, silently waiting. After a few moments, the yellow mare nodded in her friend's direction. Lifted by gray energy, the package floated towards the other table, in front of the pink unicorn. Her eyes were still fixed on the windows, scanning the street. "Right, then," continued the yellow mare. "Now's the matter of our part of the trade." "Uh, yes. I believe you have another package for me?" asked Aphelion nervously. "We have a... Slight issue with that. You see, our supplier decided to double the price. So, we're doubling ours as well. Meaning you need to go back to that Comet guy and ask for another set of those," she nudged towards the package. Aphelion felt the blood drain out of his face. "Wait, what? Are - Are you serious? I... I can't come back empty-hoofed!" panic was clearly audible in Aphelion's voice, as the prospect of a failed mission dawned on him. "Is there anything I can do to... Smooth this over? I can, uh, I can pay for the rest! Just tell me how many bits... Please?" "I'm sorry, honey, but I doubt you've got that kind of money," she answered. The pink unicorn on the other table stood up and was about to leave as well, before her friend raised a hoof. She sat back down, a curious look on her face. The yellow mare continued. "But... Maybe there is something you can do for us. Something that would basically set us even." Suddenly, Aphelion stood up from his chair. "Yes! I'll do it, whatever you need." Aphelion had barely finished his sentence and he was already regretting it. He had no idea what he'd be getting into. It would probably be wiser to come back to the manor and explain the situation, he thought. But then, he would have to basically admit defeat on what seemed to be a very important task given by Lord Comet himself. If he could solve this on his own, he would most certainly gain the respect of his father and of Lord Comet, right? Besides, the two mares in front of him seemed normal enough. Surely, what they'll ask of him will be a very reasonable task. The yellow mare chuckled. "Wonderful. By any chance, would you happen to be good at sneaking around?" Aphelion gulped, hesitating for a moment. "Sure, I may know a spell or two that would fit the bill." "Awesome!" she leaned closer to Aphelion, whispering directly in his ear. "We need you to sneak inside Celestia's castle." > 2 - The Celebration > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For a moment, the words of the yellow mare resonated within Aphelion's mind. While he had heard her clearly, it took him a moment to fully process what he just had heard. After a few seconds of silence, Aphelion spoke up again. "...Huh? I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that. For a moment, I thought you said you wanted me to break inside the royal palace." The mare next to him chuckled. "Nah, you heard right. If you want the goods, you'll have to assist us with some daytime robbery." Her tone was nonchalant, as if she was talking about what she ate for dinner the day prior. And yet, she was dead serious. Aphelion began to freak out, feeling stuck in an inescapable situation. He could only see two options ahead of him: either come back empty-hoofed, failing his first and only mission outside his research room, or attempt to infiltrate one of the most secure buildings in all of Equestria in broad daylight, with next to no preparation. Neither of these options appealed to him. For a moment, Aphelion considered using his magic to steal the package he handed over and running away with it, but doing so would draw the attention of bystanders outside of the café. He also couldn't gauge the other unicorn's magical ability: for all he knew, he could be outmatched and make the situation even worse for himself. Going through every possible scenario in his head, Aphelion weighed the pros and cons of his options. Coming back without anything will mean he failed his task, but would that really be his fault? His instructions did not plan for this eventuality and as such, coming back to the manor to explain the situation would be the wise thing to do. However, Aphelion knew that his father would not accept any excuse for failing this task. "The situation at home is already tense enough as it is, I don't think I can handle it getting any worse," Aphelion thought. Going forward with the mare's plan would be extremely risky. Aphelion could end up being caught and sent to a dungeon, or an interrogation room where he'd be forced to spill secrets concerning the Crescent Pact. He knew he would not be able to remain silent if interrogated, especially with the violent and cruel interrogation techniques used by Celestia his father told him about. On the other hoof, if Aphelion did manage to successfully rob whatever the two mares needed him to steal, he could gain the respect of his father as well as Lord Comet's. He could also spy on Celestia from the inside too, maybe even steal classified documents. His mind was already running wild with ideas about what he could uncover about the ruler of Equestria. Aphelion only stopped thinking after noticing the yellow hoof waving in front of his face. "Uh... Earth to Aphelion, anyone receiving me?" asked the yellow mare. Aphelion had been thinking and staring into the void, silent, for the past minute. "Hm? Oh, sorry. I was just, uh, thinking. But yes, I'll do it. The, uh, robbery, I mean. Also, how did you know my name?" The mare in front of him looked puzzled. "You... Were talking to yourself. In the third person. Kinda weird if you ask me." "Ah, sorry. I tend to do that, sometimes," he said, followed by an awkward chuckle. "So, what's your name, then?" The mare in front of him smiled. "I'm Sandstorm and my friend there is called..." her sentence was cut short by the pink unicorn staring at Sandstorm. Her eyes were conveying a clear message: don't you dare tell him my name. Not wanting to anger her friend, Sandstorm continued. "...Anyway, we have an opportunity to sneak inside the palace today, but we need a third guy. So, here's how we're going to do this. We will..." Sandstorm was once again cut off mid-sentence, this time by Aphelion, who had placed a hoof on her mouth. "Wait! Should we really be discussing this here? What if the café's staff hears us?" he whispered, looking around nervously. Aphelion's hoof lit up in a grayish glow, as it was forced away from Sandstorm's face. The pink unicorn was staring daggers at him, her horn illuminated in the same glow that was holding his hoof. Sandstorm spoke up. "Don't worry, they're all on my boss' payroll. We can trust them." "Really? And who's your boss, if you don't mind me asking?" "Not telling you. Can I go over the plan now, or is there something else you want to try and shove in my mouth?" Sandstorm was smirking. Once again, it took Aphelion a moment to fully process the double entendre. When it finally hit him, he blushed and began fumbling his words. "...Huh? What do you mean by that? ...Oh. Oh, no, no, uh, I did not - It was not my intention to... I'd never, uh..." not being used to what felt like flirting to him, Aphelion was completely flustered. Sandstorm snickered. Her friend groaned and cringed. "Calm down, dude. It was just a joke. Alright, so here's what we're going to do..." Aphelion nodded. Sandstorm's plan was risky, but it had a decent chance of working. While he would still have preferred for the trade to happen as originally planned, infiltrating the royal castle would certainly help the Crescent Pact greatly. What better place to study Celestia's actions than her own home? Of course, he will only stay inside for a very brief moment, but Aphelion was ready. He looked at the two mares, standing up. "Alright. Everything's clear to me and I'm ready. But do I have your word that you'll honor the trade if everything goes according to plan?" Sandstorm nodded. "Yup. That's a Pinkie Promise." "A... A what now?" Aphelion looked confused, tilting his head. "Eh, never mind. Go ahead, we'll meet you at the spot in an hour. I need to talk to my associate. You might as well go ahead and explore Canterlot a bit, since you don't seem like you're here often," she answered. "Uh, sure. See you soon, then." Aphelion stood up and left the café, going back into the Canterlotian streets. Sandstorm sat back down next to her friend, placing a hoof over her shoulder. "I know you don't agree, Misty, but c'mon. He's perfect for the job and we don't know when's the next time we'll have an opportunity like that." Misty Step rolled her eyes. "I'm sure the boss will be elated to learn you've gone against his orders... Again. Also, was the flirting necessary?" she asked, still cringing. "Just some clever use of my natural charm," Sandstorm winked. "Why do you ask? Are you jealous, by any chance?" Misty answered with a groan. "Shut up. I'm not dealing with your crap right now. This whole plan of yours better work out. Otherwise, the boss will... Well, you saw what happened the last time someone disobeyed him." She turned her head, looking at the floor. Misty's eyes were filled with sadness and regret. Her friend opened her mouth, searching for the right thing to say, but no sound came out of Sandstorm's mouth. She instead took a deep breath and looked towards the windows. "It'll all be worth it, trust me. Come on, now, we have a few things to pick up as well before meeting back up with Aphelion." As he explored the many streets of Canterlot while waiting to meet back up with the two mares, Aphelion went over the plan in his head. If Sandstorm was right, one of the palace's entrances was going to be swarmed with tourists very soon. Something about a Summer Sun Celebration and a week-long festival in the capital. He had no idea the citizens of Equestria partook in this kind of event, as he had always been taught that these types of celebrations had been banned a few centuries ago by Celestia herself. Aphelion wondered if that law had been recently lifted, or if this whole event was pro-alicorn propaganda for visiting ambassadors. Suddenly, another voice spoke in Aphelion's mind, asking a simple question. "Isn't it weird that all of my history books have been written by members of the Crescent Pact?" He dwelled on the thought for a moment. Being part of a secret organization plotting to overthrow Celestia's rule, Aphelion always knew that he will only be taught what he needs to know and that many things would have to remain hidden to him, for safety in case he ever gets arrested. Besides, it was totally normal for all his books to be written by objective ponies outside of Celestia's tyrannical influence... Right? The inner voice chimed in once again. "But the ponies all around me don't seem to be under an oppressive regime..." Aphelion shook his head. He had begun to be affected by Celestia's propaganda and to doubt the Pact's noble goals. There was only one way to shut this voice of doubt for good: by infiltrating the castle, he'd be bound to find evidence of the alicorn's tyranny. Or, at the very least, that is what he was hoping for. He continued exploring the capital, slowly getting used to being in larger crowds. Or any crowds at all, for that matter. Aphelion had always imagined city life to be hellish, ponies always moving around in all directions, pushing other ponies around, talking loudly and obnoxiously. What was supposed to be an unbearable visit of the capital had however turned somewhat pleasant. He didn't really understand why at first but seeing all those around him going on with their lives, not paying attention to him, felt almost therapeutic. This was a stark departure from the silent rooms of his father's almost abandoned manors, where even the few maids and butlers were ordered to remain silent at all times. Aphelion felt like the city itself was alive, a fascinating swarm of countless lives interconnected with each other in some way or another. He decided to wait for his new partners in crime by sitting down on a bench, taking in the city in front of him. What Aphelion had failed to notice, however, was the crimson pegasus tracking him from up above, hidden in a cloud. An hour later, the three ponies stood near the main entrance of the palace. The gardens and the path were filled with sun-themed decorations and stands as a large crowd had gathered to celebrate what Aphelion learned was the first day of a week-long celebration called the Summer Sun Festival. He felt uncomfortable upon seeing so many ponies celebrating a tyrant, but Aphelion kept his unease to himself. He turned to Sandstorm and Misty. "So, do they always celebrate Celestia doing her job?" Sandstorm answered as she was leading the group towards one of the stands. "Once per year, yup. It's usually just a single day kind of deal, though, but they've decided to make it a week-long event in the capital. There was some deal about it being the 1000th something." "It's because we are also celebrating the 1000th anniversary of the defeat of Nightmare Moon," added Misty Step. She spoke sternly and with annoyance, but there was a hint of excitement in her voice. "You know about Nightmare Moon?" asked Aphelion, enthusiastically. "Do I know about Nightmare Moon?" she scoffed. "You'll have an easier time finding a pony who doesn't know about her." "Really? I thought Celestia would've restricted access to that kind of information. Doesn't she censor most mentions of conflicts?" Misty looked at Aphelion, unsure of what to answer. She knew members of the Crescent Pact were extreme with their beliefs, but she still felt pity for the stallion in front of him. From what she knew about him, he had been brainwashed his entire life. Not wanting to start a debate just before their infiltration, she just sighed. "Sure. She probably changed the story in some way, but most foals still learn the... Basics from fairy tales." "Huh. That actually sounds really interesting. I'd love to compare our stories sometime after... This," he glanced at the palace. "To see what she changed." Aphelion looked eager to discuss this matter more deeply and Misty was just about to answer, when they noticed Sandstorm coming back from one of the stands. She was wearing a large sun-shaped hat and sunglasses. All around its rim were long, wavy sun rays slightly drooping down from their own ways. The hat looked extremely impractical. "Hey, you two seem to be getting along!" she smiled. Just before Aphelion could answer, Misty scoffed. "No, we are not. And what's that ridiculous thing you're wearing?" "Just thought I'd go with the vibes. C'mon, you can't look at this and say it doesn't slap," Sandstorm spun around, letting the hat's sun rays dance in the wind. Misty was unimpressed. "Please, tell me you got this crap for free." "I think it's kind of neat, actually," Aphelion chimed in. With a smirk, Sandstorm went next to the stallion and punched him in the shoulder. "I knew you had good taste, both in mares and in hats." Before Aphelion could react, the pink unicorn groaned once again. "Okay, let's move on. Let's get inside, we've wasted enough time as is." The trio headed inside the palace. Near the entrance, there were a few booths where tourists could buy tickets to visit the castle. While these visits were available all year long, a new tour had been added for the 1000th celebration of the Summer Sun Celebration. During this tour, visitors were able to walk inside the palace's library where a literary convention was organized. Aphelion's eyes lingered on a banner with the name of the convention: The Evolution of Post-Nightmare Moon Equestrian Literature. If he hadn't been there to rob the palace, he would have enjoyed exploring this convention, even if most of the material presented were propaganda pieces. Once again, he also felt a growing doubt concerning Celestia's alleged tyrannical rule, but he quickly repressed the thought for now. Following Misty and Sandstorm's lead, he bought a ticket for the exposition. Aphelion tried not to pay attention to the royal guards around, but he couldn't help but glance at them, trying to see if the guards were looking in the trio's direction. Not noticing any suspicion on the guard's faces, Aphelion went deeper in the castle, headed towards the castle's library. Sandstorm casually stepped next to Aphelion and whispered in his ear. "Once we're in the library, you and Misty are up. Hope you're ready." Aphelion nodded, starting to feel anxious. The next step of the plan will be the hardest. Behind the trio, hidden within the crowd, the crimson pegasus kept tailing Aphelion. He bought a ticket for the convention and made sure to keep his eyes locked on Aphelion, Sandstorm and Misty. > 3 - The Infiltration: Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The castle's hallways were filled with the sounds of countless voices. A large crowd had amassed inside the palace, many ponies either following guides or exploring on their own. Aphelion, Sandstorm and Misty had merged in the crowd, slowly heading towards the royal library. While Sandstorm was looking all around her, seemingly invested in the festivities and taking many pictures with a camera, the two unicorns focused on going forward. The stallion felt increasingly anxious, just wanting to be done with this task while the mare simply did not want to spend any more time than necessary inside the castle. The upcoming steps of Sandstorm's plan could very easily fail if they were not careful and required the unicorn's full focus. Aphelion glanced at Misty, who remained expressionless as she walked to his side, then towards Sandstorm, trailing behind them. She had stopped, taking pictures of a large stained-glass window depicting Celestia raising the sun. Turning to Misty, Aphelion asked: "Sandstorm's behind. Should we wait for her?" Without even turning back to see what her friend was up to, Misty sighed. "No. If we wait, we'll never have the time to... Visit the library in time. Let's go, she'll catch up with us." While it was true that Sandstorm's role in this heist was more focused on distracting guards and securing an exit for Misty and Aphelion, he still would have preferred if she remained close to them in case things went bad. Of course, he didn't doubt her plan: from what Aphelion had seen, this infiltration had been in the making for a long time and this day presented a one-of-a-kind opportunity. The plan required two unicorns and for a lower concentration of guards inside the palace, which at first glance appeared to be the case. Sandstorm had explained that there was a show with high attendance on the other side of Canterlot for the first day of the festivities, which required a higher number of guards patrolling that side of the capital. This meant that the royal guard was understaffed for the protection of the castle. While Sandstorm enthusiastically described this situation as a great coincidence, her friend didn't seem like she wanted to go forward with this plan at all. Aphelion thought about asking her why, but he hadn't had the chance. Besides, Misty hadn't been particularly friendly with him and certainly wouldn't have shared what was on her mind. Finally stepping inside the royal library, Aphelion and Misty immediately began scanning the room. They saw many booths and stands, each focusing on a different part of Equestrian literature. While there were less ponies inside the library compared to the hallways and other more grandiose rooms of the castle, the crowd was still large enough for Aphelion and Misty to hide in plain sight. As predicted by Sandstorm, there weren't many guards looking over the crowd, which put Aphelion's mind at ease. "Maybe this heist is going to be fine, after all", he thought. Turning towards Misty, he whispered. "Do you see a good spot?" The mare took a moment to answer as she observed the room. Finally, her eyes stopped on a row of bookshelves on the eastern side of the library, which she pointed towards. Above these shelves, a banner was floating in the air with depictions of stars, constellations and Celestia's face drawn on it. Across the banner, the words Astronomy and Cosmic Science were clearly written. It gently moved on its own, held aloft by an unseen magical source, a purple glow all around the banner. Next to these shelves, Aphelion noticed a cart filled with books and scrolls. If somepony was to stand behind this cart, they would be much more difficult to see, Aphelion thought. He smirked. "Nice! That should be it, then. Everything is going smoothly, so far," he whispered once again. Misty stood still while she kept scanning the room. "Sure. Go ahead, I'm making sure I didn't miss anything," she whispered to him. Her expression became worried for a few seconds, before going back to her regular expressionless state. Aphelion nodded and approached the shelves, not noticing Misty's worry. As Aphelion began walking past the books, his eyes danced around the covers and titles. There was so much material that piqued his interest, it took all his willpower to prevent himself from stopping everything and reading one of the books. Everything there was entirely new to him, as all his research material in the manor was written and provided by members of the Crescent Pact. "In a way, the pact controls as much information as Celestia does, huh..." he thought, doubt chiming in once again in his mind. This time, however, Aphelion did not attempt to repress this skeptic voice inside of him. His eyes finally rested upon an old tome: an encyclopedia of stars and constellations, laying at the top of the cart in front of the shelves. It seemed to be a lot more detailed and thorough than the similar ones he possessed in the manor. Looking back, he saw Misty slowly walking towards him, still scanning the room. She wasn't looking at him. Glancing back at the encyclopedia, Aphelion pondered. He could get away with leaving with one book from the library, right? With Misty being near, Aphelion only had a brief moment to make up his mind. Acting on impulse more than anything, the encyclopedia was engulfed in Aphelion's aura and quickly floated inside his saddlebags. Just as he finished his manipulation, Misty finally arrived next to him. Aphelion did his best to not look like he just took one of the books from the royal library, planning to steal it. "Are we good to go?" he asked with a hushed tone. The two unicorns stood between two bookshelves, pushing the cart to hide behind it. "...We should be," Misty answered. There was a hint of hesitation in her voice. "Is there something wrong? You look a bit out of it." "It's... Nothing. I just wanted to triple-check where the guards were. None of them should be able to see us right now. Alright, give me some space. I need to focus." Stepping back, Aphelion watched as Misty's horn glowed in a gray light. This part of the plan was crucial: the library, while available to the public, was protected by many spells and enchantments to prevent ponies from leaving with books without officially borrowing them, as well as defenses against unauthorized magic inside the library - the kind of magic Aphelion was going to use for the next step of the plan. Sandstorm had explained that her friend's talent was in the dissipation of these types of magical protections. Aphelion waited for Misty to finish her spell when something came to his mind. "Wait, is stealing a book really such a good idea?!" His eyes grew wide, his heart beating faster. He wasn't sure if Misty's spell was going to allow him to leave with the book, or just delay the alarm. Tripping the alarm could potentially alert the entire castle, ruin their plan and lead towards their arrest. Sweating bullets, he attempted to sneakily place the book back where he found it without drawing Misty's attention. The book was only floating halfway outside his saddlebag when an almost imperceptible shockwave traveled through him. A barely visible gray bubble appeared between the bookshelves, just big enough for Misty and Aphelion to stand inside of. The pink unicorn's horn kept glowing, as she looked back at Aphelion with a pained look in her eyes, sweat dripping down her face. "Alright... Hurry up. I don't think I can hold this for long." The encyclopedia slid back into Aphelion's saddlebags. He knew he should place it back to avoid issues down the line, but Aphelion decided to trust in Misty's magical abilities. He reasoned that he could get away with the tome if he was quick enough. Aphelion also didn't want to let Misty know he planned on stealing one of the books, his curiosity having overtook his critical thinking. He gulped then lowered his head, bending his front legs so that his horn touched the ground. He focused on his own spell, targeting Misty and himself, then released it. Both of their bodies glowed in a faint yellow light as they began to quickly phase through the marbled floor, falling through the ground itself and into the room below the library. For a while, all Aphelion and Misty could see was pitch blackness. They could only feel the cold stone covering their entire bodies as they slid through it, holding them firmly in place. Overall, it was a disturbing and claustrophobic moment for the both of them. After what felt like forever, the two unicorns reached the room that was right underneath the library. Appearing from the ceiling, they fell to the floor the moment they were freed from the stone. The fall was also itself an unpleasant moment, as they were too exhausted from their prior spells to use their magic to slow the fall. They both splat onto the floor, the sound if bodies hitting stone resonating through the room. Misty was the first to het back on her hooves, groaning as she did so. "Gah... So that's done, at least. I don't think anyone noticed us, so that's good." Slowly standing up, Aphelion felt a sharp pain in his left shoulder. He limped a bit. "Y-Yeah... Sorry I couldn't make the experience more, uh, enjoyable." "It's fine. None of us can focus on two spells at once anyway, so I expected the landing to be rough. That's why we needed two unicorns, remember?" Aphelion nodded silently, looking at the room they landed into. It looked like a large empty abandoned storage room. The only sources of light came from blue bioluminescent mushrooms growing through cracked stone on the walls and the floor. On one side of the room laid an old wooden door. The only sound they could hear was that of water dripping down from the ceiling, forming small puddles all around. Aphelion felt relief from that silence: it meant that no alarm was triggered, at least for now. A bright light illuminated the room, centered on Misty's horn. "This... Isn't the archives," she said. "No," said Aphelion. He looked at the ceiling. "We went much deeper than planned. Either we stood in the wrong spot, or the archives were located somewhere else. I think we went through sixty to eighty feet of stone before reaching that ceiling." "Which means Sandstorm's intel was wrong," Misty said following a sigh. "Where even are we?" "I don't know. I want to say an old storage room, but I'm not sure. Given how abandoned this place looks, I think it's fair to say we won't be found here, at least." "Let's check the door. Maybe we can find our way out of this mess." The two unicorns approached the door. Its wooden surface was rotten with age and its hinges were completely covered in rust. Aphelion slowly pressed a hoof on the door, which didn't bulge. He tried again, putting more weight behind it. The door remained motionless. "Crap," he mumbled. "It's stuck, we can't go on without breaking it." Misty facehoofed, then grabbed the door's handle and pulled. The door opened without any issue. "Or, uh, we can also pull instead of push. Good call!" said Aphelion with an awkward smile. For a moment, Misty's face showed a tiny smirk. Behind the door was a long hallway, the room they landed into being located at one end. More bioluminescent mushrooms covered the hallway's walls and floor, revealing a sharp turn to the left at the very end. Along the walls, many wooden doors were equally spaced out. Before going any further, Aphelion focused on another spell. The previous one had made him tired, especially since he wasn't used to that kind of magic, but he felt like he still had a few more casts in him before running out. He released his spell, once again targeting both himself and Misty. Their hooves glowed with a faint yellow light. The pink unicorn glanced at him with a puzzled look on her face. "In case somepony else is lurking around," he explained. He violently slammed one of his hooves on the ground, which made no noise at all on the impact. "Sandstorm asked for stealth spells, didn't she?" "Good call," she whispered. "How long can you maintain it?" "It'll last for an hour. More than enough to find our way back, I hope." Without saying another word, the two unicorns stepped into the hallway. As they slowly crept towards the sharp turn at the end, they glanced at the other doors on the sides. Near the bottom of each of these doors, there was a small metal slit that could be opened and closed. Approaching one of them with an open slit, Aphelion looked inside, trying to see what these chambers were supposed to be. The room was quite small, with old rusty chains bolted to the walls. He then checked on another one of these rooms, which was almost identical. "Jailcells," he declared. "Really? We've never seen those on the palace schematics," pondered Misty, revealing they had access to the castle's blueprints. "I suppose Celestia needed a place to stash away ponies who challenged her reign. Maybe the large room we landed into was a torture room, then." "Aphelion, I don't think..." hesitation could be heard in her voice. In her mind, she was wondering wether or not it would be worth trying to convince a brainwashed stallion that everything he learned was utter nonsense. "Or maybe, that's where she hid her pet dragon in the past." Misty took a moment to register what she just had heard. "Her pet what?!" "According to our sources, she enslaved a dragon a few centuries earlier and kept it hidden, feeding it dissenting ponies. Obviously, she'd hide it deep underground so as to not appear as a tyrant to the other countries." Misty stared at Aphelion, feeling pity for him. "Do you... Really believe that stuff? You have to admit, that's really far-fetched." "Of course I do. Our sources are totally trustworthy," he answered with confidence. "You're the ones with falsified information. Even your blueprints of the castle left some pretty major elements out. I'm guessing she purposefully kept that part of the palace unofficial." Unsure of what to say, Misty turned back towards the end of the hallway. "If you say so. Let's just... Get out of here." The two unicorns approached the end of the hallway in silence. Aphelion felt uneasy. He attempted to chalk it out to the place they found themselves into, but a part of him knew the true nature of his apprehensiveness. Misty's words left him questioning the Crescent Pact's teachings once again. For the first time in a long while, Aphelion was beginning to think for himself instead of just taking everything his father taught him as gospel. "...Okay, maybe an enslaved dragon hidden underneath the capital is kind of far-fetched." The pink unicorn looked at him, surprised, then smirked. "Maybe there's hope for him after all," she thought. Sandstorm had remained in the castle's main hallway for thirty minutes now. She kept taking pictures of the windows, of the architecture and of the statues dotted all around while keeping a certain crimson pegasus in her field of view at all times. As soon as they approached the castle, she noticed the pegasus tailing them from above. Not wanting to give up on the mission nor to make her partners in crimes worried, she kept the information to herself and devised a plan. First, she had bought a gaudy sun-shaped hat before entering, playing it out as just wanting to have a little bit of fun. With that hat, Sandstorm became extremely easy to track down and she knew it. Then, after they had crossed the castle's entrance, she purposefully trailed behind, letting the two unicorns merge with the crowd ahead of her. She figured that the pegasus behind them would struggle to keep an eye on all of them at the same time. With her hat and her choice to remain behind, Sandstorm had managed to force their pursuer to focus on her, allowing Aphelion and Misty to focus on their part of the heist. Her plan had worked and the crimson pegasus was standing not too far behind her, visibly annoyed. It looked as if he kept scanning the crowd in search of the other two unicorns while also keeping Sandstorm in his field of view. After another few minutes, Sandstorm decided it was time for her to lose him too, judging that her complices must've had enough time for their part of the job. It was also time for her to focus on her part of the heist. Sandstorm approached another mare with a color like her's. That mare was standing amongst a larger group that was huddled together due to the lack of space caused by the sheer number of visitors. When she got close to her, Sandstorm pretended to accidentally bump into her, letting her hat fall to the ground. "Hey, watch where you're going!" barked the mare. "Oops, sorry. I'm a bit of a klutz," Sandstorm answered with a large, goofy smile and a wink. The other pony glared at her before turning back towards her friends. Sandstorm quickly left, disappearing in the crowd. Noticing up the sun-shaped hat, the yellow mare picked it up and tried to find Sandstorm. "Wait, you dropped your..." She stopped after noticing that Sandstorm had disappeared. With a shrug, she decided to keep the hat and put it on. "Guess it's mine, now." As Sandstorm was sneaking towards the exit, she passed near the crimson pegasus. His eyes were locked on the mare with the sun-shaped hat. Sandstorm's subterfuge had worked and she left the castle, unseen by her pursuer. She began trotting along the royal gardens, heading towards a large fountain. Humming a tune as she walked, she wondered if Aphelion and Misty's side of the heist were going well. Since no guards were running towards the library, Sandstorm assumed everything went well. "Good thing I kept the stalker thing secret, or else they'd be too freaked out to infiltrate the archives," she thought. "I also lucked out with the number of guards. Guess I didn't have to lie about the whole 'Guards being sent to the other side of town' thing, in the end." > 4 - The Infiltration: Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally reaching the end of the hallway, Aphelion and Misty silently observed what laid beyond the sharp turn. They saw more doors equally spaced out, as well as a slow incline. The corridor was curved along a large stone pillar covered in the strange glowing fungi. Turning to Misty, Aphelion spoke up. "Guess this is our way up." "I don't like this," she answered. Misty raised her hoof and placed it under her chin, thinking about what to do next. "We have no idea of where we are, or where this path leads. While everything seems to be abandoned, there still could be old traps strewn around, both mechanical and magical in nature." Scratching the back of his head, Aphelion observed the spiraling path ahead. "True, but I don't see any other way out." "Can't you use the same spell again? The one that allowed us to go through stone?" "Not really. It's a complex transmutation spell and I don't think I can repeat it again, especially on two targets. Besides, it only allows us to go downwards." "Crap. Well, it was worth a shot. Let's go up, then, but slowly. As soon as we find another way out, we get the hell out of Canterlot." Aphelion turned his head towards Misty, raising an eyebrow. "What about the archives? The whole reason we went here was to steal the artifact Sandstorm talked about, to pay for the second half of the trade." She groaned. "Screw the package. None of that matters if we get caught. Listen, I'll make you a deal. If we get out of this unscathed, I'll take care of our end of the trade. I'll smooth things over with our boss, you'll get your package, and then we can go back to not knowing each other and never interacting again." "That's... Fair enough. Let's do that, then." "Great. Let's go." Taking the lead, Misty started walking, staying close to the central pillar and moving slowly. Aphelion followed in her hoofsteps, remaining not too far behind. If what Misty said was true, this plan became a lot simpler for him. Instead of infiltrating the archives, he would just have to make sure to leave the capital unseen. And yet, he felt conflicted. A part of him wanted to go on with the heist, to find the archives and to run away with long-forgotten relics and confidential documents. Aphelion still hoped to find definitive proof of Celestia's tyranny in order to quell the skepticism he felt ever since stepping into Canterlot. There was also a third, completely different reason behind Aphelion's hesitation. It took him a moment to pinpoint what exactly disturbed him in Misty's proposal, but by repeating what she had said in his mind, it became obvious. "...I don't know if I really want to go back to not knowing each other," he said under his breath. He had meant to keep this remark in his head, but a strange force pushed him to talk out loud. "...What?" "Huh?" Aphelion perked up, noticing that the words had escaped his mind through his mouth. "Oh, sorry. Just, uh, saying nonsense out loud." Internalizing what Aphelion said, Misty remained silent. The duo continued along the path, passing by dozens of abandoned jail cells. Both unicorns wondered why those cells were abandoned and if they had even actually been used. The monotony of their ascent was disrupted by a large steel door, breaking the pattern of cells along the outer wall. The steel door was easily thrice as tall as the other wooden doors, while also not having any visible handle. They both approached it. "You think this is our way out?" asked Aphelion. "Could be. Let me check for traps first," her horn shone with a gray aura. Narrowing her eyes, Misty focused on the large steel door in front of them. Ten seconds later, her spell ended. With a pensive look, she casted her spell a second time. Then a third and fourth time. Watching silently, Aphelion became increasingly worried. "Do you see anything?" "I'm not... Exactly sure. Do you know a good detection spell? I want your opinion on this." Aphelion's horn became covered in a yellow light as he attempted his own detection spell. Very quickly, he discovered the source of Misty's uncertainty. There was no mechanical component to the door: no hinges, no handle and no physical trap. It was, however, covered in strange runes invisible to the naked eye. It was difficult to make out exactly what the runes were supposed to be as they were almost fully erased due to age and lack of maintenance, but Aphelion did notice a few interesting elements. First, the opening system required a specific unicorn's power, their own magic acting as a key. With the runes being almost fully faded away, it was technically possible for Misty or Aphelion to force their way inside by brute forcing the invisible arcane lock. The other part Aphelion had detected were the dozens of magical traps inscribed within these strange runes. While most of them were rendered useless by the damage to the door's enchantments, Aphelion could still count two that were still active. "It looks... Pretty dangerous," Aphelion finally said. "I agree. You noticed the traps?" "Yeah. Two of them are still active. The first one seems to be a sort of alarm spell, attuned to a specific pony." "I'm guessing, the one owning this place. And the second one is..." Misty didn't finish her sentence, almost too afraid to say it out loud. "Second one seems like a typical Crescent Pact spell. I think I studied it some years ago." "What?! Are you serious?" she yelled. Her eyes were wide open, staring at him. "It's... It's dark magic!" "What do you mean, dark magic? This isn't that bad." "Aphelion, this trap would literally put us in an endless coma. What kind of magic have you been learning?" her expression grew worried. "I... I guess I can see your point. Not the friendliest type of magic. In any case, I think I know how to dispel the remaining two traps. After that, however, I'll probably be done for the day, magic-wise." With a sigh, Misty shook her head from side to side. "Let's step away. This is too dangerous, there are probably way more traps inside." "You're probably right. I'm still very curious about why Celestia would need a place like this and to defend it with that kind of magic," the second part of his sentence was barely audible. In Aphelion's mind, this should have been the proof of Celestia's evildoings he had been searching for. And yet, he was unsure. Something didn't make sense. Both unicorns had begun walking away when finally managed to figure out what was annoying him: the runes were written in an old system called Lunar Script. From what he had learned by studying the princess' every move, Celestia only ever used the more common runic alphabets. Even the Crescent Pact's spellweavers didn't use that kind of script. Aphelion felt like this place was not Celestia's doing. Cross-referencing that fact with the recent lead he had been studying concerning Celestia's lateness with the raising of the sun, he formed a theory in his mind, which he decided to share with Misty. "Hey... What do you know about Nightmare Moon?" Quickly glancing at him, she thought for a moment while continuing to walk. "It's an old tale for fillies and colts. Why do you ask?" "What if it wasn't an old tale? What if it was something based on legitimate facts?" "You're thinking this place was created by Nightmare Moon." "Maybe. There are other things that point towards her existence, and it would make more sense for this place to be hers than Celestia's." "Really? I thought you'd jump at the opportunity to blame Celestia for the weird forgotten dungeon filled with dark magic," she chirped. "Very funny, but I can still think for myself." "Well, you might be the only member of your group who does." Aphelion's brows furrowed. He thought about clapping back at her, but Aphelion knew his words would sound hollow. Ever since he had set hoof in the capital, his world view had been rocked to its very core. Thinking back on the reason he came; he wondered if this was Lord Comet's intentions. Maybe this was a test, to see if Aphelion would remain loyal to the cause? But what even was their cause, exactly? Would the world really be better if Celestia was deposed? Now more than ever, Aphelion was hoping to find any sort of proof of Celestia's tyranny. Otherwise, he was afraid that his world view would end up shattered. As he kept thinking those thoughts, focusing entirely on the questions echoing in his mind, Aphelion hadn't noticed that Misty had stopped. He bumped into her behind, the hallway's incline causing his head to end up in a very unfortunate place. Misty yelped as he quickly stepped back, wide-eyed. "W-Watch where you're fucking going!" she barked, blushing. "Sorry! I didn't mean to, I swear." Staring at him for a bit, she then looked forward. "Just... Shut up and listen." Closing his eyes, Aphelion focused his attention to the sounds around him. At first, all he could hear was his heart beating fast from the previous accidental bumping but as he calmed down, a faint noise became noticeable. It was difficult to pinpoint where exactly it was coming from, but it seemed to be located somewhere behind the outer wall of the spiraling corridor. Slowly approaching this wall, Aphelion started to discern the sounds more clearly: voices. Somewhere behind that wall, two ponies were talking. While he couldn't make out what they were talking about, Aphelion still picked up on their tone. It was casual, informal. He looked back at Misty with a puzzled look on his face, finally noticing the second reason why she had stopped walking. Right in front of them, the corridor ended abruptly, with no doors in sight. Slowly approaching him, Misty started to whisper. "We're probably close to an exit. Do you see any way out?" Aphelion whispered back. "Not really, but... This place screams hidden passages. We're probably close to one." "We might be. Let's wait for... Whoever is on the other side to leave before searching. How much time do we have left on your silencing spell?" "Around thirty minutes, give or take." And so, the two unicorns waited near the outer wall, at the end of a strange, forgotten hallway. Stopping near one of the fountains within the royal gardens, Sandstorm looked at her reflection on the water for a moment. While she remained optimistic, Sandstorm still felt a bit worried as she had no idea if Misty's and Aphelion's part of the plan was going well. She thought about throwing a coin in the fountain and making a wish, but Sandstorm knew that the only way to have your way in this world is to act rather than to hope. Stepping away from the fountain, she started scanning the area around her. This part of the garden being further to the eastern side of the castle, fewer ponies were around her, casually strolling and taking in the well-maintained paths, bushes and statues. Sandstorm closed her eyes for a second. The next step for her was to secure a way out of Canterlot, the sneakier the better. She had studied the castle's blueprint for weeks and knew them by heart. The fountain she had approached was going to be the key for their escape. All Sandstorm needed to do was to find an entry point. Underneath the castle, there were a large number of old tunnels used for the transport of important goods or as escape routes for the local nobles. This also meant that these tunnels were heavily guarded: sneaking in or out would be extremely difficult. Fortunately, Sandstorm had found the perfect path during her research. One of these tunnels passed right under the royal gardens, running directly underneath the fountain she stood next to. That tunnel, like many others, contained many hidden entrances in case it caved in while someone was crossing it. One of these entrances was supposedly near the fountain. Circling around the fountain, Sandstorm searched for anything that could be opened. She wasn't exactly sure of what form that secret entrance would take, just that it existed. Her focus was first brought upon a large bush, where Sandstorm searched for a hidden trapdoor underneath. No luck. She turned back towards the fountain and looked in the water: maybe the entrance was hidden underwater. All she saw were many coins and some pebbles. Still not it, she thought. Sandstorm began to wonder if her sources were right. Perhaps the blueprints were outdated, or incorrect. If that was the case, her entire plan would end up failing. Remembering something that Aphelion told her, she felt cold sweats on her back. To enter the archives, Aphelion had told her that he knew a spell to fall through stone until he reached a room. What would happen if she had screwed up and sent Misty and Aphelion to phase through the ground in a spot where no room was waiting for them underneath? Would they be stuck underground? "...Oh, shit," she mumbled. There was only one way for her to be sure that Misty and Aphelion were safe: by reuniting with them at the rendezvous point. Finding the hidden passage became even more urgent to her. Nervously pacing back and forth, Sandstorm began brainstorming ways to find the hidden entrance. As she did, she quickly noticed something strange whenever she stepped onto one of the paved tiles around the fountain. It was barely perceptible, but thanks to her earth pony abilities, she could feel that her hoofsteps on that tile rang hollow. Jackpot, she thought. Looking around, Sandstorm saw that nopony was looking directly at her. She quickly slammed a hoof on one end of the tile which was immediately raised. With a smug smile, Sandstorm observed a dark hole right underneath the heavy tile. Holding the way open with a hoof, she quickly jumped in without thinking much, letting the tile fall back on its own. As it did so, a crack appeared across its surface. The crimson pegasus groans. He had remained near the palace's entrance for almost an hour now, trying to keep an eye on his targets. While losing sight of two of them was already annoying enough, he finally noticed that the third one, the earth pony named Sandstorm, had managed to trick him. He wasn't exactly sure how it happened, but she placed her hat on another mare, then slipped away. How long has it been since the switch occurred? He had no idea. Feeling his eye twitching, the pegasus became increasingly irritated. His mission had already gone to shit when the trio decided to go visit the royal castle, seemingly for no reason. His employer had assured him that they would just make a trade in a café owned by the syndicate, then go on their way. His task was to capture the stallion as he left the capital with the incriminating package. "You need to get your shit together, Steady," he mumbled. Deciding that he needed a break to gather his thoughts and what his next step was going to be, he stepped in the royal gardens. With one wing, he produced a cigarette from his bag and lit it with a nearby torch. As he began to smoke, he went over everything he knew about his targets in his head. Steady had expected Sandstorm to be the biggest issue. According to his files, the mare was unpredictable and often took rash decisions. She wasn't dumb, however, and excelled at distractions. Based on what Steady had seen so far, he expected her to be the type of mare capable of bullshitting her way out of any situation. Coupled with her insane strength and her talent of turning stone into dust, she made a formidable opponent. Exactly the type Steady hated dealing with. The other mare, Misty Step, was the cautious type. More specifically, the type that needs to plan things in advance and who usually refuses to act unless she knows the perfect set of events and actions required to guarantee a success. She, however, wasn't the kind of pony to take the lead and, when push came to shove, she'd usually follow the loudest voice. Steady preferred the perfectionist type compared to the improvising one, as ponies like Misty Step became predictable in their perfection. The issue was when that search for perfection was coupled with rash decisions and improvised plans. In a way, Misty Step and Sandstorm perfectly covered each other's weaknesses. Dealing with just the two of them would have been difficult enough. And then, there's Aphelion. Steady knew very little about him, which was quite irritating. From the very little intel Steady had managed to gather on the young stallion, Aphelion seemed like the savant type: dangerous spells, but physically weak. All Steady needed to apprehend Aphelion was to sneak up on him and to give him a good whack on the back of the head. Easier said than done, however, especially with the two mares working with him. Other than that, Steady wasn't exactly sure what Aphelion's talent might be. His cutie mark was that of a constellation, which the pegasus didn't recognize. Steady would have to be careful when approaching Aphelion, at least until he learned the young unicorn magical ability's true extent. Finishing his cigarette, Steady threw its remains in a fountain, still unsure of how he was going to find them back. That's when he noticed the large cracked paved tile a few feet ahead of him. > 5 - The Infiltration: Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jumping down the hidden entrance to the secret tunnels under the palace, Sandstorm couldn't see anything at first. There was no light in the tunnel and had to wait a moment for her eyes to get used to the darkness. She stood still, listening if anypony had heard her dropping down the hole near the fountain above. Slowly, Sandstorm became able to discern her surroundings: the tunnel she had landed into was perfectly square, the marbled surfaces smooth and cold to the touch. Looking up, she noticed the hole she came down from, around 15 feet above her head. There was no visible way to reach the surface from here. Sandstorm assumed that this specific entrance was made for pegasi specifically. Visualizing the castle's blueprints in her mind, she started walking towards one end of the tunnel, towards the archives' general direction. Going through the tunnel, Sandstorm observed the walls around her. They were covered in carvings, depicting many historical events that Sandstorm never bothered learning about. This was more of a Misty thing, she thought. As she went deeper in the palace's bowels, more and more lit torches were affixed to the walls, illuminating her way. Sandstorm decided to take one of the torches with her, intending to use it as a weapon in case she crossed paths with a royal guard. Further ahead, Sandstorm could see a fork in her path, reaching a T junction. A stallion's voice was coming from the left side, speaking to itself. She stopped to listen to the voice, while trying to gauge if that pony was getting closer or further away. "Join the royal guard, they said. It'll be great, they said. The greatest honor is to defend her majesty," the stallion sighed. The latter half of his sentence was uttered in a different, mocking tone. "Nopony bothered to tell me about bucking cleaning duty." The voice wasn't getting closer, nor further from Sandstorm. Slowly approaching the junction, she lurked near the left wall and peeked at the corner. On the left side of the junction, a white earth pony with a green mane wearing royal armor, was holding a broom and cleaning the tunnel with little enthusiasm. While the guard wasn't paying much attention, he was blocking Sandstorm's path. Looking towards the opposite side of the junction, Sandstorm saw a light flickering: another guard holding a torch was slowly coming this way. Stepping back, she threw her torch behind. Then, remaining still within the shadows, she waited. The second guard, a purple mare, went straight towards the cleaning stallion. They started talking. "Cleaning going well, recruit?" "Yes ma'am. I'm almost done with this section of the tunnels." "Good. Because you're not doing anything else until this place is spotless." "Y-Yes, ma'am," he answered, feeling defeated. "That should teach you not to steal from the kitc-" the mare was cut-off mid-sentence by a powerful spinning kick, sending her flying on a wall. Sandstorm had snuck up on them while they were talking and decided that violence was the best way forward. The stallion took a moment to register what he just witnessed, then wielded his broom like a weapon. "Wh-You're under arrest!" his voice was shaking. This was clearly above his pay grade. Smirking, Sandstorm looked at the guard. She turned her back on him, pretending to be casually leaving without saying anything. The stallion stood still for a second, unsure of what to do before screaming a battle cry, swinging the broom at the back of Sandstorm's head. Before the hit could connect, however, the guard suddenly felt a violent shock on his breastplate. The following moment, he was on the ground twenty feet back from where he stood. Spitting blood, he could feel an intense pain in his chest as he looked at his armor. On the breastplate, two indentations could be seen: Sandstorm's hind hooves. Looking up, he saw her standing over him, winking. "If I were you, I'd remain still. You only broke a few ribs, but they could puncture your lungs if you move too much. Don't worry, though, I'm sure somepony will come find you and your marefriend soon enough." Looking to his side, the guard saw his captain on the ground, knocked out. The wall next to her cracked and broken into pieces. Looking back at his aggressor, he yelped. "Y... You’re a monster!" "Come on, now, that's not how you talk to a lady," she answered as she stepped past him. Noticing that the stallion on the ground was about to scream for help, she groaned. "Fine, if you're gonna be a pain in the ass..." She kicked him in the head, holding back her strength not to kill him. The guard fell silent. Kneeling to check on his pulse, Sandstorm smiled. "You'll have a hell of a headache, but you'll live." After stretching her legs, she observed her work. Feeling proud, she headed further in the tunnel. If Misty and Aphelion weren't stuck suffocating in stone, they should be waiting for her to create a way out. The two unicorns waited silently. Right behind the wall, two guards were discussing, unaware of the intruders' existence. Aphelion quickly scanned the wall to see if there were any runes carved on the stone that would allow them to pass through, or to open a secret way. Following his lead, Misty focused on the physical aspect of the wall. She quickly noticed a spherical stone slightly poking out. Nudging Aphelion towards it, they inspected the stone silently while keeping an ear out for the guard on the other side. They detected no magic on the wall: if this was indeed a secret entrance, it worked on a purely mechanical level, meaning the opening system could be damaged. Before they could test that theory, however, the unicorns had to wait for the ponies behind to leave. Not too long after, the voices stopped speaking. Aphelion heard hoofsteps going further away, but he wasn't sure if both ponies had left. Misty turned to him, then whispered. "I think they left." "One of them did," he answered with a hushed tone, "but I don't know if the second one followed." Looking at the wall, Misty started to think. They could probably take down one guard, but she wasn't sure they could do so before that guard could alert others. Unfortunately, they couldn't find another way out beside the room whose door was covered in dark magic. In other words, they only had one viable way out. "We may have to take them down, then." Aphelion gulped. "Uh... You mean, with magic?" "Of course, I mean 'with magic'. We're not brutes." "Won't that trigger the castle's alarms, though? We don't know in which room we'll end up." "I can try disabling the alarms before we strike." "Are you sure? No offense, but your spell in the library seemed to be... Kind of short-ranged? And you had to focus solely on it, meaning I'll have to do the knocking out on my own." She sighed. "Touché. But we don't have any other way to do that, I'm afraid." Aphelion felt the weight of the stolen encyclopedia in his saddlebags. "I, uh, actually may have another method. Promise you won't get mad, though." Spearhead was bored to death. While he usually enjoyed his job as a royal guard, some tasks were better than others. Watching the inner hallways of the castle ranked low in terms of enjoyability. He sighed, leaning on his spear. The hallways around him were empty and while they usually weren't guarded, with the festivities in the capital, some ponies tended to explore the castle beyond the allowed area, somehow slipping through the castle's security. His job was to bring these visitors calmly but firmly towards the authorized area. He was even allowed to use a reasonable amount of force if these guests were resisting. This situation wasn't frequent, however, and so Spearhead had to stand alone in the hallways for hours while ponies all around the capital were having fun. He still felt proud of his position, though, but he still wished for something exciting to happen. Almost as if answering to his wish, a strange sound echoed through the hallway. The sound of stone scraping on stone. Perking up, he looked around nervously, barely hiding a smirk. "Who's there?" he yelled, but nopony answered. The scraping sound continued for a good twenty seconds, before suddenly stopping. Spearhead quickly noticed something new: right behind him, a new passage had appeared. With a puzzled look, he approached it. "I don't remember ever seeing a door there," he thought. Cautiously, he peeked inside. All he could see was a strange corridor heading downwards, spiraling around a large pillar. Nopony was inside the strange hallway. When he turned back, Spearhead was face-to-face with a dark gray unicorn standing on his hind legs. "When did he get there?" Spearhead thought, panicking. Somehow, that unicorn had managed to sneak up on him without making a sound. He then noticed something above the gray stallion's head: he was holding a large book. The two stallions observed each other for a moment, in awkward silence. Then, in a panic, Spearhead attempted to step back while yelling: "Intruder-" He was cut off by a violent smack on the head, his vision blurring from the encyclopedia's impact. Seeing stars, Spearhead stumbled for a moment, trying to get his bearings. He bumped on another pony: a second unicorn, a pink one. She started speaking. "What are you waiting for?! Hit him again!" The gray stallion surged and smacked Spearhead again on the side of the head. Spearhead could swear he had heard 'sorry' as the book made contact once again. It still wasn't enough to take him down, however, and he clumsily held his spear towards the other stallion. "You... You're under... Arrest?" he muttered, struggling to focus. Looking up, he saw that the gray unicorn was no longer holding the book. "Put your bucking weight behind it, like that!" the mare said, somehow already to Spearhead's side. A third strike on the top of the head was finally enough to send Spearhead off to the realm of dreams. Aphelion and Misty looked at each other, both panting. Glancing at the unconscious guard on the floor, Aphelion spoke up. "Well, this could've gone worse." "You stole from the bucking royal library and didn't think to tell me," she answered while throwing the beaten book at him. Aphelion caught it mid-air with his aura, before placing it back in his saddlebags. "I, uh... That's true, but it was a good thing in the end, right?" She glared at him. While Misty hated to admit it, without Aphelion's silencing spell and without the improvised mace, they would have been spotted immediately by that guard. She stepped towards the wall, then pressed the spherical button to close the hidden door. Covered by the loud sound of stone scraping against the floor, they headed towards what they assumed was the exit. "Wait!" Aphelion suddenly said, stopping in front of a small door. "What is it?" she asked. "We found them!" pointing towards the door, a word was engraved on the stone above it. "The archives..." Misty was dumbfounded. They managed to reach their original goal by sheer luck. Maybe this mission wasn't doomed, after all. "Let's go, quickly. We can still make this mess worth it." Slowly pushing the door, the two unicorns peered inside the large room. It was filled with dozens of shelves, each containing a dizzying number of scrolls, folders and books. Nopony was in sight. Quickly, Misty and Aphelion went inside the archives, closing the door behind them. Misty immediately began searching the files while Aphelion looked around. "Do you know where to look?" he asked. "I have a general idea. If you want to take anything with you, be quick. Once I find the records, I'm not waiting for you." "Right," Aphelion said before joining the search. Sandstorm had been extremely vague about the file the duo was looking for, but from what he could gather, the two mares were looking for dirt on a noblepony. Something about blackmailing a stallion named Blueblood, apparently. Aphelion began his own search, wanting to find proof of Celestia's tyranny. His faith in the Crescent Pact had been tested ever since coming to the capital and the stallion was desperately hoping to find something to confirm what he had been taught ever since his birth. However, the only thing Aphelion was able to find on such short notice was a single file named 'Investigation on Crescent Pact'. The file was heavy, filled with hundreds of pages. Not having the time to read through it, he quickly brought it to Misty. Just as he did so, she raised another file. "I got it!" she exclaimed. "Great! I also found something, so I'm good to go." Glancing at the file Aphelion was carrying, Misty felt conflicted. "Are you sure? You may learn some... Difficult truths." "I... I know. That's why I need to read it. If there's proof of Celestia's wrongdoings, this would be a great lead." "And if there's proof of the Pact's true nature..." she thought. Misty then focused on a spell, aiming for both files. Golden energy appeared on the front of each of them before quickly dissipating. "We're good to go. We won't trigger any alarms if we leave the archives with those." "Great, let's go. Sandstorm's probably waiting for us." The two unicorns quickly left the archives, sneaking once again in the castle's hallways. Standing next to a wall, Sandstorm waited. She had managed to find the rendezvous point and was hoping to hear a signal any second now. Closing her eyes, Sandstorm focused her senses into the floor, using her innate earth pony magic to detect vibrations. While her tremor sense wasn't very precise, it was more than enough for the task at hoof. "C'mon, guys... You should've been there ages ago..." she mumbled, feeling nervous. With the two unicorns starting their end of the mission before her, Sandstorm had fully expected them to be there before her. She was worried that something bad had happened to them. They could have been seen and arrested, or stuck in stone, or killed by guards, or... Taking a deep breath, she ignored these thoughts. The last thing she needed right now was panic. Thankfully, she started noticing faint vibrations coming from behind the wall, getting increasingly closer. Somepony was standing right behind that wall. Sandstorm still waited for the signal, however, in case it was somepony else. Three soft thuds resonated on the wall, in quick succession. Three knocks. Soon after, a faint yellow glow covered the surface. It was them. Feeling relief, Sandstorm got into position and prepared herself. Then, with all of her strength, she bucked the wall with her hind legs. In one fell strike, a large portion of the wall was turned to dust. The hit was completely silent, muffled by Aphelion's spell. At first, Sandstorm couldn't see if her strike had been enough to open up a path but after the dust settled, she could see the two unicorns jumping through the large, 10-foot-wide hole in the wall. "You guys sure took your sweet time," Sandstorm chided. "We had a few complications, but we're fine," Misty quickly answered. "Are you sure nopony saw you come in?" Aphelion chimed in. "Well, some did, but they're too busy having nice dreams to cause any issues. Anyways, let's go." The trio started running, Sandstorm taking the lead. They galloped through the underground tunnels, their escape route perfectly planned out in advance. Every now and then, they would pass by unconscious guards in varying states of hurt. "You've been busy," said Misty. "You can't blame a mare for having a bit of fun. I'm sure the both of you had all the time to be busy as well," she snickered. Her friend groaned in annoyance, while Aphelion was too out of breath to answer. Not being used to casting this many spells outside of his wheelhouse, the stallion felt the effects of severe magic exhaustion, hindering his already lacking physical abilities. Slowly but surely, Aphelion began to trail behind the two mares. They quickly noticed Aphelion slowing down. "Go on, Misty. We'll catch up with you later. I'll stay with the pretty boy here to make sure he doesn't get captured." Misty hesitated for a moment. "Are you sure?" "Yes. Go ahead, but please be careful. If there's anything blocking your way, do your fog thing and get out," the yellow mare slowed her own pace down to match Aphelion's. Looking straight ahead, Misty kept going forward on her own. Looking at the struggling stallion, Sandstorm started encouraging him. "C'mon, you can do it. We're almost there, just the last dash." "Sorry... For being a... Deadweight," he managed to say between a few breaths. "Nah, you're fine. We couldn't have made it without you." They went on, running at a slow but steady pace. They were just about to reach a turn when a sudden deafening alarm blared through the tunnels. "Shit! They're onto us," Sandstorm yelled. She glanced at Aphelion. In his state, it was obvious to her that he wouldn't be able to run all the way to the exit on his own. "Alright, we have no choice. Up you go!" Grabbing Aphelion, she placed him on her back and started running at full speed. Being too tired to protest, Aphelion let himself be carried away while catching his breath. He observed the tunnel walls as Sandstorm sprinted, noticing that the further they went, the surfaces became increasingly less polished. After a point, the walls were made from regular stone instead of marble. The stone also showed cracks here and there... "Hey, sleepy head. Get ready to hold on," Sandstorm's voice pulled Aphelion out of his train of thoughts. Looking forward, he saw a line of guards with spears drawn towards them, guarding the nearest exit. Misty was nowhere to be seen. Before he could analyze the scene further, Sandstorm jumped with all her might, flying above the surprised guards. Unfortunately, Aphelion was too slow to react and lost his grip, falling from Sandstorm's back. He felt a surge of adrenaline run through his veins as he prepared a spell to slow down his fall before feeling a violent impact on his left side. Something - or rather, somepony - had caught him in the air. It only took a glance for Aphelion to recognize who caught him: the crimson pegasus he had seen earlier that day, at the café. "This is bad," he thought. Steady slammed Aphelion on the ground, holding him in a chokehold. The guardponies looked at Steady with wide eyes, unsure whether they should arrest him as well. With a gruff voice, Steady yelled: "I'm with Celestia, you idiots. Get the mare!" Without showing any proof of his claim, the guards obeyed the crimson pegasus, his sheer force of will being enough to convince them. They all turned towards Sandstorm, who had stopped after landing. She scanned the tunnel, observing each royal guard in front of her. While she was strong, she couldn't deal well with that many trained targets, especially without the element of surprise. She sighed. While Sandstorm always expected her plan to end that way, it didn't make it any easier. "Sorry, Aphelion," she said before running towards one of the walls and bucking at full force. As soon as her hooves slammed onto the surface, the cracks on the walls widened and spread quickly. The entire tunnel began shaking, dust and pebbles descending on them. Soon after, the roof began collapsing on Steady, Aphelion and the royal guards. With a last glance towards Aphelion, Sandstorm started running away. At that moment, Aphelion understood that in Sandstorm's plan, he was always supposed to be the sacrificial lamb that allowed Misty and Sandstorm to escape. All around him, the guards were panicking. Large rocks had begun falling, slowly entombing the group in the tunnels. Steady cursed under his breath when the ceiling fully gave out. Dozens of large chunks of stone were about to crush everyone remaining in that part of the tunnels. They were all about to die. Then, Aphelion noticed something strange. He heard the ticking of a clock. All around him, the world started to slow down. Colors started to shift towards a sepia tone. That's when Aphelion could see them. Underneath the boulders falling on them, faint blue lines appeared. Trajectories dancing in the tunnels, shifting ever so slightly after each vibration, after each step, after each breath. The world had become an infinitely complex machine, one Aphelion could start to understand. He saw which of the falling stones were going to crush guards, and which ones were going to close them off. There was only one that threatened Aphelion directly, but he felt like he had to protect the other ponies around him. Even though helping them would completely shut off his chance to escape. Gathering all his focus in one, central point in his horn, Aphelion dug deep within his remaining strength to cast one last spell. Even though he was exhausted, and his body burned all over from this last push, he remained fully focused. Then, with a flash of yellow light that covered the entire tunnel, specific boulders started floating in the air, held aloft with a golden aura. Aphelion then fell unconscious. This whole process had taken only three seconds.  Steady opened his eyes. He felt that his target casted a spell while he was distracted, but Steady wasn't expecting that. Some of the boulders gently levitated down, moving out of the way and sparing everyone. Quickly after, the royal guards began running towards the tunnel's exit, still hoping to catch the remaining intruders. With a groan, Steady carried Aphelion back inside the castle. > Bonus Chapter 1 - The Voice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everywhere around Aphelion, there was only darkness. As the unicorn fell into a dreamless sleep, he was able to feel himself stop existing for a moment, his mind slowly becoming one with the void around him. He felt neither warm or cold, neither happy nor sad. There was just a great emptiness comforting Aphelion as he drifted into the realm of his subconscious. For how long had he been there? Hours, days, weeks? He was unable to tell, nor did he want to know. And yet, something was pushing him away from the sweet embrace of the void surrounding him. Aphelion tried to ignore this force, his body shifting on its own, but it was in vain. A voice pierced the darkness, echoing through the emptiness. It was his own voice. "Wow... You've really screwed that one up, didn't you?" it said to him, growling as it copied his voice. "I don't care. I don't want to speak. I don't want to think. I just want to..." Aphelion answered, his eyes still closed. It felt as if he was talking to himself. Or rather, to another part of himself. "You want to do what? Sleep? Run away from the consequences?" the voice barked, mocking him. "And what if I want to, huh? In this place, I am feeling good." "That's a lie, and you know it. You don't feel good, but you don't want to feel worse." "Isn't that what everypony wants? To not feel worse than they feel?" "And yet, you're still trying to wake up. You're not even aware of that, are you?" Aphelion took a moment before answering. "...Why would I do that to myself?" The voice shifted its tone, going from mocking to pitying Aphelion. "Because you still hope. Because you want to live. But you're afraid of what will come." "I really screwed everything up, didn't I?" his question was rhetorical. "I am going to disappoint my father even more, as well as Lord Comet. I'll probably be jailed for breaking in the castle. I'm losing my faith in those who raised me. And I was betrayed by those I thought would become my friends." The voice didn't answer, leaving Aphelion to simmer with his thoughts. It knew what the young unicorn needed. Finally, after what felt like a silent eternity, Aphelion spoke again. "...Why do I feel happy despite screwing up?" "You're happy because you screwed up. When was the last time you allowed yourself to fail?" "I... I don't understand." "I think you do understand, subconsciously. Think about it. When was the last time you failed at a task?" Another long, drawn-out silence. "I don't remember." "Exactly. Day in and day out, you refuse to act if there's any risk of failure. Every single one of the missions you've been given before yesterday were tasks you could only succeed at. Using machines built by other ponies, testing spells created by other unicorns, spying on a princess for no other reason because your leaders wanted a passive eye on her. You were not allowed to do anything, and so, you weren't allowed to fail. But now, you actually did something on your own volition. You could have gone back home and said you couldn't retrieve the package. Since that was beyond your control, you wouldn't have failed this task. But by going off script, you gave yourself the ability to fail. And you took it, and now you're happy." "But why?" The voice's tone shifts once again, this time becoming angry. "Because you were free for one, beautiful afternoon, you moron! Now that you've tasted this forbidden fruit, you won't be able to resist its temptation in the future. Deep down, you know it. It scares you, but it makes you hopeful. It makes you want to live. It makes you want to wake. Up. Tell me why you want to do these things." "Because I'm free. Because I can finally be my own pony. I don't have to be a tool for others to use anymore." "Now you get it", it answered. It softened as it spoke. Slowly, far above Aphelion, a light pierced through the darkness, illuminating the void in a warm yellow glow. As it pushed the darkness away, Aphelion could feel an increasing pressure in his head. Pain. "I'm waking up," he said calmly. "You are indeed." "Will I remember this conversation?" "You never do." "Will I see you again?" "Every night." "Who are you?" "I am whoever you need me to be. Some nights, I am a mere fantasy. Some others, I am a guiding voice. During the day, I am your instincts. Your empathy. Your self-confidence." "So, you're my subconscious, basically." "That's one way to put it." Aphelion chuckled. "Am I crazy? Why is my mind talking to me as if it were a different pony?" "You're not. Everypony has something like me in their head. They just have different ways to connect with themselves." "I'm still taking this as me being crazy." "So be it. Good luck, Aphelion." The pain in Aphelion's head became too much to ignore. He suddenly jolted awake. > 6 - The Prisoner: Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aphelion jolted awake. The first thing he perceived was the pounding pain in his head. Everything around him was spinning as Aphelion was dizzy from the pain. Feeling every part of his brain burning in response to every single stimulus, Aphelion attempted to brace himself. As he moved a hoof to feel the ground underneath him, a sharp sound sent waves of pain flooding in his head. With great difficulty, Aphelion looked down and focused his sight until it steadied and stopped spinning. On his forelegs, he could see chains wrapped around his hooves and bolted down to the stone wall around him. The stone walls were close to him, and Aphelion felt that if he was to stand up on his hind legs and spread his fore legs apart, he could easily touch both surfaces with little issue. In front of him, he saw tiny little steel columns blocking his path. Steel bars. it then dawned on him: he was in a jail cell. His memories were blurry. Trying to remember the events of the day prior caused more waves of pain to come crashing down in his brain. He instead decided to the here and now before anything else. His mouth and throat were dry, his entire body was sore, and he felt like throwing up. All in all, Aphelion was in a rough shape, but nothing too unfamiliar as he was used to the effects of severe magical exhaustion. All he needed to get back on his hooves was to drink his body mass in coffee, which would be more complicated than usual since he had been arrested. "...Oh, shit. I'm in jail," he groaned, the reality of his situation finally setting in. Closing his eyes and sitting down, Aphelion tried to remember the events of the previous day. While the details were hazy, he was still able to piece together the larger elements that led him there: he remembered the botched delivery, Sandstorm's plan, the infiltration of the castle, the discovery of the strange dungeon underneath the palace, the running away from the guards... And the betrayal. He sighed, feeling even worse than before. The pain became both physical and emotional. Hearing hoofsteps beyond his cell, Aphelion reopened his eyes to see two royal guards approaching his cell, a pegasus and an earth pony. They glared at him with spite, though Aphelion was able to pick up on a hint of another emotion on the guards' faces: hesitation, uncertainty. One of the guards spoke up. "You're going to follow us. Captain Armor wants to see you. No funny business on the way, got it?" Aphelion silently nodded and watched as the chains on his hooves were removed. The guards clearly didn't see Aphelion as a threat, as he would have otherwise been brought to this 'Captain Armor' in hoofcuffs. Nothing had been done to prevent Aphelion from using his magic as well, but in his current state, any attempt at spellcasting would be enough to knock him out once again. Following the guards, Aphelion went through many flights of stairs, doors and security checks. Looking through a window, he saw that he was still within the palace, though on the complete opposite side of the royal library. The guards pushing him forward, Aphelion was unable to linger there. Not that he minded, however, as the sunlight was enough to strengthen his headache. Eventually, he was brought into a small room with just a table, two chairs and no windows. He sat down as he observed the guards leaving him in the room, locking the door behind. And then, Aphelion waited. Without any clock, or without any windows to see the sun in the sky, Aphelion had no way of checking how much time had passed. He initially attempted to count the seconds in his head, mostly to remain calm while left to his own thoughts, but he lost count after 2000 due to his worsening headache. "Textbook interrogation method," he thought. "Leaving me alone to feel the pressure rise, trying to see if I'm going to crack before they even start... Not quite what the Pact told me their interrogation methods were like, though." After another painfully long wait, another pony entered the room. A large, white unicorn wearing an ornate royal guard armor. Aphelion guessed that it was this 'captain Armor' that would interrogate him. Sitting down in front of him, Shining Armor stared at Aphelion and levitated a notebook in front of him. The two stallions observed each other in silence for a moment, before Shining eventually spoke up. His tone remained neutral as the captain of the guard didn't allow any emotion to show, unlike the two previous guards. "Let's start with the basics. What's your name?" His thoughts being a total mess, Aphelion was in no capacity to lie and create a story. He decided to settle on short answers. "Aphelion." "Where do you come from, Aphelion?" With a frown, Aphelion took a moment before answering. He didn't want to reveal the manor's location, and so went for a half-truth. "...I'm from Manehattan." "How old are you?" "23." After scribbling a few notes, Shining started to think for a bit, wondering which approach to take. Taking into consideration everything he had been told about the unicorn in front of him, Shining decided to go easy on Aphelion. Besides, in his current state, putting any additional pressure would be counterproductive. "So, Aphelion, what happened yesterday?" "I'm pretty sure we both know what happened today." Shining sighed. "Listen. I understand that you'd rather not talk about what you did, but this is your chance to explain yourself. You can remain silent if you want, or you can ask for a lawyer, but I wanted to give you an opportunity to explain yourself." Lowering his head, Aphelion weighed his options. Staying silent would be the best course of action in the short term, as he would be sent back to his cell where he would be able to sleep (or try to, at least). However, it wouldn't improve his odds at walking away free. Getting a lawyer would be difficult, as the only one he knew worked for the Crescent Pact. Aphelion didn't want to deal with the Pact even though they would certainly be able to get him out of the palace, but that would also mean going back to the manor. "Not yet," Aphelion thought. "I still need to figure out the truth... Whatever it may be." And so, taking a deep breath, Aphelion opted for honesty and transparency. "Yesterday, I snuck into the palace in order to steal classified documents." A faint smile appeared on Shining's lips, glad to see Aphelion cooperating, before turning back into an expressionless state. "How did you manage that?" "It's a long story, so I'll summarize the important points. Yesterday was a good opportunity, as I was told there would be less guards in the royal library. We went there under the pretense of visiting the literary convention and found a secluded area there. I used a spell to pass through stone and we... Ended up in the archives after some time." "You keep saying 'we'. Can you tell me more about those with you?" Aphelion winced, indicating to Shining that this was a touchy subject. "...Yes. Two mares. They took care of planning out the infiltration. I... Thought I could trust them." Shining then started asking questions on the finer details of the infiltration while writing down notes. Most of the questions felt rhetorical, or more specifically, they gave the impression that Shining already knew the answers. He just wanted to hear it coming from Aphelion's mouth. The only exception to that were the questions surrounding the strange dungeon found underneath the library, which Shining was legitimately curious about. After going through every aspect of the heist (much to Aphelion's chagrin, his headache not getting any better), the captain of the guard went on to the next part of the interrogation. "Alright, I think we've got a good grip on what happened. Now, we need to figure out the 'why'." Aphelion tensed up. The Crescent Pact had remained dormant, hidden for 200 years. Was he going to blow their whole cover out? But then again, the archives contained files on the Pact itself, so the Pact wasn't as hidden as they thought... "We can take a quick break, if you want," Shining added after noticing Aphelion's hesitation. "I can get you a glass of water. You look like you need one." "I... Yes, please. That'd be nice," he replied, defeated. As Shining Armor stood up and was about to leave, Aphelion decided to ask a question first. "Wait. Why are you going easy on me?" Stopping in his tracks, the white unicorn looked at the dark gray one. "Three reasons. One, you're already in a rough shape. Pushing you around wouldn't really help me getting answers. Two, you've gained a lot of sympathy in the eyes of the guards after you've saved those in the tunnels. You could have saved yourself, but instead you stayed behind. As their captain, I respect what you did. And three..." Shining paused for a moment for dramatic effect. He could see Aphelion getting antsy while waiting for the last reason. "...Princess Celestia herself asked us to go easy on you," Shining said as he left, leaving behind a flabbergasted Aphelion. > 7 - The Prisoner: Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Shining Armor came back inside the interrogation room while levitating a glass of water next to him, he was met with a strangely calm Aphelion. The captain of the guard had purposefully revealed Celestia's involvement with Aphelion's preferential treatment just as he allowed for a break in the interrogation, allowing the gray unicorn to process the information. Placing the glass next to him, Shining sat down in front of Aphelion. "Ready to continue?" Aphelion attempted to float the glass to his lips but failed to do anything other than creating a few yellow sparks above his head. Grabbing the glass with his hooves instead, he took a sip. Even though Aphelion appeared calm, Shining immediately noticed the glass shaking in the unicorn's hooves. "Yes, I'm ready," he replied after drinking half of the water in one go. "Good. We were about to talk about your motive behind your infiltration of the royal castle." "Yes. I'll keep it short. I was tricked into doing it. I know it doesn't justify the stuff I did, but I did not wake up that day expecting to take part in a heist." "Interesting," Shining said while writing down notes. "How were you tricked?" "I was supposed to make a trade with those two mares, for my... For my employer. They refused to uphold their part of the deal unless I helped them with their plan." "What were you trading?" "I don't know. It was above my paygrade." "And who's your 'employer'?" Aphelion knew this question was coming. Sooner or later, his ties to the Crescent Pact would become apparent. There was, of course, the option of deflecting or refusing to answer the question, but that idea didn't sit well with Aphelion. Firstly, he was too exhausted to try and lie, to weave a false story and to keep his answer coherent with that story. Secondly, Aphelion wanted to figure out the truth. No, scratch that: he needed to learn the truth. None of the things he had seen and experienced made sense compared to what he was taught. The loyal part of him also reasoned that this whole series of events was perhaps planned by Lord Comet: maybe he had foreseen that Aphelion would end up captured. Maybe Aphelion was supposed to tell the truth. Why else would Lord Comet have sent him specifically to the capital, on the week of a festival whose existence clashed with the very idea of a tyrannical Celestia? "I am a member of an organization called 'The Crescent Pact'. Their goal is to overthrow Celestia due to their belief that she is a tyrant." "I see," Shining replied. His face did not betray any emotion. "You said, 'their goal' and 'their belief'. Are they not yours as well?" "I... They were my beliefs as well, at least until yesterday. But now, I... I just don't know what to believe," Aphelion looked down. "The two mares that 'tricked you' into this... Are they part of that organization as well?" "No, they are not. Sandstorm, the yellow earth pony, told me that their employer was somepony outside the Pact. Though, she refused to tell me more." During the next few minutes, the only sounds inside the interrogation room were the sound of a quill writing down long sentences on paper. As the captain of the guard was busy putting Aphelion's every word into writing, the gray unicorn took a moment to finish his water. He then broke the silence. "...You said Celestia wanted you to go easy on me. Why?" Glancing up from his notes, Shining met Aphelion's gaze. "I think it's best if she explains it herself." "Wait, does that mean she wants to talk to me?!" "Seems like it. But don't get your hopes up. While you're going to get a lot of good will from us due to the extenuating circumstances, you're still going to be prosecuted for trespassing, espionage and assault against a guard. These are serious crimes, Aphelion." "Wait, assault? Did I attack a guard? I thought I helped them back in the tunnels?" "I'm... Talking about Spearhead. The guard you knocked out with that book you've stolen." "Oh. Right. Though, in my defense, I'm not the one who knocked him out. I hit him twice, but it wasn't enough. It was Misty that finished the job." "You do understand that this is not helping your case, right?" Aphelion gulped, then nodded. He could, however, notice a faint smirk on Shining's face. "Uh, yes, you're right. Sorry. I'll shut up now." "Actually, there's one last question I want to ask. Something that doesn't make sense with your version of the events." "Really? What's, uh, what's wrong?" Aphelion asked, his face growing slightly worried. "When you were in the royal library and used that spell to... Go through stone, as you said. Your goal was to end up directly inside the archives, right?" "Uh, yes. Based on what Sandstorm said, they were supposed to be right underneath." "And when you used your spell, Misty and you ended up in an abandoned dungeon underneath the castle?" "Yes. I suppose the archives were further to the sides and we ended up in that dungeon by accident, since it was right under the library." "Here's the thing, Aphelion. The archives are right under the royal library. If your spell only allowed for vertical movement, you should've ended up there. The dungeon you've discovered is actually the one on the side." "Huh? What... I don't understand. We went straight down." he replied with a puzzled look. "That's what we're trying to figure out. Either you're lying to me, which I don't believe is the case, or something else drew you to that dungeon." Immediately entering a researcher's state of mind, Aphelion began to theorize. "That's weird... Technically, the spell transforms body mass into ephemeral energy that can go through solid matter. We just have to let gravity do its thing. So, if we fell diagonally instead of vertically..." Shining Armor observed Aphelion silently, waiting for his deduction. In a way, Aphelion reminded Shining of his sister. "...There must have been something affecting gravity in that dungeon," Aphelion concluded. "...Like a magnet?" "Well, more or less. Whatever may the source be, it doesn't affect physical objects. Otherwise, everyone in the palace would have noticed that objects fell diagonally, at least in the library. I want to say that it was probably more like an arcane anchor, drawing energy towards itself... Did any of the castle's unicorns notice any difficulty with their spells recently?" After thinking for a moment, Shining remembered something. However, the captain of the guard decided to keep the exact nature of that information for himself: Aphelion was still a prisoner, after all. "...Some ponies noticed something like that, yes." "How long ago did these difficulties manifest themselves? And does it affect every type of spell, or just specific subsections? Is there a correlation between the strength of the spell and..." Aphelion's ramblings were cut short by Shining Armor loudly clearing his throat. "Let's go back to the initial question. You were unaware of the dungeon's existence, right?" "Yes, I hadn't heard of that kind of place under the castle during the planning phase of our escapade. And for what it's worth, Misty seemed just as surprised as me." "I see. You also found a door with a curse inscribed on it, right?" "Indeed. Misty described it as 'Dark Magic'. It, uh, was similar to the type of spells used by some of the Crescent Pact's unicorns." "Alright. We'll have to find a way inside that room to see if there's anything to correlate your claim that you were drawn towards that dungeon." "Uh... Of course. Just be careful. Whoever created that curse wanted to prevent other ponies from walking inside that room. There's certainly more traps along the way, I reckon." "Of course. In the meantime, let's end this interrogation. You've given us a lot to work with already and I believe you've been transparent enough." "Y-Yes. So, what's next for me, then?" "Right now, you're going to go back to your cell. I'll relay what you've told me to my superior and then we'll see what we'll do with you," Shining said. Immediately, Aphelion wondered who Shining's superior might be. Since he's the captain of the royal guard, his direct superior would be... Celestia herself. "Oh boy," Aphelion thought. Taking a deep breath, he looked at Shining. "All right. Uhm, one last thing." "Yes?" "I know I'm a prisoner and all, and my cell isn't a hotel with room service, but... Do you think I could get some coffee at some point?" Shining chuckled. "For your SME, right?" "My what?" "Severe Magical Exhaustion. You're out of juice and suffering from a sort of magical hangover." "Y...Yes. How do you know?" Raising an eyebrow, Shining glanced upwards, at his own horn. "Oh, right, you're a unicorn too," Aphelion mumbled before facehoofing at his own stupidity. "I'll see what I can do. But you seem to be dealing with it quite well. Personally, whenever I push myself too hard, I'm basically unable to speak the next day." Something felt odd to Aphelion. The atmosphere in the room had changed, going from tense and stressful to casual. Aphelion wondered if having small talk with prisoners was part of the protocol here, but he went with it nevertheless. "Yes. I often suffer from... SME, so I've learned to live with it. It's not as debilitating when it happens once per week." "Really? Once per week? What kind of job do you have to end up using that much energy consistently?" "I... I suffer from something called Thaumic Atrophy. It's a condition causing my inner magical reserve to be underdeveloped. This means that just a few spells per day are enough to cause exhaustion." "Huh. I've never heard of that. I'm sorry to hear that." "It's alright. I was born with it, so I suppose it's not that much of a big deal for me. It just means I have to use spells a lot more sparingly and efficiently." Unsure of what to say, Shining simply nodded. Then, standing up, he began leaving the room. "Alright. I'll have some guards bring you back to your cell. I'll see what I can do for your coffee. I'll see you tomorrow, Aphelion." Not too long after, two guards brought Aphelion back to the castle's prison. On the way, he noticed that the guards treated him more gently. The next day, Aphelion woke up feeling much better. Shining Armor having been able to provide the ailing unicorn with coffee, the symptoms of Aphelion's severe magical exhaustion having greatly diminished. Sitting down in his cell, he simply waited for whatever would come next. Aphelion wondered if he would have another round of interrogation with Shining Armor, or if he was going to be left there for the day. There was also the possibility of Celestia wanting to speak with him that day, but Aphelion thought that she surely would be too busy for that. Whatever was planned, Aphelion hoped for a calm day, having fully accepted his position as a prisoner. He was afraid to wake up regretting having shared so much information concerning the Crescent Pact, but with a fully rested head, Aphelion discovered that he felt as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulder. However, as morning passed by slowly in silence, Aphelion became increasingly anxious. While he didn't regret being transparent about his affiliation with the Crescent Pact or with his involvement with the heist, Aphelion still feared the judgment he would have to face. Whatever his sentence might be, it would be twofold as he knew that the Pact didn't treat traitors and whistleblowers kindly. He would certainly face retribution from both Celestia and Lord Comet. Eventually, a guard came around noon to bring Aphelion some food: plain bread, a glass of water and some coffee. With a thankful nod towards the guard, Aphelion began eating after noticing that he had been starving. Being used to snacking at random and ludicrous hours, Aphelion quickly became famished after being forced into a more regular schedule. As he ate his lunch, Aphelion noticed that the guard stood still in front of his cell, seemingly waiting for him to finish eating. "Uhh... Want a bite?" Aphelion asked while offering a bit of his bread. "No. Once you're done, I need to take you to one of the balconies. You have a meeting with Princess Celestia." Aphelion gulped. "O-Oh... That's... Great? Or bad? Should I be worried?" The guard remained silent. "I'll take that as a 'maybe', then," Aphelion answered his own question. Finishing up his meal, the guard quickly unlocked Aphelion's cell and began leading him back inside the palace, towards Celestia. Aphelion could hear his heart beating furiously as he stepped through the many castle hallways and rooms. Far up north, deep within the frozen wastes above the polar circle, a group of ponies walked on the sea ice, facing the elements while pulling a large sled filled to the brim with various rations, survival gear and research tools. The members of the expedition team were bickering among themselves, debating whether they would reach their destination in time. "I'm telling you; we won't make it until it's too late," said a unicorn. "Not with that attitude, we won't," replied a pegasus. "Can you guys just... Shut up already?!" yelled an earth pony. "If I hear one more complaint, I'm turning back and going home." "I'd like to see you try walking back without supplies." "Yeah, just try and leave us, you bucking assh-" the group's conversation came to a sudden stop as a bright flash of purple light blinded all three of them. Seemingly out of nowhere, an old earth pony had appeared a few feet in front of them, with a purple coat and a white mane, wearing a small pouch on his left side. The old pony cleared his throat and took a few steps towards the expedition team, struggling to walk as his legs shook with every step. Immediately, the members of the expedition team stopped their bickering and kneeled in front of the purple earth pony. "L-Lord Comet! We didn't expect to see you here..." "Sir?! I thought you had work to do back in Equestria?" "I swear I was just joking about running away!" All three ponies spoke at the same time, rendering their sentences impossible to understand. They all spoke with fear in their voice, as if death itself manifested in front of them. Lord Purple Comet chuckled at the sight of the groveling expedition team, before glaring at each of them. "My dear little ponies," he said with a tired voice. "It would seem you are trailing behind in your task... That won't do, I am afraid." Terrified by their master's tone, the expedition team was frozen in fear, each member too afraid to speak up as they began sweating bullets. With a sigh, Purple Comet continued. "And to think you three were supposed to be the best ponies for this job... I am thoroughly disappointed." "W... We'll do it! We're going to reach our destination on time, we swear! Please give us a chance!" yelped the unicorn. "Yes! We'll run if we have to, non-stop!" added the pegasus. "We won't sleep until it's done! You can count on us, sir!" yelled the earth pony. Shaking his head side to side, Comet closed his eyes. "No, I'm afraid you've already proven yourselves to be unreliable. Do you know what I do, with unreliable ponies?" None dared to answer, afraid of what the answer might be. "I'll tell you what I do with that sort of ponies... I give them a chance," Comet smiled. The groveling ponies looked up, then at each other in confusion. "So... You won't punish us?" asked the earth pony. "Only if you disappoint me any further. But do not worry, my dear little ponies... I did not come just to scold you. I brought you three a gift." Unfastening the pouch on his side with his teeth, Comet threw it in front of the expedition team. The pouch's contents spilled in front of them, revealing three vials filled with a black liquid. The three ponies stared in horror at the vials. "B... but Lord Comet... This is..." "As I said, I wish to give you a chance. Do not worry, my little ponies. If you make me proud, you will be given the antidote... After the task is done, of course. I hope I needn't to remind you three that upon intake, you will have three days before the effects are irreversible... But it should also give you the strength to succeed. You can still make me proud despite your failings. Am I not a magnanimous leader?" The members of the expedition team sheepishly nodded. They each slowly reached for the vials, drinking the contents in one gulp. Immediately, they all dropped to the ground, their bodies contorting in pain as the effects of the potions appeared. With a satisfied smile, a glow of purple energy appeared around Purple Comet, his form beginning to vanish as the old earth pony began to teleport away. Before disappearing for good, he left the expedition team with a few more words of encouragement. "I must also add that there are only two antidotes available, for the two most deserving members of your group. Be on your best behavior if you do not wish the effects to become permanent." As fear filled the agonizing ponies' eyes, Lord Purple Comet disappeared in a flash of purple light. > 8 - The Princess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Okay... Deep breaths. In..." Aphelion was sitting on a comfortable chair, on one of the castle's balconies. In front of him, there was a simple table covered with various pastries, snacks and drinks. On the opposite side of the table, there was another chair, similar to his although somewhat bigger. "...And out," he said as he exhaled, feeling the air leaving his lungs. Somehow, this moment was the most stressful thing he did in the past few days. Aphelion focused on his breathing, feeling himself calm down with each breathing exercise... Though not that much. Feeling a warm breeze wash over him, Aphelion turned towards his left, taking in the view. The balcony was facing towards the outside of Canterlot, overlooking the beautiful forests, hills and cliffs that surrounded the capital. If he focused hard enough, Aphelion could also barely see his father's manor hidden within the forest, though it looked like an abandoned ruin from this point of view. He felt uneasy as he looked in the manor's general direction, leading to Aphelion turning his head back towards the door leading to the balcony. It was opened, revealing a large great hall containing many long tables. Aphelion assumed this was the place where nobles and dignitaries would be invited to when staying in the castle. A maid passed in front of the doors as Aphelion was looking towards the inside, their gaze meeting each other in awkward silence. "Princess Celestia will be arriving shortly," the maid said with a small bow, treating Aphelion as a royal guest instead of a prisoner. "We apologize for the delay." "Oh, no, it's fine. You can tell her she can take all the time she needs!" he replied, forcing a smile. Seeing the maid depart with a somewhat confused look, Aphelion decided to learn royal etiquette in the future if he has the opportunity. Grabbing a cup with his aura, Aphelion made it float to his lips. The cup shook slightly in the air, the magical energy holding it wavering. While Aphelion's physical condition had improved since the previous day, he still felt weak and exhausted. The bed in his cell also certainly didn't help, as it was more akin to a wooden board barely covered in hay than to an actual bed. When Aphelion was brought in front of that table, on the balcony, and told that Princess Celestia herself had arranged for a private lunch with him to 'discuss recent affairs', the young unicorn felt incredibly out of place. Ever since stepping into Canterlot, Aphelion kept getting whiplashed by everything he saw and experienced. He hoped for less surprises in the near future, though Aphelion knew that more were to come soon. His train of thought was broken by the sound of hoofsteps approaching. Looking up, he saw a tall, lanky alicorn with a floating multicolored mane. Princess Celestia stopped at the balcony's entrance and observed Aphelion for a moment, a faint smirk on her lips. "Good afternoon, Aphelion." His whole body tensed up as his anxiety skyrocketed. Princess Celestia was standing right in front of him. The Celestia he had spent his entire life despising. The one he was hoping to take down, one day. While his faith in the Crescent Pact had wavered, Aphelion still felt residual animosity for Equestria's ruler. He thought he would've been able to talk to her, but as years' worth of memories and dogma came flooding back in his mind, Aphelion began feeling dizzy. His entire body was hyper focused on Celestia's presence, the rest of the world blurring together in a maelstrom of colors. In his head, a conflict had suddenly erupted. A part of him wanted to attack Celestia, right here and now, to make his father proud and to serve the Crescent Pact. It wanted to tear down this tyrannical ruler who caused so much pain in the world. Another part of him fought back these impulses, desperate to ask her so many questions about herself, about the Pact, about the world. It desired nothing but the truth, to be freed from the shackles of blind faith. As Aphelion stood there silently, his mouth agape and his body faintly shaking, Celestia calmly stepped forward and sat down in front of him. She could see the stallion's inner turmoil. "I do not come as an enemy, but as a friend, Aphelion. I simply wish to talk to you. Would that be fine with you?" Aphelion took a moment to get his bearings, breathing deeply as he did so. Managing to put his violent impulses down, he spoke up with a shaky voice. "I don't know if I'm fine with it, but I want to talk." She smiled. "I am glad to hear that. How are you feeling, Aphelion?" "I am feeling... A lot of things, right now." "I see. Have you slept well?" "No. I've been spending the night in a cell. Not the most comfortable of arrangements." "I suppose not," she chuckled. "I do wish to apologize for this situation. Though, you must admit, you were the one who put himself in that cell." "Guess so. I take it you've heard of... The incident, your highness?" Aphelion spoke, with sarcasm on the last two words. "I did. Captain Shining Armor briefed me on the details of your escapade through the castle. Also, you may just call me Celestia." "Right. So, what is there to talk about... Celestia? I've already told all I know about the heist." "Indeed, what to talk about," she simply said while floating a pastry towards her mouth. Taking a small bite, she looked in wonder at the slice of cake in front of him. "Let's start with this, then. Have you tried the food? It is simply wonderful." Raising an eyebrow, Aphelion looked at the table. "Uh... No, I haven't. I guess I was too worked up to eat," he replied, visibly confused. Was this really what Celestia wished to talk about? "You should try some of it, then. I am quite proud of my royal chefs and cooks." Unsure of how to respond, Aphelion hesitantly grabbed a slice of cherry pie then took a bite. He expected to regret immediately doing so, as he picked at random without considering his hatred for sweet food, but as the pie met his taste buds, Aphelion was surprised to discover that the pie was delicious. He took another bite, much quicker than the last one, and practically devoured the slice in front of him. Hearing a soft chuckle, he looked up to see an amused Celestia staring at him. As he ate, Aphelion forgot he was in the presence of a literal princess and gave up all his good manners. Feeling a light blush appear, he looked to the side. "It's alright, I guess." "You have to admit this is more than 'alright', my dear." "Ehh... I'd give it a seven out of then on a good day." "Oh, really? And what would qualify as a ten, then, Mister food critic?" Celestia replied with a grin, enjoying this burgeoning friendship. "If you really want to know, nothing beats a simple, expertly done croissant. No need for fruits, or ridiculous amounts of sugar. Sometimes, less is more." "Well, I have to admit, this is quite surprising, Aphelion." "How so?" "I didn't take you to be the boring type," Celestia retorted smugly. "Boring?!" Aphelion yelled, faking outrage. "I'll have you know, Miss Celestia, that only the unrefined bunch would consider a croissant to be boring. And I thought you were a mare of good taste," he scoffed while exaggerating a noble accent. The two of them laughed, Aphelion feeling much more at ease. Celestia's ruse to calm the young stallion being successful, she decided to lead the conversation towards more important topics. "On a more important note, Aphelion, I wish to talk to you about your... Affiliation with a certain group. Do you feel comfortable enough to broach this subject with me?" "Well, it's not like I have a choice, do I?" "Actually, you do. If you do not wish to talk about it, I will not force you to." Thinking for a moment, Aphelion looked at Celestia directly in the eyes. "I... Don't know if I'm comfortable talking about the Pact. What I do know, however, is that I want..." he stopped, unsure of how to formulate his sentence. "Yes?" "...I want answers. And I won't get these answers by remaining silent." "I see. Let me start by asking you about what led to your arrival in Canterlot. Could you tell me what exactly brought you here?" "Sure. My father received a letter from our leader, an old stallion named Purple Comet. In this letter, I was given the task of coming into Canterlot to make a trade with some other ponies. And before you ask, no, I don't know what I was trading." "And the letter said that you specifically had to take care of this trade," Celestia added. Her tone indicated that this wasn't a question, but a simple statement. Aphelion was slightly confused. "Uh... Yes, exactly. Purple Comet gave this mission to me specifically. How... How do you know?" Aphelion asked with a puzzled look on his face. Taking a deep breath, Celestia braced herself for what she was going to say. "I will tell you, but only if you promise to listen to me until I am finished. And please, do keep in mind that I acted with your best interest in mind." Feeling anxious, Aphelion nodded. Celestia sighed. "The letter from Purple Comet originally called for your father, Apogée, to take on this mission. However, we intercepted the letter before it reached your manor and altered it, calling you into Canterlot instead." "Wh... What?!" "Please, just listen to me," Celestia's voice was calm and soothing. "We have made this decision because I hoped that leaving your manor and interacting with the outside world would help you see the truth about the Crescent Pact." Aphelion looked down, with a blank stare. This time, Celestia was unable to read his emotions, unsure of how her revelation affected the young stallion. "I know this is a lot to take in, but this is the truth. I... Knew about you, Aphelion, and your situation. I thought that you were owed a chance to experience the world for yourself, even if just for a moment. We did not expect things to go off the rails so quickly, however." Looking back up at Celestia, Aphelion simply showed an inquisitive glare. Celestia continued. "Our original plan was to let you come into Canterlot, accomplish the trade and intercept you as you left the capital, simply asking you for a meeting. We did not expect these two mares to rope you into a heist inside the royal castle." Mulling over everything he just heard, Aphelion spoke up, his voice strangely calm. "...You keep saying 'we'. I'm guessing that red pegasus was in on it?" "Yes. Steady Travels. He is an asset of the crown. He was the one who intercepted the original letter and brought it to me." "Was your plan really just... Letting me walk unsupervised in Canterlot for an afternoon? What if I had bad intentions?" "I knew you were a smart pony, and that seeing the normal city life would nudge you towards the truth. I did not want to capture you and to force you to change your mind. The only one that can do that is yourself, Aphelion. I simply wanted to give you the opportunity to start this process." "What if it didn't work?" "Then you would have simply gone home and went on with your life." Silence fell on the balcony, as Celestia waited for Aphelion's questions. After a long minute of thinking, he stared directly in Celestia's eyes, Aphelion's gaze showing no animosity, but confusion instead. The princess also noticed a hint of gratitude in his eyes. "Why me?" "As I said, we knew about your position. For the past few weeks, at every dawn and every sunset, I could see you observing me raise the sun and the moon. I must admit, at first, I felt uncomfortable with having a telescope pointed directly at my window," breaking eye contact, Aphelion looked to the side, embarrassed. "But, as the days passed and as I learned more about you thanks to Steady Travels, I began to feel..." "Pity?" "Not quite. I felt ashamed of myself. Because of my failure at taking the Crescent Pact once and for all 200 years ago, innocent ponies had their lives stolen by the hooves of these... Insurrectionists. I wanted to give to those ponies a chance at a normal life that was robbed from them, and you were the first pony I thought of." "This... Doesn't make any sense. I was born into the Pact, sure, but so was my father. He was also robbed of a normal life, as you said. Why, then, trick me into Canterlot instead of him?" "Unfortunately, we knew your father's beliefs were set too deeply in stone to ever change. You yourself should know that your father is quite the fanatical member." While Aphelion agreed, something still didn't add up with Celestia's explanation. He knew she was hiding the real reason from him, but Aphelion understood that he would not learn the true reason on that balcony. "Okay." "...Okay?" Celestia repeated. "Are you really 'okay' with this?" "Sure. It's a bit unconventional, but that's one way to de-radicalize a pony." "I... Honestly did not expect you to take this revelation so calmly," her face showed genuine surprise. She had expected him to yell and to scream upon learning he had been tricked, or to show any signs of anger, but Aphelion was strangely calm. "I mean, sure, it's a lot to take in, but I'm not going to be mad at you for trying to give me a second shot at life." "I am glad to hear that," she smiled. "But I have to ask... What's next, then? I'm still a prisoner, so this second chance is already off to a great start." "Yes, actually, that is another subject I was hoping to discuss with you. If you are up for it, we may have a task for you that would absolve you of your crimes." Perking up, Aphelion became very attentive. "I'm listening." "We still need to find the two mares that tricked you into your infiltration. Steady Travels would like to work with you to capture Sandstorm and Misty Step." "Wait, he wants to work with me? Isn't he a sort of... Royal spy? I'll surely get in his way, won't I?" "He seems to value your innate magical talent. Furthermore, you interacted with these two mares. You could be a great help to him." "Why doesn't the guard take care of it?" "Most of Steady's missions are... Classified. Besides, I would prefer to keep the guards in the castle during the celebrations." Their discussion was cut short by a flash of green light, as a scroll appeared in a burst of flame in front of Celestia. Grabbing it with her aura and unfurling it, she began to read it quietly. Raising an eyebrow, Aphelion looked in confusion. "I am afraid I have some important business to attend to. I must know, are you ready to take this offer, Aphelion?" "Yes. I'll work with Steady. I do have a score to settle with those two mares..." "Very well. Then, consider yourself freed from your cell," she turned her head towards the inside of the palace. "Glaze?" Upon hearing her name being called, a green earth pony mare entered the balcony. "Yes, your highness?" "Would you mind taking our guest to his room?" "Of course, Princess Celestia." Looking back and forth between the two, Aphelion asked: "Wait, I still have some other questions. About your raising of the sun, I noticed-" "I am sorry, Aphelion, but as I said, I have urgent business to attend to. We can pick up this conversation at a later date, though I will be busy for the rest of the week as I am needed in Ponyville." "Ponyville?" "A small town relatively nearby. For this year's Summer Sun Celebration, I will be needed there. We can talk once I am back." "Uh... Sure," Aphelion replied. Standing up from his seat and stretching, he began following the maid. "Well, thank you for the talk, Celestia. I appreciated it." With a simple nod, Celestia watched as Aphelion and Glaze left for the guest room. Once they were both out of earshot, she sighed, a single tear running down her face. Flying down from a hidden alcove on the roof, Steady Travels landed next to Celestia. As he awkwardly patted her back, he spoke up. "Couldn't bring yourself to tell him, could you?" "No. When I saw him react so well to our subterfuge, I... I couldn't bring myself to ruin his mood. I was afraid of ruining everything by antagonizing myself." "s'Alright, princess. You'll get other opportunities." "Thank you, Steady. Though, the longer I wait, the worse it will be for me... And for him." "Maybe he'll take it well? He seems pretty easy-going." "I doubt him learning that I am directly responsible for his mother's death would go as well as it did today." Unsure of what to say, Steady looked down before beginning to fly again. "I'm sorry, princess. I'm not good with that stuff." "It's alright, Steady. I appreciate your efforts. Go back to your work, now. I wish to be alone for a moment." With a nod, Steady flew away, leaving Celestia with her own thoughts. > 9 - The Hideout > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Here you go, boss," said Sandstorm as she threw a yellow folder at a brown earth pony with a shaved mane. The folder fell on the ground next to the filthy sofa covered in beer stains and empty pizza boxes, the brown stallion barely reacting to it. He grumbled as he stood up, having been woken up from his nap by Sandstorm. "Crap, not so loud, you buckin..." he mumbled. "Yeah, yeah. I get it, hangover. By the way, we're out of booze." Glaring at the mare in front of him, he growled. "Then go get some more, unless you wanna deal with the sober me." "You're already a pain in the arse drunk. Sober can't be that much worse, Mud," Sandstorm shrugged. She began walking towards the door, carefully stepping over the remnants of her boss' recent alcohol binges while wondering how he hadn't drunk himself into an ethylic coma yet. Mud reached down to grab the folder, quickly flipping through it. Raising an eyebrow, he whistled. "That's some good material. Where did you and your bitch get it from?" Suddenly feeling her body tense up, Sandstorm stopped dead in her tracks. It took all of her willpower not to snap back at Mud. "...D'you really wanna know?" "Nah, I don't care as long as this is legit," he chortled. "We got a big payday soon, that's all that matters." "Yeah, well, don't forget our share, this time. This was a pain to find." "Mmhm," Mud was too busy reading over the folder to pay much more attention to Sandstorm. "Oh, also, did you get the stuff from the Moonies?" "Yeah. Misty's busy with it in the lab, making sure they didn't screw us over." "Good. How's the old cunt doing?" he asked, still not looking at Sandstorm. "Who?" "The dude, bucking... I dunno, forgot his name. Some Prench crap. Apo... Apogo..." "Apogée? Yeah, it wasn't him. They sent some fresh blood instead, I think. A unicorn named Aphelion." "Shit, they sent the son? Hope ya treat him well, else we'd lose our biggest supplier." Sandstorm felt a pit forming in her stomach upon learning that Aphelion was the direct son of their main supplier... And that he had been arrested because of her. Sweating bullets, she flashed an unconvincing smile. "Oh, you know... It went well. Flirted a bit, trade went off without a hitch," while being a terrible liar, Mud was too busy reading the stolen folder and searching for dregs in beer bottles to notice it. "Good. Right, buck off now, I need to do my thing. And go get more booze, or I'm selling your asses." Her eye twitching, Sandstorm left the dank room. Pushing the heavy metal door, she began climbing the flight of stairs, heading for the building's main floor. As she walked, she felt cold, filthy water dripping from the ceiling on her coat. "The stingy bastard should use some of his bits to fix the plumbing instead of drinking himself to death," she thought. Finally reaching the main floor, Sandstorm's nostrils were immediately assaulted by the smell of cigarette smoke. Doing her best to ignore it, she walked towards a door in the back of the room, going through the barber shop her boss had picked as their hideout in Manehattan. While all the ponies here were on Mud's payroll and acting as a front to hide their group's activities, they were still offering to work as actual barbers, though they were shoddy in their work. Most of the shop's clientele were mostly there to partake in illegal activities without drawing in too much attention from the local authorities. She glanced at the ponies around her, all in different states of intoxication. When meeting their gaze, they quickly started their routine of catcalling, trying to coax the young mare into 'having some fun' with them. Sandstorm simply went forward silently, going to the first floor. Making sure not to step in one of the many holes in the wooden stairs which had already caused numerous accidents, Sandstorm did her best to ignore the raunchy bunch trying to get her attention. She was used to this and had already broken a few ribs whenever they had gotten a bit too insistent, but the ponies in the barber shop usually limited themselves to dirty jokes and barely veiled innuendos. "Can't wait to burn this place to the bucking ground," she mumbled. Finally reaching the first floor, Sandstorm went into her room and locked the door behind her. Turning back, she saw her friend at her desk - the only clean part of the building - as Misty was busy inspecting vials filled with strange liquids. Throwing herself into her bed, Sandstorm buried her face in a pillow, groaning. "Go complain elsewhere," Misty barked dryly. "But I must vent mine heart," Sandstorm replied with an overly dramatic voice, turning to lay on her back and spreading her forelegs wide towards the ceiling. "This world is nothing but pain and suffering, only the kiss of a pure, innocent maiden could bring me salvation!" "Go be melodramatic elsewhere. I'm busy." "Alas, betrayed by the only one who could save me... What a cold, cruel world!" Sandstorm stood up from the bed and walked next to Misty before suddenly dropping on the ground, placing her hooves over her chest. "I am dying, fair maiden, please saveth me!" Repressing the urge to smirk at her marefriend's antics, Misty instead focused on a spell aimed at Sandstorm. After a flash of gray energy, the yellow mare became unable to produce any sound, Misty's silencing spell shutting her up. This, however, wasn't enough to stop Sandstorm from trying to get Misty's attention as she instead began to mime what she claimed she needed, which quickly turned into lewd gestures. "Listen, I know you want attention, but I really need to finish checking the potions," Misty sighed. "I don't want a repeat of last time," she said as she dropped her silencing spell. "Aw, you're no fun," Sandstorm stood up from the floor before throwing herself back in bed. "And, uh, I may have some bad news." "Let me guess. Mud pissed off another gang?" "Nah, something else. We may have bucked up real big in Canterlot." With a worried expression, Misty turned away from her desk and towards Sandstorm. "...What do you mean?" "Remember that Aphelion guy?" "Yes?" "He's the son of Apogée." Silence befell the room, as Misty slowly took a deep breath. "Okay. So, that's bad." "Yup. We're bucked," Sandstorm said with a shrug. "I probably shouldn't say I told you so, but..." "Hey, how could I know they'd sent him instead of Apogée? He just looked like any other random cultist schmuck." "Does Mud know?" "Nah. Told him the plan went fine, though it's probably a matter of time before the Pact asks where the buck Aphelion went. Guess that's our cue to cut our losses and run." "Run where? Without any bits, it's only a matter of time before Mud or the Crescent Pact finds us." "Well, guess that's a good thing we've never done our part of the trade. We still got the crystals." "I suppose you haven't told Mud that you chose to double the price on a whim either, did you?" "I didn't, but think about it. Mud thinks the trade happened as planned and that we don't have the crystals. We even brought the potions, so why should he doubt us? Once they learn that Aphelion's in jail, it's fair to say they'll assume the crystals were confiscated by the guards. Nopony's gonna know we actually kept those." "Except Aphelion." "He's in Celestia's private dungeon, Misty. Probably getting his rocks off thinking about her." Misty sighed. "Sandstorm, the Pact hates Celestia. They're not their fan club." "Eh, love, hate, both sides of the same coin. Point is, even if he pretends not to have received the crystals, by the time it reaches Mud or the Pact, we could've run far away with a shitload of bits from the crystals. You know how much these babies are worth." Looking at the window for a moment, Misty was deep in her thoughts. Eventually, she looked back at Sandstorm and sighed. "Fine. We don't have much of a choice anyway. We'll leave by the end of the week, when Mud's going back to Fillydelphia. Where do we go ourselves, though?" "While we search for a buyer, we need a nice, chill place away from the big cities. We can always crash at my parent's place in Ponyville for a while." "Right. While we're there, we can even tell them we've been dating for three years and that you were too afraid to tell them, then." With a nervous chuckle, Sandstorm looked away. "Y-Yeah, or we can just lay low until it's safe and..." Feeling defeated, Misty just nodded. "Sure. We'll lay low. I'll leave the Pact's potions here, then. If we take them, Mud'll know something's up." Noticing her marefriend's worsening mood, Sandstorm went to hug Misty. They held each other for a long, comforting moment before the mares spent the rest of their afternoon packing their bags as quietly as possible, preparing to run away from Manehattan. Going through the castle's hallways and corridors, Aphelion followed Glaze, the maid assigned to him for his stay in the palace. It wasn't the first time that Aphelion had ponies working specifically to assist him in his daily task, but it was the first time that he had met a servant that spoke at all, let alone in such a jovial manner. "If I was at the manor," Aphelion thought, "Father would've already fired her. Or worse..." In just the two hours they had spent in each other's company, Glaze had already begun telling everything about herself, talking about her past and her family. Aphelion, unsure of how to react to such an optimistic and outgoing personality, mostly focused on listening to her and her stories. As she led him towards the room where Steady was waiting for him, Glaze suddenly stopped in her tracks. "O-Oh, I just noticed I've been talking your ears off for, like, two hours now, and I haven't asked about you even once... I'm sorry!" she quickly blurted out, blushing at her lack of manners. Aphelion chuckled. "It's fine, I don't mind. I rarely get to meet ponies that enjoy talking at all, so it's a nice change of pace." "Really? Where do you come from? What kinda job do you have?" "I... Uh... I guess you could say I'm an artificer," Aphelion looked away, not wanting to reveal his past. "An 'artificer'? What's that? Sounds fancy." "In my case, it's somepony that focuses on creating artifacts and spells. Kind of like a mage, but with an added physical component, so to speak." "Oh, so you do magic stuff? That's cool! You've got to show me some of your stuff at some point! I'd love to..." Their discussion was cut off by a visibly annoyed Steady Travels, waiting next to a door. Having been talking for so long, Aphelion and Glaze barely noticed that they were late. "Listen, kid," Steady spoke directly to Aphelion. "It's nice to see you gettin' along with the staff, but we got an actual job to do," he said before walking back in the room. "Uh... I guess I'll leave you to it, then?" Glaze stood awkwardly, feeling guilty for holding Aphelion back with her ramblings. "Guess so. Thanks for showing me the way, I don't think I could've found my way on my own here." She scoffed. "Don't even start with that. I got lost so many times on my first month here, it's a wonder I wasn't fired earlier than-" "I'm still waiting!" yelled Steady from inside the room. "Oopsokaysorrybye-" Glaze quickly ran off, leaving Aphelion in the hallway. He quickly headed inside the room, not wanting to anger Steady any longer. The room itself was relatively small, barely having enough room for a table and two shelves on the side. The only source of light came from the corridor itself, as the only window in the room was curtained off. On the table, countless scrolls and sheets of paper were spread everywhere. The shelves were filled with more of these documents. In a way, this room reminded Aphelion of the royal archives. Remembering the folder he had attempted to steal, he wondered if he could read it if he asked Celestia or Shining Armor. Steady was sitting on a large chair, waiting for Aphelion. "Close the damned door behind you." Doing so, Aphelion expected the room to go completely dark, but the opposite happened. As soon as the door was closed, a blue light illuminated the entire room from above. Looking up, Aphelion saw a small floating sphere acting as a magical lamp. Resisting the urge to ask about it, he turned his attention back on the pegasus in front of him. "Alright, I'm here. Sorry for my lateness." "It's fine," Steady grumbled. "Just, be on time from now on." "I will. So, you need my help to catch Sandstorm and Misty?" "Yup. I've been tracking them for a while now... Well, not them personally, but their boss." Approaching the desk, Aphelion noticed the clear lack of a second chair or seat for him. "And who do they work for, exactly? They wouldn't tell me." Steady slid a photograph towards Aphelion. "An earth pony calling himself 'Mud', though that's not his real name. He's the head of a group of thugs operating in multiple big cities across Equestria. They do all kinds of 'fun activities', like robbing, spying, blackmailing, kidnapping, drug-dealing... And a shit load of drinking." "A... Lovely bunch. Does this group call itself something specific?" "They don't have an official name. They keep changing every few months, though I can't say if it's to throw us off, or because they just can't stick to one Celestia-damned name." "Right... And you think catching Sandstorm and Misty will lead to Mud's arrest?" "It could. At the very least, it'll help us get a lead on him and their group's activities." "How did they get in your crosshair specifically? Misty and Sandstorm, I mean." Tensing up, Steady stared at Aphelion, who could feel the pegasus' eyes dig into his soul. "One of 'em messed with me personally some years ago. I'm gonna make sure they both pay for it." "O-Okay," Aphelion gulped. "What's our first step, then? Do you have any idea of where they might be?" "Yeah. Got a source claiming to have seen Mud somewhere in Manehattan, so that's where we'll start. The two mares probably came back to him there to transfer the documents you helped them steal." "Wait, but if we know Mud is hiding in Manehattan, why not go directly for him?" "Because we have no idea if he'll stay in town or if he'll just send some other lackey to pick up the folder. Besides, Mud rarely shows his own face in public. Your two crime friends, however, are bound to step outside to deal with whatever bullshit they get tasked with. We're basically hoping to catch them during one of their other missions. I'll need you to help me recognize them and subdue them if they resist." "Uh... I'm not sure I can capture any of them. Well, maybe Misty if I get the drop on her, but Sandstorm... I've seen what she can do to walls. I don't think my ribs are more resistant than walls." "Then you take care of the unicorn, and I'll take care of the earth pony. Deal?" Looking Steady up and down, Aphelion was hesitant. "Are you sure you can take her on?" Steady laughed. "It ain't my first rodeo, kid. She won't be an issue, don't worry." "Then I guess that's settled. How should we proceed?" "We'll take the train to Manehattan this evening. Once we're there, we start searching the city. I've got a few leads on where to start, but we may have to improvise a bit if we can't find anything. I'll go into more details as we go." "Can't you just tell me everything right now?" "No offense, but we still don't know if we can fully trust you. Right now, you're on a 'need to know' basis. Do a good job and you'll get more." "That's... That's fair enough, actually. Though, I do have something to ask..." "Then ask away," Steady leaned back in his chair. "Officially, I'm in Canterolt's jail. It's only a matter of time before the Crescent Pact hears about it and I don't think my father will sit by idly. What should I do if he, or another member of the Pact, contacts me?" Steady sighed. "Yeah, that's a good point. I talked to Celestia earlier about it, and we reached a consensus. Should that happen, you can do whatever you want as long as it doesn't interrupt the mission. Lie, tell the truth, go back home. Whatever you choose to do, we're fine with it, though we'd obviously prefer if you stuck by us." "What if they try to take me back by force?" "They won't. They've been trying to stay hidden for 200 years, they won't blow their cover just to get you back. In all honesty, they'll probably cut their losses and burn bridges with you. To deny anything you could say about them by pretending not to know you, basically." Aphelion looked up at the floating orb emitting light. While he had asked Steady about what he should do if the Pact was to contact him again, Aphelion had already made up his mind earlier and just wanted to know Steady's opinion. Taking a deep breath, he looked back at the crimson pegasus. "Alright, anything else I should know, or do before leaving tonight?" "One thing you'll need to do after we're back," Steady smirked. "Go ask that maid on a date." "Alright, I'll do that and... Wait, what?!" "You've spent your whole life holed up in this manor in the middle of the woods. You need to have more contact with the outside world. So, go ask that maid on a date and start being a regular stallion. Unless you prefer hot-dogs instead of tacos?" Taking a moment to decipher the last part of Steady's sentence, Aphelion began to blush. "I, uh, no preference. Though I don't know... We've literally only known each other for two hours." "Then get to know her better. Or anypony else, for that matter. Honestly, just go and make friends. You need to socialize with regular ponies, otherwise I'll ask Celestia to throw your ass back in jail." "I don't really have a choice, do I?" "You don't. For you, friendship is freedom." "That's dumb." "Just wait until you hear what Celestia's got planned in Ponyville," Steady chortled. > 10 - The City > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steady and Aphelion stepped off the train as the clock reached 11PM. Having taken the last train of the day, few other ponies were around in the station. Aphelion carried their bags with his aura as Steady was taking a cigarette break on a bench nearby, having been unable to smoke during the trip itself. Feeling jittery, Aphelion remained standing next to him, pacing back and forth while going over the plan in his head. It was the second time in a week that Aphelion was helping another pony with a dangerous plan, but this time, he was on the right side of the law. Still, he felt anxious at the prospect of finding those who betrayed him a few days ago. "Just stand still for one damned minute, will ya? You're pissing on my smoke break," Steady snapped at him. "S-Sorry. Walking usually helps me calm down," Aphelion replied while sitting down next to the pegasus. For a moment, they both remained silent, taking in the cool night air. Both stallions were lost deep in their thoughts, the young one worrying about the future while the older one thinking about his past. Eventually, Aphelion broke the silence. "Where do we start, then?" "First, the hotel. We're not gonna track them down while carrying our bags with us. You'll take care of it while I check up on a lead," Steady spat his cigarette on the ground. Grabbing it with his aura, Aphelion made it float in a trash can nearby. "Shouldn't I be coming with you for that? In case you find them super early." "Nah, I won't. That lead's an old friend, but she doesn't trust others easy. If you're with me, she'll clam up, so I need to see her alone. While I'm doing that, you can wait in the hotel's lobby. There's a bar there, and whatever we get, the crown will pay our tab... As long as we're reasonable." "So, I should drink alone while you're making progress on the case?" the unicorn asked, raising an eyebrow. "Geez, buck no, that's sad. Drink with other ponies. Strike up a conversation. Only old farts like me should drink alone," he smirked. "I'm feeling increasingly less confident about this whole ordeal," Aphelion sighed. "Good. Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer." "Is that a reference to something?" "Point is, stay sharp. If you see or hear anything suspicious, make a note of it and tell me as soon as I'm back. Our hotel is a piece of shit, so the clientele's bound to be mixed up in some form of shady business. You're certainly gonna end up hearing something interesting." "Oh, so I'm actually doing something productive for the case? Good, that's all I need to hear," he smiled. It was clear that Aphelion, while being anxious about whatever would come next, was still hoping to perform his part well to gain Steady's and Celestia's trust. "Another thing. Your job is to get ponies talking and listen to them. Whatever you may hear or see, don't go off on your own. Don't go trying to be a hero," Steady's last part of his sentence held more weight, as his voice showed a tinge of sadness and regret. Aphelion gulped, then nodded. "O... Okay, I won't do anything stupid. I promise. How long do you think you'll be away?" "Ideally, I should be back in a few hours, but don't wait for me if sleep's getting to ya. We'll start for real tomorrow morning. Be up and ready by 7 at the latest, we've got a lot to do tomorrow." Standing up from the bench and picking the bags up with his magic, Aphelion nodded. "Alright, see you soon, then. Good luck." "To you as well, kid," he replied while watching Aphelion walk away, towards their hotel. Stretching her legs, Misty looked at the clock on her bedroom's wall, which read midnight. She had spent most of her afternoon packing her bags and had just finished casting a spell to render them temporarily invisible, so that nopony could guess what she and Sandstorm were planning to do. As Sandstorm had left a few hours early to buy their boss' beer and to deal with whatever other menial tasks Mud needed her for, Misty had the rest of the night for herself. While she could go to bed and call it a day, the prospect of leaving Manehattan for good meant giving up on all the things she loved about the city. She sighed as she left her room, deciding to spend the rest of her time in Manehattan enjoying herself. There were a few spots she was greatly going to miss, as well as friends she won't be able to see until things calmed down, if they ever did. ignoring the ponies inside the barber shop despite their attempts at bringing Misty with them in their debauchery, she stepped outside and took in the cool night air, soothing her fears. She wished Sandstorm could have gone with her that night, but they were still going to stay in town for a few days. There would be more opportunities in the week, she reasoned. Heading towards the city's center, Misty closed her eyes as she walked. Even without her sight, she was perfectly able to direct herself where she wanted to go while avoiding the obstacles and ponies on her way as she connected with the city. This talent, represented by the white wispy tendrils on her flank, of hers often left others perplexed as it was highly unusual: by spending enough time in a large metropolitan area, Misty was able to tune in with the city itself, almost as if she was merging her consciousness with the concrete jungle around her. On rare occasions, she was also able to communicate with the city she resided in, though it only happened whenever she or somepony she cared about was in danger. "I could've been the best city guide in Equestria," she thought, "if life had actually given me a chance." That night, Misty let the city itself guide her steps. She wanted to enjoy her last few evenings in Manehattan but had no specific goal in mind in terms of which bar or club to go to. Going through increasingly busier streets, she let herself be brought to 'The Nomad', one of the more high-end bars in Manehattan. While Misty didn't have that many bits with her, she still had enough for a cocktail or two before having to leave. However, as she approached the bar's entrance, the air on her back stood up as she suddenly felt a cold sweat. A barely perceptible voice echoed in her mind, repeating a single word over and over again. "Danger." The city itself was warning Misty, and yet it had brought her here. Suddenly paralyzed with fear, she had no idea what to do. Manehattan must have brought her here for a reason, but it was also telling her about a threat inside. In her entire life, her innate talent had only given her contradicting information once before. That time, Misty chose to run away, which led her to start working for Mud against her will. Steadying herself, she took a deep breath. Misty had promised herself to never make the same mistake again. As she began to bring her emotions back into control, she stepped inside. At first, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. There were few ponies inside the bar as it was going to close in just an hour, the general atmosphere being calm and relaxed. Jazz music was playing from speakers strewn across the well-lit room. Ordering one of the bar's special cocktails made with coffee liqueur, Misty attempted to sneakily scan the room without drawing too much attention. Nopony was paying much attention to her, which helped her relax a little. Sitting down on a table further back from the bar, she was able to keep an eye on the entire room as she drank. While this meant she was also far from the main entrance, a fire exit was just a few meters on her right. And so, she waited, trying to figure out what led her to this specific bar and what, or who, was the threat. Taking more time to observe each table, she noticed something strange. On one of them near the entrance, a green lanky earth pony with a messy ochre mane was sitting alone, not eating or drinking anything. She was visibly nervous, often glancing at a window right next to her. She couldn't see Misty as she was seated behind him while she was close enough to listen to her, though the ambient music was making this task more difficult. Then, the green mare perked up as a crimson pegasus was approaching the bar. While Misty couldn't see his face exactly, she felt a sudden surge of anxiety as she quickly identified him as the source of the danger she felt. That's when Misty understood what the city was telling her: this pegasus was a threat and she needed to spy on him. A plan quickly formed in her head: if that pegasus was a threat, it would be better if he wasn't able to recognize Misty in case he knew her. So, she stood up and headed for the toilets. She was going to miss seeing him enter, but not hiding her identity was too dangerous. Getting into one of the stalls, she focused on a simple spell that would help disguise her, changing her coat from pink to teal. It would only last for an hour or two, but Misty wasn't planning on staying for too long anyway. She then quickly restyled her mane as best as she could without a brush before heading back towards her seat. As she left the toilets, she saw the crimson pegasus and the green earth pony seated together, talking. "You sure no one saw you coming in, Steady?" The green mare's voice was shaky and tired. The dark circles under her eyes betrayed her lack of sleep. "Plenty saw me enter, Dew, but nopony suspicious. What about you?" Steady replied, letting himself fall on the seat in front of her. Glancing at the rest of the room, he made a quick mental note of each pony's position in the bar. "Yeah, a few. There was a bum outside who looked at me weird, I think they wanted to rob me, but I ran before they could do anything. There was this unicorn that felt off, but she left, I think. Also, I'm pretty sure the bartender knows me. He's been eyeing me up ever since I got here... You think he knows about the debts?" Steady sighed. "You're being paranoid. When was the last time you had a good night's sleep?" "I... I dunno. But I can't let my guard down, else they'll get me as I sleep and... Well, you know how they make ponies pay their debts. Especially mares..." "You know I won't let that happen," he grabbed her hoof and held it tight, trying to comfort the mare in front of him. "I just need you to give me a few names and then I can get you someplace safe." "For how long, Steady? A week? A month? A year, maybe? You know damn well they can be very bucking patient." "If your intel's right, they won't be able to hurt anypony else. I'll make sure of it. Just trust me, please." "I'm sorry, but not yet. I need some sort of proof you won't backstab me." "...Yeah, of course," Steady looked side to side, making sure nopony was looking at them. He did notice a teal mare glancing in his general direction, though she quickly looked away. He frowned. "I'll have to keep an eye on that one," he thought as he reached into his saddle bags with one of his wings, pulling out a scroll and a large pouch, placing them on the table. "I know you don't like being forced into a single option, so I got you a choice. The scroll basically invites you to reside in Canterlot, as one of Celestia's guests. She's fine with you staying there for as long as you need. You'll be safe in the castle, nopony's gonna be able to breach security to kidnap you. Alternatively, the pouch contains enough bits for you to run off to whichever part of the world you want. You can start a new life safely... Or you can use it to pay your debts, but we both know it won't stop Mud from coming after you." Eyeing the pouch, Morning Dew mumbled. "Yeah, my debt was always just an excuse to get me..." She reached for them both, but Steady quickly covered them with his wings. "I showed you proof for my end of the deal. Give me yours and you'll get your freedom." Glaring at the crimson pegasus, Morning Dew felt her pulse rise. "...Fine. You got something to write?" Going back in his bag, Steady pulled out a small notebook and a pencil before sliding them in front of the mare. She hesitantly grabbed the pencil with her mouth and began to write down a list of names and locations while Steady continued to scan the room. The teal unicorn near the back of the room had been listening to their conversation and her expression had shifted multiple times in reaction to what had been said. Steady decided to try and have a word with her as soon as Dew was done, though he decided not to talk to her about it. Eventually, the green mare finished writing and spat the pencil out of her mouth. "Right. You got your name. Give me my..." before finishing her sentence, Steady slid the scroll and the pouch next to her. "...Thanks," she relaxed a little. "Don't mention it," he replied while grabbing the notebook and quickly reading through Dew's notes. "Wrote 'em in order of importance." "Right. So, 'Smoky's'? Is that a diner?" Steady asked. As he did so, he noticed the teal unicorn at the back of the bar beginning to shake slightly. "Nah, it's some barbershop in the outskirts of Manehattan. Its actual name is 'The Smoky Razor', but everypony calls it Smoky because they do more drinking that mane-cutting, there." "What makes it at the top of the list?" "Almost every week, somepony there ends up with broken bones. I often talk to them during my shifts at the hospital and they always say it's some freakishly strong mare that sent them there. It fits your description, so... You want me to explain the other places?" "Nah, that won't be necessary. I got a hunch telling me that's our ticket." "Alright then. I'll be going. Dunno which option I'm gonna take. I'll... Maybe see you in Canterlot?" "Uh huh," barely paying attention to her, Steady was focusing intensely on the teal unicorn. Dew looked behind and saw her heading to the toilets. Getting a bad feeling, she decided this was a good time to leave, quickly exiting the bar. Once Morning Dew was back in the streets of Manehattan, she started galloping towards her flat. Having done her part, she wanted nothing more to do with Steady or this cursed city. Steady soon left as well upon seeing the teal mare going to the toilets. He knew she would attempt to run away and that she wouldn't be stupid enough to attempt exiting via the front door. Calmly walking into an alleyway next to the bar, he waited a few seconds before a sudden flash of gray light surged in front of him. There, he saw Misty, having dropped her disguising spell, cornered. They stared at each other for a moment, Misty's eye being wide open. Taking a few steps towards her, Steady cleared his throat. "I think you and I ought to have a little talk." Placing the bags down, Aphelion spent a moment alone in his hotel room. It wasn't very big, and the yellow wallpaper was peeling off the walls, and he could swear he had seen a mouse running around in the hotel's lobby, but this was going to have to do for now. Testing out his bed, it was barely more comfortable than the wooden plank he had slept on in his cell. Aphelion could also notice an unidentifiable stain on his bedsheets, but he chose not to linger too much on it. While Steady said this hotel was 'a piece of shit', Aphelion still hoped for something somewhat respectable. Upon noticing a faint smell of rotten food (or at least, he hoped it was rotting food instead of a rotting animal carcass somewhere in the hallways), Aphelion attempted to open the small window on the side of the room. Met with the incredible view of a dirty alleyway filled with trash bags and cats running around, Aphelion thought it was time to leave this wonderful room to try and talk with the local clientele. Walking downstairs towards the main lobby, he headed for the small bar. It was still open when he arrived, but by the look on the bartender's face, it was obvious that he only wanted one thing: to go back home. However, there was one last guest seated on the stools in front of the wooden bar, a purple pegasus. Sitting two seats away from the other pony, Aphelion ordered a beer. The bartender tried to hide his annoyance at the idea of serving another customer so late in the night, but he still listened while forcing a smile. A few seconds later, a lukewarm beer was waiting for Aphelion. With just one sip, he already regretted his decision as Aphelion wondered if the bartender hadn't mixed the alcohol with some of his own urine. Forcing himself to drink, he was brainstorming ways to strike up a conversation with the other pony at the bar. Thankfully, the stranger started the conversation on his own. "Beer here tastes like shit, don't it?" he asked Aphelion without even looking at him. "Y...Yeah, I've had better," he replied while trying to appear more laid back. The last thing Aphelion wanted was to let his anxiety show. "Well, if you don't like it, y'all can go buck yourselves," the bartender barked. "Aw, don't be mad Roonie, ain't your fault this shithole can't pay for better booze." "My name isn't Roonie, you bucking asshole..." Roonie muttered under his breath. "So... Do you know any better spots nearby? To drink, I mean," Aphelion asked cautiously. "Sure. There's quite a few, actually. Why, you lookin' to get wasted?" "Something like that. Had a long week, I'm trying to get the edge off." "Ya hear that, Roonie? Our friend here wants to get black-out drunk. Get two more glasses of your piss water, I'm payin'." The bartender shot a hateful glare towards the two stallions at the counter. "You know what? Screw you guys. I was already supposed to close two hours ago. I'm going home." "Chill, Roonie. Y'know he's gonna come soon, I promise. Ya don't want him to finally make it to see the store's already closed?" The pegasus attempted to calm Roonie down. Upon the mention of the arrival of this other pony, Roonie seemed to tense up. "Bucking hell... You've been saying that for hours, now. You sure he's really coming?" "One hundo percent. He'll deal with your little mistake as long as you pay him... And as long as you keep the booze flowing!" the pegasus yelled, jovially holding his glass high. Aphelion, unsure of what was going on, spoke hesitantly. "Who... Who's coming, exactly?" "Hmm? Oh, ye're new in town, I assume?" "Yes. Or, well, I haven't been in Manehattan since I was 5." "Well, then you need to get acquainted with the stallion runnin' this whole neighborhood. If ya want to get obliterated, he's your guy. Booze, speed, mares... Hell, even stallions if you're into that." Feeling a pit form in his stomach, Aphelion could already guess who was coming. Still, he asked: "Oh... And what's the name of that stallion?" "Everyone here calls him Mud. You'll see, great fella... As long as you pay," the pegasus snickered. > Bonus Chapter 2 - The Expedition Logs > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Log #4, June 10th We've finally crossed the polar circle, despite the constant setbacks. Once we reach Point Nyx, we'll have to make the rest of our trip on hoof. Of course, Glitter is already complaining about having to do any form of physical activity, but that's unicorns for you. Personally, I can't wait to step off this shoddy boat: I've been seasick ever since we left port. A trek on the sea ice sounds like heaven to me, right now, though we'll have to hurry. We need to get to the ritual spot at least a day before the solstice to prep everything but at the speed we're going, we're going to cut it very short. Let's just hope there are no additional obstacles on our way. Besides, we had to pack light on food. Glitter and I are fine rationing ourselves, but I swear Wind's stomach is a bottomless pit. I'm pretty sure I saw him sneak away with some of our cans last night, but I sure as Tartarus am not going to confront him. He's already on edge, something about the cold air irritating him, and I'm pretty sure he could beat me to a pulp despite my earth pony strength. If push comes to shove, we'll have to hunt and fish to survive, but I'm afraid my colleagues will find this idea abhorrent. Then again, if Wind keeps eating our rations and if Glitter slows us down by being a wuss, we won't have much of a choice, won't we? Log #5, June 13th We've finally reached Point Nyx, but we're already a day behind schedule. There was an iceberg we had to avoid, followed by an issue with our ship's motor. Needless to say, we're not feeling good about this. Glitter's been complaining even more than he already was, but at least he's been staying productive. Since we had to stay on the ship for an additional day, he took the time to calibrate some of our tools and start the calculations in advance. We can't really finish that part of the work until we get to the ritual spot, but that's a good few hours gained, at least. Unfortunately, Wind hasn't been nearly as useful. He started getting... I don't know, territorial? I think something's wrong with him. He also went from trying to hoard all of our food for himself, to refusing to eat more than one meal a day. While that means we probably won't run into too many issues food-wise for the rest of the trip, I'm getting worried for his wellbeing. Hopefully, getting off the ship will help him clear his mind of whatever's bothering him... Though I don't know for sure what's going on. Glitter is currently finishing packing his sled (taking his sweet time, as always), so I expect we'll start walking in about an hour. Another thing that's worrying me is what's going to happen with our sleep schedule. At this time of the year, the sun doesn't really set. We can still see it move around, but it's going to be facing the northern side of the globe for a long while. I don't really know the logic behind it, since Celestia basically controls the sun. Glitter said it all made sense, but I'm just too dumb to understand. Maybe he's right, or maybe he's just trying to suck up to Lord Comet by repeating verbatim whatever he's been saying these days. Anyway, getting off track here. Since there's no longer really going to be nights, and since we're no longer gonna be in the boat with dark cabins to sleep in, tracking the time of the day's gonna be weird. Dunno how well we're gonna sleep in our tents with constant sunlight reflecting off the snow and ice. Maybe I'm overthinking things, though. I should focus on our mission. Once we're done, we're sure to climb up the ladder in the Pact. I can't wait to not have to do this menial grunt work anymore. I think I can hear Glitter screaming. Yup, I checked, he cut himself on one of the tools like an idiot while loading his sled. Damn it. I'll better take care of this, or otherwise we'll be stuck here forever. Log #6, June 14th We finally started making some real progress towards the ritual spot. Yesterday, Glitter cut his left foreleg pretty deep with some sort of crystal. It took me an hour to patch him up correctly (tough to do when your bandages basically froze during the night because somepony forgot to turn the heater on in the storage room (I'm talking about Wind, because of course it's him)), and another one just to calm him down. So, more delays. We only started moving at around 3PM, and even then, it was painfully slow since Glitter had to wince and complain at every step, because the dumbass cut himself basically down to the bone. Wind's mood is somewhat better, at least. I think he was seasick like me, he must've hidden it for some reason. I'm guessing some typical pegasus pride crap. Now that he can walk (or rather, fly) more freely, he's been more friendly. Actually helped Glitter walk, too, which was surprising (but nice). They seem to be getting along pretty well, they've been talking a lot. Didn't hear what about, as I'm the one taking the lead on this, so I'm always a few meters in front of them. By my estimations, we'll reach our destination on time - but we really can't afford any other delays, at this point. Well, let's hope things get better. It's just a long trek ahead of us, now. Log #7, June 15th Dammit. Dammit. DAMMIT. BUCK THIS BUCKING EXPEDITION Just shut UP or I'm jamming the splinters in your BUCKING THROAT I KNOW YOU'VE BEEN READING MY JOURNALS WIND Log #8, June 16th Things are bad. On the night between the 14th and the 15th, we were attacked during the night by somepony. No, scratch that, by something. There was a snowstorm, so we couldn't discern the details that well, but still... We saw a figure standing outside the tent, making a crap ton of noise. By the time we got out to see, we noticed this... Creature just standing there. Bipedal, white fur all over, almost 3 meters tall. It had destroyed two of our three sleds - probably to get to our rations - and it was about to run off into the sea ice when we called out to it. Alright, I'm the one who got his attention. Wind and Glitter just stood there, frozen in shock. When it saw us, it tried to swipe at me. Scratched my left ear before Glitter conjured the sound of thunder with his magic to scare it away. It worked, and it scurried somewhere in the storm, but we couldn't see anything more. Rest of the day was spent with us yelling at each other while trying to salvage whatever we could from the sleds. Thankfully, the tools were intact. Unfortunately, we lost half of our rations. We also had to load everything on the surviving sled. Wind damaged it accidentally as well, and now it's constantly off-balance. We're three times as slow when pulling it because of the weight and the bucked-up balance. Needless to say, tensions are very high. We need a miracle to make it on time. Not much else we can do, however. Log #8, June 17th Lord Comet helped us. We now have a chance at succeeding, but... I can feel the potion's effects already. Glitter and Wind have been completely silent, but I can see on their faces it's the same for them. Since we can no longer feel pain, hunger or fatigue, and since we now each got the strength of five ponies, we can probably reach our destination in three or four days, only ever stopping for the occasional vomit break. Thing is, I don't know what we're vomiting since we haven't eaten anything since yesterday. There's also the issue of the antidotes. We all know what's going to happen to us if we don't get one on time. And Lord Comet said there's only going to be two for all three of us, since we disappointed him... I hope he just said that to scare us into not messing up anymore. Wind's done with his hourly stomach emptying. We're moving again. Want to write more but can't. Log #9, June 18th More walking. Non-stop walking. We don't vomit anymore. I keep hearing them whisper. I don't think I'm safe. Log #10, June 19th There's a reason why ponies go to sleep every night. I can't feel fatigue, or tiredness, but this is worse. I can't tell what's real and what's not. I think the beast that attacked us a few nights ago is following us. I didn't say anything to Wind or Glitter, though. One, I don't know if it's real. Two, they're plotting against me. I just know it. There are just two antidotes. My job is to guide them to the ritual point. They won't need me after, unless one of them disappears. That's why I'm not telling them about the beast. The following entry is unreadable, the page being filled with inane ramblings and drawings overlapping each other. Log #12, June 21st We reached our destination this morning. That's when they attacked me. While I knew it was coming, and even despite the increased strength from the potion, I couldn't defend myself against two of them. They tried to bash my skull with one of the sled's pieces that fell off during the trip. I'm going to be honest; I don't remember much after that point. I fell unconscious. I woke up some time after, my body bruised all over. I assumed they continued beating me for a long time after I fell. Thanks to the potion, I somehow survived. Or, rather, it brought me back to life because they couldn't crack my skull open despite everything. They did the ritual while I was out. I have no idea what happened exactly, but it was done on time... And I'm thankful I was unable to witness it. When I came back to my senses, I just saw In the middle of the circle, there was They were So much blood. They ate each other's They were gone. Soon after, Lord Purple Comet appeared, with exactly one antidote. He didn't say anything. He just smiled. That smile... It will haunt me for the rest of my days. What exactly have we done here?! He brought me back home instantly. Said I did a good job, that he was proud of me. That he'll need me to lead more expeditions in the future. I was too afraid to say no. My next trip is next week. > 11 - The Chase: Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Looking around her, Misty searched for a way out of her situation. She was slowly backing away as Steady approached her cautiously, getting ready to lunge at her if she tried getting away. "You don't have to make this difficult," he tried to reason. "What do you want?!" she snapped back at him, feeling her pulse rise. While she had already planned how to run away, she needed more time. "I think we need to have a little conversation, you and I. You eavesdropped on us, didn't you?" He asked, while glancing back at the bar. His end goal was to arrest her and Sandstorm, but without Aphelion, this task would prove more difficult. Steady was torn between waiting to reunite with Aphelion, or to go against his own advice and act on his own. "Me? Eavesdropping? Doesn't sound right. Are you sure you weren't just talking too loud?" Steady groaned. "Just tell me where Sandstorm is. Your little stunt in the palace hasn't gone unnoticed, y'know?" "Why, so you can lock both of us in a cell for the rest of our lives? No, thanks. I wouldn't wish that on anypony, especially me." "You didn't seem to mind using somepony else to take the fall, though. Don't you feel a bit guilty about it?" "Not our fault Aphelion got caught. Sandstorm even risked getting captured herself to try and get him out!" Steady raised an eyebrow. "...So, she didn't tell you, I'm assuming." "...Tell me what?" Misty blinked. "Your friend used Aphelion as bait to run away. I thought she told you that." Misty looked incredulously at Steady, processing the information. While she couldn't tell if he was saying the truth, it was enough to make her lose her concentration on her escape plan. Her train of thought was suddenly cut short, however, as she felt her backside against a wall. Her body tensing up from the realization that she had little time remaining, a familiar feeling flooded her entire body. Misty took a deep breath, then slowly closed her eyes. The city brought her here, and it would now help her escape... Or, at least, that is what she hoped. She would have the time to think about what Steady told her later, when she would be safe. Steady was about to answer before noticing Misty closing her eyes right in front of him. Unsure of what she was going to do, Steady decided to not let this opportunity pass by. Unfurling his wings, he jumped and lunged at her, his body quickly reaching her position. However, just as he was about to impact her, a flash of gray light blinded Steady, throwing him off-course. Crashing a few meters to the side, he quickly stood up and prepared to try again... But Misty was gone. He swore under his breath before flying above his position, scanning the streets around while doing his best to ignore the pulsing pain he felt across his body. "Dammit! I almost had her..." Making increasingly wider circles above the city as he searched for Misty, Steady eventually gave up on that plan. He decided instead to get Aphelion back and to investigate that barbershop Morning Dew had mentioned. Unfortunately, since Misty was now aware that they were coming after Sandstorm and her, they needed to act quickly as they could no longer afford to wait for the next day. Steady hoped that Aphelion remained sober enough while he was gone and that he hadn't put himself into any more trouble. In the alleyway next to The Nomad, a pink head peeked outside of a large trash can, scanning the night sky above. Upon seeing that Steady was gone, Misty carefully stepped out of her hiding spot, shuddering as she felt trash slowly fall out of her mane. Carefully stepping away from the alleyway, she began heading towards Smoky's, hoping that Sandstorm was back from her tasks. They needed to escape Manehattan now. Aphelion slammed his glass down on the counter, just having chugged his fourth beer in a row. On the seat next to him, a purple pegasus was cheering him on. In front of them, the bartender looked dejected, hoping for the two stallions to get bored and to move on. "I didn't know ya could chug like that! You don't look like the type who'd handle his alcohol that well," the pegasus laughed while patting Aphelion on the back. "I'm... Full of surprises," he replied while stifling a burp. If Aphelion had been drinking this much, it wasn't by choice. Upon hearing that Mud was coming to their hotel, Aphelion became visibly terrified, though he attempted to hide it. Thankfully, the pegasus saw that as general nervousness and strong-hoofed Aphelion into drinking to calm him down. Aphelion, not being used to drinking more than a glass of wine at dinner, was struggling to keep up appearance, though the world spun around him. "Well, don't let me stop ya, kid! Roonie, more booze!" "Nah. The kid's had enough, Dart. Also, for the twentieth time tonight, my name's not Roonie." "Yeah, yeah, shut up. Don't worry, I'll make sure he throws up outside if that's what's worryin' ya." Hearing the words 'throw up' suddenly made Aphelion sick, or at least sicker than he already was. His face turned pale as he felt a cold sweat running down his back. Dart glanced at him, then smirked. "Oh... Guess ya reached your limit. Go puke outside, dude. Don't worry, it's a Manehattan tradition," Dart lied. Standing up, Aphelion quickly headed for the door, stumbling on his way out. He bumped into somepony as he went, but Aphelion didn't pay much attention to them as the only thing in his mind was to empty out his stomach. A few not very glamorous moments later, he went back inside, regretting every step that led him there. However, he noticed a new form sitting on his stool. A lanky earth pony, with a shaved mane. Mud was there, talking with Dart and Roonie. Aphelion froze up, unsure of what to do. None of them had noticed him walking back inside, as Dart was trying to convince Mud to pay for his beers while Roonie's whole body was tensed up, sweat dripping down his face. Eventually, Mud turned back and saw Aphelion while raising an eyebrow. Dart followed Mud's eyes and smiled. "So, feeling better, kid?" Dart asked. "Don't worry, now that your gut's empty, you've got room for more booze!" "Uh... I think I'll switch to water for the night," Aphelion replied. He needed to remain calm and to keep his head straight, or at least, as straight as possible despite the alcohol in his blood. "Ye're no fun. Anyway, come here, so I can introduce you to the boss!" "No need, Dart. I know the kid's father," Mud was staring at Aphelion, who felt Mud's gaze piercing into his soul. "Wait, no shit? Why didn't you tell me, dude?" Dart asked Aphelion. He remained silent, shocked to hear that. He had no idea his father knew Mud, especially given their difference in social standing, he thought. Aphelion approached the counter, trying to remain as calm as possible. Mud's gaze lingered on him as Aphelion sat down next to him, before turning back towards the bartender. "Two more beers, Roonie. And some water for Aph'." "Of course," the bartender replied, too afraid to correct Mud. Any doubts Aphelion had concerning Mud were confirmed when he referred to him as 'Aph', as he doubted there were many other ponies whose names started that way. Still, he wondered how Mud knew him, as the two of them had never met before. "How do you know my name?" "Recognized your cutie mark. Your father described it to me, once. Not many ponies with constellations on their butts." "Oh, I... Suppose that makes sense. Nice to meet you, Mud." "Yeah, same. Oh, and thanks for the potions. 's good to see business bloomin' between our two parties." Aphelion wondered if Misty and Sandstorm told their boss what really happened in Canterlot. Based on Mud's reaction, he seemed surprised to see Aphelion here, but there was no real shock, anger or any other strong emotion. Whatever they told him, they most likely left out the part where he was arrested by the royal guards. For now, Aphelion decided to pretend all went well. "Yeah... It went alright. I take it that the stolen folder was enough to cover the new price?" There was an extremely faint shift in Mud's face, which only the bartender noticed. Aphelion being too drunk to see such small details remained unaware of this change in Mud's expression. "...Yeah. That was more than enough, I gotta thank ya. How did it go? I wanna hear it from your perspective." "Oh, uh, well... I've got to admit, the new price did come out of left field, but I managed. Sandstorm's plan was... Well thought out and it all went smoothly. I don't think anypony saw us getting in and out of the palace." Mud yawned, then scratched his chin in an attempt to appear relaxed. This time, however, Aphelion did notice the cracks in Mud's facade. "That's good, that's good," Mud mumbled. Aphelion understood that Sandstorm and Misty hid a lot of things from their boss and that they were probably in deep trouble thanks to Aphelion. Feeling guilty for a short moment, the memory of them betraying him quickly dispelled that regret. He wasn't responsible for their mistake. "I gotta ask, though. What're you doing in Manehattan?" Mud asked, changing subject. "It's rare to see you guys in public, especially you." "Oh, uh, I'm doing some... Classified work for the Pact. Nothing to worry about, though." "Hmm. Fine, then. I won't push ya, because it's obvious they've just started gettin' you on the field and I respect your father, but Manehattan's my turf." "R... Right," Aphelion gulped. "Of course, we know that. I'm just... Passing through, spending the night here before taking the train in the morning. We don't want to... Undermine your authority, of course." "Kid, you're a shit liar. Listen, I won't stick my nose in your affairs, as long as you don't cause trouble for mine. Got that?" "...Yes, sir." Suddenly, Dart began laughing. "Sir?! Kid, you ain't in Canterlot or with your weird cult members, you gotta chill out!" Mud turned towards the laughing pegasus, staring daggers at him. "Kid's showing respect, dumbass." Dart quickly shut up, becoming as silent as the bartender. With a sigh, Mud stood back up. "Alright, I think I'm done here. Roonie, I'll be back next week for your debt. Get the bits, or things get ugly. Dart, with me. I need ya to get the boys, we need to have a talk with some ponies who got a little too much freedom on their hooves. And you, kid... Don't get in trouble. I respect your father more than I give a fuck about you." The three other stallions simply nodded in silence before Mud and Dart took their leave. Aphelion remained still for a few seconds, then turned back towards the bartender. "I have to ask... What's your real name?" The barber shop's door violently swung open by Misty's gray aura. She ran in while ignoring the other ponies inside, left confused by this sudden entrance. As she went up the stairs, her right front hoof got stuck in one of the holes making her face plant on the steps. Getting back up, she limped towards her room, blood dripping down from her nose. Opening the door with a shaky hoof, Misty felt instant relief upon seeing Sandstorm sleeping in their bed. Grabbing the sheets with her magic, Misty yanked them away, waking up Sandstorm in the process. "Whu.. Misty? What's up?" "Get your stuff. We're leaving." "What? What do you mean, we're leaving? ...Wait, are you bleeding?" Misty ignored Sandstorm as she frantically began undoing the spell on their bags, making them visible again. Levitating half of it on her back, Misty buckled when she felt the weight combined with the pain in her hoof. Sandstorm stood up from the bed and ran to Misty, grabbing her saddlebags with her mouth before effortlessly carrying them herself. Sandstorm looked at her marefriend with a worried gaze. "Talk to me, Misty. What's going on?" "It's... We... Somepony's onto us. A pegasus... Crimson. Older," Misty quickly blurted out, her breaths quick and shallow. "Oh, buck. Yeah, I know him. He was with the guards when they captured Aphelion. Shit, I didn't expect them to come after us so quickly." "Y... Yes. We need to go now. If he gets here, we're in trouble. Shit, this whole thing is going to blow our story with Mud, too. We're screwed either way!" Misty yelled, as she began hyperventilating. Sandstorm immediately grabbed Misty's head with her forelegs, pulling her into a hug. Gently stroking her mane and shushing her, Sandstorm did her best to calm Misty down. "It's fine, don't worry... We have each other. We'll get through this together. I won't let anypony catch you." Feeling herself calm down in Sandstorm's embrace, Misty remained still for a moment as tears began rolling down her face. "I... I just don't want to be alone again. But if we're sent to jail... Or if Mud learns what we did..." "It won't come to that. I promise." The two mares spent the next few minutes hugging each other. Eventually, Misty broke out of the embrace and grabbed the rest of their bags with her magic. "Let's go. I've wasted enough time already." "Where to, though? The next train's at 6 in the morning." "For now... Let's just run. We can camp outside of town. We just need to get out of here." "Got it." Finishing their preparations, the two mares began sneaking away, going through a backdoor to avoid passing through the main room of the building where too many ponies were still partying. As soon as they stepped into the streets of Manehattan, they began running towards the edge of the city. Misty did her best to ignore the throbbing pain in her hoof, which Sandstorm quickly noticed. "Okay, let's slow down. No need to hurt yourself more," Sandstorm said with a gentle voice. "But... We need to put as much distance as possible between us and them." "But if you keep going like that, you won't be able to walk at all. They will catch up with us then." Misty sighed. "Fine, you have a point." Now going at a much slower pace, they began making good progress towards the city's edge. Looking up at the clear night sky, Misty began to think again about what Steady had told her earlier, right before her train of thought was derailed by her hearing the city. "...Sandstorm?" "What's up? Need to stop for a moment?" "Did... Did you leave Aphelion behind back in Canterlot?" Stopping in her steps, Sandstorm opened her eyes wide. "I, uh... Of course not, why would you think that?" "The pegasus after us... He told me he was there when Aphelion was caught. He said you used him as bait. Is that true?" She was looking directly into Sandstorm's eyes. "...No, I did not. Hey, I even stayed behind to help him run away when he was out of juice, remember that?" "It's true, but... You also told me to go ahead without you two. How exactly did they catch him, Sandstorm?" Unable to look her marefriend straight in the eyes, Sandstorm started walking again, going at a quicker pace. "Listen, it's not important right now. We need to keep moving." "I need to know. Did you betray him? Did you leave him behind?" Misty limped as she attempted to run next to Sandstorm. "It's not... I didn't... We can talk about this later." "Answer me, Sandstorm!" "FINE!" she yelled back, breathing heavily. "I left him behind and caused the tunnels to collapse so that I could run away. I was planning for that since the start, okay?! All that matters is that we got out safely!" Misty stopped, dumbfounded. "But... He trusted us. And he was the sole reason why we managed to pull this off. Why couldn't we get away with him?" "Oh, I dunno, because he's a crazy cult member, maybe? You know very well that the Crescent Pact's filled to the brim with a buncha dangerous fanatics! Even Mud seems like a saint in comparison. I did Equestria a favor by leaving him behind." Unsure of what to say, Misty lowered her head, before looking back at Sandstorm with tears in her eyes. "I... Did they do something to you? Before we met, did the Pact..." "No. We are not not doing this now. Let's go." Sandstorm went ahead first, Misty following a few seconds later. As the two mares walked silently towards the forest outside of town, both feeling silent tears running down their cheeks. The hotel's door swung open as a red shape quickly went through them. Scanning the hotel lobby, Steady saw Aphelion at the bar, sleeping on the counter. The empty glasses next to him were enough for Steady to piece out some of what happened to him. He groaned, walking towards the counter when Roonie walked back from a small kitchen. "Sorry, sir, we're closed." "Yeah, I'm just here to pick up my colleague," he replied while shaking Aphelion's back, trying to wake him up. "Oh, so you know him? Good. You can pay his tab, then. He kept going on about having the princess pay for his beer..." "Nah, he's right. Send an invoice to Canterlot, with the name 'Steady Travels'. They'll deal with this. And don't worry, they tip well." "O... Oh. I didn't expect officials from Canterlot to visit here." "Yeah. Official crown business. Hey, d'you mind telling me what happened with him? Did he see or talk to anypony?" Steady asked, shaking Aphelion more violently. "W... Well, I wouldn't want to break my customer's trust, y'know?" Steady sighed. "And if I let you add a hundred bits to the tab?" "That could loosen my tongue, sure... But I'll feel a lot safer with 200, y'know?" Resisting the urge to dock the bartender in the face, Steady simply groaned. "Fine. Tell me." Suddenly emerging from his drunken sleep, Aphelion felt cold water splashing on his face. He shot up and looked around, seeing a very disappointed Steady holding an empty glass of water over him. They were still in the hotel lobby, the clock on the wall indicating 2AM. "...Good morning?" Aphelion said with a nervous smile. "Yeah, yeah, rise and shine and all that crap. We gotta move." "I... I thought we'd only really start tomorrow?" Aphelion replied. He felt exhausted and dizzy, the alcohol level in his body still high. "Change of plans. Things are moving much faster. Misty knows we're coming, and I'm assuming Mud learned they went off-script with the trade in Canterlot. If we don't act fast, the mares will either skip town, or get themselves killed." "...Shit." "Yeah." Aphelion got up from his stool, already feeling the adrenaline kicking in. "Alright, so where do we go?" "Our goal's Misty and Sandstorm. We won't take down Mud on our own, so let's focus on them. We need to track them down. Do you know any spell that might help?" "Uh... Let me think." "No time to think. Do you know one you can do right now, or not?" Steady's tone was harsh, as he was becoming impatient. "Buck... Alright, yes, I may know one, but... It'll probably exhaust me completely. I have this condition that makes it so..." "Yeah, I know, the atrophy thing. Just... Get me their location, and I'll rush to them. I'll have the bartender look over you." A voice echoed from the kitchen. "That'll cost extra!" "Okay... Here goes nothing." Closing his eyes, Aphelion focused on his spell, a complex sigil forming in his mind. Never having attempted this before, Aphelion wasn't sure if it would even work, especially in his current state. Still, pushing through the drunken fog in his mind, he uttered a few words before feeling his spirit shooting up from his body, which fell limp on the floor. Feeling excited, Aphelion began circling in the air, ecstatic to see his spell working. He knew however that he wouldn't be able to maintain it for very long, and he wasn't sure yet if everything went correctly. If there were any bad surprises, Aphelion would discover them soon enough. Steady looked up in horror as he saw what looked like a ghost version of Aphelion floating above him. "...Did you just kill yourself, kid?!" "No! No, don't worry. It's astral projection, mixed with a scrying spell. I'll be able to guide you to them, that way. Follow me!" Aphelion phased through the ceiling, before floating back down. "Oh, uh, Maroon? Can you carry my body to our room?" A very confused bartender looked at them, blinked once, then spoke up. "You're the first one today to use my name, so... Sure?" Steady, not waiting another second, flew outside. Aphelion quickly followed, the two of them flying above their hotel. "Alright, which way?" Steady asked. Looking all around him, Aphelion noticed two threads floating in front of him: a pink one and a yellow one. They both unfurled further away, towards the edge of the city. "Over there," he replied before following them. As they flew towards the mares, they didn't notice Mud nor the small crowd behind him looking up at them, following them on the ground. > 12 - The Chase: Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gliding through Manehattan's night sky, Aphelion did his best to lead Steady towards their target, following the arcane threads only he could see. While Aphelion's spell allowed his soul to temporarily exit his body to guide Steady, he quickly noticed the side effects of his rushed spell: it took Aphelion's entire focus to go straight and to prevent himself from spinning in place. He could also feel his spell burning his magical reserves much faster than anticipated. Aphelion had very little time to find Sandstorm and Misty. Seeing Aphelion's struggle, Steady yelled to him, his voice louder than the winds around them. "You alright, kid? Seems like this magic of yours' not quite working." "Y... Yeah, I'm totally fine! But, uh, purely hypothetically, if I wasn't actually doing fine - which is not the case, mind you, I may or may not have to..." "Just spit it out!" "My soul's probably going to slingshot back to my body at any moment now. If I go away before we find them, just know that they're straight ahead, in the forest. They aren't going fast right now." "Alright. When your... Soul is back at the hotel, wait for me. If I'm not back by sunrise, return to Canterlot and tell Celestia everything." With a nod, Aphelion focused on his breathing, even though he didn't need air in his current form. The exercise helped him stretch his energy more, as Aphelion was hoping to at least have the chance to confront the mares that betrayed him. Ignoring the burning sensation in his body, Aphelion began diving in the forest while Steady followed him just above the canopy. Going through trees, bushes and plants, Aphelion struggled to keep an eye on the threads, losing them a few times as he crossed the woods. Eventually, Aphelion began to hear familiar voices further ahead. Stopping in his tracks, he flew above the tree line to warn Steady. However, as he scanned his surroundings, Aphelion couldn't see any trace of Steady. And now that he had stopped to search for him, Aphelion noticed that he hadn't seen the pegasus ever since he dove into the woods, though he was certain Steady was able to see him as Aphelion's ghostly form emitted some light and left a trail of smoke behind him. "...Maybe he heard them as well and flew ahead?" Aphelion wondered. Since they didn't have much time left to reach the two mares, it could make sense for Steady to circle around them to cut off any potential escape. Still, though, Aphelion wondered why Steady hadn't communicated this eventuality before acting upon it. "It would make more sense if he just lost track of me... I should try and get him back." And yet, Aphelion was hesitant. He wanted to have a word with Misty and Sandstorm, that was why he used such a complex spell to be there instead of just letting Steady go ahead. Right now, he had the opportunity to talk to them alone. He could always scream to help Steady locate them if Aphelion felt his spell about to end, or if the mares began running away again. "Sorry, Steady, but I'm breaking one of your rules..." With a last glance behind him, Aphelion sped up towards Misty and Sandstorm's position. "I'm telling you, we're fine right here. Nopony's going to find us in the middle of the bucking forest, Misty!" "You don't know that. They could be sweeping the sky above us right now. It's only a matter of time until they find us!" "Come on, that's ridiculous. Besides, you can't even walk anymore. Your hoof's all swollen... Are you sure you didn't break anything?" Misty scoffed, rolling her eyes. "No, I didn't break anything. I'm perfectly fine, and we need to put more distance between us and Manehattan!" "Stop being so damned paranoid! They have no reason to check this part of the forest. The forest's bucking massive, you know that right?" "Of course, I do! But what if they used a tracking spell, huh?" "The only one directly after us is a pegasus. And even then, you know damn well that none of Mud's lackeys can do any fancy magic like you or Aphe..." Sandstorm bit her tongue, already regretting mentioning his name. "Oh, you mean the Aphelion you left behind? The one that hates us? The one that's probably going to snitch on us for using him as bait? That Aphelion, Sandstorm?!" Misty was screaming at the top of her lungs, venting all her stress and frustration at once, as Sandstorm looked away, feeling guilt. "He... He wouldn't do that. He's one of the Moonies. They'd rather cut their own hooves than working for the crown." "You don't know him at all, Sandstorm. Shit, neither do I! We have no idea of how he's going to react. All I know is that he's not as far gone as the other members from the Pact." Grinding her teeth, Sandstorm resisted the urge to talk back, the situation being venomous enough. Instead, she simply began installing her tent in silence. Misty fumed with anger, frustrated to no end with her marefriend's attitude. "I told you... We are not spending the night here." "I am. If you wanna run away alone in the woods with a bucked-up hoof, no sleep, no food, no direction and no weird ass voice in our head, be my guest. You're an adult, you don't need mommy's authorization." "...Screw you, Sandstorm," Misty whispered while holding back tears. So many things had gone wrong the past couple of days, putting a large strain on their relationship. She knew Sandstorm didn't mean the things she said, but it still hurt nonetheless. Deciding to walk away, Misty needed to spend some time alone to clear her thoughts. She wouldn't go too far, finally accepting silently to spend the night there, but Misty couldn't stand to be with Sandstorm right now. With a last glance towards her marefriend, Misty stepped away from their camp. As soon as she was gone, Sandstorm let out a sob. She was feeling the pressure from their situation as well, feeling like it was all her fault. Since Sandstorm was never good at making her emotions known in a calm manner, she often lashed out at those around her. Internally, Sandstorm begged for Misty to come back, wanting to apologize to her, but her body remained focused on a single task: installing a tent, for her to spend the night alone and cold. Suddenly, Sandstorm felt a cold sensation in her back. Somepony was approaching her. Since she couldn't feel any vibrations in the ground, Sandstorm assumed it must be a pegasus. "...Shit," she mumbled. Immediately turning back, Sandstorm expected to see Steady Travels coming to arrest her, or one of Mud's lackeys, but the pony she saw floating in her camp was completely different. 2 meters above the ground, a phantomatic unicorn was looking at her, his body faintly shimmering in the wind. His expression was conflicted: there was anger and rage, but sadness and pity as well. While the ghost was in black and white, Sandstorm immediately recognized Aphelion. Making a few steps back, her mouth was wide open in surprise as she was unable to say anything. After what felt like an eternity, Aphelion broke the silence. "...Hey. A word?" Shaking her head violently, Sandstorm then slapped herself in the face in case she had somehow fallen asleep. The spirit remained in front of her while the pain in her cheek confirmed she was indeed awake. "But... But how?" "It's... A long story." "Are you dead?!?" He chuckled. "No, I'm not. Listen, I don't have much time. Mud is probably already trying to find you and Misty. You're in danger." Sandstorm frowned. "Oh yeah? How do you know that? And why would I trust you?" "Listen, I... May have revealed you were acting in dissent. I had no idea your whole plan to rob the castle was improvised... Which brings me to another point I want to clarify." With a sigh, Sandstorm maintained her defiant gaze. "You want to know why I left you behind." "Basically, yes." "...I did it because you're a dangerous fanatic who deserved to be imprisoned." "But you were fine working with me to steal some documents?" Aphelion raised an eyebrow. "Yeah. I used you like a tool, because you're an idiot who trusted everything I told you. Let me guess, you're going to tell me it was unfair?" Sandstorm rolled her eyes, while quickly trying to perceive if anypony else was on their way. For now, however, Aphelion seemed to be the only one around them. Looking sideways, Aphelion took a moment before replying. "I... Can't really fault you for thinking that way. Until very recently, I had a similar thought process." "Oh, so you're a changed stallion, now? A couple of nights in jail and you're suddenly a good pony? I'm not buying it." "Hey, I'm not the only one who did bad things in the past. You and Misty aren't inno..." "Shut the buck up. You have no idea what we had to deal with. Don't you dare act all high and mighty just because you got off easy." Anger swelled up within Aphelion. This conversation wasn't going anywhere, and it was clear that Sandstorm did not regret leaving him behind. He frowned and gritted his teeth, thinking about going back to find Steady to lead him here, but something was preventing him to do so. A small voice in his head, the same that made him skeptical of the Crescent Pact's true nature, echoed in his mind. The voice only flared up for a short moment before disappearing in the sea of anger inside Aphelion, but its few words were enough to make him stop. "They deserve a second chance, just like you." Closing his eyes, Aphelion thought about what he would say next. Sandstorm was bracing herself, still unsure if Aphelion could do anything to her in his current form. Finally, Aphelion opened his eyes and looked at Sandstorm. "...Listen. I'm going to lead Steady in another direction, and I'll see what I can do with Mud. Just... Get Misty and run." Sandstorm blinked. "...What?" "You're not working with Mud by choice, right? That's why you kept acting behind his back... To raise funds to run away. To get in his good graces so that he won't look at you two as closely. Am I right?" She narrowed her eyes. "Even if that was the case, why do you care?" "I... Don't really know. I just feel like it's the right thing to do." "So, you'll just let us go, like that?" "Yes. But..." Rolling her eyes, Sandstorm scoffed. "Of course, there's a 'but'." "...But please, consider surrendering yourself to the guards." "Ha! Are you crazy? They'd put us in a cell for the rest of our lives! We did some... Some bad things, Aphelion. They won't just let us walk away." "I know. But I'll vouch for you. I'll talk to Celestia. I'll explain your situation. If you do surrender, I'll do everything I can to lessen your sentence... I promise." Hearing Aphelion mention Celestia's name so casually surprised Sandstorm, as she expected him to hate her with a burning passion, like every other member from the Pact. Furthermore, Aphelion mentioned talking to Celestia herself. "Oh, so now you're buddies with the princess you wanted to overthrow just a week prior? Don't think I'm an idiot." "As I said earlier, it's a long story," he replied. His body then began to waver, the spell reaching its limits. Feeling a burning pain across his entire body, Aphelion winced in pain. "...I don't have much time left. Just, promise me you'll at least consider it." "...Sure, if that tickles your fancy. We're still getting the buck away from you and the other stalker." "That's all I need. Go find Misty and run. I'll divert Steady. See you soon, in better circumstances hopefully," his voice grew quieter as his spirit was already floating above the canopy, searching for Steady. Left alone once again, Sandstorm looked at her hooves, then at the sky. "...Thanks," she said towards the place Aphelion stood. With that, she began running towards Misty, only bothering to take the bare minimum with her. When Steady saw Aphelion dive underneath the tree line, the pegasus immediately struggled to keep an eye on the ghostly form of his colleague. Barely keeping up, he attempted to call out to him multiple times, asking him to slow down, but Aphelion couldn't hear him. It was as if his only goal was to find the two mares, and nothing else mattered. "Dammit, kid, slow down!" he yelled, his words never reaching Aphelion. Steady groaned and started observing the area around them. Their target had to be nearby. They left Manehattan by hoof, probably carrying food and survival gear with them, slowing them down further. However, what caught Steady's attention wasn't any potential hiding spot or trace of the mares' passage, but a set of faint lights behind him, piercing through the tree line. A group of ponies were following them, carrying torches. Steady swore, as he immediately knew what was going on. In their rush to reach Sandstorm and Misty, Aphelion and he took little care in trying to be stealthy. Mud had spotted them and began following them some time ago, slowly crossing the forest. When Steady turned back to warn Aphelion, he was unable to locate the ghostly unicorn. "Dammit. Guess that part's up to the kid," he thought. Unable to track him down, Steady flew in the opposite direction he last saw Aphelion. Even if they did capture Sandstorm and Misty, with Mud searching for them in the forest, the way back would be too perilous if Steady didn't do anything to delay or change their course. Since they were following him, he just needed to lead them somewhere else, then figure out a way to find Aphelion back. Slowly gliding through the sky to let the group see him more easily, Steady flew in a circular motion across Manehattan, as if he was scanning the area. With his slower pace, Steady remained in the sky for ten minutes, leading Mud's group astray. Then, as he was just about to begin a maneuver to lose them, a barely perceptible fog floated in front of him, which he recognized as Aphelion. His spell just about to run off, his spiritual form became less and less focused, his traits becoming increasingly undefined. Focusing on maintaining the shape of his head, he spoke to Steady with a tired voice, panting. "I... Searched for them... Threads were a red herring... They're not here..." "What?! Where are they, then? I thought you could track them down with your spell!" "Misty... Used her own magic... Hid their real position... Prevented me or any other unicorn from finding them." Steady sighed. "Fine. You go back to the hotel. I'll be back soon. We'll see where we go from here tomorrow." "Okay... Thanks..." Aphelion whispered, before finally dropping his spell. Another side effect of the botched incantation revealed itself, as instead of simply slingshotting his soul back into his body, a huge flash of yellow light bursting right in Steady's face. The night sky was illuminated in a yellow glow for a short while, as if a powerful firework just went off. Steady immediately began yelling and cursing, his eyes burning due to this sudden blinding flare, causing him to fall. By the time Steady noticed he was in a freefall, he unfurled his wings in an attempt to gain back control of his descent. Still blinded, he felt pain across his entire body as he impacted leaves, then branches, then the ground in quick succession. Thankfully, the fall was lessened due to his wings, though they were heavily damaged. Without even looking at them, Steady knew he wouldn't be able to fly for a while. As his vision slowly returned, he noticed the congregation of ponies all around him, snickering as Steady stumbled around. A voice rang behind him, the voice of somepony he knew too well. "Well, if it ain't a pleasure to see you again, detective Steady Aim." Slowly turning back to see Mud smirking at him, Steady spat on the ground. "It's Steady Travels. And the pleasure's not mine, Mud." "Still usin' her last name, huh? By Celestia, that's pathetic," multiple ponies around Steady began laughing at their boss' insult. "Right. So, lads, what are we doing tonight? Looking for a good ass-beating?" he replied, steadying himself. While he knew his odds were extremely slim, especially with his damaged wings and the injuries from the fall, Steady knew there was no other way out. "Feisty, tonight, aren't we? Well, then, don't let me get in the way of your fun! Newbies, get him." Suddenly, four ponies from the group lunged towards Steady. Quickly gauging their relative distance to him, Steady turned around and bucked the first one mid-jump, right in the chin. He then let himself drop to the ground, the second lackey passing just above him and falling two meters to Steady's right. Rolling to the left behind the third rushing pony, Steady dodged the fourth attacker, a pegasus attempting to drop-kick him from above, before jumping back up and grabbing the third pony, a unicorn, from behind at the midsection as soon as he was close enough. Standing on his hind legs, Steady slammed the unicorn by bending back, making the unicorn fall violently on the ground, horn first. As soon as Steady stood back up, the pegasus struck him in the ribs by throwing himself recklessly at Steady, sending him a few meters away. Spitting blood, Steady saw the pegasus charge him once again. This time, however, Steady waited for the pegasus to be right in front of him before throwing some dirt with his right wing directly in his eyes, throwing the pegasus off-course, leading him to impact a tree at full speed. Then, the second attacker, an earth pony, ran back towards Steady while holding a knife in his mouth. Already feeling exhausted, Steady dodged too late and felt the knife's blade sink deep in his right shoulder. The earth pony twisted the blade before Steady grabbed his green mane with his mouth and yanked as hard as he could, ripping a mouthful of hair. As the earth pony screamed in pain, no longer holding the knife with his mouth, Steady turned around and bucked him in the face. While this was enough to knock the earth pony down, Steady fell to the ground after putting all his weight on his forelegs due to the intense pain in his shoulder. He groaned as he stood back up, panting heavily. Mud had begun stomping his hooves on the ground, applauding Steady. "Damn, not bad for an old bag like you! Fun's not over yet, though," he turned towards the rest of the group, nine ponies watching Steady struggle to stay up, before growling. "Alright, boys. Newbies had their chance. Now, kill him." The remaining ponies lunged towards Steady, who instinctively closed his eyes, expecting a wave of strikes, stabs and hits to flood all over his body. Instead, however, all Steady noticed was multiple soft 'thuds' followed by another, horrible sound Steady knew too well: the sound of bone breaking. When he opened his eyes, he saw a semi-transparent gray wall all around him, with nine confused ponies on the floor next to it, each showing signs of injuries caused by a sudden impact. Further away, where Mud once stood, there was instead a yellow mare with blood on her hooves. On the ground next to her, the limp body of Mud, his jaw dislocated and bent at an unnatural angle, blood pooling underneath him. Stepping out of a bush, a pink unicorn walked towards the yellow earth pony, her horn glowing with gray energy. The nine ponies on the floor next to Steady looked at each other, before Sandstorm spoke up. "Get the buck away, or I'm killing every single one of you," she yelled with bloodlust in her eyes. Steady blinked a few times, before chuckling. "Guess I was right to trust the kid," he thought before his vision went dark, his unconscious body impacting the ground. > 13 - The Chase: Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standing victoriously above an unconscious Mud, Sandstorm glared at the stunned ponies in front of her. At her side, a timid Misty attempted to look tough while shaking in fear. Even though they had managed to take down the thugs' boss, they still outnumbered the mares, almost 5 to 1. To come out of this situation unscathed, the two mares hoped that Sandstorm's threat would be enough to make them back off. Glancing at Steady's form, limp on the ground and slowly bleeding out from the knife wound on his shoulder, they had little time to spare too. Looking at each other in confusion, each of Mud's lackeys stood back up. Some showed signs of fear, but most expressed clear anger toward the two mares. One of them, a purple pegasus with a faded pink mane, took a step forward. Misty and Sandstorm recognized him as Poison Dart, Mud's second in command. "Well, well, well. Do you see this, guys? Looks like we've got some rats here," he said with a growling voice. Taking a lower stance, ready to pounce on the mares, Dart glared at them, causing Sandstorm and Misty to brace themselves. The other ponies began slowly spreading around the two mares, Sandstorm's intimidation attempt being ultimately unsuccessful. Glancing at the ponies surrounding them, Sandstorm frowned. "Glad to see you guys are idiots. I always wanted to bash your skull, Dart." "I'd like to see you try, bitch. Mud's the head of the operation, but we're the muscles." "Is that why I keep sending your asses to the hospital?" Sandstorm smirked. "Oh, please. We've always gone easy on you 'cause you're a mare. I still don't get why Mud hasn't put you to work in the streets, where you belong..." Sandstorm was about to reply to Dart's quip, but Misty spoke before her, surprising everypony. "Oh, buck off, you pig! I'm tired of hearing your sexist comments day-in and day-out. I get that you're all fueled by your fragile ego, but we aren't joking. If you don't step back, we will bucking massacre every single one of you!" she yelled, her right eye twitching. The stress of the recent few days reaching its paroxysm combined with years of resentment for the stallions working for Mud were enough to push Misty over the edge, as an unfamiliar bloodlust manifested in her eyes. Her horn lit up with gray energy as she began breathing heavily, desperately wanting to vent her frustration in a brutal manner. Every single pony around her was silent, surprised by this sudden outburst. Blinking a few times, Sandstorm wasn't sure if she should be worried, scared or aroused. Determining that it was probably a mix of the three, she shook her head and focused back on the situation. "Yeah, just like she said." Dart chuckled. "Damn, you finally grew some backbone? Too bad it's too late... Get 'em, guys." Expecting to see the other ponies around him lunge at the mares, Dart took a step back, wanting to enjoy the show. However, every other stallion remained motionless, valuing their own safety over Dart's authority. The purple pegasus growled. "...Useless pieces of shit. Guess I have to clean up this mess on my own." Unfurling his wings, he rushed toward Sandstorm faster than she could react. Just as he was about to impact her, Dart felt his momentum suddenly disappear as he felt a painful tug on his tail keeping him in place. Looking back, Dart saw gray energy covering his tail, pulling him behind with a surprising intensity. Misty gritted her teeth as she attempted to throw Dart backwards, exerting all of her will into her spell while the pegasus kept trying to fly toward Sandstorm. Upon seeing Dart struggle, two other ponies decided to join the brawl, two earth ponies. Running toward Misty, they screamed to draw the unicorn's attention. Misty did not even acknowledge them, focusing her attention entirely on Dart. Instead, Sandstorm jumped in between her marefriend and the running earth ponies, bracing herself. As soon as they reached her, Sandstorm sidestepped and sweeped the legs of the first one, sending him face first on the ground. The second attacker turned back and attempted to buck her as hard as he could, but his right back hoof was caught by Sandstorm, grabbing him with her forelegs. Then, anchoring herself firmly in the ground by stomping as hard as she could with her hind legs, Sandstorm began rotating her body as fast as she could, launching the screaming earth pony and causing him to impact a tree. The impact was accompanied by the horrifying sound of bone snapping, as the earth pony hit the tree on his back. Laying on the floor paralyzed by the pain, the other attacker stood back up and watched in horror as his friend started convulsing violently from the shock. During this moment of terror, Sandstorm spun around while still standing on her hind legs, then jumped while carrying the momentum of her spinning. Delivering her favorite move to the terrified earth pony, a flying spinning kick, she felt satisfaction as she heard his entire body being flung away from the sheer force of the hit. During this, Dart has shifted his attention from Sandstorm to Misty, yelling in pain as he kept pushing forward despite the spell holding him in place. Pushed by a growing rage, Dart gritted his teeth as he began flapping his wings harder and faster. The pain in his tail intensified until he felt a sickly snap, his tail ripping off entirely from his body because of the two opposing forces. The intense pain furthering his anger, Dart rushed toward Misty who remained stone faced as she prepared another spell. This time, however, Dart reached her before she could finish it, striking her in the throat with his hoof, the hit reinforced by his momentum and his entire body weight. Misty was thrown on the ground a couple of meters back, coughing violently as she spat blood and struggled to breathe. Dart continued rushing toward her, a delirious look in his eyes. Standing over a temporarily incapacitated Misty, Dart opened his mouth to reveal his teeth, which included two canine-like prosthetics. Then, like a crazed animal, Dart plunged his head on Misty's throat. Barely reacting in time, Misty put her forelegs in front of her, protecting her vital spots. She felt an intense pain as Dart's modified teeth pierced her hooves' skin, his jaw clamping down hard on her. Until today, Misty had never believed the rumors that Dart had installed venomous fangs, believing it to be another one of the pegasus' ploy to build up his reputation. As she felt a burning sensation pulsating from her forelegs slowly spreading into the rest of her body, Misty learned the hard way there was some truth to those rumors. Focusing on a blast of energy, Misty was able to throw Dart away from her, the pegasus now standing a few meters in front of her. Misty quickly stood up and winced in pain when putting her weight on her poisoned forelegs, before sparking her horn again. With a hateful gaze, she unleashed her spell toward Dart, causing a beam of gray energy to erupt from her horn. Attempting to dodge to the side, Dart felt the beam hit his left wing, the feathers instantly burning on impact. In an instinctive panic, he began rolling to the ground to put the fire off, allowing Misty to prepare another spell. Looking upwards, Dart saw an ominous gray fog forming above his head. Suddenly, the fog drifted downwards, covering his head. Dart accidentally breathed in some of the fog, immediately feeling an unnatural chill form in his throat and lung, his inside beginning to freeze. He stood back up and flew away from the fog, avoiding breathing any more of the freezing fog. As he stared at Misty, Dart coughed up blood and shards of ice while feeling a searing pain in his left wing. The remaining ponies around them finally decided to join the fight, hoping to overwhelm the two mares before it was too late. Dart yelled as he dove toward the mares while swirling energy formed around Misty's horn. Sandstorm quickly guessed which of the rushing ponies would reach her first, preparing to take each of them down with brutal efficiency. However, they all stopped when a sudden flash of purple light surged in the center of the battlefield. At first, Sandstorm thought that everypony else had stopped running or flying out of surprise and decided not to wait to see who had appeared, planning on rushing toward the nearest stallion. However, she noticed that she was completely unable to move. Whoever that newcomer was, they had paralyzed everypony with what she assumed to be a powerful spell. While Sandstorm couldn't turn her head to see who it was, Misty was perfectly able to observe the newcomer, causing her to feel her rage and anger be replaced by fear. Calmly stepping toward the two mares, an old purple earth pony hummed a tune while looking around. Around him, the only ones that recognized him were Misty and Dart, having met him exactly once in the past. Lord Purple Comet slowly shook his head side to side as he approached Dart, stepping right under the pegasus frozen in place. "Well, that will certainly not do. Such infighting..." Purple Comet said, his voice both tired and stern. "I hoped better for your little group. And you two..." he turned his head toward Misty and Sandstorm, "You two, who have led astray my favorite little artificer... You must be punished; I hope you do understand." Reaching into a pouch with his mouth, Purple Comet pulled out a syringe filled with a brown liquid, which Misty knew too well. She attempted to move, but it felt as if her body had been turned into a statue. She couldn't even blink. Panic rising in her mind, Misty attempted to cast a spell to dispel Purple Comet's power but was unable to spark her horn. "Now, which one of you shall be my new champion..." Purple Comet pondered, looking at Mud's lackeys. Eventually looking back up at Dart, he smiled. "Well, the right-hoof stallion, of course!" Standing on his hind legs, Purple Comet struggled to keep his balance as he injected Dart with the brown liquid, barely reaching one of his hooves. Instantly, Dart's eyes were filled with absolute fear as his pupils shrunk into small black dots. Dropping the syringe on the ground, Purple Comet casually strolled toward Steady's unconscious body. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some important matters to attend to. Have fun, my dear little ponies..." With another flash of purple light, both Steady and Purple Comet disappeared. As soon as the old earth pony was gone, his hold on every pony around vanished, as they all could move again. Dart fell to the ground immediately, holding his throat while seemingly choking on air. His face turned a deeper shade of purple as every vein in his body started bulging and pulsating irregularly. "Sandstorm, we need to run!" Misty screamed, terrified. With just a nod, Sandstorm knew when to fully trust Misty without asking any question. They started running away, toward the city, but the remaining lackeys, unsure of what to do, quickly jumped onto the mares to prevent them from leaving. "Shit - Misty!" Sandstorm yelled just as the first stallion reached her. "Buck! Hold on, it's going to be rough!" Misty replied, lighting her horn once more and emitting a flash of gray light, blinding Mud's remaining lackeys. When their vision returned, both mares had disappeared into thin air, though they could see a strange fog quickly floating through the woods, toward Manehattan. They quickly began galloping in the fog's direction before being stopped by a strange, gurgling noise. Looking back, they saw Poison Dart slowly standing back up. One of the thugs went to him to see how their new leader was doing when they all noticed something strange. Poison Dart had become larger and bulkier, and kept slowly getting bigger. Raising his head toward the other stallions, Dart's pupils had completely disappeared, only yellowed bloodshot eyes that stared at the ponies in front of him. He opened his mouth, his teeth growing into large canines, before howling. The ponies around him immediately took a step back in fear, before Dart lunged at the stallion that had approached him, ripping his throat out in a single bite. Looking around him, Dart stared at the remaining lackeys, who quickly understood that they had just become prey to whichever beast Dart had turned into. Hearing a loud knock on his door, Aphelion slowly opened his eyes. It took him a moment to recognize where he was, before remembering the previous night's events. He was in his hotel room. Looking around, Aphelion saw the second bed in the room, empty, meaning that Steady hadn't returned. The knocking on the door became louder and more intense, resonating in Aphelion's head as he suddenly felt a violent migraine flare up. He groaned, then got off his bed and walked slowly to the door. "I'm coming..." he said with a raspy voice, his throat unbearingly dry. Aphelion felt his stomach churn at every step, reeling from both his hangover and his severe magical exhaustion. Knowing better than to open the door with his magic in his state, he grabbed the knob with his hoof, then opened it. "Steady, you're ba..." Aphelion's eyes went wide, as two mares stood in front of him, visibly exhausted. Forcing themselves into his room, Misty and Sandstorm had a worried look on their faces. "Close the door," Misty asked. "We need to talk." "Wha... How did you find me?" Aphelion replied, closing the door. To say that Aphelion was confused would be an understatement. "You're not the only one who can use magic to track ponies," Misty replied. Aphelion noticed the bite mark on her foreleg, as well as the sickly green hue around it. "What... What happened to you two? And where's Steady?" Closing the curtains, Sandstorm looked cautiously around the room. "Long story. Purple Comet captured Steady, and there's a pegasus roaming around in the woods, infected with that crazy potion your cult makes." "Wait, what?!" Aphelion yelled, immediately regretting it as his headache strengthened. "...Shit, this is bad. Really bad. Did Comet say anything?" "Not really," Misty sighed. "And what's up with your hooves?" he asked, glancing at her forelegs. "Venom. Don't worry, it's not lethal or anything. It's the type we use to knock down targets for foalnappings... I didn't receive a big enough dose, so it should pass soon." Unconvinced, Aphelion shook his head. "You probably should go to a hospital." "No time," she replied. Sandstorm lowered her head, disagreeing with Misty but not daring to speak against her. "We need to figure out what to do with Steady." Looking at the two mares, Aphelion tilted his head. "Uh... Sure. But I thought you two would have run away, by now." Sandstorm smirked. "I guess you were very convincing. We tried to find Steady ourselves to turn ourselves in." "Oh... I'm glad to hear it," he smiled. "Anyway," Misty cut them off. "Where do we go from here?" "First off, we need to warn Celestia. Steady had a scroll we could use to send a message instantly if things went sour. I think this is a good time to use it." The mares appeared nervous at the mention of Celestia's name. Aphelion continued. "Afterwards, they'll probably send somepony to get us back to Canterlot. I, uh, assume you will be arrested upon arrival, but I'll be sure to explain everything to Celestia. Then, we'll see." "Aphelion," Misty spoke up with a hesitant voice. "...What does the pact do with its prisoners?" "I... Don't know. I was never made aware of them capturing anypony. Given what I've recently learned, I can't assume it's anything good..." With a sigh, Misty looked at the floor. "I hope we can get him out in time, before they..." An awkward silence befell the room. Eventually, Aphelion went through Steady's bags, pulling out a small pristine scroll. Carefully writing his message down, holding the quill in his mouth, he turned back toward the two mares who stood awkwardly in the room. "Alright, I'll... Send it now. If you two want to run away, I won't hold it against you." Sandstorm opened her mouth, searching for her words, but Misty spoke up first. "...We're done running away," both mares looked at each other with a sad smile. Aphelion nodded, then sparked his horn, sending the message directly to Celestia. As the scroll burst out in green flames, something Aphelion had learned was called 'dragon mail' though he had no idea why, the trio waited for an answer... Until Aphelion began puking on the floor, that last bit of magic pushing his tired, hangover body over the edge. With a somewhat amused look, Sandstorm went to pat his back as Aphelion emptied his stomach. Misty smiled, then suddenly felt extremely dizzy herself. The pain in her forelegs had dissipated, only leaving a strange numbness instead. The numbness quickly spread to her entire body, her face turning pale before falling unconscious on the floor, in front of a horrified Sandstorm. > 14 - The Morning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The trip back to Canterlot was spent in worried silence. Not long after sending his message, a golden chariot pulled by pegasi from the royal guards landed near Aphelion's hotel. Soon after landing, Sandstorm had rushed out to meet, then demanded that one of them bring Misty to the Manehattan hospital. Aphelion followed her and explained the situation more calmly, though he had struggled to stand still due to his general exhaustion and dizziness. Eventually, one of the pegasi guards carried Misty to the hospital as fast as possible, Sandstorm galloping behind them. While the two mares were technically under arrest, the royal guards allowed them to remain at the hospital for the time being. Misty would stay until her health improved, and Sandstorm was allowed to remain within the hospital grounds as long as a guard stayed with her, to ensure she wouldn't run away. This was all at Aphelion's request, which surprised Sandstorm when the guards agreed. And thus, Aphelion was the only one of the three coming back directly to Canterlot. The trip to the capital took longer, as there was one less guard able to pull the chariot, which gave Aphelion time to be alone with his thoughts. Looking at the moon and staring at the face across its surface, he sighed. This mission, just like the previous one, had gone terribly wrong. This time, however, ponies had gotten hurt and Steady was captured by the Crescent Pact. Aphelion had no idea how Celestia would react to the news and if this situation would void the deal they had concerning his sentencing. Aphelion only stopped worrying when the chariot traversed an area of turbulence, causing it to shake violently. Holding on to his seat, Aphelion instantly felt sick. One of the guards glanced back at him, then shouted. "Sorry for the inconvenience, sir. If you need to throw up, please do it outside of the chariot." With a weak nod, Aphelion approached the side, holding it with his forelegs and looking at the ground below. Thanking the stars for not being afraid of heights, he emptied his stomach, the sickly contents raining on the forest below. This was going to be a long day, Aphelion thought. Reaching the castle just as the sun rose from the horizon, the chariot landed in one of Celestia's private gardens. Aphelion stumbled out, his legs still shaking from the hangover, the lack of sleep and the severe magical exhaustion. It took him a moment to fully register the forms waiting in front of him, eventually recognizing a maid and a butler trying to get his attention. "Sir?" asked the butler, a brown unicorn with a slick auburn mane. "Are... Are you alright?" "Huh? Yup, I'm feeling top. Top toppity-top. Just swell," Aphelion attempted to smile. The maid, which Aphelion recognized as the one that took care of him earlier, stepped up. She had tied her brown mane into a bun, though she still looked frazzled and not quite awake herself. Despite this, Aphelion still thought her cute and blushed slightly after recognizing her. Glaze cleared her throat. "Uh... Well, then, sir. If you could follow us... Princess Celestia is waiting for you," the difference in the way she spoke was obvious to Aphelion. He assumed that the butler next to her must be her superior. Taking a deep breath, Aphelion nodded. "Alright, lead the way," he had hoped that Celestia wouldn't be able to receive him as soon as he landed in Canterlot, just so that he could take a nap and a much-needed bath. Following Glaze and the butler at a snail's pace, Aphelion felt his headache coming back with a vengeance. Eventually reaching a fancy gazebo in what Aphelion assumed to be the middle of the private garden, he saw Celestia casually sipping tea while looking over the horizon. The table in front of her was filled with varied breakfast food and beverages. Around the table, there were three additional empty chairs. One for him and two for Misty and Sandstorm, Aphelion assumed. Upon reaching the gazebo, both Glaze and the butler kneeled down. Aphelion followed their lead, though he almost lost his balance doing so. Turning her head towards them, Celestia put her cup down. "You may rise," she spoke with a tired voice. Looking up, Aphelion saw the bags under her eyes. Evidently, he wasn't the only one who had a difficult night. Glaze and the butler took position on each side of the gazebo, ready for any potential requests. Aphelion slowly approached the table and sat down in front of the princess, unsure of what to say. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, searching for the words, but none came. Celestia was the first to break the silence. "I have received your letter, Aphelion. I am sorry to hear that things did not go well." "I... I'm sorry for screwing it all up," he eventually replied, slumping his shoulder. She raised an eyebrow. "Based on what you have written to me, I do not see how this is your fault. Though I think a more... Detailed version of your night in Manehattan would help clear up the story." He sighed, then started retelling every event from his point of view, as well as what was relayed to him by Steady before they had left to search the forest. Aphelion's retelling was fully transparent, as he saw no point in hiding anything to the princess. He did notice her wince when he mentioned the spell he had used to find Sandstorm and Misty, however, but decided not to ask her until after he was done explaining everything. "...So, that's why Misty and Sandstorm aren't here," Celestia finally said after Aphelion finished his retelling. "Yes... Misty was in no state to travel, and Sandstorm wouldn't leave without her. I, uh... I took the decision to let them stay behind with a guard. Sorry." "Do not be. You have made the right choice. I doubt they will attempt to run away again, and by showing them kindness, they will in turn be more cooperative." Aphelion looked away. "...If you say so. But still, I..." his sentence was cut by a loud rumbling coming from his stomach. His eyes going wide, Aphelion blushed. "S-Sorry, haven't eaten in a while." With a light chuckle, Celestia nudged at the table. "Well, then, eat. This is time for breakfast, after all." Tentatively reaching for the food in front of him, Aphelion noticed a plate filled with croissants. Grabbing one, he munched on it silently while looking at the ground. His eyes lit up as he tasted the pastry. Celestia smirked. "So, would you say this is to your taste?" "It's... One of the best croissants I've ever eaten." "I'm glad you are enjoying it. I asked the royal kitchen to bake them for you... As well as the other two mares." "To be honest, I didn't expect you to remember my favorite pastries," he chuckled. Aphelion felt conflicted, however. While it was nice to see the princess caring about him, he still wondered why she went through the effort, especially given his past and his recent failures. They continued eating in silence, both simply enjoying each other's presence, before Aphelion spoke up again. "So... What's next? What do we do about Steady?" "That is a good question. For now, we will investigate in the woods around Manehattan. We are hoping to find any lead that would help us find Purple Comet's location. We will also greatly appreciate your help, Aphelion. Anything you can tell us about the Crescent Pact could lead us to Steady's rescue." "I'll cooperate in any way I can." She smiled. "I am glad to hear. However, I am afraid this matter won't resolve itself in a speedy manner. The members of the Pact pride themselves in their ability to remain hidden from the public. I also believe that they will keep Steady as a sort of... Bargaining chip." "Right, but... They are certainly going to try and get intel on you from Steady." Celestia sighed, staring at her cup. "Yes. I do not doubt that Steady will try his best to remain tight-lipped, but I also know that every pony eventually reaches a breaking point... Especially given the Pact's propensity for dark magic." "...Like the spell I used in Manehattan?" "Yes. You called it 'Astral Projection', but it is something much more insidious than this. I do not blame you for using this type of magic, as you were always taught it was something acceptable. You will have to spend some time... Adapting your spells, however." "I will," Aphelion solemnly said. "I have to ask, though. What made it so bad?" "It wasn't an actual astral projection. Instead of creating an arcane conduit which you could have seen and spoken through, you instead ripped your own soul from your body. It was less of a projection, and more akin to a... Very violent throw. It was originally created by..." Celestia took a moment before finishing her sentence as she looked at the sky. "...It was created by somepony very dangerous. Though, like you, I know they can still be redeemed." Aphelion was just about to ask more questions when he noticed the princess' eyes watering. "...Are you alright, Celestia?" With a faint smile, she closed her eyes. "I will be. Anyhow, I must take my leave now." "Oh, already? Where are we going?" Aphelion stood up from his chair. "Not 'we', I am afraid. For this year's Summer Sun Celebration, I have decided to make an appearance in Ponyville. I have sent somepony to make the preparations this very morning and I must now get ready for tomorrow." "I thought the celebration lasted all week." "Only in Canterlot. In the rest of Equestria, ponies usually celebrate on the solstice only." Furrowing his brow, Aphelion hesitated for a moment before speaking. "...Princess, are you sure this is a good use of your time? I mean, I get it's to celebrate the 1000th celebration and all, but given the situation, wouldn't it be wiser to remain in Canterlot and try and find a way to bring Steady back?" Celestia chuckled. "While you make a good point, I have a duty to uphold. Besides, this year's celebration is going to be... Special." "Special how?" he raised an eyebrow, unconvinced. "I'm sure you've noticed the slight difficulties I've had when raising the sun for the past few weeks... You know, with that telescope you've had pointed at my room for the past month," Celestia smirked, while Aphelion's face drained of color in shame. Both Glaze and the butler, having remained nearby, gasped. "I, uh... Yes, I did notice that." Aphelion looked to the side, unable to look the princess in the eye. "There was a reason for my recent... Struggles. Something a millenia in the making which, I'm afraid, takes precedence on Steady's situation. Don't worry, however. I will send for somepony to take the lead on this issue while I am away." Reluctantly, Aphelion nodded. "Alright. And what'll happen to Misty and Sandstorm?" "Once they are out of the hospital, they will be incarcerated until they can face judgment. Their crimes are numerous." "Right, but they surrendered themselves voluntarily... And they kind of took down Mud's organization, too." Celestia raised an eyebrow. "Yes, they did. Your point is...?" "Aren't they owed some leniency?" Her face remaining expressionless, Celestia stayed silent as she looked at Aphelion. Feeling the need to justify himself, he continued. "It's just that... As you said, ponies deserve second chances. Sure, they should be punished for the bad stuff they did, but... I honestly believe they are good ponies, deep down." With a simple nod, Celestia spoke up. "Very well. I will take these things into consideration, as long as you can vouch for them." "Yes! Thank you, princess!" Aphelion said, with a beaming smile. "Alright. I will be leaving, then. I shall see you soon, Aphelion. In the meanwhile, I advise you to take the day to rest... And to take a bath. You do smell like you've been drinking and throwing up a lot." Feeling his enthusiasm being replaced by shame in an instant, he lowered his head. "Y-Yeah, it's probably a good idea. Thank you," he said under his breath. On his side, he could hear Glaze chuckling, then clearing her throat when every pony in the gazebo turned toward her. And with that, Aphelion was led back to his chamber to rest while Celestia prepared for what she hoped would be the beginning of a new chapter in her life. > 15 - The Return: Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A slow, rhythmic beeping sound rang through the room. Sitting on a chair next to a large bed, an exhausted Sandstorm looked in worry at the unconscious body of her marefriend, holding her hoof tight. In the corner of the room, a royal guard was keeping an eye on the two of them, though his expression softened as the hours passed. Misty was lying in a bed, tubes connecting her forelegs to a nearby IV drip. Her heartbeat was slow, but steady. Sandstorm sighed, tightening her grip and laying her head on the bed, burying her snout against Misty. The guard, a white pegasus, remained silent as he looked away. Hearing hoofsteps approaching their room, Sandstorm lifted her head up to see a nurse entering the room, a green earth pony with a messy ochre mane. Morning Dew was wearing a typical nurse uniform and pushed a small cart inside the room, carrying breakfast for Sandstorm and the guard. The pegasus grabbed a cup of coffee with a wing and a banana with his hoof, nodding silently at the nurse. Sandstorm, not bothering to stand up from her chair, spoke with an exhausted voice. "Do we know yet what's going on with her?" Repressing the urge to yawn, Dew shook her head. "Not yet, I'm afraid. We expect a full report around noon, but it may take a bit longer." Opening her mouth, Sandstorm was just about to yell and scream, demanding for the hospital staff to take care of Misty faster, but no sound came out. She felt her eyes water and drooped her head down instead. "...Okay. Please let me know as soon as you get it." Staring at the floor, Sandstorm felt defeated, exhausted, but above all else, she felt guilty. After Aphelion offered to help them get away from Steady and Mud in exchange of considering turning themselves in, Sandstorm ran to Misty to explain the situation. They were planning on running away, but as they packed up the essentials from their little camp, they noticed Steady falling down after a flash of yellow light illuminated the night sky. While Misty wanted to leave, Sandstorm had convinced her to go back and save him, reasoning that helping an official agent of the crown would help them get in Celestia's good graces. When they reached his location, they saw Mud and his cronies surrounding Steady. Once again, Misty wished to run, but Sandstorm convinced her to attack Mud while he was distracted, killing two birds with one stone. Because of her, Misty had gotten hurt during the fight, poisoned by Mud's second in command. And now, Misty's life was hanging by a thread. The phrase 'it's all my fault' kept repeating in Sandstorm's mind, causing her to sink deeper into her state of despair... Until she felt a hoof slowly reaching her shoulder. Looking up, Sandstorm saw Morning Dew next to her, her cart left in the middle of the room. The royal guard had stepped out of his corner with a worried look on his face. Dew's face was worried, but she still forced herself to put on a warm, comforting smile. "Don't worry," she starts. "It will be alright. We have the best doctors in Manehattan on the case... Your friend will be fine." Sandstorm scoffed. "I'm sure you're saying this to every patient in this hospital." "I mean it. We... We are thankful for what you've done. Everypony here will do their best for her," Dew began patting Sandstorm's back, trying to comfort the guilt-ridden mare. "Wait... What do you mean? Thankful for what we've done?" Sandstorm asked, confused. "Private Swift Winds here told us all about how you've taken down Mud. A lot of ponies were unfortunately... Tied up in his web. Now that he's locked up and that most of the closest members of his group have disappeared... It's as if a weight has been lifted off the back of many ponies in Manehattan." Sandstorm took a moment to register the information, looking at Swift Wing. "...So, Mud's been arrested?" Taking a sip from his coffee, Swift Wind nodded. "Yeah. After you sent the letter, the captain didn't just send a flying chariot for Aphelion. He dispatched multiple squads to search the forest. I've heard they quickly found Mud freaking out in the woods, alone, with a bucked-up jaw... Last time I heard, they took him in." "That's... Good. But what about the other ponies with him?" This time, Swift Winds looked uncomfortable. "All I can say publically is that they're missing," he said while giving Sandstorm a knowing glance. She simply nodded, understanding that what happened to Poison Dart and the other ponies was considered classified. Morning Dew spoke once again. "In any case, you don't need to worry about them anymore. You need to eat something, however... And to rest. Your friend isn't going anywhere." Sandstorm sighed. "I guess. So, do I... Sleep here, or...?" "You can, though I'm afraid it won't be very comfortable... Or calm. We can close the blinds, if you want, but it would probably be best if you went back home for the day," Dew explained. "Actually, that's not an option, I'm afraid," said Swift. "The deal was for you to stay within the hospital grounds and for me to keep an eye on you. As soon as you step outside, I will have to bring you to Canterlot." "No. I'm not leaving her," Sandstorm glared at the guard. She then turned toward Morning Dew. "If you can bring me a pillow, I'll be fine." "Alright," the nurse answered. "I'll bring you one." Swift shook his head, hoping that Sandstorm would eventually accept to be taken to Canterlot. He had very little sleep himself, and the prospects of staying in a hospital room for the rest of the day wasn't the most enticing one. "I'm gonna need a lot more coffee," he mumbled. Sitting in a warm bath, Aphelion sighed, feeling content. Despite all the stress from the previous days and the admittedly terrible situation he was in, it felt great to finally wind down and relax... Especially with the royal palace's amenities. Slowly sinking below the water, Aphelion let the warm water cover his entire body, lingering for a while underwater while holding his breath. He slowly surfaced, then noticed a knock on his room's door. Feeling slightly annoyed at having to get out so quickly, he grabbed a few towels with his aura and quickly covered his mane, tail and barrel with them. Drying himself off as fast as he could, Aphelion left the private bathroom in his chambers and opened the main door as the pony behind was still knocking. Meeting face to face with Glaze, Aphelion couldn't help but blush a little, especially given his current attire of damp towels that somehow made him feel more naked than he actually was. "Good afternoon, sir!" she started with a chipper voice. "Did you have a nice nap?" Glaze asked, walking past Aphelion inside the room. Looking at her and feeling a bit confused, Aphelion closed the door. "Uh, yes. I was able to get some rest after breakfast with the princess." "Good, you honestly looked like shit back then. You also no longer smell like it, too!" she joked. For some reason, Glaze had a very casual attitude with Aphelion, which surprised him somewhat given how she was acting that morning. "To be fair, I had a long night. In any case, is there something I can do for you?" "Hey, I'm the one supposed to ask that. You're not a butler," she casually said while approaching the curtains. "Right, but... Is something going on? Am I needed somewhere?" "Hmm? Oh, no, you can chill for the rest of the day," Glaze began humming a tune as she opened the curtains. "Then why are you here?" Aphelion asked, feeling completely lost. Glaze turned her head back toward him, raising an eyebrow. "Whaddya mean?" "Why are you here in my room?" "...Dude. It's called 'being a maid'. I'm just here to take care of your stuff. Didn't you have servants in your manor?" Feeling a pit form in his stomach, Aphelion began to worry. He wondered how much Glaze knew about him and his past, until he remembered that the maid was there every time he talked with Celestia, meaning that she heard him mention his father's mansion a few times. "...I guess she knows, then," he thought. "At least she's not freaked out by that." "Oh, right," he replied. "There were butlers and maids back at home, but they... Didn't really make themselves known, I suppose." "Really? You must've seen them cleaning your room, though, right?" "Not really. They aren't allowed to speak to me, my father or any other important guest. They also always do their job when nopony else is in the room. It's, uh, the first time I see a maid or a butler actually work," he looked to the side, feeling ashamed. Until today, Aphelion had given very little thought about the ponies taking care of his father's manor. Interacting with a maid in such a friendly and open manner was new to him. "That's... Pretty sad, not gonna lie. Also sounds like Tartarus for those working there. I couldn't imagine having to stay quiet for days on end," Glaze was starting to change Aphelion's bed sheets, struggling slightly as she handled the large sheets. "Yeah. My father has some... Strict rules. Anypony defying his orders would end up fired on the spot if my father's in a good mood," Aphelion trotted to his bed and began assisting Glaze in changing his bedsheets. She stared at him with a bemused look for a second, before letting him help her. "...And what would happen if your dad's in a bad mood?" Aphelion sighed. "I'm... Not completely sure. All I know is that they technically aren't fired... But I've never seen any of them again." "Sounds spooky. Do you think he sacrifices them in weird cult-y rituals?" Having a double take at what Glaze just casually said, Aphelion blinked a few times. "Uh... Well... I don't necessarily think so, but..." he said, then becoming silent as he looked at the floor. "...Sorry, it was a shitty joke. I shouldn't have said that." "No, no, you're fine. It's just... Until now, I've never considered that it might be true. I just... My father's often in a bad mood, and he fired a lot of staff..." his ears drooped as his face became filled with regret. "Hey. Look at me," Glaze started with a soft, yet stern voice. "I don't really know what the deal was with your family or the place you came from, but you're a good pony. Don't beat yourself up for things you couldn't have changed anyways." Raising his head, Aphelion saw Glaze looking at him, a sad smile adorning her face. He sighed. "It's not... The issue is not whether I was a good pony or not, or what my intentions were. It's that I was blind to the suffering of those around me. I mean, it was so... Obvious, now that I think about it! Everything pointed towards the Pact being nefarious in nature. I've been a fool for the past 18 years of my life, ever since we moved to that damned manor..." Searching for the right words to say, Glaze remained silent for a few seconds before speaking up again. "Well... I guess what matters is what you'll do now with that revelation. You already got out and started helping the princess' investigator buddy catch criminals. Then, you began arguing to defend the mares you helped captured. If you want my opinion, you've already begun fixing your, uh, past mistakes." Glaze felt proud of her argument, the maid not being the best at debating. She was glad to see Aphelion's face go from ashamed to thinking, then to smiling. Aphelion, thinking about what Glaze just told him, began forming an idea in his head. "...Thank you, Glaze. I needed to hear that. You're really good at cheering other ponies," he chuckled. "Well, I do my best," she bowed then winked. "So, any plans for the rest of the day?" she asked as they finished changing the bedsheets, the task going quicker with Aphelion's help. "I... May have something in mind, yes." "The way you're saying it, it sounds like a dangerous idea," Glaze smirked. "Just so you know, I'm kind of supposed to keep an eye on you, so wherever you'll go, I'll follow." Aphelion's face suddenly dropped, then lit up again at the idea of spending the day with the maid he felt a growing crush for. "Really? I, uh, don't want to force you to do anything you don't want to." She chuckled, noticing his blush. "C'mon, not only is it literally my job, but I'm also kinda bored tending to boring nobles all day long. Just with the two conversations we've had so far, you've been more interesting than politicians and emissaries have been after years. And don't even get me started on prince Blueblood-" "Oh, shit," Aphelion cut her off mid-sentence after realizing something. Raising an eyebrow, Glaze waited for Aphelion to continue. "I, uh, I don't think the guards were told to pick up the file on him I helped steal earlier this week. It might still be in Manehattan... If Mud hasn't sold it yet." "Wait, they got dirt on Blueblood? ...I know it's probably, like, super confidential and all, but..." looking at Aphelion directly in the eyes, Glaze did her best puppy eyes impression. "...Would you mind doing a little bit of gossip with a poor little old, bored maid, please?" "Uh... I'm already kind of on thin ice on a legal level with the whole... Heist thing. I don't think it would be wise for me to disclose that kind of information... Sorry." She sighed. "No, it's okay, I understand. I don't want to put you in trouble just because I'm curious," Glaze lied. She was planning on getting this information out of him eventually, her hatred for Blueblood running deep. She would just have to be more subtle about it. "In any case, I probably should talk to the captain of the guard about this." "Good idea. I'll continue taking care of your room, in the meanwhile. See you later?" "Yes, later," Aphelion began trotting outside of his room before hearing Glaze chortling. He turned back with a confused look on his face. "Dude. You're still wearing the towels. You look like you just got out of a spa." "...Yeah, good call." Both chuckled as Aphelion went back in his bathroom for a short moment, coming back towel-less. With a last nod, he finally exited his room. Walking down the castle's long corridors, he couldn't help but feel guilty for lying to Glaze. One of the first things he had mentioned in his letter to Celestia was the stolen folder and its location. And as much as Aphelion would've preferred spending the rest of the day with Glaze, he had a more important task at hoof. One he couldn't do with her following him, even though she was the one that gave him the idea when saying what matters now is what Aphelion did. It was about time he came back home and confronted his father. > 16 - The Return: Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steady woke up in a jolt as cold water was thrown onto his body. Immediately, he felt a radiating pain in his shoulder as well as cold metal around his hooves and his barrel. Looking around in confusion, Steady quickly noticed the large chains attached to the damp walls of what looked like an abandoned cellar. His wings were pinned to his body due to a strange metallic contraption that looked like an ominous ring of metal, with spikes pointing outwards. As he tried to figure out where he was, a black earth pony with a wild neon green mane in front of him cleared her throat. "Wake up, shithead. You've napped long enough," she said with a sadistic glee in her voice. One of her hooves was holding a now empty water bucket. Observing his surroundings, Steady understood that the water used to wake him up was anything but clean, the pools of water underneath him being almost brown. He cringed, then stared at the mare in front of him. "And to whom do I have the displeasure of talkin' to?" he asked, looking at the room behind her. It looked like a circular room with a spiraling staircase in the middle. Across the room's walls, Steady could see many other cells equally space out, with many prisoners in varying states of pain. The black mare smirked. "You can call me your new best friend. You and I, we're going to have a lot of fun, together," she giggled before reaching into a bag on her flank. Grabbing something with her teeth, she threw it into his cell, letting it fall into the muddy water. "Here's breakfast. Enjoy it while you can." The 'breakfast' consisted of a moldy chunk of bread, now soggy with sewer water. Steady watched in silence as the mare left while laughing to herself before grabbing his food. He sighed, then forced himself to eat it as fast as possible. Wherever he was right now, Steady knew he would need all his strength to get out. Skipping breakfast, however disgusting it may be, was simply not an option. He kept an eye on the mare as he ate, observing her as she went from cell to cell feeding the prisoners. Steady noticed that everypony else was silent, except for the mare gleefully insulting the ponies as she went. Eventually, she reached a cell on the opposite side of Steady's, containing a sleeping griffon. "Well, if it isn't my favorite pin cushion!" she loudly exclaimed. "Wake up and get your grub.' Throwing another piece of moldy bread at them, Steady didn't see any movement from their part. The mare took another bucket and dumped it on the griffon. "C'mon, I ain't got all day... Bucking prick." The griffon remained motionless. Steady didn't need to get any closer to understand that the griffon was dead. The sadistic jailor quickly noticed it as well and groaned in annoyance. Then, remembering something, she turned back and looked at the other prisoners. "Hey, guys! You're in luck! Looks like meat's back on the menu. I'll get the chef to whip up a real meal for you all, don't you all worry." A deafening silence befell the entire dungeon, the reality of the situation slowly sinking in for Steady. He watched in horror as she continued making her round before finally exiting the room, going up the staircase. As soon as she was out of sight, Steady attempted to get out of his bind. He knew he could potentially rip the chains off the walls, as the bricks seemed old and about to crumble into dust, but that would draw too much attention. Trying to unfurl his wings, Steady tested the resistance of the strange contraption on his chest. At first, it felt as if barely any resistance prevented him from unfurling his wings, until Steady felt a sharp pain on his side. One of the spikes on the outside rim of the apparatus had retraced inwards, stabbing Steady. Though it was not very deep, the wound still caused a lot of pain and pinned one of his wings further into his body. He groaned as he observed the torture device across his barrel and quickly counted the spikes. He counted 24 and guessed that there were probably around 12 more behind him, in his blind spot. Steady groaned, both in pain and in annoyance. Today was going to be painful. A kaleidoscope of memories filled the void around Misty. She knew she was asleep, recognizing this familiar nexus of past recollections as her subconscious. Letting herself float towards memories of happier days, Misty felt calm. Every night, she found herself in this place where she was able to control her sleep in a way, every dream a lucid one. This was another part of her talent, though she never understood how or why. Misty did know, however, that she could only reach this state when she was sleeping in a city that had accepted her, in a sense. Deciding to float towards one memory in particular, Misty prepared herself as if she was about to see a movie. Touching a shimmering mirror of past visions, the world around her suddenly transformed into a familiar scene: a cold winter day, a park, a frozen lake and a bench. On the bench, two mares sharing a scarf, keeping each other warm. Misty smiled. Back then, she wished for that moment to last forever. Thankfully, with her talent, it could be prolonged every night. Focusing on one of the mares, she slowly took her place, feeling herself being warmed up by the oniric Sandstorm to her side. Feeling perfectly content, Misty remained motionless as time passed. She knew her body was badly injured and that she would soon be sent to face judgment in Canterlot, but for now, all she wished for was to be comforted by the memory of her first date. All her worries would have to wait until tomorrow. But then, Misty felt something unusual. A strange chill took over her body, one that does not belong to the dream. Nervously looking around, she noticed everything slowly becoming blurry, then smoky, as if every object and pony was made of steam, or fog. Even Sandstorm dissipated into thin air with a content expression, leaving the panicked Misty alone in a maelstrom of mist, slowly swirling in front of her. In all her life, she had never witnessed anything like this across the thousands of lucid dreams she had. The fog continued to swirl and to amass itself into a small area, slowly forming a body that became more and more defined as time went on. Eventually, Misty saw a second version of herself appear, made entirely of cold mist. "Who... Who are you?" Misty asked, taking a step back. The second version of herself opened and closed her mouth for a moment, as if learning how to use it. Then, with an echoing voice, it answered. "I am the wind. I am the everyday chatter. I am the constant background noise that fills every nook and cranny. I am..." Misty frowned her eyes, then took a decisive step forward. "Stop it. I get it. You're... You're the city, aren't you?" "Yes. I have come to..." "No! No, I don't want to hear it! You betrayed me! You sent me to that pegasus, which led to Sandstorm and I having to run away. You're the reason I was hurt. You're the reason Dart turned into a monster. You're the reason why Steady was captured... But above all else, you're the bucking reason I fought with Sandstorm! It's all your Celestia-damned fault!" tears were running down her face as she breathed heavily. The second version of Misty watched her vent her thoughts, her expression remaining neutral. Patiently waiting for Misty to be finished, it spoke again. "Yes. I have done these things because they needed to be done. I am sorry." "So, you knowingly got me into this mess... Why?! I thought you were supposed to guide me, to protect me!" "I cannot give you that answer. Not now. You will be ready, one day. Until then, there is somewhere you must go." "No! Screw you! I don't even know if I'm going to... To wake up at all... Because of this bucking poison in my body! I just... If I can help it, I want to spend my last moments with the one I love. So please... Please leave!" Misty yelled, desperation filling her voice. The ghostly version of herself took a few steps forward. Misty braced herself, preparing to strike at the mist, but was surprised when her clone simply hugged her. The embrace was strangely warm, even though the entity was made entirely of a freezing fog. With a soft voice, it spoke again in her ear. "I am sorry. I did not wish to make you suffer... But you will not die tonight. However, gears are moving. Plans centuries in the making are reaching their final phases. There is a place you and Sandstorm need to go." Surprised by the sudden hug, Misty held her clone tighter and began crying into its chest. "...I don't want to go anywhere. I just... I just want to be happy. I just want to be with Sandstorm... To be safe. I can't... Do this anymore!" "The path ahead will be tumultuous. You will face many hardships, but know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, a brighter future. I can only nudge you in its direction, but you must take the steps yourself." "But what if... What if I get hurt? What if Sandstorm gets hurt? What if I lose..." unable to finish her sentence, Misty simply sobs once again into her clone. "This is a risk you need to take, but do not be afraid. You shall not face these hardships alone. Many others will be at your side, all striving for a brighter future." Taking a moment to take her respiration back under control, Misty sighed. "Alright. Just... Show me where I need to go." Once again, the fog around her began swirling again, reshaping her dreamscape. Swift Winds looked down at his journal. Being stuck in a hospital and unable to do anything productive beyond keeping an eye on Sandstorm, he had grown increasingly bored. Thankfully, the nurses often offered him coffee and reading material to pass the time, but he still wished for things to move forward. In front of him laid Misty, in her hospital bed, still asleep. "At least, somepony's getting some rest," he thought. Sandstorm was sitting next to Misty, never leaving her side except when going to the bathroom. When no nurse or doctor was in the room, an awkward silence filled the air. Technically, Swift Winds was supposed to arrest them as soon as they left the hospital grounds, or when Misty's condition stabilized. At least, they now knew it was only a matter of time. The toxicology report came in a few hours ago and cleared out any doubts on Misty's condition. The venom in her body was a modified tranquilizer, long acting but non-lethal. Something Mud's group used to foalnap ponies and carry them across long distances without them knowing it. The doctors also didn't expect any long-lasting side effects, but more tests would be required in the future to be sure. Reading his journal's headlines, Swift Winds saw an article about this year's Summer Sun Celebration. Apparently, Celestia was about to raise the sun in a small village in the middle of nowhere, 'Ponyville'. Swift Winds frowned, knowing that organizing security in these kinds of areas was going to be a pain. Sipping on his now cold coffee, he felt better about being stuck here. Glancing at Sandstorm, he saw the mare laying her head on the bed, looking at Misty. He felt bad for her and wished he could give a few words of encouragement, but he knew better than to discuss with prisoners. Besides, he wasn't good with words to begin with. Going back to read his journal, Swift Winds began feeling drowsy. Even despite all the coffee he drank, his body was slowly reaching his limit. The sun was already setting, meaning he had stayed up for 24 hours. Royal guards usually didn't have shifts that long, but with the current festivities and Celestia's plan to visit Ponyville, they were stretched thin. His superior promised that somepony would eventually come in to take over for him, but for now, Swift Winds would have to remain vigilant. His attention moved once again on Sandstorm, who stood up all of a sudden, eyes wide. Misty had woken up, slowly taking her bearings. What followed was Sandstorm throwing herself at Misty, hugging her tight and saying countless 'I'm sorry' and 'are you alright?'. He stood up and looked at them. "Okay, I'll go get a nurse." Truth be told, Swift Winds wished to leave the mares a moment to themselves. Leaving the room and finishing his coffee outside, he waited around five minutes before finally getting a nurse. Since the toxicology report claimed that Misty wasn't in a critical state and would come back to her senses sooner or later, Swift Winds didn't see the point in rushing things. Throwing the plastic cup in a trashcan, he headed towards the nearest nurse and explained the situation. With a nod, two nurses went toward Misty's room, while Swift Winds decided now would be a good time to go to the bathroom himself. Sometime later, he approached the room once again. This time, however, many more nurses and doctors were inside, looking confused and stressed out. Going in, the first thing Swift Winds noticed was the empty hospital bed and the knocked down IV drip. Immediately, nurses and doctors began talking to the royal guard all at once, though he already understood the situation. The two mares had run off in the time he took to get a nurse. Taking in a deep breath, Swift Winds looked outside, through the now opened window. "...For buck's sake." As he stood in front of the castle's large entrance door, Aphelion felt a wave of confidence. He was expecting a lot more trouble as he snuck outside, but nopony seemed to pay much attention to him. "I guess I'm no longer considered to be a criminal." His saddle bags were packed light in provisions: just enough food to spend a day or two in the wild, as well as a random blanket he stole in an empty guest room. The trip back to his father's manor wasn't going to be long, but Aphelion fully expected having to spend the night in the woods in case he couldn't reach it in time given his current physical condition. Aphelion was still recovering from his trip to Manehattan and while he could now cast spells again, they had to be basic. No more complex spell weaving like his recent 'astral projection', or rather, as Celestia would refer to it, his 'ripping his own soul and hurling it in the sky'. "...I really need to update my spells," he mumbled as he began walking away, toward the train station. Being given a small allowance of sorts by Celestia in case he wished to explore the capital, it was more than enough for a ticket toward Stallionsfield, a small hamlet not far of Canterlot. The hamlet bordered the forest where his father's manor stood and was controlled by the Pact. Aphelion went there a few times in the past, whenever his studies required field studies. His father was always accompanying him, however. Crossing the streets of Canterlot, many ponies were still celebrating the week-long Summer Sun Celebration. Once again, observing this many ponies living their own lives, each going in different directions, going about their day in a carefree attitude made Aphelion feel strangely relaxed. Having lived secluded from the rest of the world for so long, he expected to have developed some form of agoraphobia... Or, at least, that's what his father told him. Aphelion remembered painfully well an argument with his father a few years prior, one where Aphelion asked to visit the capital in search of rarer materials. The truth was, even back then, Aphelion longed for freedom and wished to experience the world outside of the Pact's scope, though he couldn't exactly explain it in that manner back then. Eventually reaching the station as the sun began setting down, Aphelion brought his ticket and waited patiently for his train. Once he reached Stallionsfield, he would have to be sneaky once again. Without any crowd to disappear into, Aphelion would stick out like a sore thumb if he simply walked across the village, especially if any member of the Pacts were on the lookout. Thankfully, Aphelion knew a small hidden path next to the train station in Stallionsfield, one that would lead him directly in the woods. He knew that path too well, as a rare species of flower grew nearby. Reminiscing on his botanical lessons, the memory of him exploring that path and getting stuck in a large bramble bush. Back then, it was a painful experience that made him give up on alchemy for good. Now, Aphelion chuckles when thinking about it. As Aphelion was deep in thought, waiting for the train to arrive, he failed to notice the green mare behind him, hiding behind a large newspaper... Two hours ago Apple Glaze was a lot of things. Outgoing, clumsy, annoying at times and a bit of an airhead, sure, but she was proud of that. What she wasn't, however, was an idiot. She could read other ponies like an open book, especially when they lied, a talent she shared in some capacity with one of her cousins. So, when Aphelion pretended to go to the captain of the guard for forgetting to relay some important information, Glaze knew he was bullshitting. She decided to play dumb, but her orders were clear: keep an eye on Aphelion in case he did something stupid. And from what she could gather, Aphelion was about to do something extremely stupid indeed. What should have followed, was Glaze going to her superior to report that Aphelion was about to exit Canterlot, probably heading for his father's manor. However, something in her pushed her to trust the stallion's intentions. Whatever he had in mind, it was going to be something he needed to do, especially now that the princess couldn't overlook his every move. Besides, as long as Glaze followed him, she would still be following her orders. Notifying her superior that Aphelion wanted to have fun in town to justify their absence, she left her maid attire behind and quickly grabbed some essentials. Food, tools, a tent and a map. Looking at herself in a mirror, Glaze couldn't help but giggle as her reflection reminded her of her filly dreams of becoming an adventurer. Even though working as a royal maid was a much more stable and safer position with a great pay, the days were long and incredibly boring. Constantly hearing the other maids and butlers talk about Steady's adventures certainly didn't help her longing for more action. Then, following Aphelion from a distance, she watched as he hesitantly walked across the capital's many streets. As time went on, she noticed him relaxing and observing the festivities, stopping multiple times to look at a stand or at street performers. There were multiple close calls, but Glaze always managed to stay out of his sight. Eventually, they reached the train station. After Aphelion brought his ticket, she waited a few minutes before going herself to the booth, grabbing a ticket and a journal. Sitting down on a bench behind Aphelion, she hid her face with her journal before hearing the train slowly reach the station. Letting Aphelion get inside first, she followed soon after, still making sure to remain unseen. Then, as soon as the train left once again, Glaze knew it was time to reveal herself to him. Casually walking to his seat and sitting in front of him, Glaze beamed a smile at him. "Going somewhere?" she asked, Aphelion staring at her in complete surprise and fear. > 17 - The Return: Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "G-Glaze?! What are you doing here?" Aphelion asked, shocked to see the maid sitting in front of him. "What does it look like? I'm coming with you!" Glaze replied, a wide grin on her face. "You didn't think you could slip away without me noticing, did you?" "Well, actually, I did! Listen, this is too dangerous. I don't want you to be caught up in my mess," he sighed. The last thing Aphelion wanted was to put more ponies in danger. Glaze scoffed, then crossed her forelegs. "If it's so dangerous, why are you going on your own? You're still recovering from your last adventure with Steady, aren't you?" "Yes, but..." "Besides, I'm supposed to not let you leave my sight. I could go back to Canterlot and report you missing, which would cause the castle to be in an uproar searching for you... And I have a general idea of where you're going. Or, you can let me tag along," Glaze stared into Aphelion's eyes, her green eyes feeling as if they pierced his soul. Maintaining eye contact defiantly for a few silent moments, Aphelion eventually groaned in annoyance. "Fine. But please, just... Follow my lead and don't do anything stupid." Standing up from her seat, Glaze raised a hoof high, feeling victorious. "Yes! Finally, my time to shine!" Aphelion couldn't help but snort at the overly excited Glaze, before turning his gaze toward the window. "Just so you know, I... Don't really have a plan once I reach my father's manor. Oh, by the way, that's where we're going." "Yep, figured as much. Why exactly are we going, though?" Glaze sat back in her seat and began rummaging through her bags. "I... Wanted to talk with my father. Ask a few questions, then see if there's anything I can do to get Steady safe. Oh, and I'd like to swing by my lab to pick up some... Recent projects." "Ooh, your 'artificer' stuff?" she asked excitedly, pulling out a sandwich from her bag. Glancing back at Glaze and her sandwich, Aphelion nodded. "Yes. There's a few... Trinkets I'd rather not lose, nor leave in the Pact's hooves. Hey, can I have..." "Sure!" Glaze gave half of her lunch to Aphelion. "Thanks. Anyhow, some of the things I've created are fairly dangerous. And while my father didn't really care about that stuff and doesn't know how to use these items, it's only a matter of time before somepony like Lord Purple Comet notices it," he explained as he began eating. "These items... Are they, like, weapons? Also, why do you call Purple Comet a lord?" "Some of them are weapons, yes. While they all do different things, they were all born from the same concept: magical items that could be used by anypony... Or any creature, I guess. Not just unicorns. Mostly for my personal use, though, since I'm somewhat limited with my magic. And I don't really know for Purple Comet... That's how he always presented himself. Since he's one of the leaders of the Crescent Pact, I never really dared to drop the honorifics." Listening carefully, Glaze's face betrayed a conflicting emotion. Aphelion picked up on it. "...Is there something wrong?" he asked. "There's a question I wanna ask, but I don't want to sound insensitive." He raised an eyebrow. "Oh, uh, sure. Go ahead, don't worry." "Well... It's about your condition. The, uh, Thaumic Atrophy, right? The thing that causes you to not have a lot of magic?" "That's... more or less it. What about it?" "I... Hm... I don't really know how to put it into words without sounding like an asshole. Sorry," she looked to the side, ashamed. "...Huh. Well, I promise I won't get mad." Taking a deep breath, Glaze looked back at Aphelion. "...Doesn't it suck? I mean, being a unicorn and not being able to do magic well?" Taken aback, he took a moment to answer. "That's... A very difficult question to answer," Aphelion chuckled weakly. "Yeah, sorry. It was out of line, forget I said anything." "No, it's fine. To be honest, it does kind of suck... But it also motivates me to push harder, I suppose. I have to try harder than any other unicorn, since I'm limited in the number of spells I can use. I have to be a lot more efficient with my magic and any mistake is amplified. If I spend too much energy, I can become unable to cast spells for days, or even weeks. But then, when I do manage to be perfectly efficient with my mana flow, it makes me feel... Like I'm enough. Or, rather, that I'm more than enough. That I'm actually great. So, yeah. I'd say it sucks most of the time, but when it does, it feels extremely gratifying," Aphelion finished his explanation with a wide smile on his face. A somewhat pained, but happy nonetheless smile. Glaze was silent, staring at him as she was grappling with his explanation. Looking at her, Aphelion saw a similar pain on her face. "...Do you suffer from something similar, Glaze?" Suddenly perking up, surprised, she stammered. "W-What? Me? N... No, I mean, I'm not even a unicorn!" She replied, forcing a chuckle and looking away. "Well... I hope my answer satisfied your curiosity, then," he replied as he finished eating his half of the sandwich. While he wished to know what was troubling Glaze, he didn't want to push her too much and to let her talk when she would feel ready to open up. Staring at her half-eaten sandwich, Glaze put it in a paper bag before sliding it into her saddle bags. "Damn, I ruined my own appetite," she chuckled. "Sorry for souring the mood." "Given the fact we're about to step into a very dangerous place and we might not get out unscathed, I actually don't mind tough discussion topics. Might as well get it all out, right?" he shrugged. Glaze sighed, then looked at the window. "...Yeah. At least, it won't be boring." Following her gaze and seeing the train slowly approaching Stallionsfield, Aphelion tensed up a little. "Whatever happens, I can't let her get hurt because of me," he thought as the two of them remained silent until their train reached the station. A few kilometers to the east, two figures sped through the forest, galloping as fast as they could. While one of the forms had no issue running through the difficult terrain, jumping over roots and bushes, the second one struggled a lot more to just stay up. The form further ahead stopped and looked back, clear worry on her face. "Misty, are you sure you're fine? We can take a break if you want..." Panting, Misty kept going forward without answering. She was hellbent on her mission, refusing to let anything - or anypony - to get in her way. Tripping on a root, Misty fell face first in the ground, causing Sandstorm to run to her side. "Misty! Are you alright? C'mon, this is getting ridiculous..." she argued while offering a hoof. Misty glared at Sandstorm, then grabbed her hoof, letting her help get back up. "I told you," Misty started while catching her breath, "that we can't afford any other delay. It's only a matter of time before guards catch up to us, and we only have a day left before the next sunrise." "Yeah, but... We're not that far away. Even if we take our time, we can reach the manor before nightfall. And once we're in, the... City told you that we just need to reach the observatory." Misty sighed. She knew Sandstorm was right about the distance separating them from the manor, but she still felt like they should hurry. However, the growing ache in her hooves from the running and her horn from the constant short-range teleportations began to take their toll. Noticing her marefriend's inner turmoil, Sandstorm thought of a compromise. "Listen. I'll make you a deal. Let me carry you until you've recovered. In exchange, I'll go as fast as I can... As long as you can hold on, that is." "...As tempting as resting for some time sounds, won't that tire you out?" Sandstorm smirked and winked at Misty. "You know I got the stamina to go all night long, baby." Feeling a light blush coming on her cheeks, Misty groaned and facehoofed. "Ugh, fine. Just... Let's hurry." And so, the two mares continued their trip through the woods, heading for the large manor they knew they would eventually reach. Letting herself be carried, Misty held Sandstorm tight while the yellow mare began galloping at a slightly slower pace than previously, accounting for the added weight on her back. Sandstorm smirked once again. "Hey, Misty, you know you gotta lay off the ca-" "If you finish that sentence, I swear to Celestia I will teleport you into a ditch." Rolling her eyes as she heard Sandstorm giggle, Misty took a moment to remember her last dream. For the first time in her life, her talent allowed her to communicate with the city while she slept. Even though her vision was cryptic at best, some elements were imprinted onto her memory: a manor, its location and what would happen should Misty not reach the observatory before the upcoming dawn. The spirit of Manehattan had foreseen a great catastrophe that required Misty and Sandstorm's presence in what she understood to be Aphelion's manor thanks to context clues, such as its location and the fact that she kept hearing 'The Crescent Pact' repeat over and over again in her dream. What she would have to do once she reached her destination, however, was unknown. Her visions only told her that she would understand what must be done. Trying to remember more details about her dream, a growing fear wormed its way into Misty's mind. As she spoke to the clone of herself, which she had assumed to be the city of Manehattan, something felt off. While most of the sensations were the same as the ones she felt when interacting with the city regularly, there was also a hint of unfamiliarity, of uneasiness. There was a decent chance that something else spoke to Misty that night, but the implications of such an event terrified her. Firstly, it would force her to question everything she thought she knew about her talent. Secondly, if it was indeed something other than the city speaking to her, she had no idea if this entity had good intentions. For all she knew, it could be leading her into a trap... Then again, the last time she spoke to the city, she was led into a trap too. Her thoughts then drifted on the most cryptic part of her vision. If the uncertainty behind the entity's identity was scary, that part of the dream was utterly terrifying. It kept depicting the moon, though it looked eerily different: the large face across its surface had disappeared, with the entity whispering 'she will return' in her ears. Seeing the mare-in-the-moon disappear, or rather escape, was bone chilling. Misty shook her head and focused on what mattered at that moment: letting her muscles rest as much as possible before they reached the manor, or before Sandstorm became too tired to carry her, though Misty knew her marefriend was indeed the tireless kind. Suddenly, Misty's grip faltered as she felt a wave of drowsiness wash over her body which hadn't fully metabolized the tranquilizer in her blood. Feeling Misty slip a little, Sandstorm slowed down. W-Woah, there! Are you still with me?" "Y... Yes, sorry. I'm still feeling the effects of Dart's bite." "That bucker and his damned poison..." Sandstorm frowned. "Venom." "Sorry?" "That bucked and his damned venom, not poison. There's a difference." "Whatever. I'm still caving his skull the next time I see him." "...Sandstorm... I know you want to get payback, but he's been injected with the Moon's Tears. If he's still breathing, then... You know what he became." Remaining silent, Sandstorm knew too well the effects of the Crescent Pact's most notorious curse. While many ponies in the crime world believed that the Moon's Tears were simply a legend, both Misty and her had seen the potion's effects in the past. Despite the fire raging in her, Sandstorm knew there was no way for her to take down Poison Dart should they ever meet again. However, if he ever threatened Misty's life again, Sandstorm knew she wouldn't hesitate a second before attacking the cursed purple pegasus. And so, the duo continued their trip through the forest in silence. Though they went at a slower pace, they became able to see the roof of what looked like an abandoned overgrown peeking above the canopy just as the sun began to set. "I'm next," Steady thought to himself as he waited in his cell. Ever since waking up in this dungeon, the captured pegasus kept a close eye on his jailor's movements. Every hour or so, the black earth pony walked back down the spiraling staircase with two armored unicorns, both wearing purple armor covering their entire bodies. Every time, they would come down to the dungeon, go to one of the cells, force the prisoner out and bring them upstairs. Then, ten to fifteen minutes later, they would bring the bloodied and battered prisoner back to their cell. What Steady had noticed as well, however, was that his jailor was following a pattern. The mare would choose an earth pony, then a unicorn, then a pegasus, then another creature. Keeping track on who went upstairs and who remained, Steady eventually noticed that he was the last pegasus available. Given the fact that the same prisoner was never picked twice in a row, he knew he would be next. While the prospects of being tortured and interrogated was certainly not very pleasant, Steady also knew it would be the perfect opportunity to gain more information about his current location and eventually form a plan to escape. Suddenly hearing sobs coming from the cell right next to him, Steady was pulled out of his train of thoughts as he heard a male unicorn crying. "...Unfair... It's all... Unfair..." the stranger weakly said between sobs. With that stallion being the only other prisoner that spoke at all since Steady woke up, he decided to chance a discussion with him. "...Hey. You, next door. You alright?" "...None of us are. We're all just... Gonna die..." "Don't worry. I won't let'em hurt you," Steady said, immediately regretting making a promise he knew he couldn't keep. "You're new... You still haven't gone up there. How did you... end up here?" "Guess it was just a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. What about you?" "...I served Lord Apogée tea instead of coffee. He... He directly sent me here..." Steady's fears were confirmed. He had guessed that he had been captured by the Crescent Pact, though Steady still hoped this was some other criminal group with a less fanatical follower base. With the mention of Apogée, he also knew exactly where he was. The good thing was that he wasn't too far from Canterlot and that he could fly back to the capital on his own. The bad thing was that he was in the dungeon of one of the Pact's most powerful mages. Steady was about to reply to the captured butler next to his cell when he heard the familiar hoofsteps of his captors walking back down the staircase. "Well, then, new guy. Looks like it's your turn!" the black mare giggled as she looked toward Steady. "Ready to have your cherry popped?" He laughed. "Sorry, miss. Not only are you too late for that, you're also not my type." Reaching the end of the staircase, she pretended to be sad. "Oh, no... I'm so heartbroken... What type of mare are you more into, then?" She asked while batting her eyes. "I'm into anypony that isn't bat-shit insane, you bucking psycho." Quickly dropping her playful facade, her face turned to anger. "That's not a way to talk to a nice, friendly mare. Somepony ought to make you learn some good manners... Bring him up," she barked her orders to the two guards next to her. Steady saw the chains on his hooves unlock and the door in front of him open, covered in a blue aura. The torture contraption on his barrel was left intact, one of the spikes still digging in his side. Then, his whole body being held above the floor by the guards, Steady was flung outside of his cell, falling heavily right in front of the mare. On impact, Steady felt another two spikes retract from the contraption, stabbing him in the back and on his other side. With a sadistic grin, the mare observed as Steady contorted in pain before stepping on his stomach. "Now, are you ready to apologize, mister grumpy mouth?" she cooed. "...Shit... B-Buck you..." he whispered. Getting angrier, she pushed harder on his stomach, causing another wave of pain to the pegasus. "Repeat after me, you shit stain. 'I'm sorry, miss Eclipse'. Got it?" Glaring at her, Steady opened his mouth. "...You shit stain," he said with a grin. Staring daggers into him, Eclipse eventually huffed and turned back toward the guards. "Bring him up in the pegasus lab. We'll see how long he'll keep his dumb grin." > 18 - The Return: Part 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inside Aphelion's and Glaze's wagon, a train controller walked in and cleared her throat. "Dear passengers, we are now reaching Stallionsfield. The upcoming stops are..." she announced, before listing various cities and towns. Standing up, Aphelion stretched his legs. "That's our stop. Last chance to turn back, Glaze." "Nah, we're way past that now," she answered before leaving her seat as well. "So, what's the plan?" "We'll take a small detour once we're at the station. I can't risk getting recognized while we're in Stallionsfield, in case they send word to the rest of the Pact. It's best if they remain unaware of our arrival for as long as possible." "Makes sense. If we happen to meet anypony from the Pact before we reach your house, what do we do?" Glaze was already imagining action scenes similar to those from her adventure novels, where the two of them would have to fight, sneak and seduce their way through a perilous path. She began smiling at the prospects of such an adventure. "If somepony from the Pact finds us, we'll just have to tell them we're here to see my father. It certainly wouldn't be ideal, but it would be the wisest approach," Aphelion replied, instantly dashing Glaze's hopes at an epic journey. Her expression quickly went from excited to disappointed. "Oh... I guess that makes sense as well." Rolling his eyes, Aphelion couldn't help but smirk a little upon noticing Glaze's change in demeanor. "What, were you expecting something more dangerous?" "N-No! Well... Kinda, but..." Glaze stuttered for a moment, looking flustered, before sighing. "Alright, yeah, I thought we'd face more resistance from a literal moon cult." "A moon cult?" Aphelion raised an eyebrow. "Isn't that what the pact is?" Stifling a laugh, Aphelion tried to keep a straight face. "Wait, do you think that because there's 'crescent' in the name?" Scrunching her nose, Glaze glared at him. "Well, sorry for not knowing much about Equestrian cults," she said while trotting toward one end of their wagon, the train slowly coming to a stop. "Sorry, it's just..." Aphelion started while following her, repressing the urge to chuckle. "I've spent my whole life with them. I guess I tend to forget that not everypony shares the same knowledge as me." The train fully coming to a stop, Glaze opened the door and hopped out, making sure her saddlebags were secured on her back. "Well, to be fair, I kind of grew up in a cult of my own. I get that feeling." Exiting the train, Aphelion looked at Glaze in surprise. "Wait, really?" "More or less. Y'see, my family is... Really big into apples." "I remember you mentioning that when we met, yes. They're farmers, right?" "Yes. Apple farmers spread all across Equestria. Problem is, they kind of made the whole 'apple farming' their whole personality... To the point where it's creepy." "I... Don't really see how that makes them a cult, to be fair. They're dedicated to their craft. That's a good thing, right?" "Not when you get shunned from the family for getting a cutie mark that isn't apple related. Or for liking strawberries more than apples." Glancing at Glaze's cutie mark, Aphelion observed the silver compasses on her flanks. "Oh... I'm sorry to hear that. That does sound kind of extreme." "Yeah, tell me about it. At least, they're not trying to overthrow the government," she joked while stepping further into the station, Aphelion following close behind. He opened his mouth to retort but changed his mind. "That's... Fair enough." "Anyway, we're here. Where's that detour you've mentioned?" "Oh, right. That way, follow me," Aphelion said before heading away from the station, toward the woods. At the tree line nearby, a small path was visible, though barely large enough for a foal. Large roots, vines and thorny bushes covered the path. The ground itself was muddy, despite the fact it hadn't rained for a few days. "...We should've brought boots," Aphelion sighed. "Why, are you afraid of getting dirty?" Glaze teased, already heading for the path. Rolling his eyes, Aphelion followed. As he trotted toward the small path, he kept an eye out for anypony near the station that might be watching him. The station, an old run-down building that was barely standing, was almost empty since very few ponies went to Stallionsfield. The hamlet was remarkably small, barely even reaching 200 inhabitants, and there was little of actual value in the village. With so few ponies to see them at the station, Aphelion and Glaze had no issue sneaking outside of the village unseen, going through the small path to the side of the train station. Reaching the tree line, Glaze went forward without any hesitation. She stepped effortlessly over vines and roots while expertly dodging the brambles around her. Aphelion, however, struggled a lot more as he immediately winced when stepping into the mud. Awkwardly stepping over the many obstacles of the path, he felt his body make contact multiple times with the thorns and bramble bushes, causing countless bouts of irritating discomfort. Aphelion thought about using his magic to clear a path, but decided against it as he was still reeling from his recent severe magical exhaustion. Besides, he would need to preserve as much energy as possible in case things were to turn sour at the manor. Glancing back, Glaze observed in amusement as Aphelion struggled to walk forward. "Not really the outdoors type, huh?" "You don't say. You seem to be doing alright, however." "Yup. Got my cutie mark for exploring dark and dangerous places, after all," she casually said while shaking her flanks. Aphelion quickly looked away, his cheeks turning darker. "Y... Yes, that makes sense. How exactly did you get it? ...Uh, if you don't mind me asking. I know it might be a sore subject for you." "It's fine. When I was, like, eight, my parents took me and my siblings to visit family in Ponyville. One thing led to another, me and my older brother snuck away during the night to explore a forest. We were young and dumb, and we made a bet to see who would chicken out and run back first. Little did we know, we went to a place called the 'Everfree forest'." "The Everfree? I've heard about that before. Isn't it... Highly dangerous?" She chuckled. "It sure is. In less than an hour, we managed to get completely lost due to the forest's... Quirks, let's say. We searched for our way back for a whole day. Or, rather, my brother did. Kept saying that I was too young, and that he would bring us out of this mess. I went along for a while, but things went bad at some point. We were attacked by these weird wolves made out of sticks, leaves and vines. Some creepy shit." "Sounds like timberwolves. Father made me study live ones. Nasty beasts... Nearly bit my tail off." "Yeah. They attacked, and my brother protected me. Thankfully, he was able to either kill them or drive them away, but he was in a terrible shape afterward. He was unable to walk and just... Laid there, slowly bleeding out." "Oh... I'm sorry. Did he...?" "He's still alive, don't worry. But that was a scary moment, for sure. Since I was too small to drag him on my own, he told me to leave him behind. I did so after some convincing and began trying to find my way back to the farm as fast as possible. However, unlike my brother, I managed to escape the Everfree in just under twenty minutes. I had seen a ton of landmarks the day before, and I also kinda instinctively knew where to go. When I found the farm back, I saw that the entire apple family had begun a search party for us. I went to one of the groups and led them back to my brother, once again in less than 20 minutes. They were able to patch him up and bring him back home safely." "Wow... They must've seen you as a hero." "Well, more like a stupid little filly that got herself in a lot of danger for no reason. Same for my brother. We got grounded for two months afterward. But yeah, once my brother was safe, I noticed that I had gotten my cutie mark at some point during this whole debacle. That's when I knew my talent was for exploration. I was so happy at first... But then I saw the look of disappointment on my parents' faces. Things never were the same after," Glaze sighed as she finished her story. "Damn... Well, for what it's worth, I think you've got an awesome talent." Blushing a little, Glaze looked forward. "T-Thanks. I... Don't really hear that often." "I have to ask, though... How did you end up as a royal maid?" "That's a story for another time. Let's just say, adventuring doesn't pay the bills, but being one of Celestia's personal maids does." "Wait... You're one of Celestia's personal maids?! Why were you assigned to a random pony like me?" "Oh, Aphy, you're anything but a random pony," she laughed. Aphelion had a double take at this nickname, then shook his head. Unsure of how to respond, Aphelion quickened his pace and went in front of Glaze. "A-Anyway, we've got a lot of walking to do. We should reach the manor by sundown." Laid across a large circular stone table, Steady felt the cold chains on his hooves tighten. Eclipse watched with a sadistic grin from afar as the two guards turned a large wooden wheel causing a mechanism to pull the chains further and further apart. Steady could barely move at all and felt pain across his entire body, his legs feeling like they might be ripped apart at any moment. Directly above him, a large spherical copper contraption covered in runes and engravings cackled with lightning. The rest of the room contained multiple work desks and strange tools, each looking increasingly sinister in nature. Eventually, the guards stopped turning the wheel as Steady sighed in relief. He would not be quartered today. "Alright. You two may leave now. Go and clean the unicorn lab," Eclipse ordered while trotting to one of the desks. With a silent nod, the guards left the room, locking the door behind them. "Good," Steady thought. "Just need to get out from this table and I may have a chance at getting out of this mess." He remained silent as he listened to his jailor's movements, unable to see her directly. Steady heard her pulling a chair and unfurling a scroll, then writing on it. They remained in silence for what felt like an eternity, the pain across Steady's body slowly intensifying from the extremely uncomfortable position coupled with the feeling of chains pulling him apart. Eventually, Eclipse stood up and walked up to him. "Alrighty, then. Let's begin," she hummed, then pressed a button underneath the table. Steady felt a wave of relief as the contraption across his chest unlocked itself, the three small spikes leaving his body with a small trickle of blood. Instinctively, Steady unfurled his wings to stretch them. To his left, he saw Eclipse looking disappointed. "Aw, you've only triggered three of the spikes? I thought you'd be more fun." "...Bucking psycho," he muttered under his breath. "What was that?" "Buck you," he repeated more clearly. With a huff, Eclipse turned around and walked away, toward one of the desks. "We'll see if you can keep that attitude much longer. Something tells me you'll be a lot more polite once we're done..." "Let me guess. Y'gonna torture me?" "Something like that." He scoffed. "Whatever you do, you won't get anything out of me." "Oh, don't worry, our methods are... Very convincing. And I'm not here to interrogate you, anyway. I'm here to rip the magic from your body, baby." Blinking a few times, Steady processed what he just heard. "The magic from my body?" He thought. "I ain't a unicorn, what is she talking about? ...Wait. Don't pegasus use magic to fly?" His eyes went wide at the realization, feeling fear and anger suddenly flooding his body. Eclipse walked back to him and chuckled. "From that look on your face, I'm guessing you understand. Hope you didn't like flying too much... Not that you're ever getting out of here anyway." Steady was about to snap back at her when the mare suddenly pressed another button, causing the contraption above the table to whir rapidly, the lightning around the sphere intensifying. Narrowing his brow, Steady gritted his teeth in preparation for whatever would soon happen to him as his mind began searching for any way to get out of his situation. His train of thoughts was suddenly cut off as blue specks of energy congregated into a point just above him, before causing multiple bolts of lightning to erupt and strike Steady across his body. He yelled in pain, feeling searing aches everywhere, as he slowly lost all the sensation in his wings. Through the tears forming in his eyes, Steady saw strange filaments of energy slowly rise from his wings and float up towards the sphere. Taking a few steps back, Eclipse went to sit on a desk. "I'll give you ten minutes of fun, then we'll bring you back for rest. Your next rotation should be tomorrow. Hope this first taste will please you." Barely able to hear what his captor just told him, Steady braced himself. This was the worst physical pain he ever felt, but the pegasus refused to let himself become a victim. Focusing on his breathing, Steady started to focus once again on ways to escape. Adrenaline rushing through his body, he knew he had a short window of opportunity before the pain would tire him too much to do anything. Taking a deep breath, Steady pulled with all his strength on the chains covering his right foreleg, his left side still suffering from a stab wound. His hoof barely moved at all. He tried again, contorting his body to put more weight behind the pull. The chains still didn't budge. Steady kept trying, pushing himself further, reaching for every bit of strength in his body. Looking up from her desk, Eclipse raised an eyebrow, then chuckled. "You're not the first one to try, dumbass. There's no way you can get out from these chains. The mechanism is too..." Her sentence was cut short by a large 'Clunk!' sound, echoing through the room. She watched in utter confusion as Steady raised his right forehoof high, the mechanism being bested by the pegasus' determination. Instantly, Steady felt the other chains loosen, allowing him to roll away from the table. As his body fell to the floor, Eclipse stood up from her desk and ran to grab a tool with a mouth. Slowly standing back up, Steady saw his captor holding a dagger with her mouth, the blade glowing with green energy. The look on Eclipse's face was one of fear and confusion. "...What was that about... Not getting away?" Steady asked between pants. Eclipse's eyes twitched before the mare charged him. Bracing himself, Steady waited the last moment to dodge her, simply taking a step to the side. Then, using the long, loose chains that still linked him to the table, he swung a hoof in her direction, letting the chains strike her in the back of the head. Eclipse stumbled a little then turned back, glaring at Steady. "You... You asshole!" She growled before pouncing on him, pushing Steady to the floor. It took him all of his remaining strength to hold her up, trying as hard as he could to not let the dagger reach him. With one sudden surge of strength, Steady managed to push her away from him, causing her to hit her head once again, this time on the stone table. She winced in pain and dropped the knife to yell as Steady stood back up and grabbed her with his forelegs while she was dazed, carrying her above him before slamming her on the table. Instantly, Eclipse was struck with multiple bolts of energy, causing her to yell in pain. Eclipse began to convulse as the strange contraption's energies attempted to draw out pegasus magic from the body of an earth pony. Steady watched as she quickly became unconscious, the light slowly leaving her eyes. With a groan, he pulled her body away from the table as soon as she was out. Checking her pulse, Steady sighed in relief after making sure she was still alive. Despite everything, he still hoped to capture her and to bring her to Canterlot. Besides, he also remembered very clearly an old promise, not to kill unless absolutely necessary... Looking around, Steady quickly found a key that unlocked the chains on his hooves. Finally freed from his binds, he wrapped the chains around Eclipse's body, locking her in place. Then, seeing a bucket filled with water and cloths, he wrapped one around her mouth and another one around her eyes. Feeling like his job was good enough for now, Steady searched the rest of the room for any weapon. As he searched, he flapped his wings and was relieved to only feel soreness, assuming he hadn't lost his ability to fly yet. His search was cut short by the sound of the door unlocking. Grabbing the nearest object, a heavy copper lantern, he flew toward the ceiling and waited. The two guards entered with weapons drawn, holding a sword in their mouths, clearly having heard the commotion. They carefully stepped inside, looking around with wide eyes upon seeing Eclipse bound in front of them. Using this moment of confusion, Steady swooped down and smacked one of the guards on the back of the head with the lantern as hard as he could, causing the unsuspecting guard to fall to the floor instantly. Steady smiled as he glanced at the now broken lantern. Turning in a panic, the second guard swung his sword wildly. Easily dodging the strike, Steady flew back toward the ceiling and threw the damaged lantern at the guard. While he dodged it easily, the fear caused him to drop his sword, allowing Steady to swoop down once again and to charge the scared guard. The two stallions impacting each other hard, the guard fell to the ground as Steady began striking him in the face again and again, not letting him any respite to use his magic. Eventually, Steady managed to knock his target down. Standing back up, he felt slight guilt at the clearly inexperienced guards, but he quickly moved on. Grabbing one of the swords and its scabbard, he secured it on his right side before leaving the room. Steady saw a large circular room with a spiraling staircase going down, toward the dungeon and the other prisoners. Multiple rooms were spread across the outer walls, which Steady assumed to be the other labs Eclipse mentioned. Another staircase was visible on the opposite side, going upward. Steady thought for a moment about getting the rest of the prisoners out, but with such a large crowd following him, he knew his escape would become that much more difficult. Deciding instead of scouting the path ahead, he flew silently toward the staircase going up, promising himself internally to come back for the other prisoners as soon as he knew the way out was safe. The stairs led him to a large break room for the guards, thankfully empty. Given the many beds and tables spread across the room, Steady understood that more guards were bound to roam the place. He was just about to leave the break room when he noticed, on one of the tables, a large crossbow and a pouch filled with bolts right next to it. He smirked, then placed the crossbow on his back and the pouch on his left side. "That's more my speed," he mumbled while glancing at his cutie mark, two crossbow bolts crossing each other. With one last look around the guard's break room, Steady headed out slowly, preparing to fight his way out. > 19 - The Return: Part 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the manor's observatory, many ponies were running around in a hurry, carrying various scrolls and strange copper tools. The room was filled to the brim with unusual machinery, among which a giant telescope. The dome-shaped ceiling was slowly opening itself as two guards in purple armor turned a large wheel with all their strength, sweating bullets both from the physical exercise and from the intense glare from their master, an indigo unicorn with a short-cut grayish mane. Apogée was barking orders left and right, their time running short. "Hurry!" He yelled. "We only have a few hours left before the Great Return. Your failure means death. Have I made myself clear?!" A cacophony of voices surged in the observatory, every underling answering as one. "Yes, master Apogée!" "Good," he grumbled before turning to a group of unicorns inspecting a large silver pedestal above which floated a large copper sphere, as big as an adult pony. The sphere was covered in strange engravings of what appeared to be constellations at first glance but did not correlate to any existing one in the night sky. "Artificers! Is the catalyst ready?" One of the unicorns, an old orange mare with a frazzled red mane and glasses too big for her face, stammered. "I- Sir, it's... I mean, master, we..." Staring dagger at the mare, Apogée spoke again with a greater intensity, a growl following his voice. "Arch-artificer Gears, is the catalyst ready or not?!" "N-Not yet, but soon! We only need a moment to get used to its workings, master! We, uh, we've never worked with this design before and-" "You have exactly ten minutes to figure it out before I send you to the dungeon. Have I made myself clear?" Gears, as well as the other unicorns alongside her, gulped. "Y... Yes, perfectly," she stammered before turning back to the strange orb floating above them, working with a renewed fire. With a deep sigh, Apogée lowered his head. This would have been much easier if his idiot son hadn't been captured on his first outing in Canterlot. While the replacement artificers sent by Lord Comet were experts in their fields, none easily understood Aphelion's personal designs. Remembering the mission in which Aphelion was sent, Apogée couldn't help but feel like an idiot himself. Having learned too late that the letter had been altered and that he was the one supposed to make the trade, Apogée felt a deep shame at his own failures. It was a miracle that Lord Comet didn't demote him on the spot when the forgery was revealed, but Apogée knew he was now stepping on very thin ice. So, when Purple Comet came to him the day prior and claimed that a once-in-a-millennia event rumored to be entirely fake was just about to happen, Apogée jumped to the occasion to prove his usefulness. That's when the second wave of shame struck. The event in question was the return of Nightmare Moon. The Nightmare Moon. The one that created their order such a long time ago. This was totally unexpected, even for Lord Comet, and so the Crescent Pact's preparations were extremely rushed as they barely managed to find the correct tools and relics on time to assist with the release of the mare-in-the-moon. The shame Apogée felt was linked to his own son's discoveries and research that dated back weeks prior to today, in which Aphelion was right on track to predict this event. And yet, Apogée had completely ignored his son, shutting him down and ridiculing him for investigating old fillytales. The mixture of shame, regret and anger Apogée had been feeling for the past day made him on edge, even more so than usual. The fact that most of the tools they possessed were a logistical nightmare to use due to their maker's absence certainly didn't help. As much as he hated to admit it, Celestia had played her cards perfectly right and made a fool of the Pact. Seething with anger, Apogée decided to take a moment to try and relax. Leaving the observatory in silence, much to the relief of every pony working there, he began walking the manor's long hallways, perfectly maintained, just like he wanted. Another constant source of annoyance was the outside look of the manor, purposefully made to look abandoned thanks to the careful use of well-placed vines and multiple enchantments to make the manor seem more decrepit than it actually was. While this was simply unbecoming of his self-perceived grandeur, Apogée knew some sacrifices had to be made. This led him to take pride in making sure the inside of the manor was pristine, any deviation from perfection enough to send him in a fit of rage. Silently heading for his office, he kept a close eye on the few guards, maids and butlers stationed around, making sure they were perfect in their work. He saw the fear and anxiety in their eyes as he passed by them and reveled in their emotions, as they meant they would not dare to disappoint or anger him. His reputation among his own staff was another great source of pride for the old stallion. Feeling that their current work was acceptable, Apogée entered his office without uttering a single word. Slowly stepping toward the massive mahogany desk, he observed his perfectly stacked papers and scrolls with satisfaction. He sat in the large ostentatious chair in front of the desk, a sigh of relaxation leaving his mouth as he felt the soft touch of the red velvet cushions. Sparking his horn, one of the drawers opened on its own, covered with a cyan aura. There, a bottle of ridiculously expensive whiskey was laid on an even more expensive violet cushion with golden trims. Floating the alcohol to his desk, Apogée turned to a shelf nearby containing multiple glasses. He began floating one of the glasses to his desk when he noticed something completely and utterly inexcusable. On the glass he chose, there was a large hoof print across its surface, barely visible. One that did not match his own hooves. Feeling his pulse quicken to dangerous levels, Apogée felt his eyes twitch as he crushed the glass with his aura, applying enough pressure to turn the glass back into sand. He began breathing heavily and thought about screaming at the top of his lung to order every single one of his servants to come to him. However, turning his gaze on the bottle of whiskey, Apogée instead decided to blast the top of the bottle with his magic, a cyan beam hitting the cap and destroying it, before grabbing the bottle with his bare hoof and drinking straight from the bottle. His lips began bleeding as they were punctured by the broken glass, but Apogée cared little about that. When the alcohol hit his tongue, he felt his anger quickly leaving. Closing his eyes, Apogée focused on the feeling of the alcohol making its way through his body, leaving the familiar burning sensation at the back of his throat linger and a usual warmth slowly spreading through his body. After drinking a third of the bottle, he placed it down on his desk, taking in a deep breath and began speaking alone. "Tomorrow. I will find the pony responsible tomorrow. For now, I must focus. We can still salvage this disaster." While Celestia's plans worked extremely well in disturbing the Pact's plans, she wasn't completely able to prevent them from realizing what they wanted to accomplish that night. Though she made it extremely difficult by tricking them into letting one of their more important members get captured, Apogée knew they still had a chance to be ready for Nightmare Moon's return. Letting his mind wander to the Pact's old prophecies, the ones he refused to teach his son as he believed them to be utter nonsense, Apogée still remembered exactly what the upcoming events would be. The return of the Crescent Pact's creator. The escape of Nightmare Moon from her millennia-long banishment. And her upcoming betrayal of the Pact. All things that would lead to the Crescent Pact's rise to glory. Apogée took another swig of the bottle. "Misty, is that a..." "A telescope. Whatever they're doing, they've begun their preparations. We need to get in there, now..." The two mares stood in a small clearing in the woods, in front of the manor. With a clear night sky above them, Misty and Sandstorm knew they only had a few hours left before Celestia would raise the sun for the final day of the Summer Sun Celebration. With Misty's visions, they knew that they only had a few hours to prevent the Crescent Pact from accomplishing whatever it was they were plotting to do. Though they both felt exhaustion from a very long day spent almost entirely running through the forest, being so close to their goal gave them a second spike of energy. Glancing at the unicorn at her side, Sandstorm couldn't help but to feel worried. It had been less than 24 hours since Misty woke up in the hospital. She also didn't know if she could trust her marefriend's visions, especially given their cryptic nature, but Sandstorm knew that questioning Misty was a terrible idea, especially whenever it involved her talent. With a sigh, Sandstorm looked ahead. "Okay, so what do we do? Do we just... Go in? We may have to fight our way to the observatory..." "Maybe we can climb the walls. Since the roof is slowly opening, we can try and enter that way... Though, I'm not sure how many ponies we'll find there." Putting one of her hooves under her chin, Sandstorm observed the manor's walls. "Well... Climbing's not impossible. There's a lot of large vines that we could almost walk on. Also, here, on the left," she pointed to a large, uprooted tree next to the manor, resting upon one of the walls, "we could start there... Though, we'd pass in front of some of the windows." "If we're stealthy enough, this might just work..." "...Misty, are you sure you're in a good enough shape to climb, though?" Sandstorm asked, glancing at her marefriend's forelegs. There were still signs of the poison inside her body, and she had noticed Misty wince in pain at almost every step. "I'll be fine. I can rest once we're done," Misty quickly dismissed Sandstorm's worry without even looking at her, her eyes instead trained on the manor's surfaces. "Listen, all I'm saying is-" "Shush!" Placing a hoof on Sandstorm's mouth and using her magic to force the both of them to the floor, Misty remained silent while Sandstorm looked at her with a confused look. Soon enough, Sandstorm understood Misty's actions as voices rang from behind them, slowly approaching their position. They glanced at each other then looked back, both mares preparing to pounce on whoever would come near. The last thing they needed right now was to be detected by the manor's private guards. Slowly moving away from the clearing and toward a nearby bush, the two mares braced themselves. A dejected Aphelion looked at his hooves. "I... Really need a bath." Next to him, Glaze chuckled. "C'mon, a little bit of mud won't kill you." "That's more than 'a little bit of mud', though. It looks like we've taken a mud bath. I don't even think my father will let us in with the state we're in." "I'm guessing he's a neat freak?" "Yes. A control-obsessed neat freak with anger issues. He gets even worse when he drinks," Aphelion replied, his shoulders slumping. There were a few seconds of awkward silence between them when Aphelion felt Glaze pat him on the back. "I'm sorry. Are you going to be alright seeing him again?" "I... I don't know if I'll be alright. It's just something I need to do... If he's going to learn that I left the Pact, I'd rather have it coming from me than a third party. I guess I also want answers from him." "For what it's worth, I think it's great you're confronting your folks. There's a lot of ponies that would've just run away," Glaze comforted the anxious unicorn. She did wince a little upon seeing the large mud stain she inadvertently left on his withers. "Thank you, Glaze. Though, you were the one that gave me the idea to face my father," he glanced at her with a small smile. Seeing the look on Glaze's face, he turned his head toward his back and scrunched his nose after seeing the mud she left on him. "Wait, really? I'm the one who inspired you?" she asked. "Yes, when you said that what matters isn't what I did in the past, but what I'll do now," Aphelion calmly said while sparking his horn. Glaze looked at him in slight confusion as a yellow glow encompassed both of their bodies, the mud quickly disappearing and leaving them spotless. "Well, I'm glad to have been of service. Also, I thought you didn't want to use your magic unless absolutely necessary?" "Well, we can't enter if we look like we've spent a day trudging through a forest... Which is exactly what we did," he shrugged. Glaze couldn't help but notice the small beads of sweat on Aphelion's forehead. "If you say so. So, do we enter through-" her sentence was cut short by a strange force pushing her violently to the ground, Glaze's field of vision taking a gray tint. She yelped as she saw a yellow figure fly over her and impacting Aphelion, forcing him to the ground as well, a yellow mare on top of him and digging one of her hooves on Aphelion's side causing him to grunt in pain. Glaze tried to yell, but her voice was silenced. Turning her head to the other side, she saw a confused pink unicorn stepping out of a bush. "...Aphelion?" Misty asked. "What the..." Sandstorm looked at him with wide eyes, only now being able to recognize him as she was holding him firmly in place. "...Huh?!" "Misty? Sandstorm?! What the hay are you doing here?!" He asked, tears forming due to the pain. "Also, please, it feels like my body's going to break-" Stepping away from Aphelion, Sandstorm offered him a hoof. Taking it, he stood back up on his hooves, then turned his head toward a flabbergasted Misty. "...I'd appreciate it if you released Glaze from your spell as well," Aphelion added. Shaking her head and coming back to her senses, Misty dropped her spell, allowing Glaze to stand back up as well. "Alright," Aphelion continued. "What the hay is going on?" "We came here because Misty had a vision. Something bad's happening and apparently, both of us needed to be here to prevent it," Sandstorm spoke up. A worried Glaze took a few steps back. "...A vision? What does that even mean?" "Scratch that," Aphelion said, "something bad's going to happen? Do you have specifics?" Misty shook her head. "Not quite, I'm sorry. It's blurry and I'm still trying to piece out the puzzle pieces together, but I'm certain this is important. We need to get to the observatory and to prevent... I don't really know for sure, but I'm assuming the Crescent Pact is trying to make something dangerous return." Gears began turning in Aphelion's mind. Glancing at the nearby manor, he noticed the opened roof and the large telescope pointing at the moon. "...Father never cared much for astronomy. I don't think I've ever seen him use the telescope." "Right, so something's definitely wrong, then?" Sandstorm asked. "Whatever it is, we only have until sunrise to stop it." "Sunrise?" Aphelion repeated. "Then, there's got to be something special about tonight... But what-" Glaze gasped, causing all three ponies to turn toward her. "The Summer Sun Celebration! It's the 1000th one, right? It can't be a coincidence." "I'm sorry, who the buck are you?" Sandstorm asked. Aphelion and Misty were silent, their minds trying to process what exactly was going on. "Oh, my name's Apple Glaze, but please just call me Glaze. I'm one of Celestia's maids and was assigned to take care of Aphy here while he remained in the castle. I, uh, accidentally convinced him to confront his father." "A maid?! You brought a bucking maid here?" Sandstorm turned to Aphelion, furious, causing him to snap out of his thoughts. "Wh-Huh? No, Glaze followed me without my knowledge. If I knew she was with me, I wouldn't have..." Glaze scoffed. "C'mon, give me some credit here. You know I can be useful. Without me, you'd have gotten lost at least twice in these woods." "Everypony, shut the buck up!" Misty yelled, causing the arguing trio to yelp. "We don't have time for this. Listen, Aphelion, Glaze. We're going to the observatory, and we're going to stop whatever's going on. This isn't a good time to confront your father. I'd advise you two to turn back, or..." "No," Aphelion calmly replied. "I'm sorry?" Misty asked. "No, we're not turning back. The four of us here... I don't believe it's a coincidence. You said you had a vision that told you the Pact was about to do something terrible, right?" "...More like a dream, yes, but-" "Then, I'm coming with you. Despite... Everything that happened, I want to trust you two. If my father's planning something dangerous, I have to do something about it. Besides, you need someone who knows the manor... And who has the key for the backdoor." Sandstorm smirked and Misty smiled faintly, before speaking up again. "...Alright. Thank you, Aphelion. And, uh, Glaze, was it?" "Yup. I'm coming too. Aphy won't get rid of me so easily." Aphelion rolled his eyes, but still smirked a little. "Okay, okay, fine. Anyhow, let's see how we'll get inside..." Flying high above the ground, Steady felt his wings touch the ceiling. Having been slowly making progress silently through a countless set of corridors and hallways, he began to wonder just how deep underground he was. Thankfully, his methodical escape was remarkably easy until now as very few guards were posted underground. This was, however, enough for Steady to understand that something was wrong: in any other situation, the hidden dungeon underneath the manor would be the most well protected area. Whatever was happening outside with the Pact, it was enough to cause Apogée to move most of his private militia away. Steady decided to investigate the situation as much as he could before exiting the manor. His eyes locked on a large door with a sign above it, which read 'infirmary'. Usually, Steady would ignore this room and continue his escape, but with a simple touch on his left shoulder, he knew that his captor certainly did not disinfect his wounds prior to his imprisonment. He sighed as he silently reached the ground, deciding to move as quickly as possible inside the infirmary to grab medical supplies. Carefully opening the door, he peeked inside and saw multiple empty beds. Nopony was inside. Steady stepped inside confidently, still making sure to keep the noise he made to a minimum. Quickly flying to one of the shelves, he grabbed a first aid kit and opened it. Looking around, he saw another door, this time with the words 'bathroom' engraved on it. Making a mental note of it, he began patching himself up as fast as he could, his years of experience carrying his movements. Just as he was about finished, Steady saw the bathroom door's handle move. Instinctively flying up to the ceiling, Steady held his breath and observed in silence the pony coming out. Much to his surprise, a tired-looking unicorn nurse stepped out, groaning as she stepped toward one of the beds. Making sure to always remain in her blind spot, Steady carefully glided through the air, making sure not to rattle his crossbow or his bolt pouch too much. Laying in one of the beds, the nurse floated some scrolls to her side and began reading them over. Positioning himself behind her, Steady narrowed his eyes and began quickly reading through the scroll. The scroll, a report of some sort, described in great detail the physical condition of a pony affected by the Crescent Pact's most infamous tool, the Moon's Tears. Though it was difficult to read most of the lines due to the distance and the slight bobbing caused by his flying, Steady still managed to figure out a crucial point: the subject analyzed on this scroll was none other than Poison Dart. Steady wondered what happened after he fell unconscious but kept reading. Poison Dart's physical form had, according to the report, 'greatly evolved' and new gear had been found for him. There are mentions of multiple medical complications that required an almost constant supervision, which Steady assumed was the reason for the nurse's exhausted state. Unable to read anymore without getting dangerously close, Steady instead slowly flew toward the door when a new noise startled him, causing him to turn back. Thankfully, the noise in question was the nurse beginning to snore, having fallen asleep while reading the document in front of her. Thanking his stars, Steady approached once again and grabbed the scroll carefully, deciding that its contents were too important to be left behind. The next few lines on the file were enough to make Steady panic. 'In preparation for the Great Return, the subject is to be given a mixture of drugs to ensure he remains awake through the night. He shall be posted in the main foyer, acting as a defense measure in case the tyrant Celestia sends soldiers during the ritual.' Steady stared at the scroll, wide eyed, remembering everything Celestia shared with him a few weeks ago. "...Buck. I need to get to the catalyst." Without another word, Steady flew away from the infirmary, no longer caring about stealth. If his fears were true, he had very little time before a disaster struck. Steady had to reach the observatory as fast as possible, though he knew his chances to succeed alone were slim. This was going to be a long night. > 20 - The Return: Part 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the middle of the night, four ponies carefully trotted in the bushes around the manor, circling around the dilapidated outer walls. Near the main gate, they could see guards at the ready wearing intricate purple armors, strangely reflecting in the moonlight. The guards, with spears deployed at their sides, visibly struggled to keep their eyes opened as the night slowly went on. The four intruders understood that these guards had been posted there for a long time, now. Aphelion whispered to the group, his head barely peeking above the bush. "That's strange. Usually, the guards here work in short shifts. Somepony should've taken over for them ages ago." "Shouldn't there be more guards outside anyway?" Glaze said with a pensive look. "Yeah, that's pretty strange. It's almost as if they're expecting danger to surge from inside instead of outside," Misty added. "It would explain why only two guards are posted outside." "And they're distracted. We can just sneak up on them and knock'em out, then!" Sandstorm grinned, already preparing to lunge at the guards. "That would be a terrible idea, actually," Glaze quickly uttered, instantly shutting down Sandstorm's enthusiasm. "Look at their armors..." "Yup. Just like the royal guards... Except, well, purple," Aphelion nodded. "Not the easiest targets, especially for ponies without an inordinate amount of strength." "Then, just zap'em with your magic to cover my back. It's simpler than your plan," Sandstorm shrugged. Misty and Aphelion began entertaining the idea, each of them falling deep in thoughts to search for the right approach. A worried Glaze looked at the three ponies in front of her before awkwardly clearing her throat. "Uh... Guys? Look at their amor again... More carefully, I mean." Raising an eyebrow, Misty focused her gaze on the two drowsy guards. After a moment of confusion, her eyes went wide. "...Oh. Null enchantments. Should've figured, with the Pact..." "Null enchantments? What are you talking about?" Aphelion asked, cocking his head to the side as the gears in his head began turning. "...Oh. Oh! You mean the Thaumic Entropy Fields?" "Okay, you guys are going to have to dumb it down a lot," Sandstorm deadpanned. "What the buck are you three talking about?" With a sigh, Misty spoke as she kept her eyes trained on the guards. "Enchantments made specifically to disperse incoming magical waves. Null magic is a branch of the void school of the arcane, which falls directly under dark magic," she started before turning to Sandstorm who seemed even more confused. "...Funny magic letters on the armors make magic go away from them, making us hornheads useless." "Ah, now you're speaking my language!" Sandstorm replied a little too loudly, causing the three ponies around her to shush her and to dive their heads back into the bush. One of the guards' ears perked up as he turned his head in the group's general direction. After staring at their bush for what felt like an eternity, the guard quickly glanced at his colleague before approaching the group's position carefully, his spear drawn and ready to strike. Getting close enough to the bush, he thrusted with his weapon a few times, only hitting leaves and branches. After a quick scan of the area directly around him, the guard walked back to his spot, his friend throwing him an inquisitive look. The guard sighed. "We've been here too long. I'm going crazy." His friend snorted. "At least, we're not inside. The master's been cranky all day, just looking at him wrong could send you to the dungeon." "Yeah. I guess we get to chill, here, at least. Should've brought cards, though..." Falling back into a tired silence, the two guards failed to notice a barely perceptible movement coming from the freshly stabbed bush. Even if one of them was to notice the movement, the sight would be so benign that they wouldn't bat an eye. Crawling away from the bush, four small worms slowly inched their way toward the backside of the manor. After a relatively long trek, the worms reached a spot away from the guards' field of vision. Then with a faint flash of yellow light, the worms transformed into four ponies, three of which wearing an extremely confused look on their faces. Aphelion was the first to whisper, sweating heavily. "Whew... Didn't expect that to work. First time I tried this spell." Blinking a few times, Glaze shook her head. "Let's never talk about this ever again." "Agreed," said Misty. "It was kinda fun," Sandstorm shrugged. "You... Enjoyed that?!" Misty whisper-yelled. "Yeah. Gives a new perspective on life." "What the hay are you talking about? It was just... Gross!" Misty's body shivered, still reeling from the experience. "It wasn't that bad. Also, now I've got to ask. Would you still love me if I was a worm?" A flabbergasted Misty stammered as she tried to process her marefriend's question when Aphelion decided to change the subject, much to Glaze and Misty's relief. "Anyway... Let's not draw any more unwanted attention. This one spell already took most of my energy, and I'd rather keep some strength for when we finally get inside." "Right. So, where's the back door you mentioned?" Glaze asked. "There," Aphelion pointed toward a large patch of grass further ahead. "It's an entry for the cellar. It's used by delivery ponies whenever father doesn't want to let strangers enter the manor directly... Which is often. There's an illusion spell to make it look like there's nothing." "Won't that entrance be guarded?" Sandstorm said, still thinking about worm-related hypotheticals. "Usually, yes, but given the circumstances, I think father moved most guards to the upper floors. There aren't many to begin with, as too many of them would draw too much attention. It's not impossible for one to be stationed there, but that should be easier to handle than two right in front of the main gate." "Well, let's hope you're not wrong," Misty began trotting toward the designated patch of grass. As she stepped in the area, she noticed that her hooves made a very different sound: she was stepping on a large wooden trap door. Quickly following her, Aphelion approached a specific spot and fiddled with the ground, searching for an invisible handle. Biting down on what appeared to be nothing but air, Aphelion raised his head, causing the ground itself to lift up, revealing a dark staircase headed underneath the manor. Silently, the group quickly headed downstairs, Sandstorm taking the lead followed closely by Misty and Glaze. Closing their marching order, Aphelion shut the trap behind them, throwing them in pitch darkness. Sparking her horn, Misty illuminated the staircase, the group then carefully entering the cellar... Something was off. Steady knew something wasn't right as he kept crossing empty hallways and rooms, devoid of any guards, prisoners or regular staff members. He was expecting a lot more resistance during his escape attempt, but everything was going smoothly. This was extremely worrying to him, as it meant that whatever the Pact was currently doing, it required more security than the entire dungeon and labs underneath. Being relatively close to Celestia, Steady had a general idea of what was going on, but there were still too many unknowns in the equation. Another worrying element was the fact that Steady was still underground, indicated by the lack of windows despite the countless rooms and corridors he went through. He knew the Crescent Pact's MO had been to hide in plain sight, but creating an entire, multi-leveled underground complex in the middle of a forest in clear sight from Canterlot bordered on complete madness. Worst, still, was that nopony at the castle had any idea this place existed. "Guess they were a few steps ahead of us, in the end..." Steady grumbled as he burst through another set of doors, no longer caring about subtlety. Quickly scanning the area directly around him, Steady saw a large circular room. Fancy marble statues were exposed along the walls, depicting what Steady assumed to be prominent members of the Pact, though he couldn't recognize any of them. A fine purple carpet covered the entire floor, with silver and golden threads woven into it. With just a glance, he knew this carpet was worth more than a full year of his pay... And he considered himself fairly wealthy. "The buckers are living well, at least," he chuckled as the thought of stealing some valuables quickly crossed his mind. Deciding against it, Steady carefully lifted himself up with his wings and observed the room. He couldn't see any other way out than the one he came from, and he knew for a fact this room was the last one he could reach. Squinting his eyes, Steady noticed something odd: in the center of the room, a faint circular line created a large spot on the carpet. Getting closer, Steady saw that this line was a separation: there was a second, almost identical, circular carpet in the center of the room. Looking up at the smooth marble ceiling, Steady noticed a similar shape right above the circular carpet. Putting two and two together, he began searching the room for anything that looked like a lever, button or pressure plate. Seconds quickly turning to minutes, Steady's search was anything but fruitful. Frustrated, he went back in the air and began taking in deep breaths, focusing as much as he could on his surroundings. If he kept wasting time stuck underground, Steady knew the Pact would end up unleashing something terrible in Equestria. He had to stop them. He had no other choice. Slowly spinning around himself, Steady noticed something. It took some time to see it clearly as the inconsistent flickering light of the torches on the walls certainly didn't help with finding clues, but Steady eventually saw small spots on the carpet: hoof-sized prints. Focusing on those prints, Steady realized that there was a larger concentration of these prints near one of the statues. Getting closer, he observed the marbled figure of a pegasus standing proudly with his wings unfurled. Steady inspected the statue and quickly saw a small slit underneath one of the wings. Sure enough, by pushing down on the statue's right wing, a clicking sound was emitted from underneath the statue... Then, nothing. With a confused look, Steady looked around to see if anything else had changed in the room. He groaned as he turned back toward the statue, hoping to see anything when a sudden sound drew his attention. Very slowly, from the center of the room, a large stone pillar began rising upward, slowly spinning around its own axis. Looking up, Steady saw a part of the ceiling slowly opening itself, perfectly large enough for the pillar. Not wasting any time, he flew toward the opening, deciding not to wait for the pillar to fully rise. Steady felt great relief as he finally exited the hidden complex underneath the manor, his eyes spotting windows on the walls of the room directly above the pillar. However, his enthusiasm was short-lived as Steady stood right in the middle of the manor's gigantic main lobby. He saw the ostentatious double staircase in front of him, the many oaken doors alongside the walls, the large glass chandelier above his head, the extravagant set of double doors that served as the manor's main entrance... As well as the eight guards spread across the room, staring at him wide-eyed. And yet, this wasn't the most worrying element of the situation Steady found himself in. On the floor right above, accessible via the giant staircase, a behemoth stood silently, observing Steady. The creature, three times taller than anypony else in the room, wore a heavy black armor covering most of its body. It held no weapons, its sheer mass being more than enough. As the creature stared down at Steady, beginning to breathe heavily, the crimson pegasus felt a wave of fear creep into his mind. Despite the unnatural form of the creature and the heavy armor hiding most of its body, Steady recognized instantly what the creature was. Furrowing his brow, Steady braced himself as a transformed Poison Dart jumped down from the railing in front of him, the remaining guards all brandishing various weapons and yelling 'intruder'. "Told you I could handle'em," Sandstorm proudly said as she stood next to the unconscious guard, his head stuffed inside a now-empty barrel. "You got one, sleeping guard. Not much of a challenge," Misty replied while looking at the beer-covered floor in mild annoyance, knowing the smell won't leave until she has a chance to clean herself. "We're lucky they only placed one pony downstairs, too. Any more, and we'd be sure to alert the entire manor," Aphelion casually trotted toward a door, not paying too much attention to the guard. "That's assuming nopony heard Sandstorm smash that guy's face in a barrel," Misty scoffed. "It was fairly impressive, though, you've got to admit!" "Thank you, Glaze. At least somepony here can recognize true talent." Misty opened her mouth to answer but was cut off by a large crashing sound echoing in the room, coming from further inside the manor. The four ponies looked at each other, a panicked look in their eyes. "Wha... What was that?!" Glaze asked. "Did they notice us?" "I don't know... It could be whatever they're doing in the observatory. Which means, we have to go now," Aphelion said as he opened the door. Looking back, he saw hesitation on the faces of Sandstorm and Glaze, but Misty had a resolute look. She simply nodded, then went past Aphelion. "Yes. Let's end... Whatever they're trying to do. Everypony remembers the plan?" "Y... Yup!" Glaze nodded, heading for the door as well. Sandstorm simply groaned before following the rest of the group. "I still don't like us being here... At all," the yellow mare muttered. The four ponies carefully traversed the corridor, remaining close to the walls and trying to be as sneaky as possible. However, their focus quickly changed from stealth to hurry as the crashing sound repeated itself, getting louder and louder as they got closer. In front of them, a simple closed door was the only thing separating them from the rest of the manor. "Alright, let's recap one last time. This'll lead to the kitchen," Aphelion started. "The only way to the upper floors is via the staircase in the main lobby. I'll go first to see my father. Wait a few moments, then go. He'll want to talk with me in his office, I'll keep him there as long as possible. When you're done in the observatory, just run away. I'll find my own way out." "Yup. Then, we get Misty in the observatory, I find a way to lock the door and Sandstorm and I guard the entrance. Easy as pie!" Glaze chuckled nervously. "Let's hope we won't have to deviate too much from the plan." "It'll be fine," Misty patted Glaze's back. "I'll only need a moment inside. As long as there aren't too many ponies inside the observatory, I won't have any issues silencing them. Plus, I know you two will have my back," she smiled as she looked at Sandstorm and Glaze. The yellow mare scrunched her nose, jealous to see her marefriend relying on another mare. She decided to keep that to herself for now. "Yeah, sure. Easy stuff. You're positive your father won't come to investigate, Aphelion?" Sandstorm asked. "Yes. I'll make something up about having stolen some important intel about Celestia while in Canterlot. Besides, despite everything, I'm still his son. He'll want me to tell him everything that happened to me." "Let's hope you're right," Sandstorm sighed. "Alright, let's hope our plan goes well." With one final nod, Aphelion opened the door and ran inside the kitchen. The three mares waited in silence, the only sound being that of the strange smashing happening somewhere in the manor. As they were bracing themselves to go inside, initially expecting having to wait a few minutes, the door in front of them was reopened by Aphelion a mere thirty seconds later, an extremely panicked look on his face. "Okay, our plan's already dead. Sandstorm, we're doing your plan B." Misty and Glaze looked at each other, horrified. They opened their mouths to ask questions, but Aphelion quickly spoke up again. "I don't know why, or how, but Steady's here fighting guards and... Some gigantic creature in the lobby. He's not winning and-" His sentence was cut short by Sandstorm running in, her face a mixture of fear and excitement. "Shit, let's get to the brawl, then!" Shaking her head, Misty quickly followed, sweating bullets as their entire plan was dead in the water before they had even started. Aphelion and Glaze closed the march. "Okay, you and Aphy go to the observatory," Glaze started. "Sandstorm and I will help Steady. Hopefully, we'll be a distraction big enough to buy you two some time." The four of them quickly traversed the few rooms separating them from the lobby, the crashing sounds mixing themselves with clear battle noises. Bursting through a final door, Sandstorm saw Steady on the ground, covered in bruises and holding a large crossbow. Two guards were knocked down next to him while three more surrounded him, with terrified looks on their faces. On the floor, multiple craters were dotted around the room. Steady's eyes were locked on a large figure a few meters away from him, which Sandstorm initially mistook for a large statue. But when it began to move, she saw the behemoth Steady was facing as well as the other guards. "What the buck is that thing?!" She instinctively yelled, causing everypony in the lobby to turn toward her. Steady's eyes went wide. "How the buck..." he whispered, before the massive creature lunged toward him, batting him away with a hoof and sending him flying on a wall. Glaze arrived at Sandstorm's side and, with just one worried glance, ran into the room. Sandstorm followed, the gravity of the situation becoming evidently clear as they ran toward danger. Waiting behind for an opportunity to sneak to the upper floors, the two unicorns observed the scene with concern. Reaching the center of the room, Sandstorm leaped in the air and at the large creature while Glaze grabbed something in her saddlebags with her mouth as the regular guards were too stunned to act for a moment. Sandstorm impacted the creature with all her might, but it did not budge at all. Falling on the floor in front of it, she looked up at the creature in darkened armor, easily three times her size. She saw the purple coat underneath the armor and instinctively recognized Poison Dart, now turned into a mindless beast. Sandstorm felt fear for a second... Before that fear turned into anger and rage. This was the pony that hurt Misty, that sent her to the hospital. With fire in her eyes, she stood up as Poison Dart reared himself on his massive hind legs, about to smash his forelegs on the comparatively tiny yellow mare in front of him. Pulling out the item she was searching for from her bags, a small pouch filled with hundreds of glass beads, Glaze noticed the guards finally reacting to their arrival, shaking their heads and running toward her. Throwing her pouch toward one her side, the beads quickly spread across the floor, causing three of the guards to slip and fall and the other three to slow down. Not letting this window of opportunity pass by, Glaze grabbed another item from her bag, a grappling hook this time, and began swinging the rope around herself, using it as an improvised flail, ready to fight the manor's guards. As soon as they were certain the manor's defenders were too busy dealing with Sandstorm and Glaze, the two unicorns ran in, their forms becoming foggy as Misty turned their body into mist to make them more difficult to notice. While it wouldn't be enough to completely hide them in a regular situation, the fighting in the lobby provided just enough distraction for the harder-to-notice unicorns to sneak above. Quickly climbing the staircase, Aphelion froze for a moment as he saw his father run out from his office, seething with rage as he headed toward the lobby. He turned to Misty and opened his mouth, but she was the first one to speak. "Don't worry. I've got it. You take care of your father." With a simple nod, Aphelion ran back toward the action, still hidden by Misty's spell. > 21 - The Return: Part 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pain flared across Steady's entire body. For a moment, the world ceased to exist, replaced by paralyzing pain as his back impacted one of the mansion's walls. He fell to the floor, his body going limp and his ears ringing, forgetting where he was at that moment. Then, as Steady instinctively groaned in pain, the memories came flooding back. He had been captured by the Crescent Pact. He tried to escape. He was stopped by a hulking behemoth of a pony smashing him against a wall. And yet, as Steady gritted his teeth and slowly began standing back up, his eyes still closed because of the pain, he knew he forgot another important detail. Something that happened right before he was hit. His hearing slowly coming back to him, the world was filled with battle sounds. Other ponies were fighting... Alongside him? Against him? Who were they, again? Then, it finally came back. Sandstorm. Somehow, the yellow mare had found her way in the manor, meaning Misty was sure to be near as well. Opening his eyes, he saw Sandstorm dodging Poison Dart's frenzied strikes while another earth pony was swinging a flail around her, striking the manor's guards. Steady attempted to step forward, but his knees buckled under the pain. He fell to the floor and took a moment to catch his breath, the pain in his body still debilitating. As he did so, he focused on the second mare fighting alongside Sandstorm. Steady thought he recognized her but couldn't quite pinpoint where he knew her from. Still, the unknown pony managed to keep the guards at a distance with her flail despite not managing to really harm them. Now that Steady was looking at her more clearly, he saw that the flail was actually a grappling hook, which only raised more questions in his mind. Biting down on the inside of his cheeks, Steady forced himself to stand back up. He reached for the heavy crossbow that had landed on the side after he impacted the wall, the crossbow having thankfully withstood the shock. Then, slowly flapping his wings and doing his best to ignore the pain, Steady took up air once again with a determined look on his face. He simply refused to let himself be saved by a criminal, especially by Sandstorm. He also didn't want to appear weak to these young ponies: he would show to these young'uns he still had some fight left in him. But, above all else, he refused to let anypony die under his watch, for that was the promise he made so many years ago. Loading the crossbow, Steady was ready to fight. The massive hooves of the monstrous Poison Dart fell down hard, instantly shattering the tiled floor as Sandstorm barely managed to dodge out of the way. In her anger, she got a lot closer than intended to the transformed Poison Dart, who could now very easily break every bone in her body with a simple strike. Taking a few steps back, Sandstorm quickly scanned the area around her. There were still a few guards engaged in their fight, but Glaze was managing to keep them at a distance. Sandstorm was surprised to see the maid-turned-adventurer handle a battle so well, causing her to wonder how Glaze ended up working in Canterlot. Her thoughts were cut short by the heavy breathing of the beast in front of her, rearing up to strike again. Thankfully, while Poison Dart was incredibly strong, he was also much slower than during their prior encounter due to the massive armor and his new hulking body. Sandstorm easily managed to dodge the strike, going to his left side this time and turning back. Then, putting all her strength in her hind legs just as Dart's forehooves hit the ground in front of him, Sandstorm bucked as hard as she could right into Dart's side. To Sandstorm's horror, the creature barely even flinched at her strike. There wasn't even a dent in the armor. "...Oh, we're so bucked," Sandstorm muttered while Dart turned back to her, hitting her with a sweeping strike from his forehoof. The hit was enough to instantly throw Sandstorm away, her body violently impacting a statue, breaking it on impact. Adrenaline running high, she quickly got back up to her hooves as she ignored the pain radiating from her back. But just as she was standing back up, Sandstorm saw Dart's massive frame charging right at her, leaving her with no time left to dodge. She instinctively put her hooves up in a vain attempt to defend herself and closed her eyes, expecting the impact at any moment, but the sound of glass breaking and a pained growl were the only things Sandstorm noticed before a massive crashing sound erupted right next to her. Opening her eyes, Sandstorm saw the wall right next to her completely destroyed and leading outside, Dart no longer in the main lobby room. The guards in the roome all looked dazed, putting their hooves to their eyes, while Glaze looked at Sandstorm with a semi-confident grin. "I... I blinded them!" Glaze yelled before grabbing back her improvised flail with her mouth and striking at the guards at random. With a slightly confused look, Sandstorm stepped forward and rushed the nearest guard, taking him down with one fell spinning roundhouse kick. Now back at the center of the room, Sandstorm looked at the hole in the wall and watched in horror as Dart slowly stumbled toward the manor, visibly unharmed by the violent impact with the manor's wall. Thankfully, the large best of a pony had charged all the way to the edge of the manor's garden, giving her a short period of time where Sandstorm could focus on assisting Glaze instead. Turning away from the hole, Sandstorm focused her gaze on the mansion's guards scattered across the room. "Good, Glaze, now let's take care of the small fries!" Glaze felt completely out of her depth. While she could technically hold some of the guards at a reasonable distance thanks to her trusty grappling hook, she had little to no fighting experience. What she was good at, however, was planning and quick thinking. Her saddle bags were filled with miscellaneous trinkets, trinkets and baubles that would be helpful whenever she'd get in a tough situation. Having already used her bag of beads to disturb the guards' position as well as the Lumineth firefly vial to blind the charging Poison Dart and throw him off course, Glaze was starting to run with increasingly more limited options. Still, she had to buy time for Misty and Aphelion while protecting Steady and Sandstorm. Swinging her grappling hook around, she kept hitting the guards in multiple areas, but her improvised flail rarely drew blood. The tool not being made to be used as a weapon, the repeated smashing against plate armor made the hook less and less useful with each hit, limiting her options even more. Glaze kept swinging the hook around her, desperately trying to come up with another idea, when one of the guards sliced the rope with a short sword, sending the improvised weapon flying to the side. She watched in horror as the mansion's guards rushed her, weapons drawn. Sandstorm immediately went to take care of those nearest to her, taking them down with a few well-placed strikes, but Glaze was still left to defend herself against three guards coming at her from different directions. Doing her best to dodge the frenzied strikes, Glaze felt multiple blades and spear tips slashing her skin, barely deep enough to draw blood but more than enough to send her into a panic. She yelped in pain as swords and spears drew blood as she tried to get away, awkwardly stepping back while her mind searched for a way out of this mess. Then, a new idea came to her just as the guard closest to her plunged his spear straight toward her, aiming for her throat. Glaze was too late to dodge, seeing the spear tip getting closer as the world around her seemed to move in slow-motion. She blinked, terrified and opened her mouth, about to beg for mercy when a crimson blur overtook her vision, Glaze's body being impacted on the side by something heavy... Or rather, somepony heavy. She watched in confusion as Steady, barely managing to stand on his own, had thrown himself at her to get her out of the way. The two crashed to the side, their bodies covered in bruises and in pain but otherwise still alive. Steady quickly rolled away from her and stood up to her side, groaning. "Get up," he said while gritting his teeth. "We ain't done yet." Glaze nodded, then quickly got back on her feet. She saw Steady standing on three legs, one of his hind legs raised up as the spear aimed at her neck seemed to have instead struck Steady's back legs, tearing off a large chunk of flesh and muscle. Glaze stared at Steady's wound for a moment, before shaking her head and turning back toward the rest of the guards. Sandstorm had seemingly moved on to them, dispatching them in brutal fashion as legs, bones, jaws and ribs were broken in quick succession following the yellow earth pony's fury. Glaze then noticed Steady's gaze, not fixed on the guard but rather on the large hole in the mansion's wall from which a monstrously large pony in black armor stepped back inside. Aiming his crossbow at Dart, Steady flew a few meters in the air before speaking up. "Alright, girls. Hope you two still got some tricks left in you." After knocking down the last guard in the room, Sandstorm turned her head toward the hole. "...Yeah, I can still tango. You good, Glaze?" "I... Yes. I also have a plan..." "Whaddya got in mind?" Sandstorm inquired, getting closer to the other two ponies. "Well... We can't really hurt him because of how tough he is, but," Glaze reached into her saddle bags once again, pulling out a large pouch filled with a dark powder. The mere sight of this powder caused Steady's eyes to go wide. "...The problem's his outer resilience, right? But he's gotta be, well, squishy on the inside. So, if we can get this into his mouth..." "...Then we get one heck of a firework show," Sandstorm smirked. On the railing above the main lobby room, as the battle between Sandstorm, Glaze, Steady and the manor's defenses went on, two stallions stared at each other in silence. The older one, an indigo unicorn, stood wide-eyed and mouth agape, in complete shock at the sudden sight of his son. The younger one simply kept his eyes on his father, a resolute look on his face. They stared at each other, Aphelion remaining silent as he hoped to buy every single possible second for his allies spread across the mansion. Eventually, Apogée blinked and shook his head. "...Aphelion? Is that... Is that you?!" The young unicorn took a deep breath, closing his eyes a moment to gather his thoughts. This was it. The reason he came back to the manor. "Yes, father. I'm back." "Then, you... You've escaped. Good. I never should've sent you on that mission. Now, then, we have some intruders to—" "No, father. You are not going to do anything to them. You're dealing with me, right now." Apogée's brow furrowed. "What is the meaning of this nonsense, son?" "They... No, we are here to stop you and whatever you're doing." A long silence followed. Apogée stared at his son, expressionless, as countless thoughts went through his head. Aphelion simply stood there, waiting to see what would come next. He knew he was no match for his father, especially given the fact that he was still recovering from the previous days' magical exhaustion. And yet, Aphelion stood firm, his entire being entirely dedicated to standing up to his father. Sweat began slowly pouring from his face. "Aphelion... What did they do to you? Did they brainwash you? Torture you? You don't have to pretend to be with them anymore..." Apogée's voice was surprisingly soft, which shocked Aphelion to his core. "I'm sorry?!" "I understand you must have done and said things to get out of their grasp, and I cannot fault you for this. If anything, I am the one responsible for getting fooled this easily by a simple letter. But you're back, now. You are safe, son. Let us take care of these foolhardy intruders before I bring you upstairs." "...What's going on in the observatory, exactly?" With a long sigh, Apogée looked at the floor. "...I was wrong, son. You were right. Everything about this... Nightmare Moon tale you tried to tell me about... I should have listened to you. She is coming back to Equestria, Aphelion. She is about to be freed from her lunar prison. And though we know she will betray the Pact, the cosmic energy released from the moon will fuel the Alicorn Catalyst for Lord Comet... We need you to use the catalyst for us. It is your creation, after all," Apogée took a few steps toward his son, extending a hoof. A faint smile adorned his face, a mixture of shame for his own actions and decisions as well as pride for his son's unrecognized genius. Aphelion remained motionless, staring at his father's extended hoof. "Wait, so... I was right all along?" "Yes. I am sorry for not trusting you, but we can make things right. All we need is to get rid of those worms before finishing our glorious task. We... No, you can reach great heights, son. This is your moment to shine." Countless thoughts echoed in Aphelion's mind. Not only was he reconsidering everything he had been studying until this point, but his father's attitude was completely unexpected. There was legitimate shame and regret in Apogée's voice, which Aphelion had never heard before in his father's personality. And now, not only was he apologizing, but his father was also offering him a chance for the thing he sought out the most: validation. This was everything Aphelion ever wanted and all he needed to do was to simply reach for his father's hoof. His eyes kept jumping from the extended hoof in front of him to his father's face, before Aphelion took a deep breath. "Father... No. This is going too far." Apogée's hoof faltered ever so slightly. "...What?" He asked, his voice breaking a little. "I've seen the world for what it truly is. I am no longer a tool for you to control. Your lies end here," Aphelion said as his body tensed up, his expression getting more intense. His father simply stood in front of him, unable to process what Aphelion was saying. "I've spent... My entire life obeying every single order, acting out your every whim, being... Being bucking miserable, locked up in this damned mansion for years while you kept feeding me falsehoods about the world!" "Son..." Apogée lowered his hoof and regained a neutral expression. However, Aphelion knew what this pretended neutral expression meant, having seen it too many times. Refusing to let his father speak, Aphelion spoke up again, his voice getting increasingly louder as his own anger began to boil. "No! For once in your Celestia-damned life, you're going to listen to me!" He slammed his hoof on the floor. "You've kept me locked up, made me paranoid about the outside world and turned me into a mindless tool... Actually, no. Even tools get treated with more respect. I was a bucking slave! Me, your own damn son! You robbed me of a life, and you tried to turn me into a perfect copy of yourself. Somepony angry, paranoid, self-centered, deceitful... Somepony miserable. But guess what? You failed. You failed, and now that I've got a second chance at life, I'll make sure you and the Pact disappear for good." "You've betrayed us," his father's words were almost spat out, Apogée's disdain for his son reaching new heights. His whole body trembled with anger, rage... And sorrow. "You've turned your coat against us and became a pawn of the tyrant." Aphelion scoffed. "Maybe. Maybe I've gone mad when I was in Celestia's prison. Maybe they brainwashed me. Used magic to shift my entire perspective of the world. But even if that was the case... I'd still side with them knowing that. For once in my life, I feel like I've actually got a chance to be free." Sparking his horn with cackling energy, Apogée's eyes twitched. "...You insolent child. As you've said it so eloquently, I've failed. I've failed your education, and I must correct it." "Go to Tartarus." "Aphelion... I will only say this once. If you do not obey, I will not hesitate to break every single part of you to rebuild you into somepony fit to be my son." "Let me guess, co—" "Cower and beg," Apogée's voice was booming, amplified by magic which caused it to reverberate in every part of the manor. Feeling sweat dripping down his face, Aphelion stood firm, his eyes locked on his father's. He knew he was facing an overwhelming gap in magical power, his father able to destroy him completely with just one spell. "...Shove that order up your ass." A heavy silence fell between the two of them, as the battle raged on in the main lobby. Rushing through the mansion's many doors, Misty felt her heartbeat loudly in her chest. She had very little time left before it would be too late, and her friends were risking their lives just to make sure she could reach the observatory. She couldn't afford to fail. Passing in front of numerous doors, Misty noticed the strange lack of guards in the manor's upper floor. The only guards she saw were either in the cellar or the main lobby. Did the Pact really not expect anypony to challenge them? Eventually, Misty saw a large double set of doors with the word 'Observatory' engraved on it. Not wasting a single second, she used her magic to fling the doors open, rushing inside a large circular room. Immediately, Misty saw a large crowd of what appeared to be researchers and staff members, all turning toward her with shock and surprise. More worryingly, Misty saw around fifteen guards scattered across the observatory, all quickly drawing their weapons upon seeing an intruder barge in. At least, she knew where most guards were holed up. What caught her attention, however, was the fact that none of these guards were wearing the magic-dispelling armors that those outside wore. "Stop!" One of them yelled, holding a spear in Misty's direction. "Surrender yourself now!" Of course, Misty expected some form of resistance as she rushed to the observatory. She didn't expect so many ponies crammed in a single room, however. Quickly scanning the rest of the room, she noticed the many strange contraptions and machines all around her, as well as the large dome-shaped ceiling that was partially opened, revealing a clear night sky. The moon was fully visible, a gigantic telescope pointed toward it. Misty could see strange attachments to the telescope, as well as a large floating sphere right next to it. She had no idea what it was, but Misty knew she was supposed to get rid of that sphere. This also explained the guards' lack of null-enchanted armors, as these types of runes would certainly damage the equipment spread all across the observatory. Her lack of response caused multiple guards to lunge at her, but Misty casted two spells in quick succession. First, she summoned a thick fog on her location, which quickly spread through the entire room, greatly hindering vision. Then, just as the guards were about to reach her, she teleported above the telescope to get a better vantage point. Her maneuver caused chaos in the observatory, the guards blindly swinging at each other as the other ponies in the room began to yell and flee in many directions, most of them hitting walls or machines as they desperately tried to run. Misty knew she had a few moments before anypony would notice her standing at the top of the telescope, near the ceiling. Turning her gaze toward the floating orb that peaked above the fog cloud, Misty attempted to figure out its true nature. Unable to inspect the artifact more carefully, she was only able to understand that this orb was supposed to be a receptacle for a large quantity of magic, though she couldn't tell how much energy it was supposed to hold. Looking down at the telescope, Misty saw runes carved all along its sides which, with a quick glance, seemed to serve as a funnel. "So, they're going to funnel magic into that orb," she thought. "But where is that energy going to come from?" "She's up there, on the telescope!" A voice cried out from the fog, which had begun to dissipate as pegasi guards flapped their wings to improve visibility in the room. Turning her head back toward the ponies underneath, Misty focused on another spell. She couldn't afford to fight these guards for long and a direct physical confrontation would result in her capture almost instantly. Her only advantage over them was the element of surprise... As well as a series of odd spells nopony would expect her to use. Releasing the energy that was accumulating in her horn, Misty turned into a formless spirit made of fog before quickly jumping down. Though this spell usually made her more difficult to notice, stealth wasn't her objective as all eyes were on her. Multiple guards quickly rushed her and struck her strange form with no effect, their weapons passing through the mist. While it looked like their weapons were ineffective against her, Misty still felt intense pain as the blades sliced her. This form would allow her to greatly reduce the effectiveness of regular weapons, but it still felt as if her body was being covered in shallow cuts... Because it was exactly the case. Thanks to years of experience, Misty remained stoic as to not show that the guards' weapons still worked on her, leading them to believe they were unable to harm her. This would give Misty another few moments to act as her enemies would try and figure out another way to attack her. Focusing intensely, she followed with another painful spell which caused her mist form to quickly spread out through the room, covering every single pony inside. This process was extremely painful as Misty felt her body pulled in every single direction at once. Her consciousness also began to slowly fade, being stretched out over an increasingly larger area... Misty knew that if she were to spread herself too thin, she would no longer possess the mental faculties required to focus on a spell, or even to think at all. This was risky, but she had to take this chance. Doing her best to remain focused as she spread through the room while the guards and research ponies all seemed confused, Misty having simply disappeared in front of their eyes, she focused on the last part of her plan. The last defense mechanism against her potential loss of consciousness in her current state. With a simple spark, the entire room was instantly covered in a blinding light for a single moment, followed by the sound of thunder booming in the room, loud enough to burst eardrums. Every single guard and research pony fell to the ground as they were all struck with a room-wide lightning strike hitting their entire bodies. Misty felt the pain as well, the lightning coursing through her entire spread-out form, though the sudden burst of pain helped her to remain focused. Whenever she felt herself spread too thin with this technique, a sudden jolt of pain usually helped her to remain focused as her consciousness screamed in pain, helping her locate herself. Thankfully, most of the brunt of the lightning was absorbed by the other ponies in the room, but Misty knew she was now working with limited time before her body would give out and fall unconscious as well. Quickly reforming herself into a regular unicorn, Misty reappeared in the middle of the room, panting heavily, her pink coat singed and turning brown at multiple spots. Spitting blood, she stumbled toward the floating orb, aiming to inspect it. While she had been taking care of the ponies in the room, the orb had begun spinning along its axis, slowly gaining more speed as time went on. Misty glanced at the telescope which, sure enough, had begun to whirr as well, something having activated the contraptions. She knew she had almost no time left: one last push was all she needed. As Misty got closer to the sphere, something strange caught her attention in the corner of her eyes. In the night sky, spread around the moon, four stars started to shine brightly, scintillating in the blackness of the cosmos. And then, suddenly, Misty saw something that terrified her. In just the blink of an eye, the Mare-In-The-Moon had disappeared, leaving a simple blank surface on the moon. As soon as this strange event occurred, the runes on the telescope glowed in a strange dark blue hue. Ethereal specs of light appeared and congregated near the top of the telescope, still pointed at the moon, before entering inside the large tube, funneled by the runes carved along its surface. Then, linking the telescope to the spinning copper sphere, otherworldly blue filaments of energy were slowly being drawn into the orb. Misty understood what she was seeing. What had happened to the moon, also appeared to have released a large amount of very powerful energy. The Crescent Pact was now trying to harness this cosmic energy, powerful enough to accomplish terrible things. And Misty was the only one able to stop that from happening. "Crap... Can't pierce through!" Steady yelled as he reloaded his crossbow, keeping his eyes trained on the enraged Poison Dart. Steady's bolt had, like the previous four he had fired, harmlessly bounced off Dart's armor despite the crimson pegasus' best efforts of aiming at weak spots. "Aim better, you old buck!" Sandstorm yelled while dodging another strike, the tiled floor shattering on Dart's violent impact. She was starting to feel exhausted, her wounds getting more and more numerous as the fight dragged on. With every passing second, Sandstorm felt her movements becoming increasingly more sluggish causing too many close calls as the hulking Dart tirelessly attacked her with unrestrained savagery. Sandstorm knew she had to remain close to Poison Dart, however, as neither Glaze nor Steady would have a chance against him otherwise. Without turning back, Sandstorm yelled. "Glaze, how long 'til we're ready?" "Just a moment! I'm almost there," the maid-turned-adventurer yelled back as she fiddled with her saddle bags, trying to improvise a weapon to take down Poison Dart. While she had enough black powder to cause a lot of damage to their opponent, Glaze still had to find a way to deliver it to the only place where it would have a real effect: inside Dart's body. Unfortunately, with the beast's strength, it was simply impossible to force his mouth open and to dump the powder into his mouth. So, Glaze had to get creative... All she needed was time. Time that Steady and Sandstorm were risking their lives trying to get. The crimson pegasus flew across the room, ignoring the pain in his back leg as he searched for a better angle to shoot Dart at. There had to be a weak spot his bolt could pierce. He knew that no armor was impenetrable and that he simply had to be patient, to wait for the perfect shot... But Steady also knew he wouldn't be able to fight for much longer due to his wounds, his fatigue and the severe blood loss caused by the massive hole in his back leg. Raising his crossbow once more, Steady aimed for Dart's neck after noticing a small gap in the armor... Before the bolt bounced off on the armor as Poison Dart moved to the side to attempt once more to strike Sandstorm. Barely dodging in time, she saw the massive hooves of the creature in front of her smash a statue to dust. As soon as Dart struck the statue, however, gears began to turn inside the mansion's walls, unseen to all those fighting. In the middle of the room, the large pillar connecting the main lobby to the hidden underground complex began to lower, accidentally activated by Poison Dart. The sudden change in the room caused Sandstorm to lose focus for a single moment, glancing toward the middle of the room to see if the guards had sent reinforcements. That single moment was all it took for Sandstorm to miss Poison Dart's rearing strike, violently impacting her with his back legs as he bucked her with enough strength to shatter stone. Sandstorm's body was flung to the other side of the room, hitting the wall and falling limply to the ground. "Shit! Sandstorm!" Steady yelled, causing Poison Dart to turn toward him. Pointing his crossbow at him, Steady noticed a change in Poison Dart's attitude. Though it was impossible to see his face due to the large helmet covering his entire head, a strange, growling sound emanated from inside. Poison Dart was trying to speak, but only a monstrous gargle came out of his throat. Without actually understanding his words, Steady knew what Poison Dart was saying. He was chuckling, and telling Steady that he was next. Flying higher, Steady aimed at one of the eye openings in the helmet, doing his best to remain calm despite the situation, before a painful surge of energy struck him from behind. He yelled as he fell to the floor, almost every muscle in his body tensing up. Impacting the ground, Steady groaned in pain while observing a gray mass fall to the floor next to him. It took Steady a moment to understand what it was, but the revelation sent a chill down his spine. Next to him, a bloodied Aphelion was knocked out, multiple mana burns marks across his body. Aphelion's muscles were twitching in an unnatural manner, similar to the way Steady's own body was suffering. Above them, Steady saw Apogée slowly step down the large staircase, an uncontrolled fury on his face. The manor's patriarch looked around the room before turning to Poison Dart. "You. Take care of the mare. Do whatever you want with her. The pegasus is mine." Steady tried to move, but his entire body was paralyzed by the pain. Fear seeped into his mind as Apogée stepped toward him and Aphelion while Poison Dart gleefully approached Sandstorm's unconscious body. And yet, a small flicker of hope persisted in Steady's heart: Glaze had slipped away, unseen by Apogée and Poison Dart. He didn't know what the mare had in mind, but at that moment, Steady desperately hoped she had a plan. "...Shit, by Celestia, I'd do anything for a smoke break," Steady thought before the pain caused him to fall under as well. > 22 - The Return: Finale > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Okay... Breathe, Glaze. You got this." Hidden underneath a kitchen counter, Glaze was trembling in fear. While she had managed to slip away unnoticed just as Aphelion's father arrived, Glaze had no idea what to do next. Everypony else was in a terrible state and, as far as she knew, she was the only one still standing. Her eyes lingered on the door leading to the cellar as she hesitated. Her survival instinct was screaming at her to get out of this mansion and to run away from danger, but she couldn't leave everypony else behind. "...Well, maybe I could? I wasn't even supposed to be here..." The thought became increasingly tempting with each passing second. Glaze looked at the half-finished device in her hooves, a glass bottle filled with black powder up to the halfway mark. Above the powder laid a small layer of cloth. The last thing she needed to do to finish the improvised explosive was to carefully add a small piece of enchanted paper. This paper, when pierced or torn, would light up on fire and produce a small flame. Usually, this piece of paper would be used to start campfires in the wild, but in Glaze's mind, it could also be used as an improvised way to 'activate' the black powder. She could finish the explosive and try to find a way to use it to help those she left behind... Or she could keep it with her and run away. "C'mon, what would I even do with this? It's not like I can shove it down that monster's throat alone! And that other unicorn... If he sees me, I'm toast! There's no way I can help them!" Glaze tried to convince herself to leave, but her body refused to move. Even the idea of stepping away from that counter filled her with enough fear to prevent her from moving. She felt utterly and completely trapped despite the fact that her exit route was unguarded and only a few meters away. "I should go... Back to Canterlot and ask for help. Let the royal guards handle this instead of me... Right? That'd be the smart move, right?" Glaze asked herself aloud. "Besides, nothing's preventing me from leaving, so... So why can't I bring myself to run?" Deep down, Glaze knew the reason behind her reluctance to leave despite her mind telling her to. While she felt an incredible amount of fear and anxiety, and even though her options were severely limited, Glaze still knew she had to do something to help her new friends. She had to at least try to save them, even if she'd have to risk her life to do it... Though, she certainly wasn't happy about it. "For Celestia's sake... Why did I even let myself get roped into this mess?! I should've stayed in Canterlot... I'd even take an entire day of following Blueblood's orders over this!" Forcing herself to leave the relative safety of the kitchen counter, Glaze groaned as she carefully stepped toward the door leading to the main lobby. Just as she placed her hoof on the large golden knob, the sound of lightning erupted from above, resonating through the entire manor, causing her to jump and yelp in fear. "W-What was that? Where did this come from? ...Is it that other mare's doing?" Steadying her nerves, Glaze tried to calm down. "...I should probably stop speaking to myself. Hmm." With one last glance to the cellar door, Glaze took a deep breath before sneaking back inside the main lobby, finishing her improvised explosive as she kept trying to figure out her next move. Apogée was seething with rage and anger. The sight of the two unconscious stallions in front of him was pitiful, furthering his fury even more. That night had been a total nightmare. Not only had the tyrant Celestia sent her slaves to do her bidding, interrupting what should have been a glorious night for the Pact, his son came back to him just to turn his coat and betray the order. And to think Apogée made the effort to shame himself in front of his own son, pretending to truly regret his own actions just to make sure Aphelion would join back the ranks like a good tool... But instead, Aphelion had spat on him, ridiculing him further before having an outburst about ridiculous concepts like 'freedom' and 'justice'. Apogée knew he had failed his son's education and would need to start again. Thankfully, there were many ways to reshape the way a pony thinks. As he looked down on the slumped form of his son, Apogée spat on the floor. "...You should've died with your mother." Apogée knew it was the alcohol talking, though there was certainly a kernel of truth as he spoke. Paradoxically, he also felt a painful pang in his heart, a strange mix of emotions he hadn't felt for years. A part of him still cared for his son, though that part was becoming smaller each day, at Lord Comet's request. Then, Apogée let his eyes jump over to Steady. The pegasus was slowly bleeding out on the floor from his wounds and some of his muscles were still twitching due to Apogée's paralysis spell. His feelings for Steady were much simpler: Apogée only felt hatred for the pegasus, who had been a thorn in the Pact's sides for years. His capture was shrouded in mystery, as Lord Comet had simply appeared one day with the pegasus in tow, simply ordering Apogée to place him in the dungeon. Of course, Apogée knew better than to ask questions. And still, despite his precautions, Steady had managed to escape from his cell. This meant that Eclipse had failed in her only task... She would have some explaining to do, after this whole mess is taken care of. Apogée's horn sparked with green energy, a departure from his usual hue. Focusing on a spell, the older unicorn had but one goal in mind: to see Steady suffer before ending him. He needed a bucking bag to vent his intense frustrations, but there would be no fun in beating an unconscious horse. So, releasing his spell while summoning necrotic runes, Steady's eyes suddenly shot open as the pegasus took a deep, sharp breath. Now awake, Steady's eyes scanned the area around him before remembering his situation. His eyes locked with Apogée, who simply smirked. "Good morning, worm. You should try to run." Steady attempted to move his legs, to stand back up on his hooves, but his body refused to listen. All he could feel was the pain caused by his previous battle wounds. His wings, legs and mouth didn't budge a centimeter despite Steady's desperate attempts. All he could do was to watch as Apogée's grin grew wider by the second. "Oh... Can't move? That's unfortunate. I suppose you'll have to watch silently as I tear you limb from limb." Stepping on Steady's withers, Apogée made sure to put all his body weight as he walked on the pegasus whose eyes began to water from the pain, though no sound came from his mouth. "You should've stayed in your cell. This whole plan of yours... Did you really expect to—" Coming from the observatory, the sound of lightning roared through the manor. Apogée immediately turned his head toward the top of the stairs with a raised eyebrow. "...This isn't part of the protocol. Which contraption caused such a ruckus?" Apogée asked himself while stepping away from Steady. The gears in his mind started turning, though slowed by the alcohol in his blood. Then, it hit him. Turning back to Steady with a furious gaze, Apogée shouted. "There's another?! You... Complete and utter... Idiots!" Apogée became irate at the realization he had been a fool. With his son's sudden arrival, he must have missed somepony else sneaking toward the observatory. For all he knew, multiple ponies could have gone there to ruin the Pact's plan. His horn glowed in a turquoise hue as Apogée prepared to teleport in the observatory. However, just as he released his spell, a beam of yellow light struck him in the face, causing Apogée to lose focus and to interrupt his teleportation. Still stuck to the floor, barely able to move, Aphelion was eyeing his father with determination, specs of yellow light still dancing around his horn. Though Aphelion couldn't say anything, his gaze told his father one clear message. I won't let you leave. Slowly coming back to her senses, Sandstorm's body was completely numb. She only could see the floor and the broken pieces of the wall she smashed into. Her thoughts were all over the place, still trying to reorganize themselves after such a violent impact. As Sandstorm became aware of her surroundings again, she noticed in horror that she couldn't feel anything. She should be in an incredible amount of pain. She should be able to feel the warm blood trickling down her legs. And yet, Sandstorm felt as if she was floating in an empty void, unable to move her legs. It didn't take her long to understand that something very wrong had happened to her body. Even more worryingly, she saw in the corner of her vision the massive frame of Dart's Body standing over her, a crazed look in his eyes. Poison Dart had removed his helmet while she was out, revealing his grotesque face. Many unnatural growths twisted his face into an unrecognizable mess. Black veins pulsed with an irregular pulse and his purple coat had strange chromatic discolorations, going from a sickly green to a blood red at places. Dart's mouth was slightly opened, breathing heavily as he drooled over Sandstorm who was happy she couldn't feel the saliva make contact with her skin. She attempted to twist her body to better face Dart, but to no avail. Her struggles did not remain unnoticed as Poison Dart began to groan and moan, trying to speak with his mutated mouth. After a few moments, the incomprehensible gargle of sounds turned into words, then sentences. "You... Are prey?" Sandstorm managed to answer, though with a somewhat slurred speech. She could at least infer that her paralysis 'only' affected her from the neck down... Which wasn't exactly a reassuring thought. "Just wait 'til I get back up, big boy. We'll see who's the real prey." Dart snarled. "No... You lie. You are... You are broken," Dart sounded disappointed. Dart's words echoed in Sandstorm's head, the slow realization of the consequences from her injuries sending her in a silent panic. And while she feared for her own future, most of her thoughts were dedicated to one pony only. Misty. Sandstorm spoke up again, involuntarily, though her voice was barely more than a whisper. "I... I can't protect her anymore..." The sound of lightning roared through the manor, though neither Sandstorm nor Dart seemed to care about it. The yellow mare was beginning to feel the start of a panic attack, her breaths quickening though they barely brought any air to her lungs. The world around her began to spin as she felt a cold sweat overtake her entire body... Or, at least, what little of her body she could still feel. Her jaw trembled while dozens of scenarios played in her mind, in which she saw her marefriend suffer while Sandstorm could do nothing but watch. Dart noticed Sandstorm's rising panic, causing a hideous sound to leave his mouth. This disgusting noise was, as Sandstorm understood it, supposed to be a chuckle. "You will... See her die first. You broke your body... I break your mind. Yes?" Once again, Sandstorm tried to move to cover her ears. Her fighting spirit had completely vanished, replaced by an overwhelming anxiety that overtook her senses. As she couldn't bring her hooves to her ears, her paralysis depriving her of this small mercy, tears began to flow down her face. "Please... Please, don't hurt her..." "I will make you watch. You will enjoy. We will have fun... All three of us." "No... No! Anything but that! You... You can kill me if you want, but please let her go!" Sandstorm's pleading fell on deaf ears. As the mare could only watch in horror as Poison Dart began to turn around, heading for the observatory, something strange happened. A wave of blue energy came crashing down on the main lobby, passing through everypony inside. And while she couldn't see Steady, Aphelion or Apogée, Sandstorm observed that Dart didn't seem to be affected by this strange energy, though the monster looked confused for a second. However, Sandstorm could feel the numbness in her body slowly disappear, replaced by a strange tingling, starting from her hooves and slowly rising up her body. Quickly shaking his head, Dart continued to walk away, still taunting Sandstorm. "I will break her limbs... All of them. Then bring her here, so you can watch. Then, I will make her mine in front of you. Then, I snap her neck. We will have... Fun, Sandstorm," Dart said with a sadistic grin. While his words were meant to shatter whatever remained of Sandstorm's mind, his words instead sent the mare over the edge. Her fears and anxiety turned into a cold, silent rage. Even with his back turned on her, Dart could feel the intense murderous intent directed at him. He turned back, deciding to taunt her even more, but what he saw shook him to his core. Sandstorm was standing up, hatred in her eyes. The strange copper sphere started to glow with an otherworldly blue hue, spinning faster as more energy was funneled into the contraption. Arcs of arcane lightning erupted in an erratic pattern, striking the observatory's floor and walls, leaving unnatural burn marks that emitted the same bluish hue. Misty observed the sphere for a moment, unsure of how to even approach it without getting hurt. She felt her heart beat faster as fear and anxiety filled her mind, almost paralyzing her on the spot. Shaking her head to snap out of it, Misty stepped forward with a resolute stare. It was her visions that brought her here and she simply refused to back down now. Whatever needed to be done, she'd make sure to see it through to the end. Misty closed her eyes and shifted her focus inward, letting her subconscious guide her steps. At first, she couldn't feel anything in particular beyond the static energy present in the room... Until a creeping chill appeared down her spine. Feeling shivers traverse her entire body, from her spine to her hooves, tail and horn, Misty knew she was in the presence of the same entity from her dream. Letting her movements and thoughts be guided, Misty saw a complex spell sigil appear in her mind's eye, the type she only ever saw in old grimoires and forgotten spellbooks. Before even having the chance to analyze this sigil, she felt the thaumic pathways in her body activate, sparking her horn with her familiar gray aura. Her body began to feel cold, as if all her energy was put into this single spell. She had no idea what would happen to her afterwards, but Misty knew it had to be done. Opening her eyes, Misty was met with a surprising sight. The sphere had picked up an incredible amount of speed, rotating dozens of times per second while hundreds of threads of arcane energy linked it to the telescope. The floor and walls all around her were completely black, burnt by countless arcs of lightning with the exception being the spot where she stood. A faint halo of gray arcane matter had materialized around Misty, protecting her from harm. But even more surprisingly, she saw what was coming out of her own horn. Bone-white wispy tendrils linked her to the spinning sphere, slowly englobing it as they wrapped around its surface. Misty instantly knew that this magic wasn't hers, but the entity's. She understood that in this matter, she was little more than a conduit for whatever was trying to bring her here, a tool to use to dispel whatever the Pact was doing. As the sphere kept getting faster, the entire room began to shake. The walls began to crack, dust fell down from the ceiling, the countless contraptions spread across the room fell over and broke on the floor. It was getting increasingly harder for Misty just to stand up, her wounds and exhaustion catching up to her. Biting her tongue, Misty closed her eyes once again, deciding to let the entity take care of this matter. All she needed to do, after all, was to simply stand there and remain close to the sphere. However, as seconds went on, a thought crept in her mind. Could she really trust this entity? Misty knew this wasn't the same spirit she interacted with in towns and cities. This was something else entirely, something that showed up in a dream and that gave her instructions to be there, in this manor. Was it wise to follow its orders without asking any questions? Did she lead her friends right into a trap? Was it even possible she was doing the Pact's bidding and that this spirit was created by a powerful member of the cult? These uncertainties caused Misty to lose focus for a single moment. This single moment was the only thing needed for Misty to completely lose focus on her spell. Instantly, the gray barrier around her body dissipated just as an arc of lightning struck her body square in the chest, sending waves of searing pain across her body. The arc propelled her through the room, sending her tumbling down a group of unconscious ponies. Misty struggled to breathe as her muscles tensed up from the lightning, but from the corner of her eyes, she saw the wispy tendrils tearing off and quickly dissipating, revealing the copper sphere underneath. The orb then began spinning even faster, vibrating violently as it struggled to remain in its axis. As the sphere was beginning to spin out of control, a loud snapping sound echoed through the entire mansion as the entity's last tendril tore off. Just as it did, a powerful shockwave of dark blue energy poured off of the sphere, as if it was spilling out with magic. The shockwave, more akin to a tidal wave of raw arcane power, washed over the entire room before phasing through the walls, bathing the entire manor and its surrounding. Focusing on her breathing, Misty was able to bring her breathing back under control. She stood up with shaky legs, taking deep breaths as she saw the orb slow down ever so slightly. However, filaments of magic still linked it to the telescope as the contraption simply had a minor set back before going back to accomplishing its true goal. At that moment, Misty knew she had failed. She couldn't feel the link with the entity anymore and she was unable to remember the complex sigil that had led her to casting the original spell. Even if she was to try and regain contact with the entity, Misty knew she would be too late by then. Her failure was total. Not only was the Pact going to accomplish whatever it is attempting to do, she also knew her friends were risking their lives for her. And here she was, tears beginning to form in her eyes as she watched powerlessly. She felt pain, exhaustion, sadness and regret. "This is all my fault..." Her knees buckled from the physical and emotional strain, her breaths getting quicker and quicker by the seconds. Panic washed over her body. "I... I failed!" Misty sobbed. In that moment, it felt like she had let the whole world down, not just her friends. And yet, as she wallowed in self-pity, a strange feeling began to worm its way through her heart. "...This is just so... So unfair!" Misty felt the kindles of a fire lit up inside her. She stood up, looking at the starry sky and the now barren moon. "I did everything you wanted me to do! I came all the way here, I sent Sandstorm and the others to face a bucking monster, but just because I had a single moment of doubt — it's all for nothing?! Are you kidding me?" Nopony answered her screams to the void. Gritting her teeth and fighting the tears, Misty laid her gaze onto the spinning orb. "...Screw you, whatever you are. You think I'm going to give up just because I don't want to blindly follow every order without asking any questions?" She stepped toward the orb, ignoring the arcs of lightning striking the ground all around her. "Well, guess what? I don't need you to take down this cursed... Whatever that is! I'm Misty bucking Step and today, I'm the one in control!" An arc of lighting struck Misty square in the chest once again. This time, however, the mare did not budge, refusing to step back even an inch. Misty sparked her horn, her gray aura forming around it, before she took on the contraption's accumulated cosmic powers on her own. Aphelion quickly glanced to his side, checking Steady's state. While the pegasus seemed to be in a lot of pain, the color draining from his face as he bled out, Steady still had a determined gaze. Then, glancing back at his father, Aphelion sparked his horn again. Apogée had his eyes wide open, surprised to see his son not only still conscious after his spell, but still fighting as well. This moment of surprise allowed Aphelion to fully focus on his spell, his body burning with arcane energy as he pushed himself further despite his exhaustion. A glowing yellow aura covered Steady and Aphelion for a brief moment, dissipating Apogée's paralyzing spell. The two stallions grunted as they stood back up, Apogée staring at them in surprise. "But... How? Your magic is supposed to be weak, Aphelion, we made sure of —" "Shut it," barked Steady while flapping his wings, taking air once again. He aimed his crossbow at Apogée. "You're gonna stay right here 'til dawn." Struggling to stay up, Aphelion remained silent. Due to the complex spells he had casted that night, he felt the limits of his Thaumic Atrophy catching up with him. The world was spinning around him, causing Aphelion to want nothing more than to barf in the nearest potted plant. However, Aphelion knew that right now, he needed to remain strong and to keep his eyes on his father. The fight was far from over. "You... Insignificant... Fucks!" Apogée yelled, his horn glowing in a sickly green aura. "I will not let you ruin decades of preparations!" "Drop the spell, unless you want a bolt in your kneecaps," Steady said while aiming at Apogée's legs. Despite everything, Steady was still hoping to leave this mess with no casualties. "Aphelion, make sure he doesn't get away." The gray unicorn nodded and sparked his horn, pretending to be fine. He knew that if his father was to attempt anything, Aphelion could do very little to stop him in his state. What he could do, was to buy every possible second for Misty. Apogée stared at his son, ignoring the crossbow aimed at him. He furrowed his brow, silently re-estimating his son's abilities. If Aphelion was indeed capable of preventing him from teleporting, then he'd need to shift his entire focus on him. However, any move against Aphelion would cause Steady to fire at him. Apogée needed to find a solution, and fast. Every second he lost here could cause irreparable damage to the Pact's plan, what with that other intruder holed up in the observatory. "If only Lord Comet provided capable guards..." Apogée thought, hating the fact that he had to deal with complete and utter incompetence from the manor's supposed defenses. He knew he should've raised these concerns with Lord Comet, and yet... He never dared, too fearful to anger the Crescent Pact's most important leader. Apogée's only hoped to leave this mess was the monstrosity name Poison Dart, though he was busy, hunched over that yellow mare in the corner of the room. He could call for help, but this would certainly cause Aphelion and Steady to attack. Apogée sighed. He knew what he had to do, though he didn't like it. The glow of his horn intensified, causing Aphelion to tense up. Immediately, Steady glanced at Aphelion while shouting "Stop him!" However, Aphelion knew he couldn't do anything against that spell. He shook his head and stepped back, the fear in his eyes wordlessly communicating to Steady how much trouble they were in. Looking back at Apogée, Steady fired his crossbow, the bolt aimed perfectly at his left foreleg. And yet, a wall of dark green energy instantly surged from the ground, turning the bolt to dust before dissipating. Then, just as Apogée was about to release his spell, a pure wave of blue energy came crashing down the room, coming from the floors above. For a moment, all that Steady could see was a wall of blue arcane matter, sending him spiraling down, crashing on the floor. The pegasus felt a strange tingling coming from his hind legs as he hit the ground. The tingling quickly turned to a warm glow, then a seering pulse. He groaned as he felt like his legs were burning. Looking down at his back legs, Steady saw his wounds painfully healing themselves, the flesh unnaturally regrowing in a sickening manner. Deciding to ignore this for now, he glanced back at the other two unicorns around him. Aphelion was kneeling down, holding his head with his hooves as the younger unicorn screamed in pain. Whatever this wave of energy was, it was doing something to Aphelion's mind. Apogée looked as if he was also suffering from this arcane flow, though he remained much more composed, still focusing on his spell. The sudden pain had delayed the release, however, which Steady decided to take advantage of. He knew that whatever this wave of energy was, it was caused by whatever was happening in the observatory. He could guess, given Sandstorm's presence, that Misty was up there, working to prevent the Catalyst from storing Nightmare Moon's released energy. His wings spreading wide, Steady lunged at Apogée. Steady knew he was taking a gamble: after seeing what had happened to his crossbow bolt when it got too close to Apogée, the pegasus expected to suffer the same fate. However, with this strange energy healing his wounds, Steady knew he had a chance not only to survive, but to stop whatever Apogée was doing. As his body got closer to the older unicorn, Steady saw the same wall of sickly green flames appear and begin to melt away his flesh. At the same time, specs of blue light manifested around the burning area, rebuilding his body just at it was getting destroyed. The pain was immeasurable, but Steady knew his plan would work. All he needed, now, was to hold on and let his body fly forward. Impacting Apogée square in the chest, the two stallions fell to the floor, sliding a few meters toward the center of the room, where the pillar to the underground facilities had retracted. Steady and Apogée stood to the edge, the pegasus writhing in pain while the unicorn was dazed, his spell fizzling out of existence. The sudden loss of concentration caused Apogée to temporarily fall unconscious, his intense focus being instantly dispelled. Meanwhile, Aphelion felt a burning sensation focused at the base of his horn. The last few moments were most strange, as he went from stepping back from his father in fear, to having his vision replaced by a wall of dark blue matter, to feeling the worst headache he had ever felt. The throbbing pain had incapacitated him, and yet Aphelion could feel his body fill up with thaumic energy, overloading his senses. Slowly, the pain receded to a manageable level, allowing Aphelion to take stock of what was surrounding him. He saw Steady and his father, both on the floor and barely moving, near the large hole in the center of the room. Turning his head, Aphelion saw Sandstorm standing up to Poison Dart, a silent fury in her eyes. And finally, coming from the door leading to the kitchen, Glaze was sneaking toward both Sandstorm and Dart, holding a strange vial in her mouth. Unsure of what to do, Aphelion stepped toward his father. Apogée was slowly coming back to his senses, though it would still take him a while to fully come back in the fight. Aphelion absentmindedly sparked his horn, no longer feeling any form of magical exhaustion. With a quick spell, Aphelion summoned heavy yellow chains around his father, holding him in place. The chains singed his father's coat as they reacted to the magic in his body, burning hotter the more magic Apogée would try to use. He sighed. "Sorry, Princess Celestia. Guess I'm still using dark magic after all," Aphelion spoke out loud. Then, with one last spark of his horn, he teleported to the observatory. With his father no longer able to move and with Sandstorm, Glaze and Steady to take care of Poison Dart, Aphelion decided it would be best for him to assist Misty. He didn't know how long this surge of power would last, but he knew he had to make the best out of it. With one last glance toward Steady, who simply nodded at Aphelion, the young unicorn disappeared in a flash of golden light. Hatred. At that moment, this was the only thing existing in Sandstorm's mind. She stared with pure rage at the hulking behemoth, a second wind bringing her enough strength to fight back. Poison Dart looked down at her before laughing a hideous laugh. It was obvious he didn't take her as a threat at all, the mare barely having been able to harm him thus far. And while he had no idea what caused her to stand back up despite her previous injuries, Dart only felt jubilation at the prospects of a new toy to break. He took one step forward, opening his mouth to taunt Sandstorm. The words never left his mouth as Sandstorm lunged at him, hitting him in the middle of his breastplate with her signature spinning kick. This time, her strike left a deep imprint in the armor, the mare showing an incredible amount of strength, knocking the wind out of Dart who stumbled back. He looked incredulously at the mare who, until now, could barely even tickle him. And now, here she was, hitting him with enough strength to force him to take a defensive position for the first time that night. Lowering his posture, Poison Dart prepared to charge at Sandstorm. However, in a blink, the mare had disappeared from his vision. He looked around in confusion before feeling another strike coming directly from under him, sending him flying a few meters in the air before violently hitting the floor, shattering the marbled tiles. Sandstorm had slipped underneath him and managed to buck him away, as if he didn't weigh anything. Poison Dart's mood turned from ecstatic to sour extremely quickly. Standing back up, he kept a close eye on the mare as she charged him, aiming to strike him once again in the chest. However, blinded by her unfiltered rage, Sandstorm's move became predictable. As such, with a simple swatting motion from his massive forelegs, Poison Dart was able to strike Sandstorm on the side with enough strength to shatter every rib in her body. Sandstorm yelled in pain and spat blood, but held onto Dart's hoof, refusing to let go. Running to the edge of the room, Dart began slamming his hoof repeatedly against a wall, but Sandstorm held on. The mare ignored the pain and reared one of her front hooves back, before slamming it in Poison Dart's leg. Her strike was powerful enough to pierce through the armor and the skin, lodging her hoof deep in his arm. For the first time since his transformation, Poison Dart screamed in pain as Sandstorm tore through flesh, muscle and bone. Pulling out her hoof, Sandstorm prepared to strike again before being thrown away by a sudden headbutt, Dart becoming desperate to get rid of her. At that moment, Poison Dart saw Sandstorm as the real monster in the room. Quickly standing back up, blood trickling down her forehead and her hooves, Sandstorm grinned. "What, can't handle getting your ass handed to you by a mare?" Poison Dart's temper rose once again. One of the few things that had remained from before his transformation was Dart's over-inflated ego. He could deal with physical pain, but attacks on his character were enough to send him flying in a blind rage. Dart started randomly smashing the floor around him with a renewed intensity, before lunging at Sandstorm. He kept striking blindly, barely missing the yellow mare each time, but it did not matter. Sandstorm's body began to approach its limits, even despite the second wind provided by the strange arcane wave that granted her such strength. In the end, her own stamina was lesser than Dart's. And so, as each dodge became increasingly riskier, Sandstorm knew she had pushed her luck too far. Eventually, after dodging what felt like the hundredth strike that night, Sandstorm tripped and fell prone on her back just as Poison Dart was rearing up to smash her torso. In the middle of the room, an exhausted pegasus finally managed to catch his breath, the pain from Apogée's spell lowering to a more manageable level. Steady had kept a close eye on the fight between Sandstorm and Poison Dart while crawling back to his crossbow. Now, Steady was laying on his back, aiming at Poison Dart's massive body with all his focus. The world stopped existing around Steady: all that remained was himself, Poison Dart and the crossbow. He knew he needed a miraculous shot to save Sandstorm. A regular crossbow bolt wouldn't be able to harm Poison Dart at all, and his armor was simply too thick for the bolt to pierce. However, on Dart's sides, there was a minuscule weak point in the armor, which Steady was barely able to notice. If he could hit that weak point, then... One thing at a time, he thought. Steadying his breath, putting all his being into that shot, Steady closed one eye and made a silent prayer. Then, he fired his crossbow. The bolt flew through the air, closing the distance between Steady and Dart in an instant. It perfectly impacted the armor's weak point, shattering a buckle on impact causing Dart's chestplate to slide off his torso. The sudden shift in the weight around his torso threw Poison Dart off balance as he smashed his hoof downward, barely missing Sandstorm's torso by a thread. He turned his head toward Steady with a seething fury as the pegasus couldn't help but smile at such a great shot. Turning his gaze toward Glaze, Steady shouted: "Go for it, now!" Glaze, who had been waiting for an opportunity to jump in, rushed toward Poison Dart, leaving her hiding spot amongst the rubble. Surprised, Dart attempted to strike Glaze's body as she got close enough, but the mare slid under his massive hoof before throwing the bottle she was holding in her mouth at Poison Dart's unprotected skin. When the bottle impacted his sides and broke, a glass shard tore through the enchanted paper which in turn burst into flame. The flames reached the black powder, leading to a large explosion centered directly in Dart's right side. The shockwave sent Glaze flying, the mare heavily falling on the floor further away. Part of her mane was singed from the sudden burst of flame and she yelped as she struck the floor, feeling the bones in one of her legs break. Poison Dart was in a worse state, however. Half of his body was burning, his coat turning black. Where the bottle stuck him, a massive open wound revealed his flesh, bones and internal organs, all in unnatural shapes and sizes. He screamed in pain as Dart rolled on the floor, attempting to put out the flames. Steady slowly stood back up and watched, hoping for this to be the end of this battle. Sandstorm quickly stood back up as well, breathing heavily. And yet, this was not over. They all watched in horror as Poison Dart's wound started to close itself, a byproduct of his hideous mutation. Even with the explosion and with destroyed internal organs, Poison Dart still found the strength to stand back up, preparing to finish the job. He grunted, closing his eyes as he focused on trying to ignore the pain before turning back toward the mansion's intruders. He saw a terrified Steady, a whimpering Glaze and... No Sandstorm. Dart looked around before understanding where the mare went as a sudden weight was added onto his back. Sandstorm had begun climbing the beast, desperate to end this fight once and for all. Once she reached his head, she placed her hooves underneath his jaw and began pulling and twisting as hard as she could, hoping to either snap his neck to decapitate him with raw strength. "Just... Bucking die already!" Sandstorm yelled as Poison Dart felt the skin around his jaw and throat begin to rip. Still reeling from the pain from the explosion, Dart stumbled in dazed panic, impacting multiple walls and statues, hoping to force Sandstorm off of him. Sandstorm held on nevertheless, refusing to let go. In his confusion, Poison Dart inadvertently stepped toward the center of the room, near the edge of the hole leading to the underground facilities. In a desperate attempt to save his life, Poison Dart pleaded with Sandstorm. "Please... Please! I will let... You and Misty go!" Sandstorm's heart skipped a beat. Once again, her exhaustion turned into fury. "...Do not say her bucking name!" Sandstorm yelled, a final surge of pure, raw strength pushing her over the edge. And with one clean pull, with the remnants of whatever strength she had left, Sandstorm ripped Poison Dart's head from his body causing blood to spray everywhere, before finally letting herself fall to the floor as his body fell into the massive hole. A disgusting sound echoed from the floor underneath when Dart's headless body impacted the fine carpet. Sandstorm looked at the ceiling in silence. Steady rushed to her side. "Shit, you're alright, kid?" "...Man, I hate Mondays." The pegasus raised an eyebrow. "...It's Friday today, though." With one last chuckle, Sandstorm fell unconscious, her body completely depleted of any remaining strength. Steady sighed before turning back to Glaze. He was about to fly to her side, to check up on her when he noticed Apogée finally coming back to his senses, looking with a neutral expression Dart's head rolling on the floor. He spoke up with a defeated voice, still trapped in Aphelion's spell. "...This is a complete disaster. You idiots ruined everything." Steady scoffed. "...Apogée, you are under arrest. I'd list your crimes here, but we both know there's too many of them and honestly, I can't be assed." "This is not over. Not by a long shot. If we cannot harvest Luna's powers... Then, we might as well destroy everything." Before Steady could answer, Apogée's horn glowed in a teal hue as the arcane chains around his body burned his coat. With one final spark, Apogée disappeared, teleporting away. Steady thought about chasing him, but with no indication as to where the unicorn went, his options were severely limited. Besides, Steady was far more worried with Apogée's words and what they implied, especially as the whole manor began to shake. With a bright flash of golden light, Aphelion appeared in the middle of the observatory. Already, he could feel the added cosmic powers abandoning him, the surge of arcane might only lasting a few minutes. In front of him, he saw Misty standing near a large floating sphere spinning at breakneck speeds. The sphere was covered in a gray halo, pulling it away from its axis. "Misty! Are you alright?" The mare took a moment to answer, heavy droplets of sweat pouring down her face. "... As you can see... I'm doing... Just fine! What took you so long?" Aphelion scanned the room, recognizing many of the contraptions scattered around as his own creations. He felt a wave of guilt wash over his body, before noticing the many unconscious ponies on the floor. "Oh, wow... You've been busy." "Just give me a damn hoof!" "Right. Keep doing... What you're doing. I'll try and disconnect the catalyst from the telescope. If we stop the funneling runes from feeding energy into the sphere, we should be able to stop the Pact from harvesting Nightmare Moon's powers." Misty simply nodded as she pulled on the sphere with all her arcane might. Aphelion trotted to the telescope before sparking his horn. The telescope became engulfed in a golden light as the runes carved along its surface started to vanish, the tendrils of energy linking the sphere and the telescope disappearing as well. During this, Aphelion glanced at the night sky and saw the surface of the moon, void of the familiar face that had adorned it during the past 1000 years. "...That's new," he muttered. Eventually, both unicorns saw the sphere slow down and the energy tendrils almost entirely disappear. They both knew they were almost done when the entire manor started to shake violently, causing them to lose focus on their spells. "What's going on?" Misty yelled, struggling to keep her balance. "I... I don't know!" Aphelion answered before looking more carefully at the sphere. For a brief moment, he saw a faint teal spec of light fly inside the contraption. His eyes went wide at the realization. "...Shit!" He yelled. "It's... It's going to explode!" "It's going to what?!" "I guess my father really doesn't want us to win... We need to get out of here, fast!" "Shit — okay... But what about all the other ponies inside?" "...Buck. We need to get them all out of here... Now!" "Can you still use magic?" "I'm almost out, but I can push myself and teleport some of them out. It won't be enough to —" "Alright! Do what you can, I'll take care of the others! I have to go and warn the others downstairs, though," Misty said as she ran toward the main lobby. Aphelion nodded, then closed his eyes. The energy surge had now completely vanished, leaving him in the same state he was in before the wave of energy. Aphelion was far beyond the point where it would be safe for him to cast any additional spell, but he knew that he couldn't leave the other ponies in the manor behind. While they were all part of the Pact, Aphelion refused to let anypony die if he could help it. And so, with one last spark of his horn, Aphelion scanned the entire mansion for the position of every living pony inside, expecting to only see those in the main lobby, observatory and cellar. However, Aphelion discovered the many ponies hidden underneath the mansion, in the large complex he had no idea existed until today. He sighed. Aphelion had very little time to act and wasn't sure if Misty knew there were other ponies underneath. So, pushing himself even further, Aphelion made sure to focus on those underneath, deciding to leave the ponies in the observatory to Misty. He released his spell, his thaumic conduits burning from the overexertion. The last thing Aphelion saw before falling into a deep coma, was the clearing outside the manor becoming filled with many confused ponies. Just as his consciousness went out, Aphelion saw the sun rise on a bright new day. > 23 - The Aftermath > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Awaking from a dreamless void, Aphelion's eyes slowly opened. His mind was in a haze, unable to focus on anything other than the here and now. Aphelion looked around and slowly processed the environment around him. He was in a large bed, covered by blue bed sheets. His room was large and ostentatious, filled with fancy dressers and ornate furniture. Curtains were slowly floating in a breeze, revealing a large, opened window letting through the afternoon sun, warming up the entire room. To his bedside, an empty glass of water along with medicine laid atop a small table. Aphelion tried to reach for a pill bottle to read its label, but his body didn't move. It felt as if Aphelion weighed three times his usual weight causing any movement to require that much more energy. Aphelion then noticed how exhausted he felt. There was no pain in his body, but rather a complete and utter lack of energy. His body felt as hazy as his mind, groggy and unmoving. Aphelion could also barely feel the magic in his body, barely a few drops of mana spread across his being, not even enough to spark his horn even if he tried. Turning his head toward the window, Aphelion sighed and lazily watched the clouds slowly move across the otherwise blue sky. He felt the need to go back to sleep, to let his body rest some more, but Aphelion desired to at least remember what had happened to him. Besides, watching the sky in silence and feeling the fresh breeze on his coat was, for him, a strangely soothing feeling. He had been taught to fear the sun and what it represented and as such never allowed himself to bask in these simple pleasures. Slowly, bits of his memories came back. Aphelion vaguely remembered coming back to his father's mansion with Glaze, his desire to confront Apogée, finding Misty and Sandstorm there, sneaking in, then... Chaos. His last memory was him trying to bring the ponies underground to safety, though he had no idea if he succeeded or not. At the very least, however, Aphelion could be sure of one thing only: he had survived this whole ordeal. Hopefully, so had the other ponies inside. Hearing hoofsteps behind the door, Aphelion slowly turned his head toward the sound. He saw a brown earth pony open the door, just about to walk inside his room with a bored expression when both stallions locked eyes. The earth pony's eyes went wide, then stammered. "Uh... I... You're... I'll get the doctor, don't move!" Aphelion wanted to answer but couldn't find the strength to speak. He shrugged, or at least imagined that he did so, then closed his eyes for a moment. Soon enough, Aphelion fell right back asleep at the sounds of more ponies approaching his bedside. Whatever they wanted from him, it would have to wait until later. The next time Aphelion opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was Steady sitting on a chair, smoking near an opened window. The sky outside was still dark, but the sun was slowly rising from the horizon. Aphelion knew he had slept for an entire day, at the very least. The scent of cigarette smoke assaulted Aphelion's nostrils, causing him to involuntarily cough as he woke from his deep slumber. Steady turned his head toward Aphelion before flicking the cigarette butt outside with his wing. "Sunrise, parabellum," Steady said. His voice was tired, sounding as if he hadn't slept at all that night. "Ugh... Not what I want to smell when waking up. Also, what did you say?" Aphelion groggily replied, causing Steady to chuckle. "Sorry, kid. And that's an old saying. Don't remember which language, though. It basically means 'prepare for war'." "Well, if that's the case... Wake me when the war's over," Aphelion looked at the ceiling, feeling exhausted. His body was in a somewhat better state than previously, now being able to barely move, but the strange drowsiness had been lifted like a veil, pain and soreness replacing the feeling of nothing. "If it was that easy... Unfortunately, we still have a lot of work to do. We'll need you back up on your hooves soon enough, soldier." "Right. No rest for the wicked, I suppose," Aphelion sighed. "...Is everypony safe?" "... Yeah, I probably should brief you on what happened after you went out." "That would be appreciated. How long was I asleep for?" "A month. And not asleep, but in a coma. You really did a number on yourself, back there. Celestia's personal doctor didn't think you'd pull through. Glad to see you proved him wrong." "A month?!" "Yeah. Scared the hell out of everypony, too." "Sorry for that. Did the others make it out in one piece from the mansion?" Steady sighed. "Mostly. Misty, Sandstorm and Glaze got out with varying injuries. Nothing life-threatening, so the mares are fine. Same for me, as you can see," Steady raised one of his hind legs, revealing multiple clean bandages. The feathers from his wings were ruffled, and his movements were slower than usual, as if some residual pain limited his range of movement. Aphelion felt a pit form in his stomach. "... And the other ponies inside the mansion?" "They... Not all of them made it out, I'm afraid. You saved a large amount of those underground and Misty took care of roughly half of those upstairs, but some were left behind. After you went out, Misty wanted to do another trip inside to get the rest, but..." "... But we ran out of time." "Yeah. Then, the Catalyst exploded." "How many...?" "24 dead, 48 injured, 12 missing." "So, a complete disaster, then." Both stallions remained silent for a while, as Aphelion processed the information. A heaviness loomed over the two of them, each regretting not being able to do more. Eventually, Aphelion spoke up. "We never should've gone there. Those ponies died because of our meddling..." Aphelion's voice was void of any emotion. He knew he should feel anger, regret, sadness and guilt, but he was simply too exhausted. "Maybe. But it wasn't all for nothing. We stopped the Pact from harvesting Luna's powers." "Luna?" "Ah, right. Another topic for later... Nightmare Moon, I meant. If the Catalyst was allowed to fill up with Alicorn magic, the Pact would surely have attempted to overthrow Celestia right here and then. Many more ponies would've died. We stopped an absolute disaster and replaced it with a complete one instead." "It... Still doesn't feel right." "Yeah. Sadly, that's what we have to live with... But let's change subjects, for now." "Right. Where are Glaze, Misty and Sandstorm?" "Glaze is somewhere in Canterlot, I think. After coming back from this little adventure of ours, her superior fired her on the spot for running from her duties to face dangerous cultists. Celestia managed to reduce her punishment from being laid off to a month of unpaid leave. I'm guessing she'll be back here in a few days." "That... Could've been worse for her. And the other two?" "Awaiting trial. Despite everything, they were still wanted for a bunch of crimes. Getting mixed up with the Pact made their whole ordeal that much more complex, but rumor's that Celestia and Luna themselves would judge them once all the legal crap's dealt with." "I really need to know about that Luna pony." "You do, but it'll be easier if she introduces herself." Aphelion opened his mouth to speak but yawned instead. With a nod, Steady placed a hoof on Aphelion's shoulder. "That's enough questions for now. Get some rest, kid. I'll arrange a meeting for you and Luna sometime this week... And an appointment with a therapist," Steady said as Aphelion raised an eyebrow. "Trust me, kid. You don't want to try and deal with the guilt on your own." Too tired to protest, Aphelion grumbled. All of a sudden, what little energy he had disappeared as he felt the soft embrace of his pillow, sending him to the realm of dreams once more. Blurred visions overtook Aphelion's sight. A mixture of colors swirled in front of him, taking vague shapes before quickly dismissing into nothing, only leaving colorful filaments behind before the process repeated anew. It was a strange sight to behold, but Aphelion understood this to be a dream, the first one he had in the past month. His mind was clearly still reeling from the incredulous magical exhaustion he suffered through and was now only beginning to heal, trying to create new dreams to replace the void from his month-long coma. Letting himself be carried by the oniric waves of his subconscious, Aphelion watched in soothing silence as the nothingness around him attempted to become something, even if nonsensical in nature. He could try to control his dream, to force visions and memories upon his surroundings, but there was something therapeutic in seeing the constant cycle of creation and destruction around him. In that moment, seeing things beyond his control reassured him. However, his dream-induced meditations were cut short by a sudden voice, booming from behind. The voice was a mare's, though it sounded strangely regal. "'Tis be a most interesting dream," said the voice. Looking behind him, Aphelion saw a mare step through a rift in the weave of the world, revealing a starry night behind her. The mare herself was lanky and taller than him. Her coat was black as night and her mane flowed in the air, the strands of hair replaced by a piece of the night itself: stars dancing and twinkling in a celestial play field, a perfect snapshot of the stars themselves. On her flanks, large crescent moons adorned a darker spot. What was most surprising about the mare, however, was her other physical attributes. Her horn was long and thin, much longer than Aphelion's. The mare's wings were spread wide, revealing a complex plumage of woven feathers akin to Celestia's own wings. There was no doubt in Aphelion's mind that the mare in front of him was an alicorn, just like Celestia herself. "Luna, I presume?" Aphelion asked, though he could already guess the answer. "Indeed. We have much to discuss, Aphelion." "May I ask if you're really there, or just another part of my dream?" "A wise question. I can assure you that I am quite real. My abilities allow me to directly appear in my subjects' dreams. I believed it would be best for us to meet... Away from prying eyes." "I suppose so. I must admit, though... I have a lot of questions." "Then I shall have a lot of answers, though you need not ask everything right now. Let us begin with the basics." "Alright. First off... Who are you, exactly? I have a very basic idea, but I'd like to hear it from you directly." "Of course. My name is Princess Luna, though you may know me under my... Previous alias, Nightmare Moon. I am Celestia's sister and, as such, Equestria's second ruler." "So, you are Nightmare Moon..." Aphelion's body tensed up, unsure how to proceed. Luna slowly shook her head. "I was Nightmare Moon. I am no longer the monster I became a millennia ago," her voice cracked near the end. Luna spoke with clear regret and guilt, still struggling with what she had been and what she now was. "I assume, then, that Princess Celestia gave you a second chance?" "More or less. While she had an elaborate plan ready for my return, it was through the assistance of another group of ponies that I truly managed to trot back to the path of reason." Aphelion chuckled. "Then, I guess, we've both been given a shot at redemption by Princess Celestia." "Indeed. And we both have much to atone for, too. I have heard of your ties with the foul Crescent Pact... A name I did not expect to hear after my millennia away." "They've been around for that long?" "I am unsure. I knew of a small group of ponies back then that swore their loyalty to me. However, back then, they called themselves 'The Crescent Followers'. We must investigate the roots of this Pact, as I am afraid they are a threat to Equestria — nay, to the world at large." The dream world around Aphelion and Luna stirred, the colors suddenly becoming blurry. Aphelion looked around, about to answer Luna, but she shushed him. "Something in the waking world is bringing you back. We shall continue this conversation at a later date, Aphelion. For now, rest. The road ahead will be long and arduous for the both of us." And with a quick spark of her horn, Luna disappeared from Aphelion's sight as he slowly woke up from his dream. When he opened his eyes, he saw the slumped form of Glaze holding him tightly in a hug, softly crying in his coat. "Uh... Good morning to you too, Glaze," he said weakly, his voice still tired. The mare hugged him tighter, making it harder for him to breathe. "You... You're back!" Glaze whispered. "I was... I was so afraid you were gone..." Aphelion looked around, feeling slightly awkward. Still, he patted Glaze's back in an attempt to comfort the sobbing mare. "Well, I'm fine now. I'm not going anywhere." Tightening her hug even further, Glaze nuzzled Aphelion's torso, who was now almost suffocating. "It's my fault!" She cried. "I never... I never should've let you go back there! If I forced you to stay in the castle, you wouldn't have gotten hurt... Nor Misty, or Sandstorm, or anypony else!" "Glaze... Please... Need to... Breathe," Aphelion struggled to speak. Thankfully, Glaze's embrace loosened a little, though still not letting go of him. "Listen, Glaze... It's not your fault. I would've gone back even if you tried to keep me behind. I should be the one apologizing for getting you involved in this mess." "But..." "There's no 'but'. We're safe now. Let's just..." His sentence hung in the air, without an end in sight. Aphelion truly had no idea what he was supposed to do beside rest at this point. Glaze lifted her head from his chest and looked at him, teary eyed. The bags underneath her eyes indicated to Aphelion that Glaze had spent many sleepless nights in the past few weeks. He couldn't help but blush a little, still not used to being so close to a mare — or anypony else, for that matter. Taking a deep breath, he decided to change conversation topics. "So, I heard you had a vacation, recently?" She scoffed, then smirked weakly. "Yeah, if you can call it that. I almost lost my job here. Even Princess Celestia herself couldn't exactly calm down my boss after he learned what I did and stole..." Aphelion raised an eyebrow. "You stole things from the castle?" "Yeah, some supplies. I, uh, pulled some strings to get inside the royal alchemist's stockpiles. He wasn't exactly happy to find out that I stole some black powder," Glaze chuckled, her mood already improving. "Not surprising, that stuff's extremely dangerous in the wrong hooves." "Good things I got the best hooves. You should see what I can do with them..." She winked, watching in amusement as Aphelion's face turned beet red almost instantly though she couldn't hide her own blush at her less-than-subtle flirting attempt. "R... Right... Uh... S-so you said even Celestia couldn't keep your boss calm? I thought she was your superior, with you being one of her personal maids and all." "Not quite. She's my boss' boss, basically, but she made sure to give him almost total control on how the maids and butlers are handled, since she's often too busy actually ruling Equestria. Besides, my boss, Steel Hoof, doesn't take shit from anypony... Not even the princesses. Oh! That reminds me! We've got a new princess!" "Y... Yeah, Luna, right? We've already met. I have a ton of questions, though." "Dude, you missed so much. Did you know that all the stuff we did was completely eclipsed by Luna's comeback and the return of the Elements of Harmony?" "The what now?" "Some mares from a town in the middle of nowhere managed to turn friendship into actual magic, and blasted Nightmare Moon with it. It turned her into Princess Luna! And so, basically, these mares are seen as heroes and got all the praise while our little buck up at the manor got swept under the rug, basically." "They turned... Friendship into magic?! What the hay does that even mean?" Aphelion asked, an incredulous look on his face as he processed the information. "You got a lot to catch up with, dude!" Glaze laughed, before going on a detailed description of the last month's events. Aphelion listened carefully, already feeling like he should go back to bed as he attempted to process the tsunami of information... The next few days were certainly going to be interesting. > 24 - The Towers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Far above the city of Canterlot, inside one of the castle's highest towers, a chained-up Misty leans against the door of her cell. With a bored expression, she glances at her surroundings, which she became quite familiar with during her month-long incarceration. Ever since she and Sandstorm surrendered themselves to the royal guards, the two mares have been placed in the castle's most secure jail cells: large, well-furnished rooms secluded from the rest of the castle. And though the rooms themselves looked nothing like regular jail cells but rather fancy hotel rooms, Misty knew that every inch of that place was covered in powerful enchantments preventing the use of any magic, whatever its source. Unicorns couldn't cast spells, pegasi were unable to fly and earth ponies completely lost contact with nature as long as they remained in these rooms. Misty knew that she had no way to escape and, if Princess Celestia wished it so, she would remain there for the rest of her days with no hope for freedom. She sighed, desperately hoping for her and Sandstorm's trial to begin soon so that she could defend herself. Besides, Aphelion did promise he'd vouch for them... If he was still alive, of course. Misty and Sandstorm received next to no news from the outside world ever since their incarceration. But above all else, beyond the incredible boredom and the yearning for freedom, Misty wished for only one thing: to be reunited with her lover. Since both Misty and Sandstorm were considered to be extremely dangerous prisoners, they had been locked up in different towers. If the day was clear and sunny, Misty could barely see Sandstorm through her window, a simple yellow shape looking in her direction as well. They could wave at each other, but this had been the full extent of their communications for the past month. Misty felt utterly alone, her only contact with the outside world being the guards posted outside her room with which she could try and communicate, though they often remained silent. And so, Misty waited, knowing that her chance at defending herself from her life of crime and her judgment would soon come to pass — one of the only things that was communicated to her by the guards. There was no exact date, as the court was apparently dealing with 'more pressing matters', whatever did that meant. Slumping down against the door, she sighed once more, the feelings of loneliness and utter boredom filling her to her very core. Inside the tower opposite to Misty's, Sandstorm felt similarly. However, the yearning to be reunited with her beloved did not lead to Sandstorm going into a despairing apathy, but rather into a hyperactive state where her ultimate goal was to cause as much trouble for the two guards stationed at her door. Since she was going to be forced to wait here for weeks with nothing to do, Sandstorm thought it would only be fair for her jailers to feel as annoyed and angry as she was. And so, Sandstorm spent most of her days banging on walls, singing off-key and telling the same dad jokes over and over again. At first, the guards did not react to Sandstorm's petty attempts at getting a raise out of them, but her persistence proved fruitful as the two royal guards outside of her cell quickly began feeling as miserable as her. "... And then, he said 'I turned myself into a pickle'. Funniest shit I've ever read," Sandstorm said as she laid on the floor, looking at the ceiling while recalling the events of a comic book she had read some years ago. "Prisoner, what the buck are you even talking about?" One of the guards asked with a dejected voice, the sound of a facehoof echoing audibly through the top of the tower. "Don't answer her, Ash. You'll only encourage her," said the second voice with a stern and tired voice. "Ha! Your silence would only embolden me, you fools!" Sandstorm taunted while kicking the door with one of her hind legs. Though most of her strength had gone ever since she was placed into this room, sapped by the enchanted security all around her, Sandstorm remained a powerful mare. Her kick caused the door to briefly shake. "Stop that!" Both guards yelled at the same time. "Nah, I don't think I will." "I swear to Celestia, I will—" The guards suddenly went silent as heavy hoofsteps echoed through the tower. Sandstorm heard it as well and stood up from her position. During the past month, the only ponies that came to her door were the guard ponies whose hoofsteps she had learned to differentiate by sound. This is why she quickly figured out that whoever was coming was a new face. And judging by her jailers' sudden change of demeanor, Sandstorm quickly assumed that somepony important was approaching. Putting an ear to her door, Sandstorm listened carefully. Eventually, the pony reached the top of the stairs. Sandstorm heard the two guards salute while the newcomer took a moment to catch their breath. Sandstorm snickered, knowing that the tower must be a pain to climb. After a short moment, the newcomer spoke up with a deep, gruff voice. "Princesses are ready. Bring'er down. Her mate's already on her way." "Yes sir!" Both guards replied in unison before beginning the long process of unlocking Sandstorm's cell. She grinned, whispering to herself 'finally' though her mind quickly picked up on the mention of princesses, plural. As the guards finally entered her room and hoofcuffed her, Sandstorm couldn't help but smirk. Not only was she finally going to see Misty again, she also was going to escape the boredom of her prison for what already appeared to be an interesting trial... When Sandstorm reached the large hallway in front of the throne room and saw Misty waiting near the large ornate doors, there was simply nothing the royal guards could do to prevent her from running toward her marefriend. Acting on pure instinct, Sandstorm had broken her hoofcuffs with ease, her strength flooding back her body as soon as she had left her room, before throwing herself at a just as happy, but also terrified Misty. The two mares violently impacted each other, causing them to roll on the floor for a short distance, before skidding to a stop. Sandstorm held Misty tight as every guard in the hallway began running and yelling. "I missed you too," Misty whispered as tears began forming in her eyes. She completely ignored the pain she was feeling across her body due to Sandstorm's sudden and violent love-tackle. "Well, I missed you more," Sandstorm replied as guards began pulling them away from each other. Sandstorm resisted at first, but eventually reluctantly let go. She smirked while the guards angrily put back another set of hoofcuffs on her, clearly having expected this outburst, though Sandstorm noticed a few of the royal guards trying and failing at keeping a neutral face. Visibly, the two mares' love for each other was enough to melt the hearts of some of the ponies around. "Try that again, and we're sending you to the oubliettes. Got it?" One of the guards asked, somewhat regretting his career path. Sandstorm opened her mouth to answer with a snarky remark, but Misty was the first to speak, predicting her marefriend's plan to cause more trouble. "We'll be good, we promise." And so, after a moment to place new cuffs on Sandstorm's legs, the large doors to the throne room opened slightly. Misty and Sandstorm stood side by side, waiting to be led inside. "The princesses want to see you alone," one of the guards said after a short silence. "You can head inside. If you cause any trouble, the whole of Canterlot will be on your tails in less than ten seconds." "Princesses?" Misty asked. "... Yes? Princess Celestia and Princess Luna?" The same guard replied, visibly confused. "... Who the buck is Luna?" Sandstorm asked. Every guard in the room glanced at each other, with varying degrees of worry. "Did... Did nopony tell you?" Both Misty and Sandstorm shook their heads side to side. "... Ash, you did tell them about Princess Luna, right?" A white pegasus began to sweat profusely. "Me?! I thought it was you who had to tell them!" "Wait, so there's a whole bucking new princess outta nowhere about to decide our fate, and you buckers didn't tell us?!" Sandstorm said, her voice showing hints of both anger and laughter. Misty remained silent, though her eyes were wide open. "Oh boy," Ash said. "Well, uh, no time like the present. Princess Luna is Princess' Celestia's sister and was, until a month ago, Nightmare Moon. She has been reformed and retook her rightful place on the throne. You will show her the respect that she's owed, got it?" Misty and Sandstorm just nodded, an incredulous look on their faces. Further in the hallway, a high-ranking royal guard facehoofed, her subordinate's incompetence getting on her nerves. She spoke up with a stern voice. "Alright, just go in. They've been waiting for you long enough." And so, Misty and Sandstorm entered the throne room, preparing themselves mentally to face their trial... > 25 - The Trial > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The light pierced through the throne room's stained glass, projecting colored patterns onto the floor. A warm breeze slowly made its way across the room, coming from the large ornate doors toward the grandiose thrones atop which sat the two rulers of Equestria, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. An otherworldly stillness permeated through the room, elevating the regal ambiance even further. The only sounds that echoed through the room were the hoofsteps of Sandstorm and Misty, slowly approaching the princesses. Their faces showed awe and amazement, taking in the wonderful architecture as well as the royal sister's almost godlike presences. Princess Celestia's face was mostly neutral, only harboring a faint but warm smile with which she greeted every single one of her subjects. Her golden regalia was almost glowing in the sun, revealing the powerful enchantments imbued within. Her mane floated in the air, an array of ethereal colors looking as if a beam of light passed through a prism, splitting every colorful reflection around her head. While every pony knew what Celestia looked like, seeing her in person was always a shock as pictures were unable to capture the sheer otherworldliness of her being. Celestia stood proudly, her back straight, wings outstretched, and her head held up high. As the two mares approached the thrones, she silently nodded, closing but for a brief moment her magenta eyes. To her side, Princess Luna stood with much less confidence. Attempting to copy her sister's smile, her face instead harbored what other ponies would assume to be a malicious smirk. Having spent a thousand years in exile, Princess Luna had forgotten how to force a smile. Wearing silver jewelry and horseshoes, her regalia was in a starkly different style, inspired by much older artistic styles. Her mane, a flowing tapestry of the night sky, was just as awe-inducing as her sister's, the myriad of stars glistening brightly. Luna did not nod, nor bow to the two mares, still unsure how to act in this world that was entirely new to her. Slowly stepping forward, Sandstorm and Misty stopped once they judged they were close enough before bowing as graciously as they could. While Misty was used to showing this type of reverence, Sandstorm was completely out of her element and almost slipped as she bowed, only barely catching herself as her face was about to impact the impeccably clean marble tiles. "Rise, my little ponies," Celestia said with a soft voice. Slowly lifting their heads, the two mares stared at their rulers, unsure whether or not they should speak. While they attempted to appear as polite and reserved as possible, they couldn't help but stare at the new princess they saw for the first time. It didn't take much to assume this second alicorn was Luna, Equestria's new ruler at Celestia's side. Noticing this, Celestia chuckled a little bit. "I suppose you two haven't had the chance to see my dear sister yet, haven't you?" "Uh... No, your highness," Misty carefully replied. "Your guards kinda forgot to even mention your existence," Sandstorm casually added while looking at Luna. Misty shot a quick annoyed glance toward her, causing Sandstorm to continue. "... Uh, your royal highnesses." Luna raised an eyebrow. "Have they? Sister, is the royal guard from this age... Incompetent?" Celestia sighed. "No, I can assure you they are most able, sister. This is unacceptable, however. My apologies for keeping you two in the dark." "Oh, no need to apologize, your highness! It's our fault for... Uh... Being incarcerated," Misty said, her voice wavering slightly by the end of her sentence. "I do suppose that's true," Celestia replied. "Anyhow, I do believe we have some important matters to discuss... Concerning your past misdeeds." The two mares went silent. They knew this was coming, and yet they failed to find the right words to say. As things stood, they were simply too intimidated by the presence of two alicorns in the same room as them. Luna's gaze became colder, sterner before she spoke up. "I have been brought up to date with most of your... Criminal activities. I must admit, your list of deeds was most impressive... For all the wrong reasons." Celestia cleared her throat before speaking with a much more serious tone, the usual warmth in her voice changing into a chilling commanding presence. "Misty Step and Sandstorm. You two currently stand accused of, in no particular order, battery, bribery, foalnapping, robbery, forgery, fraud, vandalism, drug trafficking, arson and terrorism." "Terrorism?!" Sandstorm shouted. "C'mon, we didn't do that, that's absu—" "Sandstorm... Remember the improvised explosive two years ago, in that noble's bathroom?" Misty whispered, with a sheepish smile. "Oh... Right, that bomb. Hey, come on, though, it was anything but improvised! It was a work of art, Misty, and you know it." "Not helping our case," Misty whisper-yelled. Celestia sighed. "What do you two have to say in your defense?" "Uh, well..." Misty began, before being cut off by Sandstorm. "What can we say? We girlbossed too close to the sun, and now we're here." Misty's face went livid and horrified, instantly draining of all color. She closed her eyes for a moment, bracing herself for what she expected to be a harsh reprimand, but no other sound came from anypony in the room. Opening her eyes, Misty saw that both Celestia and Luna looked confused, Luna more so. "... Sister," Luna began, "can you translate what the criminal just said? I am afraid my exile has left me... Disconnected from Equestria's current tongue." Celesta wracked her brain, trying to understand what Sandstorm meant by that before returning to her familiar warm smile. "How about we let them explain themselves? I believe this to be a good start for this trial." Sandstorm shrugged. "Alright. You want the long version, or the short one?" "Uh, what my partner means to say is—" Misty attempted to do some damage control, but was cut off once again, this time by Princess Luna. Celestia shot a quick glance at Misty which clearly conveyed a simple message: 'I'm sorry'. "We have both cleared most of our schedules for this. Thus, we shall hear 'the long version', as you so elegantly said. You will tell us now how you fell into this life of crime." "Fine. I'll start," Sandstorm took a step forward. "Born in Ponyville, great parents, got mixed up with the wrong crowds as I grew up. They convinced me to go to Manehattan to make some money, I told my parents I wanted to enroll in some big university there. They believed me, I went there and we formed a gang. My boss got caught by Mud's group when we tried selling some drugs on their territory. They broke my boss' legs, kicked the shit outta the rest of us and they started blackmailing me to work for them once they learned about me lying to my folks. Turns out, they needed some muscles for some bigger heists. Didn't really have much of a choice, it was either that or letting them... Sell my body. Both figuratively and literally." While Sandstorm's tone sounded casual, Misty recognized the faintest hint of pain and regret in her marefriend's voice. She placed a hoof on Sandstorm's back and offered a comforting smile. Misty saw a small tear forming in the corner of Sandstorm's eyes, though the yellow earth pony did her best to remain steadfast. "A... Most unfortunate scenario," Luna eventually said. "Indeed. As the sole ruler of Equestria back then, I must admit some part of responsibility. Were I a better ruler, such a situation would never have occurred. For this, I apologize, Sandstorm," Celestia added. "Nah, it's fine. I played a stupid game and won a bucked-up prize. Thankfully, my parents still don't know about the truth, though I did have to tell them I dropped out. They currently think I got some cushy office job in Manehattan. I suppose they'll learn the truth soon enough, though." "This does sound inevitable. And you, pink one? How did you end up straying from the light?" Luna asked. "W... Well... I... My mother required Mud's services in order to... Climb the social ladder, let's say. Once Mud and his group learned of my abilities, they threatened to reveal my mother's secrets if I did not join them. I had no choice but to obey, lest my mother lose everything she's spent her life building." "And what service did you mother ask of Mud, exactly?" Celestia asked, placing a hoof under her chin. "... She works at the Fillydelphia Opera House. She asked for Mud's help in order to... Remove competition. She's been the director there for a few years, now." "A most prestigious establishment, I assume. Does thou... Does your mother know about your involvement with this 'Mud' pony?" Luna's voice slowly became softer as she heard the mares' stories. "I... Yes, she does. I asked for her help when Mud first started blackmailing me. She... Told me to go along with it. For her sake. This was her life's work, after all, while I still had all of mine to figure myself out. For me, it would just be a temporary setback... At least, that's what she told me." "We met soon after," Sandstorm continued as Misty looked at the floor, needing a few moments to herself. "We got placed in the same team to steal some files from some business stallion in Fillydelphia. We worked well together, so Mud made sure we got the same jobs. We, uh, got pretty close during that time, doing crime and each oth—" "I see," Celestia spoke up, predicting Sandstorm's propensity to derail conversations. "So, you two are victims of your situation... At least partly. But why did you never ask for help? You could have been placed into witness protection programs with all the information you two had gathered about Mud." Misty scoffed. "We tried. Once. You see, our team initially included a third mare. Sea Foam. She went and found a guard, one night, hoping to get us all out of Mud's grip. Turns out, Mud controlled a lot of the guards in Fillydelphia and learned about Sea Foam's attempt to get us free. He... Made an example out of her. She's not longer..." "She's six feet under," Sandstorm continued. "Mud made us do it, then drilled into our head that should we try that sort of thing ever again, he'd place us in a room with a knife and would only unlock the door when only one of us remained. Excuse us if we didn't really want to risk it all for your precious guards, especially given how useless they've been at stopping a crime lord that kept acting so openly, in broad daylight." Mouth slightly agape, Luna turned her head toward her sister, her face full of disbelief. "Sister, is this true?" Celestia sighed. "... I am afraid so, then, though I did not expect things to have gotten this bad," she said before looking upward at the ceiling, temporarily lost in thoughts. "While I cannot reveal everything to you two yet, you are owed an explanation. Mud and his group are... Or were a direct branch of the Crescent Pact. While I could have sent the royal guards against him, this would have led to a cascade of events concluding in a civil war in Equestria." Blinking a few times, Misty stammered. "Wh... What?!" "For a long period of time, there has been a status quo between the crown and the pact. All you need to know, for now, is that I wasn't sure who I could trust and what I could do... Until very recently. Miraculously, the tides have changed." "... Because we went inside Aphelion's father's manor?" Sandstorm tentatively asked. "Indeed. You two, alongside Aphelion, Misty and one of my own maids, somehow found your way there and prevented the pact from reaching its goal, unknowingly undoing years of preparations," Celestia smiled once again. Luna observed the two mares in front of her, struggling to grasp how they could accomplish such a feat. "... How exactly did you two end up there?" Luna asked. "Oh, it's because Misty hears voices in her head," Sandstorm joked, which caused Luna to raise an eyebrow, and Misty to facehoof. "Uh... It's a bit more complicated than that, your majesties. As I've said earlier, Mud recruited me because of my abilities... Basically, my innate talent allows me to... Communicate with large cities. I don't really know or understand the exact mechanics of it, but I recently had a more powerful vision warning me of what the pact was doing... And of your return, Princess Luna, though only now can I understand that part." "You can speak with the city?" Luna said, putting a hoof underneath her chin. For a moment, it seemed as if she was going to continue this line of questioning, but eventually decided against it. "That is most interesting." "Indeed it is," Celestia continued. But your presence in the manor wasn't the only event that night that turned the tides against the Crescent Pact, though I doubt you've heard much about it given your month-long reprieve from society. "The return of the Elements of Harmony," Luna added. "Yes, but more specifically, your return, sister." The two royal sisters smiled at each other, though their faces clearly showed the pain of a millennia of separation. Sandstorm broke the moment by speaking up against, her face still sour. "Right... I don't buy what you said earlier, though. You claim there was absolutely nothing you could do while you let your subjects suffer and your own bucking guards turn corrupt?!" Luna shot a stern look at Sandstorm before speaking up with a loud, booming voice. "You will not disrespect your ruler, crimi—" "No, Luna, she's right," Celestia cut her sister off. "In your absence, I have failed as a ruler. I can only hope to make things right now that you are back at my side, sister. While these two did commit an honestly surprising number of crimes, I must admit my part of responsibility for not creating a world where they had the opportunity to safely turn themselves in." "But still, these scoundrels shouldn't be disrespecting you! And you shouldn't have to show this much clemency to those hellions!" "Hey, who're you calling a scoundrel?" Sandstorm shouted, before turning to Misty and whispering in her ear. "What does scoundrel mean, again?" "Do not mistake my clemency for weakness, or for letting you off the hook easily. I believe you two, just like Aphelion and my sister, are owed a second chance despite your past failings. What I am offering you two is a chance to redeem yourselves, by helping us in our hidden war against the Crescent Pact. You will be, of course, closely monitored to ensure you remain within the confines of the law. The alternative is a very, very long prison sentence, which you two are free to take should you not wish to risk your lives," Celestia's words were heavy and implied a simple truth: if Misty and Sandstorm wished to be free once more, they would have to undo the damages they caused in the past. With one knowing glance at each other, both mares nodded. Without saying a single word, they already knew what the other was thinking. Misty spoke up. "We agree, your majesty. Thank you for giving us this chance." "Good," Celestia smiled, her face softening. "While I was already thinking about making this offer to you two, Aphelion has been quite vocal in his support for your freedom ever since I met him... Which is surprising to me, I must admit, given how you originally used him as a scapegoat during your little trip underneath the castle," Celestia said. "Guess he couldn't resist our charm," Sandstorm joked, causing Misty to roll her eyes. "Perhaps, but I doubt Aphelion is the type of stallion to think only with his loins. Once he has fully recovered from his coma, it would be wise for you two to have an honest discussion with him... To apologize, among other things," Celestia argued. Luna simply nodded. "... Yeah, that would probably be for the best," Misty agreed. "Good. Now, then, let us continue this conversation another time. We have some other important matters to attend to, though you must know that I will need to speak with each of you individually in the near future. There is much work to be done," Luna said while standing up from her throne. "Indeed. And, I believe, you two will want to spend some time together after being separated for so long. Take the rest of the day off, for yourselves. A maid will bring you to your chambers and indicate where you may find Aphelion, Glaze and Steady," Celestia added. Both Misty and Sandstorm winced at the mention of Steady, causing Celestia to tilt her head. "... Is something the matter with Steady?" "Uh... Well... Don't you know our... History with him, since he works for you?" Misty asked. Celestia shook her head from side to side. "We're kind of the reason why his wife left him four years ago... Though, if you ask me, we did him a service," Sandstorm said boldly. Celestia's eyes went wide for a moment, completely taken aback. "I... No, I was not aware of that. Steady isn't exactly the type of stallion to confide to others, especially to his employer. Though that would explain why he worked so hard to capture you two," Celestia admitted. "... I suppose you two owe him an apology as well, then." "If he doesn't try to beat us to a pulp when we see him, sure," Sandstorm shrugged. With a slight nod, Celestia continued. "Well, he did agree to working with you two. I must assume, then, that he is willing to put his anger aside for the sake of Equestria's protection. Please, do not aggravate him any further, however." "We'll try, your majesty," Misty replied. "Now, go," Luna said. "We shall summon you two tomorrow." With one last bow, Misty and Sandstorm silently exited the throne room. Once they had left the room, Luna slumped on her throne and let out a long sigh. "Sister, are you sure these two are to be trusted?" "I... Cannot know for sure, Luna. But we need more allies, and these two seem to possess an interesting skill set... Especially Misty Step." "... Yes, you're right, but still. They seem to be extremely volatile and foul-mouthed... Mostly the earth pony." "She reminds me of you when you were young, Luna," Celestia chuckled. Glaring at her sister, Luna pouted while attempting to prevent a smirk from forming. She knew Celestia was right, and she did see herself in Sandstorm. Still, Luna wasn't convinced, but she trusted her sister's judgment. "Tomorrow is going to be a long day, isn't it," Luna eventually said. > 26 - The Ruins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apogée slowly stepped through the ruins of his mansion with a discontent smile. Every fractured stone, broken piece of furniture and glass shard reminded him very clearly of his failure and of his son's betrayal. All around him, multiple ponies were restlessly working to remove the rubble, hoping to either find some of the buried bodies to give them proper burials, or to find anything of value that used to belong to the Pact. Forming a large perimeter around these ponies as well as the mansion's ruins, many royal guards kept an eye open for any interloper, just as they had done for the past month since the explosion. None of them could see Apogée. The tired stallion, his horn glowing with a faint cyan light, was an unseen visitor, making sure the royal recovery team did not find anything of real value from the rubble. While Apogée could have tasked any other unicorn from the Pact with this matter, he decided to take care of it himself in an effort to isolate himself from the rest of his brethren. Even though he outranked many and very few would dare to criticize him, Apogée knew he would very easily see the disdain and disappointment in their eyes. After all, not only did Apogée fail to secure Nightmare Moon's powers inside the catalyst, his lack of planning and security led to the death of many members of the Pact, as well as the loss of many artifacts and machines. And so, Apogée watched the workers around him in silent penance. That was until Apogée felt a faint shimmer in the air behind him, followed by an almost paralyzing aura. Feeling his body straightening up and sweat beginning to pour from his pores, Apogée stopped dead in his tracks. "... Good afternoon, my Lord," he said while turning around and kneeling in front of the figure that had appeared out of thin air behind him. Lord Purple Comet, wearing a simple cloak and his face adorned with a condescending smile, chuckled. "You may rise, Apogée. I do believe we have some important matters to discuss," Purple Comet said, his voice exuding authority and reproach all the while sounding strangely calm. "I... Yes, of course. Did you receive my report of the events, my Lord?" Apogée asked, slowly rising from his position. Though he was much taller than Purple Comet, his head remained straight, his eyes staring into the distance. "I have. A most interesting turn of events, that is for sure... One that is less than desirable, though you must know that yourself, especially given your pitiful attempt to stay away from my wrath." Apogée gulped. He knew he had to choose his next words carefully, lest his life would end right there. "... I apologize for my incompetence, my Lord. Given my recent failings, I did not want to bring you more shame by forcing you to indulge in my most despicable presence. I did not—" "Silence. I did not come here to hear your inane ramblings. What I wish to know is how you plan on redeeming yourself." "Re... Redeem myself?" Apogée blinked, finally looking down, in Purple Comet's eyes. He knew this was something his master hated, but in his confusion, Apogée forgot. "Have you gone deaf as well? You are far too expensive of a tool to simply throw away. I believe you may still be of some use... Unless you think my judgment is wrong?" "Of course not! I will make amends, I swear it on my life," Apogée knelt back down. "Tell me what must be done, and I shall dedicate myself body and heart into—" Purple Comet's voice became louder, sharper, more annoyed. "Enough. I did not mold you to be a mere sycophant. Now, listen to me carefully, because I won't repeat myself. You have let a once in a lifetime opportunity slip by due to your inaptitude. Furthermore, we have lost many agents, as well as our most successful Moon-Touched pony. Your task is simple. I want you to find another catalyst and drain the false prophet of whatever powers she possesses." "Of course, my Lord... It will be done. How can I accomplish this task?" Apogée's master groaned. "Must I do everything for you, colt? This is your mess. Now, you clean it on your own. You shall have access to some of our resources left, as well as another promising Moon-Touched subject. The rest is up to you. I expect to see results by the end of the month. Have I made myself clear?" Purple Comet asked, all the while pressing a hoof down on Apogée's face, pushing him deeper in the rubble and broken glass. "Y... Yes, Lord Comet. I will not fail you, this time." "Good. I expect no less of you. Now, stand back up and walk with me," Comet said while releasing Apogée. The indigo unicorn stood up and looked around. Thankfully, his spell hadn't faltered during his conversation with his master and none of the ponies around them could still see him. Apogée did wonder how Comet achieved a similar result without the visible use of any magic but knew better than to ask. "What... What else do you wish to talk about, my Lord?" "... I wish to have a word with you about your son, Aphelion." "Ah. I must apologize for failing his education. If I knew he would turn his back on..." "The fault is partly mine," Purple Comet said before sighing. Apogée went silent, utterly shocked to hear his master admit a fault. "Had my letter not been intercepted, you would have been the one sent to Canterlot for the trade. You simply followed my orders, so I cannot blame you for this... Though I wished you had used your brain instead of mindlessly obeying, for once. The colt was not ready to face civilization. By Tartarus, if it wasn't for your wife's pitiful pleads, he would have been placed under my direct care... But still." "... I—" "And as much as I hate to admit it, we need the traitor's expertise. The catalyst was one of his creations, after all... If I knew about his genius, we would have made much better use of him than mindlessly tracking the tyrant's control of the sun." Apogée remained silent, not knowing what to say. While he still felt an incredible amount of anger toward his son for his betrayal of the Crescent Pact, the thought of Aphelion spending any extended period of time with Purple Comet disturbed Apogée, though he didn't know why. Apogée tried to assume it was simply jealousy at the idea of his son being held in higher regard than him, but deep down, he knew this was something more complex. Quickly shaking his head to snap out of it, Apogée focused back on the world around him. "I will... I will talk some sense into him, my Lord. If he fails to see reason, I can also always precipitate the Phoenix Incantation." As the words left his mouth, Apogée felt a sudden wave of anguish and disgust at himself, something deep inside him shaming him for even mentioning this topic. Purple Comet hummed, considering the thought for a moment. "... Yes, this does sound quite tempting, though I doubt his body is ready. You shall attempt other avenues to bring him back to us, but if all else fails, you are allowed to start the incantation." "Of course, my Lord. I shall... Keep you up to date," Apogée replied, his voice faltering ever so slightly. Purple Comet stared at Apogée for a moment, seemingly deep in thought before speaking again. "... I hope I needn't remind you that the child's purpose had always been for the incantation, right?" "O... Of course, my Lord." "Good. Now, then, we have just one more matter to discuss." "Oh? What else do you have in mind, lord Comet?" "Look around you," Purple Comet calmly said while looking straight ahead. Following his master's gaze, Apogée saw one of the workers staring at the both of them with a look of utter confusion... And terror. Apogée felt the color drain from his face as he immediately understood what had happened: in a moment of weakness, he had lost focus on his spell, briefly allowing the ponies around them to see him. Looking all around, Apogée saw everypony looking in his direction, with guards rushing toward him... Or, at least, they were rushing before being frozen in place. Apogée gulped. Every single pony around him, working in the ruins of the mansion, had been paralyzed by Purple Comet through unknown means even to him. Sheepishly turning toward his master, Apogée opened his mouth. "I... I apologize, my Lord, I—" "Another mess you shall clean. I will take the guards with me, to see if any of them are fit to be Moon-Touched. In the meanwhile, I expect you to... Remove these trespassers. I expect nothing to remain here." Noticing the look of fear in the excavator ponies' eyes deepen, Apogée gave a solemn nod. "It... Shall be done." Apogée blinked once. His master was already gone, along with every single royal guard posted near the mansion. The remaining ponies stood around him, paralyzed both by unknown eldritch means and with fear. Taking a moment to enjoy the silence, letting out a long sigh, Apogée felt a sudden wave of anger and rage flood over him. After a very long month of wallowing in pity and self-hatred, alongside the fury building inside him every time he thought about his son, Apogée was glad he was finally able to let out some steam. And unfortunately for his soon-to-be victims, Apogée despised having uninvited guests in his home... Or what remained of it. But then, an insidious thought slowly wormed its way into Apogée's brain. Maybe he could find another use for them yet. It would be a waste to kill them all, he thought, and if his master wanted them specifically dead, he would have said so. And so, Apogée slowly but methodically went over every single pony, casting a series of spells on them. As the sun slowly set, only Apogée remained atop rubble, shards of glass and ashes. > 27 - The Meeting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aphelion slowly traversed the castle, a slight limp to his step as he gazed at the large stained-glass windows to his side. With Princess Luna's return, many of the images and symbols depicted made a lot more sense now, though they still felt strange to him. The young unicorn was still struggling to learn the true story of Equestria, or at least the official version of it. And although he had been taking great care in making sure to separate what he had been taught by his father to what he was learning now, his mind occasionally slipped into half-truths and propaganda from the Crescent Pact. Today was the first day Aphelion was officially able to leave his bedroom, the doctor assigned to him judging the young unicorn able to get back to work. Excited at the prospect of finally being able to meet back up with everypony, Aphelion quickened his pace toward the meeting room. Steady had announced a few days earlier that the Princesses gave Misty and Sandstorm an official pardon, and that the two mares would join Steady's team with the specific goal to investigate the Pact's most recent actions. Aphelion was slightly disappointed to learn that Glaze was unable to join that team, instead having to remain as one of Celestia's personal maids, but he would still be able to see her often. Thinking about her, Aphelion felt his heart rate increase and his cheeks redden. Shaking his head, he focused back on this team that was going to take down the cult he was raised in. And now, Aphelion was finally in good enough shape to officially join the team as well. Finally reaching the meeting room, Aphelion took a moment to straighten his back and to take a deep breath. Voices were coming from behind, indicating the presence of the rest of his team. Opening the door with confidence, Aphelion took a step forward before jovially greeting the ponies inside... Or, at least, that was his intention. Instead, as soon as he opened the door, a vase came flying right next to his face before smashing on the wall behind him, leaving a mess on the floor. Inside the room, Steady was sitting at the end of a large table, smoking a cigarette. The pegasus looked extremely tired. Across the table, sitting in front of him, Misty was holding a nervous smile as she struggled to maintain eye contact with Steady, though her gaze quickly shifted toward Aphelion when the door opened — and the vase came flying. Behind her, Sandstorm was standing on her hind legs while holding a throwing position right next to an open window where the vase once stood. At first, she smirked before looking up at Aphelion. Her smile quickly faltered as she stared at the young unicorn with wide eyes, before grinning from ear to ear. "Oh, hi, Aph'! I was just the old fart that I also knew long-ranged techniques. I call this move 'The Homerun'. Pretty neat, huh?" Blinking a few times, Aphelion slowly nodded. "... That's an interesting technique, I have to admit." "... Sandstorm, you hear that?" Steady grumbled. Sandstorm, Misty and Aphelion stood still, trying to listen to whatever Steady was referencing. After an awkward moment of silence, Misty raised a hoof. "I cannot hear anything, sir." "Huh, that's weird," Steady began while exhaling a large cloud of cigarette smoke. "I can hear the sound of your salaries gettin' slashed in two already." "Joke's on you, old man! We're not getting paid for any of this!" Sandstorm triumphantly claimed before sitting back down in her seat, right next to Misty. Her marefriend stared at her with visible annoyance, though Misty was unable to fully suppress a smirk. "Anyway, seems like we got our last member. How're you feeling, kiddo?" Steady asked, his expression softening a little as he looked at Aphelion. "I'm doing much better now, thanks. I was told to keep things slow for a week or two, but I should be able to work." "It's... Good to see you, Aphelion," Misty added somewhat awkwardly. She struggled to maintain eye contact with him as she remembered what Celestia and Luna told her and Sandstorm. The two mares hadn't had the chance yet to have a serious conversation with Aphelion, causing Misty to hesitate on which tone to take with Aphelion. Should she talk to him as a friend? A colleague? Sandstorm didn't have this issue. "It's been a while, dude! Like, a whole month since your house went kaboom. What have you been up to?" "Well, not much. Coma, mostly," the gray unicorn casually said as he was taking a chair. "Oh, yeah, I heard something about that. Must've sucked..." Sandstorm replied with a concerned expression. "That's because of your... Magical... Disease... Condition... Thingamajig?" "Thaumic Atrophy. I pushed myself too far and paid the price, but at least, I was able to get some ponies out before it all came crashing down." "About that," Steady interjected, "that's gonna be the topic for our first meeting as a full team. There's been some new development at the ruins. I'm afraid the Pact doesn't want us to sift through the remains." "What happened?" Aphelion asked. "An excavation team had been sent to search for survivors and for anything that could tell us more about the Crescent Pact's activities," Misty replied while levitating a file in front of Aphelion. "A small group of royal guards were also sent to ensure their safety. They... All disappeared yesterday." "Disappeared?" "Seems like it," Steady grabbed the cigarette butt in his mouth with his wing before throwing it in a fancy silver ashtray, carved with multiple sun symbols. "Pretty much no trace of the excavation team left. There were a few of the spears from the guard left on the ground. No blood, no visible signs of struggle. Celestia sent some unicorns to scan the area for traces of magic, but they've been moving slowly for their own safety. We don't know if it was some sort of artifact, or a trap, or —" "It was my father," Aphelion cut Steady short. He sighed as he quickly scanned the file in front of him. "I've seen him use spells that allowed him to teleport a large number of ponies, even against their wills, across large distances before. Usually, he used that spell to bring me and a small group of maids and butlers when we had to visit other members of the Pact." Sandstorm groaned. "So, what you're saying is that they could be anywhere in Equestria?" "Not exactly. This spell — Arcane Highway, he called it, can only target specific locations due to its complexity... Usually, a powerful circle engraved on a floor somewhere in the world that acts as a sort of magnet. Without it, there's a pretty high chance of sending the ponies to a random point in Equestria, which I don't think my father would do." "Which means he must have gone to another one of the Pact's bases," Misty added. "Do you have any idea where your father would go, Aphelion?" "It depends on what he plans on doing with the ponies he captured. I know of a few other bases belonging to the Pact, but I never knew their exact location or addresses. Usually, my father would just take me along with him when necessary, without telling me where we were going in Equestria... Or even beyond, for that matter." "So, we're stuck," Steady grumbled. "Even if we knew the exact location of the captured ponies, we're in no shape to raid one of these bases..." "We just need to find the right approach," Misty replied while thinking. "We could try and infiltrate said base. Besides, I don't think our team's role is to raid places. We should leave that type of job for the royal guards, right?" "Guess so. Even if it's boring as buck, we got a great track record for sneaking into places. Ain't that right, Aph'?" Sandstorm asked the gray unicorn with a wide smile. "... Well, it was going more or less well. You even found somepony to act as bait," Aphelion replied with a deadpan expression. "Wait, did we... Oh, right. Yeah, uh, sorry about that," Sandstorm looked to the side with a nervous smile. "That's... Something we wanted to talk to you about, actually, Aphelion. We owe you an apology." "Listen, kids, you can deal with your personal issues after this meeting. I don't care for your personal drama," Steady said while reaching for another cigarette. Sighing, Aphelion looked at the two mares in front of him. "Steady's right. Let's keep that for later, if that's fine with you two." "Yeah, fair enough," Sandstorm shrugged. "I know a nice bar not too far from the castle. First round's on me." Nodding, Aphelion then turned back toward Steady. "Right. So, we need to find the location of those Pact bases, correct?" "That'd be a great start. You sure you don't remember anything about where they could be?" Steady asked before putting the cigarette in his mouth, its end magically lighting itself up causing Aphelion to tilt his head. Noticing his surprise, Steady winked. "Special cigs, imported from the Dragon Lands. Working for the princess has its perks." "I can see that. Anyhow, I'll have to spend some time trying to remember any details that could help us, but there's one I have a lead on. It was another mansion, though smaller than my father's. I only went here once for some fancy dinner, but I do remember looking through the window and seeing snow." Misty lifted an eyebrow. "Snow? Did you see anything else?" "No, which was surprising. We were in the middle of summer, and yet, that mansion was surrounded by snow as far as the eye can see. No trees, no roads, no houses... A frozen wasteland, basically." "That's... Interesting," Steady mumbled. "You sure it wasn't on top of a mountain, or something like that?" "No, unless the top of that mountain was both immense and totally flat." "Must be somewhere in the arctic north, then," Misty said. "Though that doesn't help us pinpoint that mansion's location that much..." "Yeah, and that's assuming that's where all those missing ponies went," Sandstorm leaned back in her chair. "That's, like, one random house amongst however many the Pact has." "Well, it's a lead, I s'pose," the crimson pegasus said as he closed his eyes to think. "... I'll check the archives, see if we got anything about a random mansion on the sea ice." "Good idea. I'll, uh, try to see if I can remember anything else in the meanwhile. My head is still a bit fuzzy because of the coma... Hopefully, some things will come back to me if I think about it enough." "You do that, kid. Well, then, we can't really do much more without more intel, so meeting adjourned. See you guys same time tomorrow," Steady replied while getting up from his chair. "W... Wait, what can we do until then?" Misty asked. Shrugging, Steady glanced at Misty. "I dunno. Just make yourselves useful without causing too much of a mess, alright?" "Maybe we can also investigate that spell my father used?" Aphelion scratched his chin with a hoof. "My father's good at magic, but he never really came up with his own spells. If we can figure out how his Arcane Highway works, maybe we can use it and see these 'magnets' linked to the different Pact bases ourselves." "That's a good idea. I can help you with that!" The pink unicorn replied, smiling. "Psh. Nerds," Sandstorm muttered before receiving a playful elbow from her marefriend into her sides. "Anyways, while you dorks do this boring 'reading' and 'research' stuff, I'll go and have a look at those ruins myself. Maybe the Pact forgot something there?" "Actually, you two need to stay in town for now," Steady looked at Misty and Sandstorm. "The princesses still don't know if we can fully trust you yet. Can't leave town without an escort. Either a royal guard, Aphelion or me." "Lame," Sandstorm shrugged. "I guess I'll just go take a nap or something, then." Just as Steady was about to reply, a guard suddenly knocked on the door before opening it. The royal guard, a yellow stallion, quickly glanced at the remains of the broken vase on the floor in the hallway before looking at the group inside the meeting room. Clearing his throat, he spoke with a stern voice. "Princess Luna wishes to see Sandstorm in her quarters. Is she here?" The yellow mare, in return, raised a hoof. "Yeah, I'm here. What does she want?" "Please, follow me there. She requires your presence as soon as possible." With a last shrug, Sandstorm rose from her chair. "Welp, guess I got something to do, after all. Misty, Aph', let's meet back up at sundown for that drink." "Alright, see you then," Aphelion said. "Just don't cause Luna too much trouble, please," Misty asked before quickly kissing Sandstorm. "No promises," she chuckled before leaving the room. > 28 - The Spine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As she walked through the castle's almost labyrinthine halls and stairs, Sandstorm was wondering why Luna had called her specifically. The guard bringing her to the new monarch's room remained silent despite Sandstorm's attempt to get a reaction out of him. Making jokes, trailing behind, touching things she shouldn't touch, nothing she did was enough to warrant a single sound out of the guard. At most, she received annoyed glares. Eventually giving up, Sandstorm resigned herself to simply look around as they walked, committing the path to Luna's quarters to memory. If she was going to stay in the castle for a while, she might as well get her bearings, she thought... Though the prospects of annoying guards on the daily by asking for directions did sound lovely to her. After one last turn, the pair of ponies entered a large hallway filled with many more guards. While some were wearing their typical golden armor, most of them were equipped with darker armor, not too dissimilar to those worn by the militia inside Apogée's mansion. "Here we are. Please, be on your best behavior while interacting with Princess Luna," the guard said as the two of them reached a large set of doors at the end of the hallway. "And do keep in mind that both the solar and lunar guard are nearby. Do not do anything that might force us to come inside." Sandstorm rolled her eyes. "C'mon, when have I ever committed a crime? I'm a saint." The guard in front of her opened the door with a deadpan look. "I will not waste my breath replying to this nonsense. Please, step inside. Princess Luna is waiting for you." Opening her mouth for another snarky comment, Sandstorm quickly decided against it and went inside. Although she was giving the image of somepony that doesn't care about everything, her heart was beating fast as she crossed the threshold to Luna's room. She still had no idea why the princess of the night wanted to see her specifically, and without Misty being at her side, Sandstorm's bravado was much flimsier than usual. The room was dark, most curtains drawn despite the afternoon soon shining bright. The floor was spotless, and a faint lavender smell permeated everywhere inside. Sandstorm quietly scanned her surroundings, noticing a few bookshelves, a small table and a large bed frame before the door closed behind her, dismissing the only source of light. The yellow mare stood still while her eyes slowly acclimated to the darkness. "Uh... Hello? Is anypony there?" Sandstorm asked, her tone hesitant. In response, another door on the opposite end of the room opened, a blue aura surrounding it. Behind it, a small balcony overlooked the outsides of Canterlot, high above the ground. The balcony was filled with plants, making it look like a small garden. Sitting at one end of a round table, Princess Luna calmly drank from a cup of tea, her eyes closed and her horn alight. She was not wearing any of her royal regalia and bags were clearly visible under her eyes. Sandstorm took a few steps forward, though she wasn't sure whether she should even be moving without Luna's authorization... Not that Sandstorm would obey anyway. "Sup', Princess Luna. You wanted to see me?" Luna, opening an eye and glancing at Sandstorm, nodded. "Indeed. There is an important matter we must discuss with you. Please, come and take a seat." A few moments later, Sandstorm was seated, though in a much more relaxed position than Luna. Leaning back in her chair, Sandstorm eyed the table, her gaze stopping on the tea set in front of her. "... I don't suppose there's booze in there?" "I am afraid not. This is a serious matter we must discuss, and I will require your full attention." "Whatever you say, moon lady," Sandstorm shrugged. Noticing Luna's eye twitching and her freezing mid-sip, the yellow mare decided it would be best to change her approach. "... Uh, I meant, as you wish, your highness?" Luna sighed. "It would seem society changed a lot during my exile. I must be honest; I am still quite unfamiliar with how... Uncouth ponies nowadays seem to be." "Depends, actually. Sure, the regular folks are probably a lot more laid back than during your time, but nobles still got their heads pretty darn far up their..." Sandstorm cut herself, choosing her next word very carefully. "... Their posteriors?" An awkward silence permeated for a few long moments, before Luna broke the tension by chuckling. "Some things never change, then. Anyway, let us begin. I wish to speak to you about some of the events that took place the night Nightmare Moon came back." "At the mansion, you mean? Sure. What do you want to know?" "It has come to my attention that during your... Impromptu raid, a surge of cosmic energy washed through the entire mansion." "Oh, that? Yeah, there was some sort of big wave of magical energy at some point... It juiced me up pretty dang well. I think it was the same for everypony else inside," Sandstorm began explaining before stopping. "... Actually, you probably should talk to Misty or Aphelion about it. I don't really understand much of that magic thing." "I do intend to have a word with them about it later, yes, but there is... A reason why I wished to speak to you about it. Could you elaborate on your point of view on this event?" "My point of view? Uh, sure. I was trying to deal with a pony that got jabbed with that crazy drug the Pact sometimes uses... Some pretty nasty stuff. It's called 'Tears of the Moon', if I remember correctly. Makes ponies real big and scary. Anyway, I was getting my ass kicked... Sorry, my posterior kicked. I got thrown against a wall and couldn't move because of the pain. Then, there was this big-ass... Sorry again, big-posterior?" "... 'Big-ass' is preferable in this context." "Right. This big-ass wave of energy, then. I felt kind of tingly all over, and I was able to stand back up. I, uh, was also pretty angry at that time. Poison Dart — the stallion turned into a monstrous freak — was saying some nasty stuff. I kind of blacked out. When I came back to my senses, I had just killed him. Then, there was this whole ordeal about the manor about to explode and... Well, the rest's history, I guess." Luna remained silent for a moment, staring at Sandstorm with a neutral expression while drinking her tea. The earth pony felt intimidated by the alicorn's gaze, causing her to wonder if she had said something wrong. Eventually, Luna broke the silence. "... I see. Before I tell you anything, you ought to know more about this surge and its true nature." "Alright, as long as I'm not getting quizzed on it later." "Hm. I do believe you will find this quite interesting, so do not fret. This surge of energy was... A byproduct of the cosmic locks keeping Nightmare Moon banished on the moon. When she managed to force her way out of her lunar cell, a wave of alicorn magic washed over the night sky, which the Crescent Pact attempted to harvest. Due to Misty's interference with the device they were using, the ponies inside felt the full force of this wall of energy descending onto them," Luna stopped talking upon noticing Sandstorm's blank stare. "... Did you understand what I just said?" "Uh... Sure, but can you dumb it down a bit more for the ponies in the back? Just in case they didn't understand." Luna sighed. "Keeping Nightmare Moon banished required a lot of energy. When she escaped, that energy exploded like a bomb. The Crescent Pact tried to put the blast in a bottle, but it was instead unleashed on those inside the manor." "Okay, I kind of get it... More or less." "This blast of energy, while stored inside the catalyst, or the 'bottle', so to speak, was finely tuned. It was shaped, like clay, to turn into a sort of... Healing wave of energy. That is what struck everypony inside." "Oh, so that's why Steady's leg hole plugged itself on its own. Neat." "Yes. It also healed your spine, which had been completely shattered during your battle against this 'Poison Dart' pony." "Yeah, that makes... Wait, I'm sorry, what?!" Sandstorm rose up from her chair, wide eyed. "I can still see the faint traces of this wave of energy in all those it affected... Such as you, Sandstorm. Your inability to move was not due to pain, but due to the complete destruction of your spine. Thankfully, however, this surge of energy which happened to have been tuned for healing, saved you." Looking down at her hooves, Sandstorm felt a wave of cold sweat. "I... I had no idea I got this messed up." "Mhm. I assume this must be quite a shocking revelation... But there is something more I must tell you about. When this surge of energy healed everypony inside, did you notice anything else about your companions?" Sandstorm scratched the back of her head. "I can't... I don't really remember. Glaze was hiding somewhere, so I couldn't see her. Steady's leg hole was healing and Aphelion... I think he was screaming?" "Indeed. While the surge of alicorn magic healed everypony, it also caused a great deal of pain to all those affected due to the sheer... Mass of energy suddenly entering their bodies. Regular ponies are not fit to wield the full weight of alicorn magic." "But... All I got were tingles. Were my nerves all bucked up as well?" "Not quite. There is something different about you, Sandstorm. Something I was able to see the first time we met. For some reason yet unknown, your body was perfectly able to handle Nightmare Moon's magic." "Right. But what does that mean?" Luna took a few seconds to think before answering, trying to find the best way to approach this subject. "Sandstorm... Could you please tell me the names of your parents?" Tensing up, Sandstorm stared at Luna. "... Why? I mean, I can tell you, but I don't see how that's related to anything." "This information is of the utmost importance." "... Fine. My father's name is Snowstorm, and my mother's called Sand Hex. They just kind of... Combined their names when naming me." Luna sighed. "... I see." "So, how does any of that relate to me being able to not keel over in pain when getting blasted by Nightmare Moon's fancy cosmic fart?" "Before I tell you anything, you must know that this matter requires an extreme level of secrecy. If you ever repeat what I am about to tell you to anypony who isn't already in the know, you will be charged with treason." "Eh, just another charge on the list, then," Sandstorm joked. "But fine, I'll keep my mouth shut. So, spill the beans already." "... A long time ago, when I wasn't quite Nightmare Moon yet, but no longer fully Princess Luna either, I was scheming against my sister. I had many plots, hidden laboratories and plans to overtake Equestria, then the world. One of those schemes was to form a loyal group of servants ready to follow me to the end of the world, if need be." "The Crescent Pact?" Sandstorm asked. "No, not really, though I must assume some of my servants ended up joining the precursors to the Pact. To obtain such a loyal following, I employed many methods... One of which being me granting great powers to those most devout to me. Those gifts affected not only the ponies under my hoof, but their whole bloodline as well. The 'Hex' family may have been one of those bloodlines." "... So, basically, I got some crazy cultist ancestor? That's why I can handle alicorn magic?" "More or less, yes. These powers I granted are mostly gone now, being diluted even more after each generation... But you, and your family on your mother's side, have remained 'compatible' with my magic, in a way." "Huh. That's... Pretty neat, I suppose. Does that mean I will be able to get some kind of super alicorn power at some point?" "No. As I said, these gifts have mostly been diluted into mere drops of what once was an ocean of power... And besides, given your natural strength, I doubt you would need more power anyway." "Guess I'm that amazing, huh?" Sandstorm shrugged. Although she felt something was missing, like a piece of the puzzle still being lost somewhere, the earth pony decided not to push any further for now. She was still feeling shaken by the discovery of the true extent of her injuries. "... Yes, perhaps you are right. Anyhow, do you have any questions, Sandstorm?" "Can I talk to Misty about any of this?" "As she is your bosom-companion, you may. But for now, please ensure that nopony else learns about this. I shall formally bring this matter to Steady and Aphelion myself." "Okay, fine by me. That's it, then, that was my only question." "Good. You may take your leave, then. We shall meet again soon." "Alright, see ya, Princess Luna," Sandstorm said as she began stepping away from her chair. Halfway through Luna's chamber, Sandstorm stopped for a moment and stared at Luna's face, causing the princess to raise an eyebrow. "Is there something else, Sandstorm?" "... You should get some sleep, Princess. No offense, but you look like shit." Luna opened her mouth to reply but failed to find the words. Instead, she simply nodded and watched as Sandstorm left her room. The princess' heart was pounding in her chest. It took all her focus to prevent herself from saying anything more about the matter of Sandstorm's bloodline, as the truth Luna was suspecting wasn't confirmed yet. But if it was true, she thought... Placing her head between her hoofs, Luna groaned. Why couldn't she remember the name of the child she had brought to this world so long ago? > 29 - The Bar > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aphelion and Misty were waiting near the entrance of the castle, their afternoon spent in the royal library spent in search of any information concerning 'Arcane Highway', the powerful teleportation spell used by Aphelion's father to kidnap the ponies sent to excavate what remained of the manor. Unfortunately, their search had proven fruitless despite their best efforts. Deciding to call it quits for the day as the clock struck 6PM, the two unicorns patiently waited for Sandstorm to join them, all the while discussing other leads to follow the upcoming day. "... Maybe we can try and see if Princess Celestia has a private library in her room?" Misty wondered out loud. "Perhaps, but would she let us just search through her belongings, if that was the case?" Aphelion replied. "Well, if we can argue our case well enough, maybe. We could also check with Luna, though I doubt she's had the time to fully rebuild her collection yet." "Hm. Talking about Luna, how about that abandoned lab we found underneath the castle?" "I heard Celestia tightened the security near the entrance. Nopony managed to breach the entrance yet, but with Luna's return, maybe she can help. I think it's fair to assume this place belonged to Nightmare Moon," Misty said while stretching. "... What's taking Sandstorm so long?" "No idea. Maybe Luna sent her on a secret mission." "Or she said something stupid and ended up back in jail." "That... Does sound like something she'd do." Misty groaned. "C'mon, don't tell me she found a way to weasel her way out of paying for drinks?" "She probably has a reason why she's... Oh, there she is!" Aphelion nudged toward a yellow earth pony slowly exiting the palace. Dragging her hooves as she stepped, Sandstorm was lost in her thoughts, staring into nothing. Misty and Aphelion quickly trotted up to her, noticing the earth pony's inner turmoil. "... Are you alright, sweetie?" Misty asked as she tilted her head. Sandstorm, suddenly snapping out of her thoughts, nodded. "Oh, sorry, didn't see you guys. Yeah, I'm doing great! So, how about that drink, huh?" While Aphelion took Sandstorm's response at face value and nodded in agreement, Misty understood immediately that something was weighing on her marefriend's mind... Something that she wasn't ready to talk about. She sighed, then answered. "If you say so. Well, then lead the way." Aphelion stared at the large sign above the busy building as Misty and Sandstorm were talking with each other. Large purple letters spelled out 'The Vault' and loud music boomed through the closed doors. Not being used to going inside this type of place, Aphelion felt a wave of anxiety take hold of him at the thought of joining the large crowd inside. His ears already hurt from the music even though he stood outside, making him want to turn back even more. Noticing his distress, Sandstorm quickly trotted up to him and placed a hoof on his shoulder. "You okay, bud?" "Uh... Yes, I think so. I'm just not used to... Well, this kind of place," Aphelion replied as he kept staring at the sign. "Yeah, I figured as much. Don't worry, though. This place is chill. Been there a few times in the past, only good vibes." "I don't doubt your pick, Sandstorm, I'm sure it's a lovely place. I just need to, well... Get used to the... Vibe?" Sandstorm observed Aphelion's face more closely, her usual smile fading for a moment. She turned her head toward Misty, who shrugged, not caring too much where they would go for drinks. Turning her attention back to Aphelion, Sandstorm spoke with a surprisingly soft voice. "Listen, there's no shame if you don't wanna get in there. I, uh, tend to forget you've spent your whole life almost entirely alone. We can go to someplace smaller, if you want. Just say the word... Or just nod, if speaking's a bit hard right now." Surprised by this sudden show of care, Aphelion closed his eyes for a moment. The mere thought of going inside terrified him and a part of him did want to take Sandstorm's offer, but another voice spoke to Aphelion. So far, most of his youth had been stolen away by the pact. Thinking back on the countless lonely nights, his only companions being his books, his tools and the silent mansion staff, his longing for freedom, the repressed dreams of normalcy... At that moment, as he watched the crowd of ponies through the club's windows enjoying themselves, laughing, dancing and drinking, Aphelion truly understood what he had missed. He took a deep breath of the cool evening air, feeling the chill fill out his lungs before exhaling, his mind coming back to the here and now, his anxiety dissipating as his lungs emptied out, he looked at the two mares in front of him. Aphelion was afraid of going in, but he was also more afraid of missing out on this type of experience. He was already so behind in life, taking things one step at a time would be too slow for his liking. What he needed was to take a leap of faith. With a determined look on his face, he focused back on Sandstorm. "No, I'm fine. Just needed to psych myself up first. Let's go in." Not too long after entering the Vault, the trio found themselves seated not too far away from the counter. Next to their table, a large area of the bar had been turned into a dance floor, countless ponies dancing with varying degrees of grace and style. Near the back of the room, a white unicorn mare wearing purple glasses played music through massive speakers. Taking a moment to take in the atmosphere, Aphelion's fears quickly vanished as soon as he entered the building. His only issue, however, was the fact that the music prevented him from hearing whatever Sandstorm had been trying to ask him for the past five minutes. Aphelion, in doubt, had been nodding along. Clearly, this wasn't the answer Sandstorm was hoping for as the yellow mare became increasingly exasperated while Misty chuckled at the display. Eventually, Sandstorm grabbed Aphelion and forcefully pulled him closer to her before leaning toward him and practically screaming into his ears: "For the tenth time, what the buck do you wanna drink?!" Aphelion, suddenly remembering about the whole point of a bar, attempted to answer, trying to match Sandstorm's volume. "Uh... Whatever beer they have that's not too expensive?" "You sure? I'm paying for the first round. Misty and I are taking shots to get started." "Oh... Then, I'll take the same, thanks!" With a relieved sigh, Sandstorm nodded before heading for the counter. Turning his head to Misty, Aphelion saw that she was speaking to him, but wasn't screaming like Sandstorm. Thus, Aphelion once again couldn't understand anything. Instead of nodding senselessly, Aphelion instead pointed to his ear while shaking his head. Misty's horn instantly lit up in a gray glow before releasing a spell in mere seconds. Feeling his ears tingling for a while, Aphelion looked at Misty with an inquisitive look before noticing that the music had become a lot quieter all of a sudden, much to his relief. "Can you hear better, now?" Misty asked calmly, her voice reaching Aphelion's ears clearly. "Yes, that's much better, thanks! I didn't know that kind of spell existed." "Well, you learn some unorthodox spells when partying every week. I also know the right incantations to get rid of hangovers almost instantly!" Misty was beaming as she spoke. "That's pretty useful. I didn't know you were the kind to party often, Misty." "Ha! And you haven't seen me drunk yet! Just as a heads up, after a few drinks, Sandstorm's the responsible one. Don't be too surprised if I end up passed out drunk by the end of the night." Aphelion chuckled nervously. "Are you sure it's a good idea? We have a lot of work tomorrow, and not that I'm doubting your... Anti-hangover spell, but shouldn't we try keeping a clear head for —" "Screw that! I've spent a whole bucking month locked away in a cell, same for Sandstorm and you just woke up from a coma. I think we deserved to let out some steam." "I... Guess so. Still, I think I'll take things slow for tonight." "That's fine, as long as you enjoy yourself. It's your first time in a bar, right?" Misty asked before scanning her direct surroundings. "... Or first time in a night club. No idea where Sandstorm dragged us, to be honest." "Yes, first time in that kind of environment. It's... A lot louder than I imagined." "You'll get used to it, don't worry." Coming back to the table, Sandstorm was carrying a small tray with six shot glasses, each filled with a green liquid. Setting it down on the table, Sandstorm took a deep breath before yelling at the top of her lungs: "Alright, I got the first round!" Immediately covering his ears, Aphelion winced at Sandstorm's loudness. Misty chuckled, then patted Aphelion's back. "I did the muffle spell, no need to shout any more... Unless you wanna scare Aphelion away from his first bar... Or club... Or wherever you brought us to." "Oh... Sorry, Aph'. Anyway, I got us two shots each instead of one. There's some sort of happy hour going on, so the booze's cheap right now. I hope that's fine with you, Aph'?" Sandstorm asked. "Dibs on his second shot if he doesn't want it!" Misty excitedly said. "That's fine, thanks. Anyway, what kind of shot is it?" Aphelion replied while eyeing his shots. "It's a Prench liqueur... 's called 'Chartreuse'. It's made out of —" "Cheers!" Misty yelled, cutting Sandstorm off, before slamming her first shot glass down, already empty. "... C'mon, Misty, take it a bit slower. I don't want to scrape you off the dance floor before 10PM," Sandstorm sighed. "Last time doesn't count. You wanted to stay sober, so I had to drink for both of us," Misty pulled her tongue out. "I... Don't think that makes much sense," Aphelion replied, a bemused look on his face. "I swear, she turns into some depraved alcoholic demon as soon as there's booze in her system..." "I can see that. Well, in any case... Cheers?" Aphelion hesitantly said while raising his shot above the table, the glass floating in a faint yellow glow. Sandstorm smirked before grabbing her own glass while Misty levitated her second. "That's the spirit!" Misty cheered. "Hope you can hold your liquor, Aph'. Misty's already a pain to foalsit, dunno if I can keep an eye on two drunken idiots." Aphelion smirked. "Who knows? Maybe I'll drink you under the table," the gray unicorn smugly said before downing his shot. Feeling the unusual burning sensation travel down his throat, Aphelion instinctively shivered. "... Okay, maybe not." Sandstorm laughed before easily downing her own shot, as if it was filled with water. "That's what I thought... But points for confidence, though!" "Yeah, I probably should've started with something less... Intense," Aphelion smiled. "Anyway, I meant to ask earlier... How did it go with Princess Luna? What did she want to talk to you about?" "Just... Stuff, I guess. Nothing too important. I'm sure she'll tell you all about it at some point in the future, though." Misty, noticing Sandstorm's smirk waver ever so slightly when mentioning her meeting with Luna, jumped in the conversation. "Well, whatever it is, it can wait until tomorrow. We're here to have fun, dammit!" "... Well, you did mention something about telling me the reason why you two used me as bait on our little trip underneath the castle," Aphelion spoke with an unsure tone. "But I understand if you want to keep that for later." "Ah... Right. No, we probably should rip the band aid once and for all," Misty said while looking to the side, feeling shame. "Yeah, true... Well, first, Aph', you need to know that this wasn't Misty's idea at all. Heck, I wanted to help you get out of that with us, but... It was too risky." "Too risky? No offense, but you could've taken down every single guard in that tunnel. Why didn't you?" Aphelion spoke, not with an accusatory tone, but with a calm and curious voice. "Back then, I wasn't sure whether Misty was safe or not. Sure, she had run ahead of us and used some... Fog spell thing to get by unnoticed, but there was no way for me to be 100% sure. Getting you out of there would've taken too much time, during which anything could've happened to her. I also could've been captured myself. You say I'm strong, but even I have my limits." "... And we swore to each other that whatever comes our way, we wouldn't let anything separate us," Misty added with a sigh. "This may sound horrible, but I would've done the same were I in Sandstorm's situation, even though I hate to admit it." "Yeah. So, it wasn't personal, if you were wondering. I do regret having to leave you behind, and I'm sorry for that, but if I was sent back then, I would do the same in a heartbeat..." "Still, Aphelion, we're sorry. This whole robbing the royal castle idea was ill-conceived, and we never should've dragged you into our mess. Our orders were to simply make the trade and leave... But Sandstorm saw an opportunity." Aphelion, who had been listening carefully, tilted his head. "What opportunity?" "The Summer Sun Celebration. We were planning on trying to get dirt on some noble asshole to get in Mud's good books, just so that he'd stop keeping such a close eye on us. We were planning on running away from everything, y'know. All we needed was a window where Mud was too busy extorting the royals... And when we met you, I instantly thought about using you," Sandstorm finished her sentence by downing her second shot, already knowing what question would come next. "... But why me, though?" Aphelion asked. "Two main reasons. One, you're an unicorn. We needed somepony else good with magic to get in. And second reason... Because you were part of the Crescent Pact. We... Or rather, I thought you were some crazy cultist. If some bad things happened to you during that mission, I wouldn't have cared too much. One less crazy power-hungry unicorn in the world, I thought..." "But you quickly proved us wrong," Misty continued. "We hadn't met many members of the Pact until that point, and all the ponies we saw were varying degrees of insane. You were the first one that wasn't... Completely unreasonable." "Yeah. I mean, buck, you're actually fun to be around! Still, that doesn't really matter. I left you behind, and for that, I'm sorry." "I am as well, even though I wasn't there when it happened. We were using you for our own gains because we assumed you were just another nutcase from the Pact." The gray unicorn closed his eyes for a second, lost in his thoughts. His face remained expressionless, causing Misty and Sandstorm to wonder if Aphelion was angry with them. Eventually, he opened his eyes, looked at Sandstorm, then Misty, before taking his second shot, grimacing as the alcohol hit the back of his throat. "Well, I already forgave you two a while ago, but it's nice to finally get your side of the story." "Wait, you... Already forgave us?" Misty asked, incredulous. "Yes. At first, of course, I was less than pleased with you two, but I couldn't bring myself to be genuinely angry. Still, I wanted to bring you two to justice, because it felt like the right thing to do at the time... But things changed while Steady and I were in Manehattan to capture you two. Or, rather, when I met Sandstorm in the woods outside of the city. I had overheard your previous disagreement and I... Kind of understood." "Understood what?" Sandstorm tilted her head in confusion. "That you two care a lot for each other. To be honest, I was able to guess why you ran. And... I don't know, even though you were using me, I still valued our friendship. We had only met for a day, and it ended with me in jail, but it was the first time I was meeting somepony from outside the Pact that wasn't... Well, like you said, insane in some manner. I knew what you did was bad, but I didn't want to hold it against you two." Misty blinked a few times, unsure how to respond. Sandstorm, however, beamed a smile at Aphelion. "You're a bucking saint, Aph', you know that?" "Well, I still think you two owe me one, but that's more due to the fact I've been vouching for you two to Princess Celestia. For some reason, she was really open to the idea of not throwing both of you in front of a judge when I started saying you weren't that bad." "This is probably because of this whole 'Power of Friendship' thing that's been going on in Ponyville recently," Misty eventually said. "Actually, what's up with that? I heard something about relics and harmony, but none of that stuff was clear," Aphelion asked. "Buck if I know," Sandstorm shrugged. "Misty's been keeping up with that crap. She can tell you while I'm getting us some more drinks," the yellow mare said as she stood up from her seat and began heading back toward the counter. Misty, in turn, began explaining to Aphelion the recent events surrounding a strange group of six ponies that became what was known as the Elements of Harmony. When Sandstorm came back to their table with more drinks, the trio began drinking for a long while, talking about anything that came to their minds and having a good time. Misty and Sandstorm felt a huge weight lift off of their shoulders after apologizing for leaving Aphelion behind the first day they met, and Aphelion was glad to enjoy what many would consider a typical evening in a bar with friends, for the first time in his life. A few hours later, Misty was completely wasted and giving everything she had on the dance floor, her moves sluggish and drunken barely resembling any sort of dance. Sandstorm and Aphelion were watching Misty's wild flailing from their table, both feeling inebriated though nowhere near as much as the pink unicorn. "Well, shit, guess you can hold your liquor quite well after all," Sandstorm chuckled. "Guess so... That's the only good thing I got for my father," Aphelion replied with a shrug. "Hm. Where d'you think he is, by the way?" "Don't know. Some mansion that belongs to the Pact, for sure, but..." "But?" "... I don't know. I just don't think I wanna see him again, but that's not really an option." "Fair enough. I know what that's like, having shitty parents." "At least, yours weren't part of a cult." Sandstorm, thinking about what Luna had said about the origins of her family on her mother's side, sighed. "... Yeah, I s'pose. Though... Well, actually, I'm being mean to them. Mine aren't that bad. They're just..." "Just what?" "... Old fashioned. They were great except for the part where they'd disown me if they knew I was dating Misty." "Why would they... Oh. I'm sorry." "Yeah... Me too. The worst part is, I'm too afraid of standing up to them. Shit, I'm fine with robbing banks, blackmailing nobles, foalnapping ponies and just hurting ponies in general, but my folks... I dunno. I'm afraid." "Does Misty know?" "Yeah... And she tries to be supportive, to tell me that it's fine and shit, but I know that she's hurt by it. I just wish I was strong enough to... I dunno, do the right thing. If not for me, then for her... But it's hard. So bucking hard," Sandstorm wiped her face with a hoof, removing the tears that were already streaming down her face. Aphelion, not knowing what to do, placed a hoof on her back, hoping to comfort her. "... I'm sure things will figure themselves out eventually. If you, uh, need my help with anything, I'll do my best... Even if love matters aren't really my forte." Sandstorm chuckled. "Thanks, that means a lot. But while we're talking about that sort of stuff... Seems like you and Glaze were hitting it off, eh? At least, according to Steady." Blushing brightly, Aphelion gazed at his half-full glass of beer. "Y... Yeah, I guess so. Though, to be honest, anypony that's giving me any sort of attention is usually enough to get my heart going." "Well, yeah, you spent your whole life basically holed up in your room. I'm assuming the dating pool in the Pact was pretty shallow?" Aphelion scoffed. "There's only arranged marriages. No place for sentimentality, I'm afraid." "Good. You deserve somepony nice, Aph'... Like Glaze. I'm sure she's got the hots for you. And if she doesn't, then screw her. Heck, if it doesn't work out with her, you've gotta let me play matchmaker!" "I'll keep that in mind, thanks... I should probably ask Glaze out first, though... Even if I have no idea how to do that sort of stuff." "If you want my advice, just... Do it. Don't overthink it, just trot up to her and ask if she wants to have a drink or eat lunch with you." "Is that how you and Misty started dating?" "Well, we skipped over a few steps. We did a lot of... Things together before she asked me out. I'm gonna be honest, that was the happiest day of my life, even though we were kind of dating already. Kind of weird how these things work, huh?" "I can only imagine. I'll... See if Glaze wants to spend some time together next time I see her, then." "That's the spirit, dude. Anyway, I think it's soon gonna be time for us to go. Misty's got that look on her face..." "What look?" "The one that says: 'please bring me home, Sandstorm, before I start really embarrassing myself in front of everypony'." Looking at Misty's attempts at moving with any coherence at all, Aphelion chuckled. "I think it's too late for that... But you're right. Do you need help to take her outside, or...?" "Actually, yeah, if you could make sure she doesn't grab anything else to drink with her magic while we get out, that'd be nice." "Alright, I'll do that. She's a bit of a lightweight, huh?" "Don't even get me started on that." And so, standing up from their seats, Aphelion and Sandstorm began the laborious process of going back to their rooms in the castle, all the while dealing with Misty's inane drunken ramblings and vague attempts at keeping their party going. An hour later, Aphelion was finally back in his bed, quickly falling asleep with a smile on his face. > 30 - The Maid > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Glaze excitedly stepped through the castle's many corridors, pushing a small silver cart in front of her. The morning sun had barely been up for an hour, but the young mare was already in uniform, having woken up much earlier that day. As she passed the stoic guards standing watch over the palace, Glaze happily nodded and greeted all those she met. There were a few other maids and butlers also working, but most of them were busy in other parts of the castle. Slowly reaching her destination, she felt a growing smile form on her face. Like every morning before her month-long forced vacation, Glaze was bringing breakfast to Princess Celestia's room. Like many ponies in Equestria, Glaze held Celestia in high regards, seeing her as a warm motherly figure standing watch over the nation. And being one of her personal maids, Glaze was lucky enough to enjoy a relatively close familiarity with the princess, often sharing discussions and small talk as she brought Celestia her morning tea, toast and slice of cake. Although there was a huge difference of power between the lowly maid and the ruler of Equestria, Glaze was proud to be able to consider Celestia a friend, much to the chagrin of her direct superior, the head-butler Steel Hoof. Thinking back on Steel Hoof's expression after he had learned that Glaze stole from the royal alchemist to go and fight a terrorist cult... She would consider his reaction priceless if it hadn't been followed by the most enraged scolding she ever had received in her life. Glaze was lucky to have Princess Celestia on her side, that day, as she would've had to find another job otherwise. While being a royal maid had many issues, such as the long boring days and dealing with the every whims and needs of the nobility, the job also came with a great pay and a lot of prestige... If only that prestige was worth anything in her parents' eyes, Glaze thought. "Oh, well, sucks to be them," Glaze spoke out loud as she trotted. "At least, I'm not working in an orchard all day." Eventually reaching the large doors leading to Celestia's room, Glaze knocked three times in short succession, barely able to contain her excitement. She had missed these mornings with the princess and couldn't wait to be in her company. Celestia answered the knock with her usual, warm yet still somewhat tired voice. "Come in, Glaze. We are on the balcony." Opening the door, Glaze didn't register immediately that Celestia said 'we'. Casually entering her ruler's room, she carefully made her way toward the glass doors leading to the balcony, making sure not to spill anything on the fancy carpets or furniture like she had done the first time she was allowed to enter Celestia's room. "Gosh, I was such a nervous mess, back then!" Glaze thought as she hummed along the way. When she finally reached the balcony, Glaze beamed a smile when she saw Celestia standing at one end, overlooking the capital. She wasn't wearing her regalia and was stifling a faint yawn as Glaze approached. "Good morning, princess! How are you doing today?" Glaze asked jovially. "It is good to see you again, Glaze," Celestia answered. "I am doing well... And so is my sister as well." Stopping dead in her tracks, Glaze slowly turned her head around. Somehow, sitting in a chair at another end of the balcony, Glaze completely missed Princess Luna. The second ruler of Equestria was looking at the maid with a curious look, though her true feelings were hidden behind a neutral, yet regal expression. Luna, who looked completely exhausted, had large bags under her eyes. Her usually flowing mane was tied into a ponytail, causing Glaze to wonder for the thousandth time in her life how her rulers' manes functioned. In contrast with her sister, Luna was wearing her royal regalia, all in silver and adorned with multiple purple gems. "Oh... Oh! I apologize, Princess Luna, I did not see you!" Glaze said as she knelt in front of the ruler of the night, not knowing whether she should show to Luna the same familiarity she had shown to Celestia. "Do not fret, little one. You may rise," Luna said. Her voice sounded commanding and exasperated, and yet she was also attempting to sound as warm and comforting as her sister. Glaze slowly raised her head. "I... I'm sorry, I only brought breakfast for Princess Celestia. I... I didn't know you would be there so... I can quickly go to the kitchen to get you something as well, Princess Luna!" "It will not be necessary. I am about to go to sleep myself, but I appreciate the offer," Luna replied. "Indeed. Thank you for your service, Glaze," Celestia added. "My sister and I were sharing a few words before her day ended and mine began." "I... I see. I shall leave you to it, then. I will come back later to get the—" "Actually, I wished to discuss with you as well," Luna cut Glaze off. "I have heard of your involvement during the raid on Apogée's mansion." "Oh, that? I, uh, admit that it was wrong for me to leave my post on a whim like that. I won't make that mistake again, I promise, Princess Luna." "Hm. Usually, I would agree with you and would praise you for your newfound obedience, but this situation is different. May I ask you a few questions about what happened a month ago?" Luna asked. "I have already given her a summary, but she wishes to hear it from you, Glaze," Celestia said. "I believe this is also an opportunity for you two to get to know each other, as you are now technically taking care of both of us," she added with a wink. "Of... Of course. What would you like to know, Princess Luna?" "First, I was curious about your talents. Both your cutie marks and your overall competency during the raid point to one field of work, yet you work in a totally different one. What led you to becoming a maid?" The princess of the night asked as she glanced at Glaze's flanks and the compasses drawn onto them. Glaze nervously chuckled. "Well, it's a... Somewhat confidential story, but I suppose it's fine if I tell you. Basically, my true talent is in exploring dangerous places and always finding my way back. Sort of like an adventurer, or like in those Daring Do novels, which... I assume you don't know much about." "Indeed, I do not," Luna nodded. "Well, they're a nice read. A bit unrealistic, at times, I mean come on, does the author really expect us to believe that all of that could realistically happen? Like, for example, in the second book, when..." Celestia cleared her throat, catching Glaze's attention. "... Maybe keep the literary commentary for another day, Glaze?" "Uh... Sorry, got a bit carried away. Anyway, I'm the adventuring type. Issue is, adventuring doesn't really pay the bills, so I was also working in a pawn shop where I sold all the trinkets and baubles I found in my travels. Well, turns out, one day, a royal envoy visits my little shop out of nowhere. I had picked up some old jewelry in an old castle just outside Ponyville, and Celestia must've heard about it because she sent somepony to buy it from me." "Outside of Ponyville, you say?" Luna asked as she raised an eyebrow. Although she was completely exhausted, Glaze's story enthralled Luna. "What did it look like?" "Uh... It was a single silvery horseshoe with a purple gem inside. It was pretty old and banged up, but it looked just like..." Glaze lowered her eyes, staring at Luna's own horseshoes, the realization dawning upon her. "... Just like yours. Huh." "I think I understand why my sister wanted to become the owner of this relic, then. But please, continue your tale. What happened next?" "Right. Well, there was this royal envoy, stepping inside my pawn shop, acting like he owned the place and being generally obnoxious. So, of course, when he tells me he wants to buy this random thing I found for enough bits to cover a year's worth of rent, I tell him to buck off." "... You did what?" Luna went wide eyed, completely surprised. Celestia sat down on a chair and chuckled while beginning to eat her breakfast. "Well, yeah, the guy was a douche. I wanted to make him sweat a little for this horseshoe, then. It was clear he was afraid of coming back to Canterlot empty-hoofed. I just wanted to have a bit of fun with him, since he was acting like an arrogant prick... So, I told him to buck off. He... Did not react well." "I wonder why," Celestia smirked while sipping her tea. "Anyhow. He starts yelling, getting agitated, threatening me, that sort of stuff when rich ponies don't get what they want... Uh, not that I'm insinuating that you would react the same, Princess Luna. I'm sure you're a very kind and reasonable mare. When I say the rich ponies, I mean the noble ones... Which, I don't include you as one... Uh, not that you're not noble, but—" "You're digging yourself in a hole, Glaze," Celestia whispered. "Please focus on your tale before you insult me and my sister anymore," Luna replied. "Good idea. So, this stallion gets mad because I told him to buck off. He basically begins to throw a tantrum, and I'm just here, smugly watching this grown stallion lose his mind. I wasn't so smug after he grabbed a vase and smashed it against the side of my head. It immediately sent me into a big ol' nap." "... I must admit, this is not what I was expecting," Luna shook her head. "So, this envoy resorted to violence without hesitation?" "Well, to be honest, during his tantrum, I may have added fuel to the fire by making some... Questionable comments," Glaze sheepishly smiled. "How so?" Luna asked, narrowing her eyes. "I said some things that aren't suitable for the ears of the rulers of Equestria... Or, for anypony's ear, really. I do regret saying those things, but I was really annoyed back then." "I... Think I can infer the type of comment that was made. Let us move on... What happened next?" "The details are a bit fuzzy since I was out, but I do remember vaguely hearing him freak out and carry me to a chariot pulled by pegasi. I was kind of in and out of it during the trip, but when I woke up, I was resting in one of the castle's rooms. Turns out, he brought me to Canterlot so that I could get patched up and to apologize for losing his cool." "Really? This stallion had a change of heart this quickly?" Luna said as she grabbed Celestia's toast with her magic, before nibbling on it. "Not exactly," Celestia spoke up. "During Glaze's... Rest, this stallion came to me hoping that I would arrest Glaze. That is why she was brought here. He argued that she had refused to sell the trinket he was sent to buy, before insulting him and attacking him. I knew a part of this story was fabricated, so I asked the pegasi guards sent with him, who were able to tell me the truth. As they had been stationed just outside Glaze's shop, they had heard everything. I... Corrected this envoy and forced him to make amends when Glaze woke up." "I hope this 'envoy' no longer works in this castle, then," Luna said sternly, her mouth filled with toast. "He was... Relocated to another part of Equestria for a while now. Anyhow, When Glaze came back to the waking world, I also came to her room to apologize for this envoy's behavior. I offered to pay a large sum of bits for the physical and emotional distress caused, as well as offered to buy the horseshoe for twice its price." "And I accepted," Glaze continued. "At this point, I just wanted to get rid of the thing. Princess Celestia also offered me to stay in Canterlot until I felt better, as a royal guest. I stayed in the castle for two weeks, during which I... Became a bit restless. Can't really say why, but I had a hard time not being productive. I just kind of started to... Help the maids and butlers in the castle during the day." "How strange. I would assume many ponies would relish the opportunity to visit the capital," the princess of the night said as she swallowed the rest of Celestia's toast. Looking toward her sister, Luna finally noticed the annoyed stare Celestia was sending her ever since Luna stole her toast. "I dunno. Back at home, I always enjoyed doing things myself. It was weird to have others clean behind me, so at first, I just took care of my room, my dishes, that sort of thing. It quickly evolved into cleaning the rest of the castle alongside the royal butlers and maids... It did help that they were all fun ponies to be around." "Not too long after she began doing so, I noticed my guest's desire to help in these matters," Celestia said as she summoned a new piece of toast out of nowhere, causing Glaze to wonder if Celestia really needed a maid to bring her breakfast. "I came to talk to her, out of curiosity. That is when I learned of Glaze's money issues." "Yup. As I said, adventuring rarely pays the bills, and I can't expect some noble prick to come to attack me in my shop every month so that the court could pay my rent. Princess Celestia and I had a long talk, and at the end, she offered to hire me as a royal maid, until I got enough bits to live the life I truly wanted. That was roughly two years ago, and that's how I came to work here." "Interesting. It would seem that fate has offered you a strange path to follow, Glaze," Luna closed her eyes as she thought. "... But since you are quite able as an adventurer, why did you not offer to work for Steady Travels, or as a royal guard? I am sure my sister would have paid for whatever formation would be required, so why not work in a field more closely related to your talent?" "I thought about it, but decided not to. If I'm going out to dangerous places and doing action stuff, I'd much rather be my own boss. I don't think I'd be able to follow anypony's directions, so I would not have been a good fit for the guard or for Steady. I mean, I already barely pay attention to my superior's order when working as a maid, so can you imagine how that'd work in tense situations?" "About that, Glaze," Celestia began, "Iron Hoof is still quite angry with you. You should probably try a little bit better to follow his instructions for the next few weeks. I doubt I will be able to convince him not to fire you next time." "Why not?" Luna asked. "Isn't he your servant as well, sister? How come this 'Iron Hoof' holds such a great influence over you?" Celestia sighed before answering, her tone emotionless. "Because he is Iron Wing's little brother." Instantly going silent, Luna understood what Celestia was referring to. Glaze, however, tilted her head to the side, not knowing who the princesses were talking about. "Iron Wing? Who's that?" "She will be the pony soon replacing Shining Armor as captain of the guard. Given the royal guard's recent failures, as well as due to some confidential matters you are not meant to hear, Luna and I believe there is a need for change in the guard, for Equestria's sake." "Oh... I see. But..." Glaze hesitated before continuing her sentence, eventually deciding not to question the princesses any further on this matter. "... Right. Anyhow, that's how I ended up working here, Princess Luna. Is there anything else you wish to ask?" "No, I believe this is enough for today. It is already quite late... Or early in the day, and I must rest now. Thank you for your time, Glaze. We shall speak again soon enough." "Indeed. My sister needs her rest, and I am already running late for my own daily tasks. Thank you for the breakfast, Glaze. I had missed seeing you every morning," Celestia added with a warm smile. Nodding, Glaze bowed one final time before the princesses. She turned back and quickly exited Celestia's room feeling a mixture of emotions. This was not how she had envisioned her morning would go. And from the very little she had heard about this soon-to-be captain of the guard, Iron Wing, Glaze couldn't help but feel a strange wave of dread overtake her. Whoever she was, Glaze knew she was about to bring change to her and the castle's residents' lives. She shook her head, snapping out of her thoughts. "My imagination's playing tricks on me," she argued with herself. "I'm sure she'll be nice... Right?" Slowly stepping through the castle's hallways, she eventually stopped in her tracks. "... Maybe I should ask Aph' and Steady about her." > 31 - The Captain > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Taking a deep breath, Shining Armor entered the large throne room. To his side, the royal guards remained stoic, but Shining knew how they felt behind their expressionless masks. They disagreed with what Shining was about to do, but they knew there was nothing they could do about it. So, instead, to make their captain proud one last time, they stood firm and proud, representing the beacon of safety they were meant to represent under Shining Armor's leadership. The captain of the royal guard, in return, kept his eyes locked on the princesses in front of him. This whole thing had been his idea, after all. And as much as it pained Shining to admit it, it was for the best. Right behind him, a pegasus mare with a silvery coat and a white mane trotted at the same pace as him, holding her head up high all the while being adorned with a stern and authoritative expression. Iron Wing was following her captain, ready to take his place. Shining knew nopony else would be better than her to fill his horseshoes. While she wasn't perfection incarnate, she would be able to correct the mistakes Shining Armor made in the past. The mistakes that led to the royal guard being inadequately trained to deal with the recent events, as well as the rampant corruption that seeped through every branch of the guard. Of course, Shining knew it wasn't his fault. He gave everything he could to make sure the royal guard would perfectly embody the ideals of safety, justice and equality throughout Equestria. Unfortunately, Shining's actions were too little, too late. After reaching a distance of a few meters in front of the princesses, Shining knelt and lowered his head to the floor. Iron Wing followed his example, kneeling right next to Shining Armor. He quickly glanced at her as she did so, observing her face and the large scar that ran across her left eye, and only saw an opaque masque of stoicism, her true emotions hidden deep underneath years and years of military training. Speaking with a solemn voice, Celestia raised a hoof to accompany her words. "Rise, Shining Armor. Rise, Iron Wing." Lifting his head, Shining Armor saw Princess Celestia carefully observing Iron Wing and him, while Luna remained silent and stared into nothing. Iron Wing stayed expressionless, although Shining could see a faint twinkle in her eyes as she looked at the two princesses. Despite her constant seriousness and her refusal to show any emotion, it was obvious she was amazed to be in such close proximity to the rulers of Equestria. "Before we begin," Celestia said as a warm smile formed on her face, "how are you two doing today?" "I am feeling... I am feeling well, Princess Celestia," Shining replied, his voice faintly wavering. "So am I, my princess. It is an honor to be in your presence," Iron Wing added without skipping a beat. "Good. Then, I believe, we are ready," Celestia cleared her throat before motioning to a nearby guard to bring her a scroll. Lifting it up in the air with her magic, she unfurled it and began reading it aloud. "On this day, I, Princess Celestia, as well as my sister, Princess Luna, have given an audience to the current captain of the royal guard, Shining Armor, and his second-in-command, First Lieutenant Iron Wing to discuss the matter of Shining Armor's willful resignation as captain of the guard. In his stead, Shining Armor had elected Iron Wing to take up his role. The court will now hear Shining Armor and Iron Wing's arguments before rendering a decision. Captain Shining Armor, you may begin." Nodding, Shining knew this whole audience with the princesses was just a formality. They had discussed this matter at length during the past month and everything had already been decided. This meeting was simply one last official ceremony before passing down the torch, Shining thought. "Yes, princesses," Shining began, making sure his voice would not waver anymore as he spoke. "Due to recent events as well as some personal matters, I believe that I am no longer fit to lead the royal guard in an effective manner. I believe Iron Wing will not only be able to take the reins from here on out, but will also be able to rectify the mistakes I have committed as captain of the royal guard." Luna sighed. While Celestia was receptive to Shining Armor's desire to step down, Luna had voiced her doubtfulness surrounding the situation. "Shining Armor, please elaborate on those mistakes... For the record." "Of course. To begin with, we have reason to believe a significant portion of the guards in Equestria are prone to corruption and bribery, especially in larger cities. Not only have I failed to uncover these issues before they got out of hoof, but I have also failed to find any viable solution to the problem. Secondly, due to my inadequacies as a leader, I have failed to train the mares and stallions under my command correctly, thus leading to the failures to capture criminals in varied actions that took place in the past few months." Shining noticed some of the guards cringing at his words, clearly disagreeing with him. The large majority of the royal guards held Shining Armor in high regards, which meant that hearing their beloved captain demean himself saddened them greatly. Shining knew this, of course, but he also knew that as the captain of the guard, he was responsible for every failure and mistake that happened under his leadership: 'true leaders must take accountability', he often repeated when his fellow guards attempted to convince Shining not to step down. "Can you give us some examples of these varied actions you speak of?" Celestia asked, once again as a formality. Not too far from them, a royal scribe was silently transcribing everything that was being said. "Of course. Around a month ago, during the week-long festivities of the thousandth Summer Sun Celebration, a trio of ponies not only managed to sneak inside the royal palace, but also found their way inside the archive and stole sensitive information. Furthermore, most of them managed to run away, the only stallion captured was caught only thanks to the help of agent Steady Ai... Steady Travels as well as the criminal's own actions, leaving him too exhausted to run," Shining took a moment before speaking again, allowing the scribe to write everything down. He wasn't sure whether he should leave a pause in his speech to allow him to write everything down, and so decided to be patient. Eventually, the scribe looked up from his scroll and gave a silent nod to Shining, who continued. "Another example of the royal guard's recent failure to act also took place around a month ago. A base belonging to the terrorist organization known as the Crescent Pact had been raided by a group of civilians, leading to the manor's explosion as well as numerous casualties. Not only did the guard fail to act in a timely manner, but they also failed to protect the excavation team during recovery efforts, leading to the disappearance of twenty guards and the whole excavator team." "Shining Armor, you were operating with limited information and could not have reasonably known about the danger this base posed. If anything, the responsibility should fall upon my sister, Princess Celestia," Luna said with an exasperated tone. It was the third time they had been having this conversation, though this time, its only purpose was to be officially recorded and archived. She knew exactly which arguments were coming. "I admit a large part of responsibility concerning this event, Shining Armor," Celestia continued. "Due to the guard's current corruption, I incorrectly believed it would be best to keep this information confidential, only allowing Steady Travels' cell to know about it." "That may be true, Princess Celestia, but if corruption had not been such an issue, you would have been able to fully trust the royal guard to take care of this matter. The issues are systemic in nature, and I do not believe I am fit to correct the guard's current course effectively," Shining replied. In truth, there was another reason for his desire to step down: he was hurt that Princess Celestia withheld sensitive information from him. As captain of the guard, Shining had assumed that he would be privy to confidential matters, especially those concerning terrorist groups inside Equestria. Upon learning the truth, and upon learning that Celestia trusted Steady more than him, Shining felt incredibly disrespected. Although this had only ultimately played a small part in his decision, it had definitely soured Shining Armor's pride as captain of the guard. "Very well," Celestia replied. "And you, Iron Wing, what is your opinion on this matter?" Iron Wing, who had been patiently waiting for her turn to talk, took a step forward and spoke with a clear, resolute voice. "In truth, I believe that Captain Shining Armor is taking responsibility for things that were, and are, far beyond his control. I also believe that there is indeed a systemic issue within the guard and that we need change. Thus, I understand Shining Armor's desire to step down and to elect me as captain of the guard." Stopping her speech, silence fell in the throne room. Shining Armor curiously looked at Iron Wing. He knew she had a lot more to say about this, and yet her speech had been incredibly short and to the point, causing Shining to wonder if Iron Wing was feeling intimidated by the princesses' presence. "... Very well," Celestia eventually said. "Then, if everypony here agrees, Iron Wing shall take over the position of captain of—" "However, while I understand the captain's wishes, I refuse to take his place," Iron Wing suddenly said while staring deep into Celestia's eyes. The guards gasped, Shining was stunned, Luna straightened her back and looked at Iron Wing in surprise. Celestia, meanwhile, simply held Iron Wing's gaze. "Interesting. May we know what has led you to this decision?" Celestia asked. "Of course. I believe that Captain Shining Armor is currently going through a crisis of faith, both in the royal guard and in himself. That is not the Shining Armor whose orders I followed. My captain is steadfast and resolute in every single one of his decisions. This current Shining Armor is not my captain and as such, I will not accept his resignation until he comes back to his darned senses." "Iron Wing, what are you talking about?" Shining loudly exclaimed, shaking his head in confusion. Suddenly turning her face toward him, Iron Wing's eyes stared deep into Shining Armor's. "If you wish to run away from your responsibilities for the failures of a few dimwitted guards, you shall do it on your own... But you must know that the mares and stallions under your command value your leadership. We will move mountains if you tell us to, and we will work day and night to correct these systemic issues that plague our military. Running away, Shining Armor, means spitting in the face of all those under your command." "What... But I can't do this, Wing. I've been captain for years now, and yet the situation keeps getting worse." "No, what you mean is that you haven't found the solution to these issues yet. You can do this, captain. You only need to keep your head high and be a beacon for the rest of us." Clearing her throat, Luna spoke up with a livelier tone. "While this turn of event is... Unexpected, I must say that I agree with Lieutenant Iron Wing... And given my sister's lack of reaction, I have reason to believe she does as well. Shining Armor, the choice is ultimately yours, but will you leave those under your leadership behind?" Feeling tears form in the corner of his eyes, Shining took a deep breath. Iron Wing's speech was completely unexpected. Looking around, he saw the many guards looking at him, all with hope in their eyes: they wanted their captain back. It was true that Shining had been dealing with issues of self-doubt, recently, due to the many events that took place just in the last month. Seeing the stallions and mares he had spent years training and living with, each hoping that he would remain as their captain, Shining felt a wave of pride overtake him. Pride, not in himself, but in the many guards around him. Speaking up again, Iron Wing continued her speech. "I am not saying this just to stroke your ego, captain, or to dodge the responsibilities that come with being in your position. In fact, I have already been studying a few options that might help us deal with Equestria's current threats. If you are willing to remain our captain, I am sure you will be able to guide us through these tough times. All you need is to let us help you, captain." Wiping the tears on his face, Shining Armor sniffled. "... Alright, then. I accept... And I apologize. It was never my intention to doubt, or to insult any of you," he said as he gazed upon the guards smiling at him. "Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, I must apologize. It would seem that there is no longer any point to this audience." "Do not apologize, Captain Shining Armor. We are glad to see you back," Celestia smiled. "I will take my leave, then. I shall immediately see these ideas Iron Wing mentioned. I will make you proud, my princesses," Shining knelt one last time. Once again, the silver unicorn to his side followed his lead. "In this case, we declare this audience finished. You may leave," Luna said. She was glad to see Shining Armor remain as captain of the guard, especially after arguing so long in his favor despite not knowing him for very long. While she had claimed that she believed changing the current captain of the guard would be counterproductive given their lack of information surrounding the Pact's actions and whereabouts, a part of her also told her to be wary of Iron Wing. Luna did not want to see her in the position of captain of the guard, her fears being based on nothing but intuition. She was more than glad to see that Iron Wing herself declined to rise up the ranks, although Luna wondered why. As Shining Armor and Iron Wing began leaving the throne room, it took the silvery pegasus all her focus not to smirk. Her plan worked perfectly. She would lead Equestria to greatness, she thought as she walked. Shining Armor was nothing but a stepping stone in her grand design. > 32 - The Missions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steady stared blankly at his coffee, deep in his thoughts. Feeling the morning breeze waft through his opened window, he pondered what his next move should be. On the table, next to his coffee, a large cream-colored folder laid open, its contents haphazardly spread around. The many files each indicated potential leads and clues as to the location of bases belonging to the Crescent Pact, though none of the documents contained any definitive evidence pointing to any particular place. The only location confirmed to belong to the Pact was Apogée's mansion, but that lead had dried up when the building went up in a massive ball of fire. Thinking back on that night, Steady leaned in his chair. If Aphelion, Glaze, Misty and Sandstorm hadn't randomly gone to the mansion that night, Steady knew he would've been killed. And while he hated having to rely on luck during his missions, or escape attempts in that case, Steady had felt a massive wave of relief upon seeing that they came. Now, if only they had more time to talk things through and come up with a basic plan, Steady wondered if they could have done more. While they prevented the Pact from harnessing Nightmare Moon's powers, many ponies died that night. Steady thought about the butler he had met in the cells underneath the mansion, the one he had promised to help. Even back then, Steady knew this was an empty promise, one he couldn't keep. And yet, he hated himself for not being able to rescue that one stallion... Or anypony else, for that matter. The few that were saved had been so only due to Aphelion and Misty's magic while Sandstorm and him stood there, helpless. Feeling a familiar sensation creep up in his very core, Steady chuckled. "Yup. Useless as always," he spoke out loud while staring at the ceiling. Then, remembering his recent mandatory therapy sessions and the promise he had made to stop demeaning himself, Steady groaned. "... Dammit, doc's gonna be mad at me." At first, Steady hated these sessions. They were, from the very beginning, Celestia's idea when she noticed the crimson pegasus shutting himself more and more from the world as his missions ended with injuries and casualties. Steady had tried everything to avoid those, but when the then-only ruler of Equestria made the first appointment for him, there was little he could do short of disobeying his ruler's orders. As time went on, though, Steady began to appreciate these weekly sessions. He didn't believe that talking about what had been bothering him would 'fix' him, but Steady did discover quite quickly that it felt good to talk, to say whatever was on his mind. Of course, he would have preferred doing this with a friend around a bottle of beer, but few of those he once considered close still talked to him, although Steady knew this was his own fault. "... Maybe I should make new friends," he murmured before taking a sip of his coffee. Putting the cup down, he smirked. "Yeah, sure. Then, I'll quit smoking too. As if that'll ever happen." Hearing a knock on the door, Steady slowly sighed before beginning to put the files back in the folder. "Come in," he said in annoyance. The door opened slowly, revealing a meek-looking Aphelion behind. Next to him, Sandstorm struggled to keep her eyes open, her mane still incredibly messy. Finally, in the back, leaning against a wall and barely managing to stay up, Misty looked like she was about to empty her stomach's contents at any second. Glancing at the trio, Steady narrowed his eyes. "... You're late." "Sorry, Steady... This morning was... Complicated," Aphelion replied with a weak voice. "'s our fault, boss man. We got wasted yesterday and we're still kind of in it," Sandstorm added while looking at her marefriend in worry. Pointing a wing toward Misty, Steady spoke up with reproach. "Is she going to be able to work? I don't want anypony to come throwing up during our meetings." "No, I can... I can work," the sick mare barely managed to utter under her breath. "I just need to... Focus on my spell and..." "Misty, we talked about this," Sandstorm whispered as she helped Misty stand up. "This magic 'hangover cure' never works... You need the rest, okay? If you're feeling better this afternoon, you can come back, but in the meanwhile, go have a nap." "... Oh, and probably keep a bucket near," Aphelion added. Misty attempted to reply, but the jumble of groans that came out of her mouth were closer to primordial, eldritch noises than they were to words. Eventually relenting, Misty stepped away from the room, stumbling as she walked. Sandstorm began to accompany her back to her room before Steady stopped her. "She's a grown-up mare, she'll find her own way back. We're already an hour late, so get your asses in here right now." Glaring at the crimson pegasus, Sandstorm hesitantly left Misty to her own devices. Thankfully, a guard quickly came to her side to help bring her to her room just as Misty was thinking about vomiting in one of the castle's vases. Finally entering the room, Aphelion and Sandstorm silently took their seats, the unicorn avoiding Steady's gaze while Sandstorm was staring intensely at him. Steady sighed. "Alright, listen, you two. I don't mind you going to have fun at night and getting black-out drunk, but you gotta assume the consequences. Either be here on time, or send somepony to tell me you'll be late, or if you're not coming at all. You can be young and stupid as long as you're mature about it the day after. Got it?" "Yeah, sure, grandpa. Like you never do anything fun after work," Sandstorm taunted as she began leaning back in her chair. "My hobbies do not concern you. Anyways, are we ready to begin?" "I am," Aphelion said softly before eyeing Steady's mug. "... Actually, do you think I could get some coffee before we start?" "Good call," Sandstorm added, "let's call room service. I haven't eaten shit this morning and I'm starving." Groaning, Steady put a hoof on his forehead. "This isn't a damned hotel, you... Fine. I'll ask somepony to bring you two breakfasts. Don't bucking leave this room in the meanwhile." "So, if I need to pee, do I do that in your mug?" Sandstorm smirked as Aphelion stared at her with a deadpan expression. Steady elected not to answer and left the room, leaving the two hangover ponies to their own devices. For a while, they remained silent, simply enjoying the stillness of the morning before Sandstorm chuckled. "... The old fart likes us." "I'm pretty sure we made him angry," Aphelion replied. "Nah. I mean, he's irritated, sure, but I thought he would've ripped us a new one or something... Instead, we barely got a lecture. He even went to get us breakfast." "Maybe he just wants to get to work? In any case, I don't think we should repeat that in the near future." "Hm. Maybe. Honestly, I thought he'd hate Misty and me. I'm surprised he's fine about working with us." "Actually, that's something I wanted to ask. He once mentioned something about you two messing with him personally, and that was why he was trying to arrest you two specifically. What was that about?" "... Yeah, that's a long story, but in short, Misty and I caused his wife to divorce him, some years ago... Honestly, we regret it. Like, it was a mess, and it was all our fault. But to be honest, I think we did him a service. She was—" Slamming the door shut, Steady stared at Sandstorm with a neutral expression. "I don't want to hear another damn word about it, got it? No interpersonal drama bullshit during work hours." Freezing mid-sentence, Sandstorm quickly shut her mouth before nodding. "... Yes sir." Aphelion remained still, feeling incredibly awkward. Glancing to the side, Steady slowly went back to his chair. "... And it would be better to discuss this in private, with Misty. After hours, so I don't have to play nice with you two." "Uh... Sure. I think that's overdue, to be honest," Sandstorm meekly added. Silence fell over the room for what felt to them like an eternity, before Sandstorm spoke up again, with a jovial tone. "... So, about that breakfast?" Half an hour later, Aphelion was finishing his cup of coffee while Sandstorm ate her third piece of toast. Steady stood near an open window, cigarette in mouth as he gazed upon the city underneath. Attempting to speak with her mouth full, Sandstorm looked at Steady. "Sho, whaf's up for today?" Throwing what remained of his cigarette through the window, Steady walked back toward the large table. "A few things, actually. We've got a lot to do, so we're going to have to split up the tasks. I've already assigned something for each of you." "Alright, I'm listening," Aphelion nodded. "Same," Sandstorm added while spitting bits of toast on the table, causing Steady to roll his eyes. "Okay. Aphelion, before you do anything, you need to update your spells. Since you were part of the Pact for so long, there's a lot of stuff you need to unlearn. We can't have you running around using dark magic at random." "Oh... Okay. Yes, I can do that, but... I'll probably need somepony to teach me. It'll also probably take a while, I'm afraid," the gray unicorn replied. In his mind, however, Aphelion had already started making a mental list of the spells he knew, and the ones that would be considered most problematic. "That's why Celestia is sending you to Ponyville for a week or two. You'll work with her star student, Twilight Sparkle. She's already been briefed and is looking forward to meeting you. She's also one of the Elements bearers, though I'm sure you've been told about that." "I've got the basic gist of it, yes... But won't I be a hindrance in her daily tasks?" "Maybe. Try and make yourself useful over there to make it up to her, then. You're the smart type, I'm sure you'll figure out something to do. One warning, though: Sparkle is aware of the basic details concerning the Crescent Pact, but there's a lot that's still too confidential for her." "O... Okay, so I shouldn't talk too much about my past, I suppose?" "As much as possible, yeah. Sparkle and the rest of the bearers aren't the discrete type, so consider that any intel you leak just might get spread around. We don't want the general public to start panicking about that sort of stuff, alright?" "Yes, got it. I'll do my best, Steady," Aphelion replied with a smile. "Good. Your train leaves early this afternoon, so go get ready." "Wait, I'm leaving today?! O... Okay, uh, I'll go pack my bags then. I'll... See you soon?" Quickly shuffling out of his seat, Aphelion then left the room, quickly trotting toward his room to prepare for his impromptu trip to Ponyville. Sandstorm, who had watched their exchange silently, glared at the crimson unicorn. "... What?" Steady asked, raising an eyebrow. "Nothing. So, what are Misty and I doing?" "You aren't working together for this one, I'm afraid. Actually, you're with me." Slamming her head on the table, Sandstorm groaned. "Oh, come on! I thought I was going to have fun..." Feeling an eyebrow twitch, Steady stared at the yellow mare. "Don't start throwing a damn tantrum. You and I will go check some of the leads we got on bases belonging to the Pact. We'll go through a few cities, ask some questions, maybe rough some ponies up to get intel, then go onto the next lead. If we work quickly, we can be done by the end of the week." "Ugh, fine... But you're paying for everything. And I'm going shopping at least twice. Otherwise, I'll be the biggest pain in your ass you've ever met." "That's already the case, don't worry. And the court's paying for any expense we make, as long as it's reasonable... We'll go shopping once if you play nice. That sounds good?" "Meh, better than nothing. Fine. But what about Misty, then?" Sandstorm asked while lifting her head, a red mark where her forehead impacted the wooden surface of the table. "She's going to be part of an expedition of sorts, inside the strange lab she and Aphelion found under the castle when they went snooping around. Luna herself is going, as well as a large number of guards and court mages, so it should be safe enough." "Why do they need her if they've already got a collection of idiots from the court?" "Because she's not an idiot. Luna also wanted to see Misty's magic with her own eyes. Something about her talking to cities seemed to really get Luna's attention." Sandstorm sighed. "I guess she's too awesome for her own good. When are they doing that expedition?" "Beginning of next week... Meaning, if we do our job quickly and efficiently, you could be back in time to go with her. Celestia thought that would motivate you to stay on track." Scoffing, Sandstorm stood up from her seat. "You don't say. Alright, then, let's go. Let's go right now, so we can be done with it." Steady chuckled. "Slow down. Our first train leaves tomorrow morning, so you still got a full day in Canterlot. Get ready, pack your bags and brief Misty on what she'll have to do next week." "Got it," Sandstorm replied. "... Oh, also, what about us having... The talk, the one after work hours, you said? About your ex-wife?" "... If Misty's feeling better by the end of the day, bring her to 'Foin Exquis'. It's a Prench restaurant near the palace. Might as well talk someplace nice... And yes, the tab's on me. If she's not feeling better by then, it'll have to wait 'til next week, when we're back." "Sounds... Sounds good. Alright, Steady," Sandstorm said with a genuine smile. The crimson pegasus nodded with a faint smile of his own, before Sandstorm's smile turned into a smirk. "... Also, are you fine with nicknames?" Taken aback, Steady took a moment to answer. "... Uh, depends. As long as it's not insulting." "Hmm... Alright, got it. I'll find you a good one. I promise it won't be too cringe-worthy," Sandstorm claimed with a devilish smirk before leaving the room, leaving Steady alone. After a long, drawn-out groan, Steady reached for another cigarette. "... By Celestia, how am I going to survive this week?" > 33 - The Departure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Her head buried between the incredibly expensive pillows, Misty kept her eyes closed in an attempt to fall asleep. The curtains were drawn, leaving the room pitch-black. Just outside, however, the constant noises of ponies trotting, talking and going about their days prevented the suffering unicorn from falling asleep. She groaned as she heard another set of hoofsteps getting louder, slowly approaching her room. Each step echoed in the hallway and resonated inside Misty's cranium, causing additional waves of pain to her hangover-induced headache. Eventually, the steps stopped right in front of the door as it was pushed open, revealing a half-worried, half-smirking Sandstorm. "Hey, Misty, are you feeling better?" she asked while scanning the room with a quick glance. Noticing the lack of any putrid smell, Sandstorm was glad to see that her marefriend managed to keep inside the very little she ate and drank since the morning. Misty answered with a series of long, drawn-out moans and groans. Eventually mustering up the strength to utter a few words, she pointed a hoof toward Sandstorm. "The door... Close, please... Light is pain..." "What, you're a vampire, now?" Sandstorm chuckled as she closed the door behind her. "So... I'm guessing you're still not doing too hot, then?" "Mhm... My go-better-spell doesn't work..." "Yeah, no shit. You said it required your full focus to do it right. Can't do that after drinking half your body weight in alcohol," Sandstorm said as she climbed over the bed and sat next to Misty, stroking her marefriend's mane. "I'm never drinking again," Misty replied as her body relaxed. "You say that every time... That's adorable, y'know? Seeing you be the irresponsible one, from time to time." Lifting her head up from the sea of pillows that surrounded her, Misty stared deep into Sandstorm's eyes. "No, this time, it's for real. I don't want to be sick anymore." "Sure, whatever you say. D'you want something to eat, or drink?" "Not right now, but thanks," Misty said as she rolled around to lay on her back, looking at the ceiling. "... So, how did the meeting go?" "Right, about that... Steady gave each of us a different mission. Aphelion needs to un-buck his spells since the Pact only uses illegal magic." "Dark magic," Misty corrected her. "Yeah, that. So, he's off for a week or two to Ponyville, to learn from Celestia's number one horseshoe-licker." "Who?" "Twilight Sparkle, the one with all the friendship crap." "Oh... That's a good call on Steady. From what I know about her, she's pretty good with magic. She can help Aphelion adapt his spell repertoire." Sandstorm shrugged. "I dunno. Isn't that type of magic pretty powerful? We could use that against the crazy cultists we're gonna have to deal with in the future." Forcing herself up, Misty sat right next to Sandstorm before letting her head rest on Sandstorm's shoulder. "Sure, these spells are strong, but they're too dangerous... Especially to the ponies caught in the crossfire. There's a reason why any unicorn with half a brain cell avoids using them." "I guess. Just saying, though, might be nice to keep that as an option." "Well, that's going to be up to him, anyway. So, what's our mission going to be, then?" With a sigh, Sandstorm answered. "That's the fun part. We're not assigned to the same tasks. We'll have to be apart for a week... Steady wants me to come with him to investigate some leads concerning the Pact in a few random cities. Don't worry, I'll bring you souvenirs," she said with a smirk. "Really? Why can't I come with you two, then? If we go to one of the cities where I have a connection, I could help figure some stuff out." "That's because of your mission. Sometime in the beginning of next week, you've gotta take part in an expedition inside that weird place you and Aphelion found, underneath the castle. The weird sex dungeon thingamajig." "It... It wasn't that. It was... I think it was some sort of lab belonging to Nightmare Moon, in retrospect." "So, Nightmare Moon's sex dungeon? Lucky you," Sandstorm teased before suddenly getting impacted in the face by a flying pillow. "Shut up, you perv'. Anyway, why do I have to be there for that expedition?" Misty asked while the glow on her horn vanished as the pillow landed further away on the marble tiles. "I don't know for sure. Steady said that Luna wanted to see your magic in action. Guess it's your turn to have a one-on-one with her." "I... I guess. Alright then, I suppose that's it, then," Misty said as she sighed. "One more week apart... That's such a pain." Putting a hoof over Misty's shoulder and holding her tighter against her, Sandstorm closed her eyes for a moment. "Yeah... That sucks. If I'm quick with my mission, though, Steady said I could be back in time to come with you." "There's that, at least. Just... Be careful, out there, alright? I know you can take a beating, but I'd rather if you kept away from unnecessary scraps." "Aw, where would be the fun in that? But fine, I'll be careful, mom." "Don't... Don't call me that, you idiot." "Right, you prefer it when I'm the one playing the momm—" Sandstorm was cut off by another flying pillow, this one hitting much harder due to the increased speed. "Shut. Don't ruin the moment." Misty said, her voice showing hints of both annoyance and amusement. The two mares remained in each other's embrace for a while, a comfortable silence falling over the room. Eventually, Misty spoke up again, though in a much more hesitant manner. "... Sandstorm, when... When you had your talk with Princess Luna... What did you two talk about?" "Oh, that? She just thought I was awesome, and wanted to chill with the coolest mare in Canterlot... Well, sorry. Second-best," the yellow mare winked at her marefriend which caused her to chuckle. "Sure, I don't doubt that one bit. But... If there was anything... Else that was discussed... Well, I'm here, if you need it." "Damn. I really can't hide anything from you, huh? But... Yeah, she did tell me some interesting stuff. I, uh, think I need a moment to... Think about it all, I guess. I'm not... Quite ready to tell you. Sorry." "Don't be. It's fine... You need time, I understand. Whenever you're ready, you'll tell me, though, right?" "Of course," Sandstorm replied with a genuine smile before nuzzling against Misty's chest. "... Oh, also, there was something else I had to tell you." "Yes?" "If you're feeling better, Steady invited us to some rich restaurant this evening, so that we could talk about his ex. If you're not feeling better, though, he said it could wait 'til next week." Taking a few seconds to reply, Misty looked deep into Sandstorm's eyes. "I'm feeling a bit better, sure, but... When do you leave?" "Tomorrow morning. Why?" Sandstorm asked. "Well..." Misty began as a devilish smile formed on her face. "I think I'm going to have to skip this one, because..." she continued as she rolled over, getting on top of Sandstorm. "...We're not going to see each other for a week, and I'd rather keep you all to myself before you leave." Blushing furiously, Sandstorm's breath quickened. "... Yeah, I like where this is going. Let's not—" The remainder of Sandstorm's sentence never left her mouth as Misty kissed her suddenly, ensuring the couple would spend the rest of their day together, without wasting any more time. As he finished packing a large suitcase, Aphelion used his magic to read his checklist one last time. Feeling satisfied with his preparations, he crossed the last entry on the list before closing his suitcase. Then, walking toward the large window, Aphelion observed the city below. He had grown accustomed to living in Canterlot, even though he mostly remained inside the royal palace, or in a coma. Still, though, he knew he would miss the capital while he was gone. Thinking about Ponyville, Aphelion felt worried. Since Ponyville was much smaller than Canterlot, he assumed that the community over there would be a lot more tightly knit together than Canterlot, where he could walk in the street without having anypony notice him. There, however, Aphelion was bound to meet many ponies and to have to talk a lot more. "Well, at least, that'll help me improve my social skills," he spoke aloud. "If you want a tip, don't let anypony see you talking alone," a voice surged from behind Aphelion. Quickly turning back, he saw Glaze standing next to his door, a smirk on her face. "Probably a good point. So, you've already heard about my trip, then?" "Yup. Overheard Celestia and Steady talk about it," she said as she entered the room and began tidying up. Aphelion, without skipping a beat, began helping Glaze along as they talked. "I've never been there, so I don't know what to expect. Didn't you say you had family back there?" "I do... Though, I don't really speak to them. They're decent folks, just don't tell them you like strawberries unless you want them to kick you out of town." "Ha! I'll keep that in mind, thanks. I've always been more of an avocado guy myself, anyway." "Pfft... You rich bastard," Glaze joked. "Always had a silver spoon in your mouth, huh?" "I... Huh. I suppose so. Never really thought about that," the gray unicorn admitted. "How will you ever survive living amongst us plebeians for a week," the green earth pony teased while putting out an exaggerated voice. Rolling his eyes, Aphelion chuckled. "I suppose you can't come with me so that I don't have to deal with those tasks that are obviously so beneath me?" "Careful, you're starting to sound like Blueblood. And nah, I can't come be your personal maid. You're a grown up, though, I'm sure you can clean up after yourself for a week." "Hm. But I like it when you're with me—" Aphelion's eyes went wide as he froze mid-sentence, blushing intensely. He spoke without thinking and, in that moment, wanted to disappear into the aether. Glaze stared at him for a while before chuckling, a faint blush on her own cheeks. "I'm guessing this was supposed to stay in your head, Aphy?" "I... Uh..." "You really need to learn how to flirt... Though, that was kind of sweet. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy spending time with you," Glaze winked. "Wa... Wait, really? Great! Uh... I mean... That's cool," Aphelion said as he attempted to keep his cool. "... Say, when I'm back from Ponyville, do you want to... Grab lunch, or something?" Glaze smiled. "I'd... Like that, yes." The two remained silent for a while, awkwardly smiling at each other before a guard pony knocked on the opened door. "Sir Aphelion, it's time. Your train is going to leave soon." "C... Coming!" He replied, closing his suitcase before stopping in front of Glaze. "... So, see you next week?" "Yup! Next week!" She replied. Both made a step forward, towards each other as they each went for a different motion. Upon noticing what the other was doing, they stopped and mimicked the other, inverting their actions. Repeating the same set of actions twice, Aphelion and Glaze eventually settled on an awkward hoofshake. "... Next week, then!" Aphelion said as began to leave. "Mhm! Next week!" Glaze replied, her voice echoing through the hallway. Following the guard, Aphelion kept his smile for a minute before dropping it, groaning and cringing as their discussion replayed in his head. The guard next to him glanced at Aphelion. "If I may, sir..." "Huh? Uh, sure... Oh, and just call me Aphelion, please." "... You really need to learn how to flirt, Aphe—" "I know!" He shouted, drawing the attention of the other guards, maids and butlers around. "... Sorry," he said to nopony in particular with a sheepish smile. > 34 - The Student: Part 1/First Lesson [Remake] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- An awkward silence floated in the Golden Oak library. Sitting across from each other, two unicorns struggled to keep eye contact, preferring instead to stare at the room around them. Aphelion pretended to be intrigued by the library’s architecture, studying every single aspect of the building in a vain effort to appear more relaxed than he was. Twilight, on the other hoof, kept her gaze locked on the sheets of paper right in front of her then shuffled the stack once, then twice, as if she was looking for the beginning of the lessons she was supposed to have begun giving fifteen minutes ago. The first pony to break the silence wasn’t a pony at all, but a small, bored out of his mind dragon. His words followed a long and annoyed groan. “C’mon”, Spike said while elbowing Twilight, “start the lesson already. You guys don’t have all day.” “J-Just a moment, Spike. I still need to, uh… Find the start,” Twilight replied with a quick glance at her brother before forcing herself to make eye contact with Aphelion for the first time since they sat down. “Sorry about the wait,” she timidly said. “It’s just…” “Oh, no worries at all,” Aphelion quickly replied. “It’s completely fine. I can just… Observe the scenery while you get the first lesson in order. Fascinating place, by the way,” he awkwardly added. With a wide, forced smile, Twilight acquiesced. The two unicorns stared at each other before turning back toward their previous pretend-occupations, much to Spike’s dismay. The little dragon sighed. Dealing with his socially inept sister already tended to be a large pain in Spike’s behind, but now that there was a second, equally socially inept unicorn in the room, things were even worse than usual. Finally making up his mind, Spike rose up from the bean bag and dropped the comic book he was reading on the floor. “I’m going out,” he announced. “When I come back, you two better be talking about magic stuff. Otherwise, I’m bringing Pinkie back here.” “That-That won’t be necessary, Spike, we’re just about to start!” “Sure, Twi’. Anyways, see you in an hour,” Spike said as he left the room, leaving the two unicorns sitting in silence. Eventually, Aphelion spoke up. “So… Who’s this ‘Pinkie’ pony and should I be worried?” he asked. “She’s a friend… One of the Elements of Harmony, actually. She’s… A lot more outgoing than me,” Twilight admitted. “Than both of us, you mean,” Aphelion added with a faint chuckle. “Well, in your defense, you’ve been raised in a… Closed-off community.” “More like a cult, actually.” “R-Right… I didn’t want to sound insensitive.” “Thanks, but I’d rather not sugarcoat things,” Aphelion sighed. “The people who raised me… Did a lot of bad things. Heck, even the magic we use is dangerous in nature,’ he said with a forced chuckle. He wished he could go into greater detail, but Steady’s words echoed in his head. Aphelion had to consider that whatever he told Twilight risked getting leaked. It was already risky for him to talk about the fact he was raised in a cult, but hiding everything behind layers upon layers of lies and deceit to the mare who was supposed to help him relearn magic didn’t feel right to him. Finally putting down the sheets of paper Twilight had been levitating in front of her face for the past twenty minutes, she smiled. “Well, that’s what I’m going to try to fix.” “How, though?” the gray unicorn asked. “My whole understanding of magic is based on an erroneous foundation. Not that I’m questioning your abilities, but do you really believe you can re-teach me magic in a week?” “I… Princess Celestia seems to believe so,” she replied while glancing away. “And I… Don’t really want to let her down. Or you, for that matter. Besides,” her eyes locked on the written material in front of her as she began shuffling through them once again, “we don’t have to start from the very beginning itself… I’m sure we can find some basic, universal understanding of the arcane underneath all that dark magic.” Slumping in his chair, Aphelion stared at the floor. “If you say so. Where do we begin, though?” Pulling out the sheet holding the beginning of the lesson, Twilight took a deep breath and forced herself to stop stalling. “First, I want you to tell me about your fundamental understanding of unicorn magic.” He looked up. “Well… I can do that,” Aphelion said while Twilight grabbed a quill and a pot of ink, readying herself to take notes. He cleared his throat before continuing. “Magic is, to me, at least, a universal constant of the world we live in. It flows through everything, like plants, ponies, or even the earth itself. Different species possess different ways to interact with magic, like pegasi and their wings or unicorns with their horns. It’s kind of like… Everypony uses different tools to get to the same result, the harvesting of magic inside a living organism’s nervous system — specifically, the ley lines.” Stopping for a moment, Aphelion watched as Twilight frantically transcribed his every word. Quickly lifting her head to indicate to him to go on, Aphelion continued. “Unicorns and alicorns are the species most attuned to the magic around them, being able to channel the stored energy within the ley lines around them to create mental scripts able to affect the physical world around them. These scripts, or spells, become more powerful based on two things: the caster’s own knowledge and personal experience with magic, as well as the number of ley lines used to fuel the spells. The first parameter comes with time and study, while the second defines the three major types of spell that exist.” Stopping once again, Aphelion noticed Twilight’s confused expression. Guessing that his understanding of magic varied wildly from hers, his shoulders slumped even more. Still, Aphelion decided to finish his description of magic. “The… The first type of spell is the endothaumic type. It’s the weakest one and can only harvest the power stored in the ley lines within the caster itself. Most unicorns can only use endothaumic spells and the effects are fairly limited: basic levitation, summoning lights, maybe even a weak energy ray or a simple teleportation spell. Any self-respecting mage quickly moves on from endothaumic spells to the other kinds.” “Next up, are the exothaumic spells. These ones only use the magic stored in other entities, like gems, the earth, the air, plants or even other ponies. By harvesting from the world around them, the caster is able to preserve his or her own energy. It also allows the use of more complex mental scripts and glyphs since there’s more fuel to the fire, so to speak. However, exothaumic spells are limited by the environment. If somepony was surrounded by few ponies, or in an area with poor levels of mana around, said ponies would be heavily limited in the types of spell they can use. Oh, and even though these spells almost entirely use other things as the source, there’s still the need for a sort of arcane spark coming from the caster’s own body.” “Finally, we have the hybrid category of spells. These make use of both endo- and exothaumic sources in order to get the best of both worlds. There are many subcategories within hybrid spells themselves, but the vast majority works in the same way: by harvesting magic in surrounding ley lines and refining it, purifying it within one’s own body, one’s own ley lines. This usually requires a unicorn or alicorn to magically alter their own nervous system to allow the purification process to happen. This process is pretty complex, and even I don’t fully understand it — all I know is that my father was able to overwrite around half of his own ley lines somehow. I… Haven’t even started doing mine due to my condition.” Finally stopping her note-making, Twilight lifted her head. “Your condition?” she asked. “I have thaumic atrophy. The ley lines within my body are like dried-out rivers. There’s still a trickle of mana going through, but it’s pretty limited. If I go past a certain threshold, my nervous system becomes completely devoid of magic and my body has to sort of cannibalize itself in order to use more magic, usually leaving me with severe magical exhaustion… Or in a coma, in extreme cases. And since my basic mana pool is so small due to my atrophied ley lines, I can barely use endothaumic or hybrid spells. I can only use exothaumic ones, and even then, it’s usually heavily limited. On a good day, I have enough magic in me to spark two to three exothaumic spells before suffering the first symptoms of magical exhaustion.” “I… See,” Twilight hesitantly replied as she stopped taking notes. Shuffling in his seat, Aphelion smiled weakly. “So… Is my theoretical understanding correct?” “Well, it’s certainly… Exotic. Can you tell me more about these exothaumic and hybrid spells? More specifically, about the other sources of magic that can be… Harvested?” she asked, wincing slightly as she spoke. It was clear to Aphelion that Twilight was somewhat disturbed by his explanation, though there was also a hint of morbid curiosity present in her expression. “Sure. There are a ton of other sources, with varying degrees of potency. Nature itself is a powerful source, though fairly inefficient and pretty rigid in how its magic can be weaved into spells. It’s fine for things like growing plants or healing living organisms, but not great for anything else. Inanimate objects can also be used, but these sources are usually pretty weak. The only exceptions are for areas that are naturally filled with magic, or for items specifically made for mana storage, like gems and artificial catalysts. The most potent source comes from other living and conscious beings: ponies, griffins, zebras and every other intelligent species. Tapping into the ley lines of others is a difficult skill to learn, but an effective one. It also weakens your opponents by exhausting their bodies and lowering their magical defenses.” “...How does that last one sound to you, Aphelion?” Twilight asked, her face growing increasingly worried. “Well… Until fairly recently, I just accepted it as a regular usage of magic. However, given everything I’ve learned recently, I’m starting to think the use of other sapient beings' ley lines is something frowned upon by the larger society.” With a sigh of relief, Twilight scribbled a few more notes. “Good. You’re at least aware that dark magic is something to stay away from.” Aphelion acquiesced. “I guess so, though you’re probably going to have to explain to me why it’s such a big deal. I still struggle to see what’s so controversial about it.” “Well, for starters, any spell that uses the magic within somepony else’s body is bound to have terrible long-lasting effects on both the caster and the target, especially with repeated exposure. It’s kind of like…” Twilight paused her explanation as she searched for the right words, struggling to find a suitable analogy. Aphelion tentatively guessed Twilight’s train of thought. “... Like donating blood?” “Yes!” she exclaimed, “exactly! Just like there are different blood types, there are also different magic types. While the effects of using or giving somepony else’s magic aren’t as immediately threatening as donating the wrong type of blood, there are still risks included.” “I… Can follow that logic.” “Good. Anyhow, that’s just one reason why dark magic is frowned upon. It also raises ethical questions. I doubt you were taught to ask for consent whenever you wanted to use somepony else’s ley lines.” Opening, then closing his mouth, Aphelion thought for a moment. “... I guess not. I was told that when using magic, the norm was to simply take as much as was needed and that if somepony didn’t want to have their own magic harvested, they would simply have to be strong enough to resist.” The purple mare sighed. “The rest of the world doesn’t think like that. If strong ponies simply decided to take from anypony weaker than them, the world would quickly devolve into tyranny.” “But the world’s already…” Aphelion started, then stopped. “The world’s already what?” Twilight asked. “I was going to say ‘under tyrannical rule’,” he chuckled. “Is that what they taught you?” “Basically, yes. From my family’s point of view, Celestia’s reign is tyrannical in nature and must be ended. They ingrained that idea so deep into our mind during our education, we never even thought about the possibility of that notion being false. It’s like a dogma.” “... Like a dogma, huh?” Twilight repeated while carefully observing Aphelion. “And do you still believe that?” “Not anymore. Getting captured in Canterlot was the best thing to happen to me. Just… Being confronted with the real world shattered my beliefs. I do have to thank Princess Celestia for that.” Leaning in her chair, Twilight tilted her head to the side. There were countless questions she wished to ask him about, questions concerning the people who raised him, about their magic, about Aphelion’s life… But she instead decided to focus on the task at hoof. They had already lost quite a lot of time due to the initial awkwardness between them, and he would be in Ponyville for at least another week anyway. “... Anyhow, as I said earlier, your understanding of magic is atypical, Aphelion. Not wrong per se, but there are many nuances you weren’t taught about, as well as notions and concepts that aren’t usually part of a regular theoretical model of magic.” “Well,” the gray unicorn began while grabbing a quill of his own and opening a notebook in front of him, “I’m ready to learn.” Twilight smiled. Finally, they could truly begin their first lesson. When Spike came back to the library, much later than he had originally planned to, the young dragon was pleasantly surprised to see the two unicorns still seated at the table having a lively discussion about matters that completely went over his head. Spike smiled, then stepped toward the table. Quickly noticing the dozens of sheets of papers scattered around as well as the many books laid on the table, he spoke up with a jovial tone. “So, lesson’s going well?” he asked. Both unicorns turned their attention toward Spike, only now noticing his presence. “Oh, welcome back, Spike,” Twilight smiled. “We were just about to finish for the day.” “It went well, I believe,” Aphelion nodded. “Still a lot of work to be done, but it’s not as hopeless as I originally thought.” “Welp, that’s good to hear,” Spike replied while making his way toward the kitchen. “By the way, where are you sleeping, Aphelion?” “At an inn near the train station. The… Daylight Inn, I think? I’ve already left my stuff there,” the stallion explained. “Princess Celestia paid for my room for the week.” “Nice,” Spike quickly replied. “I heard the inn’s pretty nice.” “It is,” the purple mare added. “Anyhow, let’s continue tomorrow, Aphelion. We can start on the practical aspects in the morning. You should take the rest of the day to rest and to explore Ponyville, too.” With a faint smile, Aphelion nodded. “I will. Well, then,” he said as he got up from his chair while placing his notebook in his saddle bags. “See you tomorrow!” Spike watched from afar as the gray unicorn gathered his notes and as Twilight wished him a good evening, before saying goodbye himself. As soon as Aphelion had left the library and closed the door behind him, Spike turned his attention back toward Twilight. “So, how are you feeling?” he asked. “... Good, I think,” she hesitated. “He seems like a nice guy.” “He is, but… You know…” Twilight sighed. “I still don’t know if I can trust him.” “Hm. You can still ask Celestia to have somepony else teach him.” She moved her head from side to side. “No, I’d rather do it myself. Plus, Princess Celestia counts on me. Still, though, I don’t know why she’s bothering so much with him. Anypony else would’ve just been sent to jail, for the misuse of dangerous magic and for infiltrating the castle.” With a quick shrug, Spike headed toward the kitchen as he spoke. “I’m sure Celestia has her reasons.” “Yes, but… Isn’t it insulting, especially to Shining Armor?” “Whaddya mean?” “From what I understood, Aphelion and these two other mares made a mockery of the royal guard some time before Luna’s return. And now, instead of being punished, Princess Celestia decided to completely exonerate them as well as helping him relearn magic. Why do they get this preferential treatment?” “Once again, Celestia’s bound to have her own reasons. You can always ask her, too.” The purple mare groaned before resting her head on the wooden table in front of her. “I tried to, when we first got the letter telling us to help Aphelion, remember? Apparently, being one of the Bearers as well as Celestia’s personal student doesn’t get me a high enough clearance…” “Ah. Well… Well, I guess there’s nothing more to be done about it. Just do your best and hope that Celestia tells you more with time.” “I know, you’re right, Spike, but… Still, I thought she told me everything. I thought we had that kind of relationship, y’know, but apparently not.” Spike sighed, unsure of what to say. Despite his nonchalant attitude, he agreed with Twilight. The fact that Princess Celestia was hiding things was, to him, highly suspicious. He wondered for a brief moment if Aphelion had a role to play in that weird explosion that happened in the woods outside Canterlot more than a month ago. Spike, just about to ask Twilight about it, then heard the mare’s stomach grumble from across the room. “... Want me to cook dinner tonight?” “... Yes, please.” He nodded, then made his way into the kitchen. Twilight was already troubled enough as is by this whole situation, the last thing she needed was to spend even more time ruminating about it. Besides, Spike was getting hungry as well. When Aphelion pushed the door leading to his room, he couldn’t help but to let out a sigh of relief. It had been a long day, and he was glad to finally be able to finally relax and unwind. Quickly trotting up to his bed and letting himself fall on the mattress, he closed his eyes as the events of the day replayed in his mind. The trip from Canterlot to Ponyville had been quite long, but to Aphelion, it passed by in what felt to him like mere moments. Sitting next to a window and blankly staring at the wilderness outside, his thoughts wandered back to the events that had transcribed at his father’s manor. The woods the train was passing in front of served as a reminder of the many dead and wounded ponies after his impromptu raid. Despite everything, Aphelion still felt responsible for being unable to save them all. In his mind, he played a huge part in that tragedy. Had he decided not to go back home, these ponies would still be alive and well. Aphelion’s presence had been the spark that lit up the fuse leading up to the tragedy. His hooves were covered in the blood of dozens of ponies, some innocent, others not so much. Still, none deserved death. Staring at his forelegs as he laid in bed, his eyes began to tear up. He took a deep breath, then closed his eyes. It couldn’t have been for nothing, he thought. It had to. He had to convince himself of it. Had he not been there, the Pact could have harvested Nightmare Moon’s essence. To what end, he didn’t know, but it didn’t take a genius to understand that this outcome would’ve been catastrophic. All he could do was to move on, to keep going forward. To become better, to protect everypony from the Crescent Pact… Even those still working for the cult. They were, just like him before, brainwashed victims waiting to be freed. Just like he was given a second chance by Celestia, Aphelion had decided to do his best to give others the same opportunity for a normal life to those like him. The first step for him was to completely relearn magic. As he had been told by multiple other ponies since his arrest in Canterlot, the arcane powers used by the Pact were dark and foul in nature, something to be avoided at all costs by sane unicorns. He still struggled to fully grasp how magic, what was just a tool to him until recently, could be so malignant. And yet, he placed his trust upon Celestia’s judgment and upon Twilight’s expertise. However, a small part of him wondered. By escaping the Pact’s grasp and beginning to follow the path laid out by Celestia, had he simply replaced a dogma with another? What if he stepped from one fanatical belief to the other? Was there even such a thing as a reasonable approach to life? His tired mind led him down unending winding thought paths, all the way until Aphelion fell asleep just as the sun began to make its way down the sky. And as Aphelion fell into a deep state of rest, the stresses of the day lifting away and dissipating into his subconscious, a creature in the next room woke up from its own sleep. The creature, a feminine equine form with leathery bat wings and a coat as dark as the night itself, yawned. She grumbled as she glanced at the window, the last sun rays of the day burning her eyes and causing her to reach for the bedside table next to her. Grabbing a pair of dark glasses, she placed them over her magenta eyes before groggily heading toward the small bathroom attached to her room. She stared at her reflection in the mirror while brushing her long gray mane. Spending a good half hour on her appearance making sure to be as much eye candy as possible, she smirked when faced with the finished result. Perfect, she thought. And just as she was about to leave her room, she noticed an envelope right underneath her door. She saw her own name on it, Prurience, as well as the Crescent Pact’s seal. Grabbing the envelope with one of her wings, she quickly opened it and read the letter’s contents. She grinned from ear to ear. “Finally,” she said aloud, “the chicken has come to roost.” After being stuck in this backwater town for two weeks, Prurience was finally able to start having some fun. > 35 - The Student: Part 2/Field Training [Remake] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gliding along the night sky, Prurience mindlessly went through the few clouds dotted around, each impact dissipating them entirely. She groaned in annoyance upon feeling her manework getting undone by her work, but she knew better than to complain to her coworkers. Speaking of, glancing to the west, Prurience watched as a lime pegasus finished removing the clouds covering Ponyville. The lime pegasus was looking around, searching for any other cloud to remove before making his way to Prurience with a few quick wing flaps. “Okay, I think I’m done with my quadrant,” he said while suppressing a yawn. “How about you?” “Almost. Just need to finish the area near the farms,” Prurience replied. “Great. Let’s get this over with, I’m exhausted. Sun’s almost up, too.” Just as the pegasus was about to dart toward the edge of the town, Prurience stopped him by placing a hoof on his shoulder. “Oh, don’t worry, Typhoon. I can take care of it. You go ahead and rest,” the thestral softly said. Typhoon turned around and was about to protest only to be met with Prurience’s gaze, her deep magenta eyes staring deeply into his. He could feel his face growing hotter. “U-Uh, well… You know the rules, we’ve got to stay in duos during the night shift. Boss’ orders.” Inching closer to him, Prurience began practically whispering directly into the stallion’s ears. “Oh, don’t worry, I’ll be fine. I’m a thestral, remember? We thrive in the night…” She could feel his breath quicken, his heart beating faster. “B… But what if—” Prurience did not let him finish his sentence. She already had gotten to him, after all. “Just go,” she purred into his ears. She saw the shivers going through his body as her words left her mouth, accompanied by a wisp of magenta energy entering his ears. Typhoon’s body went limp, which would have caused him to fall were Prurience not there to catch him. His mind turned completely blank for a second before he partly came back to his senses. Feeling a heavy fog swell up inside his skull, the stallion blinked a few times before slowly flying away. “... Good night, Glide,” he muttered. Prurience chuckled. “Good night, Typhoon. Oh, and if anypony asks,” she began. Once again, tendrils of magic appeared from her mouth and made their way toward Typhoon, entering directly into his ears. He was already under her control; she had no need to hide her powers at this point. “We took care of the skies around the farms together.” “Sure,” he shrugged. “Anything else?” “Sleep well.” “Very well,” Typhoon replied before leaving Prurience. She stayed in the sky for a while, watching as her coworker flew away. “Too easy,” she said to herself before heading toward Sweet Apple Acres. It was finally about time she met her contact from the Pact. Reaching the edge of the town in mere moments, Prurience scanned the orchards in search of a signal. She wasn’t exactly sure what to expect: the letter she received from the Crescent Pact was, as always, light on the details. All she was told was that she’d recognize the signal when she’d see it. She slowed down, then began circling above the farms, circling back and forth all the while staying near the clouds she was supposed to dissipate… Something she’ll actually have to do after her nightly dealings, else her boss might question her. Thanks to her thestral nature, Prurience’s eyes were able to pierce through the night’s darkness, spotting countless shapes moving through the bushes and the foliage below. Mostly critters and nocturnal animals, but one of the shape’s movements drew her attention. There, slowly lurking just outside of the orchard’s outer edge, a body clumsily made its way toward the town. Narrowing her eyes, Prurience silently glided closer to her target under the cover of the night. And with each moment bringing her physically closer to the shape, so too did her memories. Prurience smirked. Abandoning all attempts to be stealthy, the thestral dove downward and, with one swift motion, landed right in front of the figure. The sudden landing caused the pony to jump and yelp in fear, diving into a bush for safety. With a hearty laugh, Prurience stepped closer to the bush and moved some branches with a hoof, revealing the figure inside: a strangely thin pony, whose body was riddled with holes and whose fur was replaced by a black and viscous chitin-like substance. “Long time no see, bug,” Prurience finally said, causing the changeling to finally look up. Upon recognizing the face of its assailant, the changeling groaned and slowly stepped out of the bush. “... Hi, Miss Prurience. You scared me…” She scoffed. “As jumpy as always, I see. So, you’re gonna be my little helper for the next few days?” Rubbing one of its forelegs with the other, the changeling looked away. “Yes, miss. I, uh, also brought the powder,” it said before nudging toward the bags on its sides. “Oh? What’s that for?” she asked as she stepped forward and opened the changeling’s bags. Prurience began to rummage through their contents without waiting for an answer, throwing whatever seemed useless to her out of the bags. “The… The Moon’s Tears. The thing that turns ponies into…” Prurience felt a cold chill. “Oh, that. Right,” the thestral said, immediately stepping away. She was no longer interested in the contents of the changeling’s bags, instead electing to step away from the powder. “... Didn’t know it was a powder.” “So, uh… What’s the plan, miss?” Quickly scanning the area, Prurience spoke more softly. “... I’ll tell you later. For now, let’s go to my place. Do you have a good disguise?” The changeling gulped. “Y… Yes. I have trained a lot since last time.” “Good. We don’t need another Opera incident. Right, so turn into…” Prurience stopped, then looked up. She stared at the clouds above, the ones she was supposed to dissipate before the end of her shift. “... Actually, I’ve got a test for you.” “A test?” the changeling asked, its voice breaking a little. “Yup. To prove to me you’re worthy to work at my side. You see those clouds above?” Looking up, the bug pony acquiesced. “Uh… Yes?” “Turn into me and get rid of them. You just need to fly through. Can you do that?” The changeling stayed silent for a moment, before closing its eyes. Prurience saw its body become engulfed in green flames before turning into a near-perfect copy of her. “... I can do that, yes!” her clone replied, a surge of confidence going through its body. “Great. You do that, and I’ll be in my room at the hotel, waiting for you,” the thestral smirked as she began walking away. “Wait, aren’t you staying to see if I’m doing a good job?” “Eh, I’ll keep an eye on you as I leave. I’m already late for… Important stuff,” she lied, already thinking about the long shower she’d take as soon as she reached the inn. “Oh… Okay. I’ll come back as soon as possible, miss!” “You do that,” Prurience said. Just as the changeling was about to fly away, to do Prurience’s job for her, the thestral smiled. “Oh, and it’s good to see you again, Prosternum.” The changeling returned Prurience’s smile — literally — before flying away, darting toward the clouds above. With a sly grin, the thestral left the farms and headed for the Daylight Inn, muttering under her breath as she glanced one last time at a copy of herself doing her job for her. “I can work with that…” Aphelion happily trotted through the semi-busy streets of Ponyville. Looking up, he silently watched as a small group of weather pegasi dissipated the clouds above, allowing for the sun to shine down on the small town. Despite Aphelion’s heavy heart the previous night, he woke up feeling cheerful. Not only were the previous day’s worries gone after a good night’s rest, but the young unicorn was also greatly looking forward to his upcoming lesson with Twilight. As he made his way through the morning markets, Aphelion glanced at the stalls around him. Despite already having taken his breakfast back at the inn, the sight of plentiful fruits and baked goods made him consider the idea of a second breakfast. “Well, I’m still somewhat early for my lessons,” he thought. “Can’t hurt to try the local cuisine.” Thanks to Glaze, Aphelion knew that Ponyville was renowned for its large apple orchards owned by the fittingly named Apple family. Furthermore, didn’t Glaze have a cousin living in Ponyville? Noticing a stall nearby selling apples in many different forms, Aphelion tentatively made his way to it. Behind the counter, a massive red stallion serenely observed the ponies passing through the streets before eventually spotting Aphelion. The stallion, easily one and a half times Aphelion’s size, simply nodded as the gray unicorn got close enough. Aphelion cleared his throat. “Hello. Can I get a, uh…” carefully observing each of the many baked goods, apples and jars of applesauce, Aphelion struggled to make a choice. The red stallion remained silent, waiting for Aphelion to finish his sentence. After what felt to Aphelion like agonizingly long seconds of awkward silence, he forced himself to pick something at random. “... Can I just get two apples, please?” For a moment, the red stallion’s face twitched ever so slightly. However, the merchant’s visage quickly turned back to its calm, unreadable state before uttering a single word. “Eeyup,” he replied as he grabbed a bag for Aphelion, placing the apples inside. “Thanks,” Aphelion softly said while placing two bits on the counter. Seeing the massive stallion quite literally staring him down due to their size difference, Aphelion couldn’t help but feel intimidated. His bout of awkwardness certainly didn’t help much either, but he still decided to try and salvage what had been so far a disastrously awkward conversation. “So, uh… I’m new in town, but I was wondering… Would you happen to know a mare named Apple Glaze, by any chance?” The red stallion’s face twitched once again, this time taking noticeably longer before his expression went back to normal. Aphelion blinked once. What that… Annoyance on the stallion’s face? “... Eeyup,” he eventually replied. “Oh… Nice. Um, she told me she had some family here, and I… Guess I wanted to say hi? Oh, and she says hi as well.” The merchant sighed. “... Tell her we say ‘hi’ too.” “O… Okay, I will.” Aphelion and the merchant then stood silently, staring at each other for a moment. Scratching the back of his head, Aphelion began to pull away. “Well… It’s been nice,” he lied, “but I have to get going. Have a nice day!” “Yup.” Quickly trotting away, Aphelion felt like he could die of cringe at any moment now. Hopefully, the rest of the day will be less tense. When Aphelion finally reached the Golden Oak Library, he was surprised to see Twilight waiting for him at the doorstep with multiple saddlebags at her side… As well as the massive bags under her eyes. Trotting up to her, she energetically waved at him. “Good morning! Did you sleep well?” she asked. “Hi, Twilight. I did, thank you. How are you doing? And what’s with the bags?” “I’m doing great, because today’s lesson is going to be a practical one. We’ll do some in-the-field training!” Truth be told, Aphelion slowly grew afraid of the mare’s enthusiasm. Just 24 hours ago, the two of them barely managed to hold a conversation together before Spike finally managed to break the ice for them. Still, though, the gray unicorn decided to ignore this growing sensation in him. “Oh, that’s nice. Do you think I’m ready for that step, though? We only scratched the surface of my theoretical understanding yesterday, and…” “That’s perfectly fine! I’ve been doing some research late at night, and basically, while your understanding of magic is flawed, it’s still got a solid basic structure on which we can work. I’ve found a few books on the evolution of arcanology through the centuries, and… Actually, why don’t I explain it to you while we walk?” “Uh… Sure. Where are we going?” “Right next to the Everfree Forest.” “... So, basically, exothaumic spells are considered black magic?” asked the gray unicorn just as the duo reached the outside of the town. They had been talking the entire way through Ponyville, barely paying any attention to the world around them. “Well, not quite. Using the inherent magic of the world is perfectly fine, but where society draws the line is at using other living beings’ essence. For example, yesterday, you kept using the verb to harvest when referring to using other ponies’ magic.” “Yes. I was always told to see other creature’s thaumic pathways as… As sort of a field full of crops that fuels their powers. By taking the crops yourself, you could strengthen yourself while weakening your opponent… Well, that’s if you don’t consider the whole ‘preying on the weak’ aspect of things.” ‘True, that’s one part of it. There’s another issue, though. If we keep going with your metaphor, it’s not just harvesting the field you’re doing. In truth, you’re actively withering. You’re not just taking the fruits of somepony else’s work, you’re also stealing the nutrients in the earth that allowed the crops to grow to begin with.” “Wait, really? So, it could potentially…” Twilight sighed. “If somepony was to… ‘harvest’ too much of a creature’s pathways with what you called exothaumic spells, there could be irreversible damages done to the target. You would not just be harming and weakening an opponent, but actively destroying a part of their very own selves.” Pensively, Aphelion scratched his chin. “... I suppose I can understand why that’d be considered controversial by a society not hellbent on efficiency.” “Indeed. That’s probably why Celestia sent you here. Dark magic is, inherently, incredibly dangerous… Both for the target and the user, but that’s a lesson for another day.” Stopping near the tree line, Aphelion breathed in the fresh air. Next to no signs of society were around them: all they could see was a small, cobbled path leading to Ponyville. Behind them, spreading everywhere as far as the eyes could see, a wall of darkened trees, shady bushes and ominous sounds indicated the beginning point of the Everfree Forest, a place Aphelion quickly understood why it bore such a terrible reputation. “Alright,” he spoke up. “So, why are we here exactly? And what’s today’s lesson? You haven’t said quite yet…” “Right. I wanted to circle back on one of the types of magic you described… Endothaumic magic,” Twilight explained as she laid down her saddlebags on the grass below. Aphelion glanced at the bags, then turned his attention to Twilight. “Right, I guess that makes sense. We’re beginning with the basics, then, right?” “Not quite. The way you were taught about endothaumic spells is flawed.” “Ah. Of course it is,” the gray unicorn sighed as his shoulders slumped. Sparking her horn and opening her saddlebags with her magic, Twilight continued talking as she rummaged through the bags’ contents. “It’s okay. It does make sense given your… Teachers’ general approach to the arcane. You were taught that endothaumic spells were less powerful than the other kinds due to the smaller amount of ley lines accessed, right?” “More or less, yes.” “Well, that’s just one very surface level way to approach these sorts of spells. When a unicorn first learns to use magic, sure, this might be true. The use of mana crystals, or mana-enriched environment can serve as crutches when learning the basics of magic. The thing is, however, most ponies’ innate abilities grow with time and experience.” Aphelion, silently listening to Twilight and watching as she began pulling out multiple gems from her bags, sat down on his haunches and nodded. Despite being attentive and doing his best to keep an open mind, Twilight’s explanation harmed his ego, the thought of most of his arcane theory being based on a foalish approach to magic clearly hurting his pride as a unicorn. She continued, oblivious to Aphelion’s inner turmoil. “While endothaumic spells might start as weaker when somepony begins learning about magic, their repeated use and study helps develop new ley lines and arcane pathways in a unicorn’s body. These new pathways are much more efficient at converting a unicorn’s inner energy into spells while also allowing for a much greater pool of stored mana for later use.” Scratching his chin, Aphelion tilted his head. “Is that true? It… It sorts of sounds like a natural alternative to the altered ley line used in hybrid spells.” “Hm, yes, you did mention those yesterday. To be honest, these do not really sound like anything I’ve ever seen in any of the general arcane theories and general models… But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, that’s something we’ll tackle later this week. Today, I want you to start developing your own natural ley lines.” The gray unicorn raised an eyebrow. “Is that something we can do in just an afternoon?” he asked, causing Twilight to chuckle. “No, not really. I’m afraid it’ll take months for you to develop your arcane pathways to the same level as a regular unicorn. What we’re going to do, today, is teach you a few exercises tailored specifically for you,” she explained as she laid out multiple gems in front of Aphelion. Carefully observing the various multicolored gems in front of him, Aphelion noticed the many glints and sparkles of weave-like magic floating inside each of the gems. He recognized them as typical mana gems, the type he often used with his invention to fuel them with magic. “... I thought we’d be training my endothaumic magic?” She smiled. “We are. The only magic you’re going to be allowed to use is the one stored within your own body. These gems’ only use is to help you refuel when you start getting exhausted… They’ve been modified to mimic a night’s worth of magic recovery.” “Ah… There’s going to be an issue, then, I’m afraid,” he softly said while grabbing one of the gems and lifting it above his head, letting the light of the sun pass through. “What? How so?” “You remember when I told you I had thaumic atrophy?” “Well… Yes, but you’re not suffering from it right now, are you?” With a curious look, Aphelion placed the gem back on the ground and turned his head toward Twilight. “Uh… I mean, it’s not really the type of thing that comes and goes at random.” “Yes, but you haven’t used excessive amounts of magic today, right?” “Well, not really, but my ley lines are still, you know… Atrophied.” “... What?” “I told you yesterday, didn’t I? About my ley lines being similar to dried-out rivers.” “You did, yes, but… But that’s just because your natural ley lines are underdeveloped. You were taught that endothaumic magic was extremely basic, and you’ve never really trained your own body to…” He lifted a hoof. “Wow, slow down. That’s nothing like that, at all. Sure, my pathways are underdeveloped, but that’s not just it. What I have is… Is a birth defect, basically.” “How can you be so sure? I’ve never heard of anything like that. Isn’t it just something you were taught just so that you wouldn’t bother with endothaumic magic since your teachers thought it was pretty much worthless?” Aphelion stood back up, feeling mild annoyance. “Because I don’t just feel it with endo spells. It’s also when I use other sources, like from gems, or the environment, of other ponies. I can only cast a few spells per day before things get dangerous for me.” Blinking a few times, Twilight stared at Aphelion in silence. With a clearly skeptical look, she grabbed a notebook from her saddlebag and scribbled a few notes before speaking up again. “... Right. And so, even with these gems to help you recover…” “Just sucking the energy from those would count toward my daily limit, yes.” Twilight sighed, then placed the gems back in her bags with her magic. “Alright, then. It’ll just take… Much longer for your natural pathways to develop, but that’s fine. I’ll still teach you the exercises for today. Is that alright?” “I… I suppose so. Sorry for being such a complicated case,” Aphelion said in a much calmer demeanor. With a faint smile, Twilight nodded. “It’s alright. Okay, let’s begin.” Aphelion nodded as well and stepped forward with a resolute look in his eyes. And as Twilight began describing the first exercises to her student, an idea wormed into her mind. This whole ‘magical atrophy’ thing sounded like nonsense to her, but there might have been a kernel of truth in what Aphelion told her. There would only be one way for her to discover the truth. She would push him to his limits and prove to him his condition was another lie told by those who taught him everything.