> The Four Humans of Chaos > by GamerstarOmega > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One: The humans > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord is a creature who holds boundless power to do whatever he wants, he would cause chaos among the ponies of equestria for own amusement. However, that resulted in the two princesses using the elements of harmony to seal the lord of chaos in stone. After one thousand years the seal finally broke and he was free once again.  Discord sat in his personal chaos space sitting in a chair thinking. He thought about it and he decided he was going to need an heir to take his place when he's gone. Now that he was freed from his thousand years of stone imprisonment he could once again spread chaos throughout equestria, however that wasn't enough to silence the thought of him returning back into stone no thanks to the elements of harmony he had a plan to steal the elements and make the bearers unable to use them. Even so he felt as a backup, he plans to find someone else more capable of taking his place. Snapping his eagle claw Discord summoned a mirror in front of him.  "Now then let's see who's the lucky winner." He said as his reflection in the mirror faded and a swirl formed in front of the mirror showing any candidates.  Hours later "No, too boring, too stuck up, not enough… anything, SWEET CELESTIA NO!!" Discord shifted through the participants in equestria in  the mirror, but to his dismay none of them were what he was looking for. He slumped in his chair contemplating he would never find his successor. "Ugh, all these ponies and none of them have that chaotic vibe I want. Where in equestria am I gonna find……wait…" Discord paused and pondered for a moment and came to a realization. "If equestria isn't my answer then maybe somewhere else is."  Discord said as he snapped his eagle claw causing the mirror to ripple and in it showed a city filled with creatures known to Discord as humans that stood on two, had no hair on their bodies but their hair, and their faces were a bit flat. Discord watched in interest as he watched the humans walk about the streets chatting amongst themselves while others were busy talking in small rectangular boxes. Discord noticed two of the humans yelling at each other behind two metal wagons which seemed to have collided with each other. Discord's attention was distracted as an explosion was heard causing the other humans to look where the sound was heard.  At the top of a building another metal wagon with a propeller on top and back was shooting at the building with small rockets destroying the building. Pieces of the building were falling and creatures below ran for their lives to escape being crushed.  At the same time more metal wagons showed up. Humans in masks jumped out of the wagons holding various bats, metal pipes and guns. They started breaking down windows from other smaller buildings and ran out with a variety of things. Discord was fascinated by all the chaos happening in this world, the smile on his face was beaming as he got up from his chair and floated towards the mirror. "Wow and I thought I was chaotic but they might give me a run for my money." Snapping his lion paw an orb appeared in his eagle claw and decided he was going to find his heir in that world. "Oh this is going to be so exciting!"   As he was about to snap his lion paw he stopped. "But wait…" He pounded for a moment and realized something. Even if he finds his heir there's a good chance they'll end up in stone as well if they were careless or just stupid. Scratching his head Discord groaned in frustration and slumped back into his chair, this would be more difficult than he thought. He needed to think long and hard about this, then he remembered something.  While he was in stone he also discovered that in that universe, his universe was a cartoon that human children watched for enjoyment. Adult humans also watched them as well. Then the idea struck him. "If… I can find someone who knows about my world then… *gasp* oooh-oh-oh-oh-oh-ohhahahahaha!!" Discord began to laugh maniacally as he knew exactly what to do. Getting up from his chair, Discord snapped his eagle claw and the mirror swirled creating a portal to the human world "Discord you are a genius." And he entered. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Somewhere in Mexico. A young man was seen walking to his apartment building. His name is Alejandro Delgado, he has short brown hair with a small goatee, his eyes are a light shade of brown, he wore a button shirt, long gray pants and white shoes. He's 23 years old and just graduated from National Autonomous University of Mexico. His goal is to become a world famous doctor like his father who is also a respectable doctor in Mexico city. As he was walking he received a phone call from his mother, he picked it up. "Hola mama." Said Alejandro.  "Hola cariño, how is my little bebé doing?"  "Mamaaaa…" Alejandro blushed slightly, feeling embarrassed at the word bebé. "I'm not a child anymore."  "But I told you no matter how old you get you'll always be my little bebé." His mother replied. Alejandro simply sighed. "So how is everything back home? Are Carmen and Maya doing well?" He asked. Carmen and Maya, his two younger twin sisters, were rather mischievous little girls always looking for trouble when they got the chance. Sometimes they would even pull pranks on their other family members which got them a harsh scolding from their mother.  "Oh they're just sitting in the living room watching that show you used to love." She looks over her shoulder and sees the twins watch My Little Pony.  At that moment Alejandro immediately knew which show she was talking about. A memory came to him. When he watched the first episode he thought it was too girly for his taste, but he soon watched the next one and then watched another one so on and so forth. Eventually he finished watching the whole series and if you were to ask if he liked it he would say "it was certainly an experience."  Alejandro smiled softly. "Is that so?" He couldn't help but feel nostalgic from his childhood show. "So how have you been doing?" His mother asked. "Well, I'm just heading home from work. Apparently there was a major leak with one of the pipes at the mall which caused a flood." He could hear his mother gasp in surprise. "It was nothing too serious though so it was ok."  Of course it would be ok if not for the fact that some of the pipes were also very much clogged up due to him having rather explosive diarrhea from eating the new "TNT burritos" from the local Taco Bell. As a result Alejandro stayed in the bathroom for almost an hour and a half. When his stomach felt better he left the bathroom unaware of the toilet shaking a little and after a few minutes another person was going to the bathroom and after a few minutes the floors were covered with brown water. But Alejandro would rather not mention that part to his mother. After a few moments of talking he bid his mother goodbye and hung up the phone. As he was continuing his walk back home he felt eyes watching him. He turned around, nothing. He resumed his walk, as he did a pair of mismatched eyes appeared on a parked car and stared at him. At the apartments Alejandro walked to a door numbered 312 on the 3rd floor. He felt tired searching his back pockets for his keys, when he was about to unlock the door he smelled a delicious aroma through  his door. In his mind, he questioned why he smells food through his door. He got his answer when he opened the door and froze. In his apartment stood a creature that looked like a bunch of animal parts put together. It wore an apron on its hips and held a spatula in its paw. "Oh your back." It spoke. "I just finished making you dinner. I also ran your bath and it's hot and ready. So would you like dinner, a bath…" It batted its eyes at Alejandro while placing a claw near its chin. "Me?"  Alejandro slowly closes the door, turning his back with his face in utter shock and confusion. "Was that… no it…" He mumbled in disbelief. He couldn't believe what he had just seen. He creaked the door open and saw the creature wasn't there anymore. Breathing a sigh of relief Alejandro entered his apartment and took his work jacket off.  Alejandro took a seat on his couch and opened the TV. It shows a news report about a terrorist attack on a building in Philadelphia.  "And reports say it was the work of the terrorist group known as the "liberation riders" destroyed a business building and other members robbed stores in the chaos. Reports say 337 people were killed in the explosion and 16 were severely injured due to pieces of the building falling. Police are thoroughly investigating this incident and… *changes the channel*. Alejandro signed and closed his eyes. "It's a chaotic world we all live in."  "You can definitely say that again." Said a voice from the left.  Alejandro eyes shot open and turned to see the same creature he saw earlier sitting beside him. "What? Do I have something on my face?" The creature then snapped his fingers and a small mirror appeared. It took Alejandro a few seconds to process what was happening before letting out a- "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" and fell to the floor. Alejandro crawled away from the creature into a wall pointing and stuttering. "Y-y-y-you, w-w-who…" Then he remembered where he'd seen this creature from. "D-Discord…?"  "Ding, ding, ding congratulations you got it!" Discord triumphantly said as confetti popped from behind him. "The one and only lord of chaos." "But, but you're not real. You CAN'T be real." Alejandro couldn't believe that Discord from My Little Pony was in his living room. "(Is this some crazy dream?)" He thought.  As if his thoughts were heard Discord pinched his arm. "Ow ow ow ow ow ow!! Hey!" Alejandro smacked Discord's lion paw away and rubbed his arm. "What? I'm just checking there's no need to be a sourpuss about it." Said Discord. "At least we know I'm very much real and you're not dreaming." "But why are you real? No, HOW are you real? Why are you here? Does that mean equestria is a real place? How can yo- *zip* mmff!! mmmmmff!!" Alejandro demanded answers but was cut off when a zipper zipped his mouth shut. "Now now let's save the questions until later." Discord said. Reaching from behind he pulled out an orb which began to glow. Alejandro tried to remove the zipper from his mouth but to no avail. When he started to feel like something was pulling him, he noticed the glowing orb in Discord's hand and felt he needed to get away. He got up and ran but the force from the orb got stronger and eventually lifted him off the floor and he was sucked inside. Discord spun the orb on his eagle talon humming a cheery tune. "I am gonna make you a fine draconequus, my little human." Putting the orb away he was about to snap his fingers to return equestria when… "Hey you!"  "Huh?" Discord looked around for whoever called out to him only to find the sound came from the TV. He pointed a talon at himself questioningly. "Me?" He asked. "Yes you!" The person on TV answered. "Are your kids bored with the same boring toys you give them?" The screen transitioned to kids playing old looking toys with bored expressions on their faces. "Then your kids need the amazing wacky guy!" The screen flashed and the old toys were replaced with toys that Discord assumed was the 'wacky guy'. The toy itself didn't look anything special really. Its head was round and had a smiling face on it. It had a body in the shape of a peanut with a green button on its waist and a red one on the back. The hands and feet were attached to some blue rubbery substance. And to top it off, one of the kids pushed the green button and the toy was jumping around the room.  "With wacky guy your kids can have a 'wacky' good time. But wait there's more. Wacky guy also come in 3 different colors: red, green and yellow. So you can choose any color you like." The TV transitioned again to different colors of the toy. "Wacky guy is brought to you by Fun Toys Inc. Where a child's joy is our joy."  One of the wacky guys jumped straight into a kid's eye causing him to fall back in pain. The toy then flew up high and something breaking  was heard. Then another wacky guy ricocheted off a wall hitting another wacky guy in mid jump, resulting in hitting a boy straight in his crotch and the boy screaming in a high pitched voice. At this time the last wacky guy began to shake and then bounced all over the place, launching itself at the screen and broke the camera resulting in the commercial ending. Discord was on the floor laughing hysterically when craziness on TV happened. "Bwahahahahaha!! now THAT is a toy bwahahahaha!!" Getting up and wiping tears from his eyes Discord sat back on the couch to catch his breath. Once he was finished he had a thought.  If four toys caused that much chaos, then what would happen if… 💡! Discord suddenly had an idea. An awful idea. A crazy, brilliant, and chaotic idea. "Oooooooo I think I know what you're thinking." Another Discord appeared from behind the couch.  "And I think I know what you're thinking as well."  "Then let's both say it on three."  "Ok, one…" "Two…" "Three…" "We should get our own wacky guy/we should find more humans." They both say their answers. Then look at each other in surprise. "Oh." Both say. "Well you can get a wacky guy, while I go find more humans for my master plan."  "Swell idea Discord."  "Why thank you Discord." And in a flash they were both gone. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New York city.  A teenage boy was seen smoking with a couple of other kids in an alleyway. His name is Tyson T. Henderson. He has blonde hair, orange eyes, a red jacket with a black undershirt with a lighting bolt, his pants were blue with tears on them, and his red shoes were old and had smudges on them. He's a 15 year old boy who loves to look for trouble. Every now and then he and his gang make trouble anywhere they go. Things that involve pulling pranks, graffiti on the walls, throwing rocks at passing cars, and other juvenile delinquent stuff.  "Hey, you guys want to go to my house and play super smash bros on Saturday?" Tyson asked. "Can't, my parents are making me go to summer camp that day." One boy replied. "I'm going away on a cruise for a couple weeks so I can't go either." Another said. Tyson looked around seeing if anyone else wanted to go. Sadly everyone else has plans to go places that day. He inhaled from his cigarette and signed a puff of smoke. Looks like he was on his own.  As the day went by the boys eventually went their separate ways bidding farewell to each other. Tyson went on his bike and rode it home. He took a detour through the park as there was construction in the path he usually takes. As he was riding through the park he spotted a couple under a large tree making out like mad.  Tyson looked away in disgust. "Ugh, get a room." That's when he noticed a big wasp nest hanging over them. He then grinned with mischievous intent. He looked around and found a rock near his feet. Looking around more he finds a bush and he hides in it. He then pulled out a slingshot from his pockets and aimed the rock at the nest.  He stuck his tongue out in concentration, carefully aiming, then fired. The rock struck the neck of the nest causing it to break off and fall. The couple stopped their 'tongue time' for a moment to look into each other's eyes lovingly before the nest landed on top of the couple causing them to scream. The man pushed the woman off of him screaming, "GET THE FUCK OFF ME!!" And tried swatting away the stinging wasps but more kept their relentless assault. The woman was screaming, running the opposite direction as multiple wasps stung her everywhere to her face, her arms, her legs, anywhere that had skin exposed.  Tyson was laughing hysterically while the couple ran from the wasps. He fell to the ground clutching his stomach pounding on the grass still laughing with tears in his eyes. As he managed to stand he saw the man with the wasps run in a direction where a group of joggers were jogging along the dirt path. When they spotted the man running towards them with wasps they immediately ran away.  However the wasps only had more targets and began stinging the joggers.  On the other side the woman with wasp stings all over her body was running towards a lake not paying attention while wasps were still on her. A fisherman was sitting on the docs wearing headphones listening to calm and somber music. All of a sudden he was pushed into the lake when the woman tripped on the fisherman causing them both to fall in the water.  Tyson finally left the park still laughing the whole way. It was a shame to him that he never recorded the whole thing, but he would later tell his friends about it.  Unbeknownst to Tyson, a man wearing a long brown jacket, a fedora, a mask, and sunglasses was watching him while holding back a snicker. The sky turned orange signaling the evening as Tyson made it to his house. He placed his bike near the front porch and walked into his house. As he walked through the living room he spotted an old man sleeping on a pulled back chair while the TV was on. Tyson walked up to the old man and poked him. "Hey gramps, wake up I'm back."  "zzzzzzzz…huh… wha…" Tyson's grandpa stirred awaked for Tyson's poking. He blinked a few times before his eyes saw a blurry image. "Wha…? Jimmy is that you boy?"  Tyson's left eye twitched slightly at the name before he took a deep breath. *sigh* "No gramps, it's me Tyson."  "Tyson…? Oh when did you get here?"  "I just got here, gramps. What's there to eat? I'm hungry." "Oh well I think there's some leftover beet stew in the… zzzzzzzzzz." His grandpa fell back asleep. "Aaaaaaaaand I'll just find something else to eat."  Tyson walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge to find an assortment of food. He grabbed a bag of bread, ham, cheese, lettuce, tomato, bacon, onion, ketchup, mustard, and mayo. After making his sandwich he headed back to the living room, sat down on the couch, grabbed the remote and changed the channel. Six hours later. That night Tyson watched a monster movie marathon. It was a movie about evil tree monsters plotting to take over. The movie itself was cheesy and lame as hell. The monsters looked cheap, he can clearly see the microphones in some of the scenes, and not to mention, the actors were painfully cringe. "Lame." Said Tyson as he picked up the remote and changed the channel again. The TV changed to a news channel. "Our top story tonight. A building goes up in flames due to a bombing attack from a terrorist group called 'the liberation riders'. Noone knows what these individuals want but-." *click* Tyson changed the channel again not wanting to watch the news. He flipped the channel over and over until he stopped at a certain show. It showed a familiar character with mismatched animal parts getting blasted by a rainbow beam and turned to stone. It was Discord being defeated by Twilight and her friends.  Tyson scoffed. "Man, that guy's lame. If I was him I'd make a way better chaos dude than him." "Oh really?" A voice from behind. "Yeah really. In fact if it were me I'd make sure my enemies never have a chance to beat me. And also… wait…" Tyson replied before realizing someone was talking behind him. He turned around to see the same mismatched character on the TV scowling at him. "Is that a challenge?" Discord asked.  Tyson could only stammer and quiver in fear. He looked over to his grandpa but he was fast asleep muttering while sleeping. Tyson gulped and asked Discord. "What do you want from me?" "Oh calm down, I'm not going to do anything… yet."  "W-what's that supposed to mean?" "I mean I'm giving my powers to you."  Tyson looked at Discord with surprise. (Giving his powers to me?) Tyson thought.  "You mean I can do whatever I want?" Tyson was already imagining himself on top of a mountain blasting blots of electricity in the air while monsters down chanted his name. "That's right." Discord popped directly beside the imaginary Tyson and rested his lion arm on his shoulders.  "You see, you and others are my backup plan to spread chaos and I've seen you do a little chaos yourself."  Discord snapped his fingers and a mirror appeared in front of both of them. The mirror replayed the moment Tyson let loose wasps on the park.  A few minutes later. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Both Tyson and Discord were laughing themselves silly on the floor rolling. They kept replaying wasp attack events until they had enough. Tyson got on his knees struggling to get up as he still couldn't stop giggling. As managed to get up he asked. "So where do I start?" "When I gather the rest of you humans." Discord said as he wiped a tear from his eye,  reached from behind and pulled out the orb. "Yeah you said you were gathering more people but why do you… wha?!"  Tyson was interrupted when the orb flashed and he sucked inside. "Oh you'll find out soon enough." And with a flash he was gone. "Zzzzzz *snort* HUH WHOZZA!?" Tyson's grandpa suddenly woke up. He looked around and saw it was nighttime. "D'oh I'm late for bingo night."  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tokyo  In an apartment building in Shibuya a young woman was streaming live on her computer. Her name is Himiko Sakai. She has long purple hair (author's note: dyed mind you it's actually black), her eyes have a dark purple hue to them, she's wearing a white and pink striped shirt with long sleeves, and white pajama pants. She's a 19 year old woman who is an ongoing youtuber who goes by the name "Silvermoongirl".  She's currently playing legend of zelda breath of the wild. She had finally made it to the final level. "Ok chat this is the final stretch, wish us luck." Himiko was very focused on beating this round. She already lost 97 times and it was starting to get to her but she wouldn't show it. > you can do it  > watch her fail again lol > she clearly is getting angry > if you beat this I'll give you ¥7184.75 > this should be good The comments were cheering her on while others were expecting another fail. She was determined to succeed. A few minutes later  Game Over "NOOOOOOO!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!" Himiko shouted in anger. She was just about to beat the final boss when a cockroach  landed on her head causing her to scream in shock, dropping her controller and falling backwards onto the floor. And while that was happening the game went on and she died. She finally snapped and took her anger out on the cockroach that fell from the ceiling. "YOU STUPID BUG I'LL KILL YOU!!!" She roared. She stomped on the cockroach with all her might followed by grabbing a book on a bookshelf and repeatedly used it to crush the already crushed bug. "FUCKING BUG FUCKING MADE ME LOSE I'LL  BURN ALL OF YOU TO THE GROUND!!!" While she was smashing the unfortunate bug the camera was still on recording the whole fiasco. When she breathed, calming herself down she turned around only to find she was still live on camera. > that poor cockroach 😂😂😂 > damn she crazy > hahahaha  > I knew she would crack  > look at her face lmao > wouldn't want to be on her bad side Himiko could only stand there while her face was burning red as her viewer kept commenting on her outburst. She put her hand on the back of her head, looked down on the floor and began to laugh sheepishly. "U-umm I think that'll do for this stream for today. So be sure to like and subscribe for more of my content. Stay safe and I'll see you all next time."  She sat back on her chair and turned off the live stream. When she was finished she got up and flopped on her bed muffling her screams of embarrassment with a pillow. She couldn't believe she exploded in anger like that while she was streaming.  "I think I need a break from youtube for today." She muttered sulking back into her pillow. "You've got mail." A voice said. Himiko looked at her computer and noticed a mail icon on the bottom right of her screen. She ignored it as she wasn't in the mood today.  "You've got mail, you've got mail, you've got mail, you've got mail, you've got mail." However the messages kept repeating themselves over and over again. Himiko, getting annoyed got up from her bed shutting her computer off and turned to leave her room. Only to hear the message from her computer again. Surprised, she turned around and saw that her computer was open by itself. She was very confused and turned her computer off again. She turned around again and… "you got mail."  She jerked her head around and saw her computer was on once again. Okay now she's starting to get a little freaked out and also a little annoyed. She shut her computer off again, this time not taking her eyes off the computer as she back pedaled to her bedroom door.  Nothing happened… yet. She opened the door behind her.  Still nothing… She shut the door. ……….Nothing, no sound, no "you got mail", nothing. Letting out a held breath, Himiko walked away from the door, though a concerned look on her face about the computer. She was wondering why it kept turning on by itself, but she chalked it up as some kind of computer bug. She'll need to remember to get it fixed. Unknown to her a being with different animal body parts was in her room smirking at the events that just happened. The rest of the day was pretty normal. Himiko met up with her friends at their favorite hangout spot. They had conversations about how their lives were doing, they ate food, went to the mall to either try on or buy the prettiest clothes they could find. During one of their shopping sprees at the shoe store, one of them mentioned they saw Himiko's livestream and how she exploded in a fit of rage at the end of it. Himiko was immediately tensed up and covered her face in embarrassment. She was hoping her little episode won't be too big of a deal right…? Later in the afternoon  Oh how wrong she was. After saying bye to her friends she went to return home. She went on her Instagram and came to find out she was the talk on the internet. News already spread about her explosive rage on youtube and she wasn't too happy about it. And to add insult to injury people online are calling her "rage girl". She took a deep breath and sighed. She wasn't going to let this bother her so she just continued on her walk when… "Hey isn't that the girl on youtube in the early morning?" A guy from behind asked his friend. After hearing that question Himiko wasted no time and dashed out of there. As evening rolled, Himiko returned to her apartment room exhausted from all the running. She went to her room and immediately plopped down on her bed. She really wished she had a car so she wouldn't have to rush home before anyone recognized her on youtube. After undressing herself and putting her pj's on she was getting ready for a nice and relaxing— "you got mail".  "Wha– oh for fuck's sake…" The computer turned itself on once again and showed she had mail. She really wasn't in the mood to put up with this nonsense so she pulled the covers over and closed her eyes. "YOU GOT MAIL!!!"  "YOU GOT MAIL!!!" "YOU GOT MAIL!!!" "YOU GOT MAIL!!!" Only to be startled by the sudden volume from the computer. The message kept replaying over and over really loud. Himiko was feeling her blood start to boil from the constant message until she finally snapped. "SHUUUUUUUT UUUUUUUUUP!!!!!!" She screamed with all her rage and fury. She stomped to her computer, picked up a snow globe from the desktop and was about to throw it when she caught herself. "What am I doing?" She asked herself. She put the snow globe down and stared at her computer. It still had the same mail icon on the bottom screen. She knew this would only irritate her even further so she went ahead and clicked on it. A message appeared on the screen. "Congratulations, you have become the next lord of chaos? Huh?" She was confused at the message. "That's it!?" She asked with a hint of anger. "Eeyup, that's it." A voice said. Himiko, her anger died down, quickly turned around to the source of the voice and to her shock and surprise a creature having different animal body parts stood before her holding an orb to her face. "Hello." Discord greeted with a nonchalant attitude. Before Himiko could react the orb Discord held shined brightly and she was sucked inside. Discord looked at the orb Himiko is in. "I'd almost feel sorry for the poor soul who ruffles your feathers." He looked to his feet where the cockroach still lay completely mutilated beyond recognition. "Oh well I'm sure it'll be fine." He simply brushed it off and with a flash he disappeared  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ England  In the streets of London a young boy was running through a crowd of people. His name is Theodore Campbell. He has short red hair with freckles on his face, his left eye is blue while his right eye is green, he wore a simple blue t-shirt, short brown pants and white sneakers. Lastly he wears a necklace with a silver chain and an opal attached to it. He's a 10 year old boy who is adopted and is raised by another family who unfortunately has a dysfunctional relationship. "Don't let him get away." A voice from far behind shouted.  Theo ran as quickly as he could to escape his pursuers. It was Butch and Ed. Butch is a large chubby kid and Ed is a tall skinny kid. Theo was always their prime target to be bullied. Things that involve getting beaten up, making him eat food off the ground, wedgies, stealing his money, etc.  "There's no use running Theodork that necklace is too good for you!" Butch shouted. "(No, I can't let them have it!") Theo clutched the opal necklace tightly and a sudden boost in adrenaline made him run even faster surprising the two bullies.  Theo managed to run past a crosswalk just before the light turned red. As he ran he looked back and saw his pursuers stop at the red light. Wasting no time he continued to run as fast as his legs could carry him. He would never let anyone take his necklace. At a shopping district Theo was panting heavily from all the running so he needed to catch his breath. He went into a store and bought himself a box of apple juice with what little money he had. He threw away the now empty juice box in a nearby trash can and headed off. As he walked down the street he noticed Butch and Ed coming this way. They didn't notice him yet so he quickly hid under a nearby table and waited. "Where'd the shrimp go?" Asked Ed. "We should've just kept running at the crosswalk." Said Butch. "You know our moms said never cross the street when the light's red."  "Yeah whatever. Maybe he went that way. Let's go." Theo saw them run off in the distance. Which gave him a chance to run at full speed, not looking back. Finally, Theo made it back to his house panting heavily once again. He took one glance at his necklace and smiled. He managed to keep it safe. He walked over to the front door only to hear the sound of something breaking inside and people screaming at each other. He sadly sighed knowing what was happening inside. He entered the house and was almost struck by a plate flying towards him making him duck. He turned around seeing the shattered remains of the plate and looked ahead. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU SPENT OUR MONEY ON GAMBLING!!!" A woman was screaming at her husband.  "IT'S NOT MY FAULT YOU CAN'T SEE THE VALUE OF TRYING TO WIN BIG!!!" The man screamed at his wife. "THAT MONEY'S MEANT FOR THE BILLS, NOT FOR BURNING IT ALL OFF!!!"  "YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN I'LL HIT IT BIG!!!"  "AT THIS POINT WE MIGHT AS WELL START LIVING ON THE STREETS, CAUSE IF YOU KEEP UP THIS PROBLEM OF YOURS WE WON'T HAVE A ROOF TO SLEEP UNDER ANYMORE!!!" Not wanting to hear the constant back and forth, Theo walked straight for his room. The parents were too focused on their argument to notice his presence to which Theo didn't care. In his room Theo shut the door, placed his necklace inside the drawers and flopped on his bed. He could still hear his parents screaming to the top of their lungs. So he put on a pair of earmuffs to block out the noise and grabbed a couple of comic books to distract himself. Later that night  Theo just couldn't get to sleep tonight. His mind was filled with thoughts of his life. From having to listen to his parents argue from time to time, getting tormented by bullies at school, and nearly losing the one thing he cared about. He got up from his bed and opened the window and stared at the night sky. He wished that one day his real parents would come and take him back to his real home, but alas that wish never came true. He closed his eyes and wished again to be taken away from this place. When he finished wishing he turned to get a glass of milk.  After drinking some warm milk he returned to his room. Only to find his room is completely upside down. Shocked, he rubbed his eyes and the room was rightside up again. He was confused and stepped into his room.  He kept looking around but he yawned. Maybe he was just tired and started seeing things. He climbed into bed and closed his eyes. Only to feel he was being lifted out of bed. He opened his eyes and found that everything including himself was floating as if gravity was turned off. At first Theo was freaking out, but after a few seconds he found himself enjoying flying around his room. He launched himself from wall to floor to ceiling doing tricks while doing so.  While launching himself from another wall again he bumped into something soft and fuzzy. When he turned around he was met with what looked like an animal with other animal parts. "Having fun I see?" Discord asked. Theo was taken aback by the sudden appearance of Discord. He stopped at a wall behind him and he asked. "Who are you?" "You my boy are standing, or floating, in the presence of the lord of chaos myself. Discord." Fireworks shot from behind the draconequus and exploded to form his name.  Theo watched the whole show in bewilderment. Discord sees Theo's expression and chuckles.  "If you think that's impressive then prepare to have your mind blown." Discord snapped his fingers and Theo's room started changing. The size of the room extended exponentially, books flew from the bookshelf like birds, toys that were in the chests came to life and climbed out, Theo's closet door opened and his clothes walked out, a large pink clouds formed from above and rained chocolate milk, and lastly the bed frame legs grew long letting out a loud neigh. The bed launched Theo onto itself and Theo was now riding the bed. The bed leaped onto the floating objects in Theo's room which also grew in size. Theo started laughing as he never had this much fun before. It was then Discord appeared right beside Theo on the living bed. "Are you enjoying the marvelous chaos?" He asked. "I never imagined I'd have a dream so…so… amazing." Theo was still in awe with events happening in his "dream".  "Well as the lord of chaos nothing is impossible for me."  "Really? Like what?"  "Like this." Discord snapped his fingers again and the two were instantly teleported into space making Theo's jaw drop. "That's not all, watch this." Snapping his fingers again he made the stars behind them form into a lion that roared, they moved around to form a bird flapping its wings, then they formed to the shape of Discord's head. "Quite incredible isn't it?" The Discord made up of stars asked Theo. Theo was clapping his hands while his eyes kept sparkling in amazement.  "Do another one, do another one!" Theo wanted Discord to do show off magic he could do. "Sorry, I'd love to show off more of my greatness. I'm afraid I have more important matters." Theo was disappointed after hearing that. "Awwww, important matters? Like what?" Discord pulled out an orb and held it to Theo. "Like this." Discord said as the orb shined brightly and Theo was sucked inside. "I'd say I've gotten all I need. Time to go." Discord snapped his fingers and a portal appeared. He floated the four orbs and they held Alejandro, Tyson, Himiko, and Theo inside while they were unconscious. Discord looked at them for a moment before smiling. "This should keep things more fun." Discord said entering the portal. "More fun indeed, MUWAHAHAHAHA!!" The Discord constellation laughed before returning to being regular stars again, his laughter startling the people from down below who witnessed the entire thing. > Chapter Two: New world, new bodies, and new names > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Somewhere in a forest. It was daytime, the sound of birds were heard as they flew through the forest, little rabbits were hopping along the grass, and two squirrels were having a nice conversation with each other. It was indeed a beautiful day until the two squirrels heard groans from somewhere. *squeak squeak* "(what was that?)" One  squirrel asked the other. *squeak squeak squeak* "(I don't know, but it sounds close.)"  *s-squeak squeak squeak* "(y-you don't think it's monsters do you?)  *squeak squeak squeak* "(or maybe there could be some animals who might need help, let's go)." The squirrels then proceeded to run to the source of the sound. The two kept running until they spotted an unknown creature they never saw before laying on the ground. It looked like a monster with different animal body parts. It had the head of a donkey with two mismatched horns on its head. The left horn belonged to a goat while the right horn belonged to a bull. Its torso and left arm had spots on its body resembling a big cat and its right arm a black bear claw. It had a hairless dog leg on the left, and right is a black cloven hoof. Two wings were seen on its back, the left having black and tan feathers, while the right had green feathers. Finally, its tail was long and black like a snake. It also wasn't alone. There were three more of those monsters laying on the ground, each with different animal parts on their bodies as well. The second one was sitting against a tree unconscious. It had the head and long neck of a giraffe with a rhino horn near its nose. On the left side of its head was a moose horn and on the right a buffalo horn. Its body and right arm was a  dragon, while its left arm was a wolf. It sported two mismatched wings on its back, on the left, a brown bat wing, and the right a crow. Its right leg was a hawk, and its left leg was a cow. Lastly, its tail was a shark. The third one laid on its back having a feminine look. It had the head of a doe with purple hair with a dragon horn on the left and a small horn with frontal ridges on the right. Its body and left arm were a white tiger, while the right arm was a raccoon dog. Its left leg was a zebra, and its right leg was a rabbit. It has the left wing of a crane and the right wing of an owl. Lastly, it had the tail of a fox with sky blue fur. The last one is on a tree branch, seemingly looking younger than the others. It had the head of a sheep, though its wool was all red and a lonely tusk on the right side of its mouth. It had the left horn of a deer and the right horn of an oryx. Its left arm and body was a monkey, and its right arm was a mole. It had the left leg of a pig and the right leg of a poodle. On its back, it had the left wing of a pigeon and the right wing of a blue jay. Finally, it had a tail belonging to a rat. The two squirrels who found the unconscious mismatched creatures were hiding in a nearby bush shaking with fear.  *s-squeak squeak squeak squeak* ("I-I just knew they were monsters, c-can we run now?")  Before the other squirrel could respond, they both heard a groan coming from the donkey headed creature. The draconequus group  Alejandro felt pain in his head. As he slowly regained consciousness, he could tell he was in a forest. He rubbed his head to ease the pain only to feel something weird on his head. Actually, he felt his whole body was strange, like they were all different. His brown eyes were opened, and he could see a… snout?  "Wait, what?" Was all Alejandro could say before looking at his hand that finished rubbing his head and saw that it wasn't his hand at all but a bear claw. The look of utter shock was on his face, which only added when he saw that his entire body was now a draconequus with different animal body parts much like Discord. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" Alejandro screamed, causing nearby birds to fly away. His screams also startled the others who were beginning to wake up.  "Mmmmmm…five more minutes…" The giraffe headed draconequus with a teenage voice mumbled in his sleep.  The doe headed draconequus shot up from her sleep. She looked around, and she saw she was in a forest. When she turned around, her gaze fell upon Alejandro, who was now a draconequus. She screamed, alerting Alejandro, who also screamed upon seeing her. "Who are you!?" She demanded, pointing her finger, which she noticed is a tiger claw where her human arm should be. Fear and shock were clear on her face as she looked at her entire body. Another scream was heard throughout the forest.  The scream finally woke up the giraffe headed, draconequus, who was not happy having been awoken from his sleep. "Can you shut up!? I'm trying to slee- whoa whoa whoa whoa- oof!" The giraffe headed draconequus leaned his head forward to shout at those who interrupted his sleep only to feel a sudden weight, making him lose his balance and fall to the ground due to his long neck.  He turned his head back, and he noticed his long giraffe neck alone with the mismatched body attached to it. He screamed, and he started to freak out. "What's going on!? Why do I look like a science experiment made by a dumbass!?" He tried to stand up but proved very difficult with the different limbs and long neck, which made him fall down again. He turned and noticed the two draconequi staring at him. "And who the hell are you guys!?" Before any of them could respond, they heard the sound of branches cracking, and the young draconequus with the sheep head fell onto a bush, shocking the three. "Ow ow ow!! That huuuuurt!" The sheep headed draconequus cried out with little tears forming in his eyes from scraping his knee from one of the branches on the bush. He noticed the weird tusk on the right side and realized it was in his mouth. He reached to touch it, and he saw what was once his right arm was now a mole arm.  Unlike the other three, who screamed at the sight of their own bodies, this one looked at his body silently. He touched his mismatched body a few times before thinking to himself. "For a dream, this feels so real not to mention… *looks at rat tail* weird."  "WILL SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON!?" The doe headed draconequus shouted with anger and frustration.  Alejandro looked at the upset draconequus and noticed her hair was oddly familiar. He started to put two and two together, and he needed to confirm it. "Himiko… is that you? He asked her. Himiko thought she recognized that voice from the donkey headed draconequus. She started to calm down, and she asked. "A-alejandro…?" "Wait… AL?" The giraffe headed draconequus questioned while still struggling to stand on his two mismatched feet. It was still difficult with each body part having a different weight to them, so at this point, he gave up trying. Alejandro turned his attention to the giraffe headed draconequus. "Yeah, and you must be Tyson." He turned to the sheep headed draconequus. "And Theo." "Is this really all of you guys?" Himiko asked. "Dear god, what the hell happened to us?" Alejandro closed his eyes for a moment and scratched his head. "I think Discord happened."  Flashback  Discord's chaos space  Discord appeared in his chaos space, fiddling with the four small orbs holding the humans in his lion paw, still having a smile on his face. "Alright, little humans, it's time to wake up."  He threw the orbs, and they shined brightly. When the flash ended, the four humans appeared, each with looks of fear, surprise, bewilderment, and confusion. 「どうしたの!? ここは何なの!?」(translation: What's going on!? What is this place!?) Himiko asked in her native language. "Esto no puede estar pasando, esto no puede estar pasando, esto no puede estar pasando." (Translation: This can't be happening, this can't be happening, this can't be happening.) Alejandro also spoke in his native language. "Ok, now this is the coolest thing ever." Tyson said, admiring the chaos space. Theo was completely in awe with everything happening that he could only whisper "woooooow."  Discord clapped his lion paw and eagle claw together, getting the attention of the group. "Alright people, now's not the time for talk. Instead, the time for chaos is now." The group saw Discord and immediately pointed at him. "¿¡Tú!?/あなた!?/You!/You?" They all said in unison. 「あなたは私の部屋にいたのと同じ怪物です!私に何をしたいのですか!?」(Translation: You're the same monster that was in my room! What do you want with me!?) Himiko demanded, still shaken from the sudden capture. Discord ignored her outburst and rubbed his chin. In his mind, he thought he should first do something about the language barrier before anything else. He snapped his eagle claw. "ANSWER ME!!" Himiko shouted before covering her mouth from shock at suddenly speaking english.  "Huh!? How am I speaking english!?" "Oh, no need to make a fuss. I only made it so you and the Spanish boy over there can speak the same language as the rest of us." Discord explained.  "Really?" Alejandro asked. Sure enough, he no longer spoke Spanish.  "Hey!!" Tyson called out. "Can we stop stalling and get on with getting awesome powers!?" Tyson was growing impatient over not yet getting Discord's powers. "Wait, we're getting super powers!?" Theo was fantasizing about being a superhero. Discord appeared behind both boys and placed his arms around them. "Don't you worry, we'll get to that, but first introductions." He snapped his lion paw, and everything went black. Then he spoke like a studio announcer. "Live from within my realm of chaos. It's Discord's chaotic giveaway."  (Applause) The group was taken aback with the sudden shift from being in space to being on a TV show. They all sat in chairs questioning what was even happening anymore. Discord sat behind a table wearing a suit and tie. "I'm your host, Discord the lord of chaos. For tonight's show, I've brought four individuals to become new lords of chaos." Nothing was said among the group after hearing what they just heard. "Now then, why don't our honored guests introduce themselves. " Discord teleported to Alejandro's seat and held a microphone near his face. "What's your name, human number one?" Alejandro was hesitant to answer. He looked to the "crowd" only to see more Discords staring at him. Eventually, he gave his name. "I'm Alejandro Delgado, but you can call me AL."  "AL, got it." He disappeared then reappeared next to Himiko's seat. "And what's your name, little lady?"  Himiko was calm when she answered. "First of all, don't call me,"little lady. " Second, my name is Himiko Sakai. And third, IF YOU DON'T SENT BACK HOME THIS INSTANCE, I WILL– " She was about to finish her sentence, but Discord snapped his eagle claw, putting duct tape over her mouth. "Ok, I see you're a rather feisty one, so let's move on."  Discord then moved to Tyson's chair. Himiko tried to get up and attempt to strangle Discord, but she couldn't even get out of her chair. In fact, she felt as if she was glued to her chair. To say she was angry was an understatement, and the laughter from the crowd only intensified it even more. "Alrighty then, why don't you introduce yourself, kiddo?"  Tyson grabbed the mic from Discord and smirked. "I'm Tyson T. Henderson and you better not forget it." He got up from his chair and walked to the edge of the stage. "Let's just say once I'm the new chaos god, no one's safe from me, if you know what I mean." He walked back to his seat, handing the mic back to Discord. "I think I made the right choice when I found you. Well, you heard him folks, he said no one will be safe from him, what do you all think?"  The crowd of Discords all clapped and cheered at Tyson's answer. This only inflated his ego more as he listened to the cheers. Discord then moved to the last chair where Theo sat. "And what's your name, little boy?"  As soon as all eyes were on Theo, he immediately sat there frozen while sweat was coming down his face. "Hello? Helloooo anyone there?" Discord called out to Theo while knocking on his head. "M-m-m-my n-n-name is The-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the…" Theo constantly kept repeating the first three letters of his name without pause. Discord was getting impatient and opened Theo's head like the hood of a car. It revealed a record player on top of Theo's brain on looping at the beginning of Theo's name. Discord removed the record, cleaned it, placed it back in the record player, placed the needle on the record, and closed Theo's head. "My-my name is Theodore C-campbell, b-but just Theo is ok." Theo managed to say, still stuttering.  "Great, now that we all know each other, let's get down to business." Discord snapped his eagle claw, and the whole studio turned back into his chaos space. Himiko was still glued to the chair and had the duct tape to her mouth. Her face was turning a shade of red from anger, and a vein was forming on the side of her head as she was now staring daggers at Discord. He simply ignored her. "As you can see, I've brought you all for an emergency." "An emergency?" Alejandro asked. "That's right. You see, as the lord of chaos, I've spread chaos throughout the plain and boring world of ponies just to make everything more exciting. However, it seems Tia and Lulu didn't appreciate my improvements and decided to cast me away to stone for a thousand years."  "Gee, I wonder why." Himiko thought to herself. She stopped her frantic struggle and just listened to the story while trying to carefully get the tape off her mouth. "During that time, I sent my mind to wander other dimensions to pass the time, and I happen to come across a world that houses beings that are just as chaotic as I am. Of course I'm talking about you humans." "Well, I guess he's not entirely wrong, I mean, there was that terrorist attack on the news in Philadelphia." Said Alejandro. "Exactly. The fact that you humans can be so chaotic without having magic is impressive." Discord praised. Himiko finally got the tape off her. Pain was evident on her face when she removed it, but she held it in. "Even though that's true, I at least want to know why you chose us." She asked. "Oh, I just chose you all at random, that's all." Discord nonchalantly said. "That's it?" "That's it." "And out of all the other humans on our planet, it also had to be me?" "Correct." Himiko closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She smiled. "Be thankful I'm still stuck in this chair. Otherwise, lord of chaos or not, *opens eyes* you will know pain like you've never known before." That sentence ALONE was enough to send everyone, including Discord, a shiver down their spines. It was then Theo poked Discord to get his attention. He motioned Discord to let him whisper something in his ear. "Um, maybe you should probably get to the point immediately before we…um…make her more mad?"  "I think you're probably right." Discord said with a nervous tone. Discord then wasted no time telling the group the reason for bringing them here. He explained that after a thousand years, the seal broke, and he was free. He planned to spread chaos in equestria again, but first, he needed to deal with the elements of harmony. He had a plan, but in case it fails, he'll summon the group somewhere far while also transferring his powers to them. Once that happens, they need to go to the Canterlot garden and free him again. The group fell silent when Discord finished his story. They each had different thoughts on the matter. Alejandro knew this happened because it all played out in the show, Himiko was thinking how this guy pretty much just asking to be a statue, Tyson was thinking of showing those elements of harmony ponies his style of pranking, and Theo was trying to count in his head how much is a thousand years.  Tyson then broke the silence and asked a question. "We still get to keep the powers after we free you, right?" "Who am I to take someone's hope to also spread chaos too." With that, Tyson pumped his fist in the air, happy with the answer. He already started pondering what he can do as the lord of chaos. Alejandro interrupted his train of thought and asked another question. "Ok, but how do we even control your powers? And what about our home? You seriously can't expect us to leave our friends and family behind."  "Not to worry, with my power, you can easily return home whenever you all please, though I'd appreciate it if you could free me first. " Discord reassured them. "Now then, I believe I've explained everything, so it's time to go." He threw the orbs that each kept the group inside, and they each started to shine. "Wait!! You still didn't tell us how to use–."  "AT LEAST GET THIS CHAIR OF–!!"  "Hehehehe, time to cause some trouble." "A thousand years sound like a lot, huh?" When the flash ended, they were all in the orbs again. Discord snapped his eagle claw, and in a flash, he was gone. End of Flashback  Everyone was at a loss for words when the flashback ended. Then a sudden rise in temperature was felt. The three draconequi turned and saw that Himiko's hair rose up. "It's one thing to kidnap me from my home. It's another thing to have me glued to a chair, but turning me into some mutation for your little plan…"  A pillar of fire erupted from the ground beneath her, revealing Himiko's face having a more demonic raging face. "You better start praying." She said with a demonic voice. At that time, Theo hid inside his wool while Tyson unknowingly summoned a large bible in front of him and a cross in his dragon claw shaking like a leaf. Alejandro was left to face the now enraged Himiko. Gulping, he decided to try and calm her down. "Ok, Himiko, I know you're really upset right now, b-but let's just calm down for a minute, and we can - hrk!?" Alejandro's sentence was cut off when Himiko's fox tail wrapped around his whole body. She stared at him with flaming eyes.  "We're stuck in the middle of some forest. We probably don't have any way home, we've been turned into circus freaks, and you're telling me to calm down?" Alejandro was sweating bullets upon looking at the burning draconequus. His eyes darted back and forth, trying to find an answer. "Shitshitshitshitshitshitshit!! I just made her even more angry! Come on, AL, think of something fast, something anything!" Then, an idea struck him. It was a long shot, but he needed to do it. He closed his eyes, concentrated on the image in his head, and snapped his bear claw.  The sound of something appearing caught Himiko's attention. She turned around, and a demonic version of herself was staring back at her. She screamed in terror, dropping Alejandro, and the doppelganger did the same. Upon closer expectations, she noticed she was looking at a mirror. The demonic features slowly went away as her anger also subsided. Alejandro dusted himself off and saw Himiko staring into the mirror. Tyson poked his head up from the bible when he felt the worst had passed. Theo came out from his wool and saw Himiko staring at a mirror. The three walked up to the mirror to look at their new bodies. They all had different animal body parts on each of their bodies. They had different thoughts about their looks. Alejandro noticed how his body was made of animal parts from Mexico. Tyson marveled at how he didn't look that bad and did some poses. Himiko couldn't help but think that despite turning into a draconequus, her doe face was cute to look at. And she sees her left  eye is like a cat. Theo looked at the tusk that replaced where a regular tooth originally was. He noticed the mismatched wings on his back and shuddered when they moved. They all stared at their reflections for a few minutes before Alejandro cleared his throat to get their attention. "Look, I know this is a lot for us to take in. But freaking out about it won't help." Alejandro snapped his bear claw, and the mirror disappeared. "How are you even doing that?" Theo asked. "Yeah." Tyson chimed in. "You seem to get how this power works." Alejandro rubbed the back of his head. "To be honest, I didn't think this was going to work. I just thought of a mirror, snapped my fingers, and poof. A mirror." Three exchanged looks of surprise to each other. They were all curious about what they could do. They all closed their eyes, concentrated on what they were thinking, snapped their fingers, and sure enough, they all created what they were thinking. Alejandro made sure to tell them to keep the creation to a minimum to not attract any unwanted attention. Himiko created butterflies made out of light. Tyson created a motorcycle with flaming tires. And Theo created a cloud that he could ride on. The cloud also had a straw protruding out from which he could sip from it. Everyone was in awe with the powers that were given to them. Soon, they were trying what else they could do. This went from cloning themselves to attempting to turn back into their human selves, to giving trees life, and making a plant pod, which makes ice cream out of nothing. "This is the greatest thing to have been given to me!!" Tyson shouted in happiness. "I've always wished to be taken out of my old life and into a new one, but I never thought this would be it." Theo said with tears in his eyes. "Ok, I'll admit, I also never thought I'd have power like this. I thought everything was over, but I guess it just got better." Said Himiko. "But what are we supposed to do?" She asked. Alejandro put his leopard paw on his chin and thought about it. "Well, Discord said he wanted us to free him again since his first plan failed. So let's go from there." Tyson scoffed at the suggestion. "Pfff, that's easy. We'll just go over there, make some noise, find Discord, and boom, we get to do what we want."  "And what do you think will happen if we just charge recklessly?" Himiko asked. "I'd rather we come up with a plan and follow through with it."  "Come on. Where's the fun in- uhh!?" Tyson was going to reply with snarky sarcasm when he saw Himiko staring at him with an icy glare. "So what's the plan?" Tyson asked with a nervous smile. Alejandro looked at the sky and noticed the sun was starting to go down. "First let’s find a way out of this forest before it gets dark. We'll figure out what to do once we find ponyville."  The others were confused as the town they were looking for had a weird name. "It'll be a bit easier for all of us if I explained some things along the way."  The group walked in a direction they thought led to ponyville. It was then Theo grabbed their attention telling them to wait. "Wait! What should we call ourselves?" "What do you mean?" Himiko asked. "I mean we just became lords of chaos and um…well I thought we should have names that go well for us…?" Theo pressed his monkey finger and mole claw together hesitant from asking. The group was silent for a moment before Alejandro spoke up. "It's an interesting thought Theo, but I don't think-"  "I WANT TO BE CALLED RIOT!!" Tyson shouted, cutting off Alejandro's sentence. "Hmmm." Himiko pondered for a moment. "Fukakaina." "Fuka-what?" Tyson was confused at the name. "It's the Japanese term for cryptic." She replied. "Ok well then my name will be mischief." Theo called himself. The three turned to Alejandro who hasn't picked a new name for himself yet. He sighed in defeat.  "Trastorno. It's Spanish for disorder."  As the team of draconequi made their way through the forest, the two squirrels that were hiding in the bush were shaking with fear at the events that transpired. They knew something big was going to happen and they knew whatever it was, it couldn't be good. > Chapter Three: Operation chaotic rescue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The group of humans turned draconequi made their way through the forest. The sun was just setting over the horizon and it was turning night. While they were walking the group also kept practicing their magic. They learned how to levitate off the ground without having to use their mismatched wings, they even managed to walk on two legs using said levitation.  As it started to turn dark, Fukakaina snapped her raccoon dog paw and bright lights appeared around the group. Trastorno explained to the group about what he might know about where they are. He explained they've entered the world of the TV show my little pony and that Discord is from said world. The others were surprised that a little kids cartoon would actually be a real world. "And you used to watch those shows? I guess it's no wonder you seem to know about this." Riot said.  "Well, I was just a kid during those times. But I don't really understand how Discord's magic works, that was just guess work." Trastorno said. "Can I ask you a question?" Fukakaina asked. "Sure, what is it?" "How much further do we have to keep going? I'm not really the great outdoors type." Fukakaina swatted away few mosquitoes that kept pestering her. "I can't say. I never really knew what the landscape of the show was like so really, I haven't a clue where we're going." He answered. Fukakaina signed at the answer. She felt more mosquitoes biting her. At this point she had enough of these vampire bugs and she made the light balls around them start electrocuting any mosquitoes that flew near. "Soooo uhh, what do you all like to do? I think we should get to know each other while we're here." Trastorno said. The three thought about it for a moment before Riot spoke up. "Well, I'm in high-school. I usually hang out with my friends after school and we always look for trouble. Sometimes we would pull pranks on unsuspecting people when we got nothing to do. One time, we put stink bombs around the whole school late at night and we didn't have class for a week." Riot smiled at that memory. The others were speechless when Riot finished. They were all thinking how he and his gang even got away with it. Riot pulled out a green bomb and tossed up and down. *sigh* "Good times, gooood times." "Riiiiiight, well I was just your average man.' Trastorno said. "I dreamed of being a doctor just like my papa. I just wanted a normal life. Maybe find a girl, maybe get married and settle down in a house. That was the kind of life I chose before…" He motioned his bear arm to himself. "This." "Well that sounds like a good life." Fukakaina said. "Me? I'm a bit of a gaming youtuber. I like playing games so I thought it'd be fun to stream games. It was until a certain mishap occurred and I…lost it." She bent her head down in shame. "And because of that, now everyone on social media is calling me *sigh* 'rage girl'."  "Demon girl is more like it." Riot muttered. Fukakaina turned to Riot with knives in her tiger paw and a menacing smile. "Did you say something?" She asked. Riot broke in a cold sweat. "Nothing, nothing at all!!" "Well for me, I grew up in an orphanage." Mischief said. Everyone's gaze fell on him when he said that. "Did your parents…um…did they…well…" Trastorno tried to ask if Mischief's parents died but couldn't find the right words to say it. "I don't know if they're alive or not, but all I know is that one of the caretakers told me I was dropped off by someone who they thought was my mom." Mischief answered. "And this necklace was left behind by her." He showed them his opal necklace. Trastorno was surprised at the child's answer. But Mischief didn't stop there. He went on about getting adopted by the Campbells,  thought he would be happy being in a family but he was wrong. The only thing they did was scream at each other and they didn't even pay attention to him. Things only got worse when he started school and he was being bullied by two kids, Ed and Butch. The only reason Mischief put up with all the torment was the hope that one day he could finally leave this life and it looks like Discord answered that prayer. When Mischief finished, no one said anything. It was incredible that this boy endured those years and still held hope. "You guys don't have to worry." Mischief reassured the group. "Because thanks to Discord I don't have to take anymore pain, and I got to teach those jerks a lesson." ~~~~~~~~~~~ London A few hours ago  Ed and Butch were walking down an alleyway minding their own business when Butch was struck by something slimy and sticky. The pair turned around and saw no one there. That was when Ed felt his underwear being pulled from behind and caused him pain. And to their surprise, a jar filled with red ants appeared out of thin air and was dumped into Ed's underwear. Ed screamed in pain as he felt the ants were biting into his privates.  Butch tried to help his friend, but a toilet appeared in front of him. The toilet grew arm and stretched out to grab Butch and gave him a swirly full of poop water. Butch felt a big kick to his butt though no one was there. But unbeknownst to Ed and Butch, an invisible sheep headed draconequus was the cause of their pain. Before leaving, he turned to the suffering bullies. "This is for all the pain you jerks gave me." He summoned a zipper, opened a pathway back to equestria and left. ~~~~~~~~~~~ The group was shocked at what Mischief did to his bullies. They never thought this friendly looking kid would cause anyone harm if pushed to it. "Well god damn bro! I never thought you'd have it in you." Riot exclaimed. He wrapped his wolf arm around Mischief. "And hey, if it makes you feel any better, my parents weren't the best either."  "Really?" Mischief asked. "Yeeeeah let's just say I have an younger brother and my parents always loved him more than me. But like, who needs them? Because now I can do whatever I want, whenever I want. So frankly, we don't need our crummy parents."  Mischief couldn't help but smile at Riot's words. The group continued moving through the forest. They still couldn't figure out if they were going the right way, so Riot suggested going up for a higher vantage point. He stretched his giraffe neck high above the trees and surveyed the forest. He turned his head around like an owl until he spotted a little town in the distance. He descended his head back down to the forest. "I spotted a town." He pointed to where the town was. "Then let's get moving." Trastorno said. Before they could go, they all heard a growling sound. "What was that!?" Fukakaina asked with a scared tone. "Uh oh." Said Trastorno. "Uh oh!? Why Uh oh!?" Riot asked, starting to get worried. "Um… g-guys?" Mischief said his voice shaking with fear. He pointed his monkey finger to where he was looking. In the shadows, pairs of green eyes followed by a lot of growling were approaching the group. The aggressors were a pack of wolves made of wood.  "Are those some kind of wood wolves!?" Riot asked in disbelief. "I miiiiight of forgotten to mention this forest is also home to some dangerous creatures." Trastorno said, scratching the back of his head and smiling sheepishly. "Seriously!?" The three said in unison.  "Don't worry everyone, I've got this. I just need you guys to get behind me and cover your ears."  They were confused at why they needed to cover their ears, but they did what they were told cause they thought Trastorno had a plan. Once they got behind them,  Trastorno approached the wooden wolves. The wolves continued to growl and snarl at their prey. "You guys may think you're so tough." Trastorno began. "But let's see how tough you are when you deal with…THIS!!" Trastorno was suddenly surrounded by black energy, surprising everyone including the wood wolves. The black energy began to rise up and grow bigger. When the energy dispersed, Trastorno had transformed into a giant t-rex twice the size of a normal one. With a loud thump as he landed to the ground, the now dinosaur Trastorno looms over the now frightened wood wolves. Trastorno took a deep breath and let out a powerful roar that created strong winds. The three draconequi kept their ears covered from the loud roar. The wood wolves were blown away by the force of roar. Some crashed into trees and shattered into smaller pieces. When Trastorno stopped roaring he panted, having exhausted his breath. The shattered remains of the wood wolves began to reform themselves. When they finished they ran away having lost the will to fight. Trastorno changed back to his draconequus form and breathed a sigh of relief. The others ran up to him and began to praise him. "Duuuude!! That was straight up awesome!! You were all "not so tough are ya huh" and then you roared at them and they ran like bitches!" Riot exclaimed. "Yeah, I'll admit I got a little scared when you turned in that black ball. I thought you were going to explode them or something but definitely not a dinosaur." Fukakaina said. "Did you make that t-rex bigger or something? Because I don't think t-rexes are supposed to be that big." Mischief asked with sparkles in his eyes. Trastorno blushed slightly at all the praise he was getting. "Heh heh, to be honest I just wanted to turn into a big dinosaur like I've always wished as a kid." He scratched his cheek. "Well, no more dilly-dallying, we've got a town to reach."  "Oh wait! Let me get us there faster." Fukakaina spoke up. The boys turned to look at her. "Really? How?" Trastorno asked. Fukakaina smirked. "Well you're not the only who had dreams when they were kids. You see, there's this popular ninja anime back home that I'm into and I've always imagined my very own jujitsu."  "Like what?" Mischief asked. "Like this!" Fukakaina put on a headband with a symbol of a leaf on it and quickly made hand signs. "Shadow style. Shadow blanket jujitsu!" Fukakaina's shadow rose from the ground. Before anyone could even say anything, the shadow covered the whole group. The shadow then shrunk and turned into a hawk. The hawk took off into the night sky and towards ponyville. Ponyville  The ponies of Ponyville were in a panic. Not only did they hear a ferociously loud roar but somepony said they saw a giant figure from the everfree forest. This roar was so powerful it shattered every single window in town. Ponies were afraid that the same creature that made that roar would come to their town. Mayor Mare tried to reassure everypony that the royal guard would handle the situation, but after hearing a roar like that she was worried about what kind of creature it was.  Twilight Sparkle was looking through books upon books searching for what kind of creature from the everfree forest could roar so loud that it could be heard from afar. But no matter how many books she went through, she found nothing. She turned to her purple dragon assistant Spike. "Spike, take a letter. We need to inform Princess Celestia of this mysterious creature."  "On it Twi." Spike immediately took out a quill and paper.  "Dear Princess Celestia, there has been an unknown creature spotted in the everfree forest. Its roar shattered all the windows across Ponyville and caused a panic. I've searched through many books yet I couldn't find anything. I believe you might have an answer to what we might be dealing with. I hope to hear from you. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle." After finishing the letter, Spike sealed the letter and breathed green fire sending the letter to the princess. A frantic knock on the door was heard. Twilight went to open the door and it was Rainbow Dash. "Twilight! Did you hear that loud noise!?" She asked. "I'm not entirely sure Rainbow. When I heard that roar, its force broke my windows."  "Yeah no kidding. When I flew over Ponyville it looked like all the windows were broken. Ponies are already freaking out about how somepony saw some giant monster towering over the everfree and then disappeared."  "Did you happen to see the monster before coming here?" Rainbow shook her head. "No, it was too dark over there so I couldn't see anything."  "Well, I've already sent a letter to Princess Celestia about the situation so let's gather the girls and discuss this."  While all this panic was occurring, a hawk made of shadows watched the entire scene unfold. Inside its left were the four spirits of chaos watching from behind. "Looks like someone decided to let this whole town know there's a giant monster in the forest." Fukakaina said glaring at said monster who turned his head avoiding the female draconequus's angry gaze while whistling a tune. "Well we're here now so what do we do now?" Riot asked. "Um, next we should find a train station to Canterlot so we can go to the castle and find Discord." Trastorno suggested. "Ok then. Now where's that?" Fukakaina asked. "I…don't really know. Like I said, I've seen the locations but I don't know the layout of much." Trastorno said. "Ok then I'll just fly us around town until we find it." Fukakaina said. She directed the shadow hawk to fly around the town. Everywhere they turned they saw building with broken windows from Trastorno's war cry and scared ponies. After a few minutes of flying, the group finally found the train station. The shadow hawk perched under a bench and hid in the shadows. "So, while we're waiting for the train to come, anyone up for a little game?" Riot asked. "Like what?" Mischief asked. Riot simply chuckled and held out his dragon claw. Flames appeared and when they disappeared a nintendo switch was in place. A screen appeared behind him and it showed a game. "Super Smash Bros Ultimate!!" Riot exclaimed in an announcer's voice. A couple minutes had passed and the group was still waiting for the train to come. They played in teams: Trastorno and Fukakaina vs Riot and Mischief. They played a few rounds against each other with the score tied 29 to 29.  "Alright, for this round how about we make this interesting." Riot said.  "Oh? Interesting how?" Fukakaina asked with curiosity. "How about the loser team has to do whatever the winning team tells them to do?"  "Well then, that is interesting. Alright then let's do this."  Before the final round could commence however, the group heard a train whistle. Fukakaina mentally made the shadow they were in rise up and made an opening for them to see. The train arrived at the station, it's windows were also shattered due to Trastorno's war cry. Ponies exiting the train had expressions of shock, fear, worried, and some with soiled pants. To say Trastorno was feeling guilty about this was an understatement, he felt like he was a jackass who would bang cymbals to sleeping babies. Mischief did his best to console the inevitable sulking Trastorno that he was only trying to protect them. Fukakaina directed the shadow to move to the top of the train. The train began to move again once ponies either got off the train or on it. The group emerges from the shadow to allow the midnight breeze to blow in hair and fur.  "The wind feels so nice tonight." Fukakaina said, admiring the night sky.  "Oh! You know what we should do? At night we should get some meteors and ride them as they fall to the ground." Riot suggested. "Where'd you get that idea?" Fukakaina asked. "From a webtoon comic." Riot answered. "It looked pretty fun and I wanted to try it." "Your way of fun sounds too destructive for me."  "Ok fine, how would you do it then?" Fukakaina thought about it for a moment. Then she had an answer. "I would instead skate across the night sky making the stars dance with me as I move."  "Sounds too lame to me."  "Oh really?" "Yeah. And we still haven't finished our final round in smash bros yet sooo…" "Consider it on."  The two shook each other's mismatched hands declaring the bet once again. Meanwhile, Mischief was blowing bubbles of different colors and shapes using the wind from the train to cheer up Trastorno. At the very least, it made him feel a little better. "So um Tras… uh tra…tra… uhhh." Mischief tried to say Trastorno's name but found it difficult. Trastorno decided to help him pronounce his name. "Let me help. Just repeat what I say. Tras-." "Um T-trasss-." "Tooooorn." "Tooooorn." "O." "O." "Tras-torn-o." "T-trast-torno. Trastorno."  "There you go." Trastorno cheered. "Ok Trastorno. Trastorno. Trastorno." Mischief repeated the name until it stuck to memory. "Ok, so I have a question."  "What is it?" Trastorno asked. "Do you like mice?" Well that was a weird question. "Well I mean, they're OK I guess. I would prefer a dog instead."  "Ok, well I like mice because they're small, fluffy and adorable to look at. Most of the kids at my school think mice are dirty and gross but I think differently."  "I guess you'd really like your own pet mouse huh?" "Uh huh, I've passed by a pet store a few times and I've always wanted my own but my other mom hates them and I mean really hates them. This one time a few mice were in our backyard and she killed them all with a shotgun."  Trastorno's eyes went wide after hearing that. The fact that someone would use firearms on a mouse just shows how much they hate them. He thought stuff like that would happen in cartoons. "I-I see…"  "So what do you think the mice in this world are like?"  "Well if I'm right, then all the animals in this world should be smart enough to know what you and I are saying."  "Really? Then that means talking to them will be more fun and easier." Mischief turned his head and he noticed they were approaching a city. "Hey I think that's the Canterlot place." Trastorno looked to where Mischief was pointing. Sure enough, they were reaching Canterlot city. Everyone returned into the shadow again and it turned back into a hawk and flew the rest of the way. The group arrived at Canterlot city where it could be seen that thankfully Trastorno's war cry hadn't even reached the city of nobles with building windows intact. Trastorno made a mental note to never do anything that involves loud noises and to just burn any timber wolves they come across. "Alright we've made it to this Canterlot, so where's the castle?" Fukakaina asked. "It should be on a mountain side somewhere." Trastorno said as he looked for the castle. Once he managed to spot the castle he directed Fukakaina to fly them there. As they flew to the castle they noticed two pony guards standing at the entrance of the castle. They landed in the bushes to avoid being seen. "So now what?" Fukakaina asked. "Leave this one to me bros." Riot said with confidence. "What are you going to do?" Mischief asked. "Just watch." Riot stepped out of the shadow hawk and turned invisible. He silently approached the two unsuspecting guards, he opened his mouth and exhaled purple mist. The guards didn't understand where this weird smell came from, but it was already too late when they felt a feeling of drowsiness and they both fell to the ground unconscious. Riot reappeared in front of the sleeping guards smiling. He signaled the group to come to his position. The shadow hawk flew up the stairs and landed near one of the sleeping guards. Riot entered back into the shadow hawk and the hawk slipped under the big doors. The shadow moved across the castle floors. The group was looking for the doors which led to the gardens but they didn't know where to start. They decided it would be easier to split up and search the castle that way. Trastorno made it clear to everyone they needed to stay hidden and try not to cause trouble. They agreed and went in different directions of the castle. ~~~~~ Trastorno floated through the halls of the castle. He marveled at the fact that he was in the world of his childhood TV show and now he was turned into a spirit of chaos. He hoped he and his teammates wouldn't have to face the elements of harmony, but if it came to that then he knew what he had to do. He heard footsteps, or in this case hoofsteps, approaching. He hid in a vase that was next to him and waited. There were two guards, one a blue pegasus stallion and a red earth pony stallion. "Hey, have you heard? Apparently there was some loud noise in the everfree." The red pony said. "Somepony even said they saw a giant monster where the noise was. It was so powerful it broke every window in ponyville."  "Yowzers, that must be some crazy scary monster. Can't even imagine what it even looks like." The blue pegasus guard said. Trastorno internally kicked himself. Quite literally, a mini version of himself appeared beside him and kicked him. "Nice one Alejandro, you wanted to look cool and you managed to scare an entire town."  The tiny Trastorno clapped his mismatched hands and congratulated the other Trastorno in a sarcastic tone before vanishing. He wondered how his thoughts spoke up like that, maybe the work of Discord's magic. Once the coast was clear Trastorno popped out of the vase and continued his search. ~~~~~ Riot was having too much fun to focus on his goal. He sneaked his way around the castle halls looking for pranking targets. He spotted three pony guards. One a gray unicorn stallion and two light green pegasi mares. A sinister smile formed on Riot's face. Confirming no one was watching, he snapped his wolf paw and the three guards froze in place. He walked over to them and smacked the two mares in their flanks. He pulled a feather from his raven wing and tickled the frozen stallion.  Once everything was finished, he turned invisible and summoned his phone. "Aaand action." He whispered before snapping his wolf paw and unfreezing them. The two mares yelped in surprise when they felt a sudden strong slap to their flanks, they turned around and saw the unicorn stallion laughing. He stopped when the tickling sensation passed. He noticed the angry blushing faces of both mares, he was confused at first and before he knew it he got a hard slap from the first one followed up by a punch in the face from the other one knocking him out. The two mares huffed and left the now unconscious unicorn on the floor. Riot watched the whole scene and quickly ran in a nearby empty storage room and began to laugh uncontrollably. He never thought he could ever pull pranks like that. But now he could do anything like any character in any comic, movie, video game, etc. Oh the possibilities are endless. His ears perked up and heard the sound of voices, he looked through a lock in the doorknob. He saw a guard concerned for his friend who was on the floor. Riot smiled, prank time. ~~~~~ Fukakaina found her way to the dining hall. She was surprised with how spacious it was. "Geez, how much room do these royal ponies need?" She asked herself. She walked over to the table and sat down on one of the chairs. She looked at the empty seats and she smirked slightly. A few moments later. "Oh goodness me, I simply love the decor of this castle." Fukakaina said while wearing a purple dress. "Indeed, I give props to the designers." Another Fukakaina said while wearing a suit and tie, a top hat, a monocle, and a mustache. The entire table was filled with clones of Fukakaina wearing fancy clothes and acting like nobles. "Yes but honestly this dreary weather makes me want to faint." A Fukakaina clone said while wearing a white dress with small diamonds, a hat with feathers, and a fan. "I simply wish a refreshing cold wind would blow in this heat." The other Fukakainas nodded their heads in agreement. "But enough about that. What I wish to know is where the food is? I am simply starving."  Right on cue, the door leading to the kitchen opened revealing another Fukakaina with French mustache and wearing a butler attire pushing a cart with a big metal cover on it. She stopped at the table and placed the tray on the table, she lifted the metal cover to reveal a massive chocolate cake. The cake had pink frosting near the edges and strawberries. All of the Fukakaina clone's mouths were drooling upon seeing the cake. Cake was always Himiko's favorite dessert, whether it was breakfast, lunch, dinner, even before bedtime she would always have a slice of cake. Without missing a beat, the Fukakainas began to eat the cake immediately. The cake started to shrink piece by piece until nothing but small crumbs remained. The clones had completely eaten the massive cake satisfied with the flavor. But what surprised them was that even though they ate the whole cake they could still eat more. Probably the quirks of  being a draconequus. Luckily for them, there were still more of those massive cakes so she doesn't have to worry.  "Well this is technically stealing, but I'm sure no one will mind. I mean they could always make more cakes right?" Fukakaina asked. The others nodded in agreement and once again began emptying out all cakes in the fridge. ~~~~~ Mischief walked through the castle halls. He looked out the window and saw the view of Canterlot. He was mesmerized by the sight of the fancy city, he'd love to go exploring but he had an important job to do. After walking for a few minutes, Mischief found two wooden doors. He opened them and he found himself in the gardens. "This must be it." He said. He took in the beautiful sights. Pretty flowers blooming, the fresh smelling air, the small animals scurrying about. However, when they saw Mischief they were frightened and ran away like he was a monster, which in all honesty he couldn't really blame them. He would have screamed when Discord appeared in his room if he knew it was real. Speaking of Discord, where to find him. "Hmm, now if I were Discord's statue where would I be?" He hummed in thought. He noticed a statue of a pony standing on its hind legs in a triumphant manner. It may not be the statue he was looking for, but at least he was on the right track. It was then he heard squeaking sounds from a bush nearby, it sounded like mocking laughter and pained squeaks. He knew what was happening and immediately went to the bush. Behind the bush Mischief witnessed two large rats beating up a small mouse. One rat was fat and pudgy while the other was tall and skinny. The fat rat kept making mocking remarkable squeaks as he and his partner kicked the mouse while the mouse was crying with pain. The action infuriated Mischief, reminding him of his days of getting bullied relentlessly before becoming a draconequus. He couldn't stand watching the cruelty and grabbed the two offending rats. The rats were surprised from the sudden grab from a monkey and a mole. That shock turned to fear as they were brought to the face of an angry sheep with red wool. The bruised mouse was staring at its mysterious savior with tears in its eyes. The mysterious creature then spoke with a tone of anger. "So you guys think it's fun beating up on those weaker than you!?" Smaller versions of Mischief began to climb out of his wool and onto the ground wanting to teach the rats a lesson. "Well don't we see how you like this!?" He dropped the rats in the crowd of mini Mischiefs and they all started beating up the rats.  The rats cried out in pain as these weird creatures bit at their tails, bonked them on the heads with frying pans, pulled on their whiskers, and elbowed them in the stomach. The mouse couldn't help but smile that its rat bullies were getting their just desserts. Mischief picked up the hurt mouse and healed its injuries. After a while the mini Mischiefs finished with beating and returned to regular sized Mischief's wool. The rats were completely beaten all over their bodies and were unconscious. Mischief left the two rats in the bushes with the mouse in tow. "Are you ok?" Mischief asked the mouse. The mouse nodded its head confirming it was ok. "That's good." Mischief said nuzzling the mouse with his monkey paw. "Hey, do you think you can help me with something? You see I'm looking for a statue that looks as weird as I am, have you seen something like that?" He asked. The mouse tilted its head in thought for a moment. It realized it did recall seeing a weird looking statue and nodded. It pointed its paw to where the statue was and Mischief followed. Unbeknownst to both of them, a figure was hiding in the trees observing everything. The figure was a gray thestral mare with a purple mane wearing dark blue armor.  "This is bad, I must report this to the princesses." She spread her bat wings and silently flew off to alert the entire castle. > Chapter Four: A "meeting" with the princesses (gone wrong) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- An explosion shook the mountain as the castle wall was blown apart by a powerful blue energy beam. From the smoke, four figures jumped out from the hole in the wall. It was the four humans turned draconequi escaping from the castle. The group fell a few meters to the ground before Riot snapped his dragon claw and a red sports car with its tail pipes sticking up appeared. The group enters the car with Riot driving and the– ⏸️. "Yo readers it's your favorite lord of chaos, Riot. Now you're definitely thinking: how did this happen?, or why was there a giant laser beam?, or why are they running instead of fighting? Well to answer all that, we should probably head back to the beginning." Riot pulled out a TV remote and pressed the rewind button. Events began playing back to moments before the explosion. "Ok, this part should be good." ▶️  A couple hours earlier  Celestia was in her bedroom chambers when she received a letter from her student, Twilight Sparkle. She was worrying over the fact that a dangerous unknown creature was in the everfree and just by its roar alone was enough to break the windows of Ponyville. She would have believed it was an ursa minor but eye witnesses made her think otherwise. She would need to look into this matter immediately. Whatever creature this is, she will not let it harm her ponies.  A flash appeared. Her sister Luna teleported in the room with a grim expression on her face. "Luna? What's wrong?" Celestia asked. "Sister, I fear we have trouble involving Discord." Luna said with a serious tone. ~~~~~ "Ok this place is bigger than I thought." Trastorno continued his search for the gardens. He hadn't realized how massive the castle was. He went through door to door but found nothing. "Maybe in here?" He poked his head through another door. Only to quickly pull his head out with his face red as a tomato. "What kind of fucked up things are ponies in to that never knew about!?" He said in his head. He zipped across the halls at quick speed. He turned a corner and almost got caught by a maid pony. Luckily she didn't notice him and he immediately hid behind the wall.  A few seconds passed and Trastorno didn't hear hoofsteps. He cautiously peeked and he saw the maid was just standing there unmoving. He was confused until he heard a familiar laughter. He spotted a shark tail swishing from behind the maid, it was Riot and it looked like he was playing a prank on the maid.  "Riot, what do you think you're doing?" Trastorno asked, approaching the teen draconequus. Riot looked up and saw it was Trastorno.  "Oh hey. *chew* I'm just setting up another genius prank. *chew* It's gonna be hilarious." Riot said. He was chewing what looked like bubble gum. He blew a bubble and it popped. He pulled the gum off his mouth and stuck it under the maid's back left hoof. He grabbed Trastorno by the leopard arm, snapped his wolf paw turning the two draconequi invisible, and pulled out his phone. "Annnnd, action." He muttered smirking and snapped his fingers again. Time resumed for the maid as she started walking again, only to step in something very sticky. She turned around and noticed a wad of gum stuck on her back left hoof.  "Ewwwwww!! Who just leaves their gum on the floor!?" She exclaimed. She tried to pull her hoof off the gum, only for it to remain still stuck to her hoof. She tried again, still stuck. She grabbed a brush she was carrying and tried to scrape the gum off. However the brush got stuck on the gum and wouldn't come off. "What the…?!" She gave the brush a strong pull, but it slammed back on her hoof causing her to stumble and fall on her back. When she tried to get up she felt something sticky preventing her from lifting her head. Another wad of gum, which wasn't there before, followed by a snicker that went unheard, was stuck to her head. With her head stuck with no way of getting up, she did the one thing she could do. "Somepony help me!! I'm stuck!!" Acting fast, Trastorno snapped his bear paw and all the gum stuck to the maid vanished. "Huh…? Where did…?" She checked her hoof and head and there were no signs of gum. She got up and very steadily walked down the halls to avoid any gum. When she was out of sight, the two draconequi turned became visible again. "Hey what's the big idea!?" Riot demanded, not happy his prank was interrupted. "I was gonna put gum over her mouth."  "The big idea is you shouldn't be using your powers to torment ponies and also we got a mission to do, we don't have time to mess around." "Oh come on you worry too much, plus it's literally not everyday you get the power to do what you want. It's like they always say: if you got the power, abuse the hell out of it for yourself."  "That is something only scumbag villains would say." Trastorno deadpanned  "Huh." Riot pretended to think about it. "Well, I guess I'm a scumbag villain." He chuckled while flashing a toothy grin. Trastorno only face palmed in annoyance. He sighed heavily. "Listen, once we free Discord then you can have fun with your powers. But at least try not to use them to hurt others."  "Chill it dude. I'm not a monster." Riot looked down at himself, then back at Trastorno. "Weeeell, I guess we do look the part. But my point is that my pranks won't hurt them." A tiny devil version of Riot poof behind his head. "Not too much anyway." The devil Riot laughed before disappearing in a puff of red smoke. "I don't know what pranks you're thinking of doing, but I'm more worried your pranks might kill someone if you go too far."  "Geez man where'd that come from?" "Riot. I want you to promise me you won't go overboard with your antics."  "Wha–." Riot was cut off when Trastorno placed his mismatched hands on his mismatched shoulders. "Promise me." Trastorno said in a stern voice. Riot was both confused and intimidated by Trastorno's words. He never felt this way when adults scolded him for misbehaving, he would get annoyed and bored but definitely not this. "O-ok, Ok I promise I'll rethink any pranks I have!" "Good." Trastorno's voice went back to normal as he let go of Riot. "Now then, let's try and find the gardens." Trastorno walked ahead and Riot exhaled a breath he was holding.  "I don't know how he just did that, but I think I better watch myself for now." Riot muttered. "We need to hurry, the longer we're here, the more dangerous it'll be for us." Trastorno warned. "Come on man, we can screw with reality. What could happen?" Riot's eyes went wide and quickly covered his mouth when he asked the forbidden question. He knew when someone asked what could happen, something bad would always happen. Trastorno looked back at him, fear etched on his face the moment he heard those words. The two stood there in silence for a moment. "You don't think the universe heard me, did it?" Riot asked in a hopeful whisper. As if to say "you bet your ass I did", the sound of a large group of pony guards running down the halls were heard. The draconequi both quickly turned invisible and floated up to the ceiling. They saw how large this group was and they both looked at each other hoping it wasn't what they were thinking. Trastorno spun his bear finger and a cloudy swirl appeared. ~~~~~ Fukakaina had just finished emptying out the fridge that was full of the massive cakes. The clones gave their satisfactory acknowledgements before they all disappeared in a flash. She got up from the table and cleaned the plates with a snap of her fingers. She patted her stomach, which wasn't bloated from eating so much cake, and made her way to the door. "Wait, what was I here for again?" She asked herself. She had forgotten about her mission due to her getting sidetracked by her cake cravings. As she pondered this, a cloudy swirl appeared. "Gah!?" She fell back from the cloud's sudden appearance. "What the hell is this?" The cloud formed a mouth at the center and it spoke with Trastorno's voice. "Hello, can you hear me?" The cloud with Trastorno's voice asked. Fukakaina was reluctant to answer, but if this was made by Trastorno then she would need to answer. "Uh, yeah I can hear you." Fukakaina answered. "Fukakaina, could you tell me where you are right now?" "Well, I'm in the dining room. I just got here, why do you ask?" "Listen, I think we might have a problem. I'm with Riot right now and we just saw a large group of guards running down the halls, we're following them to see where they're going. I really hope I'm wrong, but I think the princesses are onto us." Fukakaina's body became rigid. Trastorno did mention this world has two princesses who have the powers to the FRICKIN  sun and moon. If that wasn't powerful…, well Discord and the others can warp reality. But when it comes to fighting they have zero experience. She gulped. "And what about Mischief, you don't think he's at the gardens right?"  "I'm gonna call him right now. I need you to find us so we can group up."  "Alright I'll see you soon." When the call was finished the cloud swirled and vanished. "I've wasted too much time, I need to go." Fukakaina turned to the door. And froze. In the dining room doorway stood a light blue unicorn mare wearing a maid uniform. She dropped a bucket and mop she was holding in her magical grasp. She stood there shaking with fear not taking her eyes off Fukakaina. "Uhhh… I come in peace?" Fukakaina said attempting to smooth things over. And the maid responded with how all normal creatures would react to a draconequus in their home. "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" The maid immediately ran out of the doorway screaming in fear. She didn't get very far when black tentacles grabbed her back legs and dragged her back into the dining room. She screamed trying to pull the tentacles off her but the grip was too strong. A tentacle covered  her muzzle to stop her from screaming but it was too late. Her screams caught the attention of a group of guards passing by. The guards found the maid getting dragged into the dining room. They immediately rushed inside to save the maid. They found her being held hostage by Fukakaina. "This is bad!" Fukakaina thought. The guards wasted no time and attacked Fukakaina with magic blasts and spears. Fukakaina quickly snapped her raccoon dog paw and a barrier formed around her. She placed her tiger paw on the floor and more shadow tentacles rose out. They entangled guards allowing her to slip into her shadow and escape. ~~~~~ Mischief was being led by the mouse he saved from its rat tormentors. They passed by several nice looking statues and Mischief couldn't help but admire them. He floated over to one of the statues and was impressed these ponies could make sculptures without fingers. His mouse companion made squeak sounds telling him that they've arrived. There he was, the chaos god Discord now an unmoving statue.  "There you are." Mischief said. He laid down on the grass and nuzzled the mouse's head with his mole claw, carefully so as not to accidentally hurt it. "Thank you." Mischief thanked the mouse. The mouse smiled at the nuzzling the young draconequus gave it. Its happiness increased when Mischief snapped his monkey fingers and a large wheel of cheese appeared. The mouse's eyes sparkled and it's mouth watered at the cheese, it climb onto the cheese and instantly ate the whole thing. Mischief was a little surprised at the mouse's eating speed but he guessed that all animals could maybe do that. He turned his attention to Discord, he wondered how he was going to carry him out of the castle. No actually, he needed to know how he and his friends could even break him out. His thoughts were interrupted by a small cloud appearing in front of him. The cloud once again formed a mouth and it spoke with Trastorno's voice. "Hello Mischief can you hear me?" Trastorno asked. "Um, I can hear you…" Mischief said. "Listen, where are you right now?" "Oh well I'm at the gardens right now. Also I even found Discord, pretty cool right?" Mischief could hear Trastorno curse under his breath in a panic. "Mischief you need to listen to me, you need to find somewhere to hide and stay there until the rest of us get to you!" "What? Why?" "Mischief, I'm serious! You need to hide before–"  A flash appeared behind Mischief leaving him confused. He turned around to see what caused the flash, but immediately regretted it when two very unhappy looking ponies were staring at him. Mischief recalled Trastorno reminding the group to not get caught, especially by the princesses of the sun and moon. He remembered the holographic image Trastorno displayed of the princesses.  The first was princess Celestia. She's a tall white alicorn (which have both wings and a horn) with a rainbow like mane and tail which flowed even though there was no wind and sun mark on her flank. She can move the sun. Her sister was princess Luna. She's slightly shorter than Celestia and is dark blue, she is also an alicorn with a flowing mane and tail that look like the night sky, and she has a moon mark on her flank. She moves the moon and stars. The colors on Mischief literally drained from his body to the ground as he realized he was caught by the two powerful ponies of this world. They scowled at him with anger while Mischief shook with fear.  Celestia looked up at Discord, then back at Mischief. She couldn't believe her eyes, there stood a young draconequus. She thought it was crazy when Luna told her there was another draconequus like Discord. She thought Discord was the only one of his kind, but it seems possible some of them are still around. And right now this draconequus was trying to free Discord and she can't let that happen. "Who are you and–"  Celestia didn't have time to finish her sentence when Mischief suddenly jumped back screaming while his eyes popped out of his head and grew bigger. Before the two alicorns could react, Mischief pulled a comically large piano out from his wool and violently slammed it down on the two sisters. Mischief hastily pulled out a backpack from his wool and it immediately swallowed Discord. He quickly scooped up the mouse in his mismatched hands and began to run off. The piano was blasted away by Luna's magic and the two sisters were covered with scratches and bruises. Luna was furious. "THOU DARES  TO STRIKE FOUL CREATURE!!??" She shouted using the Canterlot voice. They both noticed the statue of Discord was gone and were shocked. They turned to see Mischief running and they immediately took flight after him.  ~~~~~ Trastorno and Riot both listened to the sounds of screaming and pianos being smashed. They both realize that the two alicorn sisters have found Mischief and are chasing him down. "Well mountain loads of shit just hit the fan!!" Riot exclaimed panic in his voice. "What are we gonna do!?" He loudly asked.  Trastorno was clutching his head frantically trying to come up with an idea. "Ok ok uh uh let's see, gotta get there fast but how!?" Riot looked at the cloud that was still present. It was then he had an idea. Riot grabbed the cloud and enlarged it. He turned to Trastorno. "Alright, you get Fuka…Fu…uh…gah! Bring her ass over here while I save the squirt's ass!" He exclaimed. He jumped into the cloud and the cloud shrunk to its original size. Trastorno immediately tried calling Fukakaina again.  "Fukakaina, it's an emergency!"  The sounds of a struggle were heard on Fukakaina's end. "Well I've got *grunts* an emergency on…YAH!! My hands too!" Fukakaina was fighting against a couple of guards who spotted her after she hastily escaped from the kitchen. She was surrounded on all sides. She summoned balls of electricity and they started electrifying the guards, not enough to severely injure them but enough to knock them unconscious. "Could it wait till later? Whoa!!" She narrowly dodged a magic bullet from one of the guards. She gritted her teeth and stretched her raccoon dog arm and punched the offending guard hard in the face. "It's Mischief, he's being chased by the princesses!!" Trastorno shouted. Fukakaina's eyes widened at what she heard. "What!?" She shouted in surprise and fear. Taking advantage of her momentarily distracted state, a pegasus guard weaved through the lightning strike and tried to impale her. Fukakaina noticed this and she shouted "Iron body!" The spear broke upon impact, shocking the guard. Fukakaina delivered a strong roundhouse kick and the guard was sent flying. Fukakaina had enough of this and slammed her tiger paw on the floor shouting "Ice age!" Ice spread all over the halls and froze all the guards on the ground.  She panted heavily having dealt with the guards. She turned to the cloud. "What do you mean he's being chased by the princesses!?" She asked with a worried tone. "I'll explain on the way." Trastorno replied. The cloud enlarged itself and a black bear arm was extending outwards. "Grab my hand." Trastorno said. Fukakaina took hold of the bear paw and was immediately pulled into the cloud. ~~~~~ Mischief ran through the gardens as the two alicorn sisters were hot in pursuit. "CREATURE OF DISCORD, CEASE RUNNING AND SURRENDER!!" Luna demanded. She fired magic beams at Mischief who barely dodged them, some burnt off some of his wool in the process. "NO THANK YOU I LIKE BEING ALIVE!!" Mischief shouted back. He patted where his wool was burning. "Oh man what do I do!?" His mind was racing trying to think of something. He noticed a couple of trees and he had an idea. He snapped his monkey fingers and the trees came to life. "Now attack!" Mischief commanded. The trees shot branches at the sisters who were taken aback by the sudden attack. Celestia and Luna dodged the incoming attack of branches. Mischief then made the entire fauna of the garden attack. The increase in vines and branches made it more difficult for the sisters to dodge as their were wrapped by vines from all around until they were trapped in a giant ball of branches and vines. Mischief breathed a sigh of relief believing that would keep them at bay for now. He noticed a door leading out of the garden. To his misfortune, guards immediately burst through the door causing Mischief to turn back the way he came. To his horror the vine ball exploded into flames releasing the alicorn sisters. "ENOUGH!!" Celestia shouted and fired a powerful sun beam at the young draconequus. Mischief barely had time to dodge out of the way when the blast caused an explosion launching him into the air and crashing into a tree head first. Feeling dazed, Mischief tried to get up and attempted to run again, only to be caught in a yellow aura preventing him from moving. Celestia and Luna walked up to Mischief who was now pinned to the ground by Celestia's magic. "Now then I don't know who you are but if Discord has sent you then you are an enemy to Equestria." Celestia sternly said. "Now where did you put Discord?"  Mischief replied by blowing a raspberry at their faces. "Impudent creature! Once we find where you've hidden Discord, we shall see to it that the elements shall imprison you along with him." Luna added. "Well I've got a better idea." An voice said from nowhere. Everypony except for Mischief was startled by the unknown voice. It spoke again. "Why don't we play a game?" It was then Luna felt something grab her at the back of her head. The being revealed a giraffe headed draconequus with a grin on his face. "It's called HORSEY!" Cowboy boots with spiky spurs at the back appeared on Riot's feet. Before anypony could react, Riot plunged his boots into Luna's sides.  Luna's pupils grew bigger and felt herself slip out of consciousness. She reared up on her hind legs and neighed very loud. Riot pulled out a cowboy hat from behind and waved it around. "Yeeeeehaaaaaw!! To the skies my trusty steed!" At his command, Luna flared up her wings and took flight. "LUNA!!!" Celestia cried out in udder horror. It was then she felt something as if sharp teeth biting down on her horn and screamed in pain. Mischief bit down on the magic aura that's keeping him pinned down and that in turn caused Celestia to let go of Mischief. The guards were completely horrified another draconequus had showed up and taken control of princess Luna. "Now gum-gum…!" Another voice was heard from nowhere. The guards frantically look around to find the source of the voice. Another draconequus appeared in the air with steam coming off her body. She reared her mismatched fists back and launched a flurry of fast punches. "Jet Gatling!!" Fukakaina shouted. The guards were helpless as they were suddenly bombarded with punches too fast for them to handle. Celestia watched in udder horror as her pony guards were helplessly being taken down, their blood splattering everywhere. Fukakaina stopped her attack and panted. She surveyed the guards she used her anime attack on and winced at her results. The guards lay there with faces and bodies bruised, blood all over them, and their limbs bending in places that aren't supposed to bend. "Maybe I should have used something less…brutal." She thought. As she was thinking this, she was struck by Celestia's magic blast causing her to fall to the ground. Celestia was now visibly angry. "You three shall not impose any more harm to my ponies!!" She shouted in anger. Her horn glowed intensely. Fukakaina groaned with pain. A burn mark was on the side of her body where she was shot. She removed the burn mark off her body and the searing pain vanished. She looked towards Celestia who was preparing to fire another spell. "So this is the sun princess." Fukakaina thought. "Hoo boy she's really pissed." A bead of sweat dropped from her face. Celestia fired a powerful sun beam. Fukakaina rolled out of the way and responded in kind. She raised her raccoon dog arm and a yellow spinning disk shaped energy beam appeared. "Destructo disk!" She threw the disk at Celestia who flew up into the air and dodged the attack. Fukakaina continued to throw disk after disk while Celestia flies to avoid the attacks.  Celestia decided to close the distance between her and the female draconequus. Her horn glowed and in a flash she teleported in front of Fukakaina. Fukakaina was caught off guard and before she could do anything Celestia bucked her hard in the gut with her forehooves causing her to spit out her saliva and sent her flying into a wall. Fukakaina clutched her gut where she was punched. Celestia jumped in the air and prepared to finish Fukakaina off when she was blasted away by a blue magic blast. Celestia fell to the ground and looked up to see the giraffe headed draconequus with Luna as his "trusty steed."  "Nice shot girl!" Riot exclaimed. He patted Luna on the head who under his influence smiled. This action made Celestia grit her teeth in rage. "TAKE YOUR HAND OFF MY SISTER!!" Shouted Celestia, the anger in her voice shook the castle. "Hmmm…" Riot pretended to think about it. "You mean…" He smirked. He snapped his dragon claw and Luna was dressed up as a clown. Her mane was turned into an afro with a rainbow night sky appeal, her face was covered with white makeup, her mouth had red lipstick, she wore a big round red nose. She wore a baggy long sleeved shirt with rainbows and  a frilly pink skirt. "Like this?" He placed both his mismatched fingers in Luna's mouth and pulled them back forcing her to smile wider. He smushed her face, tugged at her ears, and even used a pen to draw to write "dick garage" and draw an arrow pointing to her flank. At this point Celestia had enough as her rage reached a breaking point. She had dealt with Discord's aggravating taunts but this draconequus was even worse. Celestia's mane and tail combust into flames when Riot decides to provoke her even further by kissing Luna on the cheek. The ground cracked underneath as Celestia rocketed towards Riot in a fiery streak. "ENOUGH!!!" Celestia shouted. Riot's cocky grin was immediately replaced with a look of sheer terror as Celestia nearly closed the distance between them. Then, all of sudden Celestia was encased in a block of ice. She fell back to the ground with a resounding crash. Riot breathed a sigh of relief.  "For god's sake Riot are you trying to get yourself killed!?" Trastorno scolded. Riot directed Luna to descend back to the ground. "What were you thinking!?" "W-well, I thought it would be funny." Riot rubbed the back of his head. "Even though I almost shit myself." He thought. "And just what made you think that pissing off a sun princess, who could probably burn us if we were still humans, would be funny?"  "I was only saving the squirt and have fun doing it. I didn't think sun butt would go all ape shit demon mode on me."  "Well what did you expect when you brainwashed her sister into your personal ride? Speaking of Luna, I suggest you get off her right now before Celestia has a chance to turn you into a burning corpse." "*mumbles* fiiiine." Riot reluctantly climbed off Luna. It was at that point Celestia broke free from the ice. She stared at Riot with burning hatred before noticing Trastorno. "Another one!? Where are they all coming from!?"  Celestia thought. One draconequus was bad enough, but if these four draconequi are here then they'll tear reality apart. She continued to stare down at the two draconequi. "I take it we're already past talking like civilized people…or ponies in your case." Trastorno spoke up. Celestia scowled. "You show up to our castle, injured my guards, turned my sister into your personal plaything and you expect us to negotiate!?" She asked with an angry tone. Trastorno sighed. "Well I was expecting to be in and out, but I guess that's out of the picture." He bent down into a fighting stance and Riot did the same. "At least we both agree on something." Celestia's wings flared up and her horn glowed. "Equestria has had enough chaos and it doesn't need any more of it. As princess I won't allow- *CLANG!!!*" Celestia didn't have time to finish her sentence when she was struck in the face with a large frying pan from Mischief. Trastorno and Riot both were immediately taken aback by the sudden sneak attack. Celestia was in a complete daze seeing stars. "Well of course I'd love your invitation to donkey town." She babbled before Mischief gave her another frying pan smack to the head knocking her unconscious.  Mischief sighed with relief before looking at his teammates who still had shocked expressions on their faces. "What?" He asked. "Pffffff HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! H-holy fucking shit, tell me I didn't just see that. Bro just went Tom and Jerry on her ass!" Riot continued to laugh uncontrollably while he shed a single teardrop. *cough cough* Trastorno heard coughing from behind. Fukakaina was crawling towards the group still clutching where Celestia had struck her. "I'm *cough* in so much pain…" She said, wheezing. "Are you alright?" Trastorno asked. He helped Fukakaina to her feet. "I'll be fine, you weren't kidding when you said the princess was strong."  "Well I did warn you guys. And look what happened." "I'm going to kick Discord's ass for bringing me in this mess." Fukakaina shook her tiger claw in anger. "Speaking of which, did anyone happen to know where he is?" Mischief spoke up. "Oh, I've got him right here." Mischief reached into his wool and pulled out a backpack. He unzipped the backpack to reveal Discord. "So we're done here?"  "Yeah let's get out of here before more guards show up." "Hold on, I want to help the guards I hurt first." Fukakaina said. She pointed to where the pony guards were still on the ground in agony from her assault. She snapped her raccoon dog paw and the guards were wrapped in bandages. "Ok let's go." She did her shadow blanket jujitsu and her shadow enlarged itself. "Alright guys let's go." Trastorno called over the other two draconequi. Mischief walked over, while Riot… was busy taking a photo of the unconscious Celestia. "Riot, what are you doing now?" Trastorno asked, slightly annoyed. "Just give "her highness" little makeover parting gift before we go." Riot while snickering. Celestia had splotches of paint ranging from blue, green, orange, and red all over her body. Her entire coat was shaved off as well as her mane and tail, her wings were plucked of all her feathers and were used to make a makeshift beard and mustache. And finally a sticky note was taped to the back of her flank which read "kick me". Riot laughed at the work he'd done. "*sigh* alright I'm ready." He said. He stepped into the shadow with the others.  "You know she'll want to beat the absolute shit out of you right?" Fukakaina deadpanned. "As a wise man once said, it's worth it." The shadow closed down on the draconequi shrinking and morphed back into a hawk and quickly flew off into the night leaving behind the chaos they created.  ⏸️ "Now I know what you're thinking, "Hey where's the giant laser? Wasn't there going to be a car chase? So there was fighting. Well that stuff was supposed to happen but it seems the author decided not to put in my idea. I mean I don't see what the problem was, it had action and I wanted to do some sick moves in the car and there was going to be more lasers and-." (Hey! What do you think you're doing!?) "Uh oh! Gotta go dudes!" *Riot teleports away* (*sigh* Sorry about that everyone, Riot wasn't supposed to be in the writing space. I apologize for any misleading expectations you all had at the beginning.) *grabs the remote and pressed play. ▶️  "Wait, what about Luna?" Trastorno suddenly asked. "Oh yeah…I knew I forgot something." Riot said. He snapped his wolf paw. Back at the castle Luna was munching on the grass like a wild horse when her pupils returned to normal. She spat out the grass she was eating and took note of her surroundings. The entire garden was littered with spiky vines everywhere, the guards were all on the ground covered with bandages, and there was a burning scorch mark on the ground. What happened? She could remember chasing down a draconequus with Celestia when… she gasped. "Tia!" Luna quickly looked around and spotted Celestia, when she ran towards her sister she stopped in her tracks. Celestia was covered in paint, her wings plucked, her coat, mane and tail were shaven, and she had a beard made out of her feathers. While Luna was doing her best not to laugh, her concerns for sister came first. "Tia please wake up!" Luna nudged Celestia with her hoof, only to find herself wearing a clown outfit. "What is this!?" She shouted in disbelief. She noticed the writing on her flank and a bright crimson red blush formed on her face. Celestia began to stir awake. She clutched her head that felt like it wanted to split open. She couldn't feel her coat and she noticed her right forehoove was covered with paint. She took notice of her entire body and was silent. Then she screamed. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Somewhere in the high above the clouds maniacal laughter from a certain teenage draconequus was heard. "This will be the greatest day of my life!!" Riot shouted as the shadow hawk continued to fly far through the night. > Chapter Five: Not ready > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- High above the Badlands  "Dude we've been flying for hours now, I'm pretty sure we're far enough." Riot said. It had been several hours since the group fled the castle. Just to be safe Trastorno told Fukakaina to fly as far away as possible. The sun had begun to rise to the sky signaling the morning dawn. Trastorno looked around at the vast desert and nodded. "Ok think we're safe now." Trastorno pointed his leopard finger at a tall mountain with a cave. "Let's land over there." Fukakaina nodded and directed her hawk to land at the entrance of the cave. Once they landed the shadow hawk opened its beak wide open and the draconequi stepped out. Riot stretched his mismatched arms. "Finally, thought we'd be flying forever." He snapped his dragon claw and a sandwich appeared. He took a bite out of it. Trastorno turned to him. "Well, better safe than sorry. So better extremely far away from Equestria than be somewhere close where someone might find us." Trastorno said. Riot shrugged and returned to his sandwich. "Alrighty, Mischief." "Right here." Mischief answered in a mock salute. He pulled out Discord and placed him on the ground. "So how do we get him out?" Mischief asked. "With this." Trastorno snapped his bear paw and a ray gun appeared. He turned the dial on the gun, setting it to "destone". He pointed it at Discord and fired a white beam. Cracks began to form and eventually the stony outer layer broke and Discord was free. "Hoo being stuck in stone again can really give you a crick in the neck." Discord said. "But I guess it all worked out in the end. Plus, I had front row seats to your little spectacle."  "Wait, you mean you were watching us this whole time?" Fukakaina asked. "From the moment Shortie over there found me then taught Celestia and Luna how to play the piano." Discord began to chuckle at the memory. "And I must say, it was definitely a good idea to have you humans come and bail me out. The way you all showed those ponies chaos was incredible." He began laughing and placed his lion arm around Riot. "Especially when you gave Tia and Lulu quite the makeover. Bwahahahaha, it was too funny!"  Mischief spoke up. "For the record, I only acted out of sheer terror." Riot began to laugh as well. "If you think that was funny, you've got to see their reactions." He pulled out his phone and replayed both of the sister's reactions. When it finished Discord and Riot laughed until they fell to the ground trying to catch their breaths. The others tried to suppress the urge to laugh. Mischief began laughing while Trastorno and Fukakaina eventually gave in as well. After a few seconds of laughing, Trastorno spoke up. "How did you even get this?"  "After we splitted up in the castle I took the liberty of putting some cameras all around. Just so I can keep an eye on my targets." Riot said. He pressed a spy camera icon on his phone and it displayed various rooms around the castle. "Ooooo interesting idea." Discord commented. "Let's see how our lovely princesses are doing." "Ok, hey Siri, show us Celestia and Luna."  The phone spoke with a woman's voice. "Ok, showing Celestia and Luna." The screen shifts to Celestia on the left side of the screen while Luna is on the right. Celestia is in the bath furiously trying to remove the paint splotches on her body as well as getting the feather beard off her but to no avail. Luna is constantly removing the clown costume off her but try as she might, another clown costume kept taking its place. The two alicorns shouted with frustration and anger at the fact they can't remove Riot's "makeover." "Ha! They can try all they want, but that stuff ain't going nowhere unless I say so."  "Now I'm really starting to like you." Discord complemented. "I think it's time to show equestria how chaotic a human mind can accomplish."  "Right, but first there's something I need to do first." Fukakaina said. "Fine, what is it?" Discord asked. Before anyone could say anything, Fukakaina fiercely wrapped her fox tail around Discord's neck, strangling him. Discord struggled to remove her tail but to no avail. "Before we do anything." Fukakaina spoke up, shadows covering her glowing red eyes. "I think you and I need to have a little talk." She snapped her tiger claw and her shadow got bigger and she and Discord began to sink in. Before leaving she turned to the boys. "You three don't mind waiting, do you?" She asked with a friendly yet menacing smile. "No, take your time, we'll wait." They all said in unison. Fukakaina then sunk into her shadow with Discord in tow. The three draconequi look at the shadow wondering if Discord will be still alive before turning back to the screen. They watched as ponies in different areas in the castle. In one area pony guards are being thawed out of ice. In what looks like a hospital room ponies are bandaged up. In the garden vines, branches and other things are being cleaned up. And finally a kitchen area with fridges that look empty. As they watched Trastorno's eyes noticed a particular group of ponies. "Wait, Riot can you zoom in on those ponies?"  Riot tapped on the screen Trastorno pointed and enlarged it. The screen displayed six pony mares running to the castle gates. A purple unicorn with a dark purple mane with a pinkish streak in the middle and a star with little white stars around it on her flank. A white unicorn with a purple curly pristine mane and three blue diamonds on her flank. An orange earth pony with a yellow mane and tail which both have red bands, she wore a cowboy hat and had three apples on her flank. A cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane and a rainbow lightning bolt on her flank. A pink earth pony with a poofy mane having a darker shade of pink and three balloons, two blue while one was yellow on her flank. And lastly a yellow pegasus with a curly pink mane and three butterflies on her flank. "Those girls are the ones we need to be careful of. They're the elements of harmony and they're the ones who sealed Discord in stone." Trastorno said. "Really?" Riot asked skeptically. "They don't look anything special. But if Discord lost to them then I guess we need to watch our backs." The trio looked at the screen showing the elements. "Ooo it feels like we're super villains spying on the heroes so we can thwart their attempts at defeating us." Mischief mused. Riot smiled at that. "That's cause we're about these girly horses what real power is." He spread electricity throughout his entire body for emphasis. Trastorno rolled his eyes and continued to monitor the screen. Canterlot castle halls Twilight and the rest of her friends ran through the halls of the castle. After receiving a letter from princess Celestia, she felt her blood run cold. Discord had escaped, not only that but it was the work of four different types of draconequi. And if that wasn't bad enough, they even left the princesses with some kind of curse. The thought of more draconequi like Discord scared her, especially if they all decided to turn her world into their own playground. Twilight immediately gathered her friends and they set out for Canterlot. "Come on girls, we need to pick up the pace!" Twilight frantically said, trying to quicken her pace. "Twi, ah know yer worried but you need to calm down sugar cube." Applejack said. Twilight stopped in her tracks, the others stopped as well. "Calm down…?" Twilight muttered in a low voice. "CALM DOWN!!?" She then exploded in a fit of anger, her mane becoming a frazzled mess and her left eye twitching. "The princesses were attacked by four unknown draconequi who have the same powers as Discord and we almost lost to him. What are we supposed to do against four of them!?" She began hyperventilating. "Twilight darling, we understand you're worried but panicking won't help us." Rarity said.  Pinky bounced over to where her panicking friend was and gave her a hug. "Yeah Twily , you're freaking out like when I have to plan a super duper surprise party for ponies. Ooo, maybe I should prepare a "we beat Discord and his meanie pants friends party!" *gasp* Maybe I should start baking the cake! Or maybe-." Before Pinky could ramble on more, an orange hoof covered her mouth. "The point is we need to calm down and breathe." Applejack said. Twilight breathed a few breaths and calmed down. "*sigh* thanks girls, I really needed that." Rainbow Dash flew up in the air. "And besides, we've taken down Discord before. We kick his sorry flank and take down his new pals." She threw a few punches as if fighting an invisible enemy for emphasis. ~~~~~ Riot chuckled. “Heheh, kick our asses she says. Keep telling yourself that skittles.”  Mischief pouted. “Meanie pants? We haven't even met them yet and they're calling us meanies?” ~~~~~ Twilight began to calm down. “Thanks girls, it's just that we just defeated Discord yesterday but now that more of his kind are on the loose, I don't know how we can handle them.” “The same way we beat Discord, one blast from the elements and they're done.” Rainbow exclaimed with confidence. “And I'm sure that as long we're together those chaotic ruffians won't stand a chance.” Rarity said, flipping her mane. “A-and I'll try my best too… if that's ok…” Fluttershy said. To this, Twilight smiled. “Ok I feel a little better now, let's go see the princesses.” The main six proceed to enter the castle. ~~~~~ “Uuuuugh, I can't watch this…this…what do I even call this sunshine bullshit? Next I guess they'll say something along the lines of: “we'll stop you guys with the power of friendship” or whatever.” Riot said with annoyance.  “Well I mean Discord lost to said power of friendship so I guess it wouldn't be too far fetched the same could happen to us and…” Mischief was cut off when he noticed the deadpan expression on Riot's face telling him he wasn't helping. “I'll stop talking now.”  “We can literally just snap our fingers and we'll be done with this, so what's stopping us?” “Even the most powerful of beings can fall to the littlest, most unsuspecting things no matter how pathetic or even cringe the protagonist is because of arrogance and/or stupidity.” Fukakaina spoke up. The trio turn to see Fukakaina step out of her shadow carrying an unconscious beaten to a pulp Discord. “Anime villain logic 101.” She sets Discord aside. The boys winced at the mangled form of Discord, his body was violently twisted and tied up into a knot with several painful bruises all over his body.  Taking his eyes off Discord for now, Trastorno asked. “What are you saying?” “I'm saying I don't think we should do anything to this equestria place, at least not with the way we are now.”  “Are you suggesting we're weak?” Riot asked, feeling offended. “I'm suggesting we take our time and hone our powers more before we're ready to do anything.”  “But what's there to-.” Riot was about to say more when Trastorno cut him off. “Actually, Fukakaina is right. Even with these powers, we could've been wiped out. We just don't have experience.” “Seriously!? One snap and those horses are done!” Riot exclaimed. He points to Trastorno. And you said it yourself that as long as they're far away from each other they can't stone us.” “Even then what would you even do? I'm pretty sure most of us had to think about what we wanted to happen for our magic to activate or something.” “W-well I would…um…I would…huh.” Riot tried to come up with an answer but his mind was coming up blank. “And if Trastorno didn't stop Celestia when he did, what would've happened to you?” Fukakaina asked, one eyebrow raised. Riot fell silent. It's true, if Trastorno didn't stop Celestia at the last moment who knows what could've happened. He sighed in defeat. “So what's the plan then?” He asked. “Simple, chaos magic training. And to do that we're going to need someone who has more experience than us.” She turns to Discord who is still unconscious. “Is he dead?” Mischief asked. Fukakaina ignored Mischief's question and called out. “I know you're hiding somewhere you Frankenstein freak, so why don't you come out already?” The boys looked at each other in confusion before Discord appeared before them in a flash. “Not bad, how'd you know?” Discord asked. “You could've easily gotten out of my shadow any time you had the chance. Admittedly I was too angry to notice until I calmed down.”  “Quite the perspective eye you have.” Discord complemented. “And smart to boot.”  “Don't flatter yourself.”   Discord simply shrugged. “You all seem to have the idea of how to use my powers, so what's the problem?” “Uh, in case you weren't watching, Mischief could've gotten seriously hurt, I took a painful burn to the side not to mention a serious punch to my stomach.” “Technically a kick to the gut. Ponies don't have hands.” Trastorno pointed out. Ignoring Trastorno's fact, Fukakaina continued. “And Riot would have also been killed if not for Trastorno. You may have given us your powers but you sure as hell didn't teach us how to use them in situations like that, so I'd say that's a HUGE problem.” Trastorno spoke again. “I agree with Fukakaina on this. We need more practice before we're even close to being able to handle ourselves.”  Mischief also chimed in. “Yeah um, I really don't want to ever end up like that ever again, it was too scary.” He shivered, remembering almost getting his head blasted off by Luna. Riot looked down at the ground, crossed his arms and sighed. “And as much as I hate to admit it, I got really scared thinking I was going to die when that Celestia horse came at me.” His face then took on a slightly fearful expression. “Now that I think about it, I'm starting to think pissing them off was a really dumbass idea.” “See? Even Riot thinks this is dangerous. You said you wanted us to help you cause chaos, but with the way we are now that'll be difficult. So unless you train us, we want no part of this.” Fukakaina sternly said. Discord groaned in annoyance. “Must you be so dramatic? Ugh, I guess someone should teach you all the ropes of chaos.” He turned to see his clone slowly regain consciousness. But when he saw Fukakaina he screamed in terror and immediately disappeared in a flash. “I guess I'll do it then.” He snapped his eagle claw and the draconequi were all teleported to Discord's chaos space. They all stood on a large rock that acted as their platform. A couple of training dummies in the shape of ponies appeared. Discord turned to the group. “Now then who's first?” > Chapter Six: Training > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia was in a very bad mood. Yesterday's encounter with this mysterious band of draconequus really wasn't something she needed. For starters, her beautiful white coat and her mane were shaved off and she now has paint splotches all over. Her white feathers were now the beard on her face. Her sister wasn't faring any better now that she's dressed like a clown and has a rather inappropriate sign written on her flank. And what's more infuriating is that it won't come off no matter what they did. Even though a simple illusion spell can hide it, it doesn't change the fact they're stuck looking like this. Her mind raced back to the giraffe headed draconequus and his mocking smile and it really made her angry. “When I get my hooves on you…”  Her thoughts were interrupted when a guard came running into the throne room. He stopped and bowed to her. “Princess, I have received good news as well as… bad news.” The guard said with hesitation noticing Celestia's mood. Celestia took a deep breath to calm herself. “Good news first please.” She said, doing her best to move these bad thoughts out of her mind for now. “Yes princess.” He saluted. “The good news is the elements of harmony have arrived.” Celestia smiled. If Twilight and her friends can handle these draconequi, then everything will be better again. Especially if it means her and Luna can finally have their appearance back. “That is indeed good news, now what's the bad news?”  To this the guard gulped and began to sweat. “W-well ummm, the… fridge which contained… t-t-the cakes you…umm… wanted to eat… have… been… e-eaten…” The room went silent. Celestia remained still after hearing the bad news. “Y-your highness…?” The guard asked with fear. Celestia didn't respond. Her pupils were the size of pinpricks, her left eye began to twitch, and steam began to rise off her body. The guard began to slowly back away, afraid that the princess might explode. “What. Did. You. Say?” Celestia's voice was calm yet there was burning fury slowly rising every word. The poor guard shuddered like a leaf under Celestia's gaze but he continued. *gulp* “A-as I've s-s-said. Our unit was rescuing a maid and two other guards from shadowy tendrils made by the female draconequus in the dining hall. When finished one of us noticed plates on the table which weren't there before. Then we noticed the door leading to the kitchen was open and well….” He inhaled. “When we checked, the fridge that held your chocolate strawberry cake was nowhere *ahem* to…be found…. So it's likely possible she was the culprit behind it.” The guard covered his head with his forehooves waiting for the explosion. “I… see….” Celestia slowly said, breathing in and out. “Can you step outside for a moment, I need to… think.” Wasting no time the guard immediately ran out of the throne room in a blur. After a short while an explosion was heard in the throne room, the two guards that were stationed at the doors shuddered from fear. “I know those draconequi are our enemies, but I feel sorry for the one who ate her cakes.” The guard on the left said while his partner couldn't help but agree with him.  ~~~~~ Chaos space  “Alrighty, the first thing you four should learn is how to fight using chaos.” Discord said while pacing back and forth in a sargent uniform. “For starters, your only weapon is your imagination. So just think of a way to beat your enemy in your own unique way. Observe.” A pony guard dummy lunged itself at Discord. He snapped his eagle claw and the dummy inflated like a balloon and floated away.  Another fired a beam of magic but Discord simply caught it in his lion paw and pulled out a baseball bat and knocked it back at the dummy smashing it apart. Discord then snapped his eagle claw and geysers that exploded jelly beans on top of the dummies. The jellybeans then melted, effectively trapping them. Discord turned back to see the stunned faces of the draconequi and smirked. “Now then who wants to go first?” He asked. Riot immediately snapped out of his stunned state and cleared his throat. *ahem* “Well it's time to get my groove on.” He walked to the dummies, flashed a toothy smile and he turned to the group. “Watch, this'll be over in two-.” He didn't even have time to finish his sentence before a hoof came flying at his face and sent him flying across the field and crashing into a wall that wasn't there before. “Seconds.” He said, before falling to the ground unconscious. The others turn to see a pony dummy that resembles Celestia hovering off the ground before it landed and took a fighting stance. “Somehow, I saw that coming.” Trastorno said. “If this were an anime, he'd fall under the category of a fourth rank villain and be the first to go.” Fukakaina said while putting her tiger paw over her face. A mouse popped out of Mischief's wool carrying a small trombone and played a tune. Wha-wha-whaaaaaaa “My thoughts exactly.” Mischief said nodding in agreement. At this point the Celestia dummy fired a beam of magic towards the three causing them to jump back from getting hit. They all turned to Discord, who was casually sitting on a folding chair and drinking chocolate milk. “Aren't you at least going to give us a few pointers!?” Trastorno asked with frustration.  Discord simply shrugged. “Just fight how you want. It's more fun that way.” Before anyone could voice out more complaints, more magic blasts were fired at them. More pony dummies kept continuing to advance on the group.  “Por el amor de Dios, ¿por qué yo...?” (For God's sake, why me…?) Trastorno muttered in his language. “G-guys… they're getting closer. What do we do?” Mischief said while hiding behind Trastorno. “I don't like this anymore. I'd rather go home now.” Trastorno patted Mischief's head with comfort and reassurance. “Don’t worry, it'll be ok. We can do this.”  “He's right.” Fukakaina spoke up. “We can do this. Remember what Discord said about fighting how we want. And also back at the forest when all did all those things we did, that happened because we thought of it. Which means our only weapon is our imagination.”  Mischief thought about it for a moment. “Our imagination?”  “Watch out!!” Trastorno shouted. Mischief's and Fukakaina's gazes turned upward and saw a dragon dummy flying towards them and fired a fireball at them. The explosion knocked them off their feet and they flew in different directions. After the dust settled, Trastorno, Fukakaina, and Mischief were laying on the ground with scratches on their bodies. “Oh come on.” Discord complained. “If this is all you guys can do then I might as well find other humans to do the job.” It was then Fukakaina got up and touched her tiger paw to her throbbing head. Only to feel something was wrong. She couldn't feel her hair. Panicking, she summoned a hard mirror, when she looked at her reflection she immediately turned to stone from shock. Her purple hair was completely burned off. Trastorno and Mischief get up to see more dragon and pony guard dummies approaching them. They began firing a volley of magic beams and fireballs. Trastorno summoned a large shield to block the attacks. “Since imagination is our weapon, it's time these guys said hello to the Mexican Air force!” Trastorno was about to launch his own attack when he felt a vibration shaking his body. “What the… where's that coming from?” He patted his for the vibration until he felt something in his left leg. He somehow pulled a pocket-like flap which revealed his phone. “When did I have this… on…?” His voice trailed as he looked at his phone. His blood ran cold and sweat was literally flowing off him like a waterfall when he saw who was calling him. His mother. “Uhhh, Trastorno…?” Mischief said with concern when he notices Trastorno sweating crazily and taking his eyes off the phone. “Is something wrong?” Then all of a sudden, Trastorno grabbed Mischief's wool and opened it wide, catching him off guard. “SorryMischiefIneedtoborrowthisthankyou.” Trastorno quickly said before he immediately dove into Mischief's wool and disappeared. “I…uh…you…I…. What just happened…?” Mischief was so stunned that he didn't notice two dummies standing behind him. One of the dummies poked him on the shoulder to get his attention. When turned around it was dummy versions of Celestia and Luna. “Not this again…” ~~~~~ “¡Maldito Cristo! (Fucking christ!) Why is she calling me!? No… better yet HOW is she even calling me!?” Trastorno's mind raced as he tried to understand how his phone can make calls even across dimensions. He sighed. He would have to think about it later, right now he needed to answer his phone. “Hello mama.” “Aye what's good brother?” A different voice was on the phone. “Wait? José?” “Yup.” “What are you doing using my mom's phone?” “Oh well, just some bad luck. See what happened was I was on my way to get some new light bulbs for my bathroom cause just yesterday they went out on me so I thought ‘looks like I'll have to go shopping tomorrow’ and so tomorrow came and I went to the car and drove to the store to get new light bulbs. And as I was driving there were cops chasing a guy on a motorcycle and I was like ‘whoa I wonder what he did’ and then…” “José!” “Whoop, sorry I prattled on too much. Anyway, the bottom line is that my car broke down. Luckily I was near the neighborhood where your mom lived and I asked her if I could use her phone to call a tow truck cause I left my phone at home. But funny thing, I guess I called the wrong number because you answered it. Soooooooooooo, sorry wrong number.” “Wait hold on, you can't just call me on my mom's phone and just-.” *beep beep beep* “Did he just….” Trastorno was just staring at his phone where the call ended for a few seconds before putting his leopard paw against his face and groaned. “Someone remind me why I'm still friends with this guy.” He put his phone away and breathed a sigh of relief. “Well at least it was nothing serious.” It was then he felt another vibration from his phone again. He picked it up and it revealed a text message.  >Oh yeah, I almost forgot to tell you.  It turns out the the mall you were working at had major problems with the plumbing what with someone clogging up the toilets. Can't imagine someone doing that much damage. Anyway, if were you I'd start finding another job soon because that place won't be opening up again anytime soon. Talk to you later. Bye 😉 After the message, Trastorno grabbed his ears and began pulling them furiously until his face ripped apart showing off his skull. “FUCKING WHHHHHHY!!!???” He shouted into the seemingly endless fuzzy red void.  ~~~~~ The ground trembled and flames were burning wildly as broken dummies lay on the ground, some struggling to get back up only to be stepped on by a giant zebra hoof. The hoof belonged to Fukakaina who was now a flaming giant with two devil horns on her head and eyes that scream “destroy everything”. The multitude of dragon dummies kept attempting to defeat the rampaging draconequus, only to be blasted out of the sky by her fire breath. At the same time Mischief was hiding behind the wall that Riot crashed into. And Riot was still unconscious. “Come on Theo don't be a wuss. You chose this life because you wanted to escape your old one, you have the power to do that, so use it.” Mischief was trying to motivate himself. He looked at his mismatched hands and he had a look of determination. Then his wool suddenly opened up and Trastorno came out of it. “Umm, were you finished in there?” Mischief asked. “I really don't want to talk about it right now.” Trastorno said, his voice laced with irritation and a hint of anger and disappointment. “Oh, ok then.”  The ground shook again and a loud demonic scream bellowed out. Trastorno looked over the wall to see Fukakaina as a flaming giant. He wasn't even reacting to the scene unfolding before him. “So what did I miss?” He asked. “Oh well right after you left I got chase by the dummy versions of the princesses, then Fukakaina suddenly turned into *points to Fukakaina* that, and she managed to get them off me. And she started to wild on the dummies, breaking them, burning them, and even bit their heads off.” He shuddered at that memory. “I see……. Well I hope she doesn't mind sharing.” Mischief was about to ask what he meant before Trastorno snapped his bear claw and a fighter jet appeared. He climbed into the cockpit and flew off towards the destruction and let out a scream of fury as he fired bullets and rockets at the dummies.  “Huh. I guess everyone's got their own way of expressing their anger.”  “Ugh… my face….” A voice from below caught Mischief's attention. He looks down the wall and sees Riot regaining consciousness. “Ahh… my face man that fucking hurt like hell.” He held a wolf paw to his hurting face. “D-dude, what even hit me?” He looks at the destruction happening in front of him. “And what's going on here!?” He asked. Mischief responded by taking a deep breath inflating his chest like a balloon. And he began to answer. “Well after you got knocked out we got attacked by the Celestia dummy that hit you and more showed up so we started running, then Discord said to just fight how we want and that gave us some ideas until a big dragon dummy attacked with a fireball and it exploded sending us flying, we were hurt and it looked like Fukakaina's hair got burned off during the explosion and when she noticed she turned to stone, then all the dummies attacked us but Trastorno put a shield to protect us, but then all of a sudden he grabs my wool and he just left us, to make these worse I got jumped by the dummy versions of the princesses and I smacked them with a larger piano and I ran away, but I got blocked by those dragons and those dummies broke out the piano and was surrounded. I thought I was finished, that's when I felt a terrifying chill in the air, I turned around and I saw Fukakaina burst into flames like she did in the forest when she got mad but they were more intense. And that look in her eyes….” Mischief deflated and gulped nervously. “I actually don't even want to tell you about it. Anyway, she became huge and started destroying every dummy she saw and I hid behind the wall you smashed into. Discord decided to make more dummies come more endlessly because he wanted to keep things interesting. Not long after Trastorno finally finished whatever he needed to do and came back but he didn't look happy. I told him the situation and he made a jet appear and he also attacked the dummies. And that's when you woke up to ask me what's happening.” Mischief concluded the explanation. Riot got up from his position and he growled while clenching his fists in frustration. “Grrr, I can't believe this. It's bad enough that I get one-shot like a weak ass fifth rate villain but now I'm being outshined like it's nothing.” “Well I mean you were pretty cool when you saved me back at the castle.” Mischief attempted to cheer up Riot. “Maybe, but I'm pretty sure when that Celestia horse came at me, I freaked out because I didn't know what to do. But now I do. Because from now on, I won't let anything surprise me.” He snapped his dragon claw and a barrier formed around him, it disappeared shortly after. Then he smiled. “Alright, now it's time to show you I'm made of.” He launched himself up high in the air and looked down at the battlefield. He closed his eyes, when he opened them they were completely black while his left eye glowed orange. He also donned on an orange jacket with a hoodie just to match what he was looking for. “Siri, play some cool boss music on full blast.” “Ok, playing cool boss music.” Speakers materialized from behind and began playing the requested music. At the same time numerous gaster blasters also appeared and rained down lasers at the dummies. “And I ain't doing one speck of damage with these.” Riot said, trying to make his voice sound chilling. A pegasus guard dummy tried to sneak up on him and stab him with its spear. However the barrier Riot conjured earlier appeared and blocked the attack. He turned around and smirked at the dummy. “Not this time bitch.” He raised his hawk foot and kicked at the barrier which extended into a foot and it kicked away the dummy.  He shifted his attention towards Fukakaina still smashing the dummies and he had an idea. He teleported to where she was, enlarged his wolf arm and tapped Fukakaina's shoulder getting her attention.  “What is it!?” She asked, still feeling angry about her hair loss. “Why don't we have another competition, whoever can break more dummies gets bragging rights for a whole month. Sound fun?” Riot offered. Fukakaina thought about it and smiled mischievously. “You can just consider those rights mine because I'm far ahead of you.” “Lucky for me I'm gonna catch up.” No sooner did he say that, a large storm cloud appeared overhead. A tornado formed and sucked all the dummies into the vortex. This also however sucked up the plane Trastorno was piloting. His screams were lost in the violent winds. “Oh crap!!” Riot said. Luckily, Trastorno managed to teleport out of there while clutching his head from dizziness.  “Sorry!” Riot apologized and turned to the storm cloud. “And now be amazed!” He exclaimed as he clapped his mismatched hands together and the storm cloud generated purple lightning, completely destroying the dummies inside. He turned to Fukakaina, who returned to her normal state, and flashed a cocky smile. “How's that for catching up?” “Not bad I'll give you that.” Fukakaina complemented. She noticed the dummies respawning again. “But I'd say… this is how you clear enemies.” She raised her mismatched hands in the air and was about to do another anime themed attack when a voice came from behind them. “Have no fear citizens!” Riot and Fukakaina turn around to see Mischief floating above them. Not only that, he was wearing a light purple superhero costume. The gloves and boots were dark purple, two c's were on his chest, a cape matching his gloves, and a mask covering his eyes. “For these evildoers shall feel the might of Captain Chaos!!” He announced before shooting himself towards the enormous crowd of pony dummies. He landed on the with a powerful force that sent the surrounding dummies flying. He reached into his wool and pulled out a massive mallet and spun around smashing the dummies into splintering bits. He threw the mallet away which also smashed a few dummies along the way. He looked around and the dummies that hadn't been destroyed were advancing towards him. He grabbed the ground as if it were made of rubber and flew upwards stretching the ground along with it. He then rocketed back down and made large ripples flinging the dummies into the air once again.  Then the dummies were then blasted by a blue beam. Everyone turned to see a giant mecha version of Trastorno with its bear arm extended and a cannon in the palm. Mischief was not happy having his targets snatched just like that, so he flew towards the mecha Trastorno. “Hey I had them! Find your own baddies!” He shouted angrily. The mecha Trastorno placed his leopard paw behind his head. “Whoops sorry about that, didn't mean to butt in.” He apologized. Mischief continued to narrow his eyes. “How about this, after this I'll take you to Mexico to eat?” Trastorno suggested. Mischief's eyes widened. “You promise?” He asked. Trastorno nodded. “Ok then I forgive you.” Mischief said happily. “Hey, if food is involved then count me in.” Riot said. He floated towards the duo followed by Fukakaina. “Hope you don't mind taking a plus two.” Fukakaina said. “Ehhh why not I guess, the more the merrier.” Trastorno said. “Then let's get back to the party, because there's bragging rights with my name on them.” Riot said and he flew to resume fighting the dummies. “Over my dead body they are.” Fukakaina said before flying after Riot. Trastorno and Mischief both looked at each other wondering what bragging rights they were talking about. They both shrugged and followed after them. While they were continuing their training, Discord was far-off in the distance observing them. “Ahhh they grow up so fast.” He said, wiping a tear from his eye.  > Chapter Seven: Our worlds > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The group of draconequus were laying on the ground with exhaustion. They spent hours practicing their magic against the dummy opponents to the point where they were beginning to get the hang of using their imagination when needed. The level of training got more intense when different varieties of creatures appeared ranging from manticores, griffons, hydras, timberwolves, and occasionally cosmic bears.  The next group of dummies appeared once again. Riot attempted to snap his fingers to do something but his thumb and middle finger both deflated from overuse. “God damnit…” He muttered. The others tried to do the same, but ended up with different results. Trastorno's fingers crumbled and broke, Fukakaina's fingers melted, and Mischief was about to snap his fingers but the throbbing pain made him decide against it. It was then Discord decided to appear and made all the dummies disappear. He clapped his mismatched hands. “Well done, very well done. I must say that was quite the interesting show. Seems I made the right call by choosing you guys.”  “Fuck you…, you could've picked up… any random humans and… you'd say the same thing… to them.” Fukakaina said with tired ire.  “Maybe, but who can say?” Discord sarcastically asked. “Anyway, now that you've gotten a real good grasp at chaos, it's time for the next step.” He snapped his eagle claw and the scene changed to a white void. “WORLD BUILDING!!” He shouted into the nothingness. “While you four were busy honing your skills, I took the liberty of making four separate dimensions for you all to put whatever you want in here.” Trastorno: “Wait a minute….” Fukakaina: “...where….” Riot: “...are….” Mischief: “...the others?” “I told you, I made you all separate dimensions so naturally I'd put you all in your own worlds.”  “Ok that makes sense.” Riot said. “So I'm supposed to put whatever I want in here?” Fukakaina asked. “This whole thing is your canvas, so you're the artist. So have fun.” Discord said. “Wait where are you going?” Trastorno asked. “I've got very important errands I need to run so I can't stick around, but I'll be back to check how your world is progressing. So with that, I bid you farewell.” With a pop, Discord disappeared. Mischief floated in place. “I get to put whatever I want in here.” He then began to squeal with joy. “Eeeeeeeee!! This is so exciting!!” He paused. Then the same question hung in everyone's mind. Trastorno/Fukakaina/Riot/Mischief: “What world should I make?” ~~~~~ Trastorno's void Trastorno scratches his head in thought. Building an entire world seems rather difficult now that he thinks about it. But building a world was the least of his worries right now. He was basically out of a job at the moment thanks to his little “mishap” in the toilets. “Hmmm, while I can literally make money out of nothing, I'd rather not be a lazy bum. But I guess until I can find another job I'll just conjure up some money to pay my bills and the rent.” Then another Trastorno appeared, making him reel back from shock. “But then after we're finished with the building, are we just supposed to live here or something?” The double asked. “What if someone from back home wonders where we are if we aren't there?” Trastorno calmed his beating heart. “Ok first of all, please never do that again. And second, I mean if something goes wrong back in our world and we might end up getting kicked out, which I hope doesn't happen, we could always come here and stay here for while we find a new place to live. And plus, it might be a good place to get away for a while.”  The double nodded his head in agreement. “You make a good point. Then again I'm you so I would know too.” Trastorno chuckled at that. “Yeah I guess so. So what should we start off with?” The double pondered this for a moment. “Well I remember when I was a kid I've always wanted to live among the clouds. It was a silly thought, but now.” He snapped his leopard paw and the white void was replaced with endless cloudy skies. Trastorno and the double both stared in awe and amazement at the new shift in environment.  “This is incredible….”  “Yeah but now what are you going to put in here?” “Good question, hmmmm……… well for starters a foundation.” “Ok, how about a floating island?” He snapped his fingers and an enormous rocky island appeared. “So what's next?” “Let's give it grassy plains.” The entire surface of the island turned green in an instant. “And how about some mountains on the side?” Mountains began to rise at his command with a river flowing out of them. “A forest in the middle of it?” “Even better, a jungle.” With a gesture of his fingers, a dense forest grew rapidly. Some trees overtower others in either size or length. “And now for the animals.” He was about to create the animals when his double stopped him. “Wait a minute. Don't you think maybe we could put something more interesting?” The double asked. “What are you saying?” Trastorno asked with confusion. “Well we're still the same person… or draconequus in this case, so you should know what I'm saying.”  “Well… how about instead of regular animals, we make plant people?”  “Alright, let's go with that.” The double snapped his fingers and packets containing various seeds appeared in his hands. The two floated down to the now jungle island and began planting the seeds. They watched as numerous different kinds of plant creatures sprouted out the ground. Few have humanoid appearances and were made up of tree bark or vines that were either covered with moss or other things, some were giant flowers with eyeballs in the center or with faces, some looking friendly while others looked terrifying. The animals were plant based as well. Such as tortoises with rocky shells that have various vegetation growing, mushrooms with tentacles, birds with leaves on their heads, etc. The jungle island becomes more lively with each new life. Trastorno was pleased with his work. He took a little stroll through his jungle and admired his handy work. He extended his bear arm and a vine reached out and gently wrapped around his paw. He smiled at the gesture. This was his creation and it was from his imagination so one question came to his mind. “What else can I put in?” ~~~~~ Fukakaina's void  Fukakaina was sitting in a floating recliner chair. She was deep in thought about what would be her world. She took a sip of juice she summoned and sighed. “This is harder than I thought.” She leaned back on her recliner chair, she pulled out her phone and began searching. “If I can't think of what to do, then the internet should give me the inspiration I need.” She browsed through the internet for anything she could use. She stopped at a picture that has a beautiful night sky. She looked at the picture with some thought, then took a few glances at other night skies. After a few seconds she nodded. She snapped her tiger claw and the surroundings changed to a starry night sky. The stars had different colors and the sky also had streaks of colors glide across the horizon. “It's more beautiful than I thought.” Fukakaina said, admiring the sky. With a swing of her raccoon dog arm she caused the stars around her to scatter. She waved her finger and the stars began to swirl at her command. She moved them to form different shapes, she shaped them into letters that spell “Himiko rocks ❤ ️.” She shaped them into a buff man flexing his cosmic muscles. The buff man then shifted into a small butterfly which flew towards Fukakaina and landed on her nose. She giggled. She gently blew the butterfly back into a cluster of stars. She sat back on her chair and continued to browse the internet for ideas. Then she remembered something.  As a child, her parents took her to the beach for their family vacation. When it turns night she remembered how the moon reflected off the waters making it mesmerizing. “And now the mesmerizing scene will be here.” She snapped her fingers and below her water began to appear and stretched across the endless night world. She stepped onto the water like it was solid ground making ripples as she walked. The moon appeared above the sky shining its blue light upon the reflective water. She wanted to see what the bottom of the water looked like so she took a deep breath and drove her head into the water.  That resulted in her face being smacked against the water making it really feel like solid ground. “God… fuck!!” She exclaimed with pain. She rubbed her face. She stared at the water with a comical red vein appearing on her head. “Ok, let's try that again.” She placed her tiger paw on the water, she concentrated and her paw started to sink into the water. This time she managed to dive underwater to see the other side. And on the side was just more water. She swam back to the surface and the ideas started to form in her head. “Alright, let's do this.” She stated. Then she snapped her fingers. ~~~~~ Mischief's void Mischief floated in his white void having trouble thinking of what and where to start with building his world. His eyes were showing static like on a TV screen. He was drooling without even realizing it. “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh…” Inside his head, a light bulb was flickering on and off due to the difficulty coming trying to think of something. It was then the mouse Mischief picked up in a hurried frenzy back at the royal garden poked its head out having heard Mischief's constant uhing. It leapt out its wooly abode and landed in front of Mischief's face. It waved its arms to get his attention. Nothing. It climbed to his ear and whistled. Still nothing. Frustrated, the mouse went into his wool. A few minutes later, the mouse came out with a trumpet in its tiny paws. Taking a deep breath it blew on the trumpet making a surprisingly loud sound. Mischief was startled at the noise flailing his arms and legs around before instinctively saluting. He blinked a few times and realized it was his mouse companion snapping him out of his little trance. “Uhh hehe, sorry about that. Sometimes I tend to space out when I'm trying to think.” He apologized, scratching the back of his head. The mouse huffed in response. “Really though, I have no idea where to start.” He crossed his arms and closed his eyes in deep thought. His face scrunched up trying to think. Smoke started coming out of his ears from the strain until his head exploded. The mouse recoiled in shock and surprise. There was black smoke billowing from where his head was.  The mouse shook from fear and sadness thinking Mischief had died. That was until his arms were grasping where his head exploded. The body flailed its arms and legs around, freaking out having lost its head. The mouse shrieked in terror and passed out. The body pulled out a water canister and poured water on itself. Mischief's head immediately grew like a flower. “Well that was an experience….” He muttered. A flower sprouted out of his wool followed by more flowers until his wool was full of them. He shook the flowers out of him and they flew in several directions. “But I did think of what I want to do. You're going to… oh?” He took notice of the passed out mouse, he floated over and nudged its sides but to no avail. “Huh……must've been tired and wanted to sleep. Oh well, I can just surprise you when you wake up then.” He put the mouse back in his wool and snapped his monkey fingers.  The area beneath him turned into a multi-colored paper checkered patterned ground that stretched for endless miles, Mischief touched down on the ground and spinned in place. He looked up and pointed his finger at the white sky and fired a blue ball made of paint and it exploded turning the entire sky blue. He took out a paint brush and paint buckets, cracked his mismatched fingers and went straight to work. ~~~~~ Riot's void. Riot was leaning against a wall he conjured up with his mismatched arms folded and his eagle foot against the wall. He was very silent after Discord told him he could put whatever he wanted in his space. He smiled, then his smile grew larger revealing his sharp teeth. Then he chuckled until it turned into full blown laughter. “YEAH BABY!! WHOOOO, WHOOOO, WHOOOO, AHAHAHAHA!!” He screamed with joy at the idea that his dream world would now be a reality. “I think this calls for something special.” He summoned an 80-foot tall high dive and climbed the ladder while still having a crazed smile on his face.  Upon reaching the diving board Riot stepped towards the edge with swagger in his step. Before he made the jump, he acted giddy and his legs quickly moved up and down. “Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *ahem.*” After his mini celebration he proceeded to jump off the high dive, spin in the air, and dive straight down. As he plummeted he winded his dragon fist and it burst into flames. “FUCK YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!” When he reached the supposed bottom a huge explosion was made. The flames created a red rocky ground as it stretched across the void, creating a vast looking wasteland. The earth shook and a mountain rose from the ground extending to the now dark skies. Riot stood at the top of a cliff with his arms behind his back. He raised his wolf paw muttering one word. “Arise.” And snapped his fingers. A bunch of hands bursted out of the ground and out crawled various monsters: goblins, orcs, skeletons, large dragons, giant worms, rock golems, etc.  They all turned to look at their creator and they bowed.  “All hail lord Riot!!” They all cheered. Riot was grinning madly at all the praise and glory, but inside his mind he was crying tears of joy. “I can now die a happy man.” ~~~~~ Discord's chaos space Discord sat in his usual chaos space looking at Equestria through a mirror. He watched as the ponies went about their usual lives. To anyone this was peaceful. But to Discord, “Look at those ponies so happy and cheerful, not a care in the world. It's so nice, so beautiful, so… dreadfully boring.” He slumped in his seat. “Can't understand why anyone would live like this, honestly I give these ponies what real excitement is about and turning me to stone is how they thank me?” His frown curled up into a smile. “Well, no matter.” The image shifted to show the elements of harmony and princess Celestia. Most definitely talking about the humans turned draconequi that came to rescue him. “Don’t worry ‘my friends’ you may have beaten me once, but my new companions will show you a new found chaos you'll all enjoy.” As he was talking, Celestia suddenly vanished from the throne room leaving the mane six utterly shocked. This action also surprised Discord.  He made the mirror locate Celestia and to his shock and amusement he found both Celestia and Luna in Ponyville completely like how Riot made them. The surrounding ponies were aghast seeing their princesses in such inappropriate fashion. Parents were shielding their foal’s eyes from the scene before them. Others couldn't stop staring and had perverted looks on their faces. The princesses were absolutely horrified at the current situation and tried teleporting away, however they found it to be impossible since it looked like they couldn't make their horns glow. Panicking, they resorted to flying but an invisible force field kept them from doing so. Meaning they were trapped. Discord fell back on his chair laughing non stop at the princesses’ misfortune. “Hoooo that boy's got boldness, I love it” He shifted the image to see Riot's chaos space. The landscape was a red rock wasteland and in the sky the sun looked eclipsed. In it lay a large bustling city having a medieval but also a modern style to it. Its inhabitants were various creatures moving about their lives. In the center of the city was a huge castle that looked like it would belong to a demon lord. Inside, the castle had more creatures wearing armor and carrying weapons wandering through the castle. The mirror found Riot in a throne room laughing at a projection screen. It also showed the current conditions of the princesses which he was the culprit. He snapped his wolf paw and began munching on some chips. “Interesting world you've made.” Discord complemented. “The evil castle is a nice looking touch. And those creatures, some looking quite menacing.” The sky suddenly lit up and like a TV screen, it showed the princesses’ current predicament. The inhabitants stopped what they were doing and began watching the screen and they all started laughing. “And I see they have a great sense of humor too.” Discord chuckled. “Hmmm. Let's see how the other's worlds are faring.” The mirror split into four and it showed the worlds of the other draconequi.  Trastorno's world has open skies with floating islands. One island in particular was a massive tropical jungle with a giant tree in the center. Upon closer inspection, inside the leaves of the tree live beings made up of wood and vines were living in tree houses. They moved around by growing flowers on their heads and they acted as propellers to fly. Down at the base of the island everything was like a normal jungle. However it seems more plant people live there along with plant animals. In the distance of the jungle island, there is a large body of water floating around. Inside was a large ball made of rock with holes. Fish swam in and out of the holes and even more some swam out of the water and floated in the open air. There were other floating islands as well. Some were made of clouds, a snowy winter land, industrial landscapes, and regular floating rocks. Discord noticed on one of the clouds was a lone house. It was a gray colored single story house. There was nothing special the house had, it looked like a regular old house.  “Well, besides the house everything else looks nice. Though it looks like its creator is nowhere to be seen.” He shifted the image to find Trastorno. The mirror showed Trastorno back in the human world in his human form. He was back in his apartment where he and Discord met. He seems to be talking to a chubby man wearing a brown button shirt, shorts and sandals. They seem to be talking about something. “Hello Alejandro, I'm here to collect the money from the month you were supposed to pay. And need I remind you I gave you a warning.” The man said. “Uhhh yeah, gimme one second.” Alejandro said. He closed the door behind him and ran to his room. With no one watching, he snapped his fingers and a large wad of cash appeared in his left hand while a white envelope appeared in his right hand. He placed the money in the envelope and ran back to the door. He handed the money to the man. “Here you go, this should cover the payment I couldn't pay last time.” The man looked at the money with wide eyes. He wasn't expecting the whole payment, but with confirmation he took the money and left. Alejandro closed the door and sighed in relief. “Oh, gracias Dios. (Oh thank you God.) Or Discord I suppose.” “Well at least he's grateful.” Discord said. “Now then, let's check on the other two.” He glanced at another mirror and it was a sight to behold. Fukakaina's world consists of a night sky with a moon that shines its blue light and a city. The roads were made of water but cars were able to drive on them. There were also cars that flew in the air as well as flying spaceships. The city itself looked futuristic and large buildings with neon lights. Yellow blocks with question marks on them were everywhere, there were also green pipes all over the city and gray boxes with pictures of gold rings. In the sky, lines were lit up and they connected to each other like a circuit board. The inhabitants were also interesting. Walking short mushroom people, mechanical beings from large to medium and small, humans with animal features, different animals with superpowers, green jellyfish looking creatures with three red orbs in them floating around, people with big hair and swords.  “Wow she really went all in with style didn't she.” Discord was impressed. He found Fukakaina on top of one of the buildings sitting in another recliner chair. She looked like she was talking to someone on her phone and the look on her face tells she's nervous about something. “Oh heeeeeey, how are you doing?” ……… “Where am I? Well I'm………*gets up and paces back and forth* uhhhhh at…at… my mom's house yeah!” ……… “Nervous? Well it's because we had a… uhhhh… f-family meeting that's right.”  ……… “Well no it's because uhhh, she needed me to watch over her prized… oven.” She face palmed and mouthed out the words “Oh my god.” ……… “Well you know how moms can be, you can never understand them.” ……… “Saturday? No I shouldn't be busy, why? ……… “A new restaurant? What's it like?” ……… Wow, the food there must be delicious.” ……… “New kind of cake!? Oh you bet all the jewelry in your house I'll be there! *ahem* I mean, I'll be there.” ……… “See you later.” She hangs up the phone. She collapsed back on the chair. “Oh man, last thing I want is anyone finding out about this. But a prized oven was the best excuse you could come up with?” She groaned. “Well I thought it was funny.” Discord said, even though he knew Fukakaina couldn't hear him. He laughed at her poor attempt at lying.  Fukakaina felt a tinge of anger. “Why do I feel like someone is mocking me?” Discord glanced at the last mirror which showed Mischief's world and this one peaked his interest. Mischief's world is definitely something a child like him would be like. The floor had tiles with multiple colors. Blocks with the same multi-colored look were scattered everywhere. Trees that grew different kinds of foods like burgers, pizzas, pies, burritos, etc. Rivers and lakes filled with apple juice. A sun wearing sunglasses. Houses with human legs walking around. Flowers making conversations with toy animals. A giant hairy creature picking food off one of the trees and eating them.  Discord noticed Mischief under one of the trees eating a large bowl of spaghetti and meatballs. His mouse companion was eating a big block of cheese which gave it a full stomach. Mischief burped and sighed happily. “This is the life I could only have in my dreams, and now I'm happy it's real.” He turned to the mouse. “So what else should we add…umm… actually I just realized you don't have a name.” The mouse looked up at him and nodded, confirming his thought.  “Ok then, how does Mr cheese sound?” The mouse frowned at him. “No? Ok what about Mr… wait… you are a boy right…?” The mouse narrowed its eyes and growled slightly. “Oh.” Mischief sat there with a dumbfounded expression before bowing his head and apologized. “I'm sorry, I didn't know.” The mouse pondered for a moment before squeaking something he somehow understood but didn't question it. “Really? *sighs in relief* thank you.” The mouse nodded.  “Ok so let's just call you cheese, because you like eating cheese.” The mouse thought about it, but shook its head. “No huh? Hmmmm, what about Alice?” The mouse scrunched its face in thought. It shrugged and decided it would be called Alice. “Ok then, Alice it is then.” He grabbed the bowl and ate all the spaghetti in it. “Ok, break over.” He snapped his monkey fingers and the cheese disappeared much to Alice's disappointment. “You’ve eaten enough for today, we still got work to do.” He picked up Alice and put her his wool. “Now what do you say we put green clouds that rain soda?” Discord marveled at Mischief's world. “I definitely love this one the most. It has that childish charm to it.” He chuckled. He looked at the rest of the world's made by the draconequi. “The human mind really is a mysterious and chaotic thing indeed. I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner.” He noticed Riot placing what looked like green bombs that had a skull on them all around Ponyville completely undetected. “Oooooooo, looks like our natural born prankster isn't done yet.” He snapped his lion paw and a bag of popcorn appeared. This was going to be hilarious. > Chapter Eight: A riot of fun > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moments earlier  In an evil black throne room, a teenager sat comfortably in his throne chair reading text messages on his phone. He still remembered to keep in touch with his friends during their summer break. Group chat > Dudes! I just got the new Pokémon trading card game! > That's cool. I'm being forced to go to my sister's clarinet recital tonight. 😩 > Oof, that sucks. I'm just sitting in my room doing nothing, so yeah. Well I'm about to do some prank < attacks on some girls in my neighborhood.  > Be careful then, if you get caught they'll beat the ever living shit out of you. 😰 Don't worry guys. *evil smile* They won't< know what hit them. 😈 Wish me luck. 😁 Tyson left group chat. Tyson put his phone away and got up from his throne. “Now then.” He snapped his fingers and a ring of black flames appeared at his feet. However a knock from nearby reached his ears. He turned around to see a portal leading to his room in the human world. Another knock on the door, it was his grandpa. “Tyson, are you in there?” His grandpa asked. Tyson immediately rushed through the portal and closed it behind him. “Uhh yeah I'm here.” He said. He opened the door to face his grandpa. “Ok, well I'm heading out to the store to buy some more prune juice. Because those burritos at Taco Bell weren't sitting right. Now I might be gone in a few hours, can I trust you to behave yourself and not go anywhere while I'm gone ?”  “I promise grandpa, I'll be right here.”  “Alright then, bye now.”  “Bye.” He closed the door. He waited until his grandpa left in his car and drove off. When the coast was clear he opened the portal to his world and walked in with a devilish grin on his face. “And while you do that….” The black flames appeared at his feet again this time enveloping him completely. When he walked out of the flames he was in his draconequus form and wearing a green jacket with red flame marks. “...a bunch of horses are in need of a good pranking smackdown.” He drew a square in the air with both his fingers and three screens appeared showing a multitude of camera screens from his world, the human world, and of course Equestria. He tapped on the screen for the Equestria and the screen enlarged itself. He watched as all the ponies went about their lives. “Good thing I remembered putting spy eye cameras all over the place, now no one will be spared from me. But geez, looking at this place in the daytime makes my eyes feel like they're barfing rainbows.” He sat back on his throne and tried to think of what pranks to do. “Hmm, I could go for a rotten egg rain. Or I could put laxatives in their food. Oooooor… they should have a taste of the classic Henderson stink bombs, yeah those never fail me.” He summoned a green bomb and tossed it up and down in his dragon claw. “Get ready to get stinky horses. But first… a little royal hello for horsey town… or whatever they call it.” He flashed his evil smile. Canterlot royal castle The doors to the throne room opened revealing Twilight and her friends. Any upsetting thoughts Celestia had on her mind went away for the time being when she saw her student. “P-princess Celestia, are you ok?” Twilight asked, her face etched with worry. “For the most part I'm fine.” Celestia reassured. Her face turned serious. “However there are more pressing matters at hoof.” “Discord and these mysterious draconequi.” Twilight answered. “Goodness, we already dealt with that ruffian Discord but now there's four like him.” Rarity said. “I don't get it, I thought Discord was the only draconequus here.” Rainbow Dash said. “That's what we all believed.” Celestia said. “Last night Luna had informed me one of her guards spotted a draconequus roaming around the gardens. At first I was confused since we only knew Discord to be the only draconequus, however I was proven wrong when we encountered this draconequus.” Her horn glowed and showed a projection of Mischief. “This guy? But he looks like a kid.” Rainbow said in confusion. “Awww, he looks so cute.” Fluttershy said. “U-umm, f-for a draconequus.” “At first we didn't know what to think of him since he looked so frightened by us so we attempted conversation, however he responded by attacking us with a piano.” The elements gasped. “Well that doesn't sound very nice.” Pinky said. “Whenever I meet new ponies I never think of hurting them.” Celestia continued. “We managed to corner him and we demanded him to tell us where he hid Discord. That's when….” She fell silent. “Princess?” Twilight asked with worry. Celestia gritted her teeth in silent anger. “...he appeared.” She showed a projection of Riot. Twilight could tell that this draconequus was trouble. “This feller don't look too friendly.” Applejack said. “You said it AJ, he looks like a total jerk.” Rainbow said. Despite the anger she feels Celestia continued. “He appeared out of nowhere and took control of Luna and made her his personal ride.” More gasps. “He WHAT!?” Twilight shouted in disbelief.  “Another one appeared soon after and heavily injured the guards.” She showed a projection of Fukakaina. “She used a strong attack against them. Many of them are in the medical room being treated, unfortunately some of them are still unconscious. I clashed with that draconequus and managed to take her down.” She sighed again. “That's when the one who mind controlled my sister used her to attack.” Another collection of gasps. “Immediately he decided to humiliate Luna by dressing her up as a clown.” “A CLOWN!!?” Rarity exclaimed. “That is the worst…possible thing. And to Princess Luna! If I ever see that… that…oooooo!!” She steamed. At the same time others also voiced their not so pleasant opinions on Riot. “And when I attempted to free my sister, I was stopped by the last draconequus.” She showed one last projection showing Trastorno. “I assume he is their leader since he attempted to make peace with everything happening.” “After all the trouble they caused, how could he even think of making peace?” Twilight muttered with a hint of venom. “After encountering these draconequi, I prepared myself to fight them all. Unfortunately I was rendered unconscious, and when I woke up, thankfully though still dressed as a clown my sister was returned to normal. However Discord was already gone and also…” She lifted her forehoof, lit her horn to reveal part of the “makeover”.  Twilight’s mouth hung open when she saw what happened to her mentor’s beautiful fur. (Twilight.exe has stopped working)  “No matter what we do, we can't seem to get rid of…this.” Celestia put the illusion spell back on her forehoof. “While we don't know what relation Discord has with these draconequi but we do know this, while these draconequi are powerful, they seem to lack experience.” “Lack experience? Ya reckon these varmints don't know how to use their magic?” Applejack asked. “It's what we assume to be the case since most of them used unknown methods to fight. Regardless, we must be cautious. We're not sure what their goal is, but if they're working alongside Discord then they may be dangerous to handle.” Unbeknownst to everypony in the room, a strange creature was watching them. The creature was small, had a round body with a large green eye, two tiny horns on its head, bat wings and small tentacles. It was completely invisible so nopony could see it. As it turns out, this little creature is a surveillance camera and it's revealed that Riot was observing everything from his throne room. “Then how about I show you.” Riot said with an evil smile and he snapped his fingers.  All of a sudden, Celestia's viewpoint went white in a flash of light. And in the next second she was in ponyville surrounded by ponies. “W-what… what the…!?” She exclaimed in shock.  “Sister!?” Celestia quickly turned and found Luna had also been teleported here. She gasped when she noticed Luna was dressed as a clown again. Luna gasped even more when she saw Celestia. Celestia noticed her gaze and she was alarmed when she saw that the spell she casted on herself was removed. But what really made her heart sink was the fact that many ponies were watching them. Many were staring with their mouths agape. Parents were shielding their foal’s eyes. And some had perverted looks and conveniently had cameras. “Nononononono!!” Celestia's mind was in a panic, the last thing she needed was this. “Sister my horn refuses to work!” Luna said with panic. When she heard this Celestia also tried to use her magic, however her horn wouldn't even give off a spark. This wasn't good. She noticed more ponies gathering around them and staring mainly at her. One thing ran through her mind, they needed to get out of here. “Luna, we need to leave NOW!!” Celestia shouted. She raised her wings to fly, only to realize her feathers weren't on her wings but made up her fake beard. A loud thunk was heard from behind her. She turned to see Luna sprawled on the ground with stars circling her head. She noticed ripples around them and she guessed the worst. She reached out a hoof and sure enough there was a barrier trapping them. She desperately banged against the barrier trying to break it but showed no signs of breaking. While she struggled with the barrier, from a distance a familiar giraffe headed creature stuck from behind a building. He stifled a laugh. “You two have fun now.” He walked out into the open completely invisible to the ponies and. “Now then, time for some fun of my own. But first, I better deal with some pests.” He disappeared in a combustion of black flames. ~~~ Back at the castle  “Princess Celestia!?” Twilight shouted. The others were shocked when Celestia suddenly disappeared.  “What happened!? Where did she go!?” Rainbow Dash asked.  “Oh she's fine, just hanging around.” A voice said from behind. Everypony turned to the direction of the voice, it was the same giraffe headed draconequus Celestia warned them about standing at the doors. Twilight took a step back at the draconequus's sudden appearance. Applejack and Rainbow both took fighting stances. Fluttershy hid behind Rarity. Rarity was repulsed by Riot's tacky taste in clothing with that jacket. And Pinky got her party cannon ready. “Y-you're one of the draconequi the princesses encountered.” Twilight spoke up. “In the flesh.” Riot pointed a wolf thumb at himself and smiled. “The name's Riot, and this place is about to be my new pranking grounds.” “In your dreams pal!” Rainbow shouted. “We beat the likes of Discord and we'll do the same to you!” “Why don't you come over here and say that to my face you gay-ass pride month looking bird horse.” He stuck his middle finger at her. Rainbow was taken aback by the insult, that shock quickly turned to anger at the insulting provocation. She was about to launch herself at him when she felt a tug at her tail. “Whoa there Dash, he's just tranna to make you madder than a hornet.” Applejack said with Rainbow's tail in her teeth.  Riot looked at her with displeasure. “Pfff killjoy….” He muttered. Twilight stepped forward. “You four draconequi may have freed Discord, but we'll stop you all and we'll make you pay for insulting the princesses.” She stated. “Ok, but before you do I have one question to ask you. Do you know the one difference between me and Discord?” He asked. “Oh oh oh pick me pick!” Pinky raised her hoof up wanting to be called. Riot pointed a finger at her. “Yes, the one whose hair looks like cotton candy.” “Is it because you're not really a draconequus but actually became one because of Discord?” She guessed with an innocent smile. The room went silent as everyone stared at Pinky. Even Rainbow Dash stopped struggling to break free of Applejack's grip. Riot flinched and his face was sweating bullets. “How in the actual FUCK did she guess that!!!? Is she some kind of psychic??? I can't be exposed like this, at least not yet anyway.”  “Wait, so does that mean he's not a real draconequus?” Rarity asked. Riot quickly took a deep breath, expanding his chest, and let out large amounts of purple smoke. The girls were taken aback by the sudden gesture, but when they inhaled the smoke they felt a sense of drowsiness.  He turned around and looked back. “Well it was nice talking to you dudettes but there's a town and it's two princesses that need me, later losers.” He started walking away, disappearing in the smoke. “Note to self…no, MANDATORY note to self, watch out for the pink one.”  “N-no……we… have… to…” Twilight was already beginning to lose consciousness. The other started to fall one after the other until Twilight remained. She struggled to keep her eyes open but she failed and everything went black. ~~~ Ponyville  Celestia and Luna panted heavily after numerous attempts to break the . More ponies kept gawking at them, but mostly Celestia. She covered herself in utter embarrassment while her cheeks were burning red.  “It's no use, this barrier won't break no matter how much we strike it.” Celestia thought. “That little punk, I don't know what his game is but he won't get away with this humiliation!” Her eyes burned with fury. She looked towards her sister and she wasn't having luck breaking the barrier. Luna was getting angry with the crowd of onlookers. “STOP YOUR STARING AND LEAVE!!!!” Luna shouted using her Canterlot voice. Her demands seem to fall on deaf ears because nopony seemed to listen. Upon closer inspection, they weren't moving at all. Celestia and Luna were confused at this scene when a familiar voice called out. “Hey princess, you should put some clothes on, someone will think you're a nudist.” Both princesses turned to see Riot sitting across from them. He waved at them nonchalantly. “Hey how's life for ya?” Luna responded by  rushing with fury wanting to beat the absolute shit out of the teenager when she forgot about the barrier and slammed face first into it. Riot fell backwards laughing at her. “Hahahaha!! At least you were dumb enough to fall for that and all I had to do was just stand here.” “ENOUGH OF THESE GAMES YOU VILE SCUM!!!” Luna was at her boiling point with all this and shouted with all her rage. Riot  covered  his ears from her voice. “RELEASE US THIS INSTANCE SO I MAY INFLICT PAIN BEYOND-!!!” Her voice was immediately cut off when Riot snapped his dragon claw. Luna noticed this when she realized her voice was gone.  “My god does that sister of yours always scream like?” Riot asked sarcastically, still hearing the ringing in his ears. “Only to those who deserve it after humiliating us as a joke.” Celestia said looking at the draconequus with hate.  “Lighten up, it's just a joke, no need to lose your hair about it.” He looks at Celestia. “Well in your case I guess it's too late for you. Hehehehehe.”  Celestia gritted her teeth while her face was red. “Just you wait, once the elements of harmony come here you won't be laughing anymore.” “Well duh, do you think I made sure they wouldn't come here in the first place?”  Both alicorn's eyes widened with trepidation at what he said.  “You didn't…” Celestia asked, fear in her heart. “Don’t worry, they're safe. That I promise. Anyway, I'll just leave you two here while I go have some fun.” He patted Luna on the head. Luna took this chance to bite his hand. She immediately jerked her head back and cried out in silent pain. Celestia looked at her sister with concern and gasped when she noticed her teeth were broken. “Hahahaha!! Honestly you really should've seen that one coming.” He taunted. He showed them his wolf arm which was covered in metal. He looked at Luna's now broken and bloody teeth making him inwardly winced. “Maaaaaaaaybe a bit too mean.” He snapped his fingers and Luna's teeth were fixed. “There, better?” Luna's only response was to glare at him. “Alrighty then I'll see you later.” He turned and walked away. “Oh and before I forget, the name's Riot.” He clapped his mismatched hands together and time returned to normal. Everypony there was confused as to why they were standing around in a bunch. They went about their day like nothing happened completely ignoring the two sisters. The two didn't understand what was going on until it dawned on them that Riot must have erased their memories of the past events. Luna pounded against the barrier once again at Riot's retreating form. Celestia hoped that Twilight and her friends were safe and beat this new foe. ~~~ In a different part of Ponyville  Riot looked at the ponies below on top of a building. He had his arms crossed in thought. He wondered what he should try next. “Nothing too big for now, want people… or horses to get a little taste of my greatness, but what to use….” He noticed a restaurant that was selling burgers made of hay. He then had an idea. He flew into the restaurant, passing through the walls. He saw a lot of ponies eating which made him smirk. He snapped his fingers and time froze. He summoned bottles of extreme hot sauce and poured them into every food there, after he finished he resumed time and ponies resumed eating. As soon as they bite into the food, nothing happens. After a few seconds one pony at a table spoke up.  “Hey, my burger is kinda tasting funny.” He said. “Yeah… so are my fries.” The other one said. One by one ponies began to taste changes to their meals. Then they felt a spicy feeling in their mouths, at first it was a small feeling, then they felt the spice getting stronger. They began to sweat from the heat from their mouths and tried to wash away the spiciness with their drinks, but it wasn't enough. All of sudden, all spit flames out their mouths. Everypony screamed from the extreme burning sensation. They ran around knocking over tables and bumping into each other, tears running in their eyes. They all ran outside startling the other ponies, they went around to try and get rid of the burning pain. Riot was laughing hysterically at the spectacle, then he had an idea. He snapped his fingers and big jugs of milk. The sight of milk was noticed by one of the tongue burning ponies and he immediately ran for them the others following suit. As soon as they got close the jugs suddenly rose into the air and moved away from the pursuing crowd. The ponies desperately ran after the jugs wanting the pain to stop. The jugs started flying around in all directions as if taunting the ponies. Some pegasi were flying after the jugs which resulted in them crashing into stuff and each other. Riot continued to laugh maniacally at the ponies suffering. He decided that was enough and made the jugs stop moving.  Everypony wasted no time and drank every drop of milk until the pain finally subsided. Relief washed over them as they panted heavily from the heat. Riot laughed once again before flying away from the scene. ~~~ Riot floated near the ground still laughing at his prank. “Oh man, that was epic. Now what's on the agenda today?” He got his answer when he bumped into a wall. “Ow what the….” He looked at the building which resembled some kind of carousel. He noticed in the window that inside was filled with an assortment of clothes that were made for ponies. Riot was convinced this was a clothing store. He had yet another idea.  He entered the store and went to one of the pony shaped mannequins with a white dress. He took out a container which was labeled “itching powder”. He snickered and dumped the powder onto the dress. “Oops.” He did the same with the rest of the clothes and left the store grinning to himself. Not before leaving a green bomb behind. ~~~ Sipping a cup of cherry soda Riot entered another weird building. This building looked like it was made of gingerbread. “Man, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't impressed.” He finished his drink, placed it in his pockets, and entered the building. The bell on the door notified the pony at the counter. “Hmm? Hello, how can I… huh?” The yellow pony couldn't see Riot, who was still invisible, walking to the counter. “Well that was odd, I could've sworn somepony was here.” He scratched his head in confusion. Meanwhile Riot stared at the tasty looking sweets on display. “Well god damn, the guys would love to eat these.” He looked at the pony who worked here. “I think I'll have some if you please.” He stretched his dragon arm and poked the ponies’ shoulder. When the pony turned around, Riot's wolf claw went through the glass and picked up a couple of chocolate doughnuts and stuffed them in his mouth. The pony turned around and noticed some of the donuts were missing. “Huh!? What's going on?” He asked. He looked around for the culprit. Riot simply floated over the counter and entered the kitchen. There he found a blue mare who was a bit plump hard at work making a few sweets. He noticed her picking up a bag of flour. He once again had another idea. He snapped his fingers and the contents in the bag changed without the blue mare's knowledge. He snickered and left another green bomb before leaving the kitchen. He passed by the yellow pony and thought to do one last thing. He snapped his fingers and a bucket appeared on the ponies’ head, blinding him. He also made the floor under him slippery making him fall. Like a vacuum, Riot sucked up all the sweets behind the glass and ate them. He flew to the door, before leaving, he turned to the pony who was trying to get up from the floor, making his voice heard. “Thanks for the sweets!” He flew off laughing.  ~~~ Riot had been on a farm before, but he had never seen so many apple trees before that his jaw dropped. He flew around the trees and came across a red earth pony who looked pretty bulky. He kicked the tree with his hind legs and the apples fell into a basket. He picked up the baskets and loaded up a cart that was also filled with apples. He noticed one of the apples had a worm sticking out. “Nope.” He simply said and put the apple on the ground and moved on. Riot picked up the worm carrying apple and pulled the worm out. He looked at the wiggling worm, then back at the apple trees, then back at the worm again. Another idea came to him. He took to the skies to see if he could find a barn house. When he located the barn he flew towards it. He sees the barn had some baskets filled with apples. Snapped his fingers and something in the apples changed. He lets the worm he was holding on to eat the apple to see what will happen. After a couple of minutes waiting, something was happening to the worm. The worm slowly began to blow up like a balloon. After the worm stopped swelling it was about the size of his fist. He tossed it in the air and smacked it away using his shark tail. “Hope those guys savor each bite, cause it's gonna blow up in their faces. Or in this case, blow them up.” He snickered and flew off, before leaving a green bomb in the barn. ~~~ Celestia and Luna just sat in their invisible prison while nopony could see them. Celestia wondered how long they would be confined like this. But what made her concerned is since their magic wasn't working they couldn't move the sun and the moon. Her thoughts were interrupted when they heard a familiar obnoxious voice. “Hello sun butt, and Lulu the angry clown.”  The two turned to see Riot, both of them expressing irritation, disgust, and anger.  “And to what do we owe the displeasure of seeing you?” Celestia asked with narrowed eyes. Riot simply pulled out a camera and took a picture. “Well for starters, I want to remember the day I first pranked royalty hehehehehe. And just to let you know that I'm going home for the day. And also because my grandpa's coming back.” “Does that mean you'll never come back here?” She asked sarcastically. Riot laughed. “You're funny, you know that?” He snapped his fingers and a portal appeared. “Welp, see you later.” He turned to leave. Luna tried to say something, but she remembered she still couldn't talk. “Wait! You can't leave us like this. We need our magic to move the sun and moon, please at least let us out before you leave.” She pleaded, though she felt sick from doing so. “Ok, ok calm your horse tits, I'm not a total douche.” Celestia was taken aback by what Riot said and growled at him while blushing. Riot snapped his fingers and the barrier trapping them vanished, along with the ‘makeover’ done to them. “Until next time.” He went through the portal and left. The ponies were shocked when the princesses suddenly appeared in front of them. They immediately bowed. The two looked at each other, seeing they were back to normal. They also feel their magic returning. They nodded to each other and they teleported back to the castle where the elements were on the floor. Celestia felt her heart drop when she saw this. They ran to them and found they were just sleeping. They both breathed a sigh of relief. Celestia gently nudged her student, stirring her awake. “Wha… huh…?” Twilight groggily said. She noticed Celestia was standing before her and she yelped. “Eek!! P-p-princess Celestia!!” She quickly wiped the drool from her mouth and knelt down. The other beginning to wake up as well “I'm glad to see you all safe. It's wonderful Riot has not done anything to you.” Celestia said with a smile. Twilight and the others were confused and Twilight asked. “Princess, who's Riot?” Celestia and Luna paused at the question. “Huh………?”