A Friend From Another Star

by HunterDeRiot

First published

Have you ever wondered, do we occupy a special place in the cosmos, or are we part of something bigger? Does the princess of the night know something, as she moves the stars in the night sky? There's only one way to find out.

Everything seemed to be normal for our friend Valiant, that is until a star is on the cosp of going supernova. His home world is now on the threshold of its demise. Leaving his parents with a tearful goodbye, and watched his world be destroyed. His destination, Equestria. Will he be able adapt to his new life? Will he make friends, possibly fall in love, or will he be alone? How will the ponies of Equestria react to his arrival? Will they be welcoming or hostile?

Once he does arrive, there will be troubling times ahead of him. Not only does he not know how they'll greet him, but he will also have to come to terms of what happened to his home world, his parents. His nightmares will be haunted by the screams of the ones who knew they won't survive for long. Who will come to his time of need?

I want to thank my friend JheyMeloetta/Retro Fall for the art cover and the scenes! Be sure to follow him on Twitter and Instagram, he makes really cool art!

Prelude: Tearful Goodbyes (Rewritten)

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???: Dad?

This is Valiant, he's what you would call an alicorn, however he was born with these features. He has a white coat with a tinge of light blue, a dark brown and blue mane that flows freely, resembling a flame, dark blue eyes, a long horn with unique patterns, wings with iridescence that range from greens to blue, and a light blue cutie mark that is also unique. This world is full of alicorns they're the only intelligent creatures that walk and fly here. That isn't to say they're the only creatures, infact life here is very diverse. That's a story is for another time. The young stallion stands in front of a closed reinforced door.

Dad: Muffled Hold on son, I'm working on something important. I'll be out in a moment, just wait.

The door then slides up, but not completely open.

Valiant: When are you going to show me what you been working on?

His dad is now crawling out underneath the door, not wanting to let his son know what's inside.

His dad's name is Star Seeker. He is a well built alicorn stallion, with a dark blue coat, a dark purple mane that fade to white that flows, resembling a nebula, a long horn with his own unique patterns, dark blue eyes, massive wings with the same colors as his mane, and his cutie mark is a portrait of numerous starts. He is an astronomer with a passion of discovering the secrets of the cosmos, and was hoping his son would become one someday. That all changed when Valiant got his cutie mark, not knowing what it is or it's true meaning, so he figured it was something important.

Dad: Someday I will, Valiant. However you must be patient.

Closing the door, his dad brings his hoof over his son's whithers.

Dad: Come along Valiant, I'm sure your mother is wondering where you went.

On their flight home, they see numerous alicorns doing their daily routines, either shopping or coming home from work. The city they live in is futuristic with very tall buildings and it was bustling.

Valiant: I really wish I knew what my mark means... I don't know what my talent really is.

Dad: Don't let that get to you, my son. All of us goes through that and so did I. I wasn't sure what my talent was when I got mine, but I always knew I loved star gazing when I was your age.

Valiant: That's when you knew?

Dad: Yes son. Some discover their talents very early, others discover it a bit later. Im sure you won't have trouble discovering what yours is, I'm sure of it!

His dad gives him a nudge with some further reassurance. Then gives him a playful noogie.

Valiant: laughter "Dad! Not my mane!

Dad: We'er home dear!

They both enter their home.

Mom: Is Valiant with you?

She rounds the corner and finds that he's with his father. Her name is Phantasia, she has a pure white coat, a bright light blue flowing mane, a long horn with her own unique patterns, iris purple eyes with pink eyeshadow, white wings, and her cutie mark is a halo with blue wings. She is a stay at home mother, that just loves both of her son and husband. She was a princess before Valiant was born. She decided to step down to be with her husband and live a normal life as a regular citizen.

Mom: sigh Valiant, you need to let me know where you are when you're going out...

His mother sounded like she was freaking out earlier, when she found out he left the house without letting her know. He was known as the little trouble maker when he was just a foal, always making a mess or pulling silly pranks. She always knew they were harmless and both of them laughed in the end.

Valiant: Mom, you do know I mostly just go to visit Dad when he's finished working, right?

His mom gives him a deadpan look.

Mom: Touche... Well, I've made dinner for tonight, lets eat before it gets cold.

They make their way to the dinning room.

While the three of them are eating their dinner, Star Seeker starts the conversation.

Dad: So son, how's your studying going lately?

Valiant: Oh, just the usual, I'm so caught up in it I forget to look at the time. It's honestly amazing how much you can get enthralled by such studies.

Hearing that makes them worried for thier son.

Mom: Umm, Valiant? We know that you love studying and getting the best grades, but haven't you made any friends lately?

Valiant: Not since we moved, about ten years ago if I remember.

Dad: sigh Son, you know someday you'll have to make friends. There will be tough times ahead. Having a father or a mother is one thing, having friends who are there to support you can mean a whole lot.

Valiant isn't really sure on what he meant there, he was sure enough things will be alright as long as everything goes accordingly. Afterall, things like "tough times" are rare in this world, with the technology his kind has, he can't be really be blamed by not having friends. What's there to support if there is no tough times?

Valiant: I'm going to bed now, I'm really tired. Good night mom and dad.

Mom/Dad: Good night, son.

Mom: I'm worried about him, dear.

Dad: I'm am too, but I can't force him to make friends, it would be wrong of me to do so. I know he'll eventually make friends. But I'm not sure if time is on our side...

Valiant lays there on his bed trying his best to fall asleep, but with the thoughts he's having, he couldn't. He looked out his window and saw
the night sky filled with countless stars.

Valiant: I wonder if someone else out there is having the same problem as I am, it'd be nice to meet them someday.

With that out of his mind he can finally rest, his wonder of other life out there has always brought him peace. Knowing that he's not alone.

Why out there? Because Valiant and his kind already know they're not alone in the universe. It has to do something with an unknown force happening with their solar system, being moved from one place to another unnaturally. It happens at a frequent time, when it does, the white sun in the sky gains a dark blueish aura around it temporarily. This has been happening for as long as anyone could remember. However that all changed. Approximately 1000 years ago, the star began showing signs of unrest. Solar eruptions to violent changes in temperature. It was clearly going to blow any day, yet it didn't and that has unfortunately brought everyone's guard down. All except for Valiant's father, who knew the signs. Going back a few months earlier to what lead to his dad to work on something that is apparently important. His real work, was to keep reminding the council members, who makes the decisions for this world to be alert, however it was sadly failing. His words were falling on deaf ears.

Three months ago

Dad: I'm telling you all, this is serious! Our sun is going to go supernova!

Council member 1: Star Seeker, you've been telling us this for years, we believe that the sun is just going through its next phase.

Council member 2: It will eventually stabilize and nothing will happen.

Dad: No, I'm telling you all! It will go supernova, your predictions are illogical, you're not scientists. You're putting our lives at the point of extinction! I must purpose an evacuation of our planet immediately!

Leading councilor: All in favor of this proposal?

None of them raised their hooves. That's it, this world's fate is now sealed.

Leading councilor: Your proposal is invalidated, this will only bring unnecessary panic and chaos. If you act on this on your own, you will be tried and imprisoned for life, you are dismissed!

The council members take their leave not wanting to hear another word. Stae Seeker isn't actually surprised at this point, with calm nerves he walks out. That's when his idea came to mind.


The next morning, Valiant was out on an open grassy field outside the city, pondering about what his dad had said to him last night.

Valiant: Sigh Maybe dad's right, I really should make some friends...

He continued walking along as he thought this through. When suddenly the white sun in the sky, began to get brighter. He looked up in awe.

Valiant: Whoa.

However that feeling didn't last long.

Valiant: Oh no!

He too knows the signs and immediately flew back home to warn his parents.

On his way back, everyone started to see that the white sun was getting brighter, it became very clear to everyone at this point, the world was ending. Low and behold, panic and chaos insued. All that Valiant could hear was the screams and the crys of terror, glass being shattered, even loud bangs were heard. The air was also getting hot.

Valiant: Mom, dad! Where are you!

Mom: Val, over here!

Valiant: Where's dad!?

Mom: I think he's at that place, come on!

She grabs his hoof and makes a break for it. Outside was pure chaos, windows were being blown out and buildings ignited into flames as the air kept getting hotter. The screams was what got to Valiant, unknowingly this is what will haunt him for the rest his life.

Once they've made it to the building of whatever his dad was building, Valiant called out to his father.

Valiant: Dad?!

Dad: Here, get in quickly!

He urged both Valiant and his mother inside. He then closes the door tight, so noone else could get in.

Dad: Son I been preparing an evacuation pod!

Yes an evacuation pod, that is what Valiant's father has been working on for months.

Dad: There's a problem however, it can only house one occupant...

Valiant realizes on what he meant, and tears began to roll down his cheeks.

Valiant: No... W-we can all fit, r-r-right...?

Mom: No... We're so sorry...

Valiant couldn't help but cry, he was sure they could fit, he hates the idea of leaving his parents, he couldn't bear it... Then he heard his dad speak.

Dad: Son, I want you to know, no matter what happens we'll always be in your heart. Cherish these memories we made, my son. Take our love with you, and somewhere out there, someone will come to love you, as we once did.

His dad said that in a serious matter, to make sure his son remembers.

Valiant: Crying M-mom, dad I don't want to be alone.

Mom: You won't be alone...

His mom wiped his tears away and kissing his cheek.

They both hug him one last time with tears now in their eyes. They broke the hug as the ground began to shake, time was running out. They can now feel the heat seeping into building they're in. Valiant then stepped into the pod giving them one last tearful look.

Dad: We love you, son... We'll miss you...

His dad took his wife in his embrace.

Valiant: I-I love you both too... sniff Goodbye...

The canopy of the pod closes, the initial take off sequence begins and the ceiling of the building opens, revealing the dying sun in the sky. His parents words began to pop into his mind.

No matter what happens.
We'll always be in your heart.
Cherish these memories we made.
Take our love with you.
Somewhere out there.
Someone will come to love you.
You won't be alone.
We love you.
We'll miss you.

Mom/Dad: Goodbye, Valiant...

The pod takes off. His parents stood there as they accepted of what was going to happen to them.

Mom: I've always wondered what it was like to be a glass statue...

Dad: Me too, sweetheart... Me too...

They both kept their embrace as the light from the sun reached them, they didn't even scream as the heat turned them into glass...

Valiant does his best holding on to something as he flies up and out of the planets atmosphere. The pod wasted no time to enter into warp mode, but before it did the sun exploded. The pod went into warp before it was caught in the blast, as he looked back, his home planet was engulfed and at last was blown into countless pieces.

Valiant: Mom... Dad...

His parents were no more, everything, everyone he knew were no more. He screams in agony... He is now, all alone...

On his navigation screen calculated to the nearest habitable planet it can find, Equis.

Equestria, Cantorlot. The princess of the night, felt the most horrible chill she had ever felt, run down her spine while she was on night court. Taking the fact it was running slow anyway, she wasted no time teleporting to her sister's door.

Luna: Sister, something terrible happened!

The door swung open with haste.

Celestia: What is it, Luna!? What happened?

Luna: It was horrible, Tia... It was as if I heard millions cry out in terror and was suddenly silenced...

She looked out the to night sky and with horror setting in.

Luna: One of my stars vanished from my night sky!

Then as if it was some unknown force, something jolted her. She suddenly ran to the balcony.

Celestia: Luna?!

Luna: I can hear somepony... They are in pain... Alone...

Celestia: Whoever they are, I hope they'll find peace...

Luna: I hope they will too... I wish we could help...

Celestia: I believe we will. I'm not sure how, but I have a strange feeling they'll come to us.

Luna: I sure hope you're right, Tia.

They continued to look up at the spot where the star once was, vanished from the night sky.

Chapter 1: Chance Encounter (Rewritten)

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Twilight: Come on, Spike! You don't want to miss this meteor shower, right?

Spike: Isn't that kind of weird? We just had one recently, and everypony said it wouldn't happen again for the next four decades?

He was still baffled on how the astronomers didn't see this coming.

Twilight: Well predictions aren't accurate, which is why they're called "predictions". Which is why we're going out to see it right now.

Spike: Well, if you say so.

He finishes packing the things they both need and they exit the golden oak library.

It's been about 20 minutes since they've arrived at the spot, just at the edge of Ponyville close to the Everfree forest, where it would give them a nice view of the incoming meteor shower. Spike meanwhile was getting a bit bored of waiting, so he starts with a bit of small talk to pass the time.

Spike: Twilight, you ever think that there are others out there?

Twilight: Duh, yes Spike everypony is going to be watching.

Spike: No, I really mean out there, in space.

Twilight: Hmm, I don't know Spike. If there are, we would know by now...

However that is possible for how many stars there are in the sky, as Twilight thought, the chances of life is probably likely. She did read a few books about the theory of extra terrestrial life. Discovering it however is a different story, so she figured that wouldn't happen anytime soon. If it did, everything that she knew would change and that one question will be answered, are we alone in this universe? Both answers are both equally terrifying. As she continued to think about it, she gets more interested about that topic, but it wouldn't last long as Spike tab her shoulder.

Spike: Twilight look, it's starting!

Twilight looks up and sees numerous meteors flying by. She is mesmerized by this sight, until one of them caught her eye. That one looks like it was veering off course. She wondered if that one was hit before entering the atmosphere, that was her thought until she realized that one was headed straight for them.

Twilight: Spike run!

The two of them attempted to get some distance from the incoming meteor. It was at that moment she knew It was clearly going to catch them, so next best thing.

Twilight: Spike get down!

Both of them hit the deck.

The meteorite flys over them, so fast they could almost feel the heat from it. It then flew into Everfree forest taking out trees in its way. As it lost altitude it finally hit the ground and began to dig into the dirt, causing it to slow down to a grinding stop.

By now, both Twilight and Spike stood up, still shaken by what just happened. How could a meteor have gone off course? Twilight needed answers.

Twilight Come on Spike, let's go see it.

Spike however wasn't so sure if he wanted to.

Spike: I don't know Twilight, something about that scares me... Something about, I don't know, a meteor that almost crushed us and decides to crash into the everfree?!

Twilight: Spike, will you just calm down? It's just a meteorite. A space rock...

She gives him a deadpan look.

As they went into the everfree forest, they can see how much damage that meteorite has caused. Trees were either torn in half, uprooted, on fire, and in some combination of the three. As they continued walking down the path of destruction they find the start of a trench, that leads to what Twilight was a space as she simply put out for Spike to understand. Scratch that assumption, because what they find is something they never seen before. It was a triangular shaped silver colored craft, which is now scorched on its nose, mangled beyond its original shape and was sparking like it was a fireworks display, two strange looking engines with a pulsating red glow to them, possibly what makes it move and finally a sort of glass dome which is open, exposing what's inside. A seat can be seen, as well a curved panel that is cracked in front of the seat. Now the question is though, where is the being that was controlling this craft? As Twilight was in thought, she heard a twig snap and a strange noise immediately followed. She looked in the direction of the sound, she was starting to freak out as well as Spike.

Spike: Twilight, we should probably get of out of here. This is giving me the creeps...

Twilight: Yeah, we should probably go now. I'm getting freaked out over here!

Before they could make their escape, a pack of timberwolves came out of the darkness and surrounding both Twilight and Spike. There was nowhere to run, nowhere but to back up to where the craft was. Not wanting to get closer to it, Twilight shoots a magic beam at the timberwolves but of course they wouldn't stay down. After many attempts, Twilight took Spike into her forlocks and embraced him in her grip, they were goners... Until the timberwolves stopped in their tracks as they were eyeing on something else that was behind Twilight and Spike. Twilight couldn't help look at the timberwolves, it was if they were in fear of something, entranced perhaps? Twilight then turned her head around and saw a dark silhouette of a pony, that is roughly as tall as Princess Luna with white glowing eyes, standing on top of the mangled wreck. The pony made its way to Twilights direction, she can now understand why the timberwolves stopped, it's because of this menacing presence. The figures didn't stop to where she was, it walked passed both her and Spike was also aware of what Twilight was seeing, instead it went into the direction of the timberwolves. The pony then stopped in front of the timberwolves with one stoop of it's hoof, the timberwolves flinched.

???: You dogs better get lost! Or I will turn you all into ash in a flash! Do you understand?!

The timberwolves responded by snarling at him, ready to make their move.

???: Sigh I didn't want to do this, but you creatures are giving me no choice!

He stands in a readied position, as all of the timberwolves charges at him. Just before the first one was able to maul him, the stallion delivers a devastating back-hoof, that sent the creature flying into the forest. The timberwolves continued their assault on the stallion, until one of them finally made contact. He felt the sting, as the timberwolf sunk its fangs into his forlock. He punched the timberwolf in it's face, causing it to splinter into pieces. Twilight and Spike can't look away from this sight, he just shattered a timberwolf's face! Knowing who tough they are, Twilight had the impression this pony had to be strong. The assault kept going, the young stallion was more injured. Until...

???: ENOUGH!

His horn lit up, BOOM and blasted the timberwolves as they attempted to escape when they saw that happening, and indeed they became burning piles of ash. The blast had also knocked down a bunch of trees, letting in the moonlight and revealing who it was.

The pony turned to face Twilight and Spike. Twilight is frightened as well as Spike, quivering with fear in their eyes. The pony was an alicorn stallion! His mane and tail looked like they were blue flames, dark blue eyes, light diamond colored coat, a long horn and wings with iridescent feathers. He also looks very strong due to his size. Twilight couldn't believe what she is seeing right now, at one point she thought she was having a crazy dream. She asked Spike to pinch her, she yelped and was infact not dreaming.

Twilight: Uhh, h-hello?

The stallion however wasn't looking so good, it was as if he was dizzy as everything he sees is spinning. That and the cuts and bruises he has all over his body. His flaming mane and tail reverted to their normal state. The stallion passes out and falls to ground, groaning in pain. Twilight seeing he was falling over, caught him in her magical aura, gently setting him on his side. Twilight placed her hoof on his shoulder, just from that touch she could feel how powerful he is. It's an immense feeling.

Twilight: I got you! Where did he come from?

Spike: Uhh how should I know?

Twilight: I meant to say that to myself, Spike... But he's very hurt and I don't know taking him to the hospital will work...

Spike: Why's that?

Twilight: Well one, he's an alicorn and alicorns are royalty! That's definitely what will break the headlines! And two he literally came from outer space!

This is what you would call Twilight's twilighting moment and Spike, thankfully, was quick to catch her in the act.

Spike: Okay okay I get it Twilight! Let's just try to think this through...

Twilight was now deep in thought.

Twilight: I do have a basement, bearly anypony goes in there anyway. But then, him waking up in a basement wouldn't give him a good impression of us, so scratch that. Also the library wouldn't be a good place for him right now, since it's in town, somepony would see him in there. Pinkie would be way too ecstatic and would want to throw a party for him, as soon as she sees him. Rainbow Dash wouldn't be able to keep a secret, as she would think this is too awesome for somepony to not know. Rarity would freak out and would want to make a huge attire for him, and that'll definitely get somepony's attention. Can't really rely on Applejack either, she's just too honest for her own good. So only one thing remains.

Twilight: Fluttershy's cottage.

Spike: What, are you crazy Twilight!?

Twilight: It's the safest option Spike. Plus, you know Fluttershy isn't really good with crowds and I'm assuming he isn't either. Also, he needs help, and I know Fluttershy can help us.

Spike: But don't you have healing magic?

Twilight: That's the thing Spike, I don't know how his body will react if I tried. I'm afraid of hurting him when I'm not meaning to...

Spike: You're probably right...

Twilight: Come on, help me with this.

In order to take the stallion to Fluttershy's cottage, they both had to make a makeshift stretcher out of two strong branches they could find and picnic cloth they had while watching the meteor shower. Twilight then placed the stretcher under the male alicorn and rolled him on it. Spike took both of the branches in front while Twilight held them from behind. They then make their way to Fluttershy's cottage, while being careful to not get seen.

Chapter 2: A Kind Friend (Rewritten)

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Spike: Geez, why couldn't he be smaller...

Twilight: Well it's not like that's his fault, Spike. We're almost there anyways.

The male alicorn continues to groan in pain. Twilight could've sworn she saw tears on his face. Was it from the pain or is it something deeper? Just who is this pony and why did he come here? There's certainly going to be a lot of questions, but first he needs help. They make it to Fluttershy's cottage, set him down gently, and Twilight knocked on her door.

Knock knock

Fluttershy: Y-yes hello? Oh Twilight, Spike it's you. Why are you two out so late?

Twilight and Spike both look at eachother, wondering what to say as to not frighten her.

Twilight: Okay, Fluttershy, you need to keep calm when I show you something or somepony in this case.

Fluttershy couldn't help but feel nervous when she heard somepony. Why does Twilight want to introduce somepony to her this late at night? However she is the element of kindness might as well meet them, right? Twilight then directs her attention to the alicorn stallion, that's laying on the ground.

Fluttershy: Gasp Twilight is-is he a-

Twilight: Yes, an alicorn. I thought I was dreaming too, but I need your help. He needs your help...

Fluttershy looks at him more closely, she can see the cuts and bruises that is practically all over him. She wasted no time as she finished examining him.

Fluttershy: Oh no. Hurry let's take him inside.

Fluttershy hovers and lifts one end of the stretcher, as Twilight lifts the other end with her magic. Spike was relieved from having to help carry a pony of that size. They make their way into Fluttershy's cottage.

Fluttershy: Okay, let's set him here. Easy now. I'll get the first-aid kit, keep an eye on him for me please?

Fluttershy goes upstairs to receive the first-aid kit.

Spike: Huh, maybe that was the right call bringing him here, Twilight.

Twilight: I knew I made the right call, Spike. Fluttershy is kind to not matter who or what needs help, and I'm sure she'll be a good impression for him.

As Twilight was telling that to Spike, Fluttershy came back down the stairs with the first-aid kit in her hooves, she overheard what Twilight said.

Fluttershy: W-wait, a good impression? Oh, I don't know, Twilight. You know I am when I meet somepony new...

Twilight: Futtershy, there's no time for that right now. We need to help him now!

Fluttershy: Oh, right.

The two of them got to work on helping there new supposed friend. Fluttershy first applies disinfectant, just in case he came across something that would later make him sick. Twilight gently moves him around, so Fluttershy can mend his wounds. Then Fluttershy places bandages on his cuts, being care not to not be rough. Spike assistants with handing her the bandages from the kit. Lastly Fluttershy places an ice pack on his head for good measure.

Fluttershy: Whew, that should do it.

Twilight: I hope we're not interfering with any of your plans Fluttershy...

Fluttershy: Oh, don't worry about it, Twilight. I can always manage later tomorrow.

Twilight: Okay, do you think he can stay here for a bit? I mean look at him, he's not exactly a normal pony. He's not even- He's not from around here. He has nowhere else to go...

Fluttershy takes another look at the alicorn stallion, that is now resting on her couch, covered with bandages. Now that she has time think about it, she realizes what the stallion is. A male alicorn, how is it even possible? From what she knows, alicorns are made and not born. Given the fact that he's not from here, does infact make the born part a possibility. As she continued staring at him, she suddenly felt an intense feeling resonating off of her from him. It was clear, something had happened to him, like he had lost something or somepony that was so important to him. Was it loneliness? Whatever it is, he needs more then just healing his wounds.

Fluttershy: Yes, I can help keep him here.

Twilight: Okay, we'll come by to check up on him tomorrow. Spike and I are very exhausted from all this craziness we went through. It's not everyday a weird flying craft almost lands on you. Ahehehe...

Fluttershy: What?

Twilight: It's a long story. We'll explain it tomorrow morning. Anyways we're going to head back home, goodnight Fluttershy.

Spike: Goodnight!

Fluttershy: Goodnight.

Twilight and Spike head for home.

Fluttershy took a heavy blanket and draped it on the sleeping alicorn stallion.

Fluttershy: I sure hope he'll be okay in the morning...

A little bunny comes out of his hiding spot, curious about the newcomer.

Fluttershy: Shh, try not to wake him up, Angle.

Angle hops on her back to get a better look at the stallion.

Fluttershy: Alright, we should get to bed, I have funny feeling our new friend is going to be bit, well, iffy...

They both head to the bedroom.

Back at the golden oak library, Twilight didn't waste anytime after entering the library. The princesses needs to know what had gone down tonight, it's also very urgent.

Twilight: Spike, I need you take a note!

Spike was quick to grab a quill and parchment.

Spike: Ready.

Twilight: Dear Princess Celestia, as you may already know, the unpredicted meteor shower has just recently past. However something else has happened, we found something that isn't of our world. More importantly, we found somepony, a male alicorn of sorts. He's possibly not from our world at all. He's currently now under the supervision of the element of kindness, Fluttershy. I hate to say this, but this probably something you and princess Luna must see for yourselves. We should keep this under wraps for the time being. I await your response. Your student, Twilight Sparkle.

The next morning, Princess Celestia had already received the urgent letter her student had sent to her late last night. She finishes raising the sun, not long after, she teleports to her sister's room.

Celestia: Luna, it's happened!

Luna: Mmm, what has happened... I can deal with it when I'm awake...

Celestia: That somepony you told me about that night, he's here!

That woke her up and she struggles with her blanket to get out of bed. Thankfully her blanket fit didn't take too long.

Luna: WHAT!

Celestia: Luna, calm down. You know you'll blow out a few windows doing that...

Luna: How can I be calm when, when I knew I felt something that night!

Celestia: Well anyways, I received an urgent message from Twilight. She said we must meet with her in secret, so that the public won't know.

She held the letter in her aura that Twilight sent. Princess Luna takes it and reads the letter, the words that catches her eyes are...

Luna: A male alicorn, not from our world, currently where the element of kindness resides.

Celestia: That is what got my attention as well, Luna. We should get going right now, sister, this is urgent!

Luna: I agree, lets us make haste!

They make their way to meet with Twilight at Fluttershy's home.

Meanwhile at Fluttershy's cottage, the stallion who is resting on the couch, with morning sunlight entering the room, was beginning to stir awake.

???: Oh, my head...

The stallion wakes up with minor headache. He opens his eyes but then shuts them, due to the bright sunlight entering the room. He closely opens his eyes to let them adjust. When they finally did, he started to look around where he currently is.

??? What is this place? I don't remember coming here, this is nice though.

He tries to get up and notices the bandages that wrapped around his torso, his limbs, and even a cold pack on his head. Now he definitely has to thank to someone, because they clearly saved his life. He then sits up right on the couch, letting his eyes wonder. Until he thought he saw something move in the corner of his vision.

???: Okay, I know your there no need to hide.

A little creature with a white coat and long ears, stepped out of it's hiding spot. With what looked like a judgmental look and crossed arms, the stallion couldn't help but be fascinated with how this little creature can be so expressive.

???: Well, hello there little one.

He got up from the couch wanting to meet the little guy, but then how can a little creature like him carry someone that is a tower in comparison. Then he heard a bag drop to the floor and looked at the direction of the noise. He sees another creature that has a yellow coat, a long pink mane and tail, teal eyes, and wings. It looked female, infact it looked almost like himself, just smaller and missing a horn, but what got his attention was the expression on her face as she looks up at him.

Fluttershy: Uhh-uhhhh ummm...

She couldn't say anything, when she can sees that he has quite some height compared to her.

Valiant: Uhh, hi there. I'm Valiant, umm, what's your name?

Fluttershy: Quietly Umm, m-my n-name is F-fluttershy...

Valiant: Fluttershy, that's a nice name.

He smiled at her.

Fluttershy: Gasp Wait, you heard that?!

Valiant: I think I did.

Fluttershy: O-okay, but you should at least sit on the couch, your still healing.

She guided him back on the couch not wanting him to get hurt more.

Valiant: If you say so.

Then he remembered something as he sat down, did she save him? If she did, then she must be a strong pony.

Valiant: Um, hey Fluttershy-

Knock knock he was cut off by a knock at the door.

Fluttershy: One second, Valiant.

Fluttershy opens the door. She couldn't help but be surprised who's visiting along with Twilight and Spike.

Fluttershy: Oh, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna. I wasn't expecting you to visit, please come in.

Luna: We've heard about somepony that is not of our world. Here is he?

She looked at Valiant as he was sitting on her couch, curious to who's visiting. The princesses looked at his direction and were surprised to see an alicorn, a male alicorn no less. He too was in surprise, they look just like him. They were something familiar to him. Twilight was the first to speak.

Twilight: Hello there, I'm Twilight Sparkle a student of Princess Celestia. And this here is Spike.

Spike: Hello!

Then the two sisters made there introductions.

Celestia: Hello, I am Princess Celestia, ruler the day and co-ruler of Equestria, it is an honor to meet somepony from another world, no doubt.

She introduced herself giving him a welcoming smile.

Celestia: And this my sister. Sister?

Princess Luna however, seemed to be entranced by the sight of his eyes. Those pure blue eyes look so inviting, she could get lost in them. It's as if they were pulling her in.

Celestia: Sister? Sister!

Luna: Oh, I apologize. Clears her thought I am Princess Luna, ruler of the moon, the stars, and the night. Co-ruler of Equestria. What is your name, sir?

Valiant: My name is Valiant, I believe you can call me a friend from another star.

Chapter 3: The Secret Royal Visit (Rewritten)

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Luna: Valiant, that is an unusual name. It's fitting for a pony, that's from another world.

Valiant: I'm flattered.

Fluttershy: Should I make breakfast for everypony, I'm sure everypony hasn't eaten yet.

Celestia: That'll be excellent, Fluttershy. My sister and I didn't have the time for breakfast, since Twilight's message was urgent.

Fluttershy nodded and went to kitchen to make breakfast for her guests. They all went to the dinning table to continue their discussion on what to do with Valiant.

Twilight: Oh, I'm so sorry Princess. It was in the heat of the moment, I couldn't keep this a secret, especially from you.

Celestia:!Think nothing of it Twilight. Infact, I'm glad you did let us know. You see, Luna had known something was about tohappen. Did you, Luna?

Princess Luna remembered that horrible chill that night, it felt like it was yesterday, when in reality it was roughly a month ago. When she looked up at her night sky, one of her stars went missing. That's when she realized, all the pieces fell in place. A star disappeared from her night skies, and then an alicorn stallion appeared, supposably from another world.

Luna: Yes, I do recall... I knew this was bound to happen eventually. I heard the screams and-

Princess Luna stopped her sentence when she noticed Valiant's expression. His eyes looked dead, not a single emotion is showing. In his mind, just the mere mention of the word scream, made him remember the horrible screams of those ponies, they knew the end was coming for them. He knew some of them must've ended their own lives, before the sun did. He was starting to feeling numb, his heart was beating harder and harder. He look at his forlocks and they looked like they were not even his, they were charred exposed bones. It was as if he too, met his end when the sun exploded. A mental image of parents came into mind, both of them looked happy to see their son again, but then their skins began to burn into embers, revealing their charred skeletons.

???: Valiant?

A voice called out, snapping him out of whatever he was seeing.

Luna: Valiant, are you alright?

They look at him with worry in their eyes.

He looked at his forlocks again, they were as normal as they can be.

Valiant: I'm sorry... I think I'm far from alright...

Now the princesses were getting more worried. Even though they just met, they genuinely care about him. Seeing that look he just had, told them that he is indeed not alright. He is suffering on the inside and it was not going to stop anytime soon. Princess Celestia knew something needs to be done. With one glance at her sister, Princess Luna knew exactly what she thought, she nodded.

Celestia: Valiant, I know this maybe sudden... You must come with us to Canterlot, you'll be safe there. We will make sure that you get the best help we can give.

Twilight: Wh-what! Are you sure that's a good idea?!

Luna: Twilight, did you not see what happened to him?

Twilight looked at Valiant again. She's right, he looked miserable. His flame-like mane seems to indicate his emotions, it was bearly flickering like a candle.

Twilight: Sigh You're right, Princess Luna... I'm sorry for my outburst.

Fluttershy came out of the kitchen with hey, fried eggs and tea for breakfast. She set the plates in front of her guests.

Celestia: Thank you for breakfast, Fluttershy.

Fluttershy: Nervous O-oh, your welcome princess.

Celestia: We'll continue to discuss this, after we've had our breakfast.

Valiant wasn't exactly keen on eating something new, that has been a problem since he was just a colt. His mother always told him he's was missing out, that always seemed to work.

Stomach growl This time however, his stomach was telling him to try. After eating those rations for a month, being stuck out in the void of space, he could tell he was going to love the breakfast they have here. He gave the fried eggs a try, he loved it. His mane was now bursting with life. They're were all amazed by how his mane worked.

After they all had finished their breakfast, Princess Celestia gave her thanks to Fluttershy, she then looked to Valiant.

Celestia: Valiant, do you know why Luna and I are here?

Valiant: Not really, but I think I know the half of it. That has to do with me, being well, alien.

Celestia: That is correct, we want to keep your existence a secret for now. If word had got out, that there is an extra terrestrial among us, many nations would want to get either their hooves or claws on them. We will make sure of your safety for the time being and if anyone tries to harm you, we will make sure they're punished.

Luna: And as for helping you, I will be making our recovery session schedule.

Celestia: Are you sure about it, Luna?

Luna: Yes, I'm sure, my night courts are usually slow anyway.

Princess Celestia nodded by letting her help Valiant. She can look into ponies dreams and memories, that'll definitely work on Valiant, it has to.

Valiant couldn't believe his ears, they're offering help. He has been alone for a while, so he makes his choice.

Valiant: I'll accept the offer, I can't thank you all enough for your kindness.

Valiant felt indebted to the four mares, and yes even to Spike.

Valiant: I know I'll have to adjust to living my life here from now on, I hope won't burden anyone here.

Celestia: Burden? Of course not, we ponies of Equestria will always welcome anypony new.

Valiant Anypony?

Valiant was curious about the phrasing.

Twilight: It's just how we talk, you'll get used to it. Also, I'd like to know about you some more. If you'd allow it of course.

Valiant: Sure, I believe we can arrange that, once I settle in first.

Twilight looked like she was going to burst out with excitement. Getting a chance to meet an extra terrestrial and especially a male alicorn. That is the first question she's going him later on, how is a male an alicorn?

Celestia: Twilight, try to keep it together, our friend has gone through a lot recently.

Twilight: Oh right, sorry princess...

Valiant: Oh, Fluttershy.

Fluttershy: Huh, y-yes?

Valiant: I wanted to thank you for helping me. I'd probably be a goner in that forest, if it wasn't for you.

Fluttershy blushed profusely.

Fluttershy: O-o-oh, I only helped mend your wounds, Twilight and Spike were the ones who brought you here.

Valiant: Oh, well still, you did help me afterall. Again, I can't thank you enough.

Valiant turned to Twilight and Spike.

Valiant: Thank you two for saving me, and I also have to apologize for you two having to literally drag me here...

Spike: Meh, oh well, it's fine. I could do some lifting anyways.

They all laughed.

Luna: Well, let us be on our way. We've brought our carriage in order to conceal your presence, Valiant.

Valiant: Of course, Princess Luna. Thank you.

They exited Fluttershy's cottage. He sees that there are ponies wearing gilded armor, waiting patiently for the princesses and their guest. He started to fell tense, until he heard Princess Luna reassure him.

Luna: Not to worry, we've already brifed them about you. They won't tell another soul until then.

Princess Luna said made sure Valiant is comfortable as possible.

Fluttershy, Twilight and Spike gave them a waving goodbye as the carriage flew away.

Twilight: Oh, I can't wait to meet him again!

Twilight's excitement finally came out. Fluttershy giggled at her antics, while Spike just rolled his eyes and smirked.

Chapter 4: A New World

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On their carriage ride to Canterlot, Valiant now has the chance to look outside of the inclosed carriage to the world, without anyone noticing him. What he sees is a clear sunny day, vast crops, rolling hills and a small village called Ponyville just below them. He then looks toward the direction they're going. There's a tall mountain, with what appears to be the capital that hangs alongside the mountain. He wondered to himself, how they managed to build something of that size on the side of the mountain.

"So that's Canterlot, correct," Valiant asked.

"Indeed it is, Valiant," Princess Celestia answered. "It's much more bigger than what it looks from here."

"This place... It looks oddly familiar," Valiant thought outloud. "I might've had a dream about this place."

That has caught Princess Luna's attention. He dreamed about this? If so, did she meet him a dream world before?

"You've dreamt about Canterlot," Princess Luna asked.

"I can only remember certain areas, the rest of it is a blur. I really do wish I can my dreams, but I-," Valiant hesitated speaking about what he's going to reveal to both of the princesses. Getting back on his seat, he tell them his recurring nightmare.

"I now only can relive the destruction of my world," Valiant admits.

"It repeats itself over and over again, without a way of stopping it." He continues, "What I can hear at the beginning of it, are the screams of those who knew their end was coming. The sun in our sky darkened to a crimson glow. The next thing I see is my home world, as if I standing out in the vacuum of space, I turn around and the sun explodes. The screams didn't stop until my home world was destroyed... Everyone I knew, everything I saw with my eyes, every sound I heard...became nothing. The nightmare doesn't stop there, it gets worse. I see my parents being incinerated into charred skeletons... I then look at my own hooves, they're in the same state aswell. Burnt bones... Then it repeats itself at that point," Valiant explained.

The two princesses were appalled at his disturbing description. Princess Luna was right, she to had heard the screams, but probably not in the same way Valiant had heard them. The two of them looked at eachother, knowing what he is suffering from. PTSD, but at a tremendous scale. Princess Celestia on one end, being the princess of the sun, could set him off. She needs to tread carefully and let him know she will never do such a thing. Princess Luna on the other end, is now planning of how to rehabilitate him from that never ending nightmare. She made herself a promise, that she will do everything she can to stop it. It was also obvious something in him was plaguing his dreams, it seems to be similar to what she was going through.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through such a thing, Valiant," Princess Luna said with empathy. "But now, you won't have to worry anymore."

"What do you mean? The things I saw, has been burned into my memories for the rest of my life," Valiant retorted. "How could I not worry? Even when I'm not trying to sleep, I still hear those screams. I'm surprised I haven't lost my mind at this point."

"Valiant, Luna can help you with your trauma," Princess Celestia assured him. "She not known to be the princess of the night for nothing."

"Are you saying she can see past memories," Valiant asked then he looked to Princess Luna. "How does it work?"

"It's called dreamwalking.", Princess Luna continued.

"I can see everypony's dreams as they sleep, Valiant. When they have a nightmare I come to their aid, I help them by coming to terms with their fears over night. Yours however, will take some time. You honestly deserve to have a good life. My sister and I have decided to take you in, due to this situation you found yourself in. Leaving somepony like that, is not what we ponies of Equestria would do. And I'm sure our subjects will welcome you aswell. Also, we'd like you to just call our names without our titles, there's no need to be formal. We want you to be comfortable as possible.", Luna explains while she gave him a sweet and reassuring smile.

"I agree, being called princess is, well, a bit much at times," Celestia said with amusement.

Valiant was thankful that he didn't need to be formal with the two rulers. He actually felt lucky to have them as friends. He look down at his bandaged forlocks, the cuts were not stinging like they were before they left Fluttershy's home. Infact they're not even hurting at all. He unwrapped the bandage on his left forlock, the cuts have vanished, no even a scar.

"Valiant? Is something wrong," Celestia asked.

"My wounds...they're gone,", Valiant answered while he unwrapped his forlock.

The princesses took a closer look while Celestia holds his limbs, not even a scab. How did he heal so quickly? Even Valiant himself was surprised he had healed so fast.

"How is this even possible," Celestia asked her sister. "Normally, it would've taken days for him to heal like this."

"I'm not sure, Tia," Luna answered. "I'm not sure if I'm making a correct assumption, but you must be a powerful alicorn, one that possibly surpasses my sister and I. Probably even Twilight herself."

"I have felt a bit different ever since I've arrived to this place," Valiant said. "I feel like I can crumble entire mountains. Something in me has changed..."

Both Celestia and Luna were confused by what he meant. Did their world change him in such a way, that it made him a super-alicorn of some sort? It became apparent to them, the more he answers, the more mysterious he gets. Valiant was unsure of why this was happening to him aswell. He never felt this amount of raw power, that he now possess. There one question that could solve this mystery.

"We're the ponies of your world able to use magic," Luna asked.

"No, only our ancestors were able to," Valiant replied. "Infact, we were unable to use it just recently. Around, one thousand years ago, by my world's standard time, which is by measuring that blue aura our star would have temporarily."

Then he noticed Luna's expression, she was shocked. A thousand years ago, the blue aura that covered his star, and its destruction. Everything is connecting. It was by this time, the carriage had come to a stop, they've arrived back at the palace.

"Lulu? Are you alright," Celestia asked her sister.

"I'll be in my chambers. There's something I just remembered that needs my attention," Luna said, as she stepped out of the carriage and trotted inside.

"Alright," Celestia said with a bit of worry.

Valiant raised an eyebrow at Luna's sudden change of mood, what is so important for her act like that?

Valiant then looked at Celestia and asked, "Was there something wrong with what I said?"

"I don't know, Valiant. She would normally tell me what went wrong," Celestia said, as they were both stepped out of the carriage.

What Valiant now see is a grand palace that dwarfs the rest of Canterlot itself. He still can't over how the ponies of this world were able to build something of this size on a cliff face.

Celestia noticed his fascination and took the opportunity to officially welcome him. "As co-ruler and princess of the sun, I officially welcome our new friend to Equestria. We shall always be always be your friend."

Valiant couldn't help but smile. For the first time he was welcomed, he knew from then on, he will live his life in peace. But getting there is going to be a challenge, those memories are still fresh in his mind, especially the screams... He put that aside for now and accept Celestia's welcome.

"Thank you, Celestia. I must also thank Luna as well for caring for my well being," Valiant said, as they both enter inside the palace. Valiant's life has now changed, on the path to possibly a new and bright future.

Chapter 5: A Super-Alicorn?

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It has been less then a week, since Valiant has arrived to this world. And just like he thought, he's still adapting to his life new in Equestria and how ponies live here. There were a few instances of culture shock, which were thankfully minor. Not to mention he has been hearing the whispers from the guards who keep the palace safe. Most of it is about his size, about how he darwfs them compared to his muscle mass to their own. He must be an incredibly strong alicorn, is what he heard buzzing around. Aside from that, he's been doing well so far. The princesses gave him his own room, and to keep him safe, Celestia has sent a group of guards outside of his quarters. She even made sure they vowed to not reveal Valiant for the time being.

In his room, Valiant was waiting patiently for his recovery session with Luna. The thing is even though he was comfortable being here, he still has a hard time trying to sleep. That same nightmare has been more rampant then before, it always seems to keep him awake. Unbeknownst to him, Luna has been having trouble finding his dreams, due to him staying up at night. Which is why she decided to start early. Then Valiant remembers about a week ago when he first entered this palace.

Less then a week ago.

"I have to say, your ponies know how to build amazing structures like this, Celestia," Valiant complements.

giggle "I'm quite flattered, wait until you see all of Equestria," Celestia said as they both walked to the hall of murals

One of the murals caught his eye, there's a lavender pony with a crown on her head, and five over ponies with necklaces, surrounding what looks like a much larger and much sinister pony. Just by looking at the dark pony puts him off. Why does he feel so angry deep inside? However it didn't last long.

"Valiant," Celestia asked. "You've been staring at that mural for a while." Then it occurred to her, he wasn't just staring at the mural. He staring at the dark pony in mural.

"Nightmare Moon," Celestia said.

"So that's her name," Valiant asked.

"Indeed it is," Celestia confirmed.

"Valiant, that was my sister," she added.

Valiant is now confused by what she meant. Her sister?

Celestia continued her explanation."This was Luna, Valiant. She became Nightmare Moon, due to my negligence. You see, I wasn't aware of what was happening to my little sister. Everypony praised my days, while Luna's nights were being forgotten. After some time she grew more angry, and eventually became the thing of nightmares. I had no choice but to banish her to the moon for a thousand years. Ever since then, I regret what had happened to her. It was thanks to the elements of harmony that brought her back to me. Those six ponies you see there are responsible for my sisters return, and you have met two of them already."

"Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy," Valiant said now looking at the purple and yellow ponies.

"Come, there's a lot of things you need to know," Celestia urges him to follow her. "We also want to give you a physical exam before you settle in, we need to know why you were able to heal so quickly. So that way we'll know what to deal with."

"Alright, as long as those needles don't hurt, I think that's a wise decision," Valiant agreed.

"Well, not to toot my own horn, I am known to be wise, as well as my sister. We've been around for thousands of years, even before Equestria was founded," Celestia said.

"Well anyways, we should get you checked on, so the infirmary for our guards should do nicely. We need to know what you are capable of, Valiant," she urged.

"Of course, right with you," Valiant said as he followed her.

One hour later.

"Well color me impressed," the doctor pony said.

Celestia had planned everything ahead, knowing that there's a pony from another world. She wanted to be thorough about Valiant's health and mentality, as well as his strengths and weaknesses. The doctor who had done a physical exam on Valiant, was Dr. Scalpel. Celestia had made sure he was going to deal with, well, an alicorn stallion from another world, in order to not freak him out about the whole ordeal. At first Dr. Scalpel had the impressions that he was the picture of health.

Next, he tested Valiant's grip with a rubber ball, what had him stumped though, was when Valiant crushed it. No body building ponies could've crushed it, even Celestia was surprised by Valiant's ability to crush a ball that was made for testing grip. So Dr. Scalpel listed his grip as "off the charts."

Then, he tested Valiant's magical aura. This is what really surprised Dr. Scalpel. Valiant's magical energy, is through the roof. Possibly on par with Celestia's, or perhaps more. He also had felt that same immense feeling that Twilight had mentioned to Celestia and Luna. It was probably that amount of raw energy that Valiant possesses, but not in bad way of course.

"He is indeed an alicorn. I never thought I would live the day, that I did a physical exam on an extra terrestrial," Dr. Scalpel said.

"I know this is an exciting moment for you doctor, but you must keep this secret until we officially announce his presence to the public. We wouldn't want rumors being spread around beforehoof," Celestia reminded.

"Of course, your majesty," Dr. Scalpel replied.

"One last thing I need from him, is just a small blood sample," Dr. Scalpel said as he readies his syringe.

Celestia looked at Valiant for his consent. Valiant nodded.

"Sure, Dr. Scalpel," Valiant said as he lifts his right front leg up.

"Okay, this won't hurt one bit. Just a small poke," Dr. Scalpel said.

What happens next, shocks both the doctor and Celestia. The needle bent on Valiant's front leg, instead of it just drawing blood. By this point, even Valiant himself was shocked by what happened.

"Let me try a different needle, I usually use them on a certain tiny dragon," Dr. Scalpel said as readies the new syringe.

The same thing happened again, not even a needle that can draw blood from a dragon could do it.

"Okay well, maybe we don't have to, since I can't exactly get a blood sample," Dr. Scalpel accepted.

"I'm assuming you have everything you need doctor," Valiant asked.

"Yes, you're a very special pony I should say. You have incredible strength, your wings are very strong, and your magical aura is, well, immense. A super-alicorn probably," Dr. Scalpel said as he looks over his clipboard.

"A super-alicorn," Celestia asked.

"Yes, Princess," Dr. Scalpel answered.

"If I remember correctly, didn't you say, you could possibly crush entire mountains," Celestia asked Valiant.

"It certainly feels like I can, I did say it in a metaphorical way though. But, after all those tests, that might be an understatement," Valiant said.

Both Celestia and Dr. Scalpel were unsure of how to respond. He's a super-alicorn, but the thing is, he wasn't always like this. Something in this world is giving him those abilities. Celestia needs to find the answers. Twilight would be more than willing to help her find out whats going on with Valiant. What is giving him these powers?

"Well that's everything I need. If there's anything that comes up, be sure to let me know," Dr. Scalpel said as he takes his leave.

"We will, thank you Dr. Scalpel," Celestia thanked him.

"Come along, Valiant. We have a room for you to stay in," Celestia urges him to follow her.

Once they reach his room, a patrol of guards are there to greet them.

"They will keep you guarded until we announce your arrival, Valiant. You are free to explore the place, as long as you remember to not wonder too far out. You can even visit Luna and I when we're not on court duty. And if you feel hungry, we can all go over to the dinning hall," Celestia explained.

"Thank you, Celestia. You and Luna have done so much for me, I hope I can repay the favor," Valiant said.

"Think nothing of it, Valiant," Celestia said humbly.

"Well, I genuinely fell so lucky to have met you. I don't know where I'd be without you," Valiant said.

Celestia blushed slightly.

"Well, maybe we could have a private discussion sometime, if you'd like," Celestia said quietly.

"A private discussion," Valiant asked.

"Oh, I mean when I'm free, we can talk about eachothers worlds sometime," Celestia said.

"Sure, I would like to, Celestia," Valiant answered.

"Wonderful. Well, I should attend to my duties. Be sure come to the dinning hall by this evening," Celestia informed as she heads for the throne room.


Valiant heard a knock on his door. One of the guards came in to inform Valiant that Luna is here.

"Princess Luna is here Mr. Valiant," the guard pony said.

"Alright," Valiant said as the guard walks back out.

Luna walks in but with a saddened look on her face.

"Luna? Is something wrong," Valiant asked.

"I believe I have something to confess," Luna said with tears threatening to fall.

"I...may have been responsible...for the destruction of your world..."

Chapter 6: The Time Of Need

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"I...may have been responsible...for the destruction of your world," Luna said with tears now running down her face.

Valiant just sat there, unable to process what she just said. She's responsible? How can that be? From the looks of things, Luna didn't look like the pony that would want to destroy a star, let alone destroy millions of lives... He learned more about the sisters while they were all in the dinning hall, ever since he first arrived here. Celestia being able to control the sun, and Luna controls the moon and the stars. Stars... When Valiant had learned that about Luna, the mystery of that dark blue haze around the white sun in his world's sky, was now uncovered. She was the one, the one who had moved his world from one place in the galaxy, to another. And now...she's taking responsibility for his world's destruction...

Valiant was bearly able to speak up.

"L-Luna, how can you possibly be responsible," Valiant asked as his eyes were now tearing up.

"It was because, I became Nightmare Moon," Luna admitted.

"I- No, she wanted the night to last forever, she never took the time to know what would happen to the stars, if they remained in the sky forever," Luna continued.

"All of this happened, because I was jealous towards my sister," Luna said with self-hatred.

"Your world...ended up paying the price...for my own actions."

"You don't know how this feels like, taking away millions of lives like that," Luna said now in a breaking voice.

Valiant was now on the verge of tears. Luna however, had fallen apart. She was now crying, she knew what she had done. She had destroyed the world Valiant once knew and there is nothing she can do to go back and fix it. She cursed at herself, just wishing things could've been different. Until she felt a hoof on hers. She looked at the hoof on top of her own, it was Valiant's. With a sad look with tears streaming down his face.

"Luna, I know what that feels like," Valiant said with empathy.

"I saw what happened with my own eyes, I saw what happened moments before my world was destroyed, everything," Valiant said as his voice was now breaking.

"But blaming yourself, isn't right, Luna. I know it's only been less then a week since we've known eachother. But you've shown that you are not a terrible pony, Luna. You have proven to me what you can do. And ever since then, I was able to not think about my world's destruction. You've been helping me since the day I arrived here. Don't beat yourself up for something you weren't in control of," he said wholeheartedly.

Luna couldn't believe what she was hearing, did he just forgive her? If he did, then he must be a great pony with a heart made of gold. He had lost everything and everypony he had loved, and he forgave her.

"It's the nightmare I have everynight. It's what's causing me to relive the moments of my world's destruction. Not only that, I also keep seeing my parents suffering," Valiant said.

"I don't want to see them like that again... I need your help, Luna," Valiant said with plea.

Luna looked at him with empathy in her eyes, she wants to help him.

"Okay," Luna said.

Valiant then layed down in his bed and he closed his eyes. With Luna's assistance he was able to fall asleep relatively quickly. At first everything was dark and empty, then it began. He was standing out in the grassy field, that was out side the massive city he once knew. He looked up, and the white sun in the sky began to darken. It was at this moment he realized the nightmare was just beginning like it always has. It had skipped over to both him and his mother running to a building, while he heard the screams of ponies who knew their fate was imminent. It skips again to him looking at his parents one last time before the evacuation pod launched. Next he stands out in space, infront of him was his home world. It looked so peaceful, until it explodes leaving no trace of it behind. And finally his parents...that's when the nightmare stops.

"Valiant, I'm here," a soothing voice calls out.

"Luna, is that you," Valiant asked out to darkness.

Luna had made it, she walked out from darkness and to Valiant side.

"These ponies, they were your parents, weren't they," Luna asked.

"Yes, the two I had loved all my life. This is the nightmare where I see them....burn," Valiant said hesitantly.

"Valiant, there's something you're missing," Luna remarked.

"Do you remember what that final words were," Luna asked.

"Only bearly, I was in a state of thinking they could've went with me," Valiant said.

"Let me help you with that then," Luna said as she lit up her horn to the moment before the evacuation pod was launched.

Valiant now sees himself standing in front of his parents. All of them had tears in their eyes. Then he heard his dad speak to the past Valiant.

"Son, I want you to know, no matter what happens we'll always be in your heart. Cherish these memories we made, my son. Take our love with you, and somewhere out there, someone will come to love you, as we once did," his dad said in a serious matter.

Valiant was on the verge of crying, he heard his dad's voice again. Luna draped a wing over him to keep him in comfort. He heard himself speak.

"M-mom, dad I don't want to be alone," the past Valiant said with tears streaming down his cheeks.

Then he heard his mom speak.

"You won't be alone," his mom says before wiping his tears away and kissing his cheek.

Both Valiant and Luna watch as the memory plays on.

"We love you, son... We'll miss you," his dad said with his wife in his embrace.

"I-I love you both too... sniff Goodbye," past Valiant says in a whimper.

The memory fades to black, leaving only Valiant and Luna in the empty dreamscape.

"They've loved you so much, Valiant" Luna said as she held him closer.

"Do you think they suffered," Valiant asked.

"Valiant, this is a dream, I want to believe they didn't, only you can change that," Luna said.

"What you believe, is what will happen in our dreams. Though they may never be true, but this how I've learned when it comes to dreamwalking," Luna explained.

"If believe they didn't suffer, does that mean I won't have that same nightmare again," Valiant asked.

"One some occasions yes, but this however, this has many traumatic events, jumbled into one. This is going to take a number of nights for this to stop," Luna explained.

"From now on, we'll be having more sessions everynight until then. Once this is over, Celestia and I will give the public a chance to know of your presence, " she added.

Valiant was glad to hear those words, she really does care for him. He gave her a hug, she was a bit surprised at first, but then she hugged him back.

"Thank you, Luna," Valiant said.

Luna lit her horn again, and this time the dreamscape was of a peaceful landscape under a stary night sky.

"I should thank you too, Valiant," Luna said.

They broke the hug, and Valiant was in awe of the new dream Luna had made for him.

"You are a great pony, just like how parents said. Please, rest well," Luna said as she vanishes to the moon above them.

Valiant finally felt at peace. He can now remember those words his parents had said to him.

Valiant spoke to himself, "Maybe my parents were right, some...pony has probably come to love me."

"I'm not alone."

Chapter 7: New Morning Routine

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Valiant never felt so better, as he wakened. He finally was able to rest well, thanks to Luna. He remembered what his parents had said to him, he'll always cherish the memories he made with them. Those images of them suffering are, now no longer tormenting him. He woke up just before sunrise. So he figured, he might as well enjoy the sunrise out on the balcony.

He walked to the balcony and was met with an early morning twilight. Some of the stars in the sky were still visible. Then, something had came to his mind. His star was once part of the beautiful night sky Luna makes. He was still in surprise that it was her, that moved his world from one place to another.

As Valiant was in thought, he noticed a tall mare stepping out on her balcony of the tallest tower. It was Celestia, he can recognize her flowing mane from anywhere. Not only that, she also has elegance in each step she takes. Celestia lit her horn and sun was now rising. Valiant wasn't even watching the sunrise, he was watching Celestia. The way she worked her magic to raise the sun, had him enchanted. He couldn't help but keep watching as Celestia finished raising the sun. She then turned to his direction and gave him a smile and a wave. Valiant had to quickly look away as he blushed in embarrassed. Did she know he was watching her? It was a possibility nonetheless. So he did what was best, he waved back at her.

Back in his room, it's been a few minutes after that little silly moment he was in. He was enjoying the morning by himself, until he heard a knock on his door.

Knock knock

The door opened and was greeted by a guard.

"Princess Celestia would like to see you in the dinning hall, Mr. Valiant," the guard said.

"Sure, I don't have anything planned today. You may lead the way sir," Valiant said as he followed the guard out.

Once they've both arrived at the to dinning hall, the guard opened the door for him. Celestia was there waiting for him to come in. He gave the guard thanks and went inside.

"You seem to have rested well," Celestia said.

"I have Luna to be thankful for," Valiant said as he takes his seat.

Celestia couldn't help but smile. Luna is helping him. He now looks more relaxed, than when he first arrived here.

"Would you like some pancakes," Celestia asked.

"I would be delighted," Valiant said with a smile on his face.

Giggle "Just try to slow it down, Valiant," Celestia said

Celestia had already made a bunch of pancakes, especially for Valiant. He had never eaten pancakes like these before. Ever since he tried one of her pancakes, since when he first arrived here, he just couldn't get enough. Celestia couldn't help but adore him. When he's not having problems, he's just a normal pony, much like herself when she has free time. She too tends to pig out when cake was involved, but she'll keep that a secret for now. She sets his plate in front of him.

"Well, they're just so good, I just couldn't help myself," Valiant said.

"Especially, because you made them," he added.

"Oh, you flatter me. I've simply had centuries of experience with making pancakes," Celestia said.

Valiant noticed that small hint of blush on her face. That reminded him of what she had said, almost a week ago.

"Well, maybe we could have a private discussion sometime, if you'd like"

She did say she wanted to know him some more. He pretty much did nothing for about a week, so he'll choose to spend the day with Celestia.

"Celestia," Valiant asked.

"Yes, Valiant," Celestia replied.

"Do you think we can spend some time together," he asked again.

"Of course we can, but until I make your presence known, we'll have to keep it in my study room," Celestia said.

"That's fine for me, keeping my presence a secret in order to keep the public calm, quite logical," Valiant said, now knowing how everything works here.

"I assume day court is quite a tiring task," he said starting a new topic.

"It is, but town hall is where it really gets tedious," Celestia said with a deadpan look on her face.

"Centuries of borism, if I had said so," Valiant said.

"You might be right on that one, Valiant," Celestia replied.

Giggle "I do tend to pull some pranks when I'm bored. I tap on a guard's shoulder when he's not looking, or I just prank Luna to finish off the day," Celestia said.

Valiant can actually see she is planning a prank on Luna right now. And speaking of Luna, the doors swing open, revealing a very tired princess of the night. She may look tired, but her ears didn't fail her.

"If you were planning on a prank, you should probably keep it to yourself, sister," Luna said as she stumbled towards the dinning table.

Celestia gave her a puffy-cheek face. Then she noticed that Valiant is here and fully awake. She smiled at him sweetly, knowing her methods have worked. However, there is still more do to, in order for him live his life peacefully.

"Well, if I were to be dreaming now. I'd be surprised if I was," Luna said as she takes her seat.

"I would be too, I've seen him awake even before I raised the sun," Celestia said.

"That's wonderful to hear, but we do have some more to do later," Luna replied.

"She's right, there are times when I can still hear those screams," Valiant said.

They all fell silent, but still enjoying their pancakes. Valiant then couldn't handle the silence, so he tells Luna what he's going to for the day.

"I plan on spending some time with Celestia today, I sure hope you wouldn't mind," Valiant said.

"Oh, that's quite alright," Luna said.

"I mean, somepony has to keep her from getting bored," she added, but with a devious look on her face.

Now that's what made Celestia blush even more.

"Luna," she yelled.

Valiant was sure how to respond to that, especially when he knew what she meant. Now, he does see both of them as lovely mares. Celestia has this elegance to her that makes her motherly in a way, but also inside he can see that she is adventurous, a pony who just wants to have fun. While on other end of the spectrum, Luna has this mysterious beauty to her, something that he can't put into words, while inside she reminds him of a gamer who likes to stay up late. He can also sense something else in her. The regret of what she did, all those years ago. So anyways, back on topic.

"W-well uhh, I do believe I will keep her company," Valiant said.

"If you can keep her from pranking anypony, then I would recommend you spending time with her everyday," Luna said with a victorious smile.

Celestia rolled her eye at her sister. At least she'll have company. She has been meaning to ask him, but both Luna and Valiant had beat her to it.

"Well, I resting some more. That last dreamwalk had tuckered me out," Luna said as she was taking her leave.

"Sure, Luna, hope you rest easy as well," Valiant said.

Luna remembered what she said to him before she left his dream. She blushed as she looked back at him with a sweet smile.

"I will, thank you Valiant," Luna said as she gave him a cheeky wink.

Luna left the dinning hall, she now felt giddy. Valiant really is wonderful to be around with. She now wonders if Valiant is interested in dreamwalking with her. She'll have to wait and see if he wants to.

Back in the dinning hall, Celestia shook her head at Luna's antics but she means well. She had been wanting to know Valiant, more personally infact.

"Well, Valiant, I shall get started by doing some paperwork in my study room," Celestia said as she gets up from her Seay.

"Sure, I can be of assistance to you, if you need it that is," Valiant replied.

"I'd be grateful, thank you," Celestia said as she smiled at him sweetly.

Valiant couldn't help but wonder to himself. Has Celestia been lonely? He'll find out for sure soon. It's all part of spending time with her afterall.

Chapter 8: A Day With Princess Celestia

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"So, no day court today," Valiant asked.

While both Celestia and Valiant were heading to the study room. Celestia had informed the public yesterday, that there won't be day court for today. She had also made a reason that is, well, believable. The real reason was to get to know Valiant on more personal level. However that doesn't mean it's without paperwork.

"Yes, Valiant," Celestia said.

"While we get to know each other, I still have to do my duties, only it's now away from the public's eyes," she added.

"I see," Valiant said.

They both enter the room. Celestia takes her usual seat, while Valiant takes another nearby. Celestia starts to work on her mountain of parchment, that ranges from important to simple requests. While she does so, she asks Valiant about what his home world was like, and how his ponies went about thier day.

"I know this might be a touchy subject, but, what was your world like," Celestia asked.

Valiant was looking out the window he was sitting next to, then he turned to her. He starts his explanation.

"Well, to start off, my world was known as Colt'ia. It was peaceful and just. Cities, skyscrapers as high as Mount Cantorlot. It also wasn't without it's nature, infact your world is surprisingly very similar to mine. We had different constellations in our nightsky, except, there was no moon for us marvel upon."

He got up and walked to the window, looking out at the beautiful landscape Celestia's study room provided. He can see rolling hills, crop fields, and even Ponyville can seen from here. Valiant continues to speak.

"In it's past however, my ancestors were, well, barbaric... Colt'ia wasn't always a peaceful world, we nearly destroyed ourselves many times, by our own ambitions. That was until a single individual had persuaded every divided nation, to unite under the same sky. Many of my ponies had told me, that I resemble the same pony who united all the nation's of the world. I merely just shrugged it off, cause, how could I be some incarnation of somepony who was our most important historical figure?"

Celestia couldn't help but be more intrigued rather than work on her parchment. So his world had its time of disharmony, but at much greater magnitude. She remembers what Equestria was like, before it even was Equestria. Divided ponies, tensions, even the blizzard that drove them here. His world however, it sounded like war was a common thing for his kind. Then, something flashed in her mind.

There were two alicorns, they were both as tall as she was. One of them had a cream colored coat, and long flowing mane and tail, with colors that went from orange and gradiented to purple. The other had a dark navy coat, flowing dark blue mane and was well statured.

"Mother, father?," Celestia said in her mind.

They both smiled at her and slowly disappeared.

Valiant continues to speak farther on the subject.

"I can't say I'm over the deaths of my parents. I still morn for them, but I now morn with my happiest memories of them."

There, that moment when said he said that, after having that brief flashback, she can relate to him. She understands his pain so well, just as much as Luna does. And here he is, the only one of his kind. She got up and walked to Valiant's side.

"Oh, Valiant, you have suffered so much. You deserve to have a wonderful life, and look at you now," Celestia said as she faces him to her.

"You're already making that process happen, without even knowing it," she added.

Celestia brings him into her embrace. Valiant began to feel relaxed. It reminded him when he was little, his mother would do this all those times when he was restless or frightened. He looked out to window again. This world looks incredible and that's when something clicked.

"Celestia," Valiant said.

"What is it, Valiant," Celestia asked.

"Your world, it's beautiful," Valiant said practically at a flattering tone.

They both separated from their hug.

"I've lost my home... I don't want you to lose yours. If there's anything or anyone threatening to cause that, I promise I will do everything I can to keep this world safe," he said.

"And I promise to be by yours and Luna's sides, this I swear, apon my very being," he continued.

Celestia couldn't help but smile sweetly, even a few tears were almost falling. She wanted nothing more, but to see him come out of his shell. What made her tear up though, he made a promise to not only protect this world, but to be at both hers and Luna's sides. What came next in Celestia's mind, he resembles the five known elements. He's joyful, because he remembers his parents with the happiest of memories. He's honest, because he never left a single detail out. He's generous, because he wanted help her with her duties. He's kind, because he wants to their for everypony who is in need. And lastly he's loyal, because he'll protect his new found friends.

A few more hours had passed. They were now laughing about a silly incident that happened hundreds of years ago.

"...and that party had became to be known as the Grand Galluping Gala," Celestia said while she was still tickled at the subject.

"So that's why it's called that. That magician sure knew how to scare those nobles," Valiant laughed.

"Oh yes, she had them running," Celestia said still laughing.

"Must've been a very fun party and not those boring ones," Valiant said now knowing that Celestia is no stuck-up, rather she wants to have a good time.

"Oh, don't remind me," she said.

She finally finishes her last parchment. Valiant had observed how much Celestia had to do everyday, he wondered how she's able to keep this up. But he decided to not ask her, she has been doing this, well, for centuries!

Her sun was was about to set, signaling the day is almost over. She got up from her seat and went to the window. Her horn lights up, guiding the sun behind the horizon. After that was done they both headed out of the study room.

"Thank you so much, Valiant," Celestia said.

"Without your help, that would've taken me until midnight to finish all of that paperwork," she added.

"I'm glad I could help," Valiant said as he chuckled.

They both smile at eachother.

"Well I'm going to go and meet with Luna, it's actually nice having a change of pace," he added.

"Goodnight, Celestia," he said as was about to leave.

"Oh, Valiant," Celestia calls out.

"Hmm," Valiant turned back and Celestia's face is inches away.

What happens next, made him freeze up and blush.

Giggle "Goodnight, Valiant~," Celestia coos to him as she teleported away.

Valiant just stood there silent, not knowing what to do. She, well, she kissed him.....on the cheek. He brought his hoof up to where she made contact with him. The next thing that came to his mind, he planned on meeting Luna tonight. He's now hoping she wouldn't notice the potential lip mark on his face, he doesn't actually know if Celestia did leave a mark there. Not wanting to make Luna wait, a thought comes running through his mind.

"Welp, this is going to be interesting," he said as he hastily makes his way to Luna's chambers.

Chapter 9: A Night With Princess Luna

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Valiant: Well this going to be interesting...

As Valiant made his way to Luna's chambers, Celestia's bold move was still in his mind. She kissed his cheek, but why? It must be an Equestrian thing. He sets that aside for now, as he approaches Luna's nights guards. However the guards noticed something on his face.

Night Guard: Uh. G-good evening, Mr. Valiant. Princess Luna has been expecting you.

The other night guard went inside to inform the princess of Valiant's arrival.

Luna: You may enter.

A night guard opens the door to let Valiant inside. Luna was just finishing up some paperwork for, well, whatever it is. Not wanting to interrupt her, he waits patiently. After Luna finished the last of her paperwork, she breaths a sign of relief.

Luna: I'm glad you made it, Valiant. There's something I-

Luna cuts off her own sentence and her eyes widened as she sees something on Valiant's face.

Valiant: Luna? Is something wrong?

Luna: Who...kissed you...?

Valiant looked to a mirror nearby and can see what it is. There's a kiss mark on his cheek, he remembers who did it.

Valiant: Celestia...

He face-hooves. Then seeing Luna looking like she was going to lose her marbles, he explains.

Valiant: Now, Luna, before you start making a mess of this place... I believe this is what she means by pulling a prank from this mourning.

Luna remembered what her sister was planning. She calms down, but still acting...sassy.

Luna: Hmph! She did it again...

Valiant raised an eyebrow at this new side of Luna he never seen before. Luna then slowly smiled, he can tell she has something in mind. So, he plays along.

Valiant: Are you thinking about getting back at her?

Luna turned to him.

Luna: You've read my mind.

Valiant wonders what she might do.

Luna: For now, there's something I must tell you, Valiant.

Valiant: Yes? What is it?

Luna: I've been wondering into your mentality, and I've discovered something that lays dormant within you.

Something dormant? What does she mean, a hidden ability or something else entirely?

Luna: It was hard to make out, but being around it...

Luna shivers, what ever it is, it's not a good sign.

Valiant: Frightens you?

Valiant finished her sentence. He knew exactly what she was talking about, it's been in him and his ponies genetics ever since they came to be. The one thing that nearly caused their extinction, before his planet was destroyed. Rage. And no not just any rage. Pure, untainted, unmerciful rage. This was something he didn't want the princesses to know, which is why he left one detail out when he was telling Celestia about his world.

Valiant: Sigh I should've known it would come to this. Luna what you saw, was possibly my...other-self... When something or some...pony provokes us to the limit, that thing comes out... All of us had it. That's why my world was riddled by war for centuries, up until recently.

Luna: I-I see...

Luna wasn't sure how she should react, she felt as if Valiant could explode with that at any moment. It reminded her of becoming Nightmare Moon, the one thing she still regrets becoming. However.

Valiant: I don't have any reason for that to happen, Luna. All of you are helping me so much. Even if it that does happen, it'll mean I'm just protecting my friends.

Hearing him say that, made Luna realize something. Valiant is opening himself up, he's finally coming to terms of losing everything he knew. It's something his parents would want. Luna smiled.

Luna: I'm glad I can help. There is one more thing we must go over.

Valiant: One more?

Luna: Yes, it's to ensure that your mentality is stable. If you want to be officially become part of our world, we have to look into your dreams and memories so we both know what we're dealing with.

Valiant: Sounds reasonable.

Luna: Shall we?

Valiant nodded and took his sleeping spot where Luna can easily enter his dream. After falling asleep their final session can start.

He stands in total darkness. Valiant wasn't sure what may come, will it be the nightmare that plagued him, or is it gone? A bright flash forcing him to shield his eyes, once that stopped he found himself on the same green grassy meadow. This is where the nightmare starts, everytime. He braced himself for worst to come, but it didn't come. Something is different here, instead of the white sun in sky, the sky was nebulous and dotted with countless stars of a magnificent night sky, like if someone had painted the sky with purples, blues, and greens. This is an incredible sight, this was out of something his ponies called sci-fi!

???: My moon.

Luna had arrived and taking in this amazing view.

Valiant: Luna, is this by you?

Luna: No, I wasn't planning on making a dreamscape like this.

Valiant then noticed something was off, he too didn't make this. Something or some...pony made this, but who? He needs to find the answers on who made this dreamscape. However that will have to wait until then. Then he look off to the distance, the city. Luna then realized something was different, it feels like they're...awake? How is this possible?

Luna: Valiant? You said your world was gone right?

Valiant: Yes, it was destroyed by a supernova. Why?

Luna: Do you feel the grass under your hooves?

Now that she mentioned it, the grass had felt...real. Normally you couldn't tell from which individual blade of grass in a dream.

Valiant: What is going on?

To confirm that this might be an elaborate dream, Luna attempts to make a change by using her dream magic by changing the sky. Nothing happened.

Luna: Okay, this might be real.

Valiant: But how, my home world should be in pieces. Not intact...

It was then they heard hoof steps on the grass near them, two alicorns are approaching them. They couldn't make out who they were, one looked to be a bulked up stallion with a flowing dark mane that resembles the same night sky. Then other looked similar to Celestia in terms of stance, but instead has a flowing mane resembling a bright blue sky.

Mom?/Dad?: Valiant?

Valiant couldn't believe his eyes...his parents...are here...

Valiant: Mom? Dad?

Tears were welling up in his eyes, his parents also ad tears in their eyes aswell.

Mom: Valiant!

Is mom, Phantasia, ran to her son and took him in a tight embrace. His Dad, Star Seeker, joined in the embrace.

Dad: Oh son, we missed you so much!

Valiant: I missed you so much too.

Luna couldn't help smile, tears were also welling up in her eyes. Seeing Valiant reuniting with his parents had touched her heart. Valiant then noticed Luna still was here.

Valiant: Mom, Dad. I want to introduce you to my friend.

Luna: Greetings you two, I am Princess Luna, the princesse of the night and co-ruler of Equestria.

Mom: Wow, a pony from another world. Oh, excuse me, I am Phantasia, queen of Colt'ia.

Queen? Valiant was now confused hadn't she stepped down as ruler before she married Star Seeker his dad?

Dad: I am Star Seeker, king of Colt'ia. Welcome Princess.

Valiant: You're rulers? Didn't mom?

His mother placed a hoof on his mouth.

Mom: There's alot we'll have to explain, Val. But for now, how about we head home for now. We'll talk about it when we get there.

Valiant nodded.

Luna: I would like to see what your world is like, I'm quite curious.

Mom: Sure I would love to discuss a few things to a fellow ruler.

They all then take flight heading to the city, the same city Valiant had called home. Home, this is where he was born and saw its end. And went it's still here, could.... Could this be...his doing? He looked at his cutie mark, it was glowing. The more he thought about it, it did resemble the tree of timelines he saw many times. It then occurred to him in all those studies he did, it was looking at him in the eye all along. He made...a new timeline.