Kirby in Equestria

by P Capcom

First published

Kirby and the Mane 6 team up to restore harmony & dreams across Equestria.

Kirby, the legendary Star Warrior who lost his home planet to a destructive and unstoppable force, starts a new life as Equestria's newest defender, alongside the Mane 6.
But things take a wild turn as many of Kirby's enemies have somehow survived the destruction of Planet Popstar and are looking to take over the Kingdom, the Mane 6 must work with Kirby to stop their new foes and restore harmony across Equestria, but little does anyone or anypony know that the entity responsible for destroying Planet Popstar is working behind the scenes.

Kirby belongs to Nintendo & My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro, I do not own the rights to either.
This story takes inspiration from the cancelled story "Invasion from Dreamland" by JeckParadox, I will make sure to stay true to the copyright laws and have as many notable differences in this story as possible.

Prologue; Popstar Lost

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In the peaceful, carefree kingdom of Dreamland, the Waddle Dee's are hard at work building houses, Blippers are swimming in rythym, Bronto Burts are flying through the comfy breeze, Poppy Bros. are playing catch with each other, Whispy Woods is relaxing in the solitude of his forest, Adeleine is painting objects into reality giving each one to a resident in need, the Floralians are weeding the Dreamstalk, the Blade Knights, Spynums, Pierces & Sir Kibbles are patrolling in case of any danger, and Chef Kawasaki is cooking new meals for any resident anxious to have a taste.

All is normal and tranquil, but then an evil laughter could be heard all across the kingdom, that was when darkness looms over the surface of Dreamland. Residents look up to the sky to fall in panic and despair as they see fanged teeth visible in the sky, a giant monster is wrapping it's mouth around Planet Popstar.

A small glitter can be seen flying away from the Planet, it was none other than Kirby riding the Warp Star, wielding the Star Rod in one stub that is his hand. He escapes just moments before the monster closes it's mouth around Planet Popstar, swallowing it in one gulp, it shrinks down to a purple sphere, flying off to another part of space leaving a smokey trail behind it.
Determined not to let it get away with eating his homeworld, Kirby chases the Sphere.

Kirby's Warp Star is flying at a velocity so fast, it has reached hyperspace, he could make out the Sphere's laughter but is unable find any visible trace of it.
Right when Kirby least expects it, the Sphere flies past him like a blazing meteor, almost knocking him off his Warp Star.

Right on the Sphere's tail, Kirby swings the Star Rod like a sword to strike the Sphere, but in the blink of an eye the Sphere suddenly appears right behind him. Kirby fires off stars, each of them miss the Sphere as it moves faster than Kirby could track.
The Sphere then lunges toward Kirby, manifesting crescent blades, the Star Warrior sticks up the Star Rod to block the rapid slashes surrounding him until eventually the Star Rod falls out of Kirby's hands.
For the first time, Kirby finally knows what it's like to meet his match.

The Sphere manifests a skeletal arm to grab Kirby, in the nick of time, Kirby leaps off his Warp Star to escape it's grasp, but this was merely a decoy as the Sphere's arm knocks away Kirby's Air Ride.

With Kirby left vulnerable without any way to maneuver, the Sphere takes advantage and transforms into a giant dark-purple mouth with fanged teeth, a black elongated, lance-like tongue, and a red vortex-like pattern from within, drooling a black sludge as it seeks to eat Kirby.

In a last ditch-effort, Kirby hurriedly reaches for the Star Rod as the Monster closes in, grabbing it in the nick of time. He unleashes a giant shooting star that heads directly into the monster's mouth, it returns to it's Sphere form and begins distorting before erupting into a powerful explosion, seemingly killed.

Kirby screams as he is knocked away by the blast with his Warp Star and Star Rod following suit as thousands of comets, emerging from the resulting explosion, follow behind them as they fly straight to an unfamilar planet, right into a Kingdom known as Equestria.

This is just the beginning of Kirby’s new adventure.

Chapter 1; Night in Equestria

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One night in the Kingdom of Equestria, Princess Twilight Sparkle sleeps within her Castle in the town of Ponyville, but then the lights from her window glare on her face, she wakes up to look out the window, her eyes glisten to see millions of lights crossing the sky.

Twilight excitedly shouts "Spike! Come look at this!" calling out to her sleeping assistant, but all he could do was leave a yawn, returning to his peaceful slumber. Still insistant, Twilight shines her horn with magic to lift Spike in the air, she runs outside on a balcony, excited to show him the comets.

"Spike, wake up, you gotta see this!" she said. His patience and solitude finally pushed to the brink, an irritated Spike wakes from his sleep "Twilight, what is so important that you had to wake me up in the middle of- Hey! A meteor shower!" Spike's temper subsided as he too fell in amazement, when he finally got a glance of what Twilight was trying to show him.
"It sure is, but I don't understand why Princess Celestia & Luna would start a meteor shower this late at night" Twilight wondered. "Looks like it's lucky for us" said Spike.

Twilight and Spike continued watching the meteor shower, when all of a sudden one of the comets shined a golden light.
Her attention diverted to this comet, Twilight says to her dragon assistant "Spike, look at that one, it looks different than the others." Spike looks to this golden star "I think it's coming closer to us" and soon enough, it falls within reach of Ponyville as Twilight & Spike watch in panic, landing in heart of the Everfree Forest.

The tremor of the impact can be felt all across Ponyville, waking and alerting everypony in town.
The entire Ponyfolk leave their homes to investigate the source of the noise, only to lay witness to the meteor shower, putting their worries to rest as they watch in awe.

Within reach of the Town, a Pegasus, Fluttershy, wakes form this tremor, her home erupting with chirping and growls among other noises her animal friends are making.
Fluttershy steps outside to investigate and lay witness to the comets, "Wow, are you all seeing this, it's beautiful" she told her friends.
She begins to notice another shooting star glowing a gold light just like the first one "Hey, this one looks different"
This star crash lands right within reach of Fluttershy's home, creating a tremor too small be felt by anypony else.

Witnessing this crash landing, Fluttershy worries that it may have harmed any animals in the vicinity.
Fluttershy is relieved to see that the star did not harm any animals within the proximity, she then searches the center of the impact crator to find a particular pink puffball with red-stubby feet, it was Kirby, unconcious after his battle with the monster that ate his homeworld.
Fluttershy did what she did best and took Kirby under her wing, relatively speaking.

Twilight's friends, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash & Applejack go to visit her at her Castle.
Pinkie Pie, happily skipping around as she always does, shouts out to her friends "Hey, are you seeing these shooting stars!? They are amazing! Princess Luna must like surprising us", Rainbow Dash explosively replies "You better believe it!"
Rarity admires the stars as if they were fashion designs "Such audacious comets."

Applejack's feeling for the comets is the last thing on her mind as she asks her friends "But what in the blazes was that noise that woke us up?" Immediately coming to her mind, Twilight answers Applejacks question with what she and Spike had witnessed "I almost forgot, me and Spike were just watching the meteor shower when one of the comets fell from the sky".
Rarity's eye's glistened hearing what Twilight explained "A star fell in our Kingdom? Right within our reach? Ah, I am anxious to observe it's prestine features."

"Wait a minute, if this is Princess Luna's magic, why would she let one of the stars fall from the sky?" asked Spike.
"The thought never occured to me until now, but then again it could be anything" answered Twilight.
"Where did it land?" Applejack asked and Twilight replied "The Everfree Forest."
"Why of all places did it have to land there? It's filthy and disgusting" asked Rarity.
"Yeah, but what's a reward without a little danger" Rainbow Dash said assuredly.
With a new adventure for the Mane 6, Pinkie Pie jumps around in excitement "OOH! OOH! I'll plan a party to announce the discovery of the Star".

Meanwhile on that same night, Princess Luna, Bringer of the Night, stood atop the tower of the Castle of Canterlot maintaining harmony in the night, but Luna's peace was interrupted when she looked up to the night sky with her mouth ajar and her pupils dilated, surprise and shock struck her face as she saw tens of thousands of comets litter the night sky "What is this?"

She immediately gallops across the castle halls to find her sister, Princess Celestia, who is sleeping peacefully in her chambers. Luna wakes her in a hurried manner, "Sister! Wake up, Sister!"
Waking up from her sleep, Celestia realized that there was a sense of panic in her voice "Luna, what is the matter?", she replies "Come outside with me, I will show you."

The two Sisters step out on a balcony to see a view of the night sky, still lit with the raining comets. Amazed by this sight, Celestia asked her sister "Why didn't you tell me you were doing a meteor shower?"
"This is not my doing" she replied "something else is causing this, but I don't know what."
The smile disappears from Celestia's face, her amazement turned to surprise when she heard Luna's answer, "What are you saying?" Luna answered "These are not my stars."

Panic started to enter the Sisters' minds as they looked back at the meteor shower, but then they felt a cold shiver permeate the air, almost as if they were in the heart of an abyss.
That is when a mysterious dark cloud appeared, flying toward the Sisters. "Sister, watch out!!" shouted Luna as she jumped right in front of Celestia, shielding her from the dark cloud.
The cloud enters Luna's body, her eyes turned a pitch black as if being corrupted by the dark cloud.

Realizing Luna is in danger of being possessed, Celestia channels magic into her horn, "Whatever you are, I demand you release my sister!" she yelled, ready to use her spell to exorcise her sister.
Luna raises both her hooves, "Wait, it’s all right."

Celestia holds back her spell realizing Luna is in full control of her own will, "Are you sure, Luna?"
"Yes, it’s trying to show me something" replied Luna "the meteor shower, they are not stars, they are survivors from... a star-shaped world, and they may land in our kingdom at any minute."

Celestia looked up to the sky "All those meteors... are survivors?"

The Dark Cloud leaves Luna’s body and takes on the form of a cloaked figure with shoulder plates, shadowy hair and a cycloptic eye standing before the two Princesses, "I apologize for this sudden possession, but I needed to be safe so you wouldn’t greet me with hostility."
"Who are you?" asked Celestia. "I am Dark Matter" it replied "and I have come to warn you that a terrible disaster is coming."
Luna asks "A disaster? What kind of disaster?" to which Dark Matter answered "It is a disaster that destroyed my world, Planet Popstar."
"Who are these Warriors?" asked Celestia. "They are the Star Warriors, warriors that wreak havoc from world to world and will destroy yours if you do not stop them. There are currently two in existence, one is a tenacious and unrivaled masked swordsman named Meta Knight, and another, much more deadly and verstile, for there is no small pink terror than Kirby."

Celestia and Luna look to each other briefly, exchanging nods, both determined resolve the situation, then look back to Dark Matter "Tell us how much you know about them" said Celestia.

As the meteor shower continues raining down the night sky, one of these comets crash lands in the mountains, as the impact clears, it is revealed to be King Dedede's Castle.

From within the throne room, King Dedede is seated in his throne, mildly fazed by the impact, while several Waddle Dees are scattered across the room from the impact. "Ugh, what a landing" says the King, "Where are we anyhow?"
King Dedede steps out of his throne room and on to a balcony with two Waddle Dees at his side, to monitor his surroundings.
"Where are we?" asks Dedede, a Waddle Dee answers "Your Highness, it would appear that we are on a new planet". The answer only seemed to Irritate King Dedede as he yelled "I can see that! What is this place!?"
"We... don't know, Your Highness" says the Waddle Dee.

Pondering to himself, Dedede order's his right-hand Waddle Dee "Send out a search party of Bio Sparks & Wheelies to scout any known towns, valleys, kingdoms, cities, whatever. If there are subjects, I will rule over them!"
The Waddle Dee salutes King Dedede, prepared to handle his order, "Yes, your highness."

Another particular Waddle Dee, carrying a spear with what appears to be a blue flag tied beneath the spearhead, approaches the King and asks "Your Highness, what do you plan to do with the subjects?"
Dedede looked down to the Waddle Dee with hopeful pride, "I'm gonna do everything I can to make their lives as miserable as possible, and when the time comes, I'll make their lives even better than before and I will be revered as the greatest King in this here Land!"
"But why would you want to make things bad for these people?" the Waddle Dee asked.
"Only temporarily, I'll tell you why at a proper time" said the King.
The Spear Waddle Dee rubs his chin like pulling a cuff on a shirt, skeptical of the King's intentions.

Every last meteor from the shower impacts all across the kingdom of Equestria, witnessed by the Monster that ate Planet Popstar, licking it's lips with it's long tongue, awaiting to feast on it's next meal.