• Member Since 30th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen Nov 1st, 2021

Sarah Dino Runnerhoof

Hello everypony! My name is Sarah Dino Runnerhoof! I LOVE reading stories about MLP, loves cats, dinosaurs, chocolate milk, being cute, kind, and silly! I am on a robotics team.

More Blog Posts82

  • 135 weeks
    Happy Halloween and Nightmare Night!

    Happy Halloween and Nightmare Night Everypony!
    I hope everyone is having a great night and staying safe.
    I am having a great time as well. I had a few trick or treaters. I am currently hanging out at a Halloween party with my family so I can't be on here for long.

    I hope you all enjoyed all the music blogs that I did.

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    3 comments · 242 views
  • 135 weeks
    Just Halloween Music! Plus Ponies!

    Hello every pony! Halloween is tomorrow and I thought I would be doing some blogs on different Halloween music! I am super excited about it!
    Here's the Halloween and Ponies one!

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    0 comments · 193 views
  • 135 weeks
    DOOM and One winged angel (A Re-do)

    Hello every pony! Halloween is tomorrow and I thought I would be doing some blogs on different Halloween music! I am super excited about it!

    Here's DOOM and One Winged Angel edition! This has to be my favorite one!

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  • 135 weeks
    Halloween Music: Requiem For A Dream

    Hello every pony! Halloween is tomorrow and I thought I would be doing some blogs on different Halloween music! I am super excited about it!

    Here's the Requiem For A Dream edition!

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    0 comments · 142 views
  • 135 weeks
    Halloween Music: Rock Edition

    Hello every pony! Halloween is tomorrow and I thought I would be doing some blogs on different Halloween music! I am super excited about it!
    Here's the Rock Music Edition!

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DOOM and One winged angel (A Re-do) · 12:00am Oct 31st, 2021

Hello every pony! Halloween is tomorrow and I thought I would be doing some blogs on different Halloween music! I am super excited about it!

Here's DOOM and One Winged Angel edition! This has to be my favorite one!

All of the videos and music DO NOT belong to me!!!!! They belong to their respective owners!!!!
The Original DOOM games and the Original Final Fantasy 7 game means alot to me because I grew up with them and I really love the new ones!
Plus, I really LOVE Doomslayer aka Doomguy and Sephiroth! :heart:

Report Sarah Dino Runnerhoof · 205 views ·
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