//------------------------------// // For what it's worth P1 // Story: How many have you forgiven today? // by Sarcastic Brony //------------------------------// “I’m so sorry to have to cut this visit short but I have an upcoming meeting I must attend.” Celestia says as Anon and her exit Fancy’s home. “It’s no trouble, Princess. I assure you. We’ve covered all the important topics, the rest is just filler for the event.” He says giving her a bow. “I’m confident you have everything under control. This years festival is going to be great!” “Well, then I must assure that I live up to your expectation, Princess! Now, please don’t allow me to keep you here any longer. Good day to you both.” “Later, Fancy.” Anon gives him a small wave. With that all sorted out, Fancy leaves Anon and Celestia alone in front of his home. Anon lets out a long tired sigh. They’ve been in there for hours and the entire conversation was as boring as he thought it would be. They talked about what various stands would be there, entertainment and food, even how much everything would cost. Not to mention that due to the increase of contestants and visitors alike, they needed to move the festival to the colosseum this year, as it was the only place large enough for everything. A few times Anon was brought into the conversation by Fancy Pants. Asking him if his shop was interested in having a stand this year and things of that nature. Anon kept up a front for him and simply told him that he should ask Bonbon, as she handled all that paperwork stuff. Eventually Fancy’s wife showed up and Anon found her far more interesting than all the boring business stuff they talked about. Mostly because she didn’t look like any pony he’s seen before. Compared to most ponies, she was very slender and even taller than other mares. Sure, she couldn’t compare to the sisters but she was arguably the same height as Cadance. It’s of no surprise to Anon that some ponies can vary in shapes and sizes but it’s always interesting for him to see a pony that stands against the rest. Hell, he has a filly sized mare that’s his head chef at the shop, so he knows how much these ponies can vary in size. After talking with her for awhile, she seemed to be a rather nice pony. She held herself well, spoke with confidence and was polite. So Anon found an interesting pony to talk with while Celestia and Fancy conducted business. Anon found out that she’s a big fan of the candy he makes and that Fancy buys her a set of chocolates whenever he passes by on business. Though she did admit that indulging was a bit of a detriment to her figure as she’s a model. Anon never really thought about it but it makes sense that ponies have models too. He can admit that she’s rather unique and probably really attractive to ponies. After a few hours, things were finally calming down and Celestia noticed the time. So, here they stand now. All in all, it was an alright visit. Certainly could’ve been far more boring than it was. “That went on longer than I originally planned. I’ll have to visit the other shops at a later date. We need to head back to the castle for my meeting.” Celestia states. Celestia takes off towards the castle and Anon follows behind her. “So what’s this meeting about anyways?” Anon asks interested. “Various things. The trading of goods between nations. Though what it all boils down to is the control over land.” Celestia says seriously. “It happens every year. The discussion of borders and who owns what. Sometimes leaders will attempt to claim more than they own or sneakily place soldiers onto another leaders borders, playing it off as a mistake. Then a long discussion happens, riddled with the underlying threat of war if someone doesn’t get their way. It’s more of a test of wills and each meeting ends the same way, everyone mentally exhausted and no changes being made.” “Huh...” Anon wasnt expect to hear all that. “Still,” Celestia pulls Anon to her side with a wing. “If you’re up for it, I’d like to have you there with me.” “Are you sure that’s alright?” Anon asks unsure if he should be involved with something so important. “I certainly don’t mind.” Anon gets the feeling he may not have a choice in this matter. “If it’s alright, I guess I have no reason to say no.” He says with a shrug. Celestia smiles at him and gives him a nuzzle. “Thank you. Not to mention that my sister will be there to help as well. So it shouldn’t be that long of a meeting.” Oh, great... Anon has a feeling that this meeting is going to last for hours. However, it’s far too late for him to back out now. At the very least it should be interesting for him to see what Celestia has to deal with in her life. So maybe this will help grow their friendship even more? “Y-You’re joking, right?” Spike asks Luna with a forced chuckle. Luna shakes her head sadly. This isn’t something she wants to do but is a necessary evil to ensure that mare will never harm Anon again. “I’m afraid this is not a joke, Spike. Everything I’ve told you is true. The friends you’ve made, the mare who took care of you most of your life, all of them have done horrible things to someone who had done them no wrong. That is what happened on that day in Ponyville, the elements of harmony were punished for their crimes. This is why you and Twilight were brought back to Canterlot.” Spike is frozen in place as he looks at Luna. Slowly, like a poison, it starts to sink in. Spike finds himself thinking back to all the times Anon came over to borrow a book. How he’d ask if Twilight was around, leaving if she was or quickly grabbing a book if she wasn’t. Most of the time he’d leave the book he borrowed on the steps of the library or even quickly hand it to Spike if they passed one another on the street. Spike always found it odd but didn’t think much about it. He knew that Anon changed on the day Twilight took him down into the basement. Before then, while he was a bit weird, he at least talked to Spike every so often and seemed like an alright guy. Spike for the most part just assumed his change of behavior was something human related and didn’t think much past that. Then that day came when Twilight came home crying. She told Spike that they had to go back to Canterlot. Shining was even there but he didn’t tell Spike anything about why they were leaving, only that he should pack whatever he wanted to bring back with him. This entire time Spike has been kept in the dark by the ponies he thought he knew. They always do this to him, treat him like a baby, as if he can’t understand anything. Spike could feel tears falling from his eyes, he quickly uses his hand to clear them as he looks at Luna with a blank expression. “Thank you for telling me, Princess.” “You shouldn’t thank me for telling you such things. I’m certain it’s a tough pill to swallow.” “At least somepony was willing to tell me.” Spike turns away as he feels more tears welling up in his eyes. “I-uh... I think I need to be alone for a little.” Luna nods at that. “Very well. See you later, Spike.” Spike doesn’t respond as he walks away and towards the room Twilight and him are staying in. Luna can do nothing more than watch Spike as he leaves. This is a necessary evil, at least, that’s what she keeps telling herself. “And they call me a monster?” A voice chuckles inside of Luna’s mind. Luna grits her teeth at hearing Nightmare’s remark. Still, she doesn’t lash out at her. She’s right afterall. What Luna did was done purely to hurt Twilight. To take away her last bastion of hope and peace. To truly bring her down to a level she never thought possible. Then and only then, as she crawls amongst the dirt, with nothing but sorrow and anguish lining her heart, can she be given the privilege of asking for Anon’s forgiveness. “Any mare that dares to harm Anon will be dealt with.” Luna states as she walks off towards the library where Twilight is. There is no doubt in Luna’s heart that this will come back to bite her one day but she doesn’t care. This is what she believes is right, and no matter the consequence, she will follow her heart. Twilight has spent more than a few hours thinking over the task Luna has given her. To say it’s a difficult one is putting it lightly. It almost seems like a joke of some kind. Who cares why Nightmare Moon did what she did? Isn’t the fact that she did something wrong enough for everypony? Twilight feels that pain inside of her flair up... Well, she’s done something wrong too and thought it was for the right reasons. Maybe Nightmare Moon was the same in that regard? Perhaps that’s what Luna is testing her to find out? Twilight flips open the story of the sisters. Now that she reads it over the story is rather vague about a lot of things. Then again it is a book intended for fillies and colts. Twilight even thinks back to her brief encounter with Nightmare Moon but there was very little she learned about her, other than she wanted to bring forth night eternal. So in that regard it’s similar to the children's book. Twilight peers over at the other books Luna left her, many of them are history books from that era. Twilight pulls one book from the stack and flips it to a random page. Her eyes widen as she looks at a picture of Luna but this isn’t like any picture she’s ever seen before. She’s adorn in armor, from head to hoof. A long thin blade resting near her hind end. She’s turned away from the camera and is looking off into what appears to be a battlefield. Her face is locked into a stone like expression as fires burn just on the horizon. Twilight reads the text below it as it reads. Princess Luna, the general of the lunar knights, keeps a vigilant eye for possible enemy ambush as her allies rest. Twilight has heard brief talk about Luna’s involvement with various wars. Though she’s never looked too deeply into it. Twilight flips to another page at random and starts to read a hoof written passage of some kind. “To see my princess on the battlefield has left me both humbled and terrified, though I do not fear her. Yet, to recount the way she moves in battle can bring even the most stallion of ponies to their hocks. It’s beautiful in a way, how she moves through battle, as if dancing at the Gala. Her movements are obscured by a film of darkness that follows her and foes fall without so much as a chance to cry out in pain. Yet as she fights, she ensures no friend of hers is struck by her blade, every thrust is made with intent and every foe who falls given no chance to strike back. It’s slow and gentle in a way, this is how a life is taken.” This is but one passage but Twilight can clearly see dozens if not hundreds more. From a brief scan, many of them recount other battles in which Luna was able to cut down an entire battalion on her own. However, one of the letters stood out from the others. Its hoof writing was much finer than all the others. To Twilight’s surprise, it was Luna’s own letter. “Today was an especially hard day. We’ve lost so many of our own and there is nothing I can do about it. Many campaigns litter this land and only one of me to take up the sword. I try the best I can, I’ve forgone sleep to save as many as I can but I am no divine entity. I tire like them and my magic is starting to fade as exhaustion grows. All I have is my blade at this point but I will continue to fight, to save as many as I can.” Twilight shivers some in place at reading this. Luna didn’t have her magic as she fought? That means she could’ve been injured the entire time and yet her skill was enough to carry her through countless battles, all for the sake of her own ponies. Is this what it takes to be a leader or is this something else entirely? Twilight goes back to the tale of the two sisters and looks over the artwork. Now that she’s looking closer, it doesn’t look like the ponies are entering their homes to sleep, they actually look terrified. Twilight reaches out for another book and scans through it. It recounts how many ponies would hide away from the night Luna brought to them, out of fear from the stories that would come back from the frontline. Whenever Luna came briefly to the castle to report to her sister, many of the ponies would avoid her, even going so far as to lock themselves away. They were afraid of Luna, despite her fighting for their sake. The doors to the library are thrown open. Twilight jumps in shock as she turns around to see Luna standing there. After having read these book, Twilight feels far more uneasy than before. Luna walks up to Twilight and stops before her, casting a brief glance at the book that’s sitting on the table. “Have you found an answer?” Luna asks. Twilight looks between the books she’s been reading, then back at Luna. Taking all of this in, Twilight’s still not too sure why Nightmare did what she did but if she had to happen a guess, then there’s only one answer. “I believe that Nightmare Moon was lonely. The ponies shunned the night and feared the pony that was protecting them. Due to being isolated, Nightmare just wanted ponies to appreciate the night and all that was sacrificed during the war.” It’s a long shot but deep down it makes sense to Twilight. Luna was protecting ponies and yet they feared her. She didn’t have many that could understand how she felt, other than her soldiers. With no place to feel like home, other than the battlefield, Luna was left isolated. Once it was over, they still feared her and many of her soldiers soon passed away. Left with no one to understand her, Nightmare Moon came into being and in that loneliness anger took form. Luna doesn’t say a single thing as she stares at Twilight. After a moment passes, she turns away. “The question cannot be answered, Twilight. No one knows why Nightmare did what she did and I doubt anyone ever will.” Twilight is confused by this. “So why ask?” There’s a bit of silence that builds between them as Luna walks towards the door to the library. “There is one thing you must keep in mind, Twilight. We all have a monster inside of us. It waits for the right opportunity to show itself and you’ll be surprised by how far you’re willing to go when the right conditions are met. Yours comes from the need to understand what you cannot.” Twilight flinches at that. “Mine comes from the need to protect the ones I care for.” Luna stops briefly as she looks over her withers. “Study session is over. I’ve got a meeting I need to attend.” Nothing more is said as Luna leaves the library. Twilight now sits there in confusion. She doesn’t understand why Luna has done this but she can’t fight a feeling inside of her that something is wrong. Still, despite all that, she does feel as if she learned something today. Luna is really strong and Twilight can never imagine herself in Luna’s shoes. It’s becoming clear to Anon that this entire meeting is going to be far more complicated than he originally thought. Celestia made it sound easy enough. Go to a meeting, sit around and eventually leave but as they approach the front of the castle Anon is starting to have his doubts. There are many carriages that sit outside of the front gate, many of which are decorated in various styles that differ from one another. Clearly these were brought from the guests themselves and they definitely look expensive. Not only that but guards litter the castle ground, many of which aren’t even ponies. Anon recognizes a few guards to be Diamond dogs and griffins but some of the other guards are creatures he’s never seen before. One of them looks like a minotaur, as it stands on two legs and has horns atop its head. There’s also this weird pony like horse. It’s tall like Celestia but also really slim. The only thing Anon can really think is how weird it looks. Even the face is far different than any ponies he’s seen before. As they walk through the front gate towards the main door there are a few other weird creatures but Anon doesn’t get much time to examine them as Celestia stops in place. He looks over to see that Luna is standing in wait for them. She’s currently decked out in battle armor that’s reminiscent to what she wore during her campaign but this set appears to be decorated for show rather than battle. “I thought I asked you to dress for the occasion, Luna?” Celestia asks with a sigh. “I find this armor far more appropriate than what you’re wearing, Sister. We must show them our strength.” Celestia shakes her head. “Perhaps this was our way long ago but nowadays we show strength behind a veil of friendship. Though we have no time for you to change now. It’ll have to do.” “Will you be joining us?” Luna asks facing Anon. This is without a doubt some serious stuff going on. Luna is practically dressed for a battle and the entire air around the sisters is almost heavy enough to choke Anon. It’s a side of them he’s never seen before and hard for him to explain. He’s seen them angry, sad and even happy but this is different. It’s like they have no emotions and are here strictly for business. Anon is having a tough time reading how they feel right now. With the way they’re holding themselves, Anon is second guessing if he should go with them. He has a feeling that he may cause trouble for them. However, his thoughts are cut short as Celestia pulls him to her side with a wing. “He will.” She answers. Luna looks between Anon and her sister. “Very well.” She turns away and walks off. “Come, they’ve waited long enough.” Celestia doesn’t say anything as she pulls Anon with her. He’s got a bad feeling about this but it’s too late for him to back out now. Twilight is walking down the hall still thinking over what Luna and her talked about during her study session. What did she mean by a monster inside of us? Twilight lets out a sigh as she decides to table this line of thought for later, the fact of the matter is that there’s a lot of activity going on at the castle right now. Twilight notices there are a lot more guards walking the halls, many of them on high alert. If Twilight had to guess then there’s probably a diplomatic meeting going on. Twilight is quite familiar with these meetings. She’s never been to one but they happened a lot when she was here at the castle studying under Celestia as a filly. There were some days when they would have to move her study sessions to another day due to how long the meetings can usually last. In many ways Twilight feels like she’s reliving those days right now. She’s walking these halls, studying with the princess and even returning to her room at the castle by the end of the day. Twilight is now standing before the door to her room. She lets out a sigh of relief to be back, not to mention that Spike is probably waiting for her as well. Twilight opens the door wide and notices Spike is lying in the center of the room on the floor. “Spike?” It’s unusual for Spike to fall asleep on the floor. Well, unless he’s exhausted but as far as Twilight knows he shouldn’t be that tired. He doesn’t respond to her calling out to him either. Concerned with his behavior, Twilight walks over to him to make sure he’s alright. However, before she can rest a hoof on him, Spike moves away from her touch. “Spike? Is everything alright?” He’s clearly awake, so why is he acting like this? There’s a bit of silence that builds between them. Twilight has no idea what’s going on but she waits for him to say anything to her. This entire time she can’t help but feel a pit slowly growing in her stomach. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He asks in a hollow tone. The fur on Twilight's body stands on edge. She feels her heart start to pound as his words fill her thoughts. He can’t possibly mean what she thinks he means, right? “T-Tell you about what?” Spike slowly sits up from his lying position and turns around to face Twilight. The look he gives her confirms what she fears. She can see it so clearly on his face. Fear, disgust, anger and confusion. How could he have found out about what happened in Ponyville? She then remembers Luna taking Spike with her as she left... She told him. “Are you just going to keep lying to me?!” He shouts as tears start to well in his eyes. “You all think I’m a baby, right?! That’s why nopony has told me anything!” “S-Spike, please, just calm down.” “Don't tell me to calm down!” He shouts as his emotions continue to flip. “What Luna told me... I couldn't even believe it!” That look of disgust comes back again. “How could you? How could any of you do that to Anon? I don’t even know him that well but nopony should go through that.” What can she do right now? What could she possibly say to make this right? “I swear, if you just give me time then I can explain.” Twilight says trying to reach out to him. “Don’t touch me!” He shouts striking her hoof away. It’s all falling apart, just as she predicted. She can feel her own eyes now starting to well up as the pain inside of her grows. However, something inside of her happens. Without any warning, all of the pain and sorrow she felt suddenly vanished. Like a lightswitch, it was there one moment and gone the next. No... This isn’t what she wants. She doesn’t want to ignore how she feels right now! She needs Spike to understand that she regrets everything she’s done! “Spike... I’m sorry.” She says in a dead tone. Spike’s anger fades as his eyes well up. “You don’t mean that.” Twilight reaches her hoof out to him once more but he bolts past her and runs off. Despite what she looks like on the outside, Twilight is crying on the inside. Her heart hurts so much and yet she can’t shed a single tear. She feels nothing and at the same time feels everything. Yet these things don’t matter to her right now, all that matters is the fact that everyone she knows has left her. That single thought sinks in. The pain becomes overwhelming and still not a single tear is shed. In fact, all she can do is stand in place. Even if she wanted to chase after Spike, she can’t find the will to move a single inch. Celestia, Luna and Anon all sit at a large round table with many other creatures. As soon as they entered the room the sisters took their seats and Anon took the only empty seat that was available, which was to the left of Celestia. The first thing Anon took notice of was that all of the creatures were looking directly at him. It seems that he’s the center of attention and he’s not surprised. Taking in the room, a large female Diamond dog sits beside him. She looks far different than the diamond dogs he’s had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting. Having a more groomed look, a longer snout and narrow head, making her look more like a wolf than the weird flat faced diamond dogs he’s seen before. Add the fact that she’s muscular and as tall as him makes her have an almost intimidating presence about her. Looking at the others. There are a few other species here as well. What appears to be a minotaur, griffin, deer and even a dragon. Though this dragon is far smaller than the ones Anon has read about but much larger than Spike. Standing at least four feet if he had to guess. Before Anon could look further into the others, he hears someone speak beside him. “Who might you be?” The diamond dog asks. Her voice is very gruff but she asked in an almost gentle tone. “Anon.” He speaks loud enough for everyone to hear. “And you?” “Onyx.” She answers. “Where do you come from?” Anon can see in the corner of his eye Luna holding back Celestia from speaking. Something isn’t right here. As he once again takes a look around the room, things start to look complicated. A few of the creatures here are looking at him as if he were a prize of sorts. Hmm... He gets the feeling he needs to tread cautiously. “The Everfree forest.” Most of the creatures in the room flinch a bit at hearing that. “That’s interesting.” The griffin speaks up. “I’ve not heard reports of a new species in the Everfree. In fact,” He looks over at Celestia. “Reports say that you’ve been living in Equestria for quite some time.” So that’s how it is. Whether Anon likes it or not, it appears he just became a political chess piece for them to play against Celestia. He has no real idea how politics work but he can only assume that if they see value in his existence then they’ll clearly use him to profit in some way. Is this what a game of thrones is all about? Well, that matters little right now. The fact of the matter is, Anon has no intention of being used. Politics is about lying, right? Well, he can do that easily. “Yes, a sad story that is.” Anon grabs everyone's attention. “It’s unfortunate of me to inform you all that I’m the last of my kind. We lived deep within the Everfree, far deeper than any creature dared to explore. One day, a monster we’ve never seen before invaded our camp. Needless to say, I was the only survivor.” Anon can see all the creatures examining him. Each of them have no reason to deny what he’s saying and yet he can see that a few of them want to refute his words. Anon gives them no chance to speak as he continues his story. After all, a good story blends lies and truths together. “I’m sure you’ve all heard my story past that point. I was subject to some horrible things in Ponyville but nothing compared to the things I’ve seen in the Everfree. Though not all was bad, I was met with some relief when Celestia herself came to chat with me one day. I was still new to Equestria and she was kind enough to show me the things I’ve never seen before but I digress. She was kind enough to take me in due to the harsh treatment I had endured.” Anon looks up at the others. “I’m sure you all would’ve done the same?” A few of them turn away from his gaze and many show disinterest about what is happening right now. Seeing no reason so stop now, Anon continues his story. “I’ve been staying at the castle for the time being. Equestria is a large place and there’s still much to learn. Celestia invited me to this meeting to introduce myself to you all. To ensure that no secrets were kept from you all.” Anon can see that a few of them look rather upset to be hearing this story but it’s about as much as he expected, seeing as they probably wanted to use him for something. “Thank you for taking the time to tell us your story. It’s much appreciated.” A big looking buck speaks out. “I’m Antler.” Every creature also gives Anon their name as things settle down. Anon looks over at Celestia and Luna as they look at him with a bit of surprise but make sure to hide it well from the others. “Sorry to have taken up so much of your time. I believe we can now start the meeting?” Celestia gives him a nod as she turns to address the others. “Now that introductions are over. Let’s begin.”