//------------------------------// // What to do... // Story: Sugarcoat's Day Off // by WittyNameTFM //------------------------------// Sugarcoat walked from the mall, shifting her backpack. She checked her phone. “How'd I already work forty hours this week?” She asked, typing out a reply. 'You got the next few days off? That's pretty sick, whatcha gonna do?’ The group chat popped quickly with several suggestions. 'I don't know yet.’ She replied simply, pocketing her phone. “As much as I enjoy those girls...they strain my patience…” she sighed. “Maybe coffee…” *** She found herself at a small diner not long after the thought. She sipped on the iced coffee she'd ordered. Cold coffee had been weird to her at first...but Soursweet's insistence on trying it opened her up to her new favorite drink. “Oh my gosh! Sugarcoat!” An overly excited voice said, the owner appearing beside her table suddenly. The bespectacled girl glanced to her right, poofy pink hair was pulled up in a cute hairstyle...and the outfit helped. “Pinkie?” “Yeah! I thought you worked all week! If I had known I'd have made a special treat for you.” “You work here..? Huh. Now that I think about it...we never discussed specifics…” “Waitress and baker!” She said proudly. “Well. It's good to see you.” She said in her natural dull tone. “You didn't answer me!” “You never asked me anything.” “Oh right.” Pinkie giggled with a snort. “I thought you worked during the week. What happened?” Sugarcoat shrugged. “If I had to guess, I stayed late one too many times and chewed through the allotted time they could schedule me.” “That makes sense.” Pinkie nodded. “Shouldn't you be with your tables?” “I'm on lunch, silly.” She smiled brightly. Sugarcoat motioned to the seat across from herself. “Oh, thank you.” She eagerly took the seat. “How have you been since we last spoke?” Sugarcoat asked. “Superriffic! I got to go shopping with the girls, we saw a movie last week and tomorrow we have a big sleepover planned!” “That's nice.” Sugarcoat nodded, taking another drink from her coffee. “What about you?” “I've been around. Indigo has had a habit of dragging us to this independent  wrestling promotion...it's...entertaining.” She shrugged. “Sunny has been doing her best with sending out scripts. She's quite the talented writer…” She noted. “Lemon's band is doing well. And Sour Sweet has been...well she's made good progress.” She explained. “Starlight? Last I heard, she and Trixie were still on their tour.” “Yeah. Trixie texts me sometimes, but it's great that everyone's doing so well.” She smiled brightly. “But you didn't say anything about what you've been doing.” “Mostly setting up stuff for college....” She shrugged. “Then actual work.” “That doesn't sound very fun…” “Sometimes it isn't, but thats okay.” “No way! I can't let one of my friends have such a dull time.” “And what can you do?” She asked with a small smirk, amused at the sudden dramatics she was throwing out. “Before the sleepover tomorrow. You and me. We're going out to have fun!” She said. “I won't take no for an answer.” She shrugged. “Okay.” “Nope! You're not gonna...wait, what?” “I said okay. I figured it'd be more of a pain to fight it.” “Well...good!” She said. “You weren't expecting me to say yes, were you?” “Not at all, no.” Pinkie admitted quietly, deflating onto the table. “But I get to hang out with you tomorrow! That's so cool.” She added, excitedly bouncing. “If you say so.” The girl deadpanned, but let a small smile slip as Pinkie stood. “I gotta get back to it. But I'll see you tomorrow!” She said. “Tomorrow then.” Sugarcoat waved. Pinkie rushed to the back room, checking her uniform and taking out her phone. A quick text. ‘Girls, I asked her, she said yes!’ Pinkie held the phone to her chest, smiling brightly. 'Okay. Make it to tomorrow.’ She told herself. *** Pinkie bounced about at work, saying goodbye when Sugarcoat left. She rolled around to each table with renewed energy. The door opened, revealing Sunset and Rainbow. Pinkie waved, pointing to one of her tables. “Hiya girls, what'll it be?” She asked, taking out a notepad. “A rootbeer float for me.” Rainbow said. “Strawberry milkshake, please.” Sunset smiled. “Yoooou got it!” She wrote it down. “Be right back!” She pushed herself from the table gliding on her skates backwards and behind the counter. She watched them chat as she made their order, a quick milkshake and float would be easy. Plus it took an order off the kitchen's plate...so to speak. The girls looked up as Pinkie sat the drinks down. “Here you go! How have you girls been?” She asked. “Great, actually.” Sunset chuckled. “Sunset offered to treat me if I did well on my last exam.” Dash smirked before taking a sip. “Bet you're regretting that, but that's so sweet, Sunset!” Pinkie smiled. “Yeah, yeah...so long as it gets you to study...” She shrugged. “Oh, Pinks, that text you sent earlier.” Dash spoke up. “Did you ever think of something?” “Hm? Oh...no. I've been busy here.” She looked around. “Oh, sec.” She pushed away, refilling a man's coffee before returning. “See?” “I do. Want some help then?” “Abso-tutely!” She smiled wide. “How about trying to impress her with your baking?” She asked. “You're like the best ever. You may actually know more about something than Twilight. She seems the egghead type, it might be good to teach her something new about you.” Pinkie sniffled. “That was so kind.” She smiled. “Everyone usually assumes I'm just dumb…” “We know you aren't.” Sunset pat her arm. “Thanks.” She nodded. “What...if she isn't interested in baking?” “Well...what did she order here?” “Coffee.” “Then take her to a coffee shop. Ask her about her favorite kinds.” Pinkie was idly writing down the information. “Thanks Dashie, you've given me tons of ideas!” “Good luck Pinkie. I hope it goes well.” “You girls are the best.” She smiled. “Oops, gotta get back to it. Enjoy your date.” She turned, skating off to the next table. *** Pinkie shot out of her bed, her pajamas falling to the bed as she darted to the bathroom. Ideas ran through her head. She could plan a party for someone as picky as Cranky, learn information to make every guest feel welcome and special, but Sugarcoat was still a relatively unknown player. Since she stood with them at the Friendship Games, and even during the music video competition. She kept to her group of friends or quiet, only chiming in with snippy comments, though it didn't seem like most of them were mean spirited. Pinkie sighed, returning to her room to get dressed. 'What do I do? Wait! Where were we supposed to meet?!’ She clasped both of her hands to the sides of her head. She dove for her phone, checking her messages. “I DIDN'T TEXT HER AT ALL!” A knock came at her door. “Pinkie. It's still early.” Maud's deadpan voice spoke from the other side. “You're right! I have time to prepare!” Pinkie looked down. “I should get dressed first though.” She giggled. She threw on her clothes, picking up her phone as she scrolled through numbers. She found the one she was looking for and hit 'call’. *** “Hey Indigo! Your phone's going nuts!” The gym staff spoke up as said girl worked out. Indigo groaned, getting to her feet with a wince. She moved to the bag and picked up her phone. “Hello?” “INDIGOYOUHAVETOHELPME!” She shot her arm away from her ear, holding the phone out. “What? What's wrong?!” She asked, bringing it closer. “I asked Sugarcoat out and I have no idea what to do!” Indigo's concern fell. She pinched the bridge of her nose. “Pinkie. Thank god it's not serious. I thought you were kidnapped or something! Don't start a call like that!” Pinkie giggled. “Sorry. I just...panicked. I want to make today special.” “Sugarcoat wouldn't have agreed if she didn't like you. Just talk to her. But you know of course, I have to give you the 'friend warning’.” She said. Pinkie hummed affirmatively. “Yadda yadda, you hurt her and I'll hurt you. You know how it is. No hard feelings, just gotta cover the basics.” “Of course. I'll come to you first if I mess up bad.” “I don't think you will, Pinkie. Go out there, chat her up. You're like...infuriatingly cute, so you have that to work with. Sugarcoat hasn't had many dates...so just get her to open up. If she gives you anything you're doing well.” She looked up as a loud bang echoed behind her, Pinkie audibly wincing at the sudden sound. “I gotta go, Pinkie. We're doing bumps today, the longer I wait, the worse they'll feel. Call me later and lemme know if I helped.” She grinned. “Alrighty! Bye Indy!” *** Pinkie hugged her knees looking at her phone's screen as she thought. Her stomach started to twist as she waited. She pictured Sugarcoat looking upset. The smallest of smiles she'd allowed Pinkie to see turning to a heavy frown. Her heart sank as she tried to breathe to calm herself. She scrolled to Trixie on her messages. Since Trixie helped Sunset and joined their friendship circle, she and Pinkie had began texting a lot more. The time Maud asked Trixie to give her back some medication she had left at her parent's farm home… Trixie had recognized the pills as antidepressants. She typed out a message, sending it. 'I'm nervous about a date...what do I do?’ Trixie's response came moments later. 'Don't stress about it. Just try to enjoy yourself.’ 'How do I do that?’ ‘You're Pinkie Pie. You're the best at making the mundane entertaining.’ 'Thanks Trixie.’ 'Call me if you need to talk later, okay? Your therapist didn't make The Great and Powerful Trixie your support partner without reason.’ 'Okie dokie!’ *** Sugarcoat stepped out of her apartment, locking the door behind her. ‘Pinkie and I don’t have much in common. I wonder if this is doomed to fail.’ She mused as she walked. A sudden thought hit her. ‘Where were we supposed to meet..?’ She asked herself. She fished out her phone, a small smile on her face. While she was annoyed she didn’t know the information, it just...suited the girl. Making a plan on the spot. She typed out a message for her, hitting send. Pinkie looked over the text. “Shoot...what do I do...I guess the diner…” She typed out her reply, throwing her door open to head out. Sugarcoat shrugged, made sense. Pinkie wasn’t in her area. A good in between was logical. She walked to the nearest bus stop, checking her phone. ‘Good luck’ A text read. ‘What is she on about now?’ She asked herself, rereading Indigo’s text. Two words, many implications. They were only hanging out. Alone...together...on a day off… She blinked as realization dawned on her. “This is a date.” She took a breath, calming herself before she had the chance to lose her cool. ‘Okay, just get through this. Don’t make a fool of yourself. If all else fails, make up an excuse and avoid her forever afterwards.’  Her mind began to wander with possibilities. The negative side of her kept steering it down the worst case scenario. Pinkie greeting her and Sugarcoat telling her off before turning away. ‘I won’t do that…’ She shook her head. ‘Positive thoughts. Like you tell Sour Sweet.’ She stepped onto the bus as she drew upon all she could to think of a good outcome. Images of them holding hands and talking together. Candle lit dinners. Sneaking snacks into movies. Baking together. Her lips pressed against Pinkie’s. Her cheeks began to warm as she shook her head. ‘No. I refuse to be that kind of person. Blushing and fawning over ideas that could just as easily never happen. That’s ridiculous.’ She grumbled, crossing her arms as she looked out the window. The thought was rather appealing to her. The bubbly girl was always someone she enjoyed interacting with. Those kinds of people had become rare in the past few years. It’s very possible that Starlight was the last person she’d met that she didn’t dislike enough to barely interact with...and that was a while back. She groaned, standing for her stop, she exited the bus with a wave to the driver, heading down the street. Looking down, she began to second guess her clothing...would it send the wrong message? A sleeveless pink top, covered by an equally sleeveless vest and black skirt, her dark leggings and sneakers. She shrugged, too late to worry about it now, really. As she rounded the corner, she spotted the bright girl, bouncing on her heels as she hummed to herself. A cute white sleeveless shirt with a heart on the front, pink shorts that came above her knees and blue and yellow striped socks that came just below the hem of her shorts. 'Oh no, she's cute...' She groaned internally, but she raised her arm in greeting. “Hey Pinkie.” “Sugarcoat!” She waved with way more vigor. “How are you?” She asked as she approached. “Well. I even managed to get a restful sleep.” She added as they began to walk together. “So, what do you have in mind?” “Honestly, I don't have much of a plan. I figured we could go for coffee and maybe just talk?” “That sounds lovely, actually.” She smiled slightly. “Did you want to go to the diner?” “The girls I work with will be all over us…” Pinkie giggled nervously. “Afraid of being embarrassed?” “...Kinda?” “Come now, I'm sure you'd want to be given the opportunity to snoop on one of their dates." The serious girl said, crossing her arms. Pinkie noted the use of the word, but didn't point it out. "Well...I have snooped on Rainbow and Sunset before…" She poked her index fingers together. "And Rarity and Applejack." "Have those two finally admitted it?" Sugarcoat asked as they walked. "I don't think it's announced…" "They're so obvious it's painful." The studious girl adjusted her glasses. "It's not like their school life would change...perhaps a family issue?" "Maybe. Applejack's family is very 'old timey'." She made air quotes for the words. "Shame. In this day and age...letting someone find who makes them happy should be the most important thing." She said flatly. "I love making people happy though! Would that make me compatible with anyone?" "Part of your appeal, yes. It doesn't hurt that you're a genuinely sweet person and care deeply for other people's feelings." Sugarcoat felt the words escape before she could stop them. She pulled her hand up in slow motion as she heard herself add one more nail to her coffin. "Plus you are very cute." Her hand met her mouth harder than she meant to, in her haste to stop the mistake she all but slapped herself. Pinkie's cheeks were a deep red, Sugarcoat finding it hard to look away from her. "You...think all of that about me..?" Sugarcoat felt herself start to reply again...but forced it down, eyes closing in concentration. A simple nod coming out to answer her. A flood of pink was the next thing she saw when she opened her eyes, a crushing weight wrapped around her midsection...the scent of candy assaulting her nose as Pinkie hugged her tightly. "That was soooooo thoughtful. Thank you so much." She said, a faint sniffle in her voice. "I-." She took a breath, bringing her arms up to return the embrace. "Of course." She said calmly. "You tend to spend time making others happy, I'm glad I could do the same for you...just by speaking my mind." Pinkie pulled back with a smile on her face, wiping her eye. "You're the best, Sugarcoat." "I don't agree with you on that, but I appreciate the compliment." She smiled softly. Pinkie took her hand and began to lead her along. "Let's get going! Oh, you gotta try the new milkshake flavor!" She thought aloud as they walked. "What is it?" "Super spicy snickerdoodle surprise!" "That sounds awful." Sugarcoat said bluntly. "Don't knock it 'til you try it~" Pinkie sang, leaning into her with a grin up at her. Sugarcoat smiled down at her before steeling herself. "Pinkie." "Yeah?" She stood back up straight. "Are we just hanging out or did you ask me on a date?" She felt Pinkie's hand escape and saw her body stiffen.  "I-I…" "Nothing has to become complicated, I just...need to know if I'm getting my hopes up." Sugarcoat added, surprising the pink girl. "H-Huh?" "Tell me if I'm being irrational or not." She huffed, crossing her arms. Pinkie shook her head. "You're not...and I kinda...hoped this was a date. I should have been more upfront about it, huh?" She asked. "It would have saved me undue stress, yes." Sugarcoat sighed. "Can't believe you made the first move…" She pinched the bridge of her nose. "What do you mean?" Pinkie giggled, slight concern starting to build in her. "I'm annoyed. How long have you felt this way?" She asked. "S-Since the friendship games..?" She shrank away slightly. "All this time...we could have already been together." She groaned, palm hitting her forehead. "I was too much of a coward…" "Coward? Sugarcoat that's not the case…" "Pinkie. Do you not see how much time was wasted where we could have been…" Her cheeks heated as she cleared her throat. "C-Can you promise me...that we won't waste anymore time beating around the bush?" "Are you asking me what I think you're asking me?" "Yes. Go out with me."  Pinkie smiled brighter at the deep red cheeks that Sugarcoat was trying to hide as she pulled her chin closer to herself. Pinkie cupped her cheeks, bringing her to look up. The pink girl's soft lips met Sugarcoat's and stayed there for what felt like ages. When they parted, both looked to the other, searching each other's eyes. "H-How is that for an answer?" She asked, nerves evident in her voice. "...Do it again." Sugarcoat mumbled quietly.