//------------------------------// // Chapter 2- The Black Wizard, and The Tactician // Story: My Little Pony- An Apocalyptic Displacment // by King Rose //------------------------------// Chapter 2- The Black Wizard, and The Tactician Acnologia POV "Ugh, how long was I out?" I ask myself as I sluggishly open my eyes. I look around the room and I notice that I was in some kind of infirmary. I could tell by the layout of the room that it wasn't the Ponyville hospital. I then hear the door open and I look to see Princess Luna, and Celestia enter. "You're finally awake! How long were you planning on sleeping?" Luna joked. "I don't know, but how long was I out?" I once again as the celestial sisters. "You were out for three days, Acnologia." Celestia answered. My eyes went wide as she told me. I was sleeping for three days!? Damn! I must've really been out of it, but for some reason, I feel more powerful. Like I literally could cause the apocalypse. I then remembered about Acnologia's magical resistance, and about his spells. "Welp…" I start as I get out of the hospital bed. "Now that I'm awake, where am I?" I ask the sisters, as I walk towards them. "Thou art in the Canterlot castle." Luna tells me, as she reverts back to her olden way of speaking. I walk out of the infirmary to immediately feel a cool air on my torso. I stop mid walking, and I turn around to see Luna, and Celestia snickering as Luna uses her magic, and levitates my cloak and necklace over to me. "Was it fun giggling that I forgot to put my cloak on? Or did you like what you saw?" I teased Luna. After saying that, I can officially say that I made best princess blush. I watch as her face light up and immediately turned as red as the dragon teeth on my necklace. I chuckle and we walk out of the infirmary, and I take all of the sight in. I saw that the walls had a violet purple, and the glass windows were gigantic! Literally! They were three times the size of me! The carpet on the ground was oddly a crimson red, which peaked my interest however, I payed no mind to it. The three of us walked down the halls to the main throne room, and as we were walking there I had only just realized the size difference between the three of us. While Celestia is eight feet tall, Luna was six feet tall. Me on the other hand... I am NINE FUCKING FEET TALL! As the great and pervy Tucker from RvB once said "W-T-Fuck!?", and that is what my thoughts screamed as I kept a neutral look on my face. As the three of us walked into the throne room, I was greeted by the blinding light that shone from the stained glass windows that showed all of the events that had taken place. I looked at one of them, and I noticed that it depicted Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Twilight using the Elements of Harmony to blast the absolute shit, out of Nightmare Moon. I then noticed that above this image was... Me? The pose I was in was one that looked like I was about to strike Nightmare with a dragon powered Falcon punch. "Hey Celestia?" I called out to the solar diarchy. "I understand why the girls are in this one, but... Why am I depicted in it too? I mean, all I did was stall for enough time for Twilight's friends to get there." I asked the eldest sister. "I included you in there because you helped in more ways than just stalling." She explained, as she, Luna, and myself walked to their thrones. "You helped Twilight realize how much she cared about her friends, and you also helped weaken Nightmare's hold on Luna, so that the Elements could do their work better." Celestia sits down on her throne, as Luna sits next to it. I take a stand next to the lunar diarchy, and The solar diarchy explains that in a few minutes day court would start. I pass the time by talking to the diarchies about what had happened since I was out, and they explained how, while I was out, Twilight had found a friendship problem to solve almost every day, with the latest being how Applejack was being a stubborn mare, and had refused help in clearing the apple-buck season orchard. After Luna finished explaining the details to me, I whistled in amazement as I never thought that Applejack could've actually scared the shit out of so many bunnies that it would cause a fluffy stampede. "Well, it's almost time for day court to begin. Guards! Bring in the first pony please." Celestia announced to her Royal Guards. After a few minutes of waiting, the Guards came back followed by a huge, and I cannot stress this enough when I say that this line, was fucking HUGE! I saw every equation, and in my head, as well as using my new heightened senses, I figured that there was around 50,000 nobles in line. Jaysus… I knew that day court was kinda stressful, but I never imagined that it would've been like this! The first few nobles weren't anything special or eventful. Most of them had common complaints, and one of them told us that they were just there to welcome Luna back! This made me smile but as this pony left, the real shit-show began. Up walked a female pony with a hair... Mane? Whatever, they walked up with a hairdo that screamed 'I want to talk with your boss!' Otherwise known, as the classic Karen haircut. Which I will now call her. She walked up, and once I got a good look at her, I saw that her fur was a gloomy grey, and I could feel that her magical aura, if used enough, could affect everyone's mood and give us, an absolute shitty day. Then there is the part where the bitch spoke. "Princess Celestia, I have come here today before you, to talk to you about an urgent matter." Karen announced with a seething amount of entitlement. "You see a few hours ago I went to a local restaurant, and when I asked for a lettuce salad they told me that they only had a daisy salad left! I told them what I wanted and when I asked for the manager, they told me that they really didn't have and lettuce salad left! This! Is! An! Outrage!" The Karen complained. "I demand that this restaurant be closed for such lousy service!" The bitch finished. I make this face and I turn my head towards Celestia, and I very quietly ask: "Is this the kind of dogshit you've had to deal with for a thousand friggin' years? If so, I feel bad for you." "Oh you don't even know the half of it." She quietly replies. "I am very sorry, but I cannot close a restaurant, or anyplace for that matter without a justified reason, and lousy service is not justified. You may leave now." I watch as the Karen grumbles something under her breath, which I really just ignored and watched her stalk off as if Celestia had just framed her for murder. The rest of the day, was just petty complaints, and the worst one was just a noise complaint which was resolved quickly. After they all left, Luna went to her room to go to sleep, and Celestia went to go talk to the chefs about lunch. As for me, I went back to the infirmary, to take a nap. After all, I did have to listen to Karen's BS, and I'm just plain lazy. After I got back onto the bed, I closed my eyes and let the darkened silence of sleep overtake me, but before I fell asleep, I felt a new magical presence. I just ignored it, and went to sleep. ??? POV I slowly opened my eyes to see that Zeref was sleeping soundly next to me. I felt the smooth, roughness on my cheek, as the dirt- wait... dirt? Shouldn't me and Zeref be dead? Didn't we die? I sat up, and looked around to see that a forest with night black trees surrounded us. I looked up and I could barely see the blue sky through the enormous foliage. I was confused. I looked back to see Zeref, and I shook him slightly. He started to stir a little, but he turned over, and went back to sleep. "C'mon Zeref! Wake up!" I pouted. "Five more minutes Mavis." Zeref waved me off. Seconds after saying that, he immediately sat up, and his darkened black eyes darted around with lighting speed, likely because he's trying to find out where we are, and why we aren't dead. He stopped looking around, and he turned to me. "M-Mavis... I-Is it really you?" He stuttered as his eyes watered with tears. "Are we really alive?" He strained out. I started t tear up as well, because the love of my life was still alive. I was still alive. I reached out, and grabbed his hand and held it tight. "Yeah... I-It's really me Zeref. We're alive." I stuttered a reply out. "B-but what of our curse?" "When we 'Died' in Fiore, our curse was destroyed with us." Zeref explained, as he wiped his tears, before his eyes went wide. "Which means, that we're alive, and we can live normal lives!" I squealed with happiness, and I jumped onto him, giving him a tight hug, which I felt him return. After a few seconds, I released him of the hug, and I placed my hands onto his cheeks, and I leaned in towards his face. I then did what I've wanted to do for the longest time. I kissed him. I had finally gotten the chance to kiss the man that I've loved for a hundred years. Once we parted, I looked deep into his eyes, and pressed my forehead against his. We then both got up, and we started to walk in a random direction, our hands intertwined with each other. "When do you think we'll get out of this place? It kinda gives me the creeps." I told Zeref. "I don't know Mavis, but we should be getting out soon." He assured me. Just as I opened my mouth to say something, we could start to hear someone singing. I held my hand up to my ear, and listened. I then looked at Zeref, and he looked to me. We both smiled and nodded to each other, and we walked towards the singing. After a few feet we started to see sunlight. We then broke from the tree line, and saw that it wasn't a person that was singing. What we saw was a yellow cream colored winged pony, with a pink mane and tail, and on their flank, they had a marking that had three pink butterflies. They hadn't noticed the two of us, so I took a step forward. "H-Hello?" I called out. "Hmm...?" The pony turned around, and she gasped. "W-Who are y-y-you?" The winged pony asked terrified. "Hey, it's ok. We're not going to hurt you." Zeref tried to calm them down, while it only worked slightly, they did calm a little. "My name is Zeref Dragneel. This is my...." He then turned to me. "Are you my wife now, or are we just dating?" He asked. "Dating for now." I answered. "And this is my Girlfriend Mavis Vermilion. Do you know where we are?" Zeref asked the pony. "Well, m-my name is F-Fluttershy, and you're in Equestria." She answered, sheepishly. "Well it's nice to meet you Fluttershy." I said cheerfully. "Do you know if there's a continent called Fiore near here?" I asked. The winged pony, Fluttershy then calmed down almost instantly. She then looked at the two of us with a slightly confused look. "Fiore? Like where Acnologia came from?" She asked. Me and Zeref immediately froze. I felt him tense up as he started to slightly squeeze my hand. My eyes went wide, and I gasped slightly. "Y-You mean, the black dragon of the Apocalypse, is HERE?" I asked with worry, and fear laced into my words, and my voice. "Mm-Hmm. He should be at Canterlot castle right now healing." Fluttershy told us like nothing was wrong. "Why are you treating him!?" Zeref asked with panic in his voice. I had the exact same question. Why were these ponies treating such an irredeemable creature?! Don't they know that when he wakes he will kill them all!? "Well because he's our friend." She told us causing us to just stare in disbelief. We just stared at the winged pony for a few awkward seconds before she decided to speak up. "W-Was it something I said?" She stuttered. "If I said anything mean, I'm sorry I didn't mean to I just-" She started before I cut her off. "Hold on a second... The literal incarnation of the apocalypse, is your friend!?" I questioned. "Uh... Yes?" She sheepishly answered. "Can you take us to him please?" I asked. "Oh! Sure! I was going with some friends of mine to go see him today anyway, so yeah! You can tag along!" Fluttershy said before flying towards a cottage, which was probably her house. Me and Zeref stood there just soaking in what she had told us. Acnologia had made friends. Was this really Acnologia? Was this really the same Acnologia that we had fought in Fiore? As these questions floated in my head, Fluttershy exited her cottage, and told us to follow her. Once we got to what looked like a train station, I saw six other creatures standing there as one of them was flying. I saw that the one that was flying had cyan blue fur, with a rainbow colored mane, and tail, and she had on her flank an image of a cloud shooting out a bolt of rainbow colored lightning. Another was a pony with no wings, and they wearing a country hat like Bisca's hat, and her fur was an orange color, and her mane was a white blondish, as was her tail, and they both were tied up in a bun, and on her flank was a marking of three red apples. The next was a white furred pony that had a horn on their forehead, and they had purple colored curled mane and tail, with an image of three diamonds on her flank. The pony standing next to her was one that was pure pink, as their mane tail and fur, was very pink, and their mane and tail was super messy, and it almost looked like an afro but was messy in a way that it wasn't an afro, and dawned on their flank laid an image of three balloons with two of the balloons being blue, and the third being yellow. The last was a velvet purple furred pony that also had a horn on their head, and their mane and tail was a very dark purple with a lighter purple strip running down the middle of their hair, and on their flank was a picture of a star that had six smaller stars surrounding it. The last creature looked like a dragon, that had purple scales, with a tan underbelly, and they had emerald green spines. "Hey everypony! I made it, and I've also brought along two new friends." Fluttershy told them all, as they turned to look at me and Zeref. I just waved awkwardly, as Zeref looked really nervous. "HimynameisPinkiePie!What'syournames?Alsowhatareyourbirthdays?Whatareyourfavoriteflavorofcakeandpie?Oh!AND--" The pink pony shouted as she basically teleported straight up to our faces, and she was cut off by the orange pony putting her hoof into the pink pony's mouth. "Sorry 'bout her. She can get a bit over excited." The orange one apologized. "Anyway, my name's Applejack. The Pegasus over there is Rainbow Dash, the white Unicorn's Rarity, the other Unicorn's Twilight, the dragon's name is Spike, and this one-" She gestured to the pink pony. "Is Pinkie Pie. What's your names?" All I could do was let out an "Umm..." and stare as all of them looked like everything was ok. Even though Acnologia was here. "W-Well, m-my name's Mavis, and this is my boyfriend Zeref. Can I ask you a question?" I told/asked Applejack. "Sure, go ahead sugar-cube." Applejack replied. "How can you all act so normal when Fiore's greatest threat is literally in a castle!?" I scream out. "What do you mean?" The velvet Unicorn Twilight asked. "Acnologia, is the world's strongest wizard, and the world's greatest threat, and you have him in a castle and are treating him! Why!?" Zeref yelled. "Hey!" The cyan Pegasus Rainbow Dash called out. "You got a problem with him? Are you two spies!?" She accused us as she got directly into my face. Before I could answer Rainbow Dash was yanked back by Zeref grabbing the scruff of her neck, and he held her up to his face. I also noticed that his eyes had changed color, as they do when he gets mad, or angry. "Now you listen here, and you listen well. Don't you EVER, talk to Mavis like that. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!?" He screamed at the terrified Pegasus. Rainbow Dash nodded fearfully as Zeref dropped her, and his eyes went back to normal. Then Twilight walked up to me, and in a much kinder tone she spoke. "Why don't we settle this once we're at Canterlot. I have a feeling that Acnologia is going to have a lot of explaining to do." She suggested, as the most colorful train I've ever seen pulls into the station. After we all get on, me and Zeref take a seat next to each other. I then leaned onto his shoulder, and then I felt his head land on top of mine. I quietly heard his snores as they lulled me into a sleep as well. I just hope that this Acnologia isn't like the one from Fiore. I thought before my eyes closed and I became unconscious.