//------------------------------// // Tape 6: Report 2 // Story: The Joker Tapes // by DanishDash //------------------------------// Click. "Wednesday, 6th of May, 3412 AU. 06:01 PM." Sigh.. "I'm not really sure where to begin, I've interviewed Joker for three days now and he seems to insist in going around and around, playing games and trying to confuse me.." "Not that I didn't expect this, but still.. His words, his insistence that friendship is only a joke, that I would not care if my brother wasn't involved.. What could have caused him to think that? What did he mean when he said if I cared I would know his name?" "Despite his dramatics, I think I am starting to see a picture form.. I think something hurt him, badly, something that made him snap, something that made Joker into... The monster he is now.. It makes me wonder, who was he before? Did he truly pretend when he was in Ponyville? There is so much we don't understand, and I think my time is running out. I fear Celestia and Luna may have heard about my interviews, they won't like it, neither would my friends.." "It's not like I don't want to tell them, but I don't think they would understand.. Not that I blame them, Rainbow, Pinkie Pie, both of them got hurt the worst.. Despite the smiles they put on, I think Rainbow still has nightmares, Pinkie still having regrets.. What hurts worst? Broken wings, or a broken heart?" ".....I... Don't think there will ever be a way to fully repair the damage he has done to them. Like it or not, admitting it or not, he has changed us, changed everything... Shattered the illusion... That was his words... I think I need to get some answers from him, real answers, and soon.. If not, I think I will-" Knock knock knock. "Twilight?" "Y-yes, Spike?" "Could you lend a hoof downstairs?" "Oh, of course Spike." Hoofsteps, door opening and closing. ...... ............... ............................... .......................................... Sounds of something being opened. "Hm? Heh heeeh, I told you guys, she is still doing that secret project." Unintelligible speech. "Relax, just gonna take a peak." Wings flapping, coming closer and closer, until suddenly they stop. "Still recording, whatever she is recording.. Hehe!" Microphone being picked up. "Ahem... GOOOOOOD, EVENING PONYVILLE! My name is Rainbow Danger Dash, and i'm gonna be your host for the evening shift! We have a great show for you this evening, a few smooth jazz lines and then later we are gonna get a special guest, misses midgnight herself, princess Luna! Ooooooh~ Hehehahaha! A-and, and then later we're gonna...Hehe...We're gonna have... Have...?" Papers moving. Gasp! Microphone getting dropped, heavy breathing. "..no....Not...not again..." Breathing picking up, becoming more frantic. "No, no...I...I...." Door opens. "Rainbow!" Several hoofsteps approach. "Oh no, she is having a!" "It's okay Rainbow, it's okay... Take slow, deep breaths. Come on, with me, go in, slowly now.. That's it, and then slowly out, come on... That's it..." Somepony picks up the microphone. Gasp! "That's it.. That's it, it's okay Rainbow, you're okay.." "Fluttershy.. A'h think It might be best if ya take Rainbow there with ya downstairs and let her rest fer a bit.." "Uhm.. Yes, of course.. Come on Rainbow, here, lean on me.. Come on.. Rarity, can you please give me a hoof?" "Of course darling, come on then Rainbow, we're gonna take good care of you.." "....." Door closes. "What in tarnation are ya doin?" "Applejack, what are you-" "Don't, Twilight, don't even try." Papers being pushed down to the floor. "It's him, isn't it, HE is the one who has taken up ya time these last three days." "I... Y-yes..." "Why? Why are ya wasting ya time on scum like him? I thought it was over, that we all could move on." "But Rainbow hasn't moved on! He still affect our lives!" "Rainbow is different, Twilight. He never did what he did to her to us! He never did what he did to Pinkie to us!" "....!" "But, maybe we can finally get answers to why he did what he did, what triggered all of this, what-" "A'h don't care, Twilight." "...?" "A'h don't care why he did it, nothing can justify what he did. We're trying move on, trying to put it behind us, we don't need this.. You do." "...!" "Nopony asked ya fer this... If ya only had-" "You, saw him..?" ".. Uhm, yes..?" "How... How's he... Doing?" "...!?" "Pinkie! What are ya talking about?! He's a monster! Why would you care? After all he did to us, to YOU!?" "He never..." "Meant too? Pinkie, A'm sorry to say this, but, he raped you, he'd hurt you.." "No.." "....!?" "Pinkie, what do you mean?" "..." "Pinkie, please, we're here for you.." "He never did, that, to me.." "But he tied ya up! He beat you?!" "Yes, but.." "But nothing, he's a heartless, sick monster, that only did what he did to hurt us! He did all that to you in order to keep you silent!" "NO! That's not why he did it!" "?!" "?!" "He did that to keep me out of the way, to.. Protect me from his bad side!" Somepony running out. "Pinkie!" "Bad side..? Protect?" "What do ya reckon that means Twi?" "I have no idea, but I intend to find out.. Let's go down and check on Rainbow Dash first however.." Click.