The Storm on Ponyville

by DatZigga

Chapter 4: The Chapter Where Anon is Chased by Timberwolves

“These motherfuckin’ ponies, man.” Was all Anon could say as he parsed through bushes and trees, deep into the Everfree. He carried only a torch, magically endowed with an everlasting flame by Starlight. This journey was, of course, to find a Timberwolf den to rile up and initiate the distraction.

The manner in which Anon was convinced was rather pathetic in his eyes. As soon as he said he wasn’t going, it went a little something like this: 

“Ponyville is doomed!” Screamed Apple Bloom.

“I’ll never see my sister again!” Cried Sweetie Belle.

“Were all gonna be eaten!” Wailed Scootaloo.

The three fillies proceeded to run around the camp, screaming in panic. Trixie herself joined soon after, crying over the fact that she’ll lose her audience and source of income. The camp devolved into shouting and screaming, despite Anon’s bests attempts to maintain order. Starlight just sat, watching everything unfold into pandemonium. 

Thus, here he was. Standing at the entrance of a cave, just big enough for him to not have to duck his under to get inside. Usually when entering a wolf den, though no one should ever have a reason to, you would want to be as quiet as possible. For Anon, that defeated the very purpose he was here, so he suppressed any urge to tip-toe or muffle his footsteps. As such, those footsteps reverberated throughout the cave. Anon gulped, as that usually meant that a cave was big, last time he checked.

He soon made it out of the corridor into a large circular den. The darkness was so thick he could barely see a meter in front of him. He expected the usual green eyes to be staring at him through the darkness, but found no such sight. This made him even more uncomfortable. Anon drew his bat with his free hand and banged it against the floor of the cave.

“Yo!” He called out, the sound of his voice echoing through the cave. A few eyes opened in the darkness, shining green in the darkness. “Hey there, timberpups. It’s me, ya boi.” Anon used levity to suppress the growing fear threatening to overtake him. More eyes opened and growling began to echo loudly throughout the cave. Suddenly, and exponentially, green eyes appeared from almost all directions of the cave. There had to be over a hundred pairs of eyes, all staring at Anonymous now. The growling turned to barking, as over a hundred Timberwolves began to bark. 

“I’m gonna punt that little orange shit!” Anon yelled, as he turned on his heels and started running back out of the cave. The thundering footsteps of the Timberwolves were right behind him, biting at the back of his heels. He made sure to duck his head under the cave entrance. Luckily, so many wolves were attempting the cave at once, they became stuck momentarily. Anon laughed behind him, but kept running. The joy was short lived as the Timberwolves forced their way through, some breaking apart into lumber as a result. Anon cursed under his breath, but stayed the course. 

Before Anon went on this suicidal mission, he planned a path for himself to follow to reach the end of the Everfree Forest in the shortest amount of time. Moreover, he placed numerous traps along the route, as a means to by himself time. One such trap was just ahead, a pitfall covered by leaves. Anon jumped the gap, leaving the immediate wolves behind him to collapse the pit and fall in. The other wolves caught on quickly, jumping the gap just as Anonymous did. 

The next trap required the torch. Anon ran, lowering the torch to the ground as he ran across flammable plants. A large fire trail grew behind Anon, slowly spreading out and forming a wall behind him. Timberwolves ran through the blaze, only to be lit on fire. As they ran, they quickly began to deteriorate into charred branches. Still, the sheer quantity of wolves were still on the hunt and they far exceeded any of Anon’s estimates. Fortunately, Anon was reaching the end of the Forest, just as his legs threatened to give up on him.

“Home free, baby!” Anon cheered, with a big leap through the trees and bushes…

...only to find a blockade of Storm soldiers had formed at the edge, their backs to him. It was only about a dozen of them, but they seemed to have been standing guard. It made sense, but it was the last thing Anon wanted to see. But, maybe he can flip this to his benefit. 

Still in the air, one of the Storm creatures turned just too late to see a flying Anon hit him in the face with the full weight of his body. The Storm creature nearly tumbled as Anon gripped tightly to the beast. He maneuvered himself to get on the creatures back in a piggybacking position. The other Storm creatures would’ve helped their comrade, had they not been attacked by the Timberwolves flooding out of the Forest en masse.

“I’d start running if I were you, pal.” Anon taunted, before yanking the creature’s fur to make it rear like a horse. Ironic, given that in a land of horses, he was riding a whatever-the-fuck the creature was. The creature took off towards the town, the Timberwolves still chasing their human prey. Without the darkness of the Forest, Anon could see that there was definitely a good couple dozen or so of the Timberwolves behind him. Anon may have exaggerated the armada he thought was behind him, but it would do. Further beyond the pack, Anon could see the ponies exit the Forest, presumably to begin setting the other ponies free. 

Anon rode the street, torch still in hand, swatting at the Timberwolves that dared to leap towards him. Meanwhile, the Storm creatures went on high alert, fighting the Timberwolves that became distracted from their original target of their ire. Anon stood on his mount’s back and leaped up to the roof of a building, barely grabbing on. He scurried up, making sure not to burn himself nor the hay thatched roof he laid upon. He stood, overseeing his handiwork. 

The town has devolved into chaos. Timberwolves ran amok, attacking anything within their site: Storm creatures, houses, they even attempted to attack the ponies escaping. Luckily, Starlight seemed to be doing her part in blasting apart Timberwolves. In fact, she seemed to be pretty damn accurate for someone using a laser coming out of their unicorn horn. Or a unihorn, as one might call it. 

“Shit, I wish I had a gun on my head.” Anon whispered to himself, envious of the ability to shoot forehead lasers. Anon’s daydreaming was cut short when a pair of Timberwolves snarled at him, having reached his vantage point. Anon looked at the torch in his hand. Then, he reached for the bat still strapped to his back and examined the two together. Anon grinned. He placed the torch with the everlasting flame near the bat, causing the bat to catch fire.

“Aw shit nigga!” Anon said with elation at his genius. “I’m about to snuff me some puppers!” Anon tossed the torch down into the streets, unknowingly having tossed it on some poor Storm creature’s armor. The creature screamed as it forcibly removed all of its clothing, leaving it to cover his now exposed body. 

Back to Anon, he readied his bat as a professional batter would. When the first one leaped towards him, he swung. The bat connected, launching the Timberwolf high into the air to land in another part of the town.

“And it’s a hoooooomerun!” Anon shouted, with more Timberwolves joining on the roof. He swung from left to right, left to right, smacking away any Timberwolf that was foolhardy enough to get close. Soon, the roof started to give under the weight and completely collapsed, dropping Anon and the wolves into some poor ponies home. Anon landed on his gut, knocking the wind out of him. He went to stand up, only to be knocked on his back by an attacking wolf. He kept it at bay with the tip of his bat, lodging it in the Timberwolf’s maw. He kicked it back, sending it into a bookshelf. The bookshelf tipped forward, crushing the wolf under its wolf. 

Anon scrambled to his feet, just as another wolf lunged. Anon swung the bat, hitting the wolf, and slamming it against a wall. The wolf shattered into bundles. Anon attempted to exit the door, but swinging the door open revealed several more Timberwolves. Anon quickly shut the door and put his back against it. The door banged on its hinges as the Timberwolves tried to break down the door. Anon noticed a rhythm to the thumping. He waited for a brief reprieve and then swung the door wide open, causing the wolves to throw themselves inside. Anon quickly stepped outside and closed the door, before running down the street. 

One of the Timberwolves broke through the window and gave chase. Anon turned a corner, just to narrowly duck a spear. The Timberwolf turned and leaped, attacking the Storm soldier as Anon stayed crouched. Anon ran past the two and made his way towards the Crystal Castle, the place everyone was supposed to meet. It was a straight shot to the building, but the road was covered in Storm creatures and Timberwolves, all fighting. Past all of them, he could see Starlight and Trixie ushering ponies into the Castle. Anon gritted his teeth and gripped his bat tighter. 

Anon ran up along an overturned cart. He leaped off, landing on the head of a Storm creature. He jumped off, kicking the Storm creature down and lifted his bat above his head. He brought it down on the body of a Timberwolf, crushing it. Then, keeping his momentum, rolled under another soldier. When he stood back up he kept running. Anonymous found his way to the bottom of the castle steps. He was almost there. That was, until a hand grabbed at Anon’s ankle, causing him to trip. A Storm creature had gotten him and would not let go. Anon kicked at the soldier’s leg, but the soldier held strong. Anon looked up to see a pack of Timberwolves running to them, having taken down the majority of Storm soldiers in the street. 

“Shitshitshitshitshitshit!” Anon panicked, feverishly grabbing at the steps to claw his way up the top of the steps. He could hear the Timberwolves getting closer and closer. And closer. And closer…

Suddenly, Anonymous was engulfed in a cloud of smoke. The suddenness of it caught his lungs unaware, causing Anon to enter a coughing fit. Then, he could feel his body being lifted off the ground by some unknown force. Just when Anon attempted to process what was happening, he was flung right up the stairs and through the double doors of the Crystal Castle. He landed with a tumble on the carpet, before the doors slammed behind him. Anon rested a moment with his eyes closed, as the chatter of ponies echoed around him.

“Anonymous!” Starlight called to him, nudging at his head with her muzzle. “Come on, wake up!” Anon answered back with a groan of assurance, to which Starlight sighed in relief. He started to stand to his feet, feeling his body ache from all the unwarranted activity. As he stood upright, he saw a sea of colors ahead of him. Dozens of wide eyes gazed upon the human that had somehow made it into safety by the skin of his teeth. The room had quoted down, as if they were all waiting for him to say something. Anon looked back to the doors, firmly shut behind him. He then looked back toward his onlookers.

“Y’all mothafuckas see that shit?” Anon said with disbelief. “That was some cool as shit I was doing’, right?”