//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: The Greatest Treasure // by Deltorix //------------------------------// I run forward and swing my sword down at Rainbow and she blocks with her sword and is pushed back, "not bad for a stallion. You actually moved me back with that one but I'm not going easy on you anymore!" She smirks and starts fighting back our wooden swords clashing as I block her strikes then I front flip over her and do a leg sweep knocking her over and level my sword at her throat. "Thanks for the training, Rainbow. Hope I didn't bruise anything." I say as I help her up and smile, she grabs my hand and I pull her up and brushes herself off as Rarity walks over. "Yeah, I'm fine. You’re actually pretty good with a sword. I guess you’re not such a sissy stallion after all. Sorry about what I said earlier." Rainbow says then Rarity steps up and starts circling me with a hard gaze looking me up and down. "Um... Rarity what are you doing?" I ask her but she doesn't answer then I hear Rainbow snickering I look over as she starts walking away. "Good luck dude. You’re gonna need it." Rainbow then laughs then I gulp and look at Rarity just as she grabs my arm and starts taking me somewhere. "H-hey where are you taking me?!" I look over and the rest of the girls are laughing as I'm dragged away. One long walk later I find myself in Rarity's dress shop on a podium as she is taking my measurements I sigh as I wasn't given a choice. "You could have just asked me you know..." Rarity just smiles and waves it off. "I do apologize darling but I simply had to make you a dashing suit. It's so rare to find a stallion with your coloring and build." She soon finished taking my measurements and walks over to a work station and starts looking over her fabrics. I scratch my cheek then say, "well..ok I guess but would you mind making me some normal everyday clothes? If you don't mind; I just have two requests. First;no gems and secondly have any shirts have a bit of red on them but not solid red." Rarity waves back at me as a response too absorbed in her work so I just sigh and start walking back to Twilight's castle and while I'm walking I look around at Ponyville and smile softly at how peaceful it is even after a monster attack. Just as I'm walking past sugar cube corner I hear screaming and look over and see ponies running so I run towards them and then I see what's wrong. I see a house on fire and ponies panicking and I notice some mares trying to hold back another mare who is trying to get into the burning building. My eyes widen when I hear a child's scream for help. I look up at the second floor windows and see a colt yelling trapped in the burning building. Without hesitation; I run past everyone into the burning building as I use my shirt to cover my mouth and nose. As I move around the fire; a beam falls down beside me. I grunt and look for the stairs. As I'm searching I see a figure in the flames I squint to look closer. 'what the hell... Is that a fucking demon?!' I think to myself, I blink and it is gone. After finding the stairs; I test them and find them still strong enough to hold my weight so I rush upstairs and yell out. "Hello?! Where are you?! Call out and you'll be safe soon!" I listen but hear nothing but burning wood and so I start checking rooms. I feel the doors before opening them. The first door is a bathroom with no fire and no colt, the second door is hot, so I knock then kick it open and see a bedroom on fire. I cover my face with my arm as I look around not seeing anyone. I move to the last door I feel the door is hot so I call out. "Stay back I'm going to kick the door in!" I wait a few seconds before I kick the door in and see part of the room on fire then I see the scared colt near the window I back up then run and jump through the fire. I land on the other side of the flames and look up to see the colt. I smile and say. "Hey it's ok. You’re going to be safe. I just need you to close your eyes and hold onto me ok?" He sniffles and nods terrified I pick him up then with my free hand I grab his bat and break the window out and clear out the glass then back up as much as I can then run forward and jump through the window holding onto the colt and going into a roll landing hard but keeping him safe I uncurl myself and smile as his mother runs up and takes her son and hugs him crying and thanking me. "Thank you so much for saving my son I don't know what I would have done if I lost him." She tells me and then takes him over to some paramedics and I watch as they check him over as one comes over to check me over. I look up at the flames and frown as I brush the soot off me and stand up and watch as some Pegasi use rain clouds to put out the fire. I feel something warm in my hand so I look down and see a new key in my hand; the red Light Speed Rescue key I smile and put it in my pocket and get up some mares try to stop me but I tell them I'm fine and continue walking back to Twilight's castle. When I'm about halfway back to the castle I see Twilight and her friends minus Rarity running up to me and Twilight is the first to speak. "What happened to you?! You’re covered in soot!" I look myself over then back up at Twilight and point behind me with a thumb, "there was a house fire and I saw a colt stuck inside so I ran in and helped him. Thankfully; I used to volunteer as a fire fighter so it wasn't that hard. I even got a new key as a result." They seem confused and its Applejack that asks after Rainbow dash flies off to help put out the fire. "What do ya mean you got a new key?" She squints at me suspiciously, "Y'all didn't steal it did ya?" I shake my head and show her the ranger key, "no I mean this. They let me access older generations of power rangers forms and abilities. This one is red Light Speed Rescue." I smile then before anyone else can speak up there is a loud explosion and screams that come from near the town hall. I look over then to them, "Evacuate everyone and keep them safe; I'll deal with this!" Before they can try to talk me out of it I run off to the screaming then see both putties and Tenga warriors along with a Blue-Head Krybot making my eyes widen. 'No.. They have reinforcements from the future!' I think then steel myself and rush into the fight and kick one of the putties away from a cray Pegasus, "run! I'll help the others!" The putties seem to see me as a threat and all start advancing on me so I get into my battle stance then once one gets close enough I punch it in the face and spin kick the one next to it knocking that one into the two behind it and I smirk, 'looks like even my civilian fighting ability was improved after I morphed; good. That makes dealing with the foot soldiers easier.' I think to myself and catch one of the putties' kicks then spin them around knocking down more. "What's the matter I thought you things know how to fight?" I taunt them and make a perfect distraction as I see the civilians run away. I hold out my hand and summon my sword and grin then start swinging my blade at the putties this time actually cutting them down and after they hit the ground they turn back into just clay. 'holy crap even without morphing I can take out these mega putties with a sword now when I could barely fight off three before.' After cutting down the last putties I pant a bit and look around only to get cut across my back, "Agh!" I fall forward and look back seeing a Tenga warrior with bladed clawed feet. I frown and flip back onto my feet and say. "So; you are fond of attacking people in the back; huh?" "Stupid pony just run and get the ranger and maybe lord Zed will show pity on you." One of the tengas says then they all start laughing so I smirk and pull out my morpher and ranger key. "Oh you want the power ranger? Why didn't you just say so? Set Sail!" I call out morphing into my pirate ranger form and smirk in my helmet when I see them jump back in shock. I run toward them and use my sword to cut into the first two I get to then I jump back when the rest attack. I fire my gun and knock them back then I rush up and stab them one by one with my sword to make sure they are dead then I look around as they turn into black smoke. "Well well well seems you’re stronger then we thought, Ranger. I may have to actually try." I look over to the voice and see the Blue-Head Krybot who is aiming it's arm blaster at me and I aim my gun at it at the same time. We both fire at each other at the same time. I'm lucky and it misses its shot while my shot hits it in the chest. "I think you need to be shown just who your dealing with." I push the button on the top of my belt buckle and it spins around with a Ranger key I take the key out and summon my morpher and hold it up then swing both arms together in front of me and call out. "SPD! Emergency!" And turn the key making my morpher call out ’Dekaranger’ and in a flash of red energy I'm now wearing a different red suit; this one having a more police feel to it along with the a large black 1 on the chest. "SPD! Red!" I strike a pose. I grin to myself as the Blue-Head Krybot backs up in shock then I pull out my twin white and red laser guns known as Delta Blasters. Then I aim them at it then start shooting it over and over as fast as I can, eventually though it rolls out of the way; heavily damaged, sparking electricity and its insides exposed. "I r-r-r-refuse to l-l-lose to a r-r-rookie like you!" It yells as it seems like it's going to explode as it runs towards me. I think quickly and hit the belt buckle again pulling out a different ranger key and quickly morph again, "Dino thunder power up ha!" My morpher then calls out ’Abaranger’ and in a flash of black energy I'm change to a black and gold suit with gold scale like patterns running down the arms and legs, a gold three toed footprint on the chest and the helmet looks like a Brachiosaurus with sharp teeth like visor. Then I quickly pull out my Brachio Staff and rush the Blue-Head Krybot and slice it in half and it explodes behind me as I put the staff away not looking at the explosion. 'don’t look at the explosion, don't look at the explosion don't look at the explosion.' After the explosion dies down I peek back and grin in my helmet while thinking. 'I am so fucking cool.' I hear wing flaps and look up to see rainbow dash flying over head. "Who the hay are you?! Where's the red guy?!" She glares then flies straight for me. I sigh; somewhat expecting this and use my arms to block her as she slams into me then I push back knocking her into the air. "Rainbow, its me; hold on." I demorph completely and cross my arms. Dash's eyes widen then she chuckles sheepishly and rubs the back of her head. "Sorry about that dude. I thought you were a bad guy. Wait how did you have a different costume on?!" She asks as I see the rest of the mane six coming minus Rarity. "I'll tell you girls everything but Twilight I need you to send a message to Princess Celestia telling her I need to speak with her as soon as possible. Now let's head back to the castle. I need to rest while I wait to hear from the Princess." I say as I rub my shoulder and start walking to the castle. We make our way to the castle's throne room and find Celestia waiting for us the girls bow to her but I stay standing then wave and say. "Hello princess sorry to call you back but I just had another run in with the bad guys and found out they have reinforcements from the future. I can only think of two ways they can be here and both are troubling but they boil down to time travel." At the mention of time travel Celestia goes stiff for a split second then says quietly most likely to herself. "I'll have to check in with Clockwork and see if he has any advice on this." Then she shakes her head then sighs. "Thank you for telling me this Jolly Roger now I must talk this over with my sister." She lights her horn most likely about to tell and it's at the moment I feel just how much magic she has. "Wait princess I am sorry to pressure you but I need to see that observatory as soon as possible. The information I could get from it can make all the different in my plans moving forward!" I walk closer and Celestia stops and thinks it over then nods and places a hand on my shoulder and I feel a surge of energy and find myself in what I guess to be her castle. "Sorry first time teleportation can feel disorienting. When you’re ready I'll take you to the observatory. In the meantime I'll summon Luna." She lights her horn while I'm panting lightly and shake my head and groan. "O-ok I think I'm good let's go I don't want to take up too much of your time." I stand back up and Celestia leads me to a door deep inside her castle and I see Luna waiting. She nods and they open the door and lead me inside. Once inside; my eyes widen when I see a huge cavern filled with magic and a projection of the galaxy. I can see stars and planets floating by and there is a bridge that goes into the center of the cavern. "This place is amazing. Thank you for letting me see it." I say in awe as we walk to the end of the bridge and then I look to the Princesses. "First thing is first. Could you zoom in to show this world? I believe the bad guys are somewhere in orbit around the planet. I doubt that they could have a moon base without Luna noticing." I tell them my thoughts then I watch as they control the projection with their magic and the galaxy around us zoom past us till a single planet, moon and sun are in front of us. I look closely around the planet until I see a distortion then point it out. "There I think that is where they are. Can you use your magic to peek at that spot without them noticing?" I ask while keeping my eyes on the distortion in case it moves. "We shall try but even we are not skilled enough to go unnoticed if they are paying attention magically." I see gold and navy blue magic around the distortion then a flat screen of magic appears showing a round saucer like ship that I recognize. "That is them alright, that is Astronema's ship. Can you peek inside?" I ask and cross my arms and think to myself ‘If Astronema is still evil I'll try to get through to her but I won't hold my breath, maybe if I'm lucky Andros is...' my eyes widen when Celestia and Luna change the view to inside and I see Andros in a cell with Discord in a glass bottle. "Well that explains why we haven't been able to hear from Discord lately." I hear Luna say with some snark. I face palm and groan. Then I start walking back and forth. "This is bad if they have someone like Discord held prisoner then they plan on draining him of his magic and he is obviously too overconfident to get out before then. Not only that; but that human is a Ranger named Andros, and if he is there then there may be more on board there ship" I look to them and steel myself. "I'm going to go rescue them both. I'll get ready after we are done here but I'll need two ponies; one to magic up a shield and one to hide the ship." I turn back to the huge projection. "But right now can you look for a solar system with nine planets, a yellow sun, and focus on the third planet from the sun?" "This is not that easy to control, Jolly Roger. Finding something that specific will take a moment." Celestia says as they both focus on the projection and it zooms out and as stars and planets fly by I spot a huge metal looking planet fly by. "Are you sure this is the right search perimeters we are only finding a few solar systems." Luna asks and I see a few glowing spots around the galaxy then point to the only one that is at the edge of the galaxy and they zoom in and I see Earth's solar system then see a armada of ships around the planet. I grit my teeth while Celestia and Luna cover their mouths. "Ladies this is your future if I fail to stop them." I pull out my morpher and look at it then think for a minute then look up at the projection of earth. "Can you use this to boost a signal?" "We...are unsure but why would you want to call attention to our world?" Celestia asks after sharing a look with Luna. I mean while open my morpher to phone mode. "I don't intend to call attention to your world but to check if there are any rangers left on earth." Celestia and Luna look at each other then nod and use magic to boost the signal of my morpher then I push a button and my communicator turns on and I speak into it. "This is a message to any power rangers on Earth. If you can hear this message please respond." I wait a few minutes and peek over and Celestia and Luna seeing them start to sweat from keeping the signal strong enough to reach earth. Just as I'm about to give up I hear a response."Ai-yi-yi-yi-yi! Jason, Billy, Tommy there's a new ranger on the communicator!" My eyes widen as I recognize the voice of Alpha 5. "Hello. Who is this how did you get access to this frequency?" This voice belongs to Jason. I clear my throat as I get ready to talk to a legend. "I'm using my morpher to transmit on all power ranger frequencies. I am looking for any help I can get as I am the only active ranger on my world. If I could get to you; would you be able to make more morphers for me?" I speak to her and keep a eye on Celestia and Luna as they are trying to keep the spell up. "Probably. Billy is extremely smart but we are having a hard time on our own planet I'm sorry." Jason says. I think and come up with a plan. "Listen; I may be able to get you some back up. If I can get you some help; will you agree to let me borrow Billy?" I look over and see Celestia and Luna are having trouble so I say. "I'm sorry but I can't keep this connection going for much longer so I need a answer!" The line is quite for a minute then I hear Tommy's voice. "We agree on the condition I get to stay with Billy deal?" I smile and nod to myself. "You got a deal. I'll make contact when I am near Earth. Stay strong and may the power protect you." The line is cut and Celestia and Luna drop the spell and pant I walk up to them. "Are you two alright?" "Yes we are just surprised at how much magic that took to do seeing as this Earth is on the other side of the galaxy after all." Celestia tells me as she and Luna stand back up and straighten their dresses. "Sorry it put too much pressure on you two. If possible; can you write down the coordinates for me?" I ask Luna nods and writes it down for me while Celestia and I talk. "Who were those people you made contact with?" She started while looking a bit considered. "Well those are a few of the members of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers team; specifically the Red, Blue and Green rangers and their robot Alpha 5." I answer her then add. "They are some of the most famous Rangers in my timeline." Luna comes over with the information I asked for then we decide to leave. As we are walking down the hallway a certain blonde maned and white furred stallion walks up to the princesses with his nose in the air like he owns the castle. "Aunties; why is there a dirty commoner standing next to you two? Shall I get the guards to take him to the dungeons?" He asks; full of arrogance and self-entitlement. Seeing him reminds me of the asshole is used to work with. With my anger spiking I summon my sword and hold it up to his throat and say threateningly. "Try it and you'll lose your head." I watch as his eyes widen from my threat then smirk to myself when I see him piss himself then turn and run screaming I put my sword on my shoulder and say. "He may be a coward; but I bet he is a greedy little coward." Both Celestia and Luna watch this not saying anything until I finish my little joke to myself then they both say at the say time. "Was that really necessary to scare him so badly? I won't hear the end of it for weeks." Celestia says. "That was hilarious and you would win that bet. He is quite shameful for a prince." Luna says. I chuckle and high five Luna and suddenly a key appears and I catch it and look seeing the Wild Force Lunar Wolf ranger key. "Sweet. Thanks Luna; but you and Celestia should hold onto these just in case something happens to me and I'm too busy to get to an attack myself." I give Luna the key I got from her and Celestia the one I got from her. "The activation phrases are Wild Access and Magical Source Mystic Force. If my theory is right; you two should be able to morph so long as you have those keys but I don't think you'd become rangers permanently." I explain to them. After that we continue our walk then as we get close to the throne room Celestia snaps her fingers as she has a look on her face like she remembered something then her horn lights up and a bag appears in her hands. "Before I forget; my agent got these throughout her career but didn't know what they are." She hands me the bag and I open it looking inside and gasp. "Holy crap this is a lot of keys. There has to be over twenty in here." I say shocked and pull one out, seeing the Magna Defender key. "Thank you Celestia these will help me protect this world. Oh cool there is even a mi-" I'm cut off as I hear a cellphone ring and I'm confused by it and even more confused when Celestia pulls out a yellow and white phone from her pocket. I turn to Luna and whisper. "You guys have cellphones?" Luna looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "Yes we do. Did you think we wouldn't have cellphones to help stay connected with our little ponies?" I rub the back of my head. "In all honesty; I wasn't sure what your tech level is seeing as I've only seen Ponyville so far." I hear Celestia gasp and look to me. "You need to get back to Ponyville. There is a fire monster attacking right now!" Celestia yells my eyes widen and I nod with determination and pull out my morpher. "Right lets go! Set sail!" I morph into my ranger form and both Celestia and Luna grab onto my shoulder and we teleport to the middle of Ponyville. I quickly look around and see smoke then summon my sword and gun. "You two focus on getting ponies to safety and protecting them while I deal with the monster." I see them nod and fly off while I run off toward the smoke. then when I get around a building I see a monster that looks like he is made of flames laughing evilly as he throws fireballs at homes and businesses. "As fun as this is, I want that ranger; so send him out to die and maybe I won't burn this village to the ground!" I run in and say. "Hey hot head why don't you pick a fight with someone like me!" I aim my gun and fire a few times but the shots just go through him making my eyes widen in my helmet. "Ah the ranger. Ha ha ha now I'm sure to get a reward for killing you and bringing your burned corpse to Lord Zed!" He chuckles again then holds his arm toward me and sends a huge amount of fire at me. I scream in pain as the flames push me back and make sparks fly off my suit then I slam into the ground and growl. 'Fuck! My gun won't work on him and I'm sure my sword won't. What I need is..' My eyes widen with a idea and I quickly pray that I'm lucky and press the button on my buckle. It spins around revealing a blue key I pull it out and grin. "Normally they say to fight fire with fire but personally I prefer to fire fire with water!" I stand up and quickly slide the morpher and key together in front of me calling out. "Ninja Storm, Ranger Form, ha!" My morpher calls out ’Hurricaneger’ and in a flash of blue energy I change into a new suit this one blue and silver and a symbol of a dolphins tail on the chest. "Ninja storm Blue!" I say while striking a pose while holding onto the ninja blade on my back with one hand. "What the hell?! I thought you were just a red ranger! How did you do that?" He yells as he gets ready to burn me with another fire ball. "Tell you what; beat me and I'll tell you but for now let's fight!" I run to him with super ninja speed then jump over him and make a hand sign and aim my fingers at him. "Power of WATER!" As soon as I say that a stream of water shoots out of my fingers hitting him and he yells in pain as his body cools and becomes solid I land on the other side of him then grab my sword off my back. "Let's see how many slashes it will take to get to your creamy center!" I use my super speed again and faster then anyone can blink, I slash him over and over jumping around him in almost every direction moving so fast everything is a blur then I land in front of him with my back to him as I slowly slide my sword back into its scabbard. "Huh? Ha ha stupid ranger you didn't even hurt me!" He laughs as I smirk in my helmet as I hold my sword, keeping it from completely sliding into my scabbard. "Wait for it." I say simply then let the sword go and it clicks. Once fully in then the monster suddenly sparks and spraying blood from thousands of cuts then he groans in pain as he falls back and explodes I stand up and demorph back to my normal ranger form. "Well I must say that was impressive and quite brutal. Are you sure you’re a power ranger?" I hear a familiar voice my eyes widen and I quickly turn around seeing Rita Repulsa with her signature hair style but instead of her dress she is wearing armor but still has her crescent moon staff. "Aww what's the matter ranger; puttie got your tongue? Or am I just so beautiful that you can't help but stare?" She laughs and I snap out of it and growl getting ready for another fight but I can feel my legs shaking slightly from exhaustion. "Like I'd ever find a bitch like you beautiful! Besides aren't you married to old Chrome dome?" I smirk when I see I pissed her off. "Ugh you are just a brat! What do you know; I was going to offer you a chance to work for us but you can forget it now you little bastard." She then lifts her staff and I get ready for anything but she slams it down and magic energy flows through the ground below me. At first I think nothing happened and just as I'm about to say something I hear a loud ripping sound then I feel a strong wind try to pull me back. I quickly stab my sword into the ground to anchor myself and look behind me and my eyes widen when I see a literal hole in the air. "You like that ranger?! It's a portal to the void. You'll be gone in a few minutes! Ha ha ha." I hear Rita tell me I grit my teeth and aim my gun at her but think better of it and aim at her staff then fire I miss the first shot. "Hey watch it punk you almost hit me! Just die already." Rita says what neither of us notice is when I fired my gun my sword was loosened from the ground. "Like hell Rita! Just who the hell do you think I am!" I fire again and smirk as I see the shot heading right for her staff but then my eyes widen in shock as my sword is pulled out of the ground from my shot and I began falling into the portal. 'no no no!' I watch helplessly as just before I fall into the portal the shot hits her staff cracking the red orb in the crescent moon. The portal flickers and becomes more unstable but I fall through it and it closes. I groan as I hit the ground I stand up and find myself in a alley so I peek out to the street and just see humanoid ponies walking around like nothing happened, and it is now night time. I scratch the back of my neck as I can't remove my helmet and think to myself. 'huh...ok either when I fucked with her spell I was thrown into a different Equestria and I need to find its displaced if there is one to get home hope the princesses can handle things till I get back.' "Power down." I say trying to demorph but I don't and sigh. "Great just great." A few minutes earlier P.O.V. Celestia I and my sister finish gathering our little ponies to the safety of the town hall then I hear a explosion then fly higher and we look over and see the young warrior calling himself Jolly Roger standing in front of a strange looking female with every power and dark magic then we are shocked when she opens a portal to the void behind him. "Sister we must help him before he is lost forever!" My sister yells as she rushes toward them I follow shortly after but we are too late as he falls into the portal but he managed to damage her staff. "No!" I scream and land in front of the female and charge my magic and get ready for a fight. "Awwww is the little princess upset I killed her champion? Too bad. With him gone this world is as good as ours." She then starts to laugh and I am about to say something but Luna flies past me at full speed and she summons her sword and tries to cut her in half but I'm surprised when she stops Luna's sword with just her magic. "Pathetic." It is then I remember Roger's words and pulls out the key he gave me then I look to my sister. "Luna; the keys!" The two of us back up and pull out the keys Jolly Roger gave us then hold them up and call out together. "Magical Source, Mystic Force!" "Wild Access!" Then I feel a surge of power as a golden light surrounds me, then see and feel golden armor appear on me then it changes to a gold and blue uniform. When the light fades I look at myself then over to Luna and I am shocked at our new appearances. "Wow this is amazing! Sister let's drive this villain from our home." I hear Luna say to me which I'm surprised to hear her so clearly with that helmet on. Then I see her hold out her hand and a new blade appears in her hand she seems shocked for a moment but then rushes the woman in front of us. It's then that I feel information put into my head so I hold out my hand and a gold and blue lamp appears and somehow I know how to work it and I change it into something called a laser lamp. I then aim it at the woman and when Luna jumps back I fire it and am surprised when it hits her and actually hurts her. "Arg! Damn you horses!" She lifts her staff ready to blast us then we see a portal open between the three of us and out walks Jolly Roger he aims his gun at her. "Why don't you just run away and tell your ugly husband that you failed; bitch." I see her eyes widen and she growls then slams her staff down and teleports away then I see him slump. "Thank god she left. Power down." In a flash he returns to normal and me and my sister do the same following his example. "It's good to see you again. We thought you lost to the void young warrior." Luna says to him but he waves her off. "I would have been but I got lucky. Now if you excuse me I need to find my bed before I pass out." He then shambles towards Twilight's castle and I sigh and look to my sister. "Would you please ensure he has a good night sleep Luna I'll get the two guards ready for tomorrow hopefully all this action hasn't ruined Twilight's plan for her lecture tomorrow morning." I say while I look at Luna then start going off to calm my little ponies.