//------------------------------// // A Pair of Twilight // Story: Sunset's Love Life - In Loving Twilight // by Lil Sunny //------------------------------// Chapter 4: A Pair of Twilight The next few days were uneventful as Twilight and Sunset stayed beside each other watching TV, Twilight watched Sunset play some video games and some more frozen dinners ensued. Twilight knowing that would soon change. As the fateful night approached around 5PM Twilight tried in vain to sneak out. “Going somewhere Twi?” Said Sunset from the couch. “Oh, yeah I was just going for a walk. It’s a lovely evening.” “Want me to come with you?” “No no, It’s fine Sunny, Keep playing your video games honey. I’ll be back soon.” She breathed a sigh of relief as she left the apartment, thankful that Sunset had bought her excuse. Beginning her walk she made it to Canterlot High where a few moments later out of the portal at the base of the statue appeared a girl not too dissimilar to her. The major differences being she wore a pleated skirt similar to what Twilight herself wore a few years ago at school and also a similar blue polo shirt with long purple boots, she also had her hair long and loose rather than tied up like Twilight did and had no need for glasses. “Ok.” Twilight began. “How do we do this without confusing ourselves?” Princess Twilight thought for a moment. “Well, I shouldn’t need to be here for too long but if it makes things easier, just call me Princess.” Princess Twilight’s stomach then rumbled. “Well Princess, it sounds like you could use some food.” Princess Twilight blushed sheepishly. “Sorry, I was so excited to come back I guess I skipped dinner, Sunset and you girls can usually handle things on your own so I don’t need to come here often. It’s nice to get out of being a princess for just one evening.” “Well come on, I’ll treat you to dinner, it’s the least I can do. I know a great place.” The two girls made their way to Sweet Snacks Cafe and took a booth after placing their orders. “So Twilight. You and Sunset, how did that one happen?” “Well, it started at the friendship games. You know what happened there right?” “I kind of remember but maybe you could remind me.” Twilight took a deep breath. “I was a student at Crystal Prep Academy. A rival school to CHS. Every year we had an inter school competition called the Friendship Games, a bit of a stupid name considering how competitive it was but I hear it’s a lot friendlier now. Anyway, Principal Cinch wanted me to compete and I thought it would be a good chance to study the magic around the school. Turns out my amulet was absorbing the magic and Cinch made me release it all at once. It corrupted me and turned me into a demon, I tore holes to your world and if Sunset hadn’t taken the rest of the magic and stopped me, I could’ve been a threat to 2 worlds just because of my stupid curiosity.” She sighed and shed a single tear. “Well after that I transferred to CHS and Sunset took me into her friend group. The girls were all really nice to me. They helped me learn about friendship and try to get over my demons. We went on a school trip over summer break to Camp Everfree where we got these geodes that gave us magical powers. I was afraid of my magic, still haunted by the demon that took over. But Sunset convinced me to release it and help bring down the camp counsellor who had gone power mad and turned into a forest demon herself. After that I started dating the other counsellor Timber Spruce but that didn’t last long. Eventually I realised I’d always loved Sunset and with some help from our friends, I found out she loved me too. So we’ve been together ever since, I moved in with her recently too.” Princess Twilight stared wide eyed. “Wow, to think the same girl we defeated and left face down in the dirt would save the life of another in the same way. Sunset’s certainly come far since those days. I’m glad she has you girls, and it sounds like she’s done a world of good for you specifically.” Princess Twilight opened her bag and revealed a small plush pony, hoof stitched with her own colours, one difference being no alicorn wings and a small pair of detachable glasses. “Wow, this is how we would look in the other world isn’t it?” “I got our Rarity to model it after me, but with no wings and a pair of glasses to make sure she knew it was from you. Maybe this can remind her of her old home. And being a representation of you makes it more sentimental to her. I know she’ll love it.” “Thank you so much Princess.” Their food came and Princess Twilight struggled to use her fork to eat her salad. She slowly got the hang of it with a few chuckles from Twilight. “Ugh, I don’t know how your world functions without magic. It makes things so much easier.” Twilight giggled. “But aren’t there ponies in your world that eat with their hooves? I thought only unicorns could do magic.” “Well yes, but I never had that problem.” She chuckled. “Regardless, talent varies between unicorns anyway. I’m an Alicorn now with traits of all three pony races and much more powerful magic, though I was pretty gifted even before when I was a unicorn.” Twilight slumped and fidgeted with her geode. “I can still barely use the magic this thing gives me. You’d think Telekinesis would be easier to control.” “Magic is like everything else, it takes time to learn. You’ll get the hang of it eventually. Like I said, not every pony has the same skills. Some can barely lift things while others are far more gifted but even then there’s powerful advanced magic like teleportation and flight that I’ve only ever seen a few ponies perform. I’m sure great unicorns of the past like Starswirl the Bearded could perform such feats but in this day and age it’s much rarer. Of all the unicorns I know, only Starlight, Sunset and myself can do it. It was a bit embarrassing being a personal student to Princess Celestia, all the other ponies were jealous of my talent and opportunities.” “Hey, you earned it by being better than them. People always shunned me for being too studious. They called me names, hit me, and stole my books. But in the end I knew I was more intelligent than any of them and later they would regret not studying as hard as I did. Once I came to Crystal Prep and everyone was on my level that changed. Same with CHS though that was more because the students were actually pleasant rather than being my peers.” “I guess we’re more alike than we realise huh? I did notice similarities between your friends and my friends in both worlds but I never really had a chance to sit down with you and compare myself. It’s nice to finally have that chance.” “Oh please Princess. You did me a massive favour, I had no idea what to get Sunset really. But wait, if you wanted to get her something to remind her of me. Why a pony?” “You didn’t read the previous pages of the book did you? She’s been a little homesick lately, didn’t she tell you? I thought with you two dating she would have mentioned it.” “She didn’t. I’ll talk to her about it, she needs to know she can come to me with any issues she has. Not that she shouldn’t talk to you too but I’m her girlfriend and I’m always going to be here.” “I understand Twilight, don’t worry. She’s lucky to have a girl like you with her. Remember she can help you as much as you can help her. That’s the case with all your friends, it took me a while to learn that.” “Of course. Thanks again. Want me to walk you back to the portal?” “Maybe you should, I still don’t know this city well. You’re always welcome to come to Equestria some time. Maybe remind Sunset that the portal is still open and probably always will be.” “Thank you, but not on my own. I’ll wait till Sunny wants to go back sometime. Let’s go then.” After paying the two girls walked back to the steps of Canterlot High where after a quick hug goodbye, Princess Twilight returned to Equestria while Twilight of the human world made her way back to the apartment she shared with her lover. Inside, Sunset was fast asleep with a movie on a menu screen, she must have fallen asleep while it was playing.  Twilight giggled and turned off the DVD player and TV before trying to rouse Sunset. “Sunny, I think you’d be more comfortable in bed.” Sunset mumbled something incoherent and flung her arms around Twilight who practically carried her to bed, thankful that she was already in her pyjamas. Twilight changed and crawled in beside her, taking her usual spot and drifting off to sleep.